Dear Friends; Blessings for birthdays, anniversaries, and announcements: Offertory Hymn: I Want to Walk as a Child Hymnal #490 The Great Thanksgiving: BCP, p. 361 Eucharistic Prayer A The Sanctus: The Lord’s Prayer: Hymnal #S-130 Traditional BCP, p. 364 (Left Column) Communion-All baptized Christians are welcome to the Lord’s Table Communion Reflection: Holy Ground Insert, please sing with choir Prayer After Communion: BCP, p. 365 Movie: Dave Riedel Burning of the Mortgage (Past Treasurer and Capital Campaign Chair People) The Blessing The Final Hymn: Earth and All Stars Hymnal #412 (vss. 1, 2, 5, 6) Dismissal: We leave church to bring Christ to the World! All are invited to the Parish Hall following worship today for a time of celebration and thanksgiving—please join us! THANKS: Altar Flowers: F lowers this Sunday are from J ohn and J ulie Wolf in memory of Agatha Wolf. “Thank You” from the Troemel Family: In loving memory of Suzanne Troemel, our family would like to tell you how much we appreciated all St. Mary’s help. Lenten Outreach: At St. Mary’s we give away 100% of our Easter collections. This year $426.00 will be given to the Episcopal Church in the Holy Land from our Good Friday offerings and $2,727 collected from our Easter offerings will be divided equally between the Rector’s Discretionary Fund which allows Father Scott to help people in need and organizations who serve them, the Hebron House in Waukesha, an organization that seeks to serve and shelter people who are homeless, and to The Gathering meal ministry, serving hungry people at a number of locations in the Milwaukee area. “Thank You” from Lad Lake: A time for thanks, a time to say, God bless you now and every day. Thank you and bless you for being so special. The Lenten giving tree household items were outstanding. Thank you, thank you so very much. All items were needed and greatly appreciated. Lad Lake & Laura “Thank You” from the Milwaukee Homeless Veterans Initiative: Dear Fr. Scott: On behalf of the homeless and at-risk veterans we serve, thank you for your support of our work and for forwarding two recent checks from members of your congregation. Please be assured we will put the donations to effective use. The MHVI Bunker at 7222 W. Fond du Lac Ave. in Milwaukee continues to be a whirlwind of activity with donation pickups, drop-offs and deliveries to veterans. In the first two months of the year, we made 38 deliveries of furniture, household goods, toiletries, linens, groceries and more to formerly homeless veterans, including eight women veterans and five families. In 2014 we moved 311 veterans and their families into new living spaces and provided them with donated furniture, linens, food, toiletries and household goods valued at more than $250,000. We gave out 2,000 bus tickets to veterans for medical appointments and job interviews, distributed more than 1,750 outreach packets to the homeless veterans, and provided food for more than 600 veterans and family members. Since 2008, we have also helped more than 100 veterans to obtain VA benefits to which they were entitled. We are launching two exciting new programs, a Women’s Veterans Initiative (WOVIN) to reach out to that underserved and growing population of female veterans, and an assessment program, partnering with the UW-Milwaukee College of Nursing, to do follow-up home visits with veterans we have helped, to see if they have unmet needs and hope we can help them or refer them to others who can. We served more than 700 veterans and their families last year, providing services that no other organization offers. We are able to do it because of your generosity and that of hundreds of others who donated their volunteer time, furniture, clothing, toiletries and household goods, or a financial contribution to support our work. Thank you for your support and generosity, which makes it all possible. With warm regards, Bill Christofferson, President, Board of Directors, Milwaukee Homeless Veterans Initiative. In the calendar of the Episcopal Church, today is the Second Sunday of Easter. In the St. Mary’s calendar, it’s also a day we’re calling “Celebration Sunday”. This is the day when we will burn two mortgages – one from the Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee and one from Associated Bank. Having never attended a mortgage burning before, I’m pretty