Živite li s nekom osobom kao par? Vaš status odnosa s drugom osobom u većini slučajeva utječe na plaćanja i usluge koje primate od australske vlade. Vaš status odnosa s drugom osobom u većini slučajeva utječe na plaćanja i usluge koje primate od australske vlade —bez obzira jeste li samac ili imate partnera. Isplatne stope i prava mogu se razlikovati zbog toga što: • pravo na većinu plaćanja i drugih ostvarivih prava ovisi o vašem statusu odnosa s drugom osobom • stopa mirovine ili dodatka je po pravilu niža ako živite s nekim kao par • prihod i imovina vašeg partnera podliježe procjeni temeljem provjere prihoda i imovine za većinu Centrelinkovih plaćanja i ostvarenja prava, ili • prihod vašeg partnera se procjenjuje temeljem provjere prihoda za obiteljsku pomoć. Ako imate partnera, izraz koji se ponekad za to koristi je član para. Što je član para? Smatra se da živite u paru ako uglavnom živite sa svojim partnerom i ako ste: • u braku • u registriranoj zajednici (suprotnog spola ili istog spola), ili • u de facto zajednici (suprotnog spola ili istog spola). Pri procjeni odnosi li se jedna od navedenih zajednica na vas, u obzir se uzima pet čimbenika. Tih pet čimbenika navedeno je u nastavku ovog informativnog lista. Što je registrirana zajednica? Registrirana zajednica je zajednica koja je registrirana propisanim zakonima australske države ili teritorija koji određuju registriranje određenih zajednica kao parova, uključujući i sheme građanskih partnerskih zajednica. Takve zajednice su trenutno priznate u Australian Capital Territory, Tasmaniji, Victoriji, New South Walesu i Queenslandu. Ako ste u registriranoj zajednici kao par, smatra se da ste član para osim ako ste rastavljeni. Zajednice dvije osobe registrirane u drugim zemljama ili po shemama lokalnih vlasti nisu priznate kao takve jer nisu registrirane prema propisanim zakonima australske države ili teritorija. Međutim, dokazi o tim registracijama su snažan pokazatelj da par živi u de facto zajednici. CO576CRO.1203 STRANICA 1 OD 8 Što je de facto zajednica? De facto zajednica je kada dvoje ljudi, koji nisu u braku ili u registriranoj zajednici, žive kao partneri i žive zajedno kao par. Smatrat će se da živite u de facto zajednici od dana kad počnete živjeti zajedno kao par. Ne postoji minimalni rok na temelju kojeg se ta zajednica može smatrati de facto zajednicom, izuzetak su korisnici dodatka za mladež (Youth Allowance). Što ako primam Youth Allowance? Ako primate Youth Allowance i živite u zajednici kao par, vaš status se može procijeniti kao neovisan. Za isplate Youth Allowance smatramo da živite u paru ako ste oboje u dobi koja vam po odredbama vaše države ili teritorija daje pravo na davanje suglasnosti i: • ako ste (ili ste bili) zakonski vjenčani ili u registriranoj zajednici, ili • ako živite (ili ste ranije živjeli) s drugom osobom u de facto zajednici, temeljenu na pet niže navedenih čimbenika, najmanje 12 mjeseci (ne računajući privremenu razdvojenost) ili, u posebnim okolnostima, najmanje šest mjeseci. Ako niste sigurni kakav je vaš status, kontaktirajte nas. Pet čimbenika koji se uzimaju u obzir pri procjeni osoba koje žive kao par Ako je potrebno izvršiti procjenu, prikupe se podaci i uzme u obzir pet čimbenika pri donošenju odluke jeste li osoba koja živi u paru. To nije lista provjere i svi čimbenici ne moraju biti prisutni kako bi se utvrdilo živite li s nekim kao par. Financijski aspekti Ovdje se uzima u obzir financijska međuovisnost, uključujući i podatke pruža li jedno od vas financijsku potporu drugoj osobi. Podaci mogu biti zatraženi o slijedećem: • plaćanju kućanskih troškova (np. računi za struju, telefon) • bankovnim računima ili zajedničkom vlasništvu glavnih stavki imovine • čija imena su navedena na molbi za unajmljivanje stana, ugovora o najmu ili dokumentima za stambeni zajam • otplaćujete li jedno drugome zajmove • prijavljujete li jedno drugoga kao partnera, uzdržavanog člana i/ili člana obitelji u poreznoj prijavi, za osiguranje, zdravstvene ili druge svrhe, i ARE YOU A MEMBER OF A COUPLE? CO576CRO.1203 STRANICA 2 OD 8 Department of Human Services • jeste li naveli jedno drugoga kao nasljednika u svojoj oporuci, polici životnog osiguranja, mirovinskih isplata ili isplata odštete. Društveni aspekti vašeg odnosa To uključuje: • smatrate li drugu osobu svojim partnerom i dolazite li kao par na društvene skupove i aktivnosti za zabavu i razonodu • pravite li planove zajedno s drugom osobom, poput zajedničkih odmora i putovanja kao par ili obiteljska jedinica • predstavljate li se drugima kao par, na pr. poslodavcima, gazdama i vlasnicima poslovnih djelatnosti, i • smatraju li vas obitelj, prijatelji i suradnici kao par. Karakter vašeg kućanstva U načelu vas se