K.H.K. i P.D. “Kraljica Jelena” C.C.C. & C. S. “Queen Helena” DANAS Službeno glasilo društva Kraljice Jelene Odbor ● Executive Diana Štajduhar Predsjednica / President Elizabeth Maletić Podpredsjednica Plesa Vice-President, Dance Daniel Hunski Podpredsjednik Glazbe Vice-President, Music Paul Grivičić Blagajnik / Treasurer Mary Volović Tajnica / Secretary Dorothy Milardović Direktorica za nošnje Costume Director Josipa Skrtić Direktorica za sakup sredstava Fundraising Director Anne Matas Direktorica za bingo Bingo Director Maja Milarodvić Direktorica za nastupe Performance Director Natalie Briški Direktorica komunikacije Communications Director It’s backto-school time, whi ch also means ba ckdance and tobackto-tambur a time! Rujan / September 2014 Welcome! Dobro došli! Dear Members and Families of Kraljica Jelena, Welcome to our 37th year of sharing our Croatian Heritage through music and dance! I am honoured once again to be President of this wonderful organization. I welcome the newest members to KJ’s odbor and welcome back the old! I look forward to working together with not only the odbor but all of our members to make this year a great success. KJ’s season has officially started and it was wonderful to see so many familiar faces, and some new ones, this past Monday at our first Junior and Intermediate practices. Looking forward to seeing the YAs, Parents and Adult Tambura Group as well! Our first Željko workshop will be taking place this coming Sunday Oct 5th the Hrvatski Dom. Please ensure you read through the danas for the scheduled times for your groups set time with Željko. Looking forward to making great things happen in 2014-15!! Štovani članovi i obitelji Kraljice Jelene, Dobro došli u našu 37. godinu dijeljenja naše hrvatske baštine kroz glazbu i ples! Čast mi je ponovno biti predsjednik ove divne organizacije. Pozdravljam najnovije članove KJovog odbora i želim dobrodošlicu natrag bivšima! Radujem se suradnji ne samo s odborom, ali sa svim našim članovima da bi ova godina bila uspješna. Sezonu smo službeno započeli, i divno je bilo vidjeti toliko poznata lica, a i neka nova, prošlog ponedjeljka na našim prvim probama Juniora i Intermediates. Veselim se vidjeti YAs, roditelje, i našu odraslu tamburašku skupinu također! Naše prve probe sa Željkom će se održati u nedjelju 5. listopada u Hrvatskom Domu. Molimo da pročitate kroz Danas da vidite određeno vrijeme za probe sa Željkom. Veselim se, i nadam se da ćemo imati uspješnu 2014-15 godinu!! Diana Štajduhar, Predsjednica Diana Štajduhar, President Ako mi ne sačuvamo našu baštinu, tko će? PAGE 2 DANAS S LU ŽB E N O G LA S I LO D R U Š T V A K R A LJ I C E J E LE N E BINGO! Bingo is a very important part of fundraising for KJ. Our group receives approximately $15,000 each year in revenue from bingo. We are scheduled for bingo every second Tuesday through the entire year. Each family is required to work two bingos throughout the year. The sign up sheet for 2014/2015 is available now and will be posted on the KJ information board. If you have not already signed up, please do so as soon as possible. You will receive an email or telephone reminder a few days prior to the bingo that you have signed up for, please confirm that you have received the message by replying to the email or returning the message. When you have completed a bingo, you will receive $100 back from the fees that you paid at registration. If you are unable to work your bingo as scheduled and KJ must find someone to work your bingo, you forfeit your $100 and the individual who covers your bingo will get $50. If you make arrangements for someone to work you bingo, you will receive your $100 refund. IMPORTANT!! Please arrive at K-W GAMING CENTRE at 501 Krug Street in Kitchener (Krug Street Plaza) by 7:45 on your scheduled date. You should plan to be there until approximately midnight. If you have any questions about Bingo, or still need to sign up, please speak to Mira Karlovich before November 1. She can be reached by email at [email protected] or call her at: (226) 988-1346. After November 1, please contact Anne Matas. Email: [email protected] or call: (519) 634-8917. Practices with Željko Probe sa Željkom Sunday, October 5 9:30 - 2:00 Young Adults TBA Parents 2:30 - 3:15 Juniors 3:15 - 4:30 Intermediates Please wear your JA SAM KJ t-shirt for a group photo! S LU ŽB E N O G LA S I LO D R U Š T V A K R A LJ I C E J E LE N E DANAS PAGE 3 PAGE 4 DANAS Tamburafest This year the Folklore Federation’s TamburaFest is being held by “Kardinal Stepinac” in Montreal on November 8. We are hoping to go with our junior, intermediate, and adult tamburaši. If you know for sure that your child cannot make this performance, please speak to Ante, or email him at [email protected]. Ove godine TamburaFest Folklornog Saveza održava “Kardinal Stepinac” u Montrealu, 8. studenoga. Nadamo se da će naši junior, intermediate i odrasli tamburaši nastupati. Ako znate da vaše dijete neće moći nastupati, razgovarajte s Antom, ili pošaljite mu email na [email protected]. S LU ŽB E N O G LA S I LO D R U Š T V A K R A LJ I C E J E LE N E Practice Times Sunday Young adults Parents Adult tambura 5:00 - 7:00 7:00 - 8:00 7:00 - 8:00 Monday Junior tambura Junior dance Intermediate dance Intermediate tambura 6:00 - 7:00 7:00 - 8:00 6:00 - 7:00 7:00 - 8:00 Please be prepared to start at these times! Taking care of your tambura Do you have any old opanke? One of the most important parts of playing tambura, besides practice, is keeping your tambura clean. Any time you play it—like it or not—you get it dirty. The natural oils in your fingers get all over the strings and frets, and if you don’t take care of your tambura the strings— as well as the rest of your instrument—will get ruined. Before