11th edition Fair International Exhibition of Bamako 2015 From 15 to 25 January 2015 COMMERCIAL SPACE BAMAKO-MALI Parc des Expositions de Bamako / Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie du Mali – CCIM – Tél +223 20 22 50 36 Mobiles : +223 76 39 22 35 / +223 66 75 20 76 / +223 76 43 29 89 - Site web : www.cci.ml APPLICATION FORM Please, return this form to MALI CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY Po Box : 46, Place de la Liberté, Bamako MALI E mail :[email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected] web site : http://www.cci.ml Tél : +223 20 22 50 36/ 20 22 96 45 - Fax : +223 20 22 21 20 YOUR COMPANY Company name: ........................................................................................................................................ Manager: .................................................................................................................................................. Legal statute: ........................................................................................................................................... Postal address: .............................................................. Country:............................................................ Telephone : ......................................... Fax : ............................................................................................. Website : www. .............................................. Email : ...................................................................... Name of the contact: .................................................. Mobile : ............................................................. Sector of activities ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Products: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Desired surface (according to availabilities) Esplanade Substructure FEBAK 2015 Parc des Expositions de Bamako / Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie du Mali – CCIM – Tél +223 20 22 50 36 Mobiles : +223 76 39 22 35 / +223 66 75 20 76 / +223 76 43 29 89 - Site web : www.cci.ml HANDICRAFTS & & RETAILLERS PAVILION APPLICATION FORM 01‐SPACE For the sign of your arranged stand , thanks for specifying the corporate name to indicate ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..... Scupper >9m² : << emplacement + Scupper +ensign in standard le ers>> 9m²x40 €uro, or 26 200 FCFA= 360 €uro, or 235 800 F CFA HT Number Scupper …...................… x360 €uro, or 235 800 F CFA HT=…...............….....................€HT 2 ‐YOUR FEES OF PARTICIPATION ARE COMPULSORY These obligatory Fees of par cipa on correspond to a whole of services that FEBAK lets at your disposal on our web site: : www.cci.mlYou are referred on our Internet site in the list of the exhibitors. We add synthe c descrip on that you will transmit to us rela ng to your ac vity or your products. If you propose anima ons during the show we will communicate about it on our. We transfer you the messages from net surfers concerning your company. ON THE CATALOG OF FEBAK 2015 You are referred on our official catalog DURING FEBAK 2015 The Interna onal Trade Exhibi on of Bamako proposes to you badges macaroons or invita ons according to the number of m² reserved. Mee ngs B2B will be organized during the show. If a company wishes to meet you, we will let at your disposal a structure to treat new contracts or new opportuni es (subject to places available). These fees of subscrip on amount to 100€ per stand. Obligatory fees for inscrip on= .............................................€HT 3 – INSURANCE: Nature of the exposed products: Value of the stand and the exposed products > 1 000€ (650 000 F CFA (XOF)= .............................................. € Insurance related to the Civil Liability 30€ (19 650 F CFA) HT = ................................................€ Fire insurance = (1) X 5‰ = HT =.................................................€ HT TOTAL HT................................. € HT VAT 18%...................................€ TOTAL TTC………….…………........€ 4 COMPULSORY DISCOUNT To be registered to FEBAK 2015, the exhibitor joins a discount of 50% of the value of his applica on for par cipa on. This installment is not refundable event of cancella on. Residents: by bank check or transfer Non residents : obligatory bank transfer For CCIM : Bank account : BDM SA : ML 016 01201 026701216526 49 bank code branch code Account # RIB 5 ‐ SIGNATURE The undersigned asks his admission to the 11th edi on of the Interna onal Trade Fair of Bamako FEBAK 2015. He cer fies to have taken knowledge of enclosed payment and condi ons of FEBAK 2015, contained in the file of the exhibitor and commits thus to respect the clauses and condi ons. Names and func on of the representa ve: ................................................................................................................... Place .....................................................Date ......................................... Signature and stamp . FEBAK 2015 Parc des Expositions de Bamako / Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie du Mali – CCIM – Tél +223 20 22 50 36 Mobiles : +223 76 39 22 35 / +223 66 75 20 76 / +223 76 43 29 89 - Site web : www.cci.ml REGULATION OF INSTALLATION RULES OF INSTALLATION 01 - INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS The exhibitor must as a preliminary pay all the expenses inherent to his participation to the Show. In order to be able to carry out all work of fitting and decoration of the stand, the exhibitor must obligatorily present to the Technical Office of the trade fair, the bulletin of installation. The Technical Office reserves the right to bring new provisions or to modify the present rule of the in the interest of the exhibition.The exhibitors commit themselves respect the provisions of this bylaw and possible new instructions which could be imposed by circumstances. Any failure with the present regulation will expose its author to immediate, temporary or final exclusion. The exhibitor authorizes expressly on a purely gracious basis, the Organizer and his subsidiary companies to be realize, if he wishes, photographs and/or films of the representative, as well as the members of his team, the exhibited products in his stand and to freely use these images on all supports, in particular advertising in Mali like abroad, and without time limit. 2 - OBTAINING OF BULLETIN OF INSTALLATION Each exhibitor must have a bulletin of installation which will be valid during all Show period to the authorized schedules (9h 00 to 18h 00). This document is to be taken at the Commercial Department. It will allow the exhibitor to get access to the Show for the period of installation. 