ÖZGEÇMİŞ 1. GENEL Adı Soyadı: Bayram ÖZTÜRK Yazışma Adresi: İstanbul Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Deniz Biyolojisi Anabilim Dalı Ordu Cad. No:200 34470 Laleli / İstanbul Telefon: +90 212 455 57 00 - 16404 Faks: +90 212 514 03 79 E-posta: [email protected] 2. EĞİTİM Öğrenim Durumu: Bölüm/Program Derece Doktora DENİZ BİLİMLERİ Yüksek Lisans DENİZ BİLİMLERİ Lisans BİYOLOJİK OŞİNOGRAFİ Üniversite İstanbul Üniversitesi- Deniz Bilimleri Ve İşletmeciliği Enstitü İstanbul Üniversitesi- Deniz Bilimleri Ve İşletmeciliği Enstitü Yıl 1990 Ege Üniversitesi - Fen Fakültesi 1983 1986 Bildiği yabancı diller: İngilize, Fransızca 3. AKADEMİK VE MESLEKİ DENEYİM: Görevler: Görev Unvanı Prof. Dr. Görev Yeri İ.Ü. SU ÜRÜNLERİ TEMEL BİLİMLER Görev Dönemi 1999 - İdari Görevler: İ.Ü Su Ürünleri Fakültesi, Temel Bilimler Bölümü, Deniz Biyolojisi ABD Başkanlığı 2009-… İ.Ü Su Ürünleri Fakültesi, Dekanlık Görevi – 2006-2009 İ.Ü Su Ürünleri Fakültesi, Temel Bilimler Bölüm Başkanlığı 2005-2009 İ.Ü. Sualtı Teknolojisi Bölüm Başkanı - 1997-2001 Bilimsel Kuruluşlara Üyelikler: CIESM (The Mediterranean Science Commission) board member – 2007 - … Türk Deniz Araştırmaları Vakfı (Kurucu-Başkan) – 1997 - … Ödüller: Başarılı Araştırmacı Ödülü İ.Ü. 1997 Başarılı Araştırmacı Ödülü İ.Ü. 1998 Uluslar arası Dergi Editörlüğü: Journal of the Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 4. PROJE DENEYİMİ N O 1 2 PROJE ADI TARİH TÜRKİYE DENİZLERİNDE BULUNAN PALAMUT SARDA SARDA (BLOCK 1793) POPULASYONLARININ GENETİK YAPI ANALİZİ CoCoNET - Towards COast to COast NETworks of marine protected areas ( from the shore to the high and deep sea), coupled with seabased wind energy Devam ediyor Devam ediyor YÜRÜTÜLDÜĞÜ KURUM PROJE TÜRÜ Araştırmacı Ulusal AB 7. Çerçeve Yürütücü GÖREV Uluslararası 3 4 5 6 potential Devam PERSEUS—Policyediyor oriented marine Environmental Research in the Southern EUropean Seas Akdeniz, Ege, Marmara 2005ve Karadeniz de Bulunan 2007 İstavritTürleri (Trachurus spp.) Populasyonlarının Genetik Yapı Analizi ve Filogenetik İlişkilerinin Belirlenmesi 2006Türkiye Denizlerinde 2008 Bulunan Clupeidae Familyasına Ait Tırsi Türleri (Alosa spp.) Populasyonlarının Genetik Yapı Analizi ve Moleküler Sistematiği Marmara Denizinde 1997-98 Yaşayan Deniz Memelileri Populasyonlarının Belirlenmesi AB 7. Çerçeve Yürütücü Uluslararası Araştırmacı Ulusal Araştırmacı Ulusal Yürütücü Ulusal 5. YAYIN BİLGİLERİ: SCI Expanded, SSCI ve AHCI kapsamındaki dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler: Topçu, E.N., Tonay, A.M., Dede, A., Öztürk, A.A. Öztürk, B. 2013. Origin and Abundance of Marine Litter along Sandy Beaches of the Turkish Western Black Sea Coast. Marine Environmental Research 85: 21-28. Dede, A., Öztürk, A.A., Akamatsu, T., Tonay, A.M., Öztürk, B. 2013. Longterm passive acoustic monitoring revealed seasonal and diel patterns of cetacean presence in the Istanbul Strait. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. Fontaine MC, Snirc A, Frantzis A, Koutrakis E, Ozturk B, Ozturk AA, Austerlitz F. 2012. History of expansion and anthropogenic collapse in a top marine predator of the Black Sea estimated from genetic data. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012;109:E2569-E2576. Öztürk, B., Mihneva, V., Shiganova, T. 2011. First records of Bolinopsis vitrea (L. Agassiz, 1890) (Ctenophora: Lobata) in the Black Sea. Aquatic Invasions, 6(3):355-360 Turan C, Gürlek M, Ergüden D, Yağlıoğlu D, Öztürk B, 2011 Systematic status of nine Mullet species (Mugillidae) in the Mediterranean Sea. Turk J Fish Aquat Sci 2011; 11;315321. Öztürk, B., Tonay, A.M., Akkaya, A., Öztürk, A.A., Dede, A. 2011. Stranding of a green turtle, Chelonia mydas (Linnaeus, 1758), in the Turkish Black Sea. Zoology in the Middle East 52, 115-117. Topcu E.N., Ozturk B., 2010. Abundance and Composition of Solid Waste Materials on the Western Part of the Turkish Black Sea Seabed. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management, Volume 13(3): 301-306. Fontaine M.C., Tolley K.A., Michaux J.R., Birkun A., Ferreira M., Jauniauxt., Llavona A., Öztürk B., Öztürk A.A., Ridoux V., Rogan E., Sequeira M., Bouquegneau J.M., Baird S.J.A., 2010. Genetic and Historic Evidence for Climate-Driven Population Fragmentation in a Top Cetacean Predator: the Harbour Porpoises in European Water. Proc. R. Soc. B, 277(1695): 2829-2837. Erguden, D., Öztürk, B, Aka, Z., Turan, C., 2009. Morphologic Structuring Between Populations of Chub Mackerel, Scomber Japonicus in the Black, Marmara, Aegean and Northeastern Mediterranean Seas. Fisheries Science, 75(1): 129-135. Turan, C., Ozturk, B., Caliskan, M., Gurlek, M., Düzgüneş E., Yaglioglu, D., Hazar, D., Sevenler, S., 2009. Genetic Variation of Atlantic Horse Mackerel, (Trachurus Trachurus) in the Turkish Water. Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 50: 207-213. Turan, C., Ozturk, B., Gurlek, M., Yaglioglu, D., 2009. Genetic Differentiation of Mediterranean Horse Mackerel (Trachurus Mediterraneus) Populations as Revealed by Mtdna Rflp-Pcr Analysis. Journal of Applied Ichtyhology, 25(2): 142-147. Turan, C., Dural, M., Oksuz, A., Öztürk, B. 2008. Levels of heavy metals in some commercial fish species captured from the Black Sea and Mediterranean coast of Turkey. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol. DOI 10.1007/s00128-008-9624-1 Öztürk, B., Salman, A., Öztürk, A.A., Tonay, A. 2007. Cephalopod Remaıns in the Diet of Striped Dolphins (Stenella Coeruleoalba) And Rissos Dolphins (Gramphus Grıseus) in the Eastern Mediterranean. Vie et Milieu, 57(1/2):53-59. Viaud-Martinez, K. A., Milmer, M. V., Goldin, E. P., Ridoux, V., Ozturk, A.A., Ozturk, B., Rosel, P.E., Frantzis, A., Komnenou, A., Bohonak, A.J. 2007. Morphological and genetic differentiation of the Black sea harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena. Marine Ecology Progress Series 338:281-294. Fontaine M C, Baird S J E, Piry S, Ray N, Tolley K A, Duke S, Birkun A Jr, Ferreira M, Jauniaux T, Llavona A, Öztürk B, Öztürk A A, Ridoux V, Rogan E, Sequeira M, Siebert U, Vikingsson G A, Bouquegneau J-M & Michaux J R (2007) Rise of oceanographic barriers in continuous populations of a cetacean: the genetic structure of harbour porpoises in Old World waters. BMC Biology 5: 30 Turan, C., Oral, M., Öztürk, B., Düzgüneş, E. 2006. Morphometric and meristic variation between stocks of bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) in the Black, Marmara, Aegean and northeastern Mediterranean Seas. Fisheries research vol. 79, no 1-2, pp.139-147 Gollash. S. Rosentahl.H. Botner ,H. Crncevic ,M. Gilbert , M. Hamer.J. Hülssmann. N. Mauro , C. Mcann. L. Minchin.D. Öztürk.B. Robertson .M .Suuton.C. Vilac.M. 2003. Species richness and invasion vectors: Sampling techniques and biasis. Biological invasion. 