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Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at Zoology in the Middle East, 2014 Vol. 60, No. 2, 162–168, Checklist of the springtails (Hexapoda: Collembola) of Turkey Hasan Sevgili* and Muhammed Ali Özata Department of Biology, Faculty of Arts & Sciences, Ordu University, Ordu, Turkey A checklist of the species of springtails (Hexapoda: Collembola) hitherto recorded from Turkey is presented. This list contains 53 species belonging to 39 genera in 13 families. The diversity of Collembola in Turkey is poorly known and it is clear that numerous species wait to be discovered. Downloaded by [Ordu University] at 01:55 15 May 2014 Key words: Hexapoda, Collembola, fauna, springtails, checklist, Turkey. Introduction Collembola (Springtails) are among the most widespread and abundant terrestrial arthropods in the world (Hopkin, 1997). Worldwide about 8,000 species of Collembola have been described (Bellinger, Christiansen, & Janssens 2014). Relatively little information is available from the Middle East, including Turkey. Christiansen (1956, 1957, 1958) was the first to provide faunistic information on Turkish springtails. He recorded 8 species belonging to the six genera from the border of Turkey and Syria. Tetracanthella acuminata Cassagnau, 1959 was recorded from İzmit province (Marmara region of Turkey) by Cassagnau (1959). Stach (1963), Cassagnau et al. (1985), Thibaud & Christian (1989), Deharveng (1989) and Pomorski (1998) also contributed to the knowledge of Turkish Collembola. The most comprehensive study on Turkish springtails has been published by Skarzynski & Pomorski (1999), who collected specimens from the Mediterranean Region of Turkey and identified 32 species in 27 genera from the Antalya province. Smolis (2003) has recorded a new species (Balkanura wiktori) from Bursa province. Christiansen (1956, 1957, 1958) published some new and littleknown springtail species from Lebanon and Western Syria near the border of Turkey. Some data on the Collembola fauna of Turkey is also contained in taxonomic and faunistic descriptions such as Stach (1963), Pomorski (1998), Skarzynski & Pomorski (1999), and Smolis (2003). The species richness of springtails differs remarkably among the European countries. Spain appears to be richest country in its springtail fauna (more than 700 species) followed by France (over 600) and Ukraine (over 527) (Ulrich & Fiera, 2009). The Collembolan fauna is well known in several European and some Asian countries, such as Germany (about 430 species; Ulrich & Fiera, 2009; Deharveng, 2007), Italy (420 species; Fanciulli et al. 2005; Deharveng, 2007), Bulgaria (175 taxa; Deharveng, 2007), Crete (about 93 species; Ellis, 1976; 76 taxa; Deharveng, 2007), Georgia (91 species; Barjadze & Djanashvili, 2008; Barjadze et al. 2012a, 2012b) and Iran (112 species; Shayanmehr, Yahyapour, Kahrarian, & Lafooraki, 2013). From the European part of Turkey, Deharveng (2007) listed only one species (Bilobella coiffaiti Cassagnau, 1968). In this study, a checklist of the Collembolan fauna of Turkey based on the published data was compiled. Several cited species were collected just once and have not been recollected even after systematic sampling. In total, 53 species (one of them is unidentified) belonging to 39 genera and 13 families have so far been found in Turkey. Most * Corresponding author. Email: : [email protected] © 2014 Taylor & Francis Zoology in the Middle East 163 recorded species belong to the Isotomidae (31%), Entomobryidae (19%) and Tulbergiidae (15%) (Figure 1). These values, however, should be considered preliminary because of the limited number of locations that have been investigated. Species and higher categories were listed by including the valid names, authors and years of publication and also the recording sites in Turkey. Katiannidae 2% Arrhopalitidae 2% Odentellidae 2% Sminthurididae 2% Downloaded by [Ordu University] at 01:55 15 May 2014 