PRICE LIST CJENIK ACQUAPURA THALASSO & SPA CENTER BORIK ENGLISH/HRVATSKI 1 Content Sadržaj THE ACQUAPURA PRINICPLE REDISCOVER YOURSELF 4 – 9 2 ACQUAPURA SPA SIGNATURE TREATMENTS 10 – 11 SPA Body rituals / SPA Rituali tijela 12 – 13 MASSAGES / Masaže 14 – 21 Beauty treatments / TRETMANI LICA 22 – 25 Body treatments / Tretmani tijela 26 – 29 Aromatic BATHS / Mirisne kupke 30 – 31 HAND AND FOOT CARE / Njega ruku i stopala 32 – 33 SPA ETIQUETTE / SPA ETIKETA 34 - 35 3 Acqua pura means »pure water« Acquapura ili »čista voda« 4 Relax, unwind and leave your daily worries behind... Opustite se, odahnite i zaboravite svoje svakodnevne brige... Water plays a very important role here, from the spacious pools to the impressive sauna areas and the wide array of treatments. In addition to classic body treatments and facials, we offer a wide variety of top quality cosmetic Babor that will be presented to you through treatments by our experienced therapists. The power of Mediterranean, sea water, sea salt, indigenious plants and mud will beautify and revitalise you. Our Acquapura symbols, which are adjusted to the rythm of seasons, will help you with electing a treatment. Ovdje voda ima značajnu ulogu - od prostranih bazena do impresivnih sauna i širokog izbora tretmana. Uz klasične tretmane za lice i tijelo, nudimo i velik izbor vrhunske kozmetike Babor koju će Vam kroz tretmane predstaviti naše iskusno osoblje. Snaga Mediterana, morske vode, morske soli, autohtonog bilja i blata uljepšat će Vas i nanovo oživjeti. Naši Acquapura simboli, prilagođeni ritmu izmjene godišnjih doba, pomoći će Vam pri izboru tretmana. energising and vitalising Energičan i vitalan nurturing Njegujući calming and relaxing Smirujući i opuštajući balancing and harmonising Balansirajući i harmoničan clear and clean Jasan i čist 5 The Acquapura principle Acquapura načela Modern people have forgotten how to live in harmony with nature. However, just like the natural change of seasons, the human biorhythm is governed by the ups and downs of nature. The challenges of our daily lives have no regard for that. But we cannot struggle against it on a long-term basis. The consequences are stress, fatigue and general discomfort. We can help you rediscover yourself by finding your rhythmical balance. You decide whether you would like to revitalise, cultivate, relax, or recharge. We will gladly advise on how to plan your own individual wellness programme. Suvremeni čovjek je zaboravio kako živjeti u skladu s prirodom. Međutim, baš kako se mijenjaju godišnja doba tako je i ljudski bioritam reguliran sukladno tome. Izazovi u našem svakodnevnom životu čine da nismo baš obzirni prema tim promjenama. No, nakon duže vremena shvatit ćemo da se protiv prirode ne možemo boriti. Posljedice toga su stres, umor i jedna opća nelagoda. Mi Vam možemo pomoći da otkrijete sebe nanovo i uspostavite bio ritmičku ravnotežu. Odlučite sami da li se želite revitalizirati, njegovati, opustiti ili „napuniti baterije“. Rado ćemo Vas savjetovati kako isplanirati svoj individualni wellness program. Rediscover yourself! Otkrijte sebe nanovo! The human being energetic balanced balancing and harmonising Preparation Hope Activation energetic balanced U današnjem modernom društvu ljudi žive konstantno ubrzanim tempom energetic balanced well-groomed relaxed clear and purified well-groomed energetic balanced relaxed well-groomed clearwell-groomed and purified relaxed clear energetic and purified balanced well-groomed energetic balanced relaxed clear and purified energizing nurturing calming balancing and and vitalising and relaxing Awakening Growth Enjoyment of life well-groomed relaxed Becoming Internalising Nursing Harvest Preparation Gratitude clear and clear andpurified clean harmonising relaxed energetic clear and purified balanced Sklad i harmonija PROLJEĆE LJETO energetic balanced well-groomed relaxed clear and purified well-groomed energetic relaxed well-groomed clear and purified relaxed clear energetic andi purified balanced well-groomed energetic balanced well-groomed relaxed clear and purified Energičan i balanced Njegujući Smirujući Sklad i harmonija revitalizirajući Recollection Internalisation Recharging Priprema Nada Aktiviranje energetic balanced JESEN ZIMA ZIMA autumn Winter summer spring This is the Acquapura symbol that means »pure water«. Nothing is more essential or is a better symbol of purity and clarity. 