smatra osobom koja živi u paru ako živite sa svojim partnerom. Međutim, smatrati se može da živite kao par i ako vaš partner živi izvan kuće, zbog posla ili učenja (uključujući i mjesta u inozemstvu ili na moru). Mi možemo tražiti podatke o tome: • tko obično živi u kući i kakav je odnos između vas i druge osobe/osoba • kako se koristi kućni prostor, kao i postoje li zajednički životni prostori—kao što je kuhinja, soba za dnevni boravak i spavate li u istoj spavaćoj sobi • kako se dijele kućanski poslovi, kao i kuha li, čisti li i pere li jedna osoba i za drugu osobu i • jeste li živjeli zajedno na nekoj drugoj adresi i zašto ste odlučili zajedno živjeti. Spolni odnos Spolni odnos se uzima u obzir, ali sam po sebi ne ukazuje na to živite li kao par. Mi možemo tražiti slijedeće podatke: • održavate li aktivno spolne odnose s drugom osobom • koliko dugo ste u toj vezi, i • imate li zajedničko dijete ili djecu. ARE YOU A MEMBER OF A COUPLE? CO576CRO.1203 STRANICA 3 OD 8 Department of Human Services Narav vaše privrženosti Ovdje se uzima u obzir razlikuje li se ta emocionalna veza od one s bliskim rođacima, prijateljima ili sustanarima, uključujući i: • kako vi uspoređujete svoju vezu s vezama drugih ljudi koji žive kao par • jeste li oboje privrženi toj vezi i osjećate li oboje snažnu emocionalnu vezanost • donosite li zajedničke odluke i imate li međusobnog utjecaja na dugoročne planove i odluke • očekujete li da će se ta veza nastaviti i u budućnosti, i • je li se narav vaše privrženosti promijenila i kako. Što pokreće provjeru ili preispitivanje osoba koje žive kao par? Ako nas izvijestite da živite kao par, obično ne moramo vršiti procjenu vašeg odnosa. Smatrat će se da imate partnera i vaše isplate ili prava koja uživate se ponovno procjenjuju s tim u vidu. Mi vršimo procjenu statusa osoba koje žive kao par: • kada vi dostavite informacije koje nam ukazuju da biste mogli biti osoba koja živi u paru, poput zajedničkog smještaja i naznaka da dijelite imovinu • kada se dobiju podaci iz internih evidencija ili od drugih vladinih ministarstava (kao što je Australska izborna komisija) koji ukazuju da biste mogli biti osoba koja živi u paru i niste nas o tome izvijestili, ili • kada primimo anonimne informacije od javnosti (netko vas oda) kojim se navodi da živite s nekim kao par, a vi nas o tome niste obavijestili. Mi ne pokrećemo procjenu statusa osobe koja živi u paru ako ništa ne ukazuje da bi takav odnos mogao postojati. Ako niste sigurni kakav status ima vaš odnos, posjetite humanservices.gov.au nazovite Smart Centre ili posjetite najbliži uslužni centar. Što trebam učiniti ako se poduzme procjena mog statusa kao osobe koja živi u paru? 1. Od vas i druge osobe se u načelu traži da svatko zasebno popuni obrazac Relationship Details o pet čimbenika. 2. I vi i druga osoba možete dobiti poziv telefonom ili pismo kojim se traži pojašnjenje informacija. ARE YOU A MEMBER OF A COUPLE? CO576CRO.1203 STRANICA 4 OD 8 Department of Human Services 3. Ako je potrebno, i drugim strankama može biti upućeno pismo, na pr. vašem agentu za nekretnine, poslodavcima ili financijskim institucijama kako bi se dobile dodatne informacije. Zahtjevi za informacije od drugih stranaka upućuju se pismom i navodi se samo ime osobe na koju se zahtjev odnosi. Vaša privatnost i povjerljivost je zaštićena u skladu sa zakonskim propisima. Ja živim s bivšim partnerom, ali smo odvojeni. Smatra li se da živim u paru? Biti ‘odvojeni, ali živjeti pod istim krovom’ može se dogoditi kada se raskine odnos i stranke se trajno rastave, ali još uvijek žive na istoj adresi. Ovakve okolnosti mogu biti ako ste se: • rastali sa svojim partnerom, ali nijedno se nije preselilo na drugu adresu • vaš bivši partner se vratio da živi s vama, ili • narav odnosa se iz temelja promijenila. Kada ste vi i vaš partner odvojeni, ali živite pod istim krovom, mi ćemo izvršiti procjenu vašeg statusa kao osobe koja živi kao par. Možemo vas pitati: • zašto i dalje živite ili ponovno živite na istoj adresi • kako se vaš odnos promijenio otkad ne živite kao par • spavate li u istoj spavaćoj sobi • čije je ime na ugovoru o unajmljivanju ili stambenom kreditu i zašto je tako • kako se plaćaju kućni računi, i zašto je tako • jesu li poduzete ikakve pravne mjere u smislu okončanja vaše zajednice, i • kakvi su vaši budući planovi, uključujući i planirate li nastaviti živjeti s drugom osobom unatoč vaše odvojenosti i zašto, n pr. postoje li za to kulturološki razlozi ili potrebe za pružanjem skrbi. Pet čimbenika, o kojima je ranije bilo riječi, uzima se u obzir prilikom odlučivanja je li prestala postojati zajednica osoba koje su živjele kao par. U obzir se uzima cjelokupna situacija, uključujući i vaše okolnosti i razloge zbog