Constitutional Law
Assist. Prof. Dr. Fatih Öztürk
In the modern world the problems which have arised in the constitutional
democracies will be evaluated by different countries constitutional systems.
Comparative Criminology
Assist. Prof. Dr. Tuba Topçuoğlu
This module includes a discussion of the basic concepts in criminology first
and then moves with the discussion of the main purposes of doing crosscultural research in criminology. Main topics include theoretical and
methodological challenges confronted when conducting cross-cultural
research in criminology, measurement of crime across nations and various
sources available for examining cross-national differences in levels of crime,
explaining cross-national differences in levels of crime with specific
reference to general theoretical frameworks commonly employed in
criminology and empirical research findings.
Comparative Tort Law
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Başak Zeynep
Study on comparative understanding of the mechanism of tort law in
common law and civil law countries.
Assist. Prof. Dr. Ali Paslı
Res. Assist. İbrahim Çağrı Zengin
General Principles of Corporate Governance, Board and Management in
Public Companies, The Structure of Board, Purchase of A Company’s Own
Shares, Effects of Corporate Governance Principles to the Group of
Companies Regulations, Fiscal Rights of the Board Members, Liability of the
Board Members.
Assist. Prof. Dr. Tuba Topçuoğlu
This module gives a comprehensive review of all crime prevention
strategies—that is, law enforcement and criminal justice prevention,
developmental crime prevention, community crime prevention and situational
crime prevention—employed in fighting against crime. Each seminar
includes a discussion of the theory behind each strategy first and then reviews
the effectiveness of each strategy in reducing crime based on high-quality
empirical research finding
Dr. V. Neslihan Akün
The course aims to present a panorama of public international law, which
covers principles and rules that govern the relations between States and
interactions with other international actors. The course is designed to give
students a global understanding of the rules governing international relations
and, ultimately, provide them with practical skills in legal reasoning and
arguing, research and writing on international issues. The title “Current
Corporate Governance In
Public Companies
Crime Prevention:
Theory, Research and
Current Issues of
International Law I-II
Issues of International Law” is referred to the "international law behind the
headlines." Beside of focusing on core areas of public international law,
progressive development of int law is held. Current topics, such as, Syria
crisis, Mavi Marmara flotilla incident, Artic Sunrise capture…etc. shall be
examined on their legal basis in the light of international rules of
responsibility to protect, inrernational refugee law, law of the sea…etc.
International jurisprudence shall be guiding. The course includes not only
contemporary problems that had arisen, but also plenty fields of public
international law on a wide range.
General Principles of
Company Law in Turkey
Harmonization of
European Private
Law : Civil Law &
International Law
International Human
Rights Law I-II
Assist. Prof. Dr. Fatih Aydoğan
Company” as a term, elements of the term, general principles, company types
(simple partnership, general partnership, private partnership, stock
Corporation/public limited liability company, private limited liability
company and cooperative), establishment, board of directors, general
assembly, shares, dissolution and litigation of public limited liability
company, the regulations and directions of European Union on company
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Faruk Kerem
Assist. Prof. Dr. Ayça Akkayan
The process of harmonization of private laws and private international laws is
an effort of engaging the society in inter-cultural communication. In order to
realize the value of this effort, this course aims to provide a framework for an
advanced comprehension of European private law and private international
law in comparative perspective. By focusing on the mechanics of European
private law from a comparative view, the students will be urged to analyze
the impacts of Community legislation on the national legal systems. The role
of model laws and CISG in the reform process of national laws will also be
assessed. The reform processes of Turkish law that has also been influenced
by the unification process of private law in Europe will also be evaluated
within this context.
Prof. Dr. İbrahim Kaya
Assist. Prof. Dr. Gülay Arslan
Dr. V. Neslihan Akün
This course concentrates on various legal aspects of international human
rights such as
• Foundations of international human rights law
• Protection mechanisms of human rights
• Migrant and refugee rights
• Rights of children
• Women rights
• Political participation
• Right to fair trial
• Economical rights and freedoms
International Law I-II
Assist. Prof. Dr. Engin Şimşek
This class focuses on analysing certain landmark cases of international
courts, particularly dealing with the protection of individuals by various
international laws. In this regard, it aims for developing students awareness
of the effects of international standarts upon municipal legal orders
Introduction to Turkish
Civil Law
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emrehan İnal
Historical background, general aspects and characteristics of Turkish Civil
Law will be examined
Dr. Şirin Aydıncık
This lecture will provide an overview of three different kinds of
obligations under Turkish Code of Obligations. The subjects which will be
discussed during our course are as follows: Definition and classification of
contracts, basic principles regulating contractual relations, fulfillment and
termination of contracts. Obligations deriving from acts against Law. Basic
conditions of tortuous liability (damage, causal relation) different types of
tortuous liabilities. Unjust enrichment.