6 Čovjek Prirodni bioritam Winter The natural biorhythm The civilised human striving: permanent, constant full throttle! Buđenje Rast Uživanje u životu well-groomed relaxed opuštajući relaxed Nastati Ostvariti Njegovati Žetva Priprema Zahvala Sjećanje Ostvarenje Vraćanje energije clear andi purified Bistro čisto Ovo je simbol „Acquapura“ koji znači čista voda. Ništa nije važnije ili bolje od simbola čistoće i jasnoće. 7 8 Reach for the things that relax and satisfy you Posegnite za stvarima koje Vas opuštaju i čine zadovoljnijim… Generously equipped water world, calming treatment rooms, quiet sauna areas and a unique environment create the perfect atmosphere for relaxation and indulgence. Velikodušno opremljene i velike vodene površine, sobe za tretmane, mirna područja sauna i jedinstven ambijent, stvaraju pravu atmosferu za opuštanje i ugađanje. All the magic of this place and the professionalism of our staff have the same goal: To provide all of our guests with purest satisfaction! Sva čarolija ovog mjesta i stručnost našeg osoblja imaju zajednički cilj: Osigurati osjećaj potpunog zadovoljstva svakom našem gostu! 9 Acquapura Signature Treatments Unique Falkensteiner SPA Treatments with special rituals will awaken all your senses using aromas, colours and sounds combined into a completely new harmony. Jedinstveni Falkensteiner SPA tretmani s posebnim ritualima koji će probuditi sva vaša osjetila koja se uz arome, boje i zvukove spajaju u jednu potpuno novu harmoniju. ACQUAPURA PARTIAL MASSAGE 30 min Kn 287 ACQUAPURA PARCIJALNA MASAŽA 30 min Kn 287 ACQUAPURA FULL BODY MASSAGE 50 min Kn 441 ACQUAPURA MASAŽA CIJELOG TIJELA 50 min Kn 441 The massage starts with a foot massage and ends with a refreshing drink. A small present awaits you at the end. ACQUAPURA EXFOLIATION Full exfoliation that will make your skin smooth and velvety. 30 min Kn 287 Masaža započinje s kupkom stopala, a završava s osvježavajućim biljnim napitkom. Nakon masaže, mali poklon čeka na Vas! ACQUAPURA PILING TIJELA 30 min Kn 287 Piling cijelog tijela koji će Vašu kožu učiniti glatkom i baršunastom. ACQUAPURA SAUNA REFRESHMENT Experience special refreshment in the sauna every day, for free. Pouring water and crushed, menthol-flavoured ice over hot volcanic stones creates steam and warmth. After leaving the sauna, refresh yourself with cold aromatic water. 10 5 min ACQUAPURA OSVJEŽENJE U SAUNI 5 min Doživite posebno osvježenje u sauni svakog dana, besplatno. Polijevanjem vode i zdrobljenog leda s aromom mente preko užarenog vulkanskog kamenja nastaje para i toplina. Nakon izlaska iz saune se osvježite uz hladnu aroma vodu. 11 Body SPA rituals spa rituali tijela “WELCOME HOME” RITUAL 60 min Kn 300 “AWAKENING TOUCH” RITUAL 60 min Kn 300 An energetic body treatment that includes an exfoliation based on citrus, and a full body energy massage that will wake you up and bring you to complete harmony. LAVENDER OASIS Aromatic treatment for people who love lavender. It includes a full exfoliation based on lavender flower and sea salt, a face and head massage and a lavender hydro massage bath. “GOODBYE” RITUAL A unique ritual that is formed instinctively. There are no prescribed movements. The therapist, guided by intuition, develops the movements on the spot, according to the needs of your body. A ritual with your personal signature. 12 “WELCOME HOME” RITUAL 60 min Kn 300 Opuštajući tretman tijela koji se sastoji od pilinga tijela na bazi kukuruzne krupice, pasivnog strechinga i hidromasažne kupke s esencijama Dalmacije. A relaxing body treatment that includes an exfoliation based on corn grits, passive stretching and a hydro massage bath with Dalmatian essences. RITUAL “DODIR BUĐENJA” 60 min Kn 300 Energetski tretman tijela koji se sastoji od pilinga na bazi citrusa i energetske masaže cijelog tijela koja će Vas razbuditi i dovesti u popunu harmoniju. 