ISTS2014 2. ULUSLARARASI YÜZEY İŞLEMLERİ SEMPOZYUMU 2nd INTERNATIONAL SURFACE TREATMENT SYMPOSIUM 25-27 Haziran/June 2014 Istanbul Technical University - Taşkışla Campus - Istanbul SEMPOZYUM PROGRAMI SYMPOSIUM PROGRAMME KUYTTAM KOÇ ÜNİV VERSİTESİ YÜZEY TEKNOLOJİLERİ ARAŞTIRMA MERKEZİ Analiz Hizmetleri Kaplama, korozyon, aşınma, yapışma, yüzey, ara-yüzey ve ara-kesit analizleri Sertlik, çizilme, aşınma ve indentasyon testleri Toz, film, kaplama, seramik, metal, fiber malzemede kristal yapı ve kalıntı stres tayini Altyapı Katı, sıvı, toz, ince film, dispersiyon, fiber örneklerde hassas elementel analizler X-Işını Fotoelektron Spekt., XPS X-Işını Difraktometresi, XRD X-Işını Floresans Spekt., XRF Termal, saçtırmalı metal ve dielektrik ince film kaplama Taramalı Elektron Mikros., SEM Arakesit Hazırlama Sistemleri Atomik Güç Mikroskobu, AFM Nanoindentasyon, Triboloji Testleri Nanoparçacık, emülsiyon, dispersiyon, macun, kompozit analizleri, akışkanlık tayini Optik özellikler, lazerle malzeme ve yüzey işleme, doğrusal olmayan optik deneyler Laser Ablasyonlu Endüktif Eşleşmiş Plazma Kütle Spekt., LA-ICP-MS CHNS/O Organik Analiz Raman Mikroskobu Fourier Dönüşümlü IR Spekt., FTIR UV-Görünür-Yakın Kızılaltı Spekt. Femtosaniye laser sistemi Fiziksel/Saçtırmalı Buhar Biriktirme Kontak Açısı Ölçümü Zeta-sizer Reometre KOÇ ÜNİV VERSİTESİ Sarıyer - İstanbul +90 212 338 3 1056 kuytam@ http://kuytam ISTS2014 2. ULUSLARARASI YÜZEY İŞLEMLERİ SEMPOZYUMU 2nd INTERNATIONAL SURFACE TREATMENT SYMPOSIUM 25-27 Haziran/June 2014 Istanbul Technical University Taşkışla Campus - Istanbul SEMPOZYUM PROGRAMI SYMPOSIUM PROGRAMME Destekleyen Kurum / Suppor ted by 2. Uluslararası Yüzey İşlemleri Sempozyumu Sponsorları 2nd International Surface Treatment Symposium Sponsors SPONSORLAR // SPONSORS 2014 ISTS 2. ULUSLARARASI YÜZEY İŞLEMLERİ SEMPOZYUMU 2nd INTERNATIONAL SURFACE TREATMENT SYMPOSIUM SPONSORLAR SPONSORS Destekleyen Kurum / Suppor ted by 2nd ISTS2014 Programme Book 2. ISTS2014 SEMPOZYUM YÜRÜTME KURULU LOCAL ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE Yürütme Kurulu Başkanı // Symposium Chair Mustafa Ürgen Istanbul Technical University Onursal Başkan // Honorary Chair Ali Fuat Çakır Istanbul Technical University Üyeler // Members Turgay Aldı UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers Nurdan Aydoğdu UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers Murat Baydoğan Istanbul Technical University Özgür Birer Koç University İlker Karabulut UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers Güldem Kartal Istanbul Technical University Kürşat Kazmanlı Istanbul Technical University Özgül Keleş Istanbul Technical University Gökhan Orhan Istanbul University Hüseyin Savaş UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers Nuri Solak Istanbul Technical University Emrah Ünalan Middle East Technical University Fatih Üstel Sakarya University Cleva Ow-Yang Sabancı University Ercan Zincir UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers 4 UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers Program Kitabı SEMPOZYUM BİLİM KURULU SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Mesut Akkaya Ahmet T. Alpas Mustafa Anık Imre Bakonyi Nurhan Cansever Pietro Luigi Cavallotti Jean-Pierre Celis Ahmet Çakır İhsan Efeoğlu Ali Erdemir Lorenzo Fedrizzi David Gabe Takashi Goto Mustafa Göktepe Gültekin Göller Eyüp Sabri Kayalı Khalil Amine Sik Chol Kwon Dieter Landolt Allan Matthews Christian Mitterer Baybars Oral R. Mustafa Öksüzoğlu Bülent Önay Macit Özenbaş Tayfur Öztürk Evangelia Α. Pavlatou Ivan Petrov Hakan Sesigür Jianaua Song Vladimir Strel’nitskiy Erdem Şireli Yılmaz Taptık Servet Timur Cenk Türküz Robert Vaßen Metin Yılmaz Politeknik Metal Sanayi, TR University of Windsor, Canada Eskişehir Osmangazi University, TR RISSPO, Hungary Yıldız Technical University, TR Politecnico Di Milano, Italy Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium Dokuz Eylül University, TR Atatürk University, TR Argonne National Laboratory, USA University of Udine, Italy Loughborough University, UK Tohoku University, Japan Galtek Kimya Sanayi, TR Istanbul Technical University, TR Istanbul Technical University, TR Argonne National Laboratory, USA Korea Institute of Materials Science, Korea Swiss Federal Ins. of Technology, Switzerland University of Sheffield, UK Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria Vaksis Ltd. Şti., TR Anadolu University, TR Dokuz Eylül University, TR Middle East Technical University, TR Middle East Technical University, TR National Technical Univ. of Athens, Greece University of Illinois, USA Türkiye Şişe Cam Fabrikaları, TR Beijing University of Technology, China National Science Centre, Ukraine Böhler Sert Maden ve Takım Sanayi, TR Istanbul Technical University, TR Istanbul Technical University, TR Ionbond Tinkap Yüzey Teknolojileri Sanayi, TR Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany Çuhadaroğlu Metal Sanayi, TR TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odası TMMOB Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası 5 2nd ISTS2014 Programme Book 2. ISTS2014 Program Kitabı SEMPOZYUM DANIŞMA KURULU ADVISORY BOARD 6 Ragıp Acerer Haytek Makina Kimya Sanayi Kayhan Özgen Gamtaş Galvanoplast ve Makina Sanayi Kanşav Atila Atotech Ltd. Şti. Ersin Özkan TEİ Tusaş Motor Sanayi Ömer Aydın Sterkim Makine Kimya Sanayi A. Sezai Saraç Istanbul Technical University Metin Balcı Boreas Kimya Sanayi Ulaş Sarıhan Elektrokim Ltd. Şti. Ahmet Belgin Belgin Madeni Yağlar Mustafa Sezer Arçelik Ali Y. Bilgesu Ankara University Metin Soydemir Türk Henkel Kimya Sanayi Ergun Bora Aselsan A.Ş. Mustafa Sucuka Intergalvano Sanayi Şenel Canik Kale Havacılık Sanayi M. Bahattin Şenkök Sü-Yü-Tek Ltd. Şti. Mustafa Cebici Telbis Yüzeybilim Sanayi Tunçay Şulan UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers Haşmet Camcı UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers Kerem Tarakçı Tarakçıoğlu Madeni Kaplama Sanayi Serdar Çelik Delta Galvanoteknik Sanayi Zihni Tarhan Nezih Kimya Sanayi Naim Dede Dede Kimya Sanayi Saadettin Tezcan Tezcan Galvaniz A.Ş. Hasan Doğan Atılım Kimya Sanayi Kemal Tokmanoğlu Tin-Kap Yüzey İşlemleri Sanayi Aysun Doğangün Turkish Aerospace Industries, Inc. Ahmet Topuz Yıldız Technical University Erbil Ekim Etis Endüstriyel Metal Kaplama Servet Turan Anadolu University Erhan Erdener Erdener Kimya Sanayi Timur Ulucak Alüminyum Yüzey İşlem Derneği Onur Göz Titanit Ultra Sanayi Canan Uluşahin Enthone-Omi Galvanoplasti Sanayi Aydın Gürler Chemetall A.Ş. Uğur Urkut Oerlikon Balzers Kaplama Sanayi Figen Kadırgan Istanbul Technical University Hüseyin Yalçın Yalçın Kimya Sanayi Erkan Kafadar Borçelik Çelik Sanayi Safa Bayar Yavuz ASAŞ Alüminyum Gürkan Karakaş Middle East Technical University Altan Yıldırm Farplast Murat Kurtuluş Roketsan Gültekin Yıldırım Yıldırım Elektrik Cihazları Sanayi Mustafa Kemal Laçin MKS Industrial M.Cihan Yıldırım General Galvanisers Association Şener Oktik Türkiye Şişe ve Cam Fabrikaları Fevzi Yılmaz Fatih Sultan Mehmet Waqf University Murat Ormanlı Plaspas Sanayi Pınar Yılmaz Karma Makina End. Bakım Ürünleri Mualla Öner Yıldız Technical University Ersin Zaloğlu Eser Kimya Sanayi Bahadır Özcan İşletme Ltd. Şti. UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odası TMMOB Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası 7 2nd ISTS2014 Programme Book 2. ISTS2014 Program Kitabı TMMOB KİMYA MÜHENDİSLERİ ODASI UCTEA CHAMBER OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS Kimya Mühendisleri Odası (KMO) 1954 yılında 7303 sayılı yasa ve 66 ile 85 sayılı Kanun Hükmünde Kararnameler ile değişik 6235 sayılı Türk Mühendis ve Mimar Odaları Birliği (TMMOB) yasasının yürürlüğe girmesiyle kurulan ilk beş Odadan birisi olup kamu kurumu niteliğinde bir meslek örgütüdür. KMO’nun kurulmasıyla birlikte İstanbul Şubesi de çalışmalarına başlamıştır (19 Ocak 1954). The Chamber of Chemical Engineers (CCE) was one of the first five Chambers established in 1954 after the enactment of Law No. 6235 (7303) on the Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers And Architects (UCTEA). It is a Turkish public sector entity. Immediately following CCE’s establishment, its Istanbul Branch began its operation on January 19, 1954. Merkezi Ankara’da bulunan KMO’nun 23.000’e yakın üyesi bulunmaktadır. KMO’nun 6.000’i aşkın üyesi olan Ankara ve İstanbul Şubeleri dışında Bursa, Ege Bölge, Güney Bölge, Samsun, Trakya Bölge ve Kocaeli Şubeleri; ve Trabzon Bölge, Denizli Bölge, Eskişehir Bölge, Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölge Temsilcilikleri ile 31 İl Temsilcilikleri vardır. Headquartered in Ankara the CCE has approximately 23.000 members. Its Istanbul Branch has more than 6.000 members. CCE also has Branches in the Aegean Region, Ankara, Bursa, Samsun,Trakya Region, Kocaeli and the Trabzon Region, Denizli Region, Eskişehir Region, Southern Anatolia Regional Representatives and as well as representatives in other 31 cities. İlgili yasa uyarınca KMO; Kimya Mühendislerinin örgütlülüğünün geliştirilmesi, meslek ve ülke sorunlarının bütünlüğü içerisinde ülke çıkarlarının, Kimya Mühendislerinin özlük haklarının savunulması, mesleki birikimlerinin geliştirilmesi, Oda’nın işyerleri ile ilişkilerinin sağlanması amacı ile ayrıca işyeri temsilcilikleri de kurabilmektedir. In accordance with the pertinent law, the CCE’s functions include; development of an organizational structure for chemical engineers, protection of chemical engineers rights and benefits within the context of national and professional interests; enhancement of professional resources; promotion of business relationships between its members and other related organizations; and establishment of business representative offices. TMMOB’ye bağlı tüm Odalarda olduğu gibi KMO’da da Genel Kurul toplantıları ve seçimler iki yılda bir yapılır. Üyelerinin ve diğer meslek disiplinlerinin hizmet içi eğitimlerine yönelik etkinlikler düzenleyen KMO; teknik kongreler, kısa süreli okullar, kurslar, paneller ve sergiler gerçekleştirmektedir. KMO’da üye katılımını sağlama ve bilgi üretme aracı olarak Yönetim Kuruluna bağlı yarkurullar oluşturulmaktadır. Yarkurullar Odanın üyeleri ile ilişkisini sağlayan ve konunun uzmanı üyelerin katılımıyla Oda görüşlerinin ortaya çıkarıldığı, çeşitli etkinliklerin üretildiği çalışma birimleridir. Örgütlülüğün nitel ve nicel olarak geliştirilmesi, üyelerinin mesleki, ekonomik ve demokratik çıkarlarının toplumun çıkarlarıyla bütünleştirilerek savunulması KMO’nun görevleri arasındadır. KMO; Kimya Mühendislerinin tek yasal mesleki kuruluşu olarak üyelerinin hak ve çıkarlarının temsilcisi, meslek alanında ulusal çıkarların uzman sesidir. CCE’s general assembly and elections are held every two years, similar to all Chambers under the UCTEA. CCE organizes vocational training for its members in various professional disciplines, including technical conferences, short-term courses, panels, exhibits and similar events. CCE establishes various committees under the guidance of its Board of Directors, to facilitate membership participation in various events and to collect information on issues of concern. These committees are working units connecting the Chamber to its members, and incorporating its members’ expertise in formulating the Chamber’s policies and decisions. These units also undertake the organization of various promotional events Among CCE’s duties is enhancement of its organizational quality and size, and protection of their members’ professional, economic and democratic welfare within the context of social development. CCE is the only legal professional association of chemical engineers in Turkey, and continues to be a highly effective tool in promoting its members’ personal and national interests. 