MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ 2015 ABET DEĞERLENDİRME SÜRECİ ÖNEMLİ KONULAR ABET Symposium 2014 Fundamentals of Assessment Workshop Advanced Assessment Workshop MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 12 Mayıs 2014 TOPLANTININ AMACI 2015 ABET Next General Review akreditasyon sürecine hazırlanırken önemli bazı konuların hatırlatılması MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 ODTÜ ve ABET 2009 2004 1994 MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 2001 1996 ODTÜ ve ABET • Tüm Bölümlerimiz en az iki kez ABET tarafından ziyaret edildi: 3 kez: CHE, MINE, CE, EE, ME, METE 2 kez: AEE, CENG, ENVE, FDE, GEOE, IE, PETE MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 TOPLANTININ AMACI • Önceki değerlendirme süreçlerinde ifade edilen eksiklikler/iyileştirme önerileri - hatırlatma • ABET kapsamında yapılan değişiklikler – Bölümlerimizle daha önce yazılı olarak paylaşılanlar – Fakültemiz tarafından geniş katılım sağlanan Nisan 2014 ABET sempozyum ve çalıştaylarında vurgulanan konular • ABET akreditasyonu konusunda tecrübeli bir kurumdan olası artan beklentilerin karşılanması, sistematik olarak uygulanan, yerleşmiş bir sistemin gösterilmesi gerekliliği MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 BİLGİLENDİRMELER - CD 3-4 Nisan 2014 ABET Symposium 5 / 6 Nisan 2014 Fundamentals of Program Assessment Workshop 6 Nisan 2014 Advanced Program Assessment Workshop MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 ÖNEMLİ DOKÜMANLAR Most recent (2014-2015) versions of : • Self Study Questionnaire (SSQ) • Accreditation Policy and Procedure Manual (APPM) • Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs (Criteria) Shortcoming can be written due to lack of issues from SSQ or APPM. MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 ABET TAKVİMİ ABET ziyareti öncesi Başvuru - Dekanlık: 15 Ocak 2015 Bölümlerin raporlarını Dekanlık’a sunmaları: 26 Ocak 2015 Raporların ön değerlendirmeden geçmesi: Şubat 2015 Raporların ön değerlendirme sonrası tamamlanması: 3 Nisan 2015 Fakülte raporunun hazırlanması: Nisan 2015 Fakülte raporu ile birlikte tüm raporların tamamlanması: 8 Mayıs 2015 Raporların basılması: Mayıs 2015 Raporların ABET’e gönderilmesi: 8 Haziran 2015 ABET ziyareti: Ekim 2015 (Pazar – Salı) MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 ABET TAKVİMİ ABET ziyareti sonrası (Due Response Process) Exit meeting – Program Audit Forms: Ekim 2015 7-day response by METU (errors of fact only): Ekim 2015 Draft Statement from ABET: Ocak-Şubat 2016 30-Day Due Response by METU: Şubat – Mart 2016 ABET Annual EAC Committee Meeting: Temmuz 2016 Final Statement from ABET: Ağustos 2016 MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From APPM Shortcoming What it means Deficiency criterion, policy, or procedure is not satisfied. Therefore, the program is not in compliance with the criterion, policy, or procedure Weakness a program lacks the strength of compliance with a criterion, policy, or procedure to ensure that the quality of the program will not be compromised. Therefore, remedial action is required to strengthen compliance with the criterion, policy, or procedure prior to the next review Concern a program currently satisfies a criterion, policy, or procedure; however, the potential exists for the situation to change such that the criterion, policy, or procedure may not be satisfied Observation a comment or suggestion that does not relate directly to the current accreditation action but is offered to assist the institution in its continuing efforts to improve its programs MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From APPM Accreditation Action What it means Typical Duration Next General Review No Deficiency, No Weakness 6 yrs Interim Report One or more Weaknesses 2 yrs After an IR 2 or 4 yrs One or more Weaknesses – re-visit required 2 yrs After an IV 2 or 4 yrs One or more Deficiencies 2 yrs After a SC 2 or 4 yrs One or more Deficiencies – re-visit required 2 yrs Report Extended Interim Visit Visit Extended Show Cause Report Show Cause Extended Show Cause Visit MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Fri 9:15, Diana Briedis, Closing the Loop MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 RECENT ABET CHANGES • Criterion 4 no longer requires that the extent to which graduates attain Program Educational Objectives be measured • Criterion 2 still requires that the Program Educational Objectives be periodically reviewed to ensure that they are consistent with the institutional mission and constituency needs MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 Criterion 4 Change • Be careful about the ADDED WORDS to the criterion – Regularly – Appropriate – Systematically utilized • You have to document your evaluations & decisions on assessment results MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 MAIN ISSUES • A systematically utilized, well documented (evidence-based) program assessment process – Every 6 yrs is not a good cycle – Assessing every course every semester is not sustainable or recommended • A good understanding of student strengths & weaknesses – General % success of Student Outcome attainment not enough – Show the level of attainment & how it changes in time MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 MAIN ISSUES • Focus on how the assessment process help improve the program – Show how assessment help improve program (close the loops – continuous improvement) – If possible, for more than one-cycle since 2009 ABET visit – Link them to improvement/change in Student Outcome attainment MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Fri 9:15, Diana Briedis, Closing the Loop MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 MAIN ISSUES • Now, much more emphasis on assessment & attainment of Student Outcomes • After all the assessment you are doing: What are your students’ strengths and weaknesses related to this SO? Do the students know what outcomes are expected of them? MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 MAIN ISSUES Although not required, ABET strongly recommends using PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (PIs) for assessment of Student Outcomes – PIs vs. SOs – Courses vs. PIs Instead of our typical – Courses vs. SOs – PIs enable a clear definition of what each SO mean for the program. Otherwise there is no common view among faculty. MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 MAIN ISSUES Cont. improvement ≠ Cont. Assessment Choose a set of indicators for SOs Select courses that provide info for indicators Assess courses in a 2- or 3-yr cycle You DO NOT have to set the same target of achievement for all SOs. Technical SOs can be more important If you have numerous info sources for one SO, but much less for another, then a lower target can be set for the latter MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Fri 9:15, Diana Briedis, Closing the Loop MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 SO Attainment via Performance Indicators MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET From2014 Fri 12 Mayıs 9:15, Diana Briedis, Closing the Loop From Fri 9:15, Diana Briedis, Closing the Loop MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Fri 9:15, Diana Briedis, Closing the Loop MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Fri 9:15, Diana Briedis, Closing the Loop MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Fri 9:15, Diana Briedis, Closing the Loop MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Fri 9:15, Diana Briedis, Closing the Loop MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Fri 9:15, Diana Briedis, Closing the Loop MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 WHAT ELSE IS IMPORTANT APPM • ODTÜ – KKK programları da olan bölümlerin Ankara kampüsündeki programın ABET tarafından akredite olduğu ve diğerinin olmadığı konusunda web sayfası ve basılı/elektronik katalog bilgilerinde farkın çok açık ve net olması gerekiyor. MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 WHAT ELSE IS IMPORTANT APPM • ODTÜ – Ankara kampus kataloğunda PEO, SO bilgileri basılı/elektronik katalog ve web sayfası ile uyumlu, en güncel hali olmalı • Tüm Bölümlerin en güncel APPM’e göre aşağıdaki şekilde yazması gerekiyor: “The *** engineering undergraduate program was accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org.” MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 WHAT ELSE IS IMPORTANT Program Criteria • Program Criteria dokumanında birden fazla bölümümüz programı için önemli olabilecek bazı değişiklikler oldu. Bunların müfredat ile karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmesi çok kritik. MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Jeff Fergus Accreditation Track, Thu 15:15 MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Jeff Fergus Accreditation Track, Thu 15:15 MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Jeff Fergus Accreditation Track, Thu 15:15 MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Jeff Fergus Accreditation Track, Thu 15:15 MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Jeff Fergus Accreditation Track, Thu 15:15 MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Jeff Fergus Accreditation Track, Thu 15:15 MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Jeff Fergus Accreditation Track, Thu 15:15 MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Jeff Fergus Accreditation Track, Thu 15:15 MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Jeff Fergus Accreditation Track, Thu 15:15 Facility MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Jeff Fergus Accreditation Track, Thu 15:15 MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Jeff Fergus Accreditation Track, Thu 15:15 MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 PREPARATION FOR SITE VISIT • Team coming in 2015 may cite a shortcoming for which the team in 2009 did not state as a shortcoming, even though that process did not change for the institution between 2009 to 2015. • This is completely acceptable by ABET • ABET says this is why an evaluator only evaluates a program once! MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 