Introduction to Turkish
Law of Obligations
Ottoman Turkish Law
Private International Law
Turkish Constitutional
Assist. Prof. Dr. Fatih Öztürk
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Faruk Kerem
Assist. Prof. Dr. İnci Ataman
Assist. Prof. Dr. Saadet Yüksel
The establishment of the Ottoman Turkish legal system, the development and
eradication, the interaction between Islamic law and different local legal
systems are going to be explored. Moreover the Ottoman public law is also
going to be explained
In this lecture, Turkish Private International law will be examined by
considering Turkish Court decisions and European Union directives on
conflict of laws. Conflict of laws is the part of Turkish substantive law
concerned with legal questions which contain a foreign element. Besides
multilateral and bilateral agreements is one of the major sources of this
subject that makes harmonization of private international law between states.
Applicable law to family matters and obligatory matters which has a foreign
element will be determined in detail during the course period.
Students get basic knowledge of the constitutional developments in the
Ottoman Empire and Republic of Turkey, including Constitutions of 1921,
1924, 1961 and 1982.
They also learn about classification and limitation of basic rights and
freedoms; legislative-executive-judicial powers in the Constitution of 1982;
constitutional review and individual applications according to the
Constitution of 1982.
They gain a legal notion, supported by theoretical kowledge of varios
subjects by comparison of national and international legal dimensions which
enables to solve new legal problems.
They also gain the ability to define, evacuate and value current
legal/constitutional problems
Basic Concepts of Criminal Law I aims to give an overview about Turkish
Penal and Penal Procedural Law. In fall semester, the focus will be on the
general part of the Turkish criminal Law. During the course not only the
basic concepts of criminal law such as crime, punishment, security measures,
misdemenours will be discussed, but main principles of criminal law,
elements of crime, and criminal law sanctions will also be explained. This
course aims to give students a background for further comparative law
Basic Consepts of
Criminal law I-II
Prof. Dr. Adem Sözüer
Assist. Prof. Dr. Selman Dursun
Basic Concepts of Criminal Law II aims to give a framework on basic
principles, concepts and institutions about the Turkish Penal Law, Special
Part and Turkish Criminal Procedural Law. Within the context of the course,
theft, main sexual offences etc. will be generally discussed. Beside this this
course aims to give students basic knowledge on Turkish criminal procedural
law. In this context, main criminal procedural law concepts such as Turkish
criminal judicial system, procedural phases, judicial process and protective
measures will be covered.
Die Pflichten des
Verkäufers und des
Käufers nach dem UNKaufrecht
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bilgehan Çetiner
Einführung ins türkische
Immaterialgüterrecht I-II
Assoc. Prof. Dr Mustafa Aksu
Im Rahmen dieses Seminars wird keine Vorlesung stattfinden. Die
TeilnehmerInnen sind verpflichtet, eine Seminararbeit im Bereich der "Pflichten
des Verkäufers und des Käufers nach dem UN-Kaufrecht" (etwa 10 bis 20 Seiten)
zu verfassen
Im Rahmen der Lehrveranstaltung wird zuerst einen groben Überblick über das
türkische Privat- und insbesondere Zivilrecht gegeben. Anschließen werden die
Grundfragen im Urheber-, Patent-, Markenrecht erörtert. Hierbei werden auch die
internetrechtsbezogenen Fragen des Urheber-, Marken und Domainnamenrechts
anhand von Fällen diskutiert. Aufgrund dessen, dass das EU-Recht für die
Entwicklungen im türkischen Immaterialgüterrecht von besonderer Bedeutung ist,
werden die Harmonisierungsfragen und auch einige Entscheidungen des EuGH im
Bereich vom Immaterialgüterrecht behandelt.