8 UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odası TMMOB Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası 9 2nd ISTS2014 Programme Book 2. ISTS2014 Program Kitabı TMMOB METALURJİ MÜHENDİSLERİ ODASI UCTEA CHAMBER OF METALLURGICAL ENGINEERS Mühendis ve Mimar Odaları Birliği’ne bağlı olarak ilgili yasa hükümlerine uygun The Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers (CME) is a non-profit public organization şekilde 1970 yılında kurulan Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası, kamu kurumu founded in 1970 and is one of twenty-three Chambers, which constitute the niteliğinde bir meslek kuruluşudur. Halen 4500 olan Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects. The CME membership is üye sayısı, her yıl metalurji dalında mühendislik eğitimi veren yurtiçi ve yurtdışı currently 4500 and increasing each year with new graduates from national and üniversitelerinden mezun olanlarla artmaktadır. foreign universities. Ülke ve Oda üyelerinin hak ve yararları gözetilerek, metal ve metal dışı The main functions of CME are to organize required and necessary activities and malzemelerin üretimi, şekillendirilmesi, özelliklerinin geliştirilmesi, hasarlı ve conduct studies in broad fields of production, shaping, improving properties, hasarsız kontrolleri vb. alanlarda, ihtiyaç duyulan ve gerek görülen etkinliklerin destructive and non-destructive testing of metallic and nonmetallic materials, organizasyonu ve çalışmaların yapılması, sektörümüzde yapılan çalışmaların, and also introducing the new technologies and the knowledges for the use and yeni teknolojilerin ve bilgi birikiminin çeşitli araçlarla meslektaşlarımıza ve sektör benefits of the members of CME and the country. mensuplarına duyurulması, üyelerin durumlarının iyileştirilmesi, oda amaçlarının temelini oluşturmaktadır. Within this context CME publishes a bimonthly journal entitled “METALURJI” and a bulletin called “BULTEN” in which news related to metallurgy and materials Bu amaçlar doğrultusunda Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası iki ayda bir “METALURJİ” science appear. CME also organizes seminars, symposiums, panels, forums, dergisini ve Oda faaliyetlerinin, sektörel haberlerin güncel şekilde aktarıldığı congresses and fairs. “BÜLTEN”i yayınlamakta ve seminer, sempozyum, panel, forum, kongre, fuar gibi etkinlikler organize etmektedir. The supreme governing body of CME is the General Assembly which consists of the Chamber members and is elected biannually. Board of Directors elected İki yılda bir yapılan ve Odaya kayıtlı üyelerin katılımıyla gerçekleştirilen Genel at the General Assembly is responsible from the execution of the functions Kurullarda oluşan Oda Yönetim Kurulu yukarıda bahsedilen çalışmaların mentioned above. Additionally, detailed studies on certain specific subjects are yürütülmesinden sorumludur. Ayrıca, Oda Yönetim Kurulunca oluşturulan ve conducted by “work groups” that consist of specialists from universities, research üniversite, araştırma kuruluşları ve sanayiden uzmanların yer aldığı çalışma institutions and the industry and established by the Board of Directors. gruplarınca belli konularda ayrıntılı çalışmalar yapılmaktadır. 10 UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odası TMMOB Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası 11 2nd ISTS2014 Programme Book 2. ISTS2014 Program Kitabı 2nd INTERNATIONAL SURFACE TREATMENT SYMPOSIUM 2. ULUSLARARASI YÜZEY İŞLEMLERİ SEMPOZYUMU 2. Uluslararası Yüzey İşlemler Sempozyumu (ISTS) 25-27 Haziran 2014 tarihleri arasında TMMOB Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası ve TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odası ortaklığı ile düzenlenecektir. The 2nd International Surface Treatment Symposium (ISTS) will be held on June 25-27, 2014 in Istanbul with the cooperation of UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers and UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers. Türkiye’nin iki öncü mühendislik meslek odası sinerjik bir yaklaşımla dünyanın değişik yerlerindeki bilim adamlarının, mühendislerin ve üreticilerin katkısıyla “Yüzey İşlemler Teknolojilerini” değerlendirmek ve geliştirmek üzere işbirliğini bu etkinlikte de sürdürecektir. Main Objectives are: 1. To promote a constructive dialog between industry and academia on process development and manufacturing issues in the treatment of surfaces. Sempozyumun Ana Hedefleri 2. To maintain the success gained in the 1st ISTS Symposium held in 2011 in which 115 paper were presented from 16 different countries and the participitaion of 20 companies for the exhibition . 1. 2. İlki 2011 yılında düzenlenen, 16 farklı ülkeden 115 bildirinin sunulduğu, 3’ü yurtdışından olmak üzere 20 firmanın sempozyuma paralel yürütülen sergide yer aldığı, yoğun katılımlı 1. ISTS sempozyumunda atılan temellerin daha da güçlendirilmesi. Yüzey işlem süreçlerindeki bilimsel ve teknolojik gelişmeler konusunda, endüstri ve akademik dünya arasında yapıcı bir iletişim ortamının yaratılmasıdır. In recognition of current pressing economic, environmental, social, and ethical demands, the UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers and UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers are jointly organizing this symposium to promote the application of up-to-date scientific and engineering knowledge to current engineering practices through the following main themes: • Günümüzde yükselen ekonomik, teknolojik, sosyal ve etik baskılar tüm sanayii sektörlerini etkilediği gibi yüzey işlemler sektörünü de etkilemektedir. Sempozyumda, aşağıda tanımlanan odak konular aracılığı ile yüzey işlemleri alanındaki bilimsel ve teknolojik gelişmelerin, güncel mühendislik uygulamalarına aktarılması hedeflenmektedir. • • • • • Environmentally friendly surface pre-treatments, coatings and anodization processes Vacuum deposition techniques Thermal spray coating techniques Electrolytic, chemical, sol-gel deposition techniques Diffusion-based surface treatments and hot-dip coatings Role of surface technologies in nano-bio technological applications Odak Konular Several technical short courses will be offered in conjunction with the symposium. • • • • • • Çevreye duyarlı ön işlemler, kaplamalar ve anodizasyon işlemleri Vakum temelli kaplama teknikleri Isıl Püskürtme teknikleri Elektrokimyasal, kimyasalve sol-jel kaplama işlemleri Difuzyona dayalı yüzey işlemleri ve sıcak daldırma kaplamalar Nano-biyo teknolojik uygulamalarda yüzey işlemlerinin rolü The symposium exhibition will be held concurrently in a 500 m² area, in which the surface treatment industry will have the opportunity to promote their products and services to participants. Sempozyum kapsamında ayrıca konularında uzman kişiler tarafından kısa ders ve teknik sunumlara da yer verilecektir. Sempozyumumuz ile eş zamanlı 500 m²’lik bir alanda düzenlenecek olan sergi ile de sektör firmaları ürünlerini ve hizmetlerini katılımcılara tanıtma fırsatı da bulacaklardır. 12 UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odası TMMOB Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası 13 2nd ISTS2014 Programme Book 2. ISTS2014 KAPSAM Program Kitabı TOPICS • Çevreye Duyarlı Dönüşüm Kaplamalar ve Anodizasyon İşlemleri • Environment Sensitive Conversion Coatings and Anodization 6 Değerlikli Kromla Yapılan Dönüşüm Kaplama İşlemlerinin Alternatifleri, Kromik Asit Anodizasyonuna Alternatifler, Sıcak Sülfürik ve Fosforik Asit Anodizasyonu, Mikro Ark Oksidasyonu, Fosfatlama ve Alternatifleri Alternatives of 6 Valent Chromium Conversion Coatings and Chromic Acid Anodization, Hot Sulfuric Acid and Phosphoric Acid Anodization, Micro Arc Oxidation, Alternatives to Phosphating • Vakum Kaplama Teknikleri • Vacuum Coating Techniques Fiziksel Buhar Biriktirme, Kimyasal Buhar Biriktirme, Sert Kaplamalar, Dekoratif Kaplamalar, Otomotiv Endüstrisine Yönelik Kaplamalar, Elmas Benzeri Karbon Kaplamalar, Elmas Kaplamalar, Katı Yağlayıcılar, Nanokompozit Kaplamalar Physical Vapor Deposition, Chemical Vapor Deposition, Hard Coatings, Decorative Coatings, Coatings for Automotive Industry, Diamond Like Carbon Coatings, Diamond Coatings, Solid Lubricants, Nano Composite Coatings • Isıl Püskürtme Teknikleri • Thermal Spray Techniques Isıl Püskürtme, Plazma Püskürtme, HVOF, Patlamalı Tabanca, Isıl Yalıtım Kaplamaları, Aşınma ve Sürtünme Özelliklerini Geliştirmeye Yönelik Kaplamalar, Biyomalzemelere Yönelik Kaplamalar Thermal Spray, Plasma Spray, HVOF, Detonation Gun, Thermal Barrier Coatings, Coatings for Wear and Friction, Coatings for Biomaterials • Electrochemical, Chemical and Sol-Gel Coatings • Elektrokimyasal, Kimyasal ve Sol-Jel Kaplama İşlemleri Elektrolitik Kaplamalar, Akımsız Kaplamalar, Sol-Jel Kaplamalar, Kompozit Kaplamalar, Hibrit Kaplama Yöntemleri, Ön İşlemler Electrolytic Coatings, Electroless Coatings, Sol-Gel Coatings, Composite Coatings, Hybrid Deposition Techniques, Pre-treatments • Diffusion-based Surface Treatments and Hot-dip Coatings • Yayındırma Esaslı Yüzey İşlemleri ve Sıcak Daldırma Kaplamalar Yüzey Alaşımlama, Intermetalikler, Nitrürleme, Borlama, Elektrokimyasal Borlama Sıcak Daldırma Çinko, Aluminyum vb. Kaplamalar Surface Alloying, Intermetallics, Nitriding, Boriding, Carburizing, Electrochemical Boriding Hot-dip galvazing, Aluminizing • Nano-Biyo Teknolojik Uygulamalara Yönelik Yüzey İşlemleri • Surface Technologies in Nano-Bio Technological Applications Anodik Oksit Temelli Şablonlar ve Nanoişlevsel Yüzeyler, Katalitik Yüzeyler, Biyoİşlevsel Yüzeyler, Algılayıcılar, Soğutucular Anodic Oxide Based Templates and Nanofunctional Surfaces, Catalytic Surfaces, Bio-Functional Surfaces, Sensors, Absorbers 14 UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odası TMMOB Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası 15 2. ISTS2014 Program Kitabı DAVETLİ KONUŞMACILAR INVITED TALKS Novel Applications of Carbon based Coatings in Automotive Powertrains and Manufacturing Processes Prof. Dr. Ahmet T. ALPAS University of Windsor, Canada 2014 ISTS 2. ULUSLARARASI YÜZEY İŞLEMLERİ SEMPOZYUMU 2nd INTERNATIONAL SURFACE TREATMENT SYMPOSIUM Dr. Ahmet T. Alpas, professor of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Windsor (Ontario, Canada), has joined the Department of Mechanical Automotive and Materials Engineering in 1989 following a post doctoral fellowship appointment at the McMaster University. Dr. Alpas has B.Sc. (1980) and M.Sc. (1983) degrees from the Metallurgical Engineering Department of the Middle East Technical University and a Ph.D. (1987) in Materials Science and Engineering from the Open University, U.K. Since 2002, Dr. Alpas has been holding the position of NSERC Senior Industrial Research Chair supported by General Motors of Canada. He is the founder of the Tribology Research Centre at the University of Windsor. He has participated actively in several industry-university research consortia and has published more than one hundred fifty articles in peer reviewed journals and transactions in the areas of microstructure-property relationships of the materials in particular on mechanical and surface properties of automotive alloys and surface coatings. With his research focused on the automotive and manufacturing sectors, Dr. Alpas leads research areas in these key Canadian industries. He currently serves on the editorial board of the international journal of Wear. In March 2010, Dr. Alpas was awarded General Motors’ Campbell Award for contributions to “Fundamentals of Interfacial Tribology” and “Most Valuable Colleague Award”. Dr. Alpas’ contributions to science and engineering were also acknowledged by the University of Windsor’s Excellence in Research and Scholarship Awards (2003, 2007 and 2010). In 2011, Dr. Alpas received Canada’s prestigious NSERC Synergy Award from the Governor General of Canada for his research contributions to lightweight automotive products and manufacturing processes DAVETLİ KONUŞMACILAR INVITED TALKS TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odası TMMOB Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası 17 2nd ISTS2014 Programme Book 2. ISTS2014 DAVETLİ KONUŞMACILAR INVITED TALKS Sol-Gel Derived Functional Metal Oxide Thin Films on Glass Assoc. Prof. Dr. Caner DURUCAN Middle East Technical University, Turkey Dr. Caner Durucan, working as Associate Professor at Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. He received PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from Pennsylvania State University (2003). He had worked as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow (2003-2005) at the Center for Nanoscale Science, National Science Foundation-Materials Research and Engineering Center at PSU. Prior to this he had worked as a researcher at the Materials Research Laboratory at PSU on synthesis of calcium-phosphates for potential bone/dental implant applications and development of hydroxyapatitebiodegradable polymer composites as bone cement applications. His current research activities of include ceramic powder synthesis, bioceramics, glass surfaces, interfaces and coatings, processing of functional thin-films by wet chemical routes. He is a member of American Ceramic Society, Materials Research Society. 