2nd International Symposium on Naval Architecture and Maritime 23-24 October 2014 Yıldız Campus, Besiktas, Istanbul, Turkey REGISTRATION All participants are strickly requested to fill the onlne registration form. This will help the organizers to set up all symposium related services. FOR AUTHORS: PAYMENT OF REGISTRATION FEES The registration fees are applied only to the author(s) who submitted paper(s) and to their accompanying persons. The fees are given as follows: AUTHORS: 150 Euro for one participating paper 250 Euro for two participating papers ACCOMPANYING PERSONS (or non-speaker authors): 75 Euro STUDENT AUTHORS (MSc, PhD): 75 Euro Bank details for your Registration Fee payment is given on the following page. The conference fee is paid no later than 30 September 2014. Registration fee includes participation to the scientific sessions, Symposium Proceedings (Book), Proceedings CD, refreshments, lunches, symposium dinner and coffee breaks during the Symposium. In case of any problem in functioning online regisrtation please send the form data by e-mail to: [email protected] and/or [email protected] In any of these cases you will receive a confirmation mail from our secretariat. INT-NAM 2014 Secretariat 2nd International Symposium on Naval Architecture and Maritime (INT-NAM 2014) www.int-nam.yildiz.edu.tr [email protected] Phone. +90 212 383 29 80 Naval Architecture and Maritime Faculty, Yildiz Technical University, 34349 Besiktas, Istanbul The following Bank Accounts belong to Yildiz Technical University. BANK DETAILS BANK NAME: ZIRAAT BANKASI BRANCH: BESIKTAS SWIFT CODE: TCZBTR2A REASON FOR TRANSFER: INT-NAM SYMPOSIUM FEE IBAN NO (International Bank Account Number) (EURO) : TR600001000529447846845338 You can save all this information using its QR Code 2nd International Symposium on Naval Architecture and Maritime (INT-NAM 2014) www.int-nam.yildiz.edu.tr [email protected] Phone. +90 212 383 29 80 Naval Architecture and Maritime Faculty, Yildiz Technical University, 34349 Besiktas, Istanbul IF YOU PAY FROM TURKEY PLEASE SEND YOUR TRANSFER TO THE FOLLOWING TURKISH LIRA ACCOUNT / TÜRKİYE’DEN YAPILACAK TÜRK LİRASI TRANSFERLER İÇİN AŞAĞIDAKİ TL HESAP NUMARASINI KULLANINIZ (1 Avro = 2.88 TL): IBAN NO (Turkish Lira) : TR87 0001 0005 2944 7846 8453 37 You can save all this information using its QR Code 2nd International Symposium on Naval Architecture and Maritime (INT-NAM 2014) www.int-nam.yildiz.edu.tr [email protected] Phone. +90 212 383 29 80 Naval Architecture and Maritime Faculty, Yildiz Technical University, 34349 Besiktas, Istanbul
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