He is Risen as He said. Alleluia, Alleluia! Page St. Thomas More Roman Catholic Church 8501 Calumet Avenue, Munster, IN 46321 Mission Statement : The Roman Catholic Saint Thomas More Parish Family welcomes and invites every person to join us on our journey in faith and celebration. With the grace and guidance of the Holy Spirit, and through Sacred Scripture and Tradition, we proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all, especially in loving service to those in need. As part of the Universal Church, we affirm the dignity of every person. All this we do to give glory and honor to God. Pastoral Staff Pastor .......................... Reverend Michael J. Yadron, KCHS; Ext. 312 [email protected] Associate Pastor...............................Reverend Ted J. Mauch; Ext. 314 [email protected] Senior Deacon............................................ Dr. Napoleon Tabion, OFS Deacons ................................................................ David Kapala, KHS ............................................................................ Joseph Stodola, KHS ......................................................................... Daniel Zurawski, KHS Director of Finance ........................................ Noreen Bickel; Ext. 330 Pastoral Care Coordinator.......................... Madeleine Moya; Ext. 313 Director of Music......................................... Angie Lorandos; Ext. 338 Director of Religious Education .................... Emily Hackett; Ext. 332 Director of Development ................................ Amanda King; Ext. 342 Parish Office Staff Hours: Mon-Friday 8:00 am-8:00 pm • Saturday 8:00 am-4:00 pm Web Site.......................................................... www.stm-church.com Email address .................................. [email protected] Email address for bulletin ...................... [email protected] Office Phone………. 836-8610 Office Fax ....................836-9185 Bulletin Editor ..................................................... Pam Pasyk; Ext. 309 Daytime Receptionist........................................ Susan Strain; Ext. 310 Evening Receptionist .................................... Veronica Brtos; Ext. 310 Building Maintenance…………………………Dale Slosser 836-8610 Pastoral Ministries Environment & Art ............................................. Jean Bados 836-8610 Eucharistic Ministers ................................... Carole Mackey 808-9732 Hospitality/Greeters ................................... Chris Shearman 923-1419 Lectors ...................................................... William McDunn 922-9459 Nursery ..................................................Kaaren A. Mashura 836-5079 St. Vincent de Paul ................................. Michael Martinelli 836-8610 Vocations Committee ...................................... Mary Kochis 322-7262 2014-2015 Pastoral Council Members Leslie Dernulc.................................................................. Joe Dubczak Christi Kordeck......................................................... Michael Korfiatis Mary Kretz................................................................... Jim Landowski Paul Liszewski, Chairperson............................................ Bill McDunn Jesse Montenegro ..............................................................Joe O’Brien Cindy Thompson ......................................................... Ruth Yothment St. Thomas More School Pre-School through 8th Grade Office Hours: Monday– Friday ~ 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Web Site........................................................... www.stm-school.com School Phone ......... 836-9151 School Fax ..........................836-0982 President ........................................................ Noreen Bickel; Ext. 330 Principal............................................. Chet Nordyke, KCHS; Ext. 328 Assistant Principal ......................................... Cynthia Block; Ext. 328 School Administrative Assistant……….. Jennifer Gonzalez; Ext. 328 School Reception & Office Associate………. Sandra Steele; Ext. 329 Home & School Association.................. Kris Miller; (312) 909-8156 Parish & School Offices Associate .............. Mary Jo Biscan; Ext. 311 Parish & School Offices Associate ................. Pam Wadycki; Ext. 339 School Admissions .............................................. Pam Pasyk; Ext. 309 Weis Center 8635 Calumet Avenue ~ Munster, IN 46321 Phone .....................................................................................836-2660 Fax .........................................................................................836-2655 Sacramental Information Confessions Saturdays ............................................................ 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. First Friday .............................. 1/2 hour before the 6:30 a.m. Mass Baptisms .............................. First and Third Sundays at 1:00 p.m. Parents must be registered parishioners and regularly attending at least six months before the Baptism. At least one of the godparents must be a practicing Catholic. Pre Baptism Class ..................................... 2nd Tuesday 7:00 p.m. Parents must call the Parish Office to schedule class and/or Baptism. Marriage .............. Must be a registered, practicing member of the parish at least six months before beginning the six month preparation program for marriage. Communion calls and visits to Hospitals and Homebound: Call the Parish Office for Sacraments at hospital or at home. New Parishioner Registration To make it as convenient as possible for you, new parishioners may register at any time in the Parish Office. St. Thomas More Religious Education Kindergarten through 8th Grade Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday & Friday — 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Wednesday & Thursday — 1:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Religious Education Phone ........................................................... 