ABDURRAHMAN KAMURAN KADIPAŞAOĞLU Doğum Tarihi: 30 Eylül 1959 Öğrenim Durumu: Lise Saint Joseph Fransız Erkek 1971-77 Lisans BOĞAZİÇİ ÜNİVERSİTESİ 1977-81 Makine Mühendisliği Y. Lisans (Tezli) BOĞAZİÇİ ÜNİVERSİTESİ 1981-84 Makine Mühendisliği Tek Aşamalı Bir Gaz Prof.Dr. Muhsin Türbinin Performans Mengütürk Hesaplanması ve Boğaziçi Ü Performansın Eniyileştirilmesi Doktora Clemson University Biyomühendislik Dirofilaria immitis (Köpek kalpkurdu) Yüzeyinin Antijenik Tanımlanması 1985-89 Doç.Dr. Fertaç Bilge Clemson U Yüksek Lisans Tez Başlığı ve Tez Danışmanları: Kadıpaşaoğlu, K.A., Computer Models for Estimating the Performance of a Given Axial-Flow Gas Turbine Stage and for Optimizing the Efficiency, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, 1984. Danışmanlar: Doç. Dr. Muhsin Mengütürk (Tez Danışmanı), Doç. Dr. Vural Altın, Yrd. Doç. Dr. Taner Derbentli Doktora Tezi ve Danışmanları: Kadıpaşaoğlu, K.A., Ultrastructural and Antigenic Composition of Dirofilaria Immitis Cuticle: A Study in Nematode Hemocompatibility, Clemson University, 1989. Prof. Fertaç Bilge (Tez Danışmanı), Prof. James Zimmerman, Prof. D. Powers, Prof. F. Stutzenberger Akademik Görevler: Öğretim Elemanı (Doçent) Öğretim Görevlisi Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi Research Professor Medical School, University of Pittsburgh University of Houston Adjunct Professor 20132009-2013 2006-2008 2004-2006 Assistant Director Cardiovascular Research Labs Texas Heart Institute 2001-2005 Instructor University of Texas Medical School at Houston 1992-2004 Director of Laser Research Cardiovascular Research Labs Texas Heart Institute Clemson University Arş.Gör. 1989-2001 1986-1989 Yönetilen Yüksek Lisans Tezleri: Başar Aka Eylül 2013 Ağustos 2014 Motorsuz bir Eksenel Akışlı Sol Karıncık Destek Pompası için Dış Tahrik Mekanizması tasarımı Ahsen Yıldırım Eylül 2012 Mayıs 2014 Bir hidrodinamik kalp-damar simülasyon devresinin geri-beslemeli kontolü Kaan Alper Eylül 2012 Ağustos 2014 Miyokard Kontraktilitesini Girişimsel Olmayan Yöntemle Ölçen Sensör Tasarımı Koral Toptop Eylül 2011 Aralık 2012 Eksenel Akışlı Sol Karıncık Destek Pompasının Hesaplamalı Akışkanlar Dinamiği ile Tasarımı Taha Elibol Eylül 2010 Eylül 2013 Kalp-Damar Sistemi için Hidromekanik Simülasyon Mekanizması Tasarımı Projelerde Yaptığı Görevler: Devam Eden: Yürütücü: Özgün Bir Eksenel Akışlı Sol Ventrikül Destek Pompasının Fiziki Performans Testleri, TÜBİTAK 1001 (Ekim 2013- Haziran 2016) Yürütücü: Mekanik Dolaşım Desteği İle Sol Ventrikül-Atardamar Bağlaşık Sistem Veriminin İyileştirilmesi, TÜBİTAK 1001 (Kasım 2011- Kasım 2013) Yürütücü: Kalbin Dört Boyutlu Modeli ve Hemodinamik Haritalanması SAN-TEZ (Aralık 2010- Temmuz 2013) Sonlandırılmış: Scientific Consultant, A Novel Approach to Total Cardiac Replacement with Dual Continuous Flow Pumps, NHLBI Projesi, #R01HL085054-01A1, 2008-2011. Co-Investigator, Development and Testing of a Miniature MagLev VAD for Children and Adults, NHLBI Projesi, NHLBI, No.2, R44 HL074628-02, 2004-2006. Principle Investigator, Evaluation of OTS Life Cradle Heart Preservation System, Organ Transport Systems Inc. Projesi, N/A, 2004-2005. Son üç yılda verdiği lisans ve lisansüstü düzeydeki dersler Yıl Dönem Ders Adı Kredi Öğr. İçerik 2011-2012 Güz Cardiovascular 3 0 Mechanics 2011-2012 Güz Capstone Project I 2011-2012 Bahar Introduction to 2 2 Mechatronics Engineering 2011-2012 Bahar Biofeedback Systems 30 2011-2012 Bahar Capstone Project I 14 2012-2013 Güz Cardiovascular 3 0 Mechanics Biomaterials 3 0 2012-2013 Güz 2012-2013 Güz Bioengineering Graduate Research 14 30 10 Mühendislik 3. ve 4. sınıf ve Y. Lisans öğrencileri için: Kalp-Damar sisteminin anatomi ve fizyolojisi, sistemde oluşan basınç-akış-hacim ilişkileri; kalbin iş, güç ve metabolik veriminin modellenmesi ve optimizasyonu 50+ Son sınıf Mekatronik Mühendisliği öğrencileri için: Bitirme projesi yazma ve yürütme yetkinliklerinin kazandırılması 110+ Birinci sınıf Mekatronik Mühendisliği öğrencileri için: Mekanik, Hidrolik, Elektrik, ve Torsiyonel Sistemlere giriş; birinci ve ikinci derece türevsel denklemlerin analitik ve nümerik metodlarla çözümü; bu çözümlerin fiziki sistem davranış analizine uygulanması; istatistikte mühendislik uygulamalarına giriş; bitirme projesi. 15+ Mühendislik 3. ve 4. sınıf ve Y. Lisans öğrencileri için: Fizyolojik sistemlerde geri-beslemeli kontrol mekanizmalarının modellenmesi: Kas-İskelet Sistemi, Kalp-Damar Sistemi, Nöro-Hormonal Sistem, Solunum Sistemi, Glükoz-İnsülin Mekanizması 10+ Son sınıf Mekatronik Mühendisliği öğrencileri için 10 11 11 Mühendislik 3. ve 4. sınıf öğrencileri ve Y. LisansDoktora öğrencileri için: Biyomühendislik Y. Lisans öğrencileri için: Metalik, Polimerik, Seramik ve kompozit tabanlı malzemelerin mikroskopik ve makroskopik yapısı; malzemenin bu yapıdan kaynaklanan kimyasal, mekanik ve spektroskopik özellikleri; bu malzemelerden üretilen protezlerin biyolojik ortamla etkileşimleri; bağışıklık sisteminin yabancı maddelere (ve biyomalzemelere) karşı kullandığı savunma mekanizmaları; protezden minimum in situ reaktivite ve maksimum işlevsel verim elde edilmesine yönelik mühendislik imalat teknikleri ve klinik stratejiler. Yüksek Lisans ve Doktora öğrencilerinin tez ve disertasyonlarını hazırlama ve yürütme yöntemleri hakkında bilgilendirilmesi: Problem belirleme, Literatür taraması ve kritik değerlendirme, Literatürde boşluk belirleme, Amaç, Özgün Değer, Yaygın Etki, Metod, Sonuç, Tartışma Referanslama Yıl Dönem Ders Adı 2012-2013 Bahar 2012-2013 Bahar 2012-2013 Güz Biofeedback Systems Graduate Seminar Kredi Öğr. İçerik 30 3 20 9 Cardiovascular 3 0 Mechanics 12 Mühendislik 3. ve 4. sınıf ve Y. Lisans öğrencileri için Y. Lisans ve Doktora seviyesindeki öğrenciler için: Tez ve disertasyonlarını bölüme sözlü olarak sunmaları, ayrıca ulusal ve uluslarası kaynaklara Araştırma Fonu başvurularını yazılı olarak sunmaları için gereken yetkinliklerin öğretilmesi; Biyo-istatistik Metotları Mühendislik 3. ve 4. sınıf öğrencileri ve Y. LisansDoktora öğrencileri için 2012-2013 Güz Introduction 2 2 to Biomedical Engineering 57 Biomedical Engineering Bölümü 1. sınıf Lisans öğrencileri için 2013-2014 Bahar Biomaterials 3 0 11 2012-2013 Bahar Graduate Seminar 9+ Biomedical Engineering Bölümü 2.sınıf Lisans öğrencileri için Y. Lisans ve Doktora seviyesindeki öğrenciler için: Diğer tüm Lisans sınıf ve bölümlerinden ilgilenen öğrencilerin de katılımıyla 20 İdari Görevler: Yardımcı Editör (Associate Editor) Executive Director, Cardiac Surgery Research Member Faculty Organizational Committee Türk Göğüs Kalp Damar Cerrahisi Dergisi The Heart, Lung and Esophageal Surgery Institute, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), University of Pittsburgh McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine (MIRM) McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine (MIRM) Annual Retreat 2009-2012 2007-2008 2007-2008 2007-2008 2008- Scientific Consultant Texas Heart Institute 2006- Owner/President Asia Minor Collectibles, Inc. 2005-2007 Texas Heart Institute 1999-2005 Texas Heart Institute 1989-1999 Texas Heart Institute 1996-2005 Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, Biyomedikal Mühendislik Enstitüsü 1984-1985 Türk Deniz Yolları İşletmeleri 1981-1982 Assistant Director, CV Surgery Research Senior Scientist, Director of Laser Research Director, Clinical TMLR Training Program Makine Mühendisi, Yardımcı Editör 4. Mühendis, Rauf Bey Tankeri Bilimsel Kuruluşlara Üyelikler: Rotary Club of Houston International Advisory Committee, Turkish Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgical Society American Society for Artificial Internal Organs (ASAIO) 2005- 1991- American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery (Fellow/Member) 1990- Society for Biomaterials 1988- 2001- Ödüller: American Turkish Association, Houston Chapter, “Exceptional Service Award”, 2006. ESERLER A. Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler 1. Kirişli, HA., et al., “Standardized Evaluation Framework for Evaluating Coronary Artery Stenosis Detection, Stenosis Quantification and Lumen Segmentation Algorithms in Computed Tomography Angiography”, Medical Image Analysis, 17 (8), 859-876, 2013. 