vaso pelagić, prvi teoretičar fizičke kulture u bosni i hercegovini vaso

Proceedings 2012. (2013), Vol 4, ISSN 1986-8146
Petar D. Pavlović1, Nenad Živanović2, and Kristina Pantelić Babić1
Fakultet fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta, Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci, Bosna i Hercegovina
Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Univerzitet u Ni{u, Srbija
Faculty of Sports and Physical Education, University of Ni{, Serbia
doi​: 10.5550/SP.4.2012.07
UDK: 929:796.01Pelagić V. PREGLEDNI ČLANAK
COBISS.BH-ID: 3953944
Vaso Pelagic was born in Gornji Zabar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, in 1838, and died on January 25, 1899 in Pozarevac,
Serbia. He was not a pedagogue with academic knowledge,
but a priest of Orthodox Christian Church. But, his influence
on the development of PE and sports in Bosnia and Herzegovina was of great significance. Because of his theoretical
and practical work, most of all in the school PE, we can
classify him as one of the most important personalities from
Bosnia and Herzegovina from that particular period, and
within the area of physical culture. He also gave a great
significance to the development of theory of: physical exercise, school PE, game and other sport activities. He was a
first theoretician and a pioneer of modern theory of physical
culture on the area where he worked and lived.
Books, papers, letters and other Pelagic’s documents were
reviewed and critically analyzed, as also books and sources
from other authors who wrote about his life and work. Based
on that, conclusions about certain phenomena from the area
of theory of physical culture were made. Our goal is to research and highlight his role in creating and developing the
theory of physical culture in the territory of Bosnia and
U Gornjem Žabaru u Bosni i Hercegovini 1838. godine
rođen je Vaso Pelagić, a umro je 25. januara 1899. godine
u Požarevcu u Srbiji. On nije bio pedagog sa akademskim
zvanjem, već svje{tenik Pravoslavne Hri{ćanske Crkve, ali je
njegov uticaj na razvoj fizičkog vaspitanja u {kolama i
sporta u Bosni i Hercegovini bio od velike važnosti. Zbog
njegovog teorijskog i praktičnog rada, prije svega u {kolskom
fizičkom vaspitanju, možemo ga svrstati među najznačajnije
ličnosti, sa prostora Bosne i Hercegovine, iz oblasti fizičke
kulture, a u vremenu u kome je živio. On je takođe dao
značajan doprinos razvoju teorije: tjelesnog vježbanja, fizičkog
vaspitanja u {kolama, igre i drugih sportskih aktivnosti. Bio
je prvi teoretičar i preteča savremene teorije fizičke kulture
na prostorima gdje je živio i stvarao.
Pregledane su i kritički proanalizirane knjige, radovi, pismena, prepiske i druga dokumenta od Pelagića, kao i knjige,
radovi i ostali izvori od drugih autora koji su pisali o njegovom životu i radu i na osnovu toga su doneseni zaključci o
određenim pojavama iz oblasti teorije fizičke kulture. Cilj
nam je da istražimo i rasvjetlimo njegovu ulogu u stvaranju
i razvoju teorije fizičke kulture na prostorima Bosne i Hercegovine.
Key words: gymnastics, theory, physical exercise, game.
Ključne riječi: gimnastika, teorija, tjelesno vježbanje, igra.
Vaso Pelagic was born in Gornji Zabar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, in 1838. He spent his childhood in his birthplace,
where he also went to primary school. In 1851 he went to
Belgrade, where he continued his schooling up to 1860.
First he enrolled in High school and after two years he went
to Theological school, which he successfully completed.
After graduation he returned to his homeland and in 1860
he started working as a teacher in a primary school in Brcko.
”The establishment of school buildings, library, school boards
and girls’ school in Brcko goes to the glory of Pelagic, in
which he himself contributed with some part of his low
wage” (Pelagic, 1910, p. 46). Because of its national work
U Gornjem Žabaru u Bosni i Hercegovini 1838. godine
rodio se Vaso Pelagić. Djetinjstvo je proveo u svom rodnom
mjestu, gdje je pohađao i zavr{io osnovnu {kolu. U Beograd
odlazi 1851. godine gdje je nastavio dalje {kolovanje do
1860. Prvo se upisao u Gimnaziju i poslije zavr{etka dva
razreda pre{ao je u Bogoslovsku {kolu, koju je uspje{no
zavr{io. Po zavr{etku {kolovanja vratio se u zavičaj i u Brčkom
1860. godine počinje da radi kao učitelj u osnovnoj {koli.
„Osnivanje {kolskog fonda, čitaonice, odbora {kolskog i
ženske {kole u Brčkom pripada u slavu truda Pelagićeva, na
{to je i sam prilagao od svoje male plate“ (Pelagić, 1910a,
str. 46). Zbog svog nacionalnog rada do{ao je u sukob sa
Proceedings 2012, 65–71
he was not in a mercy of Ottoman rule and had to leave
Brcko in the beginning of 1863. In the first half of the year
he went to Moscow, where he took University lectures at
Russian literature, history, medicine and political economy.
After two years in Moscow, at the end of 1865, he went
back to Serbia, to Belgrade. Next year he goes to Bosnia and
Herzegovina and starts a Theological school in Banja Luka
in 1866. He was the first director and teacher of that school.
By working in Banja Luka he gained a lot of people who
respected his work, both Serbs and Turks. He was:
turskom vla{ću i morao je da napusti Brčko početkom 1863.
godine. U prvoj polovini tekuće godine odlazi u Moskvu,
gdje je na Univerzitetu slu{ao predavanja iz: ruske književnosti,
istorije, medicine i političke ekonomije.
