APPLICATION PACK VENUE: Olympia, London DATE: 11th – 13th January 2015 Application Deadline 30th April 2014 This pack includes: ● Section 1: Introduction ● Section 2: Application Guidelines ● Application Form ● Venue Plan ● Contract ● T&Cs 1 Section 1: Introduction Clarion Events and Handmade in Britain have created CRAFT to provide a commercial platform for designer makers who wish to reach an audience of professional retailers and collectors. CRAFT is a new trade event for leading contemporary makers which will take place alongside Home and Top Drawer from the 11-13 January 2015 at Olympia, London. The Event The launch of CRAFT was in response to increasing demand from retailers searching for high quality products with provenance; items which are truly unique and original; objects with heart, soul and individuality. CRAFT is the place where professional buyers will discover just such products. CRAFT fills a gap in the UK market for a high quality, juried trade event which will enable leading Makers and Artisans to meet a substantial audience of international retailers, galleries, museums, professional buyers and collectors within a dedicated trade event in London. Location Located alongside Home and Top Drawer at Olympia, CRAFT is the most recent addition to Clarion’s rapidly growing portfolio of events. Housed in its own specially created space, CRAFT will be home to over 150 contemporary makers who will be carefully selected by the CRAFT advisory panel. The Team CRAFT is run for Clarion Events by Piyush Suri, Founder and Director of Handmade in Britain with close support from Ian Rudge, Brand Director at Clarion Events and Co-Founder of 100% Design and Tent London. Between them, Ian and Piyush have a wealth of contacts and experience within the world of Craft and events. Format In a prime location within a spacious environment, CRAFT will consist of affordable, custom designed, purpose built wooden shell-scheme stands in user-friendly configurations, complete with lighting and sufficient space to display work to its best effect. CRAFT exhibitors will also benefit from exhibitor work-shops and study days prior to the exhibition to assist makers with the process of developing trade contacts and income from trade sources. Visitors (See Fact Sheet for detailed data) 14,000 trade buyers regularly attend Home and Top Drawer at the busiest buying time of the commercial year. CRAFT will be marketed to and attract professional, international and UK trade buyers, retailers, independents, multiples, department stores, museums & galleries, interior designers and corporate and public sector buyers, specifiers and collectors. Section 2a: CRAFT 2014 The launch of CRAFT in January at Earls Court took place on the 12 – 14 January 2014 complimented by Top Drawer Spring and Home. Supported by Craft Magazine and Handmade in Britain it was a huge success and exceeded exhibitors, organisers and visitor expectations. With over 100 British and international makers there was a beautiful selection of work, from textiles, jewellery, glass to woodwork and ceramics. Feedback from our exhibitors has been very positive and encouraging and visitors where impressed with the high quality of work at the event. It was a superb show, the overall look and presentation was top quality and I was so proud to be involved. Many visitors to my stand also commented on the high standard and upbeat feeling in CRAFT ’14. - Exhibitor: Helen Chatterton, Perfection of Production, Stand CC5 2 CRAFT was a stunning event and all the makers exhibiting that I spoke with were absolutely thrilled with it. - Dan Goode, Chief Seeker, Seek & Adore Ltd Section 2b: CRAFT 2015 The success of the 2014 launch has been a huge success and from January 2015, CRAFT will take place in the magnificent central London location of Olympia. Olympia is situated in the heart of London, a venue full of character and charm. We will use the setting of the dramatic, light-filled venue, which is the perfect setting for high quality design led gifts, homewares and craft to create the UK’s best trade event – one that buyers and exhibitors alike will love; where it will be a pleasure to do business. CRAFT will once again be sat alongside Top Drawer and Home to create a 3-in-1 collection of shows which will be the UK’s most compelling and relevant design-led trade show; one that is meticulously curated and beautifully designed, with a unique character and appeal. Section 3: Application Guidelines Applications are invited from designer makers working in the following areas: fashion design & accessories, interior design & accessories, glass, jewellery, furniture, stationery, metalwork, ceramics, furniture, sculpture, woodwork, prints and etchings. The organisers seek to provide a balance of craft disciplines in order to provide the visitors with a broad range of work. The selection of exhibitors is principally based on the images supplied. Additional information provided on the application form may be used for press and publicity purposes once exhibitors have been selected. Around 150 designer makers will be selected for the event. There will also be a reserve list, should an exhibitor be unable to attend it will be filled from