ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY II IMPORTANT REMINDERS Grading: g Midterm exam 1 Midterm exam 2 Laboratory Experiments Final exam % in Total 20 20 20 40 Grade DC will be assigned to mark 40 (out of 100) ATTENDANCE At least 70 % attendance is mandatory y to the class course. At least 80% attendance is mandatory to the laboratory exercises If you have an excuse, you should submit it IN ADVANCE Any axcuse submitted at the end of the semester wil NOT be accepted RESOURCES Lecture Book L B k in i English: E li h Chemistry for Environmental Engineering and Science. 5th ed. C.N. C N Sawyer Sawyer, P.L: P L: McCarty and G G.F. F Parkin, Parkin McGraw Hill Lecture Book in Turkish ÇEVRE MÜHENDİSLİĞİ ve BİLİMİ için KİMYA (E: İsmail Toröz) NOBEL AKADEMİK YAYINCILIK (http://nobelyayin com/detay asp?u=3714) (http://nobelyayin.com/detay.asp?u=3714) Laboratory y resource: Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, American Public Health Association (APHA) Relevant R l t sections ti off this thi book b k will ill be b given i t you… to Course Outline Week Topic 1 Organic compounds, compounds Dissolved Oxygen 2 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) 3 Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) 4 Applications of BOD, COD, ThOD, TOC 5-6 5 6 Nitrogen Compounds 7 Phosphorus Compounds 8 Fats, Oil and Grease 9 Midterm Exam 1 10 Surface Active Substances +Phenols 11-13 Chemistry of aerobic and anaerobic degradation (VFA+Gas analyses) 13 Trace pollutants, Heavy metals, Cyanite 14 Midterm Exam 2 15 Chlorine Chemistry Laboratory Experiments Week Experiment 1 No experimental work 2 Dissolved O2 + Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) 3 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) 4 Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) 5 NH3 + TKN 6 NO2 + NO3 7 Phosphorus Compounds 8 Fats, Oil and Grease 9 Midterm 1 10 April 23rd: Holiday 11 May 1st: Holiday 12 Surface Active Substances +Phenols 13 VFAs 14 Midterm 2 15 Gas analyses (or Heavy metals) Organic g Contaminants in the Environment A Supplementary Document is provided for you on the website: http://www.yarbis.yildiz.edu.tr/saral-Dersler-1853 You are supposed to study this document and you will be responsible for this document… Di Dissolved l d Oxygen O (Aqueous q Oxygen Oxygen) yg ) O2(aq) aq) General All living organisms are dependent upon oxygen in one form or another to maintain the metabolic processes th t produce that d energy for f growth th and d reproduction. d ti Aerobic processes are the subject of greatest interest because of their need for free (dissolved) oxygen. Humans are vitally y concerned with the oxygen yg content of the air that they breathe, since they know from experience that an appreciable reduction in oxygen content will lead to discomfort and possibly death. General Environmental engineers and scientists are,, of course,, interested in atmospheric p conditions in relation to humans, but, b t iin addition, dditi tthey ey are a e vitally ta y co concerned ce ed with t the "atmospheric conditions" that exist on/o er liquids, on/over liq ids water ater being the liq liquid id in greatest abundance and importance General All the gases of the atmosphere are soluble in water to some degree. Both B th nitrogen it and d oxygen are classified l ifi d as poorly l soluble, and since they do not react with water chemically their solubility is directly proportional