18 UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers Program Kitabı DAVETLİ KONUŞMACILAR INVITED TALKS High-Speed Deposition of Thick Films by Laser Chemical Vapor Deposition Prof. Dr. Takashi GOTO Tohoku University, Japan Takashi Goto, Graduated from the Department of Materials Science, Tohoku University, Japan in 1975; received Master of Engineering in 1977 and Doctor of Engineering in 1984 from Tohoku University. Academic staff member at Tohoku University from 1979 to the present time. Currently, professor in Institute for Material Research, Fellow of the American Ceramic Society, Academician of the World Academy of Ceramics and Academician of the Asia Pacific Academy of Materials. Associate editor of Materials Letters, General editor/Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies. Research fields: Materials Synthesis, Laser Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition, Spark Plasma Sintering, Floating Zone, High temperature oxidation TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odası TMMOB Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası 19 2nd ISTS2014 Programme Book 2. ISTS2014 DAVETLİ KONUŞMACILAR INVITED TALKS Electrochemical Surface Treatment of Titanium at the Micro/Nano Scale: Fundamentals and Bio-Medical Applications Prof. Dr. Dieter LANDOLT Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne, Switzerland Program Kitabı DAVETLİ KONUŞMACILAR INVITED TALKS Metal Oxide Nanosurfaces and Hetero-interfaces for Sensing and Energy Harvesting Applications Prof. Dr. Sanjay MATHUR University of Cologne, Germany Dieter Landolt is Professor emeritus at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. He got his Ph.D. degree from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich in 1965. After two years as postdoctoral researcher at the University of California Berkeley he joined the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) as Assistant Professor. In 1972 he was appointed Professor of Materials Science and head the Laboratory of Metallurgical Chemistry at EPFL, position he held until 2003. Sanjay Mathur is the Director of the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany. His research interests focus on various facets of chemical nanotechnologies. He holds five patents and has authored/ coauthored over 250 original research publications and has edited several books. He is a Titular Member of the Inorganic Chemistry Division of International Union of Pure and Applied Chemists (IUPAC) and serves as the Chair of Engineering Ceramics Division of the American Ceramic Society. Dieter Landolt published some three hundred papers in the areas of applied electrochemistry, surface chemistry and corrosion and a textbook “Corrosion and Surface Chemistry of Metals”. He received a number of international awards. He served as president of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) and chairman of the International Corrosion Council (ICC). A member of the Advisory Board of the Federation of German Materials Science (DGM) and also serves on the Advisory Committees of a number of international societies, and research institutions, he also serves on the Board of the German Chemical Industries Network CHEMCOLOGNE and an appointed member of the Technical Advisory Board of the global company Henkel. 20 UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odası TMMOB Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası 21 2nd ISTS2014 Programme Book 2. ISTS2014 DAVETLİ KONUŞMACILAR INVITED TALKS Optimising Surfaces to Meet the Needs of Different Tribological Contact Types Program Kitabı DAVETLİ KONUŞMACILAR INVITED TALKS Advances in Ti-Al-N and other Nanocomposite Coatings for Severe Applications Prof. Dr. Allan MATTHEWS University of Sheffield, UK Prof. Dr. Paul MAYRHOFER University of Wien, Austria Allan Matthews is presently holding post of Professor of Surface Engineering in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Sheffield. He is also Executive Director of the Leonardo Centre for Tribology and Surface Technology and Director of the Research Centre in Surface Engineering in the same University. He joined the Department at the beginning of 2003, having spent the previous 21 years at Hull University, where he was Director of the Research Centre in Surface Engineering. He spent his early career in the UK aerospace industry. He is co-author of Coatings Tribology (Elsevier) and several other books. He has also published over 300 refereed papers, and is listed as a ‘Highly Cited” researcher on the ISI Web of KnowledgeSM on-line platform. He currently holds eleven patents (eight granted and three pending). He is Editor of the journal Surface and Coatings Technology. Paul H. Mayrhofer studied Materials Science at Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria. After his PhD in 2001 he worked as University Assistant and Associate Professor at Montanuniversität Leoben and Post-Doc at the Center for Microanalysis of Materials and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. He habilitated in 2005 within the field of Materials Science at the Montanuniversität Leoben and spent his ErwinSchrödinger-Fellowship in the years 2005 and 2006 at Materials Chemistry, RTWH Aachen University, Germany, and Thin Film Physics Division, Linköping University, Sweden. In 2007, he received the Austrian Science Fund START Award for Materials Science. Paul was Program and General Chair of the International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF), San Diego, in the years 2012 and 2013. His main interests are in plasma-based surface engineering processes for coatings and treatments. Coatings studied include metals, ceramics and nanocomposites of combined phases. Applications range from tribological (friction and wear) to thermal barriers and high temperature corrosion-control layers. The processes under investigation are also used to produce coatings for a wide range of functional uses, including biomedical and optical. The research is therefore wide ranging, and includes: In 2012 he has been appointed Full Professor of Materials Science at the Vienna University of Technology, Austria. His research activities focus on the development and characterization of vapour phase deposited materials by a combination of computational and experimental material science. Surface Engineering processes – especially plasma-based coating and treatment methods, including process diagnostics and modelling. Computer-based coating selection systems. Test and evaluation methods for coatings – especially for friction, wear, adhesion and corrosion behaviour. Modelling of coating properties and deformation behaviour. 22 UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odası TMMOB Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası 23 2nd ISTS2014 Programme Book 2. ISTS2014 DAVETLİ KONUŞMACILAR INVITED TALKS Pulse Electrodeposition of Ni- Based Composite Coatings and Nanostructures: Structure, Mechanical and Photoinduced Properties Prof. Dr. Evangelia (Litsa) PAVLATOU National Technical University of Athens, Greece Evangelia A. Pavlatou is an Associate Professor in the School of Chemical Engineering of National Technical University of Athens. She has received her diploma (in 1989) and PhD (in 1995) in Chemical Engineering from the University of Patras in Greece. She worked as a postdoc researcher at the Physical Chemical Department of Oxford University in UK during 1995-96. Her research activities are mainly classified in the field of surface science and technology. Specifically, her research work is focused in the production and characterization (structure, physical-chemical and mechanical properties) of metallic and composite coatings and films, as well as, of nano-structured materials (e.g. nanoparticles, nanowires, nanotubes). Her expertise is oriented through the optimization of electrochemical production process in order to achieve coatings, films and nanostructured materials with enhanced properties such as improved microhardness, corrosion and wear resistance, as well as controllable hydrophilic and photocatalytic properties. She has published more than forty papers in international peer reviewed journals and more than ninety contributions in international scientific conferences. Her published work has received more than 600 citations and has participated in above 25 National and European funded research projects. She is member of the European Board of «European Academy of Surface Technology (EAST)» representing Greece as a leading specialist in Surface Technology. 24 UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers Program Kitabı DAVETLİ KONUŞMACILAR INVITED TALKS Composition Depth Profile of Electrodeposited Alloy and Multilayer Films Dr. László PÉTER Hungarian Academy of Sciences Laszlo Peter was born in 1967. He graduated at the Eötvös University of Budapest as a teacher of physics and chemistry. He obtained the Ph.D. degree in chemistry at the same university in 1995. After spending two years in the USA as a postdoctoral fellow (at the University of Texas at Austin) and one year in Japan as a visitor scientist (at the Hitachi Research Laboratory), in 1998 he joined a national laboratory operated by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (now called Wigner Research Centre for Physics). Here, he started working on electrodepositon of magnetic/non-magnetic multilayers and magnetoresistance of these materials. Later, his research profile was completed with electrochemical hydrogen permeation experiments and with the study of the composition depth profile of electrodeposited materials. He is the head of the Electrodeposited Nanostructures Group of his institute since 2009. He is the co-author of more than 60 scientific papers and two book chapters. He has been working as the electrochemistry editor of the Central European Journal of Chemistry since 2009. At the end of 2013, he acquired the Doctor of Science title of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odası TMMOB Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası 25 2nd ISTS2014 Programme Book 2. ISTS2014 DAVETLİ KONUŞMACILAR INVITED TALKS Cathodic-Arc Plasma Sources for Composite Coatings Deposition Dr. Vladimir E. STREL’NITSKIJ Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technolody, Ukraine Vladimir Evgeniyevich Strel’nitskij is a noted scientist in the field of physics and technology of diamond like carbon (DLC) films synthesis. He graduated from Kharkov State University (Ukraine) in 1970. After military service in the Soviet Army (1970-1972) he works in the National Science Centre “Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technolody” (NSC KIPT) since 1972 up to now. He received the Candidate (PhD) and Doctor Science degrees in physics and mathematics from Kharkov State University in 1980 and 2003, respectively. At present Dr. Strel’nitskij acts as the head of the Superhard Carbon Films Laboratory. He is the author of series of pioneer works on vacuum arc synthesis of diamond-like carbon films. He was at the head of R&D in growth of hydrogenated amorphous carbon films and polycrystalline diamond layers by the high current DC glow discharge method. He is coauthor of the new theoretical model of growth of superhard nanocomposite materials including DLC. The new setups equipped with filtered vacuum-arc plasma sources for deposition of DLC and composite nanostructured TiN based films were developed and applied in industry under direction of Dr. Strel’nitskij. Program Kitabı DAVETLİ KONUŞMACILAR INVITED TALKS New Environmentally-Friendly Technologies in Coating of Metal Borides Dr. Güldem KARTAL ŞİRELİ Istanbul Technical Universtiy, Turkey Dr. Güldem KARTAL SIRELI is working as a research associate in Metallurgical and Material Engineering Department of Istanbul Technical University (I.T.U). She received her B.Sc. in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Program of I.T.U with an honor award in 2002 and her M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in the same program of I.T.U in 2004 and 2012 respectively. She worked as a visiting scholar in Argonne National Laboratory between 2008 and 2010. Dr. Kartal Sireli’s research interests include: chemical and electrochemical metallurgy- molten salts electrolysis, electroplating, recovery and refining of metals; surface modification techniques- diffusion based surface hardening processes and development of green technologies. In recognition of her innovative research, she received R&D-100 Awards in process science with the design of Ultra-Fast and Large-Scale Boriding in 2012. She has acted as referee in many international journals, and taken part in many industrial projects. Dr. Kartal Sireli authored / co-authored more than 35 papers (10 in peerreviewed international journals, 4 in national journals and 22 in conference books) and gave several invited talks at international conferences. She holds 2 patents. He is the Laureate of the USSR State Prize for service in physics and technology