CROATIAN Jeste li se nedavno doselili u Australiju? Srpanj, 2013. Ako ste se nedavno doselili u Australiju, proces nastanjivanja može biti prilično kompliciran. Kao novopridošli stanovnik, od Australske vlade možete dobiti određenu financijsku pomoć i usluge. Na koje vrste pomoći i usluga imate pravo, ovisit će o vrsti vize čiji ste nositelj i o tome imate li australsko državljanstvo. Mogu postojati i razdoblja čekanja i ostali uvjeti s kojima se morate upoznati. Dodatne informacije o isplatama i uslugama koje vam nudimo, naći ćete na drugoj strani ove brošure ili ih potražite na Zdravstvene usluge Mi pružamo zdravstvene usluge i isplate. Za pravo na korištenje većine zdravstvenih usluga, morate biti prijavljeni kod Medicare i ispunjavati uvjete prebivališta u Australiji. To uključuje povrat određenog iznosa sredstava ako platite posjet liječniku i jeftinije lijekove putem Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme ili Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. Neke zdravstvene usluge dostupne su i posjetiteljima iz drugih zemalja Australija je potpisala sporazume, tzv. Reciprocal Health Care Agreements sa većim brojem stranih zemalja. Ako ste državljanin neke od njih, možda ćete imati pravo na neke od Medicare usluga dok ste u Australiji. Razdoblja čekanja Ukoliko ste u Australiju došli preko vize za trajne izbjeglice ili preko humanitarne vize, nećete morati čekati i moći ćete odmah potraživati ove dodatke. Za obiteljske isplate poput Family Tax Benefit, Child Care Benefit, Baby Bonus, Parental Leave Pay, Dad and Partner Pay, and Double Orphan Pension ne postoji razdoblje čekanja i možete ih odmah potraživati. U načelu se nema pravo odmah na pristup drugim plaćanjima socijalne skrbi. Na primjer, za dodatke i isplate poput Newstart ili Parenting Payment, obično se mora čekati 104 tjedna, što je ustvari tzv(Newly Arrived Resident’s Waiting Period). Ukoliko ste u Australiju došli iz Novog Zelanda preko posebne vize, postoje neke bitne informacije koje biste trebali znati. Za stjecanje prava na isplate socijalne skrbi povrh dostupnih obiteljskih isplata i koncesijskih kartica, morate za to podnijeti zahtjev i dobiti vizu za stalni boravak u Australiji. Razdoblja čekanja, uključujući Newly Arrived Resident’s Waiting Period primjenjivat će se od datuma kada je odobrena viza za stalni boravak, a ne od dana kada ste ušli u Australiju. Za dodatne informacije o periodima čekanja, posjetite ili nas nazovite. 9334CRO.1307 PAGE 1 OF 5 Naše usluge Pomoć na drugim jezicima Kako bi vam pomogli sa informacijama o našim uslugama i isplatama, pružamo besplatnu pomoć tumača i prijevode određenih brošura. Također vam možemo osigurati besplatne prijevode dokumenata koji su vam potrebni da biste mogli predati molbu za primanje financijske pomoći. Nazovite nas na 131 202 i zamolite za razgovor s nekim na vašem jeziku o isplatama i uslugama koje su dostupne kroz Centrelink. Za pomoć u svezi Medicare ili Child Support usluga, nazovite Translating and Interpreting Service na 131 450. Multicultural Service Officers Multicultural Service Officers rade unutar zajednica i agencija kako bi pomogli izbjeglicama i osobama iz različitih jezičnih i kulturnih sredina povezati se sa uslugama koje pruža Vlada Australije. Usluge izbjeglicama Ako ste došli u Australiju na izbjegličku ili humanitarnu vizu, ili vam je odobrena Permanent Protection Visa u Australiji, od nas možete dobiti pomoć da se smjestite i počnete novi život. Naše usluge za izbjeglice mogu vam pružiti: • financijsku pomoć koja vam je potrebna • privremenu Medicare card • pomoć u podnošenju zahtjeva za isplate i izuzeća • preporuke za Health i Allied Health Assessors, i • informacije i uputiti vas u mjesne službe za zapošljavanje i društvene usluge. Your Humanitarian Settlement Service Provider će vam pomoći da dođete do naših usluga. Možete posjetiti i bilo koji uslužni centar u svrhu potraživanja plaćanja i usluga. Socijalni djelatnici Socijali djelatnici vam mogu pomoći ako želite s nekim porazgovarati ili ako se nalazite u situaciji koju morate riješiti. Socijalni djelatnici vam mogu pomoći putem razgovora, informacija ili upućivanja na druge usluge ili programe, poput pristupa stambenom smještaju, zdravstvenim uslugama, kriznoj pomoći i pravnim uslugama. Nazovite 132 850 da biste porazgovarali sa socijalnim djelatnikom, ili s njim zakazali sastanak u uslužnom centru. 