THE SHIP’S MESSENGER March 2015 MARCO LUTHERAN CHURCH 2015 The next waypoint on our journey... VIEW FROM THE BRIDGE By Pastor Kevin The history of Marco Lutheran Church includes many wonderful servants of our Lord Jesus who regularly brought authentic and vibrant messages in worship and Bible Study, servants who led this congregation to where we are today. Many of those servants now enjoy God’s gift of eternity, fully and completely. Among those servants are Pastor Ted Klees, Pastor Roger and Lois Stoehr, Pastor Paul Hoffmaster, Pastor Harold Popp and now Pastor Paul Koepchen. The unique ministry to Marco Lutheran Church of Pastor Paul Koepchen lay in his grace-filled compassionate ministry to our congregation upon the loss of Pastor Klees and Pastor Roger and Lois Stoehr. It was Pastor Paul Koepchen who lifted up our congregation in those challenging days. His gentle nature, strong faith, and solid witness served as an anchor to the cross and empty tomb of our Lord Jesus, guiding and shaping our congregation as Marco Lutheran dealt with the loss of servants in the public ministry, twice in a span of five years. Pastor Paul Koepchen now enjoys the fulfillment of the same promise to which he pointed so many in his compassionate ministry. A memorial service is to be held on Saturday, February 28, 11 am at Zion Lutheran Church 7401 Winkler Road, Fort Myers, FL. May God surround Jackie with His love, grace and comfort! And may each of us thank God for the gift given to Marco Lutheran Church through Pastor Paul and Jackie Koepchen. As we move through this Lenten season, casting our stones at the foot of the cross, looking forward to the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into the city of Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, sharing an intimate Passover meal with His disciples, suffering on the old rugged cross on a hill far away, and visiting anew the Empty Tomb of our Risen Savior, may we be further empowered with the message of hope and comfort that belongs to the people of God as we trust in Him who has claimed us forever! The vibrant nature of the message proclaimed is enhanced through our ongoing study of THE STORY. Thank you for your engagement and support of this magnificent experience! In January of 2016 we will continue with these chapters: Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 22 Chapter 26 Chapter 27 Chapter 30 A Few Good Men and Women The Faith of a Foreign Woman Standing Tall, Falling Hard Daniel in Exile The Return Home The Queen of Beauty and Courage The Birth of the King The Hour of Darkness The Resurrection Paul’s Final Days Peace and Joy, EDUCATIONAL WORKSHOPS Thank you for supporting and participating in the Educational Seminar Series that concludes on Friday, March 6 with the Haggai Project. Should you have an idea or suggestion for a future speaker, please contact Chris High, Board of Education Chair or Pastor Kevin. INTERFAITH EDUCATIONAL EVENTS This year’s educational events are drawing to a close. The emphasis has been on sharing the worship styles of the various houses of worship on Marco Island. Two events remain for your consideration. March 4 at JCMI 7 pm March 11 at San Marco Catholic Church 7 pm COUNCIL QUARTERS By Ron Groenke, President Thanks for your many prayers for our grandson Jake Groenke who is going through cancer treatment at Johns Hopkins Cancer Center in Baltimore, Maryland. The doctors are hopeful that Jake will complete the treatment and become a cancer survivor. This brings up the question “Why?” We really do not know what is in God’s plan for us. We all have tribulations in life as written in Acts 14:22. onfirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God. Jake is a wonderful 20-year-old student at the University of South Carolina majoring in Civil Engineering and Architecture. It is with trust in our Lord and Savior that this divergence from his studies at this time is for a bigger event later on. All we can do is pray for recovery and trust that God will let Jake experience many more years here on earth. I believe