for 1987. Dr. Strel’nitskij is author and coauthor more than 200 science published works and patents 26 UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odası TMMOB Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası 27 2nd ISTS2014 Programme Book 2. ISTS2014 DAVETLİ KONUŞMACILAR INVITED TALKS Interface Engineering in Organic Optoelectronics Dr. Ayşe TURAK McMaster University, Canada Dr. Ayşe Turak is an assistant professor in the Department of Engineering Physics at McMaster University (Canada) and a member of the NSERC CREATE Program in Photovoltaics. She was a DAAD (2007) and Marie Curie (2008-2010) Fellow at the Max-Planck-Institute for Metals Research as project leader on organic solar cells (OPVs). She was a visiting professor at Sabanci University (Istanbul, Turkey) with a European Reintegration Grant. She received her doctorate from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Toronto (Canada) in 2006, where she was a Canada Graduate Scholar working on organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs). Her research is focused on interfacial engineering in organic optoelectronic devices (OLED, OPVs). She tunes the morphology, chemistry, electronic states, and structure at electrode and donor-acceptor interfaces, and studies order disorder transitions in semiconducting organic thin films. Program Kitabı DAVETLİ KONUŞMACILAR INVITED TALKS Nanostructured Surfaces for Advanced Optoelectronic Devices Assoc.Prof. Dr. Emrah ÜNALAN Middlle East Technical University, Turkey H. Emrah Unalan received the BS degree in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering from Middle East Technical University, Turkey in 2002 and the MS and PhD degree in Materials Science and Engineering at Rutgers University, USA in 2004 and 2006, respectively. From 2006 to 2008, he was a Research Associate in Electrical Engineering Division in Engineering Department at University of Cambridge, UK. During his time at Cambridge he worked on two projects entitled “Enhanced energy and power density for mobile devices” and “Development of novel nanoscale materials for electronics” funded by Nokia Research Center and Samsung Electronics, respectively. In 2008, he joined Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Middle East Technical University, where he is currently an Associate Professor. His research interests include synthesis of nanotubes/nanowires and their utilization in flexible and transparent electronics and energy harvesting devices. The aim of his research is not only the utilization of nanomaterials for unforeseen applications through the fabrication of novel devices but also seeking possibilities for new device concepts and form factors. He is a member of Materials Research Society (MRS), American Chemical Society (ACS) and a recipient of the MRS Graduate Student Silver Award in 2005, Turkish Academy of Sciences Young Scientist Award in 2009, Parlar Foundation Incentive Award in 2011 and Feyzi Akkaya Foundation Incentive Award in 2013. 28 UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odası TMMOB Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası 29 2nd ISTS2014 Programme Book DAVETLİ KONUŞMACILAR INVITED TALKS Controlled Wetting of Polymer Surfaces: From Superhydrophilic to Superhydrophobic Prof. Dr. İskender YILGÖR Koç University, Turkey Iskender Yilgör received his BS, MS and Ph. D. Degrees in Chemistry, at Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. He then went to US and worked at Virginia Tech for 5 years. Then he joined industry and served as Vice President of R&D for two different firms. In 1994 Dr. Yilgör joined Koç University, as the founding member of the Chemistry Department, where he is currently a Professor and Dean of the Graduate School of Health Sciences. He was instrumental in establishing the Koç University Surface Science and Technology Center (KUYTAM). ISTS 2014 Prof. Yilgör has published about 100 refereed articles in polymer science. He is also a co-inventor in 10 US and European patents. Prof. Yilgör is the recipient of numerous awards for his contributions to Polymer Science, including 2003 TUBITAK Science Award. 2. ULUSLARARASI YÜZEY İŞLEMLERİ SEMPOZYUMU 2nd INTERNATIONAL SURFACE TREATMENT SYMPOSIUM ENDÜSTRİDEN DAVETLİ KATKILAR INVITED CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE INDUSTRY 30 UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers 2nd ISTS2014 Programme Book 2. ISTS2014 Program Kitabı ENDÜSTRİDEN DAVETLİ KATKILAR ENDÜSTRİDEN DAVETLİ KATKILAR INVITED CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE INDUSTRY INVITED CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE INDUSTRY New Surface Treatment Trends for Aluminum Alloys in Aerospace Industry New Generation of Hot Dip Coatings Aysun DOĞANGÜN AKIN TAI, TUSAŞ - Türk Havacılık ve Uzay Sanayii A.Ş, Turkey Dr. Beril ÇORLU ArcelorMittal Global R&D Gent, Belgium Aysun DOĞANGÜN AKIN has graduated from Chemistry Department, Middle East Technical University in 1996, has got her MSc degree from the same department/ university in 2000. Beril Corlu is working as a research engineer in ArcelorMittal Global R&D Gent, Belgium. Her current interest includes development of durable, environmentally-friendly and cost-effective metallic coatings produced by hot dipping. She has been with TAI since 1999. Specalist in surface treatment of metallic structures for corrosion prevention, paints, sealants and composite materials. Beril earned her BSc and MSc from Middle East Technical University and her PhD from Istanbul Technical University for her dissertation on “Alloying of Aluminum Surfaces with Cathodic Arc Copper and Copper Surfaces with Cathodic Arc Aluminum Plasma”. Prior to working for steel industry, she worked for 6 years in aluminum industry (Assan Aluminum, Turkey) as a researcher responsible for leading the projects aiming to optimize and improve the casting and rolling processes, to develop new products and alloys. Beril is the author of scientific publications and conference papers in the field of aluminum and surface science. 32 UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odası TMMOB Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası 33 2nd ISTS2014 Programme Book 2. ISTS2014 Program Kitabı ENDÜSTRİDEN DAVETLİ KATKILAR ENDÜSTRİDEN DAVETLİ KATKILAR INVITED CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE INDUSTRY INVITED CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE INDUSTRY Vacuum Brazing Systems Prof. Dr. H. Zafer DURUSOY NANOVAK, HÜ Technopart, TURKEY Prof.Dr. H.Zafer Durusoy was born in 1953 in Ankara. After completeting his BS at Hacettepe University Physics Department, he studied at California University for the PhD degree. Later he took up a faculty position at Hacettepe Physics departement and studied magnetic thin films, optical coatings and high Tc superconducting thin films during his academic life. In the years, 1993-1994 he was a visiting scholar at Stanford University Applied physics department. In 2006, he was one of the founders of NANOVAK Arge Ltd. Dr. Durusoy has been managing this start-up company where various evaporation systems, space simulators and vacuum brazing system are designed and manufactured. From Fundamental to Applied Electrochemistry, Electrochemically Nanocoated Selective Surfaces Prof. Dr. Figen KADIRGAN Selektif Teknoloji San. Tic. Ltd. Company, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey Dr. Figen Kadırgan is a professor at the Chemistry Department of Istanbul Technical University, since 1988. Her research areas include Fuel Cells, Electrochemically prepared thin films for the application in solar energy area (spectrally selective surfaces and solar cells) and corrosion. She has been carrying out research on electrochemistry for over 30 and on solar technologies for almost 10 years. She is the author of more than 60 publications, including articles in scientific journals, technical reports, and patents. She has received her Bachelor’s Degree from the Chemistry Department of Istanbul University and her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from University of Poitiers, France. She has worked as a researcher in the University of Poitiers, as a faculty member at University of Oujda, Morocco, University of Colarado in USA, Uppsala University in Sweden, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal in Canada and as Consultant in the Energy Department of Marmara Research Institute (Turkish Scientific Council) and in some companies. She has received Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council Encouragement Award for works in Electrochemistry, Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council Award, for the Technology Development Oriented Researches, to produce Spectrally Selective High Efficiency Solar Collectors, Turkish Chemical Foundation Award for the work in Applied Chemistry, IUPAC Fellow for the service made on 35th IUPAC Meeting and IUPAC body. She was dean of Faculty of Sciences and Letters in Istanbul Technical University between 2006 and 2010. She is one of the founder board members of Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Sciences and Letters Programs in Turkey. Actually, she is also founder and Head of Executive Board of Selektif Technology Ltd. Company ( tr). She has received 2011- Elginkan Foundation Technology Award Foundation for work on Roll to Roll Nano-Coating Selective Surfaces developed in Selektif Technology Co.Inc. Ltd. Selektif Teknoloji Co. Inc. is honored in 2012 by the Technology Award of the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), Technology Development Foundation of Turkey (TTGV) and Turkish Industry and Business Association (TÜSİAD). Selektif Teknoloji has won the Technology Award for the Development of Roll to Roll Process in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises category. 34 UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odası TMMOB Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası 35 2nd ISTS2014 Programme Book 2. ISTS2014 Program Kitabı ENDÜSTRİDEN DAVETLİ KATKILAR ENDÜSTRİDEN DAVETLİ KATKILAR INVITED CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE INDUSTRY INVITED CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE INDUSTRY Nanostructured TiAlN Coating by Moderate Temperature Low Pressure CVD Surface Modification Technologies from the Point View of White Goods Industry Dr. Reinhard PİTONAK Böhlerit GmbH & Co, Austria Dr. Mustafa SEZER Arcelik A.S. Research & Development Center, Turkey Dr. Reinhard Pitonak is working as a senior researcher in the R&D section of Böhlerit GmBH since 1985. He acquired his MSc and PhD degrees from Graz and Vienna Technical Universities in 1980 and 2011. Dr. Mustafa Sezer has been working in Arcelik A.S. since 1991. After serving in different facilities of Arcelik as specialist and team leader, he is appointed as Material Technologies manager in the R&D center of Arcelik A.S. İn 2013. Dr. Sezer acquired his MSc and PhD degrees on mechanical engineering from Istanbul Technical University in 1989 and 2000. He is a master black belt in Six Sigma quality management. He has been conducting R&D activities on wear resistant hard coatings, CVD technology, application oriented design of CVD coated hard metals. Dr. Pitonak, holds 16 patents and has authored/ coauthored original research pubications and has given several invited talks. 36 UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers He has several publications and presentations on mechanical analysis and fatigue behavior of materials. Dr. Sezer received best paper award from Society of Plastic Engineers in 2000 for the study he conducted on fatigue behavior of fiber reinforced plastics TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odası TMMOB Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası 37 2nd ISTS2014 Programme Book 2. ISTS2014 Program Kitabı ENDÜSTRİDEN DAVETLİ KATKILAR ENDÜSTRİDEN DAVETLİ KATKILAR INVITED CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE INDUSTRY INVITED CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE INDUSTRY Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS): A Powerful Tool in the Study and Characterisation of Thin Layer Materials and Coatings Dr. Peter WINSHIP Teledyne CETAC Technologies Peter Winship is currently the Technical Specialist for Teledyne CETAC Technologies in the Europe, Middle East and Africa region. He joined Teledyne CETAC Technologies in September of 2011 following five years as the Senior Analyst of a biominerals research group at the Human Nutrition Research Unit of the Medical Research Council (MRC) in Cambridge in the United Kingdom. He has a B.Sc. degree in Applied Chemistry from the Nottingham Trent University (2001), an M.Sc. degree in Analytical and Pharmaceutical Science from Loughborough University (2002) and a Ph.D. in Inorganic Analytical Chemistry from Loughborough University (2006). Dr. Winship’s main scientific interest is in analytical chemistry and particularly inorganic analysis, most notably analysis via inductively coupled plasma based spectroscopy and spectrometry. He is interested in the applications of this type of analysis across the scientific disciplines, and their spectrum of associated sample types and the challenges they pose, and pushing the limits of what is possible with ICP based instrumentation. 