Translation Strategies (semantic)

Translation strategies Chesterman, Ch. 4.
● Strategies are forms of explicitly textual manipulation.
● They are directly observable from the translation
product itself, in comparison with the source text.
translatorial actions - looking something up, accessing a
database, checking a reference, reaching for the phone,
going for a walk...
● goal-oriented
● problem-centered
● potentially-conscious
● intersubjective
the analysis of the
source text and the
whole nature of the
translation commission
production strategies
the results of various
comprehension strategies
how the translator manipulates
the linguistic material in order
to produce an appropriate target
● syntactic
● semantic
● pragmatic
Semantic strategies
1. synonymy
2. antonomy
3. hyponomy
4. converses
5. abstraction change
6. distribution change
7. emphasis change
8. paraphrase
1. A word having the same or nearly the same meaning as
another word or other words in a language.
2. A word or an expression that serves as a figurative or
symbolic substitute for another
The translator selects an antonym and combines this with a
negation element.
Kendini çok kötü hissediyordu.
She did not feel very good.
a word whose meaning is included in that of another word
scarlet, vermilion, and crimson are hyponyms of red.
a word the meaning of which includes the meaning of
another word or words
Ask the indie professor: What does your gig T-shirt say about you?
İndie profesörüne sorun: Konser tişörtünüz sizin hakkınızda ne
Converses are pairs of (usually) verbal structures which
express the same state of affairs from opposing viewpoints,
such as buy and sell.
What is the most popular item bought online?
Çevrimiçi satılan en popüler şey nedir?
She sold the house that she inherited from her father.
Babasının kendisine miras bıraktığı evi sattı.
abstraction change
A different selection of abstraction level may either move
from abstract to more concrete or from concrete to more
We'll direct all our considerable resources to satisfying the needs of
our constituents
Bütçemizin %20'sini seçmenlerimizin ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak için
distribution change
This is a change in the distribution of the "same" semantic
components over more items (expansion) or fewer items
Expansion "dilutes" the text somewhat.
Compression has the opposite effect, with a denser
Wanting to commemorate the experience, they opted for a T-shirt rather
than a photograph of the show.
Bu deneyimlerinin anısını canlı tutmak için gösterinin fotoğrafından
ziyade tişörtünü seçmişler.
May I have your kind attention, please...
Lütfen dikkat...
emphasis change
This strategy adds to, reduces or alters the emphasis or
thematic focus, for one reason or another.
Please read this informative text carefully.
Lütfen bu bilgilendirici metni çok dikkatli okuyunuz.
The paraphrase strategy results in a TT version that can be
described as loose, free, in some contexts even
Semantic components at the lexeme level tend to be
disregarded, in favour of the pragmatic sense of some
higher unit such as a whole clause.
Inside the cavernous laboratory, Phil McCarthy, a lanky young
amateur pitcher from Old Dominion University in Virginia who
had been recruited for the demonstration, went methodically
through his workout, throwing fastballs, changeups, curveballs
and a dipping split-finger pitch.
Bir büyük mağarayı andıran bu laboratuarda, Virginia’daki Old
Dominion Üniversitesi’nden ince uzun, genç bir amatör atıcı
olan ve tanıtım için görevlendirilen Phil McCarthy atış
idmanlarını yapıyordu.
trope change
The term trope is the formal name for a figure of speech or
metaphor. This means using a term or phrase to compare
two seemingly unrelated things in order to show similarity.
ST trope X >>>> TT trope X
ST trope X >>>> TT trope Y
ST trope X >>>> TT trope Ø ST trope Ø >>>> TT trope X
Ben bir ceviz agaciyim Gulhane parkinda, Yapraklarım suda balık gibi kıvıl kıvıl.
Yapraklarım ipek mendil gibi tiril tiril. koparıver, gözlerinin, gülüm, yaşını sil
Yapraklarım ellerimdir tam yüz bin elim var, Yüz bin elle dokunurum sana,
Istanbul'a. Yapraklarım gözlerimdir. Şaşarak bakarım. Yüz bin gözle seyrederim
seni, Istanbul'u. Yüz bin yürek gibi çarpar, çarpar yapraklarım.
I am a walnut tree in Gulhane Park
My leaves are sheer, sheer like a silk handkerchief
My leaves are nimble, nimble like fish in water
pick, wipe, my rose, the tear from your eyes
My leaves are my hands, I have one hundred thousand
I touch you with one hundred thousand hands, I touch Istanbul
My leaves are my eyes, I look in amazement
I watch you with one hundred thousand eyes, I watch Istanbul Like one hundred
thousand hearts, beat, beat my leaves
other semantic changes
other modulations of various kinds, such as change of
(physical) sense or of deictic direction
here and there
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