Department of Geological Engineering Undergraduate Courses 1th Half Year Courses FİZ181 PHYSICS I (3 0 3) 4 Vectors, Statistical Moment, the Center of Gravity, Kinematics of a Point, friction, Inclined Planes, Movement in Inclined Planes, Fundamentals of Dynamics, Dynamics of Rotational Movement, Radial and Tangential Forces, Work, Power, Impulse and Momentum, Strength of Materials, Modules of Elasticity. Course book: Fiziğin Temelleri, David Halliday, Robert Resnick 1 ve 2 cilt, A LTD.1989. FİZ191 PHYSICS LABORATORY I (0 3 1) 1 (3 0 3) 4 FİZ181 Applications of Physics I course KİM193 CHEMISTRY I Chemistry and Science, Atomic structure ve Periodic Table of Elements, Chemical Bonds, Intermolecular Forces Capture, Chemical Equations and Quantitative Relationships, Solutions Chemical Equilibrium, Acids and Bases, Ionic Equilibrium, Electrochemistry. Course book: Baykut, F., "Modern Genel Anorganik Kimya", İ.Ü. Mühendislik Fakültesi, 1980. Additional course books: Slabaugh, W.H., Parson, T.D., "General Chemistry", John Wiley and Sons. Inc, 1966. Sienko, M.J., Plane, R.A., "Temel Kimya", Savaş Yayınları, 4.Baskı, 1983. KİM191 CHEMISTRY LABORATORY I (0 2 1) 1 (3 0 3) 3 KİM193 Applications of Chemistry I course. JEL101 GENERAL GEOLOGY I Description and branches of geology; Earth Gravity and Isostasy, The Chemical Composition and Temperature of Earth, The Subtances of Forming Earth: Minerals and Rocks, General Characteristics of the Layered Rocks and the age, Tectonic Deformation of the Layered Rocks; The Fractured Structure of Layered Rocks, Cracks and Faults. Course book: Genel Jeoloji, Prof. Dr. İhsan KETİN, İTÜ Matbaası, 597s., İstanbul. 1977. Additional course books: Yerbilim 1 - Jeoloji Emrullah GüneyLiteratür Yayıncılık , Ocak 2010 Genel Jeoloji, Prof. Dr. Mehmet AKARTUNA, Elif Ofset Basımevi, 443s, İstanbul. 1982. JEL 103 COMP. TECHNO. and SOFTWARES (1 2 2) 3 Computers, hardware, definition of operating systems, used as a current operating system and applications for the use of the internet. JEL107 TECHNICAL DRAWING (2 2 3) 4 The use of drawing tools and basic drawing rules, lines, articles, projection drawings, sectional views, dimensioning, perspective drawings, materials, drawings, computer applications. Course book: Teknik resim, Nejat KIRAÇ, Nobel yayınevi, (2009), 9789755918051 Additional course books: Teknik resim A4 uygulamaları MAT181 MATHEMATICS I (4 0 4) 6 Real numbers, introduction to analytic geometry: Cartesian co-ordinate system, functions and graphs, equations of circle and conic cross-section: Translation of the axes, asymptotes: Differentiation of the algebraic functions: Limit, derivative and derivative formulas, inverse and implicit functions, higher order derivatives applications of the derivative, increasing and decreasing functions, extreme theory trigonometric, logarithmic and exponential functions and their derivatives. Course book: Koçak, C., "Yüksek Matematik", İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Vakfı Yayını, İstanbul, 1986. Additional course books: Ayres, F., "Differential and Integral Calculus", Schaumn Publishing Co, New York, 1964 APHA, AWWA, WPCF, "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater ", 17th. Edition, 1989 TÜR181 TURKISH LANGUAGE I (2 0 2) 2 YDL183 FOREIGN LANGUAGE I (2 0 2) 2 2th Half Year Courses FİZ 182 PHYSICS II (3 0 3) 4 Electrostatic, Electric Field, Electric Potential, Capacitors and Dielectrics, Current and Resistance, Ohm’s Law, Electromotive Force and Circuits, Magnetism and Electromagnetism, Magnetising Current, Electromagnetic Induction, Alternating Currents, Heat, Temperature and Heat capacity, Equation of State, Work for the Thermodynamic Systems, The Second Law of Introduction to Modern Physics. Course book: Fiziğin Temelleri, David Halliday, Robert Resnick 1 ve 2 cilt, A LTD.1989. FIZ192 PHYSICS LABORATORY II (0 3 1) 1 (3 0 3) 4 FİZ182 Applications of Physics II course KİM194 CHEMISTRY II Thermodynamics, Chemical Kinetics, Nonmetals, Metals and semi-metals, Nucleus Chemistry, Organic Chemistry. Course book: Baykut, F., "Modern Genel Anorganik Kimya", İ.Ü. Mühendislik Fakültesi, 1980. Additional course books: Slabaugh, W.H., Parson, T.D., "General Chemistry", John Wiley and Sons. Inc, 1966. Sienko, M.J., Plane, R.A., "Temel Kimya", Savaş Yayınları, 4.Baskı, 1983. KİM192 CHEMISTRY LABORATORY II (0 2 1) 1 KİM194 Applications of Chemistry II course JEL106 MINERALOGY (2 2 3) 4 Mineral and crystal concepts, Crystal lattice structures, chemical and morphological features, Crystal systems, Polymorph and isomorphous, Cleavage of the crystals, the division, hardness, bonding, specific gravity, color, etc., , such as physical characteristics, Classification of Minerals: Elements, sulfides, oxides, hydroxides, carbonates, silicates etc., Microscopic investigations of mineral species. Course book: Mineraller. Bektaş Uz, Kurtiş Matbaacılık, 1994. Additional course books: Mineraloji ve petrografi Acar, Ahmet Ankara : Sevinç Matbaası 1974. Sistematik Mineraloji Muazzez Çelik Necati Karakaya Ankara 434 sayfa, 1998. Mineraloji, Prof. Dr. Mefail Yeniyol, Dilek Ofs.,İstanbul, 2004. Mineraloji, Fetullah Arık, Hüseyin Kurt, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara, 2007. JEL102 GENERAL GEOLOGY II (3 0 3) 3 Ocean and sea floor spreading, Principles of plate tectonics, Orogenesis and The evolution oft he continents, mass movements, ground and surface waters, decomposition, soil, sedimentary rocks, magmatic rocks, metamorphic rocks, rock piles, basic geological structures and in relation to these issues: geological compass, scale, topographic map, the applications related to V-rule. Course book: Genel Jeoloji, Prof. Dr. İhsan KETİN, İTÜ Matbaası, 597s., İstanbul. 