SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / 1 2 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / Sadržaj / Content 5 7 9 10 14 16 18 22 23 24 25 26 33 34 38 40 42 45 48 50 52 54 55 56 60 61 64 68 70 16. Sarajevo Film Festival Žiri/ Jury / Nagrade/ Awards Film otvaranja/ Opening film / Film zatvaranja/ Closing film Takmičarski program - igrani film/Competition Programme - Features U fokusu / In Focus Takmičarski program - kratki film/Comeptition Programme - Shorts Takmičarski program - dokumentarni film/Competition Programme - Documentaries CineLink Regionalni forum / Regional Forum 4. Sarajevo Talent Campus Sarajevo grad filma/Sarajevo City of Film Panorama Katrin Cartlidge fondacija/ Katrin Cartlidge Foundation Posvećeno/ Tribute To Bruno Dumont Novi tokovi/ New Currents Novi tokovi - kratki film/ New Currents - Shorts Open Air Raspored projekcija Box Office/ BiH film Dječiji program/ Children's Programme Teenarena Orbico porodični dan/ Orbico Family Day Nagrada za ljudska prava i Dan ljudskih prava / The Human Rights Award and the Human Rights Day All Shorts Specijalne projekcije/ Special screenings Dubrovnik Film Meeting Sarajevo Talent Campus 2009 Glorijin paviljon: mjesto susreta na festivalskom trgu / Gloria Pavillion: Meeting Point on Festival Square Dubrovački filmski susreti 2009. / Dubrovnik Film Meetings 2009 IMPRESSUM: Izdavač/Publisher: Gloria / Sarajevo Film Festival Za izdavača / For Publisher: Dubravka Tomeković Aralica Mirsad Purivatra Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor: Altijana Marić Dokumentacija/Documentation: Segor Hadžagić, Emir Pekmez, Bojana Vidosavljević, Aida Džaferović, Lejla Begić Vuletić, Moamer Kasumović Prevod/Translation: Amira Sadiković, Vedad Lihovac, Selma Đuliman, Amir Đuliman, Maja Aganlić, Sabina Nikšić Lektura/Proofreading: Azra Rizvanbegović, Amira Sadiković Grafičko oblikovanje i DTP/ Graphic design and DTP: BOOM! Produkcija GLORIA Urednik/Editor: Kruno Petrinović Grafički urednik/Graphic Design: Goran Žunić Štampa/Prints: Vjesnik d.d., Slavonska avenija 2, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska Tiraž/Print run: 20.000 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / 3 4 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / 16. Sarajevo Film Festival Ovogodišnje, šesnaesto izdanje Sarajevo film festivala, najavili su početkom godine uspješni nastupi projekata našeg koprodukcijskog marketa CineLink na svjetskoj festivalskoj sceni. Dvije velike nagrade, Zlatni medvjed Berlinalea Semiha Kaplanoglua za HONEY i Srebreni medvjed Florina Serbana za IF I WANT TO WHISTLE I WHISTLE, te nešto kasnije, izbor u selekciju Une certain regard Filmskog festivala u Cannesu, filmova TUESDAY, AFTER CHRISTMAS Radua Munteana i PAL ADRIEN Agnes Kocis, donijeli su dah optimizma koji nam je ove godine itekako dobro došao. Jer, godina je 2010. Turobni oblaci recesije već dugo stoje nad Evropom. Predviđanja i nade da će to kratko trajati nisu se ostvarila. Značajne organizacijske promjene koje su uvedene prošle godine puni smisao doživljavaju danas. Sa budžetom koji je maniji nego prethodne godine, uspjeli smo pripremiti program koji je beskompromisan i u svom kvalitetu i svom obimu, pa sa velikim optimizmom očekujemo njegovo predstavljanje ljubiteljima filmske umjetnosti. Veliki teret priprema preuzeo je naš organizacijski tim, kojem se ovih dana pridružilo i preko 200 volontera iz 16 zemalja iz cijelog svijeta, ali i naši dugogodišnji sponzori, koji su, uprkos restrikcijama u vlastitim budžetima, imali osjećaj za važnost partnerstva sa Festivalom. Više nego ikada svjesni smo da je u ovim vremenima kad kriza nagriza mnogo veće festivale, Sarajevo Film Festival, ne samo za nas koji ga stvaramo, postao nešto što se voli, čuva i slavi. Ima li većeg zadovoljstva? Početak Festivala obilježit će jedan za nas veoma važan i veoma svečan trenutak - dodjela nagrade Počasno Srce Sarajeva Dieteru Kosslicku, direktoru Berlinalea, čijom zaslugom naša dva festivala uspješno sarađuju već dugi niz godina, čijim uticajem i djelovanjem opstaje interes za važne teme i filmske izraze iz naše regije, te čijom je inicijativom kroz programe Talent Campusa odgojena cijela jedna nova generacija mladih talenata širom svijeta. Čast nam je biti djelom te velike radionice kroz projekat Sarajevo Talent Campus. Među mnogobrojnim izuzetno važnim i zanimljivim gostima, izuzetna čast mi je najaviti dolazak Brune Dumonta, jednog od najznačajnijih i najintrigantnijih autora danas, koji će nam se ove godine predstaviti u okviru programa Posvećeno. Pred nam je devet dana i noći posvećenih filmskoj umjetnosti, druženju, zabavi, ali i svake godine sve ozbiljnijem i plodonosnijem ”filmskom biznisu” u okviru CineLinka, tragovi čijeg djelovanja postaju itekako vidljivi na uspjesima regionalne kinematografije. Dobrodošli na 16. Sarajevo film festival! This, the 16th edition of the Sarajevo Film Festival was announced early this year by the successful international presentation of projects created within our CineLink coproduction market. Two major awards, the Berlinale Golden Bear for Semih Kaplanoglu's HONEY and Silver Bear for Florian Serban's IF I WANT TO WHISTLE I WHISTLE, and the subsequent Cannes Un certain regard selection of TUESDAY, AFTER CHRISTMAS by Radu Muntean and PAL ADRIEN by Agnes Kocis, brought an air of optimism, particularly welcomed in a year like this. For, the year is 2010. The gloomy clouds of recession have been hanging over Europe for quite some time. Predictions and hopes that it would be short-lived have proved to be untrue. Significant organisational changes introduced last year are bearing fruit this year. With a budget smaller than last year's, we have succeeded in preparing a programme that is uncompromising both in terms of quality and in terms of volume, which allows us to be very optimistic about presenting it to film lovers. A huge burden has been carried by our Festival team, joined by more than 200 volunteers from 16 countries all across the world, as well as our faithful sponsors who, despite the restrictions in their own budgets, maintained a sense of importance for their partnership with the Festival. Now more than ever, in these times of crises eroding festivals much greater than ours, the Sarajevo Film Festival has become something that you love, treasure and celebrate. And this is shared by all, not only by us who make it. Can there be any greater pleasure? An important event will mark the beginning of the Festival - the Honorary Heart of Sarajevo will go to Dieter Kosslick, Director of Berlinale, who is to be credited for the long and successful cooperation of our two festivals, whose influence and work have preserved the interest in important themes and film expressions from this region, and whose initiative for the Sarajevo Talent Campus helped develop an entirely new generation of young film talents from across the world. It is an honour to be part of this global workshop, executed through the Sarajevo Talent Campus project. Along with many other distinguished and very interested guests, we are particularly honoured to announce Bruno Dumont, one of the leading and most intriguing filmmakers of our time, who will be presented in the Tribute to programme. We will share nine days and nights dedicated solely to the art of film, to entertainment, but also to the ever more serious and fruitful 'film business' of the CineLink, whose traces continue to be visible in the growing success of regional film. So, welcome to the 16th Sarajevo Film Festival! SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / 5 6 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / Žiri Jury Nagrade Awards ŽIRI TAKMIČARSKOG PROGRAMA IGRANI FILM / COMPETITION PROGRAMME JURY - FEATURE FILM ZVANIČNE NAGRADE OFFICIAL AWARDS Takmičarski program - igrani film SRCE SARAJEVA ZA NAJBOLJI FILM Novčanu nagradu u iznosu od 25.000 € osigurava: Vijeće Evrope SPECIJALNA NAGRADA ŽIRIJA Novčanu nagradu u iznosu od 10.000 € osigurava: Agnes B. SRCE SARAJEVA ZA NAJBOLJU GLUMICU Novčana nagrada u iznosu od 2.500 € osigurava: Aerodrom Sarajevo SRCE SARAJEVA ZA NAJBOLJEG GLUMCA Novčana nagrada u iznosu od 2.500 € Competition Programme - Feature Film HEART OF SARAJEVO FOR BEST FILM Financial award in the amount of 25,000 € provided by: Council of Europe SPECIAL JURY PRIZE Financial award in the amount of 10,000 € provided by: Agnes B. HEART OF SARAJEVO FOR BEST ACTRESS Financial award in the amount of 2,500 € provided by: International Airport Sarajevo HEART OF SRAJEVO FOR BEST ACTOR Financial award in the amount of 2,500 € Takmičarski program - kratki film SRCE SARAJEVA ZA NAJBOLJIFILM Novčana nagrada u iznosu od 3.000€ SPECIJALNA PLAKETA ŽIRIJA Dvije specijalne plakete žirija Novčane nagrade iznosu od po 1.000 € Competition Programme - Short Film HEART OF SARAJEVO FOR BEST FILM Financial award in the amount of 3,000 € SPECIAL JURY MENTION Two special Jury Mentions Financial awards in the amount of 1,000 € each MOLLY MALENE STENSGAARD Takmičarski program - dokumentarni film SRCE SARAJEVA ZA NAJBOLJI FILM Novčanu nagradu u iznosu od 3.000 € osigurava: Savezno ministarstvo vanjskih poslova Švicarske Filmska povjerenica Danskog instituta za film, Danska / Film Commissioner, Danish Film Institute, Denmark Competition Programme - Documentary Film HEART OF SARAJEVO FOR BEST DOCUMENTARY FILM Financial award in the amount of 3,000 € provided by: The Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs PARTNERSKE NAGRADE Predsjednik žirija / President of the Jury: CRISTI PUIU Reditelj, Rumunija / Director, Romania Članovi žirija / Jury members: SAADET ISIL AKSOY Glumica, Turska / Actress, Turkey LEON LUČEV Glumac, Hrvatska / Actor, Croatia RACHEL ROSEN Direktorica programa Filmske udruge San Francisco, SAD / Director of Programming at San Francisco Film Society, USA CHRISTINE VACHON Producentica, SAD / Producer, USA ŽIRI TAKMIČARSKOG PROGRAMA KRATKI FILM / SHORT FILM COMPETITION JURY DANICA DAKIĆ Konceptualna umjetnica, BiH / Conceptual artist, BiH ERWIN VAN ‘T HART Selektor programa za kratki film International Film Festivala Rotterdam, Holandija / Programmer of the Short Film Section at the International Film Festival Rotterdam, Netherlands ŽIRI TAKMIČARSKOG PROGRAMADOKUMENTARNI FILM / DOCUMENTARY FILM COMPETITION JURY DANA BUDISAVLJEVIĆ NOMINACIJA SARAJEVSKOG KANDIDATA ZA EVROPSKU FILMSKU NAGRADU 2009. Pobjednik ulazi u konkurenciju za nagradu Evropske filmske akademije (EFA) za najbolji kratki film. Rediteljka, Hrvatska / Director, Croatia CATHERINE LE CLEF Predsjednica i osnivačica kompanije CAT&Docs, Francuska / President and Founder of the CAT&Docs Company, France ESTHER VAN MESSEL Producentica i osnivačica kompanije First Hand Films, Švicarska / Producer and founder of the First Hand Films Company, Switzerland ŽIRI EFA / EFA JURY FRANK W. ALBERS Izvršni direktor Fondacije Robert Bosch Stiftung, Njemačka / Managing Director, Robert Bosch Stiftung, Germany CHRISTINE DOLLHOFER Direktorica Crossing Europe Film Festivala, Austrija / Crossing Europe Film Festival Director, Austria VLADIMIR PERIŠIĆ Reditelj, Srbija / Director, Serbia ŽIRI CICAE / CICAE JURY CHRISTOPHER GATT Menadžer, St. James Cavalier, Malta / Manager of the St. James Cavalier, Malta JENNIFER JONES Kreativni producent Studija za TV animaciju u Kelnu, Njemačka / Creative Producer for Television Animation Studios in Cologne, Germany NAGRADA ZA LJUDSKA PRAVA Nagrada za ljudska prava dodjeljuju se za najbolji film iz Takmičarskog programa - dokumentarni film koji obrađuje tematiku ljudskih prava. Nagradu u iznosu od 3.000 € osigurava Savezno ministarstvo vanjskih poslova Švicarske. EDN TALENT GRANT EDN Talent Grant je ustanovljen kroz saradnju Sarajevo Film Festivala i Evropske dokumentarističke mreže, u svrhu podrške talentovanim autorima dokumentarnog filma iz regije. NAGRADA CICAE Međunarodna konfederacija umjetničkih kina (CICAE) nagrađuje film u selekciji Takmičarskog programa - igrani film. Nagrađeni film će dobiti posebnu podršku CICAE kao pomoć kod distribucije, prikazivanja filma i dopiranja do publike, putem mreže od 3.000 kina. NAGRADA CINEUROPA / CINEUROPA AWARD ALBERTO LA MONICA Direktor Festivala europskog filma u Lecceu, Italija / Director of the European Cinema Festival in Lecce, Italy SARAJEVO SHORT FILM NOMINEE FOR THE EUROPEAN FILM AWARDS 2009 The winner also receives a nomination for the European Film Academy (EFA) Best Film Award. HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD Award for the best film of the Competition Programme - Documentary Film dealing with the subject of human rights. Award in the amount of 3,000 € is granted by The Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. EDN TALENT GRANT EDN Talent Grant has been created as co-operation between the Sarajevo Film Festival and the European Documentary Network with the purpose of supporting promising new documentary filmmakers from the region. CICAE AWARD The International Confederation of Art Cinemas (CICAE) awards a film from the Competition Programme Features. The awarded film will receive CICAE support in terms of distribution, exhibition and audience outreach, through a network of 3,000 cinemas. AUDIENCE AWARD Partner - HT ERONET NAGRADA PUBLIKE Partner - HT ERONET GYORGY KARPATI Menadžer, Mozinet Itd., Mađarska / Manager of the Mozinet Itd., Hungary PARTNERS' AWARDS NAGRADA CINEUROPA Mjesečna promocija na portalu CINEUROPA AWARD Promotion at the portal during the period of one month ATLANTIC GRUPA NAGRADA Novčanu nagradu u iznosu od 2.000 € osigurava: Atlantic Grupa ATLANTIC GRUPA AWARD Financial award in the amount of 2,000 € provided by: Atlantic Grupa SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / 7 8 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / Film otvaranja Opening Film Film zatvaranja Closing Film Cirkus Columbia Invictus Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, United Kingdom, Slovenia, Germany, Belgium, Serbia, 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 113 min. Režija / Director: Danis Tanović Scenarij / Screenplay: Danis Tanović, Ivica Đikić Uloge / Cast: Miki Manojlović, Boris Ler, Mira Furlan, Jelena Stupljanin, Mario Knezović, Ermin Bravo, Jasna Ornela Berry, Miralem Zupčević, Mirza Tanović Cirkus Columbia je romantična saga i pokriva kraj stoljeća koji je tragično najavio dolazak novog doba na Balkan. U trenutku odlaska komunizma i dolaska demokratskih promjena, Divko se nakon godina odsustva pojavljuje u rodnom hercegovačkom mjestu. On je sada bogat čovjek, dolazi skupim mercedesom i sa četrdeset godina mlađom suprugom, željan gomile sitnih osveta. Prva Divkova pobjeda je izbacivanje bivše žene i sina iz kuće u kojoj su stanovali. U početku izgleda kao da Divko pobjeđuje i kao da novac može sve. Circus Columbia is a romantic saga set in late century which tragically announced the arrival of a new age to the Balkans. With communism fading and democracy rising, Divko arrives to his hometown in Herzegovina after years of absence. Now a rich man, he comes with an expensive Mercedes and a wife, about 40 years his junior, and in the want of small revenges. His first victory was throwing out his former wife and son from the house in which they lived. In the beginning, it appears as if Divko is winning and that money can buy everything. USA, 2009, 35 mm, Colour, 134 min. Režija / Director: Clint Eastwood Scenarij / Screenplay: Anthony Peckham, John Carlin Uloge / Cast: Morgan Freeman, Matt Damon, Tony Kgoroge, Patrick Mofokeng, Matt Stern, Julian Lewis Jones, Adjoa Andoh, Marguerite Wheatley, Leleti Khumalo, Patrick Lyster INVICTUS je film zasnovan na stvarnim događajima prije i tokom Svjetskog kupa u ragbiju, u Južnoj Africi 1995. godine, neposredno nakon pada aparthejda. Glumac Morgan Freeman u filmu igra južnoafričkog predsjednika Nelsona Mandelu, a Matt Damon tumači lik Francoisa Piennaara, kapitena južnoafričkog nacionalnog ragbi tima. Film je baziran na knjizi Johna Carlina „Igrati protiv neprijatelja: Nelson Mandela i igra koja je promijenila naciju“. Invictus is a 2009 biographical drama film based on events in South Africa before and during the 1995 Rugby World Cup, hosted in that country following the dismantling of apartheid. The film stars Morgan Freeman as South African President Nelson Mandela and Matt Damon as François Pienaar, the captain of the Springboks, the South African rugby union team. The story is based on the John Carlin book "Playing the Enemy: Nelson Mandela and the Game That Changed a Nation". SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / 9 Amerika iznutra / Inside America Jasmina Takmičarski program igrani film Competition Programme - Features Selektorica / Programmer: Elma Tataragić SVJETSKE PREMIJERE/ WORLD PREMIERES Amerika iznutra / Inside America Austria, 2010, HD CAM (HDTV), Colour, 105 min. Režija / Director: Barbara Eder Scenarij / Screenplay: Constanze Schumann Uloge / Cast: Raul Juarez, Aimeé Lizette Saldivar, Zuleyma Jaime, Luis De Los Santos, Carlos Benavides, Patty Barrera U srednjoj školi H.H. u Brownsvilleu na granici s Meksikom tragedije se svakodnevno događaju. U ovoj se priči isprepliću navijačice ovisne o kokainu, patriotski nastrojeni pitomci škole za rezervne oficire, bande nasilnika i mlade Meksikanke koje se nadaju udaji do osamnaeste godine. A ipak, svi oni imaju puno toga zajedničkog. Svi se zaklinju američkoj zastavi, sanjaju o baštama opasanim bijelim ogradama i luksuznim autima. Međutim, svaki put kada izađu iz škole, stvarnost ih pogodi poput neizlječive bolesti. H. H. High School, located in Brownsville at the Mexican border, is a place of daily tragedies. Cocaine-addicted cheerleaders, patriotic ROTCstudents, violent gangs and Mexican girls hoping to marry by the time they turn 18, collide in this story. And yet, they have a lot in common. Together they swear on the American flag, dream of white garden fences and fancy cars. But whenever they leave school, reality strikes them like an incurable disease. Jasmina Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2010, HD CAM, Colour, 90 min. 10 Režija / Director: Nedžad Begović Scenarij / Screenplay: Nedžad Begović Uloge / Cast: Zijah Sokolović, Nada Đurevska, Amila Đikoli Safa (krhka i slabašna srčana bolesnica) i njena unučica Jasmina, doputovale su humanitarnim konvojem iz ratnog Sarajeva u njihov apartman u malom primorskom mjestu. Safa pokušava sebi i unuci organizirati kakav-takav život u očekivanju da im se u bližoj budućnosti pridruži i Jasminina majka. Njihov komšija, alkoholičar Stipe, pravi im svakodnevne probleme. U jednom od snažnih astmatičnih napada, nemajući izbora, Safa u svom očaju lupa Stipi na vrata. Daje mu sliku Jasmininih roditelja, broj telefona, upozorava ga da je Jasmina sama u stanu, i pada u nesvijest. Safa, a fragile heart-patient, and her baby granddaughter Jasmina arrive on a humanitarian convoy from the besieged Sarajevo to their coastal apartment. Safa tries to provide a bearable life for herself and her granddaughter, expecting Jasmina's mother to join them. Their alcoholic neighbour Stipe causes them problems on daily basis. During a strong asthma attack, in total despair, she knocks on Stipe's door. Safa gives him a picture of Jasmina's parents and a telephone number, she tells him that Jasmina is alone in the flat and faints. Sevdah za Karima / Sevdah for Karim Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Croatia, 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 95 min. Režija / Director: Jasmin Duraković Scenarij / Screenplay: Asmir Kujović, Jasmin Duraković SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / Uloge / Cast: Amar Selimović, Marija Karan, Adnan Hasković, Mirvad Kurić, Asli Bayram, Semir Krivić, Edhem Husić, Haris Burina, Sadžida Šetić Karim je propali student filozofije u poslijeratnom Sarajevu. Radi kao deminer kako bi prehranio sebe i svoju sestru Džemilu. Ima prijatelja Juku, lokalnog mangupa; veže ih prijateljstvo iz rata. Tu je i Ivana, Jukina djevojka. Na početku naše priče njih troje pljačkaju lokalnu džamiju za vrijeme Kurban-bajrama, kako bi imali novac za provod. Iste noći, Juka pravi ulični incident i policija ga strpa u zatvor. Karim i Ivana odu zajedno na party, zabavljaju se i završavaju u Jukinom stanu. Karim se zaljubljuje u Ivanu. Sukob dva prijatelja pretvara se u tuču u kojoj Karim izvlači 'deblji kraj'. Karim, razočaran, odlazi u u noć, u svoj stan i obračunava se sa svojom (prozapadnom) prošlošću... Karim is a failed philosophy student in post-war Sarajevo. In order to provide for himself and his sister Džemila, he works in mine clearance. He has a friend Juka, a local trouble maker. They are wartime friends. There is also Ivana, Juka's girlfriend. The film begins with the three of them robbing a local mosque during Bajram festivities to have some money to party. On that same evening, Juka causes an incident in the street and ends up in jail. Karim and Ivana go to a party, have a great time and end up in Juka's flat. Karim falls for Ivana. The two friends Karim and Juka end up in a fistfight and Karim loses. Disappointed, Karim returns to his flat in the middle of the night to confront his (prowestern) past... Sevdah za Karima / Sevdah for Karim Tilva Roš / Tilva Rosh Serbia, 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 100 min. Režija / Director: Nikola Ležaić Scenarij / Screenplay: Nikola Ležaić Uloge / Cast: Marko Todorović, Stefan Djordjević, Dunja Kovačević Bor u Srbiji, nekada najveći rudnik bakra u Evropi, postao je ništa više od najveće rupe u Evropi. U toku su mali radnički protesti oko privatizacije rudnika. Toda (19) i Stefan (19) su nerazdvojni prijatelji, skejteri, i sa svojim društvom provode svoje prvo ljeto nakon srednje škole. Vrijeme provode u snimanju videoklipova, inspirisanih Jackassom, u kojima izvode razne opasne vratolomije samopovređujući se i takmičeći se za naklonost Jelene (17), teenage anarhistkinje iz Francuske, koja provodi ljeto u Boru. U tom čudnom odnosu prijateljstva i rivalstva, jedan pokušava da nadmaši drugog. Ali kada mali radnički protest preraste u velike nerede, jedna stvar će ih ponovo spojiti - njihova destruktivnost... Bor, Serbia. What used to be the biggest copper mine in Europe has become nothing more than the biggest hole in Europe. Workers protest against the Adrienn Pál Tilva Roš / Tilva Rosh privatization of the mine. TODA (19) and STEFAN (19) are inseparable friends and skateboarders on a summer holiday after graduation. They spend time filming clips inspired by Jackass, in which they perform dangerous stunts and end up hurting themselves while they compete for the affection of Jelena (17), a teenage anarchist from France who is on summer holiday in Bor. In that weird balance between friendship and rivalry, one tries to surpass the other. However, once the protests turn into mayhem, one thing will bring them back together - affection for destruction. njen smrću. Jednoga dana kreće na put ispunjen paradoksima kako bi pronašla davno izgubljenog prijatelja iz djetinjstva rukovođena vlastitim uspomenama i uspomenama ljudi koje susreće. Piroska is an overweight, alienated nurse who can't resist cream-filled pastries. She works in the terminal ward of a hospital; her life is surrounded by death. One day she sets off to find her long-lost childhood friend. While tracing her recollections, she embarks on a paradox-filled voyage within her own memory and the memory of those she encounters. Biblioteka Pascal / Bibliotheque Pascal REGIONALNE PREMIJERE / REGIONAL PREMIERES Adrienn Pál Hungary, Netherlands, Austria, France, 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 136 min. Režija / Director: Ágnes Kocsis Scenarij / Screenplay: Ágnes Kocsis, Andrea Roberti Uloge / Cast: Éva Gábor, István Znamenák, Ákos Horváth, Lia Pokorny, Izabella Hegyi Piroska je punačka, otuđena medicinska sestra koja ne može odoljeti zovu kremastih kolača. Ona radi na odjelu za terminalne pacijente i život joj je ispu- Hungary, Germany, Romania, United Kingdom, 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 111. Režija / Director: Szabolcs Hajdu Scenarij / Screenplay: Szabolcs Hajdu Uloge / Cast: Orsolya Török-Illyés, Oana Pellea, Razvan Vasilescu, Andi Vasluianu, Shamgar Amram, Lujza Hajdu, Ion Sapdaru, Mihai Constantin Mona Paparu je državljanka Rumunije mađarskog porijekla. Na obali Crnog mora upoznaje odbjeglog robijaša koji je uzima za taoca i zaključava se sa njom u bungalov u kampu za turiste. Njih dvoje Biblioteka Pascal / Bibliotheque Pascal SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / 11 Nježni sin - projekt Frankenstein / Tender Son - The Frankenstein Project zajedno provode noć, ali idućeg dana policija okružuje kamp i Viorela ubijaju u pokušaju bijega. Kao plod strastvene noći provedene sa Viorelom, Mona rađa djevojčicu i daje joj ime Viorica. Mona živi sama sa svojom trogodišnjom kćerkom, zarađujući za život tako što postavlja marionetske predstave. Nakon jedne od predstava iznenadno susreće svoga oca Gigija Paparua, kojeg nije vidjela godinama. Mona Paparu is a Romanian citizen of Hungarian nationality. By the Black Sea she meets a runaway convict, who takes her hostage and locks them in a bungalow of a tourist camp. They spend the night together but the next day the police surround the camp and kill Viorel while he is trying to escape. The fruit of Mona and Viorel's relationship is a baby girl whom Mona names Viorica… Mona is alone with her three-year-old daughter and she gives marionett performances to make a living. At a performance she runs into her father, Gigi Paparu, whom she has not seen in years. Nježni sin - projekt Frankenstein / Tender Son The Frankenstein Project Hungary, Germany, Austria, 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 105 min. Vavien Režija / Director: Kornél Mundruczó Scenarij / Screenplay: Kornél Mundruczó, Yvette Bíró Uloge / Cast: Rudolf Frecska, Kornél Mundruczó, Lili Monori, Kitty Csíkos Long ago, a young man fathered a child without ever knowing what became of him. Now 17, his son Rudi returns home hoping to reunite with his family after years spent in an institution. Returning to his mother, he hopes to find acceptance, affection, and most importantly, who his father is, but finds that he is not welcome. Almost by accident, Rudi slips into a casting session. The director of the film is transfixed by his innocence and thinks he has found his lead. But a terrible event soon compromises Rudi's good intentions. He becomes a hunted murderer, and the director realizes that Rudi, this peculiar and silent boy, is his son and his own monstrous creation. The director now has no other choice but to accompany his son on his inevitable, brutal path and their common search for redemption. Inspired by Mary Shelley's classic gothic novel "Frankenstein". Jedan mladi čovjek je davno dobio sina, a da nikad nije saznao šta se s njim desilo. Rudiju je sad 17 i vraća se kući u nadi da će se, nakon godina provedenih u jednoj ustanovi, ponovo sastati s porodicom. Vraća se majci s nadom da će naići na Utorak, nakon Božića / Tuesday, After Christmas 12 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / prihvatanje i ljubav i da će, što je najvažnije, saznati ko mu je otac - ali, otkrije da i nije dobrodošao. Skoro slučajno se Rudi nađe na jednom catingu. Režiser filma opčinjen je njegovom nevinošću i misli da je našao glumca za glavnu ulogu. Međutim, uskoro jedan stravično događaj ugrozi Rudijeve dobre namjere. Postaje ubica kojeg progone, a režiser shvata da je Rudi, taj neobični i tihi mladić, zapravo, njegov sin i njegova čudovišna tvorevina. Sad režiser nema izbora, već da krene za sinom na njegov neizbježni, brutalni put i u zajedničku potragu za iskupljenjem. Film je inspiriran "Frankenštajnom", klasičnim gotskim romanom Mary Shelly. Utorak, nakon Božića / Tuesday, After Christmas Romania, 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 99 min. Režija / Director: Radu Muntean Scenarij / Screenplay: Alexandru Baciu, Răzvan Rădulescu, RaduMuntean Uloge / Cast: Mimi Brănescu, Mirela Oprisor, Maria Popistasu, Sasa Paul-Szel, Dragos Bucur, Victor Rebengiuc, Dana Dembinski, Silvia Năstase, Carmen Lopăzan, Adrian Văncică, Ioana Blaj Paul Hanganu i Adriana su u braku već deset godina. Imaju osmogodišnju kći Maru. Posljednjih šest mjeseci Paul održava vanbračnu vezu sa Skupljači perja / I Even Met Happy Gypsies Ralucom, dvadesetsedmogodišnjom zubarkom. Dok se bori da pronađe dovoljno vremena za Ralucu, kupovinu poklona i porodicu, Paul odlučuje da prije Božića odvede kćerku zubaru. Zbog iznenadne promjene u Adrianinom rasporedu, ona i Raluca se po prvi put nalaze u istoj prostoriji. Njihov susret prisiljava Paula da donese neke teške odluke. Paul Hanganu married Adriana ten years ago. They have an eight year old daughter, Mara. For the past six months he has been involved in an extramarital affair with Raluca, a twentyseven-year-old dentist. Paul, who is struggling to find time for Raluca, for gift shopping and for his family, decides to take his daughter to the dentist one last time before Christmas. An unexpected change in Adriana's schedule brings the two women in the same room for the first time. The meeting forces Paul to face a difficult decision. Kao da me nema / As If I am not There neočekivano pojavi na vratima. Celal lives an unhappy family life with his wife Sevilay and his child in a small town. Celal and his brother Cemal are running an electrician shop which doesn't go well. They are in debt. Celal’s love to Sibel Ceylan who works in the night club, will cause trouble for him. Celal’s wife Sevilay saves money sent by her father who has been living in Germany for 15 years. She is unaware of the fact that Celal knows her secret. Living an unhappy life, Celal thinks that this money will be his salvation and makes a plan. He plans to push his wife off the cliff by making it seem like an accident and he plans to possess the 75,000 Euros that his wife had saved. He carries out his plan but two days after his wife Sevilay comes back unexpectedly. GALA PROJEKCIJA / GALA SCREENING Vavien Skupljači perja / I Even Met Happy Gypsies Turkey, 2009, 35 mm, Colour, 100 min. Režija / Director: Durul Taylan, Yagmur Taylan Scenarij / Screenplay: Engin Günaydin Uloge / Cast: Engin Gunaydin, Binnur Kaya, Settar Tanriogen, Serra Yilmaz, Ilker Aksum, Ercan Kesal Celal vodi nesretan porodični život sa ženom Sevilay i djetetom u jednom malom gradu. Celal i njegov brat Cemal imaju električarsku radnju i ne ide im dobro. U dugovima su. Celal je zaljubljen u Sibel Ceylan koja radi u noćnom klubu i to će ga dovesti u nevolje. Celalova žena Sevilay štedi novac što joj šalje otac koji 15 godina živi u Njemačkoj. Nesvjesna je da Celal zna njenu tajnu. Nesretni Celal misli da će ga taj novac spasiti i skuje plan. Planira gurnuti ženu sa stijene da izgleda kao nesretan slučaj i uzeti 75 000 eura koje je uštedila. On ostvari taj plan, ali se dva dana kasnije njegova žena Sevilay Yugoslavia (Serbia), 1967, 35 mm, Colour, 94 min. Režija / Director: Aleksandar Petrović Scenarij / Screenplay: Aleksandar Petrović Uloge / Cast: Bekim Fehmiu, Olivera Vičo, Velimir Bata Živojinović, Gordana Jovanović, Mija Aleksić Vojvođanski Rom iz okolice Sombora, Bora, bavi se trgovanjem guščijim perjem i oženjen je jednom starijom Romkinjom. Zagleda se u mladu Tisu koju je njen očuh Mirta, i sam perjar, namijenio jednom mladom Romu. Tisa odbija svog budućeg supruga izjavljujući da on, s obzirom da ima samo dvanaest godina, nije u stanju obavljati bračne dužnosti i priklanja se Bori. Oni odlaze u planinu gdje se, u crkvi, vjenčaju. Bora, a Roma from the surrounding area of Sombor (Vojvodina), is a goose feather trader and is married to an older Roma woman. He falls in love with young Tisa whom her stepfather Mirta, also a feather trader, offered in marriage to a young Roma. Tisa refuses her future husband because he, being twelve years old, is not able to consummate their marriage, and grows closer with Bora. They get married in a church on a mountain. SPECIJALNA PROJEKCIJA IZVAN KONKURENCIJE / OUT OF COMPETITION SPECIAL SCREENING Kao da me nema / As If I am not There Ireland, 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 105 min. Režija / Director: Juanita Wilson Scenarij / Screenplay: Juanita Wilson Uloge / Cast: Nataša Petrović, Feđa Štukan, Nikolina Kujača, Zvezdana Angelovska, Jelena Jovanova, Irina Apelgren, Sanja Burić, Angela Stojanovska, Jana Mirčevska, Blagoj Veselinov, Miraj Grbić, Stellan Skarsgard Film KAO DA ME NEMA, snimljen po priznatom romanu Slavenke Drakulić, govori o Samiri, mladoj nastavnici u jednom bosanskom selu, čiji se život iz korijena promijeni onog dana kada jedan mladi vojnik nepozvan uđe u njenu kuhinju i kaže joj da se spakuje. Nebo potamni od dima iz sela koje gori iza nje, a Samira ulazi u novi svijet, gdje je mir bajka i gdje nema domova, samo centri - prihvatilišta, prijemni, radni i logori smrti. Based on the acclaimed book by Slavenka Drakulic, AS IF I AM NOT THERE tells the story of Samira - a young teacher in a Bosnian village - whose life is turned on its head the day a young soldier walks uninvited into her kitchen and tells her to pack a bag. As the sky turns black with smoke from the burning village behind her, Samira enters a new world, where peace is a fairytale and there are no homes, only camps - transit camp, reception camp, labour camp and death camp. CEREMONIJA ZATVARANJA I DODJELA NAGRADA / CLOSING AWARDS CEREMONY NARODNO POZORIŠTE / NATIONAL THEATRE 31.07.2010, 20.00 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / 13 U fokusu In Focus Lourdes Aurora Romania, France, Switzerland, Germany, 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 181 min. Režija / Director: Cristi Puiu Scenarij / Screenplay: Cristi Puiu Uloge / Cast: Gelu Colceag, Catrinel Dumitrescu, Luminita Gheorghiu, Gheorghe Ifrim, Valentin Popescu, Ileana Puiu, Cristi Puiu, Valeria Seciu, Clara Voda Kuhinja u stanu: muž i žena tiho pričaju o Crvenkapici, pazeći da ne probude djevojčicu koja spava u susjednoj sobi. Pustoš na rubu grada: iza napuštenih prikolica čovjek tiho