the reserve list. CRITERIA Makers must demonstrate a clear knowledge and understanding of the making process and provenance of materials used. The maker must have applied their craft skills directly in the creation of the work to be exhibited. They must have also given consideration to the commercial viability of the work, both in terms of its pricing and appeal to a retail audience. The panel will be looking for work with originality that makes a positive contribution to the show and which is from a category that is not already over-represented. The panel will seek to achieve an interesting mix of work which will appeal to a broad range of buyers. PROCESS ● ● ● ● ● Applications will be subject to approval by the Craft Selection Panel; completed application forms and Exhibition Space Contracts must be submitted by 6pm 30th April 2014. Due to the nature of the event, submissions will be judged and selected on a monthly basis however final stand allocations will be made in June 2014. Applications must be accompanied by a completed exhibition space contract together with £150 deposit which will be returned if the application is unsuccessful. The exhibition space contract becomes binding upon allocation of your stand, at which point you will receive written confirmation of your stand number and an invoice for payment Payment terms and conditions are detailed on the exhibition space contract 3 COSTS Stands are available in 3 sizes       ●       ●       ●       ● Small (2m2 2x1) Standard (3m2 3x1) Medium (4.5m2 3x1.5) Large (6m2 3x2) £675 + vat £975 + vat £1350 + vat £1800 + vat What’s included: ● Full press and publicity campaign and online event promotion ● Listing with image and logo on CRAFT website ● Complimentary trade registration for your buyers ● An exclusive private viewing for your guests ● Promotional material for distribution within your networks ●  Traditional Wooden shell scheme stand and fascia with exhibitor’s name (extra display items available) ● Stand lighting package inc. two spotlights (extra electrical services available) ● 24 hour security at the event How to Apply The application form must be completed in full with 6 low-resolution images uploaded/sent as instructed. The application form and the images need to be with us no later than 6pm on 30th April 2014. Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted. The number of applications is likely to exceed the exhibiting space available. The decision of the selection panel is final and the organisers cannot enter into correspondence regarding the outcome of individual applications. If you have any questions about the application procedure, please email [email protected]. Application Online Please supply six low-resolution digital images of your work either as an email attachment, a weblink, or via HIGHTAIL or WeTransfer and email your application form as an attachment. Please refer to our image guidelines for more information. Please ensure that you have submitted your images in the correct size and format and they are of good quality, as they may also be used for promotional purposes. Should you be selected, you will be asked to provide high-resolution images in addition to the six application images. Please email your application and completed exhibition space contract to: [email protected]. OR Application by Post Please supply six low-resolution digital images of your work on a CD along with your application form. Please label the CD clearly with your name. Please refer to our image guidelines for more information. Please ensure that you have submitted your images in the correct size and format and they are of good quality, as they may also be used for promotional purposes. Should you be selected, you will be asked to provide high-resolution images in addition to the six application images. Please post applications and CDs to: CRAFT C/O IAN RUDGE Clarion Events (Retail), Bedford House, 67-79 Fulham High Street, London SW6 3JW 4 Image Guidelines Images should be professionally taken, no more than 1MB each and should be saved as JPEG files. Each image should be labeled with your name and a number from 1 to 6 that should correspond with your image details on the Application Form. For example: mrobins1.jpeg 5 APPLICATION FORM PLEASE COMPLETE IN BLOCK CAPITALS. There are 4 Sections in this form, followed by terms & conditions and the declaration. Please read the guidelines carefully and make sure that all requested information is complete. Please send the completed application form and the Exhibition Space Contract by 6pm on 30th April 2014. If you have any questions regarding your application, please contact [email protected] 1: Your Details Applicant’s Name Company Name Address Postcode Telephone Email Mobile Website Area of Specialisation Year Business set up Description of work to be exhibited (not more than 100 words) 2: Image Details: Describe the work in each image Image 1: Title and description Material Dimensions Retail price (£) Photographer credit 6 Image 2: Title and description Material Dimensions Retail price (£) Photographer credit Image 3: Title and description Material Dimensions Retail price (£) Photographer credit Image 4: Title and description Material