Vergleichende Einführung
in das türkische
Strafprozessrecht I-II
Vergleichende Einführung
in das türkische Strafrecht
Prof. Dr. Adem Sözüer
Assist. Prof. Dr. Gottfried Plagemann
Die Vorlesung behandelt das türkische Strafprozessrecht und seine Veränderung
mit und nach der Reform von 2004/5. Nach einer kurzen Einführung in die
historische Entwicklung und die Rezeption europäischen Rechts in der Republik
Türkei, werden die wesentlichen Themen des Strafprozessrechts behandelt und im
Vergleich zum deutschen Recht untersucht. Im Vordergrund der Veranstaltung
liegt der Vergleich zwischen deutschem und türkischen Recht und die
Besonderheiten sowie die Entwicklung des türkischen Strafprozessrechts.
Prof. Dr. Adem Sözüer
Assist. Prof. Dr. Gottfried Plagemann
Die Vorlesung behandelt das türkische Strafrecht mit einem Schwerpunkt auf den
Reformen der letzten 10 Jahre. Nach einer Einführung in die türkische
Strafrechtsgeschichte und die Rezeption europäischen Rechts in der Republik
Türkei, werden die Grundzüge des Strafrechts - Allgemeiner Teil behandelt und
sodann beispielhaft ausgewählte Delikte des Besonderen Teils behandelt. Im
Vordergrund der Veranstaltung liegt der Vergleich zwischen deutschem und
türkischen Recht und die Besonderheiten sowie die Entwicklung des türkischen
Droit Turc des Sociétés de
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Helvacı
Res. Assist. Necdet Uzel
Société Anonyme, Société A Responsabilité Limitée, Société Commandite par
İdare Hukukuna Giriş
Dr. Halit Uyanık
Medeni Hukuka Giriş
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arzu Arıdemir
İdare Hukuku, Türkiye'nin idari teşkilatını, temel idari faaliyet ve görevlerini, bu
faaliyet ve görevlerin yerine getirilmesindeki hukuki araçlar, bu görevleri yerine
getiren görevliler ve personel sistemini, bu personelin görevlerini yerine getirirken
sebep oldukları zararlardan kaynaklanan sorumluluklarını, idarenin mallarının
hukuki rejimini ve mal edinme yöntemleri ile idarenin yargısal denetimini konu
alan bir hukuk dalıdır.
Medeni Hukuka Giriş, Medeni hukukun amacı, konusu ve kaynakları, temel
kavramları hakkında temel ilkeleri öğrenciye tanıtır. Özellikle hak kavramı, çeşitli
açılardan hakkın türleri, hak sahibi, hakların kazanılması ve kaybedilmesi
konuları, Medeni Kanun ve Borçlar Kanunu hükümleri çerçevesinde incelenir.
Amaç, özel hukukun bel kemiğini oluşturan Medeni Hukukun temel kavramlarını
tanıtmak, kişiler hukuku, aile hukuku, eşya hukuku, miras hukuku ve borçlar
hukuku derslerine temel hazırlamaktır
Türk Ceza Hukukuna Giriş
Uluslararası Göç Hukuku
Prof. Dr. Adem Sözüer
Assoc. Prof. Dr. İbrahim Dülger
Prof. Dr. İbrahim Kaya
Dr. Elif Başkaracaoğlu
Türk Ceza Hukukuna Giriş dersinde suç teşkil eden bir haksızlığın varlığını kabul
edebilmek ve suç olarak tanımlanan fiili gerçekleştiren kişi hakkında Ceza
Hukukuna özgü yaptırımları uygulayabilmek için gerekli şartların neler olduğunu
incelenecektir. Bu kapsamda; suçun yapısal unsurlarına; ceza sorumluluğunun
esaslarına ve şartlarına; teşebbüs, içtima, iştirak gibi suçun özel görünüm
şekillerine; yaptırımlar ve bunların kişiselleştirilmesine ilişkin kurallar ele
Bu ders uluslararası göç ile ilgili hukuk kurallarını içermektedir. Bu bağlamda şu
konular ele alınacaktır:
• Uluslararası hukukta yabancıların hakları
• Göçmen işçiler
• Mülteciler
• Düzensiz göçmenler