38 UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy for Coatings Analysis Dr. Andrew (Andy) WRIGHT University of Southampton, UK Dr. Andy Wright gained his PhD in electron spectroscopy from the University of Southampton in the UK. His work involved the study of short-lived gas-phase molecules using ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS), and the development of an instrument to perform these studies at a synchrotron facility in the UK. This was followed by a postdoctoctoral position studying optical emission from the thermal dissociation of energetic molecules. Andy joined Thermo Fisher Scientific in 1998 as an engineer, and moved to the applications team three years later. He has worked on all of Thermo Fisher’s surface analysis equipment, specialising on the Escalab family of research instruments. Andy’s roles include sample analysis, demonstrations, training, applications support, marketing and product development. When not at work, Andy enjoys photography and genealogy. TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odası TMMOB Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası 39 2. ISTS2014 Program Kitabı ÖZEL DERS TUTORIAL Electrolytic Metal Coatings: Principles, Technology and Control Prof.Dr. Ali Fuat ÇAKIR Istanbul Technical Universtiy, Turkey After graduating from the Lycee de Galatasaray he received Masters and Dr. Eng. Sc. degrees from the İstanbul Technical University (ITU, 1962) and The Columbia University (1971) in New York, USA, respectively. He served also as preceptor at the later institution. He started again teaching at ITU in 1972. He was co-founder of the Faculty of Metallurgy, founder and Chairman of the Electrometallurgy and Corrosion Chair. He served as Chair of the Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Department, Dean of the Faculty of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, University Senator and Interuniversity Board Member representing ITU. He retired in 2005. 2014 ISTS 2. ULUSLARARASI YÜZEY İŞLEMLERİ SEMPOZYUMU 2nd INTERNATIONAL SURFACE TREATMENT SYMPOSIUM His fields of interests are: corrosion and corrosion protection, surface treatment, electrolytic processes, physical vapor deposition, electro and hydrometallurgy, chemical characterisation and historical metallurgy. In national and international journals or congresses he published or presented over 170 papers. He received Science Award of the Corrosion Association (Turkey, 1994), Kape Memorial Medal from the Institute of Metal Finishing (UK, 1998). He was elected to European Academy of Surface Technology (1989) and to Board of Administrators of European Federation of Corrosion (2010). ÖZEL DERS TUTORIAL TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odası TMMOB Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası 41 2nd ISTS2014 Programme Book 2. ISTS2014 ÖZEL DERS TUTORIAL Introduction to Transmission Electron Microscopy Dr. Cleva W. OW-YANG Sabanci University, Turkey Dr. Cleva W. OW-YANG graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Materials Science and Engineering (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA) and completed her Ph.D. studies in Materials Science and Engineering at Brown University (Providence, Rhode Island, USA) in 1997. After a stint as a Chateaubriand Fellow at Thomson-CSF (now Thales, Orsay, France) and as an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Metallforschung (Stuttgart, Germany), she developed the failure analysis program for the semiconductor diode laser R&D department of SDL, Inc./JDS Uniphase. Since 2003 she has been a faculty member in the Materials Science and Engineering Program at Sabanci University, in addition to joining the research staff at the Sabanci University Nanotechnology Research and Application Center, SUNUM, in 2012. During the 2009-2010 academic year, Dr. Ow-Yang was also a Visiting Professor at MIT. Dr. Ow-Yang’s research interests include mechanisms of persistence in ceramic phosphors, nanoscale engineering of interlayers in organic photovoltaics for work function tuning, cooperative behavior between nanoparticles, transparent conductive oxides, and materials characterization with an emphasis on imaging and spectroscopy in the transmission electron microscope. 42 UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers Program Kitabı ÖZEL DERS TUTORIAL Introduction and Applications of Termal Spray Technologies Prof.Dr. Fatih ÜSTEL Sakarya University, Turkey Dr.Fatih Üstel was born in Kahramanmaraş / TURKEY in 1965 and after he had completed his education in Eskişehir / TURKEY, He graduated from Istanbul Technical University Metallurgical and Material Engineering Department in 1987. He graduated in Master in Science program from ITU Graduated School of Science Engineering and Technology with a master in science thesis titled “Plasma Spray Coating Technology”. He completed “Production and Characterization of Titanium Based coatings” titled PhD thesis in Sakarya University Institute of Natural Science in 2004. Dr.Ustel had been invited as a guest researcher for several institutes from several foreign countries. He studied thin film coatings and high temperature coatings for aviation gas turbines. Dr.Ustel has found an advanced thermal spray research and application laboratory (TESLAB) with several projects supported by national DPT and TUBITAK organizations. Dr.Ustel is manager of TESLAB and giving graduated lectures for surface engineering area. TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odası TMMOB Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası 43 2nd ISTS2014 Programme Book 2. ISTS2014 ÖZEL DERS TUTORIAL Surface Analysis with Electron Spectroscopy Program Kitabı ÖZEL DERS TUTORIAL Sempozyumda yer alacak özel ders başlık ve eğitimci isimleri aşağıdaki listede yer almaktadır. Tutorials, topics and names of the tutors are listed below. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özgür BİRER Koç University, Turkey Dr. Özgür Birer graduated from Bilkent University Chemistry Department (Ankara, Turkey) and completed his Ph.D. studies in physical chemistry at Princeton University (Princeton, USA) in 2007. After a post-doc appointment in Ruhr Universitaet (Bochum, Germany), he joined the Chemistry Department at Koç University in 2009. Since 2012, he has been the director of Koç University Surface Science and Technology Research Center, KUYTAM. Özel Ders-1 / Tutorial-1 : Prof. Dr. Ali Fuat ÇAKIR Electrolytic Metal Coatings: Principles, Technology and Control 25 June/Haziran 2014 Time/Saat : 16.00 – 18.00 Özel Ders-2 / Tutorial-2: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özgür BİRER Surface Analysis with Electron Spectroscopy 26 June/Haziran 2014 Time/Saat : 16.00 – 18.00 Dr. Birer’s research areas are materials characterization, surface properties, ultrasound assisted/sonochemical reactions and plasma modifications. Özel Ders-3 / Tutorial-3 : Dr. Cleva W. OW-YANG Introduction to Transmission Electron Microscopy 27 June/Haziran 2014 Time/Saat : 16.00 – 18.00 Özel Ders-4 / Tutorial-4 : Prof. Dr. Fatih ÜSTEL Introduction and Applications of Termal Spray Technologies 27 June/Haziran 2014 Time/Saat : 16.00 – 18.00 Özel derslere kayıt olmak için lütfen, web adresini kullanınız. For registering please visit our website. 44 UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odası TMMOB Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası 45 25 Haziran/June 2014 AÇILIŞ / OPENING 09:00 Kayıt Registration 10:00 10:30 Açılış Konuşmaları Opening Ceremony 10:30 10:45 Plaket Töreni Plaquet Presentation SALON / HALL 1 2014 ISTS Industrial Perspectives of Surface Treatments Yüzey İşlemlerine Endüstriyel Bakış Session Chairman / Oturum Başkanı: ALİ FUAT ÇAKIR 11.00 11.35 2. ULUSLARARASI YÜZEY İŞLEMLERİ SEMPOZYUMU 2nd INTERNATIONAL SURFACE TREATMENT SYMPOSIUM SEMPOZYUM PROGRAMI SYMPOSIUM PROGRAMME Novel Applications of Carbon Based Coatings in Automotive Powertrains and Manufacturing Processes Otomotiv Aktarma Organlarında ve İmalat Süreçlerinde Karbon Temelli Kaplamaların Yeni Uygulamaları Ahmet Alpas University of Windsor Canada (Invited) 11.35 12.05 Surface Modification Technologies from the Point View of White Goods Industry Beyaz Eşya Endüstrisi Açısından Yüzey İşlem Teknolojileri Mustafa Sezer Arçelik R&D Center Turkey (Invited Contribution from the Industry) TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odası TMMOB Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası 47 13.30 14.05 25 Haziran/June 2014 25 Haziran/June 2014 SALON / HALL 1 SALON / HALL 1 PVD and CVD Coatings/ FBB ve KBB Kaplamalar PVD and CVD Coatings/ FBB ve KBB Kaplamalar Session Chairman / Oturum Başkanı: AHMET ALPAS Session Chairman / Oturum Başkanı: PAUL MAYRHOFER Advances in Ti-Al-N and Related Nanocomposite Coatings for Severe Applications Ti-Al-N Esaslı Kaplamaların Zorlu Koşullarda Kullanımına Yönelik Gelişmeler 14.50 15.25 Cathodic-Arc Plasma Sources for Composite Coatings Deposition Kompozit Kaplamalar için Katodik Ark Plazma Kaynakları Vladimir E. Strel’nitskij KIPT Ukraine Paul Mayrhofer Vienna University of Technology Austria (Invited) (Invited) 14.05 14.35 Nanostructured TiAN Coatings by Moderate Temperature Low Pressure CVD 15.25 15.45 Orta Sıcaklık Düşük Basınç KBB Yöntemi ile Nanoyaplılı TiAlN Kaplamaların Üretimi EDM İşlemininin WC-10 Co Bileşimindeki Sert Metallerin Yüzeyi Üzerindeki Etkisi Nilüfer Orhon, Erdem Şireli Böhler Sert Maden Takım San. Turkey Reinhard Pitonak Boehlerit GmbH&Co Austria (Invited Contribution from the Industry) Effects of EDM Process on Surface Integrity of WC-10 Co Alloy 15.45 16.05 Effects of Ar/N2 Gas Flow Ratio on TiN Coatings Produced by Cathodic Arc PVD Technique Using High Voltage Pulse Bias Ar/N2 Gaz Oranının Yüksek Voltaj Darbeli Bias Voltajı Kullanılarak Yapılan TiN Kaplamaların Özelliklerine Etkisi Sinan Akkaya¹, Bahadır Yıldız¹, Vladimir Strel’nitskiy², Mustafa Ürgen¹ ¹Istanbul Technical University, ²KIPT Turkey, Ukraine 48 UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odası TMMOB Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası 49 25 Haziran/June 2014 26 Haziran/June 2014 SALON / HALL 1 SALON / HALL 1 Alternative Conversion Coatings and Surface Preparation Processes/ Alternatif Dönüşüm Kaplamalar ve Yüzey Hazırlama İşlemleri Boriding/ Borlama Session Chairman / Oturum Başkanı: SERVET TİMUR 16.20 16.50 Mariola Brandes, Rolf Pofalla Enthone GmbH Germany Investigation of an Alternative Vapor Degreaser used in Aerospace Applications Metal Borür Kaplamalar için Çevreye Duyarlı Yeni Teknolojiler (Invited) 10.05 10.25 Boriding of Ferritic GGG40.3 Ductile Iron Ferritik GGG40.3 Düktil Dökme Demir’in Borlanması Fatma Ünal, Ahmet Topuz Yıldız Technical University Turkey Green Process for Plating on Plastics and Decorative Plating Plastikler Üzerine Kaplama Yapmaya ve Dekoratif Kaplamalara Yönelik Yeşil Prosesler New Environmentally-Friendly Technologies in Coating of Metal Borides Güldem Kartal Şireli, Perim Özkalafat, Servet Timur Istanbul Technical University Turkey Havacılık Endüstrisinde Kullanılan Aluminyum Alaşımlarına Yönelik Yeni Yüzey İşlemler (Invited Contribution from the Industry) 17.10 17.30 09.30 10.05 New Surface Treatment Trends For Aluminum Alloys in Aerospace Industry Aysun Doğangün Akın TAI, Turkish Aerospace Industry Turkey 16.50 17.10 Session Chairman / Oturum Başkanı: GÖKHAN ORHAN 10.25 10.45 Growth of TiB2 on AISI 1040 Steel via Combined Dual Process: PVD and CRTD-Bor Bileşik Proses (FBB, KRTD-Bor) Yöntemi ile AISI 1040 Çelikleri Üzerinde TiB2 Büyütülmesi Çağatay Yelkarası, Güldem Kartal Şireli, Servet Timur, Mustafa Ürgen Istanbul Technical University Turkey Havacılık Uygulamalarına Yönelik Yeni Bir Buhar Fazı Yağ Gidericinin Araştırılması Başak Başarır, Aysun Doğangün Akın TAI, Turkish Aerospace Industry, Turkey 50 UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odası TMMOB Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası 51 26 