February 1, 2015 CROATIAN FRANCISCAN FRIARS Fr. Ivan Strmecki, O.F.M., Pastor RECTORY & OFFICE 774-9418 Fax 774-7406 E-mail [email protected] Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit and said, “Quiet! Come out of him!” The unclean spirit convulsed him and with a loud cry came out of him. Parish Council Chairperson Trustees Andrew Williams 324-4862 John Hrdi 543-8637 August Cincotta 774-4974 Building Maintenance Joe Dejanovich 262-255-8672 Custodian Juro Ljevar 545-3039 Human Concerns Yvonne Wentlandt 342-5661 Organist John Myszka 305-8885 Parish Life Mary Schauer 235-9458 Prayer & Worship Pat Cincotta 774-4974 Religious Education Christine Michalski 423-6252 Safety Director Jerry Endries 771-1723 Secretary D'Ann Fisher (Office) 774-9418 Office Hours: Mon.-Tues. 9 am-1 pm and Wed. 9 am-4 pm MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Sunday Daily Mass SACRAMENTS Reconciliation Saturday 3:30-4:00 p.m. Marriage Call Parish Office 6 months in advance Baptism Call Parish Office Anointing of the Sick and Communion Call Parish Office at any time Communion for the shut-ins ordinarily on First Friday Funerals Call Parish Office Isus zaprijeti nečistom duhu: “Umukni i iziđi iz njega!” Nato nečisti duh potrese njime pa povika iz svega glasa i iziđe iz njega. BULLETIN NOTICES Deadline Monday Evening Četvrta Nedjelja Kroz Godinu 1 . 4:30 p.m. (English) 9:00 a.m. (English) 10:30 a.m. (Croatian) 7:45 a.m. (English) Enjoy Catholic radio in Milwaukee! Try listening to 1640 on the AM dial. No static! SACRED HEART PARISH — HRVATSKA ŽUPA SRCA ISUSOVA ŽUPNE AKTIVNOSTI U OVOM TJEDNU NEDJELJNO RAZMIŠLJANJE DANAS (1. veljače) — Druga kolekta za uzdržavanje župnih prostorija — Oltarsko društvo ima sastanak iza hrvatske Mise PONEDJELJAK (2. veljače) Svijećnica-Isusovo prikazanje — “Human Concerns” sastanak u 6:30 sati navečer — Hrvatska škola za odrasle u 6:30 sati navečer — Međugorska molitvena grupa u 7:30 sati navečer Isus u Galileji U današnjem Evanđelju Isus je stigao u Kafarnaum, mjesto na Galilejskom moru. Tu je našao svoj novi dom u obitelji Petra apostola. U blizini te kuće nalazi se sinagoga. Krist ulazi u nju i propovijeda. Kad su ljudi čuli kako je Isus propovijedao komentar svijeta je pitao: jeli ovo novo učenje? Tko je ovaj? Ovo još nismo čuli? Ostaju zadivljeni i uplašeni. Zadivljeni nečim poptuno novim i uplašeni da više ništa neće biti kao prije. Kristov nastup, kaže nam Sv. Marko u njegovom Evanđelju, bio je sa autoritetom, ne kao ostali učitelji. To se najviše vidjelo kad je Isus zapovijedio da nečisti duh iziđe iz jadnoga čovjeka. To nemože činiti obični učitelj! UTORAK (3. veljače) Blagdan svetog Blaža — "Prayer and Worship" sastanak u 9 sati ujutro — Neće biti klanjanje danas radi sastanka svećenika — Hrvatski crkveni zbor - proba u 7:15 sati navečer SRIJEDA (4. veljače) — Hrvatska škola za djecu u 6:00 sati navečer — Engleski crkveni zbor - proba u 6:30 sati navečer ČETVRTAK (5. veljače) — Molitva za mir kod župe sv. Terezije s našom župom u 7:00 sati navečer — dođite! PETAK (6. veljače) SUBOTA (7. veljače) — Nema Vjeronauk ovaj vikend IDUĆE NEDJELJE (8. veljače) — Stepinčevo — Blagoslov grla po zagovoru svetoga Blaža “STEWARDSHIP APPEAL - 2015” - započet će u našoj nadbiskupiji 7. i 8. veljače. Pozivamo sve župljane da se odazovu pozivu našega nadbiskupa Jerome Listecki da novčano pomognu našu nadbiskupiju, njezine urede i rad. Svi ćete dobiti pismo i omotnicu od nadbiskupa za Vaš dar. Svoj doprinos možete poslati izravno u nadbiskupiju ili donijeti u crkvu. Molimo Vas da budete darežljivi prema svojim mogućnostima. Hvala. ŽUPNI PREDKORIZMENI RUČAK će se posluživati u nedjelju 15. veljače u našoj župnoj