Chapter T2 Happenings Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge Heritage Wings April 2015 NATIONAL DIRECTOR Ray & Sandy Garris 21423 N. 11th Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85027 540-623-0447 [email protected] From the Chapter Director (Check back next month.) REGION D DIRECTOR Region D Great Lakes Ohio District Chapter Contact Information: CHAPTER DIRECTOR Louie & Becky Schatzberg Phone (937) 848-8749 Email:director@oh Lee & Kay Tieche 11290 S 450E Elizabethtown, IN 47232-9522 [email protected] Phone: (812) 579-6500 STARTING IN MAY OUR CHAPTER GATHERINGS WILL BEGIN AT 7:00PM OHIO DISTRICT DIRECTOR Rudy & Linda Copeland 5278 St Rt 29 E Sidney, OH 45365 [email protected] or [email protected] Phone: (937) 498-1651 ASST. DISTRICT DIRECTOR Darrin Ebright 2761 Crone Road Beavercreek, OH 45434 [email protected] or [email protected] Phone: (937) 427-8832 DISTRICT EDUCATOR Bill & Katie Wilson [email protected] or [email protected] Phone: (330) 507-3552 Inside this issue: From the Chapter Director 1 Anniversaries & Birthdays 2 Local Chapters Gathering Listing / Info 2 Rider Education 3 Membership Enhancement 6 T2 Team Members 7 Words from the Webmaster 7 T2 Happenings - Editorial 7 Ride Schedule 8 Karen’s Korner 8 March Gathering Pictures 9 Bowling Pictures 10 Toy Ride Flyer 11 Buckeye Rally Registration Flyer 12& 13 Region D Cruise Flyer 14 April Calendar 15 T2’s Monthly Gatherings are held on the first Tuesday of the month (except September) and start at 7:30pm at the Northridge Church of the Nazarene located at 2215 Maplegrove Ave, Dayton, OH Gold Wing Road Riders Association P.O. Box 42450, Phoenix, AZ 85080-2450 (800) 843-9460 April 2015 Chapter T2 Happenings - Heritage Wings Page 2 Be the first to say, “Hello! ” Meeting times and dates of our local Chapters: April Birthdays: Chapter E2 - the first Thursday @ 7:30 PM New England Club, 8100 Beechmont Ave, SR125, Cincinnati. 1 - Linda Copeland 18 - Ben Turner 7 - Harry Rubenkoenig 27 - Bob Rautzen 7 - Darrin Ebright 16 - Libby Richards Chapter F - the fourth Saturday @ 9:30 AM, Rousch's Restaurant, Main Street, Fairborn. Chapter N2 - the fourth Saturday @ 10:00 AM, Tradition's Restaurant, 78 N. Howard St., Sabina. April Anniversaries: 3 - Paul & Sharon Watkins 4 - Jerry & Libby Richards If your Birthday or Anniversary falls in this month and is not listed, please advise me of the date. Tim Fleming - Newsletter Editor Chapter X2 - the third Saturday @ 9:30 AM, Otterbein Retirement Community, SR 741, Lebanon. GWRRA Rider Education Levels Program Chapter T2 Member Levels Status & Recognition Chapter Couple of the Year Chat We were very happy to have been T2’s 2014 Chapter Couple. It was the second time around for us and we felt very honored that the Chapter would single us out again to bestow this honor. We enjoy greeting new and current members to our gatherings. Over the years we’ve met a lot of great people!! We need to select a couple for 2015. Four Couples from Ohio vied for the 2015 District Couple of the Year at Cabin Fever. All four were great candidates but Chuck & Melanie Geggie of Chapter E-2 (Cincinnati) came out on top. They will make a great Couple and will represent our District fantastically. Gary & Carol Meyerholtz were selected as Region D Couple of the Year in Kendallville, IN at the Region D Rally. All three couples did a fantastic job during their presentations. John & Dee Ayers made Ohio Proud. Gary & Carol were the Indiana District Couple of the Year and will represent our Region well at Wing Ding 37 in September. To find out more about Gary & Carol visit the following website h tt p: / /www. in d ian a onw ing s. o rg / sta f f_ bi o _p ag es / coy_2014.phtml. Level 1 Jerry Miller Charlie Tobias Norma Tobias Jane Warner Level 1I Emily Wise Tom Warner Paul Watkins