posmatra ljude koji bi trebali predstavljati porodicu. Isti grad, isti čovjek: vozi kroz grad sa dvije ručno rađene udarne igle za lovačku pušku. Čovjek ima 42 godine, zove se Viorel. Pritisnut opskurnim mislima, vozi kroz grad na odredište poznato samo njemu. An apartment kitchen: a man and a woman discuss Little Red Riding Hood, their voices hushed, mindful of waking the little girl sleeping in the next room. A wasteland on the city's outskirts: behind a line of abandoned trailers, the man silently watches what seems to be a family. The same city, the same man: driving through traffic with two hand-made firing pins for a hunting rifle. The man is 42 years old, his name Viorel. Troubled by obscure thoughts, he drives across the city to a destination known only to him. Kosmos Turkey, Bulgaria, 2009, 35 mm, Colour, 122 min. Režija / Director: Reha Erdem Scenarij / Screenplay: Reha Erdem Uloge / Cast: Sermet Yeșil, Türkü Turan, Hakan Altuntaș, Sabahat Doganyilmaz, Korel Kubilay, Akin Ani Selektorica / Programmer: Elma Tataragić Kosmos je lopov koji pravi čuda. On iz divljine stiže u jedan izvanvremenski, pogranični grad, gorko plačući poput bjegunca. Samo što je stigao, spašava jednog malog dječaka iz rijeke, i svi ga prozvaše čovjekom koji čini čuda. Kosmos je prilično neobična osoba. Još je zanimljivija njegova osobina da se izuzetnom agilnošću popne na najviše drveće. Uskoro se Kosmos i Neptun, mlada sestra dječaka kojeg je spasio, zbliže na najbizarniji način: imitirajući krikove ptica na granama i krovovima. Kosmos is a thief who works miracles. He arrives in this timeless border town from the wilds, weeping like a fugitive. No sooner is he there than he rescues a small boy from drowning in the river, and is recognised as a man who works miracles. Kosmos is a rather uncommon person. One of his more striking skills is the ability to scale the tallest trees with uncommon agility. Soon Kosmos and Neptün, the teenager sister of the rescued boy, grow closer in the most bizarre of ways: imitating the screech of birds in trees and on rooftops. Lourdes Austria, France, Germany, 2009, 35 mm, Colour, 96 min. Režija / Director: Jessica Hausner Scenarij / Screenplay: Jessica Hausner Uloge / Cast: Sylvie Testud, Bruno Todeschini, Léa Seydoux, Linde Prelog, Heidi Baratta Kristina je zatočenica svoje paralize. Njen je vidokrug ograničen na samo mali fragment svijeta. Životari, a očajnički želi da sudjeluje u svijetu što je okružuje i da živi "punim plućima". Njen je hen- Aurora 14 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / Kosmos dikep metafora za osjećanje nepodobnosti i nesavršenosti. Čudo utjelovljuje njenu želju za boljim životom. Christine is a prisoner of her paralysis. Her range of vision is restricted to a small fragment of the world. She lives only half a life, but she desperately wants to take part in the world around her and to lead a whole life. Christine's handicap is a metaphor for feelings of inadequacy and imperfection and the miracle incarnates her desire to live a better life. Medalja časti/ Medal of Honor Germany, Romania, 2009, 35 mm, Colour, 105 min. Režija / Director: Calin Peter Netzer Scenarij / Screenplay: Tudor Voican Uloge / Cast: Victor Rebengiuc, Camelia Zorlescu, Mircea Andreescu, Ion Lucian, Radu Beligan Odnos Iona I. Iona (75) i njegove žene Nine (72) odavno je izgubljen: ona mu se obraća samo kada joj nešto treba. Ion mirno prihvata takve postupke. Njegova je jedina želja da održi privid normalnog života pred Nininim prijateljima. Stvari nisu ništa bolje sa Corneliuom (45), koji ne može oprostiti Ionu način na koji se ponio kada je pokušao da pobjegne iz komunističke Rumunije. Jednog dana, Ion prima Medalju časti za „herojstvo“ u Drugom svjetskom ratu, kojeg se jedva sjeća. Ion I. Ion's (75) relationship with his wife, Nina (72), is long gone: she talks to him only when she needs him to do something. Ion tacitly accepts being treated like this. His only desire is to keep the appearance of a normal life and relationship before Nina's friends. Things aren't working with Corneliu (45) who doesn't forgive him for the way he dealt with his attempt to Priče iz Karsa / Tales from Kars flee the communist Romania. One day Ion receives a Medal of Honor for his "heroic" actions back in the WW2, times he barely remembers. Na putu / On the Path Bosnia and Herzegovina, Austria, Germany, Croatia, 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 100 min. Režija / Director: Jasmila Žbanić Scenarij / Screenplay: Jasmila Žbanić Uloge / Cast: Zrinka Cvitešić, Leon Lučev, Nina Violić, Sebastian Cavazza, Mirjana Karanović, Ermin Bravo Dvoje mladih ljudi, Luna i Amar, nastoje prevazići prepreke koje prijete njihovoj ljubavi. Kad Amara na poslu suspendiraju zbog pića, Luna je zabrinuta da će to omesti njihov ionako krhki san da dobiju bebu. Lunini strahovi rastu kad Amar prihvati dobro plaćen posao u jednoj udaljenoj, konzervativnoj muslimanskoj zajednici. Nakon što nije imala nikakvog kontakta s Amarom, Luna konačno dobije dozvolu da ga posjeti u zabačenoj komuni, smještenoj pored jednog idiličnog jezera. Tu otkriva tajanstvenu atmosferu pokrivenih žena i rituala. A loving young couple, Luna and Amar, try their best to overcome the unexpected obstacles that threaten their relationship. When Amar is suspended for drinking on the job, Luna worries that this will interfere with her already fragile dreams of having a baby. Luna's fears grow when Amar accepts a wellpaid job hours away in a fundamentalist Muslim community. After having been cut off from contact with Amar, Luna is finally allowed to visit him at the secluded Wahhabi commune situated on an idyllic lake. She discovers the mysterious environment of veiled women and rituals. Medalja časti/ Medal of Honor Neke druge priče / Some Other Stories Neke druge priče / Some Other Stories in some other stories providing a different perspective. Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Slovenia, Ireland, 2010, 35 mm, 114 min. Režija / Directors: Ivona Juka, Ana Maria Rossi, Ines Tanović, Marija Džidževa, Hanna Slak Scenarij / Screenplay: Ivona Juka, Ana Maria Rossi, Ines Tanović, Gjorče Stavreski, Vardan Tozija, Marija Džidževa, Hanna Slak Uloge / Cast: Nera Stipičević, Goran Bogdan, Mirela Brekalo, Nataša Ninković, Sergej Trifunović, Feđa Štukan, Nina Violić, Emir Hadžihafizbegović, Jasna Ornela Bery, Iva Zendelska, Slaviša Kajevski, Lucija Šerbedžija, Petra Govc Stvarni život ne čine samo naši planovi o sreći, nego baš ono što se protivi tim planovima i namjerama, ono što se slučajno događa, što je potpuno nepredvidivo i što ponekad izaziva razočarenje i bol. Osim trudnoće i iščekivanja novog života, poveznica priča ovog omnibusa su i slučajni događaji koji narušavaju planove i mijenjaju živote. To su priče o ljubavi i nadi, o osveti, požrtvovnosti, prkosu, sistemu, a njihove likove zatičemo već u nekim drugim pričama, koje donose drukčije perspektive. Real life is not only about our plans of happiness, but about what stands against those plans and intentions, about what accidentally happens, utterly unpredictable, sometimes causing disappointment and pain. Apart from pregnancy and expectation of a better life, events that disrupt plans and change lives are also what links this omnibus. These are stories of love and hope, of revenge, devotion, pride, system, and practically in the next instant we find their characters Priče iz Karsa / Tales from Kars Turkey, 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 78 min. Režija / Directors: Özcan Alper, Zehra Derya Koç, Ülkü Oktay, Ahu Öztürk, Emre Akay Scenarij / Screenplay: Ozcan Alper, Zehra Derya Koc, Ulku Oktay, Ahu Ozturk, Emre Akay Uloge / Cast: Ayda Aksel, Bennu Yildirimlar, Iskender Bagcilar, Begum Birgoren, Necmettin Cobanoglu Omnibus od pet filmova snimljenih u turskoj pokrajini Kars, na granici sa Armenijom. Tri od pet režisera su debitanti koji su izabrani da snime svoje priče nakon što su pobijedili na takmičenju za najbolji scenarij. Rezultat je dirljiva kolekcija filmova koji ostaju mali i jednostavni: mladalačka ljubav između djevojčice i dječaka koji putuju zimi do škole, prisjećanje mlade žene na majčinu reakciju na njenu prvu menstruaciju i grudnjak, te priča o studentu koji se vraća u svoje selo, ali jako brzo opet odlazi jer ga tamo dočekuje prošlost. Omnibus of five short films that were shot in the Turkish province of Kars, on the border with Armenia. Among the five directors are three debutants who were chosen to film their stories after winning a scenario contest. The final result is a sympathetic collection of films that remain small and simple: the puppy love between a boy and a girl on their winter trip to school, the memories of a young woman about her mother's response to her first menstruation and bra, and the story of a student who returns to his village, but all too soon flees again for the past that is waiting for him there. Na putu / On The Path SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / 15 Ja već jesam sve ono što želim da imam / I Already Am Everything I Want To Have Ispadaš / You're out Ispočetka / Starting Over Crveno / Red Takmičarski program kratki film Competition Programme – Shorts Selektorica / Programmer: Elma Tataragić Sreća/Happiness SVJETSKE PREMIJERE / WORLD PREMIERE Ispočetka / Starting Over Bosnia and Herzegovina , 2010, HD CAM (HDTV), Colour, 20 min. Režija / Director: Ines Tanović Scenarij / Screenplay: Ines Tanović Uloge / Cast: Feđa Štukan, Nina Violić, Jasna Ornela Bery, Emir Hadžihafizbegović Haris je zaljubljen u djevojku iz Holandije koja radi za Evropsku komisiju u Sarajevu. Film preispituje sukob između Harisove emotivne privrženosti i Hederine ljubavne igre koja samo povremeno prevazilazi okvire pukog erotskog užitka. Haris is in love with a Dutch girl working at the European Commission in Sarajevo. The story re-examines the conflict between Haris's deep emotional attachment and Heder's love game, which only occasionally exceeds the boundaries of mere erotic pleasure. Sreća / Happiness Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany , 2010, HD CAM (HDTV), Colour, 15 min. Režija / Director: Šejla Kamerić Scenarij / Screenplay: Šejla Kamerić Uloge / Cast: Milena Dravić, Olga Kolb Film SREĆA inspirisan je zbirkom pripovjedaka Mirka Kovača "Nebeski zaručnici". Kao mantre, ove riječi su instrument razmišljanja koji nas vodi u drugačiju dimenziju, gdje potraga za srećom postaje jedini način preživljavanja. Ovaj film je sjećanje; zona u kojoj vrijeme postoji na drugačiji način. HAPPINESS was inspired by a collection of short 16 stories by Mirko Kovač entitled "Fiancées of Heaven". These mantra-like words are the instruments of thought which leads us to another dimension, where the quest for love becomes the only way to survive. This film is a memory, an area where time exists in a different way. INTERNACIONALNE PREMIJERE / INTERNATIONAL PREMIERES 3000 života leptira / 3000 Lives of Butterflies Serbia, 2009, HD CAM, Colour, 16 min. Režija / Director: Saša Perić Scenarij / Screenplay: Saša Perić Uloge / Cast: Sara Santini, Predrag Momčilović Sara je sedamnaestogodišnja djevojka koja vodi normalan život. Jednoga dana njenu svakodnevnicu poremeti posjeta oca koga nije vidjela deset godina. Oni odlaze na izlet u šumu i pokušavaju da premoste jaz koji su godine stvorile između njih. Sara is a 17-year-old girl leading a normal life. One day her everyday routine is interrupted by a visit from her father whom she has not seen for the past ten years. They go to the woods for a picnic trying to bridge the gap between them. majkom u stanu od trideset kvadrata u centru Zagreba. Film prati njihovu dnevnu rutinu i način na koji je nastoje očuvati uprkos vlastitoj samoživosti. Marina is in her mid-twenties and lives with her possessive mother in a very small apartment of 30 square meters in the centre of Zagreb. This film describes their daily routine, and the ways these two women try to obtain it, regardless of their selfinvolved characters. Ispadaš / You're Out Austria, 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 6 min., animation Režija / Director: Max Liebich Scenarij / Screenplay: Max Liebich YOUR'RE OUT je kratki animirani film o čovjeku koji se povlači iz društva. On postaje čeznutljivi posmatrač i spoznaje nadmoć prirode, a smrt ga više ne impresionira. YOU'RE OUT is an animated short film telling the story of a man who opts out of society. He becomes a longing observer who recognizes the overwhelming power of nature and is no longer impressed by death. Crveno / Red Nespavanje ne ubija / No Sleep Won't Kill You Croatia, 2010, Beta Sp, Colour, 24 min. Režija / Director: Sonja Tarokić Scenarij / Screenplay: Sonja Tarokić Uloge / Cast: Marina Redžepović, Jasna Bilušić, Jadran Grubišić Mlada djevojka Marina živi sa svojom posesivnom Croatia, 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 9 min., animation Režija / Director: Marko Meštrović Scenarij / Screenplay: Marko Meštrović Šta se desi kad snovi preuzmu kontrolu nad realnošću? SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / Stanka ide kući / Stanka Goes Home Lord 3000 života leptira / 3000 Lives Of Butterflies Derbi / Derby What happens when the dream takes control over reality? REGIONALNE PREMIJERE / REGIONAL PREMIERES Derbi / Derby Romania, 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 15 min. Režija / Director: Paul Negoescu Scenarij / Screenplay: Paul Negoescu Uloge / Cast: Bogdan Voda, Maria Mitu, Nicolas Teodorescu, Clara Voda Momak Mirceove petnaestogodišnje kćeri je pozvan na porodičnu večeru. On stiže prerano i sa Mirceovom kćeri odlazi u njenu sobu. Dok gleda televiziju, Mircea čuje kako njegova kćer stenje u svojoj sobi. Večera počinje i Mircea saznaje da momak njegove kćeri navija za suprotan fudbalski tim. Mircea has a 15-year-old daughter whose boyfriend is invited to dine with the family. He arrives earlier and they go to her bedroom. While watching TV, Mircea can hear his daughter moaning from her room. The dinner starts and Mircea finds out that the boyfriend supports a different football team. se javljati glasovi: kako sebi reći ne? The boy is new to the city. Daniel doesn’t know what to do with himself. He visits his sister, he visits friends. Noise begins to emerge: how to say no to yourself? Lord Romania , 2009, 35 mm, Colour, 25 min. Režija / Director: Adrian Sitaru Scenarij / Screenplay: Adrian Sitaru Uloge / Cast: Sergiu Costache, Andreea Samson Iako mrzi pse, Toni se bavi pronalaženjem izgubljenih životinja da bi, emotivno ucjenjujući njihove vlasnike, izvukao ogromne sume novca. Stari ružni pekinezer kojeg Toni nikako da se riješi budi u njemu osjećanja koja čak i njega iznenade. Although he hates dogs, Toni is engaged in finding lost animals and then sentimentally blackmails the masters in order to obtain large amounts of money. But when an old and ugly Pekinese, which he is simply unable to get rid of, awakes unfamiliar emotions in him, Toni is caught completely off guard. Stanka ide kući / Stanka Goes Home Ja već jesam sve ono što želim da imam / I Already Am Everything I Want To Have Serbia , 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 35 min. Režija / Director: Dane Komljen Scenarij / Screenplay: Dane Komljen Uloge / Cast: Ivan Đorđević, Bojana Zečević, Dragana Milošević, Peđa Damnjanović Daniel je novi u gradu i ne zna šta da radi. Posjećuje sestru, posjećuje prijatelje. Počinju mu Bulgaria, 2010, Dolby SR, Colour, 15 min. Režija / Director: Maya Vitkova Scenarij / Screenplay: Radu Jude Uloge / Cast: Reni Yoncheva, Vasil Dimitrov, Jordan Bikov Kada gospođa Stanka Atanasova, starija i bolesna žena, ulazi u svoju zgradu, otkriva da je lift u kvaru. Stanka se uz stepenice mora popeti na deveti sprat, a ono što je za većinu ljudi jednostavan zadatak njoj predstavlja veliki izazov. Nespavanje ne ubija / No Sleep Won't Kill You When Mrs. Stanka Atanasova, an elderly and sick woman, enters her block of flats, she discovers that the elevator is out of order. Stanka must use the stairs to get to the ninth floor, and what for most of us is a simple task, becomes a challenge for her. Žuti mjesec / Yellow Moon Croatia, 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 17 min. Režija / Director: Zvonimir Jurić Scenarij / Screenplay: Zvonimir Jurić Uloge / Cast: Lana Barić, Marija Škaričić Cura koja se useljava u zgradu dolazi se predstaviti trudnoj susjedi. Upoznaju se, piju kafu u stanu susjede i čavrljaju. Njihov odnos postane teži i ozbiljniji kada trudna susjeda zatraži od cure da ostane s njom jer je usamljena, ne želeći joj pritom objasniti kako se našla u takvoj situaciji. A girl moves into a building and introduces herself to a pregnant neighbor. They meet; share a cup of coffee in the neighbor's apartment. Small talk. Their relationship becomes arduous and more serious once the neighbor asks the girl to stay with her because she is lonely; denying the girl an explanation of how she had gotten herself into such a situation. TAKMIČARSKI KRATKI 1 / COMPETITION SHORTS 1 YOU'RE OUT, NO SLEEP WON'T KILL YOU, 3000 LIVES OF BUTTERFLIES, I ALREADY AM EVERYTHING I WANT TO HAVE, STARTING OVER, HAPPINESS TAKMIČARSKI KRATKI 2 / COMPETITION SHORTS 2 RED, STANKA GOES HOME, DERBY, YELLOW MOON, LORD Žuti mjesec / Yellow Moon SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / 17 Takmičarski program dokumentarni film Competition Programme Documentaries Dvanaest susjeda / Twelve Neighbours Selektorica / Programmer: Rada Šešić SVJETSKE PREMIJERE / WORLD PREMIERES Ciklusi / Cycles Croatia , 2010, DigiBeta, Colour, 54 min. Režija / Director: Vladimir Gojun Scenarij / Screenplay: Vladimir Gojun Joško ima 24 godine i boluje od malignog tumora. Njegov najbolji prijatelj je potpuno zdrav i kamerom bilježi najintimnije trenutke te iscrpljujuće borbe. Ponekad to nisu najzgodniji trenuci za Joška dok nerijetko za obojicu to biva najučinkovitija terapija. Joško is 24 and has a malignant tumor. His best friend is completely healthy and captures the most intimate moments of that exhausting struggle on camera. Sometimes those are not the most convenient moments for Joško, yet sometimes they prove to be the most efficient therapy for both of them. Dvanaest susjeda / Twelve Neighbours Greece, 2009, Beta Sp, Colour, 52 min. Režija / Director: Marianna Economou Daphne sama pleše tango, Giannis se suočava sa krajem svog 40-godišnjeg biznisa sa začinima, Koula svima nudi pogrebne darove, pjesnik filozofira. Kurd Aziz voli staru damu preko puta, Katina čuva napuštenu fabriku šalova, Cacoyiannis proba za Lizistratu, ovisnik o drogama bi radije umro... Dvanaest veoma različitih "svjetova" koegzistira u maloj ulici u Atini. Uprkos dramatičnim društvenim i ekonomskim promjenama kroz koje ovo siromašno uže područje grada prolazi, osjećaj susjedstva još uvijek postoji. Daphne dances tango on her own, Giannis experiences the end of his 40 year old spice business, Koula dispenses funeral offerings to all, the poet philosophizes. Aziz, the Kurd, loves the old lady opposite, Katina guards a disused scarf factory, Cacoyiannis rehearses Lysistrata, the drug addict would rather die… Twelve very different 'worlds' co exist in a small street in Athens. Despite the dramatic social and economic changes that this underprivileged inner city area undergoes , a sense of neighborhood still exists. Godine koje su pojeli lavovi / Years Eaten by Lions Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2010, Beta Sp, Colour and B&W, 60 min. Režija / Director: Boro Kontić Scenarij / Screenplay: Boro Kontić Autor već godinama sakuplja primjere neprofesio- 18 nalnog novinarstva tokom rata na prostoru bivše Jugoslavije, a posebno one koje govore o ratnom huškanju, propagandi i govoru mržnje. Od juna 2009. kamerom je počeo pratiti sudbinu najavljene krivične prijave Nezavisnog udruženja novinara protiv NN lica - novinara odgovornih za ratnohuškačku propagandu. Radi se o prvom konkretnom pokušaju da se pitanje novinara, ratnih huškača, postavi kao javno pitanje o njihovoj odgovornosti. Istovremeno, od juna 2009. do maja 2010., autor je u cijeloj regiji obilazio ljude koji su na bilo koji način bili uključeni u ratnu propaganda, tražeći odgovor na pitanja „Gdje su danas i šta rade ratni novinari propagandisti“, odnosno „Da li ovo pitanje više išta znači u ovim sredinama“? For years, the author has been collecting for years examples of unprofessional journalism during the war in ex-Yugoslavia (1991-1995), especially examples of war agitation, propaganda and hate speech. Since 2009, the director and his camera have followed the developments related to anticipated criminal charges of the Independent Society of Journalists of Serbia against the unknown persons journalists responsible for the war agitation and propaganda. This is the first actual attempt to raise the issue of responsibility of journalists who were war agitators as a public issue. At the same time, from June 2009 to May 2010, the author visited people throughout the region who were in one way or another included in the war propaganda, trying to find answers to questions: “Where are the war propaganda journalists today and what are they doing?“ i.e. “Does this question means anything nowadays in these communities“? Mila traži Senidu / Mila Seeking Senida Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Slovenia, 2010, DigiBeta, Colour, 83 min. Režija / Director: Robert Zuber Scenarij / Screenplay: Robert Tomić Zuber Mila Janković (Senida Bećirović) je djevojčica nestala u maju 1992. godine, kada su u njeno mjesto Caparde, u Bosni i Hercegovini, ušle srpske vojne snage. Pedeset mještana, među njima i njena majka Senada (25) i starija sestra Sanda (3), nestalo je ili je ubijeno. Šesnaest se godina vjerovalo da je i tada devetomjesečna Senida doživjela istu sudbinu. No, Senidina priča je ipak nastavljena. Godine 1993. malu Senidu smještaju u beogradsku obitelj Janković, u dom Živke i Živana. Odgajana u SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / građanskoj, imućnoj, pravoslavnoj obitelji Senida dobija novo ime - Mila Janković. Mila Janković (Senida Bećirović) is a girl who went missing in May 1992 when Serb military forces entered her birth place Caparde, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Around fifty inhabitants, her mother Senada (25) and older sister Sanda (3) among them, went missing or were killed. For sixteen years it was believed that then nine months old Senida lived to the same fate. Still, Senida’s story continues. In 1993 wee Senida is placed in the Belgrade based family Jankovic, home of Zivko and Zivana. Raised in an affluent, urban and Christan Orthodox family, Senida gets a new name - Mila Janković. Moja je kuća bila na Sulukulama / My House Stood in Sulukule Austria, 2010, HD CAM (HDTV), Colour, 94 min. Režija / Director: Astrid Heubrandtner Scenarij / Screenplay: Astrid Heubrandtner Sulukule, zapušteni dio Istanbula, najstarije je romsko naselje na svijetu. Sve do devedesetih godina prošlog vijeka, muzika i ples su bili glavni izvor prihoda. Skoro 40 klubova, vrlo popularnih među Turcima i turistima, postojalo je u Sulukuleu do njihovog zatvaranja tokom devedesetih godina. 2005. godine započet je projekat urbanističke obnove: općina je željela da kupi sve zgrade, na njihovom mjestu sagradi luksuzne vile i na taj način transformira taj kraj. Pošto tamnošnji stanovnici ne mogu da priušte te nove kuće, bit će deložirani. Sulukule, a run-down district in Istanbul, is the oldest Roma settlement in the world. Until the 1990's the Roma made a living through music and dance. Sulukule was the home of nearly 40 entertainment houses which were popular with Turks and tourists until the clubs were closed down in the 1990's. In 2005 an urban renewal project started: The municipality wanted to buy all the buildings and replace them with luxury villas, transforming the neighbourhood. Because the local inhabitants can never afford to live in these new houses, they shall be evicted. Poplava / The Flood Croatia, 2010, DigiBeta, Colour, 40 min. Režija / Director: Goran Dević Scenarij / Screenplay: Goran Dević Kosinj i okolna sela, pasivne dijelove Like, radi velikih kiša i otapanja snijega svakih dvadesetak godina zadesi poplava velikih razmjera. Sela koja su inače udaljena nekoliko kilometara od rijeke Like su pod vodom. Cijela regija postaje golemo jezero koje međusobno može komunicirati jedino čamcima. Film prati sudbine dvojice volontera koji svaki svojoj zajednici, hrvatskoj i srpskoj, za vrijeme poplave postaju jedina spona sa ostatkom svijeta. Kosinj and neighboring villages, passive parts of Lika, are tormented by floods every twenty years or so, due to heavy rains and snow melting. The villages a couple of kilometers away from river Lika are under water. The whole region becomes one huge lake where the only communication is by boats. The film follows stories of two volunteers during the flood, each of them becomes the only link with the rest of the world for their respective communities, Serbian and Croatian. Švelje / The Seamstresses Macedonia, Germany, 2010, HD CAM, Colour, 30 min. Režija / Director: Biljana Garvanlieva Scenarij / Screenplay: Biljana Garvanlieva Preostali talentirani ljudi poput umjetnika ili pisaca imaju samo jedan izbor: da rade kao švelje. Eriela, Beti i Vesna su švelje u gradiću Stip. Morale bi izdvojiti čitavu mjesečnu platu kada bi htjele da si priušte jednu od svojih ručno rađenih bluza. I dok su one preko glave u poslu, njihovi muževi nisu takve sreće jer su ostali nezaposleni nakon pada komunizma. U toj su situaciji parovi na granici konflikta. Muškarcima teško pada to što finansijski zavise od svojih žena, jer su se oni nekada starali o porodici. Talented people like artists or writers who stayed have one choice only: work as seamstresses. Eriela, Beti and Vesna are seamstresses in the small town of Stip. If they wanted to afford one of their handmade blouses, it would cost them a month's salary. While the women are fully employed, their men are less fortunate and find themselves unemployed after the collapse of communism. A situation with a lot of potential conflict for the couples. The men find it hard to be dependent financially on their women, when they used to proudly provide for the family. INTERNACIONALNE PREMIJERE / INTERNATIONAL PREMIERES Hotel Raj / Paradise Hotel Bulgaria , 2010, Beta Sp, Colour, 55 min. Režija / Director: Sophia Tzavella Scenarij / Screenplay: Sophia Tzavella Mladi Demir sanja o vjenčanju. Ali njegovo stambeno naselje u predgrađu provincijskog grada u Bugarskoj nije mjesto za romantičnu priču. Prije 25 godina to mjesto je imalo sve što treba biti uzor socijalističkog raja: od parketa do interfona, priželjkivanog centralnog sistema tople vode, uličnih svjetiljki, klupi pod šaptajućim stablima jabuka. Neko je to mjesto prozvao Hotel Raj - i ime je ostalo. S godinama se naselje postepeno promijenilom, ali svaki od 1500 stanovnika ima plan kako da vrati san Izgubljenog Raja. Young Demir dreams of a wedding. But his Roma tower block at the outskirts of a provincial town in Bulgaria is no place for romance. 25 years ago it had all it takes for panel socialist heaven: from parquet floors to intercom, the coveted hot water central, street lamps, benches under murmuring apple trees. Someone called the place Paradise Hotel - and the name stuck. With the years the block gradually changed. But each of the 1500 inhabitants has a plan how to get back the dream of Paradise Lost. Ciklusi / Cycles Kapitalizam: Naša poboljšana formula / Kapitalism: Our Improved Formula Romania, France, Belgium , 2010, HD CAM (HDTV), Colour, 80 min. Režija / Director: Alexandru Solomon Zamislite da se Ceausescu vratio 20 godina nakon svrgavanja sa vlasti i pogubljenja. Da je počeo upoređivati stanje u kojem je ostavio Rumuniju sa sadašnjim. Zamislite kako bi bivši komunistički diktator prihvatio da neki od njegovih najdražih i najbližih koji su izgradili kapitalizam - i generalno svi Rumuni - razmišljaju samo o novcu, autima i potrošnji. Prijedlog se možda čini apsurdnim ili smiješnim - i zaista to jeste. Jer kakva je inače postkomunistička stvarnost? Imagine Ceausescu came back 20 years after he was overthrown and executed. That he started comparing the state in which he left Romania for us, with the current state of affairs. Imagine the former Communist dictator understanding it is some of his dearest and nearest who built Capitalism and that - generally - Romanians think only about money, cars and consumption. The proposal might seem absurd or funny - and it is. Because what else is post-communist reality? Godine koje su pojeli lavovi / Years Eaten by Lions Mila traži Senidu / Mila Seeking Senida Mica i okolne priče / Mica and the Stories around Her Serbia, 2010, Mini DV, Colour, 37 min. Režij / Director: Milan Nikodijević Scenarij / Screenplay: Milan Nikodijević Milica Ostojić a.k.a. Mica Trofrtaljka or Mica Davorika a singer from Milićevci near Čačak (Serbia) by singing the song ” Davorike, dajke” became a big star of new underground music in the seventies in former Yugoslavija. Forgotten for years, she returned to the scene in the film ”Pretty Village, pretty flame”, saying the historical sentence: “Shut up mate, erotica”. Milica Ostojić, poznata i kao Mica Trofrtaljka ili Mica Davorika, pjevačica je iz Milićevića u okolini Čačka (Srbija), koja je sedamdesetih godina prošlog vijeka postala velika zvijezda underground scene u tadašnjoj Jugoslaviji s pjesmom „Davorike dajke“. Godinama zaboravljena, vratila se na scenu u filmu „Lepa sela lepo gore“, u kojem je izgovorila antologijsku rečenicu: „Šuti bolan, erotika“. Moja je kuća bila na Sulukulama / My House Stood in Sulukule Poplava / The Flood SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / 19 Švelje / The Seamstresses Hotel Raj / Paradise Hotel Početni udarac / Kick off Austria , 2009, Beta Sp, Colour, 94 min. Režija / Director: Hüseyin Tabak Scenarij / Screenplay: Hüseyin Tabak Stadion Prater u Beču. Trideset hiljada gledalaca posmatra meč između Austrije i Turske. Na poluvremenu je na programu veoma posebna stvar. Na teren izlaze fudbaleri u jarkocrvenim dresovima, lica nepoznata čak i najrevnosnijim fanovima. „Ovo je za mene trenutak ponosa“, kaže spiker na stadionu, „da mogu predstaviti jedan izuzetan tim - hrabre muškarce koji su se uz pomoć fudbala vratili sa same ivice. Oni će predstavljati Austriju na Svjetskom kupu uličnog fudbala beskućnika u Australiji.