dvorani. Posluživat će se SARMA I PILETINA dinners od 10:30 sati ujutro do 2 sata popodne. Cijena je $10 za odrasle i $5 za djecu 10 godina stari i mlađi. Nadamo se da ćete taj dan biti s nama na ručku te tako pomoći našu župu. Za taj "weekend" subotu i nedjelju - trebat će nam radnika u kuhinji i dvorani. Molimo vas da dođete i pomognete. Također, molimo domaćice da donesu domaće kolače. Hvala na svakoj pomoći i suradnji. ŠIRIMO MIR U SVIJETU BEZ MIRA Svaku godinu naša župa moli za mir zajedno s župom svete Terezije. Ova molitva za mir će biti ovaj četvrtak 5. veljače kod župe svete Terezije Maloga Isusa, 9525 W. Bluemound Road u 7:00 sati navečer. Pridružimo se našim hrvatskim i engleskim zborom, zborom crkve svete Terezije, te narod od naše dvije župe u pjesmi i molitvi za mir u našim susjedstvima, SAD-u i cijelome svijetu. Nakon molitve pozvani smo na osvježenje u njihovoj župi. STEPINČEVO IDUĆE NEDJELJE Blagdan blaženog kardinala Stepinca je utorak 10. veljače. Najbliža nedjelja je iduća nedjelja 8. veljače. Zato slavimo našega dragoga Kardinala na hrvatskoj Misi idući tjedan, 8. veljače. AKO STE PROMIJENILI ADRESU ILI TELEFON, molimo Vas da nam javite. To nam je potrebno za naše župne knjige i opću informaciju o župljanima. Hvala. Lutrija za Milwaukee Croatian Tamburitzans će biti izvlačeno 21. veljače u našoj dvorani. Krivo je naznačeno na njihovim kartama lutrije da izvlačenje će biti kod svetog Augustina. Njihov Zimski Ples/Winter Dance će biti 21. veljače u našoj župnoj dvorani, nije kod svetog Augustina. . MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN BLAGOSLOV GRLA U VEZI SVETOGA BLAŽA će biti iza svake Mise idući vikend. FINANCIJSKI IZVJEŠTAJ ZA TAKSOVE MOŽETE NARUČITI SADA i možete predići u župni ured ili možemo Vam to poslati poštom. Zovite Župni ured, 414-774-9418. Hvala. 2 Zovite župni ured za kućni blagoslov prije korizme. FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 1, 2015 THIS WEEK'S PARISH ACTIVITIES FEAST OF THE PRESENTATION: Feb. 2 is 40 days after Christmas, when Mary and Joseph presented Jesus in the Jerusalem Temple. The Presentation of the Lord is the day when candles are traditionally blessed for the church. TODAY (February 1) — 2nd Collection: Maintenance Fund — Altar Society Mass & Meeting MONDAY (February 2) Feast of the Presentation of the Lord — Human Concerns meeting: 6:30 p.m. — Croatian School for Adults: 6:30 p.m. — Medjugorje Prayer group: 7:30-9:30 p.m. TUESDAY (February 3) Feast of St. Blaise — Prayer and Worship: 9:00 a.m. — No Eucharistic Exposition due to required meeting for priests — Croatian Choir: 7:15 p.m. WEDNESDAY (February 4) — Croatian School for Children: 6:00 p.m. — English Choir: 6:30 p.m. THURSDAY (February 5) — Peace Prayer Service at St. Therese Parish: 7:00pm FRIDAY (February 6) BLESSING OF THROATS - ST. BLAISE - February 3rd- This day is marked each year by a simple and popular sacramental, the blessing of throats. St. Blaise was a bishop in Armenia in the 300s. He was sentenced to death for being a Christian and a bishop. While he was in prison awaiting execution, it is said that a woman brought her son to him because the boy had a fishbone lodged in his throat. St. Blaise blessed the boy and his throat was cleared. When we have the blessing of throats on this day, the priest makes the blessing with two candles and prays for the intercession of St. Blaise for protection from every disease of the throat and from every other illness. SATURDAY (February 7) — NO Religious Instruction for children this weekend NEXT SUNDAY (February 8) — Annual Stewardship Appeal at all Masses in Archdiocese — St. Blaise’s Blessing of Throats after each Mass After