COLLEGE of AGORA COLLEGE of AGORA 2 Dean’s message In contemporary age, in which we live, market communicating is shown as the basis of development of free and successful market, and design and management of market communications has become the dominant goal of that market and its inevitable reality. However, what computer or multimedia systems cannot so, but market communication manager or designer, as human, can, refers to emotion, subjective interpretation, movement of the hand. That is why design and management of market communications is also a cultural activity, which through an aesthetic and personal creative expression becomes a kind of a frame for the source of values, emotions, experiences and game that we need so much in the upcoming – digital era. Hence the development orientation of College of Agora, which is oriented towards new educational technologies with the application of e-learning on MOODLe, with the 24-hour access to the network; towards professional institutions, organisations, companies in Croatia, which resulted with over 20 signed contracts on teaching workshops; and finally, towards international integrations, so in 2008 Agora, as the first institution of higher education in Croatia, became the full member of EDCOM – The European Institute for Commercial Communications Education, with headquarters in Brussels, and so it entered a valued company of over 30 famous schools in 15 countries. The goals of EDCOM: a) achieving excellence in its activities within the branch of market communications; b) achieving the international mobility of students and teachers in the European educational space; and c) achieving the partnership with economic subjects in the realisation of projects in market communications. All that has become the goal of Agora in the coming years as well. Prof. dr. sc. Sava Bogdanović Dean Because of all that, for ten years now, studying at the College of Agora – College of Market Communications, has resulted in a rich choice of career paths in over twenty economically and creatively potent careers in the area of market communications, that will enable you – mark my words – to do what you like. And those are the professions of present and future of creative economy, the most propulsive industry of the third millennium – the industry of knowledge and ideas. Welcome to College of Agora! COLLEGE of AGORA 3 College of Agora In the first five years of Agora, we were developing a concept to verify the Open university Agora, a public organisation for permanent education and culture as a non-profit organisation, which happened in the end of 1997. In the next five years we were preparing the field for a new step – the founding of the Entrepreneurial centre Agora, Ltd., for advising and consulting, in 2002. The final design of ‘agora-concept’ was made with the establishment of College of market communications Agora, an accredited private college. We established and started the professional study programmes: Market communication management, by accreditation of Werbe Akademie am Wifi Wien and the international organisation of advertisers IAA USA, Market communication design and graduate professional study programme of Creative market communication management. Full membership in of College of Agora in EDCOM – The Institute for Commercial Communication Education, Brussels, since 2008, actually represents the completion of the design of ‘agora-concept’. Ten years of College of market communications Agora Who are we? Our brand is characterised by openness towards ideas and inspiration that can comes from within and outside our institution. In order to ensure our position as an open communicator, these guidelines that follow represent us as an organisation, but they are also here as a guiding light as follows: Our vision. Educating market communication generalists for design and management of market communications with encouragement of preferences, inclinations and talents, all the way to achieving top specialisations – for intelligent praxis. Our ‘product’. By eliminating borders between education and the real world we ‘equip’ students with knowledge and skills for a place in the world of the profession. Our ‘product’ is not only education – that is also experience gained by working designed by praxis. Our personality. A teacher/mentor who inspires with ideas that are capable of producing a critical level of energy that