to their chemically, partial pressures in the atmosphere. Hence, e ce, Henry's e y s law a may ay be used to o ca calculate cu a e the e amounts present at saturation at any given temperature. The solubility y of both nitrogen g and oxygen yg varies greatly with the temperature over the range of interest for natural waters. General Th solubility The l bilit iis lless iin saline li waters. t Under the partial partial-pressure pressure conditions that exist in the atmosphere, more nitrogen than oxygen dissolves in water. The solubility of atmospheric oxygen in fresh waters ranges from f 14.6 14 6 mg/L /L at O°C to about b 7 rng/L /L at 35°C under 1 atm of pressure. Since it is a poorly soluble gas, its solubility varies directly with the atmospheric pressure at any given temperature. Existence of Oxygen In Gas Phase: in Nature • F Found d att 20.95 20 95 % ((~21%) 21%) by b volume l i the in th atmosphere. t h Its partial pressure (sea level) : PO2 = 0.21 0 21 atm., atm or • 210.000 ppm by volume • 21 % 210.000 ppm IIn Liquid Li id Phase Ph (Di (Dissolved l d Oxygen): O ) In all natural water bodies It concentration Its t ti is i variable i bl (depending (d di on conditions) C diti Conditions: T Temperature, t P Pressure, other th conditions diti (dissolved matters, salinity etc), Gas--Liquid Transfer of Oxygen Gas Gas--Liquid Reactions Gas Notations Notations:: Gas phase : Tr : O2 (g) Eng : O2 (g) Liquid phase : Tr : O2 (s) Eng : O2 (l) Liqid q p phase (dis dis.. g gas)) : Tr : O2 (ç) gas • Solid phase : Tr: O2 (k) Eng g : O2 ((aq aq) q) aq:: aqueous aq Eng : O2 (s) Gas--Liquid Gas q Reactions Solubility of Gases in Water: All gases in the atmosphere are soluble in water to some extent. Saturation Concentration: Concentration of a gas in water which is in equilibrium with the concentration of that gas in the atmosphere Solubility S l bilit in i water t depends d d on the th conditions: diti Purity of water (existance of other dissolvde matters) Temperature Pressure Partial prassure of dissolved gas. Henry’s Henry s Law Henry’s Henry s Constants for some gases Saturation Concentrations Saturation Concentrations Temp C Dissolved Oxygen Concentration Concentration,, mg/l Salinity,, ‰ (~ Salinity (~ g/L = ~1000mg/L ) 0 5 10 15 20 0 14.60 14.11 13.64 13.18 12.74 5 12.76 12.34 11.94 11.56 11.18 10 11.28 10.92 10.58 10.25 9.93 15 10.07 9.77 9.47 9.19 8.91 20 9.08 8.81 8.56 8.31 8.07 25 8.24 8.01 7.79 7.57 7.36 30 7.54 7.33 7.14 6.94 6.75 Salinity concentration: 1 ‰ = ~1 g/L = ~1000 mg/L Importance po ta ce o of Dissolved sso ed O Oxygen yge An indictor for aerobic or anaerobic conditions in a water media An indicator of the life in a water body A crucial step of BOD test A indicatro An i di t off the th performnce f off aerobic bi treatment processes Causes corrosion in wet media Importance po ta ce o of Dissolved sso ed O Oxygen yge Need of dissolved oxygen of fishes Trout (alabalık) Min. Dis. Oxygen Need (mg/L) 44-55 Sea bass (levrek) 3-4 Carp (sazan ) 2-3 Yayın Balığı 12 1-2 Fish Special Sampling Conditions and Sample Preservation for D.O. Test Sample water should be prevented from contact with air air. Sample water should be filled in container with overflow, Dissolved oxygen in sample should immediately y be fixed byy chemical agents. g Sample should be stored in cold and dark place, l Sample should be analyzed in 6 hr after fixation Çözünmüş Çö ü üş O Oksijen s je Tayini ay Kullanılan Yöntemler - Isıtarak toplanan gazdaki oksijenin gaz analiz yöntemleri ile belirlenmesi - Hacimsel Metodlar - - Winkler Metodu ((İyodometrik İyodometrik y Yöntem)) - Winkler Metodunun Azid Modifikasyonu - Winkler Yönteminin Rideal Rideal--Stewart Modifikasyonu Çözünmüş Oksijen Membran Elektrodlarının Kullanımı Hacimsel Metodlar Çö ü ü Ok Çözünmüş Oksijen ij T Tayini i i Winkler Yöntemi ((İyodometrik İyodometrik Yöntem) veya y Modifikasyonları y - - - Alkali şartlarda Mn+2 iyonu ortamdaki oksijenle daha yüksek değerliklere oksitlenir oksitlenir. Elde edilen yüksek değerlikli manganez, asit şartlarda I- iyonunu serbest I2’a a okside eder eder. Ortaya çıkan I2 oksijen eşdeğeri kadardır. Açığa çıkan I2 standart sodyum tiyosülfat ile titre edilerek çözünmüş oksijen eşdeğeri olarak hesaplanır. hesaplanır Hacimsel Metodlar Çö ü ü Ok Çözünmüş Oksijen ij T Tayini i i Modifiye Edilmemiş Winkler Yöntemi - - - Nitrit ve Fe+3 ile pozitif girişim (I-’yi I2’ye okside ederler) Fe+2, SO32-, S2- g gibi iyonlarla y negatif g girişim (I2’yi I-’ye indirgerler) Sadece temiz sularda kullanılması uygundur. yg Hacimsel Metodlar Çözünmüş Oksijen Tayini Hacimsel Metodlar Çözünmüş Oksijen Tayini Modifiye y Edilmemiş ş Winkler Yöntemi MnSO4 ve Alkali İyodür (NaOH + KI) ilave edildiğinde Çözünmüş Oksijen Varsa 1 Mn 2 2OH O2 MnO2 H 2O 2 veya 1 Mn (OH ) 2 O2 MnO2 H 2O 2 Çö ü ü Ok Çözünmüş Oksijen ij Yoksa Y k Mn 2 2OH 0 O2 M Mn M (OH ) 2 Hacimsel Metodlar Çözünmüş Oksijen Tayini Modifiye y Edilmemiş ş Winkler Yöntemi Çökelme tamamlandıktan sonra Sülfirik asit ilavesi MnO2 + 2I- + 4H+ → Mn2+ + I2 + 2H2O Hacimsel Metodlar Çözünmüş Oksijen Tayini Modifiye y Edilmemiş ş Winkler Yöntemi 0,025 N Sodyum Tiyosülfat ile Titrasyon 2 Na N 2 S2O3 5H 2O I 2 Na N 2 S4O6 2 NaI N I 10 H 2O S4O62 2 I 2 S2O32 I 2 Hacimsel Metodlar Çö ü ü Ok Çözünmüş Oksijen ij T Tayini i i Kullanılan Tiyosülfat Çözeltisinin Normalitesi - Oksijenin Ekivalent Ağırlığı = 8 gram - 1 ml Tiyosülfat = 1 mg Oksijen eşdeğeri olmalı - - - Dolayısıyla Tiyosülfatın Normalitesi = N/8 (0,125 N) olacaktır. 1 Litre numune için 1ml N/8’lik tiyosülfat kullanılırsa numunenin 1 mg/L oksijene sahip olduğu söylenir. 200 mL numune için 5 kat seyreltilmiş Tiyosülfat kullanılırsa (N/8 * 1/5) = N/40 (0,025N) olacak ve hassasiyet de korunmuş olacaktır. Hacimsel Metodlar Çö ü ü Ok Çözünmüş Oksijen ij T Tayini i i Winkler Yönteminin Azid Modifikasyonu 2 NO2- + 2I- + 4H+ → I2 + N2O2 + 2H2O N2O2 + 1/2O2 + H2O → 2 NO2- + 2H+ - Girişimi önlemek için Sodyum Azodür (NaN3) - NaN3, Alkali-KI Alkali KI çözeltisi ile birlikte Asit ilave edildiğinde; ğ NaN3 + H+ → HN3 + Na+ HN3 + NO2- + H+ → N2 + N2O + H2O Hacimsel Metodlar Çö ü ü Ok Çözünmüş Oksijen ij T Tayini i i Winkler Yönteminin RidealRideal-Stewart Modifikasyonu Asit ş şartlarda Potasyum y Permanganat g ((KMnO4) ilavesi ile nitritleri de içeren bir çok indirgen maddenin girişiminin önlenmesi 10 mg/L’den büyük Fe3+ konsantrasyonları için F- ilavesi Aşırı KMnO4, Potasyum okzalat tuzu ile giderilir. Membran Elektrotlar Çözünmüş Oksijen Tayini Biyokimyasal Oksijen İhtiyacı (BOİ) Biyokimyasal Oksijen İhtiyacı (BOİ) Tahmini BOİ (mg/l) Seyreltme % 0–7 4 – 14 10 – 35 20 – 70 40 – 140 100 – 350 200 – 700 400 – 1 400 1 000 – 3 500 2 000 – 7 000 4 000 – 14 000 10 000 – 35 000 20 000 – 70 000 100 50 20 10 5 2 1 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.05 0 02 0.02 0.01 Biyokimyasal Oksijen İhtiyacı (BOİ)
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