2. Unay, D., Harmankaya, İ., Öksüz, İ., Çubuk, R., Çelik, L., Kadıpaşaoğlu, KA., “Model-free Automatic Segmentation of the Aortic Valve in Multi-slice Computed Tomography Images” (Accepted in Expert Systems with Applications). 3. K.Toptop, K.A. Kadipasaoglu,, "Design and Numeric Evaluation of a Novel AxialFlow Left Ventricular Assist Device", The American Society of Artificial Internal Organs (ASAIO) Journal (ISI) , 230-239 pp., 2013 , DOI: 10.1097/MAT.0b013e31828a6bc1 4. H.A. Khalil, D.T. Kerr, M.A. Franchek, R.W. Metcalfe, R.J. Benkowski, W.E. Cohn, E. Tuzun, B. Radovancevic, O.H. Frazier, K.A. Kadipasaoglu,, "Continuous Flow Total Artificial Heart: Modeling and Feedback Control in a Mock Circulatory System", The American Society of Artificial Internal Organs (ASAIO) Journal (ISI) , 249-255 pp., 2008 , DOI: 10.1097/MAT.0b013e3181739b70 5. O.H. Frazier, E. Tuzun, W.E. Cohn, J.L. Conger, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, "Total Heart Replacement Using Dual Intracorporeal Continuous-Flow Pumps in a Chronic Bovine Model: A Feasibility Study", The American Society of Artificial Internal Organs (ASAIO) Journa (ISI) , 145-149 pp., 2006 , DOI: 10.1097/01.mat.0000196827.61241.07 6. M. Ferrari, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, M. Croitoru, J. Conger, T. Myers, I. Gregoric, B. Radovancevic, G.V. Letsou, O.H. Frazier, "Evaluation of Myocardial Function in Patients With End-Stage Heart Failure During Support With the Jarvik 2000 Left Ventricular Assist Device", The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation (ISI) , 226-228 pp., 2005 , DOI: 10.1016/j.healun.2003.09.044 7. K. Eya, E. Tuzun, J. Conger, H.K. Chee, D. Byler, C. Nojiri, O.H. Frazier, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, "Effect of Pump Flow Mode of Novel Left Ventricular Assist Device Upon End Organ Perfusion in Dogs With Doxorubicin Induced Heart Failure", The American Society of Artificial Internal Organs (ASAIO) Journal (ISI) , 41-49 pp., 2005 , DOI: 10.1097/01.MAT.0000150510.03339.AD 8. E. Tuzun, I.D. Gregoric, J.L. Conger, K. Golden, R. Jarvik, O.H. Frazier, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, "The Effect of Intermittent Low Speed Mode Upon Aortic Valve Opening in Calves Supported With a Jarvik 2000 Axial Flow Device", The American Society of Artificial Internal Organs (ASAIO) Journal (ISI) , 139-143 pp., 2005 , DOI: 10.1097/01.MAT.0000155708.75802.C7 9. O.H. Frazier, E. Tuzun, W. Cohn, D. Tamez, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, "Total Heart Replacement with Dual Centrifugal Ventricular Assist Devices", The American Society of Artificial Internal Organs (ASAIO) Journal (ISI) , 224-229 pp., 2005 , DOI: 10.1097/01.MAT.0000160400.84250.87 10. K.A. Kadipasaoglu, I.D. Gregoric, O.H. Frazier, "Reply to Letter from Dr. Richard Bianco regarding Gregoric ID, Frazier OH, Tamez D, et al: Thrombogenicity of Mechanical Aortic Valves in an Animal Model: Site Specific Testing is Crucial", The American Society of Artificial Internal Organs (ASAIO) Journal, Vol. 51(1) (ISI) , 122 pp., 2005 , DOI: false 11. K.A. Kadipasaoglu, E. Tuzun, "Reply to Letter to Editor from Dr. Akif Undar regarding Eya K, Tuzun E, Conger J, et al: Effect of Pump Flow Mode of Novel Left Ventricular Assist Device Upon End Organ Perfusion in Dogs With Doxorubicin Induced Heart Failure", The American Society of Artificial Internal Organs (ASAIO) Journal, Vol. 51(3) (ISI) , 305-306 pp., 2005 , DOI: false 12. H.K. Chee, E. Tuzun, M. Ferrari, J.L. Conger, R.F. Stainback, A. Hernandez, N. Bruno, N.L. Shah, D. Tamez, K. Eya, L.L. Clark, W.K. Vaughn, I.D. Gregoric, O.H. Frazier, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, "Baseline Hemodynamic and Echocardiographic Indices in Anesthetized Calves", The American Society of Artificial Internal Organs (ASAIO) Journal, Vol. 50(3) (ISI) , 267-271 pp., 2004 , DOI: 10.1097/01.MAT.0000125491.26576.01 13. I. Gregoric, J.L. Conger, H. Reul, D. Tamez, F.J. Clubb, R.F. Stainback, A. Hernandez, R. Cervera, K. Eya, D. Byler, N.K. Bruno, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, O.H. Frazier, "Preclinical Assessment of a Trileaflet Mechanical Valve in the Mitral Position in a Calf Model", The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, Vol. 77 (ISI) , 196-202 pp., 2004 , DOI: 10.1016/S0003-4975(03)01300-6 14. E. Tuzun, K. Eya, H.K. Chee, J.L. Conger, N.K. Bruno, O.H. Frazier, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, "Myocardial Hemodynamics, Physiology, and Perfusion With an Axial Flow Left Ventricular Assist Device in the Calf", The American Society of Artificial Internal Organs (ASAIO) Journal, Vol. 50 (ISI) , 47-53 pp., 2004 , DOI: 10.1097/01.MAT.0000104819.23235.2F 15. I.D. Gregoric, K. Eya, D. Tamez, R. Cervera, D. Byler, J. Conger, E. Tuzun, H.K. Chee, F.J. Clubb, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, O.H. Frazier, "Preclinical Hemodynamic Assessment of a New Trileaflet Mechanical Valve in the Aortic Position in a Bovine Model", The Journal of Heart Valve Disease, Vol. 13(2) (ISI) , 254-259 pp., 2004 , DOI: false 16. I.D. Gregoric, O.H. Frazier, D. Tamez, E. Tuzun, N.L. Shah, F.J. Clubb, H.K. Chee, K. Eya, D. Byler, J. Conger, R. Cervera, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, "Thrombogenicity of Mechanical Aortic Valves in an Animal Model: Site Specific Testing is Crucial", The Society of Artificial Internal Organs (ASAIO) Journal, Vol. 50(4) (ISI) , 376-380 pp., 2004 , DOI: 10.1097/01.MAT.0000132748.13431.7C 17. O.H. Frazier, E. Tuzun, H. Eichstadt, S.W. Boyce, A.M. Lansing, R.J. March, M. Sartori, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, "Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization as an Adjunct to Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting: A Randomized, Multicenter Study with 4-Year Follow-Up", Texas Heart Institute Journal, Vol. 31(3) (ISI) , 231-239 pp., 2004 , DOI: false 18. M. Kindo, B. Radovancevic, I.D. Gregoric, J.L. Conger, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, D.A. Tamez, S.R. Moore, K.A. Golden, K. Robert, O.H. Frazier, "Biventricular Support With the Jarvik 2000 Ventricular Assist Device in a Calf Model of Pulmonary Hypertension", The Society of Artificial Internal Organs (ASAIO) Journal, Vol. 50(5) (ISI) , 444-450 pp., 2004 , DOI: 10.1097/01.MAT.0000139304.34821.F1 19. D. Rosenstrauch, H.M. Akay, H. Bolukoğlu, L. Behrens, L. Bryant, P. Herrera, K. Eya, E. Tuzun, F.J. Clubb, B. Radovancevic, O.H. Frazier, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, "Ex Vivo Resuscitation of Adult Pig Hearts", Texas Heart Institute Journal, Vol. 30(2) (ISI) , 121-127 pp., 2003 , DOI: false 20. I. Gregoric, G. Messner, W.J. Couto, M. Sartori, R. Cervera, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, O.H. Frazier, "Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting and Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization via a Left Thoracotomy", Texas Heart Institute Journal, Vol. 30(1) (ISI) , 13-18 pp., 2003 , DOI: false 21. K.A. Horvath, S.F. Aranki, L.H. Cohn, R.J. March, O.H. Frazier, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, S.W. Boyce, B.W. Lytle, K.P. Landolfo, J.E. Lowe, B. Hattler, B.P. Griffith, A.M. Lansing, "Correspondence: Transmyocardial and Percutaneous Myocardial Laser Revascularization: Response", Circulation, Vol. 105(10) (ISI) , E171-E172 pp., 2002 , DOI: 10.1161/01.CIR.0000016122.19950.E9 22. K.A. Horvath, S.F. Aranki, L.H. Cohn, R.J. March, O.H. Frazier, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, S.W. Boyce, B.W. Lytle, K.P. Landolfo, J.E. Lowe, B. Hattler, B.P. Griffith, A.M. Lansing, "Sustained Angina Relief 5 Years after Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization with a CO(2) Laser", Circulation, Vol. 104(12 Supp1) (ISI) , I81I84 pp., 2001 , DOI: 10.1161/hc37tl.094774 23. D. Baykut, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, H. Bolukoglu, M.M. Gebhard, O.H. Frazier, H.R. Zerkowski, "Intravascular Detection of Ischemia