Dimensions Retail price (£) Photographer credit Image 5: Title and description Material Dimensions Retail price (£) Photographer credit Image 6: Title and description Material Dimensions Retail price (£) Photographer credit 7 Please note: All applications must be accompanied with the signed exhibition space contract. Successful applicants will be notified of their allocated space in June 2014 at which point the Exhibition Space contract becomes binding and your £150 deposit will be credited towards the cost of your stand. You will also be invoiced for the remaining 25% deposit at this time. If your application is unsuccessful we will return your £150 deposit at this time. 8 EX H IBIT ION SPACE CON T RACT O lym pia,London,11-13 January 2015 OFFICE U SE ON LY Da te Re c .............................. Sta n d .................... STAN D REQ UIRED r Sm a ll (2m 2).................................................................................................. £ 675 + v a t £ ................................ r Sta n d a rd (3m 2)............................................................................................. £ 9 75 + v a t £ ................................ r M e d iu m (4-5m 2)........................................................................................... £ 1350 + v a t £ ................................ r La rg e (6m 2)................................................................................................. £ 1800 + v a t £ ................................ S ta n d s in c lu d e :2 s p o t lig h ts ,tra d itio n a l S h e ll S c h e m e ,c a rp e t,s ig n a g e . In s u ra n c e a rra n g e m e n t fe e £ 19 5.00 T h e in s u ra n c e a rra n g e m e n t fe e o f £ 19 5 (p lu s V AT )w ill b e c re d ite d /re fu n d e d /w a iv e d if s a tis fa c to ry e v id e n c e o f a n y a lte rn a tiv e in s u ra n c e a rra n g e m e n t is a g re e d b y o u r in s u ra n c e b ro k e r,T o w e rg a te : 0844 89 2 1613 (s e e p o in t 12 te rm s a n d c o n d itio n s ). N et £ ................................ P a y m e n t T e rm s – £ 150 re fu n d a b le d e p o s it w ith a p p lic a tio n V AT @ 20% £ ................................ T OT AL £ ................................ 25% fe e p lu s in s u ra n c e a rra n g e m e n t fe e in c .V AT p a y a b le u p o n a llo c a tio n . 40% fe e p lu s V AT p a y a b le b y 9 th Se p te m b e r 2014 35% fe e p lu s V AT p a y a b le b y 30th N o v e m b e r 2014 Fo r c o n tra c ts s ig n e d a fte r 30th N o v e m b e r 2014 th e to ta l d u e w ill b e p a y a b le im m e d ia te ly . Ch e q u e s to b e m a d e p a y a b le to Cla rio n Ev e n ts Lim ite d . N O N U K E X H IB IT O R S M U S T P AY B Y C R E D IT C AR D ,B AN K T R AN S F E R O R S T E R L IN G C H E Q U E /B AN K D R AF T D R AW N O N A B AN K IN T H E U K . EXH IBITO R D ETAILS (b lo c k Co m p a n y N a m e c a p ita ls o r ty p e p le a s e ) ............................................................ T ra d in g a s (if a p p lic a b le )........................................................... Co n ta c t........................................................................ Ad d re s s ............................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................ Po s tc o d e .............................T e l..................................... M o b ile ................................ Em a il........................................................................... W e b s ite Fa x ......................................... ............................................................................. SIG N ED O N BEH ALF O F EXH IBITO R I/w e h e re b y a p p ly fo r th e s p a c e a s d e ta ile d a b o v e a n d I/w e a g re e to a b id e b y th e Ex h ib itio n T e rm s & Co n d itio n s (s h o w n o n th e re v e rs e )w h ic h fo rm p a rt o f th is Co n tra c t a n d w h ic h I/w e re c e iv e d ,re a d a n d u n d e rs to o d .I/w e fu rth e r a g re e to p a y th e in s ta lm e n ts a s th e y fa ll d u e a n d u n d e rs ta n d th a t th e s ta n d m a y b e re a llo c a te d if p a y m e n ts a re n o t m a d e b y th e d u e d a te . Sig n e d ................................................................................... Da te ........................................................ Prin te d N a m e ........................................................ Po s itio n in Co m p a n y ........................................................ T h is is a le g a lly b in d in g Co n tra c t a n d s h o u ld b e s ig n e d b y a Dire c to r o r Se n io r Ex e c u tiv e o f a c o m p a n y o r a p a rtn e r o f a p a rtn e rs h ip . O FFIC E USE O N LY Sig n e d AC C EPTED FO R & O N BEH ALF O F C LARIO N EVEN TS LTD ................................................................................... Da te ........................................................ PLEASE RETURN TO : C/O Ia n Ru d g e ,Cla rio n Ev e n ts Ltd ,Fu lh a m G re e n ,Be d fo rd Ho u s e ,69 -79 Fu lh a m Hig h Stre e t,SW 6 3J W . T :+44 (0)207384 7727 F:+44 (0)207384 7755 E:ia n .ru d g e @ c la rio n e v e n ts .c o m Cla rio n Ev e n ts Lim ite d R e g is tra tio n N o . 