sedmica evropskog filma 2013. / european film week 2013 1

Sestra / Sister
6. 5, ponedjeljak / monday
Švicarska/Francuska (Switzerland/France),
2012, 97 min
7 stolova francuskog
bilijara / 7 French billiards
Španija (Spain), 2007, 110 min
Režija / Director: Ursula Meier
Uloge / Cast: Kacey Mottet Klein, Léa Seydoux
Nagrada / Award: Sillver Bear at Berlinale 2012.
Simon živi sa svojom starijom sestrom u stambenom kompleksu ispod luksuznog švicarskog
skijališta. Njegova sestra konstantno mijenja
poslove i veze. 12-godišnji Simon preuzima
odgovornost izdžavanja male obitelji. Svaki
dan, liftom odlazi do skijališta, i krade opremu
od bogatih turista i preprodaje je djeci u dolini.
On održava njihovu malu obitelj na površini sa
svojim malim zaradama i njegova sestra je zahvalna za novac koji on donosi u kuću. No, kada Simon
uđe u partnerstvo sa birtanskim radnikom, on počinje da gubi svoje granice, što utiče na njegov odnos
sa sestrom i dovodi ga na opasnu teritoriju.
Simon lives with his older sister in a housing complex below a luxury Swiss ski resort. With his sister
drifting in and out of jobs and relationships, 12-year-old Simon takes on the responsibility of providing
for the two of them. Every day, he takes the lift up to the opulent ski world above, stealing equipment
from rich tourists to resell to the local kids down in the valley. He is able to keep their little family afloat with his small-time hustles and his sister is thankful for the money he brings in. But, when
Simon partners with a crooked British seasonal worker, he begins to lose his boundaries, affecting his
relationship with his sister and plummeting him into dangerous territory.
7. 5, utorak / tuesday
Režija / Director: Gracia Querejeta
Uloge / Cast: Maribel Verdú, Blanca Portillo, Amparo
Baró, Enrique Villén, Ramón Barea, Jesús Castejón
Nagrade / Awards: 1 Concha de Plata, 2 Premios Goya
Ángela i njen sin Guille odlaze u veliki grad da
posjete Lea, njenog oca i dječakovog djeda,
koji se iznenada razbolio. Međutim, kada
stignu saznaju da je upravo preminuo. Charo,
ljubavnica preminulog, objašnjava šta je u
propast odvelo očev biznis: u pitanju je klub
sa sedam stolova za bilijar. Charo je ubijeđena
da je prodaja kluba jedini način da se dugovi
otplate. Međutim, Ángela je riješena da krene naprijed i ponovno izgradi svoj život, i prvo što odluči
jeste da upotrijebi svoju ušteđevinu i vrati na noge stari klub sa sedam bilijarskih stolova.
Angela and her young son Guille travel to the big city to see Leo, her father and the boy’s grandfather,
when he suddenly takes ill. However, they arrive to discover that he has just passed away.
Charo, the dead man’s lover, explains the dire traits suffered by the paternal business: a hall with seven
billiard tables. Charo is convinced that the only way to pay off the debts is to sell the place. However,
Angela resolves to get on and rebuild her life. And the first thing she decides to do is put her savings
into getting the old place and its seven tables back up on its feet.
Krtica / The Mole
9. 5, četvrtak / thursday
Njemačka (Germany), 2012, 108 min
Poljska (Poland), 2011, 107 min
Režija / Director: Christian Petzold
Uloge / Cast: Nina Hoss, Ronald Zehrfeld, Rainer Bock
Nagrada / Award: Sillver Bear at Berlinale 2012.