Sharon Watkins Randy Wise Level III Gary Hart Becky Schatzberg Louie Schatzberg John Wissinger Karen Wissinger Level IV Linda Fleming - #5486 Tim Fleming - #5389 Evelene Lantz - #2671 Ride safe and we hope to see everyone soon! Tim & Linda Fleming 2003 & 2014 T2 Chapter Couple 2003-2004 Ohio District Couple 2004 - 2005 Region D Couple “Southwest - The Best” April 2015 Chapter T2 Happenings - Heritage Wings Page 3 Rider Education SERIOUSLY SAFE TOP TEN LIST 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. TAKE FORMAL TRAINING AND GET LICENSED. WEAR ALL GEAR WHEN RIDING. RIDE UNAFFECTED BY ALCOHOL OR DRUGS. ASSUME OTHERS DON’T SEE YOU. MAINTAIN 360˚ AWARENESS. CREATE A SPACE CUSHION ALL AROUND. ENTER INTERSECTIONS AND CURVES WITH CAUTION. PRACTICE EMERGENCY BRAKING AND SWERVING. SAVE AGGRESSIVE RIDING FOR THE RACETRACK. REFRESH YOUR SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE REGULARLY. Just one more note as you ride this Spring. "WATCH OUT FOR THE POTHOLES" Have a Happy 2015 by Riding Safely. Paul & Sharon Watkins Rider Educator Ohio Chapter T2 Potholes Compliments of the MSF Wing Ding 37 September 3-6, 2015 Huntsville, Alabama April 2015 Chapter T2 Happenings - Heritage Wings Page 4 FBI Admits All Registered Motorcycle Owners Are On Classified Gang List Rich-Joseph Facun / AP Images for Harley Davidson MSNBC correspondent Jeremy Lancaster sat down with government official Darrin Cornia to discuss recent rumors that have been in circulation in regard to registered motorcycle owners being placed on a classified FBI gang list. Darrin Cornia who currently holds a position within the National Security Branch of the government agreed to complete transparency prior to the interview with MSNBC’s Jeremy Lancaster and did remain direct and seemingly forthright throughout his conversation with Lancaster. After a few moments of introduction, Lancaster bluntly asked the following question,” Mr. Cornia, if I were to make the statement, all registered motorcycle owners are currently showing on a classified FBI gang list, would the statement be true or false? Cornia responded by saying, “That would be a true statement, the FBI has been collecting and compiling Department of Motor Vehicles and Drivers License Division records for the purpose of adding those that own motorcycles to a classified gang list since 1994. Lancaster asked Cornia to explain the reasoning behind the list which seems inappropriately broad, to Cornia answered the question with the following statement, “It’s nothing more than collecting and utilizing data. We may not like to April 2015 Chapter T2 Happenings - Heritage Wings Page 5 Lancaster asked Cornia to explain the reasoning behind the list which seems inappropriately broad, to Cornia answered the question with the following statement, “It’s nothing more than collecting and utilizing data. We may not like to admit it, but the truth of the matter is that those that own and operate motorcycles are 67% more likely to be involved in illegal or criminal activity than those that do not own or operate a motorcycle.” The National Security Official went on to explain, “It’s the same as firearms, if local P.D or Highway Patrol were to pull someone over that is a registered firearm owner, that officer has the right to know this information going into the interaction, the same could be said about a local P.D or Highway Patrol Officer that pulled over a registered motorcycle owner, the situations are honestly interchangeable in the eyes of National and Homeland Security. MSNBC correspondent Jeremy Lancaster asked Cornia if placing citizens on a gang list just because they are registered motorcycle owners is considered as profiling, Cornia responded to the question by saying, “as a nation do we complain when we add someone that has a Crips or Bloods