1977. Additional course books: Fiziksel Jeoloji : Yeryuvarının Araştırılması James S. Monroe, Reed Wıcander, Baskıya Haz. Kadir Dirik, Mehmet Şener Ankara 642 sayfa, JMO yayınları, 2007. JEL 104 STATICS (2 0 2) 3 Definition of the force, Component and composite concepts, internal and external forces. Kinematics, curved and linear movement. Planar forces and impetus, energy, impulse and momentum. Kinematics of rigid bodies. Statics of particles, the system of space forces, equivalent force systems. Equilibrium of rigid bodies. Distributed forces, The centers of gravity. Course book: Beer, F.P., Johnston, E.R., "Statik", Çev. Keskinel, F., Özbek, T MAT 182 MATHEMATICS II (4 0 4) 6 Polar Co-ordinates, Series: Taylor-Maclaurin-Binom Series, Method of Definite, Indefinite Integral: Length of Arc, Surface Area of A Surface of Revolution, Centrozol, Applications of Moment Calculation, Vectors in Space: Differential of Vectors Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates. Fouries Series: Fourier Integral and Transformations. Limit, Continuation, Partial Derivative, Total Differential of Multiple Value Functions, Transformation of Multiple Integrals: Area, Volume, Calculations of Center of Gravity, Moment of Inertia, Definition of Differential Equations. Course book: Koçak, C., "Yüksek Matematik", İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Vakfı Yayını, İstanbul, 1986. Additional course books: Ayres, F., "Differential and Integral Calculus", Schaumn Publishing Co, New York, 1964 APHA, AWWA, WPCF, "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater ", 17th. Edition, 1989. TÜR182 TURKISH LANGUAGE II (2 0 2) 2 YDL184 FOREIGN LANGUAGE II (2 0 2) 2 (3 0 3) 3 3th Half Year Courses JEL201 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY Geology, engineering and engineering geology relations, Rock material and rock mass parameters in engineering applications, Geotechnical area investigation methods, Dams, tunnels, concepts related to roads and engineering geology, problems and remedial techniques, Earthquakes and problems. Course book: Mühendislik Jeolojisi Kemal Erguvanlı Seç yayın İstanbul, 1994. Additional course books: Mühendislik Jeolojisi İlkeler Ve Temel Kavramlar Işık Yılmaz Ankara 490 sayfa, 2007. Mühendislik Jeolojisi Terimler Sözlüğü Işık Yılmaz Ankara 145 sayfa, 2000. Jeoloji Mühendisleri Odası Jeoloji El Kitabı Ankara 2003 159 sayfa Uygulamalı Jeoteknik Bilgiler Reşat Ulusay Ankara 458 s. Sayfa, JMO yayınları2010 İngilizce-Türkçe, Türkçe- İngilizce Mühendislik Jeolojisi Terimler Sözlüğü, Işık Yılmaz, Teknik Yayınevi, Ankara, 2000. Mühendislik Jeolojisi ve İnşaat, Fred G. Bell, Gazi Kitabevi, Ankara, 2006. JEL203 STRATIGRAPHY (2 0 2) 2 Definition of stratigraphy, history and sections; Stratigraphic units, rock stratigraphic units, time-rock units, Biostratigraphy units, geologic time units, Epirojenic and orogenic movements, stratification, correlation; Facies and environments, depositional environments. Course book: Uygulamalı Stratigrafi Orhan Kaya Ankara 149 sayfa JMO Yayınları, 2003. Additional course books: Yer Biliminin (Jeoloji) Esasları, Nurdane İlbeyli, Palme Yayıncılık, Ankara, 2004. JEL205 STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY (1 2 2) 3 Behaviors of rocks, planar structures, measurements and applications, V-rule and applications, fracture systems and cracks, faults; folds, klivajlar; lineation; Boudinage and other linear structures; The problem with applications in structural geology (apparent the actual strike and dip, three points, intersecting planes, orthographic drawing problems related faults). Course book: Yapısal Jeoloji Ve Uygulamaları Erkan Karaman Ankara 340 sayfa, 2001. Additional course books: Structural geology Ragan, M. Donald John Wiley Sons 1973. Türkiye'nin Sıradağları Ve Dağları Süleyman Türkünal Ankara 42 sayfa, JMO yayınları Yer Bilimleri Teknik Terimler Sözlüğü Emin Çiftçi Trabzon 580 sayfa, 2003. JEL207 MEASURING KNOWLEDGE (1 2 2) 2 Definition and function of topography, Map: Maps in our country, Nomenclature of the maps, Shape and dimensions of the world, Length and angle units, Length measurement methods, Measurement of angles, The theory of maps, coordinate calculations, measurement details, Drawing, calculation of areas, removal of sections. Course book: Müh. Mimarlar için Topografya, Ölçme Bilgisi, M. Gündoğdu Özger, İTÜ matbaası, 1984. JEL209 GEOCHEMISTRY (2 0 2) 3 Structural chemistry, colloids, Chemical degradation, Behavior of major and trace elements in magmatic processes, Geochemistry in sedimentary and metamorphic processes, the earth and reservoirs (nucleus, mantle, crust, atmosphere, hydrosphere,) composition and evolution, Isotopes, Geochemical prospecting. Course book: Jeokimya Temel Kavramlar ve İlkeler N. Çağatay, A Erler MTA Matbaası Ankara, 1984. Additional course books: Tıbbi Jeoloji Eşref Atabey Ankara 194 sayfa, JMO yayınları, 2005. The data of geochemistry, W Clark, F., 1959, Geological survey Bulliten 770 pages, fifth edition. JEL211 GEOSTATISTICS (2 0 2) 2 Classical statistical used in applications engineering geology, Course topics: data distributions, basic statistical parameters (average, mode, median, standard deviation, variance, etc) The concept of variable, normal distribution, binomial distribution, Poisson distribution, chi-square distribution, statistical tests (f-test, t-test, significance tests, regular / irregular random variables tests, non-parametric tests), analysis of variance (single / two-way analysis of variance), correlation, regression, experimental design, The concept of geological sampling, variogram calculations (one/two/three-dimensional), Introduction to the techniques of simulation modeling and kriging. Course book: Jeoistatistik, Necati Tüysüz, Gülten Yaylalı, KTÜ Yayınları, Trabzon,2005. Additional course books: Yerbilimciler İçin İstatistik, Dietrich Marshal, Ankara, 1990. Maden Yataklarının Değerlendirilmesinde Jeoistatistiksel Yöntemler, A. Erhan Tercan, Cem Saraç, TMMOB Jeoloji Müh. Odası, Ankara, 1998. JEL 213 SEDIMANTOLOGY (2 0 2) 2 Sedimentation processes, Layering and types, Discordances, Sedimentation-tectonic relations, Stratigraphic units, and stratigraphic correlations, Transport of siliciclastic sediments and types of flow, Introduction to sedimentary environments and streaming environments, Lake and other terrestrial environments, delta, lagoon and tidal environments, Turbidites and formations, Reefs, Classification of sedimentary structures, Paleocurrent direction measurement and evaluating the results, Classification of sedimentary rocks and Petrographic examination of sedimentary sandstones, Definition of heavy minerals, types, separation methods, Definition of sedimentary texture and detailed description of the textural properties. Course book: Sedimantoloji Orhan Kaya Ankara 161 sayfa, JMO yayınları, 2005. Additional course books: Çevre Sedimantoloji Kevin Taylor (Editör), Chris Perry (Editör) ISBN-10: 1444309005 ISBN-13: 9781444309003 Mart 2009. Çevre Sedimantoloji Kevin Taylor (Editör), Chris Perry (Editör) ISBN-10: 1405115157 ISBN-13: 9781405115155 Aralık 2006 Akarsu sedimantoloji VII Susan B. Marriott (Editör), Suzanne F. Leclair (Editör), Michael D. Blum (Editör) ISBN-10: 1405126515 ISBN-13: 9781405126519 Nisan 2005. Karbonat Sedimantolojisi Eşref Atabey Ankara 130 sayfa, JMO yayınları, 1997. Sedimantoloji ve Sedimanter kayaçlar, Baykal, F., İ.