excited. What excites me about this day and what we’re celebrating? Several things come to mind, but here are some of the main ones: First, I am not sur e if you wer e her e on Palm Sunday two weeks ago, but on that day we tr aditionally begin our service in the chapel and then walk in procession into church. At 8:00 am, the chapel was full and there were people waiting in church. By the time the 10:00 am service started, the weather was getting pretty rough. Several people decided to skip the procession and wait in church. The chapel was so full that we had people standing. I found marveling at the growth and transformation we’ve witnessed over these past several years. I thank God for continuing to bless us as we seek to create a faith community where everyone is welcome, period. What a blessing! Second, since the beginning of the fir st of two Growing in Faith campaigns in 2008, an amazing $1,019, 640 was pledged by 51 families in our parish. To date, $995,678 in pledges has been received. This is amazing – it means that around 99% of the pledges made to the building fund have been paid! About 1% of building fund pledges has been canceled, and around another 1% remains outstanding. One of our guests this morning at worship is Mr. Fred Stoltz, the consultant who worked with us on our campaigns. I am sure that Fred would tell us that this rate of return is quite amazing. I truly thought we’d be embarking on a third capital campaign and paying off these loans for another ten years or so. I know that I’m not alone in thinking that’s how things would unfold. Wow! Third, I am so gr ateful to celebr ate today the many ministr ies in our par ish. Did you know that over 54% of our parishioners are involved some form of ministry here at St. Mary’s? This involvement spans the spectrum when it comes to people of different ages, length of membership, religious background or lack thereof, and type of ministry. Now that we are enjoying “Celebration Sunday” and giving thanks to Almighty God, it seems like a good time to ask Him, “What’s next?!” -Fr. Scott LOOKING AHEAD: Monday, April 13: Centering Prayer at 6:00 pm Wednesday, April 15: Morning Prayer at 9:00 am & Vestry Meeting at 6:30 pm Saturday, April 18: Men’s Breakfast in the Parish Hall at 8:30 am Saturday, April 18: Commission on Ministry & Standing Committee Meeting at 9:00 am April 19th Readings: Acts 3:12-19; Psalm 4; 1 John 3:1-7; Luke 24:36b-48 WE THANK ALL WHO MINISTERED DURING OUR SERVICE AND HELPED WITH FELLOWSHIP HOURS Altar Guild: Altar Guild Music Director: Car r ie Ar ndor fer Counter: J udy Rahn Fellowship Hour: Hospitality Ministr y Greeters: Acolyte: Lectors: Intercessor: Chalice Bearers: Bread Minister: Presentation of Bread & Wine: Burning of Mortgages: Priest: Fellowship Hours: 9:00 a.m. Scott & Kelly Noles Family Maile Riedel Carol McConnell & Mary-Beth Esser Mary Alice Eschweiler Br ian Hoffman & Sally Williams Dcn. Chuck Zellermayer Bob & Kathy Roe Car l Eschweiler ; J im Hyde, Kar en Hyde, Liz Riedel & Jim Slocum Fr. Scott Leannah The Rev. Chuck Zeller mayer More - back of bulletin BIRTHDAYS FOR APRIL: 3 -Adrian D. Rowen 4 -Kylie McGuire 4 -Maggie Metzer 4 -Terry Wilson 7 -Richard Lembach 7 –Dick Roy 7 –Andy Yauck 8 -Bill Saeger 9 –Molly Mulroy 10-Jennifer Metzer 16-Carl Eschweiler 17-Matthew Schroeder 18-Tin Eng 19-Mary Alice Eschweiler 20 –Jack Hedrick 21-John McConnell 22-Beverly Ott 24-Steve Agne 24-Trey Arndorfer 24-Noah Jordan 25-Pat Godfrey 26-Anne Tremel 26-Joe Zember 27-Lynn Kallas 27-Lucas Klocke 27-Caitlin O’Brien 28-Elmer Gandt Holy Ground MORE ANNOUNCEMENTS ON BACK Holy Ground MORE ANNOUNCEMENTS ON BACK MORE ST. MARY’S EVENTS & NEWS: MORE ST. MARY’S EVENTS & NEWS: April Men’s Breakfast & Discussion April Men’s Breakfast & Discussion Date: Satur day, Mar ch 18th Time: 8:30 am Theme: A Life of a Kingdom Man Date: Satur day, Mar ch 18th Time: 8:30 am Theme: A Life of a Kingdom Man The only way to have a better world made up of better countries composed of better states filled with better communities influenced by better churches and inhabited by better families is by becoming a better man. It starts with you. As we gather this month, we will cover Integrity, Fear, Obedience, A Blessed Life, and Continuing the Blessing. The only way to have a better world made up of better countries composed of better states filled with better