454826 R e g is te re d Offic e Fu lh a m G re e n , Be d fo rd H o u s e , 69 -79 Fu lh a m H ig h Stre e t, Lo n d o n ,SW 6 3J W T ERM S AN D CON DIT ION S 1. D EFIN ITIO N S In these Terms and Conditions the following expressions shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the following meanings: AdditionalRegulations means the regulations issued by the Hall Owner in relation to exhibitions mounted at the Halls. C ontractForSpace means the binding contract relating to the acceptance by the Organiser of the application for Space by the Exhibitor in accordance with clause 3 below; D ism antling Period means the period for removal of all Exhibits and Stands from the Halls. Agreem entmeans the agreement between the Exhibitor and the Organiser for the Exhibitor to occupy space at the Exhibition contained in the Contract, these Terms and Conditions and the Additional Regulations. Exhibition means CRAFT including any sectional exhibition associated with it. Exhibitormeans any person to whom space at the Exhibition shall have been allotted under the Contract and shall include all staff, employees, servants and agents of such person. Exhibitmeans any article so described by the Exhibitor and permitted by the Organiser to be exhibited. H allO wnermeans the proprietor of the Halls, together with its agents, employees and workmen. H alls means the Exhibition Halls in which the Exhibition shall take place. Installation Period means the period for the installation of all Exhibits and Stands at the Halls. O rganisermeans Clarion Events Limited and/or others appointed by them to organise the Exhibition together with their agents, servants and workmen. Space means the area allotted to the Exhibitor by the Organiser. Stand means all erections on the Space. ShellSchem e means that part of the Stand to be constructed by the Organiser and conforming with the specifications for its type specified in the appropriate brochure. 2. D URATIO N O F EXH IBITIO N AN D TIM ETABLE Details of the times and dates of: (a) the Exhibition; (b) the Open Hours; (c) the Installation Period (Please note – Space Only Stands cannot be constructed if plans have not been submitted and approved by the organiser within the timetable set in the Exhibitor Manual); and (d) the Dismantling Period are or will be as stipulated by the Organiser in the Exhibition Manual or otherwise. 3. C O N TRAC T FO R SPAC E Applications for Space must be made on the Organiser’s official Space application form which is provided by the Organiser from time to time. The Organiser may at its sole discretion accept applications by other means. In any event, these Terms and Conditions shall apply to all applications for Space. The Organiser reserves the right to accept or reject any application for Space from any potential Exhibitor, whether or not the application has been made on the Organiser’s standard form and whether or not all or part of the payment for Space has been made. A binding Contract For Space shall come into force only when the Organiser has signed a written acceptance of a particular Exhibitor’s application for Space and has sent that written acceptance to that Exhibitor. The Organiser is not bound to accept an application for Space from a potential Exhibitor for the Exhibition even if it has accepted an application for Space from that Exhibitor for another exhibition. There is no automatic right for an Exhibitor to participate in any subsequent exhibition. Signatory on Contract For Space means the person or persons signing the exhibition space contract on behalf of the Exhibitor shall be deemed to have full authority to do so on behalf of the Exhibitor and the Exhibitor shall have no right to claim against the Organiser that such person or persons did not have such authority. 4. O C C UPATIO N O F STAN D Subject to the rights of the Organiser in this Agreement, the Exhibitor shall have a licence to occupy the Space for the purpose of displaying Exhibits and other articles, items and materials within the scope of the Exhibition for the duration of the Exhibition. The Exhibitor shall install its Exhibits, articles, items, materials and Stands during the Installation Period and remove its Exhibits, articles, items, materials and Stands during the Dismantling Period. The Organiser and the Hall Owner shall be permitted to have access to the Stand and the Space at all times. 5 . PAYM EN T The Exhibitor shall pay the Organiser in accordance with the payment details set out in the Contract for Space. The Organiser reserves the right to refuse to let the Exhibitor occupy the Space if the Organiser has not received cleared funds of all payments due from the Exhibitor before the due dates. Unless otherwise stated, all sums stated are exclusive of VAT, which (if applicable) the Exhibitor shall pay to the Organiser in addition. The Exhibitor shall pay all other sums due to the Organiser within 7 days of the date of the Organiser’s invoice for each sum. In consideration of the Exhibitor entering into the Contract with the Organiser in accordance with the provisions of section 3 the Exhibitor agrees to hold all its (or its agents) Exhibits, fittings, machinery, tools or other goods to the order of the