50 min Kn 270 OAZA LAVANDE 50 min Kn 270 Aromatični tretman za ljubitelje lavande. Sastoji se od pilinga tijela na bazi cvijeta lavande i morske soli, masaže lica i vlasišta, te lavandine hidro masažne kupke. 50 min Kn 400 90 min Kn 590 “GOODBYE” RITUAL 50 min Kn 400 90 min Kn 590 Jedinstven i neponovljiv ritual koji nastaje intuitivno. Nema pisanih pokreta, već terapeut vođen vlastitom intuicijom kreira na licu mjesta pokrete i manipulacije sukladno potrebama Vašeg tijela. Ritual koji nosi Vaš potpis. 13 Massages Masaže Relax AROMA FULL BODY MASSAGE 50 min Kn 290 90 min Kn 530 A full body massage with pindas filled with aromatic herbs and dipped into warm scented oil. The massage works as a drainage, it relaxes, has a wonderful effect on the skin, eliminates all tension and has a beneficial effect on the organism. VOLCANIC STONE MASSAGE Volcanic stones from the steaming centre of the Earth can provide you with the feeling of pure bliss. Due to the influence of the heat released by the stones, the body relaxes and feelings of pleasure, calm and relaxation are created. 14 50 min Kn 290 90 min Kn 530 Opuštajuća masaža s aromatičnimb alzamom koji sadrži 100 % čista, prirodna esencijalna ulja. A relaxing massage with aromatic balsam that contains 100% pure natural oils. ORIENTAL MASSAGE WITH AROMATIC PINDAS AROMA MASAŽA CIJELOG TIJELA 60 min Kn 370 ORIJENTALNA MASAŽA S AROMATIČNIM PINDAMA 60 min Kn 370 Masaža cijelog tijela pindama koje su punjene aromatičnim biljem i namočene u mirisnom toplom ulju. Masaža djeluje drenažno, opušta, ima čarobni učinak na kožu, uklanja napetost i blagotvorno djeluje na organizam. 50 min Kn 350 90 min Kn 630 MASAŽA VULKANSKIM KAMENJEM Vulkansko kamenje iz vrele zemljine nutrine može Vam pružiti osjećaj potpune blagodati. Zahvaljujući utjecaju topline koju oslobađa kamenje, tijelo se opušta te se stvara osjećaj ugode, smirenosti i opuštenosti. 50 min Kn 350 90 min Kn 630 15 CHOCOLATE FANTASY A hot chocolate massage awakens all the senses, makes the skin softer and wonderfully smooth, and its smell stimulates the release of serotonin, the hormone responsible for feeling happy and in a good mood. 50 min Kn 300 ROYAL MASSAGE 30 min Kn 300 50 min Kn 490 LOMI LOMI MASSAGE à LA BORIK 50 min Kn 380 16 50 min Kn 300 KRALJEVSKA MASAŽA 30 min Kn 300 50 min Kn 490 Harmoničan rad ruku dvaju terapeuta dovest će Vas u pravo stanje blaženstva. Na području masažnih tehnika ova masaža se smatra jednim od najučinkovitijih načina za brzo postizanje relaksacije i smanjenja napetosti u mišićima. The harmonious work of the hands of two therapists will bring you to a state of pure bliss. In the field of massage techniques, this is considered one of the most efficient ways for achieving relaxation and reducing muscle tension in a very short time. A massage that stimulates the release of blockages and therefore unburdens your psyche as well. The pressure is gentle, but simultaneously it reaches deep into the muscles, which helps you relax. ČOKOLADNA FANTAZIJA Masaža toplom čokoladom budi sva čula, čini kožu mekšom i čudesno glatkom, a mirisom potiče stvaranje serotonina, hormona odgovornog za osjećaj sreće i dobrog raspoloženja. LOMI LOMI MASAŽA à LA BORIK 50 min Kn 380 Masaža koja potiče otpuštanje blokiranih emocija pa djeluje rasterećujuće i na psihu. Pritisci su nježni, no istovremeno dopiru duboko u mišiće, što klijentu pomaže da se opusti. 17 Antistress massages CLASSIC FULL BODY MASSAGE 50 min Kn 310 90 min Kn 500 A powerful massage performed by using circular movements alongside the meridian and by stimulating the acupressure points. This massage establishes an energetic balance, affects vitality and strengthens the organism’s immunity. LYMPH DRAINAGE 50 min Kn 290 50 min Kn 330 90 min Kn 590 FACE, NECK AND HEAD MASSAGE Anti-stress massage that nourishes the skin, opens up the pores and stimulates micro-circulation. 