Phone Number: 262-694-6018 Parish Website: • Liturgy Schedule • Weekday Mass : 8:00 AM Eucharistic Adoration follows Thursday morning Mass until 8:00 PM Saturday Mass of Anticipation: 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM Triduum Services: Holy Thursday, April 2 at 7:00 PM followed by Eucharistic Adoration until 10:00 PM Good Friday, April 3 at 1:00 PM Easter Vigil, April 4 at 8:00 PM Easter Sunday, April 5 at 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM (Church & Bell Hall), & 11:00 AM email us at: [email protected] March 29, 2015 Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion MISSION STATEMENT We are a Catholic community sent forth to visibly bring the presence of Christ to the world around us. Sacrament of Reconciliation 1st & 3rd Saturday of the month 4:00 - 4:30 pm or by appointment Eucharistic Adoration Thursdays 9:00 am – 8:00 pm in Church 1st Friday after 7:00 pm Mass until 10pm Baptism Preparation Christian Formation Office 694-6018, ext. 105 RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation) Jane Delfield: 694-6018, ext. 149 Marriage Preparation—694-6018 Fr. Roman Stikel, ext. 104 Fr. Norberto Sandoval, ext. 106 Deacon Jim Francois, ext. 175 Deacon Ron Lesjak, ext. 174 Deacon Wilson Shierk, ext. 171 Parish Membership 2nd Sunday of the Month after 9 am Mass Parish Office 7307- 40th Avenue Phone: 694-6018 Fax: 694-6048 Parish Office Hours Monday-Thursday: 9:00 am - 3:30 pm Friday: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm St. Mary Children’s Learning Center 7401 - 40th Avenue Phone: 694-5800 Contact: Becky Singleton x141 Email: [email protected] Admin. Asst: Gail Dougvillo x105 Hearing Amplifiers Available for Mass Ushers or Greeters can provide assistance Today we begin our Holiest Week St. Mary Parish would like to invite everyone to attend the liturgical services of the Lord’s Passion and the Easter Triduum Holy Week Schedule nd HOLY THURSDAY: April 2 , 7:00 pm Mass, Eucharistic Adoration to follow until 10 pm rd GOOD FRIDAY: April 3 , 1:00 pm Service HOLY SATURDAY: April 4 th 10:30 am Blessing of the Food Baskets 8:00 pm Easter Vigil begins EASTER SUNDAY: April 5 th 7:30 am Mass 9:00 am Children’s Mass in Bell Hall 9:00 am Mass in Church 11:00 am Mass St. Mary Catholic Church St. Mary Catholic Church Parish Council Agenda Mon, March 30, 2015, 7:00 PM Parish Center Dining Rm We Assemble in God’s Name Opening Prayer We Celebrate Our Past 1. Review & Approval of the Minutes 2. Trustee’s Monthly Financial Report We Present Our Offering 3. Annual Comprehensive Committee Report / Discussion · Finance: Mark Schwalbe · Personnel: Ken Yorgensen · Prayer & Worship: Al Chianello · Stewardship: Chad Wagner · Building & Grounds: Jim Landgraf · Evangelization: Paul Dizon · Christian Formation: Carole Schmidt · Human Concerns: Myron Yencha · Boiler Fund Campaign: Rob Wenta 4. Decisions Pending/ Agenda Topics · Synod Implementation Committee update · Discussion of Implementation of New Norms · Pastor's Report 5. Planning (1-3 Months) & Communication · What mission area will be reviewed next meeting? · What preparation do we/they need? · Following our work today, what communication is needed? · What's the Buzz? We Proclaim God’s Word Share Closing Prayer We Go Out to Love and Serve Adjournment Weekly Parish Donations Week 39 (3/18/15 - 3/24/15) We pledged $18,942 We gave $19,249 Difference $307 Participating families: 47 This Week YTD sales $10,595 $449,360 profit $462 $19,822 Page 2 Please Note: Because April 3rd is Good Friday, there will be NO First Friday Mass in April. All are invited to our Good Friday service at 1:00pm April 3rd. Mass Intentions Monday, March 30 Monday of Holy Week † Mary DelFava 8:00 AM Tuesday, March 31 Tuesday of Holy Week † Donna Carney 8:00 AM Wednesday, April 1 Wednesday of Holy Week Lenten Reconciliations The citywide Reconciliation Service is Tuesday, March 31st at Noon at St. Elizabeth Individual Reconciliation at St. Mary is the 1st & 3rd Saturday of the month from 4:00 - 4:30 pm or by appointment. 8:00 AM For the People of St. Mary Thursday, April 2 Holy Thursday 7:00 PM Friday, April 3 Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion 1:00 PM Saturday, April 4 Holy Saturday / Easter Vigil Parish Offices will be closed on Good Friday (April 3rd). We wish everyone a very Blessed Easter! Attention Parishioners! 