ESPECIALLY GOOD TALKS ABET 2014 SYMPOSIUM • ACCREDITATION TRACK – on CD Thu 15:15 “Preparing the Self-Study Report for Engineering”, Jeff Fergus Fri 9:15 “Demonstrating Compliance with Criterion 4: Closing the Loop”, Diana Briedis MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 ÖZETLE • Artik 3./4.kez denetime gelindigi icin beklentiler daha yüksek olacak • PEO attainment requirement ortadan kalktığı için SO attainment önem kazanmış durumda • Ögrencilerin kazanımlarında zayıf ve güçlü yönlerin net olarak belirlenmiş olması bekleniyor (bkz. SO için indikatör kullanımı) MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 ÖZETLE • Sistematik ve kanıt-bazlı bir değerlendirme sisteminin yerleşmiş ve kullanılıyor olması bekleniyor. Program iyileştirmelerinin büyük oranda buna bağlı olması bekleniyor. MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 PREPARATION FOR SITE VISIT • Please read: – The previous Self Study Report prepared by your Department in 2009 – The previous ABET Evaluation Report prepared by the team after the site visit • Please check out for valuable info: http://www.abet.org/accreditation MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 TEŞEKKÜRLER YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE BAD TO GET BETTER! MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 The Criteria • • • • • • • • • Criterion 1: Students Criterion 2: Program Educational Objectives Criterion 3: Student Outcomes Criterion 4: Continuous Improvement Criterion 5: Curriculum Criterion 6: Faculty Criterion 7:Facilities Criterion 8: Support Criterion 9: Program Criteria MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 DEĞİŞİKLİKLER SON HALİ (2014-2015 Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs) Criterion 2. Program Educational Objectives The program must have published program educational objectives that are consistent with the mission of the institution, the needs of the program’s various constituencies, and these criteria. There must be a documented, systematically utilized, and effective process, involving program constituencies, for the periodic review of these program educational objectives that ensures they remain consistent with the institutional mission, the program’s constituents’ needs, and these criteria. MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 DEĞİŞİKLİKLER ÖNCEKİ HALİ (2011-2012 Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs) Criterion 2. Program Educational Objectives The program must have published program educational objectives that are consistent with the mission of the institution, the needs of the program’s various constituencies, and these criteria. There must be a documented and effective process, involving program constituencies, for the periodic review and revision of these program educational objectives. MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 DEĞİŞİKLİKLER YAPILAN DEĞİŞİKLİK HAKKINDA AÇIKLAMA The change to Criterion 2 removes the requirement for a program to have a process for the "review and revision" of its program educational objectives (PEOs). The new language requires a documented process that is systematically utilized and effective, involving the program's constituents, for periodic review of the PEOs so that they remain consistent with the institution's mission, the constituents' needs, and the criteria. MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 DEĞİŞİKLİKLER SON HALİ (2014-2015 Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs) Criterion 4. Continuous Improvement The program must regularly use appropriate, documented processes for assessing and evaluating the extent to which the student outcomes are being attained. The results of these evaluations must be systematically utilized as input for the continuous improvement of the program. Other available information may also be used to assist in the continuous improvement of the program. MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 DEĞİŞİKLİKLER ÖNCEKİ HALİ (2011-2012 Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs) Criterion 4. Continuous Improvement The program must regularly use appropriate, documented processes for assessing and evaluating the extent to which both the program educational objectives and the student outcomes are being attained. The results of these evaluations must be systematically utilized as input for the continuous improvement of the program. Other available information may also be used to assist in the continuous improvement of the program. MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 DEĞİŞİKLİKLER YAPILAN DEĞİŞİKLİK HAKKINDA AÇIKLAMA The change to Criterion 4 removes the requirement for a program to demonstrate graduate attainment of program educational objectives. This change removes the stringent requirement for assessment of program educational objectives as is required for a program's student outcomes. MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 DEĞİŞİKLİKLER SON HALİ (2014-2015 Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs) Criterion 6. Faculty The