Organiser pending receipt by the Organiser of all sums due and owing to the Organiser by the Exhibitor. If the Exhibitor pays the Organiser by credit card, an administration charge of 2% (inclusive of VAT) shall be added to the payment, which the Exhibitor shall pay in addition All Exhibitors who are not domiciled in the United Kingdom shall make all payments by credit card, bank transfer or by sterling cheque or bank draft drawn on a bank in the United Kingdom. If there is any payment still due to the Organiser less than fourteen days before the opening of the Exhibition, the Exhibitor shall pay the Organiser by bank transfer or credit card. The Organiser reserves the right to refuse cheque payments. The Exhibitor shall not be entitled to withhold any payment in whole or in part on the ground that it has a claim, counterclaim or set-off against the Organiser. 6. C AN C ELLATIO N BY EXH IBITO R (a) In the event that the Exhibitor: (i) requests that it cancels its Space booking after acceptance by the Organiser; or (ii) fails to meet any of the payment obligations (whether as to the amounts due or dates of payment) detailed in the Contract For Space; or (iii) fails to occupy the Space allotted to it by the opening time on the first day of the Exhibition, THEN the Organiser reserves the right (but without being obliged to do so) to treat the Contract For Space as being cancelled and apply the following cancellation charges and to re-allocate the Space booked to another Exhibitor: C AN C ELLATIO N O C C URRIN G : C AN C ELLATIO N C H ARG E: M o re th a n 12 m o n th s p rio r to Ex h ib itio n 10% o f to ta l c h a rg e M o re th a n 9 m o n th s a n d le s s th a n 12 m o n th s p rio r to Ex h ib itio n 50% o f to ta l c h a rg e Le s s th a n 9 m o n th s p rio r to Ex h ib itio n 100% o f to ta l c h a rg e (b) If the Exhibitor wishes to cancel the Contract For Space, then written notice of such wish must be forwarded to and received by the Organiser by recorded delivery post by not later than the dates referred to in the table above. (c) The Organiser shall not be obliged to accept the Exhibitor’s request to cancel its booking for Space (d) Notwithstanding that the Organiser may re-sell or re-allocate the cancelled Space after cancellation by the Exhibitor, the Organiser shall be under no obligation to re-imburse all or any part of a cancellation charge. (e) The Exhibitor shall fully and promptly indemnify the Organiser against all expenses, costs, claims, losses, liabilities, charges and damages which the Organiser may suffer or incur as a result (direct or indirect) of the cancellation of the Contract For Space by the Exhibitor including, without limitation, where the Space or Stand is dressed or altered in any way in order to maintain an orderly and visually pleasing Exhibition. 7 . RED UC TIO N O F SPAC E Where an Exhibitor requests the reduction in the size of its Space booking after acceptance by the Organiser of the Exhibitor’s application for Space, then the Exhibitor must forward such request to the Organiser by recorded delivery post. The Organiser reserves the right to apply the scale of cancellation charges set out in clause 6 above to the total cost according to the amount by which the original Stand area is reduced. The Organiser may re-sell or re-allocate the space in question, but the Organiser shall be under no obligation to re-imburse all or any part of the charge for reduction in Space. There shall be no obligation on the Organiser to accept the request for reduction of Space by the Exhibitor. 8. G EN ERAL O BLIG ATIO N S O FTH E EXH IBITO R I) The Exhibitor shall: (a) occupy the Stand and the Space, complete any necessary stand fitting works (see section 14),ensure the Stand is appropriately dressed and maintained and that all Exhibits are in position no later than the end of the Installation Period. (b) keep the Stand appropriately dressed and maintained and all Exhibits open to view and the Stand adequately staffed continuously during the opening hours of the Exhibition and not dismantle the stand before the end of the Exhibition. (c) remove all Exhibits, fittings, rubbish and other items from the Halls by no later than the end of the Dismantling Period. (d) not sell, give away or distribute or permit to be sold, given away or otherwise distributed from the Stand or any other part of the Halls, any articles of food, drink or tobacco other than those supplied by the Hall Owner, or its appointed catering contractor, or unless agreed by the Organiser. (e) not do, cause, permit or suffer to be done anything which shall in the opinion of the Organiser constitute a nuisance or which may be an Infringement of or contravene any licence held by the Organiser, or the Hall Owner, or its appointed catering contractor and (without limitation) the Exhibitor shall ensure that sound levels emitted from the Stand shall not exceed those levels which in the opinion of the Organiser would cause disturbance to other Exhibitors or which would breach any laws, bye-laws or any other rule or regulation. (f) not do, cause, permit or suffer to be done anything which may occasion damage, disfigurement or injury of any kind to the Halls or to the