FACULTY of AGRICULTURE Course Title Insecticides Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Plant Protection Code Term ZBK 503 I (Fall) Course Prerequisites Name of Instructors Instructor Information Course Objective and brief Description 1 2 3 4 Level Type Language M.Sc. optional None Turkish Lecture 3 Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 3 0 10 Asist. Prof. Dr. Cafer TURGUT Adnan Menderes University, Faculty of Agriculture, Dept of Plant Protection Aydin Insecticides are widely used to kill insects on the crops in agriculture. In this lecture, insecticides will explain very details. Properties and formulations, trade, registration, classification and mode of action and usage of insecticides will be described. Textbook and Supplementary readings Ünal, G., Gürkan O. İnsektisitler. Ankara G. Copping., Hewitt, G. (1998): Chemistry and modes of action of crop protection agents. Royal Society of Chemistry. Handa, S. K. (2004): Principles of pesticide chemistry. Agrobios. COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week Lecture topics 1 Introduction 2 History of insecticides 3 Residue of insecticides 4 Modes of Action of Insecticides 5 Chlorinated hydrocarbons 6 Organophorous insecticides 7 Carbamate insecticides 8 EXAM 9 Pyrethroids 10 Dinitrophenols 11 Fumigants 12 Inorganic insecticides 13 Botanical insecticides 14 Practice/Lab/Field Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. Department FACULTY of AGRICULTURE Ecotoxicology Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Plant Protection Course Title Code Term ZBK 505 I (Fall) Course Prerequisites Name of Instructors Instructor Information Level Type Language M.Sc. optional None Turkish Lecture 2 Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 3 2 10 Asist. Prof. Dr. Cafer TURGUT Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Agriculture Dept of Plant Protection 09100 Aydin [email protected] Stand and importance of ecotoxicology in modern environmental sciences and use of ecotoxicology in environmental chemistry, toxicology, ecology. The source of environmental Course Objective pollution with consideration of agricultural pollution and their direct and indirect effect on and brief organisms from individual to ecosystem. The interaction of organisms with their habitus in Description environment. Textbook and Supplementary readings 1 Satake, M., Mido, Y., Sethi, M. S. Iqbal, S. A. Yasuhisa, H., Taguchi, S. (2006): Environmental Toxicology. Discovery Publishing. ISBN 81-7141-350-1 2 Connell, D., Lam, P. (1999): Introduction to Ecotoxicology. Blackwell Science 3 Oehlmann, J., Markert, B. (1997): Humantoxikologie. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellchaft. 4 COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week 3 General principles of ecotoxicology Practice/Lab/Field Basic ecotoxicological procedures in lab Basic calculation methods in ecotoxicology Standard solvent preparation 4 Effect of biological uptake factors to ecotoxicology Dose calculation 5 Fate of environmental chemicals in organisms Dose response curves Ecotoxicological experimental methods and test systems Evaluation of statistical results in lab Introduction to microtox system 1 2 6 Lecture topics Introduction Interaction of ecotoxicology with environmental chemistr 7 Bioaccumulation 8 Exam 12 Practical approach of ecotoxicology Bioassay in microtox with a low toxicity pesticide Bioassay in microtox with a middle toxicity pesticide Bioassay in microtox with a high toxicity pesticide Evaluation of results 13 Risk assessment EC50 calculations 9 10 11 14 Molecular effect mechanisms and effect on cells Effect on individual and population Effect on habitate and ecosystem Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. Course Title Department Division in the Dept. Code Term ZBK-507 I Course Prerequisites Name of Instructors Instructor Information Course Objective and brief Description 1 2 3 4 FACULTY of AGRICULTURE Morphology and physiology of insect Plant protection Entomology Level Type Master Opt. None Language Turkish Lecture 2 Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 2 3 10 Prof.Dr. Tülin AKŞİT University of Adnan Menderes, Faculty of Agriculture Department of Plant Protection, 09100 Aydın, [email protected] Aim of course is to teach the principles of morphology and physiology of insect body (body wall, head, neck, thorax , legs, wings, abdominal segments and the abdominal appendages, the alimentary canal and excretion organs, the alimentary canal and excretion organs, the nervous system and sense organs, the reproduction organs and secretion glands, the development of embryonic and post embryonic in insects). Textbook and Supplementary readings Chapman, R.F.,1972.The Insects Structure and Function.The English Universities Press Ltd., London, 819 pp. Gillott, C.1980. Entomology. Plenum Press, Newyork,729 pp. Snodgrass, R.E., 1935. Principles of Insect Morphology. Mc Graw-Hill Book Comp.Inc.,Newyork,667 pp. Kornoşor, S., 1986. Morphology of Arthropod. Ç.Ü. Faculty Of Agriculture Lecture Note, No:,BK-352,Adana, 254 COURSE CALENDER/SCHEDULE Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Lecture topics Structure of the body wall, Morphology and structure of insect head and the head appendages Mouth parts of insects Structure of neck, thorax and legs of insects The wings, flight and the wing movements of insects General structure of the abdominal segments and the abdominal appendages of insects Quiz The alimentary canal and excretion organs in insects The organs of circulation and respiratory system in insects laboratory Morphological features of the body wall Antennae and mouth parts Mouth structure types Structure of thorax and legs The wings Abdominal segments and the abdominal appendages Alimentary canal The organs of circulation and respiratory system The nervous system The reproduction organs The egg, larva and pupae The egg, larva and pupae The nervous system and sense organs of insects 10 The reproduction organs and secretion glands of insects 11 Embryonic development in insects 12 Post embryonic development in insects 13 14 Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on the instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. FACULTY of AGRİCULTURE Course Title Urban Entomology Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Code Term I(Fall) ZBK511 Course Prerequisites Name of Instructors Instructor Information Course Objective and brief Description 1 2 Level Type Language Master Optional Turkish Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 2 0 8 Lecture 2 None Asist.Prof.Dr. Mehmet KARAGÖZ A.D.Ü Ziraat Fakültesi Bitki Koruma Bölümü Güney kampusü AYDIN [email protected] Home, office, hospital, store etc. Textbook and Supplementary readings Özcel,M.A.,ve N.Daldal,1997.Parazotolojide Artropod Hastalıkları Vektörler.Türkiye Parazotoloji Derneği Yayın No:13,527s. Robinson, W. H., 1996. Urban Entomology. ChapmanHall, London, 430 pp. Ecevit, O., 1998. İnsan ve Hayvan Zararlısı Arthropod (Arthropoda)’lar. O.M.Ü. Zir. Fak. Ders Kitabı No.28, 296 s. COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week Lecture topics Practice/L ab/Field Introduction 1 Introduction (Human environment and urbanization 2 Pests in human environment and economic control 3 Flies, vectors and protection (DİPTERA) 4 Louse, vectors and protection (ANOPLURA) 5 Pireler, vectors and protection (SİPHONAPTERA) 6 Mites and tickes in human and animals 7 Exam 8 Cockroaches (DİCTYOPTERA) 9 COLEOPTERA,LEPİDOPTERA;HYMENOPTERA Pests 10 Xxxxxxxxxxx (HEMİPTERA,Cimicidae) 11 Poisonously arthropods 12 Control of arthropods in human and animals 13 Control of arthropods in human and animals 14 Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. Course Title FACULTY of AGRICULTURE Laboratory Techniques of Plant Pathogenic Fungi Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Phytopathology Code Term ZBK 513 I Fall Course Prerequisites Level Type Language Master Optional Turkish Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit Lecture 2 2 3 10 None Prof. Dr. M. Timur Döken Address: Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Bitki Koruma Bölümü, Güney Kampüsü 09100 AYDIN - TÜRKİYE Tel: 0 256 772 70 22-23-24 / 1201 e-mail: [email protected] - [email protected] The course covers the fundamental techniques and methods used in the studies of plant Course Objective pathogenic fungi. These include sampling, isolation, identification, cultivation, inoculation and and brief assesment . The aim is to equip the students with basic knowledge and practice which sufficient Description to begin studies on plant pathogenic fungi. Textbook and Supplementary readings 1 Kelman, A., C. W. Boothroyd, H. D. Benjamin, I. W. Deep, S. Diachun, J. P. Fulton, J. W. Hendrix, J. E. Mıtchell, J. H. Owen, W. H. Sill Jr. R. B. Stevens and R. Zabel, 1967. Sourcebook of Laboratory Exercises in Plant Pathology. W.H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco and London. 387 pp. 2 Onkar D. D. and J. B. Sinclair,1985. Basic Plant Pathology Methods.CRC Pres, Inc.Boca Raton, Florida. 355 pp. 3 İren S., Z. Katırcıoğlu, 1989. Uygulamalı Mikoloji. Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları Ankara No: 1126. 136 pp. Name of Instructors Instructor Information COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week Lecture topics Practice/Lab/Field Specifications of basic laboratory apparatus 1 Sampling and preserving of specimens 2 Aseptic techniques Practice for operating the equipment used for sterilization 3 Microscope parts and specifications and techniques Practice for applying various microscopy techniques 4 5 Techniques of slide preparations, microscopic measurements by using micrometer Nutritional requirements of fungi and composition of media Slide preparation and microscobic examination Practice for measuring the dimensions of various fungal spores by micrometer under light microscope 6 Methods of preparation of solid and liquid media Media preparation 7 Isolation methods of phytopathogenic fungi from various sources Isolation from soil 8 Mid Term Exam Isolation from leaves and wood 9 Single spore isolation methods Single spore isolation 10 Inoculum preparation and determination of spore concentration by using hemocytometer Inoculum preparation and determination of spore concentration 11 Basic inoculation methods Inoculation of plants 12 Maintenance of fungi Assesment of fungal diseases 13 Staining techniques to determine fungal presence and growth in plant tissues Practice for staining fungi in leaf and seed tissues 14 Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. FACULTY of AGRICULTURE Laboratory Techniques in Phytobacteriology I Course Title Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Phytopathology Code Term Level Type Language MS Optional None Turkish ZBK 519 I (Fall) Course Prerequisites Name of Instructors Instructor Information Course Objective and brief Description 1 2 3 4 Lecture 2 Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 2 3 10 Prof. Dr. Kemal BENLİOĞLU Adnan Menderes Ünversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi 09100 Aydın Tel: 256 7727023 [email protected] The course aims to enable students to acquire, develop their practical skill and knowledge in the basic principles of laboratory techniques of classical bacteriology that include pathogenicity and biochemical tests, culturing, isolation and inoculation methods. Textbook and Supplementary readings Saygılı, H., Fitobakteriyoloji, Ege Üniv. Zir. Fak. Doğruluk Matbaası, 1995, İzmir. Klement, Z. K. Rudolph, D. C. Sands (1990) Methods in Phytobacteriology, Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, ISBN963-05-4955-7. Schaad, N. W. J. B. Jones, W. Chun, Laboratory Guide for Identification of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria, APS Press, St. Paul, Minnesota, ISBN-0-89054-263-5 Singleton P., and D. Sainsbury, Introduction to Bacteria, John Wiley and Sons Ltd, USA, ISBN-0-471-10035 COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week Lecture topics Practice/Lab/Field Knowledge on laboratory equipments 1 Characteristics of plant pathogenic bacteria and symptomatology 2 Culture media and ingredients Preparation of general and selective media 3 Isolation methods Isolations from diseased plant tissue 4 Patogeniciy tests 5 Counting bacteria 6 Cell and colony morphology of plant pathogenic bacteria Colony counting 7 Mounting and Staining Gram Staining and KOH test 8 Quiz 9 Inoculum production and inoculation methods Inoculation techniques Biochemical tests OF, levan, oxydase, fluorescence tests Nitrate reduction, arginine dehydrolase Potato soft rot, tobacco hypersensitivity and carbohydrate utilization tests Evaluation of tests 10 11 Obtaining pure culture and examining bacterial colonies Preparing dilution series and spectrophotometric measurement Biochemical tests Biochemical tests 12 13 14 Identification of bacterial genera by using identification keys Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these Course Title FACULTY of AGRICULTURE Introduction to Biotechnology Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Phytopathology Code Term ZBK-521 I (Fall) Course Prerequisites Name of Instructors Instructor Information Level Type Language MSc Elective None Turkish Lecture 3 Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 0 3 10 Prof. Dr. Kemal BENLİOĞLU Adnan Menderes Ünversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi 09100 Aydın Tel: 256 7727023 [email protected] Course aims to introduce students broad view of biotechnology, historical developments, key Course Objective concepts in molecular biology and modern topics including recombinant DNA technology and and brief gene transfer methods. Students also consider specific examples of the use of gene cloning Description techniques and transgenic organisms in agricultural, environmental and industrial biotechnology. Textbook and Supplementary readings 1 William J. T., M. A. Palladino, W. Thieman, 2003. Introduction to Biotechnology, Benjamin Cummings, ISBN: 0805348255. 2 Barnum, S. R. 2004. Biotechnology: An Introduction. Brooks Cole, ISBN: 0534492967 3 Babaoğlu, M., E. Gürel, S. Özcan, 2002. Bitki Biyoteknolojisi, Cilt I, Doku Kültürü ve Uygulamaları. Selçuk Üniversitesi Yayınevi, Konya. 4 Özcan, S., E. Gürel, M. Babaoğlu, 2004. Bitki Biyoteknolojisi, Cilt II, Genetik Mühendisliği ve Uygulamaları. Selçuk Üniversitesi Yayınevi, Konya. COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week 1 Lecture topics Applications in biotechnology and historical development 2 Biotechnology in the world and Turkey 3 Tissue and cell culture methods and their applications 4 Isolation of DNA, cloning and manipulation techniques 5 Cloning vectors 6 Application of cloning in gene analysis 7 Studying gene, genome structure and gene expression 8 Quiz 9 Polymerase chain reaction techniques in biotechnology 10 Production of protein from cloned genes 11 Introduction of DNA into living cells 12 Recombinant DNA tecniques in plants 13 Recombinant DNA tecniques in animals 14 Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. FACULTY of AGRICULTURE Course Title Fungicides Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Phytopathology Code Term ZBK-523 I (Fall) Course Prerequisites Name of Instructors Instructor Information Course Objective and brief Description 1 2 3 4 Level Type Language MS Optional Turkish Lecture 2 Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 2 0 8 Prof. Dr. Seher Benlioğlu Adnan Menderes University, Agricultural Faculty, Plant Protection Dept., 09100-AYDIN [email protected] Course aims at introducing basic information on fungicides according to mode of actions and biological activities. The contents of course also include formulations and activity spectrum of commercially used fungicides. Textbook and Supplementary readings Hewitt, H.G., 1998..Fungicides in Crop Protection, CAB International, 221p. Pflanzenschutz Nachrichten, Bayer http://npic.orst.edu/RMPP/rmpp_ch15.pdf COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week 1 Lecture topics The Global Fungicides Market 2 Global Fungicides Markets by Crop and Regions 3 Formulation types of fungicides 4 Classification of fungicides according to their modes of action 5 Fungicides disrupted of cell function (Inorganics) 6 Fungicides disrupted of cell function (Organics) 7 Fungicides disrupted of membrane function 8 Quiz 9 Fungicides disrupted of membrane function 10 Fungicides disrupted of nuclear processes 11 Fungicides affects on cell wall function, inhibition of protein synthesis 12 Fungicides inhibited of respiration, disruption of cell membrane integrity 13 Undefined mode of action 14 Final Exam Practice/Lab/Field Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. Course Title FACULTY of AGRICULTURE Research Methods in Weed Science Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Code Term Level ZBK MS Fall 527 Course Prerequisites Name of Instructors Instructor Information Course Objective and brief Description 1 2 3 4 Type Language Optional Turkish Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 3 2 10 Lecture 2 No Assoc.Prof.Dr. Özhan BOZ University of Adnan Menderes, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, 09100 Aydın/Turkey. Phone. + 90 256 7727023 (1203), [email protected] Students will learn both basic and advance methods commonly being used in weed science. Students will practice both in laboratory and field to gain experience in weed science experimental studies. Textbook and Supplementary readings Camper, N.D., 1986. Research Methods in Weed Science. Southern Weed Science Society, 485p. Uygur, F.N., 1991. Herbolojide Araştırma Yöntemleri, Ç.