that Jake is being prepared for something greater later in life. The financial status for the first month of 2015 is below plan. There has been excellent attendance during the month but overall gifts of treasure are below expectations and past January’s. It is hoped that this is an anomaly and that after commitment Sunday things will improve. We still have need for members to assist the Board of Finance and Administration in performing a review of the financial activity during 2014. This is a very important task to make sure the resources provided by the Lord are used to his glory. In Christ’s Service, Ron Groenke Help from the Bible When looking for courage - Read Joshua 1 BLESSINGS = Time + Talent + Treasure A PRAYER FOR HEALING O Father of mercies and God of all comfort, our only help in time of need: We humbly beseech thee to behold, visit, and relieve thy sick servant Jake for whom our prayers are desired. Look upon him with the eyes of thy mercy; comfort him with a sense of thy goodness; preserve him from the temptations of the enemy; and give him patience under his affliction. In thy good time, restore him to health, and enable him to lead the residue of his life in thy fear, and to thy glory; and grant that finally he may dwell with thee in life everlasting; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. PARISH NURSE UPDATE By Gail Cacciola Can You Recognize a Heart Attack? February was American Heart Month. Roughly 325,0000 die annually of coronary attack before they even get to a hospital. Learn the heart attack warning signs to recognize in yourself and others. It could save a life. “According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1. Chest Discomfort (CDC), heart disease is the nation’s number one killer, A sensation in the center of the chest responsible for 1 in 4 deaths each year in the United States. that feels like pressure, fullness, squeezing or pain. This can last more The American Heart Association states that exercising 30 than a few minutes, or, go away and minutes a day reduces heart disease by 30 to 40 percent. then return. Start the journey to a healthier heart with simple changes in 2. Upper Body Discomfort your daily routine, such as parking in the furthest spot rather Symptoms can include pain or than the closest”. discomfort in one or both arms, the Because of our wonderful weather and outdoor lifestyle, we back, neck, jaw or stomach. have every opportunity to exercise. You Shortness of Breath might consider one of our yoga classes to add 3. This may be accompanied by to your regime. A pedometer or fitbit or other chest discomfort. Additional signs recording devices are fun to use and to find may include cold sweat, nausea or lightheadedness. out how much you are actually walking. In our Lenten Challenge, the goal is 10,000 steps If you experience any of these symptoms, do not wait more per day, which is about 5 miles. than five minutes to call 9-1-1 to ensure rapid treatment. We are offering a CPR/AED class on Friday, March 6 from 9-12. Sign up in the hallway or call Shirley Rhodes. We also have an Emergency Procedure that ushers and Lay Ministers are trained in to provide help in a cardiac or other type of emergency. If you are interested in learning about it, please contact me. 9 1 1 Sailing Solo Our group is sailing along. If you are an active single or know of anyone who is, please invite them. We meet once a month on the 4th Sunday at 4:00pm for friendship and activities. Each month we will have a program, will offer a different day trip and have small groups formed to share in common interests. The day trip in March is to South Beach with a tour, lunch and shopping opportunity. Lenten Challenge Our group of about 70 people have started a healthy life style/weight loss journey that continues until April 1. There is still time to come aboard. Please give me a call. While there are many things in our life that we cannot control, exercise, diet, and life style are in our hands to determine. Group support makes these challenges and changes much easier to