CURRICULUM VITAE Mustafa Özcan, Ph.D., Full

Mustafa Özcan, Ph.D., Full Professor1
Academic Advisor to the President
Bahçeşehir University
İstanbul, Turkey
Ph.D. Social Foundations of Education. Major: Sociology of Education.
Dissertation: Improving Teacher Performance: Toward a Sociological Theory of
Teacher Motivation. The University of Iowa, College of Education, Iowa.
Ph.D. Student. Social Foundations of Education. The University of Ankara,
College of Educational Sciences, Ankara, Turkey. Dissertation: Turkish
Educational Thought in the Ataturk Period: 1920-1938. Completed the
dissertational research, but left the program to study in the U.S.
Bachelor and Master's degrees. Social Foundations of Education. The University
of Ankara, College of Educational Sciences, Ankara, Turkey.
Diploma with secondary teaching certificate. Division of Educational Sciences.
Marmara University, Ataturk Teacher Training College, Istanbul, Turkey.
Diploma with elementary teaching certificate. Mersin Elementary Teacher
Training School. Mersin, Turkey.
Academic Advisor to the President. Academic Advisor to the President of Bahçeşehir
University. Duties include advising for the structuring of a teacher education
model, "University within School" (Okulda Üniversite) in the College of
Educational Sciences at Bahçeşehir University. İstanbul, Turkey. Fall 2012Present.
Full Professor. Gazi University, Gazi College of Education, Department of Educational
Sciences, Division of Educational Programs and Teaching (Gazi Üniversitesi,
Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Bölümü, Eğitim Programları ve Öğretim
Ana Bilim Dalı). Duties included teaching undergraduate and graduate courses.
Spring 2012-Summer 2012. Retired on July 30, 2012.
Dr. Ozcan is a permanent resident of the U.S.A. The permanent residency status was guaranteed in the category of
“Outstanding Professor/Researcher” by the US Department of Justice, Immigration and Naturalization Service on
October 28, 1998 [Document ID: LIN-98-179-52250, Section: 203 (b) (1) (B)].
Ozcan 2
Advisor to the UNESCO and Ministry of National Education. Duties included contributing to
a joint research project aiming at determining the status of early childhood
education in Turkey and advising for its betterment. Ankara, Turkey. Spring 2011.
Advisor to the Ministry of National Education for Educational Standards. Duties included
advising for the preparation of achievement standards for elementary, middle and
high school students. Ankara, Turkey. Fall 2011.
Associate Professor. Gazi University, Gazi College of Education, Department of Educational
Sciences, Division of Educational Programs and Teaching (Gazi Üniversitesi,
Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Bölümü, Eğitim Programları ve Öğretim
Ana Bilim Dalı). Tenured faculty member. Duties included teaching
undergraduate and graduate courses. Fall-2010-Spring 2011
Associate Professor. Rhode Island College, Feinstein School of Education and Human
Development. Providence, Rhode Island. Tenured faculty member. Department of
Educational Studies, Duties included teaching undergraduate and graduate
courses in Foundations of Education. Began teaching as an Assistant Professor on
December 16, 2000; Tenure was granted as effective on July 1, 2006; and
promoted to the rank of Associate Professor as effective on July 1, 2007. Spring
2000-Spring 2010
Associate Professor. Clarke University Education Department, Dubuque, Iowa. Duties included
teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in Foundations of Education. Began
teaching as an Instructor on August 26, 1992; promoted to the rank of Assistant
Professor on September 1, 1993, and promoted to the rank of Associate Professor
on January 30, 1998. Left Clarke University to teach at Rhode Island College on
December 15, 2000. Fall 1992-Fall 2000.
Teaching Assistant. Division of Planning, Policy and Leadership Studies. The University of
Iowa, College of Education, Iowa City, Iowa. Duties included teaching Human
Relations Skills for the Classroom Teacher. Summer 1992.
Research Assistant. Division of Planning, Policy and Leadership Studies. The University of
Iowa, College of Education, Iowa City, Iowa. Duties included assisting Dr. Chet
Rzonca, Dr. Lelia Helms and Dr. David Bills in their research projects, and using
statistical computer programs to analyze quantitative data. 1990-1992.
Research-Teaching Assistant. Division of Educational Programs and Teaching. The University
of Ankara, College of Educational Sciences, Ankara, Turkey. Duties included
teaching History of Education and supervising student teachers in Social Studies.
Fall 1982-Fall 1987.
Faculty Member and Principal. Division of Educational Sciences. Gazi Teacher Education
Institute, Ankara, Turkey. Duties included teaching education courses and
Ozcan 3
supervising student teachers in social studies at secondary school settings. Also
served as the principal of the institute for a brief period. Fall 1980-Summer 1982.
Faculty Member and Assistant Principal. Atatürk Elementary Teacher Education College,
Ankara, Turkey. Duties included teaching teacher preparation courses and
supervising student teachers in elementary schools. Also served as one of the
several assistant principals of the college. Fall 1978-Summer 1980.
Assistant Superintendent (Milli Eğitim Müdür Yardımcısı). Provincial Directorate of
National Education in Adıyaman Province, Turkey. Duties included helping the
superintendent (milli eğitim müdürü) in the administration and supervision of K12 schools in the province, 1977-1978.
Teacher and Assistant Principal. Besni Teacher Preparatory High School, Adıyaman, Turkey.
Duties included teaching courses in the high school teacher preparatory program
and serving as the head-assistant principal of the school, 1975-1977.
Teacher and Acting Principal. Incirlik Elementary School, Hatay, Turkey. Duties included
teaching the first grade bilingual students and serving as the acting principal,
Teacher and Acting Principal. Alamescit Elementary School, Kayseri, Turkey. Duties
included teaching first, second, and third grade bilingual students and serving as
the acting principal, 1968-1970.
(Spring 2001-Present)
EDP 622 Community Service Learning. A course in the joint Ph.D. Program of Rhode Island
College and the University of Rhode Island. It is designed to prepare educators to plan,
implement and assess service learning projects in educational settings ranging from
kindergarten classes to doctoral programs. The course covers theoretical foundations of
service learning, relevant research, and samples of current projects. It requires each
student to design, implement and assess a service-learning project in an educational
setting (Spring 2010-Present).
FNED 502 Social Issues in Education
A graduate course in Foundations of Education. The goal of the course is to study critical
social issues which impact student learning and achievement as well as teaching in the
classroom. It requires doing research, writing papers and making presentations on local
and national educational problems (Spring 2001-Present).