Ü. Fen Bil. Ens. Yardımcı Ders Notu Anonymous, 1996. Zirai Mücadele Standart İlaç Deneme Metodları (Cilt 3) T.C. Tarım ve Köyişl Bak. Tarımsal araştırmalar Gen. Müd. Ankara. Anonymous, 2004. Manual for Field Trials in Crop Protection, Syngenta. 444p. COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week Lecture topics Techniques in herbarium preparation Practice/Lab/Field Practice and Theory Practice and Theory 3 Methods of the determination of weed species, their frequency and coverages Experimental design techniques in weed science 4 Germination and dormancy tests of weed species Practice and Theory 5 Assesment of ecological factors effecting competition Practice and Theory 6 Practices in economical threshold levels Practice and Theory 7 Exam 8 Studies on critical periods in weed science Practice and Theory 9 Introduction to Chromatographic techniques Practice and Theory 10 Studies on Allelopathy Practice and Theory 11 Assesment of effects of herbicides Practice and Theory 12 Rules on the use of herbicides Practice and Theory 13 General wiev of the determination effects of herbicides on cell components Practice and Theory 14 Final Exam 1 2 Practice and Theory Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. FACULTY of Agriculture Course Title Herbicides Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Phytopathology (Weed Science) Code Term ZBK 529 Fall Course Prerequisites Name of Instructors Instructor Information Course Objective and brief Description Level Type Language MS Optional Turkish Credit hours/week Lab Credit ETSC Credit 3 0 10 Lecture 3 None Dr. M. Nedim DOĞAN ADÜ, Ziraat Fak., Aydin-Turkey, [email protected] In this lecture following information will be supplied to students: Herbicides used in agricultural areas, classification and mode of action of herbicides, herbicide resistance, factors influencing herbicide efficacy, Selectivity, principles of herbicide use in IWM, herbicides used in Turkey, their use strategy. Textbook and Supplementary readings 1 2 3 4 Principles of Weed Science Herbicide Handbook Herbizide Unkrautbekaempfung COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week 2 Lecture topics Introduction (Histroy of herbicides, herbicide use in the world and in Turkey) Herbicide clasification 3 Site of Action: Aminocacid inhibitors, Seedling growth inhibitore 4 Site of Action: Growth regulators, Photosynthesis inhibitors 5 Retention, uptake and translocation 6 Retention, uptake and translocation 7 Exam 8 Selectivity 9 Factors influencing herbicide efficacy 10 Herbicide resistance 11 Strategies for herbicide use in IWM 12 Herbicides in novel crops and strategies for use 13 Herbicides in novel crops and strategies for use 1 Practice/Lab/Field 14 Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. Course Title FACULTY of AGRICULTURE Mushroom Diseases and Pests Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Phytopathology, Entomology Code Term ZBK 531 I Autumn Course Prerequisites Level Type Language Master Optional Turkish Name of Instructors Instructor Information Course Objective and brief Description Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit Lecture 3 0 3 10 None Prof. Dr. M. Timur Döken, Dr. İbrahim Çakmak Address: Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Bitki Koruma Bölümü, Güney Kampüsü 09100 AYDIN - TÜRKİYE Tel: 0 256 772 70 22-23-24 / 1201 e-mail: [email protected] - [email protected] , iç[email protected] The course provides students with a knowledge of mushroom diseases caused by various pathogenic agents and pests , besides some basic information on mushroom cultivation. Mainly the diseases and pests which effect the mushroom production in Turkey are handled. Throughout the course the diseases are studied under the topics of symptoms, agents, disease cycles and control measures. The topics of the pests include description, biology, damage and control . Textbook and Supplementary readings 1 2 3 Fletcher, J.F., P.F. White and R.H. Gaze, 1989. Mushrooms: Pest and Disease control. Atheanaeum Press, Newcastle upon Tyne. 173 p. Günay A.,1995. Mantar Yetiştiriciliği. İlke Kitapevi. 477 p. Bora T., S., Toros and H. Özaktan, 1996. Kültür Mantarı: Hastalıkları, Zararları ve Savaşımı. AFA Matbaacılık, İstanbul. 137 p. COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week 1 Lecture topics Introduction ( mushroom cultivation in the world and in Turkey and problems during production) Practice/Lab/Field - 2 Isolation ,spawn production, cultivation and harvest - 3 Hygiene during cultivation and harvest - 4 Abiotic disorters (distortion, waterlogging, pinning disorders, carbodioxide damage, dirty mushrooms, rosecomb, browning, scaling, crypto-mummy disease) - 5 Virus diseases and their control (Mushroom viruses) - 6 7 Bacterial diseases and their control (Bacterial blotch or Brown blotch, Ginger blotch, Mummy disease, Pit, Drippy gill) Fungal diseases and their control (Wet bubble or Mycogone, Dry bubble or Verticillium, Cobweb or Dactylium, False truffle or truffle) - 8 Mid Term Exam - 9 Fungal diseases and their control (, Trichoderma diseases, Shaggy stipe, Gill mildew, Aphanocladium cap spotting, Hormiactis cap spot) - 10 Moulds in mushroom crops and their control - 11 Mushroom flies (Sciaridae, Phoridae, Cecidomiidae) - 12 Mites (Tarsonemidae, Acaridae, Pyemotidae, Histiomidae) - 13 Mushroom nematodes and other pests (Collembole, Myriapoda, Mollusca, Rodentia) - 14 Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. FACULTY of AGRICULTURE Course Title Acarology Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Entomology Code Term ZBK-533 I (Fall) Course Prerequisites Name of Instructors Instructor Information Course Objective and brief Description 1 2 3 4 Level Type Language Master Obligatory None Turkish Lecture Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 3 0 3 8 Asst. Prof.Dr. İbrahim ÇAKMAK Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi 09100 Aydın Tel: 256 772 70 24 [email protected] Systematic position, morphology and anatomy, life stages, habits and habitats of the Acari were given. Collection, storage and preparation of the Acari are taught. Textbook and Supplementary readings Ecevit, O. 1981. Akarolojiye Giriş. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi yayınları No:2, Samsun, 259 s. Krantz, G.W. 1978. A Manual Acarology. Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 509p. COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week Lecture topics Practice/Lab/Field 1 Introduction 2 Systematic position of the Acari 3 Morphology (Cuticle, body parts and segmentation) 4 Morphology (legs and sensory structures) 5 Anatomy (Digestion, excretion and circulatory systems) 6 Anatomy (Muscle, respiratory, nervous, reproduction systems) 7 Life stages (embryonic and postembryonic development) 8 Ara Sınav 9 Habits and habitats 10 Habits and habitats 11 Classification of Acari 12 Collection and storage of Acari 13 Preparation for study 14 Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. FACULTY of AGRICULTURE Course Title Mycology Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Phytopathology Code Term ZBK-535 I(Fall) Course Prerequisites Name of Instructors Instructor Information Course Objective and brief Description 1 2 3 4 Level Type Language MS Optional Turkish Lecture 2 Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 3 2 10 Prof. Dr. Seher Benlioğlu Adnan Menderes University, Faculty of Agriculture , Plant Protection Depart., 09100-AYDIN [email protected] Course aims at identification of plant pathogenic fungi depending on taxonomical characteristics. General characteristics of fungi, life cycles and important microscopic features for identification is also thought by means of laboratory techniques. Textbook and Supplementary readings Turhan, G., 1980. Mikolojiye Giriş, Türkiye Fitopatoloji Derneği Yayınları, 128s., Bornova George,L.B., 1983. The Genera of Hyphomycetes from Soil, Robert,E. Krieger Publishing Company, Malabar, Florida, 364p. Hanlin, R.T., 1997. Illustrated Genera of Ascomycetes, Vol. I, APS Pres, St. Paul Minnesota, 263p. Hanlin, R.T., 2000. Illustrated Genera of Ascomycetes, Vol. II, APS Pres, St. Paul Minnesota, 258p. COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week 1 2 Lecture topics Broad view of mycology and historical development Taxonomical features of fungi Practice/Lab/Field Introducing laboratory equipment Preparation of culture media 3 Vegetative and generative structures of fungi Examination on microscop 4 Life cycle of plant pathogenic fungi Examination on microscop 5 Oomycota (Pythiales) Examination of Pythium spp. and Phytophthora spp. 6 Oomycota (Peronosporales) Introducing some important genus of Peronosporales 7 Zygomycota Examination of Rhizopus spp. 8 Quiz 9 Ascomycota Introducing some important genus of Erysiphales 10 Ascomycota Introducing some important genus of Erysiphales 11 Ascomycota Introducing some important genus of Hypocreales 12 Basidiomycota Examination of Puccinia spp. 13 Basidiomycota Examination of Ustilago spp. ve Tilletia spp. 14 Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. Course Title FACULTY of Agriculture Biometry in Plant Protection Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Entomology Code Term ZBK-537 Fall Course Prerequisites Name of Instructors Instructor Information Course Objective and brief Description 1 2 Level Type Language MS Optional Turkish Lecture 2 Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 2 3 10 Prof. Dr. Hüseyin BAŞPINAR Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Plant Protection, AYDIN Email: [email protected] General principles on planning trials, obtaining and processing data. Textbook and Supplementary readings Shurtleff, M. C. and Averre, C. W., 2000. Diagnosing Plant Diseases Caused by Nematodes. APS Press, 189 pages. Aytan-Ediz, S., 1978. Bitki Paraziti Nematodlar. T.C. Gıda-Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı, Zirai Mücadele ve Zirai Karantina Müdürlüğü. Mesleki Eserler Serisi. No: 37, 143 s. 3 4 COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week 1 Lecture topics Introduction and general definitions Practice/Lab/Field 4 Data in Plant Protection and handling of data, types of experimental design Descriptive satatistics (Arithmetic mean, other means, the radian, the mod,) Binomial and poisson distributions Parcelling in trial fields 5 The normal probability distribution Data processing 6 Evaluation of percent value Problem solution 2 3 Arasınav 7 8 Estimation and hypothesis testing 9 Correlation and regression Problem solution with obtained data 10 t-test Problem solution with obtained data 11 F-test (= analysis of variance) Problem solution with obtained data 2 12 X -test Problem solution with obtained data 13 Analsis of frequency Problem solution with obtained data 14 Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. FACULTY of AGRICULTURE Course Title Insect Systematics Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Entomology Code Term Level MS ZBK 539 Fall Course Prerequisites Name of Instructors Instructor Information Course Objective and brief Description 1 2 3 4 Type Language Optional Turkish Lecture 2 Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 2 0 8 Associate Prof. Dr. İbrahim Gencsoylu Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Agriculture, Dept. Of Plant Protection, AYDIN, e-mail: [email protected] Identification of insect. With this aim, nomination, techniques and principles of systmetics in some insect orders. Textbook and Supplementary readings Taksonomi ilkeleri, Feyzi Önder, Ege Üniversitesi, 1998.87s. The science of Entomology, W. S. Romoser and J. G. Stofolano, C. Brown Publishers, Oxford, England. 532p. Insect Systematics, Prof. Dr. Osman Ecevit, OMU Faculty of Agriculture,487p. Samsun Web Sites related to Insect Systematics COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week Lecture topics 1 Introduction to systematics 2 Categories 3 Characteristics of Taxonomy 4 Identification, Taxonomic papers 5 Types and rules of nomination 7 Identification keys of orders, Apterygota Diptera 8 Mid-Term exam 9 Identification key of Lepidoptera families 10 Identification key of Orthoptera families 11 Identification key of Heteroptera families 12 Identification key of Homoptera families 13 Identification key of Coleoptera families 6 14 Practice/Lab/Field Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. Course Title FACULTY of AGRICULTURE Retrieval to information sources and techniques of writing a scientific paper Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Entomology Code Term ZBK-545 I (Fall) Course Prerequisites Level Type Language Master Obligatory None Turkish Lecture Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 2 2 3 10 Name of Instructors Instructor Information Asst. Prof.Dr. İbrahim ÇAKMAK Course Objective and brief Description In this lecture, information sources, retrieval of literature, recording information from the literature and writing a scientific paper were given. 1 2 Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi 09100 Aydın Tel: 256 772 70 24 [email protected] Textbook and Supplementary readings Day, R. 1996. How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper. (Çev. G. A. Altay), Tübitak Yayınları Ankara, 233 s. Lodos, N. 1978. Bilimsel Araştırma Yapma ve Yazı Yazma Tekniği. Ege Bölge Zirai Araştırma Enstitüsü Müd. Yayınları No: 12, Menemen, 78 s. 3 4 COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week Lecture topics 1 Basic information sources 2 Retrieval way to information sources 4 Act of finding information from subscription databases (ScienceDirect, SpringerLINK vs.) Retrieval to data and request a copy of papers from Ulakbim 5 Searching literature from Web of Science 6 Searching literature from Cab Abstract 3 8 Create search alerts, volume/issue alerts and citation alerts in favorite journals Ara Sınav 9 What is scientific writing? Origins of scientific writing. 10 How to write a scientific paper? 11 How to write a scientific paper? 12 How to write a thesis? 7 Practice/Lab/Field 13 14 How to write a thesis? Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. Ders Bilgi Formu Dersin Adı Öğretim Dili Phytoplasmal Diseases of Plants Turkish Ön Lisans ( ) Dersin Verildiği Düzey Dersin Türü Zorunlu ( ) Seçmeli (X ) Uygulama Teorik Saat Saat 2 2 Dersin Verildiği Program(lar) Dersin Amacı Dersin Özet İçeriği Ön Koşullu Dersler Önerilen Seçmeli Dersler Dersin Öğrenme Çıktıları Dersin Öğretim Elemanı Lisans () Yüksek Lisans(x ) Doktora( ) Ders Kodu ZBK552 Toplam Saat Yarıyılı Ulusal Kredi AKTS Kredi 4 Spring 3 8 1. Plant Protection Main symptom types of phytoplasmal diseases, vector transmission, detection of phytoplasmas by classical and molecular methods will be taught in this course. No prerequisite --1. Learn about phytoplasmal diseases of plants 2. Learn detection and identification methods of phytoplasmas 3. Learn control methods of phytoplasma diseases 1. Assistant Prof. Dr. Zahide Özdemir Dersin Yardımcı Öğretim Elemanı ( X) Anlatım (Takrir) (X ) Tartışma ( ) Problem Çözme ( ) …………………. Ders Kitabı / Önerilen Kaynaklar Öğretim Yöntemleri ( ) Deney ( ) Örnek Olay ( ) Bireysel Çalışma ( ) …………………. (X ) Gösterip Yaptırma ( ) Proje Tabanlı Öğrenme ( ) …………………. ( ) …………………. 1. Agrios, G.N. 2005. Plant Pathology, Elsevier Academic Press. 