next weekend’s Masses we will have the St. Blaise Blessing of Throats. Catholics United for the Faith will have an “Afternoon of Reflection” in our church on Sunday, Feb. 15, led by Fr. James Kubicki. This Jesuit priest is often on Relevant Radio and he is the national director of the Apostleship of Prayer. A rosary before the reflection will begin a 2 p.m. Come and enjoy. PRAYER FOR PEACE will be held at St. Therese parish, 9525 W. Bluemound Rd., THIS Thursday, February 5 at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is invited to join the Sacred Heart Croatian and English Choir, the St. Therese Choir and the St. Vincent Pallotti Choir in a service of prayers and hymns to pray for peace in our neighborhoods, our country and the world. Let us pray and sing as we work toward peace and justice in our communities. Hospitality will be shared after the service. ___________________________________________________________________________ SAVE THE DATE _____________________________ OUR PRE-LENTEN SARMA AND CHICKEN DINNER will be held on Sunday, February 15th in our hall. Dinners will be served from 10:30 a.m. till 2:00 p.m. for $10 for adults and $5 for children 10 years old and under. TAKEOUTS ARE AVAILABLE. We hope that you will be with us on this day. We appreciate your donations of baked goods. We also will need volunteers for the weekend: Saturday and Sunday - to help in the kitchen and hall (how about some our younger people volunteering?). Thanks for all the help and support. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF YOUR DONATIONS for the year 2014 can be obtained at the Parish Office by calling 414-774-9418. You will be able to pick it up at the Office or have it mailed to you. Thank you for your good care for our parish! . 3 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____ ¡ Sunday, February 15 Pre-Lenten Dinner ¡ Wednesday, February 18 Ash Wednesday ¡ Friday, February 20 Family Movie Night ¡ Saturday, February 21 Milwaukee Croatian Tamburitzans Dinner Dance ¡ Friday, February 27 Fish Fry ¡ Saturday, February 28 Eagles Soccer Club Dinner ¡ Saturday, March 7 First Reconciliation ¡ Sunday, March 8 - Altar Society Bake Sale - Croatian Relief Chicken Dinner ¡ Saturday, March 14 Altar Society’s Family Fun Night MASS INTENTIONS - MISNE NAKANE Monday, February 2 - Ponedjeljak, 2. veljače 7:45 a.m. † Charles Fischer……………………Ronald & Monica Bartels Tuesday, February 3 - Utorak, 3. veljače 7:45 a.m. † Danica Braovac……………..………………….Damir Braovac Wednesday, February 4 - Srijeda, 4. veljače 7:45 a.m. †† Marie & John Zalewski....................Marty Rajandran Thursday, February 5 - Srijeda, 5. veljače 7:45 a.m. † Dennis Burdick…...........................................Marlene Friday, February 6 - Petak, 6. veljače 7:45 a.m. †† Clem & Caroline Burdick……………………………Marlene Saturday, February 7 - Subota, 7. veljače 7:45 a.m. For All Parishioners, living and deceased - Za župljane 4:30 p.m. † Margaret Hrdi…………………….……………Anton Ettmayer Sunday, February 8 - Nedjelja, 8. veljače 9:00 a.m. † John Brahm………………….………Steve & Alice Biksadski God’s blessings on Anne Geboy for her 97th Birthday….. …..her family 10:30 a.m. † Josef Becker...............................Dujo i Mary Braovac † Anna Wolf ................................................John Wolf † Hilda Wolf ................................................John Wolf † Theresa Sendelbach................Steve Sendelbach i ob. † Fabijan Žepačkić........................................ob. Krezic † Ante Radoš........................................wife & children † Marija Jurkovich.........................John i Laura Braovac † Sandor Virovec..................................Marina Schmidt †† Franciko Feger i ob.