FNED 520 Cultural Foundations of Education
Ozcan 4
A graduate course in Foundations of Education. The course is designed to study the
nature and effects of culture and cultural diversity on educational theories and processes.
It includes a field component, “Cultural Immersion Project,” a paper based on this project
and the presentation of the paper to the class (2001-2010).
FNED 346 Schooling in a Democratic Society
A four credit course in Foundations of Education. The course was developed by
combining two Foundations courses, FNED 345 Diversity and the Public School, and
FNED 340 Foundations of American Education. It includes a field component, ServiceLearning for Multicultural Education, the study of foundations of American education
and research on diversity and schooling. The field component requires tutoring in a
diverse K-12 school and writing service learning artifacts (Spring 2004-Present).
CURR 180: Service Learning Workshop
A one-credit course designed to prepare teacher candidates to plan, implement and assess
service learning projects in educational settings ranging from kindergarten to college
classes. The course requires tutoring low achieving students for at least 15 hours in
diverse educational settings (Fall 2012-Present).
CURR 580 Cultural Competency (Spring 2006-Spring 2008).
A professional development course for K-12 teachers and other professionals in
education. Included a study of the impact of culture and social class on the educational
attitudes of parents, students and teachers, and learning how to practice the teaching
strategies to improve educational achievements of students from low income and
culturally diverse backgrounds. It was taught in a workshop format and funded by the
Rhode Island Office of Higher Education.
CURR 550 Teaching Diverse Learners
A three-credit graduate course designed to provide teachers with knowledge, skills and
dispositions necessary to successfully “reach” and “teach” diverse learners. Diverse
learners include, but are not limited to students from (1) racially and culturally diverse
groups, (2) students from low socio-economic classes and (3) students with disabilities.
The content of the course consists of readings, model teachings, classroom activities and
hands on assignments focusing on (1) learning about diverse learners, and (2) on the
strategies developed to successfully teach diverse students (Summer 2009).
FNED 345 Diversity and the Public School
A course in Foundations of Education. This course is not taught since fall 2003. It
included a field component, “Service-Learning for Multicultural Education,” and
power point presentations. The field component required tutoring in a diverse K-12
school and writing a service learning artifact (Spring 2001-Fall 2003).
Professional Development Workshop: Service Learning Projects for Teachers (Spring
2002-Spring 2004).
An in-service course for K-12 teachers. It was taught to selected groups of Rhode Island
teachers for two years. The goal of the course was to teach how to prepare, implement,
Ozcan 5
and assess service-learning projects in K-12 classes. The course was financed and offered
by the Rhode Island Campus Compact, and was taught at Rhode Island College campus.
(Fall 1992-Fall 2000)
ED119 Multicultural Education
A course in Foundations of Education. In this course a Service-Learning Project:
Scaffolding for Multicultural Education was developed through collaboration with a
K-8 Catholic school serving diverse students in the downtown area of the city. The field
component required tutoring diverse students for 10 hours.
ED300 Social Foundations of American Education
A course in Foundations of Education. The course included a study of the social,
economic, historical, and philosophical foundations of American education, doing
research on an aspect of American education, and making presentations.
ED501 Social Issues in Education
A graduate course in Foundations of Education. Included topics about critical social
issues in education; requires doing research, writing papers and making presentations. In
fall 1999 and spring 2000, this course was also aired through the Iowa Communication
Network (ICN) for students in different towns across Iowa.
ED502 Educational Research
A core course in the graduate program; covered both qualitative and quantitative research
methods in education. The course required preparation of a small size scientific research
project, collection of quantitative and/or qualitative data, analysis of the data, and writing
a research paper presentable in professional conferences.
ED405/557 Educational Measurement and Evaluation
A core course for undergraduate and graduate students, which covered a variety of
measurement and evaluation methods, strategies, and instruments. The course required
the preparation of essay exam and objective test questions, and included the use of
standard tests and portfolio assessments.
Ozcan 6
2013. Okulda üniversite: öğretmen eğitimini yeniden yapılandırmak için bir model önerisi
(University within school: A model to re-structure teacher education in Turkey). İstanbul,
Turkey: TÜSİAD Publication.
The book is written in Turkish but has a summary in English. TÜSİAD (Association of
Turkish Industrialists and Businessmen) is a prestigious, non-profit organization
established in 1971. It organizes scholarly activities and supports educational research
and publications. Information about TÜSİAD can be seen at or at
2011. Bilgi çağında öğretmen: Nitelikleri, eğitimi ve gücü (Teachers in the information age:
Education, qualities and power). Ankara, Turkey: TED Publication.
The book is written in Turkish but has a long summary in English. TED (Turkish
Education Association) is a prestigious, non-profit educational association established in
1932. It is currently operating 23 elite private K-12 schools and a university in Turkey.
Information about TED is available at In addition to publishing
scholarly books, TED publishes several journals on education. One of them, Education
and Science (Eğitim ve Bilim) which has been published for almost 30 years is listed in
the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI). The journal can be seen at
2001. In the track of the learned. Translated from Turkish into English. Published by a
prestigious, non-profit organization, Ataturk Culture Center, a sub-division of the Ataturk
Supreme Council for Culture, Language and History. Ankara, Turkey. Publication no:
235. It is the translation of the book, Bilgelerin yolunda (2000) written by Dr. Sadık
Tural, President of by the Ataturk Supreme Council for Culture, Language and History.
1986. Japon eğitim sisteminin kültür kaynakları (Cultural sources of the Japan's educational
system). Translated from English into Turkish. Includes an introductory chapter written
by me on the cultural foundations of the Japanese education system. Published by the
Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Ankara, Turkey. It is the translation of the
book, Education and Japan's modernization (1979) by Makoto Aso and Ikuo Amano.
1998. Multicultural content infusion by student teachers: Perceptions and beliefs of cooperating
teachers. A chapter in Mary E. Dilworth, (Ed.), Being responsive to cultural differences:
How teachers learn (pp. 94-109). California: Corwin Press.
Ozcan 7
The book is sponsored by the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
(AACTE). This chapter is a slightly different version of the paper presented at the AERA
1995 Annual Meeting on April 18-22, 1995 in San Francisco, CA. Co-author: Dr.
Michael M. Vavrus.
2011. İşyerinde üniversite kavramının öğretmen eğitimine uygulanması (Implementing the
concept of “university in the workplace” in teacher education. This chapter was
originally presented at the International Higher Education Congress: New Trends and
Issues (Uluslararası Yükseköğretim Kongresi: Yeni Yönelişler ve Sorunlar) by the
Turkish Higher Education Council and held in İstanbul on May 27-29, 2011. Selected
peer-reviewed papers published in this book by the Turkish Higher Education Council.