achieve. If you would like individual help, please get in touch with me and let’s get together. Yours in Christ’s love, Gail Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12 Parish nurses combine ministry with the art and science of nursing, ever mindful of the strong relationship between faith and health. Churches are, and have always been, places of healing. Parish Nurses understand the meaning of health: harmony of body, mind, and spirit and living in relationship with God and with each other. Through their actions, the Parish Nurse can reaffirm the church’s role in ministering to the whole person: body, mind, and spirit. They become God’s instruments of healing. WOMEN OF MARCO By Cea Horton Our next meeting is on Monday March 2sd at 9:30 AM. Please come and hear more about the rummage sale and to vote on our mission projects, also making plans for the spring rally. Our L.W.M.L. spring rally is here at Marco Lutheran Church on Saturday March 21st from 8:50am—1:00pm. There will be a continental breakfast and lunch at a cost of $5.00. Our guest speaker is Dave Tobias, Interim Executive Director of Grace Place. You can make a check out to Women of Marco for $5.00 or place cash in an envelope with your name and put in the women’s box in the copy room. Make sure to signup—the sheet is on bulletin board. Please join us to learn more about Grace Place and the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League. We really need people to sign-up to make coffee and serve on Sunday morning! $$$ THRIVENT CHOICE DOLLARS $$$ Thrivent members --- Time to call 1-800-847-4836 and when prompted say “Thrivent Choice” and tell them where you want your money to go. You will not get a notice in the mail this year!! You will lose your Dollars if you do not use them by the middle of March 2015!! A lot of choice dollars that were available last year for charities were not used. If you give the choice dollars to Marco Lutheran, call Ron Groenke and tell him the amount and how you want it used. There are a lot of needy programs, including Amigos En Christo, Concordia Seminaries, Lutheran Hour, Lutheran World Relief, or visit the web for more, More information call Cea Horton.NOTE -YOU WILL LOSE YOUR DOLLARS IF YOU DO NOT USE THEM BY THE END OF MARCH. AMIGOS EN CRISTO FUNDRAISER Wednesday March 25, 2015 at Spanish Wells Golf & Country Club in Bonita Springs from noon to 1:00 PM. Our theme for the 2015 event is “Children of Amigos”, Christian Children’s book author Mary Simon will serve as master of ceremonies,. There will also be a speaker telling about the works at the Amigo Center & Immokalee projects. I’m trying to get 1 or 2 tables of 10 together. Please give some serious consideration to attending, this is an ongoing mission project that we have long supported and a good way to learn more about Amigos En Cristo. There is no pressure to give or make a pledge. They do ask you to keep them in your prayers. Call Cea Horton to reserve a seat and then we will make plans to car pool. TABS~~~TABS~~~TABS Just a short reminder that I am still collecting can tabs. They are used for St. Jude hospital to help defray the cost of transporting children. The collection jar is outside the kitchen. DAY OUT CLUB By Lisa Hammond “HOW TO HELP PREVENT FALLS” Did you know that falls due to dizziness and balance disorders are the number 1 cause of injury and death for people over 65? That half of all falls occur in the home environment with 33% happening in the bedroom? Falls are the # 1 fear of seniors? Let’s talk about some things we can do to help prevent falls! Our guest, Marilyn Garazin, will enlighten us about this important topic for our MLC members. Please call Flo Hendricks for reservations as a wonderful meal will be served. Join us! Monday, March 9th at 10:00am March is "LACES OF LOVE" time here at Marco Lutheran Church sponsored by your Board of Human Care and the generosity of our parishioners. We ask that you donate one (or more) pairs of new sneakers for a needy child in the area. All sizes are needed. So bring them to church on any