by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy", Asian Cardiovascular and Thoracic Annals, Vol. 9(4) , 296-301 pp., 2001 , DOI: false 24. D. Baykut, U. Guller, M.M. Gebhard, K. Kadipasaoglu, H.R. Zerkowski, O.H. Frazier, "Intravascular Detection of Myocardial Ischemia by Spectrometry in the Near Infrared Spectrum in Experimental Animals", Archives des Maladies du Coeur et des Vaisseaux Pratique, Vol. 94(9) (ISI) , 995-1000 pp., 2001 , DOI: false 25. D. Baykut, M.M. Gebhard, H. Bolukoglu, K. Kadipasaoglu, S. Hennes, O.H. Frazier, A. Krian, "Online Detection of Myocardial Ischemia by Near Infrared Spectroscopy with a Fiberoptic Catheter", Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon, Vol. 49(3) (ISI) , 162-166 pp., 2001 , DOI: 10.1055/s-2001-14294 26. K.A. Kadipasaoglu, M. Sartori, T. Masai, H.B. Cihan, F.J. Clubb, J.L. Conger, O.H. Frazier, "Intraoperative Arrhythmias and Tissue Damage During Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization", Annals of Thoracic Surgery, Vol. 67(2) (ISI) , 423-431 pp., 1999 , DOI: 10.1016/S0003-4975(98)01135-7 27. K.A. Horvath, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, "Correspondence: Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization", Lancet, Vol. 353(9165) (ISI) , 1704-1705 pp., 1999 , DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(05)77013-6 28. K.A. Kadipasaoglu, O.H. Frazier, "Invited Commentary: Are There Vascular Density Gradients along Myocardial Laser Channels?", Annals of Thoracic Surgery, Vol. 68 (ISI) , 130 pp., 1999 , DOI: 10.1016/S0003-4975(99)00462-2 29. K.A. Kadipasaoglu, O.H. Frazier, "Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization: Effect of Laser Parameters on Tissue Ablation and Cardiac Perfusion", Seminars in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Vol. 11(1) (ISI) , 4-11 pp., 1999 , DOI: 10.1053/S10430679(99)70012-2 30. O.H. Frazier, R.J. March, K.A. Horvath for the Transmyocardial Carbon Dioxide Laser Revascularization Study Group; A.M. Lancing, L.H. Cohn, S.F. Aranki, G. Fontana, B.W. Lytle, C. Smith, K.P. Landolfo, J.E. Lowe, J.R. Crew, M.R. Mirhoseini, D.A. Cooley, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, B.P. Griffith, B. Hattler, S.W. Boyce, "Transmyocardial Revascularization with a Carbon Dioxide Laser in Patients with End Stage Coronary Artery Disease", New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 341(14) (ISI) , 1021-1028 pp., 1999 , DOI: false 31. O.H. Frazier, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, B. Radovancevic, H.B. Cihan, R.J. March, M. Mirhoseini, D.A. Cooley, "Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization in Allograft Coronary Artery Disease", Annals of Thoracic Surgery, Vol. 65(4) (ISI) , 1138-1141 pp., 1998 , DOI: 10.1016/S0003-4975(98)00022-8 32. O.H. Frazier, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, "Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization as a New Therapeutic Option for Refractory Coronary Artery Occlusive Disease", European Heart Journal, Vol. 19(10) (ISI) , 1420 pp., 1998 , DOI: false 33. O.H. Frazier, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, D.A. Cooley, "Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization: Does it Have a Role in the Treatment of Ischemic Heart Disease?", Texas Heart Institute Journal, Vol.25(1) (ISI) , 24-29 pp., 1998 , DOI: false 34. K.A. Kadipasaoglu, "Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization (TMLR)", Therapeutic Laser Applications, Biomedical Optical Spectroscopy and Diagnostics, Optical Society of America, Vol. 22 , 283-285 pp., 1998 , DOI: false 35. K. Dedic, T. Klima, D.A. Cooley, O.H. Frazier, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, H.B. Cihan, "Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization: Histopathological Findings", Cardiovascular Pathology, Vol. 7(2) (ISI) , 63-67 pp., 1998 , DOI: 10.1016/S10548807(97)00061-6 36. K.A. Kadipasaoglu, S. Pehlivanoglu, J.L. Conger, E. Sasaki, D.H. De Villalobos, M. Cloy, V. Piluiko, F.J. Clubb, D.A. Cooley, O.H. Frazier, "Long- and Short-Term Effects of Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization in Acute Myocardial Ischemia", Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, Vol. 20(1) (ISI) , 6-14 pp., 1997 , DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1096-9101(1997)20:1<6::AID-LSM2>3.0.CO;2-U 37. E.D. Jensen, M. Frenz, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, T.J. Pfefer, H.J. Altermatt, M. Motamedi, A.J. Welch, "Laser-Tissue Interaction During Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization", The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, Vol. 63 (ISI) , 640-647 pp., 1997 , DOI: 10.1016/S0003-4975(96)01143-5 38. F.C. Schoebel, O.H. Frazier, G.A.J. Jessurun, M.J.L. De Jongste, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, T.W. Jax, M.P. Heintzen, D.A. Cooley, B.E. Strauer, M. Leschke, "Refractory Angina Pectoris in End-Stage Coronary Artery Disease: Evolving Therapeutic Concepts", American Heart Journal, Vol. 134(4) (ISI) , 587-602 pp., 1997 , DOI: 10.1016/S00028703(97)70040-1 39. V.S. Patel, B. Radovancevic, W. Springer, O.H. Frazier, E. Massin, J. Benrey, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, D.A. Cooley, "Revascularization Procedures in Patients With Transplant Coronary Artery Disease", European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Vol. 11 (ISI) , 895-901 pp., 1997 , DOI: 10.1016/S1010-7940(97)01167-6 40. K.A. Horvath, L.H. Cohn, D.A. Cooley, J.R. Crew, O.H. Frazier, B.P. Griffith, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, A. Lansing, F. Mannting, R. March, M.R. Mirhoseini, C. Smith, "Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization: Results of a Multicenter Trial With Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization Used as Sole Therapy for End-Stage Coronary Artery Disease", The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Vol. 113(4) (ISI) , 645-654 pp., 1997 , DOI: 10.1016/S0022-5223(97)70221-6 41. E. Barasch, J.L. Conger, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, J.J. Peters, K. Nesdahl, J.G. Fenimore, J.M. Wilson, W.K. Vaughn, J.J. Ferguson, "PTCA in Angulated Segments: Effects of Balloon Material, Balloon Length, and Inflation Sequence on Straightening Forces in an In Vitro Model", Catheterization and Cardiovascular Diagnosis, Vol. 39(2) (ISI) , 207-212 pp., 1996 , DOI: false 42. D.A. Cooley, O.H. Frazier, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, M.H. Lindenmeir, S. Pehlivaoglu, J.W. Kolff, S. Wilansky, W.H. Moore, "Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization: Clinical Experience with 12-Month Follow-Up", The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Vol. 111 (ISI) , 791-799 pp., 1996 , DOI: 10.1016/S00225223(96)70339-2 43. O.H. Frazier, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, "Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization", Current Opinion in Cardiology Vol. 11(6) (ISI) , 564-567 pp., 1996 , DOI: false 44. O.H. Frazier, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, "Invited Commentary on: Histologic Appearance of Transmyocardial Laser Channels After 4½ Weeks", The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, Vol. 61(5) , 1534-1535 pp., 1996 , DOI: 10.1016/0003-4975(96)00090-2 45. O.H. Frazier, D.A. Cooley, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, S. Pehlivanoglu, M. Lindenmeir, E. Barasch, J.L. Conger, S. Wilansky, W.H. Moore, "Myocardial Revascularization With Laser: Preliminary Findings", Circulation, Vol. 92(9) (ISI) , II58-II65 pp., 1995 , DOI: 10.1161/01.CIR.92.9.58 46. D.A. Cooley, O.H. Frazier, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, S. Pehlivanoglu, R.L. Shannon, P. Angelini, "Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization: Anatomic Evidence of LongTerm Channel Patency", Texas Heart Institute Journal, Vol. 21(3) (ISI) , 220-224 pp., 1994 , DOI: false 47. E. Sasaki, J.L. Conger, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, S. Pehlivanoglu, O.H. Frazier, "Simultaneous Evaluation of Cardiac Wall Motion and Myocardial