2011. Bilgi toplumunda eğitim ve öğretmenlik mesleği (Education and profession of teaching in
the information society) in Dr. Adnan Boyacı (Ed.), Eğitim sosyolojisi (Sociology of
education) (pp. 141-158). Eskişehir,Turkey: Anadolu University Publication. Co-author:
Dr. Servet Ozdemir
2011. Bir bilim olarak eğitimin siyasi temelleri (Political foundations of education) in Dr. M.
Çağatay Özdemir (Ed.), Eğitim bilimine giriş (Introduction of educational sciences) (pp.
135-160). Ankara, Turkey: Pegem Akademi Publication.
2011. Türkistan’da demokrasi eğitimi: Amerikan tecrübesinden yararlanmak (Education for
democracy in Türkistan: Lessons to be taken from the American experience) in Hisao
Komatsu, Şahin Karasar, Timur Dadabaev and Güljanat Kurmangaliyeva Ercilasun
(Eds.), Central Asian studies: Past, present and future (pp. 579-599). İstanbul, Turkey:
Maltepe University Publication.
This chapter is originally presented at the International Conference on Central Eurasian
Studies: Past, Present and Future organized by Maltepe University (Turkey), the
University of Tokyo (Japan) and the University of Tsukuba (Japan) and held in Istanbul,
Turkey on March 17-19, 2009. Papers selected through a peer-review process published
in this book.
(In press): Türkiye Cumhuriyetini kuranlar nasıl bir gençlik istiyordu? (What type of youth did
the founders of the Turkish Republic want?) In Honoring the 125th Birthday of Mustafa
Kemal Ataturk.
An early version of this chapter was presented at the International Symposium Honoring
the 125th Birthday of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. Organized by the Ataturk Supreme
Council for Culture, Language and History on May 15-18, 2006, Ankara, Turkey.
Selected peer- reviewed papers are being published in this book by the Ataturk Supreme
Council for Culture, Language and History.
Ozcan 8
2007. Chapter in conference book: Ortak kültürel değerler için eğitimde birlik (The role of the education in
creating common values) in Dr. Sebahattin Simsir and Dr. Bedri Aydogan (Eds.), Kazakistan ve
Turkiye’nin ortak kulturel degerleri uluslararasi sempozyumu, pp. 458-465.
Paper presented at the Symposium on the Common Cultural Values of Kazakhstan and Turkey
organized by Abay Kazakh National Pedagogy University on May 21-26, Almatı, Kazakhistan.
1986. Chapter in conference book: Okul dışı gençliğin eğitimi (Education of non-school youth)
in Milli Kultur ve Genclik (National Culture and Youth). Ankara, Turkey: Gazi
University Pub.
This chapter was originally presented as a paper at the 1985 International Youth YearNational Culture and Youth Symposium organized by Gazi University on November, 1315, 1985, Ankara, Turkey.
2013 (Under review). What serves Kurdish self-interests in Turkey: Reflections in light of the
American experience. Submitted to KALEM International Journal of Educational and
Human Sciences (KIJEHS), (ISSN:2146-5606), an internationally published, non-profit,
peer-reviewed, academic and scientific journal. KIJEHS is published twice a year in
January and December, both online and hardcopy. Peer- review is not completed yet.
2013 (August). Teaching the mighty culture: made by us & maker of us. International Online
Journal of Educational Sciences, 2013, 5(2), 339-350. ISSN: 1309- 2707. A peerreviewed journal:
2006. The education we need: Democratic, diversified, and experiential. Issues in Teaching and
Learning, 4, a peer-reviewed online journal published by Rhode Island College:
1995. December. The impact of student employment on teachers' attitudes and behaviors
towards working students. Youth and Society, 27, 169-193. Sage Pub.
An earlier version of this article was presented at the Annual Meeting of the American
Sociological Association, Pittsburgh, August 20-24, 1992. Co-authors: Dr. L. Helms and
Dr. D. Bills.
1994. September. Educators' perspectives on student employment. Educational Policy: An
Interdisciplinary Journal of Policy and Practice, 8, 272-288. Sage Pub.
An earlier version of this article was presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Edu.
Research Assoc, Clearwater, FL, Feb.18-20, 1993. Co-authors: Dr. L. Helms and Dr. D.
Ozcan 9
2012. Okulda üniversite modelinde kavramsal çerçeve: Eylemdeki vizyon (Cenceptual
framework: Vision in action in the model of university within school). Öğretmen Eğitimi
ve Eğitimcileri Dergisi (Journal of Teacher Education and Educators), Vol. 1, Num. 1,
pp. 107-132.
2010, September-October. Amerikalıları birleştirirken Türkleri ayrıştırmak (Ethnic differences
and nation bulding in the U.S., and Turkey). Düşünce Dünyasında Türkiz, Siyaset ve
Kültür Dergisi, 1(5), 23-42.
2002, July-October. Demokrat doğulmaz (Democrats are not born). Türkiye ve Siyaset, 9-10,
2002, March-April. AB'nin geleceği: Yeni bir millet mi, bir demet çiçek mi? (The future of the
European Union: A new nation or a bouquet of flower?) Türkiye ve Siyaset, 7, 33-45.
1988. Kitle haberlesme vasıtaları ve eğitim (Mass media and education). Ankara Universitesi
Egitim Bilimleri Fakultesi Dergisi (Journal of the University of Ankara, College of
Educational Sciences), 20(1-2), 361-373.
1984. Katip Celebi ve egitim (Katip Celebi and education). Milli Kultur (National Culture)
(47), 35-38. A journal published by the Ministry of Culture, Ankara, Turkey.
1984. Namık Kemal ve Atatürk (Namık Kemal and Atatürk). Milli Kultür (National Culture)
(38), 55-57. Published by the Ministry of Culture, Turkey.
1988. Japonya'da 21.yüzyılın eğitimi (Education for the 21st century in Japan). Ankara
Universitesi Egitim Bilimleri Fakultesi Dergisi (Journal of the University of Ankara,
College of Educational Sciences), 20(1), 375-84. A translation from English into Turkish
of K. Koyama. (1986). Education for the 21st century in Japan. Look Japan, 32(365).
1984. Japonya’da eğitim sanayi etkilesimi (Interaction of education and industry in Japan).
Ankara Universitesi Egitim Bilimleri Fakultesi Dergisi [Journal of the University of
Ankara, College of Educational Sciences], 16(2), 244-253. A translation from English
into Turkish from M. Aso & I. Amano, Education and Japan's modernization (1972), 3146. Japan: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press.