kojih i dalje živite sa svojim bivšim partnerom. ARE YOU A MEMBER OF A COUPLE? CO576CRO.1203 STRANICA 5 OD 8 Department of Human Services Što su višestruke veze? Višestruke veze su istovremene veze s više osoba koje mogu biti suprotnog ili istog spola, a svaka od tih veza se smatra kao da ste s tom osobom par. Obiteljska grupa može uključiti korisnika s više muških ili ženskih partnera. Procjena odvojenog člana para poduzima se za svaku vezu, a osoba se može smatrati da je u vezi s drugom osobom kao u paru s više osoba istovremeno. Što mogu učiniti ako vjerujem da će mi odluka po kojoj me se tretira kao da živim u paru nepravedno donijeti teškoće? Možete tražiti od nas da razmotrimo postoji li poseban razlog da vas se ne tretira kao osobu koja živi u paru temeljem članka 24 Zakona o socijalnom osiguranju iz 1991. To se može učiniti samo ako je bilo potvrđeno da imate status kao osoba koja živi u paru. Svaki zahtjev se procjenjuje kao zaseban slučaj. Poseban razlog se može uzeti u obzir ukoliko bi vas tretiranje kao osobu koja živi u paru dovelo u situaciju da ne možete osigurati osnovne životne potrebe zbog nemogućnosti udruživanja sredstava sa svojim partnerom uslijed okolnosti koje su neobične i izvan vaše kontrole. Ako vas se ne tretira kao da živite u paru, plaćena će vam biti stopa za samca, a prihod i imovina vašeg partnera neće utjecati na vaša plaćanja. Imovina na koju se primjenjuju odredbe o oskudici Ako vam imovina koju imate vi i vaš partner oduzima pravo na plaćanja, a vi se nalazite u teškoj financijskoj oskudici jer se jedno ili više imovinskih sredstava ne može prodati niti novac posuditi na temelju toga, možete imati pravo na plaćanje na temelju odredbi o oskudici kod provjere imovinskog stanja. Za više informacija posjetite humanservices.gov.au ili upitajte u najbližem uslužnom centru. Što će biti ako ne izvijestim da živim s osobom kao par? Morate nas izvijestiti ako živite s nekim kao par. Ukoliko to ne učinite,možete zapasti u dug koji ćete morati vratiti. Važno je napomenuti da se protiv vas može pokrenuti krivični postupak ukoliko ste namjerno krivo predstavili svoje okolnosti. Privatnost Vašu privatnost strogo poštivamo. Naše osoblje je naučeno kako će osigurati da podaci o vašoj vezi budu zaštićeni od neovlaštenog pristupa ili zlouporabe. ARE YOU A MEMBER OF A COUPLE? CO576CRO.1203 STRANICA 6 OD 8 Department of Human Services Za više informacija pogledajte informativni list Your right to privacy. Možete ga naći na web stranici humanservices.gov.au/customer/information/privacy ili zatražiti u najbližem uslužnom centru. Ponovna razmatranja i žalbe Ako niste zadovoljni odlukom koju smo donijeli, imate ju pravo osporiti. Imate također pravo tražiti da odluku ponovno razmotri ovlašteni službenik (Authorised Review Officer). Ako je naša odluka kojom vas se tretira kao osobu koja živi u paru dovela do smanjenja ili otkazivanja vaših plaćanja, možete nam podnijeti zahtjev za plaćanje po stopi za samca dok se odluka preispituje. Postupak preispitivanja odluke i podnošenja žalbe objašnjen je u informativnom listu Reviews and Appeals. Možete ga naći ako posjetite web stranicu humanservices.gov.au ili ga zatražite u najbližem uslužnom centru. Kako nas možete kontaktirati Employment Services 132 850 Youth and Students 132 490 Family and Parents 136 150 Disability and Carers Older Australians 132 717 132 300 Indigenous Call Centre 136 380 Ako želite razgovarati s nama na nekom drugom jeziku osim engleskog Povratne informacije i pritužbe TTY* upiti o isplatama 131 202 Freecall™ 1800 132 468 (prijedlozi, pritužbe i pohvale) Freecall™ 1800 810 586 *TTY je samo za osobe koje su gluhe ili imaju oštećenje sluha ili govora. Za ovu uslugu treba imati TTY telefon. Linija australske vlade za prijavu prijevara 131 524 Idite na našu web stranicu na humanservices.gov.au Na humanservices.gov.au možete prevodilačke usluge. Napomena: pozivi s kućnog telefona na ‘13’ brojeve iz bilo kojeg dijela Australije naplaćuju se po ugovorenoj stopi. Ta stopa se može razlikovati od cijene mjesnog poziva i može biti različita kod raznih pružatelja telefonskih usluga. Pozivi na ‘1800’ brojeve s kućnog telefona su besplatni. Pozivi iz javnih govornica i s mobitela mogu se vremenski mjeriti i naplaćivati po višoj stopi. ARE YOU A MEMBER OF A COUPLE? CO576CRO.1203 STRANICA 7 OD 8 Department of Human Services Odricanje odgovornosti Informacije sadržane u ovoj publikaciji namijenjene su samo kao vodič. Informacije su točne u ožujku 2012. Ako koristite ovu publikaciju nakon tog datuma, molimo provjerite kod nas jesu li podaci važeći. ARE YOU A MEMBER OF A COUPLE? CO576CRO.1203 STRANICA 8 OD 8 Department of Human Services Are you a member of a couple? In most cases, Australian