Ischemic Injury by Measurement of Electrical Impedance", The American Society of Artificial Internal Organs (ASAIO) Journal, Vol. 40(3) (ISI) , M826-M829 pp., 1994 , DOI: false 48. K.A. Kadipasaoglu, G.W. Bennink, J.L. Conger, S. Birovljev, M. Sartori, F.J. Clubb, H. Noda, J.J. Ferguson, O.H. Frazier, "An Ex Vivo Model for the Reperfusion of Explanted Human Hearts", Texas Heart Institute Journal, Vol. 20(1) (ISI) , 33-39 pp., 1993 , DOI: false 49. K.A. Kadipasaoglu, F.H. Bilge ve R.E. Baier, "Determination of the Role of Cuticular Carbohydrates in the Hemocompatibility of Dirofilaria Immitis (Nematoda)", Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Vol. 27 (ISI) , 207-216 pp., 1993 , DOI: 10.1002/jbm.820270210 50. P. Capek, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, B. Radovancevic, F.J. Clubb, T.J. Myers, M.J. Duncan, J.H. McAllister, O.H. Frazier, "Human Intraperitoneal Response to Left Ventricular Assist Device with Ti-6A1-4V Alloy Surface", The American Society of Artificial Internal Organs (ASAIO) Journal, Vol. 38(3) (ISI) , M543-M549 pp., 1992 , DOI: false 51. O.H. Frazier, E.B. Diethrich, B. Johansson, J.L. Conger, C.M. Burnett, A. Bylock, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, "Preliminary Results of Intraoperative Excimer Laser Angioplasty: Phase I: An Adjunct to Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery", Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, Vol. 12 (ISI) , 7-12 pp., 1992 , DOI: false 52. K.A. Kadipasaoglu, S. Rastegar, M. Sartori, L.E. Watson, F.J. Clubb, J.L. Conger, W.D. Hare, B. Edelen, M.S. Moore, O.H. Frazier, "In Vitro Ablation of Human Aorta Under Saline and Blood with the Holmium: YAG Laser", Lasers in the Life Sciences, Vol. 5(1-2) (ISI) , 95-112 pp., 1992 , DOI: false 53. R.T. Baldwin, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, L.L. Gordon, N. Furusho, R. Matsuwaka, J.L. Conger, S.M. Parnis, W.D. Hare, F.J. Clubb, O.H. Frazier, S. Slogoff, "The Development of a Clinically Relevant Canine Model of Postperfusion Syndrome", The American Society of Artificial Internal Organs (ASAIO) Journal, Vol. 37 (ISI) , M484-M485 pp., 1991 , DOI: false 54. F.H. Bilge, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, C.M. McCormick, R.E. Baier, "Surface Characterization of the Cuticle of Dirofilaria Immitis", Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Vol. 23 (ISI) , 1027-1047 pp., 1989 , DOI: 10.1002/jbm.820230905 55. K.A. Kadipasaoglu, F.H. Bilge, "Partial Characterization of the Adsorbed Protein Layer on Dirofilaria Immitis (Nematoda) Cuticle", Parasitology Research, Vol. 75 (ISI) , 554-558 pp., 1989 , DOI: 10.1007/BF00931165 B. Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitaplarında (proceedings) basılan bildiriler 1. I. Harmankaya, I. Oksuz, D. Unay, K. Kadıpasaoglu, 21st Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU) konferansı dahilinde "IEEE Procedings" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Automated Aortic Supravalvular Sinus Detection in Conventional Computed Tomography Image", TBD pp., Girne (KKTC), 2013 2. I. Oksuz, D. Unay, K. Kadipasaoglu, 21st Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU) konferansı dahilinde "IEEE Procedings" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Region Growing on Frangi Vesselness Values in 3-D CTA Data", TBD pp., Girne, KKTC, 2013 3. M.E. Sezer, M.B. Gur, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, ASAIO 58th Annual Conference konferansı dahilinde "ASAIO Journal Vol. 58 (Issue 3, May/June)" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Feedback Control of a Left-Ventricular Assist Device", 44 pp., San Francisco, CA, 30 Nisan 2012 4. E.G. Eken, S. Seker, E.M. Sezer, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, ASAIO 58th Annual Conference konferansı dahilinde "ASAIO Journal Vol. 58 (Issue 3, May/June)" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Elastance-driven Mock Circuit Controlled with Variable Arterial Capacitance and Resistance", 32 pp., San Francisco, CA, 30 Nisan 2012 5. K. Toptop, K.A. Kadıpaşaoğlu, ASAIO 58th Annual Conference konferansı dahilinde "ASAIO Journal Vol. 58 (Issue 3, May/June)" bildiri kitapçığındaki "The First Turkish Axial-Flow LVAD: Initial Design and Numeric Analysis", 32 pp., San Francisco, CA, 30 Nisan 2012 6. I. Oksuz, D. Unay, K. Kadipasaoglu, 15th Int. Conference on Medical Image Computing- Workshop on 3D Cardiovascular Imaging: A MICCAI Segmentation Challenge and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) konferansı dahilinde "MICCAI Procedings" bildiri kitapçığındaki "A Hybrid Method for Coronary Artery Stenosis Detection and Quantification in CTA Images", TBD pp., Nice, France, 2012 7. A. Aksu, M.B. Gur, M.E. Sezer, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, ASAIO 57th Annual Conference konferansı dahilinde "ASAIO Journal Vol. 57(2)" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Feedback Controlled Induction of Axial-Flow LVAD Pulsatility to Optimize Instantaneous Perfusion under Normal or Failing Physiologies in a Coupled Ventriculoarterial Model", 85A pp., Washington, DC, Haziran 2011 8. T. Elibol, I. Seven, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, ASAIO 56th Annual Conference konferansı dahilinde "ASAIO Journal Vol. 56(2)" bildiri kitapçığındaki "A Fontan-Type Mock Circuit With Heterometric Autoregulation", 127A pp., Baltimore, MD, Mayıs 2010 9. H.A. Khalil, M.A. Franchek, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, R.W. Metcalfe, R.J. Benkowski, O.H. Frazier, ASAIO 52nd Annual Conference konferansı dahilinde "ASAIO Journal Vol. 52(2)" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Feedback Control of the Continuous Flow Total Artificial Heart", 37A pp., Chicago, IL, Haziran 2006 10. H.A. Khalil, W. Cohn, R.J. Benkowski, R.W. Metcalfe, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, O.H. Frazier, ASAIO 52nd Annual Conference konferansı dahilinde "ASAIO Journal Vol. 52(2)" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Preload Sensitivity of Continuous Flow Ventricular Assist Devices: Application to the Total Artificial Heart", 41A pp., Chicago, IL, Haziran 2006 11. H.A. Khalil, R.W. Metcalfe, O.H. Frazier, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, ASAIO 52nd Annual Conference konferansı dahilinde "ASAIO Journal Vol. 52(2)" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Mock Circulatory System for the Continuous Flow Total Artificial Heart", 42A pp., Chicago, IL, Haziran 2006 12. O.H. Frazier, E. Tuzun, C. Gemmato, W.E. Cohn, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, B. Radovancevic, ISHLT 26th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions konferansı dahilinde "Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation Vol. 25(2S)" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Dual Continuous Flow Pumps for Total Heart Replacement", S122S123 pp., Madrid, Spain, Nisan 2006 13. H.A. Khalil, M.A. Franchek, R.W. Metcalfe, O.H. Frazier, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, ASAIO 51st Annual Conference konferansı dahilinde "ASAIO Journal Vol. 51(2)" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Simulation of TAH Circuit with Tandem Continuous-Flow Vads", 24A pp., Washington, DC, Haziran 2005 14. O.H. Frazier, E. Tuzun, W.E. Cohn, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, ASAIO 51st Annual Conference konferansı dahilinde "ASAIO Journal Vol. 51(2)" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Total Artificial Heart Utilizing Dual Intracorporeal Continuous Flow Pumps in a Chronic Bovine Model", 24A pp., Washington, DC, Haziran 2005 15. E. Tuzun, K. Eya, J.L. Conger, O.H. Frazier, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, ASAIO 50th Annual Conference konferansı dahilinde "ASAIO Journal Vol. 50(2)" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Impact of Left Ventricular Assist Device Flow Mode on Perfusion of Failing Canine Heart", 150 pp., Washington, DC, Haziran 2004 16. J.L. Conger, C.D. Frasier, O.H. Frazier, K.A. Dasse, S. Richardson, F.J. Clubb, S.R. Moore, K.A. Golden, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, D.J. DiBardino, B. Radovancevic, ASAIO 