Sunday in March and drop them in the Laces of Love box in the Narthex and lobby. Financial gifts are also accepted by making your check payable to Marco Lutheran Church and in the memo line write “Laces of Love.” The Board of Human Care will use these funds to purchase additional sneakers. Laces of Love will be included in the Mission and Ministry matching program as approved by the council. Donations will be matched dollar for dollar and $20 per pair of shoes donated. What an exciting opportunity to double your donation! TOUCH A CHILDS LIFE......YOU WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE !!!! MARCO LUTHERAN CHURCH FOUNDATION The Marco Lutheran Church Foundation is excited to announce that it now has a web site. Check it out at On Sunday February 22 at the 11am service, Marco Lutheran Church Foundation awarded The 2015 grants totaling $105,000. The recipients are as follows: ST. MATTHEW’S HOUSE “He Has Risen Easter Dinner” 2,500 WORLD GOSPEL OUTREACH “Expansion of Residential Program for Children at Risk” 15,000 HAGGAI INSTITUTE “Sponsor a Leader” 12,000 SPIRIT OF NAPLES “Creation of Educational Courses for 2015” 5,000 168 FILM PROJECT “Evangelism Worldwide Outreach” 5,000 PEACE LEARNING CENTER “Peace Early Learning Center Scholarship Fund” CONCORDIA SEMINARY “Adopt-A-Student Program” 10,000 8,500 POBLO INTERNATIONAL “Missions Outreach to Arab Muslims” HOPE SEEDS, INC. “Camera, Computer & Projectors” 10,000 7,000 MARCO LUTHERAN CHURCH “MLC Assistant Pastor Support” 20,000 LCMS JOINT SEMINARY FUND “Pastoral Education” 10,000 TOTAL AMOUNT FUNDED: $105,000 2015 Educational Seminars The theme for our 2014-15 Educational Workshops is INDIGENOUS MINISTRY. The schedule is 10:00am—12:00pm with a 15minute break, lunch and a question & answer period. There is no fee for these Interesting presentations. Join us for the last in the series: March 6, 2015 THE HAGGAI INSTITUTE Speaker: Susan Hickey Please contact 394-0332 to make your reservations ...Life is Fragile...Handle with Prayer... "Please sign up to sponsor an Easter Lily on the bulletin board in the hallway. We will need 60 plants to fill the chancel tree on Easter morning. Gentle Yoga Classes YOGA MEN’S BIBLE CLASS With Marv Roloff Tuesdays at 8:30am WOMEN OF THE WORD With Carolyn Ohman Wednesdays at 10:00am BIBLE CLASS With Pete Grund Thursdays Refreshments at 9:30am Class 10:00am Something New New!! Chair Yoga Thursdays at 2:00 $5 no reservations Something New! Something New! What are you doing ? Something New! Mondays at 1:30 and Thursdays at 12:30 Bring your own mat, belt & blocks PRAYERS FOR MEMBERS June Califano, Carmine Voglino PRAYERS FOR FRIENDS & FAMILY Kem Gursoy (friend of the Dukelows), Carol Campau (friend of the Carlens), Tracy Rucka (daughter of Al Rucka), June Bissel (daughter of the Silcocks), Ned & Gene (friends of Glen & Lavonne Johnson), Alec Ninker, (grandson of Ninkers), Andrea Sager (daughter of Rooksberrys), Sara Santiago (daughter of the Goepferts), Ed Denison (friend of Lisa Hammond). PRAYERS FOR COMFORT Marty Ivins, Marge Engle, Don Holmes, Peter Perske, Eugene Deschene. RUMMAGE SALE SUCCESS! Thank you to each and every rummage sale volunteer for sharing your talent, time, and energy during rummage sale week. It takes many hands working together to put our big sale together and you did it beautifully, ministering to each other and to the hundreds of shoppers. Thanks to your efforts we made $13,000 which will add to Marco Lutheran’s community outreach. Special thanks to Larry, Sandy, and Vicki who were always eager to help. Bless you all!! Allan & Jan Liebrenz and Steve & Suzi Pauly, Co-chairs. “God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.” Hebrews 6:10 Artist Series 2015 Currently sold out, but contact Sandy to be put on the wait list. Perfect Gentlemen March 3, 2015—7:30pm Creative! Imaginative! The Perfect Gentlemen offer the perfect blend of harmony and humor, recreating sounds of some of our most legendary music. Amazingly Original! Let’s Hang On March 24, 2015—7:30pm Relive those golden years of music