program must demonstrate that the faculty members are of sufficient number and have the competencies to cover all of the curricular areas of the program. There must be sufficient faculty to accommodate adequate levels of student-faculty interaction, student advising and counseling, university service activities, professional development, and interactions with industrial and professional practitioners, as well as employers of students. MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 DEĞİŞİKLİKLER ÖNCEKİ HALİ (2013-2014 Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs) Criterion 6. Faculty The faculty must be of sufficient number and must have the competencies to cover all of the curricular areas of the program. There must be sufficient faculty to accommodate adequate levels of student-faculty interaction, student advising and counseling, university service activities, professional development, and interactions with industrial and professional practitioners, as well as employers of students. MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 DEĞİŞİKLİKLER YAPILAN DEĞİŞİKLİK Criterion 6. Faculty: The program must demonstrate that the faculty membersmust beare of sufficient number and theymust have the competencies to cover all of the curricular areas of the program. MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 YENİLİKLER 6 Kasım 2013 - ABET tarafından yayınlanan ALERT 1. Each ABET-accredited program must publicly state the program educational objectives and student outcomes 2. Each ABET-accredited program must publicly post annual student enrollment and graduation data per program *** 2014 YILI BAŞINDAN İTİBAREN UYGULANMAK ÜZERE! MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 DEĞİŞİKLİKLER Program Criteria Changes Bölümler kendi lisans programlarına etki edebilecek değişikliklere muhakkak bakmalı. Revisions to the following Program Criteria will be in effect for the 2014-15 review cycle. – Electrical, Computer, Communications Engineering – Environmental Engineering – Mechanical Engineering Revisions to the following Program Criteria are offered on first reading for review and comment. See the Proposed Changes Section of the EAC Criteria. – Electrical, Computer, Communications Engineering – Materials (1), Metallurgical (2), Ceramics (3) Engineering MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Jeff Fergus Accreditation Track, Thu 15:15 MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Jeff Fergus Accreditation Track, Thu 15:15 MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Jeff Fergus Accreditation Track, Thu 15:15 MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Jeff Fergus Accreditation Track, Thu 15:15 MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Jeff Fergus Accreditation Track, Thu 15:15 MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Jeff Fergus Accreditation Track, Thu 15:15 MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Jeff Fergus Accreditation Track, Thu 15:15 MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Jeff Fergus Accreditation Track, Thu 15:15 Facility MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Jeff Fergus Accreditation Track, Thu 15:15 MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Jeff Fergus Accreditation Track, Thu 15:15 MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 Criterion 4 – Closing the loop • Most important part of the Self-Study Report • Greatest number of shortcomings listed for this Criterion! • You HAVE TO show that some improvements (especially major program improvements) are tied to the assessment data & evaluation of that data! MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 Criterion 4 from Program Criteria • Criterion 4. Continuous Improvement • The program must regularly use appropriate, documented processes for assessing and evaluating the extent to which the student outcomes are being attained. The results of these evaluations must be systematically utilized as input for the continuous improvement of the program. Other available information may also be used to assist in the continuous improvement of the program. MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 Criterion 4 from SSQ • Continuous Improvement • Describe how the results of evaluation processes for the student outcomes and any other available information have been systematically used as input in the continuous improvement of the program. Describe the results of any changes (whether or not effective) in those cases where re-assessment of the results has been completed. Indicate any significant future program improvement plans based upon recent evaluations. Provide a brief rationale for each of these planned changes. MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 Criterion 4 Change • Emphasis on new requirement of Cr 4 – Alumni survey, Employer survey no longer mandatory – BUT These are ‘program constituencies’ therefore we need their input at some stage – Industrial advisory board may need to meet more frequently (e.g. 2 yrs) due to Criterion 2 changes Instead of ATTAINMENT now APPROPRIATENESS MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Thu 15:15, Karen Tarnoff, Preparing Effective Assessment Documentation MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Thu 15:15, Karen Tarnoff, Preparing Effective Assessment Documentation MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Thu 15:15, Karen Tarnoff, Preparing Effective Assessment Documentation MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 ASSESSMENT PROCESS After all the assessment you are doing in your program, can you answer the following question at the end of the day: WHAT ARE YOUR STUDENTS’ STRENGTHS & WEAKNESSES RELATED TO THIS STUDENT OUTCOME? MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 ASSESSMENT PROCESS 1. We are not doing COURSE assessment, but PROGRAM assessment! 2. Although not REQUIRED, ABET strongly recommends using PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (PIs) for assessment of Student Outcomes – PIs vs. SOs – Courses vs. PIs Instead of our typical – Courses vs. SOs MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Thu 15:15, Kathy Faggiani, Assessment and the Big Bang MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Fundamentals of Program Assessment Workshop MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Fundamentals of Program Assessment Workshop MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Fri 9:15, Fred DePiero, Sustainable Assessment Processes via Centralized Efforts MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Fri 9:15, Diana Briedis, Closing the Loop MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Fri 9:15, Diana Briedis, Closing the Loop MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 Assessment Methods From Fundamentals of Program Assessment Workshop MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Fri 9:15, Diana Briedis, Closing the Loop MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Fri 9:15, Diana Briedis, Closing the Loop MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 PI examples • Writing measurable outcomes • PEO SO PI – Observable, measurable – Shouldbe something you see demonstrated in student work – Sample Pıs MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 SO Attainment via Performance Indicators MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET From2014 Fri 12 Mayıs 9:15, Diana Briedis, Closing the Loop From Fri 9:15, Diana Briedis, Closing the Loop MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Fri 9:15, Diana Briedis, Closing the Loop MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Fri 9:15, Diana Briedis, Closing the Loop MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Fri 9:15, Diana Briedis, Closing the Loop MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Fri 9:15, Diana Briedis, Closing the Loop MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Fri 9:15, Diana Briedis, Closing the Loop MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Fri 9:15, Diana Briedis, Closing the Loop MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From Fri 9:15, Diana Briedis, Closing the Loop MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 ASSESSMENT PROCESS 3. THEN, they recommend using rubrics for grading PIs so that across different courses, even grading can be achieved (inter-rater reliability) 4. SO assessment is best done in 3-yr cycles 1. Collect 2. Evaluate 3. Implement MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 ASSESSMENT PROCESS - Example • Course assessment in the context of a sustainable improvement process (Zia Yamayee) suggested: – Phase I: from last final statement to year of self study (4 years) – Phase II: year of self study (1 academic year) – Phase III: on site review (1 year) • In phase I: – – – – Periodic review of PEOs (every 3 years) Assessment & evaluation of SOs (every other year) Identify & implement improvements (annual) Document (annual) MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 ASSESSMENT PROCESS 5. Overall course grades for assessment is NOT a good idea – homeworks, mid-term grades, etc. are OK MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 ASSESSMENT PROCESS 6. Do not try to collect data from ALL courses for SO assessment. Choose your courses as to how much each contribute to a PI or SO. – – – In Advanced Assessment workshop, they showed a mapping for courses vs. SOs & they normalized on courses instead of SOs A course is not recommended to be used directly for the assessment of the level of achievement of a SO. (Use PIs which cover a number of courses) Do not use Pass/Fail type of scales in assessing attainment of SOs or PIs in a course work MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 ASSESSMENT PROCESS 7. During SO assessment you can have time depth – – – focusing on measurement of juniors and seniors more than freshmen and sophomores. (see ppt by Elias Nassar: Building and assessment and CI system) Show the level of attainment throughout the curriculum Select benchmark courses for assessment of SOs. Do not overdo by selecting every related course every semester Note: Initial