50th Annual Conference konferansı dahilinde "ASAIO Journal Vol. 50(2)" bildiri kitapçığındaki "In Vivo Evaluation of the Levitronix UltraMag Vas in a Juvenile Ovine Model", 146 pp., Washington, DC, Haziran 2004 17. M. Kindo, B. Radovancevic, J.L. Conger, I.G. Gregoric, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, F.J. Clubb, S.R. Moore, K.A. Golden, R.K. Jarvik, O.H. Frazier, ASAIO 50th Annual Conference konferansı dahilinde "ASAIO Journal Vol. 50(2)" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Long-Term Biventricular Support with an Axial Flow Pump in a Calf Model", 146 pp., Washington, DC, Haziran 2004 18. B. Radovancevic, D. Tamez, B. Vrtovec, D.L. Byler, E. Tuzun, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, O.H. Frazier, ASAIO 49th Annual Conference konferansı dahilinde "ASAIO Journal Vol. 49(2)" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Treatment of Hemorrhagic Shock with a LVAD", 167 pp., Washington, DC, Haziran 2003 19. H.K. Chee, M. Ferrari, J.L. Conger, R.F. Stainback, A. Hernandez, E. Tuzun, N. Bruno, N. Shah, D.L. Byler, L.L. Clark, O.H. Frazier, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, ASAIO 49th Annual Conference konferansı dahilinde "ASAIO Journal Vol. 49(2)" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Baseline Hemodynamic and Echocardiographic Indices in Anesthetized Calve", 174 pp., Washington, DC, Haziran 2003 20. E. Tuzun, K. Eya, H.K. Chee, J.L. Conger, O.H. Frazier, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, ASAIO 49th Annual Conference konferansı dahilinde "ASAIO Journal Vol. 49(2)" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Myocardial Physiology and Regional Perfusion with an Axial-Flow Left Ventricle Assist Device in the Calf", 172 pp., Washington, DC, Haziran 2003 21. I.D. Gregoric, D. Tamez, D.L. Byler, R. Cervera, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, O.H. Frazier, ASAIO 49th Annual Conference konferansı dahilinde "ASAIO Journal Vol. 49(2)" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Site-Specific Heart Valve Testing is Crucial for Design Development", 173 pp., Washington, DC, Haziran 2003 22. K.A. Kadıpaşaoglu, M. Ferrari, M. Croitoru, T.J. Myers, I.D. Gregoric, B. Radovancevic, O.H. Frazier, ISHLT 22nd Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions konferansı dahilinde "Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation Vol. 22 (1, Supplement 1)" bildiri kitapçığındaki "A New Technique for Assessing Myocardial Improvement Using Pressure-Volume Loops during Mechanical Circulatory Assistance", S199 pp., Viyana, Avusturya, Nisan 2003 23. K. Eya, J.L. Conger, E. Tuzun, M. Ferrari, O.H. Frazier, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, ASAIO 48th Annual Conference konferansı dahilinde "ASAIO Journal Vol. 48(2)" bildiri kitapçığındaki "A Closed-Chest Large Animal Model of Dilated Cardiomyopathy for Evaluation of a Novel Left Ventricular Assist Device", 147 pp., New York, Haziran 2002 24. K. Eya, E. Tuzun, M. Ferrari, H.K. Chee, J.L. Conger, O.H. Frazier, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, ASAIO 48th Annual Conference konferansı dahilinde "ASAIO Journal Vol. 48(2)" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Impact of Excessive Unloading of the Left Ventricle by the Jarvik 2000 Heart on Coronary Blood Flow Rate", 149 pp., New York, Haziran 2002 25. J.L. Conger, K. Eya, M. Croitoru, F.J. Clubb, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, B.A. Carabello, S.R. Moore, O.H. Frazier, B. Radovancevic, ASAIO 47th Annual Conference konferansı dahilinde "ASAIO Journal Vol. 47(2)" bildiri kitapçığındaki "VolumeOverload Heart Failure: A Closed-Chest Bovine Model", 138 pp., New York, Haziran 2001 26. M. Croitoru, T.J. Myers, I.D. Gregoric, K. Miller, E. Okmen, C. Alev, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, O.H. Frazier, ASAIO 47th Annual Conference konferansı dahilinde "ASAIO Journal Vol. 47(2)" bildiri kitapçığındaki "End Systolic Pressure-Volume Relationship as Predictor of Ventricular Recovery with Jarvik 2000", 141 pp., New York, Haziran 2001 27. I.D. Gregoric, D. Tamez, K. Eya, F.J. Clubb, M. Croitoru, D. Byler, R. Cervera, J.L. Conger, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, O.H. Frazier, ASAIO 47th Annual Conference konferansı dahilinde "ASAIO Journal Vol. 47(2)" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Comparison of a Mechanical Trileaflet Valve to the Bileaflet Standart: A Bovine Model of Aortic Valve Replacement", 137 pp., New York, Haziran 2001 28. K.A. Horvath, S.F. Aranki, L.H. Cohn, O.H. Frazier, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, S.W. Boyce, B.W. Lytle ve A.M. Lansing, American Heart Association 73rd Scientific Sessions konferansı dahilinde "Circulation 102 (Supplement II)" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Sustained Angina Relief Five Years After Transmyocardial Revascularization with a CO2 Laser", 765 pp., New Orleans, Louisiana, 15 Kasım 2000 29. P. Herrera, D. Rosenstrauch, H. Akay, R. Inman, E. Beyer, O.H. Frazier, B. Radovancevic, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, ASAIO 46th Annual Conference konferansı dahilinde "ASAIO Journal Vol. 46(2)" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Ex-Vivo Resuscitation of Porcine Hearts", 166 pp., New York, Haziran 2000 30. O.H. Frazier, S.W. Boyce, P.G. Barley, K.A. Kadipasaoglu ve R.J. March, American Heart Association, 72nd Scientific Sessions konferansı dahilinde "Circulation 100 (18Supplement I)" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization Using a Synchronized CO2 Laser as Adjunct to Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting: Results of a Prospective, Randomized, Multicenter Trial with 12-month Follow-Up", I-248 pp., Atlanta, Georgia, 2 Kasım, 1999 31. K.A. Horvath, K.A., K.A. Kadipasaoglu, A.M. Lansing, R.J. March, O.H. Frazier for the CO2 TMR Investigators, American Heart Association, 72nd Scientific Sessions konferansı dahilinde "Circulation 100 (18-Supplement I)" bildiri kitapçığındaki "A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial of Transmyocardial Revascularization by CO2 Laser vs. Medical Management", I-248 pp., Atlanta, Georgia, 2 Kasım 1999 32. S.N. Chatziioannou, W.H. Moore, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, O.H. Frazier, P.V. Ford, R.D. Dhekne, A.D. Cooley, 44th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Chapter of the Society of Nuclear Medicine konferansı dahilinde "Clinical Nuclear Medicine" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Impact of Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization Versus Medical Management in Myocardial Perfusion", 213 pp., Santa Fe, New Mexico, Mart 1999 33. K.A. Kadipasaoglu, O.H. Frazier, L.A. Stutts, H.B. Cihan, D.A. Cooley, 17th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference konferansı dahilinde "South Biomed Eng Conf Proc" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization (TMLR) at the Texas Heart Institute", 101 pp., San Antonio, TX, Şubat 1998 34. A. Undar, A., R. Inman, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, O.H. Frazier, C.D. Fraser, 17th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference konferansı dahilinde "South Biomed Eng Conf Proc" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Physiologic Pulsatile Cardiopulmonary Bypass Pump System for Neonates and Infants", 128 pp., San Antonio, TX, Şubat 1998 35. E.D. Jansen, M. Frenz, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, J. Pfefer, H.J. Altermatt, M. Motamedi, A.J. Welch, Lasers in Surgery: Advanced Characterization, Therapeutics, and Systems VI konferansı dahilinde "Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Lasertissue Interaction During Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization", 49-57 pp., San Jose, CA, Ocak 1996 36. E. Barasch, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, W.H. Moore, K.L. Gould, S. Pehlivanoglu, D.A. Cooley, O.H. Frazier, W.K. Vaughn, S. Wilansky, Sixth Annual Scientific Sessions