Haziran/June 2014 26 Haziran/June 2014 SALON / HALL 1 SALON / HALL 1 Nitriding / Nitrürleme Diffusion Based Coatings / Yayınma Temelli Kaplamalar Session Chairman / Oturum Başkanı: AHMET TOPUZ 11.00 11.20 Low Pressure Carburizing (LPC) and Low Pressure Nitriding (LPN) of Fuel Injection Nozzles Made of Tool Steel Yüksek Hız Çeliğinden Mamul Yakıt Enjektör Memelerinin Düşük Basınç altında Karbürlenmesi ve Nitrürlenmesi Session Chairman / Oturum Başkanı: NURİ SOLAK 13.30 14.00 11.40 12.00 The Effects of Vanadium and Chromium Content on the Microstructure of Powder Metallurgical Steels after Nitriding Process Yeni Nesil Sıcak Daldırma Kaplamalar Beril Çorlu ArcelorMittal Global R&D Ghent Belgium Maciej Korecki¹, Piotr Kula³, Emilia Wolowiec³, Michal Bazel², Michal Sut² ¹Seco/Warwick S.A., ²Seco/Warwick Europe Sp. Zo, ³Lodz University of Technology Poland 11.20 11.40 New Generation of Hot Dip Coatings (Invited Contribution from the Industry) 14.00 14.30 Vacuum Brazing Systems Vakum Lehimleme Sistemleri Vanadyum ve Krom İçeriğinin Toz Metalurjik Çeliklerin Nitrasyon Isıl İşlemi Sonrasında Mikroyapıya Etkisi H. Zafer Durusoy NANOVAK Turkey Aydın Şelte¹,², Burak Özkal¹, Koray Arslan², İsmail Gezici², Sakine Ülker², Aziz Hatman² ¹Istanbul Technical University, ²Böhler Uddeholm Turkey (Invited Contribution from the Industry) Residual Stress Profile Analysis of Gas Nitrided Engine Components as a Function of Depth 14.30 14.50 Cathodic Arc Electron-Metal Ion Treatment- A New Technique for Producing Diffusion Based Coatings in Cathodic Arc Vacuum Systems Gas Nitrürlenmiş Motor Parçalarının Derinliğe Bağlı Kalıntı Gerilme Analizi Katodik Ark Elektron-Metal Üyonu İşlemi-Katodik Ark Sistemi Kullanılarak Difüzyon Temelli Kaplama Üretimi için Yeni bir Yaklaşım Ahmet F. Yayla¹, Rıdvan Gecü¹, Asuman Koç², Nuri Solak¹, Kürşat Kazmanlı¹, Mustafa Ürgen¹ ¹Istanbul Technical University, ²Robert Bosch Turkey Semih Öncel Öncel İleri Malzemeler ve Yüzey Teknolojileri Turkey 52 UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odası TMMOB Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası 53 15.05 15.40 15.40 16.00 26 Haziran/June 2014 26 Haziran/June 2014 SALON / HALL 1 SALON / HALL 1 Thermal Spray/ Isıl Püskürtme Coatings Tribology/ Kaplama Tribolojisi Laser and Plasma Enhanced CVD Coatings / Lazer ve Plazma Destekli KBB Kaplamalar Session Chairman / Oturum Başkanı: GÜLTEKİN GÖLLER Session Chairman / Oturum Başkanı: CLEVA OW-YANG Optimising Surfaces to Meet the Needs of Different Tribological Contact Types Yüzeylerin Değişik Tribolojik Kontak Türlerine Göre Optimize Edilmesi 16.55 17.30 Takashi Goto Tohoku University Japan (Invited) (Invited) Processing and Characterization of CYSZ/Al2O3 and CYSZ/Al2O3+YSZ Multilayered Thermal Barrier Coatings CYSZ/Al2O3 ve CYSZ/Al2O3+YSZ Esaslı Çok Katlı Isıl Bariyer Kaplamaların Üretimi ve Tanımlanması An Investigation on Abrasive Wear Behaviour of Wear Resistant HVOF Coatings and Hardfacing Overlay Steels HVOF ve Sert Yüzeyleme Yolu ile Üretilen Aşınmaya Dayanıklı Kaplamaların Abrasiv Aşınma Davranışı Ekrem Altuncu, Fatih Üstel Sakarya University Turkey 16.20 16.40 Lazer Destekli Yüksek Hızlı Kimyasal Buhar Biriktirme ile Kalın Filmlerin Kaplanması Allan Matthews, Adrian Leyland The University of Sheffield United Kingdom 17.30 17.50 Mehmet M. Dokur, Gültekin Göller Istanbul Technical University Turkey 16.00 16.20 High-Speed Deposition of Thick Films by Laser Chemical Vapor Deposition Fabrication of Thermoresponsive Polymer Nanotubes using Initiated Chemical Vapor Deposition (ICVD) IKBB Yöntemi Kullanılarak Termoduyarlı Polimer Nanotüplerin Üretimi Parvin Qureshi, Gözde İnce Sabanci University Turkey 17.50 18.10 Production and Characterization of Metal Doped-DLC Films by PE-CVD / Magnetron Sputtering PVD Hybrid Coating Technique Metal Katkılı Elmas Benzeri Karbon Filmlerin Plazma Desteki KBB/ Manyetik Alanda Sıçratma FBB Hibrid Tekniği ile Üretimi ve Karakterizasyonu N. Münevver Doğduaslan, Kürşat Kazmanlı, Mustafa Ürgen Istanbul Technical University Turkey Fine Powder Coating İnce Toz Kaplama Werner Kremmel FPC-Fine Powder Coating, PlasmaTreat GmbH Germany 54 UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odası TMMOB Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası 55 26 Haziran/June 2014 26 Haziran/June 2014 SALON / HALL 2 SALON / HALL 2 Surface Treatment Of Biomaterials / Biyomalzemelere Uygulanan Yüzey İşlemleri Surface Characterization/ Yüzey Tanımlama Session Chairman / Oturum Başkanı: ÖZGÜR BİRER Session Chairman / Oturum Başkanı: SANJAY MATHUR 09.30 10.05 Electrochemical Surface Treatment of Titanium at the Micro/Nano Scale: Fundamentals and Bio-Medical Applications 11.00 11.30 (Invited) 10.05 10.25 (Invited Contribution from the Industry) 11.30 12.00 Kalsiyum Fosfat Kaplamaların Korozyon Özellikleri Üzerinde Darbeli Kaplama Periyodunun Etkisi Effect of Electrophoretic Deposition Process Parameters of Nano Hydroxyapatite Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS): A Powerful Tool in the Study and Characterisation of Thin Layer Materials and Coatings Lazer Buharlaştırmalı İndükleme ile Eşlenmiş Plazma Kütle Spektrometresi (LA-ICP-MS): İnce Katmanlı Malzeme ve Katmanlarının Tanımlanmasında Güçlü bir Araç Investigation of Duty Cycle Effect on Corrosion Properties of Calcium Phosphate Coatings Peter Winship Teledyne CETAC Technologies United Kingdom Tülay Koç Delice, Güler Ungan, Funda Ak Azem, Ahmet Çakır Dokuz Eylül University Turkey 10.25 10.45 Kaplama Tanımlamasında X-Işınları Foto Elekron Spektroskopisi Kullanımı Andrew Wright Thermo Fisher Scientific United Kingdom Titanyumun Mikro ve Nano Ölçekte Elektrokimyasal Yüzey İşlemi: Temelleri ve Biyo-medikal Uygulamaları Dieter Landolt Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Switzerland X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy for Coatings Analysis (Invited Contribution from the Industry) 12.00 12.20 Nanomechanical Characterization and Scratch Testing of Abrasion Resistant Anti-Reflective Sol-Gel Coatings for Concentrating Photovoltaic Applications Sol-Jel Yöntemi ile Fotovoltaik Uygulamalar için Üretilen Aşınmaya Dayançlı, Yansıtmayan Kaplamaların Nanomekanik Tanımlanması ve Çizik Testi Nano Boyutlu Hidroksiapatitin Elektroforetik Yöntemle Kaplanması Üzerinde Proses parametrelerinin Etkisi Merve Geçgin¹, Zeynep Aslantürk¹, Göncü Yapıncak², Nuran Ay¹ ¹Anadolu University, ²Bortek Bor Teknolojileri ve Mekatronik A.Ş. Turkey Jiri Nohava¹, Cecilia Agustin², Jaroslav Cech¹, Philippe Kempe¹, Marta Brizuela² ¹Anton Paar, ²Tecnalia Switzerland, Spain 12.20 12.40 The UMS: A New Tool For Multi-Angle UV-VIS-NIR Photometric Spectroscopy UMS: Çok Açılı UV-VIS-NIR Fotometrik Spektroskopi için Yeni Bir Araç David L. Deat, Robert J. Francis, Cameron Bricker, Travis Burt, Jan Wuelfken Agilent Technologie Australia 56 UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odası TMMOB Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası 57 13.30 14.05 26 Haziran/June 2014 26 Haziran/June 2014 SALON / HALL 2 SALON / HALL 2 Sensing and Energy Harvesting / Algılama ve Enerji Toplama Optoelectronic Materials / Optoelektronik Malzemeler Session Chairman / Oturum Başkanı: MACİT ÖZENBAŞ Session Chairman / Oturum Başkanı: KÜRŞAT KAZMANLI Metal Oxide Nanosurfaces and Hetero-interfaces for Sensing and Energy Harvesting Applications Algılama ve Enerji Toplamasına Yönelik Metal Oksit Nanoyüzeyler ve Hetero-Arayüzeyler 15.00 15.35 Nanostructured Surfaces for Advanced Optoelectronic Devices İleri Optoelektronik Aygıtlar için Nanoyapılı Yüzeyler H. Emrah Ünalan Middle East Technical University Turkey Sanjay Mathur,Thomas Fischer, Raquel Fiz, Yakup Gönüllü University of Cologne Germany (Invited) (Invited) 14.05 14.25 Combinatorial Development of Thin Film Membranes for Hydrogen Separation Use of Multilayered Si Based Films as Anodes for Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Batteries Çok Katmanlı Si Esaslı Filmlerin Tekrar Şarj Edilebilen Li-İyon Pillerinde Anot Olarak Kullanılması B. Deniz Polat¹,², O.Levent Eryilmaz², Özgül Keleş¹, Ali Erdemir² ¹Istanbul Technical University, ²Argonne National Laboratories Turkey, USA 58 UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers Interface Engineering in Organic Optoelectronics Organik Optoelektroniklerde Arayüzey Mühendisliği Ayşe Turak McMaster University Canada Hidrojen Ayırmaya Yönelik İnce Film Membranların Kombinatoryal Yöntemle Geliştirilmesi Tayfur Öztürk¹, Fatih Pişkin¹, Hakan Akyıldız² ¹Middle East Technical University, ²Selcuk University Turkey 14.25 14.45 15.35 16.10 (Invited) 16.10 16.30 Plasma-Enhanced CVD of Visible-light Active Metal Oxide Nanostructures: Growth, Modification and Device Applications Plazma Destekli KBB ile Üretilen Görünür Işığa Duyarlı Metal Oksit Nano Yapılar: Büyüme, Modifikasyon ve Aygıt Üretimi Andreas Mettenboerger, Thomas Fischer, Ashish Lepcha, Yakup Gönüllü, Sanjay Mathur University of Cologne Germany TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odası TMMOB Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası 59 26 Haziran/June 2014 27 Haziran/June 2014 SALON / HALL 2 SALON / HALL 1 Energy Materials / Enerji Malzemeleri Electrolytic and Electroless Coatings / Elektrolitik ve Akımsız Kaplamalar Session Chairman / Oturum Başkanı: ÖZGÜL KELEŞ 16.45 17.15 From Fundamental to Applied Electrochemistry, Electrochemically Nanocoated Selective Surfaces Temel Elektrokimyadan Uygulamalı Elektrokimyaya, Elektrokimyasal Olarak Kaplanmış Seçici Nano Yüzeyler Session Chairman / Oturum Başkanı: LASZLO PETER 09.30 10.05 Nikel Esaslı Kompozit ve Nanoyapılı Kaplamaların Darbeli Elektrolitik Yöntemle Biriktirilmesi: Yapısal, Mekanik ve Foto Uyarılma Özellikleri Figen Kadırgan Selektif Teknoloji San. Tic. Ltd. Company Turkey (Invited Contribution from the Industry) 17.15 17.35 Evangelia (Litsa) Pavlatou National Technical University of Athens Greece Production and Characterization of High Performance FTO and ITO Thin Films Using Ultrasonic Spray Deposition For Dye Sensitized Solar Cell Boyar Maddeli Güneş Pilleri için Ultrasonik Püskürtme Biriktirme Kullanılarak Kaplanan Yüksek Performanslı FTO ve ITO İnce Filmlerin Üretimi ve Tanımlanması (Invited) 10.05 10.25 Ramazan Katırcı¹, Uğur Yılmaz² ¹ASR Electrochemical Energy Sys. Co., ²UK Ugur Metal Coating Co. Turkey Growth of Organic Semiconductor CuPc Nanostructured Thin Films via CSP Technique Organik Yarı İletken CuPC Nanoyapılı Filmlerin KSP Yöntemi ile Büyütülmesi Dilek Demiroğlu¹, Beyhan Tatar², Mustafa Ürgen¹ ¹Namık Kemal University, ²Istanbul Technical University Turkey 60 UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers Statistical Studies of Zn–Ni Alloy Coatings using Non-Cyanide Alkaline Baths Containing Polyethyleneimine Complexing Agents Polietilenimin Kompleks Yapıcıları İçeren Siyanürsüz Alkali Banyolar ile Kaplanan Zn-Ni alaşımlarının İstatistiksel Analizi K. Çağatay İçli, Macit Özenbaş Middle East Technical University Turkey 17.35 17.55 Pulse Electrodeposition of Ni- Based Composite Coatings and Nanostructures: Structure, Mechanical and Photoinduced Properties 10.25 10.45 The Electrodeposition of Silver and Gold from Cyanide Electrolytes Siyanürlü Elektrolitlerden Gümüş ve Altının Elektrolitik Kaplanması Kübra Yumakgil, Servet Timur Istanbul Technical University Turkey TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odası TMMOB Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası 61 27 Haziran/June 2014 27 Haziran/June 2014 SALON / HALL 1 SALON / HALL 1 Electrolytic and Electroless Coatings / Elektrolitik ve Akımsız Kaplamalar Surface Modifications for Tuning Wetting Properties & Sol-Gel Coatings Yüzey Gerilimini Değiştirmeye Yönelik Yüzey İşlemleri ve Sol-Jel Kaplamalar Session Chairman / Oturum Başkanı: EVANGELIA PAVLATOU 11.00 11.35 Session Chairman / Oturum Başkanı: MUSTAFA ÜRGEN Composition Depth Profile of Electrodeposited Alloy and Multilayer Films Elektrolitik Alaşım ve Çok Katlı Kaplamaların Bileşim –Derinlik Profili László Péter, Kálmán Vad, Attila Csik, Katalin Neuróhr, Imre Bakonyi, György Molnár Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Hungary 13.30 14.05 Industrialisation of Surface Treatment with Electrodeposition Processes from Ionic Liquids İyonik Sıvılardan Elekrobiriktirme Prosesisinin Endüstriyelleştirilmesi (Invited) 14.05 14.25 Philippe Verpoort, Ansbert De Cleene, Eva Diaz Gonzales Krista Van Den Bergh, Johan Verlee, Joost De Strycker, Rob Van De Coevering OCAS N.V. Belgium 11.55 12.15 High Temperature Oxidation Behavior of Electroless Ni-P, Ni-B and Ni-W-B Coatings Akımsız Ni-P, Ni-B ve Ni-W-B Kaplamaların Yüksek Sıcaklık Oksidasyon Davranışı Polimer Yüzeylerin Islanma Özelliklerinin Kontrolü: Süperhidrofilik Yüzeylerden Süperhidrofobik Yüzeylere İskender Yılgör Surface Science and Technology Center (KUYTAM), Koç University Turkey (Invited) 11.35 11.55 Controlled Wetting of Polymer Surfaces: From Superhydrophilic to Superhydrophobic Surface Treatment with Atmospheric Pressure Cold Plasma Systems Atmosferik Basınç Soğuk Plazma Sistemleri Kullanılarak Yapılan Yüzey İşlemleri Erhan Acar, Özgür Birer Koç University Turkey 14.25 15.00 Sol-Gel Derived Functional Metal Oxide Thin Films on Glass Sol-Jel Yöntemi ile Cam Üzerine İşlevsel Metal Oksit İnce Filmlerin Kaplanması Caner Durucan Middle East Technical University Turkey Sinem Eraslan, Mustafa Ürgen Istanbul Technical University Turkey (Invited) 15.00 15.20 The Effect of Withdrawal Speed on the Characteristic Properties of CIGS Thin Films Derived by Sol-Gel Process Sol-Jel ile Üretilen CIGS İnce Filmlerin Karakteristik Özelliklerine Çekme Hızının Etkisi Utku C. Matur¹,², Nilgün Baydoğan¹ ¹Energy Institute, Istanbul Technical University, ²Gedik University Turkey 62 UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odası TMMOB Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası 63 27 Haziran/June 2014 SALON / HALL 1 Anodik Oksidasyon / Anodic Oxidation Session Chairman / Oturum Başkanı: MESUT AKKAYA Micro Arc Oxidation of AZ91 Mg Alloy in Silicate Electrolyte – Effect of Electrical Parameters AZ91 Magnezyum Alaşımının Silikatlı Elektrolitlerde Mikro Ark Oksidasyonuna Etki Eden Elektriksel Parametreler Murat Baydoğan, Deniz Kılıç, Faiz Muhaffel Istanbul Technical University Turkey 15.55 16.15 The Effect of Acid Etch Pretreatment on Aluminum Extrusion Streaks Asit Dağlama Ön İşleminin Aluminyum Yüzeyindeki Ektrüzyon Kusurları Üzerindeki Etkisi Can Akyıl¹, Sümbüle Sağdıç², Mustafa Ürgen³, Özgül Keleş³ ¹Politeknik Metal San. ve Tic. A.