8:00 PM Sunday, April 5 The Resurrection of the Lord 7:30 AM For the People of St. Mary 9:00 AM For the People of St. Mary 11:00 AM For the People of St. Mary We are in the process of gathering a list of vendors and/or tradespeople who are parishioners. From time to time when we need small or large jobs done, we send out bids to known vendors. If you own a business or are involved in a trade and would like to be included on this list, please contact Rosa at 262-694-6018 x109 or [email protected]. Planning an Easter Feast? Looking to buy some sugary Peeps? Scrip has gift cards available for purchase from a variety of grocery stores and gift shops! Scrip will be sold in the Parish Office on Thursday, April 2nd from 9am - noon. Scrip will not be sold at any of the Easter weekend Masses. For the People of St. Mary Readings for the Week March 29, 2015 Mark 11:1-10 Isaiah 50:4-7 Psalm 22:8-9, 17-20, 23-24 Philippians 2:6-11 Mark 14:1—15:47 Mon: Isaiah 42:1-7 Psalm 27:1-3, 13-14 John 12:1-11 Tue: Isaiah 49:1-6 Psalm 71:1-6, 15, 17 John 13:21-33, 36-38 Wed: Isaiah 50:4-9 Psalm 69:8-10, 21-22, 31, 33-34 Matthew 26:14-25 Thurs: Exodus 12:1-8, 11-14 Psalm 116:12-13, 15-18 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 John 13:1-15 Fri: Isaiah 52:13—53:12 Psalm 31:2, 6, 12-13, 15-17, 25 Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7-9 John 18:1—19:42 Sat: Genesis 1:1—2:2 Exodus 14;15—15:1 Isaiah 54:5-14 Romans 6:3-11 Psalm 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23 Mark 16:1-7 Next Sun: Acts 10:34, 37-43 Psalm 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23 Colossians 3:1-4 John 20:1-9 Sun: Page 3 Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion This Week As Father Roman reported to us a couple weeks ago, we are very grateful to our parishioners for your response to our Capital Campaign. You can see from the posters around Church, our original goal was to raise $600,000. To date $477,000 has been pledged of which we have received $342,000. If you are still faithfully fulfilling your pledge to the Capital Campaign, we ask that you continGOAL ue to do so. For those who have fulfilled $600,000 their commitment, we thank you and ask you to keep us in mind for additional donations. Pledged $477,000 Boiler Cost $402,000 Received $342,000 The boiler is up and running. Our contractor is in the process of installing digital valves in the church which will allow us to better control the temperature. In total the boiler and the additional miscellaneous costs involved with installation will total approximately $402,000. So, what do we need to do next? With a parish of our size and age there is never a shortage of projects which need attention. This summer you will be able to see some additional improvements to the parish. The church will be getting a new roof, the parking lot will be resealed, and we will be fixing the concrete areas in front of the church and school that are cracked and unsafe. In addition, we have other projects that will need some attention in the next couple of years such as a new boiler in the Parish Center and resurfacing the steps in front of the church. All these projects require additional funds from our normal operating budget and the capital campaign funds will be instrumental in ensuring the projects will happen. Our goal still remains $600,000 and we know that with your support we can reach this goal by the end of 2016. Teens Seeking Support for Mission Trips St. Mary’s youth ministry works with several churches and schools in Kenosha and is known as Kenosha Catholic Youth. There are several trips that will be going on this summer; two are mission trips, one is a youth rally. In June, 27 high school teens and their adult leaders will be traveling to the eastern shores to service those in need. In July, 20 teens in grades 7-12 will be serving in the Quad Cities in Illinois and Iowa, where they will show Jesus’ love to those they serve. The third event is Steubenville Youth Rally in St. Paul, Minnesota. 