Poslije dvije godine boravka u Moskvi, krajem 1865. godine,
vratio se u Srbiju, u Beograd. U Bosnu i Hercegovinu odlazi
naredne godine i u Banja Luci osniva Bogoslovsku {kolu,
koja je počela sa radom septembra 1866. godine. Pelagić je
bio prvi upravitelj i nastavnik te {kole. Radeći u Banja Luci
stekao je veliki broj po{tovalaca, kako među Srbima, tako i
među Turcima. Bio je:
„Š...¹ respected by the people of all Krajina, as also from
the Turkish authority. Turkish officers stud up when they
met him. When Vasa passed through the borough the
Turkish policemen through away their cigarettes and
prepared to salute him, with great respect. Š...¹ His sole
appearance was able to give him the respect he was
worthy of.” (Kovacevic, 1909, pp. 173–174)
„Š...¹ po{tovan kako od naroda cijele Krajine, tako i od
same vlasti turske. Turski činovnici su ispred njega na
noge ustajali. Kad Vasa prođe kroz varo{ turske zaptije
(panduri) bacale su cigarete i spremali se, da mu odadu
počast, da ga pozdrave i učine ‘temena’. Š...¹ Njegova
sama pojava kadra je bila, da mu pribavi ono po{tovanje
koje je imao“ (Kovačević, 1909, str. 173–174).
At the beginning of 1869 there was one night when two
students of Theological school went into a fight with Turkish
soldiers because they didn’t carry a light, as it was ordered
by the government. That happened right below the window
of Pelagic. He came out of his house and protected his
students, and, among other things, said: “If Vrbas was ink
and all the trees in Starcevica (Starcevica is a hill with forest
above Banja Luka) pen, they still couldn’t write down all
inequity of yours.” (Ibid, p. 174) After that he came into
conflict with Turkish authority and that is when all the trial,
conviction and exile start. In February of 1869 he was taken
for internment in Sarajevo, where he spent around eight
months. He forced High judicial council (Medzlis) in Sarajevo to „Š...¹ let him write in Serbian language, because he
will not speak in any other way” (Pelagic, 1910b, p. 78).
He was sentenced to one hundred and one year in prison
(Besarović, 1948; Čubrilović, 1936). In a dawn of November
6, 1869 he was taken to prison in Asia Minor, in Troy. From
Troy he was transferred to Balikesir, than to Bursa and at the
end to Kjutaj, where he spent a little over a year. With help
of his friend Filip Hristic, Serbian representative in Constantinople and general Ignjatijev, Russian minister, he managed
to escape to Odessa at the beginning of March 1871. Same
year in September, over Trieste he goes to Cetinje in Montenegro. At the beginning of 1972, through Venice, he came
back to Belgrade and then to Novi Sad. In the middle of the
year he went to Czech Republic where he spent several
months. In the Fall of the same year he moved to Banat,
Backa and Srem. At the end of the year he was arrested and
taken to prison in Vinkovci. After exile from Hungary at the
beginning of 1873, he goes to Trieste where he spent a little
time, and with the last days of February he was in Graz. In
the middle of July of 1973 he went to Switzerland, to Zurich.
Upon the uprising of Serbian people against Turkish occupation in 1875, Pelagic arrived among Serbian rebels. After the
end of the uprising in 1878, he had to leave Bosnia and
Herzegovina and he never came back. He spent most of his
life in Serbia. He died on January 25, 1899 in Prison in
Pozarevac (Besarovic, 1951).
Početkom 1869. godine, jedne noći do{lo je do sukoba dva
đaka Bogoslovije i turske straže, zbog toga {to đaci nisu
imali fenjer, kako je bilo propisano. To se desilo ispod prozora gdje je stanovao Pelagić. On je iza{ao iz kuće i za{titio
svoje đake i u ljutnji, između ostalog, rekao: „Da je Vrbas
mastilo (tinta) a {iblje po Starčevici (Starčevica brdo obraslo
sa {umom vi{e Banja Luka) pera, ne bi mogao va{e nepravde
napisati“ (Ibid, str. 174). Posle tog događaja do{ao je u sukob
sa turskom vla{ću i tada počinju suđenja, osude i progonstva sa njihove strane. Februara 1869. godine sproveden je
u Sarajevo u internaciju, gdje je zadržan oko osam mjeseci.
Veliki Medžlis (sudski savjet) u Sarajevu, pred koga je bio
izveden na suđenje, je primorao „Š...¹ da pi{e ispite srpski,
veleći da on neće drugčije govoriti“ (Pelagić, 1910b, str.78).
Osuđen je na sto jednu godinu robije (Besarović, 1948;
Čubrilović, 1936). U ranu zoru 6. novembra 1869. godine
odveden je u zatočeni{tvo u Malu Aziju, u zatvor u Troji. Iz
Troje je prebačen u Balukeser, zatim u Brusu i na kraju u
Kjutaj, gdje je proveo ne{to vi{e od godinu dana. Uz pomoć
prijatelja Filipa Hristića, srpskog zastupnika u Carigradu i
đenerala Ignjatijeva, ruskog poslanika, uspio je da, početkom
marta 1871. godine, pobjegne u Odesu. U proljeće iste
godine stigao je u Beograd. Septembra mjeseca tekuće
godine preko Trsta odlazi na Cetinje u Crnu Goru. Početkom
1872. godine preko Venecije vratio se u Beograd, pa u Novi
Sad. Polovinom te godine oti{ao je u Če{ku gdje se zadržao
nekoliko mjeseci. U jesen iste godine pre{ao je u Banat,
Bačku i Srem. Krajem godine uhap{en je i sproveden u
zatvor u Vinkovcima. Poslije progonstva iz Mađarske, početkom
1873. godine, odlazi u Trst, gdje se vrlo malo zadržao i
krajem februara je stigao u Grac. Polovinom jula te godine
oti{ao je u [vajcarsku, u Cirih. Po izbijanju ustanka Srbskog
naroda protiv turske okupacije, 1875. godine, Pelagić je
stigao među srpske ustanike. Po zavr{etku ustanka 1878.
godine morao je da napusti Bosnu i Hercegovinu i u nju se
vi{e nije vratio do kraja života. Ostatak života je, najvi{e,
proveo u Srbiji. Umro je 25. januara 1899. godine u zatvoru u Požarevcu (Besarević, 1951).