1983. Sistemler ve eğitim (Systems and education). Ankara Universitesi Eğitim Bilimleri
Fakültesi Dergisi (Journal of the University of Ankara, College of Educational Sciences),
16(1), 427-441. A translation from English into Turkish of the chaper 1, systems and
education in Bela H. Banathy, Instructional systems. California, 1968.
Ozcan 10
1986. Öğretmen ve toplum (Teacher and society). Milli Eğitim (National Education), 69, 67-74.
A journal published by the Ministry of National Education, Ankara, Turkey.
This article is a transliteration into Roman script from Arabic of an article written by A.
Nevzad, (1925). Muallim ve cemiyet, Milli Terbiye 1(1). Ankara, Turkey.
2009, December. An interview with Dr. Mustafa Ozcan on the education system in the United
States [Doç. Dr. Mustafa Özcan ile ABD eğitim sistemi uzerine mülakat]. Volunteer
Education: Journal of Education, Science and Culture. Year: 5, Nu: 13, pp. 7-11
[Gönüllü Eğitim: Eğitim, Bilim ve Kültür Dergisi, yıl 5, sayı, 13, s. 7-11]. Published in
1998, October 4. “Report: Little racism among area youth.” An interview about the results of a
research project conducted in three school districts by Dr. Ozcan on the elementary and
secondary students’ racial attitudes, published in the regional newspaper Telegraph
Herald. Dubuque, Iowa.
2013, April 17-19). University within school: A new model to re-structure teacher education.
Presented at the 45th Annual Meeting of the New England Educational Research
Organization (NEERO). Portsmouth, NH.
2010, July 28-30. The Turkish melting pot, salad bowl or marbled paper (Ebru): Lessons from
the American Experience. Paper presented at Central Eurasian Studies Society Regional
Conference organized by the Center for Black Sea and Central Asia (KORA), Middle
East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey.
2006, September 26. Education for democracy in the United States and Eurasia: A comparative
study. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Central Eurasian Studies Society.
University of Michigan, Ann Harbor, Michigan.
2003, August 16-19. Racial attitudes of elementary and secondary students: Variations through
grades. Paper presented on August 17, 2003 in the American Sociological Association
Annual Meeting, Sociology of Education Section, Atlanta, Georgia.
Ozcan 11
2002, August 16-20. The effects of teacher incentive programs on student outcomes: The case of
Iowa. Presented in the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Sociology of
Education Section, Chicago, Illinois. Co-author: Dr. James Maxey.
1998, September 29. Youth’s racial attitudes. A paper presentation in the Regional Equity
Conference. Kansas State University, Midwest Equity Assistance Center. Manhattan,
Kansas. Co-author: Thom Determan
1998, June 18-21. Maintaining intellectual integrity in teacher education: A social foundations
critique of the performance assessment movement in teacher education. Presented at the
Ninth National AILACTE Forum. Session A: Social Foundations Critique of the
Performance Assessment Movement. Seattle, Washington. Co-authors: J. Williams and
A. Kirchmeier
1997, March 24-28. Developing effective content and pedagogy for multicultural-oriented
courses. A presentation in the symposium of Teaching Multicultural-Oriented University
Courses: Course Content, Instructional Methods, White Resistance and Racism.
American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, Chicago. Coauthors: M. Hickey and J. Rosado.
1997, August 9-13. Understanding human behavior? Interests with ideas theory. Paper accepted
for the presentation at the American Sociological Association annual meeting. Toronto,
Ontario, Canada.
1997, January 29. An analysis of a school district’s multicultural/non-sexist policy. An invited
presentation for the Iowa’s Senators and Representatives in the Legislative Briefings
organized by the FINE (First in the Nation in Education) Foundations Des Moines, Iowa.
Co-author: Thom Determan.
1996, April 8-12. Improving teacher performance: Toward a theory of teacher motivation.
American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, New York.
1996, February 21-24. Pre-service teachers' acquisition of a critical multicultural and global
perspective: A reform path with ideological tensions. American Association of Colleges
for Teacher Education (AACTE) Annual Meeting, Chicago. Co-author: M. Vavrus.
1994, August 5-9. The impact of teacher perception of working students on teacher motivation.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association (ASA),
Los Angeles, California. Co-authors: L. Helms and D. Bills.
1992, April 1-4. President Reagan and the case of the Department of Education. Presented at
the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Sociological Society, Kansas City, Missouri.
1992, August 20-24. Updating national identity: The Turkish experience (1920-1938). Paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association (ASA),
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Ozcan 12
1992, January 24-26. The challenge of western culture and the quest of Muslim women for an
updated identity. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological
Association (ASA), Honors Program Student Association, Buffalo, New York.
1991, November 9. Higher education in Turkey: A critical consideration of discrimination
against women. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Comparative and
International Education Society (CIES), Columbus, Ohio.
2012, May 11. Öğretmen eğitiminin yeniden yapılandırılması için bir model önerisi: Okulda
Üniversite (University within School: A model to re-structure teacher education). First
International Symposium on the Sociology of Education organized by Ankara University,
College of Educational Sciences, Ankara, Turkey. May 11-12, 2012.
1986, November, 29. Mehmet Akif ve egitim (Mehmet Akif and education). Ppresented at the
Mehmet Akif Ersoy Semineri (a conference on a Turkish thinker and poet), organized by
the Tokat Valiligi (Tokat Province, Governor’s Office), Tokat, Turkey.
2013, November 2. Workshop: Service learning as pedagogy. Presented at 16th Annual
Promising Practices Conference. Organized by the Rhode Island College Dialogue on
Diversity Committee. Providence, Rhode Island.
2012, November 3. Workshop: Service learning projects for academic success and social
responsibility. Presented at 15th Annual Promising Practices Conference. Organized by
the Rhode Island College Dialogue on Diversity Committee. Providence, Rhode Island.
2011, November 5. Workshop: Service learning as a tool for experiential learning. Presented at
14th Promising Practices Conference. Organized by the Rhode Island College Dialogue
on Diversity Committee. Providence, Rhode Island.
2010, November 6. Service learning projects for experiential teaching. Presented at the 13th
Annual Multi-Cultural Conference and Curriculum Resource Fair: Promising Practices.
Organized by the Rhode Island College Dialogue on Diversity Committee. Providence,
Rhode Island.
2010, June 29-30. Service learning for doing democracy. Workshop for K-12 teachers. To be
presented at the conference organized by the Rhode Island Civics Summer Institute.
Providence, RI.
