Croatian Style Guide Contents What's New? .................................................................................................................................... 4 New Topics ................................................................................................................................... 4 Updated Topics ............................................................................................................................ 4 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 5 About This Style Guide ................................................................................................................ 5 Scope of This Document .............................................................................................................. 5 Style Guide Conventions .............................................................................................................. 5 Sample Text ................................................................................................................................. 6 Recommended Reference Material ............................................................................................. 7 Normative References .............................................................................................................. 7 Informative References ............................................................................................................. 7 Language Specific Conventions ...................................................................................................... 8 Country/Region Standards ........................................................................................................... 8 Characters ................................................................................................................................ 8 Date .......................................................................................................................................... 9 Time ........................................................................................................................................ 10 Numbers ................................................................................................................................. 12 Sorting ..................................................................................................................................... 16 Geopolitical Concerns ................................................................................................................ 18 Grammar, Syntax & Orthographic Conventions ......................................................................... 19 Adjectives ................................................................................................................................ 19 Articles .................................................................................................................................... 20 Capitalization .......................................................................................................................... 20 Compounds............................................................................................................................. 22 Gender .................................................................................................................................... 22 Genitive ................................................................................................................................... 22 Modifiers ................................................................................................................................. 23 Nouns ...................................................................................................................................... 23 Prepositions ............................................................................................................................ 24 Pronouns ................................................................................................................................. 24 Punctuation ............................................................................................................................. 26 Singular & Plural ..................................................................................................................... 29 Split Infinitive ........................................................................................................................... 29 Subjunctive ............................................................................................................................. 29 Symbols & Non-Breaking Spaces........................................................................................... 29 Syntax ..................................................................................................................................... 30 Verbs ....................................................................................................................................... 31 Word Order ............................................................................................................................. 33 Style and Tone Considerations .................................................................................................. 33 Audience ................................................................................................................................. 33 Style ........................................................................................................................................ 34 Tone ........................................................................................................................................ 34 Voice ....................................................................................................................................... 35 Localization Guidelines .................................................................................................................. 37 General Considerations ............................................................................................................. 37 Abbreviations .......................................................................................................................... 37 Accessibility ............................................................................................................................ 38 Acronyms ................................................................................................................................ 38 Applications, Products, and Features ..................................................................................... 39 Frequent Errors ....................................................................................................................... 39 Glossaries ............................................................................................................................... 39 Fictitious Information ............................................................................................................... 39 Recurring Patterns .................................................................................................................. 40 Standardized Translations ...................................................................................................... 40 Unlocalized Items.................................................................................................................... 40 Using the Word Microsoft ....................................................................................................... 40 Software Considerations ............................................................................................................ 41 User Interface ......................................................................................................................... 41 Messages ................................................................................................................................ 42 Keys ........................................................................................................................................ 52 Document Translation Considerations ....................................................................................... 57 Titles ....................................................................................................................................... 57 Copyright ................................................................................................................................. 59 What's New? Last Updated: February 2011 New Topics No new topics were added. Updated Topics The overall Style Guide content was fully updated in February 2011 as part of major Style Guide update project performed for all languages. 4 Introduction This Style Guide went through major revision in February 2011 in order to remove outdated and unnecessary content. These topics are considered to be "Core & Common" - pertaining to all Microsoft products and services. About This Style Guide The purpose of this Style Guide is to provide everybody involved in the localization of Croatian Microsoft products with Microsoft-specific linguistic guidelines and standard conventions that differ from or are more prescriptive than those found in language reference materials. These conventions have been adopted after considering context based on various needs, but above all, they are easy to follow and applicable for all types of software to be localized. The Style Guide covers the areas of formatting and grammatical conventions. It also presents the reader with a general idea of the reasoning behind the conventions. The present Style Guide is a revision of our previous Style Guide version with the intention of making it more standardized, more structured, and easier to use as a reference. The guidelines and conventions presented in this Style Guide are intended to help you localize Microsoft products and materials. We welcome your feedback, questions and concerns regarding the Style Guide. You can send us your feedback via the Microsoft Language Portal feedback page. Scope of This Document This Style Guide is intended for the localization professional working on Microsoft products. It is not intended to be a comprehensive coverage of all localization practices, but to highlight areas where Microsoft has preference or deviates from standard practices for Croatian localization. Style Guide Conventions In this document, a plus sign (+) before a translation example means that this is the recommended correct translation. A minus sign (-) is used for incorrect translation examples. In Microsoft localization context, the word term is used in a slightly untraditional sense, meaning the same as e.g. a segment in Trados. The distinguishing feature of a term here is that it is translated as one unit; it may be a traditional term (as used in terminology), a phrase, a sentence, or a paragraph. References to interface elements really only refer to translatable texts associated with those interface elements. Example translations in this document are only intended to illustrate the point in question. They are not a source of approved terminology. Always check for approved translation in the Microsoft terminology database. 