836-8610 Director ..................................................................Emily Hackett; Ext. 332 Administrative Assistant ..................................... Carolyn McGill; Ext. 336 Grades K through 8 ~ Wednesday or Thursday from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. Pastoral Commissions Chairpersons Formation/Education ............................................................Barbara Topete Parish Life ......................................................................... Elaine Herrmann Peace & Social Justice.............................................................. Mary Silvasi Spirituality & Worship ....................................................... Kaaren Mashura Stewardship ........................................................................... Noreen Bickel Parish Organizations Altar & Rosary Society .................................... Kathleen Pagorek 972-0539 Blue Army ................................................... Rose Marie Malburg 836-8779 Boy Scouts ................................................................ Curt Anglin 902-5126 Career Networking Group…………………… Christine Spencer 836-8610 Circle of Prayer………………………………..Mary Jo Humpfer 836-5002 Cub Scouts .............................................................Alan Pischner 306-7552 Finance ................................................................ Barbara Shaver 838-9200 Gabriel Project……………………………….Carolyn Grskovich 455-9258 Garden Club ................................................................ Al Carollo 836-8268 Gifts of Love & Warmth……………………..Bernadine Nemeth 513-6544 Girl Scouts............................................................................. Renee Whelan Holy Name Society .................................................... Joe Adams 865-3566 Knights of Columbus ....................................... Richard Alvarado 614-3743 K of C Columbian Squires…………………........Ralph Konkoly 588-4559 Moms’ Group .......................................................... Ann Meduga 629-6531 Oblates……………………………………………...Denise Gard 836-9115 Respect Life .................................................................................. 836-8610 Senior Citizens ........................................................... Herb Cleve 670-2982 The Travelers Club…………………………………..Lois Quinn 836-7902 Ushers Club ..................................................... ….Jim Marmalejo 836-1463 Venture Crew……………………………………....Fr. Ben Ross 322-4505 Please remember St. Thomas More Page in 2 your Will and Estate Planning The Resurrection of the Lord April 5, 2015 Saturday, April 11 5:30 p.m. Fr. Mike Yadron Sunday, April 12 6:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:00 Noon Fr. Mike Yadron Fr. Mike Yadron Fr. Ted Mauch Fr. Ted Mauch SUNDAY, April 5 — Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord 6:30 am For Our Parish Family Living and Deceased 8:00 am For Our Parish Family Living and Deceased 10:00 am For Our Parish Family Living and Deceased 12:00 pm For Our Parish Family Living and Deceased MONDAY, April 6 6:30 am Teodor Dabrowski (Ann.) by Wife & Daughter 8:30 am Mulholland (Ann.) by Dave & Burdette Piniak SATURDAY, April 11 8:30 am J. Bernarte, M. Caraher 5:30 pm T., T. & T. Pappas, T. Speranza, S. Szala MC ~ Nick SUNDAY, April 12 6:30 am K. Yaeger, K. & S. Cunningham 8:00 am A. & M. Nahnsen, B. & J. Peters, M. Slivka MC ~ Elizabeth Z. 10:00 am J. & M. Connelly, M. Fugger, R. & M. Maldonado /MC ~ Will 12:00 pm D. Dy, M. & T. Muta/MC ~ Mike Readings for Week of April 5 Sunday: Acts 10:34a, 37-43/Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8/Jn 20:1-9 or Mk 16:1-7 or Lk 24:13-35 Monday: Acts 2:14, 22-33/Mt 28:8-15 Tuesday: Acts 2:36-41/Jn 20:11-18 Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10/Lk 24:13-35 Thursday: Acts 3:11-26/Lk 24:35-48 Friday: Acts 4:1-12/Jn 21:1-14 Saturday: Acts 4:13-21/Mk 16:9-15 Next Sunday: Acts 4:32-35/1 Jn 5:1-6/Jn 20:19-31 TUESDAY, April 7 6:30 am Frenita G. Serrano (Ann.) by Serrano Family 8:30 am Mary Pat Casey by Husband Jim 10:00 am Intention of Maryann Pancheri by Husband James (MASS AT MED-INN CHAPEL, Group 3) WEDNESDAY, April 8 6:30 am Rita Kopenec-Sajna (Ann.) by Family 8:30 am Josephine Forystek by Family THURSDAY, April 9 6:30 am Helen Michalik by Family 9:00 am Lucille Solan by Tom & Linda Brady FRIDAY, April 10 6:30 am Esther Klobuchar (Ann.) by Peter & Judi Klobuchar 8:30 am Deceased Members of the Vogel Family SATURDAY, April 11 8:30 am Joanna Bartkus by Family 5:30 pm John Albizati by Family SUNDAY, April 12 — Divine Mercy 6:30 am For Our Parish Family Living and Deceased 8:00 am Hannah & William Quinn by Lois Quinn & Family 10:00 am Harriet Kondziela by Helene Nelson 12:00 pm Dorothy Ferrantella by Family Vocations Committee April Nursery Schedule Sixteen years ago, a small group in the parish requested permission to gather before the Blessed Sacrament to ask God for an increase of vocations to the priesthood and for divine help in their own personal needs and growth in faith. Since that time, this group still meets every Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. Please join them. Sunday, April 12 Kim Cipowski & Katherine Pala Sunday, April 19 Michelle Wendlinger & Jill Bochenek Sunday, April 26 Chris & Casey Perz Pastoral Care Ministry Hospital Visits—In compliance with HIPAA legislation, hospitals do not notify our parish about parishioner hospitalizations unless requested to do so by the patient or patient's family. If you or a family member are at Community Hospital, call the Parish Office at (219) 836-8610. Home Communion—If you or a family member would like to receive home Communion, call Pastoral Care at Extension 313. The Nursery is located in the Bride’s Room (near the Church main entrance) at the Sunday 10:00 am Mass. Bulletin Articles All bulletin articles must be submitted via email to [email