Režija / Director: Rafael Lewandowski
Uloge / Cast: Borys Szyc, Marian Dziedziel,
Magdalena Czerwinska
Ljeto, godina 1980. Doktorica Barbara je
aplicirala za izlaznu vizu iz NDR-a (Istočna
Njemačka). Za kaznu, premještena je iz Berlina
u malu bolnicu na selu, daleko od svega. Jörg,
njen ljubavnik sa zapadne strane, već planira
njen bijeg. Radeći kao pedijatrijski hirurg sa
novim šefom, Andrejom, ona je zbunjena – da
li on ima zadatak da je prati? Da li je zaljubljen?
Ali, kako se dan njenog planiranog bijega
približava, Barbara počinje gubiti kontrolu. Kontrolu nad sobom, svojim planovima, svojom ljubavi.
Summer, 1980. Barbara, a doctor, has applied for an exit visa from the GDR (East Germany). Now, as
punishment, she has been transferred from Berlin to a small hospital out in the country, far from everything. Jörg, her lover from the West, is already planning her escape. Working as a pediatric surgeon
under her new boss Andre, she is confused - does he have an assignment to keep track of her? Is he
in love? But as the day of her planned escape quickly approaches, Barbara starts to lose control. Over
herself, her plans, over love.
8. 5, srijeda / wednesday
Pawel je Poljak u ranim tridesetim. Zajedno sa
ocem Zygmuntom zarađuje za život uvozeći
rabljenu odjeću sa sjevera Francuske na jug
Poljske. Na povratku s jednog od “poslovnih
putovanja”, Pawel je šokiran kada na naslovnici
tabloida ugleda fotografiju svoga oca. „Izdajica“ piše pored očevog imena. Zygmunt je
heroj radničkog otpora u totalitarizmu, ugledni
član radničkog pokreta Solidarnost iz 80-tih
godina. Ali, život će se promijeniti kada ga novine optuže da je pod imenom “Krtica” radio kao tajni
agent za komunistički režim.
Pawel, a Polish man in his early 30s, makes a living with his father Zygmunt importing second-hand
clothing from the North of France to Southern Poland. On his way back from one of regular “business
trips”, Pawel is shocked to discover his father’s picture on the cover of a Polish tabloid newspaper.
The headline “traitor” is written next to his name. Zygmunt is a genuine hero of the struggle against
totalitarianism and a recognized member of the “Solidarnosc” labor movement of the 80s. But now,
Zygmunt is suddenly accused by the paper of having acted as a secret informer called THE MOLE by
the communist regime.
Vječni trenuci /
Everlasting Moments
10. 5, petak / friday
Avantura / Adventure
Mađarska (Hungary), 2011, 84 min
Režija / Director: Sipos József
Uloge / Cast: Gerd Böckmann, Erika Marozsán,
Sándor Csányi
Švedska (Sweden), 2008, 106 min
Režija / Director: Jan Troell
Uloge/ Cast: Maria Heiskanen, Mikael Persbrandt,
Jesper Christensen
Početak je 20. stoljeća u Švedskoj – vrijeme je
društvenih promjena, nemira, rata i siromaštva
– Maria, mlada žena, pripadnica radničke klase,
na tomboli osvaja kameru i odlučuje je zadržati
– ova odluka mijenja cijeli njen život. Kamera
omogućuje Mariji da na svijet gleda novim
očima ali ona, također, postaje prijetnja za njenog supruga, pomalo alkoholičara i ženskaroša,
pošto u Marijin život donosi šarmantnog
fotografa „Piff Paff Puff-a“.
In Sweden in the early 1900s – in a time of social change and unrest, of war and poverty - the young
working class woman Maria wins a camera in a lottery, and decides to keep it – a decision which alters
her whole life. The camera enables Maria to see the world through new eyes, but it also becomes a
threat to her somewhat alcoholic womanizer of a husband, as it brings the charming photographer
“Piff Paff Puff” into her life.