“ The Prater Stadium in Vienna. Thirty thousand spectators are watching Austria play Turkey. At half time there’s a very special item on the programme. Footballers in bright red strip, faces that are unfamiliar to even the keenest fan, jog onto the pitch. “It’s a proud moment for me”, says the stadium announcer, “to present a very special team today. Courageous men who’ve fought their way back from the edge with the help of football. They will be representing Austria at the Homeless Street Soccer World Cup in Australia.” Teži put / Hard Lines Hungary , 2009, HD CAM (HDTV), Colour, 54 min. Režija / Director: Istvan Nagy Scenarij / Screenplay: Nora Ruszkai Dolazeći iz potpuno različitih sredina, Peti i Robi se nikada ne bi ni upoznali. Njih dvoje su kao vatra i voda, ali su oboje poslani u isti popravni dom nakon što su postali maloljetni prestupnici. Uzimajući ih kao primjer, naš film istražuje učinkovitost zapadnoevropskog modela pravosudnog sistema za maloljetničko prestupništvo u socijalno slojevitom regionu okruga Borsod. Kada roditeljska odgovornost zakaže, da li institucije mogu pomoći? Mica i okolne priče / Mica and The Stories Around Her 20 Coming from completely different backgrounds Peti and Robi wouldn't have met at all. They are like fire and water but, after becoming juvenile offenders, they both were sent to the same Juvenile Probation Supervision Office. Taking them as examples, our film examines the effectiveness of a Western European modell of juvenile court sanction in the socially stratified region of Borsod county. Could an institute help if parental responsibility has failed? U braku sa kamerom / Married to the Camera Turkey , 2010, Mini DV, Colour, 52 min. Režija / Director: Doga Kilcioglu Ovo je film koji nam pokazuje nepoznata lica televizijskog svijeta kroz veoma popularni televizijski program u Turskoj „Brak sa Esra Erolom“ koji vjenčava ljude ispred kamera. Film U BRAKU S KAMEROM se fokusira na nekoliko likova: popularnu voditeljicu koja se na sceni osjeća jako dobro, ali van scene se moli za sreću; režisera koji joj u uho šapće instrukcije da bi program bio što življi, uzbudljiviji; neobičnog gledaoca u publici čiji je posao da kritikuje ljude koji dolaze da se vjenčaju; publiku koja pleše i plješće po naredbi i mladića koji pleše na zvukove hip hop muzike bez da je ikada u životu ušao u disko klub... This is a film which shows us the unknown faces of TV world through a very popular TV program in Turkey called “Marriage with Esra Erol”. This program aims to marry people in front of the camera. MARRIED TO THE CAMERA focuses on some characters: a popular presenter who feels very much at ease on stage but prays for good luck in the backstage; a director whispering in her earphone to guide her in order to make the show more lively, more exciting; a peculiar spectator whose job is to criticize the people who come to Početni udarac / Kick off SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / Kapitalizam: Naša poboljšana formula / Kapitalism: Our Improved Formula marry; audience dancing and clapping when ordered; and a young man dancing to hip hop music without ever being in a disco all his life… Zvijezda je rođena / A Star Is Born Serbia , 2009, HD CAM (HDTV), Colour, 75 min. Režija / Director: Vanja Kovačević Scenarij / Screenplay: Vanja Kovačević Film o ostvarivanju vlastitih snova. Film o ratu protiv samog sebe i o pobjedi. Ovo je film o muzici, ali prije svega film o ritmu. Vanja ima 29 godina i profesionalno se bavi filmom. Njen dječiji san je bio da svira bubnjeve u bendu - sada ostvaruje taj san. Inspirisana pjesmom „Rođen za scenu“ benda “The Decemberists”, Vanja sama sebi postavlja ultimatum tako što zakazuje koncert: pred njom je devet i po mjeseci proba, sumnji, nada, očaja i euforije. This is a film about fulfilling your dreams. This is a film about war against yourself and victory. This is a film about music, but above all this is a film about rhythm. Vanja is 29 years old and a professional filmmaker. Playing the drums in a band was her childhood dream - now she makes it come true. Inspired by the Decemberists' song "I was Meant for the Stage" Vanja issues herself an ultimatum by scheduling a concert: she has nine and half months of tough rehearsal, doubts, hopes, desperation and euphoria. BiH PREMIJERE / B&H PREMIERES Dugo putovanje kroz istoriju, historiju i povijest Balkana / The Long Road Through Balkan History Serbia, 2010, Beta Sp, Colour and b&w, 58 min. Režija / Director: Željko Mirković Scenarij / Screenplay: Dušan Gajić, Željko Mirković Dvojica pisca, Miljenko Jergović i Marko Vidojković, smjenjuju se za volanom Yuge, simbola Teži put / Hard Lines Dugo putovanje kroz istoriju, historiju i povijest Balkana / The Long Road Through Balkan History U braku sa kamerom / Married To The Camera Zvijezda je rođena / A Star Is Born njihove zajedničke prošlosti, u vožnji s kraja na kraj puta koji se nekad zvao Autoput bratstva i jedinstva, od Slovenije do Makedonije, preko Hrvatske, Bosne i Srbije. Kroz retrovizor Yuge, Marko i Miljenko bacaju pogled na zajedničku prošlost, istražuju podjele koje je donijela historija, pitaju se gdje ih vodi sadašnjost - i dobro se zabavljaju dok to rade. Dok se Yugo probija između kamiona i brzih automobila i čeka u redovima na bezbrojnim graničnim kontrolama, Miljenko i Marko bacaju novi, svježi pogled na stanje Balkana. Two writers, Miljenko Jergovic from Croatia and Marko Vidojkovic from Serbia, share the driving in a Yugo, the ultimate symbol of their common past, and drive it from one end to the other of the road once known as the "Highway of Brotherhood and Unity", from Slovenia to Macedonia, via Croatia, Bosnia and Serbia. Our two drivers aim to look at their common past, find out how history has set them apart, ask where the present is leading them - and have a lot of fun while they are about it. As the Yugo dodges lorries, fast cars and queues at endless border controls Miljenko and Marko take a wry look at the state of the Balkans. život petnaest godina kasnije. MURID (The Sheikh's Follower) is the story of 30 year-old American Chris Collins, who as a wayward, rock music-obsessed 15 year-old found himself drawn into a deeply mystical Islamic sect, led by the powerfully charismatic Sheikh Nazim Al Kibrisli (of Cypriot origin). Chris goes through a dramatic change of character instigated by both the Sheikh and the fellow followers. The Sheikh renames him Allahudin, and instructs him to marry an equally young and attractive Fatima. The film picks up Allahudin's story fifteen years later. Murid Cyprus , 2010, Beta Sp, Colour, 52 min. Režija / Director: Yeliz Shukri Scenarij / Screenplay: Yeliz Shukri, Simon Bacheli MURID je priča o tridesetogodišnjem amerikancu Chrisu Collinsu, kojega je sa petnaest godina, dok je bio buntovnik opsjednut rok muzikom, privukla duboko mistična Islamska sekta pod vođstvom moćnog i harizmatičnog Nazima Al Kibrislia (kiparskog porijekla). Chrisova ličnost se dramatično mijenja pod uticajem Šejka, ali i njegovih sljedbenika. Šejka mu mijenja ime u Allahudin i instruira ga da oženi podjednako mladu i privlačnu Fatimu. Film prati Allahudinov Murid Svijet prema Ionu B / The World According to Ion B Romania , 2009, DigiBeta, Colour, 61 min. Režija / Director: Alexander Nanau Film počinje 2008. godine. Ion B. je 62-godišnji beskućnik. Njegov krevet je bio prljavi dušek od pjene na dnu smetljarnika, u bloku stanova smještenih u blizini Bukurešta. U zamjenu za sortiranje njihovog otpada, vlasnici stanova dozvoljavaju Ionu da živi u smetljarniku. U mladosti je Ion maštao o tome da postane filmski reditelj. 70-tih godina prošlog vijeka počeo je praviti kolaže koje zove „moji filmovi“. Film pokazuje putovanje i transformaciju Iona B. od skitnice do međunarodno priznatog umjetnika Iona Barladeanua. The film starts in 2008. Ion B is a 62 year-old homeless man. His bed was a filthy foam mattress at the bottom of a garbage chute, in a block of flats located in a neighbourhood in Bucharest. In exchange for sorting their refuse, the landlords allowed Ion to live in the garbage room. When he was young, Ion dreamed of becoming a film director. In the 70’s he started creating collages that he refers to as “my films”. The film shows the journey and transformation of Ion B from tramp to internationally acclaimed artist Ion Barladeanu. Svijet prema Ionu B / The World According To Ion B Zajedno / Together Croatia , 2009, DigiBeta, Colour, 87 min. Režija / Director: Nenad Puhovski Scenarij / Screenplay: Nenad Puhovski Šta to ljude drži zajedno? „Ide mi na živce, a ja je još uvijek volim“, kaže Ratka o svojoj lezbijskoj partnerici Milki. „Kada sam vidio da može čistiti po kući i peglati odjeću, rekao sam - to je to!“ Vladin je razoružavajući komentar o njegovoj supruzi Mariji koja je, kao i on, osoba s posebnim potrebama. „Ne znam šta on vidi u meni, ja nisam ljepotica“, priznaje Branka kada je pitaju o Krešinoj ljubavi prema njoj. Reditelj Nenad Puhovski pokušava doprijeti do srži ljubavi i želje preko pet veoma različitih priča o ljudima koji jesu ili žele biti u vezi. What is it that keeps people together? "Somebody gets on my nerves and I still love them," says Ratka about her lesbian partner Milka. "When I saw that she could clean around the house and iron clothes, I said, that's it!" is Vlado's disarming disclosure about his wife Marija, who, like himself, is mentally handicapped. "I don't know what he sees in me, I'm not a beauty," admits Branka when asked about Kreso's love for her. Director Nenad Puhovski tries to get to the heart of love and desire through five very different stories about people who are, were, or want to be in a relationship. Zajedno / Together SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / 21 CineLink 2010 Svake je godine za nas ponovno iznenađenje da, čitajući prijave za CineLink, nađemo neki zajednički nazivnik, neku nit koja objašnjava regionalnu kinematografiju, ili ono što će ona biti za dvije, tri ili četiri godine. Oko stotinu ovogodišnjih prijava projekata daje nam istinski i temeljit uvid u trendove, namjere i autorske poetike. I uzbudljivo je otkrivati zajednički nazivnik za godinu i poslije čekati gotove projekte, uporediti očekivanja i rezultate. Ovo je, što se gotovih filmova tiče, naša zlatna godina: CineLink projekti osvojili su Zlatne medvjede u Berlinu (BAL/HONEY Semiha Kapanoglua, EU CAND VREAU SA FLUIER, FLUIER/IF I WANT TO WHISTLE I WHISTLE Florina Serbana), takmičili se za Palme u Cannesu (ADRIAN PAL Agnesa Kocsisa, MARTI, DUPA CRACIUN/TUESDAY AFTER CHRISTMASS Radua Munteana), spremaju se i za Leoparde i Lavove (dok pišemo, oni se još spremaju, a kada vi ovo obudete čitali, znat ćete više nego mi danas). U Sarajevu, tri se takmiče za Srca (ADRIAN PAL, TUESDAY AFTER CHRISTMAS i JASMINA Nedžada Begovića). A na vas čekaju novi projekti, novi svjetovi sa juga Evrope... Od debitanata do etabliranih imena regionalnog filma, različitih budžeta, autorskih i produkcijskih koncepata - ovogodišnja selekcija nudi, prema našem mišljenju, vrlo precizan presjek regionalne produkcije. Nije slučajan izbor ni ovogodišnja zemlja partner. Od profesionalaca iz Izraela naš region može naučiti mnogo. Tu su zbog vas. Sa Work in Progressom i našim pratećim programima, slika je skoro potpuna. Pogledajte dobro i stranice na kojima predstavljamo naše partnere. Bez njih, naše slike ne bi bilo. Dobrodošli u budućnost. Year after year, we are surprised to find a common thread, one linking idea present in all the applications submitted for the CineLink programme, that gives an insight into regional cinematography - or rather, what it may be like in some three to four years. This year's applications, about 100 of them, gave us a true and thorough look at the trends, intentions and authorial poetics in the region. It is quite exciting to discover a common denominator in projects submitted in one year, and then wait for the films to be completed to compare expectations and results. And when you look at CineLink projects already completed, this has been our golden year. CineLink's projects have received Bears in Berlin (BAL/HONEY by Semih Kapanoglu, EU CAND VREAU SA FLUIER, FLUIER/IF I WANT TO WHISTLE I WHISTLE by Florin Serban); some competed for the Palms at Cannes, such as ADRIAN PAL by Agnes Kocsis, Marti, DUPA CRACIUN/TUESDAY AFTER CHRISTMAS by Radu Muntean, and some are now getting ready to compete for Leopards and Lions (when you read this, you will know more about it than we do now). Three of them will be competing for the Hearts, here in Sarajevo: ADRIAN PAL, TUESDAY AFTER CHRISTMAS and JASMINA by Nedžad Begović). And there are new projects waiting for you to see them, new worlds from the south of Europe. From debutants to established names, with different budgets, diverse poetics and production concepts - this year’s selection, we believe, offers a very precise cross-section of regional film production. This year’s CineLink partner country is no random choice either - film professionals coming to us from Israel are here for our sake. We can learn a lot from them. So the CineLink 2010 picture is almost complete - together with the Work in Progress and other sidebar programs. Please take a close look at the catalogue pages where we present our partners as well. Without them, this picture would not have come to be. Welcome to the future. CINELINK SELECTION: CIRCLES, Writer: Srđan Koljević; Director: Srdan Golubović; Producer: Jelena Mitrović; Serbia DOMESTIC, Writer/Director: Adrian Sitaru; Producer: Monica Lazurean-Gorgan; Romania LUTON, Writers: Michalis Konstantatos, Stelios Likouresis; Director: Michalis Konstantatos; Producer: Yorgos Tsourgiannis; Greece MIRAGE Writers: Szabolcs Hajdu, Jim Stark; Director: Szabolcs Hajdu; -Producers: Gabor Kovacs, Andrea Taschler; Hungary NIGHT LIFE Writers: Damjan Kozole, Ognjen Sviličić; Director: Damjan Kozole; Producer: Danijel Hočevar; Slovenia OUR EVERYDAY LIFE Writer/Director: Ines Tanović; Producers: Alem Babić, Mirjana Momirović; Bosnia and Herzegovina STAIN Writer/Director: Emine Emel Balci; Producers: Emine Emel Balci, Gokce Isil Tuna; Turkey TEGNAP/HIER, Writer/Director: Balint Kenyeres; Producer: Atilla Csaky; Hungary THE DISOBEDIENTS Writer/Director: Mina Đukić; Producers: Mina Đukić, Nikola Lezaić, Uroš Tomić; Serbia THE NECROMANCER, Writer/Director: Arpad Bogdan; Producer: Gabor Sipos; Hungary VOICE OF MY FATHER Writer: Orhan Eskikoy; Director: Orhan Eskikoy, Zeynel Dogan; Producers: Nadir Operli, Ozgur Dogan; Turkey CINELINK+ SELECTION: MONUMENT TO MICHAEL JACKSON Writer/Director: Darko Lungulov; Producers: Snežana Penev, Darko Lungulov; Serbia OF SNAILS AND MEN, Writer: Ionut Teinau; Director: Tudor Giurgiu; Producer: Oana Giurgiu; Romania ST. ANNE IN THE FIELD Writers: Zvonimir Jurić, Jelena Paljan; Director: Zvonimir Jurić; Producer: Ankica Jurić-Tilić; Croatia WEEKEND, Writer: Norbert Kobli; Director: Aron Matyassy; Producer: Gergely Fodor; Hungary WOLF, Writer/Director: Bogdan Mustata; Producer: Amra Bakšić Čamo, Koordinatorica programa Cinelink / Head of CineLink 22 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / Marcian Lazar; Romania Regionalni forum o budućnosti filmske industrije u jugoistočnoj Evropi REGIONAL FORUM ON THE FUTURE OF THE FILM INDUSTRY IN SOUTHEAST EUROPE Sredina u kojoj se filmovi finansiraju, produciraju, distribuiraju i prikazuju u jugoistočnoj Evropi trenutno prolazi kroz značajne promjene. S jedne strane, nove mogućnosti su očigledne, stvorene prvenstveno napretkom tehnologije i utjecajem koji će ove tehnologije imati na rasprostranjeniji i bolji pristup filmu, dok se, s druge strane, ustaljeni poslovni modeli pokazuju neodrživima, jer film ne nalazi dovoljno mjesta na platnima i ekranima širom regije. Može li filmska industrija, suočena sa sve manjim mogućnostima finansiranja i promjenama okruženja, prihvatiti tu situaciju kao priliku i izroniti snažnija iz ovakve krize? Sarajevo Film Festival i magazin Screen International su se još jednom udružili kako bi profesionalcima iz svih domena filma iz regije, okupljenim na Sarajevo Film Festivalu, ponudili niz predavanja vodećih profesionalaca filmske industrije, te predstavili nove sheme javnog finansiranja i nove poslovne modele. Nakon predavanja i prezentacija, organizirat će se okrugli stolovi o gorućim temama s kojima se filmska industrija suočava. Željeli bismo se zahvaliti UNESCO-u, REGIONALNOM VIJEĆU ZA SARADNJU, NORVEŠKOJ AMBASADI u BIH i BRITANSKOM SAVJETU na vrijednoj podršci koju su nam pružili u organizaciji ove konferencije i iskreno se nadamo da će naši zajednički napori rezultirati boljom uvezanošću nacionalnih filmskih politika i razmjeni pozitivnih praksi između filmskih profesionalaca u regiji. The environment in which films in Southeast Europe are being financed, produced, distributed and exhibited is experiencing substantial changes. While new opportunities are evident, in particular as a result of technological progress and its potential impact on a more diverse and improved access to film, the established business models are proving unsustainable, as film is not finding its fair share on screens region-wide. Between shrinking financing opportunities and an overall evolving landscape, can the industry embrace it all as an opportunity and emerge stronger from the time of crises? The Sarajevo Film Festival and Screen International have once again teamed up to present the assembled film professionals from all spheres of the business and from all over the region, with a series of keynote speeches by leading industry professionals, presentations of new public subsidy schemes and new business models, followed by a series of round table discussions on the burning issues the crises faced the industry with. We would like to thank UNESCO, REGIONAL COOPERATION COUNCIL, NORWEGIAN EMBASSY in B&H and the BRITISH COUNCIL for their valuable support in the organisation of this conference, and we sincerely hope our joint efforts will result in better synergies between national film policies and exchange of good practices between film professionals. SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / 23 4. Sarajevo Talent Campus Darren Aronofsky Stellan Skarsgard Gillian Anderson Lukas Moodysson Corneliu Porumboiu 24 4th Sarajevo Talent Campus Ponukani snažnim odjekom filmskih priča regiona Jugoistočne Evrope u posljednih nekoliko godina, odlučili smo uvesti opću temu 4. Sarajevo Talent Campusa: “Storytelling – From Your Backyard to the World”. Cilj nam je ispitati proces nastanka filmske priče: od početne ideje, skice, preko scenarija, do realizacije i distribucije filma, i to na način da glumci, reditelji, scenaristi i producenti doprinesu specifičnim iskustvom rada i iskoriste mnoštvo stečenih saznanja o ovom procesu. Serija radionica, predavanja, panel diskusija i case studyja osmišljena je da bi se iz različitih perspektiva djelovanja odgovorilo na pitanje kako lokalno, specifično i autentično dostiže nivo univerzalne vrijednosti. U fokusu ovogodišnjeg izdanja Sarajevo Talent Campusa nalaze se ‘networking’ sadržaji, stoga smo odlučili uvesti ‘speed matching’ za sve učesnike, na kojem će se 66 talenata i 10 gostujućih njemačkih producenata predstaviti jedni drugima. I dalje nastavljamo sa praksom intenzivnih ‘speed matchinga’ i sastanaka ‘jedan na jedan’, koje već treću godinu zaredom organiziramo sa partnerom, Fondacijom Robert Bosch. U saradnji sa partnerom, Berlinale Talent Campusom, prvi put ove godine organiziramo “Pack&Pitch”. U okviru ovog programskog segmenta, odabranim učesnicima nudimo priliku da pod stručnim mentorstvom nauče analizirati i pripremati projekte za prezentaciju. Potom im pružamo mogućnost da stečeno znanje primijene predstavivši se iskusnim filmskim profesionalcima, gostima Sarajevo Film Festivala i učesnicima koprodukcijskog marketa CineLink. Cilj nam je približiti mlade ljude poslovnom okruženju te im omogućiti da se upoznaju i razmijene mišljenja sa prisutnim filmskim profesionalcima, potencijalnim poslovnim partnerima. Ove godine posebnu pažnju posvećujemo kratkometražnoj filmskoj formi. Kroz niz predavanja, prezentacija i projekcija cilj nam je odgovoriti na pitanja šta je kratki film, koji su primjeri uspješnog, savremenog regionalnog i evropskog filma, te šta sve podrazumijeva industrija kratkog filma. Uživamo u projekcijama programa Panorama, Open Air, Novi tokovi i Takmičarskog programa, koji su u direktnoj vezi sa pažljivo kreiranim sesijama, na kojima željno iščekujemo predavače i sagovornike: Semiha Kaplanoglua, Morgana Freemana, Gaspara Noéa, Brunu Dumonta, Samuela Maoza, Davida Silbera, Jasmilu Žbanić, Leona Lučeva, Szabolcsa Hajdua, Agnes Kocsis, Katriela Schoryja, Nancy Bishop, Liciu Eminenti, Daniela Mitulescua, Damira Ibrahimovića i mnoge druge. Nadamo se da ćemo zajedno uživati u programu Sarajevo Talent Campusa i jedni u drugima prepoznati buduće saradnike. SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / Encouraged by the positive response to films from the ex-Yugoslav territory in the past several years, we have decided to introduce a general topic to the 4th Sarajevo Talent Campus: “Storytelling – From Your Backyard to the World”. We have set to examine the process of creation of a film story, from the initial idea, through sketch, script, all the way to its realization and distribution, and this by allowing actors, directors, scriptwriters and producers to contribute with their specific experiences and the extensive knowledge they have acquired about this process. A series of workshops, lectures, panel discussions and case studies have been prepared in order to provide an answer from various professional standpoints to the question of how the local, specific and authentic achieves the level of universal value. Networking-oriented content is the focus of this year’s Sarajevo Talent Campus, hence we have decided to introduce speed matching for all the participants. As part of this project, 66 talents and 10 visiting German producers will meet each other. We will continue the practice of intensive speed matching and one-on-one meetings, organized for the third consecutive year by our partner, Robert Bosch Foundation. This year, in collaboration with our partner the Berlinale Talent Campus, we will organize “Pack&Pitch” for the first time, a part of the program that will offer selected participants an opportunity to learn from mentors how to analyze and prepare projects for presentation. Then they will be able to apply the acquired knowledge and present themselves to true film professionals, guests of the Sarajevo Film Festival and participants in the CineLink coproduction market. Our goal is to bring young people closer to the business environment and to facilitate meetings and exchanges of opinions between them and film professionals, potential business partners, present at the Festival. Special focus will be placed on short films this year. We intend to explain through a series of lectures, presentations and screenings what the short film is, what are the examples of successful contemporary regional and European film and what is it that the short film industry includes. We will enjoy the Panorama, Open Air, New Currents and Competition programs which are directly related to the carefully thought out sessions, and at which we eagerly expect to hear from the following lecturers and collocutors: Semih Kaplanoglu, Morgan Freeman, Gaspar Noe, Bruno Dumont, Samuel Maoza, David Silber, Jasmila Žbanić, Leon Lučev, Szabolcs Hajdu, Agnes Kocsis, Katriel Schory, Nancy Bishop, Liciu Eminenti, Daniel Mitlusceu, Damir Ibrahimović and many others. We hope to enjoy the Sarajevo Talent Campus program together and recognize future collaborators in each other. Asja Makarević, koordinatorica Sarajevo Talent Campusa / Sarajevo Talent Campus Coordinator Frigidance Pametnice / Smart Girls Revizor / The Ticket Collector Unazad / Reverse Sarajevo grad filma Sarajevo City of Film Frigidance Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, 2010, HD CAM, Colour, 9 min. Režija / Director: Kelmend Karuni Scenarij / Screenplay: Dženan Medanović Uloge / Cast: Ivana Popović, Alena Džebo-Hećo, Ivan Koroman Producent / Producer: Andrada Romagno, Dijana Olcay- Hot, Edin Pašović, Isa Živanović, Nives Zemba, Valentina Orešić Šta znači usuditi se? Na jednom bizarnom času tanga, svi se pretvaraju da plešu bez muzike. Svi slijede upute instruktorice, koja svaki par navodi na dosta strastveniji pristup tangu. Ona hoće da ga osjete, da se pretvaraju da ih vode muzika i ritam. Ema, jedna od studentica, pokušava da barem jednom prekine ovu apsurdnu situaciju i bude svoja. Ona uradi nešto što će možda poremetiti balans ove čudne stvarnosti. What is the meaning of daring? In a bizarre tango lesson, everyone is dancing, though with no music. They follow the directions of the tango instructor, who leads all the couples towards a more passionate approach to the tango. She urges them to feel it, to imagine the music and the rhythm leading their steps. Ema, one of the students, tries to break this absurd situation for just once and be herself. She does something that may upset the balance of this awkward reality. Uloge / Cast: Marina Vodeničar, Karla Brbić, Edhem Husić, Enes Salković Producent / Producer: Andrada Romagno, Dijana Olcay- Hot, Edin Pašović, Isa Živanović, Nives Zemba, Valentina Orešić I dok Marija ide na sastanak s momkom, njena je cimerka još djevica. Ali, kada shvati da su se društveni običaji promijenili, ona mora ispuniti svoje dužnosti i promijeniti svoja uvjerenja. While Marija is set with her boyfriend, her roommate Nikolina is still a virgin. But, after realizing that the social practices have changed, she has to follow her duties and restructure her beliefs. Revizor / The Ticket Collector Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania, 2010, HD CAM, Colour, 24 min. Režija / Director: Catalin Musat Scenarij / Screenplay: Catalin Musat Uloge / Cast: Amar Selimović, Izudin Bajrović, Inti Šraj, Sead Bejtović Producent / Producer: Andrada Romagno, Dijana Olcay- Hot, Edin Pašović, Isa Živanović, Nives Zemba, Valentina Orešić Jedan se žestoki okršaj u tramvaju između revizora i pijanca bez karte možda neočekivano pretvori u prijateljstvo. A violent encounter between a ticket collector and a drunk without a ticket, in the tram, may unexpectely turn into friendship. Scenarij / Screenplay: Alexandra Safriuc, Erenik Beqiri, George Grigorakis Uloge / Cast: Mirvad Kurić, Vedrana Seksan, Irfan Durmić, Emir Drnda Producent / Producer: Andrada Romagno, Dijana Olcay- Hot, Edin Pašović, Isa Živanović, Nives Zemba, Valentina Orešić Marko želi da nauči sina kako da se zaštiti. Njegov sin želi da mu se vrati mama. Njegova ljubavnica želi da zaštiti sebe. Njen sin Adis zna kako da se zaštiti! Marko se našao u situaciji u kojoj ne može da zaštiti ni sebe ni svog sina. Riječi i radnja se odvijaju unazad. Marco wants to teach his son how to protect himself. His son wants his Mom back. His lover wants to protect herself. Her son Adis knows how to protect himself! Marco is caught into a situation where he is unable to protect himself or his son. Words and actions work in reverse. Sarajevo grad filma - najbolji film / Sarajevo City of Film Best Film NAGRADA / AWARD Pametnice / Smart Girls Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, 2010, HD CAM, Colour, 24 min. Režija / Director: Hana Jušić, Sonja Tarokić Scenarij / Screenplay: Hana Jušić, Sonja Tarokić Unazad / Reverse Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, 2010, HD CAM, Black & White, 19 min. Režija / Director: George Grigorakis Dodjela nagrade / Award Ceremony: 27.07.2010., 21.00h Ljetno kino !hej / !hej Open Air Cinema SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / 25 Bio jednom jedan proleter / Once Upon A Time A Proletarian Sjevera nema / Northless Panorama Bio jednom jedan proleter / Once Upon A Time A Proletarian China, United Kingdom, 2009, HD CAM, Colour, 76 min. (dokumentarni / documentary) Režija / Director: Xiaolu Guo Scenarij / Screenplay: Xiaolu Guo Kineska rediteljica koji živi u Velikoj Britaniji, Guo Xiaolu, dijeli film u 12 „poglavlja“ odvojenih otrcanim crno-bijelim snimkama male djece koja se smiju, nove generacije koja u kameru čita viceve. Odabrane priče su daleko od sretnih. Uglavnom su to priče o novonastaloj klasi bogatih oportunista koji rade daleko od nekoliko prikazanih osoba, a koje su još uvijek privržene naivnoj ideji kolektivizma iz maoističke prošlosti. U cjelini gledano, ovaj film je pronicljiv esej o kontradikcijama jedne nove Kine. British-based Chinese director Guo Xiaolu divides the film into 12 “chapters,” separated by gritty black-and-white footage of laughing young children, the new generation, reading jokes to the camera. The assorted stories are far from happy. Mostly they are tales of the newly rich and the opportunistic, who operate far from the few portrayed who are still attached to the naïve collective idealism of the Maoist past. Taken as a whole, the film is an insightful essay on the contradictions of the new China. Bujica ljubavi za maloga / Flooding with Love for the Kid USA , 2009, DVD, Colour, 107 min. Režija / Director: Zachary Oberzan Scenarij / Screenplay: Zachary Oberzan Uloge / Cast: Zachary Oberzan Oberzan je primarno glumac u alternativnom teatru. Njegova odluka da glumi sve uloge u filmu, praveći ga po svojoj želji i gotovo bez ikakvog novca, ne čini se tako bizarnom. Radio je po romanu Davida Morella „First Blood“ iz 1972. (kasnije će ga Sylvester Stallone adaptirati na potpuno drugačiji način). Cijeli film snimljen je u Oberzanovom malom stanu, bez pokušaja da izgleda naturalistički. Film prezire “konzistentnost” koju je klasični hollywoodski narativ uspostavio kao univerzalnu normu. Digitalni softver omogućava mu da igra dva lika u istom kadru. Vrlo inventivno i zabavno! 26 Selektor / Programmer: Howard Feinstein Oberzan is primarily an actor for alternative theater groups. So it isn’t as bizarre as it might seem that he decided that, in order to make the film he wanted to make, and for almost no money, he would play all of the roles. He worked from David Morrell’s 1972 novel First Blood (later to be adapted for Sylvester Stallone in a very different way). The entire film was shot in Oberzan’s tiny apartment, with no attempts at making it look naturalistic: The film defies the “seamlessness” that classical Hollywood narrative has made the universal norm. Digital software allows him to appear as two characters in the same shot. This is both inventive and funny. Crveno, bijelo i plavo / Red White & Blue United Kingdom, USA, 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 102 min. Režija / Director: Simon Rumley Scenarij / Screenplay: Simon Rumley Uloge / Cast: Amanda Fuller, Marc Senter, Jon Michael Davis, Nick Ashy Holden, Patrick Crovo, Mary Mathews, Noah Taylor Simon Rumley jedan je od velikih britanskih kinematografskih autsajdera, darovit režiser koji zna kako da konvenciju horora rastrese sofisticiranim prepletenim vremenskim okvirima i nepredvidivim činovima nasilja koje izvršavaju pojedinci zapali u krizu. Skoro cijelu prvu polovinu filma Rumley prati udaljenu, ali razuzdano promiskuitetnu ženu. Onda nam se pojavljuje jedan grubi novajlija, nedavno časno otpušten iz Iraka, gdje je radio kao istražitelj u posebno teškim slučajevima. Ovo dvoje imaju nešto zajedničko: njena seksualnost i njegova ratna iskustva predstavljaju oružje za uništavanje. Simon Rumley is one of the great British cinematic outsiders, a gifted director with the know-how to puncture the conventions of horror with sophisticated interwoven time frames and unpredictable acts of violence by individuals in crisis. For nearly the first half of the film, Rumley follows a distant but wildly promiscuous young woman. Then we get a craggy newcomer, recently honorably discharged from Iraq, where he worked as an interrogator in especially difficult cases. The two have something in common: her sexuality and his war experience are weapons of destruction. SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / Bujica ljubavi za maloga / Flooding With Love For The Kid Čovjek koji je jeo svoje trešnje / A Man Who Ate His Cherries Iran , 2009, 35 mm, Colour and B&W, 77 min. Režija / Director: Payman Haghani Scenarij / Screenplay: Payman Haghani, Hamid-Reza Keshani Uloge / Cast: Hassan Pourshirazi, Asha Mehrabi, Reza Afshar, Maryam Khodarahmi, Bagher Soroosh, Iman Enayati, Hamed Behdad Kao i mnogi drugi savremeni iranski filmovi, i ovaj govori o pojedincu koji se opire nedaćama. Reza je radnik koji u podmuklom razvodu mora vratiti ženin miraz, ali nema novca. Iz njega "muzu" novac, ali on nema izlaza te na sve moguće načine pokušava razriješiti dilemu. Rješenja nema, naročito u društvu u kojem je mnogo zakona i običaja koji nemaju nikakvog smisla. Da bi prikupio novac, pribjegava opasnoj petljavini. Film je prekrasno snimljen, a do njegovog kraja mi se u potpunosti identificiramo s Rezom. Like many good Iranian films today, the movie tells of an individual’s persistence in the face of adversity. Reza is a worker who must pay back his wife’s dowry in a nasty divorce settlement but hasn’t the money. He is being milked, but is stuck, and tries every possible avenue to resolve the dilemma. But there is no solution, especially in this society in which lots of laws and customs make little sense. He resorts to a dangerous scam to get the funds. The film is beautifully shot, and we fully identify with Reza by movie’s end. Da sam barem znao / I Wish I Knew China, 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 125 min. (dokumentarni / documentary) Režija / Director: Jia Zhang-Ke Scenarij / Screenplay: Jia Zhang-Ke Jia Zhang-Ke se sve više i više primiče hibridu igranog i dokumentarnog filma, kao što je i pokazao u filmu 24 CITY. Film DA SAM BAREM ZNAO je jednostavno čisti, vrlo spretno sklopljen dokumentarac. Tema filma je Šangaj; zapravo film je više o sjećanjima na Šangaj - najevropskiji grad u Kini - nego o samom Šangaju. Mnoge od osoba sa kojima se razgovaralo su u Tajvanu ili Hong Kongu, a napustili su svoji rodni grad nakon Crveno, bijelo i plavo / Red White & Blue dolaska komunista na vlast. Oni koji su ostali u gradu pričaju o svojim nedaćama, kao što je čovjek koji je kažnjen zbog pomaganja italijanskom reditelju Antonioniju dok je radio na dokumentarcu o Kini 70-ih godina prošlog vijeka. Vlada je takav prikaz smatrala nepovoljnim. Jia Zhang-ke has moved more and more toward a fiction/documentary hybrid, as he demonstrated in 24 CITY. I WISH I KNEW is a fairly pure documentary, a skillfully stitched one at that. Shanghai is the subject of the movie; actually, the film is more about memories of Shanghai - the most European city in China - than about Shanghai itself. Many of the interviewees are in Taiwan or Hong Kong, having abandoned their place of birth when the Communists came to power. Those who remained in the city relay their hardships, such as the man who was punished for assisting Antonioni on a doc on China in the ‘70s. The government deemed the portrait unflattering. Donekle nježan čovjek / A Somewhat Gentle Man Norway , 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 105 min. Režija / Director: Hans Petter Moland Scenarij / Screenplay: Kim Fupz Aakeson Uloge / Cast: Stellan Skarsgard, Bjorn Floberg, Jorunn Kjellsby, Jannike Kruse, Gard B. Eidsvold, Jan Gunnar Roise, Njorn Sundquist, Julia Bache Norveški režiser Moland i švedski glumac Stellan Skarsgård su savršeni kinematografski par. Radili su skupa i ranije, na filmovima ZERO KELVIN (1995.) i ABERDEEN (2000.), i po svoj prilici se u potpunosti razumiju. U krimi-komediji pod nazivom A SOMEWHAT GENTLE MAN ostvaruju privlačan, varljivo jednostavan minimalizam koji je vremenski izvanredno isplaniran, ali i postepeno usporen na izuzetan način. Film je vizuelno i zvučno toliko bogat da bi se u potpunosti mogao doživjeti čak i ako bi se dijalog sasvim uklonio. Glavna priča, potraga Skarsgårdovog lika za čovjekom koji ga je odao, ustvari je način da se sve ostalo održi u stanju toka. Molandov stil nikada ne sprječava ispoljavanje čovjekoljublja njegovih likova, čak ni onih najviše „uvrnutih“. Norwegian director Moland and Swedish actor Stellan Skarsgard are a match made in cinema heaven. They have worked together before, on ZERO KELVIN (1995.) and ABERDEEN (2000.), and presumably have a shorthand. In the criminal comedy A SOMEWHAT GENTLE MAN they achieve a cool, deceptively simple minimalism which is both perfectly timed and brilliantly pared-down. The film is so rich visually and aurally that it could be appreciated even if the dialogue were removed. Da sam barem znao / I Wish I Knew Čovjek koji je jeo svoje trešnje / A Man Who Ate His Cherries The plotline of Skarsgaard’s character’s searching for the man who turned him in is no more than a device to keep everything else flowing. Moland’s style never impedes on the humanity of his characters, even the weirdest of them. Grad života i smrti / City Of Life And Death China, Hong Kong, 2009, 35 mm, Black&White, 132 min. Režija / Director: Chuan Lu Scenarij / Screenplay: Chuan Lu Uloge / Cast: Ye Liu, Yuanyuan Gao, Hideo Nakaizumi GRAD ŽIVOTA I SMRTI je dramatizacija "Masakra u Nankingu", koji se desio 1937., kad je japanska vojska osvojila vojnu prijestolnicu Kine i pogubila stotine hiljada civila. Rijetko koji masakr je istovremeno tako privlačan i tako stravičan. Uglavnom snimljen kamerom iz ruke, ovaj film predstavlja uspješan spoj neorealizma i stilizacije. Siguran sam da je svaki kadar pažljivo planiran. Naš moralni kompas predstavlja jedan japanski vojnik užasnut postupcima svojih sunarodnika. Muzika koju je Liu Tong uradio za ovaj film je nešto izuzetno. CITY OF LIFE AND DEATH is a fictional account of the 