Government payments and services you receive are affected by your relationship status. In most cases, Australian Government payments and services you receive are affected by your relationship status—whether you are a single person or partnered. Rates and entitlements may be different because: eligibility for most payments and entitlements depend on your relationship status the rate of pensions or allowance is generally lower if you are a member of a couple the income and assets of your partner are assessable under the income and assets tests for most Centrelink payments and entitlements, or the income of your partner is assessable for family assistance income tests. If you have a partner, this is sometimes described as being a member of a couple. What is a member of a couple? You will be regarded as a member of a couple if you usually live with your partner and are: married in a registered relationship (opposite-sex or same-sex), or in a de facto relationship (opposite-sex or same-sex). There are five factors considered when assessing if one of these relationships applies to you. The five factors are outlined later in this factsheet. What is a registered relationship? A registered relationship is one that is registered under prescribed Australian state or territory laws that provide for registration of certain couple relationships, including civil partnership schemes. These relationships are currently recognised in the Australian Capital Territory, Tasmania, Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland. If you are in a registered relationship, you are considered to be a member of a couple unless you are separated. Relationships registered in other countries or under local government schemes are not recognised as they are not registered under a prescribed Australian state or territory law. However, evidence of these registrations is a strong indicator that a couple is in a de facto relationship. CO576.1203 PAGE 1 OF 9 What is a de facto relationship? A de facto relationship is where two people, who are not married or in a registered relationship, are partnered and usually live together as a couple. You will be considered to be in a de facto relationship from the time you start living together as a couple. There is no minimum time period applied for a relationship to be regarded as de facto, except for Youth Allowance. What if I get Youth Allowance? If you get Youth Allowance you may be assessed as independent if you are a member of a couple. We consider you a member of a Youth Allowance couple if you are both over the age of consent in your state or territory and: you are (or have been) legally married or in a registered relationship, or you are (or have been) living with another person in a de facto relationship, based on the five factors below, for at least 12 months (not counting temporary separations) or, in special circumstances, for at least six months. If you are unsure about your relationship status, you should contact us. Five factors considered when assessing members of a couple If you need an assessment, information is gathered and five factors are considered in deciding if you are a member of a couple. This is not a checklist and not all factors need to be present to determine that you are living as a member of a couple. Financial aspects This takes into account financial interdependence, including whether either of you are providing financial support for the other person. Information may be requested about: payment of household expenses (e.g. electricity, phone bills) bank accounts or joint ownership of major assets whose names are listed on tenancy applications, lease agreements or mortgage documents whether you make repayments on each other’s loans whether you claim each other as a partner, dependent and/or family member for taxation, insurance, health or other purposes, and whether you have nominated each other as a beneficiary of a will, life insurance policy, superannuation payment or compensation payments. ARE YOU A MEMBER OF A COUPLE? CO576.1203 PAGE 2 OF 9 Department of Human Services Social aspects of your relationship This includes whether: you consider the other person to be your partner and present as a couple at social or leisure activities you and the other person share plans, such as spending holidays together as a couple or family unit you and the other person present as a couple to others, such as employers, landlords and business proprietors, and family, friends and associates see you as a couple. The nature of your household Generally you would only be considered to be a member of a couple if you live with your partner. However, you may still be considered to be a member of a couple if your partner lives away