18 WELLNESS TUI-NA ENERGETSKA MASAŽA Snažna masaža koja se izvodi masažnim pokretima uzduž meridijana i stimulacijom akupresurnih točaka. Ova masaža uspostavlja energetsku ravnotežu, djeluje na vitalnost i jača otpornost organizma. LIMFNA DRENAŽA 50 min Kn 290 50 min Kn 330 90 min Kn 590 Tehnika koja putem specifičnih ručnih zahvata dovodi do poboljšanja cirkulacije. Stimulira i potpomaže drenažu limfe u slučajevima usporene cirkulacije, edema i zastoja s velikim doprinosom u rješavanju neestetskih pojava osobito kod celulita. A technique that enhances circulation using specific hand movements. It stimulates and enhances lymph drainage in cases of slow circulation, oedemas and blockages, with a special contribution to solving non-aesthetic conditions, especially cellulite. 50 min Kn 310 90 min Kn 500 Individualna masaža koja stimulira krvotok, potiče aktivnost limfnog sustava, pospješuje elastičnost mišića i tetiva, opušta i daje osjećaj zadovoljstva i ugode. An individual massage that stimulates the blood flow and lymph system activity, enhances muscle and tendon elasticity, relaxes and provides a feeling of satisfaction and pleasure. WELLNESS TUI-NA ENERGY MASSAGE KLASIČNA MASAŽA CIJELOG TIJELA 30 min Kn 200 MASAŽA LICA, VRATA I VLASIŠTA 30 min Kn 200 Antistres masaža koja njeguje kožu, otvara pore i potiče mikro-cirkulaciju. 19 REFLEX ZONE FOOT MASSAGE 50 min Kn 260 HARMONY ANTI-STRESS MASSAGE 50 min Kn 350 An intensive massage of the problematic area, it relieves fatigue and tension and brings relief. 20 50 min Kn 260 HARMONY ANTISTRESS MASAŽA 50 min Kn 350 Holistička antistres masaža započinje masažom stopala, a završava masažom vlasišta. Uspostavlja harmoniju na emocionalnom, fizičkom i mentalnom nivou. Ne djeluje ciljano na određeni dio tijela, nego na energiju organizma u cjelini. This holistic anti-stress massage begins with a foot massage and ends with a head massage. It creates harmony on the emotional, physical and mental level and does not specifically affect a particular part of the body, but the energy of the organism as a whole. PARTIAL BACK AND NECK OR LEG MASSAGE REFLEKSNA MASAŽA STOPALA Opuštajući pritisci točno definiranih mjesta na stopalima polako, ali sigurno razbijaju stres. Točke koje terapeut pritišće povezane su s živčanim putovima pojedinih organa. Stimulacijom točaka poboljšava se funkcija rada oslabljenog organa. Relaxing pressure on precisely defined points on the feet slowly but surely dissolves stress. The points pressed by the therapist are connected with the nerve paths of certain organs. Stimulation of these points enhances the function of the weakened organ. 30 min Kn 200 50 min Kn 300 PARCIJALNA MASAŽA LEĐA I VRATA ILI NOGU 30 min Kn 200 50 min Kn 300 Intenzivna masaža na problematičnom dijelu, otklanja umor, napetost i donosi olakšanje. 21 Beauty treatments Tretmani ljepote DEEP CLEANSING deep cleansing for all skin types The classic face treatment is the foundation of all face care. It includes surface and deep cleansing, exfoliation, massage and a mask according to skin type. This treatment balances the epidermis, removes impurities and restores the glow of the skin. VITA BALANCE provides deep moisturising and protection to dry skin For skin that is dry, lacks glow, is stretched, prone to cracking and less resistant to external factors. Intensive hydration will restore the healthy look of your skin. CALMING SENSITIVE calming and relaxing care for sensitive skin External factors such as sun, cold and wind can cause irritation and redness. This treatment calms and balances your skin. PERFECT COMBINATION balancing and cleansing oily and combination skin With this skin type there are dry and oily parts of the skin. The skin requires thorough, but gentle cleansing. This treatment will cleanse the complexion, balance sebum secretion, hydrate the skin and restore its fresh look without an excessive glow. 22 Anti-stress - provides the skin with restored vitality due to its intensive/regenerating effect Negative factors such as stress can affect the skin so it appears tired and stretched. This treatment will intensively revitalise the skin and initiate skin renewal. 