Ozcan 13
2009, November 7. Service learning for experiential teaching. Workshop presented at the 12th
Annual Multi-Cultural Conference and Curriculum Resource Fair: Promising Practices.
Organized by the Rhode Island College Dialogue on Diversity Committee. Providence,
Rhode Island.
2008, November 1. Service learning for experiential teaching. Presented at the Eleventh Annual
Multi-Cultural Conference and Curriculum Resource Fair: Promising Practices.
Organized by the Rhode Island College Dialogue on Diversity Committee. Providence,
Rhode Island.
2007, November 3. Workshop: Service learning in K-12 Schools: Design, implementation, and
assessment. Presented in the Tenth Annual Multi-Cultural Conference and Curriculum
Resource Fair: Promising Practices. Organized by the Rhode Island College Dialogue on
Diversity Committee. Providence, Rhode Island.
2006, November 4. Workshop: Service learning projects: Preparation, implementation, and
assessment. Presented in the Ninth Annual Multi-Cultural Conference and Curriculum
Resource Fair: Promising Practices. Organized by the Rhode Island College Dialogue on
Diversity Committee. Providence, Rhode Island.
2006, Spring-Fall. Cultural competency workshop. A professional development workshop for
K-12 teachers and other education professionals. It includes an in-depth review of the
impact of culture and poverty on the educational beliefs and behaviors of parents,
students, teachers, and discuss and practices the relevant teaching strategies. The
workshop is organized by the RI Office of Higher Education (Spring-Fall 2006).
2005, November 5 (at 3.10 pm). Workshop: How to assess “what is learned,” and “what is
served” in service learning projects. Presented in the New England Sociological
Association’s 2005 Fall Conference. Smithfield, Rhode Island.
2005, November 5 (at 11.00 am. Workshop: Preparing service learning projects in K-16 classes.
Presented in the Eighth Annual Multi-Cultural Conference and Curriculum Resource
Fair: Promising Practices. Organized by the Rhode Island College Dialogue on Diversity
Committee. Providence, Rhode Island.
2004, April 16. Workshop: Designing assessment in service learning: A two dimensional
approach. Presented in the Demonstrating the Public Value of Higher Education: A
Northeast Regional Campus Compact Conference. April 15-16, 2004, Worchester, MA.
2004-2002. Service learning for RI teachers. A professional development workshop for teachers
and other education professionals. The goal was to teach how to prepare, implement, and
assess service-learning projects in K-12 classes. The workshop was organized by the
Rhode Island Campus Compact, and was taught to two different groups of teachers.
2003, November 15. Workshop: Tutoring diverse students. Presented in the Seventh Annual
Multi-Cultural Conference and Curriculum Resource Fair: Promising Practices.
Ozcan 14
Organized by the Rhode Island College Dialogue on Diversity Committee. Providence,
Rhode Island.
1998, October 20-21. Teachers’ effects on students’ racial attitudes. A workshop presentation in
the Faces and Voices of Iowa. The Fifth Annual Conference of the Lt. Governor’s
Committee on Diversity. Des Moines, Iowa. Co-author: Thom Determan.
1997, March 3. Understanding minority education: Failure and achievement. A workshop
presentation for K-12 teachers. The Community School District, Dubuque, Iowa.
1996, October 2. Is multicultural education making a difference at school? Results from recent
research. A workshop presentation in the Third Annual Conference of the Lt. Governor’s
Committee on Diversity, Des Moines, Iowa. Co-author: Thom Determan.
2013, December 16. Okulda Üniversite Modeli (Model of University within School). An invited
presentation to the invited representatives of media and educational establishment. The
book Okulda Üniversite (University within School) was published on the same day and
introduced to media. The meeting was organized by TUSIAD, a non-governmental
organization and was held at The Marmara Hotel, İstanbul, Turkey.
2013, November 6. Okulda Üniversite (University within School). An invited presentation to the
invited representatives of the Turkish Higher Education Council, Ministry of National
Education and some Colleges of Education. The meeting was organized by TUSIAD
Education Working Group at HiltonSA Hotel, Ankara, Turkey.
2013, November, 7-9. Okulda üniversite: öğretmen eğitimini yeniden yapılandırmak için bir
model önerisi (University within school: A model to re-structure teacher education in
Turkey). Presented at the 8th Annual Educational Administration Congress organized by
Marmara University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey.
2013, May 11. Keynote speech: Okulda üniversite modelinde amaçlar ve uygulama (Objectives
and implementation in the model of university within school). Presented at the
International Symposium, New Issues on Teacher education (ISNITE 2013) organized by
Hacettepe University, College of Educational Sciences. Ankara, Turkey.
2013, March, 21-22. Teacher training in the 21st century. Presented at the Symposium of
University within School: Bahçeşehir University (BAU) Faculty of Educational Sciences,
Teacher Education Model. Organized by Marmara Bahçeşehir University, College of
Educational Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey. The language of instruction in this university is
English and the language of symposium was English.
Ozcan 15
2012, September 20-22. Speaker on the panel: The Challenges and Recommendations in Teacher
Education. 1st International Symposium on Teacher Education and Development
(1st Uluslararası Katılımlı Öğretmen Yetiştirme ve Geliştirme Sempozyumu). Organized
by Uşak University and the Turkish Ministry of National Education, Uşak Province,
2012, June 20. Speaker on the panel: Turkey’s University within School: Teacher Training for
the 21st Century. Moderator: Dr. Selçuk Şirin (New York University). Invited speakers:
Dr. Mary Brabeck (New York University, Dean of College of Education), Dr. Jane C.
Conoley (Texas A and M University, Dean of College of Education), Dr. Robert Pianta,
(University of Virginia, Dean of College of Education), Dr. Tom Stritikus, University of
Washington, Dean of College of Education), Dr. Mustafa Özcan (Rhode Island College).
Bahçeşehir University, Istanbul, Turkey.
2012, May 24-26. Speaker on the panel: Current Problems Experienced in Teacher Education
(Öğretmen Yetiştirmede Yaşanan Güncel Sorunlar). 7th National Conference on
Educational Administration (7th Ulusal Eğitim Yönetimi Kongresi). Organized by İnönü
University and the Association of Educational Administrators and Supervisors. Malatya
Province, Turkey.
2011, April 16-17. Yüksek Öğretimde Yönetici Seçimi: Amerikan Tecrübesinden Yararlanmak
(Selection of the administrators in higher education: Lessons from the American
experience). Ulusal Eğitim Yönetimi Kongresi (National Conference on Educational
Administration). Magosa, Cyprus.