9334CRO.1307 PAGE 2 OF 5 RECENTLY ARRIVED IN AUSTRALIA? Department of Human Services Međunarodni ugovori o socijalnom osiguranju Australija je potpisala međunarodni ugovor o socijalnom osiguranju s većim brojem zemalja. Ukoliko ste živjeli u nekoj od njih, možda ćete biti u stanju uračunati svoj period stanovanja u toj zemlji ili vaš doprinos socijalnom sustavu te zemlje kako biste imali pravo na isplate poput Age Pension ili Disability Support Pension. International Services [International Services mogu vam pomoći doći do svoje inozemne mirovine i osigurati vam pristup australskim isplatama na koje imate pravo prema međunarodnom ugovoru o socijalnoj sigurnosti ili pak primati australsku socijalnu pomoć dok boravite izvan Australije. Isplate koje možete dobiti od nas Možda ćete moći primati određene isplate ukoliko ste tek došli u Australiju i imate status stalnog prebivališta, humanitarnu vizu ili vizu za izbjeglice, privremenu vizu za partnera, vizu za privremenu zaštitu ili prijelaznu vizu (pred moguće uklanjanje iz zemlje). Za informacije o isplatama na koje možda imate pravo, molimo pogledajte publikacije koje se nalaze na poleđini ove brošure. Ostale informacije Assurance of Support Ukoliko ste pristigli pod tz. Assurance of Support garancijom, to znači da vas vaš garantor mora izdržavati dok ste u Australiji tijekom dvije ili 10 godina, ovisno o vašoj vrsti vize. Ukoliko vi ili osobe koje su u vašem skrbništvu od nas budu tražile određene vrste isplata, vaš garantor će Vladi morati platiti puni iznos isplaćenih sredstava. Assessment Subsidy for Overseas Trained Professionals program Assessment Subsidy for Overseas Trained Professionals program pomaže financijski ugroženim osobama ostvariti australsku nostrifikaciju njihovih prekomorskih kvalifikacija. Program pruža pomoć kojom se pokrivaju troškovi odobrenih procjena kvalifikacija i ispita koji su neophodni da bi se steklo pravo na zaposlenje unutar profesija koje su u Australiji samoregulirane ili zakonom regulirane. 9334CRO.1307 PAGE 3 OF 5 RECENTLY ARRIVED IN AUSTRALIA? Department of Human Services Učenje engleskog jezika Možemo vam pomoći u ostvarivanju pristupa nastavi učenja ili unaprijeđenja engleskog jezika. Ukoliko želite postati australskim državljaninom, morat ćete naučiti engleski jezik. Ako ste dobili australsku vizu za doseljenike, izbjeglice ili doseljenje na humanitarnom osnovu, možete dobiti pravo na besplatnu nastavu engleskog jezika kroz Department of Immigration and Citizenship’s Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP). Morat ćete se registrirati u jednom od AMEP centara, tri mjeseca nakon dolaska ili primanja permanentne vize. The program, Skills for Education and Employment, može vam pomoći poboljšati govorni jezik, čitanje, pisanje i osnovno poznavanje matematike kako biste si poboljšali šanse dobiti i zadržati posao . Kako biste saznali imate li pravo na ovaj program, nazovite nas ili posjetite uslužni centar. Dodatna pomoć Osoba koja sa nama može kontaktirati u vaše ime Ako biste više voljeli da netko drugi obavlja poslove u vaše ime, možete ovlastiti neku osobu ili organizaciju da to za vas čini. O ovim vrstama aranžmana možete naći više informacija na ili ako nas kontaktirate direktno. Dodatna financijska pomoć i usluge Svjesni smo da će vam možda biti potrebna dodatna pomoć glede drugih izdataka ili pitanja sa kojima se suočavate. Možda ćete također moći doći do slijedećih usluga i programa: • Rent Assistance • Financial Information Service • Centrepay • Rent Deduction Scheme • Income Management • Agents and Access Points • Medicare Safety Net i • koncesijske iskaznice. Više o tim plaćanjima i uslugama možete saznati na ili ako nas nazovete. Idući koraci Ako vas zanima imate li pravo na ova plaćanja i usluge i kako ih možete započeti potraživati, posjetite ili posjetite naš uslužni centar. Sa nama možete također razgovarati na vašem jeziku. Za pomoć u svezi Centrelink-ovih usluga i isplata na vašem 9334CRO.1307 PAGE 4 OF 5 RECENTLY ARRIVED IN AUSTRALIA? Department of Human Services jeziku, nazovite nas na 131 202. Za pomoć u svezi Medicare i Child Support services, nazovite Translating and Interpreting Service na 131 450. Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Australians mogu navati Indigenous Call Centre na Freecall™ 1800 136 380. Neke informacije dostupne su vam u audio obliku CD/DVD, na velikom tisku, Brailleovom pismu i e-textu. Ako imate pitanja, nazovite nas na 132 717. Ukoliko ste gluhi ili imate oštećenje sluha ili govora, možete nas kontaktirati na TTY telefon Freecall™ 1800 810 586. Možete također koristiti Express Plus mobilne aplikacije kako bi se s nama lakše povezali. Preuzmite Express Plus mobilnu aplikaciju iz App Store ili Google Play™. Možete imati pristup Centrelink, Medicare and Child Support Online Services putem myGov. myGov što je jednostavan način korištenja vladinih internetskih usluga jednim prijavom, jednom lozinkom i na jednom sigurnom mjestu. Otvorite račun na Napomena: pozivi sa vašeg kućnog telefona na ‘13’ brojeve iz bilo kojeg dijela Australije, naplaćuju se po utvrđenoj cijeni. Ta cijena se može razlikovati od cijene lokalnog poziva i varirati ovisno o telefonskoj tvrtki sa kojom imate ugovor. Pozivi na ‘1800’ brojeve s vašeg kućnog telefona su besplatni. Cijena poziva s javnih telefona možda će ovisiti o njihovoj dužini. Ostale dostupne brošure: • Caring for someone? • Needing help in a crisis? • Needing help after someone has died? • Are you ill, injured or do you have a disability? • Looking for work? • Are you a parent or guardian? • About to retire or in retirement? • Studying or training? • Your health • Child Support Napomena: Ove informacije pružene su samo kao vodič kroz dostupnu financijsku pomoći i usluge. Informacije u ovoj brošuri točne su u srpnju 2013. Ukoliko ovu brošuru koristite nakon