protected] at least 2 weeks in advance. Page 3 The Resurrection of the Lord Alleluia! The exclamation rings out across the land, and we who are disciples of Jesus Christ pause to reflect on the reality that he rose from the grave and, in turn, conquered death. In today's colleges and universities, in pulpits of every denomination, and in books and journals, there are those who say it is unimportant whether or not he really rose from the dead. They say that the facts do not impact the moral of the story. Of course, two thousand years of Christianity give evidence that they are incorrect. What the faithful of many generations have experienced and given testimony to is not something built on an idea. It is not a philosophy or a self-help psychology. The church is a direct result of real events in the course of human history. Without those real events, we simply follow a man who showed us a different way to live. Instead, we follow a God who emptied himself into a human form, suffered the pain of torture and death at the hands of those he had created, and then shattered the chains of death so that we in our human form may follow suit. Today, humanity is redeemed. It is time to face the facts! Catholic Charities Counseling Catholic Charities offers counseling services to individuals, families and children on a sliding fee scale. Info: (219) 844-4883. c lease pray for the sick of our parish... Joshua Alvarez Margaret Amatulli Doris Aurelio Maria Aurelio Irene Baker Antonio Belmonte Michael Berry Michael Blazevich Laverne Blumka Michael Boston Cheryl Bostrom Robert Boyle Linda Braun Stephany Burney Paul Burns Dorothy Campbell James Campbell Thomas Cak Al Carollo Carol Carollo Janet Cattanach Jacqueline Morrow Christian Frank Coman Vincent Corsello Mike Curtain Ceil Cwiok Margaret Demkovich Lucille Detterline Irene Dettmer Ann DeVoy MaryPat Devoy Jeanine Doescher Jim D’Orazio Alex Eiland Sherlon Evans John Forde Phyllis Garber Denise Gard Andrea Garritano Margaret Geary Dorothy Giannini Emily Gibson Dorothy Gillespie Shirley Gillespie Jacqueleen Gonzalez Margaret Good Howard Gralewski James Grunewald Amy Hayes Eleanore Heggi Marie Henke Evelyn Hennes Bernadine Henson Marisol Hernandez Becky Hill Megan Homcho Mary Jo Humpfer Betty Ingbretson Steve Izzo Dennis Jablonski Elizabeth Jacob Barbara Jamrose Stanley Jayjack Rosemary Jerzak-Staszel Debbie Kaczka Robert Kalka James Klein, Sr. Carol Keilman Janet Knight Susan Kolodziej Miller Krizmanic Jerome Kula Annika LeMonier Debbie LeMonier Richard LaVigne Mary Leahy Jo Lisiniewicz Edward Liskiewicz Stanley Liskiewicz Maria Lovell Charlene Madura Mary Manchak Brady Martin Jenny Mendoza Faye Meny Sandi Merlo Olga Mihalo Andrew Moll Elissa Moll David Moll Jean Narvid Donna Nichols Steven Nowaczyk Valerie O’Donnell Danny Ogren Mary Ellen O’Neill Emily Orosco Marty Pavovic Johanna Petruch Andrew Pieczyrak Elizabeth Pilones Sylvester Porras Timothy Ribble Jackie Roach Kristen Rubin Ann Sardella George Sauer Marie Schultz Marianne Schwartz William Schwartz Zachery Scriff James Secviar Jim Seul Renee Shehan Nick Skinner Lydia Skorupa Roger Slosser Carolyn Smiley Deborah Stareck Georgianne Suto Celine Szczepaniak Florence Stevens Carrie Szumelda Barbara Szypczak Rose Theis Gerardo Trevino Kathie Trudgian Anthony Ubuane Tony Vanden Heuvel Raymond Vanderbok Julia Vrbanich Pam Wadycki Adele Wall Charlotte Weglewski Stephanie Wisniewski Don Woszczynski Cecilia Ziegler Cody Ziemkowski SUNDAY, April 5 — A Blessed & Happy Easter Masses at 6:30 & 8:00 & 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 Noon MONDAY, April 6 7:00 pm Blue Army ~ Chapel 7:00 pm Schola ~ Church 7:00 pm Vocations ~ Sacristy 7:00 pm Parish Life ~ Conference Room TUESDAY, April 7 9:15 am Eucharistic Adoration (until 6:30 pm) ~ Chapel 9:30 am Moms’ Group ~ Monastery 1:00 pm Prayer/Vocations ~ Chapel 6:00 pm Divine Mercy Chaplet ~ Chapel 7:00 pm STMS Talent Show ~ Gym WEDNESDAY, April 8 9:30 am Bible Study ~ Conference Room 4:30 pm Religious Education Classes (until 6:00 p.m.) 5:00 pm RCIC ~ Conference Room 6:00 pm Handbell Practice ~ Church 7:00 pm St. Vincent De Paul ~ Conference Room THURSDAY, April 9 4:30 pm Religious Education Classes (until 6:00 p.m.) 6:30 pm Scripture Study ~ Conference Room 7:00 pm All Seasons Chorale ~ Church FRIDAY, April 10 9:00 am Gifts of Love & Warmth ~ Conference Room SATURDAY, April 11 STMS SpringFest from 4:00 p.m. –8:00 p.m. in the Gym SUNDAY, April 12 8:00 am Altar & Rosary Mass & Breakfast You Did It For Me Annette* had been ignoring the pain in her back for months, but it wasn’t going away. Her part-time job didn’t provide insurance and she could never find the money to pay for a doctor’s appointment out-of-pocket. When she heard about a low-cost clinic operated by Catholic Charities, she learned that her spine was misaligned and a small adjustment was all that was needed. She returned to a healthy, happy, fulfilling lifestyle. Last year, over 80,000 clients received health-related assistance from Catholic Charities. www.CatholicCharitiesUSA.org Pastoral Council News Each year our Parish Council calls upon our parishioners to nominate individuals from our church family to serve as members of the Parish Council. Beginning next week, you will find a ballot in the bulletin to nominate someone who you believe would be a good participant in this ministry. Please take some time this week to consider those who serve as role models in our parish and who would make a positive member of the “team” and submit a Nomination Ballot next week. Page 4 The Pastor’s Page WE ARE AN EASTER PEOPLE If then you were raised with Christ, seek what is above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Think of what is above, not of what is on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ your life appears, then you too will appear with him in glory. (Col 3:1-4) Today is Easter Sunday. We take up the ancient cry of the Church: Resurrexit sicut dixit, alleluia! (He is risen as He