5: 365377. Kluwer Academic Publ. Öztürk,B.Öztürk.A.2001. Marine Mammals in Turkey and Conservations issues. Japanese Fisheries Science .P.612-615 .Tokyo. Tanabe, S., Murdhusree, B., Öztürk, A.A., Tatsukawa, R., Miyazaki, N., Özdamar, E., Aral O., Samsun, O. & Öztürk, B. 1997. Persistent organochlorine residues in harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) from the Black Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin; 34(5): 338-347. Tanabe, S., Murdhusree, B., Öztürk, A.A., Tatsukawa, R., Miyazaki, N., Özdamar, E., Aral O., Samsun, O. & Öztürk, B. 1997. Isomer-specific analysis of polychlorinated biphenyls in harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) from the Black Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin; 34(9): 712-720. Madhusree, B., Tanabe, S., Öztürk, A.A., Tatsukawa, R., Miyazaki, N., Özdamar, E., Aral, O., Samsun, O.,Öztürk, B. 1997. Contamination by buthylin compounds in harbour porpoise (Phocoena phopcoena) from the Black Sea. Fresenius J. Anal. Chem. 359: 244-248. Güven, K. C., Özsoy, Y., Öztürk, B., Topaloğlu, B. And Ulution, O.N. 1994 Raparin, a new heparinoid from Rapana venosa (Valenciennes). Pharmazie 46, 11-7. Güven, K. C., Saygı, N., Öztürk, B. 1993. Survey of metal contens of Bosphorus algae, Zostera marina and sediments, Botanica Marina 36: 175-178. Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler: Öztürk Bayram, Topaloğlu Bülent, Kıdeys Ahmet, Bat Levent, Keskin Çetin, Sezgin Murat, Öztürk Ayaka Amaha, Yalciner Ahmet Cevdet, 2013. A proposal for new marine protected areas along the Turkish Black Sea coast. J. Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment Vol. 19, No. 3: 365-379. Topçu Nur Eda, Öztürk Bayram, 2013. Octocoral diversity of Balıkçı (Neandros) Island, Marmara Sea. J. Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment Vol. 19, No. 1: 468- 480 Tonay, A.M., Dede, A., Öztürk, A.A., Öztürk, B. 2012. Cetacean Strandings in the Turkish Western Black Sea Coast During 2007-2009. J. Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment 18:246-250 Dede, A., Saad, A., Fakhri, M., Öztürk, B. 2012. Cetacean sightings in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea during the cruise in summer 2008. J. Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment 18:49-57 Oğuz, T., Öztürk, B. 2011. Mechanisms impeding natural Mediterranization process of Black Sea fauna. J. Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment 17(3): 234-253 Öztürk, B., Keskin, Ç., Engin, S. 2011. Some remarks on the catches of anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus (Linnaeus, 1758), in Georgian waters by Turkish fleet between 2003 and 2009. J. Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment 17(2): 145-158 Ozturk B., İşinibilir M., 2010. An alien jellyfish Rhopilema nomadica and its impacts to the Eastern Mediterranean part of Turkey. J. Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment, 16(2): 149-156. Ozturk B., 2009. Investigations of the rose shrimp Parapenaeus longirostris (Lucas, 1846) in the Northern Marmara Sea. J. Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment, 15: 123-134. Balcıoglu E.B., Ozturk B., 2009. Oil pollution in the surface water of Sakarya River. J. Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment,15(2): 99-108. Ozturk B., 2009. Marine protected areas in the high seas of the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean Seas, some proposals. J. Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment, 15: 6982. Ozturk B., Başeren S.H., 2008. The exclusive economic zone debates in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and fisheries. J. Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment, 14: 77-83. Öztürk, B. Güven, K.C., Nesimigil, F., Cumalı, S., Dede, A. 2006. Oil pollution in the surface water of the Aegean Sea. J. Black and Med. Env. Vol. 12, no: 3, pp 201-212. Öztürk, B., Balkas, N., Güven. K.C., Aksu,.A., Görgün. M., Ünlü. S., 2005. Investigations on the sediments of Lake Van. Heavy metals, sulfur, hydrogen sulfide and Thiosulfuric acid S-( 2- amino ethyl ester9 contents. J. Black and Med. Env. Vol.Vol.11. Number 1, 125-137pp. Güven, K.C., Öztürk, B., Ünlü, S., Balkıs, N., Aksoy, A., Cumalı, S., 2004. The oil, detergent and heavy metals polution of Ölüdeniz, Fethiye and Göcek, South west of Turkey. J. Black and Med. Env. Vol.10., Number 3. 223-244pp. Güven, K.C., Öztürk, B., Ünlü, S., Görgün, M., Hanilci, N., 2004. İnvestigations on the Sediment of Lake Van Turkey .1.Oil content . J.Black and Med.Env.Vol.10.Number 3, 173-186pp. Yazıcı, Z. & Öztürk, B. 1996. Fatty Acids in the Blubber of the Mediterranean Monk Seal, Monachus monachus (Hermann, 1779). Turkish Journal of Marine Sciences. V: 2: 177183 Sorokin, Y., Tarkan, A., Öztürk, B., Albay, M., 1995. Primary Production Bacterioplancton and Plactonic Protozoa in the Marmara Sea. Turkish Journal of Marine Sci. 1: 37-55. Yurdun, T., Kaleağasıoğlı. F., Güven, K. C.,Öztürk, B., 1995. Investigations on the Pollution of Istanbul Strait (Bosphorus) by m/s Rabunion –18 sunk with live sheep. Turkish Journal of Marine Science V:1(1), 55-63 pp. Öztürk, B., & Dede, A. 1995. Present Status of the Mediterranean Monk Seal, Monachus monachus (Hermann, 1779) on the Coasts of Foça in the Bay of İzmir (AEGEAN SEA). Turkish Journal of Marine Sciences. V:1 (2/3), 95-107 pp. Öztürk, B., 1992. Les Recherches sur la Distribution de la Population des Monachus monachus (Hermann, 1779) a Karaada- Bodrum (Survey on the Distribution of the Mediterranean Seal Monachus monachus (Hermann, 1779) Population in KaraadaBodrum) University of Istanbul, Journal of Aquatic Products. 17-24 pp. Güven, K. C., Topcuoğlu, S., Kut, D., Esen, N., Erebtürk, N., Saygı, N., Güvener, B., Öztürk, B. 1990. Metal pollution of Black Sea algae Part II, Acta Pharmaceutica Turcica, XXXIV, 81-89. Ergüven, H., Ulutürk, T., Öztürk, B., 1988 Porifera (Sponge) fauna of Gökçeada and production possiblities. Journal of Aquatic Products. 2, 1. İstanbul. Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında (Proceedings) basılan bildiriler: Öztürk B., Topçu E.N., Keskin Ç., 2012. SPAMI Proposals For Finike (Anaximander) and Mediterranean (Eratosthenes) Seamounts in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. The 2012 Forum of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean, 25 - 28 November 2012, Antalya, Turkey. Ozturk B., Topcu E.N., 2012. Pierre Belon’a Göre Marmara Denizi’nde Balıkçılık. FABA 2012 - Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences-Balıkçılık ve Akuatik Bilimler 21-24 Kasım 2012 Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi. Pg 49. Shiganova T., Ozturk B., 2010. Trend on Increasing Mediterranean Species Arrival into the Black Sea. CIESM Workshop Monographs No 39:71-92. Topcu E.N., Tonay A.M., Öztürk B., 2010. A preliminary study on marine litter in the Aegean Sea. Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Médit., 39: 804. Ozturk B., Topcu E.N., Topaloglu B., 2010. A preliminary study on two seamounts in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Médit., 39: 682. Topaloglu B., Ozturk B., Topcu E.N., Gonulal O., 2010. A Preliminary Study on the Macrozoobenthic Invertebrate Fauna of Two Banks in the North Aegean Sea. Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Médit., 39: 620. Öztürk, A.A., Dede, A., Tonay, A.M., Öztürk, B. 2010. Sperm whale sightings in the Turkish part of the Aegean and Mediterranean Sea. Abstract book of 24th Annual Conf. European Cetacean Society, Stralsund, Germany. 175, 319pp. Tonay, A.M., Dede, A., Öztürk, A.A., Ercan, D., Fernández, A., Öztürk, B. 2010. Unusual mass mortality of cetaceans on the coast of the Turkish Western Black Sea in summer 2009. Abstract book of 24th Annual Conf. European Cetacean Society, Stralsund, Germany. 290, 320pp. Öztürk, B., Dede, A., Tonay, A.M., Öztürk, A.A. 2009. Cetacean sightings in the Aegean Sea in summer 2007 and 2008. Proc. 23rd Annual Conf. European Cetacean Society, Istanbul, Turkey. Dede, A., Saad, A., Fakhri, M., Öztürk, B. 2009. Cetacean sightings in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea during the cruise made in summer 2008. 23rd Annual Conf. European Cetacean Society, Istanbul, Turkey. Öztürk, A.A., Dede, A., Tonay, A.M., Öztürk, B. 2009. Cetacean surveys in the Istanbul (Bosphorus) Strait in 2007-2008. 23rd Annual Conf. European Cetacean Society, Istanbul, Turkey Tonay, A.M., Dede, A., Öztürk, A.A., Öztürk, B. 2009. Cetacean strandings in the Turkish Straits System (TSS) and the Northern Aegean Sea coast of Turkey during 1999-2008. Proc. 23rd Annual Conf. European Cetacean Society, Istanbul, Turkey. Ozgur, E., Ozturk, B. 2007. Abundance of zoobenthic exotic species on rocky reefs in the southern Aegean Sea. Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Médit., 38, 565. Dede, A., Öztürk, B. 2007. Cetacean Observations in the Marmara and Aegean Sea in Spring Season 2005. Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Médit., 38: 455. Tonay, A. M., Dede, A., Öztürk, A.A., Öztürk, B. 2007. Stomach content of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) from the Turkish western Black Sea in spring and early Summer. Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Médit., 38: 616. Öztürk, B. 2006. Save the sandbar sharks of Boncuk Bay, Turkey. In: Başusta, N., Keskin. Ç., Serena, F., Seret, B. (Eds.), The proceedings of the workshop on Mediterranean Cartilaginous fish with emphasis on southern and eastern Mediterranean. Turkish Marine Research Foundation, pub. no: 23, pp 42-47. Karakulak, F.S., Öztürk, B., Topaloglu, B., Özgür, E. 2004. The status of the demersal fisheries resources in the Marmara Sea. Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Medit., 37, pp. 378, Barcelone. Topaloglu, B., Öztürk, B., Karakulak, F.S. 2004. The macrozoobentic invertebrate fauna in the Marmara Sea. Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Medit., 37, pp. 554, Barcelone. Öztürk, B., Candan, A. And Erk, H. 1991. Cruise Results Covering the Period from 1987 to 1991 on the Mediterranean Monk Seal (Monachus monachus, Hemann, 1779) Occuring Along the Turkish Coastline. Council of Europe Conservation of the Mediterranean Monk Seal-Technical and Scientific Aspects. Antalya Turkey, May 1991. 43-44 pp. Güven, K. C., Kurtoğlu, S., Güngör, N., Topcuoğlu, E., Cevher, E., Öztürk, B. 1990 Radyoactivity levels in marine algae from Black Sea and Marmara Sea. Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer. Médit. 32(1): 319. Tonay A.M.& Öztürk B. 2003. Cetacean Bycatches in Turbot Fishery on the Western Coast of the Turkish Black Sea. In: Oray, I.K., Çelikkale, M.S., Özdemir, G. (Eds.), International Symposium of Fisheries and Zoology (In memory of Ord. Prof. Dr. Curt KOSSWIG in His 100th Birth Anniversary), İstanbul. 131-138pp. Tonay , A. Öztürk ,B. 2003. Cetacean Bycatch –Turbot interaction in the western Black Sea .pp1-8 TUDAV publications : 14. İstanbul. Öztürk, B. The Ponto – Caspian region: Predicting the identity of Potential inviders . CIESM. Workshop Monographs .No.20 . P.75- 78. İstanbul. Öztürk , B. 2002 .Alien marine Organisms introduced by ships in the Mediterranean and Black Seas . CIESM .p.75-78. Öztürk, B. 2002. Oil pollution in the Turkish Straits and and it’s impacts on Marine Biodiversity. Medvaravis Conference. Porto Torres .Italy. Öztürk, B., Dede, A. 2002. Will the Mediterranean Monk Seal Survive in the Turkish Waters?. UNU- UNESCO Joint International Conf. “Conserving Our Coastal Environment” Tokyo, Japan, 8-10 July. p 85-92. Öztürk, A.A., Karakulak, S., Öztürk, B. 2002. Fishing Activities in the Istanbul Strait. The Proceedings of The Symposium on the Straits Used for International Navigation. P.174-184. Istanbul Öztürk, B., Öztürk, A. A., Dede, A. 2001. Dolphin by-catch in the swordfish driftnet fishery in the Aegean Sea. 36th CIESM Congress Proceedings, Monte Carlo, Vol 36, p 308. Öztürk, B., ÖztürkA.A., Algan N. 2001. Ship originated pollution in the Turkish Straits System. Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Problems of Regional Seas Turkish Marine Research Foundation, P.86-94.İstanbul. Öztürk, B., Öztürk, A.A. 2000. Problems related to the fisheries and threatened marine species in the Aegean Sea. /In: Proceedingsof the International Symposium, “The Aegean Sea 2000”.İstanbul: . P.31-40 Turkish Marine Research Foundation Öztürk, B., 1998. Monitoring of the Monk Seals in the Turkish Coasts of the Aegean Sea. 35th CIESM Congress Proceedings Volume 35(2) Dubrovnik (Croatie) 570-571 pp. Öztürk, B. ve Dede, A., 1998. Investigations on dive durations of Mediterranean Monk Seal. Underwater Science and Technology Symposium. İ. Ü. Çapa Faculty of Medicine. İstanbul. p 44-47. Öztürk, B., Öztürk, A. A. On the 1996 Biology of Turkish Strait Systems-In: Dynamics of Mediterranean Straits and Channels, Braind. F. Ed.CIESM Science Series No.2, Bulletin de I’institut oceanographique, Monaco, No Special 17: 205-217. Öztürk, B., 1996. Past, Present, and Future of Mediterranean Monk Seal Monachus monachus (Hermann, 1779) in the Black Sea. Proceedings of the First International Symposium on the Marine Mammals of the Black Sea. Istanbul Turkey, 24-30 June 1994. 96-101 pp. Baye A., Bompar, J., Boutiba, Z., Forcada, J., Gannier, A., Giordano, Maigret, J., Notarbartolo, G. and Öztürk, B., 1995. Atlas préliminaire de distribution des cetaces de Mediterranée. C.I.E.S.M. et Musée Oceanographique. 