5 Sample Text Za studij dijaloga potreban je bezinteresan, ravnodušan duh. Kad se poĉne s jednim dijalogom, nailazi se na veliĉanstven uvod, na lijepe scene. U tome se nalazi ono što uzdiţe, ono što osobito nagovara mlade. Tek kad se pustilo biti time obuzet, dolazi se na ono zapravo dijalektiĉko - na spekulativno. Poĉetak i kraj su uzvišeni, lijepi dok se sredina upušta u dijalektiku. Ako se je pustilo biti uzdignut onim lijepim scenama, mora se sad od toga odustati i dati se bosti trnjem i striĉcima metafizike. Da bi se prošlo kroz dijaloge, zahtijevaju se tako raznorodni ugoĊaji, a i ravnodušnost spram razliĉitih interesa. Ĉita li se s interesom spekulacije, preskaĉe se ono što vaţi kao lijepo. Ima li se pak interes uzdizanja, zanošenja itd., tad se prelazi preko onog spekulativnog, nalazi se to neprimjerenim svojem interesu. Sama vjeţba u odreĊivanju naravi lijepog, pravednog i dobrog je lijep i boţanski osjećaj. U mladosti se treba što više uvjeţbavati u tom poslu koji se ĉini beskorisnim i koji mnoštvo naziva metafiziĉkim brbljanjem jer će mu inaĉe umaći istina. Već sam ranije napomenuo da su ljudi odavno vjerovali da se ono istinito moţe pronaći samo razmišljanjem. Pri razmišljanju se nailazi na misli, preinaĉuje se u misao ono što se pred sobom ima na naĉin predodţbe ili vjerovanja. Za detaljnije informacije obratite se na sljedeću adresu: Luka Lukić Ulica hrvatskih istomišljenika 58 51000 Dubrovnik tel. (051) 999-822 Beskonaĉno je ono neodreĊeno, ono što je sposobno za više ili manje, što moţe biti intenzivnije ili ne, hladno, toplo, suho, vlaţno itd. Ono konaĉno je, naprotiv, granica, proporcija, mjera - imanentno slobodno odreĊenje s kojim i u kojem sloboda ujedno sebi stvara egzistenciju. On to razmatra dalje: ono beskonaĉno je to da o sebi prijeĊe konaĉnom, ono što potrebuje tvar da bi se ostvarilo. Ili, ono konaĉno je, ukoliko sebe postavlja, nešto razlikovano, neko drugo no što je to ono ograniĉeno. Ono beskonaĉno je besformno; slobodna forma kao djelatnost je ono konaĉno. Jedinstvom pak tog dvoga nastaju na primjer zdravlje, toplina, hladnoća, suhoća, vlaţnost, a jednako tako i harmonija glazbe viših i dubljih tonova, brţeg i sporijeg kretanja. Uopće, sve lijepo i savršeno nastaje jedinstvom takvih suprotnosti. Zdravlje, ljepota itd. je tako nešto proizvedeno, ukoliko su za to uporabljene suprotnosti. To se tako pokazuje njihovom mješavinom. Umjesto „individualnost“, uporabljuju stari poĉesto izraz „mješavina“, „udio“ itd. Za nas su to neodreĊeni, netoĉni izrazi. Dakle zdravlje, sreća, ljepota pokazuju se kao nešto nastalo spajanjem takvih suprotnosti. Ono što je tako proizvedeno pretpostavlja nešto ĉime treće biva uĉinjeno, naime uzrok. Ovaj je izvrsniji od onih ĉijom djelatnošću nešto takvo nastaje. Naĉinjeno 15. sijeĉnja 2003. u 14:30 sati. Source: Language Kits 6 Recommended Reference Material Use the Croatian language and terminology as described and used in the following publications. Normative References These normative sources must be adhered to. Any deviation from them automatically fails a string in most cases. When more than one solution is allowed in these sources, look for the recommended one in other parts of the Style Guide. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Babić S.; Finka, B.; Moguš, M. Hrvatski pravopis (9. izd.). Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 2006. Anić, V.; Silić, J. Pravopis hrvatskoga jezika. Zagreb: Novi Liber; Školska knjiga, 2001. Anić, Vladimir. Rječnik hrvatskoga jezika (4. prošireno izd.). Zagreb: Novi Liber, 2003. Barić, Eugenija [et al.]. Hrvatska gramatika 2. promijenjeno izdanje. Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 1997. Hrvatski enciklopedijski rječnik (ur. Matasović, R.). Zagreb: Novi Liber, 2002. Informative References These sources are meant to provide supplementary information, background, comparison, etc. 1. Batnoţić, D.; Ranilović, S.; Silić, J. Hrvatski računalni pravopis. Zagreb: Matica hrvatska; SYS, 1996. 2. Brodnjak, Vladimir. Razlikovni rječnik srpskog i hrvatskog jezika (4. nepromijenjeno izd.). Zagreb: Školske novine, 1998. 3. Drvodelić, Milan. Hrvatsko-engleski rječnik (7. preraĊeno i dopunjeno izd.). Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 1996. 4. Ĉengić, N.; Pavlović, S.; Micak, N. Englesko-hrvatski i hrvatsko-engleski moderni rječnik (4. izd.). Zagreb: Naklada C, 2003. 5. Kiš, Miroslav. Englesko-hrvatski i hrvatsko-engleski informatički rječnik (2. izd.). Zagreb: Naklada Ljevak, 2002. 6. Filipović, R. [et al.]. Englesko-hrvatski rječnik (24. izd.). Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 1999. 7. Bujas, Ţeljko. Veliki englesko-hrvatski rječnik (4. izd.). Zagreb: Nakladni zavod Globus, 2005. 8. Bujas, Ţeljko. Veliki hrvatsko-engleski rječnik (4. izd.). Zagreb: Nakladni zavod Globus, 2005. 7 Language Specific Conventions This part of the style guide contains information about standards specific to Croatian. Country/Region Standards Characters Country/region Croatia Lower-case characters a, b, c, ĉ, ć, d, dţ, Ċ, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l , lj, m, n, nj, o, p, [q], r, s, š, t, u, v, [w], [x], [y], z, ţ Upper-case characters A, B, C, Ĉ, Ć, D, Dţ, Đ, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, Lj, M, N, Nj, O, P, [Q], R, S, Š, T, U, V, [W], [X], [Y], Z, Ţ Characters in caseless scripts n/a Extended Latin characters ĉ, Ĉ, ć, Ć, dţ, Dţ, Ċ, Đ, lj, Lj, nj, Nj, š, Š, ţ, Ţ Note on alphabetical order n/a Total number of characters 34 Unicode codes Ć Ć Capital C-acute ć ć Lower C-acute Đ Đ Capital D-stroke Ċ đ Lower D-stroke Ĉ Č Capital C hachek ĉ č Lower C-hachek Š Š Capital S hachek š š Lower S-hachek Ţ Ž Capital Z hachek ţ ž Lower Z-hachek Notes The Croatian alphabet consists of 30 characters, of which 3 are digraphs (dţ, lj, nj). The Croatian alphabet does not contain q, Q, w, W, x, X, y, Y but these foreign characters are used in the language. 8 Date Croatia Croatia Calendar/Era Gregorian First Day of the Week Monday First Week of the Year Week no. one contains January 1 Separator Period; between date and month and month and year, the separator is followed by a space (e.g. 17. 3. 2011.) Default Short Date Format d.M.yy. Example 17.3.11. Default Long Date Format d. MMMM yyyy. Example 17. oţujka 2011. Additional Short Date Format 1 n/a Example n/a Additional Short Date Format 2 n/a Example n/a Additional Long Date Format 1 d. M. yyyy. Example 17. 3. 2011. Additional Long Date Format 2 n/a Example n/a Leading Zero in Day Field for Short Date Format no Leading Zero in Month Field for Short Date Format no No. of digits for year for Short Day Format 2 9 Croatia Croatia Leading Zero in Day Field for Long Date Format no Leading Zero in Month Field for Long Date Format n/a, full name of the month written Number of digits for year for Long Day Format 4 Date Format for Correspondence Long date format (d. MMMM yyyy.) Example 17. oţujka 2011. Notes IMPORTANT: In long date format, genitive form of the month name is used: sijeĉnja (January), veljaĉe (February), oţujka (March), travnja (April), svibnja (May), lipnja (June), srpnja (July), kolovoza (August), rujna (September), listopada (October), studenog (November), prosinca (December). It is erroneous to use nominative forms of month names instead (e.g. 17. ožujak 2011.; the correct form is 17. ožujka 2011.). d is for day, number of d's indicates the format (d = digits without leading zero, dd = digits with leading zero, ddd = the abbreviated day name, dddd = full day name) Abbreviations in Format Codes M is for month, number of M's gives number of digits. (M = digits without leading zero, MM = digits with leading zero, MMM = the abbreviated name, MMMM = full name) y is for year, number of y’s gives number of digits (yy = two digits, yyyy = four digits) Time Croatia Croatia 24 hour format yes Standard time format HH:mm:ss Standard time format example 23:43:12; 23.43.12 Time separator Colon (:); period (.) Time separator examples 23:43:12; 23.43.12 Hours leading zero no Hours leading zero example n/a (1:22:13) 10 Croatia Croatia String for AM designator n/a String for PM designator n/a Notes n/a Days Country/region: Croatia Day Normal Form Abbreviation Monday ponedjeljak pon. Tuesday utorak uto. Wednesday srijeda sri. Thursday ĉetvrtak ĉet. Friday petak pet. Saturday subota sub. Sunday nedjelja ned. First Day of Week: Monday Is first letter capitalized?: No Notes: n/a Months Country/region: Croatia Month Full Form Abbreviated Form Long Date Form January sijeĉanj sij. sijeĉnja February veljaĉa velj. veljaĉe March oţujak oţu. oţujka April travanj tra. travnja May svibanj svi. svibnja June lipanj lip. lipnja 11 Month Full Form Abbreviated Form Long Date Form July srpanj srp. srpnja August kolovoz kol. kolovoza September rujan ruj. rujna October listopad lis. listopada November studeni stu. studenog December prosinac pro. prosinca Is first letter capitalized?: No Notes: n/a Numbers Phone Numbers Country/ region International Dialing Code Area Codes Used? Number of Digits - Area Codes Separator Number of Digits Domestic Digit Groupings Domestic Croatia 385 yes 2 or 3 Space or hyphen 9 (##) ### ####; (###) ### ### [(##) ###-####; (###) ###-###] Country/ region Number of Digits Local Digit Groupings - Local Number of Digits - Mobile Digit Groupings Mobile Number of Digits International Digit Groupings International Croatia 6, 7 ### ####; ### ### [###-####; ###-###] 9, 10 (###) ### ###; (###) ### #### [(###) ######; (###) ###-####] 11 +385 # ### ####; +385 ## ### ### Notes: 7-digit numbers are grouped by 4 and 3 (e.g. 123 4567 or 123-4567), or by 3-2-2 (e.g. 123 44 67 or 12344-67). 