CURRICULUM VITAE _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Dr. GEORGIOS DELIGIANNAKIS ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Program in Hellenic Studies Open University of Cyprus PO Box 12794, 2252, Latsia, Nicosia CYPRUS tel.: +35722411984 fax. +35722411981 email: [email protected] webpage: Education Qualifications 2007: D.Phil. in Ancient History Faculty of Classics, University of Oxford Thesis Title: The history and archaeology of the Aegean Islands in Late Antiquity, AD 300-‐700. The case of the Dodecanese. 2002: M.Phil. in Greek and Roman History Faculty of Classics, University of Oxford Dissertation title: Sacred Landscape and Christianisation in the province of Achaia during Late Antiquity. 1999: 1994: Bachelor’s Degree (ptychion) in History, Archaeology and Art History (major: Classical Archaeology) School of Philosophy, University of Athens. Dissertation title: The image of Apollonius of Tyana among Christians and pagans School-‐Leaving Certificate 12th Lyceum, Piraeus. Languages Greek: Native speaker English: Very Good (Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English, 1997). German: French: Fairly Good (Certificate of German at Higher Level with Merit, Language Centre, University of Oxford 2004; Mittelstufe, Zentrum für Sprachen und Mediendidaktik, Würzburg 2000; Zertifikat Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Goethe Institut-‐Athens, 1999). Fairly Good in reading. Greek and Latin : Good in reading. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Employment I Teaching Nov. 2012- Assistant Professor Program in Hellenic Studies, Open University of Cyprus. Undergraduate: ELP 35 Topics in Roman and Late Roman History (Coordinator and Tutor) 2008-2012: Lecturer Program in Hellenic Studies, Open University of Cyprus. Courses Undergraduate: ELP 35 Topics in Roman and Late Roman History (Coordinator and Tutor) ELP 11 Greek History (Coordinator and Tutor) 2007-2008: (winter semester) Adjunct Lecturer Department of Philology, University of Patras. Courses Undergraduate: Hellenistic and Roman History 2007-2008: Adjunct Tutor Program in Hellenic Studies, Open University of Cyprus. Courses Undergraduate: ELP 11 Greek History (Tutor) II Other Affiliations 2013-‐ Adjunct Assistant Professor, The Cyprus Institute, STARC III Thesis Supervision PhD 2012-‐: Οι νότιες επαρχίες της Quaestura Iustiniana Exercitus [The southern provinces of Quaestura Iustiniana Exercitus] Xenophon Moniaros, Program in Hellenic Studies, Open University of Cyprus. Ph.D. (Head of the Examination Committee) 2012: Πατέρας και πατρότητα στην ελληνική χριστιανική λογοτεχνία της Ύστερης Αρχαιότητας [Father and Fatherhood in the Christian Greek literature in Late Antiquity] Fotis Vasileiou, Program in Hellenic Studies, Open University of Cyprus. IV Research Projects 2010-‐2013: Director, Geophysical and Archaeological Survey of the Early Christian site of Prastia, Hypsonas, Cyprus. Funded by the Open University of Cyprus. 2 2011-‐: 2008-‐2011: 2002-‐2007: Director, e-‐deltos: Εlectronic Εdition of Εpigraphic Τexts from Late Antiquity. Funded by the Open University of Cyprus. www.e-‐ Research associate, The Ecumenical History of Theophylact of Simocatta. A critical commentary. Funded by the Open University of Cyprus. External associate, The Sphakia Survey Funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Institute for Aegean Prehistory (New York), the Craven Committee, University of Oxford, U.K. IV Excavation and field survey projects Aug. 2011 Jul. 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003 Sept. 2001, 2003 Aug. 1999, 2000 Aug. 1996, 1998, 1999 Excavation at Ephesos, Turkey Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut. Field survey and autopsies at Mesanagros area (Rhodes) and Palatia (Saria island) for my Oxford doctoral project. Field survey and excavation project at Kardamaina (Kos) Department of Classical Archaeology, University of Athens. Excavation at ancient Messene, Peloponnese Society of Messenian Studies. Excavation at Yria (Naxos) and the Asclepius sanctuary (Epidaurus) Department of Classical Archaeology, University of Athens. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Research and Publications I PhD Thesis 1. The history and archaeology of the Aegean Islands in Late Antiquity, AD 300-‐700. The case of the Dodecanese, Oxford 2007. II Books In Progress 2. The Aegean Islands and the Dodecanese in Late Antiquity, AD 300-‐700 (submitted to Oxford University Press). 