tattoo to a gang list even though the individual swears up and down that they don’t have gang affiliation? Again these are 2 situations that are interchangeable, we can’t pick and choose.” Lancaster asked how individuals can find out if they are on this classified gang list to which Cornia responded, “Did you register a motorcycle or obtain a Class M license anytime between the year 1994 and 2015? If so, than you are on the list.” The MSNBC correspondent concluded the interview by asking Cornia, “aside from potential profiling from law enforcement, are there potentially any additional consequences of being on this gang list?” Cornia responded by saying, “the purpose of the list is to collect and utilize data, not to create consequences. Aside from notifying law enforcement that you are a registered motorcycle owner or operator, it can show up to potential employers on select background checks.” Article from Left: John & Karen Wissinger enjoying their meal at the Waffle House at the T2 Fund Raiser. Right: Linda chats with Roger & Penny Hurley with their two grandchildren at the V an da l i a W af f l e House Spirit Night Fund Raiser for T2 on March 19th. April 2015 Chapter T2 Happenings - Heritage Wings Page 6 Membership Enhancement WOW! Here it is April already. Where has 2015 gone? It's been a busy year, and April promises to continue that trend. Along with welcoming spring & the promise of warmer weather & riding more, we will also celebrate Easter, Good Friday and April Fool’s Day! We will once again begin our T2 Tuesday rides and we have two Thursday dinner rides this month which someone else will explain elsewhere in the newsletter. Several T2 members signed up for the ARC in Wilmington on Saturday the 11th in preparation for the riding season and to hone the skills needed for a successful riding season. Since Karen is still limited on her traveling skills, I attended the Spring Officer's meeting in Canfield without her and got a view of the Fairgrounds Buckeye Rally Site. I also attended the OH B-3 Seminar Blitz and was advised that I'm suffering from GAS! In fact, the entire room was!! Ask Margaret Moore about that. Time to wrap it up for another month, but remember to get your New Member Recruiting Kits in order and in your bikes, ready to give out whenever the situation presents itself. Also, check your GWRRA card expiration date. We want to keep everyone current so we can continue to have fun! April Puzzle C V F V G D R D G A X W W I L H Q M J T M R V N K M D A S P R I N G G N A X X D Z E T R P J T J Q C R N W U X U Z D B G P M L B M H T Y K R F E R E N A U Z N N R E A O E M M L U A E E Z D H P Z Q Y Q W Z A R D S D Q E D M H Y I S R X Y H O N P I S A E R S I R B T Q R S I E I T Z O N D X T O E R A H H T I R D L F T F Q G M Y J P E Y W G U E O G E W F P K B P K Y S A R A R R R V F E W N B O M P Q Y Y R I A D Y E S R E J S G N U O Y O W L A T G S M I D G U C T B D I S L P K Q U Z G E D N A R O B N X N L D O S X J R A L U F Y Y S S F U T D J G B U D G Z I H T S G U B U Y H D X I A Y J P A P T I R A R K J Q Z D Y T O A R Y O N Y Z C Z N Y A D N U S M L A P O A U M I Q P S W T N T E A M M E E T I N G D C G K Q X M N April 2015 R G M R X O V Q D R R P M D H U G L U Y Y V E D T U A Y B N N K O X T Q Z B A Y APRILFOOLSDAY ARC DINNERRIDE EASTERSUNDAY GATHERING GOODFRIDAY MAUNDYTHURSDAY MELODEE PALMSUNDAY SOUPNIGHT SPRING TEAMMEETING TRC TUESDAYRIDE WARMER YOUNGSJERSEYDAIRY Chapter T2 Happenings - Heritage Wings CHAPTER DIRECTOR RIDE COORDINATOR Louie & Becky Schatzberg Charlie Tobias [email protected] [email protected] We attended the District Spring Officers Meeting last month with John & Karen Wissinger and Louie Schatzberg. The meeting was held in one of the buildings we will be using at the 2015 Buckeye Rally in June. We were able to take a tour of the grounds