Subject and goal of the paper
Predmet i cilj
Work and creativity of Vaso Pelagic in the field of physical
culture is the subject of this work, and the goal is to critically analyze his thoughts, suggestions and theoretical views
about: education, physical exercise, play, physical education,
sports and various other manifestations of that specific social
Rad i stvarala{tvo Vase Pelagića u oblasti fizičke kulture je
predmet rada, a cilj je da se kritički proanaliziraju njegove
najznačajnije misli, prijedlozi i teorijski stavovi o: vaspitanju,
tjelesnom vježbanju, igri, fizičkom vaspitanju, raznim sportovima i drugim pojavama iz te dru{tvene stvarnosti.
Zbornik radova 2012, 65–71
During writing we used: a comparative-historical, comparative-logic, inductive and deductive methods. We made
theoretical analysis of papers, books, documents, correspondence, autobiographies, biographies and other sources of
Pelagic, as well as papers, books and other sources of authors
who have written about his life, work and legacy.
Prilikom pisanja kori{ćene su: komparativno-istorijska,
komparativno-logička, induktivna i deduktivna metoda.
Izvr{ena je teoretska analiza radova, knjiga, pismena,
prepiski, autobiografije, biografije i drugih izvora od Pelagića,
kao i radova, knjiga i drugih izvora od autora, koji su pisali
o njegovom životu, radu i stvarala{tvu.
Results and discussion
Rezultati i diskusija
Most of his turbulent life Pelagic dedicated to education,
upbringing and health promotion of youth and its people.
He was not a teacher with academic titles, but a priest of
Serbian Orthodox Church, and his influence on the development of Physical Education (PE) and sports in schools in
Bosnia and Herzegovina was huge and very important for
their future development. In 1866 he was the first to introduce physical exercise (gymnastics) as a compulsory and
equal subject in Theological School in Banja Luka.
He was the initiator and the precursor of modern theories
of Physical Culture and contributed significantly to its further
development. At the same time he was the most important
figure in that area in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and within
the time he lived, worked and created in.
Najveći dio svog burnog života Pelagić je posvetio vaspitanju, prosvećivanju i unapređenju zdravlja omladine i
naroda svog. On nije bio pedagog sa akademskim zvanjem,
već je bio sve{tenik Srpske Pravoslavne Crkve, ali je njegov
uticaj na razvoj fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta u {kolama u
Bosni i Hercegovini bio ogroman i od velike važnosti za
njihov dalji razvoj. On je 1866. godine među prvima uveo
tjelesno vježbanje (gimnastiku) kao obavezan i ravnopravan
predmet u Bogoslovskoj {koli u Banjoj Luci.
Bio je inicijator i preteča savremene teorije fizičke kulture i
dao je veliki doprinos njenom daljem razvoju. U isto vrijeme
je bio i najznačajnija ličnost u toj oblasti u Bosni i Hercegovini, a u vremenu u kome je živio, radio i stvarao.
About gymnastics
O gimnastici
Gymnastics, according to his words and told with Serbian
language, was “Š...¹ dvizanje or different motion and movement of individual limbs and the body as a whole” (Pelagic,
1953, p. 29). He believed that it is extremely important for
the entire life of a man, and that it “Š...¹ develops the whole
composition of the human body and makes a person more
shapely, prominent, heroic, very strong and healthy and that
everyone who practiced and taught gymnastics as an underage, rarely gets sick”(Ibid).
As health, in his opinion, is one of the main conditions so a
man could achieve his life goals, “Š...¹ it is necessary to train
gymnastics and to constantly practice it in certain classes, as
also every day for at least two hours” (Ibid, p. 49; Pelagic,
1871, p. 44).
He equated his love for science with his love for gymnastics,
as confirmed by his words: “As much as you, my brothers,
care for science, with same passion you should care for
gymnastic exercise as well, because there is no use of science
within poor and sick body.” (Pelagic, 1871, p. 75; cited by
Todorovic & Bogojevic, 1968, p. 89).
Any physical exercise, according to him, will only bring “Š...¹
the real benefits if it is properly studied and done in moderate and gradual way” (Pelagićev narodni učitelj, 1974, p.
He divided gymnastics to National-working and Artificial.
The first of these two included working in meadows, fields,
working in orchards, gardens, woods and water. That particular gymnastic every man must “Š...¹ practice in the interest of his own survival” (Ibid), because it has a positive effect
on the development of man’s spiritual and physical forces,
it is “Š...¹ the creator of strong muscles and strong body guard
and mental health and moral” (Ibid). He believed that it is
better and healthier than gymnastics which is done indoors.
Throughout this kind of exercise, which he recommended
to all students, he merged together intellectual, physical and
work education.
He believed that in addition to the Working one, people
should also practice Artificial gymnastic, which every man
has to know and use every day, because through it “Š...¹ the
muscles are fully developed and the whole body strengthens”
(Ibid). By this gymnastics he implied: physical exercise in
schools, public and other games, all other physical activities
Gimnastika je, prema njemu, rečeno srpskim jezikom, „Š...¹
dvižanje ili raznovidno gibanje i kretanje pojedinih udova i
cijelog tijela“ (Pelagić, 1953, str. 29). Smatrao je da je ona
izuzetno značajna za cjelokupni čovjekov život i da ona:
„Š...¹ razvija cio sastav čovječijeg tijela i čini čovjeka većim,
stasitijim, uglednijim, junačnijim, jačim i vrlo zdravim i to
tako da svaki onaj koji je maloljetan gimnastiku upražnjavao
i učio rijetko kad bolestan biva“ (Ibid).