87 p. Öztürk, B., 1994 The Turkish National Programme for the Conservation of the Black Sea dolphins. Proceedings of the First International Symposium on the Marine Mammals of the Black Sea. 27-30 June 1994. 108-109. Shimkus, K., Öztürk, B., Yesin, N.V. 1993. Oil products heavy metals and radionuclides in the recent bottom sediments of the Marmara Sea shallow water area. The First International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment, MEDCOAST 93, Nov. 2-5, 1993, 695-710 pp. Öztürk, B., Erim, H., Çolak, A.& Talu, U.1990. Investigation on the Mediterranean Monk Seals Monachus monachus (Hermann, 1779) in the Caves along the Coastline of Western Black Sea, Marmara and Black Seas. CIESM, Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Medit. 32,1, P.237. Monoco Cirik, Ş., Öztürk, B., 1990. Resultats de mission Algologiques en Méditerranéean Orientale (Turque) XXXII Congres Assemblee pleniere de le C.I.E.S.M. Perpignan, Octaobre France. Öztürk, B., Ergüven H. 1988. Etude de la distribution de la taille des moules (Mytilus galloprovincialis Lam.) du Bosphore, du point de vue exploitation commerciale. Raapp. Comm. Int. Mer Mediterranean 31, 2 Greece. Yazılan uluslararası kitaplar veya kitaplarda bölümler: Öztürk, B., Tonay, A.M., Ayaka, A.A., 2013. Marine Mammals. In: Red Data Book Black Sea, Turkey. Turkish Marine Research Foundation (TUDAV), Istanbul, Publication no: 38, Part 7, 283-298pp. Öztürk B., Topçu N. E., and Topaloğlu B., 2012. The submarine canyons of the Rhodes basin and the Mediterranean coast of Turkey, in: Würtz M. (ed.), Mediterranean Submarine Canyons: Ecology and Governance. Gland, Switzerland and Málaga, Spain: IUCN. 216 pages. Öztürk, B., and Öztürk A.A. 2005. Biodiversity in the Black Sea: Threats and the future. (Eds)Nobuyuki Miyazaki, Zafar Adeel, and Kouichi Ohwada, Mankind and the oceans, United Nations University Press, 155-171pp. Öztürk, B., Öztürk, A.A. 2003. Environmentel problems of the Aegean Sea. Moore, J. N., & Mahmoudi, S. (Eds.). The Stockholm Declaration and Law of the Marine Environment (Vol. 7). Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. Öztürk, B. 2002. The Marmara Sea, A link between the Mediterranean and Black Sea. Leppäkoski, Erkki; Gollasch, Stephan; Olenin, Sergej (Eds.) Invasive Aquatic Species of Europe, Distribution, Impacts and Management. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, IX, 583 p: 33-340. Öztürk,B., Öztürk, A.A. 1996. On the Biology of the Turkish Strait System. (Ed.) F. Briand, Dynamics of Mediterranean straits and channels. CIESM Science series 2 Bull. de I’Ins. Oceanog. Monaco No special:17, pp:205 Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler: 1. Öztürk, B., Erdoğan, G. 2007: Türkiye de balıkçılık araştırmalarının 1923–1950 arası durumu üzerine notlar. türk sucul yaşam dergisi, yıl 3 2. Öztürk, B., 1994. Investigations on the Distribution of the Population of the Mediterranean Monk Seal Monachus monachus (Hermann- 1779) in the Marmara Sea. Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Fakültesi Dergisi. Seri B, 16/1, 845-854. 3. Öztürk, B., 1993. Investigation on the Distribution of the Mediterranean Monk Seal Monachus monachus (Hermann, 1779) in the Black Sea. İstanbul Üniversitesi, Su Ürünleri Dergisi 1-2: 95-104 4. Güven, K. 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