90 min Kn 440 60 min Kn 380 60 min Kn 350 60 min Kn 350 60 min Kn 390 DEEP CLEANSING VITA BALANS CALMING SENSITIVE dubisko čišćenje za sve tipove kože Klasičan tretman lica osnova je njege svakog lica. Obuhvaća površinsko i dubinsko čiščenje, piling,masažu, masku prema tipu kože. Ovaj tretman uravnotežuje epidermu, uklanja nečistoće i koži vraća blistavost. pruža dubinsku vlagu i zaštitu suhoj koži Koža ovakvog tipa nema sjaja, zategnuta je i sklona pucanju, te manje otporna na vanjske utjecaja. Intenzivna hidratacija vratit će zdrav izgled Vašoj koži. smirujuća i zaštitna njega osjetljive kože Vanjski utjecaji kao što su sunce, hladnoća i vjetar mogu uzrokovati iritacije i crvenilo. Ovaj tretman smiruje i balansira Vašu kožu. SAVRŠENA KOMBINACIJA balansiranje i čišćenje masne i mješovite kože Kod ovakvog tipa kože pojavljuju se i masni i suhi dijelovi kože. Koži je potrebno temeljito, no nježno čiščenje. Ovaj tretman očistit će ten, uravnotežiti lučenje sebuma, hidratizirati i vratiti koži svjež izgled bez pretjeranog sjaja. Anti – stress - daje koži obnovljenu vi talnost zahvaljujući svojim intenzivno – regenerirajućim učinkom Negativni faktori poput stresa mogu djelovati na kožu tako da ona izgleda umorno i zategnuto. Ovaj tretman će intenzivno revitalizirati kožu, te potaknuti obnavljanje kože. 90 min Kn 440 60 min Kn 380 60 min Kn 350 60 min Kn 350 60 min Kn 390 23 PURE achieves a balanced effect with problematic skin A treatment that has a regulating effect on the flora of the skin and fights impurities, giving the structure a clearly refined appearance. LIFTING SPA 60 min Kn 350 preventive lifting treatment There is no reason why your skin should reflect your age. This treatment softens, soothes, relaxes and hydrates the skin until it is remarkably and clearly younger. It fills and smoothes wrinkles and efficiently fights loose skin – a real “face lift”. 90 min Kn 390 90 min Kn 390 ANTI AGING de LUXE 40+ BABOR MEN new energy, complete vitality Holistic skin care treatment for men. Intensive hydration, care for the skin surrounding the eyes with special attention to wrinkles, revitalisation of skin that is under stress or endures frequent travel. SENSATIONAL EYES 50 min Kn 300 30 min Kn 250 Treatment that helps fight eye bags, dark circles caused by fatigue, and laugh lines around the eyes. VITALITY CHECK Test and analysis of facial skin. It shows the vitality, circulation and humidity of the skin. 24 PURE LIFTING SPA postiže balansirajuće djelovanje kod problematične kože Tretman koji ima regulirajući učinak na floru kože, bori se protiv nečistoće u koži, dajući strukturi vidljivo rafiniran izgled. 60 min Kn 350 preventivni lifting tretman Nema razloga da Vaše lice odražava Vaše godine. Ovaj tretman omekšava, umiruje, relaksira i hidratizira kožu, te je koža izvanredno i vidljivo mlađa. Popunjava i izglađuje bore, te se učinkovito bori protiv opuštenosti kože – pravi „efekt zatezanja“. 90 min Kn 390 90 min Kn 390 ANTI AGING de LUXE 40+ BABOR se ističe u razvoju inovativnih načina tretmana lica. Koristeći Nobelovu nagradu za otkriće, HSR® de luxe je lifting tretman koji djeluje duboko u kožu pružajući dulji vijek koži, usporavajući prirodan proces starenja kože zaustavljanjem gubitka kolagena i elastina, što rezultira smanjenjem bora i linija. BABOR is at the forefront of developing innovative ways to treat skin. Using Nobel Prize-winning discoveries, HSR® de luxe is a deep lifting treatment that extends the life of the skin and slows down the natural aging process by stopping the loss of collagen and elastin, resulting in a reduction of lines and wrinkles. BABOR MEN nova energija, potpuna vitalnost Holistički tretman za njegu muške kože. Intenzivna hidratacija, njega područja oko očiju s naglaskom na bore, revitalizacija kože koja je pod stresom i čestim putovanjima. SENSATIONAL EYES 50 min Kn 300 30 min Kn 250 Tretman koji pomaže pri suzbijanju vrećica ispod očiju ,tamnih podočnjaka koje uzrokuje umor, te bora “smijalica”. 