Ljubav kao otrov /
Love Like Poison
11. 5, subota / saturday
Francuska (France), 2010, 92 min
Režija / Director: Katell Quillévéré
Uloge / Cast: Clara Augarde, Lio, Michel Galabru
Tinejdžerka Anna dolazi kući na raspust iz
katoličkog internata i saznaje da je otac
napustio porodicu. U svom očaju njena majka
pronalazi utjehu kod lokalnog sveštenika,
prijatelja iz djetinjstva. Anna se zbližava sa svojim voljenim djedom. Istovremeno, ona gradi
odnos sa Pierreom, slobodoumnim tinejdžerom
koji i ne mari toliko za Boga. Anna se sprema
za pričešće, ali tek rođena strast prema Pierreu
uzdrmava njenu vjeru. Ona želi da se u potpunosti preda, dušom i tijelom... da li Bogu ili nečemu drugom, to još uvijek ne zna.
Anna, a young teenager comes home from her Catholic boarding school for the holidays and discovers her father has left. Her mother is devastated and confined in the company of the local priest, who
is also a childhood friend. Anna clings to her beloved grandfather. She also grows close to Pierre, a
free-spirited teenager who cares little about God. Anna is preparing for her confirmation, but her
budding desire for Pierre shakes her faith. She longs to give herself over, body and soul... but doesn’t
know if it is to God, or something else?
12. 5, nedjelja / sunday
Dr. Kádár Péter profesor uspješan u svakom
vidu. Karijera mu cvjeta, ima mladu, preljepu
suprugu Anu. Njegov savršeni život se raspada
tačno na onaj dan kada ga imenuju za šefa najpoznatije klinike. Profesor nema pojima da se,
dok njega slave, usvojeni sin kolege kojem je
vjerovao sprema na bijeg sa Anom. U avanturi
koja je obećavala desi se neočekivani preokret.
Profesor postiže teški dogovor sa Zoltanom,
koji u potpunosti izmijeni život troje ljudi.
Professor Dr. Kádár Péter is incredibly successful. His carrier is flourishing; he has a young beautiful
wife Ana. His perfect life falls apart on the same exact day he gets promoted to run one of the most
successful clinics. The Professor has no idea that while he is being celebrated, Zoltan the adopted son
of his trusted college is planning an escape with Ana. An unexpected turn happens in the promising
adventure. The Professor makes a tough deal with Zoltan that forever changes the lives of these three
Ljubavi jedne plavuše /
Loves of a Blonde
13. 5, ponedjeljak / monday
Češka Republika (Czech Republic), 1965,
90 min
Režija / Director: Miloš Forman
Uloge / Cast: Hana Brejchová, Vladimír Pucholt,
Vladimír Mensík
Mlađahna plavuša Andula traži ljubav, ali
neiskusna je i lako povjeruje obećanjima i
laskanjima. Nakon što provede noć sa mladim
pijanistom, odlazi u Prag da sa njim živi.
Međutim, saznaje da je sve drugačije…
Film naglašava “češki novi talas“ i 1967. godine
je dobio nominaciju za Oskara.
Young blonde Andula is looking for love but she is inexperienced and easily believes promises and
flatteries. After having spent a night with a young pianist, she decides to leave for Prague to live with
him. However, she finds out that everything is different than it seemed…
The movie announces the arrival of the „Czech new wave“ and received a 1967 Oscar nomination.
Tri gospodina /
Three Gentlemen
14. 5, utorak / tuesday
16. 5, četvrtak / thursday
Rumunija (Romania), 2011, 90 min
Austrija (Austria), 1998, 95 min
Režija / Director: Nikolaus Leytner
Uloge / Cast: Karl Merkatz, Karl Markovics,
Ottfried Fischer, Regina Fritsch
Niko ne bi posumnjao da su tri simpatična
gospodina, koja su se jednog dana pojavila
usred zabačene austrijske provincije zvane
Waldviertel (Šumska četvrt), zapravo pacijenti
psihijatrijske bolnice koje je blagonaklon stjecaj
okolnosti izveo van zidina ustanove. Stanovnici
sela u čiju svakodnevnicu unesu zbrku kreću
u lov na „luđake“ koji su proglašeni nestalim.
