engl. - Univerzitet u Travniku

Curriculum Vitae
Gordana Mršić
Gordana Mršić
A.B. Šimića 4, 71000 Sarajevo, BiH
00 387 33 645 207
00 387 62 294 236
[email protected]
Sex female | Date of birth 11.12.1954 | Nationality BiH
01.10.2010 - today
Assistant Professor, Department of Criminal Law
Law Faculty, University of Travnik
Department of Criminal Law
2002 – 2006
Deputy County State’s Attorney
County State’s Attorney Office Zagreb, Croatia
The writing of indictments, representing the cases in court, duty service in the Office of Investigation
The Criminal Division
2001 - 2002
Court advisor
Administrative Court, Republic of Croatia, Zagreb
Solving the cases in the administrative area
1993 - 2001
Editor ING Register
Editor in chief ING Review of Judicial Practice
ING Biro Zagreb, www.ingbiro.hr
ING Register is a unique manual that has in a simple manner and promptly informed users of all
the valid regulations in the Republic of Croatia and of the content of certain decisions, specialist
articles and books.
ING Review of Judicial Practice publishes a review of the current decisions of the high courts in the
Republic of Croatia, the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia and the European courts,
from all fields of law.
1980 - 1993
Inspector at the Department of Construction, Utility and Housing
Head of Department of Construction, Utility and Housing
Municipality Medveščak, City of Zagreb, Croatia
Menagement of the utility, housing and process of controlling the construction in the Municipality
Medveščak, managing the Department of ten Inspectors
2001 - 2009
Doctor of Law
Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Doctoral Dissertation
1993 - 1996
Master of Laws, Criminal Practice
Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Courses in criminal law, penology, criminology, psychiatry, psychology,
methodology and others, as well as master’s thesis
1973 - 1979
Law graduate
Faculty of Law, University of Sarajevo, BiH
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Curriculum Vitae
1970 - 1973
Gordana Mršić
Graduate of ‘Prva Gimnazija’, Sarajevo
General college preparatory middle education
Mother tongue
Other language(s)
Spoken interaction
Spoken production
Levels: A1/2: Basic user - B1/2: Independent user - C1/2 Proficient user
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Communication skills
Organisational / managerial skills
Computer skills
Driving licence
▪ good communication skills gained during entire working time, especially at the Municipality
Medveščak, and as editor in chief of ING Review of Judicial Practice
▪ leadership and management of ten inspectors during the time as Head of Department of
Construction, Utility and Housing; special managerial skills and steering the processes during the
time as editor in chief of ING Review of Judicial Practice
▪ good command of Microsoft Office™ tools
Master’s thesis
‘’Žene počinitelji kaznenog djela ubojstva’’, The thesis is completed 1996
Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Doctoral thesis
''Zakonska i sudska politika kažnjavanja počinitelja kaznenih djela'', The thesis in completed 2009
The study of the relationship of legal and judicial penalisation policy ( judicial leniency in
relation to the statutory penal policy )
Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb
''Iz forenzične psihijatrije 3'', Group of authors (specialists neuropsychiatrists, and Gordana Mršić),
Ceres, Zagreb, ISBN 978-953-6745-07-7, 2009.
''Kazneni zakon'' (Comment with foreword and actual index), Izdavac Novi Informator, Zagreb
''Prekršajni zakon'' (Comment with foreword and actual index) published by Novi Infomator, Zagreb
''Zakon o kaznenom postupku'', ( Comment with foreword and actual index ),
published by Novi Informator, Zagreb 2009
Scientific papers
Zbornik radova, 2006., Zagreb
Zakonska i sudska politika kažnjavanja počinitelja kaznenih djela HPR, 2010. Zagreb
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Curriculum Vitae
Gordana Mršić
Sklapanje štetnog ugovora HPR, 2009. Zagreb
Građenje – protupravna gradnja HPR, 2010.
Izbor vrste i mjere kazne – Hrvatski ljtopis za kazneno pravo i praksu, 2004., Zagreb
Pravne posljedice osude, HPR, 2011. Zagreb
Primjena instituta beznačajnog djela – poseban osvrt na slučajeve iz sudske prakse, Hrvatska
pravna revija 5/2012. Zagreb.