Ü. Yay. Sayı:2297, İstanbul. AİT281 PRINCIPLES of ATATURK and REVOLUTION HIS. I YDL285 FOREIGN LANGUAGE III (2 (4 0 2) 2 0 4) 4 Technical Elective Courses JEL215 PHOTOGEOLOGY (2 0 2) 4 Definition, history and significance of photogeology, according to field studies in order of construction work photogeology, technical information about aerial photographs, definition of aerial photographs and types, sizes and scales of aerial photographs, surfaces, the registered information of side and rear surfaces, flight plans for the preparation of aerial photographs, the geometry of aerial photographs, the main geometric disorders, the analysis methods of aerial photograph, the geological comments on aerial photos and the main features are useful in this regard, petrographic and tectonic comments on aerial photographs. Course book: Fotojeoloji Atila Sesören İstanbul 103 sayfa, 2006. Additional course books: Hava Fotoğrafları ve Fotojeoloji, Mahmut Gökçen, DSİ Ankar, 1996. Uydu Temelleri Uzaktan Algılama Emilio Chuvieco , Alfredo Huete 2009 JEL219 GEMOLOGY (2 0 2) 4 What kind of stones Gemstones, due to the properties which are used as a Gem, is there any sense of their economic importance, gemstone potential in Turkey and uses. Elective Courses JEL EARTHQUAKES and OUR PLANET (2 0 2) 3 The definition, characteristics and results of eartquakes, major earthquakes that occurred around the world, seismicity of Turkey, Which regions known to be under the threat of earthquakes. 4th Half Year Courses JEL 232 ETHICS IN ENGINEERING (1 2 2) 2 Ethics, science ethics, engineering ethics; the point of view of ethics in engineering JEL202 OPTICAL MINERALOGY (1 2 2) 2 Presentation of polarizing microscope, functions and setting (objective and ocular, lighting, The trajectory of the light in microscopy, centering adjustment of the microscope and General information about the use of the microscope), Angle microscope, length and thickness measurement, refraction of light and the basic theoretical informations related to obtaining microscope images: Light of the refractive index and determination, polarization, double break, indicatrix, Orthoscopic investigation (single and double-nikole investigation, pleocroisma, extinction angles and double-break) and Conoscopic investigation (The optical mark of single and double optical axis minerals and Determination of the angle of optical axes), Some important rock-forming minerals (quartz, feldspar, mica, amphibole, pyroxene group minerals, olivine, etc.,) showed features under a microscope examination. Course book: Optik Mineraloji, M. Aslaner, KTÜ Yayınları, İstanbul, 1976. Additional course books: Kayaç Oluşturan Önemli Minerallerin Mikroskopta İncelenmeleri Prof.Dr. Yavuz Erkan Ankara 438 sayfa, JMO yayınları Cevher Mikroskobisi Yurdal Genç Ankara 170 sayfa, 1998. Mikroskopta Çalışma Yöntemleri, Yavuz Erkan, AÜ Yayınları, Ankara, Polarizan mikroskopta minerallerin tayini, Sağıroğlu, G., Çoğulu H.E., 1972,İ.T.Ü. Yayınları Sayı. 871, İstanbul. JEL204 IGNEOUS ROCK PETROGRAPHY (2 2 3) 3 Structure and composition of the earth; Magma, physical and chemical properties; types of magma; the origin of granites, assumptions, metasomatism, relations with surrounding rocks, settlement patterns, enclaves, geotectonic positions; Carbonatites and the properties of nepheline syenites, origins, placements; Gabbro and peridotite types of rocks characteristics, origins, placements, geotectonic positions; ophiolites. Course book: Magmatik Petrografi Prof.Dr. Yavuz Erkan Ankara 176 sayfa, HÜ Yayını, 2006. Additional course books: Magmatik Kayaç Dokuları Atlası Gonca Gençalioğlu Kuşcu Ankara 56 sayfa, JMO yayınları Mineraller ve Kayaçlar, Ayhan Sür - Özdoğan Sür - Hakan Yiğitbaşıoğlu , Bilim Yayıncılık, 2001. An Introduction to Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, Winter, J.D,. Prentice Hall., 2001. Magmatik petrolojiye giriş, Bürküt, Y., 1973, İ.T.Ü. Yayınları Sayı. 945, İstanbul Igneous Petrology, Carmichael, Ian S. E., Turner, Francis J., and Verhoogen, John; 1974, McGraw-Hill. JEL 206 GEOLOGICAL MAPS (2 0 2) 2 Topographical maps and cross sections; scale, direction, coordinate and The concept of distance.; “V-rule”, positions of linear and planar structures; vertical thickness. Discordance, fault, fold and the view of magmatic settlements in map and sections. the characters of fault and fold analysis and comments. The various of geological map and cross section of applications related to sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks. Course book: Jeolojik Harita Bilgisi Ve Uygulamaları Erkan Karaman Ankara 2002 Additional course books: Jeolojik Harita Bilgisi Yusuf Tatar Ankara 321 S. sayfa, JMO yayınları, 2008. Jeoloji Haritaları İçin Teknik Standartlar, MTA Yayınları, No:152 A Series of Elementary Exercises Upon Geological Maps, John I. PLATT Temel Yapısal Jeoloji ve Uygulamaları, M. Erkan KARAMAN Mike Leeder ISBN-10: 1405177837 ISBN-13: 9781405177832 Basic geological mapping, Barnes, J.W, Richard J. L., John Wiley and Sons , 2004. JEL 208 SEDIMENTARY ROCK PETROGRAPHY (1 2 2) 2 Identification and classification of clastic sedimentary rocks, Mineralogical composition of the conglomerate and sand stones and classifications, The identification of silty, clayey rocks, Examination and formations of carbonate rocks, Ferruginous, phosphatic, siliceous rocks, evaporites, the identification of organic combustible rocks. Course book: Sedimanter Petrografi, Yavuz Erkan, HÜ Yayınları, Ankara, Additional course books: Karbonat Sedimantolojisi Eşref Atabey Ankara 130 sayfa, JMO yayınları, 1997. Sedimentary Rocks in the field, second edition , Tucker, M.E.,: John Wiley&Sons, New York. Toronto, 1996. JEL 210 STRENGTH OF METARIALS (2 0 2) 2 The hypotheses of strength. The cross-section effects and diagrams in the bars. Cutting, riveting account. Torsion, circular cross-sections, non-circular cross-sections, open and closed tubes. Moments of inertia. Straight and curved bending. Bending with shear, shear center. Examination of the elastic curve by various methods, the effects of cutting. Course book: Mukavemet, M. H. Omurtag, Birsen yayınevi, 2005. JEL212 ENGINEERING GEOPHYSICS (2 0 2) 2 The scope of geophysical methods, purpose and the methods used, gravity method, magnetic method, electrical resistivity method, earthquake seismology, Seismic Methods (Seismic Refraction, Seismic Reflection), Electromagnetic Methods, Natural Polarization (SP) Methods, Induction Polarization (IP) method and Borehole Geophysics. Course book: Jeofizik Aramaya Giriş, Philip Kearey. Additional course books: Jeofizik Mühendisliğinde Görüntü İşleme Teknikleri Uygulamaları, A.Muhittin Albora, Osman N. Uçan, Onur Osman, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara ,2006. Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology, Edward J. Tarbuck Frederick K. Lutgens Kenneth G. Pinzke, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2004. JEL214 HISTORICAL GEOLOGY (2 0 2) 2 Theories of the formation universe and the earth, principles and methods of historical geology, The evolution of earth: Precambrian, First, second, third and fourth times in the sphere, stratigraphic divisions of time, stratoype, the major litho and bio-facies, distributions, Paleogeographys, Turkey and the neighboring states of regions; life, human reproduction, the major of living groups and stratigraphic evolution, primates and human. Course book: Historik Jeoloji , Baykal, F., KTÜ Yayını No:38, 1971. Additional course books: Historical Geology , Woodford, A. O., Freeman, 1965. Historical Geology ,Foster, R.J., Mac Millan, 1991. Jeoloji Tarihi , Andre Cailleux, İletişim Yayınevi, İstanbul, 1992. AİT282 PRINCIPLES of ATATURK and REVOLUTION HIS. II (2 0 2) 2 (2 0 Technical Elective Courses JEL216 CRYSTALLOGRAPHY 2) 4 Crystalline and amorphous substances, Anisotropy, Symmetry, the internal structure of the crystal, crystal parts, crystal systems, crystal laws, Goniometer, crystal analysis, measurements Diffractometer, Determination of the crystalline atomic structure, crystal defects, the use of mineral crystals jewelry. Course book: Kristalografi, Sağıroğlu, G, İTÜ Matbaası, Sayı 1285, (1984). Additional course books: The Practical Study of Crystals Minerals and Rocks, Cox, Price and Harte, Mc Graww-Hill Book Comp. England , 070844035, (1974). Mineraller,” Kristalografi- Mineraloji ”, Uz,B., Birsen Yayınevi, İstanbul, 2000. JEL218 CLAY MINERALOGY (2 0 2) 4 Clay minerals formation environments; terrestrial, marine, transition environments and alteration environments, identification of clay minerals and the methods used to identify, environment in terms of chemical composition or derived from the criteria used to distinguish. Course book: Brindley,W.G. and Brown, G. (2000) Crystal Structures of Clay Minerals and Their X-Ray Identification. Mineralogical Soc.of London, 495 pp. Vele, B. (1995) Clya Minerals. A Physica-Chemical Explanation of Their Occurrence. Development in Sedimentology No 40,421 pp. Additional course books: Newman, D.C.C(1996) Chemistry of Clays and Clay Minerals. Mineralogical Society of London, 479 pp. Bailey, W.S.W.S.(1998) Hydrous Phyllosilicaten (exclusive of micas) Reviews in Minerology Ame.Min. Soc.v.9 MOORE, D.M. and Reynolds, R.C. (1997)X-ray Diffraction and the Identification and Analysis of Clay Minerals. Oxford University Pres, 378 pp Elective Courses JEL MINERALS and ROCKS (2 0 2) 3 Definition, characteristics and uses of minerals, definition and characteristics of rocks; what kind of rock minerals that occur, the environments of formation of minerals and rocks, which are important in economic terms. Course book: Mineraller. Bektaş Uz, Kurtiş Matbaacılık, 1994. Genel Jeoloji, Prof. Dr. İhsan KETİN, İTÜ Matbaası, 597s., İstanbul. 1977. Additional course books: Sedimanter Petrografi, Yavuz Erkan, HÜ Yayınları, Ankara. Magmatik Petrografi Prof.Dr. Yavuz Erkan Ankara 176 sayfa, HÜ Yayını, 2006. 5th Half Year Courses JEL 301 SOIL MECHANICS (3 0 3) 4 Stress distribution in soils, lateral earth pressures and retaining walls, bearing capacity of foundations, piles, settlement calculations, the experiments of soil mechanics in place (in situ); Pressiometer, penetration, load tests. Laboratory: Name the parts shown. APPLICATION : Each sample solution of problems related to the subject. Description of soils and rocks, index properties of soils, and plasticity characteristics, classification of soils, identification of field and laboratory experiments. Compaction of soils. Water flow in soils, current networks and solutions. The concept of effective stress. saturated or non saturated soils of effective stresses. Course book: Zemin Mühendisliğinde Zemin Mekaniği Vahit Kumbasar, Fazıl Kip, Çağlayan Kitabevi İstanbul, 1984. Additional course books: Zemin Mekaniği Ve Temeller Deniz Genç Ankara 848 sayfa, JMO yayınları, 2008. Temel Mühendisliğine Giriş, Bayram Ali Uzuner Trabzon 205 sayfa, 2000. Çözümlü Problemlerle Temel Zemin Mekaniği Bayram Ali Uzuner Ankara 412 sayfa, 2001. Zemin İncelemesi Ve Temel Tasarım, Sönmez Yıldırım, Birsen Yayınevi, İstanbul, 2002. Zemin Mekaniği/Laboratuar Deneyleri Ve Problemleri, Işık Yılmaz, Mustafa Yıldırım, Teknik Yayınevi, Ankara, 2008. Zemin Mekaniği Problemleri, Prof. Vahit Kumbasar, Yük. Müh. Fazıl Kip , Çağlayan Kitabevi, İstanbul, 1999. Temel Zemin Mekaniği/ Çözümlü Problemler, Bayram Ali Uzuner, Derya Kitabevi, Kocaeli, 2007. Geoteknik Bilgisi I Çöz. Prob. Zem. Mekaniği, Akın Önalp, Birsen Yayınevi, İstanbul, 2003. JEL 303 ROCK MECHANICS (2 2 3) 4 Index and mechanical properties of rocks, introduction to stress and strain analysis and input elasticity, Mechanical behavior of rock material and rock mass, The main failure criteria, Stress distribution of underground cavities, Applications of rock mechanics in engineering projects and Introduction to rock mass classification systems. Course book: Kaya Mekaniği Erdoğan Yüzer, Mahir Vardar, İTÜ Maden fakültesi Matbaası İstanbul, 1986. Additional course books: Rock Mechanics Principles in Engineering Practice, J. A. Hudson, Butterworths, London. Kaya Mekaniği Laboratuvar Deneyleri Reşat Ulusay, Candan Gökçeoğlu, Adil Binal Ankara 167 sayfa, JMO yayınları, 2005. Kaya Kütlelerinin Mühendislik Özellikleri Reşat Ulusay, Harun Sönmez Ankara 292 sayfa, JMO