3. Međunarodni naučni kongres ANTROPOLOŠKI ASPEKTI SPORTA, FIZIČKOG VASPITANJA I REKREACIJE Banja Luka, novembar 2011 3rd International Scientific Conference ANTHROPOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF SPORTS, PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND RECREATION Banja Luka, November 2011 Zbornik sažetaka Book of Summaries Univerzitet Banja Luka, Fakultet fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta University Banja Luka, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Banja Luka, 2011 3rd International Scientific Conference „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ Organiser and Publisher / Organizator i izdavač: University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Under the patronage of / Pod pokroviteljstvom: Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of Republic of Srpska Ministry of Family, Youth and Sport, Government of Republic of Srpska City of Banja Luka For the Publisher / Za izdravača: Goran Bo{njak, Dean Editor / Urednik: Slobodan Simović ORGANISING COMMITTEE / ORGANIZACIONI KOMITET Chairman / Predsjednik: Prof. Nada Te{anović Ministry of Family, Youth and Sports, Government of Republic of Srpska Members / Članovi: Prof. Snežana Bijelić, PhD Faculty of Phisical Education and Sport, University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Hercegovina Prof. Du{ko Bjelica, PhD Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Universiti of Montenegro, Montenegro Prof. Goran Bo{njak, PhD Faculty of Phisical Education and Sport, University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Hercegovina Prof. Igor Jukić, PhD Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, Croatia Prof. Boris Male{, PhD Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Split, Croatia Prof. Dra{ko Marinković, PhD Vice-rector, University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Prof. Milena Mikalački, PhD Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Novi Sad, Serbia Prof. Dragan Popović, PhD Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Pri{tina, Serbia Prof. Zoran Primorac, PhD Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education, University of Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina Prof. Danko Pržulj, PhD Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, University of Istočno Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Nenad Rađević prof. Ministry of Family, Youth and Sports, Government of Republik of Srpska Jovo Rosić City of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Prof. Nijaz Skender, PhD Faculty of Pedagogy, University of Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina Assist. Prof. Slobodan Simović, PhD Faculty of Phisical Education and Sport, University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Prof. \orđe Stefanović, PhD Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Belgrade, Serbia Prof. Vlatko [eparović, PhD Faculty of Physical education and Sport, University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina Prof. Munir Talović, PhD Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina ii Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ Prof. Dobrica Živković, PhD Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Ni{, Serbia Prof. Vujica Živkovik, PhD Faculty of Physical Culture, Universitiy of Skopje, Macedonia Prof. Milan Žvan, PhD Faculty of Sport, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE / NAUČNI ODBOR Chairman / Predsjednik: Prof. Petar Pavlović, PhD Faculty of Phisical Education and Sport, University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Hercegovina Members / Članovi: Prof. Branislav Antala, PhD Faculty of Phisical Education and Sport, University of Bratislava, Slovakia Prof. Žarko Bilić, PhD Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education, University of Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina Vinko Bogdan, MSc Ministry of Scienece and Technology, Government of Republic of Srpska Prof. Božo Bokan, PhD Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Belgrade, Serbia Prof. Milan Čoh, PhD Faculty of Sport, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Prof. Daniela Da{eva, PhD National Sports Academy “Vasil Levski”, Sofia, Bulgaria Prof. Milivoj Dopsaj, PhD Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Belgrade, Serbia Prof. Predrag Dragosavljević, PhD Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Prof. Muriz Hadžikadunić, PhD Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Prof. Ken Hardman, PhD University of Worchester, United Kingdom Prof. Veselin Jovović, PhD Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Montenegro, Montenegro Prof. Dragan Koković, PhD Phylosopic Faculty, University of Novi Sad, Serbia Prof. Vladimir Koprivica, PhD Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Belgrade, Serbia Prof. Amela Matavulj, PhD Faculty of Medicine, University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Prof. Branka Matković, PhD Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, Croatia Prof. Bojan Matković, PhD Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, Croatia Prof. Mihajlo Mijanović, PhD Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, University of Banja Luka, B&H Prof. Zoran Milo{ević, PhD Facilty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Novi Sad, Serbia Assis. Prof. Nenad Ponorac, PhD Faculty of Medicine, University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 iii 3rd International Scientific Conference „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ Prof. Dragan Radovanović, PhD Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Ni{, Serbia Prof. Veroljub Stanković, PhD Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Leposavić, Serbia Prof. Nenad Suzić, PhD Phylosopic Faculty, University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Prof. Nenad Živanović, PhD Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Ni{, Serbia Assis. Prof. Božo Važić, PhD Vice-rector, University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina iv Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ CONTENTS / SADRŽAJ: Aleksandar Acevski, Ilija Klincarov, Nikola Stojanović, and Toplica Stojanović CRITERIA REPRESENTATION WHICH DEFINED DEVELOPMENT LEVEL OF FUNDAMENTAL MOVEMENT SKILL OF OVERARM THROWING WITH ANALYTICAL APPROUCH ZASTUPLJENOST KRITERIJUMA KOJI DEFINI[U NIVO RAZVOJA OSNOVNE MOTORNE VE[TINE BACANJE LOPTICE IZNAD RAMENA SA ANALITIČKIM PRISTUPOM 1 Senad Bajrić, Slobodan Goranović, and Osmo Bajrić FACTOR STRUCTURE OF MORPFOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF YOUNG HANDBALL PLAYERS FAKTORSKA STRUKTURA MORFOLO[KIH KARAKTERISTIKA POLAZNICA RUKOMETNE [KOLE 2 Elvira Beganović and Milica Be{ović BODY POSTURE OF YOUNGER PUPILS DRŽANJE TIJELA KOD UČENIKA MLA\EG [KOLSKOG UZRASTA 3 Milica Be{ović, Elvira Beganović, and Helena Be{ović REGRESSION ANALYSIS IN THE ANTHROPOLOGICAL AREA OF PSYCHOMETRIC AND COGNITIVE COMPETENCIES OF SUBJECTS IN THE POPULATION OF SECONDARY SCHOOL FEMALE PUPILS REGRESIONA ANALIZA U ANTROPOLO[KOM PROSTORU PSIHOMOTORIČKIH I KOGNITIVNIH SPOSOBNOSTI SUBJEKATA U POPULACIJI UČENICA SREDNJE [KOLE 4 Goran Bo{njak, Vladimir Jakovljević, and Gorana Te{anović MONITORING OF HEART RATE AS AN INDICATOR OF EFFICIENCY OF CONTINUOUS LOAD METHOD APPLICATION IN THE TRAINING PROCESS OF 800-METER RUNNERS MONITORING FREKVENCIJE SRCA KAO POKAZATELJ EFIKASNOSTI PRIMJENE KONTINUIRANE METODE OPTEREĆENJA U TRENAŽNOM PROCESU TRKAČA NA 800 METARA 5 Asim Brdarić, Snežana Bijelić, Erol Kovačević, and Fuad Babajić IMMEDIATE EFECTS OF APPLICATION OF MAXIMUM LOAD LIFTED IN PARALLEL SQUAT ON MANIFESTATION OF EXPLOSIVE MUSCLE STRENGTH OF LOWER LIMBS AKUTNI EFEKTI APLIKACIJE METODE MAKSIMALNOG NAPREZANJA (PARALELNI ČUČANJ) NA MANIFESTACIJU EKSPLOZIVNE SNAGE DONJIH EKSTREMITETA 6 Mile Ćavar, Marin Ćorluka, Kristina Marić, and Zoran Čuljak IMPACT OF SOME MOTOR AND STAMINA DETERMINANTS OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION STUDENTS ON MILITARY OBSTACLE COURSE PERFORMANCE UTJECAJ FUNKCIONALNO-MOTORIČKIH SPOSOBNOSTI NA SVLADAVANJE VOJNOG POLIGONA PREPREKA KOD STUDENATA FIZIČKE KULTURE 7 Milan Čoh and Milan Žvan ISOKINETICS IN SPORTS TRAINING IZOKINETIKA U SPORTSKOM TRENINGU 8 Radovan Čokorilo and Milana Grk EDUCATION ORIENTATION OF ADOLESCENTS IN TRANSITIONAL CONDITIONS - BETWEEN HUMANISM AND UTILITARIANISM? OBRAZOVNE ORIJENTACIJE ADOLESCENATA U TRANZICIONIM USLOVIMA – IZME\U HUMANIZMA I UTILITARIZMA? 9 Radenko Dobra{, Adriana Lukić, Aleksandar Kukrić, and Borko Petrović ATTITUDES OF SCHOOL TEACHERS AND SPORT PROFESORS ABOUT PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN JUNIOR SCHOOL AGE STAVOVI NASTAVNIKA RAZREDNE NASTAVE I NASTAVNIKA FIZIČKOG VASPITANJA O FIZIČKOM VASPITANJU MLA\EG [KOLSKOG UZRASTA 10 Radenko Dobra{, Borko Petrović, Aleksandar Kukrić, and Proko Dragosavljević COMPARATIVE REVIEW OF FREQUENCY OF FOOT DEFORMITY AT YOUNGER SCHOOL AGE PUPILS IN BANJA LUKA AND TREBINJE KOMPARATIVNI PRIKAZ UČESTALOSTI DEFORMITETA STOPALA KOD UČENIKA MLA\EG [KOLSKOG UZRASTA NA PODRUČJU BANJA LUKE I TREBINJA 11 Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 v 3rd International Scientific Conference „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ Aleksandar Draganović and Sa{a Marković INFLUENCE OF PLYOMETRIC TRAINING TO THE EXPLOSIVE STRENGTH OF LEG MUSCLES UTICAJ PLIOMETRIJSKOG TRENINGA NA RAZVOJ EKSPLOZIVNE SNAGE NOGU 12 Nikola Foretić, Ante Burger, and Sini{a Turković INFLUENCE OF SOME DEFENCE ACTIVITY PARAMETERS ON GAME RESULT IN TOP HANDBALL UTJECAJ NEKIH PARAMETARA OBRAMBENE AKTIVNOSTI NA ISHOD UTAKMICE U VRHUNSKOM RUKOMETU 13 Georgios Fragkiadakis, \orđe Stefanović, and Violeta [iljak MILITARY TRAINING – THE FORERUNNER OF SPORT VOJNIČKE PRIPREME – PRETEČA SPORTA 14 Gordana Furjan-Mandić, Vanesa Kosalec, and Jadranka Vla{ić INFLUENCE OF AEROBICS TO THE INCREASE OF STRENGTH ENDURANCE IN WOMEN UTJECAJ AEROBIKE NA POVEĆANJE REPETITIVNE SNAGE KOD ŽENA 15 Gordana Furjan-Mandić, Melita Kolarec, and Josipa Rada{ RELATION BEETWEN ELEMENTS WITH APPARATUS AND THE SPECIFIC TEST FOR RHYTHM EVALUATION IN RHYTMIC GYMNASTICS POVEZANOST ELEMENATA S REKVIZITIMA SA SPECIFIČNIM TESTOM ZA PROCJENU RITMA U RITMIČKOJ GIMNASTICI 16 Slobodan Goranović, Sini{a Kari{ik, Dalibor Fulurija, and Zoran Valdevit CONTRIBUTION OF EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM IN HANDBALL TO IMPROVEMENT OF STUDENTS’ MOTOR SKILLS DOPRINOS EKSPERIMENTALNOG PROGRAMA IZ RUKOMETA POBOLJ[ANJU MOTORIČKIH SPOSOBNOSTI UČENIKA 17 Goran Grahovac and Bojan Guzina RESULT ANALYSIS OF PERSPECTIVE SWIMMERS (DISCIPLINE 100m CRAWL) ANALIZA REZULTATA PERSPEKTIVNOG PLIVAČA (DISCIPLINA 100m KRAUL) 18 Bojan Guzina and Goran Grahovac ASSESSMENT OF WORKING PARAMETERS OF ACTIVE MIOGENIC MUSCLES OF FREESTYLE SWIMMERS PROCJENA MIOGENIH PARAMETARA RADNO AKTIVNE MUSKULATURE PLIVAČA U KRAUL TEHNICI 19 Milan Gužvica PREDICTIVITY OF QUALITY OF LEG TECHNICS PERFORMANCE IN KARATE SPORT, BASED ON SOME MOTOR ABILITIES AND MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS PREDIKTIVNOST KVALITETA IZVO\ENJA NOŽNIH TEHNIKA U KARATE SPORTU NA OSNOVU NEKIH MOTORIČKIH SPOSOBNOSTI I MORFOLO[KIH KARAKTERISTIKA 20 Admir Hadžikadunić and Mihajlo Mijanović LOAD ON THE CLASS OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION CAUSED BY DIFFERENT FORMS OF ORGANIZATIONAL METHODICAL WORK OPTEREĆENJE NA ČASU TJELESNOG ODGOJA UZROKOVANO PRIMJENOM RAZLIČITIH METODIČKO ORGANIZACIONIH OBLIKA RADA 21 Ken Hardman GLOBAL SITUATION OF THE PHYSICAL EDUCATION CURRICULUM IN SCHOOLS AND FUTURE SUSTAINABILITY NASTAVNI PLAN FIZIČKOG VASPITANJA I NJEGOVA BUDUĆA ODRŽIVOST NA GLOBALNOM NIVOU 22 Dejan Ilić, Zoran Valdevit, and Vesko Dra{ković FREQUENCY OF FRONTAL PLANE POSTURAL DISORDERS IN 14-17 YEARS OLD GROUP OF HANDBALL PLAYERS UČESTALOST POSTURALNIH POREMEĆAJA U FRONTALNOJ RAVNI KOD RUKOMETA[A UZRASTA OD 14–17 GODINA 23 Jelena Ilić and Milovan Ljubojević COMPARISON OF SELF-ESTEEM, ATHLETIC IDENTITY AND MOTIVATION OF BASKETBALL PLAYERS PORE\ENJE SAMOPO[TOVANJA, vi Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ SPORTSKOG IDENTITETA I MOTIVACIJE ČLANOVA KO[ARKA[KOG TIMA 24 Vladimir Ilić, Srđan Marković, Dejan Ilić, and Igor Ranisavljević EVALUATION OF BODY COMPOSITION MEASUREMENTS OF BASKETBALL PLAYERS IN DIFFERENT COMPETITION LEVEL PROCENA TELESNOG STATUSA KO[ARKA[A RAZLIČITOG RANGA TAKMIČENJA 25 Miroljub Ivanović and Uglje{a Ivanović PSYCHOLOGICAL NEEDS, LIFE GOALS AND HAPPINESS ORIENTATION OF JUNIOR VOLLEYBALL PLAYER’S BENEFIT PSIHOLO[KE POTREBE, ŽIVOTNI CILJEVI I ORIJENTACIJA PREMA SREĆI KAO ODREDNICE SUBJEKTIVNE DOBROBITI KOD ODBOJKA[A JUNIORA 26 Aleksandar Jakovljević, Predrag Grubor, Marinko Domuzin, and Dario Kalacun STRESS FRACTURES IN ACTIVE ADOLESCENT ATHLETES STRESS PRELOMI KOD AKTIVNIH SPORTISTA ADOLESCENATA 27 Aleksandar Jakovljević, Predrag Grubor, Marinko Domuzin, Milorad Maran, and Dario Kalacun SPECIFIC INJURY TREATMENT OF QUADRICEPS FEMORIS MUSCLE IN TOP FOOTBALL PLAYERS SPECIFIČNOSTI LIJEČENJA POVREDA KVADRICEPSA KOD VRHUNSKIH FUDBALERA 28 Mario Jeličić, Damir Sekulić, and Leon Mazić NONLINEAR ANTHROPOMETRIC PREDICTORS OF PERFORMANCE IN ELITE JUNIOR BASKETBALL NELINEARNI ANTROPOMETRIJSKI PREDIKTORI USPJE[NOSTI U VRHUNSKOJ JUNIORSKOJ KO[ARCI 30 Aleksandar Jovanović, Marko Milić, and Vladimir Obradović THE ROLE OF THE MEDIA IN THE PREVENTION OF VIOLENCE IN SPORT ULOGA MEDIJA U PREVENCIJI NASILJA U SPORTU 31 Slađana Jovanović and Vladimir Koprivica CURRENT PROBLEMS OF PERIODIZATION IN ORIENTEERING CHAMPIONSHIP SEASON IN SERBIA AKTUELNI PROBLEMI PERIODIZACIJE TAKMIČARSKE SEZONE U ORIJENTIRINGU U SRBIJI 32 Veselin Jovović and Radomir Čanjak FREQUENCY AND STRUCTURE OF POSTURAL DISORDERS AT YOUNGER STUDENTS OF ADOLESCENT AGE IN MONTENEGRO UČESTALOST I STRUKTURA POSTURALNIH POREMEĆAJA KOD UČENIKA MLA\EG ADOLESCENTNOG DOBA U CRNOJ GORI 33 Tamara Karalić, Nenad Maraleić, and Aleksandra Vujmilović ANALYSIS OF FACTOR STRUCTURE OF PRECISION IN FEMALE VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS ANALIZA FAKTORSKE STRUKTURE PROSTORA PRECIZNOSTI ODBOJKA[ICA 34 Dragan Koković CULTURAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL DIMENSIONS OF SPORT KULTURNO-ANTROPOLO[KE DIMENZIJE SPORTA 35 Danijela Kostanić, Vjekoslav Cigrovski, and Nikola Prlenda CAN EXPLOSIVE LEG STRENGTH OF VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS BE IMPROVED DURING COMPETITIVE SEASON? MOŽE LI SE U NATJECATELJSKOM PERIODU ODBOJKA[A UTJECATI NA RAZVOJ EKSPLOZIVNE SNAGE NOGU? 36 Žarko Kostovski, Marko Zeljković, Luzlim Ibri, Elena Soklevska, and Bo{ko Zaborski VALIDITY, RELIABILITY AND SENSITIVITY OF THE TEST STROKE WITH LEG MAE GERI VAŽNOST, POUZDANOST I OSJETLJIVOST TESTA UDARAC NOGOM - MAJ GERI 37 Boris Male{, Frane Žuvela, and Stjepko Vodanović PREDICTION OF THE LONG JUMP RESULTS IN KINESIOLOGY STUDENTS PREDIKCIJA REZULTATA SKOKA U DALJ KOD STUDENATA KINEZIOLOGIJE 38 Sa{a Marković, Željko Sekulić, Milo{ Obradović, and Srđan Bugarski CONNECTION BETWEEN THE SPEED AND THE ABILITY TO JUMP IN FOOTBAL POVEZANOST IZME\U BRZINE I SKOČNOSTI U FUDBALU 39 Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 vii 3rd International Scientific Conference „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ Slađana Mijatović and Vladislav Ilić APPEARANCE OF OLYMPIC IDEA IN THE KINGDOM OF SERBIA POJAVA OLIMIJSKE MISLI U KRALJEVINI SRBIJI 40 Branimir Mikić, Azer Korjenić, Alen Alender, Denis Begović, and Milo{ Jelčić TRANSFORMATION EFFECTS OF BASIC MOTOR ABILITIES AND MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTIC OF FOOTBALL PLAYERS FROM 16-18 YEARS OLD TRANSFORMACIONI EFEKTI BAZIČNO-MOTORIČKIH SPOSOBNOSTI I MORFOLO[KIH KARAKTERISTIKA KOD FUDBALERA UZRASTA 16-18 GODINA 41 Marko Kimi Milić, Aleksandar Jovanović, and Vladimir Obradović SPORTS EVENTS AS A FACTOR OF TOURISM MARKET SPORTSKI DOGA\AJI KAO FAKTOR RAZVOJA TURISTIČKOG TRŽI[TA 42 Mirjana Milić, Boris Milavić, and Zoran Grgantov RELATIONS BETWEEN PREOCCUPATION WITH SPORTS, MOTIVATION FOR SPORT, SELF-ESTEEM, AND TYPES OF USING COMPUTERS OF ADOLESCENTS RELACIJE IZME\U ZAOKUPLJENOSTI SPORTOM, SAMOPOIMANJA, MOTIVACIJE ZA SPORT I TIPOVA KORI[TENJA RAČUNALA ADOLESCENATA 43 Zoran Milo{ević and Mirče Berar Mićurin FIRST MANUALS AND SPECIALISED PUBLICATIONS IN THE FIELD OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION PUBLISHED IN SERBIAN LANGUAGE PRVI PRIRUČNICI I STRUČNE PUBLIKACIJE IZ FIZIČKOG VASPITANJA NA SRPSKOM JEZIKU 44 Goran Ne{ić, Dragan Mirkov, Milo{ Obradović, Olivera Knežević, Milan Sikimić, Vladimir Ilić, and Srđan Bugarski MODEL OF ANTHROPOMETRIC CHARACTERISTICS AND MOTOR SKILLS OF WOMEN’S SENIOR SERBIAN VOLLEYBALL TEAM “KOLUBARA” FROM LAZAREVAC MODEL ANTROPOMETRIJSKIH KARAKTERISTIKA I MOTORIČKIH SPOSOBNOSTI ŽENSKE SENIORSKE ODBOJKA[KE EKIPE KOLUBARA IZ LAZAREVCA 45 Dario Novak, Petar Barbaros Tudor, and Bojan Matković CERTAIN INDICATORS OF ENERGY CONSUMPTION DURING A TENNIS MATCH ON THE CLAY COURT NEKI POKAZATELJI ENERGETSKE POTRO[NJE TIJEKOM TENISKOG SUSRETA NA ZEMLJANOJ PODLOZI 47 Vladimir Obradović, Marko Kimi Milić, and Aleksandar Jovanović ANTHROPOLOGICAL ASPECT OF TEACHING PHYSICAL EDUCATION AT SCHOOL ANTROPOLO[KI ASPEKT NASTAVE FIZIČKOG VASPITANJA U [KOLAMA 48 Goran Oreb, Jadranka Vla{ić, Darko Katović, and Snežana Bijelić ATTENDANCE AT DANCE CLASSES IN RELATION TO DANCE RESULTS POVEZANOST IZME\U PRISUSTVA ČASOVIMA PLESA I OSTVARENOG REZULTATA 49 Ivana Parčina EDUCATIONAL INFLUENCE OF SPORT VASPITNI UTICAJ SPORTA 50 Petar Pavlović and Kristina Pantelić FOUNDING OF FACULTY OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS IN BANJA LUKA OSNIVANJE FAKULTETA FIZIČKOG VASPITANJA I SPORTA U BANJOJ LUCI 51 Marija Perić, Ljubi{a Zlatanović, and Milica Pavlović LEVELS AND MODALITIES OF AGGRESSION IN PARACHUTISTS NIVOI I MODALITETI AGRESIVNOSTI KOD PADOBRANACA 52 Adam Petrović, Ana Vesković, and Vladimir Koprivica FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE TACTICS IN DIFFERENT BRANCHES OF SPORT FAKTORI KOJI UTIČU NA TAKTIKU U RAZLIČITIM SPORTSKIM GRANAMA 53 Danica Pir{l, Nenad Živanović, Neboj{a Ranđelović, and Tea Pir{l FROM GENDER STUDIES TO GENDER IN STUDIES AND BEYOND OD STUDIJA RODA KA JEDNAKOSTI POLOVA U PROCESU STUDIRANJA I DALJE 54 viii Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ Danica Pir{l, Nenad Živanović, Neboj{a Ranđelović, and Tea Pir{l DIFFERENT OR STRUGGLING FOR DIGNITY IN THE DIVERSITY OF THE HUMAN BEING RAZLIČITI ILI KAKO SE IZBORITI ZA DOSTOJANSTVO LJUDSKOG BIĆA 55 Danica Pir{l, Nenad Živanović, Neboj{a Ranđelović, and Tea Pir{l MEDIA REPRESENTATION OF DISABLED PEOPLE UTICAJ MEDIJA NA PERCEPCIJU INVALIDNOSTI 56 Bo{ko Rozga, Sa{a Krstulović, and Josip Vrdoljak INFLUENCE OF ANXIETY ON SUCCESS IN TAEKWONDO UTJECAJ ANKSIOZNOSTI NA USPJE[NOST U TEKVANDOU 57 Slobodan Simović, Jasmin Komić, Bojan Matković, and \orđe Nićin ANALYSIS OF RESULTS AT EUROBASKET 2011- FINAL RESULTS OF OBSERVED ELEMENTS OF BASKETBALL GAME ANALIZA REZULTATA NA EUROBASKETU 2011. GODINE - KONAČNI REZULTATI POSMATRANIH ELEMENATA KO[ARKA[KE IGRE 58 Veroljub Stanković and Dragan Popović CANONIC RELATIONS BETWEEN SYSTEMS OF MOTOR AND CONATIVE VARIABLES OF ADOLESCENT FEMALES KANONIČKE RELACIJE IZME\U SISTEMA MOTORIČKIH I KONATIVNIH VARIJABLI KOD ADOLESCENTKINJA 59 Marko D. Stojanović, Borislav Obradović, Mladen Mikić, and Sergej M. Ostojić GAME-RELATED STATISTICS THAT DISCRIMINATE WINNING AND LOSING NLB LEAGUE TEAMS IN 2008-2009 SEASON RAZLIKE U ZVANIČNOJ STATISTICI NLB LIGE U ODNOSU NA KONAČAN ISHOD UTAKMICE U SEZONI 2008-2009 60 Marko D. Stojanović, Borislav Obradović, Mladen Mikić1, and Sergej M. Ostojić GAME-RELATED STATISTICS THAT DISCRIMINATE BETWEEN NLB LEAGUE TEAMS SEASON SUCCES RAZLIKE U ZVANIČNOJ STATISTICI NLB LIGE U ODNOSU NA KONAČAN PLASMAN U SEZONI 2008-2009 61 Dražen Subotić DEVELOPMENT OF REPETITIVE STRENGTH OF YOUNG JUDOISTS UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF TRAINING PROGRAM IN A PRE-COMPETITION PERIOD RAZVOJ REPETITIVNE SNAGE MLADIH DŽUDISTA POD UTICAJEM PROGRAMA TRENINGA U PREDTAKMIČARSKOM PERIODU 62 Dražen Subotić EFFECTS OF FITNESS PREPARATION MODEL ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF COORDINATION OF YOUNG JUDOISTS IN A PRE-COMPETITION PERIOD EFEKTI MODELA KONDICIONE PRIPREME NA RAZVOJ KOORDINACIJE U PREDTAKMIČARSKOM PERIODU MLADIH DŽUDISTA 63 Igor [e{ić, Nikolina Gerdijan, Sa{a Marković, Miroslav Zorić, and Srboljub Vuković BODY COMPOSITION OF STUDENTS WITH A DIFFERENT PHYSICAL ACTIVITY LEVEL TJELESNA KOMPOZICIJA UČENIKA RAZLIČITOG NIVOA FIZIČKE AKTIVNOSTI 64 Violeta [iljak, Petar Pavlović, and Elena Plakona ART AND SPORTS UMETNOST I SPORT 65 Du{ko [ljivić ESTABLISHING PROCEDURE OF ON-LINE OF LIBRARY FUND CATALOGUES AT THE LIBRARY OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS FACULTY - BANJA LUKA POSTUPAK IZRADE ON-LINE KATALOGA BIBLIOTEČKOG FONDA BIBLIOTEKE FAKULTETA FIZIČKOG VASPITANJA I SPORTA – BANJA LUKA 66 Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 ix 3rd International Scientific Conference „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ Izudin Tanović, Branimir Mikić, Alen Alender, and Denis Begović TRANSFORMATIONS EFFECTS QUANTATIVE CHANGES OF MOTORICAL AND SPECIFICAL-MOTORIC STATUS CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NECESSY UNDER INFLUENCE THE PROGRAMME OF SPORT GAMES-FOOTBALL TRANSFORMACIONI EFEKTI KVANTITATIVNIH PROMJENA MOTORIČKOG I SPECIFIČNO MOTORIČKOG STATUSA DJECE S POSEBNIM POTREBAMA POD UTICAJEM PROGRAMA SPORTSKIH IGARA - FUDBALA 67 Dragan Toskić ANALYSIS OF THE MORPHOLOGICAL STRUCTURES AND DIFFERENCES AMONG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS CAUSED BY THE EFFECTS OF VARIOUS PHYSICAL EXERCISE PROGRAMS ANALIZA MORFOLO[KIH STRUKTURA I RAZLIKE KOD UČENIKA NASTALIH DELOVANJEM RAZLIČITIH PROGRAMA FIZIČKOG VEŽBANJA 68 Milomir Trivun, Jovica To{ić, and Goran Pa{ić EFFICIENCY OF TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN NATURE ENVIRONMENT ON KAYAKING SCORE PERFORMANCE EFIKASNOST NASTAVE AKTIVNOSTI U PRIRODI NA REZULTATSKU USPJE[NOST VESLANJA KAJAK 69 Milomir Trivun and Jovica To{ić SCORE PERFORMANCE IN DIVING CONDITIONS DEPENDING ON THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT REZULTATSKA USPJE[NOST RONJENJA U ZAVISNOSTI OD PRIRODNIH USLOVA SREDINE 70 Senad Turković, Jasmin Budimlić, and Muhamed Tabaković MODEL OF SELF-EVALUATION BY APPLYING THE WEB PAGE IN REALIZATION OF DISTANCE LEARNING IN THE EDUCATION OF THE STAFF AND TRAINERS IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT MODEL SAMOEVALUACIJE PRIMJENOM iNTERNET STRANICE U REALIZACIJI STUDIJA NA DALJINU (DISTANCE LEARNING) U [KOLOVANJU KADROVA I TRENERA U FIZIČKOJ KULTURI I SPORTU 71 Du{ko Vejnović and Gojko Pavlović VIOLENT BEHAVIOR OF SUPPORTERS’ GROUPS AT SPORTING EVENTS – MATCHES IN THE REPUBLIC OF SRPSKA AND BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA NASILNO PONA[ANJE NAVIJAČKIH GRUPA NA SPORTSKIM PRIREDBAMA - UTAKMICAMA U REPUBLICI SRPSKOJ I BOSNI I HERCEGOVINI 72 Dragoljub Vi{njić, Jelena Ilić, and Zoran Pajić EDUCATIONAL VALUES OF CIRCULAR TRAINING SYSTEM IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL OBRAZOVNE VREDNOSTI KRUŽNOG TRENINGA U OSNOVNOJ [KOLI 74 Milenko Vojvodić and Naim Ćele{ METHODOLOGY OF SERVING IN VOLLEYBALL WITH SPECIAL EMPHASIS TO JUMP FLOAT SERVE METODOLOGIJA IZVO\ENJA SERVISA U ODBOJCI SA AKCENTOM NA SERVIS IZ SKOKA BEZ ROTACIJE (FLOT) 75 Marko Zeljković, Branimir Mikić, Žarko Kostovski, and Jasmin Mehinović CANONICAL RELATION BETWEEN SITUATION-MOTORIC SKILLS AND ELEMENTS OF JUDO TECHNIQUES KANONIČKI ODNOS IZME\U SITUACIONO-MOTORIČKIH SPOSOBNOSTI I ELEMENATA DŽUDO TEHNIKE 76 Nata{a Zenić, Mia Perić, and Damir Sekulić SUBSTANCE USE IN BALLET, DANCE SPORT AND SYNCHRONIZED SWIMMING UPOTREBA SUPSTANCI U BALETU, PLESU I SINKRONIZIRANOM PLIVANJU 77 Nata{a Zenić, Marko Čubrilo, and Goran Cvitan SUBSTANCE USE IN FITNESS EXERCISING KONZUMIRANJE SUPSTANCI U REKREATIVNOM FITNESS VJEŽBANJU 78 Ljubi{a Zlatanović, Milica Pavlović, and Dina Joksimović INTERDISCIPLINARITY OF SPORT AND EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY INTERDISCIPLINARNOST PSIHOLOGIJE SPORTA I VEŽBANJA 79 x Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ Miroslav Zorić, Sa{a Marković, and Željko Sekulić DIFFERENCES IN THE LEVEL OF CADET FOOTBALL PLAYERS MOTOR SKILLS IN REGARD TO THE COMPETITION LEVEL RAZLIKE U NIVOU MOTORIČKIH SPOSOBNOSTI FUDBALERA KADETSKOG UZRASTA U ODNOSU NA RANG TAKMIČENJA 80 INDEX OF AUTHORS 81 Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 xi xii III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ CRITERIA REPRESENTATION WHICH DEFINED DEVELOPMENT LEVEL OF FUNDAMENTAL MOVEMENT SKILL OF OVERARM THROWING WITH ANALYTICAL APPROUCH ZASTUPLJENOST KRITERIJUMA KOJI DEFINI[U NIVO RAZVOJA OSNOVNE MOTORNE VE[TINE BACANJE LOPTICE IZNAD RAMENA SA ANALITIČKIM PRISTUPOM Aleksandar Acevski1, Ilija Klincarov1, Nikola Stojanović2, and Toplica Stojanović3 Faculty of physical culture, Skopje, Macedonia Fakultet fizičke kulture, Skoplje, Makedonija 2 Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Ni{, Serbia Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Ni{, Srbija 3 Faculty of Physica Education and Sport, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herezegovina Fakultet fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta, Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina 1 UDK: 796.433.012.1 Summary Sažetak Fundamental movement skills are the building blocks for successful participation in games and sports. Overarm ball throwing belongs to the fundamental motor skill group which is of manipulative type and is present in all physical education curriculums around the world. The aim of this research was to determine the criteria representation which defines the development level of the fundamental motor skill of overarm throwing with analytical approach. A total of 460 boys were analyzed. They were 3-10 years old, from Skopje. For each group of boys was determined average percentage of each development level, which defines development level of overarm throwing. The results of our research show that the lowest percentage of representation of the highest levels of development and, therefore the most difficult to perform, is trunk rotation 2.32%. The highest percentage 18.62% was established in foot motion which is the easiest to perform. Fundamentalne motorne ve{tine pretstavljaju gradivne blokove koji su neophodni za uspe{no participiranje u sportu i igrama. Bacanje loptice iznad ramena pripada grupi osnovnih motornih ve{tina manipulativnog tipa koja je prisutna u svim kurikulumima fizičkog obrazovanja u celom svetu. Cilj istraživanja je bio utvrditi procentualnu zastupljenost kriterijuma koji defini{u nivo razvoja ove ve{tine sa analitičkom pristupom. Ukupno je analizirano 460 ispitanika mu{kog pola uzrasta od 3 do 10 godina. Za svaku grupu određena je prosečna procentualna zastupljenost nivoa razvoja, koji defini{u sam motorni razvoj ove ve{tine. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da najmanju procentulanu zastupljenost kod najvi{ih nivoa razvoja, a zapravo i najteže za manifestaciju, je ona koje defini{e rotacija trupa 2,32%. Najveća procentulna zastupljenost kod najvi{ih nivoa, a zapravo i najlak{a za manifestaciju, je ona koje defini{e kretanje stopala 18,62%. Key Words: overarm throwing, development level, analytical approach, percentage. Ključne riječi: bacanje loptice iznad ramena, nivo razvoja, analitički prustup, procenat. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 1 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ FACTOR STRUCTURE OF MORPFOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF YOUNG HANDBALL PLAYERS FAKTORSKA STRUKTURA MORFOLO[KIH KARAKTERISTIKA POLAZNICA RUKOMETNE [KOLE Senad Bajrić1, Slobodan Goranović2, Osmo Bajrić1, and Vidosav Lolić1 Paneuropean University “Apeiron”, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Panevropski Univerzitet “Apeiron”, Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina 2 Faculty of Physica Education and Sport, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herezegovina Fakultet fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta, Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina 1 UDK: 796.322.011.1 Summary Sažetak Research has been done on the sample of 121 examenees, the beginners in handball school of Woman’s Handball Club „Travnik“ from Travnik, WHC „Vitez „ from Vitez, WHC „Borja“ from Teslić and WHC „Iskra“ from Bugojno. Within this research is applied the group of 12 morphological variables that hypthetically cover the areas of longitudinal and transversal dimensions of skeleton, the body volume and body weight ,as well as subcutaneous adipose tissue.The basic goal of the research was to find out the latent structure of morphological characters of young handball players at the age of 12 to 14 years. In order to find out the latent structure of morphological characteristics , the factor analysis has been applied. The obtained results show that morphological area of young handball players cover two isolated latent dimensions (factors) that could be defined as a factor of longitudinal and transversal dimensions of skeleton, as well as the factor of circulatory dimensions of body and the factor of subcutaneous adipose tissue. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 121 ispitanice, početnica {kole rukometa ŽRK „Travnik“ iz Travnika, ŽRK „Vitez“ iz Viteza, ŽRK „Borja“ iz Teslića i ŽRK „Iskra“ iz Bugojna. U istraživanju je primijenjen skup od dvanaest morfolo{kih varijabli koji hipotetski pokrivaju prostore longitudinalne dimenzionalnosti i transferzalne dimenzionalnosti skeleta, te obima i težine tijela kao i potkožno masno tkivo. Osnovni cilj istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi latentna struktura morfolo{kih karakteristika mladih rukometa{ica uzrasta 12 do 14 godina. Za utvrđivanje latentne strukture morfolo{kih karakteristika primijenjena je faktorska analiza. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da morfolo{ki prostor mladih rukometa{ica pokrivaju dvije izolovane latentne dimenzije (faktora), koji se mogu definisati kao faktor longitudinalne i transferzalane dimenzionalnosti skeleta i kao faktor cirkularne dimenzionalnosti tijela i potkožnog masnog tkiva. Key Words: handball, morphological characteristics , factor analysis. Ključne riječi: rukomet, morfolo{ke karakteristike, faktorska analiza. 2 Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ BODY POSTURE OF YOUNGER PUPILS DRŽANJE TIJELA KOD UČENIKA MLA\EG [KOLSKOG UZRASTA Elvira Beganović1 and Milica Be{ović1 Pedagogical Faculty, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Nastavnički fakultet, Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina 1 UDK: 796.012.266-053.5 Summary Sažetak The purpose of this research is to determine how expressed is the irregular body posture among the younger school population. The research has been conducted on a sample of 60 pupils, aging between 10-11; attending the fifth grade of the ninth-year primary school system. The research has been done in the Primary School “Kovačići“ in Sarajevo.The choice of the measurement devices has been made based on the analysis of behaviours of numerous indicators, which have been used in earlier researches. This is all in order to insure sufficiently reliable data for the realization of the set objectives. The following measurement devices/tests have been applied: measuring the backbone curve, measuring side curve of a backbone, checking feet structure using the method of plantography. By analysing backbones’ curves measurements, one can notice that 57% of pupils have regular body posture whereas 43% of pupils have irregular body posture. Measuring the side curve of a backbone resulted in the following: 57% of pupils have regular body posture, 13% of pupils have the irregular posture of shoulders, different levels of shoulder blades - known as scoliosys, 30% of pupils have front-bending heads, front-bending shoulders, expressed slouch, back-bending breasts, shoulder-blades expressed, bowed stomach, easy up-bending knees, which is a sign of deformity, known as kyphosys. Testing the feet structure resulted in the following: 42% of pupils have regular feet, 35% of pupils have flat/leveled feet, 23% of pupils have up-bending/risen feet. Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrdi da li je, koliko i u kojoj mjeri prisutno nepravilno držanje tijela kod učenika mlađeg {kolskog uzrasta. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 60 učenika, u starosnoj dobi od 10-11 godina, petih razreda devetogodi{nje osnovne {kole. Testiranje je provedeno u O[ “Kovačići“ u Sarajevu. Izbor mjernih instrumenata izveden je na osnovu analize pona{anja većeg broja indikatora primijenjenih u dosada{njim istraživanjima, s namjerom da se osigura dovoljno pouzdanih podataka za realizaciju postavljenog cilja. Primijenjeni su sljedeći mjerni instrumenti/ testovi: mjerenje krivine kičmenog stuba, mjerenje bočne krivine kičmenog stuba, provjera građe stopala metodom plantografije. Analizirajući mjerenje krivine kičmenog stuba može se vidjeti da 57% učenika ima pravilno držanje, dok 43% učenika ima nepravilno držanje tijela. Mjerenjem bočne krivine kičmenog stuba do{lo se do sljedećih rezultata i to da 57% učenika ima dobro držanje, 13% učenika ima nepravilan položaj ramena, različite nivoe lopatica, {to se naziva skolioza, a 30% učenika ima glavu savijenu naprijed, ramena povijena unaprijed, pojačanu pogrbljenost, grudi uvučene, lopatice istaknute, trbuh mlitavo ispupčen, koljena lahko savijena i pomjerena naprijed, {to ukazuje na deformaciju koja se zove kifoza. Provjerom građe stopala do{lo se do sljedećih rezultata: 42% učenika ima dobro stopalo, 35% učenika ima ravno stopalo, te 23% učenika ima podignuto stopalo. Key Words: pupils, body posture, corrective exercises, variables. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 Ključne riječi: učenici, držanje tijela, korektivne vježbe, varijable. 3 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ REGRESSION ANALYSIS IN THE ANTHROPOLOGICAL AREA OF PSYCHOMETRIC AND COGNITIVE COMPETENCIES OF SUBJECTS IN THE POPULATION OF SECONDARY SCHOOL FEMALE PUPILS REGRESIONA ANALIZA U ANTROPOLO[KOM PROSTORU PSIHOMOTORIČKIH I KOGNITIVNIH SPOSOBNOSTI SUBJEKATA U POPULACIJI UČENICA SREDNJE [KOLE Milica Be{ović1, Elvira Beganović1, and Helena Be{ović2 Pedagogical Faculty, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Nastavnički fakultet, Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina 1 Univerzitet Misuri,Kolumbija, USA Univerzitet Misuri, Kolumbija, SAD 1 UDK: 796.012.1-053.5 Summary Sažetak In order to determine the influence in the anthropological area of psychometric and cognitive competencies as well as their correlation with the success in studying, a partial research has been conducted on a simple random sample of 200 entities representing female population in a secondary school. These are described with seven sets of primary psychometric indicators as well as with the set of general indicators depicting success instudying.Bearing in mind the criteria of formal representation of the kinesyology education in the teaching plan, the main sample is divided into two sub-sumples representing two and four hours a week. Regression analysis is applied in order to determine the influence of predictory system of psychometric variables onto the criteriavariable for the success in studying. Analizying the processed parametres in the multiple linear regression, the starting hypothesis is confirmed, thus, there is a statysticaly significance correlation between the system of psychometric variables and the variable of general learning success of the female population in the secondary schools. Thereafter, it is concluded that the results do not contradict with the up to date scientific findings and the real/true correlation between psychometric and cognitive dimensions within the antropologycal area/ surface. The findings/data imply the need for transition of the teaching plan and program model for the tested population, in favor of biopsychosocial integrity of its own entities. Radi utvrđivanja uticaja u antropolo{kom prostoru psihomotoričkih i kognitivnih sposobnosti te njihove povezanosti sa uspjehom u učenju, provedeno je djelimično istraživanje na jednostavnom slučajnom uzorku od 200 entiteta ženske srednjo{kolske populacije, opisanih sa 7 setova primarnih psihomotoričkih indikatora te setom indikatora općeg uspjeha u učenju. Po kriteriju formalne zastupljenosti nastave kineziolo{ke edukacije u nastavnom planu, uzorak je stratificiran na subuzorke sa po dva i sa po četiri časa sedmično. Za utvrđivanje uticaja prediktorskog sistema psihomotoričkih varijabli na kriterijsku varijablu uspjeha u učenju primijenjena je regresiona analiza. Prema ostvarenim parametrima u multiple linearnoj regresiji, potvrđena je početna pretpostavka da između sistema psihomotoričkih varijabli i varijable općeg uspjeha učenica u srednjoj {koli postoje statistički značajna povezanost, potom je zaključeno da rezultati ne protivurječe dosada{njim naučnim saznanjima i stvarnoj povezanosti psihomotoričkih i kognitivnih dimenzija antropolo{kog prostora. Podaci indiciraju potrebu tranzicije modela nastavnog plana i programa tretirane populacije u korist biopsihosocijalnog integriteta njenih entiteta. Ključne riječi: psihomotoričke sposobnosti, kognitivne sposobnosti, regresija, ženski uzorak, srenje {kole. Key Words: psychometric competencies, cognitive competencies, regression, female sample, secondary schools. 