6-digit numbers are grouped by 3 (e.g. 123 456 or 123-456), or 2-2-2 (e.g. 12 33 66 or 12-33-66) 12 Area (long distance) prefix is 0. Only Zagreb has two digit area prefix: 01. All other Croatian area prefixes consist of 3 digits. International prefix is 00. In domestic use, long-distance prefix and area code are written together and separated from the phone number by space or slash or is put in brackets: (01) 123 4567 (Zagreb) or 01/123-4567 (Zagreb). (021) 123 456 (Split) or 021/123-456 (Split). When calling Croatia from abroad, the area prefix 0 should be omitted. When writing, country code is not in parentheses and is prefixed by a plus sign. +385 1 123 4567 (Zagreb) or +385 1/123 4567 (Zagreb). +385 21 112 345 (Split) or +385 21/112-345 (Split) There are five area codes used for mobile phones: 091 (GSM), 098 (GSM), 099 (GSM), 092 (GSM) and 095 (GSM) Addresses Country/region: Croatia Disclaimer: Please note that the information in this entry should under no circumstances be used in examples as fictitious information. Address Format: 1. [Title/Honorific] FirstName LastName 2. [CompanyName] 3. Address1 4. [CountryCode-]PostalCode City 5. [Country] Example Address: Dipl. ing. Petar Orlić Slovo d.d. Tratinska 30/I [HR-]10000 Zagreb [Croatia] Local Postal Code Format: xxxxx Notes: Items in brackets are optional or seldom used. For example, the name of the country is only written if mail is sent from abroad. Also, if mail is sent from abroad to Croatia then HR- [CountryCode plus hyphen] may be added in front of the code: HR-xxxxx. When writing postal code, non-breaking space can be used as a thousands separator, e.g. 10 000 Zagreb. This postal code format (xx xxx) is often used. Address is left aligned. One space between the PostalCode and the City. First and second lines — Title etc. line and CompanyName line — can appear in reverse order, i.e. Company name on first line and Title etc. on second. 13 Currency Country/region Croatia Currency Name kuna Currency Symbol kn Currency Symbol Position behind Positive Currency Format 123,45 kn Negative Sign Symbol - Negative Currency Format -123,45 kn Decimal Symbol , (comma) Number of Digits after Decimal 2 Digit Grouping Symbol . (period) Number of Digits in Digit Grouping 3 Positive Currency Example 123.456.789,00 kn Negative Currency Example -123.456.789,00 kn ISO Currency Code HRK Currency Subunit Name lipa Currency Subunit Symbol lp Currency Subunit Example 25 lp Digit Groups Country/region: Croatia Decimal Separator: , Decimal Separator Description: comma Decimal Separator Example: 123,45 kn Thousand Separator: . Thousand Separator Description: Space; period Thousand Separator Example: 10 000 (postal code for Zagreb); 12.000 kn (monetary separator) Notes: If space is used as a thousand separator, four-digit numbers are not grouped, e.g. 1234, not 1 234. 14 Measurement Units Metric System Commonly Used?: Yes Temperature: Celsius Category English Translation Abbreviation Linear Measure Kilometer kilometar km Meter metar m Decimeter decimetar dm Centimeter centimetar cm Millimeter milimetar mm Hectoliter hektolitar hl Liter litra l Deciliter decilitar dl Centiliter centilitar cl Milliliter mililitar ml Ton tona t Kilogram kilogram kg Pound n/a Gram gram g Decigram decigram dg Centigram centigram cg Milligram miligram mg Inch palac, inĉ '' (not commonly used) Feet stopa ' (not commonly used) Mile milja n/a Gallon n/a n/a Capacity Mass English Units of Measurement Notes: In Croatian documentation the SI system of measurement units is used. If the unit of measurement is preceded by a number, there should be a space between the number and the unit of measurement: 3 km, 55 MB, 128 kB. 15 Percentages The percent sign (%) should not be separated from the numeral, e.g. 50%. Sorting 1. Capital letters and lowercase letters are equal. No distinction is made between them. 2. The extended characters ĉ, Ĉ, ć, Ć, dţ, Dţ, Ċ, Đ, lj, Lj, nj, Nj, š, Š, ţ, Ţ are treated as separate letters. Sorting rules 3. Non-alphabetical characters (i.e. symbols like @ ! #) sort before the letters of the alphabet. 4. Digits sort after the non-alphabetical characters and before the letters of the alphabet. Character sorting order a, b, c, ĉ, ć, d, dţ, Ċ, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l , lj, m, n, nj, o, p, [q], r, s, š, t, u, v, [w], [x], [y], z, ţ @ 1 Aaron andere ändere cote coté côte côté Czech Examples of sorted words ĉuĉēt hiša chaque chemin irdisch lävi lie lire llama lõug Löwen lòza 16 Lübeck luck luĉ lye màšta Männer mîr möchten myndig piña pint pylon savoir sämtlich Sietla ślub subtle symbol šàran Šerbūra väga verkehrt vox waffle wood yen yuan yucca zoo Zürich Zviedrija zysk zzlj zzlz zznj 17 zznz ţal ţena Ţenēva Geopolitical Concerns Part of the cultural adaptation of the US-product to a specific market is the resolving of geopolitical issues. While the US-product should have been designed and developed with neutrality and a global audience in mind, the localized product should respond to the particular situation that applies within the target country/region. Sensitive issues or issues that might potentially be offensive to the users in the target country/region may occur in any of the following: Maps Flags Country/region, city and language names Art and graphics Cultural content, such as encyclopedia content and other text where historical or political references may occur Some of these issues are relatively easy to verify and resolve: the objective should be for the localizer to always have the most current information available. Maps and other graphic representations of countries/regions and regions should be checked for accuracy and existing political restrictions. Country/region, city and language names change on a regular basis and need to be checked, even if previously approved. A thorough understanding of the culture of the target market is required for checking the appropriateness of cultural content, clip art and other visual representations of religious symbols, body and hand gestures. Guideline As country/region and city names can change, please use the most up-to-date Croatian list for every release of your product. 18 Grammar, Syntax & Orthographic Conventions This section includes information on how to apply the general rules of the Croatian language to Microsoft products and documentation. Adjectives In Croatian, adjectives should be handled in the following manner. Croatian adjectives, unlike the English ones, have gender and number and it is impossible to localize single adjective correctly without having a context or when the context require the adjective to be in masculine, feminine or neuter at the same time (this often happens in menus). In these cases try to localize the adjective with the neutral form. Source text New Unknown Translation + Novo - Nov + Nepoznato - Nepoznat Agreement Rule All adjectives describing a noun must be put in the same case, number (singular/plural), and gender as the noun they describe. This holds across parts of sentence and across sentences! Postpositive adjectives are common in some syntactic combinations. Be careful in translating to Croatian, where such position of adjectives is rather uncommon. Source text Translation Change the number of pages displayed Promijenite broj prikazanih stranica Possessive adjectives The frequent use of possessives is a feature of English language. However in Croatian, translations attention needs to be paid to the correct use of possessive adjectives and cases. Influenced by the English language, many translators mix them, translate them literally, as nouns, or change the word order. Source text Translation user name table direction + korisniĉko ime + smjer tablice 19 Source text Translation - tabliĉni smjer + internetska veza Internet connection - Internet veza Articles General considerations This section does not apply to Croatian. Unlocalized Feature Names This section does not apply to Croatian. Localized Feature Names This section does not apply to Croatian. Articles for English Borrowed Terms This section does not apply to Croatian. Capitalization In English, it is a general practice to capitalise all first characters of the words in titles, names, etc, and sometimes middle characters in words too. Bear in mind that this is an error for the Croatian texts. Source text Translation Move Down… + Premjesti dolje... AutoArchive + Samoarhiviraj The names of days, months, languages, also adjectives derived from country names are not capitalized. The word Web, which is a synonym of World Wide Web, sometimes is used by the authors in the meaning of Internet but strictly speaking Web is a part of the Internet. Be attentive, these terms are not always equal and can’t be replaced freely. In Croatian, at the moment we use the notions Internet and Web, which are inflective. 20 A possesive adjective 'internetski' is also used. Note that the word 'internetski' begins with a lowercase 'i'. In Croatian we also use 'web' (with lowercase 'w') as a synonim to 'internetski' in the compounds such as 'webaplikacija', 'web-stranica', 'web-posluţitelj' etc. It is then written with a hyphen. Source text Internet Web Web page Web site Web server Internet cafe Translation + Internet (G. Interneta, D. Internetu, A. Internet...) + Web (G. Weba, D. Webu, A. Web...) + web-stranica (also: internetska stranica) + web-mjesto + web-posluţitelj + internetski kafić - Internet kafić - Internetski kafić + internetska veza Internet connection - Internet veza - Internetska veza Keep in mind that in near future there might be a change for these words. Web may become xxx and when the two notions are used as modifiers they may begin with regular letters and may have a hyphen between them and the following word, e.g. xxxxx etc. Please remember that the following items are always written in CAPITAL LETTERS: Device names (e.g. COM1) Drive names (e.g. C) Path names (e.g. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM) The first letter of a sentence, paragraph, heading, header, and footer The first letter of a brand name (e.g. Excel, Microsoft) Capitalization Of Text In Brackets In the English software often additional short text in brackets starts with the capital letter. In Croatian localised software, when the short text in brackets is not a full sentence, it should start with the lowercase letter. 21 Source text Keep existing driver (Recommended) Translation + Zadrţite postojeći upravljaĉki program (preporuĉeno) - Zadrţite postojeći upravljaĉki program (Preporuĉeno) Compounds In Croatian, the meaning of a compound word may be different from the meaning of a phrase consisting of the same components. Take that difference into account and use the correct form. Example: Source text Translation + smjer tablice table direction - tabliĉni smjer Gender Unlike in English, the names of things in Croatian, such as software, application, device, component, do have gender, i.e. they are classified as masculine, feminine or neuter. The gender depends on the headword, since it is the only inflectible element. Example: Croatian text Gender Operacijski sustav Windows masculine web-aplikacija feminine Sučelje Microsoft Office Fluent neuter Genitive This section does not apply to Croatian. 22 Modifiers In Croatian localized text you sometimes need to add modifiers before names of objects, menus, commands, dialog box elements, icons, etc. (descriptions of the object the name refers to). In general, English text doesn't have these modifiers. Modifiers are especially necessary when the whole phrase needs to be declined - then decline only the modifier and leave the name in the form that is used in the user interface. Example: Source text Microsoft Excel Help files Translation + Datoteke pomoći programa Microsoft Excel - Datoteke pomoći Microsoft Excela This also applies for strings with placeholders, where the thing finally replacing the placeholder will understandably not be declined. See also chapter Error Messages Containing Placeholders in this document. Nouns General considerations Inflection Product names can be inflected, but please approve new (not previously approved) translations with Microsoft Language Excellence. Example: Source text Translation Office assistant + Officeov pomoćnik Plural Formation Use general language rules when creating a plural form (adding -i, -e, or -a at the end). 23 Example: Source text Translation Connected clients applications panes + Povezani klijenti + aplikacije + okna Translation of English phrases which allow both singular and plural forms at the same time, should generally be changed into plural form only in Croatian in order to avoid confusing noun/verb endings in the statement. Source text Translation Fill in the field(s)… + Popunite polja… Prepositions Pay attention to the correct use of the preposition in translations. Influenced by the English language, many translators omit them or change the word order. US Expression Croatian Expression Comment Press OK to continue Za nastavak kliknite U redu (preferably you should use “kliknuti”, see more explanation about pritisnuti/kliknuti at the “Command buttons” part of this Style Guide) Pronouns The possessive pronoun “your” is very frequent in English, but should be omitted in Croatian translation and used only when the context makes it necessary (see the example). Note that the Croatian grammar prescribes that the possessive pronoun “svoj” should be used instead of “vaš” when the subject of sentence matches the object. Example: Source text Translation Turn on your computer. + Ukljuĉite raĉunalo. 24 Source text Translation - Ukljuĉite vaše raĉunalo. + Zatvorite dokument. Close your document. First save your document, then the one on remote server. - Zatvorite vaš dokument. - Zatvorite svoj dokument. + Prvo zatvorite svoj dokument, a zatim onaj na udaljenom posluţitelju. (personal pronoun is necessary here to distinguish the two documents) - Prvo zatvorite dokument, a onda onaj na udaljenom posluţitelju. - Prvo zatvorite vaš dokument, a onda onaj na udaljenom posluţitelju One or More There are sometimes problems with congruency in the translations into Croatian. To avoid such problems, use pronoun neki (neki od) instead of the literal translation jedan ili više: Source text Translation + Neke datoteke potrebne za vraćanje raĉunala u prijašnje stanje nisu pronaĊene. One or more of the files required to restore your computer to its previous state could not be found. + Neke od datoteka potrebnih za vraćanje raĉunala u prijašnje stanje nisu pronaĊene. Setup has detected that you have one or more of the following features installed:… - Jedna ili više datoteka potrebnih za vraćanje raĉunala u prijašnje stanje nisu pronaĊene. + Instalacijski program je otkrio da su na raĉunalu instalirane neke od sljedećih znaĉajki:... 25 Punctuation Croatian uses the following punctuation: period (.), exclamation mark (!), question mark (?), comma (,), semicolon (;), colon (:), suspension points (…), quotation marks („“), parenthesis (), en dash (-), hyphen (-), slash (/), apostrophe ('). Some punctuation marks are also used to express arithmetic formulas (. = multiplication, : = division, - = subtraction, decimal comma, etc.). At present, punctuation is often misused as a result of the influence of different graphic systems, e.g. English. Comma Misplacing a comma may have an adverse effect on the meaning of a sentence. In Croatian, commas have the following functions: separating sentence elements (e.g. nouns, modifiers, or phrases), separating subordinate clauses, offsetting appositive, etc. In these cases, the comma is followed by a space. Moreover, in Croatian, commas separate decimal values, in which case they are not followed by a space. Comma in subordinate clauses The rules for writing comma in Croatian subordinate clauses (temporal, causal, if-clauses...) are those stated in the reference materials. The general rule is that the comma is used when an inversion occurs, i.e. when the sub clause precedes the main clause. Otherwise (the sequence is main clause, sub clause), comma is normally not needed. Here are some of the examples: Source text Translation + Da biste nastavili, datoteku morate izbrisati ili preimenovati. To continue, you must delete or rename the file. If you convert the database, older program versions will not be able to use it. + Datoteku morate izbrisati ili preimenovati da biste nastavili. - Da biste nastavili datoteku morate izbrisati ili preimenovati. - Datoteku morate izbrisati ili preimenovati, da biste nastavili. + Ako pretvorite bazu podataka, više je nećete moći koristiti sa starijim verzijama programa. + Više nećete moći koristiti bazu podataka sa starijim verzijama 26 Source text Translation programa ako je pretvorite. - Ako pretvorite bazu podataka više je nećete moći koristiti sa starijim verzijama programa. + Omogućite postavku „Jedan korisnik“ kako biste mogli izvršiti odreĊene promjene baze podataka. Enable the 'Single user' setting, in order to perform the chosen database alterations. + Kako biste mogli izvršiti odreĊene promjene baze podataka, omogućite postavku „Jedan korisnik“. - Omogućite postavku "Jedan korisnik", kako biste mogli izvršiti odreĊene promjene baze podataka. Please note that it is customary not to use comma in translations like „Za x učinite y“ (not „Za x, učinite y“). Example: Source text Translation Contact the system manager if you need to have your permissions changed. + Za promjenu ovlaštenja obratite se upravitelju sustava. Colon Colons introduce sentences/clauses or their parts, which develop previous text (e.g. examples). They often introduce direct speech and are followed by a space character. Dashes and Hyphens Croatian punctuation rules do not make difference between m-dash (U+2014)(ALT+150) and n-dash (U+2013) (ALT+151). If there is a need of dash use the n-dash (for consistency) but do not confuse it with the hyphen (U+002D). A dash is longer and has a space before and after it. Using dash instead of hyphen and vice-versa is an error. 27 Ellipses (Suspension Points) There’s no space between the preceding word and the ellipsis, yet if an ellipsis marks the omission of a part of a sentence, the ellipsis is separated by a space on both sides. Keep in mind the following when using ellipses/suspension points: Three periods have to be used, any other number is defective. If a sentence ends in an ellipsis, there’s no fourth period. Period In Croatian, a period is usually followed by a space. Space is not used in time data, when the period character separates hours and minutes (e.g. 14.15). A period is used after abbreviations, e.g. “npr.”, as well as after ordinal numbers using numerals e.g. “u 3. dijelu”. Periods are not used in acronyms, e.g. SAD Quotation Marks In Croatian, the following characters are used for quotation marks: („) (ALT+0132) - at the beginning - and (“) (ALT+0147) - at the end. Exceptionally (due to formatting problems for instance), it is necessary to use the English characters for quotation marks (“) both at the beginning and the end of the quoted text. Do not use quotation marks for names of controls used within sentences. Example: Source text Incorrect translation Correct translation The name "Selection" is reserved. Ime „Selection“ je rezervirano. Ime Selection je rezervirano. You have chosen to import your address book. Click 'Finish' to perform the import. Izabrali ste uvoz adresara. Kliknite „Finish“ za uvoz. Izabrali ste uvoz adresara. Za uvoz kliknite gumb Finish. 