Rusya Ticaret Temsilciliği / Trade Representation of The Russian Federation in Turkey Atatürk Bulvarı No: 106, 06990, Kavaklıdere, Ankara E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +90 (312) 4252090, 4254690, 4188139, 4187512 Faks: +90 (312) 4183991 ООО «ЕДИНЫЙ ЭКСПЕРТНО-ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫЙ ЦЕНТР КРЫМА И ГОРОДА СЕВАСТОПОЛЯ» “SINGLE EXPERT and INFORMATION CENTER of CRIMEA and CITY of SEVASTOPOL” LLC ИНН 9102009552 КПП 910201001 ОГРН 1149102013433 р/с 40702810703280000075 в Симферопольском филиале АБ «Россия» БИК 043510107 к/с 30101810835100000107 295011, г. Симферополь, ул, Пушкина 44, офис 1-5, тел. : +7 495 268 05 90; e-mail: [email protected], To whom it may concern In connection with the reunification of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol with the Russian Federation the “Expert and Information Service of the Commonwealth” group of companies (Moscow) decided to set up in Crimea the “Single expert and information center of Crimea and city of Sevastopol” (hereinafter the Center). One of the Center`s main task is to organize forums and conferences in the Crimean Federal County. In particular, in the nearest future the Center will organize “I International Investment and Construction Forum of the Crimean Federal County” (September 2930, 2014) and “I International Food Forum of the Crimean Federal County” (October 2-3, 2014). Among the participants of the forums there are will be representatives of the Crimean Federal County, federal and regional executive authorities of the Russian Federation, as well as of local and international business circles. It is envisaged that during the forums such important topics as challenges of economic development in the region associated primarily with the need to upgrade infrastructural, health resorts, transport and agricultural sectors of Crimea, as well as the necessity to increase food security in the region by organizing food supplies from Russian and foreign producers will be discussed. In addition, investment projects and objects such as “brownfield” and “greenfield” will be presented. For more information about these events, please, visit the Center official site at: Contact person for potential participants of the forums - Konstantin Grivakov, Director of the Center for External Relations and Strategic Development, phone: +7(495) 268-05-90, +38(0652) 59-88-44, mob.: +7(978) 873-56-96, e-mail: [email protected]. PROGRAMME of the I International Investment and Construction Forum the Crimean Federal County (under support of the Chamber of Commerce of Crimea and city of Sevastopol) Date: September 29-30, 2014 Venue: Sevastopol, the Institute of Bank Services, September 29, Monday 10:00 Registration of the participants. 11:00 11:00 13:00 Open ceremony. Plenary session “Perspectives of the economic development of the Crimean Federal County in Russian Federation. Possibilities for implementation of investment and construction activities”. Invited speakers: − representatives of the All Russia Public Organization “Business Russia”; − representatives of the Council of ministers of the Republic of Crimea and city of Sevastopol; − representatives of the local administrations of the Republic of Crimea; − representatives of the federal executive authorities, administrations of the regions of Russian Federation, business circles; − representatives of the “Union of the constructors and developers of Sevastopol” and the “Union of the constructors and developers of the Republic of Crimea”. Planned reports: − Investment potential of the Crimean Federal County; − Attractive investment climate formation; − Problems and perspectives of cooperation of the Crimean Federal County with construction industry representatives from other regions of Russia; − Needs of the construction industry of the Crimean Federal County for private investments; − possibilities for investment projects implementation. 13:00 Lunch. 