2. Research articles 299 Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Araçlar Derse Katılım Kısa Sınav(lar) Ara Sınav(lar) Ödev(ler) / Seminer(ler) Dönem Ödevi / Proje Uygulama (Lab., Atölye, Arazi, PDÖ Raporları) Diğer (………………………………………….) Yarıyıl Sınavı Toplam Sayı Oran 1 %20 2 %30 1 %50 % 100 Hafta 1 2 3 4 5 Haftalara Göre Ders Konuları Konular Ön Hazırlık Discovery of phytoplasmas, their history, morhophology Laboratory introduction to and structure fluorescent microscope Entry of phytoplasmas to plants: Vectors (Parasite plants, insects) and acquisition and transmission of phytoplasmas by insects Symptomatology of phytoplasmal diseases Classical diagnosis of phytoplasmal diseases DNA isolation from diseased plants DNA isolation from diseased plants 6 DNA isolation from diseased plants DNA isolation, DNA quantification by spectrophotometry and agarose gel electrophoresis 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Midterm Detection of phytoplasmas by PCR method Detection of phytoplasmas by PCR method Detection of phytoplasmas by nested PCR method Detection of phytoplasmas by nested PCR method PCR-RFLP method 14 PCR-RFLP method 15 Final exam Program Çıktıları PÇ 01 PÇ 02 PÇ 03 PÇ 04 PÇ 05 PÇ 06 PÇ 07 PÇ 08 Observation of insect vectors under stereomicroscopes, macroscobic observation of parasite plants Observation of symptoms diseased plants Observation of symptoms diseased plants Preparation of solutions for DNA isolation DNA isolation, DNA quantification by spectrophotometry and agarose gel electrophoresis 01 5 4 4 2 3 2 PCR applications PCR applications Nested PCR applications Nested PCR applications Restriction enzyme –cut applications Restriction enzyme –cut applications Dersin Öğrenme Çıktıları * 02 03 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 2 5 2 2 2 PÇ 09 PÇ 10 PÇ 11 PÇ 12 PÇ 13 * - : Katkı Yok, 1: Çok düşük, 2: Düşük, 3: Orta, 4: Yüksek, 5: Çok yüksek Dersin Öğrenme, öğretme ve derğerlendirme etkinlikleri çerçevesinde iş yükü hesabı (Ortalama Saat) Etkinlikler Sayısı Ön Hazırlık Etkinlik Toplam İş Süresi Yükü Kuramsal Ders 14 1 2 42 Uygulamalı Ders 14 1 2 42 Ödev(ler) / Seminer(ler) 2 5 1 12 Dönem Ödevi / Proje 2 20 40 Uygulama (Lab., Atölye, Arazi, PDÖ) Diğer bilgi edinme çalışmaları Kısa Sınav(lar) 2 10 1 22 Ara Sınav(lar) 1 15 1 16 Yarıyıl Sınavı 1 25 1 26 Toplam İş Yükü (Saat) 200 Yuvarla [Toplam İş Yükü (saat) / Haftalık İş Yükü (25)] = Dersin AKTS Kredisi 8 FACULTY of AGRİCULTURAL Course Title Virology Department Plant Pathology Division in the Dept. Phytopathology Code Term ZBK 553 I (Fall) Course Prerequisites Name of Instructors Instructor Information Level Type Language Master Optional Turkish Lecture 2 Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 3 2 10 Serap AÇIKGÖZ Adnan Menderes University Agricultural Faculty Plant Protection Department 09100 AYDIN [email protected] Brief history of plant virology, economic importance of virus diseases of plants, how plants get Course Objective sink, physico-chemical properties of plant viruses, nomenclature classification, origins and and brief evolotion, replication , transmission and movement, effect on plant metabolism, detection and Description diagnosis methods and plant virus disease control are explained. Textbook and Supplementary readings 1 Matthews R.E.F.1981 Plant Viroloji, Academic Press Inc, London897s 2 Agrios 1998 Plant Pathology 563s 3 Bos L. 1983 Introduction to Plant Virology Longman London and New York 153s 4 Stevens W.A. 1983 Virology of Flowering Plants Blackie Glosgow and London 175s COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week 1 Lecture topics What is a virus, definition of a virus, brief history of plant virology, nomenclature classification, origins and evolution, the groups of plant viruses Symptoms of plant virus ınfection Practice/Lab/Field İntroduction of Virus lab. and prevention of undesirable infection 3 How plants get sink Growth cember and contamination,soil sterilization, Propagation of host plant 4 Effect of plant metabolism Propagation of host plant 5 Transmission of plant viruses Storage of viruses 6 Transmission of plant viruses Symptoms of plant virus diseases 7 Isolation Symptoms of plant virus diseases 8 Plant virus structure, biochemistry of plant virus, virus architecture İnoculum 9 Replication and movement Mecanical inoculation 10 Varıabılıty, ınactivation Mekanikal inoculation problems Serology and electron microscopy Virus architecture, electron microscopy Detection and diagnosis methods 2 11 12 Detection and diagnosis 13 Economic importance, ecology and plant virus diseases control 14 Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. Course Title FACULTY of AGRİCULTURAL Methods in Molecular Biology Department Plant Pathology Division in the Dept. Phytopathology Code Term ZBK-555 I(Fall) Course Prerequisites Level Type Language Master Optional Turkish Lecture 2 Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 2 0 8 Serap AÇIKGÖZ Adnan Menderes University Agricultural Faculty Plant Protection Department 09100 AYDIN [email protected] Brief of history of molecular biology, relation with other science, cell and biomoleculs, cell cycles and molecular organization of cells. Nucleic asid, structural features of nucleic asid, cellular localization and roles of , chemical properties of nucleic asid , physical properties of Course Objective nucleic asid , DNA biosynthesis, RNA biosynthesis. DNA replication and repair, transcription and brief and the genetic code and translation, protein biosynthesis, mutation, recombinant DNA Description tecnology. Furtermore the course covers the whole of general using methods on molecular biology Textbook and Supplementary readings 1 Erkan S. 1992, Moleküler Biyoloji Doğruluk Mat. İzmir 140s. 2 Dilsiz N. 2004 Moleküler Biyoloji Palme Yayıncılık, Ankara, 220s. 3 Smith and Wood 1991,Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Chapman and Hall London 247s 4 Temizkan G ve N. Arda 1999, Moleküler Biyolojide Kullanılan Yöntemler Nober Tıp Kitabevleri 236s. Name of Instructors Instructor Information COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week 1 2 Lecture topics History of molecular biology, relation with other science Cell and biomoleculs, cell cycles 4 Nucleic asid, structural features of NA, cellular localization and roles of NA, chemical properties of NA, physical properties of NA DNA biosynthesis, RNA biosynthesis 5 DNA replication and repair 6 Transcription and the genetic code and translation 7 Protein biosynthesis 8 Mutation, Recombinant DNA tecnology 9 General methods on molecular biology lab. 10 İsolation RNA and DNA, DNA transformation, Polimerase chain reaction 11 RNA/DNA hybridization 12 RNA /DNA analysis 13 Protein isolation and analysis 3 14 Practice/Lab/Field Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. Course Title FACULTY of AGRİCULTURAL Chromatographic pesticide analysis Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Plant Protection Code Term ZBK 557 I (Fall) Course Prerequisites Level Type Language MS Optional Turkish Lecture 2 Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 3 2 10 Asist. Prof. Dr. Cafer TURGUT Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Agriculture Dept. of Plant Protection 09100 AYDIN [email protected] Introduction to pesticide groups, basic principles of pesticide analysis, extraction methods, general principles of chromatography, chromatographic techniques, gas chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography Textbook and Supplementary readings Handa, S. K. (2004): Principles of pesticide chemistry. Agrobios. Name of Instructors Instructor Information Course Objective and brief Description 1 2 3 4 COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week 2 Introduction of pesticide groups Practice/Lab/Field General principles of laboratory use Preparation of standards 3 Introduction of pesticide groups Preparation of standards 4 Extraction methods of pesticides Extraction studies 5 Extraction methods of pesticides Rapid extraction techniques 6 Extraction methods of pesticides Rapid extraction techniques 7 EXAM 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Lecture topics Introduction Introduction of chromatographic pesticide analysis Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry High performance liquid chromatograpy High performance liquid chromatograpy Evaluation of results Kramatografik cihazların tanıtımı GC injection methods and methods developmet Anaytical methods and evaluation HPLC injection methods and methods development Analytical methods and evaluation Calculation o f the results Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. Course Title Department Division in the Dept. Code Term ZBK-559 I Course Prerequisites FACULTY of AGRICULTURE Entomophagous insects Plant protection Entomology Level Type M. Sc Opt. None Language Turkish Lecture 3 Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 0 3 8 Name of Instructors Instructor Information Prof. Dr. Tülin AKŞİT University of Adnan Menderes, Faculty of Agriculture Department of Plant Protection, 09100 Aydın, [email protected] Course Objective and brief Description In this course is aim to teach some terminology of parasitoids, morphology and physiology of parasitoids and predators, behaviour of insect parasitoids and predators and explain the effects to natural enemies of the host’s food plant, the relations between natural enemies, some biological characteristics of parasitoids and predators, the families of parasitoid and predator arthropods. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Textbook and Supplementary readings Grenier,S.,P.D.Greany and A.C.Cohen,1994.Potential for mass release of insect parasitoids and predators through development of artificial culture techniques(.Ed.:Rosen, D.,F.D.Bennett,J.L.Capinera), 1994. Uygun, N., 1981. Türkiye Coccinellidae (Col.) Faunası Üzerinde Taksonomik Çalışmalar. Ç.Ü. Zir. Fak. Yay. No: 157, Bilimsel Araştırma ve İnceleme Tezleri No: 48, Adana. Clausen, C.P., 1962. Entomophagous Insects. Hafner Publishing Co., Inc., New York Van Driesche, R. and Jr. Bellows, T.S., 1996. Biological Control. An International Thomson Publishing Company, Florence. Quicke, D.L.J., 1997. Parasitic Wasps. Chapman and Hall, London, UK. Grenier,S.,P.D.Greany and A.C.Cohen,1994.Potential for mass release of insect parasitoids and predators through development of artificial culture techniques(.Ed.:Rosen, ,F.D.Bennett,J.L.Capinera), 1994. COURSE CALENDER/SCHEDULE Week Lecture topics Some terminology of parasitoids 1 Morphology and physiology of parasitoid and predator insects 2 Behaviours of insect parasitoids and predators (host/prey finding) 3 Behaviours of insect parasitoids and predators (feeding) 4 The effects to natural enemies of the host’s food plant. The relations with each other of natural enemies 5 Some biological characteristics of parasitoids and predators 6 7 QUİZ Some biological characteristics of parasitoids and predators 8 Effected factors on fecundity, longevity, growth and development 9 Host defence reactions 10 Parasitoid Arthropods 11 Parasitoid Arthropods 12 Predator Arthropods 13 14 FİNAL EXAM Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on the instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. Course Title FACULTY of AGRICULTURE Integrated Pest Management Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Entomology Code Term ZBK 502 Spring Course Prerequisites Name of Instructors Level Type Language M.Sc. Optional Turkish Associate Prof. Dr. İbrahim Gencsoylu Lecture 2 Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 2 0 8 Instructor Information Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Agriculture, Dept. Of Plant Protection, AYDIN, e-mail: [email protected] Course Objective and brief Description The courses cover the principles and methods of Integrated pest management in some fields 1 2 3 4 Textbook and Supplementary readings Entomology and Pest Management, L. P. Pedigo, Iowa State University, Macmillan Publishing Campany, 1989 646p. Technical Reports on Entegrated Pest Management Ministry of Agriculture, Ankara Web Sites related to IPM COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week 1 Lecture topics Introduction to Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Practice/Lab/Field 2 The aim of IPM 3 Principles of IPM 4 Surveillance and Sampling 5 Advantags of IPM and disadvantage of chemicals in Management 6 Economic decision levels for insec populations 7 Pes Management theory and practice 8 Mid-term exam 10 Insect pest mangament in lo-value, moderate-value and high-value production systems Ipm in corn fields 11 Ipm in vitis fields 12 Ipm in vegetables fields 13 Ipm in cotton fields 9 14 Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. FACULTY of AGRICULTURE Course Title Application Technique Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Code Term ZBK 504 Spring Course Prerequisites Name of Level Type Language MS Optional Turkish Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 3 2 10 Lecture 2 No Assoc.Prof.Dr. Özhan BOZ Assoc.Prof.Dr. İbrahim GENÇSOYLU Instructors Instructor Information Course Objective and brief Description 1 2 3 4 5 University of Adnan Menderes, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, 09100 Aydın/Turkey. Phone. + 90 256 7727023, [email protected], igenç[email protected] The course covers pesticide applicationtechnique and methods in different fields Textbook and Supplementary readings Mathews, G.A., E.C. Hislop, 1993.Application Technology for Crop protection. 357p. Anonymous, 1996. Zirai Mücadele Standart İlaç Deneme Metodları (Cilt 1-4) T.C. Tarım ve Köyişl Bak. Tarımsal araştırmalar Gen. Müd. Ankara. Ege Üniv. Fen Bil. Enst. İlaçlama Tekniği Ders Notları. Öncüer, C., 1996. Tarımsal Zararlılarla Savaş Yöntemleri ve İlaçları. Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi, 333 s + xxx s. Anonymous, 2004. Manual for Field Trials in Crop Protection, Syngenta. 444p. COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week 1 Lecture topics Evoluation of pesticide using in worldwide Practice/Lab/Field Theory Practice and Theory 3 Structure of pesticide, formülation and features, dose, tolerance etc. of pesticide Technique of pesticide producing and packing 4 Pesticide sprayers equipment and some features Practice and Theory 5 Calibration Practice and Theory 6 General cases on establishing experiment Practice and Theory 7 Exam 8 Drift and measuring methods Practice and Theory 9 Seed spraying techniques Practice and Theory 10 Pesticide application technique in field, planted areas and greenhouse Practice and Theory 11 Chemigation technique Practice and Theory 12 Aerial application techniques of pesticides Practice and Theory 13 Pesticide application technology instore and house Practice and Theory 2 14 Practice and Theory Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. FACULTY of Agriculture Identification of Insects Course Title Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Entomology Code Term ZBK-506 Spring Course Prerequisites Name of Instructors Instructor Level Type Language MS Optional Turkish Lecture 2 Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 3 2 10 Prof. Dr. Hüseyin BAŞPINAR Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Plant Protection, AYDIN Email: [email protected] Identification of insects having importance in plant protection in family level, morphological, biological and ecological features in order and family levels, identification of families using id key. Textbook and Supplementary readings Borrer, D.J. and D.M. DeLong, 1970. An Introduction to the Study of Insects. 812 pp. Information Course Objective and brief Description 1 2 3 4 COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 Lecture topics General information on insects: Morphological, biological and ecological features of insects in Order level Id keys and their use 9 10 11 12 13 Lab Works on samples General information on Ephemeroptera and Orthoptera, and identification of their families General information on Homoptera , and identification of the families General information on Heteroptera , and identification of the families General information on Neuroptera , and identification of the families Lab Works on samples both from collection and fields Lab Works on samples both from collection and fields Lab Works on samples both from collection and fields Lab Works on samples both from collection and fields Mid-term exam 7 8 Practice/Lab/Field General information on Coleoptera , and identification of the families General information on Coleoptera , and identification of the families General information on Lepidoptera , and identification of the families General information on Lepidoptera , and identification of the families General information on Diptera , and identification of the families General information on Hymenoptera, and identification of the families 14 Lab Works on samples both from collection and fields Lab Works on samples both from collection and fields Lab Works on samples both from collection and fields Lab Works on samples both from collection and fields Lab Works on samples both from collection and fields Lab Works on samples both from collection and fields Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. FACULTY of AGRİCULTURE Plant Disease Forecasting and Early Warning Course Title Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Phytopathology Code Term ZBK-508 Spring Course Prerequisites Name of Instructors Level Type Language MS Optional Turkish Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 3 2 10 Lecture 2 None Yrd. Doç. Dr. Ömer Erincik Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi 09100 AYDIN [email protected] The objectives and importance of plant disease forecasting and early warning systems in integrated disease management will be emphasized in the introduction. Using of disease triangle variables such as pathogen, host and environment in developing disease forecasting systems will Course Objective be studied. Monitoring of host, pathogen and environmental variables will be taught. Students and brief will learn how to develop a disease forecasting model and collect data. Examples of important Description forecasting systems using in the world and our country will be introduced in case studies. Students will also learn about recent developments and new technology in disease forecasting and early warning. Textbook and Supplementary readings 1 Campbell C. L. And Madden L. V. 1990. İntroduction to Plant Disease Epidemiology. A Wiley- Interscience Publication. New York 2 Jones, D.G. 1998. The Epidemiology of Plant Diseases. 3 Francl, L. F. and Deborah, N. A. 1997. Exercise in plant Disease Epidemiology 4 http://www.ento.okstate.edu/classes/plp3344/forecast.html 5 Madden L. V. And Ellis M.A How to develop Plant Disease Forecasters Instructor Information COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Lecture topics Week Practice/L ab/Field Introduction to plant disease forecasting and early warning (description, history, objectives, benefits of forecasting and early warning) Factors effecting disease development (pathogen, host and environment). Using of these factors 2 in disease forecasting. Monitoring of pathogen and host 3 Monitoring of environment (sensors, weather stations) 4 Developing of disease forecasting and early warning systems 5 Developing of disease forecasting models I Developing of disease forecasting models II 6 Disease forecasting and early warning systems based on host variables 7 Phenologic models Disease forecasting and early warning systems based on pathogen variables 8 Mid Term 9 Disease forecasting and early warning systems based on environmental variables I 10 Disease forecasting and early warning systems based on environmental variables II 11 Forecasting and early warning systems using in Turkey. 