1937 “Rape of Nanking,”when theJapanese army overran the wartime capital of China and executed hundreds of thousands of civilians. Rarely have massacres been so appealing andappalling at the same time. Mostlyhandheld, the film is a successful fusion of neorealism and stylization. I am sure every shot is storyboarded. Our moral compass is a Japanesesoldier horrified by the acts of his countrymen. Liu Tong’s musical score is exceptional. Guy i Madeline na klupi u parku / Guy and Madeline on a Park Bench USA, 2009, HD CAM (HDTV), Black & White, 82 min. Režija / Director: Damien Chazelle Scenarij / Screenplay: Damien Chazelle Uloge / Cast: Jason Palmer, Desiree Garcia, Sandha Khin, Andre Hayward, Frank Garvin, Alma Prelec Chazelleov american indie film snimljen je crnobijelom tehnikom, u Bostonu i New Yorku. To je, tematski i formalno, film kao muzika; spoj klasičnog holivudskog mjuzikla, new wave omaža holivudskom mjuziklu, beatnik filma, gradske simfonije, camera verite iz ruke - i sve to obojeno je senzibilitetom Cassavetesovog stila. Neki likovi dijelove svojih uloga otpjevaju «na mišiće», ali to prolazi. Naracija nije teška, više je poput džeza ili bluza: tri glavna lika žive svoje živote najbolje što mogu, guraju naprijed kako znaju. Muzika Justina Hurwitza je izuzetna, a Jason Palmer u glavnoj ulozi „opako“ svira trubu. Chazelle’s American indie film was shot in black and white in Boston and New York. It is cinema as music, both in topic and in form, a blend of classical Hollywood musical, New Wave homage to the Hollywood musical, beatnik movie, city symphony film, and handheld camera verite—all colored by a Cassavetes-like sensibility. Some characters sing their parts: It’s ballsy, but it works. The narrative isn’t heavy, it’s more like…jazz, or blues, the three main characters living life as best they can and rolling with the punches. Justin Hurwitz’s score is exceptional, and lead Jason Palmer plays a mean trumpet. Jaffa, The Orange's Clockwork Israel, France, Belgium, Germany, 2009, 35 mm, Colour, 88 min. (dokumentarni / documentary) Režija / Director: Eyal Sivan Scenarij / Screenplay: Eyal Sivan Izraelski aktivist Sivan je u prošlosti razotkrivao takva sramotna mjesta kao što su košmarni palestinski izbjeglički logori iz noćnih mora. U ovom filmu on koristi uglavnom arhivske snimke i fotografije iz 19. stoljeća da bi pratio proces izraelskog prisvajanja slike sočne naranče od Palestinaca. Naranča je, naravno, grafički prikaz politike u tom regionu, ali sam snimak je fascinantan. Naranča se, u mnogim aspektima, kao glavna izvozna komponenta i ponos Palestinaca transformisala u simbol cionizma. Da bi ojačao svoje argumente, Sivan prepliće stare snimke sa aktualnim razgovorima sa uvaženim jevrejskim, ali i arapskim historičarima. In the past, Israeli activist Sivan has exposed such shameful sites as nightmarish Palestinian refugee camps. Here he uses mostly archival footage and still photographs going back to the 19th century to track the appropriation of the image of the luscious orange from the Palestinians by the Israelis. Of course it is a means of graphically explaining the politics of the region, but the footage itself is fascinating. This major export went from being the pride of the Palestinians to a symbol of Zionism, in many respects. He intercuts these old films with contemporary interviews with astute historians, both Jewish and Arab, to solidify his arguments. Kako sam završio ovo ljeto / How I Ended This Summer Russia, 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 124 min. Režija / Director: Aleksei Popogrebsky Scenarij / Screenplay: Alexei Popogrebsky Uloge / Cast: Grigory Dobrygin, Sergei Puskepalis SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / 27 Grad života i smrti / City Of Life And Death Guy i Madeline na klupi u parku / Guy And Madeline On A Park Bench Dva muškarca mjere zračenje na svojoj djelimično radioaktivnoj lokaciji, na jednoj udaljenoj arktičkoj meteorološkoj stanici, smještenoj na dalekom istoku Rusije. Jednom je pedesetak godina i navikao se na život gdje je dnevno svjetlo 24 sata na dan normalna stvar, a jedina veza sa svijetom je radio. Drugi, njegov novi partner, mlad je čovjek, pun energije, okružen videoigrama i drugim tehnološkim razonodama. Između njih dvojice raste napetost. Ovo je narativno jednostavan, ali u suštini nevjerovatno složen film u kojem surovi zimski krajolik i često reducirane industrijske zone, uklopljeni u miseen-scene, predstavljaju glavne pokretače radnje. Two men work taking readings from their partly radioactive surroundings at an isolated meteorological station in the Arctic, at the far east of Russia. One is in his fifties and has adjusted to this life where 24-hour daylight is the norm, and the only connection to the rest of the world is radio. The other, his new partner, is a young, eager man who surrounds himself with video games and other technologies. Tension builds between the two men. Simple, in terms of narrative, but an incredibly complex film in which rugged wintry landscape and industrial parts, often abstracted, embedded in the mise-en-scene are the prime movers. Kušnja Svetog Tonija / The Temptation Of St. Tony Kušnja Svetog Tonija / The Temptation Of St. Tony Jaffa, The Orange's Clockwork Okrivljen / Presumed Guilty 28 Estonia, Finland, Sweden, 2009, 35 mm, Black & White, 110 min. Režija / Director: Veiko Őunpuu Scenarij / Screenplay: Veiko Őunpuu Uloge / Cast: Taavi Eelmaa, Ravshana Kurkova, Tiina Tauraite, Sten Ljunggren, Denis Lavant Ounpuuov bolno zavodljivi film KUŠNJA SVETOG TONIJA ima estetsku i moralnu težinu za koju mnogi ljubitelji filma smatraju da je nestala sa Bergmanom, Dreyerom ili Fellinijem. Film je snimljen u divnoj crno-bijeloj tehnici - što je Ounpuu odlučio učiniti zahvaljujući uticaju Bele Tarra - i sa zvučnom atmosferom i muzikom van ovog svijeta, on je sam po sebi više jedan događaj nego puko filmsko djelo. On prati rastakanje tijela i duše jednog „svatkovića“ - srednje pozicioniranog menadžera i pripadnika srednje klase koji traga za “dobrim” razapetog između duhovnog i materijalnog, sakralnog i svjetovnog. Ne bih da zvučim nepopularno, ali metafizika zaista može da „uzdrma“. Ounpuu’s painfully seductive THE TEMPTATION OF ST. TONY has an aesthetic and moral gravitas that many cinephiles feel has died out with the Bergmans, the Dreyers, the Fellinis. Shot in delicious black and white, a decision Ounpuu says he owes to the influence of Bela Tarr, and with an otherworldly soundscape and soundtrack, this film is more of an event than merely a single work. It tracks the dissolution of the body and soul of an Everyman—a bourgeois mid-level manager who searches for “good” - scrunched in between the spiritual and the material, the sacred and the profane. I don’t mean to sound uncool, but metaphysics can rock. SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / Krivica je tvoja / It's Your Fault Argentina, France, 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 90 min. Režija / Director: Anahí Berneri Scenarij / Screenplay: Anahí Berneri, Sergio Wolf Uloge / Cast: Erica Rivas, Nicasio Galán, Zenón Galán, Rubén Viani, Marta Bianchi, Osmar Núnez Berneri dokazuje da je ona ne samo bolji sineast od precijenjene Lucrecie Martel (Bernerin ENCARNACIÓN nagovijestio je da je to bilo samo pitanje vremena) već i da prikazuje zanimljivije, sveobuhvatnije priče o ženama u njenoj zemlji i načinu na koji one sebe vide. Erica Rivas ostvaruje zapaženu ulogu mlade majke koju neodređeno ponašanje prema posvađanoj djeci dovodi do optužbe za zlostavljanje djece nakon što se ona pojavi u hitnoj pomoći zbog sinove povrede glave nakon pada. Dežurne ljekare više brinu modrice po tijelu obojice dječaka i lom ruke mlađeg sina. Ona isprva ne shvata težinu optužbi, a Bernerina kamera iz ruke naglašava zbrku u glavi majke. Kada stigne njen mačo-suprug, svjedočimo opsegu njenog podjarmljenja. Ovdje nije u pitanju Martelin maniristički feminizam: riječ je o upečatljivoj drami koja se dotiče i rodnih pitanja. Berneri proves that she is not only a better filmmaker than the overrated Lucrecia Martel (Berneri’s ENCARNACIÓN promised it was just a matter of time) but that she also tells more interesting, more in-depth stories about women in her country and how they view themselves. Erica Rivas gives a strong performance as a young mother whose ambiguous behavior with her fighting children leads to a charge of child abuse, after she shows up at the emergency room for an ostensible head wound from a fall by her younger son. The attending physicians are more concerned with all the bruises on both boys and a fracture of the little one’s arm. She does not at first realize the severity of the charges, and Berneri’s handheld camera reinforces her mental disarray. When her macho husband arrives, we witness the magnitude of her subjugation. This is not Martel’s mannered feminism: This is strong drama that also touches upon gender issues. Liban / Lebanon Israel, Germany, France, Lebanon, 2009, 35 mm, Colour, 94 min. Režija / Director: Samuel Maoz Scenarij / Screenplay: Samuel Maoz Uloge / Cast: Yoav Donat, Itay Tiran, Oshri Cohen, Michael Moshonov, Zohar Strauss, Dudu Tassa, Ashraf Barhom, Reymonde Amsellem Baziran na traumatičnim ličnim iskustvima 20-godišnjeg tobdžije tokom izraelske invazije sjevernog susjeda 1982. godine, Liban je za Maoza predstavljao katarzično iskustvo, isuviše lično za bilo kakve ustupke: on užase rata ničim ne ublažava. Filmska radnja se odvija u periodu od 24 sata na samom početku sukoba. Tobdžija je Maozov alter ego. Film je vrhunsko ostvarenje kinematografske tehnike primijenjene na mali prostor: većina filma snimljena je u unutrašnjosti tenka. Uz brze rezove među muškarcima zatvorenim u tenku, kao i suludo Kako sam završio ovo ljeto / How I Ended This Summer Lola Mit o američkom noćenju / The Myth of the American Sleepover Zamka za rakove / Crab Trap kretanje nišanske sprave na tenku (što je uglavnom i jedini način da se vidi vanjski svijet), čovjek prevaziđe očekivanu klaustrofobiju. Based on his traumatic experience as a 20-year-old gunner during the 1982 Israeli invasion of its northern neighbor, Lebanon was a cathartic exercise for Maoz, too personal for concessions; he does not mitigate the war’s horrors. The film takes place over a 24-hour period at the very beginning of the conflict. The gunner is Maoz’s alter ego. The film is a major achievement in cinematic technique applied to a small space; he shoots most of the film inside a military tank. With rapid cutting among the men stuck there, plus the frantic movement of the tank’s viewfinder (pretty much the only way we see the outside world), one gets beyond the expected claustrophobia. Filipino filmmaker Brillante Mendoza (SUMMER HEAT, SLINGSHOT) is back in form with the poignant LOLA, which translates from Tagalog as Grandmother. Mendoza captures the poetry even in an urban slum, this one the perpetually flooded Malabon neighborhood of Manila. He interweaves the connected stories of two old grandmas: Lola Sepa’s grandson has been killed resisting a cellphone thief; Lola Puring’s grandson is the robber. Without judgment, the director finds each woman sympathetic, caught in a quagmire of poverty, corruption, and sexism. The two eventually find common ground, even if one family buys the other off, but that’s a culturally-coded affair that is not for outsiders to judge. Lola Mit o američkom noćenju / The Myth of the American Sleepover Philippines, France, 2009, 35 mm, Colour, 110 min. Režija / Director: Brillante Mendoza Scenarij / Screenplay: Linda Casimiro Uloge / Cast: Anita Linda, Rustica Carpio, Tanya Gomez, Jhong Hilario, Ketchup Eusebio Filipinski sineast Brillante Mendoza (SUMMER HEAT, SLINGSHOT) vraća se u stilu dirljivim filmom LOLA, čiji naslov u prevodu sa tagaloga glasi "Baka". Mendoza uočava poeziju čak i u sirotinjskoj četvrti grada, u ovom slučaju u stalno poplavljenom kvartu Malabon u Manili. On prepliće povezane priče dviju starih baka: unuk bake Sepa je ubijen dok se pokušavao oduprijeti krađi mobitela; unuk bake Puring je pljačkaš. Bez osude, režiser uočava da su obje žene sličnih svjetonazora, zatočene u kaljuži siromaštva, korupcije i diskriminacije žena. Njih dvije na kraju nalaze zajednički jezik, i pored toga što jedna porodica isplati drugu. To je, ipak, kulturološki definiran dogovor koji neupućene osobe ne mogu osuđivati. USA, 2009, HD CAM (HDTV), Colour, 93 min. Režija / Director: David Robert Mitchell Scenarij / Screenplay: David Robert Mitchell Uloge / Cast: Marlon Morton, Amanda Bauer, Claire Sloma, Brett Jacobsen, Nikita Ramsey, Jade Ramsey Barem jedan američki sineast čija naracija nije u potpunosti linearna i koji se usuđuje - čak i uspijeva - ispreplesti priče četvero mladih ljudi srednjoškolske i fakultetske dobi u jednom gradiću u Michiganu. Mitchell ostvaruje labavu strukturu filma u vidu međusobno spojenih koncentričnih krugova koji se vrte oko četvero srednjoškolaca i studenata tinejdžerskog uzrasta u učahurenoj sredini prigradskog naselja. Likovi u filmu provode noć jedni kod drugih samo jedan dan prije početka zimskog semestra. Tri problema protagonista vrte se oko ljubavi, sasvim sigurno neuzvraćenih, ali i obećavajućih. Mitchell se ne upliće i samo koristi “alternativne” strategije kada je to podesno, kao što je, recimo, usporeni prikaz. For once, an American filmmaker who doesn’t go purely linear with his narrative, instead daring to and succeeding in - interweaving the stories of four high schoo l- and college-age youths in a Michigan town. Mitchell loosely structures the film like interlocked concentric circles which pivot on four high school and college age teens in a cocooned suburban milieu. Several concurrent sleepovers take place the day before the fall term begins. Three of the protagonists’ problems revolve around crushes, definitely unrequited but promising. Mitchell doesn’t intrude, and only deploys “alternate” strategies, say slo-mo, when appropriate. Okrivljen / Presumed Guilty Mexico, 2009, HD CAM, Colour, 91 min. (dokumentarni / documentary) Režija / Directors: Roberto Hernández, Geoffrey Smith Ovaj inovativan rad obrađuje apsurdno korumpirani sistem "pravde" u Meksiku. Reditelji su dobili dozvolu za snimanje suđenja mladom čovjek - Jose "Tono" Rodriguezu, kojeg je nepouzdani svjedok optužio za ubistvo i zbog toga ga čeka dvadesetogodišnja zatvorska kazna. Rodriguezovi advokati Hernandez i Layda Negrete se bore sa birokratijom u kojoj se osoba smatra krivom dok joj se ne dokaže nevinost. Hernandez i Negrete mudro koriste svoje "klikere", uprkos nagomilanim dokazima protiv Rodrigueza. This groundbreaking work takes on Mexico’s absurdly corrupt “justice” system. The directors obtained permission to film the trial of a young man, Jose “Tono” Rodriguez, who is falsely accused of murder by an unreliable witness and faces a 20-year prison term. Hernandez and Layda Negrete, who serve as Rodriguez’s lawyers, combat a bureaucracy in which one is presumed guilty until proven innocent. In spite of the stacked deck against Rodriguez, Hernandez and Negrete wisely use their wits as weapons. SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / 29 Uđi u prazninu / Enter The Void Donekle nježan čovjek / A Somewhat Gentle Man Ujak Boonmee se sjeća svojih prethodnih života / Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives Zadnji voz kući / Last Train Home Perpetuum Mobile Mexico, Canada, 2009, 35 mm, Colour, 86. min Režija / Director: Nicolás Pereda Scenarij / Screenplay: Nicolás Pereda Uloge / Cast: Gabino Rodriguez, Teresa Sánchez, Francisco Barreiro Film obuhvata nekoliko žanrova. Jedan od njih je „slacker film“. U središtu pažnje je radnik Gabino (izvanredni Gabino Rodriguez), lijenčina koji se stalno prepire sa majkom, a sa prijateljem na crno pruža usluge selidbe jeftinim kombijem. Drugi je porodična melodrama: porodica koja je nekad bila tkivo koje drži meksičko društvo na okupu u velikoj mjeri se raspala. Treći žanr je „gradski film“: Gabinu, ali i nama, posao koji on radi daje priliku da uđemo u živote stanovnika Meksika svih društvenih staleža. Selidba je privremen posao, dobar za promatranje klijenata koji su, kao putnici, uglavnom pod pritiskom, a u ovom društvu podijeljenom na klase - i puni predrasuda. Pereda je režiser kojeg ne zanima glamur. Kroz film se provlači osjećaj melanholične samoće. This film embraces several genres. One is the slacker film. At the center is working-class layabout Gabino (a fantastic Gabino Rodriguez), who constantly fights with his mother and hustles with a friend as a mover, using a cheap van. Another is the family melodrama: Whereas family was once the fabric that held Mexican society together, it has pretty much unraveled. A third is the “city film:” Gabino’s work gives him, and us, the opportunity to visit the lives of Mexicans of all classes. Moving someone is a transient job, the better to observe clients who, like travelers, are at their most pressured, and in this stratified society, their most prejudiced. Pereda is an anti-glamour director. A sense of melancholic solitude runs through the film. Sam / Self USA, 2010, HD CAM (HDTV), Black & White, 20 min. Režija / Director: Oleg Dubson 30 Scenarij / Screenplay: Oleg Dubson Uloge / Cast: Jean Barberis, Sheila Donovan, Dima Dubson, Oleg Dubson, Guy Greenberg, Yvan Greenberg, François Leloup-Collet, Marie Losier Kao uspješan izvođač u eksperimentalnom teatru, Dubson glumi u sopstvenom filmu. Igra tri različite varijacije samog sebe, dok mu sanjarenje ometa jutarnju rutinu. Ovo je jedan intiman autoportret, snimljen u režiserovom stanu u New Yorku, u periodu od pet dana i sa minimalnom ekipom. Film ne samo da je elegantno snimljen već i autoru daje priliku da pokaže svoje izuzetne glumačke sposobnosti. An accomplished performer in experimental theater, Dubson stars in his own film. He plays three different variations of himself as daydreams keep interrupting his morning routine. This is an intimate self-portrait, shot in the director’s New York City apartment over five days with a minimal crew. The film is not only elegantly shot, it also affords the filmmaker an opportunity to display his considerable acting ability. Simbol / Symbol Japan, 2009, 35 mm, Colour, 93 min. Režija / Director: Hitoshi Matsumoto Scenarij / Screenplay: Hitoshi Matsumoto Uloge / Cast: Hitoshi Matsumoto, David Quintero, Luis Accinelli, Lilian Tapia, Adriana Fricke, Ivana Wong, Arkangel De La Muerte, Matcho Panpu, Dick Togo Poznati režiser i nekadašnji komičar podiže "efekat leptira” na teško dokučiv nadrealni nivo. Neko vrijeme gledate dva filma: lijepo snimljenu konvencionalnu meksičku priču o propalom provincijskom hrvaču i njegovoj porodici, te niz apstrakcija samog Matsumota, koji se našao u sterilno bijelom prostoru sa penisima gumenih anđelaka po zidovima iz kojeg pokušava naći izlaz. Postoji neka, zasigurno teško dokučiva, veza između dvije priče sa izuzetno dinamičnim svršetkom. SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / The well-known comedian-turned-director takes the “Butterfly Effect” to a mind-boggling surreal degree. For a while you watch two films: a nicely shot conventional Mexican tale about a washed-up provincial wrestler and his family; and a series of abstractions of Matsumoto himself trapped in, and trying to find a way out of, a sterile white space with rubber cherubs’ penises dotting the walls. There is a connection between the two narratives, far-fetched for sure, with an outrageously dynamic payoff. Sjevera nema / Northless Mexico, Spain, 2009, 35 mm, Colour, 95 min. Režija / Director: Rigoberto Pérezcano Scenarij / Screenplay: Edgar San Juan, Rigoberto Perezcano Uloge / Cast: Harold Torres, Sonia Couoh, Alicia Laguna, Luis Cárdenas Andres je mladić iz Oaxacae koji pokušava ilegalno ući u Sjedinjene Američke Države. Zaglavi pritom u pograničnom gradiću Tijuana, gdje radi u lokalnoj prodavnici i započinje vezu i sa vlasnicom, i sa njenom pomoćnicom, čiji se muževi više nikad nisu javili nakon što su se uspješno priključili američkoj radnoj snazi. Pérezcano bez žurbe ka hiperdramatičnim elementima snima detalje njihovih nezanimljivih svakodnevnih života. Na kraju Andres osjeća da mora napustiti tu toplu atmosferu i pokušati se kradom prebaciti preko granice, da bi zaradio koji dolar za svoju porodicu. Andres is a young man from Oaxaca who tries to enter the U.S. illegally. He gets stuck in the border town of Tijuana, where he works in a convenience store and begins affairs with both the proprietress and her assistant, both of whom have never heard from their husbands after they successfully joined the American work force. Perezcano shoots details of their unexciting daily lives without rushing toward hyperdramatic plot points. Ultimately, Andres feels compelled to exit this warm atmosphere and try again to sneak over the border in order to earn dollars for his family. Uđi u prazninu / Enter the Void France, Germany, Italy , 2009, 35 mm, Colour, 143 min. Režija / Director: Gaspar Noé Scenarij / Screenplay: Gaspar Noé Uloge / Cast: Nathaniel Brown, Paz de la Huerta, Cyril Roy, Olly Alexander, Masato Tanno, Ed Spear Globalizacija je veličanstvena, čak i kada dekadencija padne još niže kao u filmu "adulte terrible" režisera Gaspara Noéa (CARNE, IRRIVERSIBLE) UĐI U PRAZNINU, snimljenom na engleskom jeziku. Radnja filma je smještena u Tokiju ili u maketama Tokija. Film je prilično besadržajan: uglavnom pratimo likove Oskara, narkomana i dilera, i Linde, njegove sestre, striptizete. Oskar je lik koji doslovno lebdi, narator. Režiser nas potpuno uvede u Oskarov um kada ga policija smrtno rani i ostavi sklupčanog da umre kod jednog čučavca. Pošto je došao do kraja svog mladog, degeneriranog života, Oskar odvodi Lindu u propast droga i nasilja. Ovaj je film više orgija stila i formalnog umijeća, nego film o seksu. Globalization is glorious, even if decadence hits a new low, in the English-language Enter the Void, directed by adulte terrible Noe (CARNE, IRREVERSIBLE), which takes place in Tokyo, or at least in models of Tokyo..It’s fairly plotless, more character studies of a junkie/drug dealer named Oscar and his stripper sister Linda. Oscar is literally a hovering presence, an overhead narrator. After he is fatally shot by the police and left dying curled around a Turkish-style toilet, Noe takes us completely into Oscar’s mind. Having reached the end of his degenerate young life, he charts Linda’s decline into drugs and violence. The film is more an orgy of style and formal wizardry than one of sex. Ujak Boonmee se sjeća svojih prethodnih života / Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives Thailand, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, Netherlands, 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 114 min. Režija / Director: Apichatpong Weerasethakul Scenarij / Screenplay: Apichatpong Weerasethakul Uloge / Cast: Thanapat Saisaymar, Jenjiro Pongpas, Sakda Kaewbuadee, Nattakarn Aphaiwonk, Geerasak Kulhong, Samud Kugasang, Wallap Mongkolprasertu Žiri Filmskog festivala u Cannesu, na čijem čelu je bio Tim Burton, dodijelio je ovom filmu Zlatnu palmu. Predsjednik žirija rekao je novinarima da ga je film odveo u„drugi svijet". Za Weerasethakula, ovaj film JESTE njegov svijet, odraz njegovog vjerovanja u reinkarnaciju, skupa sa ljubavlju prema ranoj tajlandskoj kinematografiji. Ujak Boonmee, kojeg igra glumac naturščik, čovjek je na samrti kojeg posjećuju duhovi njegovih najmilijih. Film je očaravajući, sa velikim brojem dugih kadrova kojim se odaje počast pejzažu džungle i ljudima na sjeveroistoku Tajlanda. The film garnered Cannes’s Palm d’or from a jury led by Tim Burton, who told reporters that the film took him to “another reality. ” For Weerasethakul, the film IS his reality, a reflection of his belief in reincarnation, coupled with a love for early Thai cinema. Uncle Boonmee himself, played by a nonprofessional roofer, is a dying man who is visited by ghosts of his loved ones. The film is beautiful to look at, with many long takes honoring the jungle landscape and people of northeast Thailand. Zajednica / Colony Zadnji voz kući / Last Train Home Canada, China, 2009, 35 mm, Colour, 87 min. (dokumentarni / documentary) Režija / Director: Lixin Fan Nijedna zemlja nema takav masovni egzodus tokom praznika kao Kina. Svi radnici migranti, njih skoro 130 miliona, putuju u svoje rodne gradove za proslavu kineske Nove godine. Željezničke stanice su pretrpane, teške za kretanje. U ovom izvrsnom kanadsko-kineskom dokumentarnom filmu sa jakom porukom, kineski reditelj Lixin Fan u prvi plan mudro stavlja par uhvaćen u ovo svojevrsno hodočašće. Njih dvoje su tekstilni radnici u Južnoj Kini koji dolaze iz siromašnog Sichuana. On bilježi njihove nevolje dok pokušavaju kupiti karte i izmiješane emocije dok gledaju djecu koju ostavljaju za sobom (djeca nemaju nikakvih emocija prema svojim odsustvujućim roditeljima). Kineska ekonomija ovisi o takvim radnicima iz provincije koji idu u velike gradove i troše skoro svu svoju energiju u tvornicama, čak i kada moraju ostaviti ono što im je najdraže. Malobrojni od nas će ikada iskusiti frustracije koje ovi ljudi moraju izdržati da bi održali svoje porodice „iznad vode“. No country has a mass holiday exodus as large as China’s. All migrant workers, as many as 130 million, journey to their hometowns for the Chinese New Year. Train stations are packed, difficult to maneuver. In this excellent, highly affecting Canadian-Chinese documentary, Chinese filmmaker Lixin Fan wisely spotlights one couple caught up in the pilgrimage, garment laborers in South China who hail from poor Sichuan. He charts their tribulations attempting to purchase tickets, and their mixed emotions at seeing the children they left behind. (The kids have no emotional investment in their absent folks.) The Chinese economy depends on these provincials to go to large cities and expend most of their energy in factories, even if they have to give up what is most dear to them. Few of us will ever know the frustration these people endure in order to keep their families afloat. Liban / Lebanon Perpetuum Mobile Krivica je tvoja / It's Your Fault Zajednica / Colony Ireland , 2009, HD CAM (HDTV), Colour, 88 min. (dokumentarni / documentary) Režija / Director: Carter Gunn, Ross McDonnell Jeste li ikada čuli za poremećaj zajednica pčela? Ovo je tema ozbiljnog, ali također i jako zabavnog dokumentarca o misterioznoj nesreći koja je ubila milione pčela početkom 2008. godine. Film je struktuiran dijelom kao istraživanje sa naučnicima i pčelarima koji objašnjavaju moguće uzroke, a dijelom kao portret jedne religiozne porodice i Simbol / Symbol SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / 31 Zakletva / The Oath Zaštitnik / Protector učinak gubitka njihovih pčela na svakog od članova porodice. Reditelji uspijevaju obraditi složenu i zabrinjavajuću temu, istovremeno pokazujući i duboku privrženost ljudima koji su pogođeni ovim fenomenom bojeći film lakoćom dodira koji ga čini prijatnim. Ever heard of colony collapse disorder? This is the subject of the serious but also highly entertaining documentary about a mysterious disaster that killed millions of bees beginning in 2008. The film is structured in part as an investigation, with scientists and beekeepers explaining possible causes, as well as a portrait of one religious family and the effect of the loss of their bees on each of its members. The directors manage to tackle a complex, troubling subject but imbue it with a lightness of touch that makes it palatable but also shows deep affection for the people affected. Zakletva / The Oath USA, 2010, HD CAM (HDTV), Colour, 90 min. (dokumentarni / documentary) Režija / Director: Laura Poitras Kao što je prikazala u filmu MOJA ZEMLJA, MOJA ZEMLJA, u kojem je razgovarala sa sunitskim doktorom u Iraku, rediteljica sa prebivalištem u New Yorku, Laura Poitras - jedna od naboljih dokumentarista u svijetu - zaviruje u živote i pitanja koje su propustili obraditi kako glavni, tako i alternativni mediji. U ovom filmu ona se uputila u Sana'au, nehigijenski glavni grad Jemena, da bi razgovarala sa bivšim tjelohraniteljem Osame Bin Ladena i pripadnikom džihada Abu Jandalom, te u sterilno čisti Guantanamo, gdje joj je onemogućen direktni pristup dobro poznatom regrutu Abu Jandala, Salimu Hamdanu, koji je bio vozač Bin Ladena, a sada mu se sudi za terorizam. (Kako joj je uskraćen pristup, Poitras u pozadini ima nekoga ko čita njegova zatvorska pisma). Abu Jandal je rastrzan: prošao je program „rehabilitacije“ jemenske vlade, ali također izražava i ideje bliske Al Qaedi. Sada se pronašao kao vozač taksija. Poitras održava dinamiku filma naglašavajući napetost među ova dva bivša bliska prijatelja. Prelijepe fotografije kao ovaj uradak trebalo bi imati više dokumentarnih filmova. 32 As she showed in MY COUNTRY, MY COUNTRY, in which she interviewed a Sunni physician in Iraq, New York-based documentarian Laura Poitras— among the top docmakers anywhere--peers into lives and issues missed by both the mainstream and alternative media. Here she ventures to Sana’a, the unsanitary capitol of Yemen, to speak to Abu Jandal, Osama bin Laden’s former bodyguard and a jihadist; and to sterile Guantanamo, where she is denied direct access to Abu Jandal’s well-known recruit, Salim Hamdan, bin Laden’s ex-driver, now on trial for terrorism. (Denied access to him, she has someone read in voiceover his prison letters.) Abu Jandal is conflicted: He has been “rehabilitated” by a Yemeni government program, but he also expresses ideas sympathetic to Al Qaeda. Now he has reinvented himself as a taxi driver. Poitras keeps the film moving by stressing the tension between these formerly close friends. More non-fiction films should be as beautifully photographed. Zamka za rakove / Crab Trap Columbia, France, 2009, 35 mm, Colour, 95 min. Režija / Director: Oscar Ruiz Navia Scenarij / Screenplay: Oscar Ruíz Navia Uloge / Cast: Rodrigo Vélez, Arnobio Salazar Rivas “Cerebro”, Jaime Andres Castano, Karent Hinestroza, Miguel Valoy, Israel Rivas U filmu ZAMKA ZA RAKOVE Oscara Ruiza Naviaja, niskobudžetnom prvom igranom ostvarenju iz Kolumbije, jedan bijelac iz grada po imenu Daniel odlazi u zajednicu bivših afroameričkih robova na obali Pacifika po imenu La Barra da pronađe čamac kojim će od nečega pobjeći. Drama se više bavi stanovnicima nego Danijelom ili drugim bijelim čovjekom, Paisom, koji želi da gradi u tom kraju, bez obzira na to koliko će to koštati one koji tu žive već generacijama. Prirodno okruženje je prije uznemiravajuće nego smirujuće. Nema nikakvog neslaganja između teških života siromašnih stanovnika La Barre i prijetećeg - ali i ugroženog - primorskog mjesta. In Oscar Ruiz Navia’s CRAB TRAP, a no-budget first feature from Colombia, a white man from the city named Daniel ventures to an Afro-Colombian community of ex-slaves on the Pacific coast called La SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / Sam / Self Barra in order to find a boat to escape something. The drama is more about the locals than about Daniel or another white man, Paisa, an exploiter who wants to develop the area no matter what the cost to those who have lived there for generations. The natural setting is unsettling rather than comforting. There is no disjunction between the tough lives of the impoverished people of La Barra and the threatening, and threatened, seaside location. Zaštitnik / Protector Czech Republic, Germany, 2009, 35 mm, Colour, 98 min. Režija / Director: Marek Najbrt Scenarij / Screenplay: Marek Najbrt, Robert Geisler, Benjamin Tuček Uloge / Cast: Jana Plodková, Marek Daniel, Klára Melíšková, Tomáš Měcháček, Richard Stanke, Jan Budař, Jiří Ornest, Sandra Nováková, Martin Myšička Film noir odgovarajući je stil za ovaj film, čija je radnja smještena u 40-te sa vjenčanim parom u centru priče. Njihovu sreću kvari politika i nacistička okupacija. Ona je Jevrejka - glumica čije bogatstvo nestaje; on je poznata “nejevrejska” radio ličnost sa latentnim oportunizmom koje mu dobro služi pod novim vladarima. Strukturalni “manjak” predstavlja ubistvo Heydricha, ali je ono u pozadini, dok su u prvom planu glavni junaci i neki od njihovih neobičnih poznanika, od kojih svako pronalazi različit način da se izbori sa novim vladarima. Film noir is the appropriate style for this ‘40s-set movie centered on a married couple whose happiness is marred by the politics of the Nazi occupation. She is a Jewish actress, and her fortunes slide; he is a well-known non-Jewish radio personality whose latent opportunism serves him well under new masters. The structuring absence is the assassination of Heydrich, but it is way in the background, the better to foreground the main characters and some of their unusual acquaintances, each of whom has a different way of coping with the new masters. Tekstove napisao / Texts by: Howard Feinstein Stellan Skarsgard, Juanita Wilson Fondacija Katrin Cartlidge Katrin Cartlidge Foundation Glumica Katrin Cartlidge iznenada je preminula u septembru, 2002. Ostvarila je brojne uloge u filmovima poput: NAKED, BEFORE THE RAIN, BREAKING THE WAVES, CAREER GIRLS, TOPSY TURVY i NO MAN’S LAND. Nedugo nakon njene prerane smrti i njoj u čast osnovana je Fondacija Katrin Cartlidge, u namjeri da kroz godišnje stipendije koje se dodjeljuju novim, kreativnim glasovima kinematografije, promovira nezavisnost, individualnost i integritet duha kojeg je Katrin Cartlidge u svoje vrijeme snažno prigrlila. Svake godine, dodjeljuju se stipendije na Sarajevo Film Festivalu. tamnošnja medijska industrija i na taj način otvore radna mjesta i ojača ekonomski rast. Od 12. januara, studenti Instituta Cine su bilježili posljedice i oporavak nakon razarajućeg zemljotresa na Haitiju. Kino Concorde, dom Instituta Cine, bio je uništen u zemljotresu i trenutno se restaurira. Stipendija Fondacije Katrin Cartlidge pomoći će da se popravi dom Instituta Cine koji će nastaviti sa inspirativnim radom. Studentica Instituta Cine, Keziah Jean, primit će stipendiju u ime svoje škole i studenata. Keziah je pripala ta čast jer je snimila kratki film TANBOU MARYE (SVADBENI BUBANJ) i reportažu o izbjegličkom kampu PINCHINAT. Ona će učestvo-vati u Dosadašnji stipendisti su: 2009. Juanita Wilson - kustos Stellan Skarsgard 2008. Faruk Šabanović - kustos Danis Tanović 2007. Cary Fukunaga - kustos John Lyons 2006. Eyas Salman i Gerd Schneider - kustosi Simon McBurney i Jürgen Teller 2005. Amy Neil - kustos Emily Watson 2004. Greg Hall - kustos Mike Leigh ovogodišnjem Talent Campusu. Prvi put ove godine stipendija će se dodijeliti instituciji, a ne pojedincu. Kustos Annie Nocenti je izabrala Institut Cine sa Haitija. Koristeći moć kinematografije, integrirane obrazovne programe, tehničku obuku i podršku medijske produkcije, Institut Cine obrazuje mlade Haićane koji žele da steknu kreativne, tehničke i poslovne vještine, neophodne da se osnaži The actress Katrin Cartlidge died suddenly in September 2002. Her many film credits included NAKED, BEFORE THE RAIN, BREAKING THE WAVES, CAREER GIRLS, TOPSY TURVY and NO MAN'S LAND. Shortly after her untimely death the Katrin Cartlidge Foundation was established in her memory. It exists to encourage, in the form in of an annual bursary awarded to a new creative voice in cinema, the independence, singularity and integrity of spirit that Katrin Cartlidge powerfully embraced and exemplified in her own lifetime. Each year, the bursary is awarded at the Sarajevo Film Festival. Past recipient's are: 2009 Juanita Wilson - Curator Stellan Skarsgard 2008 Faruk Sabanovic - Curator Danis Tanovic 2007 Cary Fukunaga - Curator John Lyons 2006 Eyas Salman and Gerd Schneider - Curators Simon McBurney and Juergen Teller 2005 Amy Neil - Curator Emily Watson 2004 Greg Hall - Curator Mike Leigh This year, for the first time, the bursary will be given to an institution rather than an individual. Curator Annie Nocenti has selected the Cine Institute, Haiti. Using the power of cinema, integrated educational programming, technical training and media production support, Cine Institute educates and empowers Haitian youth who seek the creative, technical and business skills necessary to grow local media industries that can provide jobs and spur economic growth needed to improve their lives and the lives of others. Since January 12, Cine Institute's students have documented the aftermath and recovery efforts following the devastating earthquake in Haiti. The Concorde Cinema, home of the Cine Institute, was destroyed by the earthquake and is currently condemned. The Katrin Cartlidge Foundation bursary will help the Cine Institute to rebuild its home and continue its inspirational work. Cine Institute student Keziah Jean will collect the bursary on behalf o f her school and her fellow students. Keziah was selected for this honour because of her short fiction film TANBOU MARYE (Wedding Drum) and reportage film PINCHINAT, about a refugee camp. Keziah Jean will participate in this year's Talent Campus. SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / 33 Posvećeno / Tribute to Bruno Dumont Bruno Dumont Čovječanstvo / Humanity France , 1999, 35 mm, Colour, 148 min. Režija / Director: Bruno Dumont Scenarij / Screenplay: Bruno Dumont Uloge / Cast: Emmanuel Schotté, Séverine Caneele, Philippe Tullier, Ghislain Ghesqu?re, Ginette Allegre, Daniel Leroux, Arnaud Brejon de la Lavergnee Centralni karakter filma HUMANITY je saosjećajni, ali i prilično nesposobni policajac u turobnom gradu. 