90 teens from Kenosha will participate in this event. Please help to support the Teens of St. Mary by making a donation to their Mission trips. There is a Support Banner with envelopes in the back of the church across from the Scrip Table. Just take an envelope and follow the instructions inside. You can return the donation in the collection basket any time during Lent. Thank you for supporting the teens of St. Mary. Sunday 29 10:00 am—RCIA Breaking Open the Word in Parish Center Chapel Monday 30 4:30 pm—Elementary Christian Formation Classes 7:00 pm—Parish Council Meeting in Parish Center Dining Room Tuesday 31 7:00 pm—Inns Program in Bell Hall Wednesday 1 6:30 am—Men’s Group in Parish Center Dining Room 9:00 am—Coffee & Conversation with Fr. Mike in Parish Center Library 4:30 pm—Elementary Christian Formation Classes Thursday 2 9:00 am-6:00 pm—Eucharistic Adoration in Church 9:00 am—Rosaries Against Abortion in front of Planned Parenthood 7:00 pm—Holy Thursday Mass, Eucharistic Adoration to follow until 10pm Friday 3 1:00 pm—Good Friday Service Saturday 4 9:00 am—Grief Group in Parish Center Library 10:30 am—Blessing of the Food in Church 8:00 pm—Easter Vigil Mass A Blessing of Easter Food Baskets will take place on Saturday, April 4th at 10:30 am in Church. GROWTH THROUGH FAITH March 29, 2015 Young Adult Ministry The Gesu House Concert Series is a traveling concert series for Young Adults sponsored by Kenosha Catholic Young Adult Ministry. It features Catholic artists, singer-songwriters, liturgical songwriters, etc. It is our hope to create a social outlet for young Catholics ages 18-40 where they can come together in faith, fellowship & prayer. Again this Easter, St. Mary invites you to make an offering as a memorial for a loved one, or as a special intention. Everyone is invited to make an offering during this important time of year. Place form and money in an envelope marked “Easter Memorials” and put in the weekend collection basket, return it to the Rectory, or mail it with your donation to: Easter Memorials St. Mary Parish 7307 – 40th. Avenue Kenosha, WI 53142-1923 All donations are tax-deductible, and any amount will be gratefully accepted. Please make your tax-deductible checks payable to St. Mary Parish. All intentions will be printed in a special flyer on Easter Sunday. Please return the bottom portion of this sheet (with your donation) no later than Sunday, March 29th 2015 (Palm Sunday). If you have any questions, please call Dee at 654-3384. A limited number of lilies will be available to take home AFTER Easter Sunday to enjoy. (One per family, please) May God continue to bless you as we remember our loved ones this Easter Season. The host church for May 2nd, 7-10PM is St. Peter (2224 30th Ave). This event provides a comfortable “coffee house” atmosphere where original artists can present their music. Scholarship for St. Joseph Academy 9th Grade St. Mary Parish is offering a Scholarship of $500 which will be awarded to a St. Mary’s parishioner enrolled and entering 9th grade at St. Joseph Academy in the fall of 2015. Scholarship applications can be picked up in the Parish Office, the Admissions Office at St. Joseph Catholic Academy (upper campus), and All Saints Catholic School as of March 16th. The application will also be available at our website: www. Please return applications by Monday, April 13, 2015. The scholarship awarded by the Parish is a one-time payment to the school on behalf of the student. For more information, please contact John Higgins at 262.697.3623 or [email protected] High School Religious Education Thank you for your generosity Bring your Catholic Handbook of Faith and your Bible to each Religious Education Session ____________ _______________ · April 12th - Mass at 5:00PM followed by Religious Education sessions for all classes until 8:00PM EASTER MEMORIALS · April 19th, 6:00PM Religious Education sessions for all classes in Bell Hall until 8:00PM - Last session for the year Name: (Please Print) Address: Contact Corinne at 694-6018 x133 with questions. St. Mary Youth Ministry Phone Number: Amount Enclosed $ INTENTION: (fill in one) Please print 1. In Loving Memory of: 2. Special Intentions: 3/29 For all teens in Grades 6-12 and their friends. · April 7th, 4:00 PM - April 9th, 7:00 PM – Mini Mission Trip: St Mary: St Francis Rm. What is a Mini Mission Trip? The mission is our own hometown, Kenosha. We do 2½ days of service. We service St. Vincent De Paul, Mount Carmel