1 Bildiriler Kitab II Sakarya 2 No: 95 6 ISBN: 978-605-4735-23-5 VI. Ulu : : Emrehan : Ebru ALBAYRAK, Murat TOPAL - E-posta: [email protected] aittir. 8 indekiler/Contents ................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Bilim Kurulu ................................................................................................................................................... 5 ..................................................................................................................... 7 ........................................................................................................................................................ 8 , Ahmet AKIN, vd ................................................................................................................... 11 , Ahmet AKIN, vd......................................................................................................... 15 , vd .................................................................................................................. 19 Ahmet AKIN, n , , vd ....................................................................................... 23 , vd ............................................................................................... 30 , , ............................................................................................................................. 39 , vd ................................................................................................... 45 Ahmet AKIN, lirlenmesi, ................................................................................................................................. 51 , ........................................................................................................ 62 , .............................................................................................................................................. 68 , .................................................................................. Derslerinde Verimlilikleri, .......................................................................................................... , ............................................................ , ................................................................................................. 76 85 91 98 , Murat KARAMAN vd .................................................................................................................................. 104 - , Mustafa BAYRAKCI vd ............................................................................................................................... 111 , ........................................................................................................ 120 , Hande POYRAZ ........................................................................................................................................... 128 15 Ahmet AKIN* ** **** *** Handan TOPRAK **** Banu YILDIZ**** **** Bu eiX o- Deon The Turkish Version of the Deontic Justice Scale: The Validity and Reliability Study Abstract The aim of the present study is to examine the validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Deontic Justice Scale (Beugre, 2012). Participants were 366 university students. The results of confirmatory factor analysis indicated that 18 items loaded on three factors and the goodness of fit index values of the model were x p= .00101, RMSEA= .039, CFI= .94, IFI= .95, GFI= .93, AGFI= .71, SRMR= .051. The alpha internal consistency coefficients were found .87 for overall scale and .75, .77, .85 for three subscales respectively. The corrected item-total correlations ranged from .32 and .62. Overall findings demonstrated that Turkish version of the Deontic Justice Scale is a valid and reliable instrument. Keywords: Deontic justice, validity, reliability, confirmatory factor analysis. * -yanl u- y sisteminden kay- m2003). Immanuel Kant ise rasyonel ve evrensel bir a- * [email protected] [email protected] z- u- 16 er ueddei- mluluk l- ir arada huzurlu ve adalet eopanzano, Goldman, ve Folger, 2003). 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