11-godišnja djevojčica je ubijena, a policajac tokom potrage za tragovima ispoljava neuobičajenu empatiju. On se kreće sa atraktivnim momkom mlade žene prema kojoj gaji neuzvraćene osjećaje. Dumont hvata njihov milje dugim kadrovima i krupnim planovima, te odbija odmaći kameru od takvog prirodnog čina kao što je vođenje ljubavi. Redatelj je za ovaj svoj drugi film osvojio nagradu žirija na Kanskom film festivalu. The central character of HUMANITY is a sympathetic, if rather incompetent, policeman in a dreary town. An 11-year-old girl has been murdered, and the cop, while looking for clues, exudes an unusual empathy. He goes around with the attractive boy- friend of the young woman for whom he has unrequited desire. Dumont captures their milieu with long shots as well as close-ups, and refuses to move his camera away from such natural acts as lovemaking. For this, his second feature, the filmmaker won the Grand Jury Prize at the Cannes Film Festival. Dvadeset devet palmi / Twentynine Palms France, Germany, USA , 2003, 35 mm, Colour, 119 min. Režija / Director: Bruno Dumont Scenarij / Screenplay: Bruno Dumont Uloge / Cast: Katia Golubeva, David Wissak Dumontov jedini izlet u film na engleskom jeziku, DVADESET DEVET PALMI prati seksi i izuzetno promiskuitetni mladi par na putu kroz kalifornijsku pustinju. Istinu govoreći, film je samo djelomično na engleskom jeziku: žena govori uglavnom francuski. Većina filma je sama improvizacija. Kao i u većini Dumontovih filmova, malo je dramatičnih momenata - par se svađa i kupuje hranu, ništa posebno - a sve između sastanaka. Vrhunac je, međutim, snažan: jedan ponizan čin mijenja tok njihove Hadewijch 34 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / veze i učvršćuje vezu između seksa i nasilja. Dumont’s only foray into an English-language film, TWENTYNINE PALMS follows a sexy, and highly sexual, young couple traveling through the California desert. In truth, it is only partially in English: the female speaks mainly French. Much of it is improvied. As in most of Dumont’s films, there are few dramatic highpoints - the pair argues and buys food, nothing extraordinary - between trysts. The climax, however, is strong: A humiliating act changes the course of their relationship, as it seals the connection between sex and violence. Flandrija / Flandres France , 2006, 35 mm, Colour, 91 min. Režija / Director: Bruno Dumont Scenarij / Screenplay: Bruno Dumont Uloge / Cast: Adélaide Leroux, Samuel Boidin, Henri Cretel, Jean-Marie Bruveart, David Poulain, Patrice Venant, David Legay, Inge Decaesteker Kao i obično, Dumont koristi naturščike da bi ispričao priču o krupnom farmeru u Flandriji, koji redovno vodi ljubav sa lokalnom djevojkom koju zna još od malih nogu. On je, zajedno sa još nekoliko Flandrija / Flandres mladića iz okoline, regrutovan i odveden u ratnu zonu u pustinji gdje se bori sa istočnjacima, bilo sa Srednjeg ili Bliskog istoka. Dok je odsutan, mlada djevojka pronalazi ljubavnika, ostaje trudna, poludi i pobaci dijete. U međuvremenu, mladić učestvuje u grupnom silovanju i ostavlja svog suborca da umre. On se vraća, spava sa njom, a ona mu oprašta nakon što joj prizna šta je uradio. Drama ovdje leži u svakodnevnom, iako to ne sprečava Dumonta da se obračuna sa onim što naše vojske danas rade. As usual, Dumont uses nonprofessional actors to tell the story of a large farmboy in Flanders who makes love regularly with the local girl he has known since childhood. Along with several other young men from the area, he is drafted and taken to a war zone in a desert fighting middle or near easterners. While he is away, the young woman takes a lover, becomes pregnant, goes insane, and has an abortion. Meanwhile he participates in a gang rape and leaves a comrade to die. He returns, they have sex, and she forgives him after he admits what he did. The drama is in the everyday, though it doesn’t prevent him from taking a swipe at what our military is doing today. Hadewijch France , 2009, 35 mm, Colour, 105 min. Režija / Director: Bruno Dumont Scenarij / Screenplay: Bruno Dumont Uloge / Cast: Julie Sokolowski, Karl Sarafidis, Yassine Salime, David Dewaele Dumontovi filmovi podcrtavaju kliše “manje je više”. Njihova značenja izviru iz oskudne ali prelijepe ”površine” i čvrste narativne strukture. HADEWIJCH je film o pobožnoj katoličkoj djevojci iz bogatog pariškog okruženja koja biva izbačena iz samostana u trenutku kada njena ljubav prema Kristu prelazi u samoljublje. Ona uzaludno pokušava stvoriti porodicu dva člana. U stvarnom svijetu, Dumont boji scene prirode transcendentalnom ljepotom - djevojka testira različite načine postizanja jedinstva sa svojim Bogom. Dumont se zadržava na scenama njenog samopreispitivanja i vjerske boli, ali se eliptički poigrava kratkim scenama njezina kratkog izleta u terorizam. Ipak je to samo faza u njenom putu prema stanju milosti. Dumont’s films exemplify the cliché “less is more.” Their meaning stems from their spare but gorgeous surface and tight narrative structure. HADEWIJCH is about a devout Catholic girl from a wealthy Parisian milieu who gets tossed out of a convent once her love for Christ crosses the line intoself-love. She has tried in vain to create a family of two. Back out in the world Dumont imbues scenes of nature with transcendental beauty - she tests various ways of attaining union with her God. Dumont lingers on her scenes of self-questioning and religious anguish, but takes the elliptical route with only short shots of her brief foray into terrorism. After all, it is merely a stage in her passage toward a state of grace. Život Isusa / The Life of Jesus France , 1997, 35 mm, Colour, 96 min. Režija / Director: Bruno Dumont Scenarij / Screenplay: Bruno Dumont Uloge / Cast: David Douche, Marjorie Cottreel, Kader Chaatouf, Sébastien Delbaere, Samuel Boidin, Steve Smagghe, Sébastien Bailleul, Genevi?ve Cottreel U svom prvom filmu Dumont proučava dosadni život u provincijskom gradiću na sjeveru Francuske. Centralni lik Freddy - iz samog naslova filma znamo da je on predstavlja svakog od nas - je Dvadeset devet palmi / Twentynine Palms SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / 35 Život Isusa / The Life Of Jesus 20-godišnji epileptičar koji živi sa majkom i provodi vrijeme vozeći bicikl sa prijateljima. S obzirom da je jako malo stvari koje se mogu raditi, napetost između njega i mladog Arapina zbog Freddyjeve djevojke raste do usijanja. To što redatelj uzima priglupog Freddyja, kojeg igra naturščik, i pronalazi dramu u svakodnevnici njegovog života ključ je za razmjevanje Dumontovog ponekad pogrešno shvaćenog pogleda na ljudsko stanje a to je: Svi smo mi vrijedni truda. For his first feature, Dumont studied the ennui endemic in a provincial northern French town. The central character, Freddy - you know he’s an everyman from the title of the film is a 20-year-old epileptic who lives with his mother and spends his time biking around with his buddies. There is so little to do that the tension between him and a young Arab man over Freddy’s girlfriend becomes almost volcanic. That the filmmaker takes a simpleton like Freddy, and has him played by a nonprofessional, and finds drama in the quotidian of his life is a key to understanding Dumont’s sometimes misunderstood view of the human condition: We are all worthwhile. Franjo, Božija luda / The Flowers of St. Francis Čovječanstvo / Humanity Franjo, Božija luda / The Flowers Of St. Francis Mrtva priroda / Still Life 36 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / Italy , 1950, 35 mm, Black & White, 83 min. Režija / Director: Roberto Rossellini Scenarij / Screenplay: Federico Fellini, Father Antonio Lisandrini, Father Félix Morlión, Roberto Rossellini Uloge / Cast: Gianfranco Bellini, Aldo Fabrizi, Peparuolo, Fra' Severino Pisacane, Roberto Sorrentino Dumont kaže da je ovaj Rossellinijev klasik uticao na njegov film HADEWIJCH i objašnjava da se na francuskom jeziku riječ za duhovno upotrebljava i za humor. Rossellini na jedan vedar način gradi poglavlja u životima Sv. Franje Asiškog i njegove posvećene, pomalo naivne i nesvjetovne braće. Sljedbenik po imenu Ginepro osigurava i komični element. Oni su dopadljivi kršćani, ne posvajači ili propagatori dogme, već muškarci koji iskreno pokušavaju da čine dobro i žive jednostavno, altruistički, u stanju samoodricanja. Snimak potiče iz nedavne restauracije. Ova projekcija posvećena je sjećanju na filmskog kritičara i Rosselinijevog učenika Petera Brunnettea. Dumont says that this classic by Rossellini was an influence on HADEWIJCH, and explains that in French, the word for spiritual is also used for humor. In lighthearted fashion, Rossellini constructs chapters in the lives of St. Francis of Assissi and his committed, if somewhat naïve and unworldly, brothers. An acolyte named Ginepro provides comic relief. These are lovable Christians, not conquering soldiers or dogmatists, but men who sincerely attempt to do good and live simply and altruistically, in a state of self-denial. The print shown is from a recent restoration. This screening is dedicated to the memory of film critic and Rossellini scholar Peter Brunette. Tekstove napisao / Texts by: Howard Feinstein SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / 37 Mali Isus od Flandrije / Little Baby Jesus of Flandr Majmun / The Ape Okršaj / Clash Prestupna godina/ Leap Year Novi tokovi New Currents Selektor / Programmer: Philippe Bober Mali Isus od Flandrije / Little Baby Jesus of Flandr Belgium, 2010, 35 mm, Black & White, 74 min. Režija / Director: Gust Van den Berghe Scenarij / Screenplay: Gust Van den Berghe Uloge / Cast: Paul Mertens, Jelle Palmaerts, Peter Janssens Tri prosjaka - Suskewiet, Pitije Vogel i Schrobberbeeck - umorna od bijede i gladi, odluče da pjevaju epifanije na Badnje veče. Zasipani su novcem, hranom i pićem. Na putu kući se izgube u šumi i posvjedoče rođenju malog Isusa. Zapanjeni ovim čudom, poklone mu sve što im je dato. Idućeg Božića, opet odluče da pjevaju, ali zbunjeni prošlogodišnjim iskustvom, počnu se svađati oko poklona. Na kraju svaki krene svojim putem. The three beggars Suskewiet, Pitije Vogel and Schrobberbeeck are tired of being poor and hungry, so go out singing Epiphany on Christmas Eve. Money, food and drink are thrust upon them, but on their way home they get lost in the woods and witness the birth of Little Baby Jesus. Dazzled by this miracle, they give away all their gains. When Christmas next comes around, they decide to sing again. But puzzled about last year’s experience, they start to quarrel over their gifts. Eventually they fall out and go their own way. 38 Majmun / The Ape Sweden, 2009, 35 mm, Colour and B&W, 81 min. Režija / Director: Jesper Ganslandt Scenarij / Screenplay: Jesper Ganslandt Uloge / Cast: Olle Sarri, Eva Rexed, Francois Joyce, Sean Pietrulewicz, Niclas Gillis, Samuel Haus Krister, muž i otac, budi se nakon tragedije. Slomljen je, ali još toga nije svjestan. Suočen sa svakodnevnicom, on nigdje ne može pobjeći i uskoro je prisiljen da se suoči sa svojim djelima. MAJMUN je film o borbi da zadržimo ono što je već izgubljeno. Postavlja se pitanje: šta ostaje kada život koji si imao nekada više ne postoji? Krister, a husband and father, wakes up to the consequences of a tragedy. He is a broken man, but not aware of it yet. Confronted with everyday reality, there is no place for escape and Krister is soon forced to face up to his actions. THE APE is about the struggle to hold on to things around us already lost. The question arises. What is left, when the life you once had is completely gone? Okršaj / Clash Philippines , 2009, HD CAM, Colour, 61 min. Režija / Director: Pepe Diokno Scenarij / Screenplay: Pepe Diokno Uloge / Cast: Celso Ad Castillo, Felix Roco, Daniel Medrana, Zyrus Desamparado, Eda Nolan, Moises Mag-isa, Bayang Barrios, Jim Libiran SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / Richard i Raymond su dva brata tinejdžera, u dvije različite zaraćene bande. Richard je vođa bande „Bagong Buwan“ („Novi mjesec“) a Raymond se upravo priključio bandi „Batang Dilim“ („Djeca noći“), koju predvodi šarmantni, imućni mladić Tomas. Problemi nastaju u nasilničkom ponoćnom „engkwentrou“ („okršaj“), kada Tomas Raymondu naređuje da ubije svog starijeg brata. Richard and Raymond are two teenage brothers on opposite sides of a gang war. Richard is the leader of his gang, "Bagong Buwan" ("New Moon") while Raymond is just being inducted into "Batang Dilim" ("Children of the Night"), a rival gang led by charming solvent boy, Tomas. Complications arise at a deadly midnight "engkwentro" (clash), when Tomas gives Raymond the task of killing his older brother. Prestupna godina / Leap Year Mexico , 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 92 min. Režija / Director: Michael Rowe Scenarij / Screenplay: Michael Rowe, Lucía Carreras Uloge / Cast: Mónica del Carmen, Gustavo Sánchez Parra, Marco Zapata Laura ima 25 godina. Novinarka je, sama i živi u malom stanu u Meksiko Sitiju. Nakon nekoliko kratkotrajnih veza, upoznaje Artura. Nakon što vode ljubav po prvi put, Laura je duboko uznemirena. Upuste se u napetu i strastvenu seksualnu Radost moja/ You. My Joy Zvuk buke / Sound of Noise Četiri puta/ The Four Times Otkucaji srca / Heartbeats vezu u kojoj se stapaju zadovoljstvo, bol i ljubav. Kako prolaze dani koje Laura križa u kalendaru, njena tajna prošlost izlazi na površinu i gura Artura do granice. Laura is 25 years old. She’s a journalist, she’s single and lives in a small apartment in Mexico City. After a series of short-lived affairs, Laura meets Arturo. After the first time they make love, she is left deeply unsettled. They embark on an intense and passionate sexual relationship, in which pleasure, pain and love merge. As days go by which Laura conscientiously crosses out in a calendar, her secret past resurfaces, pushing Arturo to the limit. Radost moja / You. My Joy Germany, Ukraine, Netherlands , 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 127 min. Režija / Director: Sergei Loznitsa Scenarij / Screenplay: Sergei Loznitsa Uloge / Cast: Victor Nemets, Vlad Ivanov, Maria Varsami, Vladimir Golovin, Olga Shuvalova, Alexey Vertkov, Yuriy Sviridenko Gregory, vozač kamiona, kreće na rutinsku isporuku regionalnim ruskim putem. Međutim, nekoliko slučajnih susreta njegov put pretvaraju u haos. Gregoryjeva neočekivana sudbina je srž prvog dugometražnog igranog filma RADOST MOJA, Sergeija Loznitze, nagrađivanog režisera dokumentarnih filmova. Ovaj film, baziran na istinitim pričama koje je režiser čuo tokom svog desetogodišnjeg putovanja po Rusiji, hrabra je i upečatljiva poučna priča jednog dojmljivog novog glasa u filmskom stvaralaštvu. Truck driver Georgy sets out on a provincial Russian motorway for a routine delivery, but a series of chance encounters see his journey spiral out of control. Georgy's unexpected fate is the crux of awardwinning documentary-maker SERGEI LOZNITSA'S unique and original feature debut,YOU. MY JOY. Based on true stories the director encountered during his decade-long pilgrimage by road through Russia, YOU. MY JOY is a daring and haunting parable from an arresting new voice in feature film-making. Zvuk buke / Sound of Noise Sweden, France , 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 102 min. Režija / Director: Ola Simonsson, Johannes Stjärne Nilsson Scenarij / Screenplay: Ola Simonsson, Johannes Stjärne Nilsson, Jim Birmant Uloge / Cast: Bengt Nilsson, Sanna Persson Halapi, Magnus Börjeson, Anders Vestergĺrd, Fredrik Myhr, Marcus Haraldson Boij, Johannes Björk Policajac Amadeus Warnebring je rođen u porodici iz koje su potekli mnogi poznati muzičari. Mrzi muziku. Njegov se život pretvara u pakao kada šest ekscentričnih bubnjara odluči da izvedu muzički napad na grad, koji će im postati i instrument. Kako bi uhvatio serijske muzičare, Warnebring mora ući u svijet od kojeg je čitav život bježao - zastrašujući svijet ritma i muzike. Police officer Amadeus Warnebring was born into a musical family with a long history of famous musicians. He hates music. His life is thrown into chaos when a group of six excentric drummers decides to launch a musical attack using the city as their instrument. To capture the serial musicians, Warnebring must enter the world he has spent his entire life fleeing - the frightening world of rhythm and music. Novi tokovi specijal / New Currents special Stari pastir proživljava posljednje dane u tihom srednjevjekovnom selu, visoko u brdima Kalabrije na najjužnijem kraju Italije. On čuva stada koza pod nebom koje je većina seljana već napustila. Bolestan je i vjeruje da će naći lijek u prašini koju skuplja na podu crkve, a koju svaki dan pije u vodi. Rodi se malo jare. Pratimo njegove prve nesigurne korake, njegove prve igre, sve dok ne skupi snage i ode na ispašu. An old shepherd lives his last days in a quiet medieval village perched high on the hills of Calabria, at the southernmost tip of Italy. He herds goats under skies that most villagers have deserted long ago. He is sick, and believes to find his medicine in the dust he collects on the church floor, which he drinks in his water every day. A new goat kid is born. We follow its first few tentative steps, its first games, until it gains strength and goes to pasture. Otkucaji srca / Heartbeats Canada, 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 102 min. Režija / Director: Xavier Dolan Scenarij / Screenplay: Xavier Dolan Uloge / Cast: Xavier Dolan, Niels Schneider, Monia Chokri, Anne Dorval, Louis Garrel, Perrette Souplex Ovo je priča o tri bliska prijatelja u ljubavnom trokutu. Film govori o zaluđenosti dvoje prijatelja istim, misterioznim mladićem. Njihovo prijateljstvo neizbježno ispašta. Story of three close friends who are involved in a love-triangle. Movie follows the infatuation of two friends with the same mysterious young man. Inevitably, their friendship suffers. Četiri puta / The Four Times Italy, Germany, Switzerland, 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 88 min. Režija / Director: Michelangelo Frammartino Uloge / Cast: Giuseppe Fuda, Bruno Timpano, Nazareno Timpano SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / 39 Amnezija/Amnesia Barokne statue neće žvakati žvaku/ Baroque Statues Shall Not Chew Bubble Yum Berik Djevojke / Girlfriends Novi tokovi kratki New Currents Shorts Amnezija / Amnesia United Kingdom, 2009, DigiBeta, Colour and b&w, 8 min. Režija / Director: Cordelia Swann Scenarij / Screenplay: Cordelia Swann Uloge / Cast: Jo Brand Nastala pod uticajem popodnevnih TV programa neočekivanog sadržaja i Hičkokove „Rebeke“, AMNEZIJA počinje tako što glavna junakinja otkrije da je njen muž Pierce Brosnan koji joj daje mobitel kako bi se sjetila prošlosti. Inspired by the unlikely plots of afternoon TV and Hitchcock's 'Rebecca' AMNESIA opens with our heroine discovering that her husband is Pierce Brosnan who gives her a mobile phone so that she will remember her past. Barokne statue neće žvakati žvaku / Baroque Statues Shall Not Chew Bubble Yum France , 2009, 35 mm, Colour, 14 min. Režija / Director: L'amicale du réel Scenarij / Screenplay: L'amicale du réel Uloge / Cast: Eric Bana, Jean Racine, Isabelle Grellet et Cindy Sanders Iskrenost od vas traži da jedno sa drugog sklonite ruke, a kad otvarate dlanove, otvarajte ih prema vani, jer iskrenost zateže bore duše. Sincerity demands that you move your arms away from each other and by opening your hands, you open them to the outside, because sincerity unfurls the wrinkles of the soul. Berik Denmark, 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 16 min. Režija / Director: Daniel Joseph Borgman Scenarij / Screenplay: Daniel Joseph Borgman Uloge / Cast: Berik Sysdikow, Adil Mukataev, Abdil Iskakov, Aziz Kaliev, Medet Sysdikow Tridesettrogodišnji Berik je slijep i deformisan zbog trovanja zračenjem. Dane provodi sam kod kuće, dok mu brat radi. Tako je sve dok se jedanaestogodišnji Adil, najmanji i najomraženiji Ground Control 40 Selektorica / Programmer: Vanja Kaluđerčić od sve djece u kvartu, ne pojavi na Berikovim vratima, tražeći loptu jednog lokalnog siledžije, koju je izgubio. Berik, 33, blind and deformed due to radiation poisoning, spends his days at home alone, while his brother is at work. That is until Adil, 11, the smallest and least popular of the kids in the apartment block, turns up on Berik's doorstep looking for the local bully's football, which he has lost. Djevojke / Girlfriends Holland, 2009, Mini DV, Colour, 15 min. Režija / Director: Sabina Maria van der Linden, Nina Yuen Scenarij / Screenplay: Sabina Maria van der Linden, Nina Yuen Uloge / Cast: Sabina Maria van der Linden, Nina Yuen Imaju taj„nemogući“ pogled. Ljubičasta izmaglica. Bile su u i izvan fokusa u isto vrijeme. Pogled iz stražnje projekcije. Bile su preodlučne. Psihološki napumpane. Umjetno definirane. Japanski lažnjaci. Cut-up sa Times Squarea. They have that "impossible" look. Purple Haze. They were in and out of focus at the same time. The rearscreen-projection look. They were over-determined. Psychologically hyped up. Artificially defined. Japanese fake. Times Square cut-up. Fotografija Isusa / Photograph of Jesus United Kingdom, 2008, DigiBeta, Colour and B&W, 7 min. Režija / Director: Laurie Hill Scenarij / Screenplay: Laurie Hill Uloge / Cast: Matthew Butson Tražite fotografije Isusa, Jetija i Hitlera iz 1948. godine? U pomoć vam pristiže ovaj dokumentarnofantastični film baziran na istinitim pričama o zahtjevima za nemogućim slikama. Looking for photographs of Jesus, yetis, and Hitler in 1948? Help is at hand with this documentaryfantasy based on true stories of requests for impossible images. Incident pored banke / Incident by a Bank SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / Logorama Ground Control Germany, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2009, DigiBeta, Colour, 13 min. Režija / Director: Adnan Softić Scenarij / Screenplay: Adnan Softić Prije deset godina je autor, odrastao u Bosni, snimio fiktivni dokumentarac o navodnim zločinima njegovog oca i krivici koju nosi majka. Sada mu dodaje jedan iznenađujući epilog, koji evocira potisnuta sjećanja kao eho historije. A decade ago, the author who grew up in Bosnia made a fictive documentary about the supposed crimes committed by his father and guilt his mother feels over it. Now he adds a surprising epilogue which reminds of suppressed memories as an echo of history. Incident pored banke / Incident by a Bank Sweden, 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 12 min. Režija / Director: Ruben Östlund Scenarij / Screenplay: Ruben Östlund Uloge / Cast: Henrik Vikman, Lars Melin, Bahador Foladi, Ramtin Parvaneh, Leif Edlund Johansson Detaljna i crnim humorom protkana priča o neuspjeloj pljački banke, rekonstruirane u jednoj klapi sa izuzetnom koreografijom. A detailed and darkly amusing account of a failed bank robbery, recreated in a single highlychoreographed take. Logorama France, 2009, 35 mm, Colour, 16 min. Režija / Director: François Alaux, Hervé de Crécy, Ludovic Houplain Scenarij / Screenplay: François Alaux, Hervé de Crécy, Ludovic Houplain Uloge / Cast: Bob Stephenson, Gregory J Pruss Spektakularne automobilske utrke, napeta talačka kriza, stampedo divljih životinja kroz grad i još više u Logorami! Miramare Pao je web site: Prodavač protiv web rasturača / The Website Is Down: Sales Guy vs Web Dude Pikseli / Pixels Spectacular car chases, an intense hostage crisis, wild animals rampaging through the city, and even more in Logorama! Miramare Croatia, Switzerland, 2009, 35 mm, Colour, 8 min. Režija / Director: Michaela Müller Scenarij / Screenplay: Michaela Muller Pogled na život uz evropske granice na Mediteranu, gdje se turisti opuštaju dok se ilegalni imigranti pate u nadi da će ostvariti bolji život. A look at life on the mediterranean borders of Europe, where tourists try to relax while "illegal" immigrants struggle for a chance to a better life. Pao je web site: Prodavač protiv web rasturača / The Website Is Down: Sales Guy vs Web Dude USA , 2008, DigiBeta, Colour, 12 min. Režija / Director: Joshua Weinberg Muzika / Music: Rap Team Uloge / Cast: Casey Cochran, Josh Weinberg, Jesse Johnson, Josh Childs, Ruth Sherrod Urnebesno smiješan prikaz situacije kada ljudi koji se razumiju u tehnologiju i rade na njoj dođu u kontakt sa onima koji je ne razumiju, ali se oslanjaju na nju kako bi radili svoj posao. Ova vječita borba je slikovito prikazana u premijernoj epizodi „Prodavač protiv web rasturača“ A hilarious look at the point where the people who understand technology and make it work interface with those who do not understand it, but rely on it to do their jobs. This eternal struggle is eloquently captured in the premiere episode, "Sales Guy vs. Web Dude". Rita Fotografija Isusa / Photograph of Jesus Rendezvous u Stella Plageu / Rendezvous In Stella-Plage France, 2009, 35 mm, Colour, 18 min. Režija / Director: Shalimar Preuss Scenarij / Screenplay: Shalimar Preuss Uloge / Cast: Anna Lien, Jonathan Heckel, Laure Duthilleul Na groblju, 'prisutni' (brižni i pribrani) odaju počast 'odsutnim'. Zazvoni telefon u javnoj govornici. Jedan mladi par tuda prolazi i javi se. Zove majka koja želi da razgovara sa kćerkom. Albane se poigra i pretvara se da je kćerka. In a cemetary, the 'present' (attentive and collected) pay hommage to the 'absent'. A public telephone rings. A young couple is passing and takes the call. On the other end of the line a mother wants to talk to her daughter. Albane takes the game one step further and pretends to be the daughter. Rita Italy, 2009, 35 mm, Colour, 19 min. Režija / Director: Antonio Piazza, Fabio Grassadonia Scenarij / Screenplay: Fabio Grassadonia, Antonio Piazza Uloge / Cast: Marta Palermo, Marco Maria Correnti Rita ima deset godina i slijepa je od rođenja. Klaustrofobični svijet njenoga doma iznenada remeti ranjeni, užasnuti dječak, bjegunac. Njihov enigmatični susret omogućava Riti da nakratko iskusi slobodu. Rita is ten years old and blind since birth. The claustrophobic world of her home is suddenly breached by a boy on the run, wounded, terrified. Their enigmatic meeting lets Rita experience a brief moment of freedom. Urnebesno / Hilarious Pikseli / Pixels France, 2010, Beta Sp, Colour, 3 min. Režija / Director: Patrick Jean Scenarij / Screenplay: Patrick Jean Invazija stvorenja od 8 bita na New York! PIKSELI je najnoviji kratkometražni film Patricka Jeana, snimljen na lokaciji New Yorka. New York invasion by 8-bits creatures ! PIXELS is Patrick Jean' latest short film, shot on location in New York. Rendezvous u Stella Plageu / Rendezvous In Stella-Plage Israel, 2010, DigiBeta, Colour, 21 min. Režija / Director: Roee Rosen Scenarij / Screenplay: Roee Rosen Uloge / Cast: Hani Furstenberg Film URNEBESNO ispituje mogućnosti disfunkci-onalnog humora. U televizijskom nastupu stand-up komičarka izvodi monolog koji služi kao uvod nevjerovatno dugoj šali smještenoj u neboderima Svjetskog trgovačkog centra koji samo što se nisu srušili. Hilarious is set to examine the possibility of dysfun- Ustajanje zaboravljeno / Standing up Forgotten Urnebesno / Hilarious ctional humor. It presents a televised stand up monologue of a female comedian, leading to an incredulously long joke set at the twin towers as they're about to collapse. Ustajanje zaboravljeno / Standing up Forgotten Germany, 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 6 min. Režija / Director: Jörn Staeger Scenarij / Screenplay: Jörn Staeger Uloge / Cast: Christian Wirmer, Holger Hanssen Svaki dan moramo nanovo ustati. Ali šta ako slabiji dio nas to ne želi? Ovo je eksperimentalna kamerna drama o centrifugalnoj sili i gravitaciji, patnjama i snazi. We have to get up - everyday anew. But what if one's weaker self doesn't want to? An experimental chamber plays about centrifugal force and gravity, afflictions and strength. Živjeti još malo... / Live a Bit Longer... Belgium, 2009, 35 mm, Colour, 17 min. Režija / Director: David Lambert Scenarij / Screenplay: David Lambert Uloge / Cast: Jean-Michel Balthazar, Jean-Bastien Tinant, Daniel Bajoit, Carmela Locantore Svake noći u sitne sate, dok njegov ljubavnik Pierre spava u sobi na spratu, Nico radi sa svojim ocem pekarom. Odjednom pada na zemlju... In the early hours of every single night, while his lover, Pierre is asleep upstairs, Nico is working with his father the baker. All of a sudden he falls to the ground… NOVI TOKOVI KRATKI 1/ NEW CURRENTS SHORTS 1 RITA, MIRAMARE, INCIDENT BY A BANK, PIXELS, GROUND CONTROL, STANDING UP FORGOTTEN, LOGORAMA, AMNESIA, HILARIOUS NOVI TOKOVI KRATKI 2 / NEW CURRENTS SHORTS 2 BERIK, BAROQUE STATUES SHALL NOT CHEW BUBBLE YUM, GIRLFRIENDS, PHOTOGRAPH OF JESUS, RANDEZVOUS IN STELLA-PLAGE, THE WEBSITE IS DOWN: SALES GUY VS WEB DUDE, LIVE A BIT LONGER Živjeti još malo... / Live A Bit Longer... SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / 41 Open Air Ako mi se fućka, fućkam / If I Want To Whistle, I Whistle Ako mi se fućka, fućkam/ If I Want To Whistle, I Whistle Romania, Sweden, 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 94 min. Režija / Director: Florin Serban Scenarij / Screenplay: Cătălin Mitulescu, Florin Șerban, Andreea Vălean Uloge / Cast: George Pistereanu, Ada Condeescu, Clara Voda, Mihai Constantin, Marian Bratu Maloljetni delinkvent Silviu uskoro treba napustiti popravni dom. Ostalo mu je još samo pet dana. Ali od kada je saznao da mu se majka vratila u njegov život nakon dugotrajnog odsustva i odlučna je da odvede njegovog mlađeg brata sa sobom, tih mu se pet dana čini kao vječnost. Silviu je sam odgojio svoga brata i voli ga kao da mu je sin. Tokom vremena koje je proveo iza rešetaka, Silviu je upoznao mladu socijalnu radnicu koja studira psihologiju i ludo se zaljubio u nju. Vrijeme ističe i njegova briga zbog mlađeg brata počinje prerastati u paniku. Silviu, a young delinquent, is about to be released from reform school. Only five days to go. But ever since he learned that his mother has suddenly reappeared on the scene after a long absence and is determined to take his young brother away to live with her, these five days have seemed like an eternity. Silviu himself has raised his little brother and loves him as if he were his own son. During his time behind bars Silviu has met and fallen head over heels in love with a young social worker who is studying psychology. Time is running out and his anxiety about his brother begins to turn into panic. I ja, također / Me Too Spain, 2009, 35 mm, Colour, 103 min. Režija / Director: Antonio Naharro, Álvaro Pastor Scenarij / Screenplay: Antonio Naharro, Álvaro Pastor Uloge / Cast: Lola Dueñas, Pablo Pineda, Antonio Naharro, Isabel García Lorca, Pedro Álvarez Ossorio Tridesetčetverogodišnji Daniel je prvi Evropljanin obolio od Downovog sindroma koji je stekao fakultetsku diplomu. Zapošljava se u socijalnoj službi u Sevilli, gdje upoznaje slobodoumnu kolegicu Lauru. Brzo postaju prijatelji i na sebe privlače pažnju drugih radnih kolega i svojih porodica. Njihov jedinstveni odnos zapada u probleme kada se Daniel zaljubljuje u Lauru. Ali ove buntovne duše odbijaju da se povinuju pravilima i pronalaze do tada nepoznato prijateljstvo i ljubav. Thirty-four-year-old Daniel is the first European with Down syndrome to have graduated from university. He starts a social services job in Seville, where he meets free-spirited co-worker Laura. They become fast friends, drawing the attention of both their coworkers and families. Their unique relationship becomes problematic when Daniel falls in love with her. But these rebellious souls refuse to bend to the rules and they find friendship and love as they have never known. Još jedna godina / Another Year United Kingdom, 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 129 min. Režija / Director: Mike Leigh Scenarij / Screenplay: Mike Leigh Med / Honey 42 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / Još jedna godina / Another Year Uloge / Cast: David Bradley, Jim Broadbent, Karina Fernandez, Oliver Maltman, Lesley Manville, Ruth Sheen, Imelda Staunton, Peter Wight Proljeće, ljeto, jesen, zima. Porodica i prijateljstvo. Ljubav i toplina. Radost i tuga. Nada i očaj. Drugarstvo. Usamljenost. Rođenje. Smrt. Vrijeme prolazi... Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter. Family and friendship. Love and warmth. Joy and sadness. Hope and despair. Companionship. Loneliness. A birth. A death. Time passes... Med / Honey Turkey, Germany, 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 103 min. Režija / Director: Semih Kaplanoğlu Scenarij / Screenplay: Orcun Koksal, Semih Kaplanoğlu Uloge / Cast: Bora Altas, Erdal Beșikçioğlu, Tülin Özen, Alev Uçarer, Ayse Altay Šestogodišnji Yusuf je tek krenuo u školu gdje uči čitati i pisati. Njegov otac Yakup je uzgajivač pčela. Svojim se poslom bavi duboko u šumi gdje postavlja košnice na vrhove najvišeg drveća. Jednog dana Yusuf ocu prepričava san koji je sanjao prethodne noći. Yakup ga oštro napada i upozorava ga da drugima nikada ne smije pričati o svojim snovima. Jednoga dana pčele iznenada nestaju i Yusufova porodica ostaje bez izvora prihoda. Yakup odlučuje da se zaputi u udaljene planine. Six-year-old Yusuf has just begun attending primary school where he is learning how to read and write. His father, Yakup, is a beekeeper. He goes about his trade deep inside the woods where he hangs up his bee hives in the treetops of the highest trees. One Pisac iz sjene / The Ghost Writer morning Yusuf tells his father about a dream he had the night before. Yakup turns on him curtly telling him never to share his dreams with others. One day the bees suddenly disappear, throwing into question the family’s means of earning a living. Yakup decides to set off for the remote mountains. Pisac iz sjene / The Ghost Writer France, Germany, United Kingdom, 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 128 min. Režija / Director: Roman Polanski Scenarij / Screenplay: Robert Harris, Roman Polanski Uloge / Cast: Ewan McGregor, Kim Cattrall, Olivia Williams, Pierce Brosnan, Timothy Hutton Kada uspješni britanski pisac iz sjene, poznat kao Duh, pristane da završi memoare bivšeg britanskog premijera Adama Langa, njegov ga agent ubjeđuje da se radi o životnoj prilici. Ali projekt se od samog početka čini ukletim, uključujući i to što je Duhov dugogodišnji saradnik i prethodnik na zadatku pisanja Langovih memoara poginuo u nesreći. Usred zime, Duh odlazi na ostrvo u blizini američke istočne obale kako bi u Langovoj vili radio na njegovim memoarima. When a successful British ghostwriter, the Ghost, agrees to complete the memoirs of former British Prime Minister Adam Lang, his agent assures him it's the opportunity of a lifetime. But the project seems doomed from the start - not least because his predecessor on the project, Lang's long-term aide, died in an unfortunate accident. The Ghost flies out to work on the project, in the middle of I ja, također / Me Too Upoznat ćeš visokog tamnog stranca / You Will Meet a Tall Dark winter, to an oceanfront house on an island off the U.S. Eastern seaboard. Upoznat ćeš visokog tamnog stranca / You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger Tajna u njihovim očima / The Secret In Their Eyes USA, Spain, 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 98 min. Režija / Director: Woody Allen Scenarij / Screenplay: Woody Allen Uloge / Cast: Antonio Banderas, Josh Brolin, Anthony Hopkins, Gemma Jones, Freida Pinto, Lucy Punch, Naomi Watts Film govori o dva bračna para, Alfieu i Heleni, te njihovoj kćerki Sally i njenom mužu Royu. Njihove ih strasti, ambicije i strahovi dovode u nevolje i do ludila. Nakon što Alfie ostavi Helenu u potrazi za izgubljenom mladošću i prostitutkom slobodnog duha Charmaine, Helenu napusti razum i svoj život prepusti apsurdnom savjetu gatare prevaranta i upusti se u vezu sa Jonathanom, kojem je nedavno umrla žena. Sally, nesretna u braku, zaljubi se u zgodnog vlasnika umjetničke galerije Grega, a Roy postane opčinjen Diaom. The film follows a pair of married couples, Alfie and Helena, and their daughter Sally and husband Roy, as their passions, ambitions, and anxieties lead them into trouble and out of their minds. After Alfie leaves Helena to pursue his lost youth and a freespirited call girl named Charmaine, Helena abandons rationality and surrenders her life to the loopy advice of a charlatan fortune teller, forming a liaison with recent widower, Jonathan. Unhappy in her marriage, Sally develops a crush on her handsome art gallery owner boss, Greg, while Roy becomes moonstruck over Dia. Argentina, Spain, 2009, 35 mm, Colour, 127 min. Režija / Director: Juan José Campanella Scenarij / Screenplay: Eduardo Sacheri, Juan José Campanella Uloge / Cast: Ricardo Darín, Soledad Villamil, Pablo Rago, Javier Godino, Guillermo Francella Benjamin Esposito je proveo čitav radni vijek kao uposlenik krivičnog suda. Nakon što se nedavno penzionisao i raspolaže obiljem slobodnog vremena, Espozito odlučuje da napiše roman. Ali on nema potrebe da piše fikciju. Može pisati o svome radu u javnoj službi i o istinitoj, potresnoj i tragičnoj priči u kojoj je svojevremeno učestvovao. Njegovom je sudu 1974. godine dodijeljena istraga slučaja silovanja i ubistva lijepe mlade žene. Pisanje priče iz prošlosti više nije samo način da ispuni svoje prazne sate. Benjamín Espósito has spent his entire working life as a criminal court employee. Recently retired and with time on his hands, he decides to write a novel. He does not decide to make up a story. There is no need to. He can draw on his own past as a civil servant for a true, moving and tragic story in which he was once very directly involved. In 1974, his court was assigned an investigation into the rape and murder of a beautiful young woman. Telling a story from the past is no longer just a pastime to fill his empty hours. Tajna u njihovim očima / The Secret In Their Eyes SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / 43 44 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / RASPORED PROJEKCIJA/ SCREENING SCHEDULE , Petak/ Friday 23.07.2010. Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 20.30 Open Air 025 , CIRKUS COLUMBIA SEVDAH ZA KARIMA / SEVDAH FOR KARIM Režija / Director: Jasmin Duraković, 95 min, Bosnian 16.00 U fokusu / In Focus 123 CIRKUS COLUMBIA Režija / Director: Danis Tanović, 113 min, Bosnian Nedjelja/ Sunday 25.07.2010. Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 11.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 121 Režija / Director: Danis Tanović, 113 min, Bosnian Ljetno kino !hej / !hej Open Air Cinema 21.00 Open Air 010 , Subota/ Saturday 24.07.2010. Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 11.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 221 NJEŽNI SIN – PROJEKT FRANKENSTEIN / TENDER SON - THE FRANKENSTEIN PROJECT Režija / Director: Kornél Mundruczó, 105 min, Hungarian 16.00 U fokusu / In Focus 223 KOSMOS NEKE DRUGE PRIČE / SOME OTHER STORIES Režija / Director: Reha Erdem, 122 min, Turkish 20.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 124 Režija / Director: Jasmin Duraković, 95 min, Bosnian Režija / Directors: Ivona Juka, Ana Maria Rossi, Ines Tanović, Marija Džidževa, Hanna Slak, 114 min, Slov/Bos/Serb/Cro/Mac/Eng 20.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 224 Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema 12.00 Panorama 130 Režija / Director: Kornél Mundruczó, 105 min, Hungarian SEVDAH ZA KARIMA / SEVDAH FOR KARIM NJEŽNI SIN – PROJEKT FRANKENSTEIN / TENDER SON - THE FRANKENSTEIN PROJECT ZAKLETVA / THE OATH Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema 12.00 Panorama 230 Režija / Director: Laura Poitras, 90 min, Arabic 15.00 Posvećeno/ Tribute To Bruno Dumont 131 OKRIVLJEN / PRESUMED GUILTY ŽIVOT ISUSA / THE LIFE OF JESUS Režija / Directors: Roberto Hernández, Geoffrey Smith, 91 min, Spanish 15.00 Posvećeno/ Tribute To Bruno Dumont 231 Režija / Director: Bruno Dumont, 96 min, French/Arabic 18.00 Panorama 132 FRANJO, BOŽIJA LUDA / THE FLOWERS OF ST. FRANCIS Režija / Director: Roberto Rossellini, 83 min, Italian 18.00 Panorama 232 LOLA GUY I MADELINE NA KLUPI U PARKU / GUY AND MADELINE ON A PARK BENCH Režija / Director: Damien Chazelle, 82 min, English/French 23.30 All Shorts 133 NAGRADA EVROPSKE FILMSKE AKADEMIJE- NOMINIRANI KRATKI Režija / Director: Brillante Mendoza, 110 min, Filipino/Tagalog FILMOVI 2010 -PRVI DIO / EUROPEAN FILM ACADEMY AWARDMultipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City SHORTS NOMINEES 2010 - PART 0NE 11.30 BiH Film 270 Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City DOKUMENTARNI 1 / DOCUMENTARIES 1 13.00 Dodjela nagrade Ivica Matić / Ivica Matić Award Presentation 14.00 Specijalne projekcije/ Special screenings 271 DVA ZAKONA / TWO LAWS REVOLUCIJA / REVOLUTION Režija / Director: Vefik Hadžismajlović, 1969, 10 min, Bosnian 15.00 Specijalne projekcije/ Special screenings Abu Dhabi Film Festival predstavlja / Presents 151 Režija / Director: Mariana Chenillo, Fernando Eimbcke, Amat Escalante, Gael García Bernal, Rodrigo García, Diego Luna, Gerardo Naranjo, Rodrigo Plá, Carlos Reygadas, Patricia Riggen, 105 min, Spanish 14.30 Panorama 260 SIN BABILONA / SON OF BABYLON DONEKLE NJEŽAN ČOVJEK / A SOMEWHAT GENTLE MAN Režija / Director: Mohamed Al-Daradji, 93 min, Arabic/Kurdish 17.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 172 Režija / Director: Hans Petter Moland, 105 min, Norwegian 15.00 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 251 GROZNI JA / DESPICABLE ME DUGO PUTOVANJE KROZ ISTORIJU, HISTORIJU I POVIJEST BALKANA / THE LONG ROAD THROUGH BALKAN HISTORY Režija / Director: Pierre Coffin, Chris Renaud, 95 min, English 18.00 TeenArena 152 Režija / Director: Željko Mirković, 58 min, Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian/Macedonian VEGAS TEŽI PUT / HARD LINES Režija / Director: Gunnar Vikene, 110 min, Norwegian 19.15 Novi tokovi specijal/ New Currents Special 173 Režija / Director: Istvan Nagy, 54 min, Hungarian 17.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 272 OTKUCAJI SRCA / HEARTBEATS Režija / Director: Xavier Dolan, 102 min, Spanish 20.30 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 153 GODINE KOJE SU POJELI LAVOVI / YEARS EATEN BY LIONS NEUKÖLLN UNLIMITED Režija / Director: Boro Kontić, 60 min, Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian 21.15 Novi tokovi specijal/ New Currents Special 161 Režija / Director: Dietmar Ratsch, Agostino Imondi, 96 min, Ger/Eng/Arab/Fren 19.15 Novi tokovi / New Currents 273 ČETIRI PUTA/ THE FOUR TIMES MAJMUN / THE APE Režija / Director: Michelangelo Frammartino, 88 min, no dialogue 21.45 BiH Film 174 Režija / Director: Jesper Ganslandt, 81 min, Swedish 20.30 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 253 32. DECEMBAR / 32ND DECEMBER HOTEL RAJ / PARADISE HOTEL Režija / Director: Saša Hajduković, 2009, 89 min. Režija / Director: Sophia Tzavella, 55 min, Bulgarian U BRAKU SA KAMEROM / MARRIED TO THE CAMERA Ljetno kino !hej / !hej Open Air Cinema 21.00 Open Air 110 Režija / Director: Doga Kilcioglu, 52 min, Turkish 21.15 Novi tokovi specijal/ New Currents Special 261 MED / HONEY OTKUCAJI SRCA / HEARTBEATS Režija / Director: Semih Kaplanoğlu, 103 min, Turkish Ljetno kino Vatrogasac / Open Air Cinema Vatrogasac 21.00 Panorama 140 DONEKLE NJEŽAN ČOVJEK / A SOMEWHAT GENTLE MAN Režija / Director: Hans Petter Moland, 105 min, Norwegian Ljetno kino Novi Grad / Novi Grad Open Air Cinema 21.00 Open Air 190 CIRKUS COLUMBIA Režija / Director: Danis Tanović, 113 min, Bosnian ŽABE I KRASTAČE / FROGS & TOADS Režija / Director: Simone van Dusseldorp, 75 min, Dutch 18.00 TeenArena 252 Režija / Director: Xavier Dolan, 102 min, Spanish 21.45 BiH Film 274 NA PUTU / ON THE PATH Režija / Director: Jasmila Žbanić, 100 min, Bosnian Ljetno kino !hej / !hej Open Air Cinema 21.00 Open Air 210 PISAC IZ SJENE / THE GHOST WRITER Režija / Director: Roman Polanski, 128 min, English Ljetno kino Vatrogasac / Open Air Cinema Vatrogasac 21.00 Posvećeno/ Tribute To Bruno Dumont 240 HADEWIJCH Režija / Director: Bruno Dumont, 105 min, French Ljetno kino Novi Grad / Novi Grad Open Air Cinema 21.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 290 SEVDAH ZA KARIMA / SEVDAH FOR KARIM Režija / Director: Jasmin Duraković, 95 min, Bosnian Dvorana Općine Novi Grad/ Novi Grad Municipal Hall 12.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 280 GROZNI JA / DESPICABLE ME Režija / Director: Pierre Coffin, Chris Renaud, 95 min, English SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / 45 RASPORED PROJEKCIJA/ SCREENING SCHEDULE , Ponedjeljak/ Monday 26.07.2010. Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 11.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 321 Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 9.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 420 , Srijeda/ Wednesday 28.07.2010. Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 9.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 520 UTORAK, NAKON BOŽIĆA / TUESDAY, AFTER CHRISTMAS BIBLIOTEKA PASCAL / BIBLIOTHEQUE PASCAL ADRIENN PÁL Režija / Director: Radu Muntean, 99 min, Romanian 16.00 U fokusu / In Focus 323 Režija / Director: Szabolcs Hajdu, 111 min, Hungarian/Romanian/English 11.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 421 Režija / Director: Ágnes Kocsis, 136 min, Hungarian 11.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 521 NA PUTU / ON THE PATH Režija / Director: Jasmila Žbanić, 100 min, Bosnian 20.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 324 UTORAK, NAKON BOŽIĆA / TUESDAY, AFTER CHRISTMAS Režija / Director: Radu Muntean, 99 min, Romanian 22.30 Takmičarski igrani-izvan konkurencije/ Competition Features Out of Competition Dodjela nagrade Katrin Cartlidge fondacije / Katrin Cartlidge Foundation Award Presentation 326 KAO DA ME NEMA / AS IF I AM NOT THERE Režija / Director: Juanita Wilson, 105 min, Bosnian Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema 12.00 Panorama 330 JASMINA Režija / Director: Nedžad Begović, 90 min, Bosnian/Croatian 14.00 Takmičarski kratki / Competition Shorts 422 TAKMIČARSKI KRATKI 1 / COMPETITION SHORTS 1 TAKMIČARSKI KRATKI 2 / COMPETITION SHORTS 2 16.00 U fokusu / In Focus 523 MEDALJA ČASTI/ MEDAL OF HONOR Režija / Director: Calin Peter Netzer, 105 min, Romanian 20.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 424 BIBLIOTEKA PASCAL / BIBLIOTHEQUE PASCAL Režija / Director: Szabolcs Hajdu, 111 min, Hungarian/Romanian/English 22.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 426 JASMINA Režija / Director: Nedžad Begović, 90 min, Bosnian/Croatian Režija / Director: Lixin Fan, 87 min, Mandarin 15.00 Posvećeno/ Tribute To Bruno Dumont 331 Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema 12.00 Panorama 430 Režija / Director: Bruno Dumont, 91 min, French 18.00 Panorama 332 SAM / SELF Režija / Director: Oleg Dubson, 20 min, no dialogue VAVIEN Režija / Directors: Durul Taylan, Yagmur Taylan, 100 min, Turkish 14.00 Takmičarski kratki / Competition Shorts 522 16.00 U fokusu / In Focus 423 ZADNJI VOZ KUĆI / LAST TRAIN HOME FLANDRIJA / FLANDRES JAFFA, THE ORANGE'S CLOCKWORK Režija / Director: Eyal Sivan, 88 min, Hebrew/Arabic/French/English 15.00 Posvećeno/ Tribute To Bruno Dumont 431 ČOVJEČANSTVO / HUMANITY BUJICA LJUBAVI ZA MALOGA / FLOODING WITH LOVE FOR THE KID Režija / Director: Bruno Dumont, 148 min, French/English 18.00 Panorama 432 Režija / Director: Zachary Oberzan, 107 min, English 23.30 All Shorts 333 Režija / Director: Samuel Maoz, 94 min, Hebrew/Arabic/French/English LIBAN / LEBANON PRIČE IZ KARSA / TALES FROM KARS Režija / Directors: Özcan Alper, Zehra Derya Koç, Ülkü Oktay, Ahu Öztürk, Emre Akay, 78 min, Turkish 20.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 524 ADRIENN PÁL Režija / Director: Ágnes Kocsis, 136 min, Hungarian 22.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 526 VAVIEN Režija / Directors: Durul Taylan, Yagmur Taylan, 100 min, Turkish Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema 12.00 Panorama 530 BIO JEDNOM JEDAN PROLETER / ONCE UPON A TIME A PROLETARIAN, Režija / Director: Xiaolu Guo, 76 min, Mandarin 15.00 Posvećeno/ Tribute To Bruno Dumont 531 DVADESET DEVET PALMI / TWENTYNINE PALMS Režija / Director: Bruno Dumont, 119 min, French/English 18.00 Panorama 532 23.30 Novi tokovi kratki / New Currents Shorts 433 NAGRADA EVROPSKE FILMSKE AKADEMIJE- NOMINIRANI KRATKI FILMOVI 2010 - DRUGI DIO/ EUROPEAN FILM ACADEMY NOVI TOKOVI KRATKI 1 / NEW CURRENTS SHORTS 1 AWARD- SHORTS NOMINEES 2010 - PART TWO ČOVJEK KOJI JE JEO SVOJE TREŠNJE / A MAN WHO ATE HIS CHERRIES, Režija / Director: Payman Haghani, 77 min, Persian 23.30 Novi tokovi kratki / New Currents Shorts 533 NOVI TOKOVI KRATKI 2 / NEW CURRENTS SHORTS 2 Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City 11.30 BiH Film 370 Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City 11.30 BiH Film 570 DOKUMENTARNI 2 / DOCUMENTARIES 2 14.00 All Shorts 371 OBERAHAUSEN KRATKI / SHORTS 14.30 Panorama 360 Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City 11.30 BiH Film 470 DOKUMENTARNI 3 / DOCUMENTARIES 3 14.00 All Shorts 471 BERLINALE KRATKI / SHORTS 14.30 Panorama 460 KAKO SAM ZAVRŠIO OVO LJETO / HOW I ENDED THIS SUMMER GUY I MADELINE NA KLUPI U PARKU / GUY AND MADELINE ON A PARK BENCH Režija / Director: Aleksei Popogrebsky, 124 min, Russian 15.00 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 451 Režija / Director: Damien Chazelle, 82 min, English/French 15.00 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 351 Režija / Director: Alexander Nanau, 61 min, Romanian ŠVELJE / THE SEAMSTRESSES Režija / Director: Biljana Garvanlieva, 30 min, Macedonian CIKLUSI / CYCLES Režija / Director: Vladimir Gojun, 54 min, Croatian 17.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 372 ELIAS I KRALJEVSKA JAHTA / ELIAS AND THE ROYAL YACHT Režija / Director: Espen Fyksen, Lise I. Osvoll, 76 min, Norwegian 18.00 TeenArena 352 IMIGRANTI / IMMIGRANTS (L.A. DOLCE VITA) Režija / Director: Gábor Csupó, 87 min, English 19.15 Novi tokovi / New Currents 373 PRESTUPNA GODINA/ LEAP YEAR Režija / Director: Michael Rowe, 92 min, Spanish 20.30 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 353 MILA TRAŽI SENIDU / MILA SEEKING SENIDA Režija / Director: Robert Tomić Zuber, 83 min, Bosnian/Serbian 21.15 Novi tokovi / New Currents 361 MAJMUN / THE APE Režija / Director: Jesper Ganslandt, 81 min, Swedish 21.45 BiH Film 374 NEKE DRUGE PRIČE / SOME OTHER STORIES SVIJET PREMA IONU B / THE WORLD ACCORDING TO ION B Ljetno kino !hej / !hej Open Air Cinema 21.00 Open Air 310 UPOZNAT ĆEŠ VISOKOG TAMNOG STRANCA / YOU WILL MEET A TALL DARK STRANGER Ljetno kino Vatrogasac / Open Air Cinema Vatrogasac 21.00 Panorama 340 KAKO SAM ZAVRŠIO OVO LJETO / HOW I ENDED THIS SUMMER Režija / Director: Aleksei Popogrebsky, 124 min, Russian Ljetno kino Novi Grad / Novi Grad Open Air Cinema 21.00 Open Air 390 PISAC IZ SJENE / THE GHOST WRITER Režija / Director: Roman Polanski, 128 min, English Dvorana Općine Novi Grad/ Novi Grad Municipal Hall 12.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 380 ŽABE I KRASTAČE / FROGS & TOADS Režija / Director: Simone van Dusseldorp, 75 min, Dutch NOVI TOKOVI KRATKI 1 / NEW CURRENTS SHORTS 1 14.30 Panorama 560 LIBAN / LEBANON Režija / Director: Samuel Maoz, 94 min, Hebrew/Arabic/French/English 15.00 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 551 ZVIJEZDA JE ROĐENA / A STAR IS BORN MICA I OKOLNE PRIČE / MICA AND THE STORIES AROUND HER Režija / Director: Vanja Kovačević, 75 min, Serbian/English 17.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 572 DJEČIJI KRATKI / CHILDREN'S SHORTS ČAROBNO SREBRO / MAGIC SILVER 18.00 TeenArena 552 Režija / Director: Katarina Launing, Roar Uthaug, 84 min, Norwegian KURT POSTAJE ZAO / KURT TURNS EVIL 18.00 TeenArena 452 Režija / Director: Rasmus A. Sivertsen, 74 min, Norwegian DUH U MOČVARI / THE GHOST IN THE SWAMP 19.15 Novi tokovi / New Currents 573 Režija / Director: Branko Ištvančić, 90 min, Croatian OKRŠAJ / CLASH 19.15 Novi tokovi / New Currents 473 Režija / Director: Pepe Diokno, 61 min, Tagalog/Bisaya ZVUK BUKE / SOUND OF NOISE 20.30 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 553 Režija / Director: Ola Simonsson, Johannes Stjärne Nilsson, 102 min, Swedish POPLAVA / THE FLOOD 20.30 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 453 Režija / Director: Goran Dević, 40 min, Croatian ZAJEDNO / TOGETHER KAPITALIZAM: NAŠA POBOLJŠANA FORMULA / KAPITALISM: Režija / Director: Nenad Puhovski, 87 min, Croatian OUR IMPROVED FORMULA 21.15 Novi tokovi / New Currents 461 Režija / Director: Alexandru Solomon, 80 min, Romanian/English PRESTUPNA GODINA/ LEAP YEAR 21.15 Novi tokovi / New Currents 561 Režija / Director: Michael Rowe, 92 min, Spanish ZVUK BUKE / SOUND OF NOISE 21.45 BiH Film 474 Režija / Directors: Ola Simonsson, Johannes Stjärne Nilsson, 102 min, Swedish SEVDAH ZA KARIMA / SEVDAH FOR KARIM 21.45 BiH Film 574 Režija / Director: Jasmin Duraković, 95 min, Bosnian ZAKOPANA ZEMLJA / BURIED LAND Ljetno kino !hej / !hej Open Air Cinema 21.00 All Shorts 410 JOŠ JEDNA GODINA / ANOTHER YEAR KRATKI 1 / SHORTS 1 14.00 Novi tokovi kratki / New Currents Shorts 571 Režija / Director: Milan Nikodijević, 37 min, Serbian 17.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 472 Režija / Directors: Ivona Juka, Ana Maria Rossi, Ines Tanović, Marija Džidževa, Hanna Slak, 114 min, Slov/Bos/Serb/Cro/Mac/Eng Režija / Director: Mike Leigh, 129 min, English 46 , Utorak/ Tuesday 27.07.2010. SARAJEVO GRAD FILMA / SARAJEVO CITY OF FILM, kratki film 1, 20 min Open Air Režija / Director: Woody Allen, 98 min, English Ljetno kino Vatrogasac / Open Air Cinema Vatrogasac 21.00 Panorama 440 SJEVERA NEMA / NORTHLESS Režija / Director: Rigoberto Pérezcano, 95 min, Spanish Ljetno kino Novi Grad / Novi Grad Open Air Cinema 21.00 Open Air 490 JOŠ JEDNA GODINA / ANOTHER YEAR Režija / Director: Mike Leigh, 129 min, English Dvorana Općine Novi Grad/ Novi Grad Municipal Hall 12.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 480 ELIAS I KRALJEVSKA JAHTA / ELIAS AND THE ROYAL YACHT Režija / Director: Espen Fyksen, Lise I. Osvoll, 76 min, Norwegian SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / Režija / Directors: Steven Eastwood, Geoffrey Alan Rhodes, 75 min Ljetno kino !hej / !hej Open Air Cinema 21.00 All Shorts 510 SARAJEVO GRAD FILMA / SARAJEVO CITY OF FILM, kratki film 2, 20 min Open Air AKO MI SE FUĆKA, FUĆKAM / IF I WANT TO WHISTLE, I WHISTLE Režija / Director: Florin Serban, 94 min, Romanian Ljetno kino Vatrogasac / Open Air Cinema Vatrogasac 21.00Panorama 540 CRVENO, BIJELO I PLAVO / RED WHITE & BLUE Režija / Director: Simon Rumley, 102 min, English Ljetno kino Novi Grad / Novi Grad Open Air Cinema 21.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 590 JASMINA Režija / Director: Nedžad Begović, 90 min, Bosnian/Croatian Dvorana Općine Novi Grad/ Novi Grad Municipal Hall 12.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 580 ČAROBNO SREBRO / MAGIC SILVER Režija / Director: Katarina Launing, Roar Uthaug, 84 min, Norwegian RASPORED PROJEKCIJA/ SCREENING SCHEDULE , Četvrtak/ Thursday 29.07.2010. Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 11.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 621 , Subota/ Saturday 31.07.2010. Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 20.00 AMERIKA IZNUTRA / INSIDE AMERICA TILVA ROŠ / TILVA ROSH Režija / Director: Barbara Eder, 105 min, English/Spanish 16.00 U fokusu / In Focus 623 Režija / Director: Nikola Ležaić, 100 min, Serbian 16.00 U fokusu / In Focus 723 LOURDES Režija / Director: Jessica Hausner, 96 min, French/English/German/Italian 20.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 624 AMERIKA IZNUTRA / INSIDE AMERICA Režija / Director: Barbara Eder, 105 min, English/Spanish 22.30 Takmičarski igrani - Gala projekcija/ Competition Features Gala Screening 626 SKUPLJAČI PERJA / I EVEN MET HAPPY GYPSIES Režija / Director: Aleksandar Petrović, 94 min, Serbian/Romany Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema 12.00 Panorama 630 ZAJEDNICA / COLONY Režija / Directors: Carter Gunn, Ross McDonnell, 88 min, English 15.00 Panorama 631 PERPETUUM MOBILE Režija / Director: Nicolás Pereda, 86 min, Spanish 18.00 Panorama 632 AURORA Režija / Director: Cristi Puiu, 181 min, Romanian 20.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 724 UJAK BOONMEE SE SJEĆA SVOJIH PRETHODNIH ŽIVOTA / UNCLE BOONMEE WHO CAN RECALL HIS PAST LIVES TILVA ROŠ / TILVA ROSH Režija / Director: Apichatpong Weerasethakul, 114 min, Thai Režija / Director: Nikola Ležaić, 100 min, Serbian 12.30 Specijalne projekcije/ Special screenings 650 TOUMAST – GITARE I KALAŠNJIKOVI / TOUMAST - GUITARS AND KALASHNIKOVS Režija / Director: Dominique Margot, 88 min, French/Tamasheq 14.00 Novi tokovi kratki / New Currents Shorts 671 NOVI TOKOVI KRATKI 2 / NEW CURRENTS SHORTS 2 14.30 Panorama 660 Režija / Director: Gaspar Noé, 143 min, English/Japanese 23.45 Panorama 734 ZABRANJENO VOĆE / FORBIDDEN FRUIT Režija / Director: Dome Karukoski, 104 min, Finnish 19.15 Novi tokovi / New Currents 673 JASMINA POTRAGA ZA SRCEM / QUEST FOR A HEART Režija / Director: Pekka Lehtosaari, 78 min, English TEENARENA KRATKI / SHORTS MALI ISUS OD FLANDRIJE / LITTLE BABY JESUS OF FLANDR Režija / Director: Gust Van den Berghe, 74 min, Flemish/Dutch 20.30 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 753 MURID, Režija / Director: Yeliz Shukri, 52 min, English/German DVANAEST SUSJEDA / TWELVE NEIGHBOURS Režija / Director: Marianna Economou, 52 min, Greek 21.15 Novi tokovi / New Currents 761 RADOST MOJA / YOU. MY JOY CIRKUS COLUMBIA Ljetno kino !hej / !hej Open Air Cinema 21.00 Open Air 710 TAJNA U NJIHOVIM OČIMA / THE SECRET IN THEIR EYES Režija / Director: Juan José Campanella, 127 min, Spanish Režija / Director: Nedžad Begović, 90 min, Bosnian/Croatian Ljetno kino Vatrogasac / Open Air Cinema Vatrogasac 21.00 Panorama 740 Ljetno kino !hej / !hej Open Air Cinema 21.00 All Shorts 610 MIT O AMERIČKOM NOĆENJU / THE MYTH OF THE AMERICAN SLEEPOVER SARAJEVO GRAD FILMA / SARAJEVO CITY OF FILM, kratki film 3, 20 min Open Air I JA, TAKOĐER / ME TOO Režija / Directors: Antonio Naharro, Álvaro Pastor, 103 min, Spanish Ljetno kino Vatrogasac / Open Air Cinema Vatrogasac 21.00 Panorama 640 KRIVICA JE TVOJA / IT'S YOUR FAULT Režija / Director: Anahí Berneri, 90 min, Spanish Ljetno kino Novi Grad / Novi Grad Open Air Cinema 21.00 Open Air 690 Dvorana Općine Novi Grad/ Novi Grad Municipal Hall 12.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 880 POTRAGA ZA SRCEM / QUEST FOR A HEART Režija / Director: Danis Tanović, 113 min, Bosnian OKRŠAJ / CLASH KUŠNJA SVETOG TONIJA / THE TEMPTATION OF ST. TONY Režija / Director: Veiko Őunpuu, 110 min, Estonian/English/Russian/French Režija / Director: Astrid Heubrandtner, 94 min, Turkish 17.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 772 RADOST MOJA / YOU. MY JOY Režija / Director: Pepe Diokno, 61 min, Tagalog/Bisaya 21.45 BiH Film 674 Ljetno kino Vatrogasac / Open Air Cinema Vatrogasac 21.00 Panorama 840 MOJA JE KUĆA BILA NA SULUKULAMA / MY HOUSE STOOD IN SULUKULE Režija / Director: Sergei Loznitsa, 127 min, German/Russian 20.30 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 653 POČETNI UDARAC / KICK OFF INVICTUS Režija / Director: Clint Eastwood, 134 min, English Režija / Director: Anahí Berneri, 90 min, Spanish 15.00 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries 751 Režija / Director: Sergei Loznitsa, 127 min, German/Russian 21.45 BiH Film 774 Režija / Director: Hüseyin Tabak, 94 min, German 21.15 Novi tokovi / New Currents 661 Ljetno kino !hej / !hej Open Air Cinema 21.00 Open Air 810 DOKUMENTARNI 5 / DOCUMENTARIES 5 14.00 All Shorts 771 SARAJEVO GRAD FILMA / SARAJEVO CITY OF FILM 14.30 Panorama 760 KRIVICA JE TVOJA / IT'S YOUR FAULT 19.15 Novi tokovi / New Currents 773 KROKODILI / THE CROCODILES MALI ISUS OD FLANDRIJE / LITTLE BABY JESUS OF FLANDR Režija / Director: Gust Van den Berghe, 74 min, Flemish/Dutch ZAŠTITNIK / PROTECTOR Režija / Director: Payman Haghani, 77 min, Persian 15.00 Specijalne projekcije/ Special screenings 651 Režija / Director: Christian Ditter, 98 min, German 18.00 TeenArena 652 ČETIRI PUTA/ THE FOUR TIMES Režija / Director: Michelangelo Frammartino, 88 min, no dialogue 21.15 Novi tokovi / New Currents 861 UĐI U PRAZNINU / ENTER THE VOID Režija / Director: Pekka Lehtosaari, 78 min, English 18.00 TeenArena 752 S.O.S. – STANJE SIGURNOSTI / S.O.S. - STATE OF SECURITY UĐI U PRAZNINU / ENTER THE VOID Režija / Director: Gaspar Noé, 143 min, English/Japanese 19.15 Novi tokovi specijal/ New Currents Special 873 Režija / Director: Hitoshi Matsumoto, 93 min, Japanese/English 18.00 Panorama 732 ČOVJEK KOJI JE JEO SVOJE TREŠNJE / A MAN WHO ATE HIS CHERRIES Režija / Director: Michele Ohayon, 90 min, English 17.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 672 14.30 Panorama 860 SIMBOL / SYMBOL Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City 11.30 BiH Film 770 DOKUMENTARNI 4 / DOCUMENTARIES 4 KRATKI 2 / SHORTS 2 DA SAM BAREM ZNAO / I WISH I KNEW Režija / Director: Jia Zhang-Ke, 125 min, Chinese 15.00 Panorama 731 Režija / Director: Marek Najbrt, 98 min, Czech Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City 11.30 BiH Film 670 Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City 11.30 BiH Film 870 Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema 12.00 Panorama 730 ZAMKA ZA RAKOVE / CRAB TRAP Režija / Director: Chuan Lu, 132 min, Mandarin DODJELA NAGRADA/ AWARD CEREMONY Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema 15.00 Panorama 831 Režija / Director: Oscar Ruiz Navia, 95 min, Spanish 23.45 Panorama 634 GRAD ŽIVOTA I SMRTI / CITY OF LIFE AND DEATH , Petak/ Friday 30.07.2010. Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 11.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features 721 Režija / Director: David Robert Mitchell, 93 min, English Ljetno kino Novi Grad / Novi Grad Open Air Cinema 21.00 Open Air 790 I JA, TAKOĐER / ME TOO Režija / Directors: Antonio Naharro, Álvaro Pastor, 103 min, Spanish Dvorana Općine Novi Grad/ Novi Grad Municipal Hall 12.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 780 KROKODILI / THE CROCODILES Režija / Director: Christian Ditter, 98 min, German UPOZNAT ĆEŠ VISOKOG TAMNOG STRANCA / YOU WILL MEET A TALL DARK STRANGER Režija / Director: Woody Allen, 98 min, English Dvorana Općine Novi Grad/ Novi Grad Municipal Hall 12.