EMBASSY OF PAKISTAN (AMBASADA PAKISTANA) Belgrade Your photograph must be: - Passport size (45mm high x 35mm wide) - A recent and true likeness, showing full face, with no hat, helmet or sunglasses, although you can wear everyday glasses. VISA APPLICATION FORM (VIZA OBRAZAC) Fotografija mora biti: Please read these instructions carefully before filling in the application form. - Veličine kao za pasoš (45mm (Molimo da pažljivo pročitate ovo uputstvo pre nego što popunite formular). visine x 35mm dužine) - skorija i verodostojna, 1. No column should be left blank. Incomplete forms with vague entries shall not be accepted. Where pokazujući celo lice, bez kape, applicable copies of supportive documents should be submitted along with the application form. kacige ili tamnih naočara, iako (Ni jedno polje ne treba da ostane nepopunjeno. Nepotpuni formulari sa nejasnim stavkama neće se mogu nositi naočare za vid. biti prihvaćeni. Ako je moguće, predajte kopije pratećih dokumenata uz formular). 2. Applicants may use extra sheets, in case of insufficient space in the columns of the Visa Form. (Podnosioci zahteva mogu da koriste dodatne listove u slučaju nedostatka prostora u kolonama formulara za vizu). 3. Two (02) Passport size photographs should be attached with the visa form. (Dve (02) fotografije veličine kao za pasoš treba priložiti uz Obrazac za vizu). 4. Normal processing time for visa is 4-6 weeks. (Vreme za obradu viza je 4-6 nedelja) 5. Applicants could be asked to appear for interview if required. (Od podnosioca prijave može biti zatraženo da dođe na intervju ako bude potrebno). 6. On arrival, immigration formalities are mandatory. (Police registration is applicable in certain cases). (Po dolasku su obavezne imigracione formalnosti. U određenim slučajevima je potrebna registracija u policiji). 7. Attach bank statement for business visit. (Priložite izvod iz banke za poslovnu posetu). 8. “Applicant’s family” includes spouse, son, daughter, father, mother. (“Porodica podnosioca“ podrazumeva supružnika, sina, ćerku, oca, majku.) PART – I (1. DEO) 1. Type of visa applied for (Vrsta vize za koju se aplicira): Diplomatic (Diplomatska) Family (Porodična) Official (Službena) Transit (Tranzitna) Please tick the relevant box (Molimo, oznacite odgovarajuci kvadrat) Military (Vojna) Business (Poslovna) Journalist (Novinarska) Others (Drugo) Tourist (Turistička) Specify (Navesti)_____________________ 2. Purpose of visit (Razlog posete): 3. Duration of stay (Dužina boravka): 4. Visa required for (Viza potrebna na period od): Less than 01 month 06 months (Manje od 01 meseca) (06 meseci) 5. Type of visa (Tip vize): Single Entry (Jedan ulazak) 1 year (godinu dana) 02 years (02 godine) Double Entry (Dva ulaska) 05 years (05 godina) Multiple Entry (Više ulazaka) 1) Port of Entry (Mesto ulaska): ___________________________ 2) Port of Departure (Mesto izlaska): ___________________________ 3) Places to be visited in Pakistan (Mesta koja planirate da posetite u Pakistanu): a) __________________________ b) __________________________ c) __________________________ d) __________________________ 1 6. SECTION I - APPLICANT’S DETAILS (ODELJAK I – PODACI O PODNOSIOCU) 1) Name as in Passport (Ime kao u pasošu): __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ First (Ime) Middle (Srednje ime) Last (Prezime) 2) Date of Birth (Datum rođenja): 3) Place of Birth (Mesto rođenja): 4) Sex (Pol): dd / mm / yyyy (dan / mesec / godina) / City (Grad) __________________________ Country (Država): __________________________ Male (Muški) Female (Ženski) 6) Marital Status (Bračno stanje): / 5) Blood Group (Krvna grupa): _________________ Single (Neoženjen / Neudata) Married (Oženjen / Udata) 7) Identification Mark (Posebno obeležje): _________________________ 8) Native Language (Maternji jezik): ________________________ 9) Nationality (Državljanstvo): (a) Present (Sadašnje): ___________________ (b) Previous (Prethodno): ___________________ (c) Dual (Dvojno): ___________________ 10) Religion (Veroispovest): _______________________ 11) PASSPORT DETAILS (PODACI O PASOŠU): Type of passport (Vrsta pasoša): Diplomatic (Diplomatski) Official / Service (Zvanični / Službeni) Ordinary (Običan) UN Travel Document (UN Putna isprava) Passport Number (Broj pasoša): ________________________ Place of Issue (Mesto izdavanja): ________________________ Date of Issue (Datum izdavanja): ________________________ Date of Expiry (Datum isteka): ___________________________ Issuing Authority (Organ koji je izdao pasoš): ____________________________________________________________________ 12) ADDRESS & EMAIL (ADRESA I IMEJL): a) Abroad / Country of Origin (U inostranstvu / Zemlja porekla): _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ b) In Pakistan (U Pakistanu) : __________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone (Telefon): (i). Home (Kuća): __________________ (ii). Work (Posao): __________________ (iii). Cell (Mobilni): __________________ Email (Imejl): _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13) Is your visit sponsored (Da li je Vaša poseta sponzorisana)? Yes (Da) No (Ne) If yes, give details (Ako jeste, navedite detalje). Name of Sponsor (Ime sponzora): __________________________________________________________________________________________ Address (Adresa): _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Number (Kontakt telefon): Home (Kuća): ___________________________________________ Work (Posao): __________________________________________ Cell (Mobilni): __________________________________________ 14) DETAILS OF PROFESSION (PODACI O ZANIMANJU): a) Profession - Please specify Rank / Service, in case of Armed Forces / Uniform Personnel: (Zanimanje – Molimo navedite čin / službu, u slučaju oružanih snaga / osoblja u uniformi): ______________________________________________________________________________________ Note: In case of military services, please fill in the attached performa. (Napomena: U slučaju vojnog roka, molimo popunite priloženi formular). b) Employer’s / sponsor’s details – (in Pakistan / Abroad- if applicable) (Detalji poslodavca / sponzora (u Pakistanu / u Inostranstvu- ako su dostupni). Name (Naziv) Address (Adresa) Home (Kuća) Telephone No. (Brojevi telefona) Office (Posao) Cellular (Mobilni) 2 Email address (Imejl adresa) 15) DETAILS OF JOBS HELD IN PAST (PODACI O PRETHODNIM ZAPOSLENJIMA): a) Designation (Zanimanje): ____________________________________ b) Department (Odeljenje): ____________________________________ c) Duration (from – to) (Trajanje (od – do): _________________________ d) Duties (Dužnosti): _________________________________________ e) Address & Phone No. (Adresa i broj tel.): ___________________________________________________________________________________ f) Name, address and contact numbers of immediate boss / head and any other colleague (Use extra sheet if required) (Ime, adresa i kontakt telefon neposrednog šefa / rukovodioca i bilo kog kolege (upotrebite dodatni list papira ako je potrebno): _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 16) Are you applying visa from a third country? (Da li aplicirate za vizu iz treće zemlje)? Yes (Da) No (Ne) If yes, please provide copy of Residence / Work Permit of that country (Ako je odgovor- da, molimo dostavite kopiju dozvole za boravak / rad u toj zemlji): _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. SECTION II – FAMILY DETAILS (ODELJAK II – PODACI O PORODICI) 1) Name of Mother (Ime majke): ____________________________ 2) Nationality of Mother (Državljanstvo majke): ___________________________ 3) Name of Father (Ime oca): ______________________________ 4) Nationality of Father (Državljanstvo oca): _____________________________ 5) Spouse details (Podaci o supružniku): Name (Ime): ___________________________________________ Nationality (Državljanstvo): ________________________________________ Date and place of birth (Datum i mesto rođenja): _________________________________________________________________________________ Profession (Zanimanje): __________________________________ Name, address and contact number of employer of spouse – if any. (Naziv, adresa i kontakt telefon poslodavca supružnika – ako postoji): __________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6) Do you have any children? (Imate li dece?) Yes (Da) No (Ne) If yes, please provide details for each of your child (Ako imate, molimo navedite podatke za svako dete): Name (Ime): Date of Birth (Datum rođenja): 7) Please list any of accompanying person / family member (incluuding children) travelling with you to Pakistan (Molimo nabrojte sve osobe / članove porodice (uključujući decu) koje putuju sa Vama u Pakistan: Full name Date of Birth Passport Number – if any Address (Puno ime) (Datum rođenja) (Broj pasoša- ako ima) (Adresa) 8) Do you have any bank account in Pakistan? (Imate li bankovni račun u Pakistanu)? Yes (Da) Bank name Branch A/C Number Address (Naziv banke) (Ogranak) (Broj računa) (Adresa) 3 No (Ne) Verifier details (Verifikator podataka) 8. TRAVEL HISTORY (PRETHODNA PUTOVANJA): 1) Have you ever visited Pakistan during last five years (Jeste li ikada posetili Pakistan u poslednjih pet godina)? Yes (Da) If yes, please provide details (Ako jeste, molimo navedite detalje). Date (Datum) Destination / Address (Destinacija / Adresa) Purpose (Svrha) No (Ne) Duration (Trajanje) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2) Details of other countries visited, during last two years (Podaci o drugim zemljama koje ste posetili, tokom poslednje dve godine). Date (Datum) Destination (Destinacija) Purpose (Svrha) Duration (Trajanje) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3) Have you ever been refused a visa for any country, including Pakistan? (Da li ste ikada bili odbijeni za vizu za bilo koju zemlju, uključujući Pakistan)? Yes (Da) No (Ne) 4) Have you ever been refused entry on arrival to Pakistan? (Da li Vam je ikada odbijen ulazak po dolasku u Pakistan)? If yes, please provide details of refusal (Ako jeste, molimo navedite detalje odbijanja). 