Značenje izraza odgovorna osoba u kaznenom pravu, Novi informator, 6102-6103/2012.., Zagreb.
Pravo na branitelja – Ustavno sudska zaštita, ING-biro, HPR, 9/2013.,
Zaštita intekeltualnog vlasništva u građanskom i krivičnom pravu, (‘’The protection of intellectual
property in civil and criminal law’’) Univerzitetska hronika, Univerzitet u Travniku, vol. 4. Br. 2.
Travnik, 12/2012.
Dvostruko vrednovanje okolnosti pri odmjeravanju kazne, HPR, Inženjerski biro, Zagreb, 12/2013.
Professional articles
Articles published by Novi informator can be seen here www.Novi-informator.net Uskrata prava na
plaću i nadoknadu plaće kao kaznena djela, Novi informator, Zagreb, 2005.
Kazneno djelo počinjeno nepodnošenjem prijedloga za pokretanje stečajnog postupka, Novi
informator, Zagreb, 2005.
Kaznena djela protiv časti i ugleda, Novi informator, Zagreb, 2006.
Odnos kaznenog djela sklapanje štetnog ugovora prema kaznenom djelu zlouporabe položaja i
ovlasti, HPR, 2007.
Kaznena djela protiv imovine – poseban osvrt na nedozvoljenu uporabu autorskog djela ili izvedbe
umjetnika izvođača, HPR, 2007.
Prestanak službe danom pravomoćnosti kaznene presude, Radno pravo, Zagreb, 2007.
Kaznena djela protiv sigurnosti platnog prometa i poslovanja, HPR, Zagreb 2007.
Mjere upozorenja s osvrtom na sudsku praksu, Zagreb, 2007.
Princip zakonitosti kaznenog djela i kaznenih sankcija, HPR, 2007.
Pravo na suđenje u razumnom roku u kaznenom postupku, Zagreb, HPR, 2008.
Kaznena djela protiv javnog reda, HPR, Zagreb, 2008.
Kazneno djelo zloporabe ovlasti u gospodarskom poslovanju, Izbjegavanje izvršavanja obveza
prema proračunima i fondovima, Novi informator, Zagreb, 2009.
Zlouporaba osiguranja, Osiguranje, Zagreb, 2010.
Odavanje službene tajne – Prestanak radnog odnosa, Novi informator, Zagreb, 2010
Obveza vraćanja kredita na temelju izjave o jamstvu, Novi informator, Zagreb, 2010.
Predstavnik okrivljene pravne osobe, Novi informator, Zagreb, 2011.
Kazneno djelo zlouporabe osiguranja u sudskoj praksi, Novi-informator br. 5988-5989/2012.,
Participation in research
Blagost kaznenog zakonodavstva (usporedba novog i starog KZ) (Leniency of criminal legislation,
comparison of the former criminal legislation and the new criminal legislation), Ministarstvo znanost,
Ministry of science 1998.
Zastara u kaznenom postupku, Ministarstvo pravosuđa RH, 2003.g. (Statue of limitations in criminal
procedures, Ministry of Justice 2003)
Državnoodvjetnička uloga u borbi protiv krivotvorenja novca, MUP RH, 2006 (The role of the state
attorney's office in the battle against money forge, MUP RH 2006)
Guest lectures
MUP HR, Policijska akademija (Ministry of Internal Affaires, Republic of Croatia, Police Academy)
International conference of the countries in the central Europe and southeast Europe: the battle
against money forge, MUP RH (Ministry of Internal Affaires, Republic of Croatia) in Zagrebu 2006.
Association of Realestate Management, Forum Businessmen, Real estate trade, Vodice 2009
Rosip, Zagreb, Radni odnosi sa kaznenopravnog aspekta, Zagreb, 2010. (Labour relations from
the criminal law aspect)
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Curriculum Vitae
Gordana Mršić
VPŠ- Libertas, Zagreb, lecturer
HGK, Stalno arbitražno sudište, 20. Arbitražnio dani, Zagreb, 2012. (The court of Arbitration)
5. International Conference „Alternativno rješavanje sporova – suradnja uprave i pravosuđa s
gospodarstvom“, Zagreb, 2014. (The alternative in solving the litigation – cooperation between
administration and legislation with the economy)
Membership in professional
Academy of Legal Sciences – permanent member
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