28 Parentheses In English, there is no space between the parentheses and the text inside them, nor there is in Croatian. The space is used outside the parentheses. Example: Install Microsoft Communicator 2010 (Beta Refresh) Instalirajte program Microsoft Communicator 2010 (Beta Refresh) Singular & Plural When talking about things in general (i.e. any of the kind), we may use both singular and plural. Example: Source text Translation A driver is an application… + Upravljački program je aplikacija... + Upravljački programi su aplikacije... Split Infinitive This section does not apply to Croatian. Subjunctive This section does not apply to Croatian. Symbols & Non-Breaking Spaces % - Symbols like the percent sign are post-positioned. € - The Euro symbol and other monetary symbols are post-positioned and separated by a non-breaking space as well. Please note, however, that the Euro symbol (as all other monetary units) is preferably replaced either by “euro” or by its abbreviation EUR. $ - The Dollar sign is not used in Croatian, the acronym USD is used instead. Example: 50% 29 123,45 € 100 USD Use non-breaking spaces (CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR or Alt+0160) between words that should not separate onto different lines. If two words are connected by a non-breaking space, Word will keep them together, even if subsequent editing causes line breaks to change. On your screen, a non-breaking space looks like a degree symbol ( ° ), but it will print like a space. Syntax Sentences with “You can…” and “You can not…” Almost always when translating sentences with "You can…", "You can not…" it is necessary to rephrase. Source text You can have several documents open at the same time. You cannot change properties of a built-in dictionary. You can't send Web pages as attachments. You can delete more than one sheet at a time. Translation + Istodobno moţe biti otvoreno nekoliko dokumenata. - Moţete istodobno imati otvoreno nekoliko dokumenata. + Svojstva ugraĊenog rjeĉnika ne moţete promijeniti. - Ne moţete promijeniti svojstva ugraĊenog rjeĉnika. + Web-stranice ne moţete poslati kao privitke. - Ne moţete poslati web-stranice kao privitke. + Istodobno moţete izbrisati više od jednog radnog lista. - Moţete izbrisati više od jednog radnog lista istovremeno. Sentences with “Use X to Y” and “Use X for Y” These sentences are translated as "Za Y koristite X" 30 Source text Translation + Za zastavice poruka koristi engleski. Use English for message flags. Use Windows Control Panel to remove one of the copies. - Koristi engleski za zastavice poruka. + Za uklanjanje jedne od kopija koristite upravljaĉku ploĉu sustava Windows. - Koristite upravljaĉku ploĉu sustava Windows za uklanjanje jedne od kopija. Verbs English forms often do not distinguish between various uses of verbs (command, function name, description of an ongoing process, etc.). Find out what is really meant with the string in Croatian, and translate accordingly. For details on translating specific dialog box elements, see the corresponding paragraph below. For commands and menu items use the personal imperative form (2nd person singular) only when they are a direct command (the associated action is executed directly after the activation). Otherwise (indirect command followed by an ellipsis "…") use nouns, verbal nouns or impersonal forms. Interactive commands are the third type of commands (the user takes part in their execution). They are also translated with the use of nouns or verbal nouns. Instructions: For Use direct commands imperative, 2nd person singular indirect commands noun, verbal noun interactive commands noun, verbal noun Example: Source text Translation Print + Ispis 31 Source text Cancel Refresh Translation + Ispiši (direct command) + Odustani od osvjeţavanja (direct command) - Odustajanje od osvjeţavanja + Ispis… (indirect command) Print… - Ispiši… + Spremanje… (indirect command) Save… Save As… - Spremi… + Spremanje kao… (indirect command) - Spremi kao… + Crtanje (interactive command) Draw - Crtaj + UreĊivanje (interactive command) Edit - Uredi Notification about Current Action When translating notification about current action, it is best to use verbal noun and adverb “u tijeku”, Personification of the program (verb in 1st person singular) should be avoided. Source text Translation + Ispis u tijeku… Printing… - Ispisujem… + Uĉitavanje u tijeku… Loading… - Uĉitavam… Translating verbs Click, Choose and Select For click use kliknuti (double click = dvoklik). 32 For choose use odabrati or (if it refers to command button) kliknuti. Select can be translated as odabrati, označiti and potvrditi okvir. The adequate translation depends on the context: Element Source Text Translation Comment Lists In the drop-down list, select an option. U padajućem popisu odaberite jednu od stavki. Check boxes Select the check box Potvrdite okvir to clear, to uncheck a check box = poništiti potvrdni okvir Selecting text, cells, images… Select the text and then drag it to the new location. Oznaĉite tekst i odvucite ga na drugo mjesto. Here select is similar to highlight. + Ispis u tijeku… - Ispisujem… Word Order A more liberal word order of the Croatian sentence enables the placement of the major part of information (very often the object) at the end of the sentence: Source text The following scanners or cameras are installed: Translation + Instalirani su sljedeći skeneri i kamere: - Sljedeći skeneri i kamere su instalirani Style and Tone Considerations This section focuses on higher-level considerations for audience, style, tone, and voice. Audience The target text should not suggest in any manner that the users of the software product are exclusively of the masculine or the feminine gender. Therefore, the second person plural or a neutral formulation is preferred in the target text. 33 Style Use correct and consistent grammar in all texts. Translate in easily understandable style, with good flow. Tone Person The English forms often do not distinguish between various uses of verbs (command, function name, description of an ongoing process, etc.). Find out what is really meant with the string, and translate accordingly. For details on translating specific dialog box elements, see the corresponding paragraph below. For commands, instructions, suggestions, etc., always use the personal imperative form, not impersonal forms, infinitives or deverbal nouns. Use the 2nd person plural to address the user. Normally, the pronoun “vi” itself will not be needed, but if it is used, write it with a lowercase letter. This is to ensure consistency with any printed material on the same topic (which traditionally uses lowercase pronouns). Source text ...the following steps may be different on your computer. If you don't want to… Translation + … koraci opisani u nastavku mogu na vašem raĉunalu biti dukĉiji. - … koraci opisani u nastavku mogu na Vašem raĉunalu biti dukĉiji. + Ako ne ţelite… - Ako Vi ne ţelite… - Ako vi ne ţelite… - Ako ne ţeliš… Use the 2nd person singular to address the system, without using the pronoun itself. Source text Translation + Zamijeni Replace - Zamijenite 34 Use deverbal nouns with the -nje suffix to refer to system status, ongoing processes, etc. Source text Translation Saving the file + Spremanje datoteke In questions to the user about actions of the system, start the question with "Želite li". Source text Translation + Ţelite li spremiti datoteku? Save the file? - Spremi datoteku? - Spremiti datoteku? The same solution of adding the verb želite li should be used when a question or option is phrased as a command to the user. When an option is phrased as a command to the user, imperative 2nd person singular should be used. Source text View the file now Translation + Pogledaj datoteku (option phrased as direct command) (After: Ţelite li pogledati datoteku?) The first person may be used for personalized creations like the Office Assistant. Voice In Croatian try to avoid direct translation of “You” as much as possible, it is not commonly used and rephrasing your sentences can often produce better results. Example: Source text Translation + Povezani ste s internetom. You are now connected to the Internet. - Vi ste povezani s internetom. 35 Composite strings If a string appears as a part of another string, capitalization is sufficient. For multi-word strings, if necessary, rephrase the sentence to avoid ambiguity. Using quotation marks is not preferred, be very careful and use it only if there is no other option. Source text Translation Click Save and close the window Kliknite Spremi i zatvorite prozor Click Save As and close the window To save the file, click Save As Kliknite Spremi kao, a zatim zatvorite prozor (do NOT use: Kliknite „Spremi kao“ i zatvorite prozor) Da biste spremili datoteku, kliknite Spremi kao General Guidelines for Dialog Box Translation When translating dialog box interface you should remember that you are expected to use consistent terminology and language style in all dialog boxes, not only within currently localized application. You also need to ensure that your translations are consistent with translations in other localized applications. Take also into account that currently not localized applications may be localized in the future and solutions adopted now must be usable there as well. This is particularly important when localizing common (identical) dialog boxes found in several applications. An example of a common dialog box containing the same terminology is the Options dialog box (Mogućnosti). 