2009, August 20. Comparing the education systems in the United States and Turkey:
Management, assessment and leadership. An invited lecture given to the 100 selected
bureaucrats at the Ministry of National Education. Ankara, Turkey.
2009, August 4-14. K-12 schools in the United States: Teaching, assessment and outcomes.
Invited to talk about the education system in the US to the teachers participating in a oneweek professional development program. Ankara, Turkey.
2006, November 16. Atatürk and the future of Turkey. Invited to speak in a panel organized by the Institute
of Turkish Studies at Georgetown University in Washington D.C. The other speaker of the panel
was Dr. Andrew Mango from England.
1998, January 27. Promise of Cultural Diversity and American Leadership. Clarke College,
Dubuque, Iowa. A nominated lecture. The nomination was made by the Clarke College
faculty, and selection was made by the Mackin-Mailander Lecture Committee. It was the
second lecture in the Mackin-Mailander Lecture Series: Leadership and Community: The
Challenge of the Third Millennium. The speaker for the first lecture (October 8, 1997)
was Yolanda King, eldest daughter of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Ozcan 16
2010, December 8, 2010. NCATE Blue Ribbon Panel Report and reform in teacher education.
A presentation to the education faculty at the Scholarly Conversation meeting organized
by the Dean’s office at the School of Education, and Department of Educational Studies.
Rhode Island College, Feinstein School of Education and Human Development,
Providence, RI.
2010, April 16. Reforming teacher education: A system approach. Presented at the conference
organized by Rhode Island College, Feinstein School of Education and Human
Development, Providence, RI.
2008, January 3. How is Turkey seen from the US: Americans` perceptions of Turkey and Middle East.
An invited lecture open to students and faculty members at Gaziantep University, College of Liberal
Arts, Gaziantep, Turkey.
2006, March 21. What research says on teacher education, how we can use it and what research
is needed. Presented together with Dean Julie Wollman to faculty members in one of the
FSEHD’s monthly “Scholarly Conversations” meetings.
The presentation based on the book, Studying teacher education: the report of the AERA
panel on research and teacher education edited by Marilyn Cochran-Smith and Kenneth
M. Zeichner (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2005).
2006, January 20. Pedagogical autobiography: Transforming teaching through self-understanding. A panel
presentation. Co-presenters: Elizabeth Henshaw, Elizabeth Rowell, Carol R. Shelton, Daniel
Weisman. Center for the Improvement of Teaching Annual conference on Teaching for
Transformation. University of Massachusetts, Boston.
2005, October 15. The scholarship of pedagogy: Research on inclusive teaching practices. An
invited panel presentation. New England Center for Inclusive Teaching (NECIT)
Conference. University of Massachusetts, Boston.
1997-1992. Multicultural education. During a six year period, a total of 12 presentations were
made for student teachers in the workshops organized by the Tri-College Education
Department. With some differences, these presentations included: (1) Meaning of
multicultural education, (2) Rationale for multicultural education, (3) Multicultural
curriculum, and (4) Multicultural teaching strategies.
2008, August 18. Problems of Turkish universities and ideas for solutions. Participated as one
of the speakers in a four hour panel on TRT-1, a national TV channel in Ankara, Turkey.
The other speakers were professors and administrators from various universities.
2008, January 14. Impact of standardized tests on students in Turkish schools. Participated as
one of the speakers in a one-hour panel on ATA TV, a national television channel in
Turkey. The other two speakers were also professors.
Ozcan 17
2008, January 13. Problems in Turkish higher education. Participated as one of the speakers in a
two-hour panel on SES TV, a national television channel in Turkey. The other three
speakers were also professors.
2008, January 7. How is Turkey Seen from the US? Participated in a one-hour television
program on ORT TV, a local station. Interviewed about the US-Turkey relations and
issues in the Middle East.
2008, August. Öğretmen eğitimi için bir model önerisi (A new model for teacher education in
Turkey). A 330 page report prepared for TED (Türk Eğitim Derneği) University, College
of Education to be opened in Ankara, Turkey. The report was prepared to develop a new
teacher education model for Turkey by using the experiences of the successful teacher
education programs primarily in the US.
2005, May. The effects of service learning on prospective teachers. Report of a funded research
project designed to assess the effects of service learning on prospective teachers at Rhode
Island College. Two copies of the report were displayed during the NCATE and RI state
accreditation visit of the Feinstein School of Education and Human Development. A
paper based on this research is being prepared for dissemination in 2007.
1998, August. White students’ racial attitudes: Beliefs, values and sources. Des Moines: FINE.
Final report of the research conducted by the authors, and funded by FINE Foundation, an
educational research foundation in Des Moines, Iowa. Co-authors: Thom Determan,
Clem Steele, and E. Moore.
1997, August. An analysis of a school district’s multicultural/non-sexist policy. Final report of
the research conducted by the authors, and funded by FINE Foundation, Des Monies,
Iowa. Co-authors: Michael Vavrus, Thom Determan, and Clem Steele.
2005. A NECIT (New England Center for Inclusive Teaching) Grant. Awarded to
participate in the NECIT Professional Development Seminar at Rhode Island College.
Course Load Release Award for the NECIT Seminar, and provided a 3-credit course load
release in spring 2005.
Ozcan 18
1998. FINE Foundation Dissemination Grant ($1,000.00).
It was awarded to disseminate the results of a previously funded research study: The
effects of in-service multicultural teacher education on youth's racial attitudes. The
findings of the research were presented in various professional conferences. Co-receiver:
Thomas Determan.
1997. FINE Foundation Educational Research Grant ($12,000.00).
Research project: The effects of in-service multicultural teacher education on students’
racial attitudes. Designed to investigate racial attitudes of students ranging from 4th to
12th grade in three public school districts. As the principal investigator of the project, my
duties included designing the research, directing the project, facilitating the cooperation
between Clarke University and three participating school districts, analyzing the data
collected from 813 students and cooperating with three co-researchers and a 15 member
Research Advisory Committee. The FINE (First in the Nation in Education) is an
educational research foundation based in Des Moines, Iowa. Co-researchers: Thomas
Determan, Clem Steele, and Eddie Moore.
1996. FINE Foundation Dissemination Grant ($1,000.00). It was awarded to disseminate the
results of a previously funded research: An analysis of a school district’s
multicultural/non-sexist education policy. Findings of the research were presented to
various groups including the Iowa Senators and Representatives.
1995. FINE Foundation Educational Research Grant ($12,000.00).
The project: An analysis of a school district's multicultural /non-sexist education policy.
Designed to analyze the effects of the Dubuque Community School District's in-service
diversity education on K-12 teachers. As a co-researcher my primary responsibilities
included analyzing the quantitative data by using SPSS. Co-researchers: Michael Vavrus,
Thomas Determan, and Clem Steele.