5) Have you ever been deported, removed or otherwise required to leave any country, including Pakistan? (Da li ste ikada bili deportovani, iseljeni ili da li je na drugi način zahtevano od Vas da napustite bilo koju državu, uključujući Pakistan)? Yes (Da) No (Ne) If yes, please provide details (Ako jeste, molimo navedite detalje). Date (Datum) Country (Država) Reason (Razlog) Reference Number (For Pakistan) (Referentni broj (za Pakistan)) 6) Do you have any criminal convictions or charged in any country? (Imate li bilo kakvih kriminalnih presuda ili ste bili osuđivani u bilo kojoj zemlji)? Yes (Da) No (Ne) If yes, please provide details. (Ako jeste, molimo navedite detalje). Date (Datum) Country (Država) Offence (Prekršaj) Sentence (Presuda) DECLARATION: I declare that the information given in this form is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and if any of the particulars furnished above are found to be incorrect or withheld the visa is liable to be rejected / cancelled at any time. IZJAVA: Izjavljujem da su informacije navedene u ovom formularu tačne po mom najboljem znanju i uverenju i ako se za bilo koji gore navedeni podatak utvrdi da je netačan ili uskraćen viza može biti odbijena / otkazana u bilo koje vreme. Dated (Datum): ____________________ ________________________________________ Signature of Applicant (Potpis podnosioca zahteva) 4 PART – II (2. DEO) PROCESSING CERTIFICATION (FOR OFFICIAL USE – NOT TO BE FILLED BY APPLICANT) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Date of receipt of Visa Application: Registration Number: Visa fee received: Additional documents received: a. ____________________________________ b. ____________________________________ c. ____________________________________ d. ____________________________________ Particulars of official who checked the visa form for its correctness and supporting documents: a. Name ______________________________ b. Designation __________________________ c. Date _______________________________ d. Signature ____________________________ Details of clearance received from Ministry of Interior. No. __________________________ 7. ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Date _____________________________ Decision by officer In-charge. a. Accepted b. Regretted . c. Type of visa issued ____________________________________________________________________ d. Duration _____________________________________________________________________________ e. Single Entry g. No. of entries _________________________________________________________________________ f. Multiple Entry Date: _____________________________ _____________________________________ (Signature of Visa Issuing Authority) 5 DETAILS OF MILITARY SERVICES (PODACI O VOJNOM ROKU) (ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS REQUIRED) / (PRILOŽITI DODATNE LISTOVE PAPIRA PO POTREBI) Start Date --------------Datum početka End Date --------------Datum završetka Mandatory or Career Service ----------------(Obavezna ili Karijerna služba) Your Ranks (Indicate dates of promotions) ------------------Vaši činovi (navedite datume unapređenja) Your Duties (You must provide detailed descriptions including involvment in arrest, combat, detention, interrogation & support functions etc.) ----------------------Vaše dužnosti (morate navesti detaljne opise uključujući učešće u hapšenju, borbi, pritvoru, saslušavanju i dodatnim funkcijama, itd.) Commanding Officers (Must provide full names and ranks) ----------------Komandujući jedinice (morate navesti puna imena i činove) Type of Units (artillery, infantry, special-ops, etc.) ----------Tip jedinica (artiljerija, pešadija, specijalna, itd.) Name / Number of Units Indicate the following: 1. Unit / Detachment 2. Company / Battery 3. Battalion / Regiment / Brigade 4. Division 5. Army / Corps 6. Other -------------------------------------Naziv / Broj jedinica Navedite sledeće: 1. Jedinica / Odred 2. Kompanija / Baterija 3. Bataljon / Puk / Brigada 4. Divizija 5. Vojska / Korpus 6. Drugo 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Medals / Awards (Indicate name of medal / award, date, reason): / Medalje / Nagrade (Navesti naziv medalje / nagrade, datum, razlog): Initialized Training (Indicate type, location, date): / Početna obuka (navesti tip, lokaciju, datum): 6 Your Locations (Base, City and Province / Territory) ---------------Vaše lokacije (baza, grad i pokrajina / teritorija) No. of people you supervised ---------------------Broj ljudi koje ste nadzirali
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