36 Localization Guidelines This section contains guidelines for localization into Croatian. General Considerations Abbreviations Common Abbreviations You might need to abbreviate some words in the UI (mainly buttons or options names) due to lack of space. This can be done in the following ways: Method Example of Acceptable Abbreviation Truncation with a period maksimalno = maks.; mjeseci = mj. Initial capitals Sjedinjene Ameriĉke Drţave = SAD Slash str. u min = str./min Measurement units The basic measurement units are: length — meter, weight — gram, liquid volume — liter. Unit names are often abbreviated. No period is used in the abbreviation. Value and measurement unit are always separated by a space. Source text Croatian (full) Croatian (abbreviation) meter metar m kilometer kilometar km centimeter centimetar cm milimeter milimetar mm gram gram g kilogram kilogram kg liter litra l 37 Information units Units of information are often abbreviated. Always use the following translations. Source text Croatian (full) Croatian (abbreviation) KB MB kB MB kilobajt megabajt bit bit bit bit/s bit/s bitova u sekundi The abbreviated forms for the names of the days are the following: P, U, S, Č, P, S, N The abbreviated forms for the names of the months are the following: sij., velj., ožu., tra., svi., lip., srp., kol., ruj., lis., stu., pro. Don’t abbreviate words the abbreviations of which may be confusing or ambiguous. Accessibility Be foremost careful when choosing short-cut keys (see: Access Keys/Hotkeys). Try to keep the translation as simple as possible. Acronyms Acronyms are words made up of the initial letters of major parts of a compound term. Some well-known examples are WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get), OLE (Object Linking and Embedding), or RAM (Random Access Memory). Localized Acronyms Acronyms are words made up of the initial letters of major parts of a compound term. OLE (Object Linking and Embedding), RAM (Random Access Memory) and URL (Uniform Resource Locator) are some well know IT related US acronyms. Acronyms are written without a full stop: e.g. ASCII, VGA, RAM Avoid to decline the acronyms as mush as possible and try to use a modifier, usually the main word from the translation, e.g. 'RAM' - RAM memorija. 38 In the rare cases, declensional forms are unavoidable and case-endings should be added following the rules below: In Croatian case-endings are hyphenated: Source text Translation Error in XML Pogreška u XML-u The acronym precedes the headword and no hyphen is used in strings of the type 'HTML file': Source text Translation HTML files HTML datoteke Unlocalized Acronyms N/A Applications, Products, and Features Application/product names are often trademarked or may be trademarked in the future and are therefore rarely translated. Occasionally, feature names are trademarked, too (e.g. IntelliSense™). Before translating any application, product, or feature name, please verify that it is in fact translatable and not protected in any way. Frequent Errors This section does not apply to Croatian. Glossaries Fictitious Information Fictitious content is legally sensitive material and as such cannot be handled as a pure terminology or localization issue. Below is some basic information and contact points when dealing with fictitious content: Vendors and Localizers are not allowed to create their own fictitious names. 39 Recurring Patterns This section does not apply to Croatian. Standardized Translations There are a number of standardized translations mentioned in all sections of this Style Guide. In order to find them more easily, the most relevant topics and sections are compiled here for you reference. Eula and Copyrights Legal texts are translated by our legal partners but if you have to translate somewhere such notions look at the following examples: Source text Translation End User License Agreement (EULA) Licencni ugovor za krajnjeg korisnika (EULA) + Autorska prava© Microsoft Corporation 1995-2001. Sva prava Copyright© Microsoft Corporation pridrţana. 1995-2001. All rights reserved. + © Microsoft Corporation 19952001. Sva prava pridrţana. Windows® is a registered trademark Windows® je registrirani zaštitni of Microsoft Corporation. znak tvrtke Microsoft Corporation. Unlocalized Items Trademarked names and the name Microsoft Corporation shouldn’t be localized. A list of Microsoft trademarks is available for your reference at the following location: Also the word 'Copyright' ('Autorska prava') can be omitted in the localized text if the © sign was preserved. Using the Word Microsoft In English, and in Croatian it is prohibited to use MS as an abbreviation for Microsoft. 40 Software Considerations This section refers to all menus, menu items, commands, buttons, check boxes, etc., which should be consistently translated in the localized product. Refer to for a detailed explanation of the Windows user interface guidelines (English). User Interface Menus Menu titles and menu items should be consistently translated in all localised products, the same US term should have identical translation in all localised applications. If an exception to the rule is necessary, please approve the new translation with Microsoft Language Excellence. When possible, try to use the following combinations of word classes in menus: Menu title Menu items A noun Consistent with source word’s type of speech use: noun, noun phrase, verb (in imperative form), verb phrase (in imperative form), or adjective Example Izbornik Umetanje: Prijeloma, Brojeva stranica... Izbornik Tablica: Umetni, Izbriši, Oznaĉi... Izbornik Pogled: Obiĉan...; Izbornik Datoteka: Nova... The word classes of the US term and the localized term do not have to coincide, i.e. please do consider the possibility of translating a verb as a noun or vice versa, if that improves the result. Adjectives are used relatively rarely and adverbs only in exceptional cases. Verbs should normally be in 2nd person singular imperative mood, nouns in singular or plural nominative or genitive (Umetanje > Prijeloma, Brojeva...). Menu titles should always contain only one word, since a two-word menu title would be undistinguishable from two single-word ones. IMPORTANT: In Croatian, the word order should normally reflect the order of user actions, even if it doesn't in English. 41 Source text Translation Click Save in the File menu Na izborniku Datoteka kliknite Spremi The preferred action to be performed with menu titles and menu items is kliknuti (click), even if the original ignores a similar recommendation given for English. Source text Translation Click Save in the File menu + Na izborniku Datoteka kliknite Spremi + Na izborniku Datoteka kliknite Spremi Select Save from the File menu - Na izborniku Datoteka odaberite Spremi - Na izborniku Datoteka pritisnite Spremi - Odaberite Spremi na izborniku Datoteka - Odaberite Spremi s izbornika Datoteka Note! Always check current translations of menu titles and menu items in the Microsoft terminology databases. Messages Status Messages What is a Status Bar Message? A status bar message is an informational message about the active document or a selected command as well as about any active or selected interface item. Messages are shown in the status bar at the bottom of the window when the user has chosen a menu, a command or any other item, or has started a function. The status bar messages refer to actions being performed or already complete (for example in Outlook below). 42 Croatian Style in Status bar Messages In English, the status bar messages have different forms dependent on the information they must convey. In Croatian, menu and commands status bar messages should follow the format below. Name Croatian Name Category English Status Bar message Croatian Status Bar message Edit UreĊivanje menu Contains editing commands Sadrţi naredbe za ureĊivanje Copy to Folder... Kopiranje u mapu... menu Copies the selected items to a new location Kopira odabrane stavke na novu lokaciju New Novo command Creates a new document Stvara novi dokument Make object visible? Izgled prikaza za polje Word is converting the document. Press Esc to stop. Uĉiniti objekt vidljivim? Datasheet View Word pretvara dokument. Pritisnite Esc za prekid. Done Pogled podatkovnog lista Gotovo The importance of standardization In the US product you can often find messages that are phrased differently even though they have the same meaning. Try to avoid this in the localized Croatian version. Use one standard translation as in the examples below: English term Correct Croatian translation Press F1 to get Help + Za pomoć pritisnite F1 If you want Help press F1 43 To get Help press F1 Not enough memory + Nema dovoljno memorije Insufficient memory There is not enough memory Save changes to %1? Do you want to save changes to %1? Ţelite li spremiti promjene na [insert appropriate modifier here] %1? Error Messages What Is An Error Message? Here is an example: Error messages are messages sent by the system or a program, informing the user that there is an error that must be corrected in order for the program to keep running. For example, the messages can prompt the user to take an action or inform the user of an error that requires rebooting the computer. Croatian Style in Error Messages It is important to use consistent terminology and language style in the localized error messages, and not just translate as they appear in the US product. Error messages in English are often space-savvy and use indefinite clauses, for example only the past participle of a verb instead of the full form, or the construction “Error + present participle”, e. g. “Error creating…”. When translating, we should adhere to the Croatian syntax, thus using definite clauses. Standard Phrases in Error Messages When translating standard phrases, standardize. Note that sometimes the US uses different forms to express the same thing. 44 Examples: English Translation Example Comment Nije moguće podesiti… Cannot configure... Nije moguće utvrditi… Cannot determine... Nije moguće uĉitati… Cannot load... Cannot … Could not … nije moguće ne moţe Cannot open files from later versions of Microsoft Graph Cannot save User-defined Autoformats. Nije moguće otvoriti datoteke koje su naĉinjene starijim verzijama programa Microsoft Graph. Nije moguće saĉuvati samooblikovanja koja je definirao korisnik. Nije moguće dijeliti s nulom. Stvaranje direktorija ... Failed to create directory... nije uspjelo. Cannot divide by zero. Failed to … Failure of … nije uspjelo neuspjelo kvar/je u kvaru Cannot find … Could not find … Unable to find … ne moţe (pro)naći pronalaţenje... nije uspjelo Unable to locate … Failed to open… Otvaranje ... nije uspjelo. Equipment failure Kvar na opremi. (Oprema je u kvaru.) Pronalaţenje upravljaĉkog programa ... nije uspjelo. IE ne moţe (pro)naći DLL datoteku modula za sigurnosni protokol. Failed to find device driver... Internet Explorer cannot find DLL for Security Protocol Module. Not enough memory Insufficient memory There is not enough memory Nema dovoljno memorije There is not enough memory available ... is not available ... is unavailable nema nije dostupan No error message is available. Nema (odgovarajuće) poruke o pogrešci. 