Kako je zdravlje, po njegovom mi{ljenju, jedan od glavnih
uslova da bi čovjek mogao ostvariti svoj cilj, „Š...¹ to je
veoma potrebno da se gimnastici obučimo i u njoj neprestano u određene časove upražnjavamo, kao i svakog dana
makar dva sata da se tijelom pokrećemo“ (Ibid, str. 49;
Pelagić, 1871, str. 44)
Ljubav prema nauci izjednačavao je sa ljubavlju prema
gimnastici, o čemu svjedoče njegove riječi: „Koliko vam je
braćo, draga nauka, toliko neka vam i gimnastičko vedžbanje
milo bude, jer bezplodna je nauka u bolesnom slabom
tijelu“ (Pelagić, 1871, str. 75; citirano kod Todorović i
Bogojević, 1968, str. 89).
Svako tjelesno vježbanje, prema njegovom mi{ljenju, biće
samo „Š...¹ onda od prave koristi ako se pravilno izuči, umereno i postepeno vr{i“ (Pelagić, 1974, str. 106).
On je gimnastiku podjelio na Privrednu narodnu i Vje{tačku.
Pod prvom je podrazumjevao rad na livadi, njivi, rad u
voćnjaku, ba{ti, {umi i na vodi. Tu gimnastiku svaki čovjek
mora „Š...¹ vr{iti u interesu svog opstanka“ (Ibid), jer ona
pozitivno djeluje na razvijanje svih duhovnih i tjelesnih
čovjekovih sila, ona je „Š...¹ tvorac snažnih mi{ića i jak čuvar
telesnog i umnog zdravlja i morala“ (Ibid). Smatrao je da je
ona bolja i zdravija od gimnastike koja se vr{i u zatvorenim
prostorijama. Putem nje, koju je preporučivao i učenicima,
on je povezivao intelektualno, tjelesno i radno vaspitanje.
Smatrao je da pored privredne treba vježbati i Vje{tačku
gimnastiku, koju svaki čovjek mora dobro naučiti i svakodnevno upražnjavati, jer se i putem nje „Š...¹ svestrano
mi{ići razvijaju i telo snaži“ (Ibid). Pod tom gimnastikom on
je podrazumjevao: tjelesno vježbanje u {kolama, narodne i
druge igre, sve ostale tjelesne i sportske aktivnosti. Ta gim-
Pavlović, P. i saradnici: VASO PELAGIĆ, PRVI TEORETIČAR...
Proceedings 2012, 65–71
and sports. That gymnastics, which is primarily designed for
health and happiness, will accomplish its functions through:
running, jumping, throwing stones from shoulders, playing
a variety of games, walking in nature, bowling, wrestling,
skating, swimming, boating and other physical activities.
He suggested to all villages and towns to organize assemblies
and entertainment gatherings on each Sunday and holidays,
where among other things, people would dance, sing and
practice artificial gymnastics, with the aim of improving health
and development of consciousness, joy and fraternal reciprocity. He gave advice on how and what to do:
nastika, koja je prije svega namjenjena zdravlju i veselju, će
ostvariti svoje funkcije putem: trčanja, skakanja, bacanja
kamena s ramena, igranja raznih igara, {etanja u prirodi,
kuglanja, rvanja, klizanja, plivanja, vožnje čamaca i putem
drugih tjelesnih aktivnosti.
Predlagao je da se po selima i varo{ima svake nedelje i u
praznične dane održavaju zborovi i zabavni sastanci, na
kojima bi se, pored ostalog, igralo, pjevalo i upražljavala
vje{tačka gimnastika, a sve u cilju unapređenju zdravlja, i
razvijanja svjesti, radosti i bratske uzajamnosti. Dao je i
uputstva, {ta i kako treba raditi:
“Š...¹ first do the exercise in singing, dancing and music.
Š...¹ play until getting a little tired, and then immediately go to singing, and after that talk and do some jokes.
Then again dancing, singing and talking. It would not
hurt to become usual in these meetings to use artificial
gymnastics, because dancing and singing does not engage
properly all parts of the body, and this should be done
because of better health” (Pelagić, 1974, p. 116).
„Š...¹ neka bude prvo vežbanje u pevanju, igranju i
muzici. Š...¹ igranje neka traje do malog umora, a zatim
odmah neka se pristupi pevanju, a posle pevanja
razgovor i {ala. Zatim iznova igranje, pevanje i razgovor. Ne bi zgoreg bilo uobičajiti da se na tim sastancima
i ve{tačka gimnastika upražnjava, jer pomoću igranja i
pevanja ne pokreću se pravilno svi delovi tela, a ovo
treba da bude radi boljeg zdravlja“ (Pelagić, 1974, str.
About play
O igri
He believed that playing in general and games have a great
importance for child’s life, because they are “Š...¹ the blessing for their physical and mental development, and for
strengthening of muscles and thoughtfulness, and for the
development of physical and spiritual energy” (Ibid, p. 216).
Children should be educated and taught through play, because “Š...¹ the greatest children’s happiness is when they
play” (Pelagic, 1953, p. 253). For this reason, children have
the right to exclaim their parents, “Dad, Mom! give me the
ball and a roll so we can play and some tools so we can do
something, and not some umbrellas and fancy dresses”
(Pelagićev narodni učitelj, 1974, p. 220).