person or property of the Organiser, Owner or any other Exhibitor or any visitor. (g) conduct business and distribute literature only from the Stand and no other part of the Halls and not take away buyers from the Halls to other business premises. (h) not sell off the stand. This is a trade-only exhibition and members of the public will not be admitted. II) Only items which are in the Organiser’s opinion within the scope of the Exhibition may be exhibited at the Exhibition or otherwise be displayed or made available from the Stand. Goods, cards, advertisements or photographs of persons who are not Exhibitors may not be displayed III) The Organiser shall appoint an official contractor for electrical work on all Exhibition Space. The Exhibitor shall be responsible for settling all accounts directly with such contractor. IV) The Exhibitor shall insure with a reputable insurance company for its liability under this Agreement. Without limiting its obligation to take out insurance cover for such risks as it shall consider appropriate, the Exhibitor shall take out adequate insurance in respect of matters set out in clauses 6, 8, 10 and 12 including (without limitation) public liability insurance for loss damage or injury caused by the Exhibitor’s neglect or default. 9. PO W ERS AN D D ISC RETIO N O FTH E O RG AN ISER The Organiser shall be entitled to: (a) allocate to the Exhibitor a space other than the Space for which the Exhibitor has applied; (b) change the Space and Stand allocated to the Exhibitor at any time before the Exhibitor takes possession of the Space and Stand and if such changed area of such Space and Stand is smaller than the area specified in the application for Space, the Organiser shall make a refund to the Exhibitor pro-rata to the amount of the area reduced; (c) alter the position or layout of the Exhibition and any stands including the Stand and Space; (d) refuse any person admission to the Exhibition or remove from the Exhibition any person whose presence in the opinion of the Organiser is or is likely to be undesirable and the Organiser may exercise such rights not with standing that any person is the servant or agent of the Exhibitor or otherwise in any way connected or associated with the Exhibitor; (e) remove from the Stand or the Halls at the risk and expense of the Exhibitor any Exhibit, fitting or machinery or other items to which the Organiser has an objection or which the Exhibitor fails to remove in accordance with or which do not comply with these terms and conditions. (f) a lte r th e d a te s ,o p e n in g h o u rs ,d a te s a n d d u ra tio n o f th e b u ild in g p e rio d ,d a te s a n d d u ra tio n o f b re a k d o w n p e rio d a n d th e to ta l d u ra tio n o f th e e v e n t. (g ) c h a n g e o r v a ry th e s e re g u la tio n s a t a n y tim e ,o r p e rm it e x c e p tio n s in s p e c ia l c irc u m s ta n c e s . 10.EXH IBITO RS’LIABILITY FO R LO SS AN D DAM AG E AN D IN D EM N ITY All Exhibits, fittings and all other items brought into the Exhibition by the Exhibitor or the agents, contractors or other invitees of the Exhibitor shall be the sole responsibility of and at the sole risk of the Exhibitor. The Organiser shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to such Exhibits, fittings or items however caused. The Exhibitor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Organiser against all loss, damages, costs, charges and expenses (including contingent or consequential loss of profit) whatsoever arising from or in consequence of: (a) any breach by the Exhibitor of any of the terms and conditions of the Agreement; or (b) any loss suffered by the Organiser as a result of default or negligence of the Exhibitor or any of its agents, sub-contractors, invitees or employees; or (c) any liability to or claim by any third party (including the employees, contractors, agents and invitees of the Exhibitor) arising from the default or negligence of the Exhibitor or any breach by the Exhibitor of the terms and conditions of the Agreement. The Exhibitor is responsible for and will indemnify and keep indemnified the Organiser against all injury loss or damage arising in connection with the erection, use and dismantling of the Stand and anything done on or from the Stand caused directly or indirectly by the Exhibitor or any contractor, sub-contractor, servant, agent or invitee of the Exhibitor or visitor to the Stand or by any exhibit or machinery or other item belonging to or introduced by any such person. 