2011, Spring. One Semester Sabbatical Leave. Research project: Education of the democratic
mind in the U.S. and Turkey: A comparative study.
2009-2010. Reassigned Time for Sabbatical Research. Two hours course time has been
awarded to begin the sabbatical research project: Education of the democratic mind:
Forming a model of education for democracy in light of the American experience.
2007-2008. Rhode Island College Faculty Research Committee Grant ($3,750.00).
Awarded for the research proposal, “Challenges in K-12 Classroom and Sufficiency of
Teacher Education: Perceptions of New Teachers.” The study is designed to identify the
new challenges in teaching and learning in the classroom, and to discuss the sufficiency
of teacher education, in preparing teachers to overcome these challenges. A group of 500
teachers graduating from Rhode Island College from 2000 to 2004 will be surveyed, and
focus group meetings will be held with a small group of teachers.
Ozcan 19
2006-2007. Rhode Island College Faculty Development Committee Grant ($1,500.00).
Awarded for the research proposal, “Educating for Democracy: A Comparative Analysis
of Approaches and Perceptions in the United States, Turkey, Indonesia and India.”
Designed to investigate the attitudes of college students in America, and three other
countries that have large Muslim populations, regarding democracy, its meanings, and
practices so as to understand what makes practicing democracy possible. Co-researcher:
Dr. David Thomas.
2004. Rhode Island College Faculty Development Grant ($440.00).
It was awarded to attend a conference and present a professional development workshop
2003. Rhode Island College Faculty Research Committee Grant ($2,000.00).
It was awarded to conduct research to assess the effects of the FSEHD Service Learning
Program on prospective teachers in Rhode Island College
2002. Rhode Island College Faculty Development Committee Grant ($700.00).
It was awarded to attend a conference and present a paper
1997. Title III Faculty Development Grant ($800.00).
The project: Teaching to learning styles (at college level). Clarke University, Dubuque,
Iowa. It included using the Productivity Environmental Preferences Survey, and the
Productivity Style Report Software to identify the learning styles of my students.
1997. Clarke College Faculty Development Grant ($2,000.00).
The project: Teaching to learning styles: Cultural and individual differences. Clarke
University, Dubuque, Iowa. The project included attending "The 20th Annual Leadership
Certification Institute: Teaching Students through Their Individual Learning Styles," (July
2-8, 1997, New York).
1995. Clarke College Faculty Development Grant ($700.00).
Project title: Revisiting multicultural education: Meaning, rationale, implementation.
Clarke University, Dubuque, Iowa.
2006. Acknowledged for Contributions and Review. My name was listed inside the cover
page of the book: Bringing service learning into the classroom: A resource guide for
Rhode Island teachers. Rhode Island Campus Compact publication.
Ozcan 20
2001. Acknowledgment for Book Review. Longman Publication acknowledged my
contribution with a thank you statement to the book, Teaching with a Multicultural
Perspective (3rd ed., 2001) written by L. Davidman and P. T. Davidman.
Acknowledgment was made for my review of the book manuscript.
1998. Acknowledgment for Book Review. Houghton Mifflin Publication published my name
with a thank you statement in N. L. Gage & D. C. Berliner’s book, Educational
Psychology, (6th ed., 1998). Acknowledgment was made for my review on racial-ethnic
diversity, social class and education in the book manuscript.
1998. Iowa Educational Equity Recognition Award.
The Iowa State Board of Education and the Iowa Department of Education awarded the
research project conducted to determine youth’s racial attitudes in three public school
districts. I was the principal investigator of the project. Clarke University and the
Dubuque Community School District were also recognized for their housing and support
of the research. The study was funded by FINE Educational Research Foundation in
2008-Present. Coordinator. Foundations Courses, and Service Learning Project Coordinator.
Department of Educational Studies, Rhode Island College, Feinstein School of Education
and Human Development.
2008-2010. Chair. Department Advisory Committee (DAC). Department of Educational
Studies, Rhode Island College, Feinstein School of Education and Human Development.
2006-2008. Member. Department Advisory Committee (DAC). Department of Educational
Studies, Rhode Island College, Feinstein School of Education and Human Development.
2001-2008. Member. Rhode Island College, Dialogue on Diversity Committee. Members are
appointed by the college president.
2004-2006. Member. Ph.D. Program Committee. Rhode Island College and the University of
Rhode Island Joint Ph.D. Program in Education. Elected by the faculty members in the
Ph.D. program for a three year term in fall 2004.
2005-2006. Member. Rhode Island College, American Democracy Project, Course
Development Committee. Served in this committee together with Dr. David Thomas, Dr.
Sandra Enos, and Dr. Valerie Endress to prepare a core 4 course, “Doing Democracy.”
2006. Member. Outstanding Multicultural Educator Selection Committee for the Promising
Practices Conference. Rhode Island College.
Ozcan 21
2005. Member. Outstanding Multicultural Educator Selection Committee for the Promising
Practices Conference. Rhode Island College.
2003-2004. Co-Chair. Promising Practices Committee. The committee prepares the Annual
Promising Practices Conference at Rhode Island College. I served as one of the two cochairs to prepare the conference held on November 6, 2004. The conference theme was:
Challenging re-segregation: 50 years after Brown vs. Board of Education. The
conference included 22 workshops on promising practices in multicultural education.
New to this year’s conference were: Outstanding Multicultural Educators Award, Youth
Hour: Voices of Students Panel, conference registration fee, and lunch for the
2001-2004. Member. Cultural Diversity Committee. Rhode Island College, Feinstein School of
Education and Human Development.
2001-2002. Member. Department Advisory Committee (DAC). Department of Educational
Studies, Rhode Island College, Feinstein School of Education and Human Development.
2004-2005. Member. Department Advisory Committee (DAC). Department of Educational
Studies, Rhode Island College, Feinstein School of Education and Human Development.
2004-2006. Disability Resource Mentor. One of the Rhode Island College Disability Resource
Mentors. To serve as a mentor, I attended a four day “Changing the Culture” seminar in
May 2004 at Rhode Island College.
2002, Spring. Member. Faculty Search Committee. Department of Educational Studies, Rhode
Island College, Feinstein School of Education and Human Development.
1995-1999. Member. Information Technology Committee, Clarke University, Dubuque, Iowa,
1992-1997. Member. Tri-College Education Department Core Committee, Dubuque, Iowa,
1992-1997. Member. Tri-College Education Department Elementary Education Committee
Dubuque, Iowa.