drags the student fort. He finds stimulating assignments, he is optimistic, he encourages thinking that, in the end, produces original solutions. Our values. Optimism, expertise, vigorousness, expediency. Do we stand behind these values? Absolutely! Whatever they do, wherever they are, our students are educated and are reminded every day of the harmony that relies on the basic principles of ethics. COLLEGE of AGORA 4 The promise of our brand. We believe that every dream can be achieved. A team of teachers /mentors on Agora are using their knowledge and experience to inspire students to participate in the experience of education, in order to incorporate this experience into themselves and to use it to achieve their dreams. The behaviour of our brand. We support individuality, we approach the work seriously, we challenge thinking. Challenging the familiar is a way to encourage thinking. For both teachers and students it represents a source for unique solutions in the future. Tone of our communication. Chasing a dream with one foot on the ground is a challenging, inspiring, competent and secure way how to justify trust. The essence of our brand. In the essence of our brand lies its reason and its moving force, in which the entire institutional structure has its purpose and is ‘handpicked’ – from our ‘products’, through the people that implement them in the educational process, all the way to the final results, which we can in a big part claim credit for – the business success of our graduated students. That is why College of Agora is a type of ‘boutique’ of market communications. VISION Implementing education of the highest level and in that way establishing itself as an incubator of creativity for marketcommunication branch in Croatia and the region. MISSION In a type of game of exchange and dialogue between companies, agencies and freelancers, our students and lecturers/ mentors, we send to all the groups participating in the dialogue the message – TAKE THE ROAD OF EXCELLENCE! COLLEGE of AGORA 5 Undergraduate study STUDY OF MARKET COMMUNICATIONS MANAGEMENT Contemporary market communications are establishing themselves as mechanism / network / knowledge of a contemporary company and a contemporary person, especially since communication has become global and the world has become a communication network with numerous knots, rails and intermixing. Understanding and comprehending that network is one of the main goals of the undergraduate study course of market communications management. Market communications have long been a branch in expansion, with the increasing expenses for marketing, advertising, public relations, product and service design and other types of market communications. Besides that, more and more specialised companies in the area of market communications are getting profiled. Even small and middle companies are changing their business thinking in a quality way – market communications are gaining an increased significance than before, especially in the EU, due to the increasing competition on the European market. Those are the major reasons why contemporary Croatian economy, and society as a whole, is searching for highly-skilled all-rounders for professional market communications in companies and their departments, in specialised agencies, in institutions and so on. Those are also the reasons why College of Agora does not educate narrow specialists, since that would not be possible in the area which is constantly changing, such as market communications that is in the creative surroundings where they take place. STUDY OF MARKET COMMUNICATIONS DESIGN Market communication design in its comprehensiveness is a conjunction of expert and artistic thinking which, by using numerous artistic means and techniques, expresses its content whether it is of historical, scientific or promotional character. Especially since the post-industrial information economy, as successor of industrial revolution, has new, increased demands that go beyond the market communication that was oriented towards the printing of advertising content inside economy oriented towards production. Interactive information and communication technologies require significantly new strategies of market communication design due to interactive media, computer connections and software that embody new dimensions of sound, movement, time and virtual space in whole. But what the expert