11.LIM ITATIO N O F O RG AN ISER’S LIABILITY (a) The Organiser does not make any warranty as to the Exhibition in general, and in particular in relation to the presence or absence or location of any other Exhibitor or potential Exhibitor. Whilst the Organiser shall act in good faith, the name of any Exhibitor which may appear on any floorplan or stand number or any statement made by or on behalf of the Organiser that any Exhibitor is booked to attend the Exhibition provisionally or otherwise shall not constitute a warranty, representation or undertaking by the Organiser that any such Exhibitor shall attend the Exhibition. The Organiser shall not be liable for the absence of other Exhibitors from attending the Exhibition. (b) The Organiser and the Hall Owner shall not be responsible for death or personal injury to the Exhibitor or employees, agents, contractors or other invitees of the Exhibitor save as a result of the Organiser or the Hall Owner’s negligence. Nothing in this Agreement shall exclude or limit liability for death or personal injury resulting from the negligence of the Exhibitor, the Organiser or the Hall Owner or their servants, agents or employees. (c) Without prejudice to clause 11(b), the combined liability of the Organiser and the Hall Owner for a claim made by the Exhibitor in respect of loss or damage suffered by the Exhibitor however that liability arises including (without limitation) breach of contract, tort (including negligence), misrepresentation or breach of statutory duty shall not exceed the higher of (a) twenty-five thousand pounds (£25,000), and (b) the amount of all sums paid by the Exhibitor to the Organiser under this Agreement in relation to the Exhibition. (d) The Organiser and the Hall Owner shall not in any event be liable for any: (i) indirect or consequential losses, damage, costs or expenses; (ii) loss of profit; (iii) loss of revenue; or (iv) loss of goodwill. (e) The Organiser and the Hall Owner shall not be liable for any claim made by the Exhibitor more than two (2) years after the event or, in the case of a series of events, the first such event which gives rise to such claim. (f) Except as set out in this Agreement, the Organiser excludes all conditions, terms, representations (other than fraudulent or negligent representations) and warranties relating to services provided in respect of the Exhibition, whether imposed by statute or by operation of law or otherwise, that are not expressly stated herein, including without limitation, the implied warranties of satisfactory quality and fitness for a particular purpose. (g) Each provision of this clause 11 excluding or limiting liability shall be construed separately, applying and surviving even if for any reason one or other of these provisions is held inapplicable or unenforceable in any circumstances and shall re m a in in fo rc e n o tw ith s ta n d in g th e e x p iry o r te rm in a tio n o f th is Ag re e m e n t. (h) Without limiting its obligation to take out insurance cover for such risks as it shall consider appropriate the Exhibitor shall take out adequate insurance in respect of matters set out in section 13a, 13b and 13c including (without limitation) public liability insurance for loss, damage or injury caused by the Exhibitors neglect or default. 12.EXH IBITO R IN SURAN C E “Standard Insurance” has been arranged on your behalf. A proposal form summarising the cover will be issued with your deposit invoice. If you wish to make your own arrangements the standard cover and limits required are: (a) Exhibition Expenses The full value of lost expenses directly incurred in connection with the exhibition as result of Cancellation, Abandonment, Postponement, Curtailment, Failure to Vacate or Non-Arrival of Exhibits arising from any cause beyond the control of the Exhibitor and/or Organiser. “Standard Cover” £20,000. (b) Exhibition Liability The legal liability of the Exhibitor to pay compensation and claimant’s costs and expenses arising out of bodily injury, disease or illness sustained by any person (other than an employee of the Exhibitor) or loss of/or damage to material property. “ Standard Cover” £2,000,000. (c) Exhibition Property The full value of Property whilst at the Venue, during build up and pull out and whilst in transit thereto and therefrom protected against loss or damage. “Standard Cover” £20,000 Satisfactory evidence of such alternative arrangements will need to be approved by: Towergate Coverex, 2 County Gate, Staceys Street, Maidstone, Kent ME14 1ST T: 0844 892 1613 E: [email protected] T h e Org a n is e r ’s Ex h ib ito r In s u ra n c e Po lic y is a rra n g e d b y To w e rg a te a n d u n d e rw ritte n b y N o rw ic h U n io n .A fu ll p o lic y w o rd in g d e ta ilin g c o n d itio n s a n d e x c lu s io n s is a v a ila b le fro m To w e rg a te o n re q u e s t. The Organiser acts as the agent of the Exhibitor in arranging such insurance. Any Exhibitor who requires cover for sums in excess of those stated or for risks not insured by the Organiser’s policy should effect such additional cover on his own behalf. Exhibitors may contact Towergate at the above address. The Organiser cannot accept any responsibility for such additional coverage required or arranged by an exhibitor. 