BİLGİSAYAR MÜHENDİSLİĞİ BÖLÜMÜ İNGİLİZCE PROGRAMINDA ÇAP YAPACAK PSİKOLOJİ BÖLÜMÜ İNGİLİZCE PROGRAMI ÖĞRENCİLERİ İÇİN DERS PLANI PSİKOLOJİ BÖLÜMÜ İNGİLİZCE PROGRAMI DERS PLANINDAKİ EŞDEĞER DERSLER BİLGİSAYAR MÜHENDİSLİĞİ BÖLÜMÜ İNGİLİZCE PROGRAMI DERS PLANI 1. YARIYIL 1. YARIYIL DERS KODU DERS ADI CSE1001 CSE1003 MCB1001 PHY1001 ATA1001 TR1001 YDI1001 2. YARIYIL Programming I Introduction to Computer Engineering Calculus I Physics I Principles of Ataturk and History of Reforms I Turkish I Foreign Language I AKTS DERS KODU 8 5 5 5 2 2 3 DERS KODU CSE2002 CSE0191 MCB1002 PHY2001 ATA2001 TR2001 YDI2001 3. YARIYIL DERS ADI Programming II Chemistry Calculus II Physics II Principles of Ataturk and History of Reforms II Turkish II Foreign Language II AKTS 8 5 5 5 2 2 3 DERS KODU DERS ADI AKTS DERS KODU CSE3003 CSE3021 MCB1004 CSE3013 CSE3209 Object Oriented Programming Digital Design I Linear Algebra Discrete Structures Academic Writing (English) Non-Technical Elective 4. YARIYIL DERS ADI CSE4014 CSE4061 CSE4050 CSE4023 CSE4024 Data Structures and Algorithms I System Analysis and HCI Design Signals & Systems for Computer Engineers Computer Organization Microprocessors Non-Technical Elective CSE6032 CSE6064 MCB1008 7. YARIYIL DERS KODU CSE7311 CSE7098 CSE7095 8. YARIYIL DERS KODU CSE8090 2 ATA1001 TR1001 YDI1001 2. YARIYIL Principles of Ataturk and History of Reforms I Turkish I Foreign Language I 2 2 3 DERS KODU DERS ADI ATA2001 TR2001 YDI2001 3. YARIYIL Principles of Ataturk and History of Reforms II Turkish II Foreign Language II DERS ADI Operating Systems Database Design and Development Technical Elective* Introduction to Probability and Statistics Web Programming Internship I DERS ADI Technical Electives* Computer Networks Software Engineering Numerical Methods DERS ADI Technical Electives* Presentation Skills (English) Engineering Economics Internship II DERS ADI Graduate Project Technical Electives* SEÇİMLİK ALAN DERSLERİ (SA) DERS KODU DERS ADI Graphical User Interface Design and Development Game Programming Programming Languages Mobile Programming Data Structures and Algorithms II Analysis of Algorithms Embedded Systems Cryptography Digital Design II Parallel and Distributed Programming Robotics Computer Architecture Mobile and Wireless Networks Network Security Control Theory Artifical Intelligence Data Warehouses and Data Mining Machine Learning IT Project Management Image Processing Computer Graphics Multimedia Compression and Processing Software Development with Standards Software Quality & Testing Engineering Ethics & Law Graph Theory & Social Networking Service Science Management & Engineering Special Topics in Computer Engineering Logic Design Introduction to Telecommunications Differential Equations Calculus III Operations Research I Industrial Applications of Nanotechnology Introduction to Renewable Energy Simulation and Modeling 8 5 PHY1001 Physics I 5 2. YARIYIL DERS ADI Non-Technical Elective DERS ADI Programming II Chemistry Calculus II Physics II AKTS 8 5 5 5 AKTS DERS KODU DERS ADI AKTS Object Oriented Programming Digital Design I Linear Algebra Discrete Structures Academic Writing (English) 8 6 5 5 4 2 4. YARIYIL DERS ADI AKTS DERS KODU CSE4014 CSE4061 CSE4050 CSE4023 CSE4024 Non-Technical Elective DERS ADI Data Structures and Algorithms I System Analysis and HCI Design Signals & Systems for Computer Engineers Computer Organization Microprocessors AKTS 8 5 5 5 5 2 5. YARIYIL AKTS DERS KODU 5 6 6 5 6 2 6. YARIYIL DERS ADI AKTS DERS KODU 12 7 6 5 7. YARIYIL DERS ADI AKTS DERS KODU 24 2 2 2 8. YARIYIL DERS ADI AKTS DERS KODU 12 18 DERS ADI AKTS DERS KODU CSE5031 CSE5041 MCB1007 CSE0500 CSE5094 6. YARIYIL AKTS DERS KODU CSE6032 CSE6064 MCB1008 7. YARIYIL AKTS DERS KODU CSE7311 CSE7098 CSE7095 8. YARIYIL AKTS DERS KODU CSE8090 TOPLAM 240 20 DERS ADI DERS ADI Operating Systems Database Design and Development Technical Elective* Introduction to Probability and Statistics Web Programming Internship I DERS ADI Technical Electives* Computer Networks Software Engineering Numerical Methods DERS ADI Technical Electives* Presentation Skills (English) Engineering Economics Internship II DERS ADI Graduate Project Technical Electives* TOPLAM AKTS 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 7 4 4 6 TOPLAM AKTS 5 6 6 5 6 2 AKTS 12 7 6 5 AKTS 24 2 2 2 AKTS 12 18 217 DİKKAT: ÇAP öğrencisinin ikinci anadal ders planından alması gereken derslerin AKTS toplamı en az 60 olmalıdır. EŞDEĞER SEÇİMLİK ALAN DERSLERİ AKTS DERS KODU AKTS Programming I Introduction to Computer Engineering CSE3003 CSE3021 MCB1004 CSE3013 CSE3209 8 5 5 5 5 2 DERS ADI CSE1001 CSE1003 AKTS DERS KODU CSE2002 CSE0191 MCB1002 PHY2001 2 2 3 3. YARIYIL 5. YARIYIL TOPLAM CSE0403 CSE0404 CSE0405 CSE0406 CSE0415 CSE0416 CSE0420 CSE0421 CSE0422 CSE0425 CSE0426 CSE0427 CSE0433 CSE0434 CSE0435 CSE0440 CSE0442 CSE0443 CSE0444 CSE0451 CSE0452 CSE0453 CSE0462 CSE0463 CSE0495 CSE0496 CSE0497 CSE0499 EE3202 EE4401 MCB1005 MCB1003 IE4201 IE0607 IE0608 IE7203 Matematik AKTS DERS KODU 5. YARIYIL MCB1007 CSE0500 CSE5094 6. YARIYIL DERS KODU AKTS DERS KODU 4. YARIYIL DERS KODU DERS KODU CSE5031 CSE5041 1. YARIYIL DERS ADI PSK1003 8 6 5 6 3 2 ÇAP ÖĞRENCİSİNİN BİLGİSAYAR MÜHENDİSLİĞİ BÖLÜMÜ İNGİLİZCE PROGRAMI DERS PLANINDAN ALMAK ZORUNDA OLDUĞU DERSLER 0 Öğretim dili Türkçe olan programlardan Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü İngilizce Programına çift anadal başvurusu için öğrencilerden en az 75 TOEFL ya da 6 IELTS ya da 80 YDS (KPDS-ÜDS) puanı almaları istenilecektir.
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