computer systems cannot, and a market communication designer as a human can, refers to emotions, subjective interpretation and the movement of the hand. That is why the market communication design is in a large measure a cultural activity which, including the aesthetic and personal expression, can become a certain source framework of values, emotions and the play which we need – even in the digital era. COLLEGE of AGORA 6 PART-TIME STUDY OF MARKET COMMUNICATIONS MANAGEMENT The outlines of market communication future point towards a type of a Copernican twist: the consumer becomes the navigator of all the market flows – including the communication. To understand consumers – in their own territory, under their conditions and at the time when it suits them – is the basic goal of the part-time undergraduate study course of MARKET COMMUNICATIONS MANAGEMENT. It is the reference framework of the programme of part-time study course which in its content/curriculum corresponds to the programme of the full-time study. What makes this programme extremely appealing is the organisation of lecture: during 18 weeks per semester, every other week (10 weeks) – Thursdays and Fridays afternoon and Saturdays morning – theoretical classes take place, and in the weeks between e-classes (8 weeks) are held, while tutorials are arranged directly during theoretical classes. Motto ‘to work and study on College of Agora’ as a model, is justified by successful careers of graduated AGORA students in various parts of economy – and are the best invitation for this study course. Graduate study GRADUATE STUDY OF CREATIVE MARKET COMMUNICATIONS MANAGEMENT Creativity is becoming the moving force of social and economic changes in the 21st century, first of all in creative industries that owe the most to the development of the knowledge economy, economy in that increasing importance is being given to innovation, research, investments into ICT (Information as communication technologies), education and lifelong learning. The concept of creative industries marks the conceptual and practical merging of creative arts (individual talents) with cultural industries (mass use) in the context of new media technologies (ICT) situated in the vastness of the new knowledge economy with newly arising interactive citizens – consumers. Creativity in market communications is the result of synergy of all the specialist disciplines. Creativity also demands a lot of courage, freshness, mutual trust and understanding of a higher circle of people. That is why behind every creative project there stands a total understanding of the business of the client / advertiser, experience of working in media and knowledge of new communication tools, channels and technologies. That is why we already have praxis that behind each successful creative market communication project there stands a multi-disciplinary ‘client-oriented’ team of a big creative format whose members, including their creative director, expertly use the language of market communications. Exactly that skill of using the language of market communications becomes the denominator of COLLEGE of AGORA 7 Undergraduate study of Market communications management WHAT IS MARKET COMMUNICATIONS MANAGEMENT STUDY PROGRAMME? Market communications management (MTK) study course is praxis-oriented higher education for market communications managers. In the global world that has become a communication network with numerous knots, rails and intermixing, what it is searched for is in the first place ‘generalism’ – an ability of thought that connects, networks and unites, and out of which only then come new, creative solutions and ideas. Educating communication generalists is one of the basic goals of MTK. However, there will still exist personal preferences, affinities and talents that we want to encourage by educating specialists in one of the partial fields of market communications. Educating communication specialists is also one of the basic goals of the MTK course. ENROLMENT CONDITIONS General conditions: 1) State ‘matura’ 2) Finished secondary school with passed admission exam 3) transfer from another study programme DURATION OF PROGRAMME MTK programme lasts for three years – six semesters and you achieve 180 ECTS credits. EMPLOYMENT In market communication agencies in Croatia, companies, domestic and foreign, institutions and Croatian public administration. At the