Ş., ²ASAŞ Aluminum A.Ş., ³Istanbul Technical University Turkey 16.15 16.35 Structural and Dissolution Characteristics of MAO Produced Films On Ti6Al4V Alloy Ti6Al4V Alaşımı üzerinde MAO ile Oluşturulan Filmlerin Yapısal ve Çözünme Davranışları Güler Ungan, Ahmet Çakır Dokuz Eylül University Turkey ISTS 2014 15.35 15.55 2. ULUSLARARASI YÜZEY İŞLEMLERİ SEMPOZYUMU 2nd INTERNATIONAL SURFACE TREATMENT SYMPOSIUM POSTER SUNUMLARI / POSTER SESSION 27 Haziran/June 2014 12:00 13:30 Poster Oturumu Posterlerin Sempozyumun ilk gününden itibaren posterler için ayrılan bölgedeki panolara asılmaları ve poster oturumu sırasında poster sahiplerinin posterlerinin başında olmaları beklenmektedir. Poster Session Poster are expected to be hanged on the first day of the Symposium on the panes in the region allocated to posters. During the poster session the presenter of the posters should be present by their posters. 64 UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers POSTER SUNUMLARI / POSTER SESSION PS-01 Improvement of the ZnSe Substrate Surfaces with Plasma Cleaning POSTER SUNUMLARI / POSTER SESSION PS-06 ZnSe Alttas Yüzeylerinin Plazma Temizliği Yoluyla İyileştirilmesi Hacı Batman¹, Gülgün Hamide Aydoğdu¹, Alp Eren Sinan Özhan¹,² ¹Aselsan A.Ş. MGEO Grubu, ²Atılım Üniversitesi Turkey PS-02 PS-07 PS-08 PS-09 Ark Püskürtme Alaşımlama Yöntemi ile 4140 Çeliğinin Üzerine Uygulanan Kaplamaların Karakterizasyonu PS-05 Characterization of Duplex Thermal Spray Coating Application on AISI4140 Steel Substrate Dupleks Termal Püskürtme Yöntemi ile 4140 Çeliği Üzerine Uygulanan Kaplamaların Karakterizasyonu Effect of Magnetron Sputtering Parameters on the Coating Thickness of Iron and Aluminum Manyetik Alanda Sıçratma Parametrelerinin Demir ve Aluminyum Kaplamaların Kalınlığı Üzerindeki Etkisi Characterization of the Coating Applied Using Arc Spray Alloying Method on AISI 4140 Steel Substrate Özgür Çınar¹, İnan Geçmen², Burcu Nilgün Çetiner¹ ¹University of Marmara, ²Imkosan Metal, İmalat ve Rontgen Kontrol San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Turkey Influence of SiC Nanopowders on the Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of IF Steel Welded via Friction Stir Spot Welding Seyedeh Fatemeh Tebyani¹, Kamran Dehghani¹, Sirous Khabbaz², Mohamad Hosein Hasanniya³ ¹Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), ²Sabanci University, ³Supplying Automotive Parts Co. (SAPCO) Iran, Turkey Ti6AlV Alaşımı Üzerine Biriktirilen CaP Kaplaması İçerisine Zn Katkısının Korozyon Özellikleri Üzerindeki Etkisi PS-04 Nano Parçacık Takviyeli PTFE Kaplamaların Karakterizasyonu Sürtünme Nokta Kaynağı ile Birleştirilen IF Çeliklerinin Mikroyapı ve Mekanik Özelliklerine SiC Nanotozların Etkisi Effect of Zn Substitution to Corrosion Behaviour of CaP Coatings on Ti6Al4V Substrates Bensu Bakın¹, Utku Tırıc, Tülay Koç, Işıl Birlik, Funda Ak Azem Dokuz Eylül University Turkey Characterization of Nano Particle Reinforced PTFE Coatings Utku Bozan, Ekrem Altuncu, Fatih Üstel Sakarya University Turkey Erdinç Vural¹, Serkan Özel¹, Bülent Özdalyan² ¹Bitlis Eren University, ²Karabük University Turkey PS-03 Fe-Ni-Co Alaşımının Elektrokimyasal Dağlanması Yasemin Dündar¹, Gökhan Demirci², Metehan Erdoğan³ ¹Middle East Technical University, ²Aselsan Inc., ³Yıldırım Beyazıt University Turkey The Investigation of Microstructure and Surface Roughness of Oxide Layers Coated on Surface of the Engine Piston (AlSi12CuNi) by Using Plasma Spray Method Plazma Püskürtme ile Oksit Kaplanan Motor Pistonlarının Mikroyapı ve Yüzey Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi Electrochemical Etching of An Fe-Ni-Co Alloy Furkan Soysal, Berrak Erkmen, Burhanettin Çiçek Ankara University Turkey PS-10 Surface Modification of Biomass Based Activated Carbon with Chitosan Biyokütle Temelli Aktif Karbon Yüzeyinin Çitosan ile Modifikasyonu Yavuz Gökçe, Emine Yağmur, Zeki Aktaş Ankara University Turkey Özgür Çınar¹, İnan Geçmen², Burcu Nilgün Çetiner¹ ¹University of Marmara, ²Imkosan Metal, Imalat ve Rontgen Kontrol San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Turkey 66 UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odası TMMOB Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası 67 POSTER SUNUMLARI / POSTER SESSION PS-11 PS-12 The Effect of Production Parameters and Microstructure of the AA5005 Aluminum Alloy Produced by Twin Roll Casting on Anodizing Behavior POSTER SUNUMLARI / POSTER SESSION PS-16 İkiz Merdane Döküm ile Üretilen AA5005 Alaşımının Anodizasyonu Üzerinde Üretim Parametrelerinin ve Mikroyapının Etkisi Katodik Ark-Elektron Metal İyon İşlemi ile Ti Altlık Üzerinde NiTi Metallerarası Katmanların Oluşturulması ve Karakterizasyonu Beyza Yeşilbağ¹,², Koray Turbalıoğlu¹, Nuri Solak² ¹Teknik Alüminyum, ²Istanbul Technical University Turkey Nagihan Sezgin, Erkan Kaçar, Kürşat Kazmanlı, Mustafa Ürgen Istanbul Technical University Turkey Tribological Behaviour of Manganese Phosphate Coating on Gray Cast Iron in Boundry Lubrication Regime PS-17 Pınar Yavuz¹,², S. Alper Yeşilçubuk², Kürşat Kazmanlı¹, Mustafa Ürgen¹ ¹Istanbul Technical University, ²Arçelik A.Ş. R&D Center Turkey Improving Tribological Behaviour of Al-Si Alloy/Cast Iron Tribo-Pairs Al-Si Alaşımı/Dökme Demir Tribo Çiftinin Tribolojik Özelliklerinin Geliştirilmesi Kaan Kurucu, İhsan Efeoğlu, Yaşar Totik, Ersin Arslan, K. Vefa Ezirmik, Ebru Emine Şüküroğlu, Hikmet Çiçek Atatürk University Turkey PS-18 Pınar Yavuz ¹ ², Alper Yeşilçubuk², Oğuzhan Kaya¹, Emre Gülbahar¹, S. Sonay Özbay¹, İbrahim Özdemir¹, Mustafa Ürgen¹ ¹Istanbul Technical University, ²Arçelik A.Ş. R&D Center Turkey Production of NbTi Alloys by Cathodic Arc-PVD Technique using AC Bias Voltage AC Bias Voltajı Kullanılarak NbTi Alaşımlarının Katodik Ark FBB Tekniği ile Üretilmesi Çınar Laloğlu, İhsan Efeoğlu, Yaşar Totik, Ersin Arslan, K. Vefa Ezirmik, Ebru Emine Şüküroğlu, Ayşenur Keleş Atatürk University Turkey PS-19 Influence of Gaseous Nitriding on the Residual Stress Behavior of 31CrMoV9 Steel 31CrMoV9 Çeliğinin Kalıntı Gerilme Içeriği Üzerinde Gaz Nitrürlemenin Etkisi Rıdvan Gecü¹,², Ahmet Fatih Yayla¹, Nuri Solak¹, Kürşat Kazmanlı¹, Mustafa Ürgen¹ ¹Istanbul Technical University, ²Yıldız Technical University Turkey 68 UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers Investigation of the Adhesion Properties of Magnesium Alloys Treated by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation Plazma Elektrolitik Oksidasyon Yöntemiyle Kaplanmış Magnezyum Alaşımlarının Adezyon Özelliklerinin Araştırılması Erkan Kaçar, Semih Öncel, Mustafa Ürgen Istanbul Technical University Turkey PS-15 The Tribological Properties of TiAlN/TiCrN Multilayer Coatings Produced by CFUBMS CFUBMS Yöntemi ile Büyütülen TiAlN/TiCrN Çok Tabakalı Filmlerin Tribolojik Özelliklerinin Araştırılması , PS-14 Effect of Deposition Parameters on the Tribological Properties of Ti-DLC Films Farklı Parametrelerde Kaplanmış Ti-DLC Filmlerin Tribolojik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi Mangan Fosfat Kaplı Gri Dökme Demirin Sınır Yağlama Koşulları Altındaki Tribolojik Davranışları PS-13 Formation and Characterization of NiTi Intermetallic Layers on Ti Substrate by Cathodic Arc-Electron Metal Ion Treatment Technique Ebru Emine Şüküroğlu, Ersin Arslan, Yaşar Totik, İhsan Efeoğlu, Süleyman Şüküroğlu Atatürk University Turkey PS-20 Novel Method for the Production of Self-Standing Ag Nanowires Kendi Kendini Taşıyabilen Gümüş Nanotellerin Üretimi için Yeni Bir Yöntem B. Deniz Polat, Özgül Keleş, Mustafa Ürgen Istanbul Technical University Turkey TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odası TMMOB Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası 69 POSTER SUNUMLARI / POSTER SESSION PS-21 Production of Al-Cu-Fe Quasicrystalline Layers on Steel by Cathodic Arc- Electron Metal Ion Treatment Çelik Yüzeyler Üzerinde Katodik Ark-Elektron-Metal İyon İşlemi ile Al-Cu-Fe Esaslı Kuasikristal Katmanların Üretimi Seda Arpacı, Erkan Kaçar, Mustafa Ürgen Istanbul Technical University Turkey PS-22 Investigation of the Potential of TiN Coatings for Combating Wear Problems in Olive Oil Extraction Zeytinyağı Üretim Süreçlerinde Aşınma Problemlerinin Çözümüne Yönelik Olarak TiN Kaplamaların Potansiyelinin Araştırılması Amir Bahri¹, Sinan Akkaya², Bahadır Yıldız², Khaled Elleuch¹, Musfata Ürgen² ¹ENIS, ²Istanbul Technical University Tunisia, Turkey PS-23 Fabrication of Superhydrophobic PDMS-Silica Nanocomposite Coatings Gülen Büyükolca, Ayfer Saraç, Sennur Deniz Yıldız Technical University Turkey PS-24 Modified Silica Coatings for Glass Surfaces by Single Step Sol-Gel Process Cam Yüzeylerin Tek Adım Sol Jel Işlemi ile Değiştirilmiş Silika Kaplanması Sennur Deniz, Gülen Büyükolca Yıldız Technical University Turkey ISTS 2014 Süperhidrofobik PDMS-Silika Nanokompozit Kaplamaların Üretimi 2. ULUSLARARASI YÜZEY İŞLEMLERİ SEMPOZYUMU 2nd INTERNATIONAL SURFACE TREATMENT SYMPOSIUM TAŞKIŞLA KAMPUS TAŞKIŞLA CAMPUS 70 UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers 2nd ISTS2014 Programme Book 2. ISTS2014 İSTANBUL TEKNİK ÜNİVERSİTESİ TAŞKIŞLA KAMPÜSÜ İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Taşkışla Kampüsü İngiliz mimar Williams James Smith ve yardımcısı Osmanlı kalfa İstefan tarafından 1846 ve 1852 arasında, Mek-teb-i Tıbbiye-i Şahane (Askeri Tıbbiye) için hastane olarak yapıldı. Kırım Savaşı (1853-56) sırasında Osmanlıların müttefiki Fransızların yaralıları burada tedavi edildi. Savaştan sonra uzun süre boş kaldığı için harap olan yapı 1860’ta onarıldıktan sonra kışla olarak kullanılmaya başladı. 31 Mart Olayı sırasında içinde kalan Ava Taburu askerleriyle Hareket Ordusu birlikleri arasındaki çarpışmalara sahne oldu. Cumhuriyet’ten sonra Maarif Vekâleti’ ne verildi; 1943-50 arasında büyük bir onarımdan geçirilip yeniden düzenlenen yapıya İTÜ Rektörlüğü ile Mimarlık ve İnşaat fakülteleri yerleştirildi (1950). 1983’te Gayrimenkul Eski Eserler ve Anıtlar Yüksek Kurulu tarafından aynen korunması gerekli 1. sınıf tarihsel anıt olduğu kararı alındı. Doğu ve Batının geleneksel boyutlarını harmanlayan İTÜ Taşkışla büyülü şehir İstanbul’un ruhunu ve kültürünü yansıtır. Modern İstanbul’un merkezi, Taksim Meydanı ve İstiklal Caddesi’ne ve otellere çok yakındır. 