you play your tambura, always make sure your hands are clean. After you finish practicing, use a cloth to wipe your strings and wherever you’ve touched it with your fingers to keep your tambura clean and long lasting. We are again collecting pairs of gently used opanke which you may no longer need for yourself or your kids in order to provide for some of our younger ones. If you have any old pairs of opanke that you think others may be able to get some use out of, please bring them to the KJ office on Sundays or Mondays. Likewise, if you need opanke for your child or yourself, pop into the office to see what we have available. Jedna od najvažnijih stvari kod sviranje tambure, izvan praktisiranja, je uzdržavanje čistoće tambure. Svaki put kada svirate—voljeli ili ne—isprljate tamburu. Prirodno ulje u koži prstiju dođe na žice i ostale djelove, i ako ne sačuvate tamburu žice ćete—a i cijeli instrumenat—uništiti. Prije nego što počnete svirati morate osigurati da su vam ruke čiste. Nakon probe, obrišite žice sa krpom, i gdje god ste dirali s prstima tako da je tambura čista i dugo traje. Počeli smo opet sakupljati stare ali još uvijek dobre opanke ako ih imate ali nemožete više koristiti. Ako imate stare opanke što mislite drugi bi mogli koristiti, molimo vas da ih donesete u naš ured nedjeljom ili ponedjeljkom. Također, ako trebate opanke za se ili za vašu djecu, dođite u ured i pogledajte što imamo. S LU ŽB E N O G LA S I LO D R U Š T V A K R A LJ I C E J E LE N E DANAS PAGE 5 The Importance of Fundraising One of the most important parts of any group is its fiscal well-being. For groups such as Kraljica Jelena, fundraising is very important—memberships and fees can only help raise so much money. It is up to all members to actively participate in the fundraising efforts of the group so we succeed. There are several things all members can do in order to help us succeed as an organization. 1. Don’t wait to be asked Many of you have been helpful and supportive in the past, we only ask you to keep it up! Those of you who are new to the group, getting involved in various activities will help you get to know some of the other great people that make up KJ. 2. Invite others to participate Ask your friends and neighbours to come to our events. It is great that you support our activities, but we want to get the greater community involved. 3. Bring us your ideas! We can’t do it alone. We have a fantastic executive, and a great fundraising committee, but we can always use more ideas and more help. In the end, it will be our children who will reap the rewards. And we will all benefit. Kraljica Jelena has existed for thirty-five years thanks to the hard work and dedication of its members. They have left us a group that is the epitome of preservation of our culture in our community, let’s not let it go to waste! Važan dio bilo kakve organizacije je njena financijska dobrobit. Za grupe kao što je Kraljica Jelena, skupljanje sredstava je jako važno—članarina nemože platiti onoliko koliko se može potrošiti. Ostane na svim članovima da aktivno sudjeluju u sakupljanju sredstava ako ćemo da uspijemo. Postoje neke stvari što bi mogli svi članovi učiniti da nam pomognu uspjeti kao organizacija. 1. Nemojte čekati da vas se pita Mnogi od vas pomaže, i podržavate nas, možemo samo vas moliti da tako nastavite! Oni od vas koji su novi u skupini, uključite se u razne aktivnosti tako da možete lakše se upoznati s drugim ljudima u KJ. 2. Pozovite druge da učestvuju Pitajte svoje prijatelje i susjede da dođu na naše priredbe. Dobro je što vi podržavate naše aktivnosti, ali želimo da se šira zajednica isto uključi u naša zbivanja. 3. Donesite nam svoje ideje! Ne možemo sve učiniti sami. Imamo fantastičan odbor i marljiv komitet za fundraising, ali uvijek možemo koristiti više ideja i vašu pomoć. Na kraju, naša će djeca biti nagrađena. A i mi svi ćemo isto imati od toga koristi. Kraljica Jelena postoji već trideset i pet godina, zahvaljujući napornim radom i zalaganjem svojih članova. Oni su ostavili nam skupinu koja je simbol očuvanja naše kulture u našoj zajednici, nemojmo dopustiti da propane! What to do if you have to miss a practice Please email the instructor directly: Junior Dance Madeline Štajduhar [email protected] YA Dance Natalie Briški [email protected] Intermediate Dance Liz Maletić [email protected] Tambura Ante Milardović [email protected] Making sure the instructor knows will help them better plan for the next practice. Thank you! K . H . K . I P . D . K R A L J I C A JE L E N A C . C . C . & C . S. Q U E E N H E L E N A P.O. BOX 37004 1005 Ottawa Street N. Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2A 4A7 Website: http://www.kjfolklore.com E-mail: [email protected] Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/kjfolklore Do you want to buy a tambura? Talk to Ante to purchase a Katulić tambura. prima: $450 brać: $650 To everyone who covered extra bingo shifts this summer, we couldn’t have done it without your help! A tambura is an investment. You buy your kids skates for hockey. You buy them shin pads for soccer. Why not buy a tambura? plus, you save the annual instrument fee Important dates Važni datumi October 5 Practices with Željko 5. listopada Probe s Željkom See schedule inside October 24 Jesenska Fešta 24. listopada At the Dom—live music! November 8 TamburaFest Folklornog Saveza 8. studenog Domaćin: Kardinal Stepinac, Montreal November 29 KJ Kids’ Christmas Party 29. studenog Tamburaši performing It’s never early to start being good for Santa! TBA Annual Concert Godišnji koncert May 16-17 C.C.F.F. Festival hosted by Zvuci Hrvatske, Oakville 16.-17. svibnja Festival H.K.F.S.-a, domaćin je Zvuci Hrvatske, Oakville
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