same time students will, due to their basic entrepreneurial knowledge for individual entrepreneurial activities be founders of new businesses in area of market communications. COMPLETION By completing the study programme of MTK, students achieve the title: bachelor of market communications (bacc.oec.) COLLEGE of AGORA 8 Curriculum First semester ECTS Second semester ECTS English language I 3 IT – computer application I 3 Creative writing 2 Marketing I 3 Fundamentals of economy 3 Fundamentals of law I 3 Psychology of m.c. I 3 Rhetoric – verbal and nonverbal communication 3 Contemporary society I 3 Team work 3 Total30 Economy of entrepreneurship 3 English language II 3 Marketing II 3 Market research I 3 Advertising concepts I 3 Communication media I 3 Text processing I 3 Fundamentals of law II 3 Psychology of m.c. II 3 Contemporary society II 3 Total30 Third semester Fourth semester ECTS ECTS Design management I 3 English language III 3 Market research II 3 Advertising concepts II 3 Culture of market comm. I 3 Marketing III 3 Communication media II 3 Text processing II 3 Strategies of market comm. I 3 Company management I 3 Total30 Design management II 3 English language IV 3 Market research III 3 Culture of market comm. II 3 Communication media III 3 Text processing III 3 Advertising and means of advertising I 3 PR – public relations I 3 Strategies of market comm. II 3 Company management II 3 Total30 Fifth semester Sixt semester ECTS Media mix I 3 Communication media IV 3 Advertising and means of advertising II 3 PR – public relations II 3 Practicum4 Print production 3 Sales improvement I 3 Agency management 3 Brand management I 3 Management of fairs and events 3 Total30 ECTS Direct marketing 3 Media mix II 3 Business ethics 3 Presentation techniques 3 Sales improvement II 3 Brand management II 3 Final, project work 12 Total30 COLLEGE of AGORA 9 Undergraduate study of Market communications design WHAT IS MARKET COMMUNICATIONS DESIGN MARKET PROGRAMME (OTK)? Usual classical definition of graphic design is too narrow today to encompass everything a contemporary study programme of market communications encompasses. Today it includes a whole repertoire of knowledge and skills in order to successfully learn the complicated process of designing whole systems of market communications, regardless of the media used. The particularity of the study programme ‘Market communication design’ refers to the circumstance, unique in Europe, that in the same place, door to door, there is also the study programme ‘Market communication management’, which opens numerous possibilities of cooperation on projects, just like in the real world, and a permanent possibility of interdisciplinary team work on real assignments from economy, so they can ‘sell’ themselves, possibility of a constant cooperation of students of both courses in the areas of market and entrepreneurial communication, with special emphasis being given to adjusting to the current business situation with all the demands. DURATION OF PROGRAMME OTK programme lasts for three years – six semesters and students achieve 180 ECTS credits. ENROLMENT CONDITIONS General conditions: 1) State ‘matura’ 2) Finished secondary school with passed admission exam 3) transfer from another study programme EMPLOYMENT Graduates of professional study course of Market communication design can be employed based on three criteria: first, based on their gained specialisation as a market communication designer, second, based on the competencies of market communication ‘generalism’ as managers in the branch of market communications; and third, based on their entrepreneurial education as founders and managers of specialised agencies / companies for market communications. COMPLETION By completing the study programme of OTK, students achieve the title: bachelor of design of market communications ( COLLEGE of AGORA 10 Curriculum First semestar ECTS Second semester ECTS Drawing I 3 English language I 3 Graphic exercises 2 IT – computer application I 3 Marketing I 3 History of Market comm. design I 3 Psychology of market.comm. I 3 Contemporary society I nonverbal communication 3 Team work and conflict management3 Visual design of market comm. I 4 Total30 Drawing II 3 DTP I 3 English language II 3 Advertising concepts I 3 Marketing II 3 History of M.comm. design II 3 Contemporary society II 3 Suvremeno društvo II 3 Typography I 3 Visual