from home, such as for work or study (including overseas or offshore postings). We may ask for information about: who usually lives in the house and what the relationship is between you and the other person/people how the household space is used, including whether there are common living areas— such as the kitchen and lounge room, and whether you share the same bedroom how the household chores are shared, including whether one does the cooking, cleaning or washing for the other person, and whether you have lived together at another address and why you decided to live together. Sexual relationship The absence or presence of a sexual relationship is considered but does not in itself indicate whether or not you are a member of a couple. We may request the following information: whether you have an ongoing sexual relationship with the other person how long you have been in the relationship, and whether you have a child or children together. ARE YOU A MEMBER OF A COUPLE? CO576.1203 PAGE 3 OF 9 Department of Human Services Nature of your commitment This takes into account whether you have an emotional attachment that is different to relationships with close relatives, friends or co-tenants, including: how you compare your relationship with that of other people who are members of a couple whether you have a mutual commitment to the relationship and the strength of emotional ties whether you make joint decisions or have influence over each other’s long-term plans or decisions whether you expect the relationship is likely to continue into the future, and whether the nature of your commitment has changed and how. What triggers a member of a couple assessment or review? If you advise us that you are a member of a couple, we will usually not need to do an assessment of your relationship. You will be treated as partnered and your payments or entitlements will be reassessed. We undertake a member of a couple assessment when: you provide information that indicates to us that you may be a member of a couple, such as you share accommodation and there is an indication that you share assets information is obtained from internal records or other government departments (such as Australian Electoral Commission) that indicates you may be a member of a couple and have not advised us, or we receive anonymous information from the public (a tip-off) that indicates you may be a member of a couple and have not advised us. We do not initiate a member of a couple assessment if there are no indicators that a relationship may exist. If you are unsure about your relationship status you should visit humanservices.gov.au call a Smart Centre or visit your nearest Service Centre. ARE YOU A MEMBER OF A COUPLE? CO576.1203 PAGE 4 OF 9 Department of Human Services What do I have to do if a member of a couple assessment is undertaken? 1. You and the other person are generally asked to each complete a Relationship Details form about the five factors. 2. You and the other person may be contacted by phone or in writing to clarify information. 3. If required, written contact may be made with other parties, for example, your real estate agent, employers or financial institutions to obtain additional information. Requests for information from other parties are made by letter and only name the person about whom the request relates. Your privacy and confidentiality is protected in line with legislation. I am separated but living with my former partner. Am I a member of a couple? Being ‘separated under one roof’ can occur when a relationship has broken down and the parties have separated on a permanent basis, but still live at the same address. These circumstances may include where: you have separated from your partner, but neither has moved to a different address your previous partner has returned to reside with you, or the nature of the relationship has fundamentally changed. When you and your partner are separated but living under one roof, we will undertake a member of a couple assessment. We may ask: why you continue or have resumed living at the same address how your relationship has changed since you were a member of a couple whether you share the same bedroom whose name is on the lease or mortgage papers, and why how the household bills are paid, and why whether any legal action has been taken in relation to the ending of your relationship, and what your plans are for the future, including whether you plan to continue living with the other person despite your separation, and why e.g. whether there are cultural reasons or care needs. ARE YOU A MEMBER OF A COUPLE? CO576.1203 PAGE 5 OF 9 Department of Human Services The five factors, discussed earlier, are considered when determining whether or not