American Society of Echocardiography konferansı dahilinde "Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Low Dose Dobutamine Echocardiography, Thallium Scintigraphy and 18-Fluorodeoxglucose Positron Emission Tomography for Detection of Myocardial Viability in Chronic Coronary Artery Disease", 408 pp., Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Haziran 1995 37. Kadipasaoglu, K.A., O.H. Frazier, D.A. Cooley, J.W. Kolff, S. Wilansky ve K.L. Gould, 9th Annual Meeting of The European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery konferansı dahilinde "European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery Proceedings" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Clinical Experience with Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization", 24A pp., Paris, France, 1995 38. Kadıpaşaoglu, K.A., 9th Annual Meeting of the European Association for CardioThoracic Surgery konferansı dahilinde "9th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery Proceedings" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization as an Adjunct to Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting", 27A pp., Paris, France, 1995 39. O.H. Frazier, D.A. Cooley, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, S. Pehlivanoglu, E. Barasch, J.L. Conger, M.H. Lindenmeir, K.L. Gould, S. Wilansky ve W.H. Moore,, American Heart Association 67th Scientific Sessions konferansı dahilinde "Circulation, 90(4) Part 2" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization: Initial Clinical Results", I-640 pp., Dallas, Texas, Kasım 1994 40. K.A. Kadipasaoglu, M. Sartori, S. Rastegar, F.J. Clubb, B.L. Edelen, J.J. Ferguson ve O.H. Frazier, American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery 12th Annual Meeting konferansı dahilinde "Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, Supplement 3" bildiri kitapçığındaki "In Vitro Holmium: YAG Laser Ablation of Human Cardiovascular Tissue Under Blood", 16A pp., Lake Buena Vista, Florida, Mayıs 1992 41. P. Capek, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, B. Radovancevic, F.J. Clubb, T.J. Myers, M.J. Duncan, H.A. McAllister, O.H. Frazier, ASAIO 38th Annual Conference konferansı dahilinde "ASAIO Journal Vol. 21(2)" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Human Intraperitoneal Response to Left Ventricular Assist Device with Ti-6AI-4V Alloy Surface", 17 pp., Nashville, Tennessee, Mayıs 1992 42. K.A. Kadipasaoglu, , P. Capek, B. Radovancevic, T.J. Myers, H.A. McAllister ve O.H. Frazier, Fourth World Biomaterials Congress konferansı dahilinde "Transactions of the Society for Biomaterials" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Soft Tissue Response to Intraperitoneally Implanted Left Ventricular Assist Device with Rigid Titanium Alloy Housing", 37 pp., Berlin, FRG, 1992 43. Kadipasaoglu, K.A., T.J. Myers, B. Radovancevic, L.L. Gordon, S.G. Eskin, K.A. Dasse ve O.H. Frazier, Transactions of the Society for Biomaterials konferansı dahilinde "Transactions of the Society for Biomaterials Proceedings" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Left Ventricular Assist Device as Bridge to Transplant: Retrieval Protocol for Comprehensive Evaluation of Implant Biocompatibility", 37 pp., Illinois, 1992 44. R.T. Baldwin, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, B. Radovancevic, L.L. Gordon, R. Matsuwaka, J.L. Conger, S.M. Parnis, F.J. Clubb, O.H. Frazier, S. Slogoff, ASAIO 37th Annual Conference konferansı dahilinde "ASAIO Journal Vol. 20(2)" bildiri kitapçığındaki "The Development of a Clinically Relevant Canine Model of Postperfusion Syndrome", 58 pp., Chicago, IL, Nisan 1991 45. M.S. Moore, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, S. Rastegar, F.J. Clubb, J.L. Conger ve O.H. Frazier,, American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery 11th Annual Meeting konferansı dahilinde "Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, 11 (Supplement S1)" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Evaluation of Thulium: YAG Laser Ablation Parameters for Atherosclerotic Human Cardiovascular Tissue", A51 pp., San Diego, California, Mayıs 1991 46. K.A. Kadipasaoglu, F.J. Clubb, L. Monroe, S. Reichart, J. Conger, W.D. Hare, R. Matsuwaka, N. Furusho, S. Rastegar, American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery 11th Annual Meeting konferansı dahilinde "Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, 11 (Supplement S1)" bildiri kitapçığındaki "Comparison of Acute and Chronic Responses of Dog Endothelium to Holmium:YAG and Dye Laser Irradiation", A57 pp., San Diego, California, 1991 47. K.A. Kadipasaoglu, G.B. Bennink, J.L. Conger, S.M. Parnis, J.L. Ferguson, O.H. Frazier, 40th Annual Scientific Sessions konferansı dahilinde "Journal of the American College of Cardiology" bildiri kitapçığındaki "The Isolated Supported Human Heart: A Novel Model for the Study of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Modalities", 57A pp., Atlanta, Georgia, ABD, Mart 1991 C. Yazılan ulusal / uluslararası kitaplardaki bölümler 1. O.H. Frazier, M. Bergheim ve K.A. Kadipasaoglu, Editörler CR Bridges, KA Horvath, RC Chiu, Myocardial Laser Revascularization (Scientific and Historic Precedents), 115 pp., New York, Blackwell Publishing, 2006 2. KA Kadipasaoglu, E. Tuzun ve O.H. Frazier, Editörler CR Bridges, KA Horvath, RC Chiu, Myocardial Laser Revascularization (Histopathological Effects of Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization on Myocardium: Assessment of Channel Patency), 48-64 pp., New York, Blackwell Publishing, 2006 3. O.H. Frazier, E. Tuzun ve K.A. Kadipasaoglu, Editör D.J. Wheatley, Surgery of Coronary Artery Disease (Management of Refractory Angina not Amenable to Conventional Therapy), 382-393 pp., London, Hodder Arnold, 2003 4. D. Rosenstrauch, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, H. Shelath, P. Zoldhelyi ve O.H. Frazier, Editörler M. J. Yaszemski ve D. L. Wise, Tissue Engineering and Novel Delivery Systems (Auricular Cartilage Tissue Engineering), 253-264 pp., New York, Marcel Dekker, 2003 5. K.A.Kadıpaşaoğlu,S.Pehlivanoğlu,J.L.Conger,E.Sasaki, Editörler Krabatsch T, Hetzer R., Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization - Present Status and Developments (Long- and short -term effects of transmyocardial laser revascularizaton in acute myocardial ischemia), 35-48 pp., Landsberg, Ecomed, 2000 6. K.A. Kadipasaoglu, M. Donovan, D.A. Cooley, O.H. Frazier, Editörler T. Krabatsch, R. Hetzer, Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization - Present Status and Developments (Acute and Chronic Effects of TMR in Canine Acute Ischemia and Correlations with the Outcomes of Clinical Trials), 81-98 pp., Berlin, Ecomed: Landsberg, 2000 7. O.H. Frazier, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, N. Trehan, M. Mishra, Editörler B. Buxton, O.H. Frazier, S. Westaby, Ischemic Heart Disease: Surgical Management (Chapter 34: Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization), 415-422 pp., London, Mosby-Wolf, 1999 8. K.A. Kadipasaoglu, O.H. Frazier, S.M. Parnis ve B. Radovancevic, Editör R.S. Greco, Implantation Biology: The Host and Biomedical Devices (Biomaterials Used in Cardiac Surgery), 165-178 pp., Ann Arbor, CRC Press Inc., 1994 D. Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler 1. E. Tuzun, M.H. Akay, K.O. Karabay, D. Tamez, H. Frazier, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, "Hematological, Biochemical, and End-Organ Effects of the Levitronix® Centrifugal Left Ventricular Assist Device in a Bovine Model", Türk Göğüs Kalp Damar Cerrahisi Dergisi, Vol. 13(3) (ISI) , 199-204 pp., 2005 2. E. Tuzun, K.O. Karabay, J. Conger, H. Frazier, K.A. Kadipasaoglu, "The Effect of Left Ventricle Unloading by the Jarvik 2000 Assist Device on Coronary Blood Flow", Türk Göğüs Kalp Damar Cerrahisi Dergisi, Vol. 13(3) (ISI) , 314-319 pp., 2005 E. Ulusal bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında (Proceedings) basılan bildiriler E1. 