10 min Kn 50 VITALITY CHECK 10 min Kn 50 Test i analiza kože lica. Pokazuje vitalnost kože, cirkulaciju i vlažnost kože. 25 Body treatments Tretmani tijela Just as we need to make our body happy from inside, we should do so from the outside, so that the beauty of our soul can be more visible. Kako naše tijelo trebamo usrećiti iznutra, tako bi trebali i izvana, da bi ljepota naše duše došla do izražaja. TONE TREATMENT 60 min Kn 400 ENERGY TREATMENT WITH LIME AND TANGERINE 50 min Kn 350 60 min Kn 400 VOLCANIC MUD TREATMENT Treatment for encouraging circulation and muscle relaxation. After the exfoliation, a volcanic mud rich in minerals is applied, which has a special effect on the special areas. The treatment ends with a massage that will additionally enhance the blood circulation and relieve muscle tension. 26 60 min Kn 400 ENERGETSKI TRETMAN OD LIMETE I MANDARINE 50 min Kn 350 OPUŠTAJUĆI TRETMAN OD LAVANDE I MENTE 60 min Kn 400 Tretman tijela koji opušta i smiruje vašu kožu. Započinje s mirisnom kupkom od lavande, zatim pilingom tijela, masažom sa završnom kremom na bazi lavande i mente. A body treatment that relaxes and calms your skin. It starts with a scented lavender bath, followed by an exfoliation, a massage and a soothing cream based on lavender and mint. TONUS TRETMAN Tretman tijela koji osvježava, revitalizira i daje Vašoj koži blistav efekt. Tretman se sastoji od pilinga tijela na bazi aloe vere, kupke s esencijalnim uljem mandarine pakunga s ekstraktima mandarine i limete i završne kreme. A body treatment that refreshes, revitalises and gives your skin a glowing finish. The treatment consists of an exfoliation based on aloe vera, a bath with tangerine essential oil, a treatment with tangerine and lime extracts and a soothing cream. RELAXING LAVENDER AND MINT TREATMENT Tonirajući tretman koji učvršćuje, oblikuje i zateže kožu Vašeg tijela. Procedura započinje pilingom tijela od granula na bazi brusnice, ulja masline i avokada. Nakon pilinga nanosi se losion od suncokretovog i bademovog ulja, te na kraju masaža s kremastom maskom koja ima anti – age učinak. Tretman za mladenačko tijelo. A toning treatment that firms, shapes and lifts the skin of your body. The procedure starts with an exfoliation using granules based on cranberries, olive oil and avocado. A sunflower and almond oil balsam is applied after the exfoliation, ending with a massage using a creamy mask with an anti-aging effect. A treatment for a youthful body. 60 min Kn 450 TRETMAN S VULKANSKIM BLATOM 60 min Kn 450 Tretman za poticanje cirkulacije i relaksacije mišića. Nakon pilinga tijela nanosi se vulkansko blato bogato mineralima koje ima poseban efekt djelovanja na kritične zone. Tretman završava masažom koja će dodatno potaknuti cirkulaciju i opustiti napetost u mišićima. 27 100% Natural body peeling 100 % Prirodni piling tijela EXFOLIATION WITH HONEY, CORN GRIT AND OLIVE OIL 30 min Kn 200 30 min Kn 200 THERMAL EXFOLIATION 28 PILING TIJELA OD LAVANDE I MORSKE SOLI 30 min Kn 200 Piling od morske soli i lavande uklanja odumrle stanice i potiče regeneraciju kože, pojačava površinsku mikrocirkulaciju, djeluje antiseptiči i opuštajuće. An exfoliation based on sea salt and lavender removes dead cells and stimulates skin regeneration, enhances surface micro circulation and acts as an antiseptic and relaxant. Initial treatment for removing the surface skin layers, the better absorbance of nutrients, hydration and enhancing cell regeneration. Recommended during winter period when the skin “breathes” less, and prior to exposure to sun. 30 min Kn 200 Prirodni piling od kukuruzne krupice sam po sebi sadrži tvari koje pogoduju koži, vrijedne minerale, fosfor, magnezij, kalcij i željezo te vitamine A, B, E, D i K. U kombinaciji s medom i maslinovim uljem učinit će vašu kožu neodoljivo baršunastom. A natural exfoliation made out of grit in itself contains elements beneficial to the skin, valuable minerals, phosphor, magnesium, calcium and iron, as well as vitamins A, B, E, D and K. In combination with honey and olive oil, it will make your skin irresistibly velvety. EXFOLIATION BASED ON LAVENDER AND SEA SALT PILING TIJELA OD MEDA, KUKURUZNE KRUPICE I MASLINOVOG ULJA 40 min Kn 250 TERMALNI PILING TIJELA 40 min Kn 250 Inicijalni tretman za uklanjanje površinskih slojeva kože, bolju apsorpciju hranjivih tvari, hidrataciju i poboljšanje stanične obnove. Preporuča se tijekom zimskog perioda kada koža manje ”diše”, te prije izlaganja suncu. 