He recommended that children should play barefoot when
the weather is warm, because it has a positive effect on their
Smatrao je da igre i igranje imaju veliku važnost za dječiji
život, jer su „Š...¹ prava blagodet za njihovo telesno i umno
razviće, za ojačanje i muskula i misaonosti, i za razvijanje
energije telesne i duhovne“ (Ibid, str. 216). Djecu treba
vaspitavati i učiti kroz igru, jer „Š...¹ je najveća dječija sreća
kad se ona igraju“ (Pelagić, 1953, str. 253) Iz tog razloga
djeca imaju pravo uzviknuti roditeljima: „Tata, mama! daj
loptu i kolut da igramo i neke alatke da {togod radimo, a ne
amrelčiće i pomodne haljinice“ (Pelagić, 1974, str. 220)
Preporučivao je da se djeca igraju bosa kada je vrijeme
toplo, jer to pozitivno djeluje na njihovo zdravlje.
“Going barefoot is healthier than going shod. We have
observed thousands of children who walk, run and chase
barefoot not only on the soil, but also on stony roads
and other sharpened surfaces, and they are better,
healthier and more blush than children who wear shoes”
(Ibid, p. 218).
About children whose parents do not allow enough play he
said: “It’s hard and three times harder to those miserable
children, whose parents did not give enough time to play or
to feel free” (Pelagic, 1871, p. 52; cited in Grujic, 1952, p.
452), and those who forbid children “Š...¹ to play, jump, sing,
and shout as much as they can, they are the real killer of
their mental and physical development and health” (Pelagić,
1974, p. 216).
Because of the enormous importance of play for child’s life,
he said that the teacher’s sacred duty is, “Š...¹ to teach the
children, even from an early age, to play different traditional games, and to often practice them under the clear sky
and on the green grass, whenever there is one” (Ibid, p.
He plead and recommended that every place should establish playing society whose task will be to gather people in
one place on every Sunday and holidays, so they could play
and sing all kind folk dances and songs, primarily for health
and treatment of certain diseases. He proposed to reject and
not to use any noble dances, such as: the tango, waltz,
polka, mazurka, quadrille, etc., which was his big mistake.
Former life of Serbian people witnessed the importance of
the game for the entire nation. ”While people played a
variety of games and sang all kind of different songs on
gatherings and during work, in villages and different festivals,
„Ići bosonog zdravije je no ići obuven. Mi smo posmatrali hiljadama dece koja idu, trče i jure bosonoga ne
samo po običnoj zemlji nego po kamenitim putevima
i drugim zao{trenim mestima, pa su bolja, zdravija i
rumenija od one dece koja svuda nose obuću“ (Ibid,
str. 218).
O djeci kojima roditelji ne daju da se dovoljno igraju govorio je: „Te{ko i tri puta te{ko onoj bednoj deci, kojoj roditelji
ne daju dovoljno igrati niti slobodnim biti“ (Pelagić, 1871,
str. 52; citirano kod Grujić, 1952, str. 452). O onome ko
zabranjuje djeci „Š...¹ da se do site volje igraju, skaču, pevaju i deru, taj je pravi ubica njihovog umnog i telesnog
razvijanja i zdravlja“ (Pelagić, 1974, str. 216).
Zbog te ogromne važnosti igre za dječiji život, on je govorio
da je učiteljima i nastavnicima sveta dužnost, „Š...¹ da nauče
decu, jo{ iz rane mladosti, raznim narodnm igrama, i da ih
često upražnjavaju pod otkrivenim nebom i na zelenoj
travi, kad god ove ima“ (Ibid, str. 108).
Zalagao se i preporučivao je da se u svakom mjestu osnuje
dru{tvo igranja čiji će zadatak biti da svake nedelje i u
praznične dane saberu narod na određeno mjesto, gdje bi
se igrale i pjevale narodne igre i pjesme, prije svega radi
zdravlja i liječenja određenih bolesti. Predlagao je da treba
odbaciti i ne igrati gospodske igre, kao {to su: tango, valcer,
polka, mazurka, kadril i druge, {to je bila njegova velika
O važnosti igre za cjelokupni narod, svjedoči dotada{nji život
naroda srpskog. „Dok je igrao do site volje razne igre i pevao
razne pesme na zboru i na radu, na selu i na raznim
Zbornik radova 2012, 65–71
they were tall, respectable, cheerful, healthy and courageous”
(Ibid, p. 108).
svečanostima, dotle je bio stasit, ugledan, vedar, zdrav i
odvažan“ (Ibid, str. 108).
About education, spiritual and body unity
O vaspitanju, duhovnom i tjelesnom jedinstvu
Education and learning, in his opinion, must be aligned with
the nature of the one being educated (student), with his
spiritual and physical abilities. Education in schools should
be “Š...¹ a nice, popular, conversational, fun, interesting, and
proper for child’s spirit, feeling, age and understanding”
(Pelagićev narodni učitelj, 1974, p. 143) and teachers need
to learn their students using easy and applicable methods,
“Š...¹ at the beginning and later on, in the greatest science:
in playing, taking a walk, in entertainment, in various operations of various works, resting, while singing, bathing and
swimming, with artificial gymnastics” (Pelagic, 1953, p. 247).
He felt that both, spiritual and physical strength of man
should be equally developed because, as he said, “Š...¹ one
without the other is not worth, as food is not worth without
the salt and water, and the water and salt without the food”
(Ibid, p. 79). If the society equally and parallel develops
spiritual with body strength, as also body with spiritual strength
together with “Š...¹ a pure scientific morality of mankind”
(Ibid) then, “Š...¹ with this kind of development of human
sacred and science the mankind will enter the stage of
complete happiness” (Ibid).