4 Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ MONITORING OF HEART RATE AS AN INDICATOR OF EFFICIENCY OF CONTINUOUS LOAD METHOD APPLICATION IN THE TRAINING PROCESS OF 800-METER RUNNERS MONITORING FREKVENCIJE SRCA KAO POKAZATELJ EFIKASNOSTI PRIMJENE KONTINUIRANE METODE OPTEREĆENJA U TRENAŽNOM PROCESU TRKAČA NA 800 METARA Goran Bo{njak1, Vladimir Jakovljević1, and Gorana Te{anović1 Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Fakultet fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta, Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina 1 UDK: 796.422.12.015.15 Summary Sažetak Sport training is a transformation process, from whose proper planning and implementation depends sport success. Periodization of training is determined by the training process for each segment of the competition year. 800-meter run is an athletic discipline that requires high level of general and speed endurance, which is directly related to cardiovascular and respiratory systems, i.e. with heart rate thresholds and abilities of the athletes to train the heart to withstand load during running. Therefore, by this study with monitoring of heart rate during two trainings, two micro-cycles of competitive period in which continuous load method was applied, we wanted to determine efficacy of these methods in the competition period. We analyzed the average values of heart rate during trainings of the 800m national representative of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Based on discussions we concluded that the respondent tolerated stress easier in the second micro-cycle, showed improved aerobic endurance and that the use of continuous load methods in the competition period had beneficial effect on heart rate of the respondent. Sportski trening predstavlja svojevrsni transformacioni proces, od čijeg pravilnog planiranja i sprovođenja zavisi uspješnost u sportu. Periodizacija treninga određuje karakteristike trenažnog procesa za svaki segment takmičarske godine. Trčanje na 800m je atletska disciplina koja iziskuje velik nivo izdržljivosti i brzinske izdržljivosti, što je u direktnoj vezi sa kardiovaskularnim i respiratornim sistemima, tj. sa pragovima frekvencije srca i sposobnosti organizma sportiste da istrenira srce za opterećenja koja treba da izdrži tokom trčanja. Upravo stoga, u ovom istraživanju se monitoringom srčane frekvencije u toku dva treninga, dva mikrociklusa takmičarskog perida, u kojima se primjenjivala kontinuirana metoda opterećenja, željelo utvrditi efikasnost primjene navedene metode u takmičarskom periodu. Analizirane su prosječne vrijednosti srčane frekvencije u toku navedenih treninga državnog reprezentativca Bosne i Hercegovine na 800m, a na osnovu diskusije je zaključeno da je ispitanik u drugom mikrociklusu lakše podnosio opterećenja, pokazao bolju aerobnu izdržljivost, te da je primjena kontinuirane metode opterećenja u takmičarskom periodu imala blagotvoran učinak na frekvenciju srca ispitanika. Key Words: training, competitive period, continuous load method, heart rate. Ključne riječi: trening, takmičarski period, kontinuirana metoda opterećenja, srčana frekvencija. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 5 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ IMMEDIATE EFECTS OF APPLICATION OF MAXIMUM LOAD LIFTED IN PARALLEL SQUAT ON MANIFESTATION OF EXPLOSIVE MUSCLE STRENGTH OF LOWER LIMBS AKUTNI EFEKTI APLIKACIJE METODE MAKSIMALNOG NAPREZANJA (PARALELNI ČUČANJ) NA MANIFESTACIJU EKSPLOZIVNE SNAGE DONJIH EKSTREMITETA Asim Bradić1, Snežana Bijelić2, Erol Kovačević3, and Fuad Babajić4 Faculty of Kinesiology, Zagreb, Croatia Kinezilo{ki fakultet, Zagreb, Hrvatska 2 Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Fakultet fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta, Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina 2 Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Fakultet sporta i tjelesnog odgoja, Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina 1 Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina Fakultet tjelesnog odgoja i sporta, Tuzla, Bosna i Hercegovina 1 UDK: 796.012.112 Summary Sažetak In accordance with the research issue, specifically with the issue of determining acute effects on the demonstration of explosive strength of lower extremities related to horizontal and vertical component, general aim was to determine the difference of the above mentioned after application of parallel back squat to maximum degree. Research has been conducted on the sample of fourteen (14) respondents, which included active athletes, more precisely athletes who in the period of testing actively participated in sports practice with their teams. They didn’t claim to be suffering from any type of illness or injury of locomotive apparatus. The whole sample was tested by detailed program, which understood that testing was conducted through two stages, before and after the application of maximum parallel squat. After measuring the results of this testing, their operationalization was made, therefore the acquired results were measured using mathematical statistical methods where their descriptive parameters were first measure, and then control variables were subject to univariant t-test for small dependent samples. Generally speaking, on the basis of the results of conducted tests it can be concluded that application of maximum parallel back squat, as the practice of activators has partially led to expected changes, where on the control variable for checking vertical component of explosive strength positive changes appeared. In other words, it has come to positive results, while on the control variable for sprint results are opposite and lower. Shodno samoj problematici istraživanja, odnosno, konkretno problemu utvrđivanja akutnih efektata na manifestaciju eksplozivne snage donjih ekstremiteta horizontalne i vertikalne komponente generalni cilj rada, bio je, utvrditi veličinu razlika istih nakon aplikacije paralelnog stražnjeg čučnja maksimalnim intenzitetom. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od četrnaest (14) ispitanika, koji je uzet iz populacije aktivnih sportista, a sačinjavali su ga sportisti koji su u vrijeme sprovođenja testiranja bili aktivno angažovani u trenažnom procesu, te nisu prijavili nikakvo oboljenje, kao ni povredu lokomotornog aparata. Kompletan uzorak je testiran po detaljno opisanom protokolu, {to je podrazumjevalo da se testiranje odvija kroz dvije faze, i to prije i poslije aplikacije maksimalnog paralelnog čučnja, kao vježbe aktivatora. Nakon izmjerenih rezultata izvr{ena je i njihova operacionalizacija, tako da su dobijeni podaci podvrgnuti matematičko statističkim metodama gdje su najprije izmjereni deskriptivni parametri, a potom su kontrolne varijable podvrgnute univarijantnom t-testu za male zavisne uzorke. Generalno, na osnovu rezultata sprovedenog istraživanja može se zaključiti da je aplikacija maksimalno paralelnog stražnjeg čučnja, kao vježbe aktivatora djelimično izazvala očekivane promjene, gdje je na kontrolnoj varijabli za provjeru vertikalne komponente eksplozivne snage do{lo do pozitivnih promjena, odnosno pobolj{anja rezultata, dok su na kontrolnoj varijabli sprinta rezultati dijametralno suprotni i tendiraju ka nižim vrijednostima. Key Words: explosive strenght, postactivation potentiation, athletes, sprint, jumps. Ključne riječi: eksplozivna snaga, postaktivacijska potencijacija, sportisti, sprint, skokovi. 6 Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ IMPACT OF SOME MOTOR AND STAMINA DETERMINANTS OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION STUDENTS ON MILITARY OBSTACLE COURSE PERFORMANCE UTJECAJ FUNKCIONALNO-MOTORIČKIH SPOSOBNOSTI NA SVLADAVANJE VOJNOG POLIGONA PREPREKA KOD STUDENATA FIZIČKE KULTURE Mile Ćavar1, Marin Ćorluka1, Kristijan Marić1, and Zoran Čuljak1 Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education, Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina 1 Fakultet prirodoslovno-matematičkih i odgojnih znanosti, Mostar, Bosna i Hercegovina UDK: 796.012.1 Summary Sažetak The purpose of the this study was to investigate relationships between some motor and stamina predictors on miltary obstacle course perfomance which previous studies failed to do on non-military population. Thirtytwo physical education students (age 20 ± .6 year, height 183.81± 6.79 cm, weight 80.95 ± 9.08 kg, body fat 14.87 ± 3.31) participated in this study. Beside infantry military obstacle course (OC) subjects were evaluated on long jump from place test, rising legs from the hang and 800m running test on track. Significant correlations were obtained between OC and each applied test. Regression analysis showed significant relationship between three predictors and OC (coefficient of determination R2 = .41) but less than in similar previous studies on solidiers. As reasons for this we pointed out the absence of morfological variables in regression analyses and insufficient development of motor knowledge associated to OC perfomance. Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi povezanost između nekih funkcionalno-motoričkih prediktora i izvedbe vojnog poligona ali na populaciji bez specifične vojne naobrazbe. Uzorak ispitanika činilo je trideset dva studenta fizičke kulture (prosječne dobi 20 ± 0,6 godina, visine 183,81± 6,79cm, težine 80,95 ± 9,08kg, postotka masnog tkiva 14,87 ± 3,31%). Pored izvedbe pje{ačkog vojnog poligona (VP) procjenjivan je i motoričko funkcionalni prostor ispitanika putem testa skok u dalj iz mjesta (eksplozivna snage nogu), podizanje nogu iz visa na preči (repetitivna snaga) te trčanja na 800m (aerobnoanaerobna izdržljivost). Dobivene su značajne korelacije između izvedbe VP i svakog od analiziranih testova. Regresijskom analizom dobivena je značajna povezanost prediktorskog prostora s kriterijem (VP) (koeficijent determinacije R2 = 0,41). Povezanosti prediktorskog prostora s VP bila je niža nego u sličnim ranijim radovima na vojnicima. Razlog za ovakve odnose autori vide u izostavljanju morfolo{kih varijabli u regresijskoj analizi {to nije bio slučaj u ranijim radovima kao i nedovoljno razvijenim motoričkim znanjima potrebnim za svladavanje prepreka poligona. Key Words: obstacle, infantry, relations between perfomances. Ključne riječi: prepreke, pje{a{tvo, relacije između testova. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 7 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ ISOKINETICS IN SPORTS TRAINING IZOKINETIKA U SPORTSKOM TRENINGU Milan Čoh1 and Milan Žvan1 Faculty of Sport, Ljubljana, Slovenia Fakulteta za {port, Ljubljana, Slovenija 1 UDK: 796.015.52 Summary Sažetak Isokinetics is a diagnostic method used in the sport training process to measure strength of agonist and antagonist muscles. The data obtained by isokinetic measurements are objective, accurate and repeatable. They are primarily used to make the programming and control of the strength training processes more objective. The basic parameter of isokinetic testing is peak torque (PT) which serves as a criterion of the extensor and flexor strength and is measured in newton-metres (Nm). Because strength depends on body mass, peak torque is normalised to the body mass variable. The diagnostic procedures in isokinetics are designed primarily to test symmetry and asymmetry of strength of the flexors and extensors of the upper and lower extremities as well as of the body. The data on absolute and relative values of the agonist and antagonist strength are important in terms of joint stabilisation and muscle chain quality. Isokinetic testing can reveal a severe pressure on the chain which may result in an injury. The testing was conducted on a sample of elite athletes, using the BIODEX Medical System 3 isokinetic dynamometer. Izokinetika je diagnostička metoda u procesu sportskog treninga sa kojom mjerimo mi{ićnu snagu agonista i antagonista. Podatci koje dobijemo sa izokinetičkim mjerenjem su objektivni, tačni i ponovljivi. Služe nam u prvom redu za objektivnije programiranje i kontrolu trenažnih procesa u području snage. Osnovni parameter testiranja u izokinetici je maksimalni obrtni moment (ang. peak torque PT) kao kriterij snage ekstenzora i fleksora, mjeren u newtonmetrima (Nm). Po{to je snaga ovisna od tjelesne težine, maksimalni obrtni moment se normalizuje sa varijablom tjelesne težine. Diagnostički postupci u izokinetici su vezani, prije svega, za testiranje simetrije i asimetrije snage fleksora i ekstenzora gornjih i donjih ekstremiteta i tijela. Podatci absolutnih i relativnih vrednosti snage agonista i antagonista su važni sa aspekta stabilizacije zglobova i kvalitete mi{ičnih lanaca. Izokinetičko testiranje identificira najlo{iju kariku tog lanca, gdje može doći do povrede. Testiranje smo realizovali na izokinetičkom dinamometru BIODEX Medical System 3 na uzorku vrhunskih atletičara. Key Words: isokinetics, peak torque, agonist, antagonist, training. 8 Ključne riječi: izokinetika, moment sile, agonist, antragonist, trening. Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ EDUCATION ORIENTATION OF ADOLESCENTS IN TRANSITIONAL CONDITIONS - BETWEEN HUMANISM AND UTILITARIANISM? OBRAZOVNE ORIJENTACIJE ADOLESCENATA U TRANZICIONIM USLOVIMA – IZME\U HUMANIZMA I UTILITARIZMA? Radovan Čokorilo1 and Milana Grk2 Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Novi Sad, Serbia Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Novi Sad, Srbija 1 Faculty of Philosophy, Novi Sad, Serbia Filozofski fakultet, Novi Sad, Srbija 1 UDK:37.01 Summary Sažetak Postmodern age is characterized by rapid change and numerous crises, between which there is often a causal relationship. Information era has created a platform for the creation of the concept of a knowledge society in which intellectual capital plays a key role. In such a concept of social development, continuing education becomes a central political category and the main lever of this development. One manifestation of the above concept is the Bologna’s philosophy of education . However, the question is whether through the these changes modern concept of education improves its traditionally humanistic perspective or to look for latent market’s utilitarianism? Since we live in a during sustained social, economic, moral and political crisis in our region, nor educational orientation of adolescents are not outside of the influence of such social conditions. The aim of this study was to investigate adolescents’ educational orientation in transitional conditions, or whether if adolescent educate of utilitarian reasons or to achieve personal development and disposition? The research is primarily exploratory in character and results can be used as a starting point in designing effective educational policies and considerations of relevance, validity and humanity of the aims of education in modern conditions. Postmoderno doba karakteri{u ubrzane promene i brojne krize, između kojih često postoji uzročno-posledična povezanost. Informatička era stvorila je platformu za stvaranje koncepcije dru{tva znanja u kome intelektualni kapital ima ključnu ulogu. U takvom konceptu razvoja dru{tva, permanentno obrazovanje postaje centralna politička kategorija i osnovna poluga tog razvoja. Jedna od manifestacija navedenog koncepta jeste i Bolonjska filozofija obrazovanja. Međutim, postavlja se pitanje da li putem ovih promena savremena koncepcija obrazovanja usavr{ava svoju, tradicionalno humanističku perspektivu ili je po sredi latentna trži{na utilitarnost? Budući da živimo u vreme konstantne dru{tvene, ekonomske, moralne i političke krize na na{im prostorima, ni obrazovne orijentacije adolescenata nisu izvan uticaja takvih dru{tvenih uslova. Cilj ovog rada bio je da istraži obrazovne orijentacije adolescenata u tranzicionim uslovima, odnosno da li se adolescenti obrazuju iz utilitarističkih pobuda ili radi ostvarivanja i razvijanja ličnih dispozicija? Istraživanje je prvenstveno eksplorativnog karaktera i rezultati mogu poslužiti kao polazna tačka u kreiranju efikasne obrazovne politike ali i promi{ljanja relevantnosti, validnosti i humanosti ciljeva obrazovanja u savremenim uslovima. Key Words: Bologna philosophy of education, knowledge technisation, dehumanization, the market, the meaning of education. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 Ključne riječi: Bolonjska filozofija obrazovanja, tehnizacija znanja, dehumanizacija, trži{te, smisao obrazovanja. 9 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ ATTITUDES OF SCHOOL TEACHERS AND SPORT PROFESORS ABOUT PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN JUNIOR SCHOOL AGE STAVOVI NASTAVNIKA RAZREDNE NASTAVE I NASTAVNIKA FIZIČKOG VASPITANJA O FIZIČKOM VASPITANJU MLA\EG [KOLSKOG UZRASTA Radenko Dobra{1, Adriana Lukić1, Aleksandar Kukrić1, and Borko Petrović1 Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Fakultet fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta, Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina 1 UDK: 796.01 Summary Sažetak Physical education in junior school age is a process which encounters many problems. Certainly one of the biggest problems is avoiding physical education classes or teaching some other classes instead of physical education. This phenomenon certainly indicates that those who teach in older grades do not think that physical educaion is as important as other subjects. To determine the level of attitudes towards physical education, teachers who teach younger school age were tested using OSTAV test. The same procedure was repeated with teachers who teach in older grades. After data gathering and statistical analysis it was undoubtedly determined that teachers in junior grades have statistically lower level of attitudes about physical education, which, definitely, may be the reason of poor quality and regularity of classes, which is something this paper is dealing with. Fizičko vaspitanje mlađeg {kolskog uzrasta je proces koji se odvija uz mnogo problema. Svakako da je jedan od najvećih problema neodržavanje časova fizičkog vaspitanja ili izvođenja nastave iz nekih drugih predmeta umjesto fizičkog vaspitanja. Ova pojava svakako ukazuje na to da oni kaji izvode nastavu za predmetni uzrast ne smatraju fizičko vaspitanje predmetom koji jednako važan kao i ostali. Da bi se utvrdio nivo stavova o nastavi fizičkog vaspitanja, nastavnici razredne nastave, koji izvode nastavu za mlađi {kolski uzrast, su testirani uz pomoć testa OSTAV. Ista procedura provedena je i sa nastavnicima fizičkog vaspitanja. Nakon prikupljanja podataka i statističkom obradom istih nedvosmisleno je utvrđeno da nastavnici razredne nastave imaju statistički značajno niži nivo stavova o nastavi fizičkog vaspitanja, {to svakao može biti razlog lo{eg kvaliteta i redovnosti nastave, čime se i bavi ovaj rad. Key Words: physical education, junior school age, attitudes. 10 Ključne riječi: fizičko vaspitanje, mlađi {kolski uzrast, stavovi. Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ COMPARATIVE REVIEW OF FREQUENCY OF FOOT DEFORMITY AT YOUNGER SCHOOL AGE PUPILS IN BANJA LUKA AND TREBINJE KOMPARATIVNI PRIKAZ UČESTALOSTI DEFORMITETA STOPALA KOD UČENIKA MLA\EG [KOLSKOG UZRASTA NA PODRUČJU BANJA LUKE I TREBINJA Radenko Dobra{1, Borko Petrović1, Aleksandar Kukrić1, and Proko Dragosavljević1 Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Fakultet fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta, Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina 1 UDK: 611.718(497.6BanjaLuka)(497.6Trebinje) Summary Sažetak Using pedobarography procedure and EMED platform from German manufacturer Novel, 286 students from Banja Luka and Trebinje were examined. The aim of the research was to determine the frequency of foot deformity, which deformities are common, and is there a difference between respondents from Banja Luka and Trebinje when it comes to the number, type and heaviness of the determined deformity. Processing of collected data showed that the most common deformities are pedes plani and pedes transversoplani. Comparing the results of examination of children from Banja Luka and Trebinje, no statistically significant differences in both the frequency and the type and degree of deformity was not determined. Postupkom pedobarografije uz pomoć EMED platforme njemačkog proizvođača Novel, pregledano je 286 učenika iz Banja Luke i Trebinja. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi kolika je učestalost deformiteta stopala, koji deformiteti su najče{ći, te postoji li razlika između ispitanika iz Banja Luke i Trebinja kada je u pitanju broj, vrsta i težina utvrđenih deformiteta. Obradom prikupljenih podataka utvrđeno je da su najče{ći deformiteti pedes plani i pedes transversoplani. Poređenjem rezultata pregleda djece iz Banja Luke i Trebinja, nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika, kako u učestalosti, tako i vrsti i stepenu deformiteta. Key Words: pedobarography, foot deformities, students. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 Ključne riječi: pedobarografija, deformiteti stopala, učenici. 11 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ INFLUENCE OF PLYOMETRIC TRAINING TO THE EXPLOSIVE STRENGTH OF LEG MUSCLES UTICAJ PLIOMETRIJSKOG TRENINGA NA RAZVOJ EKSPLOZIVNE SNAGE NOGU Aleksandar Draganović1 and Sa{a Marković1 Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Fakultet fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta, Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina 1 UDK: 796.012.114 Summary Sažetak During the six weeks’ experimental period, junior basketball players have been divided into two groups, experimental and the control one, and respectively submitted to different training treatments. Along the regular technical and tactical trainings, experimental group also trained twice a week according to the model of plyometric training. Control group did only technical and tactical trainings during the same period. The purpose of this research was testing the influence of the plyometric training to the explosive muscle strength of leg muscle extensors. Three main variables were observed during the test, represented by three tests of motoric abilities. Examinees were tested in following disciplines: 20 meters sprint, triple jump and a vertical jump from the standstill (Sargent test). By comparing the results of initial and final measurements, the improvement in all three tests in the control group is clearly visible due to the influence of plyometric training. The importance in 20 meters sprint test and the Sargent test is one hundred percent (p = .00). The research has confirmed the positive influence of plyometric training on the development of junior basketball players’ muscle extensors explosive strength. U periodu od {est nedelja, ko{arka{i juniorskog uzrasta podjeljeni u dvije grupe, eksperimentalnu i kontrolnu, i bili su podvrgnuti različitim trenažnim tretmanima. Eksperimentalna grupa je pored redovnih tehničkotaktičkih treninga, trenirala i po modelu pliometrijskog treninga dva puta sedmično. Kontrolna grupa u istom periodu imala je samo tehničko-taktičke treninge. Cilja ovog istraživanja bilo je testiranje uticaja sadržaja pliometrijskog treninga na eksplozivnu snagu mi{ića opružača nogu. U toku eksperimenta posmatrane su tri varijable, odnosno tri motorička testa. Ispitanici su testirani na: sprint na 20 m, troskok i skok u vis iz mjesta (Sardžent test). Upoređivanjem rezultata sa inicijalnih i finalnih mjerenja jasno se uočava pobolj{anje rezultat na sva tri testa kontrolne grupe, zbog uticaja pliometrijskog treninga. U testovima sprint na 20 m i Sardžent testu postignuta značajnost je stoprocentna (p = 0,00). Istraživanje je potvrdilo pozitivan uticaj pliometrijskog metoda treninga na razvoj eksplozivne snage opružača ko{arka{a juniora. Ključne riječi: pliometrija, ciklus izduživanja i skraćivanja, ko{arka{i juniori, eksplozivna snaga. Key Words: plyometric, stretch-shortening cycles, junior basketball players, explosive muscle strength. 12 Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ INFLUENCE OF SOME DEFENCE ACTIVITY PARAMETERS ON GAME RESULT IN TOP HANDBALL UTJECAJ NEKIH PARAMETARA OBRAMBENE AKTIVNOSTI NA ISHOD UTAKMICE U VRHUNSKOM RUKOMETU Nikola Foretić1, Ante Burger1, and Sini{a Turković2 Faculty of Kinesiology, Split, Croatia Kineziolo{ki fakultet, Split, Hrvatska 2 Freelance Sports Professional, Split, Croatia Samostalni sportski djelatnik, Split, Hrvatska 1 UDK: 796.322/796.092.272.3 Summary Sažetak As in most of the ball sports, expert teams dealing with handball often speculate about the importance of a game stage on the final result or team succes in a competition. In order to bring these speculations to an objective level, the game stages should be evaluated on a larger basis of relevant parameters. In this paper, we discuss several parameters of individual efficiency and fouls during defence players activity. The mentioned activities are recorded in a video analysis of 54 games played in the World Handball Cup that took place in Croatia in 2009. For the needs of this paper, only the Preliminary Round games have been analysed, whereat the efficiency variables represent regular fouls with stoppages and errors refer to the withdrawals made during the game. There was a total of 10 variables since the mentioned activities have been recorded for 4 standard defence positions: left back, right back, center back and center forward.. The total number of withdrawals and fouls of each team has also been analysed. The results of descriptive statistics have shown unequal distribution of 8 variables, undergone non-parameter statistical method application at analysis. Difference analysis (ANOVA, Kurskal-Wallis ANOVA) between the winning and beaten teams have shown that only center forward withdrawal is significant as far as winning in top men handball is concerned (p = .01). The latter underlines the importance of center forward in all types of defence, as often quoted in literature, as well as in expert theme discussions. The results of the research may be used by handball sportspersons and experts when analysing games and TE-TA team preparataions. Kao {to je slučaj kod većine sportskih igara s loptom, i u rukometnim se ekspertnim krugovima često spekulira o važnosti pojedinih faza igre za konačni rezultat utakmice ili uspjeh ekipe na natjecanju. Kako bi spekulacije doveli na {to objektivniji nivo faze igre valja procjenjivati kroz {to veći broj referentnih parametara. U ovom su radu obrađeni neki parametri individualne učinkovitosti i pogre{aka tijekom obrambene aktivnosti braniča. Spomenute aktivnosti su notirane video analizom 54 utakmice Svjetskog prvenstva za rukometa{e održanog u Hrvatskoj 2009. godine. Za potrebe istraživanja analizirane su samo utakmice prvog kruga natjecanja (Preliminary Round). Varijable učinkovitosit su predstavljale regularne prekr{aje (faulove) sa prekidom igre a pogre{ke su se odnosile na načinjena isključenja. Ukupni broj varijabli bio je 10 jer su spomenute aktivnosti bilježene za 4 standardne obrambene pozicije: krajnji branič, bočni branič, sredi{nji branič i istureni branič. Također su analizirani i ukupni broj isključenja i načinjenih faulova svake ekipe. Rezultati deskriptivne statistike pokazali su nepravilnu distribuciju kod čak 8 varijabli koje su pri obradi podataka bile tretirane neparametrijskim statističkim metodama. Analiza razlika (ANOVA, Kurskal-Wallis ANOVA) između pobjedničkih i poraženih ekipa pokazala je da samo isključenja sredi{njeg braniča značajno doprinose pobjedi u vrhunskom mu{kom rukometu (p = 0,01). Ovo govori u prilog važnosti sredi{njeg braniča u svim vrstama obrana {to je u literaturi, ali i u trenerskim raspravama, često nagla{avano. Rezultati istraživanja mogu koristiti rukometnim djelatnicima i sportskim znanstvenicima prilikom analize igre i TE-TA pripreme ekipe. Key Words: handball, defence, withdrawals, foul. Ključne riječi: rukomet, obrana, isključenja, faul. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 13 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ MILITARY TRAINING – THE FORERUNNER OF SPORT VOJNIČKE PRIPREME – PRETEČA SPORTA Georgios Fragkiadakis1, \orđe Stefanović2, and Violeta [iljak3 Military Academy, Athens, Greece Vojna akademija, Atina, Grčka 2 Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Belgrade, Serbia Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Beograd, Srbija 3 Faculty of Managment in Sport, Belgrade, Serbia Fakultet za menadžment u sportu, Beograd, Srbija 1 UDK: 796/799 Summary Sažetak The theoretical view is that the sport originated from soldiers preparing for war. Thus, in ancient times, in ancient Greece were present javelin, wrestling, pankration, chariot rides both the sports and martial arts. In ancient times the relay stick was used as the way of communication between the army and the cities (polis) in ancient Greece. In the sixteen century a Turkish sultan Suleiman the Magnificent was taking care of 80-100 runners called Peics who were originally from Persia. They were following master everywhere running barefoot and transferring his messages to the army when it was necessary. Also in the Middle Ages, knights tournament were organized to keep them training and competing together in peace time instead of killing each other. The military all-around competition is the forerunner of athletic all-around competition. Today, we can confirm that the triathlon was created by taking the training of U.S. Marines (Seals). This paper applied the method of theoretical analysis and historical method. The results suggest that in all epochs of human civilization can be noticed that it was necessary to focus on the military sports competitions in order to avoid conflict with each other. Teorijsko stanovi{te je da je sport nastao iz pripreme vojnika za ratna dejstva. Tako su u starom veku, u antičkoj Grčkoj bili prisutni: bacanje koplja, rvanje, pankration, vožnja kola kao sportske i kao ratničke ve{tine. U antička vremena {tafetna palica koristila se kao sredstvo komunikacije između vojske i gradova (polisa) u staroj Grčkoj. U XVI veku veliki turski sultan Sulejman Veličanstveni izdržavao je 80-100 trkača koji su se zvali peici i koji su najče{će bili poreklom iz Persije. Oni su svuda pratili gospodara, trčali bosi, čak i danonoćno, da bi po potrebi preneli njegove poruke velikom brzinom do vojske. Takođe u srednjem veku, vite{ki turniri su osmi{ljeni da bi se vitezovi držali na okupu, trenirali i nadmetali zajedno kako se u mirnodopskim periodima ne bi ubijali međusobno. Vojnički vi{eboj je preteča atletskog vi{eboja. Danas se može potvrditi da je triatlon nastao od preuzimanja treninga američkih marinaca (Foka). U ovom istraživačkom radu je primenjen metod teorijske analize i istorijski metod. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da se u svim epohama ljudske civilizacije može uočiti, da je bilo neophodno usmeriti vojsku na sportska nadmetanja kako ne bi do{lo do nepotrebnih međusobnih sukoba. Key Words: army, training, Sport. 14 Ključne riječi: vojska, pripreme, sport. Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ INFLUENCE OF AEROBICS TO THE INCREASE OF STRENGTH ENDURANCE IN WOMEN UTJECAJ AEROBIKE NA POVEĆANJE REPETITIVNE SNAGE KOD ŽENA Gordana Furjan-Mandić1, Vanesa Kosalec1, and Jadranka Vla{ić1 Faculty of Kinesiology, Zagreb, Croatia Kineziolo{ki fakultet, Zagreb, Hrvatska 1 UDK: 796.035 Summary Sažetak The most popular and most intended aerobic programmes contain a sub-programme of strength exercises which is directed at strengthening and shaping of pelvic muscles legs and waist, i.e. the „critical“ areas with women. The fact that 90% of middle aged women are attending such fitness program classes, gave the authors the inspiration for this research. The aim of this paper was to determine the changes of repetitive strength of female sample subjects. The experimental programme lasted for 20 weeks with 40 training sessions of aerobics classes, with an accent on the strength exercises twice a week per 60 minutes. 24 tests were used to value the repetitive strength endurance. The effects of the experimental programme have been tested by a t-test for dependent samples. The results show that the improvement occurred within the area of strength endurance from which can be concluded that aerobic programme with a sub-programme of strength exercises is good for improving strength endurance. Najpopularniji i najposjećeniji aerobik programi sadrže potprogram vježbi snage koji je usmjeren na jačanje i oblikovanje zdjeličnog pojasa, nogu i struka, odnosno „kritičnih“ zona kod žena. Činjenica da 90% žena srednje dobi jesu polaznice takvih programa fitnesa, potaknulo je autore na ovo istraživanje. Cilj rada je bio da se utvrde promjene repetitivne snage kod vježbačica aerobike. Eksperimentalni program trajao je 20 tjedana, uz ukupno održanih 40 treninga aerobike s naglaskom na vježbe za razvoj repetitivne snage koji se održavao dva puta tjedno po 60 minuta. Za procjenu promjene u repetitivnoj snazi upotrijebljena su 24 testa. Učinci eksperimentalnog programa testirani su t-testom za zavisne uzorke. Rezultati pokazuju da je do{lo do promjene u smislu pobolj{anja repetitivne snage iz čega se može zaključiti da je program aerobike s potprogramom vježbi snage dobar modalitet rada za unapređenje analizirane motoričke sposobnosti. Key Words: aerobics, strength exercises, strength endurance, women, middle age, „critical“ areas of the body. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 Ključne riječi: aerobika, vježbe snage, repetitivna snaga, žene, srednja dob, „kritične“ tone tijela. 15 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ RELATION BEETWEN ELEMENTS WITH APPARATUS AND THE SPECIFIC TEST FOR RHYTHM EVALUATION IN RHYTMIC GYMNASTICS POVEZANOST ELEMENATA S REKVIZITIMA SA SPECIFIČNIM TESTOM ZA PROCJENU RITMA U RITMIČKOJ GIMNASTICI Gordana Furjan-Mandić1, Melita Kolarec1, and Josipa Rada{1 Faculty of Kinesiology, Zagreb, Croatia Kineziolo{ki fakultet, Zagreb, Hrvatska 1 UDK: 796.412.022 Summary Sažetak The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between technical element with a ball and the element with clubs with specific test for evaluation of rhythm in rhythmic gymnastics. The sample of subjects consisted of 73 female students at the Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb. Expert evaluation determined the level of technical performance of elements with a ball, clubs and the specific rhythm in rhythmic gymnastics. Relations between sets of variables were determined by analysing the correlation. Statistical significant coefficients of correlations value ranged from .39 to .56. It can be concluded that although there is a statistically significant connection of estimated set of variables, the values of coefficients indicate a relatively low correlation (r = .39) element performance with clubs and a given rhythm, slightly higher values (r = .42) with a ball element and the default rhythm, while the highest values are related to the correlation between tasks with apparatus. Obtained confirms the hypothesis of higher connection with the performance of both elements with apparatus considering that the basics of the performance is identical hand movement guided by the wrist („eight“). Cilj rada bio je utvrditi povezanost tehničke izvedbe elementa s loptom i elementa s čunjevima sa specifičnim testom za procjenu ritma u ritmičkoj gimnastici. Uzorak ispitanika činile su 73 studentice Kineziolo{kog fakulteta, Sveučili{ta u Zagrebu. Ekspertnom procjenom utvrđena je razina tehničke izvedbe elementa s loptom, čunjevima te specifičnog ritma iz ritmičke gimnastike. Relacije između skupova varijabli utvrđene su korelacijskom analizom. Vrijednost statistički značajnih koficijenata korelacije kreće se u rasponu od 0,39 do 0,56. Može se zaključiti kako, iako postoji statistički značajna povezanost procjenjenog skupa varijabli, vrijednosti koeficijenata upućuju na relativno slabu povezanost (r = 0,39) izvođenja elementa s čunjevima i zadanog ritma, ne{to vi{e vrijednosti (r = 0,42) elementa s loptom i zadanog ritma, dok se najvi{e vrijednosti odnose na povezanost između zadataka s rekvizitima. Dobiveno potvrđuje pretpostavku veće povezanosti izvođenja između oba elementa s rekvizitima s obzirom na to da se u osnovi tehnike njihove izvedbe nalazi identičan pokret rukom dominantno vođen zglobom {ake („osmica“). Key Words: correlation, elements of technique with apparatus, horizontal eights, rhythm. 16 Ključne riječi: korelacija, elementi tehnike s rekvizitima, horizontalna osmica, ritam. Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ CONTRIBUTION OF EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM IN HANDBALL TO IMPROVEMENT OF STUDENTS’ MOTOR SKILLS DOPRINOS EKSPERIMENTALNOG PROGRAMA IZ RUKOMETA POBOLJ[ANJU MOTORIČKIH SPOSOBNOSTI UČENIKA Slobodan Goranović1, Sini{a Kari{ik2, Dalibor Fulurija2, and Zoran Valdevit3 Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Fakultet fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta, Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina 2 Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Istočno Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Fakultet fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta, Istočno Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina 3 Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Belgrade, Serbia Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Beograd, Srbija 1 UDK: 796.322/.01.1-055.1 Summary Sažetak Evaluation of cumulative effects of motor skills' transformational processes was performed in this paper, after applying two working models, and based on the estimate of final result. Examinees' sample comprised of 52 elementary school students in Teslic, aged 11 to 12 (± 6 months), divided into two groups: group I (control group) consisted of 26 students that had regular physical education classes as the only form of exercise, and group II (experimental group) consisted of 26 students that, apart from regular physical education classes, were involved in precisely defined experimental work program (intensive catching and passing the ball in handball) for 12 weeks. This research processed data gathered after initial and final testing of students, aiming to establish motor skills transformations of the students, using the method of parallel analysis of results of experimental group compared to control group. The results of the research show that with the examinees of experimental group at the end of experimental period, compared to control group, there had been a statistically significant increase of the level with all applied motor skills tests. U ovom radu urađena je evaluacija kumulativnih efekata transformacionih procesa motoričkih sposobnosti, nakon primjene dva modele rada, a na osnovu procjene finalnog stanja. Uzorak ispitanika čini 52 učenika osnovnih {kola, hronolo{ke starosti od 11-12 godina (±6 mjeseci), podjeljenog u dvije grupe: I grupu (kontrolnu) čini 26 učenika kojima je redovna nastava fizičkog vaspitanja bila jedini oblik vježbanja, a II grupu (eksperimentalnu) čini 26 učenika koji su pored nastave fizičkog vaspitanja bili uključeni u precizno definisani eksperimentalni program rada (intenzivno hvatanja i dodavanja lopte u rukometu), u trajanju od 12 sedmica. U ovom istraživanju su obrađeni podaci prikupljeni nakon inicijalnog i finalnog testiranja učenika, sa ciljem da se utvrde transformacije motoričkih sposobnosti učenika, metodom paralelne analize rezultata eksperimentalne grupe u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da je kod ispitanika eksperimentalne grupe na kraju eksperimentalnog perioda u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu do{lo do statistički značajnog povećanja nivoa kod svih primjenjenih testova motoričkih sposobnosti. Key Words: experimental training model, transformation processes, motor skills. Ključne riječi: eksperimentalni trenažni model, transformacioni procesi, motoričke sposobnosti. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 17 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ RESULT ANALYSIS OF PERSPECTIVE SWIMMERS (DISCIPLINE 100m CRAWL) ANALIZA REZULTATA PERSPEKTIVNOG PLIVAČA (DISCIPLINA 100m KRAUL) Goran Grahovac1 and Bojan Guzina1 Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Fakultet fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta, Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina 1 UDK: 797. Summary Sažetak Planning of long-term swimmers training (LST) is needed to build the prerequisites for top international achievements in competitive swimming. The ultimate goal of long-term training is the optimal development of motor skills, functional efficiency, physiological capacity and efficiency of movement. The existing range of years to achieve top results in swimming, for women ranging from 17-20 years, where swimmer’s level of development covers the period from 10-12 years of training. From this it can be concluded that average age at which swimmers begin with effective training is in the age 8 and 9 years for girls and 10-11 years for boys. LST period depends on the person, her or his age, on the fact when the training starts, and the level of biological maturity in accordance to the known principles of growth and development of motor skills and psychological abilities. In purpose of achieving excellent results LST is divided into several periods. Each of the period describes the objectives wich are determined with swimmers specificity of development and maturity. Researches like this and similar studies are done in the sport so that, based on them, work of coaches and athletes would improve. Planiranje vi{egodi{njeg treninga plivača (VGT) je potrebno da bi se izgradili preduslovi za vrhunske međunarodne domete u takmičarskom plivanju. Krajnji cilj vi{egodi{njeg treninga plivača je optimalan razvoj motoričkih sposobnosti, funkcionalne efikasnosti, psiholo{kih kapaciteta i efikasnosti kretanja. Postojeći raspon godina za postizanje vrhunskih rezultata u plivanju se, kod žena kreće od 17-20 godina, pri čemu, stepen razvoja plivača pokriva period od 10-12 godina treninga. Iz ovoga se može zakljičiti da se prosječan uzrast u kome se započinje sa efikasnim treningom nalazi u uzrastu 8 i 9 godina za djevojčice i 10-11 godina za dječake. Period VGT zavisi od osobe, njenog uzrasta, tj. od toga kada počinje sa treningom, kao i stepena biolo{ke zrelosti u skladu sa poznatim principima prirasta i razvoja motoričkih i psiholo{kih sposobnosti. U svrhu postizanja odličnih rezultata VGT se dijeli na nekoliko perioda. Svaki od perioda opisuje ciljeve koji su određeni specifični{ću razvoja i zrelosti plivača. Istraživanja kao ovo i slična istraživanja u sportu vr{e se najvi{e iz razloga da bi se na osnovu njih pobolj{ao rad i trenera i sportista. Key Words: swimming speed, years of swimmers training. 18 Ključne riječi: brzina plivanja, vi{egodi{nji trening plivača. Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ ASSESSMENT OF WORKING PARAMETERS OF ACTIVE MIOGENIC MUSCLES OF FREESTYLE SWIMMERS PROCJENA MIOGENIH PARAMETARA RADNO AKTIVNE MUSKULATURE PLIVAČA U KRAUL TEHNICI Bojan Guzina1 and Goran Grahovac1 Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Fakultet fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta, Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina 1 UDK: 797. Summary Sažetak The case study is the expression of maximum force and power of current muscle in swimmers whose first or primary technique is freestyle. Research was done in order to answer the question of how conditions in liquid fluid movements are affecting the setting of force and hand. Testing republican champion who swim under 60s in the 100m freestyle and students of the Faculty of physical Education and Sports who is not involved in swimming and estimate the maximum force and power was performed in the field (pool) and laboratory (gym) in the above-mentioned research terms. Variables belong myogenic to motor skills with the output-force and power. Following parameters were measured: maximum force expressed during the execution of techniques freestyle (swimming in the isolated lower limbs) dinamomometry method, the maximum score in tests bench press, lat pulls on the machine, with a shoulder thrust, peck deck, and dynamometry results hand. Obtained and comprehensive analysis of the same found that the data obtained by testing the situational conditions-pool, only showed a statistically significant correlation coefficient and the level of .05 with the results obtained in the laboratory test on the lat machine. Predmet istraživanja je ispoljavanje maksimalne sile i snage aktuelnih mi{ića kod plivača čija je prva ili osnovna tehnika kraul. Istraživanje je rađeno sa ciljem da da odgovor na pitanje koliko uslovi kretanja u tečnom fluidu utiču na parametar sile i snage. Testiranje republičkih {ampiona koji plivaju ispod 60s u disciplini 100m kraul stilom i studenata Fakulteta fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta koji se ne bave plivanjem i procjena maksimalne sile i snage obavljena je u terenskim (bazen) i laboratorijskim (teretana) uslovima. Varijable u pomenutom istraživanju pripadaju motoričkim sposobnostima sa miogenim izlazom - sili i snazi. Mjereni su sljedeći parametri: maksimalna sila ispoljena tokom izvođenja tehnike kraul (plivanje u mjestu sa izolovanim donjim ekstremitetima) metodom dinamomometrije, maksimalni rezultat u testovima benč pres, vučenje na lat ma{ini, potisak sa ramena, pek dek te dinamometrija {ake. Dobijenim rezultatima i opsežnom analizom istih ustanovljeno je da su podaci dobijeni testiranjem u situacionim uslovima – bazenu, jedini pokazali statistički značajan koeficijent korelacije i to na nivou od 0,05 sa dobijenim rezultatima u laboratorijskim uslovima testom na lat ma{ini. Key Words: swimming, force, power. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 Ključne riječi: plivanje, sila, snaga. 19 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ PREDICTIVITY OF QUALITY OF LEG TECHNICS PERFORMANCE IN KARATE SPORT, BASED ON SOME MOTOR ABILITIES AND MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS PREDIKTIVNOST KVALITETA IZVO\ENJA NOŽNIH TEHNIKA U KARATE SPORTU NA OSNOVU NEKIH MOTORIČKIH SPOSOBNOSTI I MORFOLO[KIH KARAKTERISTIKA Milan Gužvica1 College of Internal Affairs, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Policijska akademija, Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina 1 UDK: 796.85.012.1 Summary Sažetak During this examination the subject of analyze included the leg techniques quality, according to the proposition of motor abilities tests (widely genetically determined) as well as some morphological characteristics. The research included 76 students, all first year of academic studies at College of Internal Affairs, Banja Luka. The complete education had lasted for 6 hours, when adoption level of front leg kick was evaluated by expert rating. The sample composed of 5 (five) motor tests, for evaluation of explosive strength and speed, as well 3 (three) morphological characteristics as predictors, while reached level of front leg kick (MG) and front semicircular (MWG) were criterion variables. The estimation level of adopted kicks has been based on specification model of leg kick performance. The given results have been analyzed with adequate statistic procedure, on the basis of which it is possible to conclude that the observed criterion variables have got the respectable part in quality of performed basic leg kicks in Karate sport. That is to say, 27% variability of dependent variable (MG) and 29% (MWG) is explainable by impact of independent united variables, when 73% or 71% impacted by unidentified facts. It is therefore thought, that having the natural forms of movement for the leg kicks performance, according to predicted models of their specification, having only biotic factor is inadequate and it is obvious that time improvement and training are absolutely necessary. U radu je ispitivana prediktivnost kvaliteta izvođenja udaraca nogom na osnovu testova motoričkih sposobnosti (koje su u najvećoj mjeri genetski determinisane) i nekih morfolo{kih karakteristika. Istraživanje je vr{eno na uzorku od 76 studenata prve godine Visoke {kole unutra{njih poslova u Banjoj Luci. Ukupna edukacija trajala je {est časova, nakon čega je ekspertskom ocjenom utvrđen nivo usvojenosti udaraca nogom naprijed. Uzorak varijabli je činilo pet motoričkih testova za procjenu eksplozivne snage i brzine, te tri morfolo{ke karakteristike kao prediktori, dok su kriterijumske varijable činili dostignuti nivoi udaraca nogom pravo naprijed (MG) i polukružno naprijed (MWG). Procjena nivoa usvojenosti udaraca vr{ena je na osnovu modela specifikacije izvođenja udaraca nogom. Dobijeni podaci obrađeni su odgovarajućom statističkom procedurom, a iz njihove analize moguće je zaključiti da posmatrane varijable imaju respektabilno uče{će u kvalitetu izvođenja osnovnih nožnih udaraca u karate sportu. Naime, 27% ukupnog varijabiliteta zavisnopromjenjive (MG) i 29% zavisnopromjenjive (MWG) moguće je objasniti uticajem nezavisnih udruženih varijabli, dok je 73%, odnosno 71% pod uticajem neidentifikovanih faktora. Zato se misli da, iako su u pitanju prirodni oblici kretanja, za izvođenje udaraca nogom, u skladu sa predviđenim modelom njihove specifikacije, nije dovoljan samo biotički faktor, već je potrebno da se udarci usavr{avaju u dužem vremenskom periodu. Key Words: motor abilities, morphological characteristics, kicking. 20 Ključne riječi: motoričke sposobnosti, morfolo{ke katakteristike, udarci nogom. Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ LOAD ON THE CLASS OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION CAUSED BY DIFFERENT FORMS OF ORGANIZATIONAL METHODICAL WORK OPTEREĆENJE NA ČASU TJELESNOG ODGOJA UZROKOVANO PRIMJENOM RAZLIČITIH METODIČKO ORGANIZACIONIH OBLIKA RADA Admir Hadžikadunić1 and Mihajlo Mijanović2 Sports Club and Ski School – “Sport4you”, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Sportski klub i Ski {kola - “Sport4you”, Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina 2 Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Fakultet fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta, Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina 1 UDK: 796.015.6 Summary Sažetak For purposes of this research, more complex forms of methodical organizational work are applied, as a way to organize five classes within the regular curriculum of physical and health education classes for fifth grade. The aim of this research is to determine possible differences between different models of organization of physical and health education with regard to methodical organizational forms of work used in the main part of the class of physical and health education in order to determine the degree of involvement of students using the cardio monitors, which measure heart rate at the load. Based on this research, we found and confirmed the other researches in which teaching methods are more complex methodical and organizational forms of work with additional exercises contributed to greater intensification and therefore a greater transformation of the anthropological students’ status. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja primjenili su se složeniji metodičko organizacijski oblici rada kao način organizacije pet redovnih časova u okviru redovnog nastavnog plana i programa nastave tjelesnog i zdravstvenog odgoja za pete razrede. Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrđivanje mogućih razlika između različitih modela organizacije nastave tjelesnog i zdravstvenog odgoja sa obzirom na metodičko organizacijske oblike rada, kori{tene u glavnom dijelu sata tjelesnog i zdravstvenog odgoja sa ciljem utvrđivanja stepena angažovanosti učenika. Na osnovu ovog istraživanja do{li smo do saznanja i potvrdili druga istraživanja kod kojih su složeniji metodičko organizacijski oblici rada sa dopunskim vježbama doprinjela većoj intenzifikaciji, a samim tim i većoj transformaciji antropolo{kog statusa učenika. Key Words: physical and health education, exercise influence on the transformation of anthropological status of students, models of organization of teaching. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 Ključne riječi: nastava tjelesnog i zdravstvenog odgoja, uticaj vježbanja na transformaciju antropolo{kog statusa učenika, modeli organizacije nastave. 21 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ GLOBAL SITUATION OF THE PHYSICAL EDUCATION CURRICULUM IN SCHOOLS AND FUTURE SUSTAINABILITY NASTAVNI PLAN FIZIČKOG VASPITANJA I NJEGOVA BUDUĆA ODRŽIVOST NA GLOBALNOM NIVOU Ken Hardman1 University of Worchester, United Kingdom Univerzitet Worchester, Velika Britanija 1 UDK: 796.01 Summary Sažetak This paper draws from the multi-source informed Final Report of the second Worldwide School Physical Education Survey (Hardman & Marshall, 2009) to provide an indication of patterns and trends in aspects of relevance and quality of the school physical education curriculum in countries world. Continuing concerns embrace inter alia inappropriate curricula as well as insufficient curriculum time allocation. Suggestions for preserving physical education in schools are made. These include thinking about physical education in new ways, development of community-based partnerships as an essential in any redefinition of purpose and function processes to accommodate broader life-long educational outcomes including healthy well-being and links with personal and social development and the need for ‘watching brief’ monitoring of the situation. The overall intention is to challenge some orthodoxies and to provoke thought. Ovaj rad potiče iz Finalnog izvje{taja Drugog istraživanja o {kolskom fizičkom vaspitanju u svijetu (Hardman i Marshall, 2009) sa ciljem da se utvrde obrazci i trendovi sa aspekta značaja i kvaliteta nastavnog plana {kolskog fizičkog vaspitanja. Kontinuiranu zabrinutost izaziva, između ostalog, i neodgovorajući program kao i njegov nedovoljan vremenski obim. Dati su određeni prijedlozi za očuvanje fizičkog vaspitanja u {kolama, {to podrazumijeva nov način razmi{ljanja, razvoj saradnje sa okruženjem, koje je ključno u redefinisanju svrhe i funkcionalnih procesa kojim bi se udovoljilo {irim cjeloživotnim rezultatima obrazovanja, a koja podrazumijevaju dobro zdravlje i povezanost sa ličnim i dru{tvenim razvojem čovjeka. Pored toga, tu je i potreba za pažljivim posmatranjem i praćenjem njegovog stanja. Stoga je namjera ovog rada da se preispitaju neka ustaljena shvatanja i da se čitaoci podstaknu na razmi{ljanje. Key Words: concerns, relevance, quality, re-conceptualisation, monitoring Ključne riječi: zabrinutost, relevantnost, kvalitet, rekonoceptualizacija, praćenje. 22 Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ FREQUENCY OF FRONTAL PLANE POSTURAL DISORDERS IN 14-17 YEARS OLD GROUP OF HANDBALL PLAYERS UČESTALOST POSTURALNIH POREMEĆAJA U FRONTALNOJ RAVNI KOD RUKOMETA[A UZRASTA OD 14–17 GODINA Dejan Ilić1, Zoran Valdevit1, and Vesko Dra{ković2 Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Belgrade, Serbia Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Beograd, Srbija 2 Faculty for Management in Sport ALFA, Belgrade, Serbia Fakultet za menadžment u sport ALFA, Beograd, Srbija 1 UDK: 796.322.012.1-055.1 Summary Sažetak Introduction As a complex sport game, team handball is determined by physical status. The physical status of children is predetermined by their postural status, which appears as the selective factor in physical training treatment. Appropriately developed postural musculature reflects on the quality executed in a handball game, and therefore, through the correct training process, it is necessary to follow the development of children by their motor, physical, as well as postural status. Methods This transversal research includes boys (35) of the age from 14 to 17 years, from the team handball club Junior. To estimate physical status, clinical method was used. The following body segments were measured: head posture, shoulder posture, shoulder blade posture, and deviation of the spinal column in the frontal plane, legs shape, and instep. Results with Discussion Correct and undisturbed physical status, mostly, indicates the training process of good quality. The data obtained by observing the asymmetry in body segments indicate rare presence of postural disorders and physical deformities. The most frequent postural disorder, although with a very low percentage, is that of the thoracic part of the spinal column, i.e. the left and the right scoliosis, relative to the dominant arm. Conclusion The detected postural disorders in team handball players belong to non-physiological curves in the frontal plane. Bad habits adopted by children reflect as disturbed physical and postural status that can be the factor of limitation in playing team handball. Appropriate and expert approach of high quality in working with children can lead to avoiding more and more frequenting physical deformities, which are of growing presence in children. Uvod Rukomet kao kompleksna sportska igra determinisan je fizičkim statusom. Fizički status kod dece je uslovljen posturalnim statusom koji se pojavljuje kao selektivni faktor u trenažnom tretiranju organizma. Adekvatno razvijena posturalna muskulatura u određenoj meri odražava kvalitet igre u rukometu, tako da razvoj dece je neophodno pratiti motoričkim, fizičkim kao i posturalnim statusom, kroz pravilan trenažni proces. Metode Ovo transvezalno istraživanje obuhvata dečake (35) uzrasta od 14 – 17 godina, iz rukometnog kluba “Junior”. Za procenu telesnog statusa kori{ćen je klinički metod. Testirani su sledeći segmenti tela: držanje glave, držanje ramena, držanje lopatica, odstupanje kičmenog stuba u frontalnoj ravni, oblik nogu i svod stopala. Rezultati sa diskusijom Pravilan i nenaru{en telesni status uglavnom ukazuje na kvalitetan trenažni proces. Dobijeni podaci prikupljeni posmatranjem asimetričnosti segmenata tela ukazuju na veoma malo prisustvo posturalnih poremećaja i telesnih deformiteta. Najučestaliji posturalni poremećaj je u grudnom delu kičmenog stuba, tj. leva i desna grudna skolioza, u odnosu na dominantnu ruku, ali sa procentualno malom zastupljeno{ću. Zaključak Detektovani posturalni poremećaji rukometa{a odnose se na nefiziolo{ke krivine u frontalnoj ravni. Formirane lo{e osobine kod dece ogledaju se kroz naru{en fizički i posturalni status i mogu biti ograničavajući faktor za bavljenje rukometom. Samo adekvatnim i kvalitetnim stučnim pristupom i radom sa decom, mogu se izbeći sve učestaliji telesni deformiteti koji su kod dece sve zastupljeniji. Key Words: postural status, team handball, training process. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 Ključne riječi: posturalni status, rukomet, trenažni proces. 23 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ COMPARISON OF SELF-ESTEEM, ATHLETIC IDENTITY AND MOTIVATION OF BASKETBALL PLAYERS PORE\ENJE SAMOPO[TOVANJA, SPORTSKOG IDENTITETA I MOTIVACIJE ČLANOVA KO[ARKA[KOG TIMA Jelena Ilić1 and Milovan Ljubojević1 Republic Institute of Sport, Belgrade, Serbia Republički zavod za sport, Beograd, Srbija 1 Conditioning coach KK “Podgorica”, Podgorica, Montenegro Kondicioni trener KK “Podgorica”, Podgorica, Crna Gora 1 UDK: 796.323.2.085:316.628 Summary Sažetak Basketball is very fast and dynamic sport in which role of each player is clearly defined. Despite this, there is a common goal - victory. Each player in his own way contributes to the success of the team. The aim of this study was to determine whether between players of different positions, there are differences in the athletic identity, self-esteem and modalities of motivation: task orientation (success in sport is estimated as a personal progress in learning, developing and improving sports skills) and ego orientation. Ego oriented player puts the focus on the result and it’s own quantitative effect. Task oriented athletes have high intrinsic motivation, don’t give up even in the case of repeated failures, but considering guidelines for their own development. Ego oriented athletes are considered successful only if they are better and more efficient than any other - opponents and teammates. If they do not fulfill their expectations about their own superiority, maladjusted patterns of behavior appears (avoiding challenges, lack of motivation, the fall of self confidence, canceling tasks, leaving the sport). At the sample of 64 montenegrin basketball players was obtained that there are significant differences between the power forwards and all the other players. Power forwards, in relation to the point guards, centers and small forwards are significantly more task oriented, but also significantly more ego oriented in relation to the shooting guards. Comparing athletic identity and self-esteem of players of different positions statistically significant differences are not obtained. It appears that task oriented mode of motivation is an important psychological feature of the player at the position of power forward. Ko{arka je veoma brz i dinamičan sport u kom je uloga svakog igrača jasno definisana. Međutim, uprkos tome, postoji i zajednički cilj a to je pobjeda. Svaki igrač na svoj način doprinosi uspjehu tima. Stoga se u ovom istraživanju poku{alo utvrditi da li između igrača na različitim pozicijama postoje razlike u sportskom identitetu, samopo{tovanju i modalitetima motivacije: usmjerenosti na zadatak (uspjeh u sportu se procjenjuje kao lični napredak u učenju, razvoju i usavr{avanju sportskih vje{tina) i usmjerenosti na ishod. Nagla{ena usmjerenost na ishod u prvi plan stavlja rezultat i vlastiti kvanitativni učinak. Sportisti orijentisani na zadatak su intrinzički motivisani, ne odustaju ni u slučaju ponovljenih neuspjeha, već to smatraju smjernicama za vlastito usavr{avanje. Za razliku od njih sportisti usmjereni na ishod se smatraju uspje{nim samo ukoliko su bolji i efikasniji od svih drugih - protivnika, ali i saigrača. Ukoliko ne ispune svoja očekivanja o vlastitoj superiornosti, kod njih se pojavljuju neprilagođeni obrasci pona{anja (izbjegavanje izazova, demotivisanost, pad samopouzdanja, odustajanje od zadatka, pa i napu{tanje sporta). Na uzorku od 64 crnogorska ko{arka{a, dobijeno je da postoje značajne razlike između krilnih centara i svih ostalih igrača. Kod krilnih centara je u odnosu na plejeve, centre i krila značajno izraženija usmjerenost na zadatak, ali i značajno izraženija usmjerenosti na ishod u odnosu na bekove. Pri poređenju samopo{tovanja i sportskog identiteta igrača različitih pozicija nisu dobijene statistički značajne razlike. Stoga se čini da modalitet motivacije usmjerenosti na zadatak predstavlja važnu psiholo{ku odliku igrača na poziciji krilnog centra. Key Words: basketball, power forward, motivation. 24 Ključne riječi: ko{arka, krilni centar, motivacija. Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ EVALUATION OF BODY COMPOSITION MEASUREMENTS OF BASKETBALL PLAYERS IN DIFFERENT COMPETITION LEVEL PROCENA TELESNOG STATUSA KO[ARKA[A RAZLIČITOG RANGA TAKMIČENJA Vladimir Ilić1, Srđan Marković1, Dejan Ilić1, Igor Ranisavljev1 and Vladan Radonjić1 Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Belgrade, Serbia Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Beograd, Srbija 1 UDK: 796.323.2:616.001.7 Summary Sažetak Introduction Proper morphological and functional characteristics of athletes in correlation with optimal strength and conditioning, technical and tactical preparations are main prerequisites for successful performance in basketball. Aim The purposes of this study were: a) to determine the body composition of elite Serbian male basketball players, b) to compare the mean scores among sports and c) to detect possible differences in relation to competition level. Method All data were collected on 35 players divided in three groups according to competition level. Calculation of percentage of muscle (M), lean body mass (LBM), bone (B), fat (F) and residual (R) tissue was estimated according to the standard Matiegka’s methodology. Statistical analysis included calculation of basic descriptive parameters of body composition variables. Results The results indicated mean body mass of 94.88 ± 12.07kg, height 197.68 ± 7.98cm, %M 52.31 ± 2.59%, %LBM 88.14 ± 4.63%, %B 16.98 ± 1.38%, %F 11.86 ± 4.63% and %R 18.85 ± 3.09% among all participants. The value of the body height and weight, percents of M, B and LBM were significantly higher in athletes from National team compared to players in first and second division. Also, this athletes had the lowest percentage of fat (%F = 8.77 ± 1.19%). As expected, players from third division had the lowest percentage of muscle and lean body mass 51.48 and 85.99%, respectively and the highest percentage of body fat (%F = 14.01 ± 5.50%). Discussion and conclusion The results are similar to those obtained in studies of other authors. Body composition variables of Serbian male basketball players varied among different level of competition. Observed differences could be explained by selection criteria, hours of training and sport-specific physiological demands during the game. Uvod Odgovarajuće morfolo{ke i funkcionalne karakteristike sportista u korelaciji sa optimalnom snagom i kondicijom, tehničkim i taktičkim pripremama glavni su preduslovi za rezultatski uspeh u ko{arci. Cilj rada Ciljevi ove studije bili su: a) utvrditi telesnu kompoziciju elitnih mu{kih srpskih ko{arka{a, b) uporediti aritmetičke sredine dobijenih vrednosti između sportista i c) otkriti moguće razlike u odnosu na rang takmičenja. Metod rada Svi podaci su prikupljeni na uzorku od 35 igrača podeljenih u tri kategorije prema rangu takmičenja. Procentualne vrednosti količine mi{ića (M), bezmasne telesne mase (LBM), kostiju (B), masti (F) i rezidualnog (R) tkiva dobijene su standardnom Matiegka metodologijom. Statistička analiza uključivala je proračun osnovnih deskriptivnih parametara varijabli telesnog sastava. Rezultati Rezultati su pokazali da je srednja vrednost tesne mase 94,88 ± 12,07kg, visine 197,68 ± 7.98cm, %M 52,31 ± 2,59%, %LBM 88,14 ± 4,63%, %B 16,98 ± 1,38%, %F 11,86 ± 4,63% i %R 18,85 ± 3,09% među svim ispitanicima. Vrednosti telesne visine i težine, kao i procenat M, B i LBM su značajno vi{i kod ko{arka{a nacionalne reprezentacije u odnosu na igrače u prvoj i drugoj ligi. Takođe, ovi sportisti su imali najniži procenat masnog tkiva (%F = 8,77 ± 1,19%). Kao {to se očekivalo, igrači iz treće lige imali su najniži procenat M i LBM 51,48 i 85,99%, respektivno, a najveći procenat masnog tkiva (%F = 14,01 ± 5,50%). Diskusija i zaključak Rezultati ove studije su slični onima dobijenim u istraživanjima drugih autora. Telesni sastav srpskih ko{arka{a razlikovao se među igračima različitih rangova takmičenja. Dobijene razlike mogu se objasniti kriterijumima za selektiranje igrača, brojem sati treninga i sportsko-specifičnih fiziolo{kih zahteva tokom igre. Key Words: basketball, body composition, competition level. Ključne riječi: ko{arka, telesna kompozicija, takmičarski nivo. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 25 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ PSYCHOLOGICAL NEEDS, LIFE GOALS AND HAPPINESS ORIENTATION OF JUNIOR VOLLEYBALL PLAYER’S BENEFIT PSIHOLO[KE POTREBE, ŽIVOTNI CILJEVI I ORIJENTACIJA PREMA SREĆI KAO ODREDNICE SUBJEKTIVNE DOBROBITI KOD ODBOJKA[A JUNIORA Miroljub Ivanović1 and Uglje{a Ivanović2 Professional studies academy for kindergarten teachers education, Sremska Mitovica; Serbia Visoka {kola strukovnih studija za obrazovanje vaspitača, Sremska Mitrovica, Srbija 2 Faculty of sport management, Belgrade, Serbia Fakultet za menadžment u sportu, Beograd, Srbija 1 UDK: 796.325:316.628 Summary Sažetak The aim of this research was to examine influence of psychological needs, life goals and happiness orientation of junior volleyball players to their subjective benefit. 118 examinees took part in this examination. Average age of the examinees was 16.4 years. These measuring instruments have been applied: Happiness Orientation Questionnaire, Life Goals Questionnaire, Basic Psychological Needs Questionnaire, Life Satisfaction Scale and PANAS Questionnaire. Results have shown that all applied instruments have satisfactory internal reliability, which has been calculated by Cronbah alpha coefficient. Pirson’s correlation coefficient and hierarchical regression analysis have been used for data processing. Predictor variables of psychological need are significant partial point of greater life satisfaction variability, in experiencing more positive and less negative feelings. Predictor of extrinsic life goals (popularity, wealth and attractive looks), contribute less to criterion variance of positive feeling, but to the negative direction as well. Predictor variables of orientation relatively interpret emotional and cognitive variability self-welfare components, while active life is only determinate by cognitive dimensions. Pleasant life orientation predictor is not statistically significant for any personal fortune dimension prediction. Achieved findings are in accordance with the theory of self-determination and results of previous researches, which claim that extrinsic life goals are not in correlation with the most subjective happiness of adolescent volleyball players. Theoretical and practical implications of achieved will be discussed. Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitivanje uticaja psiholo{kih potreba, životnih ciljeva i orijentacije prema sreći odbojka{a juniora na njihovu subjektivnu dobrobit. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 118 ispitanika. Prosečna starost ispitanika je bila 16,4 godina. Primenjeni su sledeći merni instrumenti: Upitnik orijentacije prema sreći, Upitnik životnih ciljeva, Upitnik osnovnih psiholo{kih potreba, Skala zadovoljstva životom i Upitnik PANAS. Rezultati su pokazali da svi primenjeni merni instrumenti imaju zadovoljavajuću internu pouzdanost izračunatu Kronbahovim alfa koeficijentom. U obradi podataka kori{ćen je Pirsonov koeficijent korelacije i hijerarhijska regresiona analiza. Prediktorska varijabla psiholo{ke potrebe su značajna parcijalna odrednica varijabiliteta većeg zadovoljstva životom, doživljavanja vi{e pozitivnih i manje negativnih osećanja. Prediktor ekstrinzični životni ciljevi (popularnost, bogatstvo i privlačan izgled) u manjem stepenu samostalno doprinosi varijansi kriterijuma osećanja u pozitivnom, ali i negativnom smeru. Prediktorske varijable orijentacija na smislen život relevantno tumače varijabilitet emocionalne i kognitivne komponente ličnog blagostanja, dok usmerenost na aktivan život isključivo determini{e kognitivne dimenzije. Prediktor orijentacija na prijatan život nije statistički značajna za predviđanje ni jedne dimenzije lične sreće. Dobijeni nalazi su u skladu s teorijom samoodređenja i rezultatima dosada{njih istraživanja da ekstrinzični životni ciljevi nisu korelirani s većom subjektivnom dobrobiti odbojka{a adolescenta. U radu će biti raspravljene teorijske i praktične implikacije dobijenih rezultata. Key Words: junior volleyball players, psychological needs, self-welfare, life goals and happiness orientation. Ključne riječi: odbojka{i juniori, psiholo{ke potrebe, subjektivno blagostanje, životni ciljevi, orijentacija prema sreći. 26 Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ STRESS FRACTURES IN ACTIVE ADOLESCENT ATHLETES STRESS PRELOMI KOD AKTIVNIH SPORTISTA ADOLESCENATA Aleksandar Jakovljević1, Predrag Grubor2, Marinko Domuzin2, and Dario Kalacun2 Faculty of Medicine, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Medicinski fakultet, Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina 2 University Clinic Center, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Hercegovina Univerzitetsko-klinički centar, Banja Luka, Bosna i Herecgovina 1 UDK: 796.034.4:616-001.5 Summary Sažetak The paper presents our experience with diagnostic and treatment of stress fractures in active athletes. Stress fractures are cracks of bones, usually caused by exposure to repeated stress (overuse syndrome). These fractures can be quite painful, but in most cases they repair themselves after a few months of rest. In the period from January 2008 to April 2011 we treated a total of 5 athletes with stress fracture of the II metatarsus bone. There were 4 females and 1 male person, all involved in basketball. The average age was 16 years (13-18). All athletes had more than 4 trainings per week over a longer period of time. The set diagnosis is based on clinical and X-ray findings, and in one case on skeleton scintigraphy. In all patients were conducted laboratory findings with bone markers and UZ osteodensitometry, but all of them showed normal values concerning gender and age. The treatment implied short-term immobilization and ban of all sports activities from 6 weeks to 3 months. All injuries are fully rehabilitated in all injured athletes, and sports activities were continued at full capacity. Stress fractures can rightly be classified into a group of overload syndromes, and the only way to prevent these is to provide sport trainings adequately adapted to gender, age and body constitution of athletes. U radu prikazujemo na{a iskustva sa dijagnostikom i liječenjem stres preloma kod aktivnih sportista. Stres prelomi su napuknuća kostiju,obično nastala izlaganjem naprezanju koje se ponavlja (overuse syndroma) Takvi prelomi mogu biti prilično bolni, ali se u većini slučajeva saniraju sami nakon nekoliko mjeseci odmora. U periodu januar 2008. - april 2011. liječili smo ukupno 5 sportista sa stres prelomom II kosti donožja. Ukupno je bilo 4 osobe ženskog pola te jedna osoba mu{kog pola. Svi su se bavili ko{arkom. Prosječna starost je bil 16 godina (13-18). Svi sportisti su imali vi{e od 4 treniga sedmično u dužem vremenskom periodu. Dijagnoza je postavljanja na osnovu kliničke slike i RTG nalaza, a u jednom slučaju i scintigrafije skeleta. Kod svih pacijenata rađeni su laboratorijski nalazi sa ko{tanim markerima i UZ osteodenzitometrijom, ali su svi nalazi pokazali normalne vrijednosti za pol i dob. Liječenje je podrazumijevalo kratkotrajnu imobilizaciju te zabranu svih sportskih aktivnosti od 6 sedmica do 3 mjeseca. Kod svih povrijeđenih povrede su potpuno sanirane i sportske aktivnosti su nastavljane u punom kapacitetu. Stres prelom se s pravom mogu svrstati u grupu sindroma prenaprezanja, a jedini način sprečavanja navedenih jeste prevencija odnosno adekvatan sportski trening prilagođen polu, starosti i konstitutciji sportiste. Key Words: stress, fractures, adolescents. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 Ključne riječi: stres, prelom, adolescenti. 