tog datuma, provjerite vrijede li još uvijek informacije koje su u njoj navedene. Apple i Apple logo su zaštitni znaci tvrtke Apple Inc., registrirane u SAD-u i drugim zemljama. App Store je oznaka usluge tvrtke Apple Inc. Google Play je zaštitni znak tvrtke Google Inc. 9334CRO.1307 PAGE 5 OF 5 RECENTLY ARRIVED IN AUSTRALIA? Department of Human Services ENGLISH Recently arrived in Australia? July 2013 If you’ve recently moved to Australia, settling in can be a challenging experience. As a new arrival, you can get some payments and services from the Australian Government. What you can get depends on the type of visa you hold or whether you already have Australian citizenship. There may also be waiting periods and other conditions that you need to know about. For more information about all the payments and services we offer, please refer to our other products, which are listed on the back of this brochure, or visit Health services We provide health services and payments. To get most health services, you need to be enrolled in Medicare and meet residence requirements. This includes getting some money back if you pay to visit a doctor, and getting cheaper medicines through the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme or Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. Some health services are available to visitors from other countries. Australia has Reciprocal Health Care Agreements with a number of other countries. If you’re a resident of one of these countries, you may be able to get some Medicare services while you’re in Australia. Waiting periods If you arrived in Australia on an Australian permanent refugee or humanitarian visa, you may not have to wait to claim payments immediately. Family payments such as Family Tax Benefit, Child Care Benefit, Baby Bonus, Parental Leave Pay, Dad and Partner Pay, and Double Orphan Pension have no waiting period and can be claimed immediately. You generally don’t have immediate access to any other social security payments. For example, for payments such as Newstart or Parenting Payment, you usually need to wait 104 weeks (Newly Arrived Resident’s Waiting Period). If you have arrived in Australia from New Zealand on a special category visa there are some important things you should know. To be eligible for social security payments outside the available family payments and concession cards, you must apply for and be granted an Australian permanent resident visa. Any waiting periods, including the Newly Arrived Resident’s Waiting Period will apply from the date your permanent resident visa is granted, not from when you first entered Australia. For more information about waiting periods visit or call us. 9334ENG.1307 PAGE 1 OF 5 Our services Help in your language We provide free interpreters and some translated products to help you with our services and payments. We also provide free translation of the documents you need to make a claim for a payment. Call us on 131 202 to speak to someone in your language about Centrelink payments and services. For help with Medicare or Child Support services call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450. Multicultural Service Officers Multicultural Service Officers work with community groups and other agencies to help refugees and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds link up with Australian Government services. Refugee services If you have arrived in Australia with a refugee or humanitarian visa, or you were granted a Permanent Protection Visa in Australia, you can get assistance from us to help you settle into your new life. Our refugee services can: • help you get the financial assistance you need • get you an interim Medicare card • assist you with applications for payments and exemptions • make referrals to our Health and Allied Health Assessors, and • provide information about, and refer you to local employment and community service providers. Your Humanitarian Settlement Service Provider will help you access our services. You can also visit any service centre to claim payments or services. Social workers Social workers can help you if you need someone to talk to or there are issues you need help with. Social workers can assist with personal counselling, support and information and can refer you to other services and programs such as housing, health, emergency relief and legal support. Call 132 850 to speak to a social worker or to make an appointment to see a social worker at a service centre. 