Thinking about the given problem he said that for a man to
be able to successfully mentally and spiritually develop and
improve, he needs to, above all, be healthy and fully
physically developed. Therefore, it is believed that in the
early days of one’s life more care needs to be focused on
physical than on spiritual development, because “Š...¹ a man
can mentally develop up to 40 years of his life, but only if
the body is fully developed and healthy” (Ibid, p. 80). If the
physical development and physical strength are not thoroughly developed until 16 to 20 years of age, then that
person is “Š...¹ half lost until the end of his life; that person,
even beside the best possible lifestyle, will more or less be
a physical cripple “(Ibid) and will not be able to “Š...¹ fully
perform its duties towards themselves, their society and
mankind” (Ibid).
Teachers, doctors and others who care about the development of children and youth should accept that truth as a law
which they would carefully implement everywhere “Š...¹
because of the happiness and prosperity of all members of
society, and for the real wellbeing of their beloved ones”
(Ibid). If every man throughout his life adhere to this truth,
“Š...¹ than no accident, dishonesty or disease can harm his
body, and his mind will rise to such extent we are barely
able to think about today” (Ibid).
He concludes that this is confirmed with the facts, from both
past and the present, that the cleverest people loved physical activity, play, working in the apiary, orchard, walking in
nature, and other activities. Science and scientists certainly
assure us “Š...¹ that there can’t be extensive and rigorous
critical reasoning without regular physical activities” (Ibid).
He also believed that “Š...¹ the largest cultural discoveries
were found by accident, during playing, swimming, walking
and resting under the clear sky, in the open countryside”
(Ibid, p. 258). It is possible that the idea of some inventions
happened during these activities, but it did not happen by
accident because in this world nothing really happens by
To all people involved in scientific and other intellectual
work, as well as those who perform sedentary activities, he
recommended that after each hour of work they need to
get up, take a walk and do some of the indoor gymnastics.
Every week, at least once, they have to walk around the
area, and every month, at least for a few hours, they should
go walking in nature.
Vaspitanje i učenje, po njegovom mi{ljenju, mora biti
usklađeno sa prirodom vaspitanika (učenika), sa njegovim
duhovnim i tjelesnim sposobnostima. Nastava u {kolama
treba da bude „Š...¹ prijatna, omiljena, razgovorna, zabavna,
posve zanimljiva i udesna prema dečijem duhu, osećanju,
uzrastu i razumevanju“, (Pelagić, 1974, str. 143) a nastavnici (učitelji) svoje učenike treba da uče primenjivim i
lakim metodama, „Š...¹ kako početne, tako i najveće nauke:
u igri, u {etnji, u zabavi, pri raznom poslovanju raznih radova, pri odmaranju, pri pjevanju, pri kupanju i plivanju,
pri ve{tačkom gimnasticiranju“ (Pelagić, 1953, str. 247).
Smatrao je da treba podjednako razvijati, i duhovne, i tjelesne snage čovjeka, jer kako je on govorio, „Š...¹ jedno bez
drugoga ne vrijedi, kao {to ne vrijedi hrana bez vode i soli,
i voda i so bez hrane“ (Ibid, str. 79). Ako se u dru{tvu bude
podjednako i uporedo razvijala duhovna sa tjelesnom, i
tjelesna sa duhovnom snagom, zajedno „Š...¹ sa čistim naučnim,
čovječanskim moralom“, (Ibid) onda, „Š...¹ pri takvom razviću
tih čovjekovih svetinja i nauka i ljudstvo stupiće u stadijum
potpunosti i sreće“ (Ibid).
Razm{ljajući o navedenom problemu govorio je, da bi se
čovjek mogao uspje{no umno i duhovno razvijati i usavr{avati
trebao bi, prije svega, biti zdrav i potpuno tjelesno razvijen.
S toga je smatrao da se u mladim danima čovjekovog života
treba vi{e starati o tjelesnom razvoju no o duhovnom, jer
„Š...¹ čovjek se može umno razvijati čak i do 40 godine
svoga života, samo ako je tjelesno potpuno razvijen i zdrav“
(Ibid, str. 80). Ako se tjelesni razvoj i tjelesna snaga temeljito ne razviju do 16 ili do 20 godine života, onda je takvo
lice „Š...¹ do same smrti svoje upola izgubljeno; ono će i
pored najurednijeg života vi{e-manje tjelesni bogalj biti“,
(Ibid) i neće biti u stanju „Š...¹ svestrano vr{iti svoje dužnosti
prema sebi, svome dru{tvu i čovečanstvu“ (Ibid)
Učitelji, nastavnici, ljekari i ostali koji brinu o razvoju djece
i omladine tu istinu bi trebali prihvatiti kao zakon koga će
svuda pažljivo izvr{avati, „Š...¹ na sreću i napredak sviju
dru{tvenih članova, na pravo blagostanje bližnjih svojih“
(Ibid). Ako se svaki čovjek tokom svog života bude pridržavao
navedene istine, „Š...¹ onda se ni nesreće, ni nepo{tenja, ni
bolesti do njegova tijela doticati ne mogu, a um njegov
uzvi{ivaće se do takvih granica do kojih je jedva u stanju i
pomi{ljati na{ sada{nji mozak“ (Ibid).
Zaključuje da nam to potvrđuju činjenice, kako iz pro{losti,
tako i iz sada{njosti, da su najumniji ljudi voljeli tjelesne
aktivnosti, igru, rad u pčelinjaku, voćnjaku, {etnju po
prirodi i druge aktivnosti. Nauka i naučnici nas pouzdano
uvjeravaju, „Š...¹ da ne može biti op{irnog i strogo kritičnog
umovanja bez redovnog tjelesnog poslovanja“ (Ibid).