27 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ SPECIFIC INJURY TREATMENT OF QUADRICEPS FEMORIS MUSCLE IN TOP FOOTBALL PLAYERS SPECIFIČNOSTI LIJEČENJA POVREDA KVADRICEPSA KOD VRHUNSKIH FUDBALERA Aleksandar Jakovljević1, Predrag Grubor2, Marinko Domuzin2, Milorad Maran2, and Dario Kalacun2 Faculty of Medicine, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Medicinski fakultet, Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina 2 University Clinic Center, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Hercegovina Univerzitetsko-klinički centar, Banja Luka, Bosna i Herecgovina 1 UDK: 796.332:616.082 Summary Sažetak Our paper presents a contemporary approach to quadriceps injury treatment in elite football players. Quadriceps injuries are relatively frequent injury in elite athletes, mainly footballers. They usually occur by direct contact with another player, and, not so infrequently, as a result of overload. Between January 2009, and April 2011, we treated a total of 7 players from the quadriceps injury. All 7 had ruptures caused by sudden movement without contact with another player. All injured were male, aged 21-34 years (average of 25) and were all active players of premier league teams. We set a diagnosis based on clinical findings, ultrasound and, if necessary, magnetic resonance. Treatment was carried out in 5 phases, and the first one implied RICE (rest, ice, compression and elevation), the second phase started with passive movements, thermal therapy, ultrasound, laser and electro therapy, to the third phase, that involved isometric exercise. The fourth phase started with isokinetic exercises, while in the last, 5th phase, athletes returned to specific training. The development of all phases of hematoma and scars was monitored by ultrasound, and from the second day we applied the neuromuscular support by TNM techniques. The average period of time from injury treatment to the return to team championship was 37 days (33-42). None of the players had repeated violation after the inclusion of the same muscle and maximal efforts. The doctors, who treat top athletes, in principle, have higher request than usual to enable the athlete fully and as quickly as possible. An injured athlete can be treated good or better, but almost never faster! There are no magic methods that can accelerate natural course of treatment, but there are a lot of those who can postpone it. Compliance with this often causes conflicts between doctors and the environment (management of the club, coaches, public...). With the higher quality of athlete, the pressure is also higher. Besides, treatment of sports injuries is specific and its goals are strictly de- U na{em radu prikazujemo savremeni pristup liječenju povreda kvadricepsa kod vrhunskih fudbalera. Povrede kvadricepsa predstavljaju relativno čestu povredu kod vrhunskih sportista, prevashodno fudbalera. Najče{će nastaju direktnim kontaktom sa drugim igračem, a ne tako rijetko i kao posljedica sindroma prenaprezanja. U periodu januar 2009. – april 2011. liječili smo ukupno 7 fudbalera sa povredom kvadricepsa. Svih 7 povrijeđenih je imalo rupturu nastalu naglim pokretom bez kontakta sa drugim igračem. Svi povrijeđeni su bili mu{kog pola, starosti od 21-34 godine (procječno 25) i svi su bili aktivni fudbaleri prvoliga{ke ekipe. Dijagnozu smo postavljali na osnovu kliničkog nalaza, ultrazvuka i po potrebi magnetne rezonanse. Liječenje smo obavljali u 5 faza koje su u prvoj fazi podrazumijevale sistem RICE (rest, ice, compression i elevation), u drugoj fazi započinajli smo sa pasivnim pokretima uz termo terapiju, ultrazvučnu terapiju te elektrostimulaciju i laser da bi u trećoj fazi uključili izometričke vježbe. U četvrtoj fazi započinajno je sa izokinetičkim vježbama i u posljednjoj petoj fazi sportista se vraćao specifičnom treningu. Razvoj svih faza hematoma i ožiljka pratili smo ultrazvučno, a od 2. dana primjenili smo i neuromi{ićnu podr{ku pomoću TNM tehnike. Prosječna dužina liječenja od nastanka povrede do povratka u takmičarsku ekipu bila je 37 dana (33-42). Ni kod jednog fudbalera nismo imali ponavljanje povrede istog mi{ića nakon uključivanja i maksimalnih napora. Pred ljekara koji liječi vrhunske sportiste se, u principu, postavlja, o{trije nego obično, zahtjev da osposobi sportistu potpuno i {to brže. Povređenog sportistu je moguće liječiti dobro ili bolje, ali skoro nikada brže! Ne postoje čarobne metode koje mogu da ubrzaju prirodan tok liječenja, ali ih zato ima mnogo koje taj tok mogu da produže. Po{tovanje ovog stava je često uzrok sukoba ljekara i okoline (uprave kluba, trenera, javnosti 28 Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ fined: the injured athlete must be completely cured, and a period of incapacity should be as short as possible. With the application of modern principles of treatment, use of adequate equipment and proper initiation of each of the 5 phases of treatment, superior athlete with quadriceps injury can be fully habilitated in proper time to the satisfaction of all, and primarily the athlete. Key Words: quadriceps, treatment, football players. …). Pritisci su veći {to je kvalitet sportiste veći. Pored toga, liječenje sportskih povreda je specifično, a ciljevi su mu tačno definisani: povređeni sportista mora biti potpuno izlječen, a period nesposobnosti treba da bude {to kraći. Uz primjenu najsavremenijih principa liječenja uz kori{tenje adekvatne opreme i pravilnog započinjanja svake od 5 faza liječenja vrhunske sportiste sa povredom kvadicepsa moguće je potpuno ososobiti u adekvatnom vremenu na zadovoljstvo svih, a prevashodno samog sportiste. Ključne riječi: kvadriceps, liječenje, fudbaleri. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 29 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ NONLINEAR ANTHROPOMETRIC PREDICTORS OF PERFORMANCE IN ELITE JUNIOR BASKETBALL NELINEARNI ANTROPOMETRIJSKI PREDIKTORI USPJE[NOSTI U VRHUNSKOJ JUNIORSKOJ KO[ARCI Mario Jeličić1, Damir Sekulić1, and Leon Mazić1 Faculty of Kinesiology, Split, Croatia Kineziolo{ki fakultet, Split, Hrvatska 1 UDK: 796.323.2.012.1 Summary Sažetak Previous studies interpreted relations between anthropometrics and sport achievement in basketball (a) using the linear correlation models, and (b) including all basketball athletes in the same sample of subjects regardless of their playing position. In this paper we have tried to identify the significance and character of the linear and non-linear relations between simple anthropometric predictors (AP); and criteria - basketball achievement variables (BA) in the sample of the high-level junior basketball players divided according to their playing positions Guards (N = 53); Forwards (N = 49) and Centers (N = 29). Linear (general model: y = a + bx) and nonlinear regression (general model: y = a + bx + cx2) between AP and BA variables were calculated simultaneously for each group separately. In conclusion: (a) it is evident that relations in sports have to be established in samples, not only selected regarding their quality, but also regarding eventual difference in tactics (e.g. playing positions in team sports), and (b) if performed parallel with the linear ones, nonlinear regressions are evidently superior in the interpretation of the results. Dosada{nja istraživanja redovito su interpretirala relacije između antropometrijskih varijabli i efikasnosti u ko{arci upotrebljavajući (a) linearne korelacijske modele, i (b) koristeći ukupan uzorak ko{arka{a neovisno o poziciji koju igraju u ko{arci. U ovoj studiji poku{ali smo utvrditi značajnost i karakter linearnih i nelinearnih relacija između jednostavnih antropometrijskih prediktora (AP) i kriterija koje su sačinjavale varijable situacijske učinkovitosti u ko{arci (K). Uzorak ispitanika sačinjavali su najbolji juniorski ko{arka{i Evrope podijeljeni u tri grupe, ovisno o poziciji koju primarno igraju u ko{arka{koj igri: bekovi (N = 53), krila (N = 49) i centri ((N = 29). Linearni (gneralni model: y = a + bx) i nelinearni (generalni model: y = a + bx + cx2) regresijski modeli izračunavani su simultano za svaku grupu ispitanika odvojeno. Između ostalog, potvrdila se ideja iz nekih dosada{njih radova kako se relacije kojima je namjera utvrditi jednadžbu specifikacije u sportu trebaju provoditi na uzorcima ispitanika sporta{a visoke tehničke i taktičke kvalitete i izražene homogenosti. Zaključno, ukoliko se izračunavaju i uspoređuju zajedno s linearnim korelacijama, nelinearne regresije nerijetko su superiornije po pitanju interpretacije prave logike povezanost među varijablama. Key Words: morphology, kinesiology, methodology. Ključne riječi: morfologija, kineziologija, metodologija. 30 Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ THE ROLE OF THE MEDIA IN THE PREVENTION OF VIOLENCE IN SPORT ULOGA MEDIJA U PREVENCIJI NASILJA U SPORTU Aleksandar Jovanović1, Marko Milić1, and Vladimir Obradović1 Football Academy, Belgrade, Serbia Akademija fudbala, Beograd, Srbija 1 UDK: 796:659.4 Summary Sažetak Violence in sport is defined as behavior that leads to property damage, violates the rules of sport and is not compatible with the objectives of sporting competition. Violence is a product of reactive aggression. Much of the violence is among the players themselves, but coaches, fans and the media contribute to this global epidemic. The role of media in the context of violence in sport is two sided and contradictory. On the one hand, reports in both the traditional (television and press) and new media (internet) make this form of antisocial behavior more acceptable. Commercially driven media focus attention on the most controversial, scandalous and violent athletes. It is known that children are impressionable consumers of media and are therefore more prone to model their behavior based on the media content. On the other hand, the media draws attention to the global problem of increasing violence in sport and encourage institutional and governmental control and prevention of this scourge that has affected modern sport. Nasilje u sportu se defini{e kao pona{anje koje nanosi {tetu, kr{i pravila sporta i nije u vezi sa kompetitivnim objektima sportskog takmičenja. Nasilje je proizvod reaktivne agresije. Veliki broj nasilnih akata u sportu odigrava se među samim igračima, ali i nasilje koje potiče od trenera, navijača i medija doprinosi globalnoj epidemiji nasilja u sportu. Uloga medija u kontekstu nasilja u sportu ima paradoksalnu funkciju. S jedne strane, medijsko izve{tavanje o nasilju u sportu putem televizije, {tampanih medija i novih medija, odnosno Interneta na izvestan način socijalizuju ovaj oblik asocijalnog pona{anja. Mediji u komercijalnoj trci koja vlada na medijskom trži{tu najvi{e pažnje posvećuju kontroverznim, skandaloznim ili nasilnim sportistima. Poznato je da su deca kao konzumentu medijskih sadržaja skloni imitiranju, odnosno pona{anju po modelu koji mediji promovi{u. Sa druge strane, mediji ukazuju na globalni problem porasta nasilja u sportu i stimuli{u institucionalnu i državnu kontrolu i prevenciju ove po{asti koja je zahvatila savremeni sport. Key Words: violence in sports, media and sport, the paradoxical role of media in the context of violence in sport. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 Ključne riječi: nasilje u sportu, mediji i sport, paradoksalna uloga medija u kontekstu nasilja u sportu. 31 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ CURRENT PROBLEMS OF PERIODIZATION IN ORIENTEERING CHAMPIONSHIP SEASON IN SERBIA AKTUELNI PROBLEMI PERIODIZACIJE TAKMIČARSKE SEZONE U ORIJENTIRINGU U SRBIJI Slađana Jovanović1 and Vladimir Koprivica1 Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Belgrade, Serbia Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Beograd, Srbija 1 UDK: 796.56.093.1 Summary Sažetak Prelude. The foundation of success in sport is a good periodization. The idea for this work was created by spotting the bad habits of the current periodization in orienteering in Serbia. Research goal is to analyze the present problems in periodization of senior national team, as well as to propose a new periodization based on contemporary theory of sport training and competition. Methods. During the work, the method of theoretical analysis of the results obtained from research papers by other authors was applied, as well as data of the senior national team from the archives of the Orienteering Association of Serbia. Results. The current study identified the existing problems of periodization in orienteering championship season in Serbia. They relate to the planning target competition,the timing of the sports form, the similarity of every consecutive season with the previous one, the relationship of training and competition, identical periodization and calendar of competition for juniors and seniors, recovery, databases and creating the calendar of events. Based on defined problems and using the relevant empirical findings in the field of periodization in sport, a new periodization plan for the senior national team was made. Conclusion. The achievement of better sports results requires timely planning goals, precisely establishing the relationship of certain types of preparation and organization, such as: camps, race control and preparation, testing and medical exeminations. If each segment of periodization is adequately planned and implemented, with respect to individual characteristics and abilities of athletes and with appreciation of legality of the formation and maintenance of sports form, we can expect better results in the competition. Uvod. Dobra periodizacija je temelj uspeha u savremenom sportu. Ideja za ovaj rad stvorila se uočavanjem lo{ih strana postojeće periodizacije u orijentiringu u Srbiji. Cilj istraživanja je analiza aktuelnih problema periodizacije seniorske reprezentacije, kao i da se predloži nova periodizacija zasnovana na savremenoj teoriji sportskog takmičenja i treninga. Metode. U radu je primenjen metod teorijske analize rezultata dobijenih u istraživačkim radovima drugih autora, kao i podataka o seniorskoj reprezentaciji iz arhive Orijentiring Saveza Srbije. Rezultati. Studijom su utvrđeni aktuelni problemi postojeće periodizacije takmičarske sezone u orijentiringu u Srbiji. Oni se odnose na planiranje ciljnih takmičenja, tempiranje sportske forme, sličnost svake naredne sezone sa prethodnom, odnos treninga i takmičenja, identičnu periodizaciju i kalendar takmičenja za juniore i seniore, oporavak, bazu podataka i pravljenje kalendara takmičenja. Na osnovu definisanih problema, kori{ćenjem relevantnih empirijskih saznanja iz oblasti periodizacije u sportu, sačinjena je nova periodizacija za seniorsku reprezentaciju. Zaključak. Postizanje boljeg sportskog rezultata zahteva pravovremeno planiranje ciljeva, precizno utvrđivanje odnosa pojedinih vrsta priprema, kao i organizovanje: kampova, kontrolnih i pripremnih trka, testiranja i lekarskih pregleda. Ukoliko se svaki segment periodizacije adekvatno isplanira i sprovede, uz po{tovanje individualnih karakteristika i sposobnosti sportiste i uvažavanja zakonitosti formiranja i održavanja sportske forme, može se očekivati bolji rezultat na takmičenju. Ključne riječi: orijentiring, periodizacija, takmičarska sezona, seniorska reprezentacija. Key Words: orienteering, periodization, competitive season, the senior national team. 32 Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ FREQUENCY AND STRUCTURE OF POSTURAL DISORDERS AT YOUNGER STUDENTS OF ADOLESCENT AGE IN MONTENEGRO UČESTALOST I STRUKTURA POSTURALNIH POREMEĆAJA KOD UČENIKA MLA\EG ADOLESCENTNOG DOBA U CRNOJ GORI Veselin Jovović1 and Radomir Čanjak2 Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Nik{ić, Montenegro Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Nik{ič, Crna Gora 2 Army of Montenegro Vojska Crne Gore 1 UDK: 611.71-053.5(497.16) Summary Sažetak In order to determine the frequency and structure of postural disorders at younger at students in adolescent age was realized a research on a sample of 315 respondents, of which 160 boys and 155 girls, average age 13.6 years. Research program included 23 elementary schools from different socio-economic backgrounds in Montenegro. Registration of postural disorders was performed using combined multiple methods and measurement techniques: inspection, measurements (plumb, ruler, level, dermograph), “voluntary” muscle contraction, “anteflexion hull,” “position in high jump” and plantography (Radisavljević, 2001; Jovović, 2008). Condition of posture was assessed with 10 postural variables. Numerical and percentage representation of postural disorders was specified with application of descriptive statistics. The results showed that the postural status is very derelict in a large number of respondents of both sexes. It was found that most respondents have violated the status of the spine and shoulder blades. A high incidence also showed disorders of the lower extremities “O” legs and flat feet. The presence of other deviations is smaller, with carved and rounded breast disorders represented at least in the investigated cases, especially at girls. It turned out that the largest percentage of deviations form the functional disorders, which can be successfully corrected with adequate application of physical treatments. U cilju da se utvrdi učestalost i struktura posturalnih poremećaja kod učenika mlađeg adolescentnog doba realizovano je istraživanje na uzorku od 315 ispitanika, od čega 160 dječaka i 155 djevojčica, prosječne starosti 13,6 godina. Programom istraživanja obuhvaćeni su učenici 23 osnovne {kole iz različitih socio-ekonomskih sredina u Crnoj Gori. Registracija posturalnih poremećaja izvr{ena je primjenom vi{e kombinovanih metoda i tehnika mjerenja: inspekcije, mjerenja (visak, lenjir, libela, dermograf), «voljne» kontrakcije mi{ića, «antefleksije trupa», «položaja u visu» i plantografije (Radisavljević, 2001; Jovović, 2008). Stanje posturalnog statusa je procjenjivano sa 10 posturalnih varijabli. Primjenom deskriptivne statistike utvrđena je brojčana i procentualna zastupljenost posturalnih poremećaja. Rezultati su pokazali da je posturalni status veoma zapu{ten kod velikog broja ispitanika oba pola. Utvrđeno je da najveći broj ispitanika ima naru{en status kičmenog stuba i lopatica. Veliku učestalost su pokazali i poremećaji donjih ekstremiteta “O“ noge i ravno stopalo. Prisutnost ostalih devijacija je manja, pri čemu su izdubljene i ispupčene grudi najmanje zastupljeni poremećaji kod ispitivanih slučajeva, naročito kod djevojčica. Pokazalo se da daleko najveći procenat devijacija čine funkcionalni poremećaji, koji se adekvatnom primjenom tjelesnog tretmana mogu uspje{no korigovati. Key Words: postural disorders, adolescents, spinal column, thorax, limbs. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 Ključne riječi: posturalni poremećaji, adolescenti, kičmeni stub, grudni ko{, donji ekstremiteti. 33 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ INFLUENCE OF THE SPECIFIC MOTORIC ABILITIES AND KNOWLEDGES ON THE KARATE KATA PERFORMANCE IN YOUNG KARATE PLAYERS UTJECAJ SPECIFIČNIH MOTORIČKIH SPOSOBNOSTI I ZNANJA NA IZVEDBU KARATE KATA KOD MLADIH KARATISTA Josefina Jukić1, Marijana Čavala1, Mirjana Milić1, Maja Mikelić1, and Zdenka Barović1 Faculty of Kinesiology, Split, Croatia Kineziolo{ki fakultet, Split, Hrvatska 1 UDK: 796.85.012.1 Summary Sažetak The aim of this research was to define mutual determination of the specific motoric abilities (situational karate tests), motoric knowledge (karate techniques) and success in performing karate kata in young cadets and cadets aged 11-12 and 13-14 years. With this aim, the group of 6 situational motoric tests was applied on the sample of 40 younger cadets and 40 cadets, alongside with assessment of 6 basic karate technique elements. The variable of the criterion was made of the overall grade of the 2 karate kata as kata success. The regression analysis showed that the best kata performance success predictor in young cadets is, except for the specific agility, the speed of the gedan barai-jaku zuki combination (block kick) performance, while the best predictor in cadets is gedan barai blockade speed performance. Among the karate techniques (kicks) applied, the best predictor of the kata efficiency performance in young cadets is the quality of the mawashi geri and jaku zuki-uraken realisation, while in cadets the best success predictor is the quality of the kizame zuki-jaku zuki kick performance. It is evident that agility as a motoric ability dominates the karate sport, it interlaces through the energetic fight position movements, and fast and explosive hand swings, abundant in the karate katas. The alternate lunges, turns, swings, kicks and blockades demand a high level of a karate player`s specific motoric abilities development and technical efficiency. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi međusobnu determiniranost specifičnih motoričkih sposobnosti (situacijski karate testovi) i motoričkih znanja (karate tehnike) i uspjeha u izvođenju karate kata kod mlađih kadeta i kadeta u dobi od 11-12 i 13-14 godina. U tu svrhu je na uzorku od 40 mlađih kadeta i 40 kadeta primijenjen skup od 6 situacijskih motoričkih testova, te izvr{eno ocjenjivanje 6 bazičnih elemenata karate tehnike. Varijablu kriterija činila je ukupna ocjena izvedbe 2 karate kate kao uspjeh u katama. Regresijska analiza je pokazala da je kod mlađih kadeta najbolji prediktor za uspjeh u izvođenju kata uz specifičnu agilnost i brzina izvođenja kombinacije gedan barai – jaku zuki (blok-udarac) dok je kod kadeta najbolji prediktor brzina izvođenja blokade gedan barai. Od primijenjenih karate tehnika (udaraca) najbolji prediktor efikasnosti izvedbe kata je kod mlađih kadeta kvaliteta realizacije mawashi geri i kombinacije jaku zuki-uraken, a kod kadeta najbolji prediktor uspjeha je kvaliteta izvođenja udarca kizame zuki- jaku zuki. Evidentno je da karate sportom dominira agilnost kao motorička sposobnost koja se prožima kroz energična premje{tanja stavova u borbi, te brzi i eksplozivni zamasi rukama kojima obiluju karata{ke kate. Naizmjenični iskoraci, okreti, zamasi, udarci i blokade zahtjevaju od karataša visok nivo razvijenosti kako specifičnih motoričkih sposobnosti tako i tehničke efikasnosti. Key Words: karate, specific motor, technique, kata, regression. 34 Ključne riječi: karate, specifična motorika, tehnika, kate, regresija. Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ ANALYSIS OF FACTOR STRUCTURE OF PRECISION IN FEMALE VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS ANALIZA FAKTORSKE STRUKTURE PROSTORA PRECIZNOSTI ODBOJKA[ICA Tamara Karalić1, Nenad Marelić2, and Aleksandra Vujmilović3 Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Fakultet fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta, Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina 2 Faculty of Kineziology, Zagreb, Croatia Kineziolo{ki fakultet, Zagreb, Hrvatska 3 Medical High School, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Srednja medicinska {kola, Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina 1 UDK: 796.325.262 Summary Sažetak The subject of this research is precision as a factor of success in volleyball. The issue relates to the realization of the said motor skills through a clearly defined and valid metric tests typical for the area of technical - tactical structure of volleyball. The aim of the research was to determine the factorial structure of motor abilities of precision for female volleyball players. The task was to determine the correlation between motor tasks with the main components defined as potential factors of the research area. The sample consisted of 40 female volleyball players, members of volleyball teams from Ni{, 14-16 years of age. Eleven motor tests were used to assess the following potential factors: the precision of shooting targets in the horizontal plane, the precision of shooting targets in the vertical plane, body coordination at volleyball court, the precision of spike technique and nerve-muscle reactions. It was found that there are certain manifest dimensions within the studied area defined as the area of precision. Then, that in the structure of this area in volleyball are acting factors of precision in shooting targets with fingers and “hammer” in the horizontal and vertical planes, and is also confirmed that there is coordination factor in the space of volleyball court and a velocity factor of nervemuscle response. In general it is concluded that within the structure of technical-tactical elements operate particular types of volleyball player precision that can be defined as factors of precision in the technique of adding ball with fingers, forearm pass technique (“hammer”) and spike technique. Predmet ovog istraživanja jeste preciznost kao faktor uspje{nosti kod odbojka{ica. Problem se odnosi na realizaciju pomenute motoričke sposobnosti putem jasno definisanih i metrijski validnih testova karakterističnih za prostor tehničko – taktičke strukture odbojke. Cilj u istraživanju je da se utvrdi faktorska struktura antropomotoričke sposobnosti preciznosti za odbojka{ice. Zadatak je utvrditi stepen korelacije motoričkih zadataka sa glavnim komponentama definisanim kao potencijalni faktori istraživanog prostora. Uzorak ispitanika činilo je ukupno 40 odbojka{ica članica odbojka{kih klubova iz Ni{a, čija je starost bila od 14 do 16 godina. Kori{teno je 11 motoričkih testova za procjenu sljedećih potencijalnih faktora: preciznost pogađanja ciljeva u horizontalnoj ravni, preciznost pogađanja ciljeva u vertikalnoj ravni, koordinacija tijela na odbojka{kom terenu, preciznost tehnike smečiranja i nervno mi{ićna reakcija. Utvrđeno je da postoje određene manifestne dimenzije unutar posmatranog prostora definisanog kao prostor preciznosti. Zatim, da u strukturi ovog prostora kod odbojka{ica, djeluju faktori preciznosti pogađanja ciljeva prstima i “čekićem” u horizontalnoj i vertikalnoj ravni, također je potvrđeno da djeluju i faktor koordinacije u prostoru odbojka{kog terena i faktor brzine nervno-mi{ićnog reagovanja. Generalno je zaključeno da u strukturi tehničko-taktičkih elemenata djeluju posebni tipovi preciznosti odbojka{ice koji se mogu definisati kao faktori preciznosti u tehnici dodavanja lopte prstima, tehnici dodavanja “čekićem” i tehnici smečiranja. Key Words: technical-tactical stuctures, factors, precision, volleyball. Ključne riječi: tehničko-taktička struktura, faktori, preciznost, odbojka. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 35 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ CULTURAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL DIMENSIONS OF SPORT KULTURNO-ANTROPOLO[KE DIMENZIJE SPORTA Dragan Koković1 Department for Sociology, Phylosopic Faculty, Novi Sad, Serbia Odsjek za sociologiju, Filozofski fakultet, Novi Sad, Srbija 1 UDK: 796.01 Summary Sažetak Anthropological understanding of sport concern its connection to something different - religion, work, ritual, myth, politics and so on. Sport can be analyzed through the social problems that explain it (e.g. violence). Sport can show that certain groups think about their existence, how the “clash of social conditions” as the hierarchy and equality are articulated in the banalities of everyday life. Anthropology explores the extent to which modernity of sport is compatible with archaic mentality and collective sensitivity. Anthropology has shown that whole sports action and behavior deserve more attention than it has been dedicated in the past. It is unusual that sports has not attracted the attention of anthropologists and ethnologists, as a phenomenon known in the primitive and traditional societies, but also as a modern form of collective life, relevant to the anthropological and ethnological research. Anthropologists are interested in cultural meanings of sport that it has had for the archaic humans and modern man. Anthropologists believe that they should answer the following question: what is what we have in common, though in different ways depending on ethnicity, class, gender, etc.. in the great attraction of sport? Analysis of the sports events aims to make visible anthropological dimension of its cultural distinctiveness in relation to pre-modern societies. It can be said that the sport from this point, could be the key for an anthropology, and also for a political anthropology of modernity. Antropologija je ukazala da celina sportskog delanja i pona{anja zaslužuje veću pažnju od one koja joj je ukazivana u pro{losti. Utoliko je neobičnije {to sport, koliko mi je poznato, nije privukao veću pažnju samih antropologa i etnologa, ni kao pojava poznata primitivnim i tradicionalnim dru{tvima, ni kao vid savremenog kolektivnog života, relevantan za antropolo{ka i etnolo{ka istraživanja. Antropologa zanimaju kulturna značenja sporta za arhaičnog čoveka i čoveka modernog doba. Mogu se identifikovati tri linije istraživanja. Antropolozi smatraju da treba dati odgovor na sledeće pitanje: {ta je ono {to nam je zajedničko, premda na različite načine u zavisnosti od nacionalne pripadnosti, klase, pola, itd., u strahovitoj privlačnosti sporta? Analiza sportskog događaja ima za cilj da učini vidljivom antropolo{ku dimenziju sopstvene kulturne osobenosti u odnosu prema nemodernim dru{tvima. Ima mi{ljenja da bi sport sa ovog stanovi{ta bio ključ za jednu antropologiju pa čak i za jednu političku antropologiju moderniteta. Antropolo{ko razumevanje sporta predstavlja njegovo povezivanje sa nečim različitim od sebe – religijom, radom, ritualom, mitom, politikom itd. Sport se tada može analizirati preko dru{tvenih problema koji ga obja{njavaju (npr. nasilja). Sport može pokazati kako određene grupe razmi{ljaju o svojoj egzistenciji, kako funkcioni{e “sukob dru{tvenih prilika”, kako se hijerarhija i jednakost artikuli{u u banalnostima svakodnevnog života. Antropologija istražuje u kojoj je meri modernost sporta spojiva sa arhaičnim mentalitetom i kolektivnom osećajno{ću. Key Words: sports, anthropological dimensions of sports, archaic society, the myth, the whole sport. Ključne riječi: sport, antropolo{ke dimenzije sporta, arhaična dru{tva, mit, celina sporta. 36 Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ CAN EXPLOSIVE LEG STRENGTH OF VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS BE IMPROVED DURING COMPETITIVE SEASON? MOŽE LI SE U NATJECATELJSKOM PERIODU ODBOJKA[A UTJECATI NA RAZVOJ EKSPLOZIVNE SNAGE NOGU? Danijela Kostanić1, Vjekoslav Cigrovski1, and Nikola Prlenda1 Faculty of Kinesiology, Zagreb, Croatia Kineziolo{ki fakultet, Zagreb, Hrvatska 1 UDK: 796.325.012.1 Summary Sažetak The primary aim of this research was to determine the influence of programmed conditioning training on explosive leg strength of volleyball players during competitive season. Investigation included thirteen senior volleyball players, members of Croatian national league. Before and after the end of conditioning trainings examinees were tested on Kistler’s platform on five tests: squat jump, counter movement jump, one leg high jump with left and right leg and repeat squat jump. Conditioning training program lasted for eighteen weeks, and during the period examinees were twice a week, besides the usual program, involved in special trainings. The special training included weight lifting and different jumpsvariants of jumps from ankle, variants of bench jumps, and variants of one leg bench jumps. Results were analyzed by ANOVA and discriminative analysis. Results of discriminative analysis showed statistically significant changes in explosive strength tests before and after training period (F = 8.71; p = .00). On the other hand, ANOVA showed statistically significant results only on squat jump (F = 6.85; p = .02) and counter movement jump (F = 9.86; p = .01). Our results point to improved explosive strength after applied specific training program. Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi utjecaj programiranog kondicijskog treninga na razinu eksplozivne snage nogu odbojka{a za vrijeme natjecateljskog perioda. Istraživanje je provedeno na trinaest ispitanika, članova hrvatske seniorske odbojka{ke ekipe. Prije te nakon zavr{enog programa kondicijskih treninga igrači su testirani uz pomoć Kistlerove platforme s pet testova: vertikalni skok iz čučnja, vertikalni skok s pripremom, jednonožni skok u vis lijevom i desnom nogom te ponavljajući sunožni skok u vis. Program kondicijskih treninga trajao je osamnaest tjedana, za vrijeme kojega su ispitanici osim standardnih treninga i natjecanja dva puta tjedno imali treninge po posebnom programu. Po tom programu ispitanici su jedan trening radili s utezima, dok su drugi trening istoga dana izvodili pomoću različitih vrsta skokova: varijante skokova iz skočnog zgloba, varijante naskoka na klupu, varijante jednonožnih naskoka na klupu. Dobiveni podaci obrađeni su pomoću ANOVAe i diskriminacijske analize. Analiza rezultata diskriminacijske analize (F = 8,71; p = 0,00) pokazala je statistički značajne promjene u testovima za procjenu eksplozivne snage nogu između dva provedena testiranja. Međutim, promatrajući rezultate ANOVA-e statistički značajne promjene utvrđene su samo u testovima: vertikalni skok iz čučnja (F = 6,85; p = 0,02) i vertikalni skok s pripremom (F = 9,86; p = 0,01). Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju kako se nakon provedenog programa kondicijskih treninga utjecalo na prosječno veće vrijednosti u testovima za procjenu eksplozivne snage tipa skočnosti. Key Words: motor ability, explosive strength tests, conditioning training. Ključne riječi: motorička sposobnost, testovi za procjenu eksplozivne snage, kondicijski trening. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 37 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ VALIDITY, RELIABILITY AND SENSITIVITY OF THE TEST STROKE WITH LEG MAE GERI VAŽNOST, POUZDANOST I OSJETLJIVOST TESTA UDARAC NOGOM - MAJ GERI Žarko Kostovski1, Marko Zeljković2, Luzlim Ibri3, Elena Soklevska1, and Bo{ko Zaborski1 Faculty of physical culture, Skopje, FYR Macedonia Fakultet fizičke kulture, Skoplje, Makedonija 2 Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Fakultet fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta, Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina 3 Sector of Sport, Prizren, Serbia Sektor za sport, Prizren, Srbija 1 UDK: 796.85 Summary Sažetak The research was conducted in R. Macedonia on a intentional sample of 30 participants (karate athletes), at the age older then 18, male. During the research, on the participants was applied 1 (one) manifest specific-motor variable (newly composed test), characteristically for karate sport. The aim of this research was to establish the measure characteristics of the newly constructed test. With the Hotteling method, the factorial validity of this test was established, and it was determined the latent dimension of the same, where the main component established was by Kaiser-Gutman criteria. Based on the obtained results from the research, there were given conclusions which refer to the measure characteristics of the applied test, and before all the factorial validity, sensitivity and reliability of the same. Istraživanje je rađeno u Republici Makedoniji na uzorku od 30 ispitanika (karatista), mu{karaca, starijih od 18 godina. U toku istraživanja primjenjena je jedna manifestna specifično-motorička varijabla (novoosmi{ljeni test), karakteristična za karate. Cilj ovog istraživanja je da se utvrde karakteristike pomenutog testa. U sklopu Hotteling metode utvrđena je faktorska validnost ovog testa i njegova latentna dimenzija, gdje je glavna komponenta utvrđena pomoću Kaiser-Gutman kriterija. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata donjeti su zaključci koji se odnose na mjerne karakteristike primjenjenog testa a prije svega na njegovu faktorsku važnost, osjetljivost i pouzdanost. Ključne riječi: . Key Words: . 38 Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ PREDICTION OF THE LONG JUMP RESULTS IN KINESIOLOGY STUDENTS PREDIKCIJA REZULTATA SKOKA U DALJ KOD STUDENATA KINEZIOLOGIJE Boris Male{1, Frane Žuvela1, and Stjepko Vodanović1 Faculty of Kinesiology, Split, Croatia Kineziolo{ki fakultet, Split, Hrvatska 1 UDK: 796.431.2 Summary Sažetak The main goal of current research was to determine the correlation between the predictive and the real result in long jump discipline in kinesiology students upon certain anthropological measures. According to the set aim, 27 first-year kinesiology students participated in the study and were subdued to a set of six motor tests (vertical jump, standing long jump, five bounds for distance, standing 30-meter dash, flying 30-meter dash, sixtymeter dash), three tests for morphological measures assessment (body height, body weight, body fat percentage), two tests for step frequency and length, and one test (qualitative and quantitative) for athletic discipline of long jump assessment. The participants were divided in two groups according to long jump technique: aboveaverage students and below-average students. To determine the relations, a classic correlation analysis was carried out. The results showed that there are no significant differences between the predictive and the real result in long jump discipline. On the other hand, significant correlations were determined between the long jump technique and the achieved distance. Also, the results revealed significant correlation of body height, running speed and number of steps (in standing 30-meter dash) with the flying 30-meter dash only in aboveaverage students group. Authors recommend that other motor abilities be included in the future research – coordination, flexibility, explosive strength. Also, authors express the need for total volume increase which should be directed not only towards better learning of long jump technique but also towards the development of kinesiological operators that are specific for the long jump discipline. Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi povezanost između prediktivnog i ostvarenog rezultata u disciplini skok u dalj na temelju nekih mjera antropolo{kog statusa studenata kineziologije. U skladu s osnovnim ciljem istraživanja na uzorku od 27 studenata prve godine Preddiplomskog studija na Kineziolo{kom fakultetu Sveučili{ta u Splitu primijenjen je skup od {est motorička testova (skok u vis iz mjesta, skok u dalj iz mjesta, petroskok, trčanje na 30 m iz visokog starta, trčanje 30 m iz letećeg starta i trčanje na 60 m iz visokog starta), tri testa za procjenu morfolo{kog statusa (tjelesna visina, tjelesna masa i postotak masnog tkiva), dva testa za procjenu dužine i frekvencije koraka i jedan test (znanje i rezultat izvedbe) za procjenu uspjeha u atletskoj disciplini – skok u dalj. Uzorak ispitanika je bio podijeljen na dvije skupine. Prvu skupinu ispitanika sačinjavali su studenti s iznadprosječnim znanjem skoka u dalj, a drugu skupinu činili su studenti čije je znanje izvedbe skoka u dalj procijenjeno ispodprosječnim. Kako bi se utvrdile analizirane povezanosti primijenjena je klasična korelacijska analiza. Rezultati korelacijske analize ukazali su kako ne postoji statistički značajna povezanost između prediktivnog i ostvarenog rezultata u disciplini skoku dalj. S druge strane, rezultati korelacijske analize ukazali su kako postoji značajna povezanost između znanja izvedbe skoka udalj i ostvarenog rezultata u istoj disciplini. Također, rezultati istraživanja ukazali su kako postoji statistički značajna povezanost između tjelesne visine, brzine trčanja i prosječnog broja koraka u sprintu na 30 m s letećim startom, samo kod studenata koji su imali iznadprosječno znanje skoka u dalj. Kako bi se dobila jo{ jasnija slika stvarne povezanosti između motoričkih sposobnosti i uspjeha u skakačkoj disciplini, autori smatraju neophodnim da se u budućim istraživanjima uključi procjena i ostalih motoričkih sposobnosti – koordinacija, fleksibilnost, eksplozivna snaga (ekscentrično-koncentrične kontrakcije). Isto tako, autori smatraju potrebnim i povećanje ukupnog volumena rada koji bi bio usmjeren na usvajanje i ponavljanje znanja skoka u dalj, putem primijenjenih nastavnih tema, ali i putem drugih kineziolo{kih operatora koji su specifični za disciplinu skok u dalj. Key Words: anthropological features, athletic jumps, university classes, relations. Ključne riječi: antropolo{ka obilježja, atletski skokovi, sveučili{na nastava, relacije. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 39 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ CONNECTION BETWEEN THE SPEED AND THE ABILITY TO JUMP IN FOOTBAL POVEZANOST IZME\U BRZINE I SKOČNOSTI U FUDBALU Sa{a Marković1, Željko Sekulić1, Milo{ Obradović2, and Srđan Bugarski2 Faculty of Physical Education and sport, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Fakultet fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta, Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina 2 Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Belgrade, Srebia Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Beograd, Srbija 1 UDK: 796.332.012.133 Summary Sažetak Analyzing the different types of the speed and the ability to jump, various possibilities during the application of these tests were noticed (Stolen et al., 2005).Taking into account the application of the tests that measure the speed and the ability to jump in football, the subject of this research are the motor skills which are specific for football, while the goal of the paper is to determine, by the use of these tests, is there any connection between these two motor skills.The research was taken among the 26 first-team players from the “Borac” Banja Luka football club.The sample of variables are the following tests: Sprint 5m, 10m, 30m, Squat Jump, Counter Movement Jump and Multi Jump.The instruments used during this research were the photo-cells and field platform.By the use of the “K-S” test, it was determined that the division of the results is normal. Based on the descriptive parameters of the arithmetic mean and standard deviation, the following results were given: SJ (39.87 ± 4.32),CMJ (40.31 ± 4.15), MJ (34.80 ± 3.80), sprint 5m (1.56 ± .03), sprint 10m (2.31 ± .05), sprint 30m (4.76 ± .11). By calculating the Paerson’s correlation coefficient, the biggest correlation appeared between the “30m” and “SJ” test (r = .412 , p = .037). When compared to the total results, the correlation between the “30m” and “CMJ” tests (r = .365, p = .067) appeared to be a bit higher, and the smallest and also negative correlation appeared between the “5m” and “MJ” (r = - .125, p = .542). We can conclude that the correlations are mostly low and statistically insignificant. A huge impact on it had the reliability of the measuring instrument, weak adaptation to the testing conditions (in other words - to the measuring instruments), and unexpectedly weak results of the ability to jump when compared to the good results of the speed. After getting the correlation results, the inversion of the results was made, because in the tests which measure the speed, less time gives a better result. Analizirajući različite tipove skočnosti i brzine, primjećene su {iroke mogućnosti prilikom primjene ovih testova (Stolen i saradnici, 2005). Sa obzirom na sve če{ću primjenu testova skočnosti i brzine u fudbalu predmet ovog istraživanja su motoričke sposobnosti koje su specifične za fudbal, dok je cilj rada da se putem motoričkih testova skočnosti i brzine utvrdi da li postoji povezanost između ove dve motoričke sposobnosti. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na 26 fudbalera prvog tima Borca iz Banja Luke. Uzorak varijabli čine sledeći testovi: sprint 5m, 10m i 30 m, Squat Jump, Counter Movement Jump, Multi Jump. Instrumenti koji su kori{teni prilkom ovog istraživanja su foto–ćelije i terenska platforma. K–S testom je utvrđeno da je raspodijela rezultata normalna. Na osnovu deskripitvnih parametara, aritmetičke sredine i standardne devijacije dobijeni su sledeći rezultati: SJ (39,87 ± 4,32), CMJ (40,31 ± 4,15), MJ (34,80 ± 3,80), sprint 5m (1,56 ± 0,03), sprint 10m (2,31 ± 0,05), sprint 30m (4,76 ± 0,11). Računanjem Pirsonovog koeficijenta korelacije najveća korealacija se pojavila između testova 30m i SJ (r = 0,412 , p = 0,037), ne{to veća korelacija u odnosu na kompletne rezultate pojavila se između 30m i CMJ (r = 0,365, p = 0,067), a najmanja i negativna povezanost se javila između 5m i MJ (r = 0,125, p = 0,542). Možemo zaključiti da su korelacije pretežno niske i statistički neznačajne na {ta su svakako imali uticaj pouzdanost mjernog instrumenta, slaba adaptacija na uslove testiranja odnosno mjerne instrumente i neočekivano slabi rezultati skočnosti u odnosu na dobre rezultate brzine. Nakon dobijenih rezultata korelacije izvr{ena je inverzija rezultata iz razloga {to u testovima brzine manje vrijeme daje bolji rezultat. Ključne riječi: motorički testovi, fudbal, motoričke sposobnosti. Key Words: motor skill tests, football, motor skills. 40 Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ APPEARANCE OF OLYMPIC IDEA IN THE KINGDOM OF SERBIA POJAVA OLIMIJSKE MISLI U KRALJEVINI SRBIJI Slađana Mijatović1 and Vladislav Ilić2 Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Belgrade, Serbia Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Beograd, Srbija 2 Football Academy, Belgrade, Serbia Akademija fudbala, Beograd, Srbija 1 UDK: 796.01(497.11) Summary Sažetak The development of modern sport in the 19th century encouraged the idea of restoring the Ancient Greek Olympic games in Europe, and hence in Serbia. It first appeared in civil gymnastic societies, which called their competition “Olympic”. In February 1896, in Ćuprija, equestrian competition was organized under the name “Olympic festival on horseback in Cuprija”. Chivalrous Society “Du{an the Mighty” in Belgrade (February 1896) announced that “it would be the first time in a public class to perform some of the famous Olympic games with swords like in the age of Ancient Greeks”. The five-day stay of King Aleksandar Obrenovic in Athens in 1896, during the first Olympic games, had a significant role in spreading Olympic idea. Playing the Serbian national anthem and raising of the flag of the Kingdom of Serbia meant the presence of Serbia in the Olympic Games. Therefore, in the late 19th and early 20th century, Olympic idea was accepted in many societies, so the Society “Du{an the Mighty”, together with journalists, organized Olympic Games in Belgrade on Ada Ciganlija (1908). Teachers of Gymnasium in Jagodina founded Olympic Club (1909), which organized Students Olympic Games next year (1910). Serbian Olympic Club (SOC) was founded in Belgrade (in 1910) in order to encourage and support the work of chivalrous societies, which would contribute to the improvement of military and physical education, and which would also prepare domestic and world Olympic games. All this meant that the accepted Olympic idea grew into the Olympic movement, which in that decade reached such proportions that the athletes wanted to participate in the international Olympic movement. Razvoj modernog sporta u 19. veku je podstakao ideju o obnavljanju antičkih Olimpijskih igara u Evropi, pa time i u Srbiji. Ona se prvo pojavila u građanskim gimnastičkim dru{tvima, koja su svoja takmičenja nazivala „olimpijska“. U Ćupriji su februara 1896. godine organizovana konjička takmičenja pod imenom: “Olimpijske svečanosti na konjima u Ćupriji”. Vite{ko dru{tvo “Du{an Silni” u Beogradu je (februara 1896) najavilo da će se „prvi put na javnom času izvesti izvesne čuvene Olimpijske igre sa mačevima u doba starih Jelina“. Petodnevni boravak kralja Aleksandra Obrenovića u Atini 1896. godine, za vreme Prvih olimpijskih igara, imao je veliki značaj u {irenju olipijske ideje. Sviranje srpske himne i podizanje zastave Kraljevine Srbije značilo je i prisustvo Srbije na Olimpijskim igrama. Stoga je krajem 19. i početkom 20. veka olimpijska ideja prihvaćena u brojnim dru{tvima, pa je tako Dru{tvo “Du{an Silni” zajedno sa novinarima organizovalo u Beogradu na Adi Ciganliji Olimpijske igre (1908). Nastavnici Gimnazije u Jagodini su osnovali Olimpijski klub (1909), koji je sledeće godine (1910) organizovao \ačke olimpijske igre. Srpski olimpijski klub (SOK) je osnovan u Beogradu (1910) sa ciljem da podstiče i pomaže rad vite{kih dru{tava koja bi doprinosila pobolj{anju vojničkog i telesnog vaspitanja, kao i da priređuje zemaljske i svetske olimpijske utakmice i igre. Sve ovo je značilo da je prihvaćena olimpijska ideja prerasla u olimpijski pokret, koji je u toj deceniji dostigao takve razmere da su sportisti želeli da se uključe u međunarodni olimpijski pokret. Key Words: Olympic idea, the Olympic movement, the Kingdom of Serbia. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 Ključne riječi: olimpijska misao, olimpijski pokret, Kraljevina Srbija. 41 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ TRANSFORMATION EFFECTS OF BASIC MOTOR ABILITIES AND MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTIC OF FOOTBALL PLAYERS FROM 16-18 YEARS OLD TRANSFORMACIONI EFEKTI BAZIČNO-MOTORIČKIH SPOSOBNOSTI I MORFOLO[KIH KARAKTERISTIKA KOD FUDBALERA UZRASTA 16-18 GODINA Branimir Mikić1, Azer Korjenić2, Alen Alender3, Denis Begović4, and Milo{ Jelčić5 Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina Fakultet za tjelesni odgoj i sport, Tuzla, Bosna i Hercegovina 2 Faculty of Education, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina Nastavnički fakultet, Mostar, Bosna i Hercegovina 3 Center for Children with Dissabilities “Loss Rosalles”, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina Centar za djecu s posebnim potrebama “Loss Rosalles“, Mostar, Bosna i Hercegovina 4 Primary school “Ivan Goran Kovačić”, Gradačac, Bosnia and Herzegovina O[ “Ivan Goran Kovačić“, Gradačac, Bosna i Hercegovina 5 Primary school “Lipanjeske zore”, Vi{ići, Čapljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina O[ “Lipanjske zore“, Vi{ići, Čapljina, Bosna i Hercegovina 1 UDK: 796.332.012.1 Summary Sažetak If we want to have planned and sistematic influence on football player through training process, it is necessary to confirm present status of motor - morphological state, and on the basis of that, chose the volumen, intesity and time of work in the goal of transforamtion in some new state of player (Mikić, Tanović, & Begović, 2006). In sport training over the last year realisation of this target is shorter, and on very interdiscipline way, so we could get optimising training process and be effective in minimal period of time. The problem of this exploration was confirming the effects of applaying programme of work in space of variables for confirming basic motor abilites and morpological characteristies in phase of basic preparing football players strature from 16 to 18 years old. Because of that, the target of this exploration was to confirm quantative changes of explorated basic motor abilities and morphological characteristics under the influence of applied program. The final results in this exploration give us informations about applied plan and program of work, and contributes to partial quantative changes between explorated spaces. We could apply all mentioned in practice, if we have samples of football players in the time of basics preparations. Da bismo putem trenažnog opterećenja mogli planski i sistematski djelovati na fudbalera, nužno je utvrditi postojeće stanje motoričko-morfolo{kog statusa fudbalera, te na temelju istog odrediti smjernice, obim intezitet i vrijeme rada, u cilju transformiranja istih u neko novo stanje (Mikić, Tanović i Begović, 2006). U sportskom treningu se posljednjih godina realizacija ove težnje ostvaruje za {to kraće vrijeme i na interdisciplinaran način, koristeći sve relevantne resurse, kako bi se do{lo do optimizacije trenažnog procesa, kao ishodi{ta maksimalne efektivnosti i minimalnog vremena. Problem ovog istraživanja jest utvrđivanje efekata primjenjenog programa rada u prostoru varijabli za procjenu bazično-motoričkih sposobnosti i morfolo{kih karakteristika, u fazi bazičnih priprema fudbalera uzrasta 16 do 18 godina. Shodno tome, cilj ovog istraživa bio je da se utvrde kvantitativne promjene istraživanih bazično-motoričkih sposobnosti i morfolo{kih karakteristika pod uticajem primjenjenog programa trenažnog rada. Dobijeni podaci u ovom istraživanju, govore u prilog primjenjenog plana i programa rada, jer je isti doprinjeo statistički značajnim parcijalnim kvantitativnim promjenama unutar istraživanih prostora, te se sa sigurno{ću može primjeniti u praktične svrhe kad je u pitanju ovaj uzrast ispitanika u periodu bazičnih priprema. Key Words: transformations, effects, morphological characteristics, motor abilities, plan of work, training. 42 Ključne riječi: transformacije, efekti, morfolo{ke karakteristike, motoričke sposobnosti, plan rada, trening. Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ SPORTS EVENTS AS A FACTOR OF TOURISM MARKET SPORTSKI DOGA\AJI KAO FAKTOR RAZVOJA TURISTIČKOG TRŽI[TA Marko Kimi Milić1, Aleksandar Jovanović1, and Vladimir Obradović1 Football Academy, Belgrade, Serbia Akademija fudbala, Beograd, Srbija 1 UDK: 338.48:79 Summary Sažetak The case of studies in this paper are the impacts that large and small sports events have on the tourism development of the host sporting events, and to what extent is the economic, infrastructure, marketing and other benefits reflected a positive and potentially negative impact of sports events as well as the sports tourism tourist destination. Aim of this study is to determine the manner and degree of impact of sporting events in the development of tourism and economy of the organizing country. Also, the objective is to show how sports tourism brings positive affirmation of some locations as a tourist destination, and upon completion of the sports event. Tourism market becomes dominant in comparison with other markets for goods and services in the world and includes both international and domestic developments. Since the fifties the tendency of development of tourism as an industry is on the rise. Even today there is a noticeable rise in new forms of tourism which is every day more and more developed and evolved following the needs of new, modern tourists. Over time, the evergrowing number of destinations has opened the possibility for continuous growth of investments into tourism, turning modern tourism in the main driver of socioeconomic development through job creation, entrepreneurship followed by tourism services and infrastructure development. Predmet istraživanja u ovom radu su uticaji koji veliki i mali sportski događaji imaju na razvoj turizma zemlje domaćina sportske manifestacije, zatim u kolikoj se meri kroz ekonomske, infrastrukturne, marketin{ke i druge koristi ogleda pozitivan i eventualno negativan uticaj sportskih de{avanja kao i sam sportski turizam na turističku destinaciju. Cilj rada jeste utvrđivanje načina i stepena uticaja sportskih manifestacija na razvoj turizma i ekonomiju zemlje organizatora. Takođe, cilj rada je i da se pokaže način na koji sportski turizam donosi pozitivnu afirmaciju nekih lokacija kao turističke destinacije i nakon zavr{ene sportske manifestacije. Turističko trži{te postaje dominantno u poređenju sa drugim trži{tima roba i usluga u svetu i obuhvata kako međunarodna tako i domaća kretanja. Jo{ od pedesetih godina pro{log veka tendencija razvoja turizma kao privredne grane je u usponu. I danas postoji primetan uspon u novim vidovima turizma koji se iz dana u dan sve vi{e razvijaju i evoluiraju prateći potrebe novog, savremenog turiste. Tokom vremena, stalno rastući broj destinacija je otvorio mogućnost za stalan rast investicija u turizam, pretvarajući moderan turizam u glavni pokretač socio-ekonomskog razvoja kroz stvaranje novih radnih mesta, preduzetni{tva koje prati turističke usluge kao i infrastrukturni razvoj. Key Words: sports events, sports management, tourism. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 Ključne riječi: sportska takmičenja, sportski menadžment, turizam. 43 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ RELATIONS BETWEEN PREOCCUPATION WITH SPORTS, MOTIVATION FOR SPORT, SELF-ESTEEM, AND TYPES OF USING COMPUTERS OF ADOLESCENTS RELACIJE IZME\U ZAOKUPLJENOSTI SPORTOM, SAMOPOIMANJA, MOTIVACIJE ZA SPORT I TIPOVA KORI[TENJA RAČUNALA ADOLESCENATA Mirjana Milić1, Boris Milavić2, and Zoran Grgantov2 Primary school „Bijaći“, Ka{tel Novi, Croatia Osnovna {kola „Bijaći“, Ka{tel-Novi, Hrvatska 2 Faculty of kinesiology, Split, Croatia Kineziolo{ki fakultet, Split, Hrvatska 1 UDK: 796+159.9 Summary Sažetak Adolescent’s use of computer represents one of the many possible sedentary activities, and they are inversely proportional to their kinesiological activity. When the adolescent is more kinesiologicaly active, he will spend less time in any sedentary activity. The aim of research is to determine the relations between types of using computers with kinesiological activity and other special connected features. Subjects were 195 students from final grades of primary schools in Split. Measured variables are the kinesiological activity, general self-esteem, orientation of motivation for the sport, perceived sport competence and passive preoccupation with sports. Three types (clusters) of using the computer of adolescents were determined by the cluster analysis. Male students have significantly higher results than female students in kinesiological activity, passive preoccupation with sports, and specific perceived athletic competence (PSC). Male students use the computer significantly more than female, mostly for playing computer games. Higher percentage of female students belongs to a cluster of a low active computer users. Male students user types of computer do not differ significantly on any measured characteristics. Female students user types (clusters) are significantly different in the general selfesteem variable. A group of female students that frequent and prolonged use computers have significantly lower level of general self-esteem than the other two groups. The research findings indicate the need for further research in kinesiological activity and other related features, and in different sedentary activities of adolescents to prevent the possible negative impact of sedentary activities in adolescent’s development. Kori{tenje računala adolescenata predstavlja samo jednu od mogućih sedentarnih aktivnosti, a one su obrnuto proporcionalne s njihovom kineziolo{kom angažirano{ću. [to je adolescent vi{e kineziolo{ki aktivan manje će vremena provesti u različitim sedentarnim aktivnostima. Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi odnose tipova kori{tenja računala s organiziranom kineziolo{kom aktivno{ću i drugim povezanim značajkama. Ispitanici su bili 195 učenika zavr{nih razreda osnovnih {kola grada Splita. Mjerene su varijable općeg samopoimanja, organiziranog kineziolo{kog aktiviteta, orijentacije motivacije za sport, percipirane sportske kompetencije i pasivne zaokupljenosti sportom. Taksonomskom analizom određena su tri tipa (klastera) kori{tenja računala adolescenata. Učenice i učenici se značajno razlikuju po pasivnoj zaokupljenosti sportom, organiziranoj kineziolo{koj angažiranosti i specifičnoj percipiranoj sportskoj kompetenciji. Učenici značajno vi{e koriste računalo od učenica i to najvi{e za igranje računalnih igara. Veći postotak učenica pripada klasteru nisko aktivnih korisnika računala. Tipovi kori{tenja računala učenika se ne razlikuju značajno po nijednoj izmjerenoj značajki. Tipovi kori{tenja računala učenica se značajno razlikuju po varijabli općeg samopoimanja. Skupina učenica koje učestalo i dugotrajno koriste računalo imaju značajno niži stupanj općeg samopoimanja od drugih dvaju skupina. Nalazi istraživanja ukazuju na potrebu daljnjeg istraživanja kineziolo{kog aktiviteta i drugih povezanih značajki, te različitih sedentarnih aktivnosti adolescenata u cilju spoznavanja doživljavanja adolescenata, ali i sprječavanja negativnog utjecaja sedentarnih aktivnosti na razvoj adolescenata. Key Words: kinesiological activity, sedentary activities, using of computers, self-esteem, adolescents. Ključne riječi: kineziolo{ki aktivitet, sedentarne aktivnosti, samopoimanje, adolescenti. 44 Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ FIRST MANUALS AND SPECIALISED PUBLICATIONS IN THE FIELD OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION PUBLISHED IN SERBIAN LANGUAGE PRVI PRIRUČNICI I STRUČNE PUBLIKACIJE IZ FIZIČKOG VASPITANJA NA SRPSKOM JEZIKU Zoran Milo{ević1 and Mirče Berar Mićurin2 Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Novi Sad, Serbia Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Novi Sad, Srbija 2 Retired full professor, Kikinda, Serbia Redovni profesor u penziji, Kikinda, Srbija 1 UDK: 93/99:796 Summary Sažetak First publications in Serbian language, which can be classified as school textbooks designated to physical education were written in the period from 1878 to 1881. They were exclusively the translations or comments to the German specialised reference bibliography. It is fully understandable that original material of the first specialised publications was of German origin, having in mind the fact that the Serbs from Vojvodina were educated most frequently in Vienna and Budapest. In the period until 1878 some other publications in this field were also published, such as Slike iz domaćeg života slavonskog naroda i iz prirode (Pictures from traditional household life of people from Slavonia and from nature) by Mijat Stojanovic (Zemun, 1857), Kratka uputstva za predavanje gimnastike u osnovnim {kolama (Short instructions for teaching gymnastics in elementary schools) by Petar Predragovic (Belgrade, 1873), and Djetinje sigre za mladež obojega spola (Childrens’ games for young people of both gender) by Andrija Hajdenak (Zagreb, 1878). However, except for Predragovic’s Short instructions two other publications do not have the character of textbooks or manuals, and since it is the matter of the territory of Vojvodina we decided to chose the following publications: Gimnastika (Gymnastics) by Ivan V. Popovic (Timisoara, 1878), O telesnom odgojivanju dece (About physical upbringing of children) by Dr Radmilo Lazarevic (Novi Sad, 1879), Gimnastične igre (Gymnastic games) by \ ordje Glibonjski (Novi Sad, 1880), Gimnastika (Gymnastics) by Vladimir Krasic (Pancevo, 1881), and Gradivo za razna zanimanja srpčadi (Curricula for different occupations of the young Serbs) by Milan Stojsic (Sombor, 1898). Although physical education was paid little attention in the 19th century, the above-mentioned professional opus was of great use to the teachers working in Serbian elementary and secondary schools. Prve publikacije na srpskom jeziku, koje se mogu uvrstiti u udžbeničku literaturu iz fizičkog vaspitanja, napisane su u periodu 1878-1881. godine. Bili su to isključivo prevodi ili komentari germanske stručne literature. Sasvim je razumljivo {to je izvorna građa prvih stručnih publikacija bila germanskog porekla, kada se ima u vidu činjenica da su se vojvođanski Srbi najče{će {kolovali u Beču i Budimpe{ti. U periodu do 1878. godine na ovim prostorima izdate su jo{ neke publikacije iz ove oblasti, Slike iz domaćeg života slavonskog naroda i iz prirode od Stojanović Mijata (Zemun 1857), Kratka uputstva za predavanje gimnastike u osnovnim {kolama, od Predragović Petra (Beograd 1873) i Djetinje sigre za mladež obojega spola od Hajdenak Andrije (Zagreb 1878). Međutim, osim Predragovićevog Kratkog uputstva, ostale dve publikacije nemaju karakter udžbenika ili priručnika, a kako se radi o vojvođanskom prostoru, odlučili smo se za sledeće publikacije: Gimnastika od Popović V. Ivana (Temi{var 1878), O telesnom odgojivanju dece od dra Radmila Lazarevića (Novi Sad 1879), Gimnastične igre od \orđa Glibonjskog (Novi Sad 1880), Gimnastika od Krasić Vladimira (Pančevo 1881) i Gradivo za razna zanimanja srpčadi od Milana Stoj{ića (Sombor 1898). Iako se u tom periodu 19. veka fizičkom vaspitanju posvećivalo malo pažnje, navedeni stručni opus bio je od velike koristi učiteljima i nastavnicima u srpskim {kolama. Ključne riječi: prve publikacije, srpski jezik, fizičko vaspitanje. Key Words: first publications, Serbian language, physical education. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 45 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ MODEL OF ANTHROPOMETRIC CHARACTERISTICS AND MOTOR SKILLS OF WOMEN’S SENIOR SERBIAN VOLLEYBALL TEAM “KOLUBARA” FROM LAZAREVAC MODEL ANTROPOMETRIJSKIH KARAKTERISTIKA I MOTORIČKIH SPOSOBNOSTI ŽENSKE SENIORSKE ODBOJKA[KE EKIPE KOLUBARA IZ LAZAREVCA Goran Ne{ić1, Dragan Mirkov1, Milo{ Obradović1, Olivera Knežević1, Milan Sikimić1, Vladimir Ilić1, and Srđan Bugarski1 Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Belgrade, Serbia Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Beograd, Srbija 1 UDK: Summary Sažetak Contemporary volleyball demands excellent results from female volleyball players. In order to reach that level, toget maximum results, they have to be subdued to specific transformational processes. The demands that are being set before them constantly grow. The players have to be physically prepared to the full if they are to complete technically-strategical tasks efficiently. Volleyball women players are required to have a high level of general and specific motor skills necessary for volleyball itself as well as particular positions in the play. In that regard, the purpose of this paper was to examine the morphological characteristics and specific motor skills of women senior volleyball team „Kolubara“, from Lazarevac, as well as the potential differences among them prior to Halkbank BVA Cup in Bursa, Turkey. The study involved 15 volleyball women players of the senior team, average age 21 ± 4.2. Morphologically speaking, the difference in body height between the highest and the lowest player was 23.5 cm, and when it comes to TM, that difference was 20 kg. In this study, motor skills were tested by applying a complex multifaceted method that tested more contraction characteristics of several muscle groups. These were speed, elasticity, agility and speed strength. Based on measured values, we have established that the average value and standard deviation of the entire team was as follows: start speed 1.16 ± .09 s; maximal speed 2.36 ± .11 s; elasticity of shoulders 78.8 ± 14.1 cm; agility 10.02 ± .4 s; speed strength in leg outstretch 204.2 ± 17.9m; speed strength in arm outstretch was 9.42 ± 1.41m. To compare the differences among these, the players were given points depending on testing results. The best result, that is, the highest score had a player who won 25 points, and the poorest result, that is, the lowest score, was 14 points. After the data processing it was concluded that volleyball women players scored best in the start speed tests(5 m track), speed strength and agility with average value 3, U savremenoj odbojci se od odbojka{ica traže vrhunski rezultati. Da bi do{le do tog stadijuma, da pružaju maksimalne rezultate, one moraju proći kroz određene transformacione procese. Zahtevi koji se postavljaju pred njih iz godine u godinu kontinuirano rastu. Da bi igračice efikasno ispunili tehničko-taktičke zadatke, oni moraju biti maksimalno fizički pripremljeni. Odbojka{ka igra od svih igračica zahteva visok nivo op{tih i specifičnih motoričkih sposobnosti karakterističnih za odbojka{ku igru i za određene igračke pozicije. Cilj ovog rada je da se ispitaju morfolo{ke karakteristike i odredjene motoričke sposobnosti seniorske ženske odbojka{ke ekipe „Kolubara” iz Lazarevca, kao i moguće razlike između njih pred Halkbank BVA Kup u Bursi, u Turskoj . U istraživanju je učestvovalo 15 igračica seniorskog tima prosečne starosti 21 ± 4,2 godina. Posmatrano sa morfolo{kog stanovi{ta razlika u telesnoj visini između najvi{e i najniže odbojka{ice iznosila je 23,5 cm, a u varijabli TM, ta razlika iznosila je 20 kg. U ovom istraživanju testirane su sledeće motoričke sposobnosti primenom kompleksno multivarijante metode, kojom je testirano vi{e kontraktilnih svojstava nekoliko mi{ićnih grupa: brzina, gipkost, agilnost i brzinska snaga. Na osnovu izmerenih vrednosti, utvrđeno je da je prosečna vrednost i standardna devijacija na nivou cele grupe: startne brzine koja iznosi 1,16 ± 0,09 s; maksimalne brzine 2,36 ± 0,11 s; gipkosti ramenog pojasa 78,8 ± 14,1 cm; agilnosti 10,02 ± 0,4 s; brzinske snage opružača nogu iznosi 204,2 ± 17.9 cm; brzinske snage opružača ruku iznosi 9,42 ± 1,41 cm. Da bi razliku izmedju njih uporedili, dodeljivani su im bodovi u zavisnosti od rezultata testiranja. Najbolji rezultat, odnosno najvi{e bodova koja je odbojka{ica imala jeste 25 bodova, a najlo{ije rezultate motoričkih sposobnosti, odnosno najmanje bodova koja je odbojka{ica imala jeste 15 bodova. Nakon obrade podataka zaključeno je da su se igračice najbolje pokazale u testovima startne brzine na (5m), brzinske snage i testa agilnosti sa prosečnom 46 Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ then in the speed strength and elasticity tests with average value of 2.93, whereas the maximum speed test proved to be the poorest (2.36). From this we can conclude that the volleyball women players from “Kolubara” showed similar results on testing, that is, the results are homogenous, which means that they were subdued to the same training process. According to the results, it can be concluded that female players need to work primarily on improving the top speed, and at other specified motor skills. ocenom 3, pa zatim u testovima brzinske snage i gipkosti sa prosečnom ocenom 2,93, a najslabije rezultate su imale u testu maksimalne brzine 2,36. Iz datog se može zaključiti da su odbojka{ice “Kolubare” na testiranju postizale slične rezultate, odnosno homogenizacija rezultata je prisutna, sto pokazuje da su bile podvrgnute istom trenaznom procesu. Na osnovu rezultata testiranja, može se zaključiti da odbojka{ice treba da rade, pre svega, na pobolj{anju maksimalne brzine, kao i na ostalim navedenim motoričkim sposobnostima. Key Words: volleyball, anthropometric characteristics, motor skills. Ključne riječi: odbojka, antropometrijske osobine, motoričke sposobnosti. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 47 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ CERTAIN INDICATORS OF ENERGY CONSUMPTION DURING A TENNIS MATCH ON THE CLAY COURT NEKI POKAZATELJI ENERGETSKE POTRO[NJE TIJEKOM TENISKOG SUSRETA NA ZEMLJANOJ PODLOZI Dario Novak1, Petar Barbaros Tudor1, and Bojan Matković1 Faculty of Kinesiology, Zagreb, Croatia Kineziolo{ki fakultet, Zagreb, Hrvatska 1 UDK: 796.342.012.1 Summary Sažetak The aim of the research was to determine energy consumption rate of tennis players during a match played on the clay court. Ten collegiate tennis players (average age 23±1.9 years), with the Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb, participated in the study. They are regular participants of the state collegiate tennis championship. For the sake of the research, first 60 min of each match were analyzed. During matches the following data were collected: heart rate (Suunto t6 pulsmeter) and energy consumption (SenseWear Armband Pro3) of tennis players, then the number of steps (BRKO), the number of shots of each participant (BRUD) and time of active play (AKTI). The matches were played by the valid international tennis game rules. Average heart rate of the subjects was 155 ± 13.8 beat/ min. With regard to their age, the subjects spent 30.88% and 35.88% of time in the high intensity and very high intensity zone, respectively. During the observed 60 min of competitive game the players had on average 15.91 ± 2.60 min of active play, performed 182.9±24 shots, made 4381 ± 481.04 steps and spent 472 kcal (an equivalent to the consumption of 52.44 g of fat, or 115.12 g of carbohydrates). The obtained values of intensity of play during the observed matches was similar to the values obtained in the singles matches of professional players, with one exception only: energy consumption of the professional tennis players was higher than the consumption of the collegiate players (559-600 vs. 472 kcal). Insight into energy consumption of tennis player during tennis matches is very important. It facilitates optimal in-season diet planning and liquid intake. It also helps tennis players to maintain optimal levels of hydration, carbohydrates, and fats in their bodily system against the requirements of strenuous tennis matches. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi energetsku potro{nju tenisača tijekom teniskog susreta na zemljanoj podlozi. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 10 sveučili{nih tenisača Kineziolo{koga fakulteta Sveučili{ta u Zagrebu (koji se redovno natječu na sveučili{nom državnom prvenstvu) prosječne dobi 23 ± 1,9 godine. Za potrebe israživanja analizirano je prvih 60 min natjecateljske igre. Tijekom susreta praćena je frekvencija srca (Suunto t6 pulsmetar), te energetska potro{nja (SenseWear Armband Pro3) tenisača, broj koraka igrača (BRKO), broj udaraca pojedinog ispitanika (BRUD) te aktivna igra (AKTI) za vrijeme trajanja teniskog susreta. Susreti su se odigravali prema važećim međunarodnim teniskim pravilima. Prosječna frekvencija srca ispitanika iznosila je 155 ± 13,8 o/min. Obzirom na dob, ispitanici su 30,88% vremena proveli u zoni visokog intenziteta, odnosno 35,88% u zoni izrazito visokog intenziteta. Tijekom 60 min natjecateljske igre igrači su u prosjeku proveli 15,91 ± 2,60 minuta u aktivnoj igri, odigrali su 182,9±24 udaraca, izveli 4381 ± 481,04 korak i potro{ili 472 kcal ({to bi bio ekvivalent potro{nji 52,44 grama masti, odnosno 115,12 grama ugljikohidrata). Iz dobivenih rezultata može se zaključiti kako je intenzitet igre tijekom susreta sličan vrijednostima dobivenim i kod profesionalnih tenisača u pojedinačnoj konkurenciji, s naznakom kako je energetska potro{nja kod profesiolnalnih tenisača ipak na ne{to veća u odnosu na sveučili{ne igrače (472 / 559-600 kcal). Poznavanje navedenih vrijednosti energetske potro{nje tijekom teniskog susreta izuzetno je važno. Navedeno olak{ava izradu optimalnog plana prehrane i unosa tekućine tijekom natjecateljskog perioda. Na taj način tenisači se na primjeren način mogu usmjeriti prema održavanju optimalne razine tekućine, ugljikohidrata i masti u tijelu, obzirom na zahtjeve koje pred njih stavlja teniski susret. Key Words: tennis, energy consumption, clay court. 48 Ključne riječi: tenis, energetska potro{nja, zemljana teniska podloga. Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ ANTHROPOLOGICAL ASPECT OF TEACHING PHYSICAL EDUCATION AT SCHOOL ANTROPOLO[KI ASPEKT NASTAVE FIZIČKOG VASPITANJA U [KOLAMA Vladimir Obradović1, Marko Kimi Milić1, and Aleksandar Jovanović1 Footbal Academy, Belgrade, Serbia Akademija fudbala, Beograd, Srbija 1 UDK: 378.14:796.01 Summary Sažetak Many researches underline the importance of some exercising processes as they can change some of the personal characteristics, abilities, and motor knowledge when the methodological and training approach is adapted to an individual. According to that, programs of PE and recreation at schools should be valorized by modern research methods so as to serve as the goal assessments, the final state of each characteristic, motor knowledge and their mutual relationships as part of a teaching process. The main goal of PE is to methodologically and systematically get a positive impact on anthropological features so as to enhance a normal growth and development of children and teach them to control their health and physical fitness. According to that, the teaching goal is also to help students to improve and strengthen their motor and functional abilities, broaden their both technical and tactical knowledge in sports and other aspects of PE in order to maintain health, working capacity and provide leisure. Having in mind both the realization of the program as well as its results is important to Improve PE lessons and to motivate teachers for more responsible and creative approach to teaching. It ensures more reliable facts for taking some corrective measures in practical realization of the programe, if necessary. The problem of choosing methods and contents as well as the organization of the teaching process is getting more evident having in mind PE demands to focus on the anthropological features, motor knowledge and student health. Veći broj istraživača ukazuje da se određenim procesima vežbanja značajno utiče na promene različitih osobina i sposobnosti i motoričkih znanja i to samo onda ako je metodičko oblikovanje nastavnog i trenažnog rada maksimalno prilagođeno individualnim karakteristikama subjekata. U skladu sa tim, programe fizičkog vaspitanja i sportskih sekcija u {kolama, treba uz primenu savremenih metoda istraživanja valorizovati, za procenu ostvarenja cilja, finalnog stanja svake osobine, sposobnosti i motoričkih znanja i njihovih međusobnih odnosa koje su bile predmet nastavnog tretmana. Osnovni cilj nastave fizičkog vaspitanja je da se planski i sistematski ostvaruje pozitivan uticaj na razvoj antropolo{kih obeležjada bi se obezbedili podsticaji za normalni rast i razvoj učenika, da se osposobe da samostalno kontroli{u i proveravaju svoje zdravlje i fizičku sposobnost. U skladu sa tim, cilj nastave je i da pomogne učenicima da učvr{ćuju i usavr{avaju motoričke i funkcionalne sposobnosti, pro{iruju tehničko-taktička znanja u sportovima i drugim oblicima fizičke kulture radi očuvanja zdravlja, održavanja radne sposobnosti i razonode. Praćenje realizacije programa i procenjivanje ostvarenih rezultata su važni za unapređivanje vaspitno-obrazovne prakse nastave fizičkog vaspitanja i posticanje nastavnika za odgovorniji i kreativniji odnos prema radu. Time se obezbenuju pouzdani podaci za preduzimanje eventualnih korektivnih intervencija u praktičnoj realizaciji programa rada. Problem izbora metoda i sadržaja i organizacije rada u fizičkom vaspitanju postaje sve vi{e aktuelan, imajući u vidu zahteve fizičkog vaspitanja da povećava nivo antropolo{kih obeležja, motoričkih znanja i vodi računa o zdravlju učenika. Key Words: health, students, motorics PE, the anthropological aspect of a sport. Ključne riječi: zdravlje, učenici, motorika, fizičko vaspitanje, antropolo{ki aspekt, sport. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 49 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ ATTENDANCE AT DANCE CLASSES IN RELATION TO DANCE RESULTS POVEZANOST IZME\U PRISUSTVA ČASOVIMA PLESA I OSTVARENOG REZULTATA Goran Oreb1, Jadranka Vla{ić1, Darko Katović1, and Snežana Bijelić1 Faculty of Kinesiology, Zagreb, Croatia Kineziolo{ki fakultet, Zagreb, Hrvatska 1 Faculty of Physical education and Sport, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Fakultet fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta, Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina 1 UDK: 793.3.015.865.2 Summary Sažetak Class attendance is an important factor in academic success. The aim of this paper is to determine how the attendance at theoretical/practical classes and Dance course exercises is related to success in folk and social dancing of female and male students. The regression analysis revealed a statistically significant relation between class attendance and the overall success in folk dancing, but the relation between class attendance and the success in social dancing was not statistically significant. This is caused by the Dance course curriculum, the number of hours, the sequence of instruction for folk and social dances and with the ignorance of folk dances. Pohađanje nastave važan je faktor akademskog uspjeha. Cilj rada je utvrditi povezanost prisustvovanja nastavi teoretsko praktičnog dijela i vježbi predmeta Ples te uspjeha u izvođenju narodnih i dru{tvenih plesova studentica i studenata. Regresijskom analizom utvrđena je statistički značajna povezanost između ukupne uspje{nosti u narodnim plesovima i pohađanja nastave, dok se povezanost uspje{nosti u dru{tvenim plesovima i pohađanje nastave nije pokazala statistički značajnom. Uzrok tome je plan i program predmeta Ples, fond sati, redoslijed poduke narodnih odnosno dru{tvenih plesova i nepoznavanje narodnih plesova. Key Words: class attendance, dance successfulness, female students, male students, folk dance, social dance. Ključne riječi: pohađanje nastave, plesna uspje{nost, studentice, studenti, narodni ples, dru{tveni ples. 50 Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ EDUCATIONAL INFLUENCE OF SPORT VASPITNI UTICAJ SPORTA Ivana Parčina1 Faculty of Management in Sport, Belgrade, Serbia Fakultet za menadžment u sportu, Beograd, Srbija 1 UDK: 37:796 Summary Sažetak This paper is based on the educational aspect of the sport to the emotions, will, intelligence and morality of the individual. Different character of the individual sports, as well as the conditions in which the training would occur, affects on the development of the will.Through consideration of the will as a mental quality which we develop through sport, we also consider morality as a function of social life. In this work we used descriptive method of research to explain that sport can not be viewed in isolation from the social situation and context. Social groups always occur due to certain activities and to meet specific needs. Society is different in a particular way of life that affects the design of sport, and for some companies is characterized by excessive belief in the sport and its functions. Due to the techniques of scientific observation, it was concluded that the educational activities and strengthening the character is a function that is increasingly attributed to the sport.. Sport has previously been turned over to education and physical education, while today it mainly considers victory as its ultimate goal. Predmet ovog rada se bazira na vaspitnom aspektu sporta ka emocijama, volji, inteligenciji i moralu pojedinca. Različit karakter pojedinih sportova, kao i uslovi u kojima se trenira utiču na razvoj volje. Kroz razmatranje volje kao psihičkog kvaliteta koga razvijamo kroz sport, nadovezujemo se i na razmatranje morala kao funkcije dru{tvenog života. U ovom radu je kori{ćena deskriptivna metoda istraživanja koja sport ne može posmatrati izolovano od dru{tvenog stanja i konteksta. Dru{tvene grupe se uvek javljaju zbog određenih aktivnosti i zadovoljavanja specifičnih potreba. Dru{tva se razlikuju po određenom načinu života koji utiče na oblikovanje sporta, a za neka dru{tva je karakteristično prekomerno verovanje u sport i njegove funkcije. Tehnikom naučnog posmatranja zaključeno je da su vaspitno delovanje i jačanje karaktera funkcije koje se sve če{će pripisuju sportu. Sport je ranije vi{e bio okrenut obrazovanju i fizičkoj kulturi, dok danas uglavnom pobedu i rekorde smatra svojim krajnjim ciljem. Key Words: education, sport, will. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 Ključne riječi: vaspitanje, sport, volja. 51 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ FOUNDING OF FACULTY OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS IN BANJA LUKA OSNIVANJE FAKULTETA FIZIČKOG VASPITANJA I SPORTA U BANJOJ LUCI Petar Pavlović1 and Kristina Pantelić1 Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Fakultet fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta, Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina 1 UDK: 378.6(497.6BanjaLuka) Summary Sažetak Teaching of Physical Education in schools in Banja Luka, as compulsory subject, started in 1866 in Banja Luka Theological School. Founding of institutions for education of professionals for schools and sport clubs started at the end of 20th and the beginning of 21st century. Professional staff was educated until 1992 in Higher Teacher Training College in Banja Luka. Somewhere at the end of civil war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in 1995, some initiatives about founding of Faculty of Physical Culture started. In the school year of 1997/98 in Faculty of Philosophy in Banja Luka, Section for Physical Culture started to exist. Government of the Republic of Srpska, at the end of year 2000, brought a resolution to start the founding of Faculty of Physical Education and Sports. In the middle of 2001, National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska decided to found the Faculty. First generation of students was enrolled in the school year of 2001/02. During writing historical methodology was used. Mostly primary historical sources, made in the period of founding the Faculty, were reviewed, consulted and analyzed. Nastava fizičkog vaspitanja u {kolama, kao obavezan predmet, u Banjoj Luci se počela izvoditi 1866. godine u Banjalučkoj Bogosloviji. Osnivanje ustanova za {kolovanje stručnog kadra za rad u {kolama i sportskim klubovima počelo je krajem 20. i početkom 21. vjeka. Stručni kadar se {kolovao do 1992. godine na Vi{oj pedago{koj akademiji u Banjoj Luci. Po zavr{etku rata u Bosni i Hercegovini, 1995. godine, počele su inicijative oko osnivanja Fakulteta fizičke kulture. [kolske 1997/98. godine na Filosofskom fakultetu u Banjoj Luci počeo je sa radom Odsjek za fizičku kulturu. Vlada Republike Srpske je krajem 2000. godine donjela Odluku da se pokrene osnivanje Fakulteta fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta. Polovinom 2001. godine Narodna skup{tina Republike Srpske je na svojoj sjednici donjela Odluku o osnivanju Fakulteta. Prva generacija studenata upisana je {kolske 2001/02. godine. Prilikom pisanja rada kori{ćena je istorijska metodologija. Pregledani su, konsultovani i proanalizirani, uglavnom, primarni istorijski izvori, nastali u vrjeme osnivanja Fakulteta. Key Words: Faculty, sports, Physical Education, Government, Assembly. Ključne riječi: Fakultet, sport, fizičko vaspitanje, Vlada, Skup{tina. 52 Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ LEVELS AND MODALITIES OF AGGRESSION IN PARACHUTISTS NIVOI I MODALITETI AGRESIVNOSTI KOD PADOBRANACA Marija Perić1, Ljubi{a Zlatanović1, and Milica Pavlović1 Depatment for Psychology, Philosophic Faculty, Ni{, Serbia Departman za psihologiju, Filozofski fakultet, Ni{, Srbija 1 UDK: 797.5.012.1 Summary Sažetak The problem of this paper is the existence of differences in modality and method of expressing aggression in sport parachutists and those who are not engaged in parachuting. In relation to this, the subject of research: examining differences in the modalities and intensity (level) aggression is defined. The goal of this research is investigation of relations between different modalities of aggressiveness with parachutists and non- parachutists, on a sample of 120 participants - 60 sports parachutists and 60 non-parachutists, matched based on control variables - age and educational level. Instruments used in the study are the Bush’s aggressiveness test and general data list, which contains the control variables age and educational level. The results partially confirm the hypotheses. Statistical data indicate that the parachutists were more aggressive than the general population. Their level of aggression is higher than the modalities of body (subject) aggression, verbal aggression, indirect aggression, suspicion and aggressive modes of jealousy, hatred and mistrust in relation to the general population, whose levels are higher in aggression contradictory modes of behavior, aggressive irritability and feelings of guilt. Also, based on the results, we conclude that there is a statistically significant correlation between the two modalities of aggressiveness and age. These are modality of the contradictory behavior and modality of jealousy, mistrust and hatred. The correlations are positive, which means that older participants tend to express the modalities more than the younger ones. Problem istraživanja ovog rada je pitanje postojanja razlika u modalitetu i načinu ispoljavanja agresivnosti kod sportskih padobranaca i onih koji se ne bave padobranstvom. S tim u vezi definisan je i predmet istraživanja: ispitivanje razlika u modalitetima i intenzitetu (nivou) agresivnosti. Kao cilj istraživanja postavljeno je ispitivanje odnosa između različitih modaliteta agresivnosti kod padobranaca i nepadobranaca na uzorku od 120 ispitanika – 60 sportskih padobranaca i 60 nepadobranaca koji su ujednačeni po kontrolnim varijablama – starost i nivo obrazovanja. Kori{ćeni instrumenti u istraživanju su Busov test agresivnosti i Lista op{tih podataka, koja sadrži kontrolne varijable starost i nivo obrazovanja. Dobijeni rezultati delimično potvrđuju postavljene hipoteze. Statistički podaci ukazuju na to da su padobranci agresivniji od ostatka populacije. Nivo njihove agresivnosti veći je od modaliteta telesne (predmetne) agresije, verbalne agresije, indirektne agresije, agresivne sumnjičavosti i modaliteta ljubomore, mržnje i nepoverenja u odnosu na op{tu populaciju, čiji su nivoi agresije veći kod modaliteta protivurečno pona{anje, agresivna razdražljivost i osećaj krivice. Takođe, na osnovu rezulatata zaključujemo da postoji statistički značajna korelacija između dva modaliteta agresivnosti i godina starosti. To su modalitet protivurečno pona{anje i modalitet ljubomore, nepoverenja i mržnje. Korelacije su pozitivne, {to znači da stariji ispitanici imaju tendenciju da vi{e od mlađih ispoljavaju ove modalitete. Key Words: aggression, sport parachutists, non-parachutists. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 Ključne riječi: agresivnost, sportski padobranci, nepadobranci. 53 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE TACTICS IN DIFFERENT BRANCHES OF SPORT FAKTORI KOJI UTIČU NA TAKTIKU U RAZLIČITIM SPORTSKIM GRANAMA Adam Petrović1, Ana Vesković1, and Vladimir Koprivica1 Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Belgrade, Serbia Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Beograd, Srbija 1 UDK: 796.052 Summary Sažetak Introduction. Knowledge related to the factors that influence tactics in different branches of sport is important for successful conduct of these tactics and also for achieving satisfying sports results. The main goal of this research was to systematize factors, which according to numerous authors influence tactics, and to examine how coaches notice and assess the significance of the factors that are parts of different groups (technical abilities, physical abilities, psychological traits of sportsmen etc) and how they evaluate their influence on tactics in different branches of sport. Different factors which may influence the success of conducting the tactics are being considered and argued in the thesis. The empirical data that show how coaches estimate the significance of different factors are presented. Methods. The research is non-experimental, exploratory and descriptive. The data is gathered with the help of a questionnaire which is created for the needs of this research. The research is based on the sample of 60 coaches- 54 male and 6 female coaches. There are 33 coaches for individual sports and 27 are coaches for team sports; they are from 18 to 72 years of age. These coaches are different among themselves considering their education and the years spent coaching. Results. The coaches who participated in the research are in accord with the fact that successful conduction of tactics is closely related to many factors. Nevertheless, they disagree on the evaluation of the strength of the factors’ influence. Conclusion. The importance of this research is in the formulation of the question which is interesting for further surveys. The next researches of this problem should be conducted on the larger number of examinees and they should be selectively orientated towards certain branches of sport. The results of this and of the next researches should give certain guidance for the education of coaches and also for the work of coaches with sportsmen. Uvod. Poznavanje faktora koji utiču na taktiku u različitim sportskim granama važno je za njeno uspe{no sprovođenje, a samim tim i za postizanje sportskih rezultata. Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se sistematizuju faktori koji po brojnim autorima utiču na taktiku i ispita kako treneri opažaju i procenjuju značaj faktora koji pripadaju različitim grupama (tehničke sposobnosti, fizičke sposobnosti, psiholo{ke karakteristike sportiste itd.) i kako procenjuju njihov uticaj na taktiku u različitim sportskim granama. U radu se razmatraju i argumentuju faktori koji mogu da utiču na uspe{nost u sprovođenju taktike. Predstavljeni su i empirijski podaci koji svedoče o tome kako treneri procenjuju značaj različitih faktora za sprovođenje taktike. Metode. Istraživanje je neeksperimentalno, eksplorativno-deskriptivnog tipa. Podaci su prikupljeni upitnikom koji je kreiran za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Istraživanje je realizovano na uzoraku 60 trenera, od kojih je 54 mu{kog pola, a 6 ženskog pola; 33 trenera su u individualnim sportovima, a 27 u ekipnim sportovima; uzrast trenera je od 18 do 72 godine. Treneri se među sobom razlikuju prema stepenu obrazovanja i dužini trenerskog staža. Rezultati. Treneri koji su učestvovali u istraživanju saglasni su u stavu da uspe{no sprovođenje taktike u mnogome zavisi od brojnih faktora. Ipak, oni se razlikuju po proceni jačine uticaja tih faktora. Zaključak. Značaj ovog istraživanja ogleda se u tome {to otvara pitanje interesantno za dalja istraživanja. Naredna istraživanja ovog problema treba sprovesti sa većim uzorkom ispitanika i selektivno ih orijentisati ka pojedinim sportskim granama. Rezultati ovog i narednih istraživanja treba da daju neke smernice za edukaciju trenera, ali i za rad trenera sa sportistima. Ključne riječi: taktika, faktori taktike, treneri. Key Words: tactics, factors of tactics, coaches. 54 Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ FROM GENDER STUDIES TO GENDER IN STUDIES AND BEYOND OD STUDIJA RODA KA JEDNAKOSTI POLOVA U PROCESU STUDIRANJA I DALJE Danica Pir{l1, Nenad Živanović1, Neboj{a Ranđelović1, and Tea Pir{l2 Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Ni{, Serbia Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Ni{, Srbija 2 Faculty of Philosophy, Ni{, Serbia Filozofski fakultet, Ni{, Srbija 1 UDK: 378.14 Summary Sažetak We all know that it is naive to think of the school curriculum as neutral knowledge. Curriculum, in general, and the higher education curriculum, in particular, always serves as a means of social control, legitimating existing social relations, representing somebody’s version of what constitutes important knowledge. Actually, what counts as legitimate knowledge is the result of complex power relations among various social categories, such as class, race, gender/sex, etc. Does gender count as legitimate knowledge in the context of the considerable curriculum reform that can be observed, in the past years, at system level and in different fields of studies, curriculum reform that is driven by the Bologna agenda but also by complex national aspects? Is a gender-inclusive curriculum, one consciously designed to recognize and acknowledge the evidence that males and females are likely to bring in a similar, but also different, cultural baggage to their learning experience and that societies are deeply gendered at micro and macro levels, the norm or the exception in various higher education institutions? Op{te je poznata činjenica da nijedan studijski program nije neutralan i da nuemitno odslikava dru{tvene uticaje a to je naročito izraženo u programima univerzitetske nastave. Zna se da ti programi uvek odslikavaju nečiju verziju i vidjenje znanja kao samosvojne kategorije. Sve se to prepliće pa prepoznajemo i uticaj rase, klasne pripadnosti, predrasuda prema rodnoj ravnopravnosti, i naravno jo{ mnogo drugih uticaja. Da li novi okvir znanja i preno{enja znanja, Bolonjski proces, prepoznaje kategorije rodne ravnopravnosti i sve njene kompleksnosti, to je pitanje koje se tretira u ovom radu u nadi da će i mu{ki i ženski pol neminovno obojiti ne samo programe već će dati i novu nijansu znanja o kulturnim obrascima koje studenti donose u nastavni proces. Polazimo od činjenice da je dru{tvo u celini vrlo zavisno od rodne obojenosti i to i na mikro i na makro nivou i da se to reflektuje kroz studijske programe koji se na univerzitetskoj nastavi nude. Key Words: neutral, curriculum, knowledge, gender, reform. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 Ključne riječi: neutralnost, nastavni plan i program, znanje, pol, reforme. 55 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ DIFFERENT OR STRUGGLING FOR DIGNITY IN THE DIVERSITY OF THE HUMAN BEING RAZLIČITI ILI KAKO SE IZBORITI ZA DOSTOJANSTVO LJUDSKOG BIĆA Danica Pir{l1, Nenad Živanović1, Neboj{a Ranđelović1, and Tea Pir{l2 Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Ni{, Serbia Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Ni{, Srbija 2 Faculty of Philosophy, Ni{, Serbia Filozofski fakultet, Ni{, Srbija 1 UDK: 316.6 Summary Sažetak Men and women with functional diversity form a group that has traditionally been discriminated in a different way to the other groups that have also undergone or still do undergo discrimination (women, Negroes, immigrants, etc.). This discrimination has also been found even within those other discriminated groups, which have also forgotten to include their own members with functional diversity as part of their struggle. The limiting or derogatory terms used for describing the group of women and men with functional diversity play a fundamental role in bolstering underestimation and thus maintaining said discrimination. This article attempts to propose a new term for denominating the group of women and men - “women and men with functional diversity” - representing the most forgotten and discriminated ten per cent of humanity throughout the history of almost all human societies. Grupa žena i mu{karaca koji se izja{njavaju kao funkcionalno različte osobe formira grupu koja trvrdi da su tradicionalno diskriminisani i da je to proces koji traje a jednak je procesu kroz koji prolaze i žene, imigranti, predstavnici crnačke manjine. Ta se diskriminacija proteže i na ostale delove grupe koji nisu pristupili organizovanoj borbi protiv svake vrste diskriminacije. Glavno oružje koje ova grupa funcionalno drugačijih ljudi koristi jeste upravo jezik i terminologija, koju dru{tvo koristi da bi ih označilo kao osobe koje nisu ravnopravni članovi ostalih delova populacije. To su naravno derogativni izrazi koji ih odvajaju i jo{ vi{e prave razliku izmedju potpuno sposobnih i fukcionalno ispravnih ljudi od gore pomenute grupe i njenih funkcionalno drugačijih članova. Zato se ovaj rad zalaže za uvodjenje novog opisnog termina za osobe sa invaliditetom a to su osobe koje su samo funkcionalno drugačije od ostalih, na taj način obuhvatajući i onih 10% uvek zaboravljenih i neprirodno zapostavljenih ljudi koji su i dalje članovi dru{tvene zajednice, ma koliko se ona od njih ve{tački, i naročito jezički ogradjivala. Key Words: functional diversity, discrimination, terms, derogatory. Ključne riječi: funkcionalno drugačiji, diskriminacija, jezik diskriminacije, derogativni termini. 56 Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ MEDIA REPRESENTATION OF DISABLED PEOPLE UTICAJ MEDIJA NA PERCEPCIJU INVALIDNOSTI Danica Pir{l1, Nenad Živanović1, Neboj{a Ranđelović1, and Tea Pir{l2 Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Ni{, Serbia Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Ni{, Srbija 2 Faculty of Philosophy, Ni{, Serbia Filozofski fakultet, Ni{, Srbija 1 UDK: 659.4-056.26 Summary Sažetak Over time Media has been developed to chart and disseminate information to the masses. It has been used to educate, provide entertainment, act as a political platform and used for public service announcements. The time line below sets out how Media forms have developed over the centuries. It is true to say that the media is an extremely important part of our everyday life and as an industry has been critical in the dissemination of information to the mass population. However the influence that the media holds over society has not always been used to society’s benefit, particularly in relation to disability, where the media has continued to add to the discrimination of disabled people. The media’s contribution to disabled people’s discrimination will be discussed through the following areas: The media reinforcement of impairment and the use of the medical model of disability. The media’s creation and underpinning use of disabled stereotypes.The role of media influences: media organisations and their employees, political agendas, the intended audience and current societal trends. The use of images, language and terminology related to disability.The under-representation of disabled people in the media. The effect of media on disabled people. Osnovna uloga medija jeste dostupnost informacija {irokim masama. Mediji se koriste kao sredstvo edukacije, zabave, informisanja ali i kao politička platforma. Vrste medija su se granale tokom godina i sada su neizostavni deo na{e svakida{njice, i prerastaju u industriju informacija. Nažalost, njihova uloga i uticaj koji vr{e na dru{tvo u celini nije uvek pozitivna, a naročito ne kada je u pitanju koncept invalidnosti gde mediji nagla{avaju derogativni pristup ovom sloju populacije. Njihov uticaj na stvaranje op{te slike o invalidnosti biće razmatran iz ugla medicinskog modela pristupu hendikepa, a naročito insistiranja na produbljivanju već posotojećih verovanja i kreiranja stereotipa o ljudskoj nesavr{enosti, čitavoj organizaciji, logistici i izvr{iocima takvog trenda koji prožima i politiku i trenutne dru{tvene tokove vezane za problematiku invalidnosti. Ujedno ćemo naglasiti koja se politička, jezička i terminolo{ka sredstva koriste kako bi se ostvario cilj pojedinih medija, a to je {to manja zastupljenost takve populacije u medijima, a samim tim i njihova marginalizacija u dru{tvu. Ključne riječi: mediji, hendikepirane osobe, nedostaci i obolenja, stereotipi, marginalizacija. Key Words: media, disabled people, impairment, stereotype, underrepresentation. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 57 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ INFLUENCE OF ANXIETY ON SUCCESS IN TAEKWONDO UTJECAJ ANKSIOZNOSTI NA USPJE[NOST U TEKVANDOU Bo{ko Rozga1, Sa{a Krstulović2, and Josip Vrdoljak3 Judo club “Ka{tela”, Ka{tela, Croatia Džudo klub “Ka{tela”, Ka{tela, Hrvatska 2 Faculty of Kinesiology, Split, Croatia Kineziolo{ki fakultet, Split, Hrvatska 3 Teakwondo club “Monter”, Split, Croatia Tekvando klub “Monter”, Split, Hrvatska 1 UDK: 796.85.012.1 Summary Sažetak The aim of this study was to determine the level of pre competition anxiety of taekwondo athletes, and to determine whether there is a significant effect of individual components of situational anxiety at the performance of competitors. At the senior Croatian championship held in Zagreb on 27 March 2011, 30 contestants have fulfilled CSAI-2 questionnaire to assess the level and direction of somatic and cognitive anxiety and selfconfidence. To determine the situational success of players their placement was recorded, which is then defined as the criterion variable of competitors performance. Survey results were analyzed by descriptive statistical methods and multiple regression analysis. Competitors have an average level of somatic and cognitive anxiety in the middle of the range of possible results, and the high level of confidence. However, only the cognitive component of anxiety significantly influences the performance in Taekwondo and in this case negatively. Cilj ovog rada je bio utvrditi razinu prednatjecateljske anksioznosti taekwondo natjecatelja, te utvrditi postoji li značajan utjecaj pojedinih komponenti anksioznosti na situacijsku uspje{nost natjecatelja. Na Seniorskom prvenstvu Hrvatske održanom u Zagrebu 27. ožujka 2011. godine, 30 natjecatelja je ispunilo CSAI-2 upitnik za procjenu razine i usmjerenosti somatske i kognitivne anksioznosti te samopouzdanja. Da bi se utvrdila situacijska uspje{nost natjecatelja bilježio se njihov plasman koji je potom definiran kao kriterijska varijabla uspje{nosti natjecatelja. Rezultati istraživanja obrađeni su deskriptivnim statističkim metodama te multiplom regresijskom analizom. Natjecateljima su zabilježene prosječne vrijednosti somatske i kognitivne anksioznosti, uz visoku razinu samopouzdanja. Međutim, samo komponenta kognitivne anksioznosti statistički značajno utječe na uspje{nost u taekwondou i to u ovom slučaju negativno. Key Words: combat sports, psychology, success. 58 Ključne riječi: borilački sportovi, psihologija, uspje{nost. Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ ANALYSIS OF RESULTS AT EUROBASKET 2011- FINAL RESULTS OF OBSERVED ELEMENTS OF BASKETBALL GAME ANALIZA REZULTATA NA EUROBASKETU 2011. GODINE - KONAČNI REZULTATI POSMATRANIH ELEMENATA KO[ARKA[KE IGRE Slobodan Simović1, Jasmin Komić2, Bojan Matković3, and \orđe Nićin4 Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Fakultet fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta, Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina 2 Faculty of Economics, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Hercegovina Ekonomski fakultet, Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina 3 Faculty of Kineziology, Zagreb, Croatia Kinezilo{ki fakultet, Zagreb, Hrvatska 4 Faculty of Education, Subotica, Serbia Učiteljski fakultet, Subotica, Srbija 1 UDK: 796.323.058.4’’2011’’ Summary Sažetak Statistical modelling of quantitative evaluation of the influence of certain basketball elements onto the final result by means of regressive analysis has enabled us to come to an answer regarding the quantitative parameters and their influence on the final result. The evaluation of regressive models is extracted on the basis of differentation in the final result and differentation of certain quantitative parameters as insubordinate variables. Depending on the choice of quantitative parameters, their scope and the nature itself (absolute or relative), several different regressive models may be formed. The evaluation of influence of certain parameters on the final result has been extracted on the basis of the obtained regressive models and the correlation link between the observed variables which have been established on the basis of simple linear and partial correlation quotients. Based on the obtained results the following can be concluded: (1) the obtained regressive models are in general statistically very significant; and (2) the obtained regressive models are statistically significant in relation to the included variables, i.e. the observed parameters. In other words, it means that in both cases there is a significant correlation between subordinate variables (difference in the total number of points) and the sets of insubordinate variables. Presented by the quotient of multiple determination, it means that: (1) for the first regressive model on the basis of apsolute elemenents of basketball, R2 = .905, and for the second model on the basis of relative elements of basketball, R2 =.736. Statističko modeliranje kvantitativne ocjene uticaja pojedinih elemenata ko{arka{ke igre na konačan rezultat metodama regresione analize omogućilo je da se dobije odgovor na pitanje koji kvantitativni parametri su najvi{e uticali na konačan rezultat na EuroBasketu 2011. godine. Ocjena regresionog modela izvedena je na osnovu diferencije u konačnom rezultatu i diferencija pojedinih kvantitativnih parametara igre, kao nezavisnih promjenljivih. Može da se formira vi{e regresionih modela u zavisnosti od izbora kvantitativnih parametara igre, njihovog obuhvata i u zavisnosti da li su apsolutni ili relativni pokazatelji. Ocjena uticaja pojedinih parametara na konačan rezultat izvedena je na osnovu dobijenog regresionog modela, kao i korelacionih veza između posmatranih promjenljivih koje se ustanovljavaju na osnovu koeficijenta proste linearne i parcijalne korelacije. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da su: (1) dobijeni regresioni modeli u cjelini statistički visoko značajni; i (2) dobijeni regresioni modeli statistički su značajni i prema uključenim varijablama, odnosno posmatranim parametrima. Drugim riječima, to znači da i u jednom i u drugom slučaju između zavisno promjenljivih (razlike u broju postignutih poena) i skupova nezavisno promjenljivih, uključenih u model, postoji signifikantna povezanost. Iskazano koeficijentom vi{estruke determinacije to znači: za regresioni model na osnovu apsolutnih pokazatelja igre, R2 = 0,905; a za drugi model na osnovu relativnih pokazatelja igre, R2 = 0,736. Key Words: basketball, EuroBasket 2011, game efficiency, differentation, regressive analysis. Ključne riječi: ko{arka, EuroBasket 2011, efikasnost igre, diferencije, regersiona analiza. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 59 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ CANONIC RELATIONS BETWEEN SYSTEMS OF MOTOR AND CONATIVE VARIABLES OF ADOLESCENT FEMALES KANONIČKE RELACIJE IZME\U SISTEMA MOTORIČKIH I KONATIVNIH VARIJABLI KOD ADOLESCENTKINJA Veroljub Stanković1 and Dragan Popović1 Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Leposavić, Serbia Fakultet za sport i fizičko vaspitanje, Leposavić, Srbija 1 UDK: 196.012.1-053.6 Summary Sažetak The sample of 400 female participants, aged 15-18 years, was applied to the system of 21 motor variables and 10 conative variables. The aim was to determine statistically significant relations between the systems of variables of motor abilities, cognitive variables and variables of conative characteristics. The data were processed by canonic correlation analysis. Between the system of motor variables and the system of conative variables three canonic correlations were got (Rc1 = .56, Rc2 = .36, Rc3 = .35) which are statistically significant. The results of the research showed that adolescent females achieve better results concerning motor variables of the motion structure, tonus regulation and synergy regulation, intensity and duration of excitation if they have increased values concerning conative variables of the efficiency of the system of regulation and control of defence reaction (ALPHA), efficiency of the system of regulation and control of offence reaction (SIGMA) and efficiency of the system of coordination of regulative functions (DELTA). Na uzorku 400 ispitanika ženskog pola, uzrasta 15-18 godina, primenjen je sistem od 21 varijable motoričkih sposobnosti i 10 varijabli za procenu konativnih karakteristika, sa ciljem da se utvrde statistički značajne relacije između dva sistema koji pripadaju različitim antropolo{kim prostorima. Podaci su obrađeni pomoću kanoničke korelacione analize. Između sistema motoričkih varijabli i sistema konativnih varijabli adolescentkinja dobijena su tri značajnih kanoničkih korelacija (Rc1 = 0,56, Rc2 = 0,36, Rc3 = 0,35). Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da adolescentkinje bolje rezultate postižu u motoričkim varijablama strukturiranja kretanja, regulaciji tonusa i sinergijskoj regulaciji, intenzitetu i trajanju ekscitacije ukoliko imaju povećane vrednosti u konativnim varijablama efikasnosti sistema za regulaciju i kontrolu organskih funkcija (HI), efikasnosti sistema za regulaciju i kontrolu reakcija odbrane (ALPHA), efikasnosti sistema za regulaciju i kontrolu reakcije napada (SIGMA) i efikasnosti sistema za koordinaciju regulativnih funkcija (DELTA). Key Words: female adolescents, motor abilities, conative characteristics, relations. Ključne riječi: adolescentkinje, motoričke sposobnosti, konativne karakteristike, relacije. 60 Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ GAME-RELATED STATISTICS THAT DISCRIMINATE WINNING AND LOSING NLB LEAGUE TEAMS IN 2008-2009 SEASON RAZLIKE U ZVANIČNOJ STATISTICI NLB LIGE U ODNOSU NA KONAČAN ISHOD UTAKMICE U SEZONI 2008-2009 Marko D. Stojanović1, Borislav Obradović1, Mladen Mikić1, and Sergej M. Ostojić2 Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Novi Sad, Serbia Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Novi Sad, Srbija 2 Center for Health, Exercise and Sport Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia Centar za zdravlje, vežbanje i sportske nauke, Beograd, Srbija 1 UDK: 796.058.4”2008/2009” Summary Sažetak The aim of the present study was to identify the gamerelated statistics that discriminated basketball winning and losing teams. The data were obtained from the NLB league and included game-related statistics from the total of 185 games played during 2008-2009 season. The following game-related statistics were gathered from the official box scores: 2- and 3-point field-goal attempts (both successful and unsuccessful), free-throws (both successful and unsuccessful), defensive and offensive rebounds, assists, steals, turnovers, blocks (both made and received), fouls (both committed and received) and team efficiency. Discriminant analysis showed that in the sample of all NLB league games greatest contribution to the difference between victory and defeat are variables: assists (SC = .417), defensive rebounds (SC = .399), successful 2 point attempts (SC = .355) and successful 3 point attempts (SC = .325). These results demonstrated the obvious importance of assists, defensive rebounds, two-point field goals and 3 point attempts to game outcome. Coaches should be aware of these different profiles in order to increase knowledge about the game and thus increase the specificity in the planning of training and competition. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi uticaj parametara zvanične statistike na diskriminaciju pobede i poraza u ko{arci. Analizirano je svih 185 utakmica iz NLB lige, u sezoni 2008/2009. Uzorak su činili parametri zvanične statistike: uspe{ni poku{aji za dva poena, neuspe{ni poku{aji za dva poena, uspe{ni poku{aji za 3 poena, neuspe{ni poku{aji za 3 poena, uspe{ni poku{aji za 1 poen, neuspe{ni poku{aji za 1 poen, skok u odbrani, skok u napadu, asistencije, ukradene lopte, izgubljene lopte, blokade napravljene, blokade primljene, faulovi napravljeni, faulovi primljeni, timska efikasnost. Diskriminativna analiza ukazuje da na uzorku svih utakmica NLB lige najveći doprinos razlikama zvanične statistike između pobede i poraza ostvaruju sledeće varijable: asistencije (SC= 0,417), skok u odbrani (SC= 0,399), uspe{ni {utevi za 2 poena (SC= 0,355) i uspe{ni {utevi za 3 poena (SC= 0,325). Na uzorku utakmica koje su zavr{ile sa razlikom manjom od 12 poena najveći doprinos razlikama zvanične statistike između pobede i poraza ostvaruju varijable: skok u odbrani (SC= 0,388), uspe{ni {utevi za 2 poena (SC= 0,343) i blokade napravljene (SC= 0,303). Rezultati ukazuju na veliki uticaj asistencija, skoka u odbrani, kao i uspe{nih {uteva za dva i tri poena na ishod utakmice. Treneri treba da budu svesni ovih različitih profila u cilju povećanja znanja o igri i samim tim povećanja specifičnosti u planiranju treninga i utakmice. Key Words: basketball; game-related statistics; discriminant analysis. Ključne riječi: ko{arka, zvanična statistika, diskriminativna analiza. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 61 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ GAME-RELATED STATISTICS THAT DISCRIMINATE BETWEEN NLB LEAGUE TEAMS SEASON SUCCES RAZLIKE U ZVANIČNOJ STATISTICI NLB LIGE U ODNOSU NA KONAČAN PLASMAN U SEZONI 2008-2009 Marko D. Stojanović1, Borislav Obradović1, Mladen Mikić1, and Sergej M. Ostojić2 Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Novi Sad, Serbia Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Novi Sad, Srbija 2 Center for Health, Exercise and Sport Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia Centar za zdravlje, vežbanje i sportske nauke, Beograd, Srbija 1 UDK: 796.058.4”2008/2009” Summary Sažetak The aim of the present study was to identify the gamerelated statistics that discriminated basketball season-long successful and unsuccessful basketball teams. The data were obtained from the NLB league and included gamerelated statistics from the total of 185 games played during 2008-2009 season. The following game-related statistics were gathered from the official box scores: 2and 3-point field-goal attempts (both successful and unsuccessful), free-throws (both successful and unsuccessful), defensive and offensive rebounds, assists, steals, turnovers, blocks (both made and received), fouls (both committed and received) and team efficiency. Discriminant analysis indicates that the largest contribution to the official statistics of the differences between victory and defeat of successful and unsuccessful NLB league-teams (first 7 and the other seven teams at the end of season) achieved the following variables: defensive rebounds (SC = .513), blocks made (SC =. 502), steals (SC = .501), successful 2 point attempts (SC = .483), successful 1 point attempts (SC = .444), received fouls (SC = .386), assists (SC =. 384) and unsuccessful 1 point attempts (SC = .341). The results of this study suggests that season-long performance may be dependent primarily on teams’ defensive preparation (rebounds, blocks made, steals) and shooting skills. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi uticaj parametara zvanične statistike na diskriminaciju uspe{nih (prva polovina tebele) i neuspe{nih (druga polovina tabele) ko{arka{kih ekipa. Analizirano je svih 185 utakmica NLB lige, u sezoni 2008/2009. Uzorak su činili parametri zvanične statistike: uspe{ni poku{aji za dva poena, neuspe{ni poku{aji za dva poena, uspe{ni poku{aji za 3 poena, neuspe{ni poku{aji za 3 poena, uspe{ni poku{aji za 1 poen, neuspe{ni poku{aji za 1 poen, skok u odbrani, skok u napadu, asistencije, ukradene lopte, izgubljene lopte, blokade napravljene, blokade primljene, faulovi napravljeni, faulovi primljeni, timska efikasnost. Diskriminativna analiza ukazuje da najveći doprinos razlikama zvanične statistike između pobede i poraza uspe{nih i neuspe{nih ekipa NLB lige (prvih 7 i drugih 7 ekipa na kraju sezone) ostvaruju sledeće varijable: skok u odbrani (SC= 0,513), blokade napravljene (SC= 0,502), ukradene lopte (SC= 0,501), uspe{ni {utevi za 2 poena (SC= 0,483), uspe{ni {utevi za 1 poen (SC= 0,444), faulovi primljeni (SC= 0,386), asistencije (SC= 0,384) i neuspe{ni poku{aji za 1 poen (SC= 0,341). Rezultati ukazuju da najveći uticaj na konačan plasman na kraju sezone imaju varijable koje determini{u kvalitet odbrane ali i uspe{ni {utevi za dva poena i sa linije slobodnih bacanja. Key Words: basketball; game-related statistics; standigns. Ključne riječi: ko{arka, zvanična statistika, plasman. 62 Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ DEVELOPMENT OF REPETITIVE STRENGTH OF YOUNG JUDOISTS UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF TRAINING PROGRAM IN A PRE-COMPETITION PERIOD RAZVOJ REPETITIVNE SNAGE MLADIH DŽUDISTA POD UTICAJEM PROGRAMA TRENINGA U PREDTAKMIČARSKOM PERIODU Dražen Subotić1 Judo Club “Romanija“, Pale, Bosnia and Herzegovina Džudo klub “Romanija”, Pale, Bosna i Hercegovina 1 UDK: 796.85.015 Summary Sažetak A population sampled were 78 pupils of elementary schools, young judoists from Bosnia and Herzegovina, age 13 and 14 ± 6 months, divided into two groups: experimental one with 38 respondents, and the control one with 40 respondents. Pattern variables were made up of three estimate variables for Repetitive strength: body lifts on a Swedish bench (MDTK), mixed pull-ups (MDTK), squats (MČUČ). Aim of the research was to establish the development of repetitive strength of young judoists in the control group under the influence of the training program in a pre-competition period. A special goal was to establish the differences at the end of the experiment in the development of repetitive strength between the experimental and the control group of respondents. The results of the t-test showed that, under the influence of the training program in the pre-competition period, the experimental group developed a statistically significant increase of repetitive strength in the final measurement in relation to the inital condition. The univariant analysis of variance at the final measurement between the experimental and the control group established that the respondents of the experimental group statistically significantly differed from the control group of respondents. Populacija iz koje je izvučen uzorak ispitanika su činila 78 učenika osnovnih {kola, mladih džudista iz Bosne i Hercegovine, uzrasta 13 i 14 godina, ± 6 mjeseci, u Bosni i Hercegovini podjeljen na dvije grupe: ekserimentalnu sa 38 ispitanika i kontrolnu sa 40 ispitanika. Uzorak varijabli činilo je tri varijabli za procjenu Repetitivna snaga:dizanje trupa na {vedskoj klupi (MDTK), mje{oviti zgibovi (MMZG), čučnjevi (MČUČ). Cilj istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi razvoj repetitivne snage mladih džudista pod uticajem programa treninga u predtakmičarskom periodu kod ispitanika eksperimentalne grupe. Cilj je bio i da se utvrde razvoj repetitivne snage mladih džudista pod uticajem programa treninga u predtakmičarskom pereiodu kod ispitanika kontrolne grupe. Poseban cilj je bio da se utvrde razlike na kraju eksperimenta u razvoju repetitivne snage između eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe ispitanika. Rezultati t-testa su pokazali da je kod eksperimentalne grupe pod uticajem programa treninga u predtaskmičarskom periodu do{lo do statistički značajnog povećanja repetitivne snage u finalnom mjerenju u odnosu na inicijalno stanje. Univarijantnom analizom varijanse na finalnom mjerenju izmedju eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe utvrđeno je da se ispitanici eksperimentalne grupe statistički značajno razlikuju od kontrolen grupe ispitanika. Key Words: judo, programs, training, t-test. Ključne riječi: džudo, program, trening, t-test. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 63 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ EFFECTS OF FITNESS PREPARATION MODEL ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF COORDINATION OF YOUNG JUDOISTS IN A PRE-COMPETITION PERIOD EFEKTI MODELA KONDICIONE PRIPREME NA RAZVOJ KOORDINACIJE U PREDTAKMIČARSKOM PERIODU MLADIH DŽUDISTA Dražen Subotić1 Judo Club “Romanija“, Pale, Bosnia and Herzegovina Džudo klub “Romanija”, Pale, Bosna i Hercegovina 1 UDK: 796.85.015.132 Summary Sažetak A population sampled were 78 pupils of elementary schools, young judoists from Bosnia and Herzegovina, age 13 and 14 ± 6 months, divided into two groups: experimental one with 38 respondents, and the control one with 40 respondents. Pattern variables were made up of three coordination estimate variables (agility in the air, coordination with the baton, agility on the ground). Aim of the research was to establish the effects of the experimental fitness preparation model in the precompetition period on the development of coordination with the respondents of the experimental group. The goal was also to establish the effects of the training process program contents in judo clubs on the development of coordination with the control group respondents. A special goal was to establish the differences at the end of the experiment in the development of coordination between the experimental and the control group of the respondents. The results of the t-test showed that, under the influence of the fitness preparation model in the pre-competition period, the experimental group developed a statistically significant increase in coordination in the final measurement in relation to the inital condition. The univariant analysis of variance at the final measurement between the experimental and the control group established that the respondents of the experimental group statistically significantly differed from the control group of respondents. Uzorak ispitanika su činila 78 učenika osnovnih {kola, mladih džudista iz Bosne i Hercegovine, uzrasta 13 i 14 godina, ± 6 mjeseci, u Bosni i Hercegovini podjeljen na dvije grupe: ekserimentalnu sa 38 ispitanika i kontrolnu sa 40 ispitanika. Uzorak varijabli činilo je tri varijabli za procjenu koordinacije (okretnost u vazduhu, koordinacija sa palicom, okretnost na tlu). Cilj istraživanja je bio da se utvrde efekti eksperimentalnog modela kondicione pripreme u predtakmičarskom periodu na razvoj koordinacije kod ispitanika eksperimentalne grupe. Cilj je bio i da se utvrde efekti programskih sadržaja trenažnog procesa u džudo klubovima na razvoj koordinacije kod ispitanika kontrolne grupe. Poseban cilj je bio da se utvrde razlike na kraju eksperimenta u razvoju koordinacije između eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe ispitanika. Rezultati t-testa su pokazali da je kod eksperimentalne grupe pod uticajem modela kondicione pripreme u predtaskmičarskom period do{lo do statistički značajnog povećanja koordinacije u finalnom mjerenju u odnosu na inicijalno stanje. Univarijantnom analizom varijanse na finalnom mjerenju izmedju eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe utvrđeno je da se ispitanici eksperimentalne grupe statistički značajno razlikuju od kontrolen grupe ispitanika. Ključne riječi: kondicija, model, koordinacija. Key Words: fitness, model, coordination. 64 Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ BODY COMPOSITION OF STUDENTS WITH A DIFFERENT PHYSICAL ACTIVITY LEVEL TJELESNA KOMPOZICIJA UČENIKA RAZLIČITOG NIVOA FIZIČKE AKTIVNOSTI Igor [e{ić1, Nikolina Gerdijan1, Sa{a Marković1, Miroslav Zorić1, and Srboljub Vuković1 Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Fakultet fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta, Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina 1 UDK: 613-955 Summary Sažetak The structure of human body can be organized in 5 different component levels: atomic, molecular, cellular, functional and the whole body level. A human body is viewed here as a two-component system: FFT - fat free mass component and FM - fat mass component. The goal of the study is to determine whether there is a statistically significant difference in body composition (percentage of body fat) between students that are actively participating in sports and students that do sports recreationally. The students are in their third year of high school (17 to 18 years old). The study is based on a sample of ninety five Medical High school students; 27 male and 68 female. A device called the body analyzer is used in the research for measuring functional variable (percentage of body fat). The information gathered during the research was analyzed with descriptive and comparative statistics. The Anova procedure was used in the field of comparative statistics. On the basis of gathered results and their analysis, the research concludes that there is no statistically meaningful difference in percentage of body mass between students that are actively engaged in sports and those that do sports recreationally. The actual results of the percentage of body mass among men and women were affected by the type of sports that actively engaged students were practicing. The difference in body fat percentage was caused by a different level of physical fitness, nutrition and genetic factors. Struktura ljudskog tijela može biti organizovana u 5 nivoa: atomski, molekularni, ćelijski, funkcionalni, i cijelo tijelo. Tijelo posmatramo kao dvokomponentan sistem: bezmasna komponenta (FFM- fat free mass) i tjelesna masnoća (FM- fat mas). Ciljevi ovog istraživanja su da se utvrdi da li postoji statistički značajna razlika između učenika srednjo{kolskog uzrasta 3. razreda (17-18) godina koji se bave sportom i učenika rekreativaca u pogledu tjelesne kompozicije (procenta masti). Istraživanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 95 ispitanika koje su činili srednjo{kolci Medicinske {kole u Banjaluci. 27 ispitanika su činili ispitanici mu{kog pola, a 68 ispitanika ženskog pola. Kori{ten je uređaj za mjerenje funkcionalne varijable (procenta masti) koji se zove tjelesni analajzer. Podaci prikupljeni tokom istraživanja obrađeni su postupcima deskriptivne i komparativne statistike. Iz prostora komparativne statistike je kori{tena procedura Anova. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata i njihove diskusije zaključuje se da ne postoji statistički značajna razllika između sportista i rekreativaca srednjo{kolskog uzrasta u pogledu procenta masti. Na same rezultate procenta masti kod mu{karaca i djevojaka uticala je vrsta sporta kojima su se bavili sportisti. Razlike u procentu masti javile su se zbog različite fizičke pripremljenosti, ishrane i genetskih faktora. Ključne riječi: tjelesna kompozicija, fizička aktivnost, srednjo{kolci, tjelesni analajzer. Key Words: body composition, physical exercise, high school students, the body analyzer. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 65 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ ART AND SPORTS UMETNOST I SPORT Violeta [iljak1, Petar Pavlović2, and Elena Plakona3 Faculty of Management in Sport, Belgrade, Serbia Fakultet za menadžment u sportu, Beograd, Srbija 2 Faculty of physical education and Sport, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Fakultet fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta, Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina 1 EPAS, High School of Physiotherapy, Edesa, Greece EPAS, Srednja fizioterapeutska {kola, Edesa, Grčka 1 UDK: 796.011.8 Summary Sažetak The subject of this research relates to the interconnection of art and sport from ancient times till today. This paper applied the method of theoretical analysis and historical method. Creativity, aesthetics and originality can be seen in both mentioned culture branches. In every epoch of mankind were created, developed and monitored the development of sport by specific artistic disciplines: painting, sculpture, music, dance, sports facilities arhitecture, film. On the basis of sources given by artists, exploring sport history was made easier, while on the other side many artists have been inspirated by sport/ athletes and gave us magnificent works such as stadiums in Greece, the Colosseum, Statue of Diskobolos, movies. Predmet ovog istraživanja se odnosi na međusobnu povezanost umetnosti i sporta od najdavnijih dana pa do danas. U radu je primenjen metod teorijske analize i istorijski metod. Stvarala{tvo, estetika i kreativnost se mogu uočiti u obe navedene grane kulture. U svakoj epohi čovečanstva su nastajale, razvijale se i pratile razvoj sporta određene umetničke oblasti: slikarstvo, vajarstvo, književnost, muzika, ples, arhitektura sportskih objekata, film. Na osnovu materijalnih dokaza/izvora koje su nam ostavili umetnici različitih profila istraživanje istorije sporta je olak{ano, dok sa druge strane upravo sport/sportisti su bili inspiracija mnogim umetnicima koji su nam ostavili veličanstvena dela poput stadiona u Grčkoj, Koloseuma, statue Diskobolosa, filmova. Key Words: art, sport, connection. Ključne riječi: umetnost, sport, povezanost. 66 Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ ESTABLISHING PROCEDURE OF ON-LINE OF LIBRARY FUND CATALOGUES AT THE LIBRARY OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS FACULTY - BANJA LUKA POSTUPAK IZRADE ON-LINE KATALOGA BIBLIOTEČKOG FONDA BIBLIOTEKE FAKULTETA FIZIČKOG VASPITANJA I SPORTA – BANJA LUKA Du{ko [ljivić1 Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Fakultet fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta, Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina 1 UDK: 017.1(497.6BanjaLuka) Summary Sažetak Most academic libraries in Bosnia and Herzegovina, or is unable to possess, developing, maintaining their own electronic catalogs of library holdings, or does not have basic IT knowledge required to establish them. On the other hand, a series of service in this area which is, “it’s easy to get into, but hard to get out”. This work offers the “third option”... ie. how to make a decent electronic catalog at a cost of 0 km, $, € and 15 minutes of daily work. Following that path, Faculty of physical education and sports library in November 2009 establihed all its library fund on NET, using resources which library had, in a way that parent faculty, ie. its founder, employer and owner ,,doesn’t cost’’ money, legal acts and other birocratic opsticals well-known for most of public institutions. In the same time catalogues of monographic publications, serial publications and all academic works has “adjusted” with it’s inventory books, parent books, and ussual accounting and legal department standards. However, the library members gained the most of all, what was the main goal of library, with their calls for reservation, landing and even purchasing publications from Cetinje, Senta, Daruvar members including calls from university libraries for interlibrary exchange of publications from other states, which more then justified expections of library. On the other hand, for librarians in their own library the library fund isn’t anymore only at shells and in “the head”, but with two computer clicks of their own library reception pult. Većina fakultetskih biblioteka u Bosni i Hercegovini ili nije u mogućnosti da posjeduje, izradi, održava on-line kataloge sopstvenih bibliotečkih fondova, ili ne raspolaže osnovnim informatičkim znanjima potrebnim za uspostavljanje istih. Sa druge strane, javlja se niz servisa i usluga u ovoj oblasti u kojoj je “lako ući, ali te{ko izaći”. Ovaj rad nudi “treću opciju”... tj. kako napraviti pristojan on-line katalog po cijeni od 0 KM, $, € i 15-tak minuta svakodnevnog rada. U tom pravcu, biblioteka Fakulteta fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta je jo{ u novembru 2009–e godine postavila sav svoj fond na Internet, koristeći resurse sa kojim je raspolagala, na način da matični fakultet tj. svog osnivača, poslodavca i vlasnika “ne ko{ta” novca, pravnih akata i ostalih birokratskih prepreka svojstvenim za većinu javnih preduzeća. U isto vrijeme kataloge: monografskih publikacija, serijskih publikacija i svih akademskih radova je “uskladila” sa inventarnim knjigama, matičnim knjigama, standardnim zahtjevima računovodstva fakulteta i pravne službe. Ipak najvi{e su profitirali sami korisnici/članovi, {to je i bio cilj biblioteke, odnosno pozivi za rezervacije, pozajmicu pa čak i kupovinu publikacija od strane novih članova iz Cetinja, Sente, Daruvara, te pozivi univerzitetskih biblioteka iz drugih država na međubibliotečku razmjenu publikacija, {to je vi{e nego opravdalo očekivanja biblioteke. S druge strane, i bibliotekarima biblioteke fond nije vi{e samo na policama i “u glavi”, već i na dva klika računara sopstvenog prijemnog pulta biblioteke. Key Words: electronic catalogue, library fund, library. Ključne riječi: elektronički katalog, bibliotečki fond, biblioteka. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 67 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ TRANSFORMATIONS EFFECTS QUANTATIVE CHANGES OF MOTORICAL AND SPECIFICAL-MOTORIC STATUS CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NECESSY UNDER INFLUENCE THE PROGRAMME OF SPORT GAMES-FOOTBALL TRANSFORMACIONI EFEKTI KVANTITATIVNIH PROMJENA MOTORIČKOG I SPECIFIČNO MOTORIČKOG STATUSA DJECE S POSEBNIM POTREBAMA POD UTICAJEM PROGRAMA SPORTSKIH IGARA - FUDBALA Izudin Tanović1, Alen Alender2, Milo{ Jelčić3, Denis Begović4, and Miljana Piljević5 Universty “Džemal Bijedić”, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina Univerzitet “Džemal Bijedić”, Mostar, Bosna i Hercegovina 2 Center for Children with Disabilities “Loss Rosalles”, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina Centar za djecu s posebnim potrebama „Loss Rosalles“, Mostar, Bosna i Hercegovina 3 Primary scholl “Lipanjske zore”, Vi{ići, Čapljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina Osnovna {kola “Lipanjske zore”, Vi{ići, Čapljina, Bosna i Hercegovina 4 Primary scholl “Ivan Goran Kovačić”, Gradačac, Bosnia and Herzegovina Osnovna {kola “Ivan Goran Kovačić”, Gradačac, Bosna i Hercegovina 5 Education Faculty, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina Nastvanički fakultet, Mostar, Bosna i Hercegovina 1 UDK: 796.332.012.1-056.26 Summary Sažetak The children with problems in their growth present very different group of people which somatopsychical variations we can see in the measure that presents problem for normal growth of their adaptive abilities. (Maglajlić, Vrbanić, Frey, & [kringar, 1980). But, birth of the person with mental retardiation, still presents the mistic of life for all of us, and it is necessary we accept their world with obligation of understanding, and helping. The obligation of our profesion and science is to accept and include them in differents kineziological activities programmes, with attention of helping and reparing sensomotorical disabilities and including them in normal way of life (Mikić & Tanović, 2009 ). Exactly that was the goal of our research, to confirm in what measure the work of applied sports games program (in our case – football) contributes to succesfull motor and specific motor status of children with disabilities. The results of this exploration confirmed that everyday experiance in working and living with special needs have many barieras that influence on their intelectual and motor growth, but also confirms that with one sistematic and programmed work we could make significant sucess and repare the quality of their life. Djeca ometena u razvoju predstavljaju veoma raznovrsnu grupu djece čije su somatopsihičke varijacije izražene u toj meri da ometaju normalan razvoj njihovih adaptivnih sposobnosti (Maglajlić, Vrbanić, Frey i [krinjar, 1980). Nažalost, rođenje osobe s mentalnom retardacijom, jo{ uvjek predstavljaju mistiku života za svakog od nas, te je iz tog razloga neizbježno da njihov svijet poimanja vlastitog okruženja prihvatimo s obavezom poku{aja razumijevanja, uvažavanja i pomoći. Obaveza na{e struke, a i nauke, jeste da ovu i ovakvu djecu prihvatimo i uključimo u različite programe kineziolo{kih aktivnosti, s namjerom ublažavanja uzročno posljedičnih veza, odnosno s namjerom ublažavanja ili u određenoj mjeri popravke senzomotornih poremećaja i uključivanje ovih osoba u normalne životne tokove (Mikić i Tanović, 2009). Upravo to i jeste bio cilj na{eg istraživanja, da utvrdimo u kojoj mjeri (kvantitativno) program rada uz primjenu sportskih igara (u na{em slučaju fudbal) doprinosi unapređenju motoričkog i specifično motoričkog statusa djece s posebnim potrebama. Rezultati ovog istraživanja, potvrdili su svakodnevno iskustvo u radu sa osobama s posebnim potrebama, tj. potvrđuje nam činjenicu da u životu osoba sa mentalnim hendikepom ima vi{e barijera koje otežavaju njihov intelektualni i motorički razvoj, međutim također potvrđuju da se jednim sistemskim i programiranim radom može ostvariti znatan napredak i sve ukupno popraviti kvalitet življenja ovih osoba. Key Words: children with special needs, program, football transformations, effects. 68 Ključne riječi: djeca s posebnim potrebama, program, fudbal, transformacije, efekti. Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ ANALYSIS OF THE MORPHOLOGICAL STRUCTURES AND DIFFERENCES AMONG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS CAUSED BY THE EFFECTS OF VARIOUS PHYSICAL EXERCISE PROGRAMS ANALIZA MORFOLO[KIH STRUKTURA I RAZLIKE KOD UČENIKA NASTALIH DELOVANJEM RAZLIČITIH PROGRAMA FIZIČKOG VEŽBANJA Dragan Toskić1 Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Leposavić, Serbia Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Leposavić, Srbija 1 UDK: 796.015-053.5 Summary Sažetak In this paper the authors will examine the effectiveness of physical education classes and the possibility of using alternative physical exercise programs for the purpose of achieving a significant influence on the transformations of the anthropological dimensions of younger elementary school students, greater ones than have been determined to date. The subject matter of this paper is to determine the extent of the influence of judo training on the transformation of morphological features and whether these features differ from those of a sample of subjects who trained following s standard of physical education program. The population from which the sample was extracted for the purposes of this research is defined as the population of elementary school students, age 8. On the basis of the selected statistical-mathematical model and the aim of the research, it was decided that the sample would consist of 120 elementary school students divided into two subsamples numbering 60 school children each. In order to evaluate their morphological characteristics, eleven anthropometric variables were used, following the International Biological Program (IBP), so that they could cover the two-dimensional space defined as volume and body mass and subcutaneous fatty tissue, which allow for the greatest possible transformations under the influence of exogenous factors. The results were obtained by using a componential and canonical discriminant analysis. On the basis of the obtained results we can conclude that the experimental program made a significant contribution to the increase in muscle mass and thorax volume, which led to an increase in the overall body mass, accompanied by a notable decrease in subcutaneous fatty tissue. On the basis of the research, the authors recommend that changes be made to the physical education system. U ovom radu autori istražuju efikasnost nastave fizičkog vaspitanja i mogućnost da se alternativnim programima fizičkog vežbanja utiče na značajnije transformacije antropolo{kih dimenzija učenika mlađeg {kolskog uzrasta nego {to je to sada u praksi. Problem ovoga rada je da se utvrdi koliki je uticaj džudo treninga na transformaciju morfolo{kih obeležja i da li se ona razlikuju od obeležja uzorka tretiranog klasičnim vidovima nastave fizičkog vaspitanja. Populacija iz koje je uzet uzorak za ovo istraživanje se defini{e kao populacija učenika starih osam godina. Na osnovu izabranog statističkomatematičkog modela i cilja istraživanja odlučeno je da uzorak sačinjavaju 120 učenika razvrstanih u dva subuzorka po 60 ispitanika. Za procenu morfolo{kih karakteristika primenjeno je 11 antropometrijskih varijabli, međunarodni biolo{ki program (IBP), tako da pokriju dvodimenzionalni prostor definisan kao volumen i masa tela i potkožno masno tkivo kod kojih su moguće najveće transformacije pod uticajem egzogenih faktora. Rezultati su dobijeni primenom komponentne i kanoničke diskriminativne analize. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata zakjučujemo da je eksperimentalni program doprineo značajnom povećanju mi{ićne mase i obimu grudnog ko{a, {to je dovelo do povećanja ukupne telesne mase uz osetno smanjenje potkožnog masnog tkiva. Na osnovu istraživanja autori predlažu promene u sistemu fizičkog vaspitanja. Ključne riječi: fizičko vaspitanje, mlađi {kolski uzrast, morfolo{ke karakteristike, džudo, komponentna analiza, kanonička diskriminativna analiza. Key Words: Physical education, young school children, morphological characteristics, judo, component analysis, the canonical discriminant analysis. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 69 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ EFFICIENCY OF TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN NATURE ENVIRONMENT ON KAYAKING SCORE PERFORMANCE EFIKASNOST NASTAVE AKTIVNOSTI U PRIRODI NA REZULTATSKU USPJE[NOST VESLANJA KAJAKA Milomir Trivun1, Jovica To{ić1, and Goran Pa{ić2 Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Istočno Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Fakultet fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta, Istočno Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina 2 Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Fakultet fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta, Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina 1 UDK: 797.122.2:378.14 Summary Sažetak A comparison of performance score of kayaking on still waters was carried out on a 200-meter leg during the initial and final measurements. Samples were 36 males, age 23 ± 6 months, from student population, all enrolled in 2010/2011 academic year on the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, University of East Sarajevo. The aim of the research was to establish the efficiency of kayaking training program during nature activity classes held at Tjentiste in June 2011. A special goal was to establish the differences between the initial and final measurements of the kayaking score performance on still waters at the Tjentiste Student Camp. The results of the t-test indicate that there has been statistically significant improvement of the kayaking score performance during final measurements, compared to the initial condition of the student population, which indicates the efficiency of nature activity classes during kayaking training for students. Na uzorku od 36 ispitanika studentske populacije upisane u {kolsku 2010/2011. godinu, Fakulteta fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta Univerziteta u Istočnom Sarajevu, mu{kog pola, hronolo{ke dobi 23 godine ± 6 mjeseci izvr{ena je komparacija rezultatske uspje{nosti veslanja kajaka na mirnim vodama tokom dionice od 200 metara na inicijalnom i finalnom mjerenju. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi efikasnost programa obuke veslanja kajaka tokom nastave aktivnosti u prirodi koja se održala na Tjenti{tu u junu mjesecu 2011. godine. Poseban cilj je bio da se utvrde razlike između inicijalnog i finalnog mjerenja rezultatske uspje{nosti veslanja kajaka na mirnim vodama studentskog kampa na Tjenti{tu. Rezultati t-testa ukazuju da je do{lo do statistički značajnog pobolj{anja rezultatske uspje{nosti veslanja kajaka na finalnom mjerenju u odnosu na inicijalno stanje kod studentske populacije, {to ukazuje na efikasnost nastave aktivnosti u prirodi tokom obuke veslanja kajaka kod studenata. Key Words: kayak, paddling, classes, camp, t-test. Ključne riječi: kajak, veslanje, nastava, kamp, t-test. 70 Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ SCORE PERFORMANCE IN DIVING CONDITIONS DEPENDING ON THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT REZULTATSKA USPJE[NOST RONJENJA U ZAVISNOSTI OD PRIRODNIH USLOVA SREDINE Milomir Trivun1 and Jovica To{ić1 Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Istočno Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Fakultet fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta, Istočno Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina 1 UDK: 797.215.012.844.4 Summary Sažetak Sampled respondents were the students of Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, University of East Sarajevo, enrolled in the III year of 2010/2011 academic year, males, age 23 ± 6 months. A comparison carried out included the central tendency measurement results: minimum, maximum, rang, as well as the analysis of the t-test. The primary goal was to establish the performance score of apnea diving (in distance) in dependence of environment's natural conditions (air and water temperatures). The air temperature varied from 22 – 26˚ C during the day, while the water temperature was from 17 - 22˚ C during the days to follow. The analysis of the the central tendency measurement results, as well as the t-test, concluded that the students' apnea diving perormance is dependent of environment's natural conditions. Popuacija iz koje je izvučen uzorak ispitanika činili su studenti Fakulteta fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta Univerziteta u Istočnom Sarajevu, upisani u III godinu studija {kolske 2010/2011, mu{kog pola, 23 godine ± 6 mjeseci. Izvr{ena komparacija rezultata kod 21 studenta u mjerama centralne tendencije: minimum, maksimum, rang, kao i analizom t-testa. Osnovni cilj je bio da se utvrdi rezultatska uspje{nost ronjenja apneom (u dalj) u zavisnosti od prirodnih uslova sredine (temperatura vode i vazduha). Temperatura vazduha je varirala od 22 – 26˚ C tokom samog dana, dok je vode bila od 17 - 22˚ C tokom narednih dana. Analizom rezultata mjera centralne tendencije, kao i ttestom, može se zaključiti da je uspje{nost ronjenje u dalj apneopm kod studenata u zavisnosti od prirodnih uslova sredine. Key Words: apnea, nature, students, camp, t-test. Ključne riječi: apnea, priroda, studenti, kamp, t-test. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 71 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ MODEL OF SELF-EVALUATION BY APPLYING THE WEB PAGE IN REALIZATION OF DISTANCE LEARNING IN THE EDUCATION OF THE STAFF AND TRAINERS IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT MODEL SAMOEVALUACIJE PRIMJENOM INTERNET STRANICE U REALIZACIJI STUDIJA NA DALJINU (DISTANCE LEARNING) U [KOLOVANJU KADROVA I TRENERA U FIZIČKOJ KULTURI I SPORTU Senad Turković1, Jasmin Budimlić2, and Muhamed Tabaković1 Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Fakultet sporta i tjelesnog odgoja, Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina 2 High School, Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina Gimnazija, Bihać, Bosna i Hercegovina 1 UDK: 796.011.3 Summary Sažetak This paper presents a model for creation of the questionnaires (web polls) on the web page for the students who attend the studies of distance learning, the freshman year students of the Faculty for Sport and Physical education, for the subject Theory of Sport, with the aim to show the possibility of objective assessment and self-evaluation of the teacher during the implementation of teaching. The current state on the universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina is the active application of the procedures in the area of ensuring the quality of the teaching process. The standards in the implementation of teaching emphasize the global assessment of quality assurance on the universities. This paper offers a model of monitoring, evaluation and valorization of the teaching effects in different subjects. The value of implementing this model is twofold. First, since we live in the country where the potential possibility of making mistakes is present everywhere, this method offers statistically high probability of causalities of the estimated teaching effects by the Committee for quality in the parent institutions. Secondly, using this model, the students are completely protected from the possible abuse and they can freely estimate and answer the questions. It is upon the teacher’s creativity to form the questions and to understand the specifications of the web questionnaire in comparison with the traditional questionnaires. This paper offers a model for monitoring and valorization of the teaching effects, on the basis of the empirical information obtained during the 6 year period of the method application, as well as on the basis of the real results. Also, it offers the students a new research model by applying the web questionnaires. U ovom radu prikazan je model kreiranja anketnih upitnika (web polls-a) na stranici studenata koji pohađaju studij učenja na daljinu (distance learning), studenata I godine Fakulteta sporta i tjelesnog odgoja, na predmetu Teorija sporta, sa ciljem da se prikaže mogućnost {to objektivnije procjene i samoevaluacije nastavnika tokom realizacije nastave. Aktuelnost na bosansko-hercegovačkim univerzitetima jeste aktivna primjena postupaka i procedura u oblasti upravljanja i osiguranja kvalitete nastavnog procesa. Standardi u realizaciji nastave potenciraju globalne procjene osiguranja kvalitete na visoko{kolskim ustanovama. U ovom radu ponuđen je model praćenja, samoprocjene i valorizacije efekata nastave na pojedinim nastavnim predmetima. Vrijednost primjene ovog modela je dvostruk. Prvo, s obzirom da smo građani u državi gdje na svakom koraku postoji potencijalna mogućnost gre{ke, to ovaj metod daje statistički visoku vjerovatnost kauzaliteta utvrđenih efekata nastave od strane odbora za kvalitetu pri matičnim ustanovama. Drugo, primjenom ovog modela ispitanici (studenti) su potpuno za{tićeni od eventualnih zloupotreba i slobodno procjenjuju i daju svoje odgovore na postavljene upite. Na samoj kreativnosti nastavnika leži odgovornost formiranja upita i njegove konkretne definiranosti, odnosno razumijevanja specifičnosti web upitnika u odnosu na tradicionalne anketne upitnike. Ovaj rad će na osnovu empirijskih informacija dobijanih tokom primjene ovog metoda u trajanju od {est godina, kao i na osnovu stvarnih rezultata, ponuditi model za praćenje i valorizaciju efekata nastave. Također, u edukacijskom smislu i studentima se ponuditi novi model istraživanja stajali{ta primjenom anketa na web stranicama. Key Words: self-evaluation, web page, distance learning, education, web polls. Ključne riječi: samoevaluacija, web stranica, učenje na daljinu, studij, web upitnici. 