45 English Translation Example Comment The DECnet protocol is not currently available. Protokol DECnet trenutno nije dostupan. Error Messages Containing Placeholders When localizing error messages containing placeholders, try to find out what will replace the placeholder. This is necessary for the sentence to be grammatically correct when the placeholder is replaced with a word or phrase. Note that the letters used in placeholders convey a specific meaning, see examples below: %d, %ld, %u, and %lu means <number> %c means <letter> %s means <string> Examples of error messages containing placeholders: "Checking Web %1!d! of %2!d!" means "Checking Web <number> of <number>". "INI file "%1!-.200s!" section" means "INI file "<string>" section". When localizing error messages containing placeholders, try to find out what will replace the placeholder. This is necessary for the sentence to be grammatically correct when the placeholder has been replaced with a word or phrase. The example below uses the error message Cannot find %s, where the placeholder %s is replaced with a file name (standard.doc). Source text Translation Cannot open standard.doc + Nije moguće otvoriti datoteku standard.doc. Command buttons When possible, try to use verbs for command buttons. The word classes of the US term and the localised term do not have to coincide, i.e. please do consider the possibility of translating a verb as a noun or vice versa, if that improves the result. Adjectives are used relatively rarely and adverbs only in exceptional cases. Verbs should normally be in 2nd person singular imperative mood, nouns in singular or plural nominative. Source text Translation Click the Save button + Kliknite gumb Spremi 46 IMPORTANT: In Croatian, the word order should normally reflect the order of user actions, even if it doesn't in English. Source text Translation Click Save in the File menu + Na izborniku Datoteka kliknite Spremi The preferred action to be performed with command buttons is kliknuti (click), even if the original ignores a similar recommendation given for English. Source text Translation Click Cancel + Kliknite Odustani + Kliknite Odustani Press Cancel - Pritisnite Odustani Note! Always check current translations of command buttons in the Microsoft terminology databases. Static text Information text contained in dialog boxes as well as confirmation text should be translated consistently and it should take personal form (use 2nd person plural imperative). Source text Translation + Kliknite Sljedeće ako ne ţelite filtrirati podatke. If you don't want to filter the data, click Next. ? Ako ne ţelite filtrirati podatke, kliknite Sljedeće - Klikni Sljedeće ako ne ţeliš filtrirati podatke. Note! Always look for approved current translation of the required term in the Microsoft terminology databases. 47 Dialog Box Titles In English, dialog box titles are usually identical with the command that opened the dialog box. In Croatian, they should normally be nouns (transform the command verbs into deverbal nouns with the -nje suffix) except for adjectives that are translated as adjectives. Source text Translation + Spremanje Save New Include in index? - Spremiti - Spremi + Novo + Unos u kazalo If for some reason the command name in the US software is not the same as the dialog title, stay close to original with the translation. Source text Translation Command: Information + Obavijesti Dialog title: Information window + Prozor za obavijesti Note! Always look for approved current translation of the required term in the Microsoft terminology databases. Group Box Titles When translating the title of a group of control elements and it is a verb or verb phrase, use verbal nouns or impersonal forms. Questions are translated as questions. Source text Translation Save the file Spremanje datoteke Select the right file Odabir odgovarajuće datoteke New Novo Include in index? Unijeti u kazalo? Group titles are not grammatically connected to the options that follow. This means that the options are capitalised as usual and their form does not depend on the form of the group title. 48 Note! Always look for approved current translation of the required term in the Microsoft terminology databases. Option Buttons Option buttons that are verbs may be written as (A) commands to the system or (B) options available for the user. If (A), translate them using 2nd person singular imperative. If (B), translate them as verbal nouns. Source text Translation + Prikaţi datoteku sada Display the file now (to the system) - Prikaz datoteke sada + Pregled datoteke sada View the file now (to the user) - Pregledaj datoteku sada Option buttons that are nouns should normally be translated using the nominative case. Do not try to make full sentences out of groups of option buttons. Option buttons are not grammatically connected to preceding group titles. This means that options are capitalised as usual and their form does not depend on the form of the group title. Regardless of how US option buttons end - with or without a period - the Croatian translations never end with a period. The preferred action to be performed with option buttons is kliknuti (click), even if the original ignores a similar recommendation given for English. Source text Translation Click Right + Kliknite Desno + Kliknite Desno Select Right - Odaberite Desno Note! Always look for approved current translation of the required term in the Microsoft terminology databases. 49 Checkboxes Checkboxes that are verbs may be written as commands to the system or options available for the user. Translate the latter as nouns. Source text Translation Display the file now (to the system) + Prikaţi datoteku sada View the file now (to the user) + Pregled datoteke sada Checkboxes that are nouns should normally be translated using the nominative case. Do not try to make full sentences out of groups of check boxes. Check boxes are not grammatically connected to preceding group titles. This means that check boxes are capitalized as usual and their form does not depend on the form of the group title. Regardless of how US check boxes end - with or without a period - the Croatian translations never end with a period unless they are complete sentences. The preferred actions to be performed with check boxes are potvrditi okvir (check) and poništiti potvrdni okvir (clear, uncheck). Source text Translation To add a component, select its check box. To remove the component, clear the check box. Da biste dodali komponentu, potvrdite okvir. Da biste je uklonili, poništite potvrdni okvir. If the original does not mention the check box, and only refers to the item the check box applies to, then also use potvrdite okvir (check) and poništite potvrdni okvir (uncheck) in reference to the items themselves. Source text Translation Check all subfolders Potvrdite okvir svih podmapa Poništite potvrdni okvir svih podmapa Uncheck all subfolders Note! Always look for approved current translation of the required term in the Microsoft terminology databases. Dialogbox Tabs Dialog box tabs should be treated similarly to dialog box titles (see above), plus obvious length constraints. 50 Also pay attention to consistency with other tabs of the same dialog and with similar dialogs elsewhere. The preferred action to be performed with option buttons is kliknuti (click), even if the original ignores a similar recommendation given for English. Source text Translation Click the Edit tab Kliknite karticu UreĊivanje Select the Edit tab + Kliknite karticu UreĊivanje - Odaberite karticu UreĊivanje Note! Always look for approved current translation of the required term in the Microsoft terminology databases. Listboxes/Tables Items in a list box or table are not grammatically connected to list box titles or table headings. This means that the items are capitalized as usual and their form does not depend on the form of the title or heading. Regardless of how US list items or table items end - with or without a period - the Croatian translations never end with a period unless they are complete sentences. Table column and row headings should take the same language style throughout the software. Column and row headings should start with capital letters and they usually do not end with any punctuation marks. When table items are complete sentences, each of them starts with a capital letter and ends with a period. When table items are not complete sentences, they may start with a small or capital letter and do not end with a period. However, the whole column must be consistent, i.e. start with either small or capital letter. The preferred action to be performed with list boxes is odabrati (select), even if the original ignores a similar recommendation given for English. Source text Translation Select your location from the Country list box. Odaberite svoju lokaciju iz okvira popisa Drţava. Note! Always look for approved current translation of the required term in the Microsoft terminology databases. Tooltips Most of the button ToolTips have the names identical with the commands they represent. You should ensure that this consistency is maintained in the localized software as well. If for some reason that rule doesn't apply in English product, then the rule doesn’t apply in Croatian either; you just translate the English text selecting 51 appropriate terminology. Regardless of how the US ToolTips end - with or without a period - ToolTips localized into Croatian do not end with a period. Source text Translation US Command: Print Preview US ToolTip: Print Preview Croatian command and tooltip: Pretpregled ispisa Note! Always look for approved current translation of the required term in the Microsoft terminology databases. Wizards Wizards often include US specific information. For relevant specific Croatian information contact your Project Team representative in Microsoft in order to replace the US specific information. Keys The keyboard is the primary input device used for text input in Microsoft Windows. For accessibility and efficiency, most actions can be performed using the keyboard as well. While working with Microsoft software, you use keys, key combinations and key sequences. In English, References to key names, like arrow keys, function keys and numeric keys, appear in normal text (not in small caps). Key names should be translated in accordance with the Microsoft Glossaries. While working with Microsoft software, you use keys, key combinations and key sequences. 