72 UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers Program Kitabı İTÜ Taşkışla, Ayasofya, Sultanahmet Camii ve Topkapı Sarayını da içeren eski şehrin tarihi sınırlarına çok yakındır. İTÜ Taşkışla’ya Uzaklıklar Atatürk Hava Limanı – 20 km Sabiha Gökçen Hava Limanı – 40 km Boğaziçi - 1 km Taksim Meydanı - 1 km Dolmabahçe Sarayı - 1km Pera Müzesi - 1 km İstiklal Caddesi – 1 km Galata Kulesi - 2 km İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzesi - 2 km İstanbul Modern Müzesi - 3 km Beyoğlu – 1.5 km Kapalı Çarşı - 4 km Sultanahmet Camii - 5 km Aya Sofya - 5 km Topkapi Sarayı - 6 km Kanyon Alışveriş Merkezi - 8 km Akmerkez Alışveriş Merkezi - 10 km Sabanci Müzesi - 20 km İstanbul Coğrafi Konum ve Stratejik Önem Denizler ve karalar dantel gibi işlenmiş İstanbul coğrafyasını 4 bölüme ayırmıştır. Haliç’in kıyılarında Eski İstanbul ve Galata, Boğazın iki yakasında, eskiden her biri ayrı köyler olan, artık birleşmiş yerleşim alanları yer alırlar. Dünyanın en küçük denizi olan Marmara Denizi kıyıları boyunca uzanan meskun yerler, şehrin ulaştığı boyutların büyüklüğünü gösterir. Eski Şehir 22 km surların çevrelediği üçgen bir yarımadanın 7 tepesi üzerine yayılmıştır. Mısır Çarşısı Rumeli Hisarı İstanbul Boğazı Kız Kulesi TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odası TMMOB Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası 73 2nd ISTS2014 Programme Book 2. ISTS2014 Program Kitabı Eski Dünyanın merkezinde yer alan İstanbul, tarihi abideleri ve şahane tabii manzaraları ile çok önemli bir megapoldür. Asya ile Avrupa Kıtaları’nın dar bir deniz geçidi ile ayrıldığı yerde, iki kıta üzerinde kurulu ve dünya üzerinde içinden deniz geçen tek şehirdir. 2500 yılı aşan bir tarihe sahip olan İstanbul, deniz ve karaların kucaklaştığı bu stratejik bölgede kuruluşunu takiben önemli bir ticaret merkezi olmuştu. İstanbul’un fethini takiben yüz yıl gibi bir sürede sanat eserleri camiler, saraylar, okul, hamam, ve diğer tesisler şehri donatıp İslam karakterine kavuşturmuş, harap halde mevcut kiliselerin bazıları da tamir ve tadil edilerek camiye çevrilmişlerdi. Tarihi İstanbul şehri üç tarafını Marmara Denizi, Boğaziçi ve Haliç’in sardığı bir yarım ada üzerinde yer alır. Ana yolların denize ulaştığı kavşak noktasında yer alması, kolay savunulur bir yarım ada, ideal iklim, zengin ve cömert tabiat, stratejik Boğaziçi’nin kontrolü gibi özellikler ve coğrafi konumunun dünyanın merkezinde bulunması İstanbul’un kısmetidir. İstanbul, iki kıtanın birleştiği noktada yer alması, sıcak iklimlere ve okyanuslara açılan bir kapı olması, tarihi İpekyolu’nun Avrupa’ya uzanan kapısı olması gibi sebeplerle tarih boyunca çok önemli bir stratejik öneme sahip olmuştur. İstanbul’da Haziran ayı ortalama sıcaklığı : 21-26 0C / 70-79 0F Şehir 3 dünya imparatorluğuna, yani Roma, Bizans ve Osmanlı Türklerine başkent olmuş, 1600 yılı aşan bir süre boyunca 120 den fazla imparator ve sultan burada hüküm sürmüştür. İstanbul, dünyada bu özelliklere sahip tek şehirdir. Gelişim sürecinde surlar her defasında daha batıya inşa edilerek şehir 4 defa genişletilmişti. 5.yy Roma devri surları ile çevrili, 7 tepe üzerine kurulu İstanbul vardı. Ama bugünkü İstanbul’un temelleri M.Ö. 7. yüzyılda atılmıştır. M.S. 4. yüzyılda İmparator Constantin tarafından yeniden inşa edilip, başkent yapılmış; o günden sonra da yaklaşık 16 asır boyunca Roma, Bizans ve Osmanlı dönemlerinde başkentlik sıfatını sürdürmüştür. Aynı zamanda, İmparator Constantis ile birlikte Hristiyanlık’ın merkezlerinden biri olan İstanbul, 1453’te Osmanlılar tarafından fethedildikten sonra İslam dininin en önemli şehirlerinden biri sayılmıştır. İklim Kültür & Sanat İstanbul… Üç büyük medeniyetle beraber sevgi ve hoşgörü kültürüne de başkentlik yapan şehir… İstanbul... Dinlerin, dillerin ve ırkların yüzyıllardır aynı sokaklarda, bitişik nizamlı evlerde barış içinde yaşadığı diyalog şehri… Sadece İstanbul’daki camilerin, kiliselerin, havraların, müzelerin, çeşmelerin, külliyelerin ve eski binaların sanatla yoğrulmuş motiflerini ele alsak bile, şehrin sanatsal mimari ile hat, ebru, oymacılık, boyama ve işleme gibi diğer tarihi sanatlarda zirvede olduğunu görürüz. Tiyatro, Sinema, Konser, Sergi, Söyleşi, Şiir Dinletisi gibi etkinlikler ve dünyaca ünlü sanatçıların eserlerinin yer aldığı Sanat Galerileri, İstanbul’da sanatın yerini ve önemini göstermesi açısından ayrıca önem taşır. Ortaköy Cami İmparatorluklar başkenti olduğu sıralarda, devlet ile birlikte dinlere de idari merkez olmuş, Doğu Hıristiyanlığı Patrikliği kurulduğu zamanlardan günümüze kadar bu şehirde üslenmiş, Hıristiyan dünyasının en büyük ilk kilise ve manastırları buradaki pagan mabetlerinin üzerinde yükselmişti. 74 UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odası TMMOB Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası 75 2nd ISTS2014 Programme Book 2. ISTS2014 In The Taşkişla Campus of Istanbul Technical University The Taşkışla Campus of Istanbul Technical University (ITU) This immense building has been constructed all in structural masonry between 1848 and 1853 as a military medicine academy for the Ottoman Army under the rule of Sultan Abdülmecid. However during construction, the plans drawn by W. James Smith were modified and the building’s function was changed to the military barracks in 1849. This modification was part of a construction plan that included several arsenals and military barracks that were to ensure the safety of the imperial domain around the Dolmabahçe Palace. The building sustained some damage in the earthquake of 10 July 1894, and was restored by architect Raimondo D’Aronco. In 1909, the rebellious troops were based in the building, thus it has become the scene of long fighting. Some results are visible in the façade, as few of the gun shells are still embedded in the stone columns of the entrance. In 1944 the building was handed over to the I.T.U. and restored by architects Paul Bonatz and Emin Onat. Teaching started in the building in 1950, with the civil engineering and architecture faculties. Program Kitabı In 1983 it has been classified as a first degree historical monument. In 1996 the World Habitat Congress was organized partly in the Faculty. Ever since, it is a natural part of the congress valley of Istanbul. The plan scheme of Taskisla is classical: four equal sides marked with four corner edifices and a vast courtyard. The west façade is crowned with a monumental entrance. (Prof.Dr. Afife Batur) Blending the traditional dimensions of East and West, İTÜ Taşkışla reflects the spirit and culture of the magical city of Istanbul. Located in the new centre of modern Istanbul, next to Taksim Square and Istiklal Street and hotels. İTÜ Taşkışla is just minutes away from the historic landmarks of the Old City, including Hagia Sophia, the Blue Mosque and Topkapi Palace. Distances to İTÜ Taşkışla Atatürk International Airport – 20 km Sabiha Gökçen International Airport – 40 km Bosphorus - 1 km Taksim Square - 1 km Dolmabahce Palace - 1km The Pera Museum - 1 km Istiklal Pedestrian Street – 1 km Galata Tower - 2 km Archeological Museum - 2 km Istanbul Modern Art Museum - 3 km Beyoglu district – 1.5 km Grand Bazaar - 4 km Blue Mosque - 5 km Hagia Sophia - 5 km Topkapi Palace - 6 km Kanyon Shopping Mall - 8 km Akmerkez Shopping Mall - 10 km Sabanci Museum - 20 km Istanbul Geographic Location And Strategic Importance The seas and the lands have divided the lacework geography of Istanbul into four regions. Old Istanbul City and Galata in the shores of Golden Horn (Haliç) and previously different village now united residential districts are located along the straits of Bosphorus. As the smallest sea of the world, inhabited places along the shores of Marmara Sea shows the magnitude that the city has reached. The Old City is spread over the seven hills of the triangular peninsular surrounded by 22 km of city walls. Having been in the center of Old World, Istanbul is an important megapole with its historical monuments and wonderful natural scenery. Established where Asian and European Continents were split with a narrow strait, built on two continents, it is the only city that the sea goes through. With its history of over 2500 years, Istanbul had become an important commerce center because of its establishment in this strategic location where land meets sea. Historical city of Istanbul is located on a peninsular, surrounded by Marmara Sea, Bosphorus Straits and Golden Horn. 76 UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odası TMMOB Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası 77 2nd ISTS2014 Programme Book 2. ISTS2014 Program Kitabı During these periods of Empires’ reign, it was also the administrative center of the religions, undertaking the Patriarchy of Eastern Christianity till today, rising the first biggest church and monasteries of Christian World on top of pagan temples. Istanbul had assumed its Islamic character with decoration of artifacts, mosques, palaces, schools, baths and other facilities; and current ruins of churches had been repaired, restored and converted to mosques in almost a century after its conquest. Spice Bazaar Rumeli Fortress Climate Weather average for İstanbul in June : 21-26 0C / 70-79 0F Art & Culture Istanbul is the city which has held the title of capital city for three great civilizations with a deep culture of love and tolerance. Istanbul… The city of dialogue where religions, languages, and races have lived side by side in the same streets in peace and harmony. The Bosphorus Maiden’s Tower Being in the junction where all the roads reach sea, easily defendable peninsular, ideal climate, very rich and generous nature, strategic control of the Straits and strategic location of being in the center of world are all fortune of Istanbul. Istanbul has been of much significance throughout history because of being in the joining point of two continents, being the gateway to the hot climates and oceans and being outer reach of Silk Road extending to Europe. Even if we deal with only the artistic contents of the structure motifs including the mosques, churches, synagogues, museums, fountains, complexes and old buildings, we realize that the city remaines at the top of the list in the field of artistic architecture with its Islamic calligraphy, marbling art, carving, colouring, and craftsmanship. On the other hand, activities, such as theaters, cinemas, live concerts, exhibitions, communion, poetic concerts, art galleries, in which works of internationally famous artists are exhibited, show the meaning and importance of art in Istanbul. Ortaköy Mosque The city had become the capital city of three great empires, namely Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman Turks; and, was ruled by more than 120 emperor and sultans over 1600 years. Istanbul is the only city that has all these features. During its development, the city underwent expansion for four times, which all of them were westward. In the 5th century, there was an Istanbul which was surrounded by city walls of Romans and built over 7 hills. But, the foundation of today’s Istanbul was grounded in 7th century B.C. Rebuilt by Emperor Constantine in 4th century A.D., the city had been transformed to capital city; since then, it had preserved that title for almost 16 centuries by hosting the capital cities of Rome, Byzantine and Ottomans. Being one of the centers of Christianity starting with Emperor Contantine, Istanbul was considered as one of the most important cities of Islamic World, after its conquest in 1453 by Ottomans. 78 UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers TMMOB Kimya Mühendisleri Odası TMMOB Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası 79 Notlar / Notes nd 2 ISTS2014 2. ULUSLARARASI YÜZEY İŞLEMLERİ SEMPOZYUMU 2nd INTERNATIONAL SURFACE TREATMENT SYMPOSIUM ENTHONE ® Bakır – Nikel – Krom Sistemleri Stil – Fonksiyon – Değer – Güvenilirlik AYIRT EDİCİ DEKORATİF YÜZEY • Alüminyum raylar, basamak tüpleri, tekerlek jantları. • Plastik ızgaralar, kapı kulpları, gövde konsolu • Paslanmaz çelik jantlar • Çelik tamponlar, Tekerlek bijonları • Zama kapı kolları, döşemeler ENTHONE A.Ş. Birlik Organize Sanayi Bölgesi (BOSB) Aydınlı Mah. TEM Yanyol 1 Nolu Cad. No:7 Tuzla / İstanbul, Türkiye Tel: +90 216 581 36 00 Fax: +90 216 593 26 83-84 ENTHONE ® Dekoratif Bakır – Nikel – Krom sistemleri farklı metal ve plastik parçalara olağanüstü mukavemet, şıklık ve stil sağlayarak ürünleri ayırt edici, parlak ve fonksiyonel yapmaktadır. Her sistem en yüksek standartlarda korozyon ve aşınma dayanımı sağlaması için tasarlanmıştır. Dekoratif otomotiv parçaları ve bina donanımları gibi çok çeşitli uygulamalar için uygundur. Tekerlek jantları, araba ızgaraları, çamurluklar, kapı kolları, atmatür, el aletleri, kapı topuzları, aydınlatma ekipmanları ve daha fazlası Enthone ® dekoratif kaplama sistemleri ile daha iyi görünüme ve dayanıma sahip olmaktadır. ENTHONE ® Dekoratif sistemleri otomotiv sektöründeki ısıl çevrim ve CASS testi gereksinimlerini karşılamakta, tam istenen kaplama kalınlığı ve güvenilir yapışma kuvveti sağlamaktadır. Her bir sistemimiz toksik kimyasal kullanımını ve atık arıtımını azaltan, REACH ve RoHS uyumluluğu olan çevre dostu proseslerimizden oluşmaktadır.
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