communities influenced by better churches and inhabited by better families is by becoming a better man. It starts with you. As we gather this month, we will cover Integrity, Fear, Obedience, A Blessed Life, and Continuing the Blessing. PARENT’S NIGHT OUT Date: Fr iday, Apr il 24th Time: 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm Need a night out? Maybe dinner and a movie, or shopping? Youth group is hosting a Parent’s Night Out where you can drop your baby, toddler, or child off at the Parish Hall and we’ll provide quality babysitting services, including supper. RSVP is required. Please sign one of the forms located throughout the church or contact Liz Riedel at [email protected]. MARK YOUR CALENDARS—MAY 17TH … It’s Spring Cleaning Sunday! A tradition at St. Mary’s (some of you may remember it as “Blue Jean Sunday”) every year on the Sunday between Mother’s Day and Memorial Day, we all pitch in to give the church and parish hall a deep cleaning. Wear your work clothes to church and stay after the service to complete a task or two. No special skill is needed, just a little time and willingness to help. The parish bulletin board will post what jobs need to be done; just choose a card and go to work! If there is anything you feel needs attention, please let our Junior Warden, Theresa Wilson, know about it. Many hands make light work, plus refreshments will be provided, so please join us! STRAWBERRY FEST—Anyone who wishes to make strawberry jam for Strawberry Fest, please start making it now. It was a best seller at last year’s Fest, and we quickly ran out! Also, Strawberry Fest needs coordinators for the following positions: parking, media, book sale, bake sale, musician, Saturday cleanup, shift coordinator, and signage. Questions? Contact Elizabeth Hoffman (414-719-9936). Thank you! OTHER NEWS: FEEDING AMERICA EASTERN WISCONSIN— Free Food Given to Anyone in Need (No forms, no questions asked. Bring your own bags or boxes.) Date: Fr iday, Apr il l7th Time: 3-6 pm or until supplies last Location: 1412 Summit Avenue, Oconomowoc, WI (indoor next to Goodwill) Contact: www.feedingamerica.or g MOTORCYCLISTS! Please mar k your calendar for J une 6, 2015 for the 11th annual Kruz for Kinder ride. Sign up sheets and route details will be available on the LCFS website a few weeks prior to the Krus at under “events”. Hope to see you there! If you have questions regarding the Kruz, please send them to [email protected]. PARENT’S NIGHT OUT Date: Fr iday, Apr il 24th Time: 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm Need a night out? Maybe dinner and a movie, or shopping? Youth group is hosting a Parent’s Night Out where you can drop your baby, toddler, or child off at the Parish Hall and we’ll provide quality babysitting services, including supper. RSVP is required. Please sign one of the forms located throughout the church or contact Liz Riedel at [email protected]. MARK YOUR CALENDARS—MAY 17TH … It’s Spring Cleaning Sunday! A tradition at St. Mary’s (some of you may remember it as “Blue Jean Sunday”) every year on the Sunday between Mother’s Day and Memorial Day, we all pitch in to give the church and parish hall a deep cleaning. Wear your work clothes to church and stay after the service to complete a task or two. No special skill is needed, just a little time and willingness to help. The parish bulletin board will post what jobs need to be done; just choose a card and go to work! If there is anything you feel needs attention, please let our Junior Warden, Theresa Wilson, know about it. Many hands make light work, plus refreshments will be provided, so please join us! STRAWBERRY FEST—Anyone who wishes to make strawberry jam for Strawberry Fest, please start making it now. It was a best seller at last year’s Fest, and we quickly ran out! Also, Strawberry Fest needs coordinators for the following positions: parking, media, book sale, bake sale, musician, Saturday cleanup, shift coordinator, and signage. Questions? Contact Elizabeth Hoffman (414-719-9936). Thank you! OTHER NEWS: FEEDING AMERICA EASTERN WISCONSIN— Free Food Given to Anyone in Need (No forms, no questions asked. Bring your own bags or boxes.) Date: Fr iday, Apr il l7th Time: 3-6 pm or until supplies last Location: 1412 Summit Avenue, Oconomowoc, WI (indoor next to Goodwill) Contact: www.feedingamerica.or g MOTORCYCLISTS! Please mar