design of m. comm. II 4 Total31 Third semester Fourth semester ECTS Drawing–exercises/illustrations II 2 DTP III 3 English language IV 3 Film/Video/TV II 3 Photography II 3 Culture and aesthetics of market communications II 3 Advertising and means of advertising I 3 Typography III 3 Visual design of market communications IV 4 Web and screen design II 3 Total30 ECTS Drawing – exercises/illustrations I2 DTP II 3 English language III 3 Film/Video/TV I 3 Photography I 3 Culture and aesthetics of market communications I 3 Typography II 3 Print and colour 3 Visual design of market comm. III4 Web and screen design I 3 Total30 Fifth semester ECTS Film/Video/TV III 3 Photography III 3 Advertising and means of advertising II 3 Practicum5 Print production 3 Visual design of market comm. V 4 Brand management 3 Web and screen design III 3 Total30 Sixt semester ECTS Management of processes of market communication design II 3 City design – management of public communications 3 Event and fair design 3 Web and screen design IV 3 Business ethics 3 Presentation techniques 3 Final, project work 12 Total30 COLLEGE of AGORA 11 Graduate study of Creative market communications management WHAT IS CREATIVE MARKET COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT STUDY PROGRAMME (KUTK)? Creative market communication management, in its comprehensiveness, is a combination of expert thinking and creativity, with the use of ‘soft’ management tools and techniques, ICT and software that incorporate new dimensions of sound, movement, time, and virtual space in whole. Creative market communications directors will learn to manage their own career as a type of ‘portfolio’ that is being hired in individual, authorship projects or team projects in domestic and international surroundings – with extremely changeable cultural, technical and business requirements, for which education and learning in the function of personal ‘life design’ – are a key skill. The process of learning is situated in the ‘real world’, since it successfully balances between the classical academic theoretical education and learning on the job. Studying thus becomes a creative experience lead by the student himself. DURATION OF PROGRAMME Graduate professional study programme of Creative market communications management lasts for four semesters and students achieve 120 ECTS credits. ENROLMENT CONDITIONS General conditions: 1) Completed undergraduate professional or university study programme 2) Successfully passed admission exam 3) Proof of ability to realise PRACTICUM EMPLOYMENT Graduates of graduate professional study course of Creative market communication management can be employed based on their competencies of market communication ‘generalism’ as creative directors in the branch of market communications, but also based on their specialisation based on entrepreneurial education as founders and managers of specialised agencies / companies for market communications. COMPLETION By completing the graduate study programme of KUTK, students achieve the title: specialist of market communications ( COLLEGE of AGORA 12 Curriculum COMPULSORY COURSES hours ECTS Management of ideas 426 Creative methods and techniques 426 Creative and production tools 909 Integrated marketing communication – trends 426 Leadership 304 Brand / corporate identity 426 Lateral marketing 304 Consumer behaviour 304 CMR – client management 426 Practicum / specialisation 3012 Diploma work 12018 ELECTIVE COURSES (at least two per semester) Creative economy Self-management Process management Project management Knowledge management Business ethics Multiculturalism and identity Film ideas Ideas in photography Business English hours ECTS 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 606 COLLEGE of AGORA 13 Traineeships and mentors BBDO Zagreb Tomislav Presečki, Group Account Director RIVIERA POREČ Nives Matić, voditeljica marketinških komunikacija MCCANN ERICKSON d.o.o. Slobodan Presečki, CEO RADIO 101 Neda Čekolj, voditeljica marketinga CROATIA AIRLINES d.d. Zlata Prpić, direktorica sektora marketing SAATCHI & SAATCHI, agencija Ante Franotović, account manager HRT, javna ustanova Sanja Gvozdanović, marketing BRITISH COUNCIL IRELAND, Belfast Jonathan Stewart, Communications Manager NESTLE ADRIATIC d.o.o. Renata Matusinović, Group Brand Manager IMAGO, reklamna agencija, Dean Vranić, kreativni direktor AGROKOR - Jamnica Trick Zoran, koordinator