12 Recent development and new technology in plant disease forecasting and early warning 13 Final exam 14 Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. 1 FACULTY of AGRICULTURE Course Title Department Division in the Dept. Code Term ZBK-510 II Course Prerequisites Name of Instructors Mass productions of insects Plant protection Entomology Level Type Master Opt. None Language Turkish Assoc. Prof.Dr. Tülin AKŞİT Lecture 2 Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 2 3 10 Instructor Information Course Objective and brief Description 1 2 3 University of Adnan Menderes, Faculty of Agriculture Department of Plant Protection, 09100 Aydın, [email protected] In this course, the methods and techniques of mass rearing of insects, needed tools and equipments and preparation of insect diets, mass rearing of phytophagous and entomophagous insects species are explained separately. Besides descriptions and controls of important pests and diseases that cause problems in mass rearing were also mentioned. Textbook and Supplementary readings Singh P. and R.F.Moore (Ed.),1985.Handbook of Insect Rearing Vol.I.Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. Amsderdam, 488 pp. Singh P. and R.F.Moore (Ed.),1985.Handbook of Insect Rearing Vol.II. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. Amsderdam, 514 pp. Grenier,S.,P.D.Greany and A.C.Cohen,1994.Potential for mass release of insect parasitoids and predators through development of artificial culture techniques(.Ed.:Rosen, D.,F.D.Bennett,J.L.Capinera), 1994. COURSE CALENDER/SCHEDULE Week Lecture topics The preparation of insects rearing systems 1 Rearing, colony maintenance and genetic variations of insects 2 Diets ( multiple species rearing diets) 3 Artificial diets 4 Artificial diets 5 Natural foods 6 7 QUIZ Rearing of various phytophagous species on artificial diets 8 Rearing of parasitoids and predators on the natural host 9 General problems in rearing of entomophagous insects 10 Disease recognition in laboratory colonies 11 Contaminant control in laboratory colonies 12 Quality control in laboratory-reared insects 13 14 FİNAL EXAM Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on the instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. Course Title FACULTY of AGRİCULTURE Plant Protection in Ecological Agriculture Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Phytopathology, Entomology, Herbology Code Term ZBK-512 Spring Course Prerequisites Name of Level Type Language MS Opt. Turkish Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 3 0 10 Lecture 3 None Prof. Dr. Hüseyin BAŞPINAR, Doç. Dr. Ozhan BOZ, Yrd. Doç. Dr. Ömer ERİNCİK Instructors Instructor Information Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi 09100 AYDIN Prof. Dr. Hüseyin BAŞPINAR .......... [email protected] Doç. Dr. Ozhan BOZ ................... ..... [email protected] Yrd. Doç. Dr. Ömer ERINCIK ........... [email protected] Course Objective and brief Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Definition and importance of ecological agriculture will be explained. Role of plant protection in ecological agriculture will be emphasized and rules in ecological agriculture and certification regulations will be introduced. Ecological factors causing pests, pathogen and weeds populations to increase and limit will be studied. Control methods which are used in ecological agriculture systems for controlling pests, pathogens and weeds will be covered in details. Textbook and Supplementary readings Powers, L., and McSorley R. 1999. Ecological Principles of Agriculture Gliessman, S. R. 1997. Agroecology: Ecological Processes in Sustainable Agriculture Hakansson, S. Weeds and weed Management on Arable Land. An ecological Approach Altieri , A. M. 1981. Agroecology: The scientific Basis of Alternative Agriculture. Unwin, R. 1990. Crop Protection in organic and low imput Agriculture. Gold, M. V. 1999. Sustainable Agriculture: Definitions and Terms http://www.nal.usda.gov/afsic/AFSIC_pubs/srb9902.htm#term4a Anonymous. 2006. Organic Agriculture at FAO. http://www.fao.org/organicag/frame5-e.htm COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week 1 2 3 4 5 Lecture topics Practice/Lab/Field Introduction (Definition, History, Importance, ecological agriculture in the world and in Turkey) Ecological and agroecological systems, effect of plant protection practices on these two systems Principles of ecological agriculture, International and national organizations and instutitions, Certifications Ecological agriculture and biodiversity, significance of biodiversity in sustainable agriculture and plant protection Factors causing pests, pathogen and weed populations to increase in ecological agricultural lands Factors causing pests, pathogen and weed populations to limit in ecological agricultural lands 6 7 Midterm Plant disease control methods in ecological agriculture I 8 Plant disease control methods in ecological agriculture II 9 Plant pest control methods in ecological agriculture I 10 Plant pest control methods in ecological agriculture II 11 Weed control methods in ecological agriculture I 12 Weed control methods in ecological agriculture II 13 14 Final exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. FACULTY of AGRİCULTURE Course Title Phytoclinic Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Phytopathology Code Term ZBK-514 Spring Course Prerequisites Level Type Language MSc Opt. Turkish Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 3 2 10 Lecture 2 None Prof. Dr. Kemal BENLİOĞLU, Yrd. Doç. Dr. İbrahim ÇAKMAK, Yrd. Doç. Dr. Ömer ERİNCİK Adnan Menderes Ünversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi 09100 Aydın Tel: 256 7727023 [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Course aims to analyze and identify microscopic and macroscopic images of agricultural plants Course Objective and plant parts showing symptoms of abiotic and biotic disorders by means of computer. Course and brief also provides basic and technical information on the collection of samples and data necessary to Description conduct management of assays in plant protection, and evaluation of data by means of computer Textbook and Supplementary readings 1 Russ, J. C. The Image Processing Handbook, CRC Press, ISBN: 0849325323 2 http://www.ohio-distinctive.com/galleries/insects/ 3 Nilsson, H. 1995. Remote Sensing and Image Analysis in Plant Pathology, Annual Review of Phytopathology 33:489-528. 4 http://www.diagnosis.co.nz/get.htm Name of Instructors Instructor Information COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Lecture topics Analyzing of symptoms caused by plant pathogens in selected plants Analyzing of symptoms caused by plant pests in selected plants Practice/Lab/Field Collecting images samples from field Collecting images samples from stereo and compound microscopes Transferring images to computer Analyzing of symptoms caused by abiotic factors in selected plants Image analysis software Image analysis software Survey methods Determination of incidence, prevalence and level of damage Quiz Sampling methods Collecting, preparation and mailing of specimens Data loggers (Hobo, Watchdog, GPS) Analyzing images by means of computer Analyzing images by means of computer Field applications Field applications Collecting samples in the field Evaluation of samples Using data loggers in the field and greenhouse Analyzing data by means of computer Analyzing images by means of computer Learning data visualization software 12 Remote sensing in plant protection 13 14 Final exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. Course Title FACULTY of AGRICULTURE Weed Systematics and Introduced Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Code Term Level M. Sc. ZBK 516 Spring Course Prerequisites Type Language Optional Turkish Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 3 2 10 Lecture 2 No Assoc.Prof.Dr. Özhan BOZ Name of Instructors Instructor Information Course Objective and brief Description 1 2 3 4 University of Adnan Menderes, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, 09100 Aydın/Turkey. Phone. + 90 256 7727033 (1203), [email protected] Principles of weed systematics and monitoring of the growth stages of certain weed plants having importance in agricultural areas in Turkey will be introduced. All the growth stages of weeds starting from cotyledon formation through fruit and seed development will be covered. In addition, charecteristics of certain plant families comprising important weed species found widespread in Turkey. Textbook and Supplementary readings Davis, P.H., 1967-1984. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Vol 1-10. Edinburg. Seçmen, Ö., Y. Gemici, E, Leblebici, G. Görk ve L. Bekat, 1989. Tohumlu Bitkiler Sistematiği, Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Fakültesi Kitaplar Serisi, No:116. İzmir. 396s Zeybek, N., H. Güner, M. Öztürk, Ö. Seçmen, Süleyman Tokur, Merih Kıvanç ve Ayşen Özdemir, 1991. Bitki sistematiği ve Biyolojisi, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Yayın No:427. 292s. Altınayar, G., 1987. Bitkibilimi Terimleri Sözlüğü, T.C. Bayındırlık ve İskan Bakanlığı, Devlet Su İşleri Genel Müd. Yayınları.308s. COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week 1 General plant systematics Lecture topics Practice/Lab/Field Practice and Theory 2 Differences in Monocotyledon and Dicotyledon weeds Practice and Theory 3 Charecteristics of Poaceae (Graminea) Practice and Theory 4 Charecteristics of Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Practice and Theory 5 Charecteristics of Asteraceae (Compositae) Practice and Theory 6 Charecteristics of Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Practice and Theory 7 Exam 8 Charecteristics of Orobanchaceae and Convolvulaceae Practice and Theory 9 Charecteristics of Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Practice and Theory 10 Charecteristics of Cyperaceae Practice and Theory 11 Charecteristics of Rubiaceae Practice and Theory 12 Charecteristics of Papaveraceae Practice and Theory 13 Charecteristics of Amaranthaceae and Scrophullariaceae Practice and Theory 14 Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. FACULTY of AGRİCULTURE Course Title Biological Control Of Pests Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Code Term ZBK518 Spring Level Type Language M. Sc. Option al Turkish Lecture 2 Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 3 2 10 None Course Prerequisites Yrd.Doç.Dr. Mehmet KARAGÖZ Name of Instructors Instructor Information A.D.Ü Ziraat Fakültesi Bitki Koruma Bölümü Güney kampusü AYDIN [email protected] Course Objective and brief Description 1 2 Principles of biological control, importance and application within other control methods, natural enemies in biologial control and their interactions with other pents. Biological organisms as a pent, and application of biological control in Turkey as well as in the world. Textbook and Supplementary readings Öncüer,C.,Tarımsal Zararlılarla Biyoloji Çalışmalar.Anan Menderes Üniversitesi Yayınları No:1,93s. Rest of the materials will be provided by instructor. COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Lecture topics Week Practice/L ab/Field Introduction (Biological control and importance 1 General information in biological control) 2 Methods and applications of biological control against pests 3 Biological control agents 4 Predator insect, mites, invertebrates 5 Predator insect, mites, invertebrates 6 Exam 7 Parasitoids insects 8 Parasitoids insects 9 Pathogens (Bacteria, viruses, fungi etc. 10 Examples of biological control applications in the world 11 Examples of biological control applications in the world 12 Examples of biological control applications in the Turkey 13 General evaluation of all weeks. 14 Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. Course Title FACULTY of AGRİCULTURE Biological Control of Plant Diseases Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Phytopathology Code Term II (Spring) Course Prerequisites ZBK520 Level MSc Type Language Opt. Turkish Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 3 2 10 Lecture 2 None Prof. Dr. Kemal BENLİOĞLU Name of Instructors Instructor Information Adnan Menderes Ünversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi 09100 Aydın Tel: 256 7727023 [email protected] The course focuses on student understanding of the basic principles of biological control of plant Course Objective diseases and its role in plant protection. The major biocontrol mechanisms, which include and brief antibiosis, competition, colonization, lyzis, PGPR, SIR and hypovirulence, are demonstrated by in Description vitro and in vivo assays. Textbook and Supplementary readings 1 Bora,T., H. Özaktan, H. 1998. Bitki Hastalıklarıyla Biyolojik Savaş. - Prizma Matbaası, İzmir. 2 Cook, R. J. K. F. Baker, 1983. The Nature and Practice of Biological Control of Plant Pathogens, APS Press, ISBN:0-89054-053-5 3 Tjamos E. C. C., R. J. Cook, G. C. Papavizas, 1992. Biological Control of Plant Diseases, Plenum Publishing Corporation, ISBN: 0306442302 4 http://helios.bto.ed.ac.uk/bto/microbes/control.htm COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week 1 Lecture topics Practice/Lab/Field Introduction to plant pathology and microbial ecology Isolation of biocontrol agents Historical background and methodology of biological Determination of in-vitro antagonistic 2 control effect Agricultural practice and biological control seed coating and seedling applications 3 Biocontrol mechanisms in-vivo assays with antagonistic bacteria 4 Effect of biocontrol agents on plant growth and disease in-vivo assays with antagonistic fungi 5 resistance Biocontrol of foliar diseases Assay for storage diseases 6 Biocontrol of diseases of roots Assay for storage diseases 7 8 Quiz Biocontrol of diseases of roots Determination of IAA and ACC 9 Biocontrol of storage diseases Siderophore test 10 Biocontrol of diseases of seeds and seedlings Determination of enzymatic activity 11 Formulations of biocontrol agents Determination of enzymatic activity 12 Biocontrol and integrated pest menagement (IPM) Evaluation of assays 13 14 Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. FACULTY of AGRICULTURE Course Title Laboratory Techniques In Entomology Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Entomology Code Term ZBK-522 II (Spring) Course Prerequisites Level Type Language Master Obligatory None Turkish Lecture 2 Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 2 3 10 Name of Instructors Instructor Information Course Objective and brief Description 1 2 Asst. Prof.Dr. İbrahim ÇAKMAK Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi 09100 Aydın Tel: 256 772 70 24 [email protected] Textbook and Supplementary readings Düzgüneş, Z. 1980. Küçük Arthropodların Toplanması, Saklanması ve Mikroskopik Preparatlarının Hazırlanması. T.C. Gıda-Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı, Zirai Karantina Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara, 77 s. Ecevit O. ve Mennan S. 2000. Entomoloji’de Laboratuvar Yöntemleri. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi Ders Kitabı No:35 Samsun, 196 s. 3 4 COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week Lecture topics Tools and devices used in laboratory 4 Collection and storage in Acari Practice/Lab/Field Demonstration and maintenance of microscopes and other laboratory equipments Demonstration of some extraction methods and tools and devices Temporary and permanent mounting Demonstration of tools and media 5 Examination and mounting techniques in Acari Preparation 6 Collection and labeling of insects Coollection of insects in nature 7 Preparation of leg, antenna, wing etc. of insects Preparation 8 Ara Sınav 1 2 3 Sample collection and extraction methods of Nematoda Examination and mounting techniques in Nematoda 10 Collection and preparation of Aleyrodidae Temporary and permanent mounting Preparation 11 Collection and preparation of Diaspididae and Coccidae Preparation 12 Collection and preparation of Thrips Preparation 13 Labeling of Nematoda, Acari ve Insecta Labeling 9 Collection and preparation of Aphidoidea 14 Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. FACULTY of Agriculture Course Title Insect Ecology and Epidemiology Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Entomology Code Term ZBK-524 Spring Course Prerequisites Level Type Language M.S. Optional Turkish Lecture 2 Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 2 0 8 Name of Instructors Instructor Information Course Objective and brief Description 1 2 3 4 Prof. Dr. Hüseyin BAŞPINAR Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Plant Protection, AYDIN Email: [email protected] Understanding of insects and their relations with biotic and abiotic factors, effecting factors on the distribution and population of insects, epidemiy and their steps, control of epidemy. Textbook and Supplementary readings Önder, F., 2004. Bitki Zararlılarının Ekolojisi ve Epidemiyolojisi. ISBN 975-98739-0-7. Bornova, İzmir, 81 s. Price, P. W., 1997. Insect Ecology. John Wiley&Sons Inc., New York, 868 pp. Kocataş, A., 1994. Ekoloji ve Çevre Biyolojisi. E.