29 Aroma baths Mirisne kupke “CASHMERE” BATH 20 min Kn 150 CLEOPATRA’S BATH 20 min Kn 150 “MEDITERRANEAN” BATH 20 min Kn 100 “LAVENDER” BATH 20 min Kn 100 “ACQUAPURA” BATH A combination of melissa, rosemary and thyme in a bubbly warm bath will open the pores of your skin and thus enhance their medicinal effect. 30 KLEOPATRINA KUPKA 20 min Kn 150 KUPKA “MEDITERAN” 20 min Kn 100 KUPKA “LAVANDA” 20 min Kn 100 Ljekovita kupka koja postiže harmoniju tijela i duha. Duboka relaksacija i širok spektar djelovanja ove ljekovite biljke iz dalmatinskog podneblja dovest će Vas u pravo stanje blaženstva. A medicinal bath that achieves the harmony of body and spirit. Deep relaxation and the wide spectrum of application of this medicinal plant from the Dalmatian climate will take you to a state of pure bliss. 20 min Kn 150 Kupka s morskim solima i aromom Mediterana ima blagotvorno djelovanje na respiratorni sustav, dovodi u balans tijelo i um, opušta i regenerira kožu. This bath with sea salts and a Mediterranean aroma has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, balances the body and the mind, and relaxes and regenerates the skin. “CASHMERE” KUPKA Otkrijte u čemu je tajna Kleopatrine ljepote. Kombinacija mlijeka, meda i eteričnih ulja učinit će vašu kožu zavidno glatkom i svilenkastom. Discover the secret to Cleopatra’s beauty. A combination of milk, honey and essential oils will make your skin enviably soft and silky. Razmazite svoju kožu hidro masažnom kupkom od kašmira i ulja makadamija. Tijelo dobiva mladenačku glatkoću i čvrstoću. Koža je pročišćena, nevjerojatno meka i zdrava. Spoil your skin with a hydro massage bath made of cashmere and macadamia oil. The body gets a youthful smoothness and firmness. The skin is cleansed, extremely soft and healthy. 20 min Kn 150 “ACQUAPURA” KUPKA Kombinacija ljekovitog bilja melise, ružmarina i timijana u pjenušavoj toploj kupki otvoriti će pore na Vašoj koži i na taj način pospješiti njihovo ljekovito djelovanje. 20 min Kn 150 31 Hand and foot care Njega ruku i stopala NJEGA RUKU I STOPALA HAND AND FOOT CARE SPA Manicure SPA Pedicure Hand or foot exfoliation and massage Nail polishing 40 min Kn 200 50 min Kn 260 20 min Kn 100 15 min Kn 50 40 min Kn 200 50 min Kn 260 20 min Kn 100 15 min Kn 50 DEPILACIJA WAXING Upper lip Bikini / armpit Lower legs Entire legs Entire legs and bikini Arms Back Kn 30 Kn 60 Kn 90 Kn 160 Kn 190 Kn 75 Kn 140 Nadusnice Bikini / pazuh Pola nogu Cijele noge Cijele noge i bikini Ruke Leđa Kn 30 Kn 60 Kn 90 Kn 160 Kn 190 Kn 75 Kn 140 Eyebrow shaping Kn 50 Oblikovanje obrva Kn 50 SOLARIUM 32 SPA Manikura SPA Pedikura Piling i masaža ruku ili stopala Lakiranje noktiju 5 min Kn 25 SOLARIJ 5 min Kn 25 33 SPA ETIQUETTE SPA ETIKETA BOOK A TREATMENT REZERVACIJA TRETMANA To ensure that you can enjoy the treatment of your choice, we recommend that you book a treatment a day earlier by contacting SPA reception on +385 / (0)23 / 206 184, internal: 6184. Kako biste si osigurali termin za tretman, preporučamo da ga rezervirate dan ranije. Termin možete rezervirati na SPA recepciji ili putem telefona (+385 / (0)23 / 206 184, interni: 6184). TIME FOR YOURSELF UZMITE SI VREMENA In accordance with our Acquapura SPA philosophy, we would like to invite you to our SPA reception about 10 minutes before your treatment to get into the right mood for the treatment, for instance with a soothing cup of tea. If you arrive late, the treatment will be shortened accordingly, out of respect for subsequent guest. U smislu naše Acquapura SPA filozofije pozivamo Vas da dođete na SPA recepciju 10 minuta prije ugovorenog termina te se pripremite za njega npr. šalicom čaja. Iz poštovanja prema drugim gostima molimo za razumijevanje jer u slučaju da zakasnite, vrijeme Vašeg tretmana se skraćuje. CLOTHING Please come to the treatment wearing a bathrobe. To protect your privacy, we provide disposable slip for every