Pre-school, Shalom Center, INNS program, a nursing home, and Easter Seals. In the evenings, we serve each other, talk about our day, and build our relationship with God and others. On the last night, we invite our family members to dinner and share our experiences. Cost is $30. Call Corinne at 694-6018 x107 or Sandy x150 for more info. St. Mary Catholic Church THE PASSION Each Ash Wednesday, we look toward another far-off Easter. We begin our Lenten journey wondering what events, happenings, or experiences might make this journey unique and memorable. However, soon after we are marked with ashes, we find ourselves encountering the daily events that take up much of our time and energy. All too quickly another Lent is over. Where has the time gone? This weekend we hear again, “The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Mark… we know what is coming for us to experience again. No matter how we read the Passion, we usually approach the familiar story with a knowing eye. We know this story and can almost repeat the lines before we hear them. There is nothing new for us here! Yet, I wonder how casually we would approach this story if we considered that the Passion is not a past but a present The Passion event! We are in the story, invited to connects the identify with the emotions and actions suffering and of the characters. This is the beginning of our annual examination of condeath of Jesus to science, and our chance to connect the front-page the suffering and death of Jesus to the stories of violence front-page stories of violence and compassion occurring in our presentand compassion day lives. occurring in our As the drama unfolds, with whom do present-day lives. we connect? Are we one of the privileged three who see Jesus transfigured, share the Last Supper with him, and then fall asleep in His hour of need? Do we connect with the woman who generously lavished expensive ointment on him in Simon’s home? Are we more like Judas who betrayed him, Peter who publicly denied him, or his disciples who fled when he was arrested? Of all the characters, perhaps Simon of Cyrene who helped carry his cross may be the most appealing. Simon reminds us that we all need help in being faithful to the Gospel. Henri Nouwen reminded us: “every time we are willing to break out of our false need for self-sufficiency and dare to ask for help, a new community emerges, a fellowship of the helped and the helper; the weak and the strong.” That community is made up of people who, through mutual trust and support, bring hope to our broken world. The call of that supporting community continues today. The Bishops of Latin America spoke of this forty years ago when they said: “all the dynamism of human history, the movement toward the creation of a just world, the overcoming of social inequities, and efforts so urgently needed to liberate humankind from all that depersonalizes it---physical and moral misery, ignorance and hunger---all originate, are transformed and reach their perfection in the saving world of Jesus Christ. In him and through him salvation is present at the heart of human history and there is no human act which, in the last instance, is not defined in terms of it.” The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ begins again, and we continue to wait to experience its impact in our lives. Will we enter into communion with Jesus by loving and being loved, helping and being helped, and allow his presence to grow among and within us? Because of the Jesus who died and rose, loved and was loved, we become one with Him and, because of Him, one with the Father. ~ Deacon Wilson Shierk Coffee & Conversa"on with Fr. Mike Beginning March 25th, Fr. Michael Newman, retired priest and former pastor of St. Mary Parish, will join parishioners in a relaxed conversational setting on Wednesday mornings from 9-10:30am in the Parish Center Library to explore our Catholic faith, the Bible, and your specific questions! Sessions have been scheduled for March 25, April 1, April 8, April 15, and April 22 thus far. All are invited, so please come and enjoy fellowship and discussion with Fr. Mike and your fellow parishioners. For questions, please contact the Faith Formation office at 694-6018, ext 105. MATTHEW 25 COLLECTION Each weekend during Lent, the