Ü. Fen Fakültesi Ders Kitapları Serisi No: 142. COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week Lecture topics Practice/Lab/Field 1 General principles 2 Factors effecting insect distribution and populations 3 Abiotic factors : Temperature 4 Abiotic factors : Water and humidity 5 Abiotic factors : Light, wind, atmosferic gases, gravity and soil 6 Biotic factors: Food Mid-term exam 7 8 Biotic factors: Competition 9 Biotic factors: Predation and parasitition 10 Effects of agricultural practices on insects 11 Effects of industry on insects 12 Reasons of insect epidemy and steps 13 Control of insect epidemy 14 Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. Department FACULTY of AGRICULTURE Pesticide pollution and control Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Plant Protection Course Title Code Term ZBK 526 II (Spring) Course Prerequisites Level Type Language M.Sc. optional Turkish Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 3 0 10 Lecture 3 None Asist. Prof. Dr. Cafer TURGUT Name of Instructors Instructor Information Adnan Menderes University, Faculty of Agriculture, Dept of Plant Protection Aydin History, use and necessary of pesticide from the first use to nowadays. Classification and application fields of pesticides in the agriculture. The effect of chemical and physical properties Course Objective of pesticides on environmental pollution, risk and risk assessment. Critical points of pesticides for and brief causing pollution from production in the factory to the application in the field and mechanisms Description for control of them. Process and residual risk after application on the field and control mechanism with help of models. Textbook and Supplementary readings 1 Kışlalıoğlu, M., Berkes, F. (2003) Çevre ve Ekoloji. Remzi Kitabevi 2 Karpuzcu, M. (1996): Çevre Kirliliği ve Kontrolü. Kubbealtı Neşriyatı 3 Handa, S. K. (2004): Principles of pesticide chemistry. Agrobios. 4 COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week Lecture topics Practice/Lab/Field 1 General Introduction 2 History, use and classification of pesticides 3 Pesticide registration 4 Transport, movement and factors to residues 5 Residues properties and classification 6 Degradation and dissipation of pesticides in the environment 7 Exam 8 Distribution of pesticides to environment 9 Water polution of pesticides and control 10 Soil pollution of pesticides and control 11 Air pollution of pesticides and control 12 Factors of Long range transport and ways 13 Uptake and transport in organisms 14 Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. FACULTY of AGRICULTURE Course Title Plant Disease Epidemiology Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Phytopathology Code Term Level Type Language ZBK 528 II Spring Master Optional Turkish Course Prerequisites Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit Lecture 2 None 2 8 Name of Instructors Instructor Information Course Objective and brief Description Prof. Dr. M. Timur Döken Address: Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Bitki Koruma Bölümü, Güney Kampüsü 09100 AYDIN - TÜRKİYE Tel: 0 256 772 70 22-23-24 / 1201 e-mail: [email protected] - [email protected] The aim of the course is focused on understanding and quantification of plant diseases on population scale and evaluation of this information to determine the appropriate methods and strategies of disease management. The main topics of the course include seasonal carry-over of pathogens; inoculum release, dispersal and deposition; the spread of pathogens within crop areas; the factors which influence the spread of pathogens within crop areas and disease forcasting. Textbook and Supplementary readings 1 2 3 4 Van Der Plank, J.E., 1963. Plant Diseases: Epidemics and Control. Academic Press, New York and London. 349 pp. Tarr, S.A.J., 1972. Principles of Plant Pathology. The Macmillan Pres, 632 pp. Campbell, C.L.and L. V. Madden, 1990. Introduction to Plant Disease Epidemiology. Wiley-Interscience. 532 pp. Jurgen K. J., 2002. Comparative Epidemiology of Plant Diseases. CPL Scientific Publishing Services Ltd. 206 pp. COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week Lecture topics Practice/Lab/Field 1 Introduction, definition and scope of epidemiology, terminology - 2 Seasonal carry-over of pathogens (perennial infection and infected crop residues) - 3 Seasonal carry-over of pathogens (alternate host plants, crop residues) - 4 Seasonal carry-over of pathogens (soil-borne inoculum and inoculum from other sources) - 5 Dispersal of plant pathogens by air - 6 Dispersal of plant pathogens by water - 7 Dispersal of plant pathogens by insects, mites, nematodes, other animals and by man - 8 Mid Term Exam - 9 Simple and compound interest diseases, - 10 Epiphytotics - 11 Long term relation between pathogens and their host plants - 12 The influence of plant, pathogen, biotic and enviromental factors on epidemics - 13 The forecasting of plant diseases - 14 Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. FACULTY of AGRİCULTURAL Course Title Plant virus and Viroid Diseases Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Phytopathology Code Term ZBK 530 II (Spring) Course Prerequisites Level Type Language Master Optional Turkish Lecture 2 Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 2 0 8 Serap AÇIKGÖZ Adres: Adnan Menderes University Agricultural Faculty Plant Protection Department 09100 AYDIN [email protected] tel: 0256 7727417 Fax: 0256 772 7233 What are differences of virus and viroid. The discovery of viroids and definition of viroid. Course Objective Natural plant viroid and virus diseases. Nomenclature and classification of viruses. The groups and brief of plants viruses. The symptoms, host plants, transmission ways, controls, physical and Description chemical properties of plants viruses are explained. Textbook and Supplementary readings 1 Smith K.M.A 1972, Textbook of Plant Virus DiseasesAcademic Pres New York684p 2 Agrios 1998 Plant Pathology Academic Press 563s 3 Diener T.O.1979 Viroids and Viroid Disease 251p 4 Yılmaz M.A,Baloğlu S.ve Özarslan M,1995 Bitki Virus Hastalıkları Çukurova Üniv. Ders Kitabı No:128 Adana 200s Name of Instructors Instructor Information COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week 4 Lecture topics The discovery of viroids Evidence for existence of viroids Plant diseases caused by viroids Natural plant viroid diseases Tomato bunchy top disease, Chrysanthemum chlorotic mottle viroid Potato spindle tuber disease,Citrus exocortis disease, Coconut cadangcadang disease, Hop stunt disease, cucumber pale fruit Transmission, replication, identification, purification of viroids 5 Phsical and chemical properties of viroids 6 Viroid-host interaction 7 Plant virus diseases: Virus disease on citrus 8 Virus disease on grapevine 9 Virus disease on stone fruit crops 10 Virus disease on apple 11 Virus disease on gren plant (vegetable), Virus disease on beans 12 Virus disease on potato , Virus disease on beet and tobacco 13 Virus disease on gramines 1 2 3 14 Practice/Lab/Field Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. Course Title FACULTY of AGRİCULTURAL Serology of Plant Viruses Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Phytopathology Code Term ZBK 532 II (Spring) Course Prerequisites Level Type Language Master Optional Turkish Lecture 3 Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 3 0 10 Serap AÇIKGÖZ Adnan Menderes University Agricultural Faculty Plant Protection Department 09100 AYDIN [email protected] The purpose of this course is to explain the antigenic properties of plant viruses. Because of that ımmune response, ımmunology, ımmunoglobulin and antigenic reaction, antibody molecules, antibody response, antigens and antigenic determinants, immunizing anımals are described. Course Objective Moreover polyclonal and monoclonal (hibridoma tecniques ) antibodies, virus purification, and brief preparation of antisera and purification of antibodies , antigen-antibody ınteraction, serological Description techniques (presipitation, diffusion, immunoblotting, immunoelectrophoresis, immunoelectromicroscopy ,ELISA)and Immunochemical studies of plant viruses are clarified. Textbook and Supplementary readings 1 Van Regenmortel M.H.V. 1982 Serology and immunochemistry of Plant Viruses, Academic Pres New York 267p 2 Harlow E. And Lane D. 1988 Antibodies A Laboratory Manual CSH Lab. 3 Hill S.A.1984 Methods in Plant Virology Blackwell S.P. London 165p 4 Name of Instructors Instructor Information COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week Lecture topics Immune response , Immunology Practice/Lab/Field 1 2 Immunoglobulin and antigenic reaction 3 Antibody molecules 4 Antibody- antigen interaction 5 Antibody response 6 Immunızations, pure antigens 7 Immunizing animals 8 Polyclonal and Monoclonal antibodies 9 Virus purification 10 Preparation of antisera and purification of antibodies 12 Serological techniques: presipitation, diffusion, immunoelectrophoresis, immunoelectromicroscopy Immunoblotting, ELISA 13 Immunochemical studies of plant viruses 11 14 Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. Course Title FACULTY of Agriculture Collecting and Sampling Methods of Insects and Their Collections Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Entomology Code Term ZBK 534 Spring Course Prerequisites Name of Instructors Instructor Information Course Objective and brief Description 1 2 3 4 Level Type Language M.S. Optional Turkish Lecture 2 Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 3 2 10 Prof. Dr. Hüseyin BAŞPINAR Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Plant Protection, AYDIN Email: [email protected] Principles and importance of collecting of insects and insect sampling methods and maintenance of the collections Textbook and Supplementary readings Borror, D.J. and White, R.E. (1970). A Field Guide to the Insects of America North of Mexico. OU Press. Borrer, D.J. and D.M. DeLong, 1970. An Introduction to the Study of Insects. 812 pp. COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week 1 Lecture topics Importance of insect collecting, sampling and the collections 2 Collecting of insects Information on collecting tools 3 Seperation, preparation and labelling of insects for the collection Lab works 4 Features of collection boards and boxes Lab works 5 Importance and use of collections in entomology Lab works 6 Preserving of insects and maintenance of colections Lab works 7 Practice/Lab/Field Mid-term exam 8 Samplings: timing, number and intervals of sampling Field works 9 Samplings on annual, perennial and greehouse plants Field works 10 Sampling methods according to features of insects Field works 11 Effects of biology and damage on sampling 12 Faults in sampling and efecting factors, and statistics in sampling 13 Use of computer in sampling 14 Works on computer use Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. FACULTY of AGRICULTURE Mycorrhizae Plant Health Relationships PLANT PROTECTION PHYTOPATHOLOGY Course Title Department Division in the Dept. Code Term ZBK Spring 536 Course Prerequisities Level Type Language Credit hours/week Ms.c. Optional Turkish Lecture 2 Lab 2 Credit 3 ECTS Credit 10 No Ass.Prof.Dr. Ayhan YILDIZ [email protected] The students will learn the definition and classification of Mycorhizal fungi in this Course Objective and brief course. The structure and function of mycorrhizal fungi will be covered in detail. The mechanisms of host pathogen interactions, their effect on plant growth, mycorrhizaeDescription plant health relationships, and their roles in biological control of some plant pathogens will be studied. Both inoculum production and inoculation techniques will be demonstrated in the laboratory. In addition to these, their potential use in crop production and several commercial products will be evaluated. Textbook and Supplementary Readings 1 Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizae Manegement (1991) 2 Methods and Principles of Mycorrhizal Research (1991) 3 The Ecology of Mycorrhizae (1991), Current Advences in Mycorrhizae (2000) 4 Mycorrhizae and plant Health (1994), COURSE CALENDER/SCHEDULE Week Lecture topics Practice/Lab/Field Introductıon Collection and preparation of soil samples from 1 different plants The bıology and morpholgy of mycorrhizal fungı Crushing of dried plant samples into powders 2 and planting of trap plants. Regular monitoring of plant growth. Taxonomy of mycorrhizal fungı Preparations techniques and root preparation. 3 Constructıon of mycorrhizal ınteractıon of mycorrhizal Investigation of already-prepared miycorrhizae 4 fungı and plant samples. Constructıon of mycorrhizal ınteractıon of mycorrhizal Preparation of samples from Miycorrhizal rood 5 fungı and plant and investigation of miycorrhizal structures. Ectomycorrhızae Monitoring of trap plant growth. 6 The hosts of the ectmycorhizal fungi Sellection of ectomycorrhizal fungi Inokulum sources of ectomycorrhizal fungi Endomycorrhızae Techniques for isolation of miycorrhizal fungi 7 The hosts of the endomycorhizal fungi from roots. Sellection of endomycorrhizal fungi Inokulum sources of endomycorrhizal fungi The effects of endomycorrhizal fungi on plant diseases Exam 8 The effects of cultural applıcatıon and pestıcıdes on Rooting of trap plants and root preparation for 9 mycorrhızal fungı evaluation. The effects of cultural applıcatıon and pestıcıdes on Isolation and observation of miycorrhizal fungi 10 mycorrhızal fungı from roots. Interactıon of mycorrhıza and plant health Isolation of spores, wet sieving and spore 11 The effect of endomycorrhize on plant feding and growth counting of the soil where trap plants are grown. The effects of Endomycorrhize on plant diseases Isolation of spores, wet sieving and spore 12 counting of the soil where trap plants are grown The effects of Endomycorrhize on plant diseases Evaluation of plant growth and mycorrhizal 13 relation between plant and fungi. Final Exam 14 Course assessment will be weighed 40% for one quiz and 60% for the final exam. Depending on instructor,s prefrence, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. Name of Instructors Instructor Information Course Title FACULTY of Agriculture Alternative Weed Control methods Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Phytopathology (Weed Science) Code Term ZBK 538 Spring Course Prerequisites Name of Instructors Instructor Information Course Objective and brief Description Level Type Language M.S. Opt. Turkish Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 2 0 8 Lecture 2 None Dr. M. Nedim DOĞAN ADÜ, Ziraat Fak., Aydin-Turkey, [email protected] The purpose of the lecture is to give informations about non-chemical weed control methods within the frame of IWM. Especially the role of some growing practices, such as crop rotation, soil tillage, sowing date, as well as some other mechanical and physical methods will be discussed. The use of herbicides in integrated apprachs will also be discussed in the lecture. Textbook and Supplementary readings 1 2 3 4 Principles of Weed Science Herbicide Handbook Herbizide Unkrautbekaempfung COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week 1 Lecture topics Introduction (importance of weeds, yield losses etc.) 2 General aspects of weed control 3 Evaluation of chemical weed control (advantages and disadvantages) 4 Strategies of alternative weed control 5 Preventive Methods: Crop rotation and its importance in weed control 6 Preventive Methods: Tillage and its importance in weed control 7 Other preventive methods 8 Exam 9 Physical measurements 10 Mechanical weed control 11 Biological weed control 12 Combination of methods 13 Herbicide use in effective minimum rates 14 Practice/Lab/Field Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. FACULTY of AGRICULTURE Course Title Honey Plants Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Credit hours/week Code Term Level Type Language ZBK 540 Spring M. Sc. Optional Turkish Lecture Lab Credit 2 2 3 Course Objective and brief Description 10 No Course Prerequisites Name of Instructors Instructor Information ECTS Credit Assoc.Prof.Dr. Özhan BOZ University of Adnan Menderes, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, 09100 Aydın/Turkey. Phone. + 90 256 7727033 (1203), [email protected] Students will learn honey plant species which are commonly used in apiculture. Different honey plant species will be covered in terms of their honey production potential, nectar and polen capacity, type of nectar secretion organs. In addition to these, factors effecting nectar production., different nectar sources, poisonous honey plants, will also teach in course. In the practice part of the course, students will learn herbarium preparation techniques for honey plants Textbook and Supplementary readings Ekim, T., 1980. Arıcılıkta Önem Taşıyan Bitkiler ve Bunların Yurdumuzdaki Durumu. Türkiye I. Arıcılık Kongresi. 22-24 Ocak 1980-Ankara. 53-64. Doğaroğlu, M., 1992. Arıcılık Ders Notları (3. Basım). Trakya Üniversitesi, Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi, Yayın No: 42, Ders Notu No:36. Tekirdağ. Nemli, Y., Ballı Bitkiler Ders Notlar. Celal Bayar Üniv., Alaşehir Meslek Yüksek Okulu Ders Notları. İzmir. Gürkan, B., 1995. Çam Pamuklu Koşnili (Marchaline hellenica). Türkiye II. Teknik Arıcılık Kongresi. 134-145. Ankara. Sorkun, K., 1995. Türkiye’nin Önemli Nektar Kaynağı Olan Kültür Bitkileri ve Bal Potansiyelleri. Türkiye II. Teknik Arıcılık Kongresi. 134-145. Ankara. Sönmez, R., 1984. Arıcılık Ders Kitabı. Ege Üniv. Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları. 253 s. Ballı bitkilerle ilgili bildiriler 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Lecture topics Practice/Lab/Field Role of honey bees in crop production, pollination of plants by honeybee Theory Techiques in preparation herbarium for honey plants Practice and Theory Flower morphology of angiosperm and gymnosperm Practice and Theory The importance of honey plants of mobile apiculturee honey capacity of plant species Theory Nectar and polen sources, classification of nectar, secretion organs in plants Practice and Theory Factors effecting nectar production and nectar sources Practice and Theory Exam Introduce to honey plant species in apiculture Practice and Theory Introduce to honey plant species in apiculture Practice and Theory Introduce to honey plant species in apiculture Practice and Theory Introduce to honey plant species in apiculture Practice and Theory Introduce to honey plant species in apiculture Practice and Theory Introduce to honey plant species in apiculture Practice and Theory Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. Course Title FACULTY of Agriculture Weeds and their control in arable and horticultural crops Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Phytopathology (Weed Science) Code Term ZBK 546 Spring Level Type Language M. Sc. Option al Turkish 2 None Course Prerequisites Name of Instructors Instructor Information Course Objective and brief Description 1 2 3 4 5 Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 3 2 10 Lecture Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özhan BOZ, Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Nedim DOĞAN ADÜ, Ziraat Fak., Aydin-Turkey, [email protected] The lecture include the definitions of terms used in weed science, significance of weeds in agriculture, interactions between crops and weeds, parasitic weeds, weeds and their control in different arable and horticultural crops and herbicides to be used. Textbook and Supplementary readings Uygur ve ark. 1984. Yabancı ot bilimine giriş Özer ve ark. 1996. Farklı külktürlerde sorun olan yabancı otlar ve kimyasal savaşımları Özer ve ark. 1988. herboloji Güncan, A. 2002. Yabancı otlar ve Mücadele prensipleri Rao, V.S. principles of Weed Science COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week 1 Lecture topics Definiton of weeds and their useful and harmful impacts 2 Weed biology and classification, parasitic weeds 3 Definition of terms allelopathy and competition 4 Weed Management 5 Chemical weed control (Classification of herbicides and application techniques) 6 Weeds and their control in cerelas 7 Exam 8 Weeds and their control in sugar beet, potatoe, sunflower and cotton 9 Weeds and their control in tobacco, peanut and soybean 10 Weeds and their control in Legume crops 11 Weeds and their control in nurseries and wein and fruit plantations 12 Weeds and their control in ornamentals and strawberry 13 Weeds and their control in vegetables grown in greenhouse and on field. 14 Practice/Lab/Field Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. FACULTY of Agriculture Course Title Biosafety Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Phytopathology Code Term ZBK 548 Spring Course Prerequisites Name of Instructors Instructor Information Course Objective and brief Description 1 2 3 4 Level Type Language Master Opt. Turkish Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 3 0 10 Lecture 3 None Prof. Dr. Serap AÇIKGÖZ ADÜ Depertent of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, AYDIN [email protected] Analyzing of updated biotechnological developments and biotechnological applications, Social and commercial echoes, Biosafety necessarily and importance, Biosafety-Bioengineering interaction, Information about basic biosafety and legal proceedings on historical progress, Risk in biotekhnology and risk managament mentality, Legal and organizational restructuring in word about biosecurity, Basic approaches and evoluations on national and indernational platforms. Textbook and Supplementary readings Topal, Ş. 2006 Biyogüvenlik ve Biyoteknoloji Cemturan Ofset Matbaası 312s. Anonymous, 2004. GDO Gerçeği, Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Organizmalar ve Gıda Güvenliği Konferans Notları, İstanbul, 144 s. Graham, L. E., J.M.Graham and L.W. Wilcox, 2005. Bitki Biyolojisi; Genetik Mühendisliği (Bölüm 18) ed. K. Işık, Palme Yayıncılık, 497 s. Özcan, S., E. Gürel ve M. Babaoğlu, 2001. Bitki Biyoteknolojisi; Genetik Mühendisliği ve Uygulamaları, 456 s. COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week 2 Lecture topics Analyzing of updated biotechnological developmets and biotechnological applications Information about basic biosafety and legal proceedings on historical progress 3 Social and commercial echoes, Biosafety-Bioengineering interaction 4 Biosafety necessarily and importance, 5 Biosecurity and biotechnological assurence fact 6 Risk in biotechnology and risk managament mentality, 7 Risk in biotechnology and risk managament mentality 8 Biosecurty and ethic 9 Biosecurty and ethic 10 Legal and organizational restructuring in word about biosecurity, 11 Legal and organizational restructuring in word about biosecurity, 12 Biosecurity strategies in Turkey, its applications and legal restructions 13 Biosecurity strategies in Turkey, its applications and legal restructions 1 14 Practice/Lab/Field Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. Course Title Department Division in the Dept. Code Term ZBK-550 II Course Prerequisites FACULTY of AGRICULTURE The relations of plant- phytophagous insects Plant protection Entomology Level Type M. Sc. Opt. None Language Turkish Lecture 3 Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 0 3 8 Name of Instructors Instructor Information Assoc. Prof.Dr. Tülin AKŞİT University of Adnan Menderes, Faculty of Agriculture Department of Plant Protection, 09100 Aydın, [email protected] Course Objective and brief Description Aim of this course is to teach the host range and feeding types of phytophagous insects, the process of host-plant selection, the effects on insects of food and the features of plants as food, the effected factors to feeding behaviors of insects, the adaptations of insects to vegetable defences, specialization of insects on plants and plant parts, chemicals in plants. 1 2 3 4 Textbook and Supplementary readings Bernays, E.A. and R.F.Chapman, 1994.Host- plant selection by phytophagous insects. Chapman and Hall, 115 Fifth Avenue, Newyork,312 s. Mitchell E.R. and Tingle F.C., 1996.Plant allelochemicals: a relatively unexplored territory in management of crop insect pests (IN:Pest Management in the subtropics, Integrated Pest Management-a Florida Perspective) (Ed.:D.Rosen, F.D.Bennett, J.L.Capinera)Intercept Limited, United Kingdom, 578 s. Chapman,R.F.1972.The Insects. The English Universities Press Ltd.,819 s. Painter,R.H.,1968.Insects resistance in crop plants. The Mac Millan Company, Newyork,520 s. COURSE CALENDER/SCHEDULE Week Lecture topics Host range and feeding types of phytophagous insects 1 Taste, olfaction, vision and touching senses of insects 2 The process of host-plant selection 3 The effects on insects of food and the features of plants as food 4 The effected factors to feeding behaviors of insects 5 Benefiting from food of insects, The adaptations of insects toward vegetable defences 6 7 QUIZ Insects resistance in plants 8 Specialization of insects on plants and plant parts 9 Chemicals in plants; Volatiles, surface waxes and other surface compounds 10 Nutrients; Protein and aminoacids 11 Carbohydrates and lipids 12 Secondary metabolites, Phenolics Terpenoids ,Organic acids and Sulfur –containing compounds 13 14 FINAL EXAM Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on the instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. Course Title FACULTY of AGRICULTURE Arthropod Vectors Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Entomology Code Term ZBK-601 Fall Course Prerequisites Level Type Language Ph.D. Optional Turkish Lecture 3 Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 3 0 10 Prof. Dr. Hüseyin BAŞPINAR Name of Instructors Instructor Information Course Objective and brief Description 1 2 3 4 Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Plant Protection, AYDIN Email: [email protected] Importance of vectors in plant protection, mechanisms of transmittion, important arthropod vectors, role of mouth type in the transmittion, spesification to plant tissues, relationships among plants-diseases-vectors. Textbook and Supplementary readings Carter, W., 1962. Insect in Relation to Plant Disease. Interscience Publishers, New York, 705 pp. Maramorosch, K. And Kaprowski, H., 1967. Methods in Virology. Academic Pres, New York, 570 pp. COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week 1 Lecture topics Introduction and diseses transmittion by arthropod vectors 2 Transmittion types of bacterial and fungal diseases 3 Transmittion types of viral diseases 4 Mouth parts of vectors nad their importance in transmittion of diseases 5 6 Feding behavior and importance of spesification to plant tissues from epidemiology point of view. Vector insects (Aphididae) Mid-term exam 7 8 Practice/Lab/Field Vector insects (Cicadellidae) 10 Vector insects (Miridae, Aleyrodidae, Coccoidea, Orthoptera, Coleoptera, Thysanoptera) Vector acari (Acarina) 11 Effects of diseases on vectors 12 Ecological aspects in transmittion of diseases 13 Control methods of vector arthropods and general review 9 14 Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. FACULTY of AGRICULTURE Course Title Biotechnique methods in agricultural management Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Entomology Code ZBK 603 Term Level Fall PH.D. Type Optional Language Turkish Lecture 3 Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 3 0 10 Course Prerequisites Name of Instructors Instructor Information Course Objective and brief Description 1 2 3 4 Associate Prof. Dr. İbrahim Gencsoylu Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Agriculture, Dept. Of Plant Protection, AYDIN, e-mail: [email protected] The course cover the use of biotechnique methods in managment programs against the pests Textbook and Supplementary readings Pesticides and managments against pests in Agriculture, Cezmi Öncüer, ADÜ Ziraat Fakültesi, 2004. 424s Entomology and Pest Management, L. P. Pedigo, Iowa State University, Macmillan Publishing Campany, 1989 646p. Web Sites related to IPM COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week 1 Lecture topics The place of insect growth regulators in pest management 2 Introduction to the Biotechnique methods 3 The importance of Biotechnique methods in pest management 4 The use of pheromon in pest management in worldwide and Turkey 5 Pheromone and insect behavior 6 Ovipostion detterrent 7 Mid-Term exam 8 Insect repellents 9 Insect repellents-contuined 10 Juvenil Hormon Analogs 11 Juvenil Hormon Analogs-contuined 12 Antifeedent 13 Insect steril method 14 Practice/Lab/Field Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. FACULTY of AGRICULTURE Course Title Fungus Physiology Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Phytopathology Code Term Level Type Language ZBK 605 I Fall Ph D Optional Turkish Lecture 2 Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 0 2 8 None Course Prerequisites Name of Instructors Instructor Information Prof. Dr. M. Timur Döken Address: Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Bitki Koruma Bölümü, Güney Kampüsü 09100 AYDIN - TÜRKİYE Tel: 0 256 772 70 22-23-24 / 1201 e-mail: [email protected] - [email protected] The object of the course is profoundly to teach the concepts of fungal physiology in relation to Course Objective their enviroments with emphasis on plant pathogenic fungi. Structure and function of fungal and brief cells, nutrient acquisition and utilization, fungal metabolism, growth and development, sexuel and Description asexsuel reproduction constitude the main subjects of the course. Textbook and Supplementary readings 1 Cooke, R.C., 1993. Ecophysiology of Fungi. Blackwell Publishing. 352 pp. 2 Jennings, D.H., 1995. The Physiology of Fungal Nutrition. Cambridge Press. 622 pp. 3 Moore - Landecker, E.,1972. Fundementals of the Fungi.458 pp. COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week Lecture topics Practice/Lab/Field 1 Introduction and concept of physiology - 2 Structure and functions of fungal cell - 3 4 Nutritional requirements for growth (essential elements, vitamins, nutrient uptake) Physical requirements for growth (temperature, pH, moisture, light, aeration) - 5 Fungus metabolism (carbon) - 6 Fungus metabolism (nitrogen) - 7 Fungus metabolism (lipid ) - 8 Mid - Term Exam - 9 Nonsexuel reproduction - 10 Sexuel reproduction - 11 Nutritional and physical factors affecting reproduction - 12 Spore release and dispersal - 13 Spore dormancy and germination - 14 Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. Course Title FACULTY of AGRİCULTURAL Molecular Plant Pathology Department Plant Pathology Division in the Dept. Phytopathology Code Term ZBK-607 I.Fall Course Prerequisites Level Type Language PhD Optional Turkish Lecture 3 Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 3 0 10 Serap AÇIKGÖZ Name of Instructors Instructor Information Adnan Menderes University Agricultural Faculty Plant Protection Department 09100 AYDIN [email protected] The contents encompass the modern molecular techniques in plant pathology. Genom organization, genetic of the host-pathogen interaction, pathogenic determinants are defined. Identification of by RNA extraction-isolation, northern blot analysis DNA extraction-isolation, Course Objective southern blot analysis DNA/RNA hybridization, dot-blot hybridization. Labelling and storage of and brief nucleic asid probes. Nucleic acid amplification tecniques: polymerase chain reaction. Genome Description analysis by RFLP and RAPD, cloning and gene expression. Characterized defence response genes. Genetic modification of plants for pathogens resistance are discussed. Textbook and Supplementary readings 1 Goosen, T. And Debets, 1996. Molecular genetic analysis. In: Fungal Genetic: Principles and practce, Bos, C.J. (ed.) Marcel Dekker, New York, pp.97-117. 2 Berger S.L. Guide to Molecular Cloning Techniques Academic Pres 3 Tower K.J. and A. Cockayne 1993. Molecular Methods for Microbial Identification and Typing. Chapman and Hall 4 Gurr S.J. and D.J. Bowles 1992 Molecular Plant Pathology Volume I, II,A Practical Approarh, At Oxfort Univ.Press COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week 1 Lecture topics Causal agents of plant diseases: Pathogens Practice/Lab/Field 2 Reproductive biology of pathogens 3 Genome organization, Extrachromosomal ınheritance 4 Genetic of the host-pathogen interaction 5 Gene transformation in pathogens 6 Genetic variation 7 Molecular markers 9 Identification of pathogens: Nucleic acid izolation and hybridization techniques Dot-blot hybridization, Gel electrophorosis, Electroelition 10 Southern , Northern blot hybridization 11 Identification of immunological materyal 12 Protein isolation and electrophorosis 13 Western blot hybridization 8 14 Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. FACULTY of AGRICULTURE Course Title Weed Ecology Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Code Term Level Type Language ZBK 609 Fall Ph.D Optional Turkish Lecture 3 Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 3 0 10 No Course Prerequisites Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özhan BOZ University of Adnan Menderes, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science, 09100 Aydın/Turkey. Phone. + 90 256 7727033 (1203), [email protected] Ecological factors effecting germination and vegetative and generative growth of plants will be inroduced to the students. The effects of biotic and abiotic factors on interactions of weed and crops, dynamics of weed population, and population assesments will also covered in Course Objective and these course. In addition to these, adverse effects of herbicides to ecosystem, ecological brief Description factors playing significant role on herbicide side effects, development of alternative control methods in weed science will be studied. Importance of weed-insect-disease-culture plant interactions in ecology will be covered in details. Textbook and Supplementary readings 1 Çetik, A.R., 1973. Vejetasyon Bilimi. Ankara Üniv., Fen Fakültesi. 181s. 2 Radosevich, S.R. and J.S. Holt, 1984. Weed Ecology Implications for Vegetation Management. 265p. 3 Akman, Y. ve O. Ketenoğlu, 1992. Vejetasyon Ekolojisi ve Araştırma Metodları. Ankara Üniv., Fen Fakültesi. 271s. 4 Booth, B.D., S.D. Murphy and C.J. Swanton, 2003. Weed Ecology in Natural and Agricultural Systems. CABI Publishing. 