a member of a couple relationship has broken down. Your overall situation is considered, including your circumstances and reasons you may have for continuing to live with your ex-partner. What are multiple relationships? Multiple relationships are when you have multiple concurrent relationships with other people, who may be of the opposite-sex or same-sex, and each relationship is considered to be the same as being a member of a couple. A family group could include a customer with multiple male or female partners. A separate member of a couple assessment is undertaken for each relationship and a person can be considered to be in a member of a couple relationship with more than one person at any time. What can I do if I believe the decision to treat me as a member of a couple will cause me unfair hardship? You can ask us to consider whether there is a special reason for you not to be treated as a member of a couple under Section 24 of the Social Security Act 1991. This can only be done after it has been affirmed that you are a member of couple. Each request is assessed on a case-by-case basis. A special reason may exist if treating you as a member of a couple would result in you being unable to provide for the basic necessities of life due to an inability to pool resources with your partner as a result of circumstances that are unusual and outside your control. If you are not treated as a member of a couple you will be paid the single rate and your partner’s income and assets will not affect your payments. Assets receiving hardship provisions If the combined assets of you and your partner disqualify you from payment and you are in severe financial hardship because one or more of those assets cannot be sold or borrowed against, you may qualify for payment under the assets test hardship provisions. For more information visit humanservices.gov.au or asking at your nearest Service Centre. What happens if I do not advise that I am a member of a couple? You need to tell us if you are a member of a couple. If you fail to do so you may incur a debt and have to repay money. It is important to note that prosecution action may be considered if you have deliberately misrepresented your circumstances. ARE YOU A MEMBER OF A COUPLE? CO576.1203 PAGE 6 OF 9 Department of Human Services Privacy We take your privacy very seriously. Our staff are trained to ensure that information about your relationship is protected from unauthorised access or misuse. For more information see the Your right to privacy factsheet. This is available by visiting humanservices.gov.au/customer/information/privacy or asking at a your nearest Service Centre. Reviews and appeals If you are not happy with a decision made by us, you have the right to question it. You also have the right to ask for a review by an Authorised Review Officer. If our decision to treat you as a member of a couple has resulted in a reduction or cancellation of your payment, you may ask us to consider paying you at the single rate during the review. The review and appeal process is explained in the Reviews and Appeals factsheet. This is available by visiting humanservices.gov.au or asking at your nearest Service Centre. How to contact us Employment Services 132 850 Youth and Students 132 490 Family and Parents 136 150 Disability and Carers 132 717 Older Australians 132 300 Indigenous Call Centre 136 380 To speak with us in a language other than English 131 202 Feedback and Complaints (suggestions, complaints and compliments) Freecall™ 1800 132 468 TTY* payment enquiries Freecall™ 1800 810 586 *TTY is only for people who are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment. A TTY phone is required to use this service. Australian Government Services Fraud Tip-off Line 131 524 Go to our website at humanservices.gov.au At humanservices.gov.au you can find translation services. ARE YOU A MEMBER OF A COUPLE? CO576.1203 PAGE 7 OF 9 Department of Human Services Note: calls from your home phone to ‘13’ numbers from anywhere in Australia are charged at a fixed rate. That rate may vary from the price of a local call and may also vary between telephone service providers. Calls to ‘1800’ numbers from your home phone are free. Calls from public and mobile phones may be timed and charged at a higher rate. Disclaimer The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide. The information is accurate as at March 2012. If you use this publication after that date, please check with us that the details are current. ARE YOU A MEMBER OF A COUPLE? CO576.1203 PAGE 8 OF 9 Department of Human Services ARE YOU A MEMBER OF A COUPLE? CO576.1203 PAGE 9 OF 9 Department of Human Services
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