marketing strategije UNEX GROUP Agencija za tržišne komunikacije Odjel account service Ines Knezić, Account Executive Senior NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL, FINANCIAL NETWORK, Phoenix, USA Odjel marketing financiranja Vlasta Duffy, Managing Partner PROMOCIJA PLUS, Zagreb Agan Begić, dipl. nov. MEDIA KONTAKT Agencija za tržišne komunikacije Ajdin Dervić, direktor DROGA KOLINSKA d.o.o. Filipa Prce, Brand Manager VINDIJA, Varaždin, Petra Košćak Hopwood, voditelj promotivnog odjela KERSCHOFFSET, tiskara Siniša Dalenjak, dipl. ing, voditelj proizvodnje DALEKOVOD d.o.o. Ivana Raduć, direktor korporativnih komunikacija MULTIMEDIJSKI CENTAR ZAGREB Miljenko Ćurić, direktor marketinga T - MOBILE, Zagreb, Aida Libernjak, Head Customer Developement DIGITEL d.o.o. Agencija za tržišne komunikacijeJavorka Jovančević, voditelj produkcije TWBA ZAGREB d.o.o. Agencija za tržišne komunikacije Nela Ban, Account Manager DIGITEL MEDIJSKI SERVISI d.o.o. Julijana Vrbanek, media direktor PUBLICIS, Zagreb, Agencija za tržišne komunikacije Damir Brčić, managing director / CEO KARLOVAČKA PIVOVARA, Karlovac Odjel marketinga mr. sc. Ivančica Prozofić, voditelj marketinga GREY WORLDWIDE ZAGREB, d.o.o. Zagreb, Ivana Pamuković, grafički dizajner HRVATSKA POŠTANSKA BANKA, Zagreb, Odjel marketinga, Vesna Strenja, direktor marketinga ZAGREBAČKI VELESAJAM, Zagreb, Dina Tomšić, dipl.ek. KONČAR d.o.o. Zagreb, Renata Godek, direktor marketinga AKTER PUBLIC, d.o.o. za usluge reklame i ekonomske propagande, Zagreb, Irena Petek, media direktor COLLEGE of AGORA 14 Partners and cooperation EDCOM - European Institute for Commercial Communication Education, Bruxelles UNIVERSITY OF APLLIED SCIENCES MANNHEIM Faculty of Design POLITEHNIKA, Pula VELEUČILIŠTE VARAŽDIN KOMUNIKOLOŠKI KOLEDŽ, Banja Luka WERBE AKADEMIE, Wien APCOM Hrvatska, Strmec Samoborski APPLE ovlašteni distributer PROGRAM ERASMUS SURADNJE Akademska godina 2014/2015 ERSTE BANKA, Zagreb OSIGURANJE Zagreb DINERS CLUB, Zagreb APPLE - CORK, Ireland MICROLINE, Zagreb KERSCHOFFSET, Samobor COLLEGE of AGORA 15 Student exhibition - design, management and creative direction studies pssst! Festival nijemog filma Zagreb Centar za kulturu Trešnjevka 13.-16. 11. 2008. FESTIVAL NIJEMOG FILMA CENTAR ZA KULTURU TREŠNJEVKA 13.-16.11.2008. plakat za Festival nijemog film Korina KARAČIĆ Petra ŠPRLJAN logotip - Cvjećarna Zagreb plakat - komunikacija zadane poruke Studentica: Elizabeta Novaković Mentor: Marko Koržinek Kolegij: Tipografija II College of Agora 2011/2012 FF DIN ↗ IZGUBLJENA BLAGA HRVATSKE plakat - tipografija POTRAGA Elizabeta NOVAKOVIĆ plakat - komunikacija zadane poruke Marko MLINARIĆ Matea KUNŠTEK prijedlog kalendara Ivan DELMIĆ Mea VUČKOVIĆ logotip - Cvjećarna Zagreb natječaj fotografije etiketa - dizajn ambalaže Fran VRSALOVIĆ Albert -Jan Pool Služio je za otiskivanje manjih aplikacija, dok je kod većih metalnih matrica savršeno poslužio kod signalizacije i označavanja ulica. Nešto modernije varijante razvijene su 1940. godine. Za vrijeme Bauhausa DIN se koristi u katalozima i časopisima (1930.) Zanimljivo je to da DIN u tisku nije postao popularan čak do 1960. Za DIN interesantna je 1980. godina kada se to pismo pojavljuje u europskim i sjevernoameričkim grafičkim radovima. Albert - Jan Pool rođen je 1960. godine u Amsterdamu. Profesionalni je dizajner tipografije. FF Din bio je jedan od njegovih prvih projekata. Najpoznatiji rez danas je DIN 1451. Drugim nazivom, FF Din Medium. FF DIN MEDIUM 14pt ↗ Ako želiš nešto izreći nježno posluži se sa rezom FF Din Light. FF DIN LIGHT 24pt Pišeš li studentski rad, najpraktičniji će biti FF Din Regular. FF DIN REGULAR 24pt Naglasi ono što smatraš važnim koristeći mudro FF Din Bold. FF DIN BOLD 24pt PAZI! Onaj koji će najglasnije prenijeti poruku jest FF Din Black. FF DIN BLACK 24pt COLLEGE of AGORA 16 plakat - komunikacija zadane poruke Sara DOMNIKU dizajn ambalaže ““ % %% # S # ## S S ## .. . C CC “ ““ Jelena GALEKOVIĆ # #“ ! ! *** ““ ; ; % ; “““ ““ Ines VOJKOVIĆ plakat - komunikacija zadane poruke Sara ŽIŠKOVIĆ Paula PECINA vizualni identitet Tomislav PELESKI vizualizacija i aplikacije OKUSI HRVATSKU dizajn naslovnica za medicinsku nakladu !!! “ plakat - komunikacija zadane poruke Vizualni identitet vcm / mentorica / Izvorka Jurić GOTHAM Gotham Ultra Gotham Black Gotham Bold Gotham Medium STANJE PRIJATELJ POSJETA PRISTANAK ASONANCA BESPOMOĆAN ASTEROID POSTATI