said, alleluia!) Yes. Alleluia! It has been a long time since we have proclaimed that word. The Alleluia -- as well as the recitation or singing of the Gloria -- are removed from the liturgy during the season of Lent. One reason, quite simply, is that Lent is an extremely penitential season. We do not shout out praise when we are focusing on our sinfulness and the need to change. Another reason is so that the joyous sound of Gloria and Alleluia may fill our hearts when they are proclaimed again on Easter. We should be filled with joy since we celebrate a great day, the day that Jesus Christ rose from the dead, effectively destroying death and restoring life for all of His people. We all know that we will die. Because of the consequence of original sin entering the world, we all became corruptible and mortal. Ah, but St. Paul wrote so wonderfully in his first letter to the Church in Corinth: Behold, I tell you a mystery. We shall not all fall asleep, but we will all be changed, in an instant, in the blink of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For that which is corruptible must clothe itself with incorruptibility, and that which is mortal must clothe itself with immortality. And when this which is corruptible clothes itself with incorruptibility and this which is mortal clothes itself with immortality, then the word that is written shall come about: Death is swallowed up in victory. Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting? Because of the consequences of the Lord's resurrection, our corruptibility may take on incorruptibility and our mortality take on immortality. What a wondrous gift! We may not understand that as well as all of its implications. Instead, I daresay, we are like the Apostles in today's Gospel who peer in to the tomb, who see nothing but a burial shroud, and who walk away wondering what it all meant. We may wonder what it means. If we pray to God, He will give us the understanding that we need. As we come to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the resurrection of the Lord, we will find that we need to continue changing our lives, continue ridding ourselves of the things that keep us from the Lord, so that we may become more like Him. A Blessed Easter to you and yours this day! EASTER THANK YOU Thank You to all who made the celebrations of Holy Week and Easter so special. In a particular way, thank you to those who decorated the church, to those who sang at the Masses and services, to those who played instruments, including our bell choirs, to those who helped to serve at the altar, to those who proclaimed the scriptures, to those who greeted the parishioners, and to those who ushered. Thanks, as well, to all those whom I may have forgotten to mention. So many people help to make our liturgies so special. May the joy of the Resurrection fill your hearts this day and all year through! MAKING A DIFFERENCE TODAY AND IN THE FUTURE We are in the midst of a capital campaign to raise 6.3 million dollars in order to make significant improvements to our church and school buildings including replacing the original boilers in our heating system as well as installing air conditioning throughout the entire complex. A few hundred parishioners have already responded to our campaign request and we will invite the remainder of the parishioners to participate in short order. When you are contacted by a campaign volunteer, kindly allow that person to come to your home and explain the campaign to you as well as all that we hope to accomplish. Please pray for the success of our capital campaign so that we can make these much needed improvements. ON THE LIGHTER SIDE Susie and her family were invited to have Easter Sunday dinner at her grandmother’s house. Everyone was seated around the table as the food was being served. When Susie received her plate, she started eating right away. “Susie, wait until we say grace,” her mother demanded. “I don’t have to,” Susie replied. “Of course you do, Susie,” her father insisted. “We always say a prayer before eating at our house.” “That’s at our house,” Susie replied. “But this is Grandma’s house, and she knows how to cook!” PLEASE REMEMBER THEM Please pray for the priests and deacons who have served the Diocese of Gary so faithfully and whose anniversaries of death are this week: April 6: Rev. Louis A. Jeziorski (1973) Rev. Gilbert G. Wirtz (1981) April 9: Rev. Leonard J. Cross (1982) Rev. Gilbert G. Wirtz (1981) April 9: Rev. Leonard J. Cross (1982) Page 5 Religious Education Virtus Training Scheduled The next Virtus Training is scheduled for Saturday, April 18th from 10:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. in the Solar Room. The Virtus program deals with the awareness and prevention of the sexual abuse of children. Due to the content of the program, absolutely NO children are permitted to attend the training. Anyone 18 years or older must be Virtus trained to volunteer or work in the school or in the parish. Please email Laura Brockway at [email protected] to reserve your seat for Virtus training and to assure we have enough materials for everyone. Please arrive promptly at 10:30 a.m. Please enter through the gymnasium doors under the carport. April Schedule 8/9 15/16 22/23 29/30 Class Class Class Last Class (except First Communicants) 6/7 Holy Communion Practice from 4:30-6:00 p.m. Wednesday classes practice on Wednesday Thursday classes practice on Thursday All Communicants must attend both days 4:30-6:00 p.m. May Schedule 13/14 Altar & Rosary Society Mass & Breakfast First Holy Communion Religious Education Students Saturday, May 16th at 10:00 a.m. in the Church. CSA Tax Receipts Acknowledgement letters/receipts for those who donated $200 or more to the Catholic Services Appeal are available upon request only by contacting Joyce Illyes at (219) 769-9292, ext. 268 or [email protected]. Sunday, April 12, 2015 at 8:00 a.m. All members of the Altar & Rosary Society are invited to attend the 8:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday, April 12th, followed by breakfast in the Cafeteria for those attending. Pews in front of the altar will be reserved for you and your family. Please call the church office at (219) 836-8610 to make your breakfast reservation. Following breakfast, we will have a short meeting and the distribution of door prizes. For more information, please call Therese at (219) 844-7715 or Kathleen at (219) 972-0539. Holy Name Society Real Men Pray! Our next regular meeting will be in the Solar Room on Lectors & Greeters for the Week Monday, April 20th at 7:00 p.m. We will begin with the Rosary, followed by a brief business meeting to discuss our upcoming Mass/Corporate Communion Breakfast and refreshments. As always, all men of the parish are invited and encouraged to attend. Saturday, April 11 5:30 pm Mass Jay Gianotti & Jennifer Jones-Garner Saturday, April 11 5:30 pm Mass Main: Dagmar Reay Chapel: Rob & Dorothy Mangus Sunday, April 12 6:30 am Mass John Brooks & Loretta Krawczyk 8:00 am Mass Richard Lasky & Linda Stefanich Mass & Corporate Communion Breakfast All members of the Holy Name Society and a spouse/guest are invited to attend the annual Mass on Sunday, April 26th at 8:00 a.m. Sunday, April 12 6:30 am Mass Chapel: Lyle & Shirley Fralich Choir: Tim & Karen Rutz followed by breakfast in the Cafeteria. Reservations must be made by contacting Captain Bill Burke at (219) 322-6462. RSVP deadline is Monday, April 12th. 8:00 am Mass Chapel: Mary Silvasi Choir: Cheryl Steinhauer 10:00 am Mass John Kovach & Theresa Kowalski 10:00 am Mass Main: Denise & Tim Szorc and Allison Rusnak Chapel: Zuccarelli Family Choir: Dwight & Mary Ann Reed 12:00 Noon Mass Christopher Balbo & Bernadine E. Barrett 12:00 Noon Mass Main: Diane Gralewski Choir: Pat Batchelder Gabriel Project The Gabriel Project Ministry is still in need of pac' n plays to assist our new mothers and their babies. If your child/grandchild is no longer in need of their pac’n play, please consider donating it, and its sheets, to our ministry. Please call Marilyn at (219) 972-2473 if you can help. Page 6 April 5, 2015 St. Thomas More School On behalf of the Students and Staff of St. Thomas More School, we extend our best wishes to all for a Happy & Blessed Easter. St. Thomas More School Distinguished Honorees Each year during Catholic Schools Week, the students and staff of St. Thomas More School acknowledge special members of their school community who have consistently shown their dedication to our school and the importance of a Catholic Education. We are very pleased to announce Heriberto and Oralia Flores as the recipients of the 2015 Belief in Catholic Education Award. The Flores’ have been part of St. Thomas More School since 1997 when their eldest of four sons, Herbie, began kindergarten at STMS. Over these 18 years, the Flores and their children have been an integral part of our Spring Fest 2015 Fun for the Whole Family! Everyone is invited to the annual St. Thomas More School SpringFest sponsored by the STMS Parent Association. Pictured (front): Miguel Flores, Oralia Flores, Fr. Mike Yadron, Heriberto Flores, Jr. Alejandro Flores and Heriberto Flores, Sr. (back): St. Thomas More School Assistant Principal, Cindy Block and St. Thomas More School President, Noreen Bickel. school community. They place a great value on the many positive benefits of a Catholic education, with each of their eldest sons continuing their high school education at Andrean. This spring their youngest son, Alex, will graduate from St. Thomas More School and follow in his older brothers Herbie, Adam, and Miguel’s footsteps by attending Andrean this fall. Thank you Herb and Oralia, for entrusting your children’s elementary education to St. Thomas More School. Best wishes to your family; we will miss you next year. Saturday, April 11th 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the St. Thomas More Gym Lots to Do Games & Activities for All Ages Face Painting • Photo Booth Pick-A-Prize • Sand Art • Raffles Cake Walk and More… Everyone is invited. Come One! Come All! Hurry! Registration Now! Classes are filling quickly! To schedule a tour of our facilities or to learn more about the many advantages of a Catholic education at St. Thomas More School please contact Pam Pasyk at (219) 836-9151, ext. 309 or email: [email protected]. Don’t delay. Tours are given on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Come see what we’re all about! Page 7 Senior Citizens STM Career Networking Group Meetings are held at 1:00 p.m. in the Kish Community Room, 10000 Calumet Avenue in Munster (unless otherwise noted). Our group is open to any senior members of our parish. Wednesday, April 15th Social Gathering 80% of Jobs are Unadvertised 82% of Jobs are found through Networking 15% Found through Search Firms • 10% Found through Want Ads 4% Create Their Own Jobs • 2% Blindly Send Resumes Monthly Luncheon Join us for great food & engaging conversation on Monday, April 27th at 11:30 a.m. Thursday, April 16, 2015 Sheffield Restaurant 1027 Sheffield in Dyer (just south of Maria Goretti) No reservation is required, just your company! 