yayınları, 2007. Kaya Mekaniğine Giriş, Tacettin Ataman, Seç Yayınevi, İstanbul, 2000. Kaya Mekaniğine Giriş, Richard E. Goodman,, Gazi Kitabevi, Ankara, 2003. Kaya Mekaniği İlkelere Giriş, John A. Hudson, John P. Harrison,, Gazi Kitabevi, Ankara, 2005. Kaya Mekaniği C.2 Çözümlü Örneklerle, John A. Hudson, John P. Harrison,, Gazi Kitabevi, Ankara, 2005. JEL305 ORE DEPOSITS I (2 0 2) 2 History; Ore deposits examination methods, The classification of ore deposits, Internal origin deposits: pegmatitic deposits; pneumatolitic rocks; Pyrometasomatic deposits; Hydrothermal beds; Carbonatite and nepheline syenite deposits. Course book: Metalik Maden Yatakları, Altan Gümüş, Bilim Ofset, İzmir, 1987. Additional course books: Maden Arama Projelerinin Tasarımı Ve Değerlendirilmesi Yusuf Ziya Özkan Ankara 230 sayfa, JMO yayınları, 2004. JEL307 FIELD GEOLOGY (2 2 3) 3 The description of field geology, methods of field investigations; Basic field equipment, notetaking in the field, writing information to the lithological, collection of rock samples, collection of fossil specimens, systematic marking and packaging of samples; Topographical maps and scales; the determination of point on topographical maps; Using compass; Planar structures with a compass direction and measuring the slopes, the induction and measurement of linear structures and compass applications, geological maps; Classification of the geological maps; Geological map of the data to be relayed to follow the rules; Geologic maprelated applications; Advice on the importance of layers, mapping-grade and a sharp boundary contact, compatible-incompatible contacts, units covered; Studying sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks in the field; field studies in folded and faulted regions; Field studies preparation of measured stratigraphic section; Removal of the column cross section and correlation, Geological features of the reports; Preparation of a geological report and variable sections; Drawings and land exercises on related topics. Course book: Mineraller-Kayaçlar, Jeolojik Yapılar ve Saha Jeolojisi, Genç Salim. Trabzon,211 s. 1987. Additional course books: Su Sondajı El Kitabı M.Mahir Rüma Ankara 272 sayfa, 2006. Jeoteknik Etüt Sondajları Adil Özdemir-Mehmet Özdemir Ankara 2006 Geology in the field , Compton, R.R., John Wiley&Sons, New York, 1985. Sahada Yerbilimi Çalışmaları , Onalan, M.,: İ.Ü Kütüphanesi, İstanbul, 2000. Field geology, Lahee,H.F., 1961, Mc.Graw-hill book company, NewyorkToronto, London. JEL309 URBAN AND ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY (2 0 2) 2 Introduction: The process of urbanization, naturally fearful situations, urban hydrology and hydrogeology, Fundamentals of urban structures, Excavations at the bottom of cities, used building supplies for cities, geological hazards and cities. Basic concepts related to the environment, Geological processes that harm the environment, people's interaction with the environment, Environmental problems encountered in engineering applications, Groundwater pollution and geological storage of waste factors, Environmentally appropriate land use. Course book: Şehir Ve Çevre Jeolojisi Fethullah Arık,Hüseyin Kurt Konya 298 s. Sayfa, JMO yayınları, 2010. Additional course books: Çevre Jeotekniği Ali Yılmaz Sivas,176 S. Sayfa, 2009. Çevre Kaynakları Ali Yılmaz Sivas 348 S. Sayfa, 2009. Çevre Jeolojisi Ali Yılmaz Sivas 379 S. Sayfa, 2008. Çevresel Etki Değerlendirmesi Ali Yılmaz Sivas 275 S. Sayfa, 2008. Kent Planlaması Ve Jeoloji : Planlana Esas Jeolojik-Jeoteknik Etüt Çalışmaları Ve Yasal Mevzuat Kuddusi Karakuş Ankara 184 sayfa, JMO yayınları, 2009. JEL311 FOSSILS FUELS GEOLOGY (2 0 2) 2 What is Coal? The importance of geology in the coal industry, World coal reserves and sources, World coal trade, Coal formation environments, sedimentology sediments containing coal, sedimentary cycle, Coal studies examining, collecting samples, studying geological mapping in coal basins, Lignite and coal deposits, the geology and economic potential of Turkey. Hydrocarbons (oil-gas) by the primal origin of organic matter and conservation, Physical-chemical properties of oil and gas, formation, immigration conditions, Properties of hydrocarbon reservoir rocks, oil traps, Search methods, The world and Turkey's major oil and gas deposits. Course book: Şehir Ve Çevre Jeolojisi Fethullah Arık,Hüseyin Kurt Konya 298 s. Sayfa, JMO yayınları, 2010. Additional course books: Çevre Jeotekniği Ali Yılmaz Sivas,176 S. Sayfa, 2009. Çevre Kaynakları Ali Yılmaz Sivas 348 S. Sayfa, 2009. Çevre Jeolojisi Ali Yılmaz Sivas 379 S. Sayfa, 2008. Çevresel Etki Değerlendirmesi Ali Yılmaz Sivas 275 S. Sayfa, 2008. Kent Planlaması Ve Jeoloji : Planlana Esas Jeolojik-Jeoteknik Etüt Çalışmaları Ve Yasal Mevzuat Kuddusi Karakuş Ankara 184 sayfa, JMO yayınları, 2009. JEL 313 INDUSTRIAL RAW MATERIALS (2 0 2) 2 Industrial rock and mineral properties, classification; Magmatic rocks, granite, basalt and diabase and perlite; metamorphic rocks, slate, marble; Sedimentary rocks, limestone and dolomite, phosphate rock, gypsum, salt, industrial raw minerals, nepheline, syenite, mica, lithium minerals, beryl; quartz, fluorite, barite, magnesite; metamorphic, graphite, asbestos, talc, vermiculite, sedimentary, sulfur, diyomotit, potash minerals, sodium, minerals, borates, nitrates, others industrial raw minerals, cryolite, amphibole, asbestos, wollastonite, garnet, kyanite, sand, pyrophyllite, gypsum application areas, deposits and market capitalization. Course book: Endüstriyel Hammaddeler Sezai Kırıkoğlu, İTÜ matbaası Yayınları, İstanbul, 1990. Technical Elective Courses JEL317 GEOTECHNICAL PREPARATION AND EVALUATION (2 0 2) 4 Engineering properties of discontinuities, line studies, and evaluation of data, Stereographic projection techniques and applications, Log files of the rock and soil surfaces and cross sections for the preparation of geotechnical purposes. Course book: Uygulamalı Jeoteknik Bilgiler Reşat Ulusay Ankara 458 s. Sayfa, JMO yayınları2010 İngilizce-Türkçe, Türkçe- İngilizce Mühendislik Jeolojisi Terimler Sözlüğü, Işık Yılmaz, Teknik Yayınevi, Ankara, 2000. Additional course books: Yapıların Projelendirilmesinde Mühendislik Jeolojisi Erdal Şekercioğlu Ankara 286 sayfa, JMO yayınları, 2007. JEL319 GEOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF NATURAL HAZARDS (2 0 2) 4 Earthquakes, mass movements, floods, avalanche, Geological factors in the formation of natural disasters, On the effects of natural disasters, civil engineering, Methods of protection from natural. Course book: Mühendislik Jeolojisi Prensipleri Fikret Tarhan, KTÜ Basımevi Yayınları, Trabzon, 1989. Additional course books: Geoteknik Bilgisi II Yamaç ve Şevlerin Müh., Akın Önalp, Ersin Arel, Birsen Yayınevi, İstanbul, 2004. JEL321 TECHNICAL REPORT PREPARING IN GEOLOGY (2 0 2) 4 How to do technical report, what is attention to when spelling stage, the researches of report preparation, to absorb information and evaluation. JEL323 THIN SECTION PREPARATION TECHNIQUES How to prepare thin sections, thin section is made and used for what purpose. Course book: Optik Mineraloji, M. Aslaner, KTÜ Yayınları, İstanbul, 1976. Additional course books: Mikroskopta Çalışma Yöntemleri, Yavuz Erkan, AÜ Yayınları, Ankara, (2 0 2) 4 Elective Courses JEL MARBLE DEPOSITS of TURKEY (2 0 2) 3 Definition, characteristics and uses of marble, which rocks can be used as marble, the importance of marble in Turkey, important marble deposits and their exploitation techniques. Course book: Endüstriyel Hammaddeler Sezai Kırıkoğlu, İTÜ matbaası Yayınları, İstanbul, 1990. 6th Half Year Courses JEL 308 ROAD GEOLOGY (2 0 2) 2 Highways in Turkey; Concepts and general information on highway; route selection; Geological and geotechnical study of trade routes; Material study of deposits; Study of the foundations of structures; Laboratory experiments in the road geotechnics; field tests in the road geotechnics; Geotechnical study of railway routes; Airports geotechnical survey; geotechnical studies in ports, transport channels and coastal. Course book: Yol Mühendisliğinde Geoteknik Uygulamaları, Argun Tunç , Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara, 2002. Additional course books: Yapıların Projelendirilmesinde Mühendislik Jeolojisi Erdal Şekercioğlu Ankara 286 sayfa, JMO yayınları, 2007 Müh. Jeolojisi ve inşaat, Fred G. Bell, Gazi Kitapevi Ankara, 2006. JEL310 DRILLING TECHNOLOGY (2 0 2) 2 Definition, types and methods of drilling, Rotary drilling equipment, the definition, functions, and features core drilling and diamond core drilling fluids; Using clays to make mud, types of mud; drilling speed, casing pipes, cement and cementing; species composition of cement; Water-cement ratio; Rescue equipment and rescue work. Course book: Sondaj Tekniği, A, Göktürk,İTÜ, Maden Fak. Yayınları., 1983 Additional course books: Sondaj Yöntemleri ve Uygulamaları ,A.Yalçın, , TMMOB, Maden Müh. Odası,. 1991. Sondaj Tekniği ,V. Sezer, MTA Yayınları., 1974 Sondaj Teknikleri ve Uygulamaları , Adem Ersoy , Nobel Kitabevi, Adana, 2008. Su Kuyularının Açılması Ve İşletilmesi, Sorunlar Ve Çözümleri Kemal Akpınar Ankara 696 sayfa, 1999. JEL312 MINE SEARCH (2 2 3) 2 Geological measurements, land materials, prospecting guide, hydrothermal alteration, Supergene sulphide enrichment, prospecting tools and equipment, geochemical prospecting, geophysical prospecting, reconnaissance survey and the methods of phase, above ground and detailed mapping, mapping and sampling in underground businesses, Sampling of the ore bodies of and reserve calculation, zuhurların ve investigation and evaluation of ore deposits. Classification and evaluation phases of underground enrichments. the geological, geophysical and geochemical methods in search for enrichments underground. the wells and drilling works gallery splitting the search for underground enrichments. Tenor on account of sampling methods. Course book: Maden Jeolojisi ve Arama Yöntemleri, Ömer T. Akıncı , Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Yayınları , 2003. Additional course books: Maden Arama projelerinin Tasarımı ve Değerlendirilmesi , Yusuf Ziya Özkan, TMMOB Jeoloji Müh. Odası, Ankara, 2004. JEL314 UNDERGROUND GEOLOGY (1 2 2) 2 Structure-contour, Isopach-İsochore, facies maps, the applications proportion and mixed of the maps. the basic principles of underground maps (structure-contour, Isopach, tenor maps, etc.) and related applications. Panel diagrams, block diagrams, well-logging applications. Course book: Yeraltı Jeolojisi ,Göksu.G,. İ Ü. Yayınları., 1981 JEL316 FIELD TRAINING (0 0 0) 4 Recognition of the basic geological structures in the field, How to geological work in the field, geological measurements made off-road environment. JEL318 METAMORPHIC ROCKS PETROGRAPHY (2 2 3) 3 Metamorphism, the factors causing metamorphosed, types of metamorphism, metamorphism tissues, general classification of metamorphic rocks, regional metamorphism, contact metamorphism, embedded metamorphism, facies metamorphism, barraw type metamorphism, Abukuma type metamorphism, the metamorphism in terms of plate tectonics, anatexis. Course book: Metamorfik Petrografi Yavuz Erkan HÜ. Yayınları, Ankara 160 sayfa, 2006. Additional course books: An Introduction to Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, Winter, J.D,. Prentice Hall., 2001. Metamorfik kayaçlar petrografisi el kitabı, Özlü, N., Kunt, N., 1979, E.Ü, Yerbilimleri Fak. yay. İzmir. Petrogenesis of metamorphic rocks, Winkler, F.H., 1976, Forth edition, Springer,-Verlag, Newyork, Heidelberg. JEL 320 PALEONTOLOGY (1 2 2) 2 The topic of paleontology, fossilization, The importance of fossils, taxonomic hierarchy, the organisms populated in regions; Microfossils: Blue-green algae, bacteria, Dinoflagellata, silikoflagellat, diatom, Coccoliths, sport-pollen, tintinid-kalpionellid, radiolarya, foraminifera, ostracod, kitinozoa, conodont’s general characteristics and systematics, Macrofossils: sponges, corals, brachiopoda, molluskalar, annelids, arthropods, echinodermata’s general characteristics and systematics (invertebrate fossils) and some vertebrate fossils. Paleontological age determination and importance . Course book: Paleontoloji (Fosil Bilim) (1. Baskı), Nurdan İnan, Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara, 2006. Additional course books: Paleoekoloji İlkeleri Taner, G., Uysal, K., TMMOB Jeoloji Mühendisliği Odası Yayını. 