treatment and we work with various covering techniques. For some treatments, you can also wear more comfortable clothes. We will be happy to provide you with information about this. VALUABLES We recommend that you do not bring any jewelry to your treatment. For your own peace of mind, please secure any valuables in your room safe. We accept no liability for any lost valuables. WISH FULFILMENT In accordance with our motto “Rediscover yourself”, we want to fulfill your wish to achieve vitality, care, relaxation, balance and/or purity. Therefore, before the treatment we will ask you what you consider to be the most important. Competent advice is an integral part of the treatment, and we regard it as essential. Please, inform our staff about your health condition and / or pregnancy. Usage and participation in SPA treatments is entirely at own risk. CANCELLATION Please note that in the case of cancellation, you must inform the SPA reception at least 4 hours before the treatment. Later cancellations will be charged in full. POOL / SAUNA In the pool area, bathing suits are required. In the sauna area, please do not wear any clothing, for hygienic reasons. The pool area is also a family area. Nevertheless, we request that you please show consideration for other guests who wish to enjoy some peace and quiet. ACQUAPURA SPA ATMOSPHERE To ensure that all guests can enjoy their stay, the Acquapura SPA is a non-smoking area. We also request that you switch off your mobile phone. VOUCHER The ideal gift – adjusted individually or specifically for one treatment. Be it for your partners, friends or family – the time to rediscover oneself feels really good. For information about our Acquapura SPA vouchers, please ask at our SPA reception. PAYMENT OPTIONS The treatment can be charged to your room account or paid in cash at the SPA reception. The management reserves the right to make any changes to treatments, prices and opening hours. All prices include any taxes. 34 ODJEĆA Molimo Vas da na tretman dođete u ogrtaču. Kako bismo zaštitili Vašu privatnost, pri svakom tretmanu nudimo Vam jednokratno donje rublje i koristimo razne tehnike pokrivanja. Na neke tretmane možete doći i u udobnijoj odjeći. O tome ćemo Vas rado informirati. VRIJEDNE STVARI Preporučamo da na tretman ne dolazite s nakitom te da, zbog sigurnosti, vrijednosti pohranite u sef. Uprava ne preuzima odgovornost u slučaju njihova oštećenja ili nestanka. ISPUNJAVAMO ŽELJE Sukladno našem motu “Otkrijte sebe ponovno!” željeli bismo izaći u susret Vašim željama vezano za vitalnost, njegu, opuštanje, uravnoteženost i/ili čistoću. Stoga ćemo Vas prije tretmana propitati o tome što Vam je posebno važno. Kompetentno savjetovanje dio je tretmana i jako nam je stalo do toga. Molimo Vas, obavijestite naše stručne djelatnike o Vašim željama, trudnoći i zdravstvenom stanju. Korištenje SPA programa u potpunosti je na Vašu odgovornost. OTKAZIVANJE TERMINA Ukoliko ne možete doći na ugovoreni termin, molimo Vas da otkažete isti 4 sati prije početka. U protivnom ćemo Vam zaračunati punu cijenu tretmana. BAZEN / SAUNA Ljubazno Vas molimo da na bazenu nosite kupaće kostime. U saunama je iz higijenskih razloga zabranjeno nositi odjeću. Wellness i sauna su područje potpune tišine. ACQUAPURA SPA ATMOSFERA Kako bi svi gosti nesmetano uživali u miru Acquapura SPA, čitav wellness je nepušačka zona. Osim toga, molimo Vas da isključite mobitel. POKLON BON Nema ništa ljepše nego “pokloniti vrijeme” – bilo posve individualno, bilo točno određeni tretman. Za Vašeg partnera, prijatelje ili obitelj – vrijeme za “ponovno otkrivanje sebe” jedinstven je poklon. Naša SPA recepcija rado će Vam reći sve o našim poklon bonovima! MOGUĆNOSTI PLAĆANJA Tretmani se mogu knjižiti na račun Vaše sobe ili možete platiti u gotovini na SPA recepciji. Moguće su promjene s obzirom na primjenu, cijene i radno vrijeme. U cijene su uključeni porezi i prirezi. Mogće su tiskarske pogreške i zabune. 35 36 Borik d.d., Majstora Radovana 7, 23000 Zadar, MBS: 060019751, Trgovački sud Zadar Welcome Home!
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