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Season of Hope Wednesday, May 6th Fr. Ed Shea, OFM Annual Spring Luncheon & Installation of New Officers Fr. O’Shea is a charismatic, storytelling universal speaker, a Franciscan of the Sacred Heart Providence and a resident at St. Peter's in the Loop. • A feeling of expectation • A firm assurance of things that are unclear • Belief that future circumstances will be better STM Weis Center 8635 Calumet Avenue • Munster, IN When: The 3rd Thursday of Every Month Time: 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Email: [email protected] Regular Meetings are Free! Open to All! For those who are unemployed (in transition), new to the job market, employed but changing careers or those who can offer employment opportunities through their current professional connections. Have your cover letter, resume or thank you note critiqued by a professional. Wednesday, July 15th Annual Senior Picnic 12:00 Noon to 4:00 p.m. in the Solar Room for all current Senior Citizen ministry members Where: Wedding Anniversary Mass Catholic Charities is hosting its annual Wedding Anniversary Mass and Reception with Bishop Hying at the Cathedral of Holy Angels in Gary on Saturday, May 9, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. Join other couples celebrating their 25th, 40th, 50th or 50+ Year Anniversary in this Catholic Charities sponsored event. Reception to follow. Please complete a reservation form, found in our Parish Office by Wednesday, April 15th. Seating is limited. Call (219) 886-3549, x331 to learn more. Right to Life Marriage Encounter Weekends Annual Fundraiser Deepen your communication, rekindle your romance and renew your Sacrament by attending the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter. Weekends: April 17-19 • June 12-14 • August 7-9 All take place in Elk Grove Village, IL Early registration is recommended. Contact Jim or Kris at (630) 577-0778 or http://wwme-chicagoland.org. to reserve. Lake County Right to Life will be hosting the annual fundraising banquet at the Avalon Manor in Merrillville on Friday, April 10, 2015 from 6:00-9:00 p.m. Ryan Bomberger from the Radiance Foundation will be our guest speaker. You can make your reservations by visiting http://www.lakecortl.org/banquet.html. We are in need of underwriters, table sponsors, and patron ad donors for this event. And there are multiple opportunities to advertise in our program book. Please contact us for more information or to help with a sponsorship. Save the Date! All of Our Parish Volunteers are Winners! Celebrate the 141st Run for the Roses Kentucky Derby-style as STM says St. Vincent De Paul During this Easter season, please consider a donation to those who are less fortunate by contributing to the St. Vincent de Paul Society. One might consider that when the poor call the parish for food or utility assistance they are calling upon you! The SVDP Food Pantry needs the following items: Spaghetti Sauce • Canned Meat/Fish • Peanut Butter • Jelly Soup • Rice • Boxed Potatoes Bar Soap • Toothpaste • Shampoo Thank You to the many volunteers who assist our parish throughout the year. Dinner • Dancing • Mint Juleps & Sweet Tea Derby Hat Contest for men & women with prizes. Saturday, May 2nd -6:30 p.m.—STM Social Center Watch upcoming bulletins for a reservation form. Reservation deadline is April 20th. Page 8 Join Other Young Catholic Adults "Painting Possibilities" All young Catholic adults in their 20’s & 30’s, married & single are invited to join Watercolor+Wine Fundraising Event Enjoy an afternoon creating a spring landscape watercolor, guided by local artist and instructor Alice Nebelsiek Piorkowski. Cash wine bar, auction baskets and raffles will be available. Due to the popularity of this event, we are repeating this event: Bishop Don Hying for a “Q & A” Session Friday, April 10th from 7:00 p.m.–8:30 p.m. Whiting Knights of Columbus 1120-119th Street in Whiting Young adults will be encouraged to share their thoughts, ideas and opinions on the issues they face today. Bring a friend or two and make it a night out, beginning with a healthy dialogue about the Church...and the roles young adults will play in her future. Admission is free. Cash bar offered. RSVP’s required on or before April 8th. RSVP via event Facebook page (see facebook.com/dogaryyam for link) or email [email protected]. For info about our monthly events, visit dgyoungadult.com. Sunday, April 12th from 1:00-4:00 p.m. St. Thomas More Weis Center • 8635 Calumet in Munster Tickets are $50 each and must be ordered in advance. Space is limited and may sell out quickly, so don’t delay. Donations of goods/services for our auction baskets are cheerfully accepted! Must be 21. Purchase tickets atwww.plantingpossibilities.org, email: [email protected] or call (219) 237-9353. Proceeds benefit Planting Possibilities, a 501c3 nonprofit with the mission to provide job-skills training, employment & volunteer opportunities for adults with autism and other developmental disabilities in Lake County, IN. Msgr. Ryder K of C Council on Wednesday, April 15th from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. For tickets, call Rich Brown (219)769-2833. Advanced tickets: $8 Regular Meal/$6 Petite Meal At the door tickets: $9 Regular Meal/$7 Petite Meal Dyngus Day Celebration Monday, April 6th (day after Easter). Enjoy this traditional Polish celebration at All Saints Church, 570 Sibley Street in Hammond with food and drinks (pop, beer & wine) and music by Take Five from 6:30-9:30 p.m. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Tickets are $20/person (reservations required). Limited space. Call Maryann at (219) 932-0204 for tickets and info. Swieconka Post-Easter Luncheon The Polish Women's Alliance will celebrate its "Swieconka" postEaster luncheon on April 18th at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 1104 Knights of Columbus Drive in East Chicago (across from the South Shore Station). Doors open at Noon. Lunch at 1:00 p.m. Cost: $35/adults & $7.50/children under12. Reservations are due by April 13th by calling Delphine Huneycutt at 219-218-4420. Spring Luncheon Ridge United Methodist Church, 8607 Columbia Avenue in Munster, is proud to present their annual “Spring is in the Air” Luncheon on Thursday, April 9th from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Doors open at 10:45 a.m. for the Bake Sale. Donation of $10/adult & $4/children. Express line & carry-outs available. Quarter Auction Fundraiser The Shrine of Christ’s Passion He is Risen! Indeed He is Risen! Visit the Shrine of Christ’s Passion during this Easter Season. Shrine Adopt-A-Station Volunteers Please consider joining our Shrine Adopt-A-Station Volunteers. As our busy season approaches, we are in need of a few more