FRANCUSKI PRIJENOS SELEKTIVAN AORIST OSIJEĆAJ LAK MAK OPROST DAN STAN AKUZATIV DIGRESIJA KEREMPUH GRAMATIKA NOMINATIV SLOJ KUĆE GROTESKA GEOGRAFIJA Gotham Book Gotham Light Gotham Extra Light WH SM TRAM Gotham Ultra Italic Gotham Thin MJERITI RASPORED DOK UČITATI PRESTALO STROGOĆA SLON STARIJE DOBROTVOR Gotham Bold Italic Gotham Black Italic Gotham Medium Italic VJEŠTINE PRESIJECALO NESTAJATI MATEMATIKA VMH KRENI MIJENJANJE PARTICIPACIJA PROSE POSJETITELJ RUKOTVORINA TAM STANJEN FASCINANTNOST NE KAŽNJEN NASLONJAČ STAROMODAN MAKSOFACIOLOG Gotham Book Italic Gotham Light Italic Gotham Extra Light Italic Gotham je pismovna obitelj geometrijskih san-serifnih znakova, dizajnirao ga je američki tipografski dizajner Tobias Frere-Jones 2000 g. Gotham je u početku je proveo magazin GQ, oni su tražili “geometrijsku strukturu” koja će izgledati novo i sviježe. Inspiraciju za tipografiju, FrefeJones, dobio je kada je sa fotoaparatom hodao Manhattanom te tražio inspiraciju u slovima na starim zgradama. Našao ju je u znaku na fasadi “Port Authority Bus Terminala”. Pismo je nadahnuo san-serifnim tipografijama 1920tih godina kao što je Futura, gdje se typografija kao i arhitektura te sama organizacija ljudskog društva, svodila na jednostavne osnove oslobođenih od nepotrebnih lokalnih i etičkih elemenata. To je pismo napravljeno od atraktivnih i skromnih znakova grada koje će se moći uvijek koristiti. Gotham je novo pismo koje nam izgleda kao da ga već znamo, nenametljiv, prijateljski, uvjerljiv. Uključuje mnogo izvornih sastojaka kao što su kurenti, kurziv te sveobuhvatan raspon rezova koja danas prelazi broj 40.Iako je Frefe-Jones radio matematički crtež puno prije nego tipografski dizajn, dozvolio je Gothamu da pobjegne mrež kada god je to potrebno, dajući dizajnu susretljivost koja obično nedostaje u samim “geometrijskim” licima. Gotham obuhvaća kurziv, cijeli niz rezova te prošireni raspon širina : Narrow, Extra Narrow and Condesnsed. Osim svega nabrojenoga, kao rezultat istraživanja H & FH su napravili Latin X set znakova koji proširuju doseg pisma za dodatnih 200.000.000 čitatelja diljem svijeta kako bi proširio svijest o političkom rasponu jezika. student: Ana-Marija Jadanec mentor: Marko Koržinek kolegij: Tipografija II, 2011./2012. Gotham Thin Italic Hoefer & FrereJones Agora, Visoka Škola Tržišnih Komunikacija projekt: Obavezno koristiti zaštitne rukavice / plakat izražen slikovno mentorica: Izvorka Jurić, pred. kolegij: Art Direction I Irena ŠIKIĆ DU MAK STAN NH KUĆE logotip - konstrukcija logotipa Cvjećarna Zagreb plakat - tipografija ;“ “ ;; # ++ # # I % ++I I + U ;, ,% U ;, ++ , + , U ; + , ;“ ; ““ ! “M ; MM Ana Marija JADANEC + ; ;; % %% *** + + “ Marijana KRŠIĆ ,,, logotip - Cvjećarna Zagreb Edmond DOMNIKU Diesel + zvuk / glazba Mentorica: Izvorka Jurić COLLEGE of AGORA 17 Learning in Agora E-LEARNING ON MOODLe College of Agora is permanently oriented towards continuous improvement of the learning process as a warranty of a recognisable quality. The introduction of the e-learning system brings the following improvements: • Improvement of lectures through a better presentation and visualisation and through a better availability of curriculum contents in relation to the existing textbooks and other printed sources, • Increase of the amount of learnt material by encouraging con tinuous work with students; • A larger use of F2F method through adequate preparation for lectures, • Increased percentage of positive grades while maintaining the high criteria, • Creation of communication channels student-student and teacher-student, which allows the creation of LEARNING COMMUNITIES that raise motivation, develop positive com petition and help the higher quality of learning the lecture mate rial, • Introducing students to technological imperatives and prepara tion for life-long learning, • Advanced use of active learning techniques, • A quick feedback on the results of learning, • Strict deadlines, • High expectations are being communicated, • Encouraging the education of lecturers to use on-line teaching. Each course on College of AGORA is used through combined teaching in the classroom with e-learning in order to achieve optimal surroundings and cooperation student-student and student-teacher. For successful implementation of e-learning support system for students and teachers, MOODLe, was installed on AGORA servers. That system allows each teacher