3-MAP - MODELS The exhibitor has obligation to present the plans or models of his stand to the Technical Departments for approval, and this, one month before starting decoration and arrangement works. 4-STANDS It is desirable that the stands are prefabricated in advance and dismountable. To take care not to carry damage neither to general aesthetics, nor to neighbour stands. For that, please respect a height of separation of the joint stands of 2m70 and 6m for indication and the mezzanines stands (possible only for the stands situated more than 3m on the sides of the Capitals). Moreover, please respect the delimitation on the ground of the stands, without encroaching on closer stands and the alleys. The angles of the stands located on the principal alleys of the show must remain opened, except agreement of the Direction 5-SIGNS SETTING UP The descriptive of the stand can be located at a maximum height of: -2,50m: at the border of the alley -5,00m: with an obligatory minimum withdrawal of 3,00m of the stand border. SWIVELLING SIGNS AND BALLOONS These tools can be used under the following conditions: - the authorized balloons are of a maximum diameter of 1,30m - the authorized swivelling signs are of a maximum surface of 6m² These elements must be positioned with a minimum withdrawal of 3,00m compared to the alleys and 2,00m compared to the joint stands. No stringcourse and nor descriptive can be placed outside the stand. 6-ADVERTIZING Any neon sign or sound will have to be subjected to preliminary and written approval of the organizer. This approval will remain subjected to the condition that publicity does not constitute in any manner an disturb to the close exhibitors, circulation, in short to the good holding of the show, or else approval could be withdrawn without other notice. The distribution of leaflet, various goods and printed papers is strictly prohibited in the alleys like in the enclosure of the exhibition. FEBAK 2015 Parc des Expositions de Bamako / Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie du Mali – CCIM – Tél +223 20 22 50 36 Mobiles : +223 76 39 22 35 / +223 66 75 20 76 / +223 76 43 29 89 - Site web : www.cci.ml REGULATION OF INSTALLATION 07 -ANIMATION The exhibitors who desire a musical animation in their stand will have to inform the organizer. Any musical animation will be authorized only after agreement of the organizer, on presentation of a precise project (material and sound source used, type of animation....). The sound volume will not be able to exceed 70 decibels. Non respect of these provisions will be able to conduct without notice, to electricity blackout of the concerned exhibitor's stand without compensation on behalf of the organizer. 08- CLEANING The exhibitors and their fitters have obligation not to leave any waste following the installation of the stands (empty packing, falls of wood, cases empty, empty pots of painting, etc…). Any storage onthe alleys is formally prohibited.Exhibitors and fitters must thus take all dispositions to remove them by the vehicles having brought the material and goods. 09- ELECTRICITY Each stand must be obligatorily provided with a table with a differential circuit breaker. All the electric installations willbe subject of checking by our technicians. In the event of nonconformities of the installation, the exhibitor will not be able in any case to be connected to the network, voltage: 220 three-phased volts, standard electricity supply of 16 A (3kw). In case of additional need (paying), you can take attach with the General Commissionership. 10 - ADDITIONAL SUPPLIES The requests for additional supply must be addressed directly to CCIM. 11 - SAFETY OF PRODUCTS AND SERVICES The exhibitors certify that the products or services presented are in conformity with the safety requirements imposed by the regulation in force and assume the whole responsibility for the possible defects of the aforesaid products or services, without the responsibility of the organizer.Forwarding of products, raw materials, of flyers, posters, etc, are carried out depends on the exhibitor, directly in his stand. It is up to the exhibitor to be present or to be represented at the arrival of the parcels. They must be imperatively labelled correctly on each side with the following address: 11th edition of the International Trade Fair of Bamako – FEBAK 2015 12-SAFETY ON SITE Each exhibitor must take care that its general plan of coordination regarding safety measures should be rigorously respected. The exhibitor is the only person responsible for the companies working in his stand. Checking visits relating to the application of the rules of hygiene and occupational safety will be done. On the site, everybody will have to respectthe panels of indications and the conventional direction of circulation. The structures will have to be in conformity with the legislation. . FEBAK 2015 Parc des Expositions de Bamako / Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie du Mali – CCIM – Tél +223 20 22 50 36 Mobiles : +223 76 39 22 35 / +223 66 75 20 76 / +223 76 43 29 89 - Site web : www.cci.ml GENERAL REGULATIONS 13 -CUSTOMS FORMALITIES International exhibitors will be able to import goods to their stand in Temporary Admission, by presenting at the borders notebook ATA to the competent Authorities (Customs). 14-INSURANCES - RENUNCIATION TO RESORT The organizer is not responsible for damages that the participants could cause to third persons,nor losses, robbers or destruction of materials and goods which they expose. Any exhibitor, by the only fact of his participation, declares to give up any recourse that himself or his insurers could intend against the organizer for any direct or indirect damage that they could be caused to his goods, like his employees. During the installation, the stand is under the exclusive monitoring of the company representative. 15-PREVENTION AGAINST ROBS Be very vigilant with respect to your personal goods and chattels in period of assembling and disassembling in order to avoid theft risks FEBAK 2015 NOMENCLATURE Please tick the box corresponding to your sector of activity CRAFTS LOCAL PRODUCTS CLOTHING DECORATION HOUSEWARE OTHER Specify:............................................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................................................................. FEBAK 2015 Parc des Expositions de Bamako / Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie du Mali – CCIM – Tél +223 20 22 50 36 Mobiles : +223 76 39 22 35 / +223 66 75 20 76 / +223 76 43 29 89 - Site web : www.cci.ml
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