k your calendar for J une 6, 2015 for the 11th annual Kruz for Kinder ride. Sign up sheets and route details will be available on the LCFS website a few weeks prior to the Krus at under “events”. Hope to see you there! If you have questions regarding the Kruz, please send them to [email protected]. CSI CENTRAL STATES INSURANCE St. Mary’s Episcopal Church—Dousman, WI The Second Sunday of Easter/Celebration Sunday —April 12, 2015 CELEBRATION SUNDAY! APRIL 12, 2015 [email protected] WE GATHER IN THE NAME OF GOD 19275 W. Capitol Drive Ste. 204 P.O. Box 746 Brookfield, WI 53008-0746 ST. MARY’S VESTRY: Officers Sr. Warden : Kelly Noles Jr. Warden: Theresa Wilson Treasurer: Mike Sterk Clerk: Pam Ferguson Opening Hymn: Members Pam Ferguson Suzanne Diesness, Alt. Nina Radi Rod Riek Shirley Robertson John Wolf Priest: People: Collect for Purity: OTHER UPCOMING EVENTS: WORLD RELIGION LECTURE ON JUDAISM Date: Apr il 30, 2015 Time: 6:30 to 8:30 pm Location: Zion Episcopal Chur ch, Oconomowoc, WI Lecture: Wor ld Religion—Judaism Speaker: Rabbi Mar c Ber kson, Congr egation Emanu-El B’ne Jeshurun All are invited to attend a lecture and question and answer session as part of a World Religions series being sponsored by a number of Episcopal parishes. KETTLE CLASSIC—to benefit troubled youth struggling with unimaginable circumstances at home and in their neighborhoods. When: Satur day, J une 20th Time: 8:30 am r egistr ation Registration Fee: $20 or $30 Location: Lad Lake, W350S1401 Water ville Road in Dousman Registration: by J une 5th to ensur e your t-shirt You can help. Whether you want to walk a leisurely mile, pace a 5k or cycle 15 or 30 miles through the stunning Kettle Moraine in Dousman, Lad Lake’s Kettle Classic offers something for everyone. After the event, take in Lad Lake’s private 365-acre campus, join in family-friendly activities and enjoy a full BBQ lunch. Christ is Made the Sure Foundation Alleluia. Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia. Hymnal #518 BCP, p. 355 BCP, p. 355 Gloria: Hymnal #S-280 Collect (Opening Prayer) of the Day: BCP, p. 224 or insert WE PROCLAIM GOD’S WORD The First Reading: Acts 4:32-35 See insert Psalm: (spoken) Psalm 133 See insert The Second Reading: 1 John 1:1—2:2 See insert Sequence: Easter Alleluia See below MISSION STATEMENT St. Mary’s Church invites and welcomes all people to experience the new life promised in the Gospels. We celebrate faith in Jesus Christ through worship, support of one another, and service to others. Adopted by Vestry 8/18/04 The Gospel: John 20:19-31 The Sermon: St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, P. O. Box 126, Dousman, WI 53118 262-965-3924—Email: [email protected], Fax: 262-965-3431 10505 West North Avenue • Wauwatosa, Wisconsin 53226 (414) 774-5858 • FAX (414) 774-6453 HANDS ON INC. Certified in Massage Therapy And Active Release Techniques* (ART) Elizabeth Hoffman, Owner 414-543-9936 3400 S. 103rd St. #300 [email protected] Open 6am to 8pm Seven days a week Daily Specials, Meatloaf on Mondays, Fish Fry on Fridays, Hot Ham and Rolls To-Go on Sundays, Homemade Pies, Hand Breaded Fried Chicken, Fresh Made Pizza, Dine in, Carry-out or Call for Delivery 120 N. Main Street, Dousman, WI 53118 Fr. Scott Leannah CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST (HOLY COMMUNION) Deb’s Main Street JUDY FLEMING Interior Decorator Dcn. Chuck Zellermayer 262-965-DEBS (3327) Chamberlain’s Flowers Two Locations - Family Owned Since 1915 Dousman: 133 N. Main Street 262-965-3384 West Allis: 6737 W. Washington Street 414-453-1525 All Occasions-Sympathy and Wedding Flowers our Specialty! Also Serving Chocolate Shoppe Ice Cream Nicene Creed: BCP, p. 358 Prayers of the People Form VI : BCP, p. 392 Confession and Absolution: BCP, p. 393 Sharing the Peace of Christ WELCOME! Whoever you are, wherever you find yourself on the journey of faith, we welcome you to St. Mary’s Church. We are glad that you are here. We invite you to join us in prayers and in receiving Holy Communion. This is God’s house, and so it is your house, because you are a child of God. Kindly sign our guest book located on the table as you enter the church so that we can keep in touch with you. You are always welcome here! For upcoming parish events, Fr. Scott’s blog, and sermons, see our parish’s website:
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