37, Ankara1994. Benthıc Foramınıfera Of Eastern Aegean Sea(Turkey) Systematıcs And Autoecology Engin Meriç, Niyazi Avşar, Fulya Bergin İstanbul 306 sayfa, 2004. Paleoekoloji İlkeleri Güler Taner, Kaya Uysal Ankara 338 sayfa, JMO yayınları, 1994. JEL 322 GEOMORPHOLOGY (2 0 2) 2 The forces of the earth influential in shaping, internal and external forces, erosion, transport and deposition in rivers activities, types of drainage, the shape of river valleys, Depending upon the forms of river topography, coastal law, submarine topography, weathering and soil formation. Course book: Jeomorfoloji Cilt 1, Sırrı Erinç ,Der Yayınları, İstanbul, 2000. Jeomorfoloji Cilt 2, Sırrı Erinç, Der Yayınları, İstanbul, 2001. Additional course books: Jeomorfoloji Sözlüğü, Mehmet Ardos, Nilüfer Pekcan Yalçıner ,Çantay Kitabevi, 1997. Technical Elective Courses JEL326 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN GEOLOGY (2 0 2) 4 Geological data transfer to computer, digital maps, petrological, geochemical, programs for mapping and applications (Minpet, Netcad, AutoCAD, Coreldraw, surfer, GCDKİT 3.00, Freehand, Stereonet). Course book: Autocad 2006 ile çizim ve tasarım, Muammer NALBANTT, ALPHA, 2005. Additional course books: Autocad , Murat Can, Dilara yayınevi , 2003. JEL328 WELL LOGS (2 0 2) 4 Mining, ground water and hydrocarbon exploration well logs, Giving basic information about the vertical seismic profiling method applications, Resistivity well logging, self potential, radioactivity, tilt, acoustic, speed, Gamma Ray Logs (GR), Natural Radioactivity Logu (NGT), core analysis, determination of lithology. Course book: Yeraltı Jeolojisi ,Göksu.G,. İ Ü. Yayınları., 1981 Yardımcı Ders Kitapları Additional course books: Sondaj Yöntemleri ve Uygulamaları ,A.Yalçın, , TMMOB, Maden Müh. Odası,. 1991. Sondaj Tekniği ,V. Sezer, MTA Yayınları., 1974 Sondaj Teknikleri ve Uygulamaları , Adem Ersoy , Nobel Kitabevi, Adana, 2008. JEL330 TECTONICS of TURKEY (2 0 2) 4 General features of the geology of Turkey, tectonic units of Turkey and the tectonic classification, major orogenic structures in Turkey, the importance of major tectonic structures and properties in Turkey, active fault zones and seismotectonic characteristics. Course book: Türkiye Jeolojisi (İhsan Ketin, 1983). Tetis’in evrimine yaklaşım (A.M.C. Şengör ve Y. Yılmaz, 1983, TJK Yayını) JEL332 PLATE TECTONICS and ORE DEPOSITS (2 0 2) 4 Plate tectonics and geology, convergent plate environments, arc environments and magmatism, ore deposits are related to arc, divergent plate environments, formation of oceanic-type crust and ore deposits, continental ridges and collision environments. Course book: F.J. SAWKINS., 1999. Maden Yatakları ve Levha Tektoniği. (Çeviri ve Düzenleme:Taner ÜNLÜ L ve Sönmez SAYILI, Ankara üniversitesi,Fen Fakültesi, Jeoloji Mühendisliği bölümü, Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Yay ı n No: 55) Elective Courses JEL MASS MOVEMENTS (2 0 2) 3 The classification of mass movements, rock movements, soil movements, survey methods of mass movements, stabilization of the mass movements, monitoring of potential mass movement. Course book: SHARPE, C. F. S., 1938, Landslides and Related Phenomona. Colombia Univercity Pres, Newyork. VARNES, D. S., 1950, Relation of Landslides to Sedimantery Features. Applied Sedimantaion. John Wiley, Newyork. Additional course books: UTKU, T., 1975, Teori ve Tatbikatta Heyalanlar, Karayolları Genel Müdürlüğü Matbaası, Ankara ERGUVANLI, K., 1995, Mühendislik jeolojisi, Seç Yayın Dağıtımı, İst. 7th Half Year Courses JEL401 ORE DEPOSİTS II (3 0 3) 5 Deposition patterns, ore structures and textures; Classification of ore deposits; residue deposits; Cementation zone of oxidation and deposits; clastic deposits; Sedimentary deposits. The examples of Turkey and world. Course book: Metalik Maden Yatakları Sedat Temur Nobel Yayın Dağıtım , Ocak 2001 Additional course books: Maden Yataklarının Değerlendirilmesinde Jeoistatistiksel Yöntemler A. Erhan Tercan, Cem Saraç Ankara 137 sayfa, JMO Yayınları, 1998. Sanayi Madenleri Yüksel Önem Ankara 386 sayfa, 2000. JEL 403 TUNNEL GEOLOGY (3 0 3) 5 Introduction and history, General terms about tunnelling, route selection criteria, crosssectional size, the cross-sectional, the principles of design tunnel projects, classification and design, Rock conditions, the pre-assessment and describes; Identification of rock mass indices, geotechnical data collection methods; rock mass classifications, historical development, RSR, RMR and Q classification systems; Sprayed concrete used in tunnels, rock bolting, steel truss anchor, General properties of steel cage. Course book: Mühendislik Jeolojisi Prensipleri Fikret Tarhan, KTÜ Basımevi Yayınları, Trabzon, 1989. Additional course books: Geoteknik Bilgisi II Yamaç ve Şevlerin Müh., Akın Önalp, Ersin Arel, Birsen Yayınevi, İstanbul, 2004. Kaya Şev Mühendisliği, Duncan C. Wyllie, Gazi Kitabevi, Ankara, 2004. JEL 405 DAM GEOLOGY (2 0 2) 5 Definition and history of the dam, The importance of geology and engineering using the construction of the dam site; classification of dams; Factors affecting the selection of type and location of the dam; Properties of rocks to the dam site; The forces acting on the body of the dam; Engineering geological studies of the dam axis; Basic rock consolidation; Related to the field of engineering geology studies in the dam lake; Silting in the dams; Other water-holding structures. Course book: Su yapıları/Barajlar, Savaklar ve Su Kuvveti Tesisleri, Mehmet Berkün, Birsen Yayınevi, İstanbul, 2007.Yardımcı Ders Kitapları Additional course books: Baraj Planlama ve Tasarımı c.3, Necati Ağıralioğlu, Su Vakfı Yayınları, İstanbul, 2008. Baraj Planlama ve Tasarımı c.1, 2. baskı, Necati Ağıralioğlu, Su Vakfı Yayınları, İstanbul, 2007. Baraj Planlama ve Tasarımı c.2, Necati Ağıralioğlu, Su Vakfı Yayınları, İstanbul, 2005. Kireç Taşları Ve Barajlar Ahmet Hamdi Taşlıca Ankara 88 sayfa, 2003. Katı Atık Yönetimi, Martin Steiner, Ulrich Wiegel, Eflatun Yayinevi, Ankara, 2009. JEL 407 MINING INFORMATION (2 0 2) 3 Basic definitions related to mining and operated mines and contains the basic information needed for planning. Geological engineer in the mines and fields of study task. Course book: Madencilige giris Aytekin, Yavuz. Ege Universitesi. Muhendislik-Mimarlık Fakultesi yayınları ;1985. Additional course books: Madenciliğe Giriş, Kahraman F., Dicle Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Yayınları, Diyarbakır, 1993 Resimli Madencilik Terimleri Sözlüğü, Öcal, M., Güngör, G., Gök, M.