with the sounds of Frankie Valli, the Four Seasons and much, much more! Great harmonies, lively choreography and some of the greatest songs of the 60’s. Be Kind, Be Thoughtful, Be Genuine. But Most of All, be THANKFUL. Grief recovery Please come to the support class here at Marco Lutheran Church Classes to be held each Thursday morning, from January 8th - April 9, 2015 At 9:30am in the Conference Room. YOUR JOURNEY FROM MOURNING TO JOY Why Do We Grieve? We grieve because we have loved someone so deeply. When that loved -one dies, we feel a part of us has died also and we can’t go on. The pain can be unbearable! Grieving is Healthy Grieving the death of someone you love and adore is not only healthy, it is normal and pleasing to God. In the account of the story of the death of Lazarus found in the book of John chapter 11, the writers record that when Jesus went to be with the sisters of Lazarus, He wept. Misconceptions About Grief “If I keep busy enough, I won’t think about my grief and it won’t hurt so much. If I talk about my loss it makes me cry and others will think I am weak. I’ll just stay home and “hide” then I don’t have to FACE others with my sadness. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! TED HENNING DICK JOHNSON BRUCE STONE BARBARA MESSNER BETTY CLARK BOB HELBERG THURLEY CORDES BILL HORTON JUDY LAPINOJA PAUL GRIFFITH GENEVA MATEER LORRAINE NEUMANN ROXANNE DAGGETT AL RUCKA BILL SILVER JOAN MAACK PAT MEIER GARY ZIMMERMAN CAROL ERB EMILY SAVAGE ROBERT MCLAUGHLIN LUCILLE GAITA DAVID MC KENZIE JAMES JONES LEE LINDBERG JACK SLOOTKE STARR MEIER GERALDINE BELTRAME ASHTON GREUSEL ROGER MUBLEY JOHN MINUITTI WILMA VOGLINO KARL PLATH CHRIS CARILLO AL JANSEN JACK MAHR BETTY FRY CARL ZAHRTE JANE CAPOZZI AUDREY LAPP 3/1 3/2 3/3 3/4 3/5 3/6 3/7 3/7 3/8 3/9 3/9 3/9 3/10 3/11 3/11 3/12 3/16 3/16 3/18 3/18 3/19 3/20 3/20 3/21 3/21 3/21 3/22 3/23 3/23 3/24 3/26 3/26 3/27 3/28 3/28 3/28 3/29 3/29 3/30 3/30 “Today you are YOU, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is YOUER than YOU.” Dr. Seuss HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! PAUL & JUDY GRIFFITH JOEL & LYNN ARVILLA HERB & MARIANNE GLESMANN AL & PAM WILKE Lean on each other’s strengths. Forgive each other’s weaknesses. 3/7 3/18 3/18 3/30 51 YEARS 45 YEARS 64 YEARS 52 YEARS The Ship’s Course March 2015 SUN 1 8:00 WORSHIP 9:30 BIBLE CLASS 11:00 WORSHIP 8 MON 2 9:00 CHESS 9:30 WOMEN OF MARCO 1:30 YOGA 1:30 PCP 9 TUES 3 4 8:30 MEN’S BIBLE CLASS 7:30 ARTIST SERIES 10 9:00 CHESS 8:00 WORSHIP 9:30 BIBLE CLASS 11:00 BIBLE CLASS 1:00 PCP THURS 5 12 10:00 WOW 10:30 LENTEN CHALLENGE 1:00 PRAYER SHAWL 7:00 WORSHIP 9:30 BIBLE CLASS 9:30 GRIEF SHARE 12:30 YOGA 2:00 CHAIR YOGA 7:00 CHOIR 1:30 YOGA 15 8:00 WORSHIP 9:30 BIBLE CLASS 11:00 WORSHIP 22 8:00 WORSHIP 11:00 WORSHIP 4:00 SAILING SOLO 16 17 9:00 CHESS 18 8:30 MEN’S BIBLE CLASS 1:30 YOGA 6:30 COUNCIL 23 9:00 CHESS 1:00 POINT COUNTERPOINT 2:00 STEPHEN MINISTRY 24 8:30 MEN’S BIBLE CLASS 7:30 ARTIST SERIES 1:30 YOGA 29 30 9:00 CHESS 1:30 YOGA 8:00 WORSHIP 11:00 WORSHIP 31 8:30 MEN’S BIBLE CLASS 9:30 BIBLE CLASS 9:30 GRIEF SHARE 12:30 YOGA 2:00 CHAIR YOGA 10:00 WOW 10:30 LENTEN CHALLENGE 1:00 PRAYER SHAWL 11 8:30 MEN’S BIBLE CLASS 10:00 DOC WED GG10:00 10:00 WOW 10:30 LENTEN CHALLENGE 1:00 PRAYER SHAWL 7:00 WORSHIP 25 10:00 WOW 10:30 LENTEN CHALLENGE 1:00 PRAYER SHAWL 7:00 WORSHIP 19 FRI 6 7 9:00 CPR/AED 10:00 EDUATIONAL SEMINAR 13 20 9:30 BIBLE CLASS 9:30 GRIEF SHARE 12:30 YOGA 2:00 CHAIR YOGA 14 10:00 CHOIR 5:00 WORSHIP 6:30 MOVIE THE GOSPEL OF JOHN 9:00 AARP 9:30 BIBLE CLASS 9:30 GRIEF SHARE 12:30 YOGA 2:00 CHAIR YOGA 26 10:00 CHOIR 5:00 WORSHIP 21 9:00 LWML SPRING RALLY 3:30 CHOIR 5:00 WORSHIP 27 28 10:00 CHOIR 5:00 WORSHIP OUR MISSION: The journey of the Ship is the life of the church, charted by the Captain, Jesus Christ, who determines our final destination, the port of heaven, a place prepared for all who follow Christ and his direction to make disciples and bring the Gospel to all humanity by loving God by loving one another.
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