siviL HAvAcILIK GENEL MUDURLUGU DIRECTORATE GENERAL Of C]VIL AVIAT]ON ELvERitLILix e a zont cECinuE SERTIFLKASI I ac utA n A IRW)IITH 1N € E.'',' REVIEW CERTIf ICATE Serlitika Referans NUmarcst lce/tlrcote Relerehce tlo 2342 Sivil Havacrhk Genel M0d0rl0d0 taraflndan, atallda yer alan hava araclnln: Pusuont to the Nohohol Requlations lor lhe hne being Hava aracr rmararcrsr Iotce. the Tutkish DGCA he'eby cettilcs thot tW EUROCOPTER imalattrnrnedr/lanrmlamabilSileri Vr, r'.'P, "d"sqr.'.' Hava arac' in EUROCOPTER t€sciri ** ";:,::;:::l:T:ii:' 45't2 Tc-HsN gozden ge9irme iglemi strastnda g0ncel ulusal mevzuata giire uCUSa elverilli oldudu kabul edilmitlir. /5.an5r/srsd otrwarlhy dl lhe I rne cl !he re;tew Y6yrm Tarihi Dote ol tssue Onaylayan So. Son G€gerrilik 30.10.2013 uote "t". k.lmrtlrr. Sdr tonu.u Tarihi e'pnl ,\ )::l':;,|;l;"'-"'""' Hikm€t TURGUT k"*,s;"'r" aJ 29.10.2014 slrcu-Ans-18 SHT_M t.lim.trnln 5oncim.dd6i k!P$mrnda konlroll0 btr otlamdt oldrllu ktbul ldilmiglrr' h.v. rr.crntn bit b!l8!nin v.yrml!nd'!' hrihl' ufuta 'lv'ritli g.r"t y'l b"y"."" Iheoicrc|thosrcnoinedjnoeonlrolad.nvionnen|haceoftlonc.wi|ho|||c|e50o/SHT-M|o|thelas|yeo..Theal|cro||ts ' E - cot{' d.rcd lo b. anwuthv 9t lh. tim? ol thc tstue Son Yelkilendtrme Numarasl A\"*,.FA[\ t\oa. G.g.rlilik Tarihi 2 6.,{o..Lol5 -rg-At- o).3 GErr,-gs-43 N @5oncim!ddc.ik!F!hlnd.lontlol|0biloamd. k6rmrrtr. so, lonulu h6v! srlcrnrn bu bcrs.nin v.vrmrlndrlr tlrihte |leut! dv'ri!! dd:ry Ybd '9:!'111'l-. ls Iteorrcral nos renotnea n o co^tolled envircnm.nt h qcardott<. wnhorticle50 al sHT M lo. the lasl yeol The onctalt tssul' tine oI the ot cohtideted to E aitwatthy lhe Son G.g.rlilik Tarihi On.yl6y.n Yellilendirme Numarl3l Sqned Aulhansolran Na 0nly rllarmsl 9irk.l Adl Form 15a s..+ -ri ;:l o; c I' Sivil- HAVACI I,I K GI]N F]I, MTID(JRL[JGU DIRECT)RAI'I G I: N I R A I, 0 F (- t . AV tATl0N ELVDRI$LILIK SDRTIFIKASI HAVA ARACr AQa$A s CERTIf ICATE OF AIRWORTHINE,'.' Sertifika Numarasr Milliyeti ve Tescit lgareti Ceniltcote Na Nanaroltty o.d Reqisttttton Mcrt 2342 TC imalatgrsr, Tipi ve Modeli EUROCOPTER AS 350 83 - HSN Seri Numarasr imal Yrlr tt'nFr L):: :-t,i).t't. 4512 2008 Kalegoriler ufula elveriglilik se.litibsr, yuk.flda belirtil.n hsve aracrnrn. t.spit €aiten tahaitterine uygun olaraf igletildigi ve bskrmrnrn yaprldrtr htlddette u9u9. .lvrrigli olduIu nit€lendirileret 7 Aratrk 1944 tarihti Milletleraresr SivilHavactltk Anbgmr3r va l4 Ekim 1983 tsrihli 2920 slyrtr Kanun h0k0mlerin€ uySun obrak dozenlanmittir. This Certtt.ote al htwanhthess B tssued put;ulnt b the Cahvehhah ah tnterndtbnat Civ tt Avnhah dotetl T t9q4 rrd Law 292C dated oh 14 Acbbu 1983 n.espeLt al the abave hentra.etl dir.ralt whr.h 6 ccnsiCe/eC ta be anwuthf ,heh nuntotned and )peraled th occatdahee||ith the laregainq4ntl the petttnent ape.annq hntatErs Bu Srnrrlamalar Ltn,r!attors / / Agrklamalar Renorks Havadan izleme ve ddviz atrmr/pano gekimi yapabilir. "Car-qo hook" ile kargo ta$macrlr!r yapabilir.Ksrgo ile azami kalkrs airrlrEr 28OO kg. Bu ufuta elveriglilik sertifik€sl Sivil HevacrLk Genel M0d0rl0g0 t6rafrndsn apt€l edilmediii siirece gegerlidir. Bu sertilikanrn ekinde gegerli bir uguga elveriglilik gdzd€n gegirme sertifikasr bulunm6k zorundadtr. lh s C errlt.ate .l Airwa.thrhess ts vohd unkss revaked by the Tu.k6h Drcctarote Cereralal Ctvl Avtaton Atrwarthtness Revtew Cettrljcote shttt be a oLhed tc thts.ertl@te lr '{t JI DUzenlenme Tarihi ,/trr,- 0zcan BAgoGLU 1l {l It ffi. i!!,.r/ 28/01/2014 Daare Bgk.
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