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme 680 DJEČIJI KRATKI / CHILDREN'S SHORTS SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / 47 Glavni Box Office / Main Box Office SMS REZERVACIJA ULAZNICA • SMS rezervacija ulaznica moguća je samo za korisnike HT Eroneta; • SMS rezervacija ulaznica za projekcije Sarajevo Film Festivala počinje u utorak 13. jula u 12:00 sati i traje do petka, 30. jula 2010. do 11:00 sati; • Rezervacija ulaznica se obavlja slanjem SMS poruke koja sadrži KOD projekcije i broj ulaznica (npr: 010#2) na broj 063 888 05; • Jednom SMS porukom možete rezervirati najviše dvije ulaznice za jednu projekciju; • Cijena jedne SMS poruke iznosi 1.00KM+PDV; • Rezervirane ulaznice možete preuzeti u Glavnom Box Office-u, Bosanski kulturni centar, Branilaca Sarajeva 24, od subote 17. jula 2010. od 11:00 sati. NAPOMENA: Rezervirane ulaznice možete preuzeti najkasnije jedan dan prije projekcije za koju ste rezervirali ulaznice do 12:00 sati. PRODAJA ULAZNICA POČINJE 18. JULA 2010. GODINE Prodaja pojedinačnih ulaznica za sve programe 16. Sarajevo Film Festivala počinje u nedjelju, 18. jula 2010. u 11:00 sati u Glavnom Box Office-u. Cijene ulaznica*: • Ljetno kino !hej: otvaranje i zatvaranje - 15.00 KM, ostale projekcije - 8.00 KM • Ljetno kino Vatrogasac: 6.00 KM • Kino Meeting Point: 5.00 KM i 6.00 KM • Narodno pozorište: otvaranje - 15.00 KM, ostale projekcije - 5.00 KM i 8.00 KM • Dvorana Općine Novi Grad: 2.00 KM • Ljetno kino Novi Grad: 5.00 KM • Multipleks Cinema City: 4.00 KM, 5.00 KM i 6.00 KM *PDV je uračunat u cijenu ulaznice Tokom Festivala (23-31. jula 2010.), ulaznice će se prodavati na sljedećim prodajnim mjestima: • Glavni Box Office, Bosanski kulturni centar, Branilaca Sarajeva 24, svaki dan od 9:00 do 22:15 sati (prije Festivala od 11:00 do 20:00 sati) • Meeting Point, Hamdije Kreševljakovića 13 svaki dan od 11:00 do 23:30 sati, • Dvorana Općine Novi Grad, Bulevar Meše Selimovića 97, svaki dan od 11:00 do 12:00 sati, • Multipleks Cinema City, Maršala Tita br. 26, svaki dan od 11:00 do 21:45 sati. SMS TICKET BOOKING • SMS ticket booking is available to HT Eronet users only; • SMS ticket booking for all screenings within the Sarajevo Film Festival, starts on Tuesday 13th of July, at 12:00, and is open until Friday 30th of July 2010, 11:00 h; • Tickets are booked by sending an SMS containing the CODE of the screening and number of tickets (e.g. 010#2) to the number 063 888 05; • One SMS can be used to book a maximum of two tickets for one screening; • The price of one SMS is 1.00 KM + VAT; • You may collect the booked tickets at the Main Box Office, in the Bosnian Cultural Centre, Branilaca Sarajeva St. 24, as of Saturday 17th of July, starting from 11:00 h. NOTE: Tickets should be collected before 12:00 one day before the day of the selected screening. TICKETS SALE BEGINS ON 18 JULY 2010 The sale of individual tickets for all programmes of the 16th Sarajevo Film Festival begins on Sunday, 18 July 2010 at 11:00 h, at the Main Box Office. The prices of tickets are given below*: • !hej Open Air Cinema: opening and closing nights - 15.00 KM, other screenings - 8.00 KM • Vatrogasac Open Air Cinema: 6.00 KM • Meeting Point Cinema: 5.00 KM and 6.00 KM • National Theatre: opening night - 15.00 KM, other screenings - 5.00 KM and 8.00 KM • Novi Grad Municipal Hall: 2.00 KM • Novi Grad Open Air Cinema: 5.00 KM • Multiplex Cinema City: 4.00 KM, 5.00 KM, and 6.00 KM *VAT included During the Festival (between 23 and 31 July 2010), tickets will be sold at the following locations: • Main Box Office, Bosnian Cultural Centre, Branilaca Sarajeva St. 24, Opening hours: every day from 9:00 to 22:15 (from 11:00 to 20:00 before the start of the Festival), • Meeting Point Cinema, Hamdije Kreševljakovića St. 13 Opening hours: every day from 11:00 to 23:30, • Novi Grad Municipal Hall, Bulevar Meše Selimovića St. 97 Opening hours: every day from 11:00 to 12:00, • Multiplex Cinema City, Maršala Tita br. 26 Opening hours: every day from 11:00 to 21:45. Bosanski kulturni centar, Branilaca Sarajeva 24, Informacije / For more information: [email protected], BiH FILM IGRANI FILMOVI / FEATURE FILMS DOKUMENTARNI FILMOVI 3 / DOCUMENTARY FILMS 3 Prekidi stvarnosti / Reality Interrupted 32. Decembar / 32nd December Duško Stanivuk, 2010, 5 min. Saša Hajduković, 2009, 89 min. Kad porastem, bit ću dijete / When I Grow Up I'll Be A Child Cirkus Columbia Nusreta Džinić, 2010, 9 min. Marko Šipka, 2009, 30 min. Danis Tanović, 2010, 113 min. Nostalgični sati / Nostalgic Hours Ispod mosta / Under The Bridge Jasmina Šemsudin Gegić, 2010, 70 min. Tamara Kesić, 2009, 30 min. Nedžad Begović, 2010, 75 min. Na putu / On the Path DOKUMENTARNI FILMOVI 4 / DOCUMENTARY FILMS 4 Jasmila Žbanić, 2010, 100 min. Čovjek XX vijeka / 20th Century Man Neke druge priče / Some Other Stories Haris Prolić, 2009, 28 min. Hanna A.W. Slak, Marija Džidževa, Ana Marija Rossi, Ivona Juka, Zajedno za život / Together for life Ines Tanović, 2010, 116 min. Prijatelji / Friends, 2010, 60 min. B&H segment Zapad na Istoku / The West In The East Ines Tanović, 2010, 20 min. Nisvet Hrustić, 2010, 24 min. Sevdah za Karima / Sevdah For Karim Jasmin Duraković, 2010, 95 min. DOKUMENTARNI FILMOVI 4 / DOCUMENTARY FILMS 4 DOKUMENTARNI FILMOVI 1 / DOCUMENTARY FILMS 1 Godine koje su pojeli lavovi / Years Eaten by Lions Kinofil / Dog Lover Boro Kontić, 2010, 60 min. Damir Janeček, 2010, 110 min. Tiše / Quiet Emir Zumbul Kapetanović, 2010, 53 min. DOKUMENTARNI FILMOVI 2 / DOCUMENTARY FILMS 2 KRATKI I ANIMIRANI FILMOVI 2 / SHORT AND ANIMATED FILMS 2 Bilo jednom više puta / Once Upon A Many Time Eva Cvijanović, 2010, 6 min. Čudotvorno mlijeko / Wondermilk Ivan Ramadan, 2010, 6 min. Kamena priča / Stone Tale Edin Durmišević, 2010, 4 min. Rajsko voće / Fruits Of Eden Saša Savić, 2010, 13 min. Snovi / Dreams Rešad Kulenović, 2010, 15 min. Strašila / Scarecrows Adnan Mahinić, 2008, 3 min. Sreća / Happiness Šejla Kamerić, 2010, Colour, 17 min. Mauricette KRATKI I ANIMIRANI FILMOVI 1 / SHORT AND ANIMATED FILMS 1 Eli Tauber, Zoran Kubura, 2010, 26 min. Između / In Between SPECIJALNE PROJEKCIJE / SPECIAL SCREENINGS Od Aušvica do Dretelja / From Auschwitz To Dretelj Duško Stanivuk, 2010, 21 min. Dva zakona / Two Laws Kako je Ilija Ladin predavao njemački / How Ilija Ladin Taught German Vefik Hadžismajlović, 1969, 10 min. Segor Hadžagić, 2010, 24 min. Steven Eastwood, Geoffrey Alan Rhodes, 2010, 75 min. Timur Boškailo, 2010, 60 min. 48 Vrijeme / Time SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / Zakopana zemlja / Buried Land SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / 49 Čarobno srebro / Magic Silver Elias i kraljevska jahta / Elias And The Royal Yacht Dječiji program Children's Programme Čarobno srebro / Magic Silver Norway, 2009, 35 mm, Colour, 84 min. Režija / Director: Katarina Launing, Roar Uthaug Scenarij / Screenplay: Gudny Ingeborg Hagen, Thomas Moldestad Uloge / Cast: Ane Viola Andreassen Semb, Johan Tinus Austad Lindgren, Jan Gunnar Roise, Finn Schau, KariAnn Gronsund, Kyrre Hellum, Martin Slaatto Princeza Plava Ruža je mali patuljak i živi duboko u norveškim planinama. Mala zajednica patuljaka je odgovorna za smjenu dana i noći. To se zove „čarobni sat“ i desi se uz pomoć čarobnog srebra kojeg posjeduju samo ti patuljci. Srebro je ukradeno i svijet je u vječitoj noći. Princess Bluerose is a small gnome living deep in the Norwegian mountains. A small community of gnomes is responsible for making the transition between daylight and night. This is called the magic hour, and is created by the magic silver which only these gnomes possess. When the silver is stolen, the world is transformed into eternal night. Elias i kraljevska jahta / Elias and the Royal Yacht Norway, 2007, 35 mm, Colour, 76 min. Režija / Director: Espen Fyksen, Lise I. Osvoll Scenarij / Screenplay: Espen Fyksen, Oyvind Rune Stalen Uloge / Cast: Aleksander Emil Dyrberg Ek, Marit A. Andreassen, Per Christian Ellefsen, Svein Tindberg, Klara Dovingen, Raske Menn, Nils Ole Oftebro Naš mali spasilački brod je na tajnoj misiji pronalaska kraljevske jahte. Tragedija je pogodila kraljevsku flotu kada je brod Princeza nestao na sjeveru. Kraljevska jahta je van sebe od tada. Ali i ona je sada nestala i nešto se mora uraditi da se sazna šta se dešava. In Elias and the Royal Yacht, our little rescue boat is on a secret mission to find The Royal Yacht. A tragedy struck the Royal Fleet when The Princess Boat vanished up north, and The Royal Yacht has not been himself ever since. But now he too has 50 Grozni ja / Despicable Me gone missing, and something must be done to find out what’s going on. Grozni ja / Despicable Me USA, 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 95 min. Režija / Director: Pierre Coffin, Chris Renaud Scenarij / Screenplay: Ken Daurio, Cinco Paul Uloge / Cast: Ken Jeong, Jason Segel, Miranda Cosgrove, Steve Carell, Danny R. McBride, Will Arnett, Russell Brand, Kristen Wiig, Julie Andrews U bezbrižnom kraju, u predgrađu okruženom bijelim drvenim ogradama i ružama u cvatu, nalazi se crna kuća sa obamrlim travnjakom. Komšije ne znaju da se ispod ove kuće nalazi ogromno tajno skrovište u koj em Gru, okružen malom vojskom podanika, planira najveću pljačku u historiji. In a happy suburban neighborhood surrounded by white picket fences with flowering rose bushes, sits a black house with a dead lawn. Unbeknownst to the neighbors, hidden beneath this home is a vast secret hideout. Surrounded by a small army of minions, we discover Gru, planning the biggest heist in the history of the world. Krokodili / The Crocodiles Germany , 2009, 35 mm, Colour, 98. min Režija / Director: Christian Ditter Scenarij / Screenplay: Christian Ditter Uloge / Cast: Nick Romeo Reimann, Nora Tschirner, Fabian Halbig, Manuel Steitz, Leonie Tepe, Axel Stein, Jacob Matschenz, Oktay Özdemir, Maria Schrader Desetogodišnji Hannes živi sa samohranom majkom. Njegov najveći san je da postane član Krokodila – najsjajnije družine na svijetu. Da bi to postigao, mora savladati izazov. Ali situacija se zakomplikuje i Hannes se nađe u strašnoj opasnosti. Spašava se u posljednjem trenutku zahvaljujući Kaiu, koji je u invalidskim kolicima. Ten-year-old Hannes lives with his single-parent Mom. His greatest dream is to become a member of SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / the "The Crocodiles" - the coolest gang in the world. He has to accept a dare to become a Crocodile. The dare goes wrong, putting Hannes in serious danger. He's saved at the last minute thanks to Kai, who's in a wheelchair. Potraga za srcem / Quest for a Heart Finland, United Kingdom, Germany, Russia, 2007, 35 mm, Colour, 78 min. Režija / Director: Pekka Lehtosaari Scenarij / Screenplay: Pekka Lehtosaari Uloge / Cast: Allan Tuppurainen, Saija Lentonen, Aarre Karén, Matti Ranin, Jyrki Kovaleff, Pekka Lehtosaari, Esa Saario Rolli je samo još jedan Rolli u Rolligradu – pun šala, zloće i ludorija. Mrzi kupanje, ljubljenje i poslušnost. Kada sretne Millie, prelijepu djevojčicu patuljka, dobije jednog novog prijatelja koji voli cvijeće i mir. Nešto uništava šumu patuljaka i jedini način da se to zaustavi je da se nađe čarobno srce u zemlji zime. Rolli is just another Rolli in the Rollivillage - full of tricks, mischief and mayhem. He hates bathing, kissing and doing the right thing. When he comes across Millie, a beautiful little elf girl, he finds a new kind of friend that likes flowers and peace. Something is destroying the elf forest and the only way to stop it is to find a magic heart from the land of winter. Žabe i krastače / Frogs & Toads Netherlands , 2009, 35 mm, Colour, 75 min. Režija / Director: Simone van Dusseldorp Scenarij / Screenplay: Simone van Dusseldorp Uloge / Cast: Nino den Brave, Whitney Franker, Juul Vrijdag, Georgina Verbaan, Remko Vrijdag, Quintis Risti Max ostaje da noći kod bake jer njegov stariji brat Jannus mora na operaciju krajnika. Jannus traži od Maxa da mu u bolnicu donese punoglavca zaprijetivši mu da, ako to ne uradi, nikada više Krokodili / The Crocodiles Žabe i krastače / Frogs & Toads neće progovoriti. Max bježi od kuće i odluta u divljinu u potrazi za punoglavcima. Na putu susreće Jessie, djevojčicu njegovih godina, koja želi postati veterinarska sestra. Max is sleeping over at his Granny's for one night because his older brother Jannus has to go to hospital to have his tonsils removed. Jannus wants Max to bring him frogspawn in the hospital or he'll never speak again. Max runs off and travels into nature to find frogspawn. On his way, Max runs into Jesse, a girl his age who wants to become a veterinary nurse. ćudljivim ljudima ne previše svjesnim toga svega. This is a story of glow-worms, mottled cows, little wooden houses, magic river and some capricious people who are not quite aware of all that. Divan dan / Wonderful Day Latvia , 2010, HD CAM (HDTV), Colour, 15 min. Režija / Director: Nils Skapãns Scenarij / Screenplay: Nils Skapãns, Ilze Emse Jedan običan dan pretvara se u avanturu i postaje neobičan. An ordinary day turns into an adventure and becomes en extraordinary day. KRATKI FILMOVI / SHORT FILMS Gospodar leda / Master of Ice Blaženstvo je u poljupcu / There's Bliss In The Kiss Germany, Singapore, 2009, DVD, Colour, 1 min. Režija / Director: Melanie Beisswenger Scenarij / Screenplay: Melanie Beisswenger Princeza u potrazi za gospodinom Pravim će dati šansu i najčudnijem kandidatu koji ima najmanje izgleda za uspjeh. A princess on the lookout for Mr. Right is willing to give even the most odd and unlikely candidate a try. Čudotvorno mlijeko / Wondermilk Latvia, 2009, DigiBeta, Colour, 24 min. Režija / Director: Evalds Lacis Jednom davno, neki čudan čarobnjak stiže tokom praznika u kraljevu palaču. On je Gospodar leda i njegova je specijalnost da zaledi sve, ali kralj ne voli ledenu magiju. Once upon a time a strange magician arrives during the festivities at the King’s palace. He is a Master of Ice, and his specialty is to freeze everything but the King does not like the icy magic. Kamena priča / Stone Tale Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2010, Beta Sp, Colour, 7 min. Režija / Director: Ivan Ramadan Scenarij / Screenplay: Hari Ramadan Priča o vodenim krijesnicama, šarenim kravama, malim drvenim kućama, čarobnoj rijeci i nekim Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2010, Beta Sp, Colour, 4 min. Režija / Director: Emir Durmišević, Edin Durmišević Scenarij / Screenplay: Emir Durmišević, Edin Durmišević Stećak pripovijeda priču o hrabrosti i vječnoj borbi između sila Dobra i Zla. Umorna od dugog leta, jedna buba slijeće na stećak i igrom slučaja zadesi je sudbina likova iz te pradavne priče. A headstone tells a tale of courage and the eternal struggle between the forces of good and evil. Exhausted by a drawn-out summer, a bug lands on the headstone and only by chance experiences the fate of characters from that ancient tale. Ružičasti medvjed / Pink Nanuq Switzerland, 2009, DigiBeta, Colour, 6 min. Režija / Director: Jeanine Reutemann Mali polarni medvjed migrira u Evropu koja je postala tropska. U jednom nepromišljenom pokušaju da se integrira u kulturu tamošnjih mrkih medvjeda, postaje ružičast. A little icebear migrates to a Europe that has by now become tropical. A misguided attempt at integration into the local brown bear culture turns him pink. Za šaku snijega / For a Fistful of Snow Switzerland, 2009, Beta Sp, Colour, 6 min. Režija / Director: Julien Ezri Scenarij / Screenplay: Julien Ezri Nekada davno, teror, mržnja i moć su vladali divljim, divljim sjeverom. Ludosti njegovih stanovnika su dovele do toga da se bore za sve, čak i za… šaku snijega! A long time ago, terror, loathing and power reigned over the Wild Wild North. The foolishness of the inhabitants led them to battle for anything, even… For a Fistful of Snow! Potraga za srcem / Quest For a Heart Blaženstvo je u poljupcu / There's Bliss In The Kiss Divan dan / Wonderful Day Čudotvorno mlijeko / Wondermilk Kamena priča / Stone Tale Gospodar leda / Master of Ice Ružičasti medvjed / Pink Nanuq Za šaku snijega / For a Fistful of Snow SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / 51 Duh u močvari / The Ghost in the Swamp Imigranti / Immigrants (L.A. Dolce Vita) TeenArena Duh u močvari / The Ghost in the Swamp Croatia , 2006, 35 mm, Colour, 90 min. Režija / Director: Branko Ištvančić Scenarij / Screenplay: Anto Gardaš, Edi Muzina, Silvio Mirosničenko Uloge / Cast: Marko Pavlov, Ena Ikica, Robert Váss, Ivo Gregurević, Dejan Aćimović, Mladen Vulić, Vlatko Dulić Tokom zimskih praznika, Miron i Melita, brat i sestra, odlaze u posjetu svom prijatelju Zoltanu u gradić Kopačevo na sjeveroistoku Hrvatske. Jedne noći, probudi ih vriska seljana koji u blizini seoske močvare nađu napola smrznutog dječaka koji je van sebe jer ga je napao duh. Doktori mu ne mogu pomoći i djeca odluče da stvar uzmu u svoje ruke. A brother and sister, Miron and Melita, go to visit their friend Zoltan in the north-eastern Croatian town of Kopačevo for the winter holidays. One night, they are awoken by the shouting of the villagers when a half-frozen boy is found near the village swamp, delirious after being attacked by a ghost. The doctors cannot help him, so the children decide to take matters into their own hands and the adventure begins. Imigranti / Immigrants (L.A. Dolce Vita) USA, Hungary, 2008, 35 mm, Colour, 87 min. Režija / Director: Gábor Csupó Scenarij / Screenplay: Josh Lieb, Jared Stern, Reid Harrison, Sam O'Neal Boushell, Billiam Coronel Uloge / Cast: Carl Lumbly, Christina Pickles, Dan Castellaneta, Eric McCormack, Freddy Rodriguez Joska je mađarski imigrant. U Los Angelesu dijeli stan sa Rusom Vladislavom. U potrazi za 'američkim snom' zapadaju u razne nevolje, divlje avanture i smiješne situacije. Spašavaju ih njihova velika srca i odanost tom čudnom prijateljstvu u stranoj zemlji. Joska, a Hungarian immigrant in Los Angeles is sharing an apartment with the Russian Vladislav. In their search for the "American Dream" they get into all kinds of troubles, wild adventures and comical situations. What saves them is their big hearts and loyalty to each-other in this unlikely friendship in a foreign country. Kurt postaje zao / Kurt turns evil Norway, Denmark , 2008, 35 mm, Colour, 74 min. Režija / Director: Rasmus A. Sivertsen Scenarij / Screenplay: Kartsen Fullu, Per Schreiner Uloge / Cast: Atle Antonsen, Kristin Skogheim, Aksel Hennie, Anders Bye, Pernille Sorensen, Jon Oigarden Kurt je pametan momak. Izuzetno je dobar vozač kamiona, ali ne vidi baš svako kakav je on zapravo. Jednog dana, neko mu kaže da su 52 doktori važniji od vozača kamiona. Kurtovo je samopouzdanje duboko uzdrmano, kao i njegovi brkovi. Skupa sa svojim sinom Budom, Kurt pokušava sve da postane važan. Međutim, Kurt postaje zao. Kurt is a clever guy. He is an incredibly good truck driver, but not everyone sees Kurt as he really is. One day, someone tells Kurt that doctors are more important than truck drivers. Kurt's self confidence is deeply injured, and the same goes for his moustache. Together with his son Bud, Kurt does everyting to become important. But Kurt turns evil. Neukölln Unlimited Germany, 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 96 min. Režija / Director: Dietmar Ratsch, Agostino Imondi Scenarij / Screenplay: Agostino Imondi Braća libanskog porijekla Hassan, Lial i Maradona su uspješni plesači i muzičari koji žive u zloglasnom berlinskom kvartu Neukölln. Ali njih trojica imaju problem: njihova porodica bi uskoro mogla biti deportirana iz Njemačke. Odlučni da očuvaju porodicu na okupu, donose odluku da iskoriste svoje umjetničke talente kako bi zaradili novac potreban za budućnost. The lebanese siblings Hassan, Lial and Maradona are successful dancers and musicians living in Berlin's notorious district Neukölln. But the three have a problem: Their family is in danger of being deported out of Germany. Determinded to keep the family united, they plan to use their artistic talents to earn enough money and secure the family's future. Vegas Norway, 2009, 35 mm, Colour, 110 min. Režija / Director: Gunnar Vikene Scenarij / Screenplay: Gunnar Vikene, Torun Lian Uloge / Cast: Karoline Stemre, Jørgen Hausberg Nilsen, Sindre Kvalvåg Jacobsen, Ellen Birgitte Winther Porodicu ne biraš. Biraš prijatelje. Vegas je priča o Thomasu, Marianne i Terje - tri tinejdžera koji nemaju gdje otići. Nakon što je vidio kako su mu pretukli majku, Thomasa su poslali u prihvatilište za mlade. U prihvatilištu upoznaje Marianne koja uvijek zabrlja i Terjea koji izgleda kao da nije s ove planete. Njih troje skupa kreću na put ljubavi, mržnje i povjerenja. You don't choose your family. You choose your friends. Vegas is the story of Thomas, Marianne and Terje - three teenagers with nowhere to go. After witnessing his mother being beaten up, Thomas is sent to a young people's refuge. At the refuge, he meets Marianne, who is always screwing up, and Terje, who seems like he's from another planet altogether. Together they embark on a journey of love, hate and trust. SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / Zabranjeno voće / Forbidden Fruit Finland, Sweden , 2009, 35 mm, Colour, 104 min. Režija / Director: Dome Karukoski Scenarij / Screenplay: Aleksi Bardy Uloge / Cast: Marjut Maristo, Amanda Pilke, Malla Malmivaara, Joel Mäkinen, Jarkko Niemi, Olavi Uusivirta, Timo Tikka, Jani Volanen, Teemu Ojanne Film ZABRANJENO VOĆE govori o dvoje tinejdžera, lestadijanaca, koji se nose sa svim što im je nametnula zajednica. U središtu radnje je Maria (Amanda Pike), djevojka bez dlake na jeziku, koja bez razmišljanja odbacuje asketizam lestadijanske zajednice i seli se u Helsinki. FORBIDDEN FRUIT examines how two Laestadian teens cope with the impositions foisted upon them by the surrounding community. At the center of it all is Maria (Amanda Pilke), a brass-tongued young woman who rejects the Laestadian community's asceticism straightaway and moves to metropolitan Helsinki. KRATKI FILMOVI SREDNJIH ŠKOLA SARAJEVA / SHORT FILMS BY SARAJEVO SECONDARY SCHOOLS Amanet / Legacy Bosnia and Herzegovina/BiH, 2008, DVD, Colour and b&w, 10 min. Režija / Director: Amer Sofradžija Scenarij / Screenplay: Tarik Jažić Uloge / Cast: Edin Hadžihafizbegović, Aida Hadžimusić, Adnan Sobo, Adnan Kazaferović AMANET je kratki film o sukobu generacija. Veza između oca i sina puca zbog sinovljeve odluke da prekine porodičnu tradiciju. Istovremeno, film je metafora za propadajuću slavu Baščaršije. Film govori o starom zanatliji čij sin ne želi naslijediti porodični posao. Zbog toga je on svakodnevno mučen tugom i bolom. Njegov život se mijenja kada mu mlada Bosanka koja je živjela u Italiji ponudi da ga naslijedi. U svega deset minuta, film šalje značajnu poruku o tradiciji, mladosti i polnoj jednakosti. LEGACY is a short film about the conflict of generations. The relationship between father and son is disrupted by the son's refusal to continue the family tradition. This is also a metaphor of the fading glory of the Old Town in Sarajevo. The film tells a story of an old craftsman, who's son is not interested in inheriting the family business. This torments him day after day. A Bosnian girl who has lived in Italy changes the craftsman's live when she offers to inherit the craft. In just ten minutes, this film sends a clear message about tradition, youth and gender equality. Crtice iz dnevnika Mine Dž. / Sketches from Mina Dž's Diary Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2010, DVD, Colour, 6 min. Režija / Director: Amer Sofradžija Kurt postaje zao / Kurt turns evil Zabranjeno voće / Forbidden Fruit Scenarij / Screenplay: Edin Hadžihafizbegović, Zuhra Švrakić Uloge / Cast: Edin Hadžihafizbegović, Zuhra Švrakić Kratki film o tome kakva škola (ne) bi trebala biti. Edin je profesor fizike Elvis Zulum, a Zuhra je učenica Mina Dž. A short film about what school should (not) be like. Edin plays Elvis Zulum, a professor of Physics. Zuhra plays the role of Mina Dž., a student. Djetinjstvo u novom mileniju / Childhood In The New Millenium Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2010, DVD, Colour, 3 min. Režija / Director: Velma Dučaj - Ćatić Scenarij / Screenplay: Arijana Knežević Uloge / Cast: Ismar Mumić, Imrma Mumić, Jan Belinger Primorac, Berina Smajkan, Dalila Škoro, Elmedin Bešlagić Radnja filma odvija se za vrijeme ljetnog raspusta u Sarajevu. Glavno pitanje koje se postavlja jeste kako izgleda djetinjstvo u svijetu gdje tehnologija ima glavnu riječ. The action takes places during a summer break in Sarajevo. What is childhood like in a world dominated by technology is the main question raised by the film. Eksperiment 5 / Experiment 5 Croatia, 2009, DVD, Black & White, 4 min. Režija / Director: Ivan Vojnić Scenarij / Screenplay: Ivan Vojnić Uloge / Cast: Luka Vojvoda, Kenan Tanović, Hrvoje Tomić, Enes Karamehmedović, Andrej Đukić Prolaznik nailazi na niz smjernica koje prati ne naslućujući da će postati dio eksperimenta. A passer-by comes upon a number of guidelines and follows them without knowing he is about to become a part of an experiment. Mahalski osmijeh / The Neighborhood Smile Bosnia and Herzegovina , 2010, DVD, Colour, 6 min. Režija / Director: Meliha Devedžija Scenarij / Screenplay: Ekipa Srednjoškolskog centra Vogošća Uloge / Cast: Dženita Đozić, Merima Čavčić, Adis Ćatić, Dženita Đozić, Emina Guhdija, Elmedin Hasanović, Irfan Džananović, Emina Fehratović Tradicija je da bosanska žena uvijek pokuša da se Vegas Neukölln Unlimited pohvali svojoj dragoj komšinici nekim novim aparatom u kući. Iako se ne razumije u tehnička dostignuća XXI stoljeća, ona će uveličati značaj televezije TO-Šiba koju je jutros nabavila. It is matter of tradition that whenever a new appliance enteres a household, the Bosnian woman will boast to her dear neighbor. Athough unfamiliar with the technical achievments of the 21st century, she will overestimate the importance of the TO-Shiba television, obtained this morning. Ovom gradu treba više smijeha / This City Needs More Laughter Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2010, DVD, Colour, 6 min. Režija / Director: Arnej Misirlić, Arman Hasanbegović Scenarij / Screenplay: Arnej Misirlić, Arman Hasanbegović Uloge / Cast: Amina Tucak, Ajla Gobeljić, Sajra Mujan, Lejla Đozić, Verda Dolarević, Jasmin Novalić, Nerim Hasić Ovaj film govori o jednom običnom čovjeku koji uporno pokušava da nasmije svoje sugrađane, jer mu je to najveća želja. This film is about an ordinary man’s persistent attempts to make people in his city laugh, which is his greatest wish. Privatno dobro / Private Property Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2010, DVD, Colour, 7 min. Režija / Director: Edita Selimotić Scenarij / Screenplay: Damir Bevanda Uloge / Cast: Damir Bevanda, Ajla Tucaković, Nermin Hošić, Edita Selimotić, Maida Mulić Jedna pametna sarajevska porodica pronalazi način da se odupre recesiji putem savremenih i alternativnih poljoprivrednih metoda. Sve su scene inspirirane našom društvenom i političkom situacijom. A smart family from Sarajevo finds out how to resist recession by using current and alternative methods of agriculture. Our social and political reality served as an inspiration for this film. Sreća ili namjera / Happiness or Intention Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2010, Mini DV, Colour, 6 min. Režija / Director: Berin Bajramović Scenarij / Screenplay: Berin Bajramović Uloge / Cast: Kenan Musić, Adba Vreto, Bisera Kamenica, Mukadesa Mašić, Sabiha Miskin Kenan M. je učenik koji uvijek kasni i ima loše ocjene. Ako danas zakasni, izbacit će ga iz škole. Međutim, nikako ne može biti na prvom času - na biologiji, pošto mora ispraviti lošu ocjenu a nije učio. Kako će se izvući iz ove situacije? Kenan M. is a pupil who is always late and has negative grades. If he is late today, he will be expelled from school. However, he cannot possibly attend his first lesson - Biology because he needs to correct the bad mark but did not study. How will he resolve this situation? Svemogući Bunc / Bunc Almighty Croatia, 2010, DVD, Colour, 1 min. Režija / Director: Mihovil Plečko Scenarij / Screenplay: David Vitko Uloge / Cast: David Vitko Ovo je jednominutni film o momku koji posjeduje super moći kojih nije svjestan, a kada postane svjestan stvari koje ga okružuju, izgubi ih. A one minute film about a guy who has super powers which he is not aware of, and when he becomes aware of things around him he looses his powers. / Bosnia and Herzegovina , 2010, DVD, Colour, 6 min. Režija / Director: Benjamin Hedžić Scenarij / Screenplay: Filmska sekcija Gimnazije Obala Uloge / Cast: Švrakić Ajka, Ćurić Slavka, Karaman Razija, Hasandžinović Kadira, Begić Nulzer, Čehić Mak, Hodžić Sidik, Šehović Edin Omerović Adnan Satirična priča sarajevske svakodnevnice. Grupa starica svoje nezadovoljstvo prema zajednici pokazuju građanskom neposlušnošću i terorom nad mladima. Ovim filmom srednjoškolci Gimnazije Obala ukazuju na probleme današnjice. A satirical story of the Sarajevo reality. A group of elderly women expresses dissatisfaction with their community by civic disobedience and terror over the young people. The Gimnazija Obala students have made this film to reflect upon the issues of our daily lives. SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / 53 PORODIČNI DAN / FAMILY DAY Subota, 31.07.2010. Vilsonovo šetalište / Saturday, 31.07.2010, The Vilsonovo Promenade Orbico porodični dan, tradicionalna cijelodnevna zabava namjenjena cijeloj porodici, koji se organizuje posljednjeg dana Sarajevo Film Festivala, ove godine održat će se u subotu 31. jula. Na radost naših brojnih sugrađana, i ove godine u saradnji sa Općinom Novo Sarajevo i partnerom kompanijom Orbico u jedinstvenom ambijentu Vilsonovog šetališta, na prostoru od mosta Hamdije Čemerlića do mosta Ars Aevi, smjenjivat će se različit zabavni program namjenjen svim generacijama. U ovoj jedinstvenoj manifestaciji učestvovat će brojne organizacije koje kreiraju program u koji se mogu uključiti i svi posjetitelji. U Vilsonovom šetalištu, omiljenom okupljalištu brojnih Sarajlija, koje će za taj dan biti u potpunosti rezervirano za zabavu i druženje, smjenjivat će se ulični zabavljači, interaktivne radionice za djecu, kreativno-edukativne radionice, različiti performansi mladih umjetnika, muzički nastupi, kao i brojna sportska takmičenja. Osim zabave ovaj program pruža mogućnost cijeloj zajednici, sa posebnim akcentom na organizacije koje se bave djecom i mladima, za vlastitu promociju i uključenje u razvoj mladih te revitalizaciju kulture. Uz moto „Volim sport!“ Orbico porodični dan našim najmlađim sugrađanima nastoji pružiti mogućnost upoznavanja, širenja ideja i druženja, te ih na zabavan način uputiti u kulturu, sport i filmsku umjetnost. Cijeli dan posvećen je porodici, fokusirajući se na promoviranje njene vrijednosti, ali i vrijednosti sporta, kao najbitnije sporedne stvari. Orbico porodični dan animira sve posjetitelje i pruža priliku građanima da provedu cijeli dan van domova i uživaju u brojnim, pažljivo osmišljenim sadržajima. Kao i prethodnih godina, svi prihodi prikupljeni putem prodaje sponzorskih proizvoda tokom ovogodišnjeg Orbico porodičnog dana namijenjeni su za pomoć pri radu neke od nevladinih organizacija ili udruženja. Ove godine sredstva će biti dodijeljena NVO altruista Svjetlo, a sve u svrhu adaptacije prostora u kojem će djelovati Edukativni centar za socijalnu uključenost „S...“ Pridružite nam se na Orbico porodičnom danu i osigurajte cjelodnevnu zabavu za sve članove svoje porodice. 54 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / Orbico Family Day, the all-day entertainment event for the whole family, organized now traditionally on the last Sarajevo Film Festival day, will this year be held on Saturday, 31 July 2010. This event will, at the joy of many of our citizens, encompass a very diverse array of entertaining activities aimed at all generations, and will be co-organized by the Novo Sarajevo Municipality and SFF's partner, the Orbico Company, in the unique setting of the Vilsonovo Promenade, from the Hamdija Čemerlić Bridge to the Ars Aevi Bridge. Numerous organizations are set to take part in this event, and offer programs that will include all our visitors. A favourite gathering place of many Sarajevans, the Vilsonovo will during this event be entirely reserved for entertainment, which will be provided by an array of street artists, interactive children's workshops, creative and educational workshops, different performances by young artists, musical performances, as well as many sporting competitions. Along with entertainment, the day’s program will offer the entire community, and especially youth and children’s organizations, an opportunity to promote their own activities and thus join the efforts to include youth in social affairs and revitalize our culture. Under the motto of “I love sport!”, Orbico Family Day will offer our youngest visitors the chance to meet, exchange ideas and spend time together, all the while introducing them to the culture, sport and film art. The entire day will be dedicated to the family, to promoting its values, as well as the value of sport as one of the important components of life today. Orbico Family Day aims to entertain all its visitors and offer citizens the opportunity to spend an entire day outside their homes, enjoying numerous carefully planned activities. Just like during the previous years, all the proceeds collected during the sale of promotional products during this year’s Orbico Day will be given to a local NGO or association, as a way of assisting them in their work. This year’s proceeds will be donated to the Altruist NGO “Svjetlo”, and will be spent on construction work on the premises of the organization’s Educational Centre for Social Inclusion, “S…”. Join us this Orbico Family Day, and give your entire family a day of entertainment. Nagrada za ljudska prava i Dan ljudskih prava The Human Rights Award and the Human Rights Day Ove godine, Nagrada za ljudska prava i najbolji dokumentarni film takmičarskog programa se sele u nove prostorije. Zbogom Pozorištu mladih, koje je ugostilo prethodna izdanja, te omogućilo prije svega, mnoge emocije i velike filmske trenutke za publiku, filmadžije i članove žirija. 29. jula, Festival će biti domaćin Dana ljudskih prava. Okrugli stol na temu „Sloboda govora u kinematografiji (Zašto sam aktivista za ljudska prava?)” će pružiti priliku za raspravu o ovoj veoma važnoj i osjetljivoj temi sa uvodničarima kao što su gđa Caroline Ravaud iz Vijeća Evrope ili gđa Yaël Reinharz Hazan, direktorica Internacionalnog filmskog festivala i Foruma o ljudskim pravima (FIFDH) u Ženevi, kao i sa drugim stručnjacima i aktivistima iz oblasti kinematografije i ljudskih prava. Ne propustite ga! Partnerski odnosi između SFF-a i ženevskog FIFDH-a trenutno se odvijaju pravim tokom. Gđa Ivana Pekusic, zadužena za Nagradu za ljudska prava SFF-a, boravila je ovog proljeća u Ženevi. Za vrijeme Dana ljudskih prava u Sarajevu, gđa Hazan će predstaviti selekciju FIFDH-a. Istog dana će Film za mir predstaviti film “S.O.S.