to check the layout. It appears to be a well kept facility with plenty of room to accommodate us all. They boast of having a very large area for camping. Linda & I stayed at the Comfort Inn in Austintown and right next door someone has remodeled a Hotel building and it’s called Hotel California. It hasn’t opened yet for business but should in the next few weeks. They had quite a few artificial (plastic I assume) palm trees throughout the parking lot. Based on some things I saw it is going to be a high-priced Hotel with all kinds of rooms. There is a Hollywood Casino in Austintown, maybe some Rally goers may try their luck there. If they stay at the new Hotel will they ever leave? SUNSHINE LADY Sharon Watkins Karen Wissinger [email protected] CHAPTER EDUCATOR GOODIES Paul Watkins Norma Tobias [email protected] [email protected] MEMBERSHIP COORD. MOTORIST AWARENESS John Wissinger Vacant [email protected] CHAPTER COUPLE OF TREASURER Linda Fleming THE YEAR On March 19th, T2 had another fund raiser at the Waffle House in Vandalia. We had a good turn-out but probably not as many attendees as we had back in January, but we still were able to add to our funds. We plan to have one more Waffle House Spirit Night Fund raiser this year in October. The Waffle House makes it easy for us to raise money for our chapter and we thank you for helping us out. Chapter F has a Spirit Night Fund raiser scheduled for April 15th at the Waffle House across from The Greene. Please plan on going there. We need to support them as they did us. [email protected] WEBMASTER Paul Watkins [email protected] Our Motto... "Safety is for Life" Our Mission... "To Save Lives Through Quality, World Class Education" Our next Chapter Gathering is Tuesday April 7th. We will be having a Soup Night prior to the meeting starting at 6:30pm in lieu of going to Marion’s Piazza. Please plan to get there a little early to set-up your soup if you volunteered to provide one of the pots of soups We have volunteers bringing other goodies which include drinks and desserts. Hope to see you there. Wo r d s F r o m O u r We b m a s t e r Did You Know Chapter T2 Has A Web Page? Well if you didn’t know, you know now. You can find it at on the World Wide Web. We try to put up useful information to help those who are a part of our Chapter, those who are looking to join a chapter and Friends. Some things you can find on our web page are: Information about GWRRA, Region D, Ohio District, Southern Section, Wing Ding, Staff and contact information, Ride Schedule, Current Newsletter, Photos of rides and events, Gatherings (meetings) information and location, Classified Information and Safety and Maintenance links that are helpful to all who ride. So what are you waiting for? Click the link above and check out GWRRA Ohio Chapter T2’s Web Page. Paul K. Watkins, Web Master 7 T2 Happenings Phone (937) 848-8749 ASST. CHAPTER DIRECTOR Page Starting with our May Gathering we have changed the start time for our gatherings to 7pm. We discussed this at one of our previous Team meetings and at our last Team Meeting we decided to implement the earlier start times starting with May. In April our T2 Tuesday rides start back up again with the first one on April 14th. They are held on the second, the fourth and fifth Tuesdays of the month through October 27th. We have added a new twist to the T2 Tuesday Rides. This year on the fourth Tuesday of the month we also have an evening T2 Tuesday Ride. Ohio Rides - Join the Journey!! Tim & Linda April 2015 Chapter T2 Happenings - Heritage Wings Page 8 KAREN’S KORNER Ride Schedule Upcoming T2 events: 04/07 - T2 Soup Night @ 6:30pm 04/07 - T2 Gathering @ 7:30pm (Legal Shield Presentation) 04/11 - ARC Wilmington 04/12 - TRC Wilmington 04/14 - T2 Tuesday Ride @ 10am 04/16 - T2 Dinner Ride Young’s Jersey - 