Takođe je smatrao da su, „Š...¹ se i najveći pronalasci kulturni prona{li slučajno, pri igri, kupanju, {etnji i odmaranju
pod otkrivenim nebom, u otvorenoj prirodi“ (Ibid, str. 258).
Moguće je da su se ideje o nekim pronalascima upravo
rodile (javile) pri navedenim aktivnostima, no nije se to
desilo slučajno, jer ni{ta se u svijetu slučajno ne de{ava.
Ljudima koji se bave naučnim i drugim umnim radom, kao
i onima {to sjedeći obavljaju poslove preporučivao je da
posle svakog sata rada trebaju ustati, malo pro{etati i uraditi ne{to od sobne gimnastike. Svake nedelje najmanje
jedanput, trebaju pro{etati u okolinu, a svakog mjeseca, bar
po nekoliko sati, pje{ice ići po prirodi.
Pavlović, P. i saradnici: VASO PELAGIĆ, PRVI TEORETIČAR...
Proceedings 2012, 65–71
About sports activities
O sportskim aktivnostima
He gave his opinion about some sports and other physical
activities, such as swimming, running, skating, medical
gymnastics, etc. Among these activities, he put running and
swimming in the first place, because they engage the whole
body, “Š...¹ and hence one gets all that is necessary for the
proper development of the body and renewal of blood.”
(Pelagić, 1974, p. 106)
Gymnastics in the water (swimming and other activities)
strengthens the body, mind, will, health, helps prevent
various diseases, “Š...¹ provides good sleep and opens willingness for work” (Ibid, p. 107) and by its constant use man
becomes more “Š...¹ shapely, honourable, sensible and
happy” (Ibid).
He gave some advice on how pupils and teachers should
behave, and what, in particular, should be taken care of.
Students may not enter the water without supervision of
teachers, sweaty children should not be allowed to enter
into nor drink cold water, “Š...¹ because using the cold water
while the body is still worm will make the blood freeze and
in short notice, God rests ones soul; and if not that, for sure
one will get suva, jektika, inflammation of the liver or strong
cough” (Pelagic, 1953, pp. 28–29).
Ice skating, or tociljanje, as it was called at that time, strengthens and provides health, aggravates the joy and happiness
of children, strengthens muscles and the whole body, the
body adapts to the change of time and affects the mental
and physical progress of children. It is for them:
Dao je svoje mi{ljenje o pojedinim sportskim i drugim tjelesnim aktivnostima, kao {to su: plivanje, trčanje, klizanje,
medicinska gimnastika i drugo. Od navedenih aktivnosti,
trčanje i plivanje je stavio na prvo mjesto, jer se putem njih
angažuje cjeli organizam, „Š...¹ pa otuda dobija čovek sve
{to je nužno za pravilno razvijanje tela i obnavljanje krvi“
(Pelagić, 1974, str. 106).
Gimnastika u vodi (plivanje i druge aktivnosti) jača tjelo,
duh, volju, zdravlje, sprječava pojavu raznih bolesti, „Š...¹
donosi san i otvara čoveku volju za rad“, (Ibid, str. 107) a
njenim stalnim upražnjavanjem čovjek postaje „Š...¹ stasitiji,
ugledniji, razboritiji i zadovoljniji“ (Ibid).
Dao je i određene savjete kako treba da se pona{aju učenici
i učitelji, i o čemu, naročito, treba voditi računa. Učenici ne
smiju ulaziti u vodu bez nadzora učitelja, oznojenoj djeci
se ne smije dozvoliti ulazak u hladnu vodu, kao i pijenje
hladne vode, „Š...¹ jer u zagrejanom telu od sasvim hladne
vode krv se sledi i kroz kratko bog ga prosti; a ako ne to, a
ono zacjelo dobiće suvu, jektiku, zapaljenje džigerice ili
silni ka{alj“ (Pelagić, 1953, str. 28–29).
Klizanje po ledu, odnosno tociljanje kako se u to vrijeme
zvalo, krijepi i osigurava zdravlje, pričinjava radost i sreću
djeci, jača mi{iće i cijelo tijelo, navikava organizam na
promjenu vremena i utiče na umni i tjelesni napredak djece.
To je za njih:
“Š...¹ a major roll forward in a series of smaller ones that
form their health, shape and both energies. It is the soul
of children’s development and strengthening. It is at the
same time and a special skill, which later has positive
influence on the body and mind of students and
teaches them to skilfully abstain from the fall to which
we are very often exposed to in our lives and current
climate” (Ibid, p. 120).
„Š...¹ krupan kolut u nizu kolutića koji sastavljaju njihovo zdravlje, stasitost i obije energije. To je du{a
dječijem razviću i očvr{ćavanju. To je u isto vrijeme i
jedna osobita vje{tina, koja poslije blagodetno uplivi{e
na tijelo i um učenika i koja ih nauči da se vje{to
uzdržavaju od padanja, na koja smo izloženi vrlo često
u sada{njem na{em životu i podneblju“ (Ibid, str. 120).
Because of this importance he suggested that each municipality, and towns and villages, make an ice rink near the
school, where teachers could take their students to ice-skate
during the winter months.
About gymnastics and health
He believed that gymnastics, among other factors, has a
significant impact on health, and that is happier “Š...¹ healthy
beggar in all its penury, than an exhausted and sick rich man
in his palace, silk and velvet” (Pelagić, 1974, p. 134). He
also believed that moderate physical exercise helps prevent
certain diseases, because “Š...¹ doing different things every
moment, with also practicing gymnastics does, not allow
many diseases to assimilate into our body, even though it
accidently does happen from time to time in some certain
form” (Ibid, p. 113).
According to him, a certain physical exercises and activities,
properly conducted under the supervision of experts, have
a positive effect on the female body during pregnancy and
make the childbirth easier, for what he was entirely right.