72 Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ VIOLENT BEHAVIOR OF SUPPORTERS’ GROUPS AT SPORTING EVENTS – MATCHES IN THE REPUBLIC OF SRPSKA AND BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA NASILNO PONA[ANJE NAVIJAČKIH GRUPA NA SPORTSKIM PRIREDBAMA - UTAKMICAMA U REPUBLICI SRPSKOJ I BOSNI I HERCEGOVINI Du{ko Vejnović1 and Gojko Pavlović2 Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Fakultet fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta, Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina 2 School of Internal Affairs, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Visoka {kola unutra{njih poslova, Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina 1 UDK: 796.073:316.6(497.6) Summary Sažetak The focus of this research is violent behavior of supporters’ groups at sporting events–matches as means of political manipulation in the Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina - causes, risks, consequences and strategies of overcoming the same, then the relation between social environment and violence in sports in the Republic of Srpska and BiH. The priority is given to causes of violent behavior of supporters’ groups both within sports practice and their relation with other areas of social activity and the necessity for undertaking preventive and other measures which would lead to the solution of this problem. The paper considers the link between supporters’ groups and political manipulation. There is evidence that sporting events were related to aggression and violence in ancient civilizations (Dunning, 2001). This research will focus on the perception of the RS and BiH citizens on supporters’ groups and the connection between them and political elites. In the political context of BiH, tolerance of aggression and open hate speech can be understood as silent support of political elites through socially unacceptable actions of supporters’ groups. It is also obvious that political elites use supporters’ groups to channel the distribution of dosed political messages which cannot be uttered in a public discourse without the consequences for their political position, first of all thanks to the presence and influence of the foreign factor in BiH. In that sense, supporters’ groups can be seen as instruments for communication of messages which will be widely viewed thanks to the media and thus realize a tactical political aim, in this case the incitement of latent conflict, which is the means of maintaining power. The research also focuses on the link between politics and supporters’ groups. Given the fact that supporting violent-aggressive behavior is often associated with adolescence, and that au- Predmet istraživanja u ovom radu je nasilno pona{anje navijačkih grupa na sportskim priredbama – utakmicama kao sredstvo političke manipulacije u Republici Srpskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini - uzroci, rizici, posljedice i strategije prevazilaženja, zatim odnos dru{tvenog okruženja i nasilja u sportu u Republici Srpskoj i BiH. Prioritetno će se sagledati uzroci nasilnog pona{anja navijačkih grupa, kako unutar same sportske prakse tako i u odnosu na njihovu povezanost sa ostalim oblastima dru{tvenog djelovanja, te nužnost preduzimanja preventivnih i svih drugih mjera koje bi doprinijele rije{avanju ovog problema. U radu se razmatra sprega između navijačkih grupa i političkih manipulacija. Brojni dokazi ukazuju da je povezanost sportskih takmičenja sa agresijom i nasiljem bila poznata jo{ iz drevnih civilizacija (Dunning, 2001). Kroz istraživanje će se utvrditi percepcija građana Republike Srpske i BiH o navijačkim grupama i povezanosti političkih elita sa njihovim djelovanjem. U BiH političkom kontekstu tolerisanje agresije i otvorenog govora mržnje može se shvatiti kao prećutna podr{ka političkih elita dru{tveno neprihvatljivim postupcima navijačkih grupa. Takođe se može naslutiti da su političke elite u stanju da putem navijačkih grupa kanali{u distribuisanje doziranih političkih poruka koje se ne mogu izreći u javnom diskursu bez posljedica po sopstvenu političku poziciju, prije svega zahvaljujući prisustvu i uticaju stranog faktora u BiH. U tom smislu navijačke grupe se mogu posmatrati kao instrumenti za komuniciranje poruka koje će putem medija dobiti {iru vidljivost i tako ostvariti taktički politički cilj, u ovom slučaju podsticanje latentnog sukoba koji je sredstvo za održavanje na vlasti. Dalji predmet istraživanja je da se utvrdi način na koji funkcioni{e sprega između politike i navijačkih grupa. Imajući u vidu da se navijačko nasilno-agresivno pona{anje najče{će vezuje za adolescente, kao i da se autoritarne dimen- Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 73 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ thoritarian dimensions of personality are formed in that period, the research will focus on the correlation between hooliganism and authoritarian traits of persons prone to violence. Also, considering the distinctive ethno-national and chauvinistic orientation displayed by the supporters of almost all football clubs, and the fact that other (ethnic and social) groups are seen as disturbing factor in the existing social frames, we can anticipate that a significant number of interviewees in this research will show tendency towards authoritarian aggression and submissiveness. Given theoretical models of sports violence occurrences (subculture model, model of crowd psychology, model of imperative victory) represent the basis for research of all levels of social reality (micro, meso, and macro level). It is necessary to: research a mutual link between specific subculture groups (supporters’ groups) and social preconditions which lead to class-layer, national, religious or racial intolerance as possible causes of violence at sports fields across the Republic of Srpska and BiH; research to which degree politicization and ideologization of sports can serve as a “trigger” for wider social conflicts; research causes of violence within sports practice. The practical aim of the research is to establish adequate preventive measures and strategies which would lead to the solution of problems related to violent behavior of supporters’ groups at sporting events – matches in the Republic of Srpska and BiH. zije ličnosti formiraju upravo u tom periodu, dalje istraživanje će se fokusirati upravo na utvrđivanje korelacije između huliganizma i autoritarnih crta ličnosti osoba sklonih nasilju. Takođe, uzimajući u obzir izraženu etno-nacionalističku i {ovinističku orijentaciju koju pokazuju pripadnici navijača skoro svih fudbalskih klubova, kao i to da se druge (etničke ili socijalne) grupe doživljavaju kao remetilački faktori u postojećim dru{tvenim okvirima, možemo naslutiti da će značajan broj ispitanika u istraživanju pokazivati sklonost ka autoritarnoj agresivnosti i submisivnosti. Ponuđeni teorijski modeli nastanka sportskog nasilja (model podkulture, model psihologije gomile, model imperativne pobjede) pretstavljaju osnov za istraživanje svih nivoa dru{tvene stvarnosti (mikro, mezo, i makronivo). Potrebno je: istražiti međusobnu vezu između određenih podkulturnih grupa (navijačke skupine) i dru{tvenih preduslova koji vode ka klasno-slojnoj, nacionalnoj, vjerskoj ili rasnoj netrpeljivosti kao mogućim uzrocima nasilja na sportskim terenima {irom Republike Srpske i BiH; istražiti u kojoj mjeri politizacija i ideologizacija sporta može poslužiti kao „okidač” za {ire dru{tvene sukobe; istražiti uzroke nasilja unutar sportske prakse. Praktični cilj istraživanja je utvrditi odgovarajuće preventivne mjere i strategije koje bi vodile ka rije{avanju problema vezanih za nasilno pona{anje navijačkih grupa na sportskim priredbama – utakmicama u Republici Srpskoj i BiH. Key Words: violent behavior, supporters’ groups, sporting events. Ključne riječi: nasilno pona{anje, navijačke grupe, sportske priredbe. 74 Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ EDUCATIONAL VALUES OF CIRCULAR TRAINING SYSTEM IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL OBRAZOVNE VREDNOSTI KRUŽNOG TRENINGA U OSNOVNOJ [KOLI Dragoljub Vi{njić1, Jelena Ilić2, and Zoran Pajić1 Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Belgarade, Serbia Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Beograd, Srbija 2 Republic Institute of Sport, Belgarade, Serbia Republički zavod za sport, Beograd, Srbija 1 UDK: 796.015.58 Summary Sažetak In order to revalue the application of circular training in elementary school, it was conducted a research of pedagogical experiment type in the classes of 5th to 8th grade of elementary school. The sample included 285 boys (121 in experimental and 164 in control group), of two elementary schools in Belgrade. The experimental factor of the research was circular training implemented in the first term (3 months of effective work) with two classes weekly. The dependent variables included: students’ motor abilities (explosive leg strength, agility, static arm and shoulder girdle strength, repetitive strength of back musculature, segment leg speed), students’ attitude regarding circular training and students’ attitude towards physical education. The research results indicate that there were statistically significant improvements of motor abilities in several variables as well as that students’ attitude towards both circular training and physical education is positive. U cilju revalorizacije primene kružnog treninga u starijim razredima osnovne {kole izvr{eno je istraživanje tipa pedago{kog eksperimenta u nastavi fizičkog vaspitanja od 5 – 8 razreda osnovne {kole. Uzorak ispitanika obuhvatio je 285 učenika mu{kog pola (eksperimentalna grupa 121 i kontrolna grupa 164), dve osnovne {kole u Beogradu. Eksperimentalni faktor istraživanja je kružni trening sproveden u prvom polugodi{tu (3 meseca efektivnog rada) sa dva časa nedeljno. Zavisne varijable su bile: motoričke sposobnosti učenika (eksplozivna snaga nogu, agilnost, statička snaga ruku i ramenog pojasa, repetitivna snaga leđne muskulature, repetitivna snaga leđne muskulature, segmentarna brzina nogu), odnos učenika prema kružnom treningu i odnos učenika prema fizičkom vaspitanju. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je do{lo do statistički značajnog pobolj{anja motoričkih sposobnostu u vi{e varijabli, da učenici imaju pozitivan odnos prema kružnom treningu i da imaju pozitivan odnos prema fizičkom vaspitanju. Key Words: circular training, elementary school, boys. Ključne riječi: kružni trening, osnovna {kola, dječaci. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 75 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ METHODOLOGY OF SERVING IN VOLLEYBALL WITH SPECIAL EMPHASIS TO JUMP FLOAT SERVE METODOLOGIJA IZVO\ENJA SERVISA U ODBOJCI SA AKCENTOM NA SERVIS IZ SKOKA BEZ ROTACIJE (FLOT) Milenko Vojvodić1 and Naim Ćele{2 Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Fakultet fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta, Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina 2 Faculty of Pedagogy, Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina Pedago{ki fakultet, Bihać, Bosna i Hercegovina 1 UDK: 796.325.015.1 Summary Sažetak In modern volleyball, service is mainly the way of attack with intent to disturb opponent's reception and to score, if possible. In other words, the serve has two main tasks and aims that are based on direct service scoring and disturbing the reception, preventing the opposite team from quick, combined and efficient attack. How essential volleyball serve is today says the fact that some authors compare it with the importance of the first move in chess (Jankovic & Marelic, 2003). A good serve, correct realization as well as following and applying of collective and individual tactic principles can often be an important factor in the outcome of the game. When talking about tactics, it is essentially important to choose the best and the most efficient way of serving and apply it at the right time. Services can be classified according to the way of serving, ball trail and ball spin, as well as body position while serving. The most frequent services in the world's top volleyball, both men and women, are spike serve (jump serve with spin), jump float serve (jump serve with no spin) and float serve (an overhand (land) serve with no spin). Last European Volleyball Championship for men, held in Austria and Czech Republic, definitely showed that spike serve is no longer the most powerful and most efficient one, because its preciseness is determined by strength and speed, so when performing it, with the intent to make it as fast and as elusive as possible, a lot of serve faults are being made. When opponent’s reception needed to be more invaded, head coach of European champions – Serbian team did not go on players with strong, destructive spike serves, but on the ones with extremely unpleasant and precise jump-float serve. Jump float serve also won the Finals match point, with an ace. U dana{njoj odbojci servis je uglavnom sredstvo napada, kojim se želi otežati, odnosno poremetiti prijem ili po mogućnosti direktno osvojiti poen. Drugim riječima, servis ima dva osnovna zadatka i cilja, koji se svode na direktno poentiranje iz servisa i poremećaj prijema zbog onemogućavanje brzog, kombinovanog i efikasnog napada od strane protivničke ekipe. Koliko je danas servis bitan u odbojka{koj igri govori i to da ga neki autori porede sa vrijedno{ću prvog poteza u {ahu (Janković i Marelić, 2003). Dobro izvođenje servisa i pravilna praktična realizacija, te pridržavanje i primjenjivanje principa kolektivne i individualne taktike, često znaju da budu odlučujući faktor u ishodu utakmice. U taktici serviranja izuzetno je važno izabrati najbolji, odnosno najefikasniji način serviranja i u pravo ga vrijeme primjeniti. Servisi u odbojci se mogu podijeliti po načinu izvođenja, te po putanji i rotaciji lopte, kao i po položaju tijela kod izvođenja servisa. Servisi koji se danas najvi{e koriste u svjetskoj vrhunskoj odbojci, kako mu{koj tako i ženskoj su: smeč servis (servis iz skoka sa rotacijom), flot servis (servis iz skoka bez rotacije) i lelujavac (servis bez skoka i bez rotacije). Zadnje evropsko prvenstvo u odbojci za mu{karce, održano u Austriji i Če{koj, definitivno je pokazalo da smeč servis vi{e nije najmoćniji i najefikasniji servis. Kad je trebalo dodatno opteretiti prijem servisa kod protivničkih ekipa selektor evropskih prvaka - Srbije, nije uvodio igrače sa snažnim i razornim smeč servisima, nego je uvodio igrače koji imaju izuzetno neugodan i precizan lelujavi servis iz skoka (flot). Flot servisom osvojen je i zadnji poen u finalu i to asom. Ključne riječi: vrste servisa, tehnički element, taktika, metodologija izvođenja. Key Words: service types, technical elements, tactics, methodology implementation. 76 Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ CANONICAL RELATION BETWEEN SITUATION-MOTORIC SKILLS AND ELEMENTS OF JUDO TECHNIQUES KANONIČKI ODNOS IZME\U SITUACIONO-MOTORIČKIH SPOSOBNOSTI I ELEMENATA DŽUDO TEHNIKE Marko Zeljković1, Branimir Mikić2, Žarko Kostovski3, and Jasmin Mehinović2 Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Fakultet fizičkog vaspitanja i sporta, Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina 2 Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina Fakultet za tjelesni odgoj i sport, Tuzla, Bosna i Hercegovina 3 Faculty of physical culture, Skopje, FYR Macedonia Fakultet za fizičku kulturu, Skoplje, Makedonija 1 UDK: 796.853.23.012.1 Summary Sažetak The study was conducted on a sample of 65 judo competitors aged 16-19 years with a goal to determine the relation between situational-motor abilities and elements of judo technique. A system of 13 variables of situational-motor abilities and 8 variables of judo technique elements was implemented. Research has found that there is a statistically significant correlation between situational-motor abilities and elements of judo technique, in both isolated pairs of canonical factors. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 65 džudista uzrasta 16-19 godina sa ciljem utvrđivanja relacija između situaciono-motoričkih sposobnosti i elemenata tehnike džudoa. Primjenjen je sistem od 13 varijabli situacionomotoričkih sposobnosti i 8 varijabli elemenata džudo tehnike. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da postoji statistički značajna povezanost između situaciono-motoričkih sposobnosti džudista i elemenata tehnike džudoa, kod oba para izolovanih kanoničkih faktora. Key Words: judo, technique, situational motor skills, canonic, abilities. Ključne riječi: džudo, tehnika, situaciona motorika, kanonika, sposobnosti. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 77 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ SUBSTANCE USE IN BALLET, DANCE SPORT AND SYNCHRONIZED SWIMMING UPOTREBA SUPSTANCI U BALETU, PLESU I SINKRONIZIRANOM PLIVANJU Nata{a Zenić1, Mia Perić1, and Damir Sekulić1 Faculty of Kinesiology, Split, Croatia Kineziolo{ki fakultet, Split, Hrvatska 1 UDK: 793+797.217 Summary Sažetak Substance use and misuse is one of the most important health-threatening issues in sport today. But studies rarely compared substance use and misuse (SUM) in different performing arts. Herein, we identified and compared SUM in females, while studying an art (ballet; N = 21), non-Olympic sport (dance sport; N = 21), and Olympic sport (synchronized swimming; N = 23). All subjects were females (18+ years of age). The sample of variables comprised general, educational and sport factors, and SU&M data including consumption of opiates, cigarettes, alcohol, nutritional supplement and doping behaviors and beliefs. The data were collected throughout extensive anonymous self administered questionnaire. The statistical analysis included descriptive procedures (counts and proportions were calculated), and Kruskal-Wallis test. In short, we have found no significant differences between studied groups in potential doping behaviors. Most of the examinees do not relay on physicians’ and/or coaches’ opinion regarding doping. Only sport dancers recognized their consumption of cannabis as violation of anti-doping rules, which indicates the poor knowledge on doping issues among studied subjects. Those more convinced that doping habits are present in their sport (art) have a certain tendency toward doping usage. In conclusion, strong antidoping campaign within the studied arts is suggested. In doing so authorities should focus on the health-related problems. Istraživanja su rijetko komparirala upotrebu i zloupotrebu supstanci u sportovima koji se mogu smatrati aktivnostima umjetničke izvedbe. U ovom istraživanju cilj je bio utvrditi i komparirati upotrebu i zloupotrebu supstanci u jednom olimpijskom sportu (sinkronizirano plivanje; N = 23), neolimpijskom sportu (sportski ples; N = 21) i umjetnosti sa svim odlikama sporta (balet; N = 21). Svi ispitanici bile su žene (18+ godina starosti). Uzorak varijabli sačinjavale su varijable upotrebe i zloupotrebe opijata, cigareta, alkohola, prehrambenih suplemenata i stavova o doping. Podaci su prikupljeni kroz anonimni, ekstenzivni, prethodno kori{teni i validirani upitnik o upotrebi i zloupotrebi supstanci. Upotrebom Kruskal Wallis testa i Median testa nisu nađene značajne razlike između analiziranih grupa u doping faktorima (stavovi, vjerovanje, potencijalno kori{tenje, itd.). Većina analiziranih ispitanica ne vjeruje trenerima i liječnicima po pitanju doping problematike. One ispitanice koje su vi{e uvjerene u to da se doping sredstva koriste u njihovom sportu (umjetnosti) prije bi same konzumirale doping. Ostaje za zaključiti da bi u analiziranim aktivnosti bilo potrebno provesti ozbiljnu kampanju pa pitanju ove problematike, a pri tome bi se trebalo fokusirati na problem zdravstvenih posljedica konzumiranja supstanci. Ključne riječi: doping, razlike, aktivnosti umjetničke izvedbe. Key Words: doping, differences, performing arts. 78 Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ SUBSTANCE USE IN FITNESS EXERCISING KONZUMIRANJE SUPSTANCI U REKREATIVNOM FITNESS VJEŽBANJU Nata{a Zenić1, Marko Čubrilo1, and Goran Cvitan1 Faculty of Kinesiology, Split, Croatia Kineziolo{ki fakultet, Split, Hrvatska 1 UDK: 796.4 Summary Sažetak Substance use and misuse (SUM; cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, performance enhancers, etc.) is one of the most important health threatening issues in sport today. Previous studies suggested that SUM in recreational exercising not rarely overreach the SUM occurrence in competitive sports. The aim of the present study was to analyze the SUM in male (N = 95), and female (N = 92) recreational athletes (fitness participants), and to determine the possible influence of the differential sociodemographic factors on the SUM occurrence. The sample of variables included general sociodemographic data and SUM factors. All variables were collected throughout previously published and validated anonymous questionnaire. Apart from descriptive analysis which included counts and proportions, Kruskall Wallis test and Spearman’s rank order correlations were used. Results showed only 11% of males and 10% of females as regular smokers, which is highly encouraging (in comparison to 27.4% smokers in Croatia). However, highly disturbing fact is found in 22% males as regular alcoholic. Drugs (opiates and cannabinoids) are rarely consumed among males (1 to 2%), with the higher occurrence among females (up to 6%). Nutritional supplements are more frequently consumed in older subjects. Although none of the examinees reported doping consumption, the alarming fact is found in poor trust in theirs’ coaches opinion regarding doping issues. The investigations on this topic are rare in our region, and therefore the data we have found are hardly comparable to similar data. Therefore, the problem should be more precisely studied in future. . Key Words: substances, recreational exercising, factors of influence. Konzumiranje supstanci (cigarete, alkohol, droge, sredstva za povećanje performansi, itd.) jedan je od najvažnijih javno zdravstvenih problema suvremenog sporta. Cilj ovog istraživanja je analizirati kori{tenje supstanci kod polaznika (N = 95) i polaznica (N = fitnes programa, tj. utvrditi stupanj kori{tenja supstanci kod vježbača u fitnes centrima i istražiti koliko različiti socio-demografski činioci utječu na njihovo kori{tenje. Uzorak varijabli činile su varijable generalnih podataka o ispitanicima i podaci o kori{tenju supstanci. Podaci su obrađeni primjenom Kruskall Wallis testa za nominalne varijable i Spearmanovog koeficijenta korelacije. Rezultati pokazuju da vi{e od polovice ispitanika uopće ne konzumira cigarete, a pu{ačima se može smatrati 11 % mu{karaca i 10,2% žena rekreativnih vježbačica. Ovo se može smatrati pozitivnim pokazateljem s obzirom na podatke o 27,4% pu{ača u Hrvatskoj. Međutim, zabrinjava podatak da čak 22 % mu{kih ispitanika konzumira alhohol do razine opijenosti barem jednom tjedno. S druge strane kod žena je ovaj postotak bitno manji (3,4%). Drogu mu{ki ispitanici konzumiraju rijetko (1 do 2 % ), ali je kod žena taj postotak ne{to veći (oko 6%). Dodatke prehrani (suplemente) konzumiraju vi{e stariji vježbači i oni s vi{e trenažnog staža. Premda nitko od anketiranih nije prijavio kori{tenje nedozvoljenih stimulativnih sredstava (doping) vrlo je visoki postotak anketiranih prijavio slabo povjerenje u trenere po ovom pitanju {to je alarmantan podatak. Istraživanja o ovoj temi na{oj su regiji tek u začetku pa nema dovoljno dostupnih podataka za usporedbu. Stoga je u budućim istraživanjima važno provjeriti realno stanje u ostalim regijama i upotpuniti sliku o ovom problemu. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 Ključne riječi: supstance, rekreativno vježbanje, faktori utjecaja. 79 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ INTERDISCIPLINARITY OF SPORT AND EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY INTERDISCIPLINARNOST PSIHOLOGIJE SPORTA I VEŽBANJA Ljubi{a Zlatanović1, Milica Pavlović1, and Dina Joksimović2 Depatment for Psychology, Pholosophis Faculty, Ni{, Serbia Departman za psihologiju, Filozofski fakultet, Ni{, Srbija 2 Philosophic Faculty, Istočno Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Folozofski fakultet, Istočno Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina 1 UDK: 796.01:159.9 Summary Sažetak Modern sport and exercise psychology is the study of a large number of important topics and issues in the general psychology, personality psychology and social psychology, and some of the applied psychological disciplines such as clinical and health psychology. This paper suggests that the field of sport and physical exercise provides the context for considering the possibility of applying many psychological theories and empirical findings. This is especially evident in the study of learning some complex physical skills, the influence of motivation on athletes’ behavior, and the study of relation of anxiety, thoughts and beliefs of athletes to the level of their performance or success. In recent times, this connection is more emphasized and reflects the increased interest of sports psychologists to consider different forms of interaction between mental and physical condition of athletes, and their physical and psychological components or subjective components. That interest is reasonably extended to include more different aspects of recreational physical activity and consideration of their effects on the positive state of well-being of people, as evidenced by rapid development and popularity of contemporary positive psychology. This is exactly what allows fruitful interdisciplinary collaboration of researchers and practitioners in this field. Further development of an interdisciplinary approach, with the use of different theoretical starting points and research methods, is one of the roadmaps for its future. Savremena psihologija sporta i vežbanja bavi se proučavanjem velikog broja važnih tema i pitanja kako iz op{te psihologije, psihologije ličnosti i socijalne psihologije, tako i iz nekih primenjenih psiholo{kih disciplina kao {to su klinička i zdravstvena psihologija. U ovom radu se sugeri{e da oblast sporta i fizičkog vežbanja pruža kontekst za razmatranje i mogućnost primene mnogih psiholo{kih teorija i empirijskih nalaza. To je naročito uočljivo prilikom proučavanja učenja nekih složenih fizičkih ve{tina, uticaja motivacije na sportsko pona{anje i povezanosti anksioznosti, misli i uverenja sportista sa nivoom njihovih perfomansi (izvođenja) ili uspehom. U novije vreme, to povezivanje je sve nagla{enije i odraz je povećanog interesovanja sportskih psihologa za razmatranje različitih oblika interakcije između mentalnog i fizičkog stanja sportista, odnosno njihove fizičke komponente i psiholo{ke ili subjektivne komponente. To interesovanje je razložno pro{ireno tako da sve vi{e uključuje različite aspekte rekreativnog fizičkog vežbanja i razmatranje njihovih efekata na pozitivno stanje op{te dobrobiti ljudi, o čemu svedoči nagli razvoj i popularnost savremene pozitivne psihologije. Upravo to pruža mogućnost plodotvorne interdisciplinarne saradnje istraživača i praktičara u ovoj oblasti. Dalji razvoj interdisciplinarnog pristupa, uz primenu različitih teorijskih polazi{ta i istraživačkih metoda, jedan je od putokaza za njenu budućnost. Key Words: psychology of sport and exercise, interdisciplinary approach, positive psychology. 80 Ključne riječi: psihologija sporta i vežbanja, interdisciplinarnost, pozitivna psihologija. Book of Summaries - November, 2011 III Međunarodni naučni kongres „Antropolo{ki aspekti sporta, fizičkog vaspitanja i rekreacije“ DIFFERENCES IN THE LEVEL OF CADET FOOTBALL PLAYERS MOTOR SKILLS IN REGARD TO THE COMPETITION LEVEL RAZLIKE U NIVOU MOTORIČKIH SPOSOBNOSTI FUDBALERA KADETSKOG UZRASTA U ODNOSU NA RANG TAKMIČENJA Miroslav Zorić1, Sa{a Marković1, and Željko Sekulić1 Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Fakultet fizićkog vaspitanja i sporta, Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina 1 UDK: 796.012.1 Summary Sažetak To determine the difference between the levels of football players’ motor skills, in regard to the competition level, represents the base for their progress and development. To realize which skills represent a weak side of their players, when compared to the other football players, will help a lot to the coaches who deal with this issue. By basing on the received results, they will plan the trainings which will have a positive effect on the continuous development of the players. The sample of examinees was formed out of 112 cadet football players, from six football clubs. They were divided into three competition levels. The goal of the research was to determine the extent to which a competition level affects the difference at the level of motor skills among the cadet football players. After being collected, the data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics for calculating certain parameters (arithmetic mean, variation width, variation coefficient, standard deviation) and comparative statistics (in order to compare the results of the competition levels). The analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used, too. It showed that there was a statistically significant difference in the “Zig-zag” and “Sprint test 30 m” at the level p < .01. The test which estimates agility, determined that there is a statistically significant difference between the Premier League and the First League (p < .01) and between the Premier League and the Second League (p < .01). The test which estimates speed, determined that there is a statistically significant difference between the Premier League and the First League (p < .01) and between the First and the Second League (p < .01).The worrying fact is that, by the research, a statistically significant difference in the “Zig-zag ball possession” test was not determined, what shows that coaches should pay more attention to the young football players’ technique than they do. Football is, nevertheless, the most popular game in the world thanks to the virtuosos who control the ball, and who, by using their magnificant technical preparation, delight the audience all over the world. Utvrđivanje razlike u nivou motoričkih sposobnosti fudbalera u odnosu na rang takmičenja predstavlja osnovu za njihov napredak i razvoj. Trenerima koji se bave ovom problematikom uveliko će pomoći saznanje u kojim motoričkim sposobnostima njegovi igrači zaostaju u odnosu na ostale. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultat, planiraće treninge koji će pozitivno uticati na kontinuiran razvoj igrača. Uzorak ispitanika činilo je 112 fudbalera kadetskog uzrasta, iz 6 fudbalskih klubova, podijeljenih u 3 različita ranga takmičenja. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi koliko rang takmičenja utiče na razlike u nivou motoričkih sposobnosti fudbalera kadetskog uzrasta. Nakon prikupljanja podataka pristupilo se obradi istih pri čemu je kori{tena deskriptivna statistika za dobijanje određenih parametara (aritmrtička sredina, varijaciona {irina, koeficijent varijacije, standardna devijacija) i komparativna statistika (iz razloga poređenja rezultata između rangova takmičenja). Kori{tena je analiza varijanse (ANOVA) na osnovu koje je utvrđeno da postoji statistički značajna razlika u testovima “Cik-cak” i “Sprint 30 m” na nivou p < 0,01. Na testu za procjenu agilnosti utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika između Premijer lige i Prve lige (p < 0,01) , te Premijer lige i Druge lige (p < 0,05). Na testu za procjenu brzine utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika između Premijer lige i Prve lige (p < 0,01), te Prve lige i Druge lige (p < 0,01). Zabrinjavajuće je da istraživanjem nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika u testu “Kontrola lopte cik-cak”, {to pokazuje da se na razvoj tehnike mladih fudbalera obraća pažnja manje nego {to bi trebalo. Fudbal je, ipak, najpopularnija igra na svijetu upravo zbog virtuoza s loptom koji svojom vrhunskom tehničkom pripremom odu{evljavaju gledaoce {irom svijeta. Ključne riječi: motoričke sposobnosti, kadetski uzrast, rang takmičenja, razlika. Key Words: motor skills,cadet football players, competition level, difference. Zbornik sažetaka - Novembar, 2011 81 3rd International Sientific Confernece „Anthropological aspects of sports, physical education and recreation“ INDEX OF AUTHORS A Erol Kovačević 6 Adam Petrović 54 Admir Hadžikadunić 21 Adriana Lukić 10 Aleksandar Acevski 1 Aleksandar Draganović 12 Aleksandar Jakovljević 27, 28 Aleksandar Jovanović 31, 43, 49 Aleksandar Kukrić 10, 11 Aleksandra Vujmilović 35 Alen Alender 42, 68 Ana Vesković 54 Ante Burger 13 Asim Brdarić 6 Azer Korjenić 42 F B H Bojan Guzina 18, 19 Bojan Matković 48, 59 Bo{ko Rozga 58 Bo{ko Zaborski 38 Borislav Obradović 61, 62 Borko Petrović 10, 11 Branimir Mikić 42, 77 Helena Be{ović 4 D Dalibor Fulurija 17 Damir Sekulić 30, 78 Danica Pir{l 55, 56, 57 Danijela Kostanić 37 Dario Kalacun 27, 28 Dario Novak 48 Darko Katović 50 Dejan Ilić 23, 25 Denis Begović 42, 68 Dina Joksimović 80 Dragan Koković 36 Dragan Mirkov 46 Dragan Popović 60 Dragan Toskić 69 Dragoljub Vi{njić 75 Dražen Subotić 63, 64 Du{ko [ljivić 67 Du{ko Vejnović 73 \orđe Nićin 59 \orđe Stefanović 14 \ \orđe Nićin 59 \orđe Stefanović 14 E Elena Plakona 66 Elena Soklevska 38 Elvira Beganović 3, 4 82 Igor [e{ić 65 Igor Ranisavljević 25 Ilija Klincarov 1 Ivana Parčina 51 Izudin Tanović 68 Marko Čubrilo 79 Marko D. Stojanović 61, 62 Marko Kimi Milić 43, 49 Marko Milić 31 Marko Zeljković 38, 77 Melita Kolarec 16 Mia Perić 78 Mihajlo Mijanović 21 Milana Grk 9 Milan Čoh 8 Milan Gužvica 20 Milan Sikimić 46 Milan Žvan 8 Mile Ćavar 7 Milenko Vojvodić 76 Milica Be{ović 3, 4 Milica Pavlović 53, 80 Milo{ Jelčić 42 Milomir Trivun 70, 71 Milo{ Obradović 40, 46 Milorad Maran 28 Milovan Ljubojević 24 Mirče Berar Mićurin 45 Mirjana Milić 34 Miroljub Ivanović 26 Miroslav Zorić 65, 81 Mladen Mikić 61, 62 Muhamed Tabaković 72 J N Jadranka Vla{ić 15, 50 Jasmin Budimlić 72 Jasmin Komić 59 Jasmin Mehinović 77 Jelena Ilić 24, 75 Josefina Jukić 34 Josipa Rada{ 16 Josip Vrdoljak 58 Jovica To{ić 70, 71 Naim Ćele{ 76 Nata{a Zenić 78, 79 Neboj{a Ranđelović 55, 56, 57 Nenad Maraleić 35 Nenad Živanović 55, 56, 57 Nikola Foretić 14 Nikola Prlenda 37 Nikola Stojanović 1 Nikolina Gerdijan 65 Fuad Babajić 6 G Georgios Fragkiadakis 14 Gojko Pavlović 73 Gorana Te{anović 5 Goran Bo{njak 5 Goran Cvitan 79 Goran Grahovac 18, 19 Goran Ne{ić 46 Goran Oreb 50 Goran Pa{ić 70 Gordana Furjan-Mandić 15, 16 I K Ken Hardman 22 Kristian Marić 7 Kristina Pantelić 52 L Leon Mazić 30 Ljubi{a Zlatanović 53, 80 Luzlim Ibri 38 M Maja Mikelić 34 Marijana Čavala 34 Marija Perić 53 Marin Ćorluka 7 Marinko Domuzin 27, 28 Mario Jeličić 30 S Sa{a Krstulović 58 Sa{a Marković 12, 40, 65, 81 Senad Bajrić 2 Senad Turković 72 Sergej M. Ostojić 61, 62 Sini{a Kari{ik 17 Sini{a Turković 13 Slađana Jovanović 32 Slađana Mijatović 41 Slobodan Goranović 2, 17 Slobodan Simović 59 Snežana Bijelić 6, 50 Srboljub Vuković 65 Srđan Bugarski 40, 46 Srđan Marković 25 T Tamara Karalić 35 Tea Pir{l 55, 56, 57 Toplica Stojanović 1 U Uglje{a Ivanović 26 V Vanesa Kosalec 15 Veroljub Stanković 60 Veselin Jovović 33 Vesko Dra{ković 23 Violeta [iljak 14, 66 Vidosav Lolić 2 Vjekoslav Cigrovski 37 Vladimir Ilić 25, 46 Vladimir Jakovljević 5 Vladimir Koprivica 32, 54 Vladimir Obradović 31, 43, 49 Vladislav Ilić 41 Z O Olivera Knežević 46 Osmo Bajrić 2 P Petar Barbaros Tudor 48 Petar Pavlović 52, 66 Predrag Grubor 27, 28 Proko Dragosavljević 11 Zdenka Barović 34 Zoran Čuljak 7 Zoran Milo{ević 45 Zoran Pajić 75 Zoran Valdevit 23 Ž Žarko Kostovski 38, 77 Željko Sekulić 40, 81 R Radenko Dobra{ 10, 11 Radomir Čanjak 33 Radovan Čokorilo 9 Book of Summaries - November, 2011
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