Mancozeb Task Force do McDermott, Will & Emery,LLP 500 N. Capitol Street, NW Washingon. DC 20001 Dow AgroSciences LLC United Phosphorus, Inc. June 13, 2014 Dear Colleague: The members of the Mancozeb Task Force, including Dow AgroSciences LLC and United Phosphorus, Inc. are writing to inform you of the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) recent changes in the United States (US) mancozeb tolerances. The tolerance revisions were published as a Final Rule in the Wednesday, May 14. 2014 Federal Register, Volume 79, Number 93, pages 27496-27502. The tolerances will go into effect November 14, 2014 unless objections are submitted to EPA on or beftre July 14, 2014. These are the first mancozeb tolerance revisions since the tolerances were established in the 1960’s. The changes were first detailed in the Mancozeb Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED) of 2005. Specifically. the revisions include: 1) A change in the tolerance expression from zineb ((another ethylene bisdithiocarbamate (EBDC fungicide)) equivalents to carbon disulfide (CS ) equivalents. 2 The tolerance expression for Codex, the European Union. and many other countries is based on CS . Therefore. EPA’s change harmonizes the tolerance expression with these 2 entities. The Task Force members support this change, 2) A reevaluation of the tolerance levels, resulting in the level being maintained, reduced, or increased based on residue data with the current use patterns. The tolerance levels were set at a level that would cover the highest residues in the field trials. A table comparing the previous and the new tolerances is attached. The Codex tolerances (MRLS) are included for an international comparison. Note that because zineb and CS 2 have different molecular weights, 1 ppm of CS 2 = 1.78 ppm of zineb. Therefore. an old US tolerance of 2 ppm is equivalent to approximately 1 ppm of CS . 2 The changes in the US tolerances for apples and pears represent the greatest reductions. The reductions are due to the decrease in residues with the current use pattern established at the conclusion of the EBDC Special Review in 1992. This use pattern has significantly longer pre-harvest intervals (PHI), lower rates than pre-1992 and a limit on the number of applications. t)NI_LS 528O(5C)4-l,O2726O(u,O There are also reductions in the grap e and tomato tolerances. For grapes, the 1992 use pattern change was less significant. The previous tolerance was set at a high level. For tomatoes, the greatest change in the use pattern was a limitation on the num ber of applications. Prior to the Special Revi ew there was no limit on the number of applications for any crops; limitation s were established for all crops in 1992 . The reduced tolerance levels for apples, pears. grapes, and tomatoes have the potential to create issues for imported crops. Win e will not be impacted because ther e are generally no residues or low mancozeb residue s in wine. The Task Force members are investigating the potential trade impacts and would appreciate receiving any info rmation or comments you might have. The recent tolerances established for head lettuce, leaf lettuce, broccoli, cab bage, peppers, almonds, walnuts, imported tangerines, the cucurbit crop group, tropi cal fruits, and ginseng were established based on CS 2 equivalents. Therefore, the toleran ces for these crops remain the same as the origi nal tolerances. Please contact me at or (267) 218-2704 if you have any questions. Regards, Janet Ollinger, Phl Chairperson [)MJS 52806504- 0272600(00 ___ ___ Mancozeb Tolerance Com parison Previous US Tolerance New US CFR 180.176 Tolerances Except Potatoes in 5/15/14 @180.319 Federal All expressed as Zineb Register ___ ___ Crop Zineb Equivalents How Zineb Translates (the level in to CS 2 180.176) (iineh/I.78 JMPR MRLs Dithiocarbamate Group , 2 CS 2 CS 0.1 0.1 4 20 CS2) Almond Almond hulls Apples Asparagus 7 4 0.1 0.6 0.06 0.1 Atemoya Bananas Barley. grain (porne fruit) 0.1 3.0 4 5 1 5 2.3 2 5 2.8 Barley, bran Barley, 2 1 20 20 1ed Barley, L 20 flour I Barley, 25 14 straw F Beet, sugar dried pulp Beet, sugar. 2 65 f 1,1 1.2 0.5 36.5 60 20 7 9 15 5 Broccoli Cabbage Canistel Carrots Cattle. 1 (24c) 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.3 Corn, field, oe 5 2.8 0.5 3 40 Corn, field, 0.1 0.06 0.1 kidney Cattle. liver Cherirnoya D\1L5 525O5O4-1iy2726O.(X)lO 25 3.0 roots Beet, sugar. 25 grain Corn, field, stover Corn, pop, arain .pop. stover Corn, sweet, forage Corn, sweet (K+ CHWR) Corn, sweet, stover Cottonseed, undelinted Crabapples Cranberries Custard apple Fennel Flax, seed Garlic Ginseng Goat. kidney Goat, liver I 15 0.1 5 2.8 70 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.1 40 1 0.5 0.3 0.5 10 7 5.6 3.9 0.6 5 3 10 5.6 2.5 0.15 1.5 1.2 0.5 See onions 2.0 (Sec.l8) 7 Hog, kidney Hog, liver Horse. kidney Horse. liver Lettuce, head Lettuce, leaf Mango Oat, flour Oats, grain 1 Oats, groats/rolled oats Oats. straw Onions (dry bulb) 40 - — 1.1 3.9 0.5 1.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 3.5 1 25 0.5 Garlic. onions, I)M_US 528O5O4l 0276() (kO 2.8 14.0 0.3 5(porne fruits) 5 18 15 20 0.6 20 25 1.5 10 10 (cos) 2 0.5 rPapaya L Peanuts Peanut vine hay Pears shallots 10 0.5 65 5.6 0.3 36.5 10 0.1 65 5 0.1 10 5.6 0.6 5 (pome fruit) 12 1 0.2 0.2 Peppers Potatoes 1 (interim) 0.56 Poultry. kidney Poultry, liver Quince Rice, grain Rye. bran Rye, grain 5 2.8 Rye. straw 25 14.0 dilla__ Sapote, mamey Sapote. white Sheep, kidney e,liver Sorghum, forage Sorghum, grain Sorghum, stover Star apple I rale___ Tangerine (import) Tomatoes 4 2.2 Vegetable. 4 2.2 cucurhit. Cucumber. group 9 Melons Summer squash I DMUS 52O65O4I 027260Ix)i() 0.5 0.5 0.6 (1.06 20 5 25 15 15 5 (pome) 15 0.5 0.5 0,15 0.25 0.15 15 3 10 2.5 2 10 (mandarins) 5 2 (cucumbers) 0.5 (melons) 1 (summer squash) 1 (watermelon) 0.1 (winter Walnut Wheat, bran Wheat, flour Wheat, aerm Wheat, Grain Wheat, middi ings Wheat, shorts Wheat. straw squash) 0.70 20 20 20 — D.1[S 52KO65O4l u2726x10 5 2.8 5 20 20 25 25
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