Human Concerns Committee is asking families to donate items to the needy based on Matthew’s Gospel Ch 25:34 ff THIS WEEK: March 28/29 “I was in prison [or nursing home] and you visited me.” Bring board games, paperback books and magazines in English or Spanish, greeting cards, stamps, stationary and Bibles to be given to nursing homes and the prison ministry. We can also use basic cosmetics (nail polish, lipstick, files), costume jewelry, dressy scarves, old-time music, DVDs and tapes, stuffed animals, beanie babies, rosaries, large print word searches, bite-sized candy bars for Nursing Home Ministry. If you forget an item one weekend, feel free to bring it the next. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL 5TH SUNDAY COLLECTION This Sunday, March 29th, is the fifth Sunday of the month. A second collection will be held March 28th & 29th to support our St. Vincent de Paul Outreach Program. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Operation Rice Bowl We follow Jesus this week on our Lenten journey as he enters into Jerusalem, a community he knew well. CRS Rice Bowl asks us, too, to prayerfully enter into our own communities, to find those who are hungry and thirsty, who need our help. How does our Lenten journey motivate us to serve those we encounter in our daily lives? Please return your Rice Bowl by Easter Sunday. Place the cash in an envelope or you may count your contribution and make a check payable to St. Mary Parish. Please write “Operation Rice Bowl” in the memo line of the check and the envelope. Your contributions can be placed in the weekly collection box. Thank you for your generous support. St. Mary Catholic Church Page 6 Catholics at the Capitol Magnificat, a Ministry to Catholic Women On Wednesday, April 8, 2015, Catholics from around the state will meet in Madison, for Catholics at the Capitol 2015. Sponsored by the Wisconsin Catholic Conference (WCC) in cooperation with numerous Catholic organizations, this biennial event is a day of education, advocacy, and fellowship. Visit for more info. The Knights of Columbus Divine Mercy-St. Anne Council 16022 is sponsoring a Vegas Night at Bristol Oaks CC on Sat. May 2nd from 7-10 pm. The price will be $50 per person with the proceeds benefiting a local family and Council 16022 Charitable Works. Price includes 3 hrs of gambling and hors d’oeuvres throughout the evening and a chance to win prizes including a 1-wk stay at a Hilton Grand Vacation Resort in Orlando, FL. For more info or for buy tickets, contact Rich Mich 818-0839 and [email protected]. Saturday, April 18, 2015 • 9:00 a.m. to noon Hilton Garden Inn • Milwaukee Park Place • 11600 West Park Pl, Milwaukee, Cost: $15.00 if postmarked before April 11 ($20 after) Join us for breakfast with Fr. Bob Thorn. As a young man, Fr. Bob left his parents and 8 siblings in Janesville, WI, to travel the world. "However, the Lord won out," he said and he was ordained in 1999. Fr. Bob's testimony will help you in your walk with the Lord as well as your work for His Kingdom here on earth. Come and hear his anointed message and be blessed. Enjoy a time of fellowship, encouragement, prayer, music and a great breakfast -- and bring a friend or two! For more information call Terri at 262-853-3349 or check our website: Tickets may be ordered from the website. To order tickets by mail, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope with ticket order to: Marlene Nagel • 1502 Hidden Fields Drive • West Bend, WI 53095. All Saints Catholic School St. Joseph Highlights From a current ASCS family: “It was Catholic School’s week 2013 as we left St. Peter’s after mass. My daughter grabbed a pamphlet for the ASCS Open House. With no plans, we drove right over to the North Campus and were warmly greeted and escorted throughout the school by many faculty and staff. I’m pretty sure we were sold that day. That fall, Elaina started Middle School at ASCS, North Campus. We were so impressed with her grades and her personal growth, we moved Claire over for this current school year. My girls have never been this happy during the school year! All Saints Catholic School has been doing fantastic job of showing my girls how to integrate the Catholic values in all activities, both in school and home, while maintaining