14:00 14:00 17:30 Continuation of the plenary session. Proposed theme for discussion: “Construction potential of Crimea”: − Needs of the Crimean Federal County in construction techniques and equipments; − Possibilities for construction techniques and materials supplement to Crimea; − Introduction of innovation technologies in construction: − Project management, architecture, design. Presentation of investment and construction projects of the Crimean Federal County: − Construction of industrial parks; − Social construction; − Recreation construction; − Agrarian complex construction; − Energy complex and water supply construction. 19: 00 Honorary ceremony of the “Russian Construction Olympus” award. 22: 00 September 30, Tuesday Round table discussions. Round table №1 – session of the All Russia Public Organization “Business Russia” division on construction sphere: − discussion of the independent rating of CPO (; − election to the Supervising Board from the representatives of the CPO-society. Round table №2 – “Plan and problems development of the the Crimean Federal County 10:00 - infrastructure”: 13:00 − Transport infrastructure development problems; − Federal and regional motorways construction (in connection with the Federal Target Programme); Round table №3 – “Priority construction in Crimea”: - possibility of the independent water and electricity supply of the region (electricity, water and water sewage construction); - Greenfields development and formation of the proper infrastructural support; - Social construction. 13:00 Lunch. 14:00 14:00 Continuation of the round table discussions. 17:00 17:30 Press-conference. Forum results resume. ТОРГОВО-ПРОМИСЛОВА ПАЛАТА КРИМУ 295013 Російська Федерація, Республіка Крим, м. Сімферополь, вул. Севастопольська, 45 ТОРГОВО-ПРОМЫШЛЕННАЯ ПАЛАТА КРЫМА 295013 Российская Федерация, Республика Крым, г. Симферополь, ул. Севастопольская, 45 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY OF CRIMEA 45, Sevastopolskaya St., 295013, Simferopol, Crimea, Russian Federation Ph/fax +380(652)44-58-13 Ph. +380(652)24-86-38, +380(652)49-33-45, +380(652)49-33-46, E-mail: [email protected] Сайт: р/с 40703810500080012800 Российский Национальный Коммерческий Банк (ОАО), г. Симферополя, БИК 044525607, Корр. Счет 30101810400000000607 св. № 00918688, инн 029447001290 01.09.2014 г. № 550/01-10 на № _______________ от _______________ Merhaba, Sayın Yetkili! Kırım Cumhuriyeti'nde 2-6 Ekim 2014 tarihlerinde düzenlenecek “ROSKRIMİNVEST” İlk Yatırım Forumu'na sizi davet ediyoruz. Kırım'ın iş dünyası için bu çok önemli bir organizasyon. Çünkü Forum'un çatısı altında Rusya ve yabancı iş dünyasının önemli simaları, bölgesel Ticaret ve Sanayi Odalar'ın başkanları ve üyeleri, sanayiciler ve iş adamları bu şekilde ilk defa bir araya geleceklerdir. Forum çerçevesinde Kırım'daki yatırım projelerin Rusya’nın ekonomik alanına entegrasyonu diyalog şeklinde tartışılacaktır. Tüm katılımcılar ve özellikle Sizin için önemli olacağını düşünüyoruz çünkü Kirim’daki işadamlarımız ve farklı Rus iş kurumları hem tanışmak hem işbirliği kurmak için hazır olduklarını açıkladılar. 2-4 Ekim 2014 tarihlerinde Rusya Federasyonu Ticaret ve Sanayı odası, ilgili sendika ve turizm işletmelerin temsilcileri için reklam ve tanıtım turu düzenlenecek. Tur katılımcıları Yevpatoriya, Saki, Aluşta ve Yalta şehirlerindeki tatil ve sağlık kurumların (dinlenme tesislerin) işleyişi ve altyapı imkânlarıyla tanışma fırsatını bulacaklar. 5-6 Ekim 2014 tarihlerinde “Yalta-Intourist” Otelinde (Yalta) “Kendi Rusya'nı Tanı” Turizm İş Görüşmeleri Salonu (Workshop) faaliyeti esnasında turizm alanında işbirliği imkanlarını arama teşebbüsleri B2B “İşe-İş” formatında düzenlenecektir: - Turizm şirketlerin, Ticaret ve Sanayi odaları komitelerin ve devlet yetkililerin yerel turizm temsilcileriyle ve ilgilenen iş adamlarıyla görüşülmesi; Kırım’da tanıtım ve bilgilendirme turların organizasyonu. Federal Turizm Ajansı (ROSTURİZM), Rusya Turizm Birliği (RST) desteğiyle Kırım TSO Forumu’nun resmi organizatörüdür. Turizm İş Görüşmeleri Salonu (Workshop) Kırım’ın tatil ve sağlık (dinlenme) alanına yatırım imkânların aktarılması