and student of AGORA to permanently use the e-learning system, with the help of electronic [email protected] identity. COLLEGE of AGORA 18 ONE STUDENT. ONE MACBOOK. OR iPAD. Since the academic year 2008/2009, students of College of Agora, first in Croatia, learn in the most advanced way, using the same computer as the most successful students around the world. With Apple MacBook computer you get the revolutionary iLife package of programme that will change your habits: compose and listen to music, edit your photographs, prepare films and DVDs as real professionals! Simple, quick and fun. Learning can be fun with your MacBook! One-on-one! ‘ONE STUDENT.ONE MACBOOK’ is Apple global programme of improving learning and fun! STUDENT CARD (X-ICA) Students achieve their rights with the help of student identification cards (X). The cards contain the name of the institution where the student (card’s holder) studies, unique number with name and surname, holder’s picture and signature. Back of the card contains the magnetic tape with the number of card, unique citizen’s number and name of the holder, which allows the identification of the holder on a magnetic reader. Student cards in non-transferable, which means it can only be used by the holder. Breaking the rules of use is considered abuse. COLLEGE of AGORA 19 TUITION Tuition for full-time and part-time programme of Market communication management in the academic year 2013/2014 is 35.400,00 HRK and is paid according to one of the following models, as set in the tuition contract: •Payment in six instalments with AMEX credit card, in the amount of 35.400,00 HRK. •Payment in 12 instalments with DINERS credit card in the amount of 34.000,00 HRK. •Payment at once. The annual tuition is 32.400,00 HRK, with discount. The payment before enrolling into the academic year. •Payment in two instalments. The payment of the first instalment in the amount of 16.600,00 HRK before enrolling into the winter semester, with a warranty of payment of the second instalment in the amount of 16.600,00 kn. Deadline for the second instalment is 20.12.2013. Tuition for full-time programme of Market communication design in the academic year 2013/2014 is 37.000,00 HRK and is paid according to one of the following models, as set in the tuition contract: •Payment in six instalments with AMEX credit card, in the amount of 37.000,00 HRK. •Payment in 12 instalments with DINERS credit card in the amount of 36.000,00 HRK. •Payment at once. The annual tuition is 34.000,00 HRK, with discount. The payment before enrolling into the academic year. •Payment in two instalments. The payment of the first instalment in the amount of 17.500,00 HRK before enrolling into the winter semester, with a warranty of payment of the second instalment in the amount of 17.500,00 kn. Deadline for the second instalment is 20.12.2013. All the payment should be made to the giro account numbers: Erste bank: IBAN: HR2824020061100581700 Hypo bank: IBAN: HR8225000091101149180 Privredna bank: IBAN: HR7123400091110418091 Tuition for graduate study programme of Creative market communication management in the academic year 2013/2014 is 43.500,00 HRK and is paid according to one of the following models, as set in the tuition contract: •Payment in six instalments with AMEX credit card, in the amount of 43.500,00 HRK. •Payment in 12 instalments with DINERS credit card in the amount of 42.500,00 HRK. •Payment at once. The annual tuition is 41.000,00 HRK, with discount. The payment before enrolling into the academic year. •Payment in two instalments. The payment of the first instalment in the amount of 20.500,00 HRK before enrolling into the winter semester, with a warranty of payment of the second instalment in the amount of 20.500,00 kn. Deadline for the second instalment is 20.12.2013. Graduate study of Creative market communications management ( - 120 ECTS Undergraduate study of Market communications management (Bacc.oec.) - 180 ECTS Undergraduate study of Market communications design ( - 180 ECTS Undergraduate study of - by work Market communications management (Bacc.oec.) - 180 ECTS COLLEGE of AGORA Visoka škola tržišnih komunikacija Member of EDCOM The European Institute for Commercial Communications Education, Brussels Trnjanska 114, Zagreb tel. 01/222 5 700; fax: 01/615 7 615 e-mail: [email protected] design by 2013
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