6pm Meijers 04/21 - T2 Team Mtg @ 7pm 04/28 - T2 Tuesday Morning Ride @ 10am 04/28 - T2 Tuesday Evening Ride @ 6pm - need ride leader 04/30 - T2 Dinner Ride Mel-O-Dee - 6pm Meijers 05/05 - T2 Gathering @ 7:00PM - Chapter Birthday - Cake & Ice Cream - 24 years 05/07-09 - Indiana District Rally in Greensburg, IN (SWWU) 05/12 - T2 Tuesday Ride @ 10am 05/14 - T2 Dinner Ride 05/16 - T2 10th Annual Children’s Medical Center Toy Ride 9am Line-up Motor Sports of Dayton (Victory Dealer) 10am Departure for CMC 05/19 - T2 Team Mtg @ 7pm 05/26 - T2 Tuesday Morning Ride @ 10am 05/26 - T2 Tuesday Evening Dinner Ride @ 6pm Meijers 05/30 - 31 - T2 Overnight Ride Remember, take advantage of these opportunities to spend some fun time riding and socializing with your Chapter members. Come on out, bring your co-riders, enjoy and add to the FUN! Hi everyone, Well I’m up moving around a lot better than I thought I would be. The doctor is very pleased with my progress and so am I. The first thing I’m going to do once he gives me the final release is try to get on the bike. I sure hope the weather co-operates so that maybe when I get on the bike I will be able to go for a short ride. Well there’s not a whole more going on. I’m looking forward to seeing all of you at the meeting. Here is your recipe for the month. ORIENTAL SALAD Ingredients 2 large bundles of napa cabbage 6 green onions (sliced with some green) 2 pkgs of chicken flavored Raman noodles (discard flavor packet) 1 small pkg of sliced almonds 1/4 to 1/2 cup of sesame seeds (small container is enough) 1 stick of butter chop cabbage (I only use about 1/2 of the bunch until it gets down to where there is not as much leaves) toast sliced almonds, sesame seeds and crushed ramen noodles in the stick of butterchop cabbage (I only use about ½ of the bunch until it gets down to where there is not as much leaves) toast sliced almonds, sesame seeds and crushed ramen noodles in the stick of butter DRESSING: 1 cup of cooking oil 2 tablespoons of soy sauce 1 cup sugar 1/2 cup vinegar Do not add Ramen mix or dressing until you’re ready to serve. (If you don’t have enough cabbage you may choose to not use all of the dressing. add it a little at a time to coat but not drench.} Till next time, Karen April 2015 PICTURES DURING THE T2 MARCH CHAPTER GATHERING WHERE WE STARTED OFF WITH A CHILI DUMP. WE WERE HONORED TO HAVE THE NEWLY SELECTED DISTRICT COUPLE OF THE YEAR, CHUCK & MELANIE GEGGIE. ALSO IN ATTENDANCE WAS RUDY & LINDA COPELAND AS WELL AS OUR SWADD DARRIN EBRIGHT. IN ADDITION WE WERE PLEASED TO SEE CHIP & KATIE SHARE. BOB & JANICE DOWNS ALSO SHARED THEIR CHILI. April 2015 Pictures are from Chapter F’s Annual Bowling Event on February 28th John Wissinger carried the load for the T2 contingency. John Wissinger & Tim Fleming peer down the lanes during a break in the action. Some of the spectators looking on. Martin Schulze was relaxing while waiting his turn. CD Louie Schatzberg enjoying himself between trips down the lane. Becky Glydewell & Janice Downs keeping score. Linda keeping score for bowlers on Lanes 1 and 2. April 2015 April 2015 April 2015 April 2015 April 2015 April 2015 as of 02/25/2015 27 26 T2 Tuesday Evening Ride 6pm (Need Leader) T2 Tuesday Ride 10am 28 T2 Team Mtg 7pm 21 20 14 19 13 Harry Rubenkoenig BDay Soup Night 6:30pm T2 Gathering 7:30pm 7 Tue T2 Tuesday Ride 10am (Tom Warner) Easter 6 Mon TRC Wilmington Laurel Oaks 12 5 Sun April 29 22 15 8 1 Wed T2 Dinner Ride Mel-O-Dee (Park Layne) 6PM Meijers 30 23 T2 Dinner Ride Young's Dairy Store 6PM Meijers 16 9 E2 Gathering 2 Thu Good Friday 24 17 10 3 Fri 2015 Chapter F Gathering 9:30am 25 X2 Gathering 9:30am 18 ARC Wilmington Laurel Oaks 11 4 Sat Louis & Becky Schatzberg 4082 Ridgetop Drive Bellbrook, OH 45305 April 2015
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