303p. Name of Instructors Instructor Information COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week Lecture topics Practice/Lab/Field 1 Main concept of ecology Theory 2 Population ecology, the structure and dynamics of populations Theory 3 Environmental factors effecting weeds Theory 4 Sexual and asexual reproduction in weeds Theory Theory 6 Growth stages from seed development through seedling (Germination, growing, aging and dying), dormansi and dispersal in weeds Interactions of weeds-insect-diseases 7 Exam 8 Plant communities Theory 9 A prediction method for weed infestation Theory Theory 11 Critical periods in weed management, environmental factors effecting economical threshold level Important of weed ecology in weed management 12 Interactions among populations (Competition and allelopathy) Theory 13 Interactions among populations (Herbivory, parasitizim, and mutualism) Theory 5 10 14 Theory Theory Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. FACULTY of AGRICULTURE Course Title Mites injurious to cultivated plants Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Entomology Code Term Level Type Language ZBK-611 I (Fall) Ph.D. Obligatory Turkish Lecture 2 Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 0 2 8 None Course Prerequisites Name of Instructors Instructor Information Asst. Prof.Dr. İbrahim ÇAKMAK Course Objective and brief Description 1 Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi 09100 Aydın Tel: 256 772 70 24 [email protected] Morphology, biology, damage of phytophagous mites, Prostigmata (Tetranychidae, Tenuipalpidae, Penthaleidae, Tarsonemidae, Eriophyidae) and Astigmata (Acaridae) and their control were given. However, the natural enemies (hastalık etmenleri, predatory mites and insects) of phytophagous are mentioned. In addition, dispersal of phytophagous mites is taught. Textbook and Supplementary readings Jeppson, L.R., H.H. Keifer and E.W. Baker, 1975. Mites Injurious to Economic Plants. University of California. Berkeley, California U.S.A., 614 pp. 2 COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week Lecture topics 1 Introduction to Acarology 2 Phytophagous mites belongs to Tetranychidae 3 Phytophagous mites belongs to Tenuipalpidae Practice/Lab/Field 5 Control methods of phytophagous mites belongs to Tetranychidae ve Tenuipalpidae Phytophagous mites belongs to Penthaleidae ve Tarsonemidae 6 Phytophagous mites belongs to Eriophyidae (Phyllocoptinae) 7 Phytophagous mites belongs to Eriophyidae (Eriophyinae) 8 Ara Sınav 4 10 Phytophagous mites belongs to Eriophyidae (Cecidophyinae, Nalepellidae) Phytophagous mites belongs to Astigmata (Acaridae) 11 The natural enemies (pathogens) of phytophagous mites 9 12 13 The natural enemies (predatory mites and insects) of phytophagous mites Dispersal of phytophagous mites 14 Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. FACULTY of Agriculture Course Title Insect Population Ecology Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Entomology Code Term ZBK-613 Spring Course Prerequisites Level Type Language Ph.D. Optional Turkish Lecture 3 Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 0 3 10 Name of Instructors Instructor Information Course Objective and brief Description 1 2 3 4 Prof. Dr. Hüseyin BAŞPINAR Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Plant Protection, AYDIN Email: [email protected] General aspects on factors affecting population changes in agricultural area. Distribution, population growth, population structure and population dynamics and affecting factors in ecosystems. Textbook and Supplementary readings Begon, M. And Mortimer, M., 1994. Population Ecology. Blackwell Scientific Publications, London, 220. Kocataş, A., 1994. Ekoloji ve Çevre Biyolojisi. E.Ü. Fen Fakültesi Ders Kitapları Serisi No: 142. COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week 1 Lecture topics Introduction: General aspects and terminology 2 Describing populations 3 Models of single species population 4 Age distribution and pest population changes and pest control 5 Intraspesific and interspesific competition 6 Insect migrations Arasınav 7 8 Life-history strategies 10 - sex ratio and impact on the population - Genetical diversity and surrouding factors Parasitism and predation 11 Population regulation 12 Population dynamics of pest and beneficials in plant protection 13 Modelling of population 9 14 Practice/Lab/Field Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. FACULTY of AGRICULTURE Course Title Department Division in the Dept. Code Biopesticides Plant protection Phytopathology Term Level Type Language ZBK-617 I (Fall) Course Prerequisites PhD Elective None Turkish Name of Instructors Instructor Information Course Objective and brief Description Lecture 3 Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 0 3 10 Prof. Dr. Kemal BENLİOĞLU Adnan Menderes Ünversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi 09100 Aydın Tel: 256 7727023 [email protected] The objective of the course is to provide students with knowledge of biopesticides used for commercial purposes in the world. It provides students basic knowledge of pesticides such as: spectrum of biopesticides, their mechanisms of action, formulations, application techniques, compatibility with chemical pesticides, applicability to IPM programs, possible effects on environment and human health and their registration procedures of biopesticides in the world 1 2 Textbook and Supplementary readings Hall, F. R and Menn J.J. Biopesticides, Humana Press, 1999, ISBN 0-89603-513-8 Burges, H. D. Microbial Control of Pests and Plant Diseases, 1970-1980, Academic Press, ISBN: 0121433609 3 4 http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/biopesticides/ingredients/index.htm http://www.nysaes.cornell.edu/ent/biocontrol/ COURSE CALENDER/SCHEDULE Week Lecture topics Projections on opportunuties for biopesticides in crop protection 1 Bacterial insecticides 2 Bacterial fungicides and bactericides 3 Biofungicides 4 Biofungicides 5 Microbial pesticides (protozoa) 6 Viral pesticides 7 8 Quiz Bioherbicides and entomopathogenic nematodes 9 Botanical pesticides, fermentation-derived insecticides 10 Formulation and delivery systems of biopesticides 11 Human health and environmental risk of biopesticides 12 Registration of biopesticides 13 14 Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on the instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. FACULTY of AGRİCULTURE Course Title Behaviour of insects Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Entomology Code Term I (Fall) ZBK 619 Course Prerequisites Name of Instructors Instructor Information Course Objective and brief Description Level Type Language PhD Opt. Turkish Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 3 0 10 Lecture 3 None Yrd.Doç.Dr. Mehmet KARAGÖZ A.D.Ü Ziraat Fakültesi Bitki Koruma Bölümü Güney kampusü AYDIN [email protected] Biological and genetical principles of insect behaviour, programs, coordination, meeting, feeding, chemical commnication, visual communication, mechanical communication, protection, breeding of insect behaviourBöcek davranışlarının biyolojik ve genetik esasları, davranışların programlanması ve koordinasyonu, toplanma, yayılış,beslenme, kimyasal haberleşme, görsel haberleşme, mekaniksel haberleşme, korunma, üreme davranışlarının esasları Textbook and Supplementary readings ATKINS, M.D., 1980. Introduction to Insect Behavior.San Diego State University, New York, USA BORROR, D.J., D. M. LONG, C.A. TRIPLEHORNT, 1981.Study of Insect, the Ohio State Univ. Press. USA. DEMİRSOY, A.,1990. Yaşamın Temel Kuralları. Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Biyoloji Bölümü, Ankara. 1 2 COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Lecture topics Week 1 Practice/Lab/ Field Introduction Sense organ in insects 2 Sense organ in insects 3 Behaviour of insects. 4 Instinctual and complex behaviour in insects 5 Behaviour periodicity in insects 6 Exam 7 Imhabiting in insects 8 Immigration types of insects 9 Tending activities in insects 10 Communication of insects 11 Communication of insects 12 Alarm and assembly activities and host selection in social insects 13 14 Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. FACULTY of AGRICULTURE Course Title Plant resistance to insects Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Plant Protection Code Term Level Type Language ZBK 621 I (Fall) M.Sc. Opt. Turkish Lecture 3 Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 0 3 10 Course Prerequisites Name of Instructors Instructor Information Course Objective and brief Description 1 2 Asist. Prof. Dr. Cafer TURGUT Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Agriculture Dept of Plant Protection Aydin [email protected] History and importance of insect resistance in crop plants, mechanism of plant resistance, and telerance. Biochemical substances in host selection as attractants, repellents for oviposition and behavioural processes, plant resistance to insect vectors. Morphological basis of resistance. Ecological resistance. Role of genetic and environmental factors on stability and expression of resistance. Methods of investigating pest resistance in crop plants, and needs in host plant resistance studies. Use of resistant varieties in pest management. Textbook and Supplementary readings Panda, N., Khush, G.S. (1995): Host plant resistance to insects. Cab International Michael Smith, C. (1989): Plant resistance to insects. COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week Lecture topics 1 Introduction 2 Crop plant and insect diversity 3 Secondary plant metabolites for insect resistance 4 Insect-plant selection 5 Mechanism of resistance 6 Factors affecting expression of resistance 7 Screening for insect resistance 8 Exam 9 Plant resistance and insect pest management 10 Genetics of resistance to insects 11 Breeding for resistance to insects 12 Transgenic crops for insect resistance 13 Resistance studies in the world and Turkey 14 Practice/Lab/Field Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. Course Title FACULTY of AGRİCULTURAL DsRNA Genetic Elements Department Plant Pathology Division in the Dept. Phytopathology Term ZBK 623 Fall Course Prerequisites Name of Instructors Instructor Information Course Objective and brief Description 1 2 3 4 5 Code Type Language PhD Optinal Turkish Lecture 3 Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 3 0 10 Prof. Dr. Serap AÇIKGÖZ Adnan Menderes University Agricultural Faculty Plant Protection Department 09100 AYDIN [email protected] Current knowledge of dsRNA genetic factors from different biological systems are unified on this course. The course has cover that the nature, origin and biological roles of double-stranded RNA that are capable of replication in fungi, plants and animals. It has convey that dsRNA biology could allow us to create solutions for problems ranging from plant disease management. dsRNA are powerful means of modulating gene expression. Presence of small amounts of dsRNA elicits sequence-specific gene silencing, which may lead to the development of treatments aimed at silencing harmful genes causing serious diseases in animals and humans. Textbook and Supplementary readings Tavantzis S.M. 2002. dsRNA Genetic Elements. CRC Pres, 304 pp Buck, K.W.1986. Fungal Virology- an overview. CRC Pres. Boca Raton, FL:pp. 1-84 Ghabrial, S.A. 1998. Origin, adaptation and evolutionary pathways of fungal viruses. Virus Genes 16,119-131. Ghabrial, S.A. and Hillman, B.I. 1999. dsRNA viruses New York: Elsvier Ghabrial, S.A., 1980 Effects of fungal viruses on their hosts. Annual Rew. Of Phtophology COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week 1 Lecture topics dsRNA genetic factors from different biological systems 2 dsRNA systems from yeast, fungi, plants and animals 3 dsRNA biology, 4 5 6 RNA ınterference The RNAi revolution, RNAi based methods, RNAi and cosuppression: dsRNA as an agent of sequence specific genetic silencing in animals and plants The dsRNA activated protein kinase PKR, RNA silencing 7 Significance of dsRNA genetic elements in plant pathogenic fungi 8 Mycoviruses and mycovirus taxonomy 9 Effect of dsRNA mycoviruses on host phenotypes 10 dsRNA associated with Hypovirulent strains of Cryphonectria parasitica 11 Transmitted diseased state in Ophiostoma ulmi 12 dsRNA viruses of Gaeumannonmyces graminis var. tiritici 13 The viruses of Helminthosporium victorie Enharced virulence associated with dsRNA Large dsRNA genetic elements in plants and noval dsRNA associated with the 447 cytoplasmic male sterility in Vicia faba 14 Practice/Lab/Field Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. Course Title FACULTY of AGRICULTURE Resistance to insecticides Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Plant Protection Code Term ZBK 625 I (Fall) Course Prerequisites Name of Instructors Instructor Information Level Type Language Ph. D Optional Turkish Lecture 2 Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 2 0 8 None Asist. Prof. Dr. Cafer TURGUT Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Agriculture Dept of Plant Protection Aydin History of insecticide resistance, classification and mode of action of insecticides will be explained. The problem of insecticide resistance and situation of resistance. Resistance occuring according to insecticide classes and cause of insecticide residues. Basic and practical approach of insecticide resistance, molecular genetic, population, biology, resistance mechanisms and resistance problems will be described very details. Textbook and Supplementary readings Ishaaya, I. (2001): Biochemical sites of insecticide action and resistance. Springer-Verlag Denholm, I. (1999): Insecticide resistance: from mechanisms to management. Cabi Publishing Course Objective and brief Description 1 2 COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week Lecture topics Practice/Lab/Field 1 Introduction 2 Classification of insecticides 3 Uptake of insecticide to insects bodies 4 Molecular mechanisms of resistance 5 Screening of resistance I 6 Screening of resistance II 7 Variety of insecticide resistance I (morphological) 8 Exam 9 Variety of insecticide resistance II (physiological) 10 Genetics of insecticide resistance 11 Insecticide resistance and integrated pest management 12 Insecticide resistance in Turkey 13 Control and management of insecticide resistance 14 Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. Course Title FACULTY of AGRICULTURE Plant Parasitic Nematodes Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Entomology Code Term ZBK-627 Fall Course Prerequisites Name of Instructors Instructor Information Course Objective and brief Description 1 2 Level Type Language Ph.D. Optional Turkish Lecture 2 Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 2 3 10 Prof. Dr. Hüseyin BAŞPINAR Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Plant Protection, AYDIN Email: [email protected] Importance of plant parasitic nematodes in plant protection, general information and features of nematodes, plant parasitic nematodes and their control Textbook and Supplementary readings Shurtleff, M. C. and Averre, C. W., 2000. Diagnosing Plant Diseases Caused by Nematodes. APS Press, 189 pages. Aytan-Ediz, S., 1978. Bitki Paraziti Nematodlar. T.C. Gıda-Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı, Zirai Mücadele ve Zirai Karantina Müdürlüğü. Mesleki Eserler Serisi. No: 37, 143 s. 3 4 COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week 1 Lecture topics General information and systematics of nematodes 2 Morphology and anatomy of nematodes Observation on slides in lab 3 Biological features of nematodes Field works 4 Natural enemies of nematodes Observation on slides in lab 5 Relationship between nematodes and soil microorganisms Field works Control methods of plant parasitic nematoes Investigation on solarization in fields 6 Practice/Lab/Field Mid-term exam 7 8 Sampling and analysis Field and lab works 9 Preparation technics Lab works Plant parasitic nematodes: A. Meloidogyne spp., Heterodera spp., Pratylenchus spp. B. Helicotylenchus spp., Aphelenchus spp., Tylenchulus semipenetrans, Ditylenchus spp., Anguina spp. C. Hemicycliophora spp., Tylenchorynchus spp., Dolicodorus spp., Belonolaimus spp. D. Rodopholus spp., Xyphinema spp., Longidorus spp., Trichodorus spp. Lab Works on slides 10 11 12 13 14 Lab Works on slides Lab Works on slides Lab Works on slides Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. FACULTY of AGRICULTURE Soilborne Phytopathogen Fungi Plant Protectıon Phytopathology Course Title Department Division in the Dept. Code Term ZBK Spring 602 Course Prerequisities Name of Instructors Instructor Information Course Objective and brief Description Level Type Language Ph.D. Opt. Turkish Credit hours/week Lecture Lab 2 2 Credit 3 ECTS Credit 10 No Assist. Prof.Dr. Ayhan YILDIZ [email protected] Classification of soilborne fungal agents, conditions that effect their growth (plant rhisosphere population of microbial population, spermosphere, antibiotics, hyperparasites, competition, soil, air, pH), and host-pathogen interactions will be explained (effect and plant defence mechanisms). Soilborne fungal diseases and possibilities of control methods will be described. Textbook and Supplementary Readings 1 2 3 4 Methods for Research Soilborne Pathogenic Fungi,1992 Phytophthora Diseases Worldwide,1996 Principles and Practice of Managing Soilborne Plant Pathogens,1996 Advances in Verticillium Research and Disease Manegement,1997; Fusarium Species An Illustrated Manual for Identification, 1983 Week Introduction 1 COURSE CALENDER/SCHEDULE Lecture topics Practice/Lab/Field 2 The Soilborne Fungal Diseases In Turkey 3 4 Verticillium Diseases Fusarium Diseases 5 6 7 Mechanisms Of Wilt Mechanisms Of Wilt Rhızoctonia spp. and AGs 8 9 Exam Phytophthora Diseases 10 Colletotrichum Diseases 11 Other Soilborne Fungal Diseases Isolation Techniques of Soilborne Fungi From Soil Characteristics and Structures of Soilborne Fungi Identification Techniques of Soilborne Fungi Isolation Techniques Of Verticillium spp. From soil Identification Techniques of Fusarium spp. Identification Techniques of Fusarium spp. Identification Techniques of Rhizoctonia spp. AGs. Isolation of spores wet and dry sieving method from soil Inoculum Production Techniques of Soilborne Fungi Inoculation Techniques and Inoculation of diffrent fungi to the plants Evaluation of inoculated plant and reisolation. Evaluation of inoculated plant and reisolation. Control Methods 12 Control Methods 13 14 Final Exam Course assessment will be weighed 40% for one quiz and 60% for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s prefrence, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. Course Title FACULTY of AGRİCULTURE Plant Disease Resistance Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Phytopathology Code Term ZBK-604 Spring Course Prerequisites Name of Instructors Instructor Information Course Objective and brief Description 1 2 3 4 Level Type Language PhD Opt. Turkish Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 3 0 10 Lecture 3 None Yrd. Doç. Dr. Ömer Erincik Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi 09100 AYDIN [email protected] Plant disease resistance and its importance in plant disease management will be explained to the students. The types of plant disease resistance and plant and host interactions in mechanisms of plant disease resistance will be covered in details. Plant disease resistance genes and their structures and funtions will be studied by giving examples on different plant-host interactions. Techniques of developing disease resistant plants and varieties and use of disease resistant varieties in agriculture will be taught the students . Textbook and Supplementary readings FRASER, R.S.S. Mechanisms of resistance to plant diseases. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston and London. 1985 VAN DER PLANK, J.E. Disease resistance in plants. Academic Press, New York, London. 1968. Hammond-Kosack .K. E. and Jones, J. D. G. 1997. Plant Disease Resistance Genes. Annu. Rev.PlantPhysiol. PlantMol. Biol. 1997. 48:575–607 Leong S. A., Allen, C., and Triplett, E. W. Biology of Plant-Microbe Interactions Vol.3 COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week Lecture topics Practice/L ab/Field Introduction to plant disease resistance; plant and host interactions; types of plant disease resistance Genetics of plant disease resistance; gene for gene theory; (avr genes, resistant genes, vertical 2 resistance, horizontal resistance) Disease resistance genes, structure and functions I 3 Disease resistance genes, structure and functions II 4 Disease resistance genes, structure and functions III 5 Disease resistance genes, structure and functions IV 6 Methods for developing of disease resistance plants 7 8 Midterm Breeding for plant disease resistance 9 Gene transformation for disease resistance 10 Breaking of plant disease resistance, new races of pathogens 11 Systemic acquired resistance (SAR); Induced systemic resistance (ISR) 12 Use of plant disease resistance in plant disease management 13 14 Final exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. 1 FACULTY of AGRICULTURE Course Title Mite Taxonomy Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Entomology Code Term Level ZBK-606 I (Spring) Ph.D. Course Prerequisites Name of Instructors Instructor Information Course Objective and brief Description 1 2 3 Type Language Obligatory None Turkish Lecture 2 Credit hours/week Lab Credit ETSC Credit 2 3 8 Assoc. Prof.Dr. İbrahim ÇAKMAK Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi 09100 Aydın Tel: 256 772 70 24 [email protected] Some important species of families in the subclass Acari and their general taxonomical features and the identification characteristics will be mentioned. Textbook and Supplementary readings Jeppson, L.R., H.H. Keifer and E.W. Baker, 1975. Mites Injurious to Economic Plants. University of California. Berkeley, California U.S.A., 614 pp. Krantz, G.W. 1978. A Manual Acarology. Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 509p. Krantz, G.W. & Walter, D.E. 2009. A Manual of Acarology, 3rd edn. Texas Tech University Press, Lubbock, TX. COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Lecture topics Practice/Lab/Field Introduction to Acarology Discrimination features of the subclass Acari in the class of Arachnida and classification of order and superorder in the subclass Acari General taxonomic characteristics of orders in the superorder Parasitiformes Taxonomical features of order Mesostigmata Taxonomical features and the identification characteristics in the Cohort Gamasina Taxonomical features and the identification characteristics in the superfamilies Ascoidea and Dermanyssoidea Taxonomical features and the identification characteristics in the superfamily Phytoseioidea midterm exam General taxonomic characteristics of orders in the superorder Acariformes Taxonomical features of the important superfamilies in the order Trombidiformes Taxonomical features and the identification characteristics in the Cohort Raphignathina Taxonomical features of the important superfamilies in the order Sarcoptiformes Taxonomical features and the identification characteristics in the Cohort Astigmatina Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. ZİRAAT FAKÜLTESİ Course Title FACULTY of AGRICULTURE Fungus - Plant Interactions Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Phytopathology Code Term ZBK 614 II Spring Course Prerequisites Name of Instructors Instructor Information Level Type Language Ph D Optional Turkish Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit Lecture 3 0 3 10 None Prof. Dr. M. Timur Döken Address: Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Bitki Koruma Bölümü, Güney Kampüsü 09100 AYDIN - TÜRKİYE Tel: 0 256 772 70 22-23-24 / 1201 e-mail: [email protected] - [email protected] The course is designed to instruct the interactions between fungi and higher plants which Course Objective involved during the occurrence and development of plant diseases. Major themes include the and brief mechanisms used by fungi to penetrate and infect plants; effects of infection on plant physiology Description and mechanisms employed by plants to respond invasion. Textbook and Supplementary readings 1 Isaac, S., 1992. Fungal - Plant Interactions. Chapman and Hall, London, New York, Tokyo, Melbourne, Madras, 418 pp. 2 Leong, S. A., C. Allen and E. W. Triplett, 2002. Biology of Plant-Microbe interactions Vol: 3. APS press, 376 pp. COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week Lecture topics Practice/Lab/Field 1 Inital contact between fungus and plant - 2 Fungal invasion (mechanism of penetration) - 3 Fungal invasion (host plant colonisation) - 4 Mechanism of disease resistance (mechanical barriers) - 5 Mechanism of disease resistance (biochemical resistance mechanisms) - 6 Effects of fungal invasion (changes in respiration of host plant) - 7 Effects of fungal invasion (changes in photosynthesis of host plant) - 8 Mid Term Exam - 9 10 11 Effects of fungal invasion (changes in water transportation of host plant) Effects of fungal invasion (changes in carbohydrate metabolism and translocation of host plant) Effects of fungal invasion (changes in nucleic acid and protein metabolism of host plant) - 12 Pathogen-induced changes in membrane permeability - 13 Effects of invasion on plant growth - 14 Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. Course Title FACULTY of AGRICULTURE Biotechnology and Plant Protection Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Phytopathology Code Term ZBK-620 II Spring Course Prerequisites Name of Instructors Instructor Information Level Type Language PhD Opt. Turkish Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit Lecture 3 0 3 10 None Prof. Dr. Kemal BENLİOĞLU, Prof. Dr. Hüseyin BAŞPINAR, Doç. Dr. M. Nedim DOĞAN Adnan Menderes Ünversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi 09100 Aydın Tel: 256 7727023 [email protected]@[email protected] Course provides information on advances in application of agricultural biotechnology to control Course Objective diseases, pests and weeds of important crops. Genes involved in plant protection, commercially and brief available transgenic plants in the World, advantages and disadvantages of transgenic crops and Description good agricultural practices for genetically modified plants are also mentioned. Textbook and Supplementary readings 1 Gatehouse, A. M. R., V. A. Hilder and Boulter D. Plant Genetic Manipulation for Crop Protection, C.A.B. International, 1992. ISBN 0-85198-707-9 2 Babaoğlu, M., E. Gürel, S. Özcan, 2002. Bitki Biyoteknolojisi, Cilt I, Doku Kültürü ve Uygulamaları. Selçuk Üniversitesi Yayınevi, Konya. 3 Özcan, S., E. Gürel, M. Babaoğlu, 2004. Bitki Biyoteknolojisi, Cilt II, Genetik Mühendisliği ve Uygulamaları. Selçuk Üniversitesi Yayınevi, Konya. 4 Donald D. Bills, D. D., 2006. Biotechnology and Plant Protection, Shain-Dow Kung Books, ISBN: 9810218338 COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week Lecture topics 1 Introduction to Agricultural Biotechnology 2 Basic information on molecular techniques and gene transfer 3 Genes involved in plant protection 4 Transgenic microorganisms and agricultural practices 5 Genes for resistance to plant diseases and genetically modified plants 6 Genes for resistance to agricultural pests and genetically modified plants 7 Agricultural practices to control pests and genetically modified plants 8 Quiz 9 Advantages and disadvantages of GMOs resistant to pests 10 General information on herbicides and genes for resistance to herbicides 11 Agricultural practices to control weeds and GMOs 12 Advantages and disadvantages of GMOs resistant to herbicides 13 Regulations on GMOs in Turkey and the world 14 Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. Course Title FACULTY of AGRICULTURE Modern Diagnostic Techniques in Phytobacteriology Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Phytopathology Code Term ZBK-622 II Spring Course Prerequisites Name of Instructors Instructor Information Level PhD Type Language Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit Lecture Opt. Turkish 2 2 To be graduated from Plant Protection Dept. 3 10 Prof. Dr. Kemal BENLİOĞLU Adnan Menderes Ünversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi 09100 Aydın Tel: 256 7727023 [email protected] The course aims at teaching the students to apply serological (double diffusion, ELISA, Course Objective immunofluorscens) and molecular (PCR, BioPCR, RepPCR, Realtime PCR) diagnostic and brief techniques for detection and identification of phytopathogenic prokaryotes in symptomatic and Description symptomless plant propagating material and pure cultures. Textbook and Supplementary readings 1 Schaad, N. W. J. B. Jones, W. Chun, Laboratory Guide for Identification of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria, APS Press, St. Paul, Minnesota, ISBN-0-89054-263-5 2 Gülmezoğlu E., S. Ergüven, 1994. İmmünoloji, Hacettepe Taş Kitapçılık, Ankara ISBN:975-7731-12-9 3 Maniatis, T. A., E. F. Fritsch, J. Sambrook, 1982. Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY. 4 http://www.seedtest.org/en/home.html COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week 1 Lecture topics Use of diagnostic and identification tests for Phytopathogenic prokaryotes Practice/Lab/Field Sample preparation 2 Serology Preparation of reagents for serological tests 3 Classical serological tests (Double diffusion, slide agglutination) Classical serological assays 4 Immunofluorescens Immunofluorescent staining 5 ELISA ELISA 6 Immunoelectrophoresis Immunoelectrophoresis 7 Bacteriophages and diagnostic assays Bacteriophage assays 8 Quiz 9 Molecular techniques DNA extraction 10 Polymerase Chain Reaction PCR assay 11 Rep, PCR, Box-PCR, BioPCR PCR assay 12 RealTime PCR Bio PCR assay 13 Advantages and disadvantages of assays and their practial uses Evaluation of assays 14 Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. Course Title FACULTY of AGRICULTURE Fungicide Resistance Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Phytopathology Code Term Level ZBK-624 II (Spiring) Course Prerequisites Name of Instructors Instructor Information PhD Type Language Lecture Opt. Turkish 2 Fungicides (ZBK-523) should be taken. Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 0 2 8 Prof. Dr. Seher Benlioğlu Adnan Menderes University, Faculty of Agriculture , Plant Protection Depart., 09100-AYDIN [email protected] Course aims to give information on fungicide resistance. Course also contains basic information Course Objective on fungicide groups, their mechanism of actions and risk of resistance.Countmeasures for and brief avoiding fungicide resistance and effective usage strategies of fungicides are also mentioned by Description giving examples in the field of plant protection. Textbook and Supplementary readings 1 Dekker, J. and S.G. Georgopoulos, 1982. Fungicide resistance in crop protection, Wageningen, 264 p. 2 Dekker, J., L.C. Davidse, A. J. Gielink, J.G. M. van Nistelroy, M. A. de Waard, 1982. Fungicide resistance in crop protection, Practical course, Wageningen, 3 http://www.pesticides.gov.uk/uploadedfiles 4 COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week 1 Lecture topics Chemical control of fungal diseases 2 Socio-economic impact of fungicide resistance 3 Detection of fungicide resistance 4 Mechanism of action of fungicides, cross-resistance 5 Resistance to benzimidazole compounds 6 Resistance to dicarboximide fungicides 7 Resistance to ergosterol- biosynthesis inhibitors 8 Quiz 9 Resistance to ergosterol- biosynthesis inhibitors 10 Resistance to acylalanines 11 Estimation of the fungicide resistance 12 Fungicide resistance and microbial balance 13 Countmeasures for avoiding fungicide resistance Practice/Lab/Field 14 Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. Course Title FACULTY of Agriculture Plant-Herbicide Interactions Department Plant Protection Division in the Dept. Phytopathology (Weed Science) Code Term Level Type Language ZBK-640 II PhD Opt. Turkish Lecture 3 None Course Prerequisites Name of Instructors Instructor Information Course Objective and brief Description Credit hours/week Lab Credit ECTS Credit 3 0 10 Dr. M. Nedim DOĞAN ADÜ, Ziraat Fak., Aydin-Turkey, [email protected] The lecture concerns the physiological processes occurring after herbicide application, mode and site of action of herbicides, retention, absorption and metabolisation of herbicides, herbicide selectivity based on herbicide groups. Textbook and Supplementary readings 1 2 3 4 Principles of Weed Science Weed management Integrierte Pflanzenschutz Unkrautbekaempfung COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week Lecture topics 1 Introduction 2 Techniques of herbicide application 3 Relationhsips between plant morphology and herbicide efficacy 5 Relationships between physichochemichal properties of herbicides and efficacy Factors influencig deposition and retention 6 Factors influencing uptake and translocation 7 Factors influencing metabolisation 8 Exam 9 Uptake, translocation and metabolisation of different herbicide groups 10 Uptake, translocation and metabolisation of different herbicide groups 11 Site of herbicide action and selectivity 12 Site of herbicide action and selectivity 13 Site of herbicide action and selectivity 4 Practice/Lab/Field 14 Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these. Course Title FACULTY of AGRİCULTURAL Plant Virus Disease Control Department Plant Pathology Division in the Dept. Phytopathology Credit hours/week Code Term Level Type Language ZBK 644 II (spring) PhD Optional Turkish Lecture Lab Credit 3 0 3 ECTS Credit 10 Course Prerequisites Name of Instructors Instructor Information Serap AÇIKGÖZ Adnan Menderes University Agricultural Faculty Plant Protection Department 09100 AYDIN [email protected] The lesson has cover that genetically engineered virus resistant plants, besides classical control methods as a propagation of virus eliminated plant, exclusion of plant viruses, vector control to prevent of transmission, cross protection and breeding for resistance to plant virus. For this aim that Course Objective and biochemistry of resistance to plant viruses and mechanisms of resistance are explained. However brief Description coat protein , antisense RNA , replicase mediated resistance, ribozyme mediated resistance, satellite RNA mediated resistance and gene inactivation and alternative strategies for engineering virus resistance in plants are expressed. Textbook and Supplementary readings 1 Hadidi A., Khetarpal R.K. and Koganezawa H., Plant Virus Disease Control APS Pres St. Paul, Minnesota 2 Agrios, G.N. 1990 Plant Diseasea Caused by Viruses ,Chapter fourteen in:Plant Pathology 3 4 COURSE CALANDER / SCHEDULE Week 1 2 Lecture topics Economic importance, strategies of control Quarantine and certification ,exclusion of plant viruses Biochemistry of resistance to plant viruses 3 Virus elimination by meristem tip culture and tip micrografting 4 Breeding for resistance to plant viruses 5 Control of plant virus disease by cross-protection 6 Control of vectors to prevent of transmission 7 Advanced Diagnostic tool as an aid to controlling plant virus diseases 8 Mechanisms of resistance to plant viruses 9 Coat protein and replicase mediated resistance to plant viruses 10 Antisense RNA and Ribozyme mediated resistance to plant viruses 11 Satellite RNA and defective RNA mediated resistance to plant viruses Practice/Lab/Field 12 Movement protein mediated resistance to plant virus 13 Alternative strategies for engineering virus resistance in plants (Gene silencing, host resistance gene, antibody mediated to resistance plant virus) 14 Final Exam Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these.
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