19th International Biomed Symposium and Bioengineering Conference, “Development of the First Turkish Axial-flow LVAD and its Hemodynamic Testing Platform”, Invited Lecture, Kuşadasi, Nov. 2013 E2. Toptop K. and Kadıpaşaoğlu A.K., “Eksenel Akışlı Sol Karıncık Destek Pompası Tasarımı ve Performans Testi”, TIPTEKNO 2012 Tıp Teknolojileri Ulusal Kongresi, Antalya, Turkey, Nov 1-3, 2012. E3. Eken E.G. Sezer M.E. and Kadıpaşaoğlu A.K., “Geri Besleme Kontrollü Kalp-Damar Sistemi Simülasyon Mekanizması Tasarımı”, TIPTEKNO 2012 Tıp Teknolojileri Ulusal Kongresi, Antalya, Turkey, Nov 1-3, 2012. F. Invited Seminars and Lectureships (Professional) F1. Namık Kemal Üniversitesi Biyomedikal Mühendisliği Bölümü Öğrenci Sempozyumu, “Mühendislik’ten Biyomedikal Mühendisliği’ne: Bilim, Teknik, Felsefe”, Invited by Doç. Dr. Koray Çiftçi, Biyomedikal Mühendislik Bölüm Başkanı, Çorlu, Tekirdağ, Apr 3, 2014. F2. TIPTEKNO 2012 Tıp Teknolojileri Ulusal Kongresi, Antalya, Turkey, “Tıbbi Cihaz Üretiminde Üniversite-Hastane-Sanayi İşbirliği Üzerine bir Örnek: Ulusal Kalp Pompası Geliştirme Programı”, Invited by Prof. Aydın Akan, Chair, Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey, Nov 1-3, 2012. F3. ISRBP 20th Annual Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, “System Engineering: What Can Be Done to Further Improve Left Ventricle Assist Devices Outcomes- Role of the Engineer”, Invited by Süha Küçükaksu, Chief, Cardiothoracic Transplantation, Florence Nightingale Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey, Sep 20-22, 2012. F4. Turkish Organ Transplant Society, VIIIth Annual Meeting, Antalya, Turkey, “National LVAD Design and Performance Testing: Progress Report”, Invited by Prof. Ömer Bayezid, Chief, CV Surgery, Akdeniz University, Antalya, Oct. 14, 2011. F5. Fatih University, Department of Genetic and Bioengineering, Istanbul, “Design, Development, and Testing of a National Left Ventricular Assist Device”, Invited by Prof. N. Arslan, Director, Graduate Studies Institute, January 24, 2011. F6. Yeditepe University, Department of Genetic and Bioengineering, Istanbul, “Systems Analogy and Cardiovascular Applications”, Invited by Dr. M. Korachi, Assist. Prof., December 3, 2010. F7. Turkish Organ Transplant Society, VIIth Annual Meeting, Eskisehir, Turkey, “National LVAD Design and Performance Testing: A Comprehensive Program”, Invited by Prof. Mustafa Özbaran, Director, Cardiac Transplantation, Ege University, İzmir, Nov. 16, 2010. F8. Turkish Cardiovascular Surgical Society XIth Annual Meeting, Antalya, Turkey, “Biomedical Engineering Applications to Cardiovascular Surgery: Current Status and Future Potential”, Invited by the Society, October 30, 2010. F9. ASAIO’s 56th Annual Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, “Transatlantic Collaboration Opportunities: Left Ventricle Assist Devices”, Invited by OH Frazier, Chief, Cardiothoracic Transplantation, Texas Heart Institute, Houston. TX, May 27-29 (2010). F10. Workshop for Efficiency in Mechatronics, Bahçeşehir University, Istanbul, Turkey, “Research, Development and Structural Solutions”, Invited by Prof. O. Alnıak, Dept. of Mechatronics Engineering, February 18, 2010. F11. Ege University Medical School Hospital, İzmir, “Design and Development of a Cardiovascular Mock Circuit”, Invited by Prof. İsa Durmaz, Chief, Cardiothoracic Surgery, February 4-5, 2010. F12. Konya Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey, “Academic Research, Technological Development, Structural Problems and Remedies for Turkey”, Invited by Prof. M. Yeniterzi, Chief, Cardiovascular Surgery, December 11, 2009. F13. Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey, “Mechanical Circulatory Assistance: Developmental Models and Prospects for Turkey”, Invited by Prof. Nilüfer Eğrican, Vice President, November 20, 2009. F14. Symposium on Current Topics, Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery, Gaziantep University, Gaziantep, Turkey, “Structural Problems of R&D in Turkey- Case Study: Development of a National LVAD ”, Invited by Prof. H. Üstünsoy, Chief, Cardiovascular Surgery, October 1, 2009. F15. Siyami Ersek Hospital, Istanbul, “Heart Transplantation and Mechanical Circulatory Assistance in Turkey”, Invited by Assoc. Prof. S. Aykut-Aka, Cardiothoracic Surgery, April, 2009. F16. Tenth National Congress, Turkish Cardiovascular Surgical Society, Sheraton Hotel, Cesme, Izmir, “How to Write the Scientific Manuscript”, October 20, 2008. F17. Tenth National Congress, Turkish Cardiovascular Surgical Society, Sheraton Hotel, Cesme, Izmir, “Left Ventricular Assist Devices: Past, Present, Future”, October 20, 2008. F18. Tenth National Congress, Turkish Cardiovascular Surgical Society, Sheraton Hotel, Cesme, Izmir, “Experimental Research: Design, Protocols, and Standards”, October 17, 2008. F19. Fifth Scientific Retreat, McGowan Institute For Regenerative Medicine, Nemacolin Woodlands Resort, “Cardiac Surgical Research Section: Program, Vision, and Methodology”, Working Session 8, CT Surgery: Adult Devices, Moderator, Kamuran A. Kadipasaoglu, March 9-12, 2008. F20. Ninth Turkish Cardiovascular Surgical Society, Belek, Antalya, “Scientific Communications: Orthographic Rules, Experimental Design, Statistical Concepts”, November 01, 2006. F21. Ninth Turkish Cardiovascular Surgical Society, Belek, Antalya, “Non-Pulsatile Pumps and Hemodynamics”, November 04, 2006. F22. Biomedical Engineering Program Graduate Seminar, University of Houston, “Mechanical Circulatory Support: Evolution of Continuous Flow Pumps”, October 15, 2004. F23. 18th Annual Meeting of Turkish Society of Thoracic and CV Surgery, Cappadocia, Turkey, “Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization: Overview of Multi-Center Results with Perfusion MRI”, September 1-5, 2004. F24. 1st Meeting on Stem Cell Therapy, Heinrich Heine University, Dusseldorff, Germany, “Mechanical, Cellular and Molecular Treatment for Heart Failure: The Texas Heart Institute Experience”, June 25-26, 2004. F25. 12th Annual Meeting of Asian Society of CV Surgery, Istanbul, Turkey, “Historical Overview of CV Research Laboratories of the Texas Heart Institute”, April 16-22, 2004. F26. St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital, Cardiology Basic Science Conference, “Cardiovascular Surgical Research at the Texas Heart Institute”, January 23, 2004. F27. Turkish Association for Business, 2nd Annual Meeting, The Omni Hotel, Houston, TX, “Texas Medical Center: A Success Story in Medicine, Science and Business”, Keynote Address, May 2003. F28. Turkish Society of CV and Thoracic Surgery,. Antalya, Turkey. “How to Start and Operate a Large-Animal Research Laboratory”, Keynote Address. October 16, 2002. F29. River Oaks Country Club, Houston Area Businessmen Partnership, “A Brief History of Mechanical Circulatory Assist Devices” Address to Breakfast Group, January 2002. F30. 45th Annual Conference of the Indian Association of CV and Thoracic Surgeons, Bhopal, India, “TMLR Modalities”, Feb. 27, 1999. F31. Society of Thoracic Surgeons Meeting, San Antonio, TX, “Transmyocardial laser revascularization (TMR)”, January 25, 1999. F32. Greater Houston Area Chapter of the American Association for Medical Transcription, Houston, TX, “TMLR: A new technique for the treatment of coronary artery disease”, November 21, 1998. F33. Turkish Society of CV and Thoracic Surgery, Antalya, Turkey, “TMLR: A randomized clinical, multi-center study with 12-month follow-up”, October 24, 1998. F34. 11th International Symposium, Cooley Society Meeting, Colorado Springs, CO, “TMR: An update”, August 4, 1998. F35. The Optical Society of America, Orlando, FL, “Transmyocardial laser revascularization”, March 8, 1998. F36. 17th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference, “Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization at the Texas Heart Institute”, February 6-8, 1998. F37. Society of Women Engineers, Oral Technical Presentation program, 1998 National Convention and Student conference, June 15-20, 1998, Houston, TX. F38. Spring Topical Meetings, Optical Society of America, Orlando, FL, “Transmyocardial Laser revascularization (TMLR)”, March 8-11, 1998. F39. Denton A. Cooley Cardiovascular Surgical Society, Sun Valley, Idaho, “TMLR at the Texas Heart Institute”, August 11, 1996. F40. 