INDIVIDUAL COURSE DESCRIPTION Course Unit Title Applied Economics Course Unit Code Type of Course Unit (Compulsory, Optional) Optional Level of Course Unit (Short Cyle, First Cycle, Second Cycle, Third Cycle) Second Cycle ( Money Banking non-thesis) Number of ECTS Credits Allocated 6 Theoretical (hour/week) 2 Practice (hour/week) 1 Laboratory (hour/week) --- Year of Study Semester when the course unit is delivered Fall Name of Lecturer(s) Prof. Dr. Funda Barbaros Mode of Delivery (Face-ToFace, Distance Learning) Face-To-Face Language of Instruction (Turkish, English, German) Turkish Prerequisities and corequisities (Ön Koşul olan dersler ya da bu dersi başarmak için alınmış olması önerilen dersler varsa yazılması gerekir. Ön koşul dersi yoksa “None” diye belirtilmesi gerekir.) None Recommended Optional Programme Components (Ders için önerilen konular varsa yazılması, yoksa “None” diye belirtilmesi gerekir.) None Work Placement(s) (Bu dersle ilgili herhangi bir staj uygulaması varsa yazılması, yoksa “None” diye belirtilmesi gerekir.) None Objectives of the Course The main aim of this course is to be able to implement the economic information and use all of them in daily experience Learning Outcomes 1- To be able to define the basic economics concepts 2- To be able to explain the economic agents behaviour and choice 3- To be able to define problems, systems, decision mechanisms and politics for economics (macro economics) 4- To be able to model, test and interpret the economic variables 5- To be able to implement the economic information and use all of them in daily experience Course Contents Rewiev of basic economic concepts, demand, supply, equilibrium (market) price, consumption and production theory, markets, national income, inflation, unemployment, money, foreign trade, privatization, informal economy, budget deficit, economic crises, using the program of eviews and establishing economic results with econometric methodology, applied general economics and discussion on general economics. Weekly Detailed Course Contents (yarıyıllık dersler için arasınav ve final sınavları dahil edilerek 16 haftalık, yıllık dersler için arasınav ve final sınavları dahil edilerek 30 haftalık) TOPIC Week 1 Introduction Application Reading Reading [ 2 Demand, Supply, Market Equlibrium, Changes in Equilibrium 3 Consumption Theory and implementations Reading and research homework 4 Production Theory and implementations Reading and research homework 5 Cost Theory and implementations Reading and research homework 6 Perfect competititon and implementations Reading and research homework 7 Midterm Exam 8 Monopoly and implementations Reading and research homework 9 Oligopoly, competitive monopoly and implementations Reading and research homework Measuring National Output and National Income Inflation Unemployment and implementations Reading and research homework 11 Monetary Policy, Foreign Trade Theory Reading and research homework 12 Informal Economy and Privatization, The Government and Fiscal Policy Reading and research homework 13 Economic and Finacial Crises Reading and research homework 14 Using Eviews and making economic analysis 10 15 16 Recommended or Required Reading Theoretical Course Content Reading and discussion Reading and discussion Reading and discussion Final Exam Zeynel DİNLER, İktisada Giriş, Ekin Kitabevi Yayınları, Bursa, 2005. Erdal ÜNSAL, Mikro İktit, İmaj Yayınevi, 7. Baskı, Ankara, 2007. Tümay ERTEK, Mikroekonomiye Giriş, Beta Basım Yayım Dağıtım, 3.Baskı, İstanbul,2005. Orhan TÜRKAY, İktisat Teorisine Giriş Mikroiktisat, İmaj Yayınevi, 18.Baskı, Ankara, 2008. Ahmet Şahinöz, Türkiye Ekonomisi Sektörel Analiz, İmaj Yayıncılık, Ankara, 2001. Nazende Özkaramete Coşkun, Türkiye Ekonomisi Yeni Yapı (2000-2008), İmaj Yayınevi, 2009, Ankara. James HENDERSON, Richard QUANT, Mikro İktisat Matematiksel Bir Yaklaşım, Gazi Kitabevi, Ankara, 1998. Karl CASE, Ray FAIR, Principles of Economics, Prentice Hall Int., 2005. İsmail Bulmuş, Çözümlü Mikro İktisat Problemleri, Okutman Yayınevi, 2008 Yüksel Bilgili, Ceteris Paribus İktisat Soruları, İkinci Sayfa Yayınları, 2009 ASSESSMENT Term (or Year) Learning Activities Weight, % Homeworks 10 Attendance 20 Midterm 70 TOTAL 100 Contribution of Term (Year) Learning Activities to Success Grade 40 Contribution of Final Exam to Success Grade 60 100 TOTAL Planned Learning Activities, Teaching Methods, Evaluation Methods and Student Workload Activities Quantity Duration (hour) Total Work Load (hour) 16 3 48 Study hours out of class 16 3 48 Presentations/ Seminar 4 1 4 Homework Assignments 16 3 48 Mid-Terms a)Exam b) Student’s preparation 1 10 1 1 1 10 Final a)Exam b) Student’s preparation 1 20 1 1 1 20 Course hours Lab Application Special Course Internship Field Work Project TOTAL 180 ECTS Credits 180/30=6 ECTS Programme Outcomes Learning Outcomes PO 1 LO1 4 LO2 4 LO3 PO 2 4 PO 3 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 PO 12 PO 13 PO 14 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 4 3 5 5 5 LO4 LO5 PO 4 4 3 3 4 3 4 4
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