people willing to give a small amount of time to help keep the statue scenes along the Prayer Trail looking beautiful. Please call (219) 365-6010 if you are interested in helping. “Casino Royale” Las Vegas Night The Knights of Columbus #8082 are sponsoring a Las Vegas Night at St. James Hall, 45th & Kennedy in Highland, on Saturday, April 11th from 6:10 p.m. to Midnight. Lots of casino games (blackjack, roulette, 3-card stud, Caribbean stud, money wheel, beat-the-dealer and more). $10 donation includes all food and beverages. Must be 21 or older to attend. For more information, please call (219) 718-3787. Meatloaf Dinner A Meatloaf Dinner fundraiser is being held at St. Andrew’s Ameling Hall, 801 W. 73rd in Merrillville by the St. Stephen Martyr Women's Club “Quarters -4-A- Cause” is April 19th at American Legion Post 430, 7430 Broadway in Merrillville. Noon start/Auction at 1:00 p.m. Tickets available at the door. Join us for an afternoon of fun. Bids on the items are 1 to 4 quarters. Lunch available. For more info: Maureen (219) 980-9348. Share Foundation Needs You Share Foundation with the Handicapped is looking for individuals to work at weekend camps for developmentally disabled adults. If you are fun-loving, over the age of 16 & want to share your time & talents with our special campers as staff members, our weekend Spring Mini-Camps will be held: April 17-19 and May 15-17. Please call Nick Roland at (219)778-2585 or [email protected]. Homemade Pierogi St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Church (Ridge & White Oak)will resume pierogi sales the week of April 13th. Easter blessings to all! We hope to see you after the Easter holiday. Wounded Healers The Spring/Summer session of Wounded Healers, a non-denominational grief support program, will begin on Wednesday, April 29th. Watch upcoming bulletins for full details. Page 9 Please keep these individuals from our Easter Flower Memorials in your prayers: Mr. & Mrs. J. Leask Delores Petrovich Charles Petrovich Charles Petrovich Jr. Edward Skibinski Esther Skibinski Linda Mary Skibinski Jerome Skibinski Joe Bobalik Steve Zelenika Adeline Pisarski Ann Starcevich Mary Zelenika Mary Ellen Kuntarich Elizabeth Noworyta Marie Borowiec Robert & Patricia Kalka Virginia Garcia Greg & Lil Molinaro Amadel & Pearl Gregoline Gregory R. Molinaro Gene Gregoline Catherine Wiech Ploszaj Boleslaw Ploszaj Chester Milen Walter & Bill Pietrszak Ficht Family Mr. & Mrs. William Garzinski, Sr. William Garzinski Jr. Shirlee Lebryk Kathleen Balon Adeline Balon Oblon Families Gauger Families Rose Krizmanic Joseph Pawlak Pelc Family Jeffrey Richards Joanne Darrington Mary A. Martin Paul L. Martin Carmi Massaro Regina Linkowski Rita Kopenec Sajna John Rybicki The Rybicki Family The Galkowski Family Edward Marquardt Paul Hasselbring Ernie Hasselbring Henry Hasselbring Mona Powers Jack Powers Jack Cauham Grandma Cauham Robert Weglewski Leokadia Jaworski Tadeusz Jaworski Walter Bogielczyk Joanne Darrington Andrew & Helen Onda Martha & Elizabeth Jarvis John Horvath Bill Kontrimas John Rybicki Barbara Jarvis Mary Galkowski Joe & Stephanie Rybicki Leonard & Irene Galkowski Thomas & Hannah Keaveney Adam & Sylvia Kretz Bill & Ada McCullum Amado & Delfina Cabrera Janet Bluml Dario Banda Ralph Miller Margaret Miller Delphine Kinst Louis Retseck Martha Kamont John Maye Ann Ivan Mike Ivan William C. Gerlach George E. Abelseth Daniel L. Gerlach Jacqueline M. Gerlach Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Maicher Patricia & John Thomas Ray & Bernice Brandner Stanley & Harriet Sliwa David Brandner Marilyn Strong Robert Mannix Mannix Family Jim Folta Folta/Stribiak Families Grandpa Folta Ann Carnavacciolo Raffaella Carnavacciolo Gennaro Carnavacciolo Salvatore Carnavacciolo Szymanski Family McGrath Family Zegaczewski Family Ferkich Family Zega Family Madonia Family George Behrens Patricia Reppa Jerry Reppa Sandy Koehler William O’Rourke Dolores Koch William Koch Walter Liszewski Mr. & Mrs. Wayne E. Berdine Gretchen Nordyke Mr. & Mrs. Harold Nordyke Mrs. Wilma Nordyke Mr. & Mrs. Drue F. Berdine Mrs. Karen Pruizn Sister M. Arilda, OSF Sister M. Angelita, OSF Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Strudas Thaddeus Kopczynski Annette Barcelo Joey Crescent Ed Magurany Carlos F. Uy Sieng Uy Eustaquia Falisawans Page 10 Sophie & Walter Szynalik Roberg Gregor Edward Wiewiora Stanley Szynalik Kunkel/Sagan Familes Jean Maloney MaryJean Christy Mary Wuellner Patricia Masterton Bernice Masterton George Mattingly Carlos Rodriguez Carlos Rodriguez Sr. The Avgerinos Family The Fitzpatrick Family Mary & Walter Puterko Anthony & Elizabeth Ciesko Ruth I. Paganis Theodore C. Paganis Sr. Madeleine Josif Forszt Dr. A.A. Forszt Sr. Maxine McLear Marie Wojciehowski Maria “Vivian” Keyes Richard Kotfer John & Sophia O’Block Clarence & Florence Nitz John O’Block Jr. Pagorek Family Maria Ebert Sonja & Fred Mendoza Edward Lula Louis M. Klein Weidenfeller Families Clauson Families Dagnillo Families Dan Shudick Julian Furman Julia Furman Harold Garcia Frank Gradisher Nowak Family Gradisher Family Magurany & Pelczar Families Tom & Mary Ann Magurany John & Sylvia Hmurovic Thomas & Helen Krull Donna Jean Strange Ann Lessie Madajczyk Family Simko Family Dernulc & Sajn Families Trevor Alexander June Remec Susie & John Baran Cletus O’Drobinak Mary & Andrew Hanusin Dick E. McLaughlin Ernest Havran Stephen & Melvina Shondel Florence Savage Steven L. Shondel Havran Family Wm & Gertrude Wolak Family McLaughlin Anne Marie Baker Jim McLaughlin Hortencia de Garcia .George & Margaret Kolina Mr. & Mrs. Casimer Sajdyk Stanley & Anna Jasinski and Sons Frank Jasinski Walter Casimer Jr. & Lee Pete Puentes Richard Rudnick Phyllis Meyer Violet Kontol Deceased Members of Ingbretson Family Schreiner Family Grimsley Family Anna Kanic Canoni Family Martin Kanic Bianchi Family Marca Libel Agostino Femminella Gorg Kanich Antonietta Femminella Greg Hirsch Carmelo Scalzo Jim Haugh William & Catherine O’Brien