academic excellence, who could ask for more?” .Now enrolling at all 3 campuses! For more information visit our website or contact Sue Wendorf 652-2771 Ext. 228 to schedule a tour. A St. Joseph Catholic Academy education is a priceless investment. The graduates of the Class of 2014 had the highest average ACT in Kenosha and they earned over $7.8 million in college scholarship dollars. Don’t think it is beyond your reach to send your student to SJCA. There are several ways tuition can be affordable through financial aid, scholarships, and the Wisconsin Parental Choice program. Last year SJCA awarded over $250,000 in financial aid and $150,000 in various scholarships. Many scholarship opportunities are available to SJCA students that can help cover partial tuition. For financial aid and scholarship information, visit the school website at For all other questions, contact Jean Fredrickson, Director of Finance, at (262) 654-8651 X116 ([email protected]) or Wanda Jaraczewski, Director of Student Success, at (262) 654-8651 X104 ([email protected]). Vegas Night at Bristol Oaks Our Pastoral Staff - 694-6018 Pastor Associate Pastor Pastoral Minister Deacon Jim Francois Deacon Ron Lesjak Deacon Wilson Shierk Dir. of Admin. Services Admin. Assistants Fr. Roman Stikel Fr. Norberto Sandoval [email protected] Judy Francois [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Rosa Herman Jane Jurca Melissa Chiappetta Janice Schmidbauer Jane Jurca x153 x106 x108 x175 x174 x171 x109 x104 x104 x110 Contributions x104 Bulletin Submissions [email protected] x110 Ministry of HOPE/Funeral Luncheons x180 Elizabeth’s Closet x181 Gym Board Dan Cairo 960-3382 Prayer Line [email protected] 694-6018 x186 St. Vincent DePaul 694-6018 ext. 176 Christian Formation: 7401-40th Avenue 694-6018 Director of Adult Jane Delfield x149 Formation Ministry [email protected] Director of Child/Early Sandy Slivon x150 Adolescent Ministry [email protected] Youth Minister Corinne Dillon x107 [email protected] Admin. Assistant Gail Dougvillo x105 Pastoral Musician Theresa Setter x137 Parish Council Members Chairperson Megan Kinsella Vice-Chairperson Myron Yencha Secretary Mike Nochevich Members at Large Albert Chianello Paul Dizon Jim Landgraf William Rossi Carole Schmidt Mark Schwalbe Chad Wagner Rob Wenta Ken Yorgensen Trustees Peggy Malmberg John P. Higgins [email protected] (847) 731-7391 [email protected] 694-3448 [email protected] 960-3232 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 764-1600 (847) 913-3597 515-6747 697-0332 652-1949 694-1961 515-2171 948-1503 308-5019 [email protected] [email protected] 653-1298 697-3623 All Saints Catholic School South Campus: 7400 - 39th Ave North Campus: 4400 - 22nd Ave Phone: (262) 694-6018, ext 130 Phone: (262) 652-2771, ext 25 St. Joseph Catholic Academy Upper Campus: 2401 - 69th St Lower Campus: 7207 - 14th Ave Phone: (262) 654-8651 Phone: (262) 656-7360 Greenhouse & Garden Center OUTDOOR POWER EQUIPMENT CENTER Think Spring Seed Supplies • Pansies Cold Crop Veggies • Easter Lilies 9140 Cooper Road 694-2666 AND LUBE CENTER 6112 75TH ST. Will cook and serve your dinner party while you enjoy the comfort & surroundings of your home, office or church. Weddings, Banquets, Retreats & Funeral Luncheons Maureen Skurski (262) 914-6990 [email protected] • • Toro • Stihl • Woods • Grasshopper • Ariens Ph. 262-857-2225 • Fax 262-857-6588 Email: [email protected] KENOSHA, WI 53142 Residential & Commercial Home Cooked Catering To Perfection DC 13325 Wilmot Road • Kenosha, WI 53142 (262) 697-0188 • Auto • Home • Bonds • Business Creating Lasting Impressions 5407 Green Bay Road Kenosha, WI Phone: (262) 654-6311 5915 6th Ave. A, Kenosha 262-658-4888 Dickow Cyzak Tile Co. PAIELLI’S BAKERY Bath & Flooring Showroom Breads Cakes Pastries Kenosha’s Finest Full Service Bakery A Name Known for Quality Since 1923 Since 1968 Hwy 31 & Hwy 50 Parish Member 654-0785 262-694-9777 Mon-Sat 6am-6pm Sun 6am-2pm Dick’s Roof Repair Service, Inc SHREDDING + RECYCLING = SECURITY 3008 - 75th Street 53142 Abraham’s On-Site Shredding Service Siding • Windows • Gutters Serving: SE Wisconsin & NE Illinois Kenosha - 654-6644 Racine - 639-7864 Fax - 654-8940 All documents are shredded in our truck at your site & recycled 262-877-8878 (Twin Lakes) Website: Confidential