-Stanje sigurnosti“. Ovakve razmjene su neophodne jer pružaju pogled u nove realnosti na drugim mjestima u svijetu. Zaista vrlo sadržajan dan, koji će završiti sada već tradicionalnim prijemom u čast Nagrade za ljudska prava, kojem je domaćin Švicarska. This year, the Human Rights Award and the Best Documentary Film of the Competition Programme, are moving to the new premises. A farewell to the Youth Theatre, which hosted the previous editions and enabled many emotions as well as and great moments of cinema for the public, film-makers, and jury members. On 29th of July, the Festival will host the Human Rights Day. A round table on “Freedom of Speech in Cinema (Why am I a human rights activist?)” will give the opportunity for discussion on this very important and sensible issue with the speakers such as Ms Caroline Ravaud from the Council of Europe, or Ms Yaël Reinharz Hazan, Director of the International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights (FIFDH) in Geneva, as well as with other cinema and human rights specialist and activists. Do not miss it! The partnership between the SFF and the FIFDH Geneva is now on the right track. Ms Ivana Pekusic, in charge of the Human Rights Award of the SFF, was in Geneva this spring. During the Human Rights Day in Sarajevo, Ms Hazan will present a selection of the FIFDH. The same day, Cinema for Peace will present the film “S.O.S. - State of Security”. Those exchanges are necessary since they open windows to other realities in other places of the world. A very rich day indeed, concluded by the now traditional Human Rights Award Reception hosted by Switzerland. Želimo odlično novo izdanje svim takmičarima i učesnicima! We wish an excellent edition to all competitors and participants! Gilles Roduit Zamjenik šefa Misije, Ambasada Švicarske u BiH Gilles Roduit Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Switzerland in BiH SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / 55 All shorts Bašta svjetlosti / Garden of Light Na tom dubokom, plavom moru / Out in That Deep Blue Sea Pet lekcija i devet pitanja o Chinatownu / 5 Lessons and 9 Questions about Chinatown Fotografije Boga / Photos of God U zraku / In the Air CARTE BLANCHE: BERLINALE KRATKI FILM / BERLINALE SHORTS Bašta svjetlosti / Garden of Light Italy, 2009, HD CAM, Colour, 12 min. Režija / Director: Davide Pepe, Lucia Pepe Scenarij / Screenplay: Davide Pepe, Lucia Pepe Mali apuljanski grad Adelfia tri dana obilježava slavu Sv. Trifuna, uz vatromete i muziku. Svaki zvuk je analogan eksploziji boja. Dan i noć se sve više stapaju tokom ove ekstatične proslave. The small Apulian town of Adelfia celebrates the Feast of St. Tryphon for three days during which the townspeople venerate the saint with fireworks and music. Every sound finds its analogy in an explosion of colours. The difference between night and day merges at an increasing pace during this period of ecstatic celebration. Fotografije Boga / Photos of God United Kingdom, 2010, HD CAM, Colour, 28 min. Režija / Director: Paul Wright Scenarij / Screenplay: Paul Wright Uloge / Cast: Farren Morgan, Cathy Walker, Jemma Stephens, David Molyneux Prisiljen da se brine o svojoj majci koja je invalid, Aaron je postao odsječen od svijeta. Skupa, a ipak odvojeni, oni žive krhki život izolacije, a proganjaju ih sjećanja koja prijete da ih obuzmu. Forced to look after his disabled mother Aaron has grown up cut off from the outside world. Together yet apart they live a fragile life of isolation, haunted by memories that threaten to engulf them. Na tom dubokom, plavom moru / Out in That Deep Blue Sea Canada, 2009, 35 mm, Colour, 16 min. Režija / Director: Kazik Radwanski Scenarij / Screenplay: Kazik Radwanski Uloge / Cast: Peter Bavis, Jeanne Souter, Carmen Craig Trgovac nekretninama doživi finansijski krah u kasnom periodu svoje poslovne karijere. Upitnog ponašanja, on se bori da pronađe ravnotežu između poslovnih obaveza i privatnog života. A real estate agent encounters a slump late in his career. Exhibiting questionable behaviour, he struggles to find balance between his professional obligations and personal relationships. Pet lekcija i devet pitanja o Chinatownu / 5 Lessons and 9 Questions about Chinatown USA, 2009, HD CAM, Colour, 10 min. Režija / Director: Shelly Silver Scenarij / Screenplay: Shelly Silver Uloge / Cast: Lu Yu, Wai Ching Ho, Johnson Chong Živiš negdje, prođeš istom ulicom pedeset, sto, deset hiljada puta, i svaki put uočiš fragmente, a nikada cjelinu. Zgrada se sruši i prije nego što se nova sagradi, zapitaš se: “Šta je nekad ovdje bilo?” Deset kvadratnih blokova. Prošlost, sadašnjost, budućnost. Tri jezika, trinaest glasova, 152 godine. U 17 820 kadrova, devet minuta i 54 sekunde. You live somewhere, walk down the same street fifty, a hundred, ten thousand times, each time taking in fragments, but never fully registering the place. A building comes down, and before the next one is up you ask yourself ‘what used to be there?’ Ten square blocks. Past, present, future. Three languages, thirteen voices, 152 years. In 17,820 frames, 9 minutes and 54 seconds. U zraku / In the Air USA, 2009, HD CAM, Colour, 22 min. Režija / Director: Liza Johnson Scenarij / Screenplay: Liza Johnson Uloge / Cast: Lee Brown, Daphany Bauer, April Hobbes April radi na jednom otpadu u jugoistočnom Ohiu. Daphany čeka mušterije na prozoru fast food restorana. Lee provodi čitav dan u iščekivanju da se škola završi. U školi cirkusa plešu, ljuljaju se, prevrću se i skaču. Gdje otići kada je budućnost tako daleko? April works in a scrap yard in southeast Ohio. Daphany waits for customers at the window of a fast food outlet. Lee spends all day waiting for school to end. At circus school, they dance, swing, flip, leap. Where to go, when the future is a long way off? CARTE BLANCHE: OBERHAUSEN KRATKI FILM / OBERHAUSEN SHORTS Zdravi ljudi za razonodu / The Litany of the Happy People Yugoslavia, 1971, 35 mm, Colour, 15 min. Režija / Director: Karpo Ačimović 'Godina' Vojvodina je ravničarska regija u Srbiji gdje ljudi različitih nacionalnosti žive zajedno. Stanovnici stoje ispred svojih obojenih kuća i čuju se pjesme 11. septembar / September 11th 56 Aleluja! / Hallelujah! o beskrajnoj ljubavi među tim različitim nacijama. Vojvodina is a flat region in Serbia, where different nationalities are living together. The inhabitants are standing in front of their coloured houses and we hear songs talking about endless love between these different nations. Erè mèla mèla SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / Greben / Ledge Osovina zla / The Axis of Evil France, Canada, 2003, Beta Sp, Colour, 6 min. Režija / Director: Pascal Lievre Dvoje glumaca su snimljeni ispred Nijagarinih vodopada, klišeiziranom destinacijom za medeni mjesec. Tamo izjavljuju ljubav jedno drugom L. B. J. / LBJ Ljubav / Love Uzvišena ljubav / Love Supreme istim riječima kojim je predsjednik Bush objavio rat terorizmu. Two actors are filmed in front of the cliché honeymoon destination of Niagra Falls. There, they declare their love for one another with the same words President Bush used to declare war on terrorism. Mickey Mouse u Vijetnamu / Mickey Mouse in Vietnam USA, 1968, DVD, Black&White, 1 min. Režija / Director: Lee Savage Šala od koje se zakocenimo od smijeha. A joke that makes our laughter stick in our throats. Greben / Ledge USA, 1998, Beta Sp, Colour, 1 min. Režija / Director: Mike Mills Šala od koje se zacenimo od smijeha. A joke that makes our laughter stick in our throats. L. B. J. / LBJ Cuba, 1968, DVD, Colour and B&W, 17 min. Režija / Director: Santiago Alvarez LBJ je gorka satira o predsjedniku Lyndonu B. Johnsonu. Tri se cjeline podudaraju sa Johnsonovim inicijalima. L. označava Martina Luthera Kinga, B. – Bobbyja Kennedyja i J. je za Jacka Kennedyja. Alvarez povezuje Johnsona sa sva tri ubistva i predstavlja njegov predsjednički mandat kao kulminaciju historije društveno-političke korupcije. LBJ is a bitter satire about President Lyndon B. Johnson. The three sections correspond to Johnson's initials. L is for Martin Luther King, B is for Bobby Kennedy and J is for Jack Kennedy. Alvarez implicates Johnson in all three assassinations, portraying his presidency as the culmination of a history of socio-political corruption. 11. septembar / September 11th Chile, Germany, 2002, Beta Sp, Colour, 5 min. Režija / Director: Claudia Aravena Jedan uz drugog: 11. septembar 1973. u Čileu i 2001. u New Yorku. Side by side: September 11th 1973 in Chile and in 2001 in New York. Osovine zla / The Axis Of Evil Nešto se smiješno desilo na mom putu za Golgotu / A Funny Thing Happened On My Way To Golgotha Mickey Mouse u Vijetnamu / Mickey Mouse in Vietnam Mažoretkinje u svemiru / Majorettes In Space Nešto se smiješno desilo na mom putu za Golgotu / A Funny Thing Happened on My Way to Golgotha Dimitri, a Soviet Cosmonaut of Soyouz 27, likes majorettes. Catherine and Laurent like making love. John Paul II likes airports. Vincent likes boys. Belgium, 1967, DVD, Colour, 5 min. Režija / Director: Grapjos de Hert, Robbe de Hert Moj put za Golgotu. My way to Golgotha. Aleluja! / Hallelujah! Sretno ponovno rađanje / Happy Rebirth Germany, 2004, Beta Sp, Colour, 1 min. Režija / Director: Björn Melhus Ponovo rođen kao štrumf, Björn Melhus pjeva „Sretan rođendan“. Reborn as a smurf Björn Melhus sings "Happy Birthday". Ljubav / Love Japan, 1963, DVD, Colour, 5 min. Režija / Director: Yoji Kuri Okolnosti nas podsjete na neke insekte. Željna ljubavi, jedna velika ženka slijedi malog mužjaka. Može li on izbjeći taj možda smrtonosni zagrljaj? The circumstances remind us of certain insects. In her thirst for love a large female follows a small male to satisfy her desire. Can he escape the perhaps deadly embrace? Uzvišena ljubav / Love Supreme Germany, 2002, Beta Sp, Colour, 4 min. Režija / Director: Zoran Bihac Ljubav u XXI vijeku (muzički spot dua Turntablerocker). Love in the 21st century (music video for Turntablerocker). Mažoretkinje u svemiru / Majorettes In Space France , 1996, 35 mm, Colour, 6 min. Režija / Director: David Fourier Dimitri, sovjetski kosmonaut na Soyouzu 27 voli mažoretkinje. Catherine i Laurent vole da vode ljubav. Ivan Pavle II voli aerodrome. Vincent voli dječake. Sretno ponovno rađanje / Happy Rebirth Ubio sam leptire / I Killed The Butterflies Germany , 2006, Beta Sp, Colour, 5 min. Režija / Director: Jochen Hick Papa dolazi, ali tek za tri sata. To je dosta čekanja za hiljade kršćana i za neke homoseksualce i lezbejke. Svi oni mogu pjevati. Ali, ko će biti glasniji? The pope is coming but only in three hours. A long time of waiting for thousands of Christians and some gays and lesbians. They are all able to sing. Yet, who will be louder? U ogledalu neba / In the Mirror of the Sky Mexico, 1998, 35 mm, Colour, 10 min. Režija / Director: Carlos Salces Velike želje mogu donijeti mnogo nevolja, posebno kada želiš uhvatiti sjenu aviona. Great wishes can cause a lot of trouble, especially when you try to catch the shadow of a plane. Ubio sam leptire / I Killed the Butterflies Germany, 2007, Beta Sp, Colour, 5 min. Režija / Director: Cyrill Lachauer Tokom mitskog, ritualnog planinarenja u Bavarskim Alpama, Cyrill Lachauer oslobađa leptire koje je uhvatio i ubio kad je bio dijete. Cyrill Lachauer frees during a mythic-ritual hike in the Bavarian Alps the butterflies he had caught and killed as a child. Erè mèla mèla Luxembourg, France, 2001, 35 mm, Colour, 6 min. Režija / Director: Daniel Wiroth Tijela se lagano dodiruju, ruke komuniciraju, pogledi vole. Nježna pjesma za one bez kojih bismo mi bili ništa. The bodies lightly touch each other, the hands communicate, the glances love. A delicate poem for the others without whom we would be nothing. U ogledalu neba / In the Mirror of the Sky Zdravi ljudi za razonodu / The Litany of the Happy People SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / 57 All shorts Hanoi -Warsaw Josephovi puževi / Joseph's Snails Marijin put / María's Way Nagrada evropske filmske akademije - kratki film - nominacije 2010 European Film Academy Award - short - nominees 2010 Amor Norway, 2009, 35 mm, Colour, 14 min. Režija / Director: Thomas Wangsmo Scenarij / Screenplay: Thomas Wangsmo Uloge / Cast: Pål Sverre Valheim Hagen, Mattis Herman Nyquist, Ida Elise Broch, Jenny Skavlan, Anders Rummelhoff Pet minuta. 1000 eura. Svi su sretni. U gradu u kojem bogati mladi ljudi plaćaju koliko god treba da dobiju ono što žele, postoji usluga koju može pružiti jedino Thomas. Five minutes. €1000. Everybody's happy. In a city where young, rich people will spend whatever it takes to get what they want, Thomas provides them with a service no one else will. Bez ljubavi / Out of Love Denmark, 2009, HD CAM, Colour, 29 min. Režija / Director: Birgitte Stærmose Scenarij / Screenplay: Peter Asmussen Spajajući dokumentarnu i igranu formu, BEZ LJUBAVI prikazuje živote djece koja pokušavaju da prežive posljedice rata na Kosovu prodajući cigarete na ulici. Fusing documentary and fiction, OUT OF LOVE depicts the lives of children trying to survive the aftermath of war in Kosovo by selling cigarettes on the street. Dalje od mene / Stay Away Netherlands, 2009, 35 mm, Colour, 24 min. Režija / Director: Paloma Aguilera Valdebenito Scenarij / Screenplay: Paloma Aguilera Valdebenito Uloge / Cast: Katrien van Beurden, Raymond Thiry, Caro de Jonge Film u pet dijelova govori o borbi i nesposobnosti porodice. U svakom se dijelu pojedinačno opisuju problemi sa kojima se suočavaju tri člana porodice, a posebno unutarnja borba majke. Bez ljubavi / Out Of Love 58 Mala snježna životinja / Little Snow Animal Five fragments about the struggle and incapacity within a family, depicting in each fragment the day to day relationship issues faced by the three family members. In particular the mother's interior struggle. Hanoi -Warsaw Poland, 2009, 35 mm, Colour, 30 min. Režija / Director: Katarzyna Klimkiewicz Scenarij / Screenplay: Katarzyna Klimkiewicz Uloge / Cast: Thu Ha Mai, Le Thanh Hunh, Michał Podsiadło, Klaudia Barcik, Przemek Modliszewski, Viet Dung, Łukasz Pruchniewicz, Tran Thi Thanh Minh Mai Anh, mlada Vijetnamka, ilegalno ulazi u Poljsku preko zelene granice sa Ukrajinom. Sada samo treba doći do Varšave i priključiti se svom momku, s kojim želi da započne život o kojem je sanjala. Mai Anh, a young Vietnamese woman, enters Poland illegally through the green border with Ukraine. Now she only has to reach Warsaw, where she will join her boyfriend and start her dreamed life. Josephovi puževi / Joseph's Snails France, 2009, 35 mm, Colour, 12 min. Režija / Director: Sophie Roze Scenarij / Screenplay: Sophie Roze Joseph je stidljiv, introvertan dječak koji skuplja puževe. Kada ga je jednom progutao vlastiti pupak, Joseph je otkrio uznemirujući svijet „posmatrača pupka“, odnosno ljudi koji se sami u sebe uviju i pretvore u puževe i komuniciraju sa svojim pupkom. Joseph is a shy, introverted little boy who collects snails. One day he gets swallowed up by his own tummy-button and discovers the disturbing world of the “navel-gazers”, people who, by only communicating with their navel, curl in on themselves and turn into snails ... Dalje od mene / Stay Away SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / Mala snježna životinja / Little Snow Animal Finland, 2009, 35 mm, Colour and B&W, 19 min. Režija / Director: Miia Tervo Scenarij / Screenplay: Miia Tervo Dobro je tražiti ljubav – samo je treba tražiti na pravom mjestu. It's not wrong to want love - you just need to look for it in the right place. Marijin put / María's Way Scotland, 2009, HD CAM, Colour, 16 min. Režija / Director: Anne Milne Scenarij / Screenplay: Anne Milne Marija sjedi pored puta iza trošne, sklepane tezge. Izraz njenog lica odaje spoj strpljenja i ogorčenja. Pozdravlja prolaznike i poziva ih da se zaustave, da provedu nekoliko minuta sa njom prije nego produže dalje. Ljudi koji prolaze su hodočasnici i pred njima je dugo, iscrpljujuće putovanje ka drevnom Camino de Santiagu. A woman, María, sits by the side of the road behind a rickety, homemade stall, her expression a blend of forbearance and exasperation. She greets passersby and invites them to stop, to spend a few minutes with her as they continue on down the road. They are pilgrims and have a long, arduous journey ahead of them, on the ancient Camino de Santiago. Semafor / Lights Germany, 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 14 min. Režija / Director: Giulio Ricciarelli Scenarij / Screenplay: Soern Menning Uloge / Cast: Johann von Bülow, Lisa Martinek, Sven Walser, Beat Marti, Elli Gerlach SEMAFOR je komedija. Priča o policajcu iz malog grada koji sanja da bude heroj. Kako mu mirni seoski život ne nudi priliku da se dokaže, odlučio Tussilago Semafor / Lights Amor je uzeti stvari u svoje ruke. Postavlja semafor na jedan most u sred ničega i bitka počinje. LIGHTS is a comedy. The story of a small - town police officer who dreams of being a hero. As his peaceful village offers no opportunity for heroism, he decides to take matters in his own hands. He puts up a traffic light on a rarely-used bridge in the middle of nowhere and the fight begins. Tussilago Sweden, 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 15 min. Režija / Director: Jonas Odell Scenarij / Screenplay: Jonas Odell Terorist iz Zapadne Njemačke Norbert Kröcher je uhapšen u Štokholmu 31. 3. 1977. On je predvodio grupu koja je planirala da otme švedsku političarku Anna-Gretu Leijon. Tih je dana uhapšeno nekoliko osumnjičenih osoba. Jedna Venera protiv mene / Venus vs Me od njih je bila i Kröcherova bivša djevojka „A“. West German terrorist Norbert Kröcher was arrested in Stockholm on March 31, 1977. He was leading a group planning to kidnap Swedish politician AnnaGreta Leijon. A number of suspects were arrested in the days following. One of the people arrested was Kröcher's ex-girlfriend, "A". u svlačionici. Kada te iste večeri njena mlada majka dođe kući s novim momkom, Marie ostane sama i njena pitanja ostaju neodgovorena. On the eve of an important swimming contest, twelve-year-old Marie does an unpleasant discovery in the changing room. When the same evening her young mother brings home a new boyfriend, Marie stands alone and questions remain unanswered. Venera protiv mene / Venus vs Me Belgium, 2009, 35 mm, Colour, 27 min. Režija / Director: Nathalie Teirlinck Scenarij / Screenplay: Nathalie Teirlinck Uloge / Cast: Sarah Van Den Berghe, Brit Van Hoof, Thomas Ryckewaert, Geert Van Rampelberg, Antoine Van Der Auwera, Jef Jacobs, Stien Sampers Večer uoči bitnog takmičenja u plivanju, dvanaestogodišnja Marie otkrije nešto neprijatno EFA KRATKI 1 / EFA SHORTS 1 AMOR, JOSEPH'S SNAILS, HANOI-WARSAW, LITTLE SNOW ANIMAL, STAY AWAY EFA KRATKI 2 / EFA SHORTS 2 LIGHTS, TUSSILAGO, OUT OF LOVE, VENUS VS ME, MARIA'S WAY SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / 59 Sin Babilona / Son Of Babylon S.O.S. – Stanje sigurnosti / S.O.S. - State of Security Specijalne projekcije Special screenings Sin Babilona / Son Of Babylon Iraq, United Kingdom, France, Netherlands, United Arab Emirates, 2010, 35 mm, Colour, 93 min. Režija / Director: Mohamed Al-Daradji Scenarij / Screenplay: Jennifer Norridge, Mohamed Al-Daradji, Mithal Ghazi Uloge / Cast: Shehzad Hussen, Yassir Taleeb, Bashir Al-Majed Sjeverni Irak, 2003. godine. Dvije sedmice nakon pada Sadama Huseina. Ahmed, dvanaestogodišnji kurdski dječak, obazrivo hoda u sjeni svoje bake, koja je, čim je čula da su ratni zarobljenici pronađeni živi na jugu, odlučila da sazna sudbinu svog nestalog sina, Ahmedovog oca, koji se nikada nije vratio iz Zaljevskog rata. Na tom će putu dječak sazreti. Northern Iraq, 2003. Two weeks after the fall of Saddam Hussein. AHMED a 12-year-old Kurdish boy begrudgingly follows in the shadow of his grandmother. On hearing news that prisoners of war have been found alive in the South, she is determined to discover the fate of her missing son, Ahmed's father, who never returned from the Gulf War. This journey will lead the boy to come of age. S.O.S. – Stanje sigurnosti / S.O.S. - State of Security USA, 2010, HD CAM, Colour, 90 min. Režija / Director: Michele Ohayon Scenarij / Screenplay: Michele Ohayon S.O.S. STANJE SIGURNOSTI je novi film Michele Ohayon, rediteljke nominirane za Oskara, koji prikazuje iskreno i dojmljivo tridesetogodišnje iskustvo Richarda Clarkea u Bijeloj kući, prvo kao glavne osobe za borbu protiv terorizma, a onda kao šefa cyber sigurnosti. Utkan u priču o nadi, ovaj film prenosi Clarkeovo uvjerenje da postoji način da se vrati povjerenje u vladu i da mladi ljudi još uvijek mogu služiti domovini i promijeniti stvari. S.O.S State of Security, the new film by Academy Award-nominated director Michele Ohayon presents Richard Clarke's honest and telling 30 year experience in the White House, first as the Counterterrorism Czar, and later as the head of Cyber security. Woven into a story of hope, the film conveys Clarke's belief that there is a way to restore trust in government and that young people can still serve and make a difference. Toumast – gitare i kalašnjikovi / Toumast - Guitars and Kalashnikovs Switzerland, 2010, 35 mm, Colour and B&W, 88 min. Režija / Director: Dominique Margot Scenarij / Screenplay: Dominique Margot TOUMAST – GITARE I KALAŠNJIKOVI evocira dio nedavne historije Tuarega. Lik Moussa Ag Kenya nas vodi ovim neizvjesnim i kompleksnim putevima. Moussa je muzičar, autor i kompozitor. Živi u Parizu i putuje svijetom, bilo da je na turneji ili kada se vraća porodici i prijateljima u zemlju u kojoj je odrastao. Tamo posjećuje poznata mjesta iz kojih je jedva izvukao živu glavu devedesetih godina prošlog vijeka. Toumast – Guitars and Kalashnikovs retraces a part of recent history of the Tuaregs. A character guides us on these chance and complex trajectories: Moussa ag Keyna.Moussa is today a musician, author and composer of songs. He lives in Paris and Revolucija / Revolution 60 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / travels through the world, both on tour and when returning to his family and friends in the land where he grew up. There he visits familiar places where he scarcely escaped with his life in the 1990s. Revolucija / Revolution Mexico, 2010, 35 mm, Colour and b&w, 105 min. Režija / Directors: Mariana Chenillo, Fernando Eimbcke, Amat Escalante, Gael García Bernal, Rodrigo García, Diego Luna, Gerardo Naranjo, Rodrigo Plá, Carlos Reygadas, Patricia Riggen Scenarij / Screenplay: Fernando Eimbcke, Patricia Riggen, Jorge Riggen, Amat Escalante, Carlos Reygadas, Mariana Chenillo, Gerardo Naranjo, Mauricio Katz, Laura Santullo, Diego Luna, Gabriel Nuncio Uloge / Cast: Ansberto Flores López, José del Rosario, Adriana Barraza, Carmen Corral, Aldo Carpintero Bernal, Benny Emmanuel Mendoza Yirene, Cirilo Recio, Héctor Cortés Barrientos, Ámbar Sixto Marroquín, Mónica Bejarano, Gerardo Trejo Luna, Heleanne Beltrán, Joel Figueroa Borquez, Noe Hernandez, Manuel Jimenez, Toño Rodríguez, Raúl Dueñas, Justo Martínez, Ignacio Guadalupe, Rodolfo Palacios, Mario Zaragoza, Ari Brickman, Ángeles Cruz, Boris Schoeman, Mariana Carvajal, Paul Cabrera, Antonio De Haro, Tobias De La Torre, Oscar Flores, Jose Garcia Deset vodećih meksičkih filmskih autora su se ujedinili kako bi obilježili stotu godišnjicu revolucije u svojoj zemlji. Ova višeslojna i energična kompilacija odslikava istorijski trenutak koji odjekuje i u današnjem meksičkom društvu. Ten voices at the forefront of Mexican cinema join together to celebrate the hundred-year anniversary of the Mexican revolution. This multi-faceted and energetic compilation expresses the historical moment that still echoes in today’s society. Toumast–gitareikalašnjikovi/ Toumast - Guitars and Kalashnikovs DUBROVNIK FILM MEETING Dubrovnik Film Meeting, jedinstvena filmska manifestacija, koju grupacija Adriatic Luxury Hotels organizira s najutjecajnijim i najprestižnijim regionalnim filmskim festivalom Sarajevo Film Festivalom i u suradnji s magazinom Gloria, s ponosom objavljuje da će počasni gost petog jubilarnog DFMa biti jedan od najznačajnijih glumaca današnjice – Morgan Freeman, koji će predstaviti svoje posljednje filmsko ostvarenje INVICTUS (2009.). U filmu INVICTUS, reditelja Clint Eastwooda, Freeman je utjelovio ulogu predsjednika Južnoafričke republike Nelsona Mandele, koja mu je donijela četvrtu nominaciju za Oscara, te niz drugih značajnih priznanja, ali i sjajnih kritika. Tako je ugledni The New York Times napisao: “Freeman kombinira jednu vrstu manipulativnog šarma, smirenog samopouzdanja, skoro više sile, dovoljnu količinu razigranosti, ali i melankolije, dakle svega onoga što je Mandelu učinilo jednom od najfascinantnijih političkih ličnosti njegovog doba”. Ovogodišnji Dubrovnik Film Meeting održat će 01. i 02. kolovoza na neponovljivim lokacijama Vala Beach Clubu Hotela Dubrovnik Palace, a slijedeći dan ponudit će spektalularni program na Stradunu, kao i filmsku projekciju pod zvijezdama na poljani ispred Kneževog dvora. Dubrovnik Film Meeting, an exclusive film event which the Adriatic Luxury Hotels Group organizes each year in cooperation with the most influential and prestigious film festival in the region - Sarajevo Film Festival - and the magazine Gloria, is proud to announce that the guest of honor of the fifth annual Dubrovnik Film Meeting is one of the greatest actors of our day – Morgan Freeman, who will be presenting his latest movie INVICTUS (2009). In the movie INVICTUS, directed by Clint Eastwood, Freeman plays South African President Nelson Mandela, a role which brought him his fourth Oscar nomination, along with excellent reviews from movie critics and a string of accolades. The eminent New York Times reported: “Mr. Freeman conveys the manipulative charm, the serene confidence, the force of purpose, the hint of mischief and the lonely regret that made Mr. Mandela one of the most fascinating political figures of his time.” This year’s Dubrovnik Film Meeting will take place 1-2 August in fabulous locations of the Vala Beach Club at the Dubrovnik Palace Hotel, while the following day will feature a spectacular program on Stradun, as well as a film screening beneath the starry sky in front of the Rector’s Palace in the historical centre of Dubrovnik. SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / 61 62 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / 63 Mladi, nadareni i perspe Young, gifted a Za mlade filmaše iz regije u Sarajevu je osmišljen tjedni program radionica i seminara, na kojima im iskustva prenose slavni stariji kolege Od 25. do 31. srpnja sedamdeset filmaša iz 13 zemalja jugoistočne Europe sudjelovat će na Sarajevo Talent Campusu. Za polaznike je osmišljen program predavanja, diskusija, radionica, vježbi, sastanaka i izleta s renomiranim filmskim stručnjacima. Cilj projekta je razvijanje timskog rada i jačanje međusobne suradnje na razvoju, financiranju, produkciji i distribuciji tekućih i budućih projekata. Program je pokrenut 2007., a mogu se prijaviti glumci, redatelji, scenaristi i producenti mlađi od 35 godina. A week-long program of workshops and seminars will be organized in Sarajevo for young filmmakers from the region, offering them a unique opportunity to exchange ideas with and learn from experienced and respected film professionals During seven-day period starting on July 25, seventy filmmakers from 13 countries of South East Europe will participate in the Sarajevo Talent Campus. The participants will take part in a program of lectures, discussions, workshops, practical tutorials, meetings and excursions with prominent filmmakers. The project aims to encourage teambuilding and strengthen cooperation between filmmakers in the stages of developing, fundraising for, producing and distributing their ongoing and future film projects. Launched in 2007, the program is open to actors, directors, scriptwriters and producers under 35 years of age. Hrvatski glumac Leon Lučev, voditelj radionice Talent Campusa 2008. sa svojim polaznicima Croatian actor Leon Lučev with participants of his workshop 2008 64 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / TALENT CAMPUS 2008. | TALENT CAMPUS 2008 Snimio Matko Stanković pektivni and perspective SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / 65 TALENT CAMPUS 2009. | TALENT CAMPUS 2009 Nada Macanković, glumica Srbija/ Serbian actress Zoran Pribičević, glumac Hrvatska/ Croatian actor Lana Gojak, glumica Hrvatska/Croatian actress Maja Pihler, glumica Slovenija/Slovenian actress Nika Rozman, glumica Slovenija/Slovenian actress E R Maja Izetbegović, glumica Bosna i Dragana Kostadinovska, glumica Makedonija/ Macedonian actress 66 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / Jurij Drevenšek, glumac Slovenija/ Slovenian actress Jelena Gavrilović, glumica Srbija/ Serbian actress Snimci: Amer Kuhinja (8) i Mario Kučera (11) Borka Tomović, glumica Srbija/ Serbian actress Marina Vodeničar, glumica Srbija/Serbian actress Edvin Liverić, glumac Hrvatska/Croatian actor Petra Težak, glumica Hrvatska/Croatian actress Vesna Hauschild, glumica Slovenija/ Slovenian actress Edgar Nistor, glumac Rumunjska/Romanian actor Eleftheria Gerofoka, glumica Grčka/ Petra Vukelić, glumica Hrvatska/ Croatian actress Senad Alihodžić, Slaviša Kajevski, glumac Bosna i glumac Makedonija/ SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / 67 Hercegovina/BiH actor Macedonian actor 1 2 Na festivalskom trgu glavna atrakcija je Glorijin paviljon, gdje posjetitelje očekuje nova izložba The main attraction at the film square is Gloria Pavilion, were a new exhibition is awaiting visitors 3 Snimio Mario Kučera 4 68 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / GLORIJIN PAVILJON | GLORIA PAVILLION Last year, the Gloria Pavilion (1) hosted an exhibition of portraits of famous filmmakers, visited at the time by thousands of people (2). Oscar-winning film director Danis Tanovic poses next to his portrait (3). Actress Jasna Zalica with her husband, film director Pjer Zalica (4). Film producer Andy Patterson and the executive director of the Sarajevo Film Festival Emina Ganic (5). Actor Moamer Kasumovic (6). Actress Gillian Anderson visits the exhibition with Gloria journalist Kruno Petrinovic (7). The Sarajevo Film Festival director Mirsad Purivatra and Dubravka Tomekovic-Aralica open the exhibition (8) 5 Gloria&SFF 15 godina s vama Gloria&SFF 15 Years with You 6 7 8 U Glorijinom paviljonu (1) tisuće posjetitelja lani su razgledali izložbu portreta slavnih filmaša (2). Danis Tanović, redatelj i oskarovac, pozira ispred svog portreta (3). Glumica Jasna Žalica sa suprugom, redateljem Pjerom Žalicom (4). Producent Andy Patterson i Emina Ganić, izvršna direktorica SFF-a (5). Glumac Moamer Kasumović (6). Glumicu Gillian Anderson kroz izložbu je proveo Glorijin novinar Kruno Petrinović (7). Direktor SFF-a Mirsad Purivatra i Dubravka Tomeković-Aralica otvorili su izložbu (8) 69 DUBROVAČKI FILMSKI SUSRETI | DUBROVNIK FILM MEETINGS Crveni tepih na Stradunu za Mickeya Rourka 2009. Read carpet for Mickey Rourke in Stradun, 2009 Uspomene sa Straduna Memories from Stradun Iz Sarajeva zvijezde se tradicionalno sele u Dubrovnik, gdje uživaju u kupanju, izletima brodom i ekskluzivnim partyjima 70 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / After closing of the Sarajevo Film Festival, the festival guests traditionally move to Dubrovnik where they get a chance to enjoy swimming, boat excursions and exclusive parties Snimili Amer Kuhinja i Saša Burić Glumica Gillian Anderson sa suprugom Markom Grifithsom Actress Gillian Anderson with her husband Mark Grifiths SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / 71 DUBROVAČKI FILMSKI SUSRETI | DUBROVNIK FILM MEETINGS 1 2 Snimili Matko Stanković (3) i Saša Burić (4) 3 Voditeljica i pjevačica Vlatka Pokos s Lejlom i Tarikom Filipovićem (1). VIP party na plaži hotela Dubrovnik Palace (2). Legendarni tenisač Goran Ivanišević sa suprugom Tatjanom Dragović (3). Redatelj Darren Aronofsky i glumac Mickey Rourke (4). Pjevačica Severina Vučković sa zaručnikom Slavkom Šajinovićem (5). Zaduženi za dobar provod: Nina Badrić i Soulfingersi (6). Đelo Hadžiselimović, TV urednik, opustio se uz Gloriju (7) 72 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / ▲ Nakon završetka Sarajevo Film Festivala zvijezde se već sutradan tradicionalno sele u Hrvatsku, na Dubrovačke filmske susrete, smotru koja se održava u renesansnom biseru Jadrana. Domaćin Goran Štrok, suvlasnik hotelske grupacije Adriatic Luxury, uvijek se pobrine da njegovim gostima ne nedostaje ni ptičjeg mlijeka. Osim u ekskluzivnom smještaju u vilama i apartmanima s najljepšim pogledom i VIP partyjima na zatvorenim hotelskim plažama uz odličnu svirku i zakusku, filmaši mogu uživati i u izletima brodom te šetnji Stradunom i gradskim zidinama, što je za mnoge jedinstven doživ- ▲ A day after the Sarajevo Film Festival closes, the star guests of the festival traditionally move to Croatia for Dubrovnik Film Meeting in the renaissance city also know as the pearl of the Adriatic. The host of the meeting and a co-owner of Adriatic Luxury Hotel Group Goran Strok, always takes good care of his guests making sure they have everything they need. In addition to enjoyable stay in luxury villas and apartments with the best view of the town and VIP parties on private hotel beaches famous for excellent live music and food, filmmakers can also enjoy boat excursions and take a stroll down Stradun and the old city walls, which many describe as a unique experi5 4 Singer and TV presenter Vlatka Pokos with Lejla and Tarik Filipovic (1). VIP party on the beach of the Dubrovnik Palace hotel (2). Legendary tennis player Goran Ivanisevic with his wife Tatjana Dragovic (3) Director Darren Aronofsky with actor Mickey Rourke (4) Singer Severina Vuckovic with her fiancé Slavko Sajnovic (5) Good time makers: Nina Badric and Soulfingers (6) TV editor Dzelo Hadziselimovic relaxes with Gloria (7) 6 7 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / 73 DUBROVAČKI FILMSKI SUSRETI | DUBROVNIK FILM MEETINGS 1 2 3 ence. Residents of Dubrovnik are happy to greet international film stars on the streets of their city and to enjoy open-air film screenings alongside their famous guests. The region’s leading weekly magazine Glorija is media partner of this event and it always provides its readers with exclusive reports and interviews. Swedish actor Stellan Skarsgard with his wife Megan Everret and son Ossian (1) Oscarwining actor Kevin Spacey (2) Elma Tataragic and Mirsad Purivatra from SFF with Romanian actress Anamaria Marinca (3) US director Darren Aronofsky (4) Latino singer Ricardo Luque (5) ljaj. A Dubrovčani su, dakako, presretni što na svojim ulicama mogu susresti najpoznatije glumačke i redateljske zvijezde te u njihovom društvu uživati u filmskim projekcijama na otvorenom. Vodeći regionalni tjednik Gloria je medijski partner i tog događanja, s kojeg svojim čitateljima svako ljeto donosi ekskluzivne reportaže i intervjue. 5 Švedski glumac Stellan Skarsgard sa suprugom Megan Everret i sinčićem Ossianom (1). Oskarovac Kevin Spacey (2). Selektorica Elma Tataragić, Mirsad Purivatra, direktor SFF-a i rumunjska glumica Anamaria Marinca (3). Američki redatelj Darren Aronofsky (4). Latinopjevač Ricardo Luque (5) 74 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 23-31/07/2010 / Snimili Matko Stanković (3), Saša Burić (4) i MarioKučera (1) 4 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/09 / 75 76 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/09 /
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