Öğretim Üyesi Ahmet Giz 2014-2015 GÜZ DÖNEMİ İLERİ FİZİK PROJE LAB. / ADVANCED PHYSICS PROJECT LAB. YAPTIRAN ÖĞRETİM ÜYELERİ VE KONULARI Ders Kodu Konu FIZ421 / FIZ421E Polimerler / Polymers Öğrenci FIZ421E Project Proposal: Brownian dynamics simulations of diffusive motion In the proposed project, we will explore basic characteristics of normal and anomalous diffusion, with or without the presence of external spatial constraints on the molecular motion. To this end, we will perform computer Brownian dynamics simulations based on appropriate equations of motion of the molecules. We will compare the characteristics of diffusive motion in individual considered cases and discuss the possibility of classifying different types of random motion on the basis of their statistical properties. Expertise and knowledge obtained during the advanced physics project can be potentially applied in experimental studies of diffusion during a follow-up senior project. Alexandr Jonas FIZ421E Prerequisites: Familiarity with numerical simulations of physical problems using a suitable programming environment (e.g. Matlab) Suggested literature: [1] L. Vlahos, H. Isliker, Y. Kominis, and K. Hizanidis: “Normal and Anomalous Diffusion: A tutorial”, 2008 [2] J. Klafter and I.M. Sokolov: “”Anomalous diffusion spreads its wings”, Physics World, August 2005, 29 – 32 [3] E. Barkai, Y. Garini, and R. Metzler: “Strange kinetics of single molecules in living cells”, Physics Today 65, 29 – 35 (2012) [4] “Simulating Brownian motion”, Matlab tutorial, EPFL Cenap Özben FIZ421E Design and Construction of a Robotic Claw Betül Pehlivan (090100257) Duygu Özyıldırım (090100279) Demet Kaya FIZ421 Esra Alveroğlu FIZ421 / FIZ421E Füsun Arısan FIZ421 Gönül Özen FIZ421 / FIZ421E Gülay Acar FIZ421 / FIZ421E Hilmi Ünlü FIZ421E İyonik hidrojellerde şişme davranışına pH etkisinin incelenmesi 1. Protein adsorption and desorption with thermosensitive-polymer-coated magnetic nanoparticles 2. Tuning the kinetics of charge generation and recombination in organic solar cell materials by using polymer matrix. 1. Sıcaklığa duyarlı polimer kaplı nanomagnetik parçacıklar ile protein adsorpsiyon ve desorpsiyonu. 2. Organik güneş hücresi malzemelerinde taşıyıcı oluşum ve birleşim kinetiğinin polimer matrisi kullanılarak ayarlanması. 1-Türk Standarları ve diğer ülke standarları ile kontrol yöntemleri araştırılması. 2-Küçük deney sistemlerinde (pilot sistemler) kullanmak için ölçüm aletleri ile beraber kurutma cihazı yapımı. 3-Fizik Labaratuvarlarında kullanılacak öğrenciye yönelik deney sitemleri papımı. 1. Tellur samlarinda beyaz ışık üretimi 1. Wight light production in Tellurium glasses 2. Nano-oksit sentezi ve karakterizasyonu 2. Production and charactaresitaion of Nano-oxides Medikal Fizik / Medical Physics Synthesis, Characterisation and Computer Modelling and Simulations of CdSe Quantum Dots FIZ421E Project Proposal: Fast-forwarding the wave function The project aims to learn and apply a method to speed up the time evolution of (i.e. to fastforward) the wave function in quantum mechanics. This is accomplished by controlling the driving potential with resultant regulation of the additional phase of the wave function, so that a target state is obtained in a shorter time. [1] If time permits the framework of the fast-forward can be extended to macroscopic quantum mechanics described by the nonlinear Schrödinger equation. [1,2] Application to a many-body system can be considered as a senior project. [3] Levent Subaşı FIZ421E [1] Masuda S. and Nakamura K., "Fast-forward problem in quantum mechanics", Phys. Rev. A 78, 062108 (2008) [2] Masuda S. and Nakamura K., "Fast-forward of adiabatic dynamics in quantum mechanics", Proc. R. Soc. A 466, 1135 (2010) [3] Masuda S., "Acceleration of adiabatic transport of interacting particles and rapid manipulations of a dilute Bose gas in the ground state", Phys. Rev. A 86, 063624 (2012) Meltem Güngörmez Neşe Özdemir FIZ421E Familiarity with Schrödinger Equation and numerical calculation is required. Please contact alsubasi@itu before the start of the semester if possible. Combining this study with a follow up senior project is suggested. Specifying SO(14) group by its fundamental representation 90100215 Elçin Omurca Maxwell equations in curved spaces 090100226 Baris Demirbay Generalized Morse and Pösch Teller potential potentials in Schrödinger equations 090100270 Aycan Alptekin Geodesics, auto-parallel curves in Riemannian and non-Riemannian spaces 090100260 Funda Seckin FIZ421E 1-Intensity and wavelength response of the conductivity response of CVD grown graphene Oğuzhan Gürlü FIZ421E 2-Design and implementation of a contact angle measurement system 3-Scanning probe studies on swift heavy ion irradiated graphitic surfaces Savaş Arapoğlu Selçuk Aktürk FIZ421E FIZ421E Sevim İ. Turutoğlu FIZ421 / FIZ421E Şaziye Uğur FIZ421 / FIZ421E Tolga Birkandan FIZ421 Yaşar Yılmaz FIZ421 Yavuz Ekşi FIZ421 / FIZ421E Adventures in Friedmann Cosmologies Characterization of liquid waveugides using fibers and photomultiplier tube. 1- Tuna Çiftçi 2-Şeyma Nayır 3-Cem Kıncal Koray Dinçer Manyetik nanoparçacıkların ilaç uygulamaları için hazırlanması ve karakterizasyonu Preparation and characterization of magnetic nanoparticles for drug delivery applications 1-Application of Fluorescence Technique for Understanding Film Formation from Polymer Latexes 2- Polimer Nanokompozitlerinin Film Oluşum Davranışlarının Floresans Teknik İle İncelenmesi 2 öğrenci Gitar için Bilgisayarla Nota Analizi Bartu Kömürlüoğlu 1- Farklı asit konsantrasyonlarında şişirilmiş Poliakrilamid hidrojel elektrolit kullanılarak oluşturulan gözenekli oksit yapısının incelenmesi 2- Farklı morfolojilerde poliakrilamid hidrojel elektrolit kullanılarak oluşturulan gözenekli oksit yapısının incelenmesi 1- Beyaz cücelerin hal denklemi, iç yapısı ve kütle-yarıçap ilişkisi 2-Correlation between dipole magnetic field and pulsed fraction in X-ray luminosity of young neutron stars 3-Spin evolution of young neutron stars 4-Analytical representation of the equation of state of neutron stars
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