Ş., Türkiye Maden Mühendisleri Odası Yayını. Technical Elective Courses JEL413 COAL GEOLOGY (2 0 2) 4 Coal technology, sampling methods, methods of analysis, several classifications of related to coal, environments of peat formation, rank of coal, petrographic examination of coal, tectonic models of coal formation, the concept of field work and reserve, coal deposits of Turkey. Course book: Şehir Ve Çevre Jeolojisi Fethullah Arık,Hüseyin Kurt Konya 298 s. Sayfa, JMO yayınları, 2010. JEL415 KARST GEOLOGY (2 0 2) 4 Recognition of structures in karstic, events leading to these structures, What type of rocks to form these structures, karstic lands in Turkey. Course book: Genel Jeoloji, Prof. Dr. İhsan KETİN, İTÜ Matbaası, 597s., İstanbul. 1977. JEL417 OPHIOLITIC ORE DEPOSITS (2 0 2) 4 Definition of the ophiolite, formation, the major ophiolite belts in the world, ophiolites related ore deposits, ophiolites in Turkey. Course book: Metalik Maden Yatakları Sedat Temur Nobel Yayın Dağıtım , Ocak 2001. JEL419 CHROMITE DEPOSITS of TURKEY (2 0 2) 4 The importance of chromite crystals, uses, the potential for platinum group elements, environment of formation, chromite deposits of Turkey. Course book: Metalik Maden Yatakları, Altan Gümüş, Bilim Ofset, İzmir, 1987. JEL421 METALLICAL ORE DEPOSITS (2 0 2) 4 Mining metals that have the potential, their formation environments, features, uses, metallic mineral deposits in Turkey. Course book: Madenciliğe giriş Aytekin, Yavuz; Ege Üniversitesi. Muhendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi yayınları, 1985. JEL423 GEOTHERMAL SOURCES (2 0 2) 4 Definition of geothermal, features, what are geothermal resources, where is the usage of geothermal sources and Turkey's geothermal resources. Course book: Türkiye Jeolojisi (İhsan Ketin, 1983). 8th Half Year Courses JEL410 TURKEY GEOLOGY (2 0 2) 3 Introduction to geology of Turkey, Metamorphic massifs, Paleozoic and Mesozoic formations, formations and the distribution of ophiolite-radiolaritic, Cenozoic basins and features, magmatism and volcanism, the major orogenic events contained in Turkey, tectonic associations. Paleogeographic and tectonic of the structure evolution in Turkey. Course book: Türkiye Jeolojisi, İhsan Ketin, İTÜ Matbaası Yayını, İstanbul, 1983. Additional course books: Kentlerin Jeolojisi Ve Deprem Durumu Ahmet Tabban Ankara 500 sayfa, JMO yayınları, 2000. Genel Jeoloji, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Akartuna, Elif Ofset Basımevi, İstanbul, 1982. Türkiye neotektoniğinin esasları, Şengör, A.M.C., 1980, Türkiye Jeol. Kur. Konferans serisi, 40 s. Ankara. JEL 412 REMOTE SENSING (2 0 2) 3 Basic concepts and applications of remote sensing, aerial photos, LANDSAT and SPOT satellite images, Thermal-infrared images, Radar images. Course book: Jeolojide Uzaktan Algılama Yusuf Tatar,Orhan Tatar Sivas 248 sayfa, 2006. Additional course books: Uzaktan Algılama Temel Kavramlar Atila Sesören İstanbul 125 sayfa, 1998. JEL 414 JOB LEGISLATION (2 0 2) 2 Legal concepts related to mining, Mining Law, Property and Sovereignty Systems Search, pre-business, enterprise applications, and licenses report, Rules and laws related to Quarries, The philosophical foundations of ethics, professional responsibilities. Course book: İş Hukuku ,Ercan Akyiğit , Seçkin Yayıncılık , Ankara,2010. Additional course books: İş Hukuku , Nizamettin Aktay - Kadir Arıcı - E. Tuncay Kaplan Senyen, Seçkin Yayıncılık , Ankara,2009. İş Hukuku Dersleri, Nuri Çelik , Beta Yayınevi, İstanbul,2010. JEL416 HYDROGEOLOGY (2 2 3) 3 The development of hydro-geological; The origin and movement of groundwater; The distribution of the water and the presence of underground; groundwater movement; change and level in groundwater; aquifer and types. Course book: Yer altı Suyu (Hidrojeoloji), Zekai Şen, Su Vakfı Yayınları, İstanbul, 2003. Additional course books: Hidrojeoloji Giriş, 2. Baskı JC Nonner, UNESCO-IHE Delft Ders Notları Serisi Francis & Taylor 2009 Küresel Su Politikaları Ve Havza Yönetimi Jeoloji Müh. Odası Ankara 56 sayfa, JMO yayınları, 2003. Yeraltı Suyu, R. Allan Freeze, Gazi Kitabevi, Ankara, 2003. Su Kaynakları Mühendisliği, Cevat Erkek, Necati Ağıralioğlu, Beta Yayın Dağıtım. JEL418 DIPLOMA PROJECT II (0 6 3) 7 General Geology, Mineralogy and Petrography, mineral deposits-Geochemistry, Engineering Geology at least one of the areas of project work, covering a subject. Technical Elective Courses JEL420 ORE MICROSCOPY (2 0 2) 4 Parts of the ore microscope, the physical properties of ore minerals in polished surfaces, optical properties of ore minerals, (Color, double reflection, anisotropy, reflectivity, internal reflection), microchemical techniques, textures of ore minerals, mineral determinations. Course book: Akıncı, Ö.T. (1999), Cevher Mikroskopisi ve mineral tanımları. S.D. üniversitesi,Y.No.4. Additional course books: Kumbasar (1974), Cevher Mikroskopisi içi Tayin Tabloları. C. Schouten'den Çeviri.İTÜ Maden Fak JEL422 AGGREGATE PETROGRAPHY (2 0 2) 4 The definition and characteristics of aggregate, what kind of rock they are, environments of formation, petrographic features. Course book: Magmatik Petrografi Prof.Dr. Yavuz Erkan Ankara 176 sayfa, HÜ Yayını, 2006. JEL424 FIELD STUDY IN GEOLOGY (2 0 2) 4 Recognition of the basic geological structures in the field, how to geological work in the field, geological measurements made off-road environment. JEL426 GEOLOGICAL RESERVE CALCULATIONS (2 0 2) 4 The description of reserve and types, a variety of methods of calculating reserves, geological interpretation of these calculations, definition and types of tenor. Course book: Ayhan, A., 1989, “Maden jeolojisi Arama ve Etüd Teknikleri” , Selçuk Üniv.,Yayınları. No: 3, 328s. JEL428 PETROCHEMICAL CALCULATIONS (2 0 2) 4 Geological events and their importance in petrochemical, the geological controls on petrochemical data, petrochemical data analysis, the use of diagrams in the naming of rocks, major and trace element distribution diagrams and diagrams of platinum group elements. Course book: Boztuğ, D. ve Otlu, N., 2001; Magmatik Petrojenez, Lisansüstü Yaz okulu Akçakoca-Düzce, TMMOB Jeoloji Mühensdisleri Odası Yayınları: 61, 612 JEL430 RENEABLE ENERGY SOURCES (2 0 2) 4 What are renewable energy sources, which they occur in environments, what is the importance of energy resources in the geological sense.
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