Document Destruction MICHAEL PRINCIPE PLUMBING INC. Sales & Service MP #7306 6803 - 39 Ave. 657-7309 SUNDAY SIT DOWN BRUNCH WINE | BAR | FOOD 10:30am-1pm Support Our Advertisers Outstanding Bloody Mary Bar! (262) 652-4285 Check the ads on 262.658.1326 • Fax 262.658.1048 • 24 Hr. Service 262.657.5832 9800 55th Street Kenosha, WI 53144 this page before you COLLEEN REALTY check the internet or Parishioner Please Give Us a Call 4721 75th St. 694-9550 yellow pages. Contact Jim Braun to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2446 FOR AD INFO CALL Jim Braun 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM ST. MARY & ST. THOMAS, KENOSHA B B/W 01-0033 03-13-2015 14:16:29 PROFESSIONAL CONCRETE INC. We Specialize In.... • Foundation Repairs • Stoops • Driveways • Crack Repairs • Patios • Chimney Repairs • Walks • Tuck Pointing Offering Free Estimates • Fully Insured • Office: 262-960-6215 www GLADYS A. WIRTZ Parish Member REALTOR Home of the "Red Carpet Service!" Footwear, Etc. “Th The Acti Active Athlete’s One Stop” Custom Window Treatment Fashions and Floor Covering Interior Design Center 3206 80th St. 694-9206 262-883-9494 Cell: (262) 945-5618 New Patients Welcome 9809-39th Avenue Pleasant Prairie, WI 53158 SUPER SPORTS 1241 22nd Avenue, Kenosha WI (262) 654-5623 Fax (262) 654-8662 Parishioner REAL ESTATE ONE (262) 764-2291 • Email: [email protected] Prairie Side In-Home Care & Support 3755 80th St • 262-577-3340 ! Personal Care Mon-Sat 8am to 8pm • Sun 9am to 5pm ! Housekeeping ! Companionship ORIGINAL ACRYLIC PAINTINGS & CANVAS PRINTS ! Respite Chris Rudynski Parishioner 697-8766 www. As Little as 2 Hours up to 24-Hour Care Serving NE Lake County and SE Wisconsin (815) 546-7143 847-388-0014 SHINGLES DR. JOSEPH E. KUBICA, DDS, S.C. etc, Inc. ROOFING • SIDING • GUTTERS KENOSHA: 262-697-2156 JOHN GALVIN KRISTEN GALVIN OWNER OWNER General & Family Dentistry 3311 Roosevelt Rd. 262-652-9083 Dr. Margaret A. Regner 888-697-4800 [email protected] 2404 18th St, Kenosha, WI 53140 (262) 551-9100 10372 77th St, Pleasant Prairie, WI 53158 (262) 694-3100 262.705.5754 St. Mary’s class of 1986 Compassionate Personalized Care is Our Priority The most affordable live-in health care New Location 8411 Old Greenbay Rd Pleasant Prairie We Can Help With: Aging Skin-WrinklesLarge Pores-DiscolorationUneven Skin Texture Lynda Bonn-Swift Brand Partner LAWLER ENTERPRISES, INC. • Walks • Floors • Driveways • Garage Slabs • Addition Foundations • Commercial Snow Removal John Lusignan, FIC (262) 652-2700 4224 43rd Ave. • Kenosha, WI 53144 262.914.6604 mobile [email protected] !"#$#%"$&'()*+),)#-$./) 4801 Washington Rd • Kenosha, WI 53144 “7” GREAT LOCATIONS 262-308-8209 $JHV6WDWH/LFHQVHG&HUWLÀHG'HGLFDWHG7HDFKHUV :$FFHSWHG)OH[LEOH6FKHGXOLQJDPSP /LWHUDWXUH3KRQLFV/LEUDU\5HOLJLRQ0XVLF0RYHPHQW /DUJH6PDOO0XVFOH$FWLYLWLHV$UWV&UDIWVDQGPXFKPRUH Contact: Becky Singleton 694-5800 Town & Country Glass Co. Inc. Thomas P. Gagliardi, President 4300 - 43rd Ave., Kenosha [email protected] 7516 39 Ave • 262-694-1624 FAMILY FAM RESTAURANT RESTAURA Table Tops - Pattern Glass - Plexiglass and Lexon COINS 7839 Sheridan Road, Kenosha, WI 53140 Off. 262-925-6400 Cell 262-358-1347 Tom & Vicki Sbarounis Picture Framing - Stained Glass Supplies Phone: 262-654-5155 Buying & Selling Gold, Silver, US, World Coins & Paper Money Hrs. Mon, Wed, Fri 12-5 Sat 9:30-3 or by Appointment 6040 39th Ave. • 657-GOLD (4653) (262) 694-8960 Richard Oscarson President landscape management KENOSHA GROUNDS CARE Design Construction Maintenance 8300 88th Avenue • Pleasant Prairie, WI 53158 • 262.694.8960 [email protected] fax 262.694.9599 Gregory Jones Studio • Ages 5-99+ • Beginner to Advanced levels Master Piano Instruction • Customizable lesson format 262.515.6179 • FALL SPECIAL $75 includes [email protected] • 4 lessons for the price of 3 Inspiring excellence in music performance! • No sign-up Fee (new students only) The premier choice for IT solutions and support for your business. 262-694-5272 Contact Jim Braun to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2446 | 888-910-4407 FOR AD INFO CALL Jim Braun 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM ST. MARY & ST. THOMAS, KENOSHA A 4C 01-0033 03-13-2015 14:16:29
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