1. Key combination KEY1+KEY2 This term is used to underline, that the user is supposed to press the first key, hold it and press the second key. Key names are combined with “+” character. For example the command Na tipkovnici pritisnite ALT+ESC means, that the user should press ALT, hold it, press simultaneously ESC and then release both buttons. 2. Key sequence KEY1, KEY2 This term is used to underline, that the user is supposed to press and release the given keys one after the other. Key names are separated with a comma (,) and a hard space. For example the command Na tipkovnici pritisnite ALT, F means, that the user is supposed to press ALT first, release it, then press and release the F key. 52 Access Keys/Hot keys Sometimes, there are underlined or highlighted letters in menu options, commands or dialog boxes. These letters refer to access keys (also known as hot keys) that allow you to run commands, perform tasks, etc. more quickly. Hot Key Special Options Usage: Is It Allowed? Notes "Slim characters", such as I, l, t, r, f can be used as hot key yes Only when no other characters are available. Characters with downstrokes, such as g, j, y, p and q can be used as hotkeys yes Only when no other characters are available. Extended characters can be used as hotkeys yes Only when no other characters are available. An additional letter, appearing between brackets after item name, can be used as hotkeys no A number, appearing between brackets after item name, can be used as hotkey no A punctuation sign, appearing between brackets after item name, no 53 Hot Key Special Options Usage: Is It Allowed? Notes can be used as hotkey Duplicate hotkeys are allowed when no other character is available yes No hotkey is assigned when no more characters are available (minor options only) no Text Strings with Hotkeys There are text strings that are located in the String Table in the EDBs, which might later appear in dialog boxes. They often show up as names of buttons, etc. and should be translated according to rules for main GUI components. These strings are easily recognizable because they have hotkeys. They are included in the Microsoft Language Excellence approval of UI strings. Note! Always look for approved current translation of the required term in the Microsoft terminology databases. Additional notes: n/a Arrow Keys The arrow keys move input focus among the controls within a group. Pressing the right arrow key moves input focus to the next control in tab order, whereas pressing the left arrow moves input focus to the previous control. Home, End, Up, and Down also have their expected behavior within a group. Users can't navigate out of a control group using arrow keys. Numeric Keypad It is recommended that you avoid distinguishing numeric keypad keys from the other keys, unless it is required by a given application. In case which keys to be pressed is not obvious, provide necessary explanations. Shortcut Keys Shortcut keys are keystrokes or combinations of keystrokes used to perform defined functions in a software application. Shortcut keys replace menu commands and they are sometimes given next to the command they represent. In opposition to the access keys, which can be used only when available on the screen, shortcut keys can be used even when they are not accessible on the screen. 54 Standard Shortcut Keys US Command US English Shortcut Key Croatian Command Croatian Shortcut key General Windows Shortcut keys Help window F1 Prozor za pomoć F1 Context-sensitive Help Shift+F1 Pomoć po kontekstu Shift+F1 Display pop-up menu Shift+F10 Prikazivanje skoĉnog izbornika Shift+F10 Cancel Esc Otkazivanje Esc Activate\Deactivate menu bar mode F10 Aktiviranje\Deaktiviranje trake izbornika F10 Switch to the next primary application Alt+Tab Prebacivanje na sljedeću primarnu aplikaciju Alt+Tab Display next window Alt+Esc Prikazivanje sljedećeg prozora Alt+Esc Display pop-up menu for the window Alt+Spacebar Prikazivanje skoĉnog izbornika za prozor Alt+Spacebar Display pop-up menu for the active child window Alt+- Prikazivanje skoĉnog izbornika za potprozor Alt+- Display property sheet for current selection Alt+Enter Prikazivanje lista svojstava odabrane stavke Alt+Enter Close active application window Alt+F4 Zatvaranje aktivnog aplikacijskog prozora Alt+F4 Switch to next window within (modelesscompliant) application Alt+F6 Preacivanje na sljedeći prozor unutar (nemodalno sukladne) aplikacije Alt+F6 Capture active window image to the Clipboard Alt+Prnt Scrn Snimanje slike aktivnog prozora u Alt+Prnt Scrn meĊuspremnik Capture desktop image to the Clipboard Prnt Scrn Snimanje slike radne površine u meĊuspremnik Prnt Scrn Access Start button in taskbar Ctrl+Esc Prikazivanje Start izbornika u programskoj traci Ctrl+Esc Display next child Ctrl+F6 Prikazivanje sljedećeg potprozora Ctrl+F6 55 US Command US English Shortcut Key Croatian Command Croatian Shortcut key Display next tabbed pane Ctrl+Tab Prikazivanje sljedeće kartice Ctrl+Tab Launch Task Manager and system initialization Ctrl+Shift+Esc Pokretanje Upravitelja zadataka i pokretanje sustava Ctrl+Shift+Esc window File Menu File New Ctrl+N Nova datoteka Ctrl+N File Open Ctrl+O Otvaranje datoteke Ctrl+O File Close Ctrl+F4 Zatvaranje datoteke Ctrl+F4 File Save Ctrl+S Spremanje datoteke Ctrl+S File Save as F12 Spremanje datoteke kao F12 File Print Preview Ctrl+F2 Pretpregled ispisa datoteke Ctrl+F2 File Print Ctrl+P Ispis datoteka Ctrl+P File Exit Alt+F4 Izlaz iz datoteke Alt+F4 Edit Menu Edit Undo Ctrl+Z UreĊivanje - Poništi Ctrl+Z Edit Repeat Ctrl+Y UreĊivanje - Ponovi Ctrl+Y Edit Cut Ctrl+X UreĊivanje - Izreţi Ctrl+X Edit Copy Ctrl+C UreĊivanje - Kopiraj Ctrl+C Edit Paste Ctrl+V UreĊivanje - Zalijepi Ctrl+V Edit Delete Ctrl+Backspace UreĊivanje - Izbriši Ctrl+Backspace Edit Select All Ctrl+A UreĊivanje - Odaberi sve Ctrl+A Edit Find Ctrl+F UreĊivanje - Traţi Ctrl+F Edit Replace Ctrl+H UreĊivanje - Zamijeni Ctrl+H Edit Go To Ctrl+B UreĊivanje - Idi na Ctrl+B Help Menu Help F1 Pomoć F1 56 US Command US English Shortcut Key Croatian Command Croatian Shortcut key Font Format Italic Ctrl+I Kurziv Ctrl+I Bold Ctrl+G Podebljano Ctrl+G Underlined\Word underline Ctrl+U Podcrtano\Podcrtana rijeĉ Ctrl+U Large caps Ctrl+Shift+A Velika slova Ctrl+Shift+A Small caps Ctrl+Shift+K Smanjena velika slova Ctrl+Shift+K Paragraph Format Centered Ctrl+E Centrirano Ctrl+E Left aligned Ctrl+L Poravnato nalijevo Ctrl+L Right aligned Ctrl+R Poravnato nadesno Ctrl+R Justified Ctrl+J Poravnato Ctrl+J Document Translation Considerations Document localization may require some specific considerations that are different from software localization. This section covers a few of these areas. In order to ensure that you are using current terminology and phrases, please always look for the translations in the most recent version of the Microsoft terminology databases and other approved glossaries. Consistent use of Microsoft approved terminology in all localized documentation is one of the major factors in achieving required quality of the localized documentation. Titles In English the titles for chapters usually begin with "How to …" or with phrases such as "Working with …" or "Using …". In the Croatian version of Microsoft documentation, only the first letter of a heading is capitalized, unless the heading also contains a word or words that would normally be written with an initial capital or in all capitals (e.g. name of a product or an acronym). In Croatian headings, the full stop is only used between sentences or phrases, or between the heading and subheading. 57 Example: Source text Translation In Case Your Users Need Help Give a Great Presentation on Paper + Ako korisnici zatrebaju pomoć Odrţite izvrsnu prezentaciju na papiru What's New in Office 2010? + Što je novo u sustavu Office 2010? Cross references The following translations are standard. Note that no commas are needed in the Croatian sentences and that the word for 'chapter' (poglavlje, pogl.) has a lowercase 'p' with no comma following, and the number (as an ordinal number) precedes the word 'chapter' (poglavlje). Source text For more information about XXX, see Chapter 10, "YYY", in the Microsoft Windows User's Guide. For information on XXX, see "YYY", in ZZZ. For further information about XXX, see Chapter 12, "YYY". Translation + Za više informacija o XXX pogledajte 10. poglavlje "YYY" u Vodiĉu za korisnike Microsoft Windowsa + Za informacije o XXX vidi "YYY" u ZZZ. + Za daljnje informacije o XXX vidi 12. poglavlje "YYY". Manual Titles Examples of some useful translations of manual titles: Source text Translation Building Applications Getting Started with (product name) Functions Reference Installation Guide Introducing (product name) Learning Guide Network Administrator's Guide Upoznavanje s (ime proizvoda) Vodiĉ kroz instalacijsku proceduru Predstavljanje (ime proizvoda) Vodiĉ za osposobljavanje Vodiĉ za mreţne administratore 58 Source text Translation Pocket Guide Quick Reference Card Quick Reference Guide Roadmap to (product name) Short User Guide Start Here Windows NT Tools Quick Reference User's Guide User's Reference Guide Worksheet Functions Reference Dţepni vodiĉ Brze upute Brzi vodiĉ Što je što u (ime proizvoda) Kratki vodiĉ za korisnike Poĉetna toĉka Windowsa NT Vodiĉ za korisnike Priruĉnik za korisnike - Copyright Copyright protection is granted to any original work of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression from which it can be perceived, reproduced, or communicated. Once the localized copyrights are handed off to the relevant Application Team, the localization companies (or internal units) are not allowed to change them. It is very important that notices are left the way they are - for legal reasons among others. 59
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