……….……..Magda Gregurić i ob. †† Za sve pokojne familije Sarich……...........Ivica Sarich LITURGICAL ROLES FOR FEB 7 & FEB 8 LECTORS 4:30 p.m. A. Hagan 9:00 a.m. N. Kieffer 10:30 a.m. Matea Ljevar EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION 4:30 p.m. L. Pavlovich 9:00 a.m. Y. Wentlandt, M. DeYoung, A. Malloy (H) 10:30 a.m. Lj. Jelic, L. Dujak, K. Hampel USHERS 4:30 p.m. F. Ruhland, R. Penn, D. Myszka, D. Doehr 9:00 a.m. R. Fisher, T. Hawkins, P. Magnowski 10:30 a.m. D. Braovac, J. Endries, M. Hrdi LAST WEEKEND’S COLLECTION: $2,614. Thank you! Hvala! . 4 FEBRUARY 1, 2015 SUNDAY MEDITATION The words of Jesus brought healing and forgiveness, and they also brought comfort and direction in times of uncertainty. He said, Follow me, I will make you fishers of men… Be not afraid; I will be with you always… Today you will be with me in Paradise… Such powerful words – no one had ever spoken in this manner before. The absolute authority with which Jesus spoke moved many people to follow him and listen closely to his teachings. To listen closely to the teachings of Jesus is every Catholic’s responsibility today. It is easy to hear the Scriptures proclaimed each time we attend Mass, but it can be more difficult to listen with a receptive ear and a willing heart, and harder, still, to put those lessons into practice. The words of St. Peter from St. John’s Gospel express it well; Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We are to listen, believe and live accordingly. This is our task, and the Holy Spirit alive in us will help us accomplish it. Next week the 2015 Annual Catholic Stewardship Appeal begins at all parishes in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee: 4 The Milwaukee Croatian Tamburitzans Raffle will be held during the February 21st Winter Dance at Sacred Heart. The tickets incorrectly list St. Augustine as the raffle drawing location. Norm’s 49th Street Auto Body Funeral Home COMPANY INC. Family Owned & Operated 5920 W. Lincoln Ave. 414-541-7533 • www.schafffuneralhome.com Quality Name Brand Supplies Do-it-Yourself Or We’ll Do It Your Full Service Plumbing Contractor Sewer & Drain Cleaning MP#225467 6734 W. Wells St. BALISTRERI’S Daily 9-9; Sunday 10-2 Beer - Wine - Soda - Liquor 5031 W. Oklahoma Ave., Milw. 545-2175 919 N. 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Theroux 414.762.9137 414.617.0701 (414) 645-1535 Full Service Commercial & Industrial Mechanical Contractor Check Cashing & More Community Financial Service Centers, Inc. 4535 W. North Ave. • Milwaukee, WI 53208 (46th & North) www.cfsc.com Maintenance Contracts 24 HOUR SERVICE www.buttersfetting.com 414 449-5654 Join the Milwaukee Croatian Tamburitzans Orchestra 8 and up Call (262) 695-2410 or email: [email protected] OPEN MON - SAT • Exhaust • Converters CALL FOR CONVENIENT HOURS Discount Prices, Free Inspections & Estimates • Brakes • Shocks/Struts • C.V. Joints • Coil Springs Present This Ad and Save 10% (This Location Only) “Excellent Maintenance Service” • Milwaukee 5801 West Blue Mound Road.............414-259-0707 Put your signature on the neighborhood $ 2 off any purchase of $10 or more SPECIALIZING IN PLANTINGS, PATIOS, WALKWAYS & RETAINING WALLS. www.weatherededge.com 414.443.9211 7346 W. Greenfield, West Allis Contact Dan Hrdi to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2562 Phone: 414-258-2665 Mon–Fri. 9:30-5:30, Sat to 4 Frank & Alice Formolo www.catholicbooksandgifts.com FOR AD INFO CALL DAN HRDI 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM SACRED HEART, MILWAUKEE A 2C 01-0102 01-12-2015 16:42:26
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