assessment of SO for communication skill may not be made on ENG 101 courses, but instead Introduction to *** Engineering courses can be used for this purpose! MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 ASSESSMENT PROCESS 8. Continuous improvement does not mean continuous assessment! – A three year assessment cycle is acceptable & recommended because • • it is more sustainable Makes it much easier to involve faculty MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 ASSESSMENT PROCESS 9. You can give different level of attainment targets for different SOs. They do not have to be equal! – – – – Technical SOs can understandibly be more important for the program For ex. a, b can have 90% as a target But for ex. k can have 60% as a target This is because technical ones can be more important for you, or you may have more chances in your program to evaluate/assess them. MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 ASSESSMENT PROCESS 10.Program evaluator will ask ‘So, what are the strengths & weaknesses of your students related to this student outcome?’ – You should have an answer for that and using performance indicators (but not necessarily courses) allows for that MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 ASSESSMENT PROCESS 11.Avoid a «stealth» assessment process. Students should know they are being assessed & they should be knowledgeable about SOs & the level of performance expected of them. Students are «drinking from a fire-hose» therefore they learn better if they know what’s expected of them – the learning objectives MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 ASSESSMENT PROCESS 12.Typically largest number of shortcomings are given from Criterion 4! MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ From Fri 9:15, Diana Briedis, Closing the Loop ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 ASSESSMENT PROCESS 13. Make sure you have evidence of assessment & evaluation Make sure they are present in the folders kept in the display area Try to show the course materials for the most recent offering. You do not need to archive all the past material (Joe Turner, Thu 9:15) MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 ASSESSMENT PROCESS 14. It is advisable to have an even number of scale for SO assessment : • Bloom’s taxonomy • EMAU • Four column template For example: 1. 2. 3. 4. Exceeds standard (Excellent/exemplary) Meets standard (Good/Satisfactory) Progressing to standard (Fair/Developing) Below standard (Poor/Unsatisfactory) MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 FACULTY • All faculty needs to be involved at some stage • Evaluator will interview faculty and get a feel of the assessment culture of the program – Typically Monday afternoon of the site visit MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 ABOUT ABET 2014 Symposium • A CD is prepared which includes the presentations of all talks in the ABET 2014 Symposium in Pittsburgh, PA, USA (3-4 April, 2014) • CD also contains workbooks of – Fundamentals of Program Assessment Workshop – Advanced Assessment Workshop – Other useful documents • One CD is sent to each Department MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 ESPECIALLY GOOD TALKS AT THE SYPOSIUM • ACCREDITATION TRACK – Thu 9:15 "Demonstrating Compliance with Criterion 4: Assessment and Evaluation", Joe Turner – Thu 15:15 “Preparing the Self-Study Report for Engineering”, Jeff Fergus – Fri 9:15 “Demonstrating Compliance with Criterion 4: Closing the Loop”, Diana Briedis MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 ESPECIALLY GOOD TALKS AT THE SYPOSIUM • PROGRAM ASSESSMENT TRACK – Thu 9:15 ”How to Embed Measurable Assessment Instruments into a CE Capstone Design Course", Ivonne Santiago (invited) – Thu 15:15 “Common Mistakes During the Assessment Process”, Gloria Rogers – Fri 9:15 “Sustainable Assessment Processes via Centralized Efforts”, Fred DePiero (invited) MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 ESPECIALLY GOOD TALKS AT THE SYMPOSIUM • PROGRAM ASSESSMENT TRACK – Thu 15:15 "Preparing Effective Assessment Documentation", Karen Tarnoff – Fri 8:00 "Building an Assessment and Continuous Improvement System: How to help faculty with the initial steps", Elias Nassar – Thu 14:00 "Course Assessment in the Context of a Sustainale Continuous Improvement Process", Zia Yamayee MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 ESPECIALLY GOOD TALKS AT THE SYMPOSIUM • PROGRAM ASSESSMENT TRACK – Fri 9:15 "Experiences Obtaining Data on Student Outcomes from Capstone Design Projects", John Schlup • ACCREDITATION TRACK – Fri 14:00 “The Engineering Body of Knowledge”, Craig Musselman MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 GOOD TO READ • A self-study template was prepared at CalPoly that includes good examples of presentation of results, etc. • Self-Study Template (Word doc) Detailed instructions for writing the self-study; may serve as outline of self-study report http://www.academicprograms.calpoly.edu/accred_progrev/ ALSO sites.google.com/site/selfstudycalpolyslo/ MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 GOOD TO READ ABET Program Evaluator (PEV) Training Documents • http://www.abet.org/pev-candidatetraining/ MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 PREPARATION FOR SITE VISIT • Course & assessment material display area is VERY IMPORTANT • The evaluator will study these on the Sunday afternoon (13:30-onwards) • It may be a good idea to arrange the display materials according to Student Outcomes (e.g.one folder per SO) • Make it easy for the evaluator to find information (both in report & display area) • Have evidence from the last cycle at a minimum MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 PREPARATION FOR SITE VISIT Organize materials to allow an “audit” process • Course materials should demonstrate any data collected from student performance in the courses • Evaluator should be able to trace: 1. From data collection to evaluation 2. To use of evaluation results in determining whether there is potential need for improvement 3. To any improvement action that was implemented MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 PREPARATION FOR SITE VISIT For currently accredited programs: – Assessment data summaries – Evaluations – Use in identifying any potential improvements since last ABET review should be in display area MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 PREPARATION FOR SITE VISIT • Although assessment is done for departmental courses, if during the visit the evaluator asks, then evidence should be made available from other departments – Physics, Math, English, etc. MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 PREPARATION FOR SITE VISIT • Team coming in 2015 may cite a shortcoming for which the team in 2009 did not state as a shortcoming, even though that process did not change for the institution between 2009 to 2015. • This is completely acceptable by ABET • That is why an evaluator only evaluates a program once! MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 PREPARATION FOR SITE VISIT • Must read: – The previous Self Study Report prepared by your Department in 2009 – The previous ABET Evaluation Report prepared by the team after the Site Visit MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 PREPARATION FOR SITE VISIT • Early communication of the evaluator and Team Chair with the Dean or Dept Chair can allow the program to actually revise some things • A shortcoming may even be eliminated by conducting such a process (But this depends on the preference of the Team Chair) MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 SUMMARY TIMELINE Due Process (Post-Visit Activities) • Exit Meeting: PAF (Program Audit Form) given to Dean – Specifies shortcomings and explanation • Institution’s 7-Day Response – Errors of fact only • Draft Statement of Findings –Prepared by team, edited at two levels, then sent to the institution (early spring) MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 SUMMARY TIMELINE Due Process (Post-Visit Activities) • Institution’s Due Process Response – Due within 30 days of receipt of draft statement – Programs are encouraged to solve problems quickly – Describe and document changes since the visit MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 SUMMARY TIMELINE Due Process (Post-Visit Activities) • Final Statement – Incorporates due process response – Final Statement serves as the basis for the commission (EAC for engineering programs) action on accreditation at July meeting – Final Statement and accreditation letter sent by ABET to the institution (by August 31st ) MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 From the talk of Jeff Fergus (Accreditation Track, Thu 15:15) MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 SUMMARY TIMELINE Timeline Process July Report submission to ABET October Team Visit Jan-Feb Draft report from ABET team ~ March 30-day Due Response July Accreditation decision This timeline shows that a number of problematic issues in a program can actually be eliminated if Team Chair communicates this info to the Dept between August/Sept until July of the next year (special words like Deficiency, Weakness are avoided during these discussions btw evaluator & Dept Chair) MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 SITE VISIT TIMELINE Timeline Process Saturday Arrival Sunday 10:00 Campus arrival 10:00 – 12:30 Visit departments, laboratories,etc. 12:30 – 13:30 Lunch 13:30 – onwards Work on display materials Monday Departmental visit Tuesday Closing meeting and departure MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 ENGINEERING BODY OF KNOWLEDGE • A report prepared by a large group of engineers (including professionals as well as academicians) on capabilities of engineers 30 categories... MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014 ABET Accreditation outside the US • ABET now accredits 324 programs at 64 institutions in 23 countries outside the US • About program evaluators: MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ABET 12 Mayıs 2014
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