He recommended the use of lighter sport activities in the
first half of pregnancy, such as moderate swimming and
moderate physical exercise. He did not recommend for
pregnant women to be involved in intense sports activities,
such as running, jumping, riding, cycling, etc., because this
could have a negative influence on their fetus and health.
Zbog navedenog značaja predlagao je da svaka op{tina, i u
varo{ima, i u selima, napravi u blizini {kola klizali{ta, gdje
bi učitelji i učiteljice tokom zimskih dana dovodili svoje
učenike na klizanje.
O gimnastici i zdravlju
Smatrao je da gimnastika, pored ostalih faktora, ima veliki
uticaj na zdravlje, i da se srećnije osjeća „Š...¹ zdrav siromah
u svoj svojoj golotinji, nego iznemogao i bolestan bogata{ u
svojoj palati, svili i kadifi“ (Pelagić, 1974, str. 134). Takođe
je smatrao da umjereno tjelesno vježbanje sprječava pojavu
određenih bolesti, jer „Š...¹ zanimanje čas ovim, čas onim
poslom i upražnjavanje gimnastike ne dopu{ta mnogim
bolestima, odomaćiti se u telu na{em, i ako nas kakim
slučajem po koji put spopadne u ovome ili onome vidu“
(Ibid, str. 113).
Prema njemu, neke određene tjelesne vježbe i aktivnosti,
pravilno izvođenje pod nadzorom stručnjaka, pozitivno
djeluju na ženski organizam u vrijeme trudnoće i olak{avaju
porođaj, za {ta je u potpunosti bio u pravu. Preporučivao je
da se u prvoj polovini trudnoće mogu upražnjavati lak{e
sportske aktivnosti, kao {to su umjereno plivanje i laganije
tjelesne vježbe. Nije preporučivao da se trudnice bave intenzivnijim sportskim aktivnostima, kao {to su: trčanje,
skakanje, jahanje, vožnja bicikla i slično, jer to može imati
negativan uticaj na plod i na zdravlje.
Zbornik radova 2012, 65–71
About physical exercise and its importance
O tjelesnom vježbanju i njegovom značaju
He believed that physical exercise is of great importance for
the development of both physical, as well as spiritual
power of a man, and above all children and youth. Therefore
he suggested that all those who are their friends should
everywhere and constantly shout these words:
Smatrao je da je tjelesno vježbanje od velike važnosti za
razvoj, kako tjelesnih, isto tako i duhovnih snaga čovjeka, a
prije svega djece i omladine. Zbog toga on je predlagao da
svi oni koji su im prijatelji treba da svuda i stalno uzvikuju
sledeće riječi:
“Children, Students! Do the necessary work, but use
every opportunity to play, run, jump, sing, whistle, swim
and do gymnastics: because it is a powerful creator of
your physical health, mental energy and mind sharpness.
Whoever forbids that, consider him as unreasonable
creature or enemy, no matter who he is. School and
house that have no space for healthy exercise, is no
more than a mere tomb“ (Pelagićev narodni učitelj,
1974, p. 110).
„Deco, đaci! radite nužne poslove, ali svakom prilikom
igrajte se, trčite, skačite, pevajte, zviždukajte, plivajte i
gimnastičite se: jer to je jaki tvorac va{eg telesnog
zdravlja, energije i umne bistroće. Ko vam to smeta,
smatrajte ga za nerazumnog stvora ili neprijatelja, pa
ma ko taj bio. Koja škola i kuća nema prostora zato
delo zdravstvenog kretanja, ona je puka grobnica“
(Pelagić, 1974, str. 110).
Those words, pronounced more than a hundred years ago,
should be addressed nowadays as well to all children around
the world, as well as to those who forbid those activities.
Te riječi, izgovorene prije vi{e od stotinu godina, i danas
treba svakodnevno upućivati svoj djeci svijeta, kao i onima
koji im te aktivnosti zabranjuju.
Pelagic, V. (1871). Poku{aji za narodno i lično unapređenje
ŠAttempts for national and personal improvement¹.
Pelagic, V. (1910). Iz autobiorgafije ŠFrom autobiography¹.
Razvitak, 1(3), 74–79.
Pelagic, V. (1953). Izabrani spisi (druga knjiga) ŠSelected
writings (second book)¹. Sarajevo: Svjetlost.
Pelagiž, V. (1974). Pelagićev narodni učitelj ŠPelagic's national teacher¹. Belgrade: Sloboda.
Todorović, T., & Bogojević, B. (1968). Vasa Pelagić o značaju gimnastike i fizičkog vaspitanja ŠVaso Pelagic’s
thoughts about significance of gymnastics and physical
education¹. Zbornik za istoriju fizičke kulture Srbije,
4-5, 88–102.
Besarović. R. (1948). Vaso Pelagić ŠVaso Pelagic¹. Odjek,
2(10), 11.
Besarovic, R. (1951). Vaso Pelagić ŠVaso Pelagic¹. Sarajevo:
Čubrilović, B. (1936). Vaso Pelagić ŠVaso Pelagic¹. Razvitak, 3(3), 69–72.
Grujić, V. (1952). Pogledi Vase Pelagića o fizičkom,
umnom, moralnom i estetskom vaspitanju ŠVaso
Pelagic's views about physical, intellectual, moral and
aesthetic education¹. Na{a {kola, 3(9-10), 450–460.
Kovacevic, K. (1909). Srpska banjalučka bogoslovija ŠSerbian Theological school in Banja Luka¹. Bosanska Vila,
24(11), 171–174.
Korespodencija/Correspondence to:
Petar Pavlović, PhD
Phone: 00387 66 67 80 70
E-mail: ppmazoceª
Pavlović, P. i saradnici: VASO PELAGIĆ, PRVI TEORETIČAR...