Neelidae 2% Hypogastrurida e 7% Neanuridae 9% Onychiuridae 4% Isotomidae 30% Tullbergiidae 15% Entomobryidae 19% Tomoceridae 2% Cyphoderidae 4% Figure 1. Percentage of Turkish springtail species from different families. Checklist of the Collembola of Turkey Ordo Poduromorpha Family Hypogastruridae Börner, 1906 Paraxenylla affiniformis (Stach, 1929) Antalya: Alanya, 05.ix.1998 (Skarzynski & Pomorski, 1999). Xenylla welchi Folsom, 1916 Antalya: Alanya, Gündoğmuş, 1000 m, 29.viii.1998 (Skarzynski & Pomorski, 1999). Xenylla maritima Tullberg, 1869 Antalya: Alanya, Gündoğmuş, 1000 m, 29.viii.1998 (Skarzynski & Pomorski, 1999). Xenyllogastrura octoculata (Steiner, 1955) Antalya: Alanya, 50 m, 18.ix.1987; Side, 200 m, 11.ix.1987 (Thibaud & Christian, 1989). 164 H. Sevgili and M. A. Özata Family Odentellidae Stachia populosa (Selga, 1963) Antalya: Alanya, 06.ix.1998; Manavgat, 05.ix.1998 (Skarzynski & Pomorski, 1999 as Pseudostachia populosa (Selga, 1963)). Family Neanuridae Balkanura wiktori Smolis, 2003 Bursa: İnkaya (Karacabey), 10.v.2001 (Smolis, 2003). Endemic to Turkey. Downloaded by [Ordu University] at 01:55 15 May 2014 Bilobella coiffaiti Cassagnau, 1968 Turkey: İzmit (Cassagnau et al. 1985); European Turkey (Deharveng, 2007). Caucasanura besucheti Deharveng, 1989 Artvin: Hopa-Kemalpaşa, (Holotype); Cankurtaran geçidi, between Hopa and Borçka, 700 m,; South-west region of Artvin, 1500-1900 m, (Deharveng, 1989). Friesea truncata Cassagnau, 1958 Antalya: Alanya, Kayabaşı, 28.viii.1998; İbradı (bank of Manavgat Çayı), 28.viii.1998 (Skarzynski & Pomorski, 1999). Micranurida pygmea Börner, 1901 Antalya: Alanya; İbradı (bank of Manavgat Çayı), 28.viii.1998 (Skarzynski & Pomorski, 1999). Family Onychiuridae Lubbock, 1867 Deuteraphorura fazii (Christiansen, 1956) Near Turkey-Syrian Border (Latakia), 02.vii.1953 (Christiansen, 1956 as Onychiurus fazii). Vibronychiurus vinolentus Pomorski, 1998 Eastern Black Sea Mountains of Turkey, (Pomorski, 1998). Family Tullbergiidae Bagnall, 1935 Doutnacia mols Fjellberg, 1998 Antalya: Manavgat, 05.ix.1998 (Skarzynski & Pomorski, 1999 as D. ammophila Pom. et Skar., 1998). Mesaphorura macrochaeta Rusek,1976 Antalya: Manavgat, 05.ix.1998 (Skarzynski & Pomorski, 1999). Mesaphorura simoni Jordana & Arbea, 1994 Antalya: Alanya, Gündoğmuş, 1000 m, 29.viii.1998 (Skarzynski & Pomorski, 1999). Metaphorura denisi Simon Benito, 1985 Antalya: Alanya, Manavgat, 05.ix.1998 (Skarzynski & Pomorski, 1999); Gümüşhane: Torul, 07.ix.1996 (Pomorski & Skarzynski, 1997). Metaphorura ellisi Simon Benito, 1985 Turkey (Dunger & Schlitt, 2011). The distribution of this species in Turkey is doubtful. Paratullbergia brevispina Skarzynski & Pomorski, 1999 Antalya: Manavgat, 05.ix.1998 (Skarzynski & Pomorski, 1999). Endemic to Turkey. Zoology in the Middle East 165 Scaphaphorura arenaria (Petersen, 1965) Antalya: Alanya, 50 m, 18.ix.1987 (Thibaud & Christian, 1989). Ordo Entomobryomorpha Börner, 1913 Family Cyphoderidae Börner, 1913 Cyphoda grassei Cassagnau & Delamare Deboutteville, 1955 Near Turkey-Syrian border (Latakia), 02.viii.1953 (35°50’N, 36°01’E) (Christiansen, 1957). Cyphoderus bidenticulatus Womersley, 1934 Antalya: İbradı (bank of Manavagat Çayı), 28.viii.1998 (Skarzynski & Pomorski, 1999). Downloaded by [Ordu University] at 01:55 15 May 2014 Family Entomobryidae Schäffer, 1896 Entomobrya handschini Stach, 1922 Ankara; Eskişehir; Kars; İzmir; Samsun, x.1929, 15.vii.1929, 08.ix.1934, xi.1929 (Stach, 1963). Entomobyra atrocincta Schött, 1896 Bursa: Karacabey; Samsun, v.1929, iv.1934 (Stach, 1963). Entomobrya multifasciata (Tullberg, 1871) Erzurum: Samsun, 10.viii.1934, 22.viii.1934 (Stach, 1963). Entomobrya strigata Stach, 1963 Antalya: Alanya, Gündoğmuş, 1500 m, 29.viii.1998 (Skarzynski & Pomorski, 1999). Heteromurus sexoculatus Brown, 1926 Asia Minor (Dányi & Traser, 2008). The distribution of this species in Turkey is doubtful. Lepidocyrtus lignoru (Fabricius, 1793) Antalya: Alanya, Gündoğmuş, 1000 m, 29.viii.1998 (Skarzynski & Pomorski, 1999). Lepidocyrtus lanuginosus (Gmelin, 1788) Antalya: Alanya, 06.ix.1998; Gündoğmuş, 1000 m, 29.viii.1998; Umutlu, 1000 m, 07.ix.1998 (Skarzynski & Pomorski, 1999). Lepidocyrtus violaceus (Fourcroy, 1785) Antalya: İbradı (bank of Manavagat Çayı), 28.viii.1998 (Skarzynski & Pomorski, 1999). Pseudosinella octopunctata Borner, 1901 Antalya: Alanya, Gündoğmuş, 1000 m, 29.viii.1998 (Skarzynski & Pomorski, 1999). Pseudosinella praecipiens Gisin, 1967 Antalya: İbradı (bank of Manavagat Çayı), 28.viii.1998 (Skarzynski & Pomorski, 1999). Family Tomoceridae Schäffer, 1896 Tomocerus vulgaris (Tullberg, 1871) Antalya: Alanya, Umutlu, 1000 m, 07.ix.1998 (Skarzynski & Pomorski, 1999). 166 H. Sevgili and M. A. Özata Family Isotomidae Schäffer, 1896 Anurophorus coiffaiti Cassagnau & Delamare Deboutteville, 1955 Near Turkey-Syrian border (Latakia Oak Grove), viii.1953 (Christiansen, 1958). Anurophorus asfouri Christiansen, 1958 Near Turkey-Syrian border (Latakia Oak Grove), viii.1953 (Christiansen, 1958). Archisotoma intersititialis Delamare Deboutteville, 1953 Antalya: Alanya, 05.ix.1998 (Skarzynski & Pomorski, 1999). Crytopygus thermophilus (Axelson, 1900) Antalya: Alanya, Gündoğmuş, 1000 m, 29.viii.1998 (Skarzynski & Pomorski, 1999). Downloaded by [Ordu University] at 01:55 15 May 2014 Folsomia penicula Bagnall, 1939 Near Turkey-Syrian border (Latakia Oak Grove), viii.1953 (Christiansen, 1958). Folsomia candida (Willem, 1902) Karadeniz (Black Sea Region of Turkey) (Skarzynski & Pomorski, 1999). Folsomina oncyhiurina Denis, 1931 Antalya: Alanya, 06.ix.1998 (Skarzynski & Pomorski, 1999). Folsomides semiparvulus Fjellberg, 1993 Antalya: Alanya, Kayabaşı, 28.viii.1998 (Skarzynski & Pomorski, 1999). Folsomides parvulus Stach, 1922 Near Turkey-Syrian border (Latakia Oak Grove), viii.1953 (Christiansen, 1958 as F. americanus Denis). Halisotoma maritima (Tullberg, 1871) Antalya: Alanya, 05.ix.1998 (Skarzynski & Pomorski, 1999). Isotomiella minor (Schäffer, 1896) Antalya: Alanya, Kayabaşı, 28.viii.1998; İbradı (bank of Manavgat Çayı), 28.viii.1998; Gündoğmuş, 1000 m, 29.viii.1998 (Skarzynski & Pomorski, 1999). Isotoma decorata Brown, 1925 Turkey (Potapow, 2001). Isotomodes bisetosus Cassagnau, 1959 Antalya: Manavgat, 05.ix.1998 (Skarzynski & Pomorski, 1999). Proisotoma minuta (Tullberg, 1871) Near Turkey-Syrian border (Latakia Oak Grove), viii.1953 (Christiansen, 1958); Antalya: Alanya, Gündoğmuş, 1000 m, 29.viii.1998 (Skarzynski & Pomorski, 1999). Parisotoma notabilis (Schaffer, 1896) Near Turkey-Syrian border (Latakia Oak Grove), viii.1953 (?) (Christiansen, 1958 as Isotoma notabilis Schaeffer). Tetracanthella acuminata Cassagnau, 1959 Kocaeli (İzmit): Karamürsel, İzmit Bay (Cassagnau, 1959). Zoology in the Middle East 167 Ordo Neelipleona Massoud, 1971 Family Neelidae Folsom, 1896 Megalothorax incertus Börner, 1903 Antalya: Alanya, Umutlu, 1000 m, 07.ix.1998 (Skarzynski & Pomorski, 1999). Downloaded by [Ordu University] at 01:55 15 May 2014 Ordo Symphypleona Börner, 1901 Family Sminthurididae Börner, 1906 Sphaeridia pumilis (Krausbauer, 1898) Antalya: Alanya, Gündoğmuş, 1000-1500 m, 29.viii.1998 (Skarzynski & Pomorski, 1999). Family Katiannidae Börner, 1913 Sminthurinus alpinus Gisin, 1953 Antalya: Alanya, Gündoğmuş, 1000 m, 29.viii.1998 (Skarzynski & Pomorski, 1999). Family Arrhopalitidae Stach, 1956 Arrhopalites furcatus Stach, 1945 Antalya: Alanya, Gündoğmuş, 1000 m, 29.viii.1998 (Skarzynski & Pomorski, 1999). Acknowledgements We would like to thank Igor Kaprus and Mikhail Potapow for help in providing some papers. We also thank anonymous referees for their comments on the earlier version of this manuscript. Funding was provided by Ordu University, Turkey (Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit, TF-1308). References Barjadze, Sh., & Djanashvili, R. (2008): Checklist of the springtails (Collembola) of Georgia. Caucasian Entomological Bulletin, 4, 187–193. 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