en önemli konulardan birisidir. Kırım Yatırım Forumu ve Turizm İş Görüşmeleri Salonu (Workshop) kapsamında katılımcılar “YaltaIntourist” Otel Kompleksi Salonlarında yuvarlak tartışma masaları, seminer ve bireysel prezentasyon gibi etkinlikler aracılığıyla ikili görüşmeler yapabilir ve sonuçlarına göre işbirlik memorandumlarını imzalayabilecekler. Kırım, turizm alanında Rusya’nın en gelişmiş bölgelerinden biri olduğuna işaret ederek, Türk işadamlarını bölgenin yatırım potansiyeli ile tanışmaya davet ediyoruz. Bölgemizde yatırım projelerine Rusya işadamları olarak açığız ve birlikte değerlendirmeye hazırız. Yatırım Forumu'na katılmak isteyen Üyelerinizin Katılım Sözleşmesi formunu doldurmak için Kırım Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası Turizm Komitesi’nin Uluslararası İlişkiler Koordinatörüne (Vladimir Pikalov, e-posta: [email protected], tel.: +7 (978) 841-78-67) başvurulmaları gerekmektedir. İlgili detayları Kırım Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası’nın resmi web sayfamızda bulunmaktadır. Forum’un resmi web sayfası Türkçe versiyonu için tıklayınız. “ROSKRIMİNVEST” İLK YATIRIM FORUMU'NA KATILACAĞINIZDAN VE BÖLGENİZDE TURİZM YATIRIMCI VE ORTAKLARINIZI BİLGİLENDİRMENİZDEN ÇOK MEMNUN OLURUZ. Saygılarıyla, KIRIM Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası BAŞKANI Aleksandr BASOV PROGRAMME of the I International Food Forum the Crimean Federal County Date: October 2-3, 2014 Venue: Sevastopol, the Institute of Bank Services, October 2, Thursday 10:00 Registration of the participants. 11:00 Open ceremony. Plenary session “Food provision and food security of the Crimean Federal County and its shift to the Russian manufacturers”. Invited speakers: • representatives of the Council of ministers of the Republic of Crimea and city of Sevastopol; • representatives of the local administrations of the Republic of Crimea; • representatives of the federal executive authorities, administrations of the regions of Russian Federation, business circles. 11:00 13:00 Planned reports: • Integration of Crimea to to the Russian Federation economics. Perspectives of cooperation within the food sphere with the regions of Russia; • Food security of Crimea. Lack of products restoration through the supply from the Russian Federation; • Cooperation with countries - allies in terms of sanctions input on the import of products from the EU and the United States; • Agricultural complex of Crimean Federal County; • Lighting priorities, the basic problems and ways of development; • Transport infrastructure. Existing and prospective opportunities in transport, logistics solutions; • Crimea – a special economic zone. 13:00 Lunch. 14:00 Investment session. • Presentation of the investment opportunities of the Crimean Federal County; • Attractive investment climate formation; 14:00 17:30 • Introduction of innovation technologies; • Demonstration of investment projects and fields; • Overcoming barriers for foreign investments in the Crimea; 19: 00 Honorary ceremony of the “Russian Agricultural Olympus” award. 22: 00 October 3, Friday 10:00 - Exhibition of products of leading manufacturers of Crimea and the Russian 18:00 Federation. Branch conferences. • Crimean food retail. Possibility of Russian retail chains coming to Crimea; • Innovation in agriculture, rural development in the Crimean Federal County, technical support of agriculture. Future development directions of agro-industrial complex; 10:00 • Wine-making and Viticulture. Development of Crimea wine brands on the Russian 13:00 market; • Problems in dairy cattle breeding industry. The prospect of the industry in Crimea. Lack of milk production restoration at the expense of imports from neighboring regions; • Fishery industry development in the Crimean Federal County. 13:00 Lunch. 14:00 14:30 - Continuation of the branch conferences. Possibility to organize negotiations and round 17:00 tables on the results of the Forum program. 17:30 Press-conference. Forum results resume.
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