23rd Health & Science Journalists Forum, Portsmouth, NH, “Lasers shoot holes to heal broken hearts”, July 14-16, 1996. F41. Cardiostim 96, 10th International Congress, Nice, France, “Improved Cardiac Perfusion and Metabolism after TMLR: One-Year Follow-Up with PET”, Keynote Address. June 19-22, 1996. F42. Gordon Conference Session, Meriden, NH, “Tansmyocardial Laser revascularization (TMLR): Preliminary Findings in Human and Porcine Hibernating Myocardium”, 1996. F43. 1996 Symposium on TMLR, San Diego, CA. Program prepared and directed by Kamuran A. Kadipasaoglu, Ph.D., April 27, 1996. F44. “TMLR as an Alternative to Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery.” Mended Hearts, November 20, 1995. F45. 9th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Paris, France, “Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization as an Adjunct to Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting”, September 26, 1995. F46. PLC Investigators’ Meeting, The Hague, The Netherlands, “TMLR: THI Experience”, September 1994. F47. LEI Investigators’ Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, “TMLR: Preliminary Clinical Results”, August 1993. F48. Given to Coherent Investigators’ Meeting, San Francisco, “Lasers in Surgery and Medicine: An Overview”, April 1992. G. Seminars and lectureships (Non-Professional) G1. Turkey: A Historic Panorama, North Harris Community College, Noon Conference, February 28, 2007. G2. Turkish-Armenian Relations (1895-1925): Genocide or Rebellion Suppressed?, St. Thomas University, February 27, 2007. G3. Biblical Sites of Turkey, A 1-hour PowerPoint presentation, given at the Turkish Festival held in Jones Plaza, Downtown Houston, 6 years in a row. G4. Turkey’s Role in the 21st c., 83rd. Turkish Republic Ball, Houston, Texas, “Keynote Address: November 18, 2006. G5. Arts and Coexistence, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas, May 12, 2006. G6. When The Goddess Ruled: The Worship of Cybele in Prehistoric Asia Minor. Before Abraham traveled to the Fertile Crescent 4000 years ago preaching Yahweh and before the Dorians descended from the North 3200 years ago worshipping Zeus and Apollo, Gaia of Mycenae and Minoa, Cybele of Anatolia, Ishtar (Astarte) of Palestine, Isis of Egypt and Indra of India were the supreme deities. We will see how patriarchal societies tried to suppress the Mother Goddess & how, miraculously, she survived to influence our lives still today (February 14, 2007). G7. The Fisherman of Halicarnassus: The Life and Works of Cevat Sakir Kabaagacli. Halicarnassus was the capital of Caria, one of the provinces of Asia Minor in the 4th c. BC. It was the birthplace of Herodotus, the writer of Histories. Later, in was called Petrium, after the Knights Templar dedicated the city and the castle they built in its harbor to St. Peter. The name was distorted to Bodrum over the ensuing centuries. The inspired essays of Kabaagacli, who was exiled to this remote southeastern location in the 1940s, and his intense love of anything that is Anatolian, turned the tiny fisherman’s village into the St. Tropez of Turkey (January 17, 2007). G8. Istanbul, Capital of Three World Empires (II): Muslim Heritage (1453-Present). The conquest by the Turks of Constantinople, in 1453, was a major factor ushering the Renaissance. Made the 4th and last capital of the Ottoman Empire and renamed Istanbul, this great city, the only one in the world spanning across two continents, was decorated with palaces and mosques reflecting the incomparable beauty of Turkish and Islamic architectural style. Today, a bustling metropolis of 15 million, Istanbul continues to fascinate tourists and scholars alike (December 13, 2006). G9. Istanbul, Capital Of Three World Empires (I): Pagan & Christian Heritage (500 BC-1453 AD). Built by the legendary Byzas, King of Megara, “across from the city of the blinds”, Byzantium was later christened Constantinople and made the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire by Constantine the Great in the 4th c. AD. He also adopted Christianity as the official religion of the State, thus ending the persecutions. The magnificent monuments of the Greeks and Romans still stand today as testimony to these great civilizations of the Bronze and Middle Ages (November 15, 2006). G10. Biblical Sites of Anatolia: In the Footsteps of St. Paul. Asia Minor is brimming with sites relevant to Christianity; such as Harran, where Abraham sojourned and married Sarah; Antioch, where the term Christian was first used; Tarsus, where Paul was born and Ephesus, where he wrote some of his Epistles; the Seven Churches, which John addressed in the Apocalypse; Nicaea, where the first Ecumenical Council met; and, of course, Istanbul, which was the capital of the Byzantine, Roman and Ottoman Empires (September 13, 2006) G11. Glass Manufacturing and Decoration In Asia Minor. Archeological evidence points to Anatolian glass makers as early as the late bronze age (16th c BC). The Ottoman Glass Factory was started on the Asian shores of the Bosphorus in the 18th c. AD by imperial decree and, since then, Turkish glass technology has surpassed its Venetian and Bohemian counterparts in innovation, elegance and variety. The historic and contemporary works of etched and gold- or platinum-plated decorative glassware will be discussed with particular emphasis on symbolism and style of ancient Anatolian, Seljuk and Ottoman motifs they display (May 17, 2006). G12. Two Thousand Years of Turkish Tapestry. The basics of rug terminology; the intimate relationship between rug making traditions and the nomadic or imperial Turks throughout history; the genealogy of Turkish rugs found in excavations from Mongolia to Tibet, from Siberia to Transylvania; the relevance of Turkish rugs depicted in Renaissance paintings; and the foundation of the Hereke Imperial Silk Rug Factory in 1891 will be discussed as an introductory tool to the complex art of rug attribution and appreciation (April 19, 2006). G13. Evolution of Ceramic Artistry in the Ottoman Empire. The underglaze polychrome ceramics produced by the Nicaean pottery masters of the Ottoman Empire in the 15th and 16th centuries are still unparalleled as to their motifs, symbols, colors, and technique of manufacturing. The historical roots of this unique tradition reach back into the 6th century Chinese porcelain and the 9th-14th c. Mongolian, Persian and Turkish glazed brick, tile mosaic and Cuerda Seca technologies. The development of this art, the reasons for its precipitous decline in the 17th century, and its revival in the 20th century will be discussed (March 15, 2006). G14. Turkey: A Historic Panorama. Prehistoric civilizations populated Anatolia as early as 10,000 BC. The arrival in 2,000 BC of the patriarch Abraham to Harran in Southeastern Turkey; the onslaught of the Achaeans on Troy half a millennium later; the travels of the Apostle Paul in the first century AD through Asia Minor; the inspiring beauty of the Cappadocia landscape as a Christian hideout; the drafting of the orthodox creed at the Nicaean summer palace of the Emperor Constantine in 325; the splendor of the monuments left by the great Seljuks from 11th c. onwards and by their successors, the Ottomans; and the building of the modern Turkish Republic by Kemal Ataturk after WWI will be discussed in a pictorial journey (February 15, 2006). REFERENCES O. H. Frazier, M.D., Chief, Cardiothoracic Transplantation, Texas Heart Institute, Houston, TX M. Franchek, Ph.D., Chairman, Mechanical and Bioengineering, University of Houston Kenton J. Zehr, M.D., Staff Surgeon, Perm, Russia, Former Chief, Division of Cardiac Surgery, Presbyterian Hospital, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA Harvey Borovetz, Ph.D., Chairman, Department of Bioengineering, University of Pittsburgh Sertac Cicek, M.D., Chief, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Anadolu Saglik Merkezi/Johns Hopkins, Gebze, Kocaeli, Turkey
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