2009-Present. Member. Board of Governors, the Segue Institute for Learning. A 6 to 8 grade
charter school. It is connected to the Cowden Street Collaborative, a full service
community center. Central Falls, Rhode Island.
2008-2009. Member. Board of Governors, Cowden Street Collaborative, a full service
community center supporting the youth and families of Central Falls, Rhode Island.
2006-2008. Cultural Competency Workshop for RI Teachers. A professional development
workshop for K-12 teachers and other education professionals. It includes an in-depth
Ozcan 22
review of the impact of culture and poverty on the educational beliefs and behaviors of
parents, students, teachers, and discuss and practices the relevant teaching strategies. The
workshop is organized by the RI Office of Higher Education (Spring-Fall 2006).
2002-2004. Service Learning for RI Teachers. An in-service, professional development
course for K-12 teachers. It was taught two different groups of K-12 teachers. It
included the preparation, implementation, and assessment of service-learning projects in
K-12 classes. The course was offered by the Rhode Island Campus Compact and was
taught at Rhode Island College.
2001-2002. Task Force Member. I served for a year in the Rhode Island Department of
Education, Commissioner's Task Force on Racial Bias and School Discipline. This oneyear project was implemented by the RI Department of Elementary and Secondary
Education. Members were appointed by Peter McWalters, the Commissioner of
Elementary and Secondary Education, Providence, RI.
1999-2000. Chair, Equity Advisory Committee. Dubuque Community School District Equity
Advisory Committee, Dubuque, Iowa. First I served as a member from Fall 1995 to Fall
1999; later I was elected to serve as the chair of the committee from spring 1999 to Fall
2000, until leaving the town for Rhode Island College.
1998-2000. Human Rights Commissioner. I served in the City Human Rights Commission in
Dubuque, Iowa. I was appointed by the Dubuque City Council for a three year term in
January 1998 and served until leaving the town for Rhode Island College.
2000, October 2. Panelist. I served as a panelist in an in-service teacher education panel titled,
“Christianity, Islam, and Judaism: Teaching about Religions.” One of the other two
panelists were Rev. Glen Larsen, the other was Rabbi Eileen Kollins. Organized by the
Dubuque Community School District, Hempstead High School, Dubuque, Iowa.
1998. Book Review. Addison Wesley Longman Publication Company asked me to review the
book manuscript Developing multicultural educators (by Jana Noel). The review report
was sent to Arianne J. Weber, Associate Editor, on June 22.
1995, February 10. Symposium Presider. Interdisciplinary Research Symposium. Organized by
the American Sociological Association Honors Program Student Association, the
University of Iowa Honors Program, College of Education and Department of Sociology.
Iowa City, IA..
1995, May 1. Panel Moderator. Inclusive Education. Organized by the Dubuque Tri-College
Department of Education at the University of Dubuque, Dubuque, Iowa.
1993, April 28. Panel Organizer and Moderator. Understanding Dubuque's Racial Tension.
Clarke College, Dubuque, Iowa. Speakers were local community leaders that were
dealing with the racial-ethnic tension in Dubuque.
1997-1999. Guest Speaker. Culture and human behavior.
Ozcan 23
Three presentations on culture and human behavior to the students in PT427 Teaching in
Physical Therapy class. Invited by Assistant Professor Reva Rauk. Physical Therapy
Department, Clarke College, Dubuque, Iowa.
1996, March 4, September 17. Guest Speaker. Middle East: global issues and cultural values. I
was invited two times by teacher Michael Finders to Central Alternative High School
(Dubuque, IA) to talk about cultures and global issues in the Middle East.
2013, December 17. Various Turkish newspapers including daily Hürriyet covered my
presentation on Okulda Üniversite (University within School), a new model for teacher
education in Turkey at the Marmara Hotel, and several columnist wrote about the model
on the same day.
2013, December 16. A TV channel, CNN TÜRK covered the introduction of the book, Okulda
Üniversite (University within School) to media and my presentation on the same topic at
the Marmara Hotel. İstanbul, Turkey. The meeting was organized by TÜSİAD.
2008, August 18. Problems of Turkish Universities and Ideas for Solutions. Participated as one
of the speakers in a four hour panel on TRT-1, a national TV channel in Turkey. The
other speakers were professors and administrators from various universities in Turkey.
2008, January 14. Impact of Standardized Tests on Students in Turkey. Participated as one of the
speakers in a one-hour panel on ATA TV, a national television channel in Turkey. The
other two speakers were also professors.
2008, January 13. Problems in Turkish Higher Education. Participated as one of the speakers in
a two-hour panel on SES TV, a national television channel in Turkey. The other three
speakers were also professors.
2008, January 7. How is Turkey Seen from the US? Participated in a one-hour television
program on ORT TV, a local station. Interviewed about the US-Turkey relations and
issues in the Middle East.
2004, October 25. What’s News at Rhode Island College. Promising Practices Conference to
confront growing trend of ‘re-segregation in education.’ Rob Martin, managing editor of
the newspaper interviewed with me on the upcoming Promising Practices Conference of
which I was the co-chair.
2002, February 25. What’s News at Rhode Island College. Future teachers gain hands-on
multicultural experience in local classrooms. Jane Fusco, editor of the newspaper
interviewed me on the ongoing service learning program at Rhode Island College,
Feinstein School of Education.
Ozcan 24
1998, October 4. Telegraph Herald. Little racism among area youth. A first page coverage.
Reporter Mike Krapfl interviewed me and covered the results of our research on youth’s
racial attitude in this article.
1998, September 23. Telegraph Herald. Clarke, district awarded. A brief coverage about the
Educational Equity Recognition Award. The Iowa State Board of Education awarded
Clarke College and Dubuque Community School District, and recognized the researchers
for their success in conducting the research project on the effects of in-service
multicultural teacher education on students’ racial attitudes. I was the principal
investigator of the research project.
1998, January 28. Gwiasda, Susan B. Professor: Many minorities feel that they don’t belong in
US. Telegraph Herald. An article about my lecture, Promise of Cultural Diversity and
American Leadership on January 27 at Clarke College.
1998, February 11. Barth, Carrie. Closing the cultural gap. Clarke Courier. An article about my
lecture, Promise of Cultural Diversity and American Leadership on January 27 at Clarke
1997, May 14. The local TV station interviewed me about the research project on youth’s racial
attitudes in my office at the college. The interview was aired at 5 p.m. and 10.00 p.m.
1995, June 25 and Dec. 5. Telegraph Herald, a local newspaper, published news several times
about my research with teachers in the local school district. Telegraph Herald,