9334ENG.1307 PAGE 2 OF 5 RECENTLY ARRIVED IN AUSTRALIA? Department of Human Services International social security agreements Australia has international social security agreements with a number of countries. If you have lived in one of these countries you may be able to count your periods of residence in that country, or contributions to that country’s social security system, to help you qualify for payments, such as Age Pension or Disability Support Pension. International Services International Services can help you claim foreign pensions and assess your ability to get Australian payments under an international social security agreement, or receive Australian social security payments while outside of Australia. Our payments You may be able to get certain payments if you are new to Australia and have a permanent residence, humanitarian, refugee, provisional partner, temporary protection or bridging (removal pending) visa. For information about the payments you may be able to receive, please refer to the products listed on the back page of this brochure. Other information Assurance of Support If you arrived under an Assurance of Support agreement, it means your assurer is required to support you in Australia for two or 10 years, depending on your visa type. If you or your dependants claim certain payments from us, the assurer must repay the full amount to the government. Assessment Subsidy for Overseas Trained Professionals program The Assessment Subsidy for Overseas Trained Professionals program assists financially disadvantaged people to achieve recognition of their qualifications in Australia. The program provides assistance to cover the costs of approved assessments and/or examinations to qualify for employment in professions that are self-regulated or regulated by law in Australia. Learning English We can help you access classes where you can learn or improve your English. You’ll need to learn English if you want to become an Australian citizen. If you were granted a visa to come to Australia as a migrant, refugee or humanitarian entrant, you can access free English classes through the Department of Immigration and Citizenship’s Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP). You’ll need to register with one of the AMEP service providers within three months of arriving in Australia or being granted permanent residence. 9334ENG.1307 PAGE 3 OF 5 RECENTLY ARRIVED IN AUSTRALIA? Department of Human Services The program, Skills for Education and Employment, can help you improve your speaking, reading, writing and basic maths skills so you can improve your chances of getting and keeping a job. To find out if you are eligible for this program, call us or visit a service centre. Extra assistance Getting someone to deal with us on your behalf If you would prefer to have someone else handle your business on your behalf you can authorise a person or organisation to do this for you. You can find out more information about these arrangements at or by calling us. Additional payments and services We recognise you may have some costs or issues that you need extra help with. You may also be able to access: • Rent Assistance • Financial Information Service • Centrepay • Rent Deduction Scheme • Income Management • Agents and Access Points • Medicare Safety Net, and • concession cards. You can find out more about these payments and services at or by calling us. Next steps To find out about your eligibility for these payments and services, and how to claim, visit or visit a service centre. You can also call to speak to us in your own language. For assistance with Centrelink services and payments in your own language, call us on 131 202. For help with Medicare and Child Support services, call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450. Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Australians can call the Indigenous Call Centre on Freecall™ 1800 136 380. Some information is available in audio CD/DVD, large print, Braille and e-text. Call us on 132 717 with your request. If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment you can contact us through a TTY phone on Freecall™ 1800 810 586. 9334ENG.1307 PAGE 4 OF 5 RECENTLY ARRIVED IN AUSTRALIA? Department of Human Services You can also use the Express Plus mobile apps to make connecting with us easier. Download an Express Plus mobile app from the App Store or Google Play™. You can access your Centrelink, Medicare and Child Support Online Services through myGov. myGov is a fast simple way to use government online services with one sign in, one password and in one secure location. Create an account at Note: calls from your home phone to ‘13’ numbers from anywhere in Australia are charged at a fixed rate. That rate may vary from the price of a local call and may also vary between telephone service providers. Calls to ‘1800’ numbers from your home phone are free. Calls from public and mobile phones may be timed and charged at a higher rate. Other products available: • Caring for someone? • Needing help in a crisis? • Needing help after someone has died? • Are you ill, injured or do you have a disability? • Looking for work? • Are you a parent or guardian? • About to retire or in retirement? • Studying or training? • Your health • Child Support. Disclaimer: This information is intended only as a guide to payments and services. The information is correct as at July 2013. If you use this publication after that date, please check with us that the details are current. Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. Google Play is a trademark of Google Inc. 9334ENG.1307 PAGE 5 OF 5 RECENTLY ARRIVED IN AUSTRALIA? Department of Human Services
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