Thomas Boblink Joseph & Mary Figler Joseph & Rose Pagliero Robert Figler Frank Boblink Jr. John Figler Jared Barlow Maria Barajas Pawlowski Family Regina Famodu Lesniewski Family Julius Famodu Lesniewicz Family Victoria Akinsanya Behland Family Kunle Famodu Humpfer & Nowicki Garrett & Jeffrey DeVries Families Frank Markey Helen Murzyn Deceased of Szczepaniak Carol Ribble & Helminski Families Frank Ribble Mr. & Mrs. Casimir Wujek Vivian Ribble Norbert Wujek Spencer Ribble William J. Slusarczyk Don Earl Mr. & Mrs. W. S. Slusarczyk Thomas J. Roach Sr. Maryann Frederisy John A. Mockus Sr. Cruz Gutierrez Harriet G. Mockus Ben Gutierrez John A. Mockus Jr. Margarita Alvarez Thomas Skarbek Aureliano Alvarez McIntosh-Kukta-Visovatti Al Wozniak Families/Relatives/Friends Irene Kuzma Josephine Wawro Grandparents, Parents, Walter Wawro Brother (Frey) of Josephine Anna & Andy Furjel Neverauskas Melencio San Diego Elizabeth & Herman Cenan San Diego Rueckert Sergio San Diego Zvonimir & Daniel Jugovic Mary James Clayton James Grandma Delgado Grandma Shade Aunt Linda Nana James Sabella Noreen Coppolillo Charles Lynch Cecilia Lynch Mildred Brunner Tom Eder Harriet LaBounty Larry Brazzale Bob Gamboa Leonore Brazzale Raquel Bermejo Helen Reffkin Jack L. DeBoer Catalina Del Real Jesus & Mercedes Alvarez Maria Ramos Meme Alvarez Mike Haro Johnny & Nena Alvarez Paul Hayduch George & Dolores Young Rosemary King Virginia Pancheri Joseph Dubeck Robert Waters Leonard & Katie Mills Clarence & Nina Jones Louis Kovach John & Marie Dillon Leatha Dillon Emily Kolbus Benny Mach Margie Mach Irene Franciski Chester Franciski Emma Conway Joanne Modrzejewski Pat Matts Mary Modrzejewski Van Modrzejewski Edward & Stella Olszewski Martin & Bernice Pieters Robert Samardzjia Ziemkiewicz & Szymakowski Families Page 11 Jesus Cantu Dorothy Cantu Martin Becella George Burns Frances Burns James Callahan Clarence Szorc Edna Jasieniecki Edward Rudakas Eugene Dobkowski Dolores DeVries John DeVries Alexander Dobkowski Taszanski & Zivich Families Stephen Arent Rosemarie Arent John Albizati Lois Strain Steve & Katherine Mardjetico Francis Mikolanis Dorothy Blumka Louis Blumka Joseph & Dorothy Yerga Paul & Joann Casper Maria Misevska Dominic & Agnes Candiano Bernard & Pearl Novak Edwin Hamilton Diana Alvarado Charlotte Ziemkiewicz Marguerite Boutin Maurice Boutin Robert Zavada LaVigne Family Devoy Family Joe Henneberry Doris Glegg Katelyn Gallagher Sheila Miksis Gerald Jenkins, Jr. Jo Ann Sommer Edward Ballanco John F. Macknyk Barbara Macknyk Helen Zbos Deceased Karulski Family Mark Marczak Stanley Marczak Nancy Winiecki Julia Gacek Robert Tolnai Richard Younkers Alfredo Gimalay Bonifacia Z. Gimalay Rogelio Pastrana Leonila Pastrana Marilyn Strong Eileen Puskedra John & Shelba Klyczek Joey Puskedra Frank Kish Tim Kish Stodola Family Churley Family Neal & Jo Tolley Allen & Rita Alexander Lore Waclawek Anne Baranowski John & Lottie Spudic Joseph Justynski Ed & Irma Smiley Isaac Christian Larsen Roland Kwasny Andrew & Alma Novotny John & Helen Kwasny Marilou Langer Marilyn Strong Michael S. Bittner Alfredo Crisante Rose & Jim Vincent Frank Simko Mr. & Mrs. W. Petersen Chip Petersen Alice Kotso Mr. & Mrs. Luigi Buffone Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Belmonte Mr. & Mrs. Francesco Ruffolo Joseph Buffone Marino Liberio Norbert Lewandowski Carmen Salazar Manuel Salazar Steve Sarnowski Lucy Siatta Helen Skurka Ed Ceccacci Milivoje Milosavljevic Karen Rhodes Alfredo Sierra Jr. Guadalupe Rizo Andrew & Mary Pellar Agnes & Charles Reed Robert C. Reed Judge Wm J. Obermiller Obermiller Family Odlivak Family Gallucia Family Robert Wierzbinski Pam Svoboda Theo McDonough Peter & Esther Wong Sr. P.S. & W. S. Lee Robert & S.N. Wong Edward Lee & Charles Mary Ann Segvich Maria Torres Victor Torres Sr. Esperanza Lerma Alfonso Lerma Sr. Frank Woszczynski Laura Woszczynski Clara Reihel Emma & Frank Reihel Angeline Herman Jurewicz Family Kalwasinski Family Thomas Browne George Browne Florence Browne Rose Krizmanic Stephen Sajn Anna Dernulc Edward Dernulc, Sr. Helen Danclovich David G. Wysocki Carrie & Edward Wisniewski Janina Krysinski Trinidad Alonzo Dr. John W. Gustaitis Sr. Josephine Booth Ursula Gustaitis Madelyn Udowski Anthony Udowski Gene Leahy Tony J. Lopiccolo Irene & Stefan Kwiecien Christine Komyatte Peter Komyatte Sophie Cengel Anthony Cengel Peggy Kienzle Norman Banas Colleen Lusk Phyllis Spencer Raymond Spencer Paul Spencer Charles Spencer Antonio Porras Jr. & Sr. J.D. & Reba Brown Hector & Adrian Porras Arlis Stanfield Marciala Perez Marcos Perez Robert Perez Anna & Michael Monak Everett Meier Edwin Nadratowski Lorene Femminella Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Smosna Mr. & Mrs. William Vance Khatarina Grimm Elizabeth Seitz Joseph & Ruth Conrad Sean O’Keefe Frank & Ann Zipko Walter & Harriet Giba Ngo Seng Joseph Simplicia Ngo Doling Yee Deceased Relatives of NgoFamily Cathy Somenzi Gloria Stanley Tony Padilla Michael Padilla Wanda Mazerik Paul Mazerik Hayden & Doretta Fox Royce W. Johnson Edward Feddeler Caroline Hepner Harold Hepner Eugene & Aileen Walczak Page 12 Harry & Margaret Kender Victor & Louise Schullt Ed Magerl Sr. Andrew M. Kusek Jean Kusek E. Dale King Ruth King John Balka Faye Nunnery Wm J. Spinar Sr. Estelle V. Spinar Michael J. Spinar Frank G. Dudek Andrew & Mary Banas Donald & Jeri Banas Miguel Mota Deceased Members of Banik & Piniak Families Anne & Richard Osborn Officer Robert Gallowitch Mary Ellen Kuntarich Norman L. Banas William & Rosalia Kress Mrs. Mikey Thomson Tommy Thomson Jr. Victor & Mary Kocur Edward Ciba Jr. & Helen Ciba Janice Ciba Marcello Espitia Robert Rodriguez Sr. Frank Salazar Frank & Adeline McIntyre Bill & Pearl VanSomeren Rita Florek Johnny Uram Harry & Dolores Flisiak Stanley & Emily Jablonski Ed & Joan Wolak Emily Therese Domasica Therese Domasica In Honor of: Miskovich Family Diane Markey Dede Morrow Caitlin & Rachel Morrow
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