Sichel, Ivo i Dölken nikome nisu sumnjivi. A oni,
puni planova kreću prema narednom selu koje ih već čeka.
Nobody would suspect that the three nice gentlemen who pitch up one day in the middle of the
remote Austrian provincial district called the Waldviertel (Forest District) are actually inmates of the
psychitatric hospital, and that fortuitous coincidence has led them out of the closed confines of the
institution. The residents of the village, who aren‘t entirely wrong in feeling their familiar routines have
become unglued start a hunt for the „lunatics“ who have been reported missing. At first, no one suspects Sichel, Ivo and Dölken. A lot of plans ahead of them, and the next village isn‘t far off....
Digni glavu /
Raise Your Head
The Phantom Father
15. 5, srijeda / wednesday
Režija / Director: Lucian Georgescu
Uloge / Cast: Marcel Iures, Barry Gifford, Mihaela Sirbu
Nježni i nostalgični homaž vraćen u prošlost,
The Phantom Father stilski kombinuje
postmoderno i klasično kino, poduprijeto
veličanstvenom fotografijom, nezaboravnom
muzikom i odličnnom izvedbom. Jedinstvena,
a opet simbolična, ovo je priča o američkom
profesoru jevrejskog porijekla koji je prisiljen
da napusti svoju uspješnu karijeru i otisne se
na put koji ga vodi kroz opasnosti, nepoznato
i nestvarno, sve do njegovih korijena kako bi
povratio vlastiti identitet. Potraga odvodi heroja, kojeg su majstorski osmislili Peter Greenaway i Francis Ford Coppola, glumca Marcela Iuresa, nazad u Stari svijet koji nagrađuje našeg putnika duplom
ljubavnom pričom. Sa jedne strane, on pronalazi romantičnu ljubav a sa druge, strast prema starim
filmovima – koji su nomadski, popularni naivni i plemeniti.
A tender and nostalgic homage brought to a past era, The Phantom Father combines stylistically the
postmodern and classical cinema, assisted by superb photography, a haunting soundtrack and great
performances. Unique, yet symbolic, this is the story of an American professor of Jewish descent who
is compelled to turn his back on a successful career and get on the road that takes him through danger, the unknown and the surreal, back to the roots to reclaim his identity. The quest takes the hero,
masterfully portrayed by Peter Greenaway and Francis Ford Coppola actor Marcel Iures, back to the
Old World that rewards our traveler with a double love story. On the one hand he finds romantic love,
on the other the passion for old cinema, nomad, popular, naïve and generous.
Italija (Italy), 2009, 87 min
Režija / Director: Alessandro Angelini
Uloge / Cast: Duccio Camerini, Gabriele Campanelli,
Sergio Castellitto
Mero, kvalifikovani radnik na brodogradilštu
i bivši amaterski bokser, samohrani je otac.
Lorenzo, sin rođen u vezi sa Albankom, jedini
mu je razlog za život, a očev san je da mu sin
postane šampion u boksu. Za to ga naporno trenira, dan za danom ga učeći da udara i da se štiti
od niskih udaraca koje zadaje život. Ravnoteža
ovog odnosa biva narušena povratkom Denise,
Lorenzove majke, i Lorenzovim susretom sa
mladom Anom. Ali Merovim iskušenjima nije kraj: mora se suočiti s bolom i s vlastitim predrasudama.
Mero, a skilled shipyard worker and a former amateur boxer, is a single father. His only reason for living
is his son Lorenzo, born from Mero’s relationship with an Albanian girl. The father hopes for the boy to
become a boxing champion. So he trains him hard, teaching him day after day how to throw punches
and how to protect himself from life’s low blows. The balance of this relationship is disturbed by the
return of Lorenzo’s mother Denisa and by the son’s meeting with young Ana. Mero’s trials are not over
and he will have to deal with pain and with his own prejudices.
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