IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT ON 2014 SUMMER SCHOOL Applications for Summer School will take place between June 03, 2014 and June 20, 2014. The courses which faculties, vocational school and departments have planned to open are stated in the list below. Students are able to register both for the courses planned to open and the ones they want to be opened. Courses which will be opened based on the registrations will be decided and announced by the Rectorate. List of courses to be opened in 2014 Summer School by Faculties, Vocational School and Departments OPENED BY FACULTY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES DEPARTMENT OF TURKISH LANGUAGE AND REVOLUTION HISTORY FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Doğuş Üniversitesi | Öğrenci İşleri Müdürlüğü COURSE CODE COURSE NAME FİZ 101 FİZ 102 FİZ 224 HUM 302 MATE 111 MATE 112 MATE 121 MATE 122 MATE 213 MATE 214 MATH 111 MATH 112 MATH 121 MATH 122 MATH 213 MATH 214 PHYS 101 PHYS 102 PHYS 224 PSY 335 PSY 209 BA 102 BA 211 ECON 101 EKON 101 EKON 211 IR 227 IR 404 İŞ 211 İŞ 313 ENG 101 ENG 112 ENG 122 İNG 101 İNG 102 İNG 161 İNG 162 Fizik I Fizik II Modern Fizik I Sources of Contemporary Europe and Modern Ethics Matematik I Matematik II İşletme Matematiği I İşletme Matematiği II Lineer Cebir Diferansiyel Denklemler Calculus I Calculus II Business Mathematics I Business Mathematics II Linear Algebra Differential Equations Physics I Physics II Modern Pyhsics I Biological Psychology Research Methods and Statistics-II Introduction to Business Administration Financial Accounting I Introduction to Economics Ekonomiye Giriş Mikroekonomi Terrorism Politics in China and the Far East Finansal Muhasebe I Mühendisler İçin Muhasebe Advanced English Advanced English For Engineering and Natural Sciences I Advanced English for Social Sciences I İngilizce I İngilizce II Yabancı Dil I TÜRK 101 Türk Dili I TÜRK 102 Türk Dili II TAR 201 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi I TAR 202 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi II CEE 102 CEE 201 CEE 222 CEE 231 CEE 232 COME 107 COME 108 COME 207 COME 226 COME 327 COME 334 COME 361 COME 381 CONT 403 EHM 303 EM 252 EM 333 EM 334 EM 335 EM 406 ESCI 106 IE 252 IE 334 IE 338 IE 362 IE 406 İSTA 203 İSTA 204 MBİ 106 ME 241 ME 242 ME 345 MM 241 MM 242 MM 345 STAT 204 Logic Circuits Electrical Circuits Electronic Circuits I Digital Design Discrete Time Signals and Systems Algorithms and Programming I Algorithms and Programming II Advanced Object Oriented Programming Computer Organization and Architecture Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Rapid Application Devel. with Microsoft .NET Framework Operating Systems Database Systems Control System Design Project Elektrik Mühendisliğinin Temelleri İş Etüdü ve Ergonomi Üretim Planlama ve Kontrol I Üretim Planlama ve Kontrol II Toplam Kalite Yönetimi Sistem Simülasyonu Introduction to Solid Mechanics Work Study and Ergonomics Production Planning and Control I Production Systems Analysis Engineering Economy Systems Simulation Mühendislik İstatistiği I Mühendislik İstatistiği II Katı Mekaniğine Giriş Statics Dynamics Strength of Materials Statik Dinamik Mukavemet Engineering Statistics II Yabancı Dil II 1/2 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT ON 2014 SUMMER SCHOOL Applications for Summer School will take place between June 03, 2014 and June 20, 2014. The courses which faculties, vocational school and departments have planned to open are stated in the list below. Students are able to register both for the courses planned to open and the ones they want to be opened. Courses which will be opened based on the registrations will be decided and announced by the Rectorate. List of courses to be opened in 2014 Summer School by Faculties, Vocational School and Departments OPENED BY FACULTY OF FINE ARTS AND DESIGN FACULTY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES FACULTY OF LAW DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES (FOR PREP CLASS) ADVANCED VOCATIONAL STUDIES Doğuş Üniversitesi | Öğrenci İşleri Müdürlüğü COURSE CODE COURSE NAME İÇM 201 İÇM 202 İÇM 301 İÇM 302 İÇM 401 MİMA 101 MİMA 102 MİMA 201 MİMA 202 MİMA 205 MİMA 301 MİMA 302 MİMA 401 HUK 112 HUK 121 HUK 122 HUK 132 HUK 153 HUK 211 HUK 212 HUK 221 HUK 222 HUK 231 HUK 232 HUK 311 HUK 312 HUK 321 HUK 322 HUK 341 HUK 342 HUK 351 HUK 352 HUK 452 Proje I Proje II Proje III Proje IV Proje V Mimari Tasarıma Giriş Mimari Tasarım I Mimari Tasarım II Mimari Tasarım III Yapı Elemanları II Mimari Tasarım IV Mimari Tasarım V Mimari Tasarım VI Medeni Hukuk- II Anayasa Hukuku - I Anayasa Hukuku - II Siyasal Düşünceler ve Devlet Teorileri- II Siyasal Düşünceler ve Devlet Teorileri-I Borçlar Hukuku - I (Genel Hükümler-I) Borçlar Hukuku - II (Genel Hükümler-II) Ceza Hukuku - I Ceza Hukuku - II İdare Hukuku - I İdare Hukuku - II Eşya Hukuku - I Eşya Hukuku - II Borçlar Hukuku - III Borçlar Hukuku - IV Ticaret Hukuku - I Ticaret Hukuku - II Medeni Usul Hukuku - I Medeni Usul Hukuku - II İcra ve İflas Hukuku - II Foundation Başlangıç Düzeyi Intermediate Orta Düzey Upper Intermediate Orta Üstü Düzey Advanced İleri Düzey İK 204 İKTİ 172 İST 102 İŞ 144 İŞ 174 İŞ 183 MAT 103 MAT 174 TUR 171 TUR 172 TUR 173 İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi II Makro Ekonomi İstatistik Muhasebeye Giriş Genel Muhasebe İşletme Matematik Ticari Matematik Genel Turizm Menü Planlaması Önbüro Hizmetleri 2/2
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