13.C AN C ELLATIO N BY O RG AN ISER/FO RC E M AJEURE If at the absolute discretion of the Organiser, the Halls shall become unfit or unavailable for occupancy or it becomes impossible or impractical to hold the Exhibition for reasons beyond the control of the Organiser including (without limitation) fire, flood, storm, government intervention, malicious damage, acts of war, acts of terrorism, acts of God, strikes, riots or any other cause, the Organiser reserves the right (but shall not be obliged): (a) to change the location and/or date of the Exhibition; (b) to curtail the Exhibition; (c) to reduce the Installation Period, Open Period or Dismantling Period; or (d) to cancel the Exhibition. In the circumstances specified in paragraphs a, b and c of this section the parties agree and acknowledge that the Organiser shall not have any liability to the Exhibitor for refunds, additional expenses or charges or to make payment for any other loss or damage suffered by the Exhibitor. If the Exhibition is cancelled in accordance with paragraph d of this section the Exhibitor agrees to accept in complete settlement and discharge of all claims against the Organiser a pro-rata share of the total amount paid by all exhibitors at the Exhibition, less all costs and expenses incurred by the Organiser in connection with the Exhibition including a reserve, established at the sole discretion of the Organiser, for future claims and expenses in connection with the Exhibition. In the event that the Exhibition is cancelled by the Organiser for any other commercial reason including (without limitation) the lack of support for the Exhibition the Organiser will refund to the Exhibitor all charges paid by the Exhibitor to the Organiser and the Exhibitor agrees and acknowledges that he will have no further claim whatsoever against the Organiser in respect of such cancellation. 14.AD D ITIO N AL REG ULATIO N S AN D FIRE PREC AUTIO N S N o n a k e d fla m e s o r s m o u ld e rin g p ro d u c ts a re a llo w e d w ith in th e e x h ib itio n w ith o u t p rio r a g re e m e n t o f th e fire o ffic e r. The Exhibitor must comply with all statutory local and other regulations or requirements and bye-laws which affect or apply to the Exhibition or the Halls and in particular any fire regulations. All materials used on the Stand must be non-flammable. The Exhibitor must comply with and observe the Additional Regulations and Stand Fitting Regulations copies of which are available from the Organiser and all other instructions and regulations laid down by the Hall Owner and the Local Authority from time to time. 15 .TERM IN ATIO N AN D W ITH D RAW AL Without prejudice to any other rights it may have, the Organiser may terminate the Agreement by notice in writing: (a) if the whole or any part of the amounts due from the Exhibitor to the Organiser are not paid within fourteen days of the due dates (whether formally demanded or not); (b) if the Exhibitor fails to observe and fulfil any of the terms of the Agreement; (c) if the Exhibitor shall have a receiver or administrative receiver appointed over all or any part of its assets or an application is made for the appointment of an administrator or an administrator is appointed or the Exhibitor being a partnership has a receiver appointed or is wound up or dissolved or being an individual executes as debtor a deed of arrangement to which the Deeds of Arrangement Act 1914 applies or applies to the Court for an interim order or one is made under Part VIII of the Insolvency Act 1986 or the Exhibitor presents or has presented against him a bankruptcy petition or a bankruptcy order is made against him or he enters into any compromise or arrangement with his creditors or a majority of them in value. Upon termination the Exhibitor shall remain liable to pay the Organiser the amounts due from it under the Agreement prior to such termination. 16.EXH IBITO R M AN UAL The Organiser shall provide to the Exhibitor and all other Exhibitors an Exhibitor Manual before the Opening Day which inter alia contains specific regulations with regard to the manner and conduct of the Exhibition. The Exhibitor agrees to abide by any relevant provisions contained in that Manual. 17 .ASSIG N M EN T AN D SUB-C O N TRAC TIN G The Exhibitor shall not assign, sub-let, transfer or charge or purport to assign, sub-let, transfer or charge in whole or in part this Agreement or any of its rights, liabilities or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the Organiser. The Organiser reserves the right to assign it rights, liabilities or obligations under this Agreement either in whole or in part to any other person, firm or company. The Organiser shall give notice to the Exhibitor of any such assignment. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall benefit the successors and assigns of the Organiser and (where the Organiser’s written consent is given) the successors and assigns of the Exhibitor. 18.RELATIO N SH IP O FTH E PARTIES Nothing in this Agreement shall create, or be deemed to create, a partnership or joint venture or relationship of employer and employee or principal and agent between the parties. 19.RIG H TS O FTH IRD PARTIES The parties intend that this Agreement may be enforced by the Hall Owner pursuant to s1(1) of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999. 20.SEVERAN C E If at any time one or more provisions contained in the Agreement is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect this shall not affect the validity, legality or enforceability of the remaining provisions which shall remain in full force and effect. 21.APPLIC ABLE LAW The validity construction and performance of the Agreement shall be governed by English Law and shall be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.
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