3. The ‘On Months’ of Ioannes Lydos. Edition, Text with Translation and Notes (to be submitted to Routledge Classical translations series). III Edited volumes 4. G. Deligiannakis & Yannis Galanakis (eds.) The Aegean and its Cultures Proceedings of the first Oxford-‐ Athens graduate student workshop organized by the Greek Society and the University of Oxford Taylor Institution, 22-‐23 April 2005 BAR S1975 2009. In Progress 5. Συναγωγή άρθρων για την Ύστερη Αρχαιότητα τομ. 1-‐2, [Selected Readings in Late Antiquity, vols. 1-‐2] Athens: Open University of Cyprus-‐Gutenberg. 3 Journal Papers 6. Αδημοσίευτη χάλκινη κεφαλή αυτοκράτορα του Εθνικού Αρχαιολογικού Μουσείου και το τέλος της αρχαιότητας [An unpublished bronze head in the National Archaeological Museum and the End of Antiquity], Δελτίον Χριστιανικής Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας 34 (2013), 385-‐94. 7. A new consularis from the province Insulae? Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 169 (2009), 180-‐ 2. 8. Christian attitudes towards public pagan statuary: the case of Anastasios of Rhodes Byzantion: revue internationale des études byzantines 78 (2008), 142-‐157. 9. Ο σταυρός ευλογίας από το Μεσαναγρό: συμβολή στη μελέτη της λατρείας της Θεοτόκου στη Ρόδο κατά τους παλαιοχριστιανικούς και μεσοβυζαντινούς χρόνους [The reliquary-‐cross from Mesanagros: A contribution to the cult of Theotokos at Rhodes during the Early and Middle Byzantine period], Δωδεκανησιακά Χρονικά ΚB΄ (2008), 722-‐732. 10. Μια άγνωστη πηγή για τη πόλη της Ρόδου στην ύστερη αρχαιότητα [An ignored source about the city of Rhodes in late antiquity], Βυζαντινός Δόμος 16 (2007-‐8), 29-‐33. 11. Two late antique statues from Messene, Annuals of the British School of Athens, 100 (2005), 387-‐405, pls. 10-‐16. Submitted 12. Religious viewing of sculptural images of gods in the world of late antiquity: from Dio Chrysostom to Damaskios (submitted to the Journal of Late Antiquity) 13. Εκχριστιανίζοντας τις νησιωτικές κοινότητες του ανατολικού Αιγαίου. Η περίπτωση της νήσου Ικαρίας [Christianizing the island communities of the eastern Aegean. The case of Ikaria] (submitted to Δελτίον Χριστιανικής Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας) 14. Εθνικοί, χριστιανοί και εβραίοι στη Μήλο από την εποχή του Αυγούστου έως το τέλος της ύστερης αρχαιότητας (Pagans, Jews, and Christians in Melos from the time of Augustus to the end of late antiquity) (submitted to Μηλιακά) In Progress 15. New agendas and old problems in the study of the Christianization process in mainland Greece. 16. Byzantine Rhodes and the eastern Aegean in the seventh century IV Referred Book Chapters 17. Late Antique Honorific Statuary from the province of Achaia, A.D. 300-‐ 600: A contribution to the topography and public culture of late antique Greece, E. Sioumbara, K. Psaroudakis (eds.), ΘΕΜΕΛΙΟΝ 24 Μελέτες για τον Δάσκαλο Πέτρο Θέμελη από τους μαθητές και τους συνεργάτες του, Society of Messenian Studies, Athens 2013, 107-‐38. 18. Late paganism on the Aegean islands and processes of Christianisation στο L. Lavan, M. Mulryan (eds.), The Archaeology of Late Antique ‘Paganism’ (Late Antique Archaeology 7 -‐ 2009), Leiden 2011, 311-‐345. 19. The economy of the Dodecanese in late antiquity, in Ch. Papageorgiadou-‐Banis, A. Giannikouri (eds.), Sailing in the Aegean. Readings on the economy and trade routes, ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ 53, Athens, 2008, 209-‐ 234. 20. Γ. Κοκκορού-‐Αλευρά, Γ. Δεληγιαννάκης, Μία ενδιαφέρουσα λατρευτική κατασκευή μπροστά από το κτήριο Γ στο ιερό του Απόλλωνα στην Καρδάμαινα (αρχαία Αλάσαρνα) της Κω [An interesting cult-‐ 4 installation in front of Building C in the sanctuary of Apollo at Kardamaina (ancient Alasarna)] in Χάρις Χαίρε. Μελέτες στη μνήμη της Χάρης Κάντζια, vol. I, Athens 2004, 83-‐93. Submitted 21. Pagans, Christians and Jews in the eastern Aegean islands in late antiquity in Α. Busine (ed.), Religious Practices and Christianisation of the Late antique City, Brill. 22. Heresy and late antique epigraphy in an island landscape: exploring the limits of the archaeological evidence in Ch. Witschel, C. Machado (eds.), Epigraphic culture(s) of late antiquity. V Encyclopaedia Article 23. Rhodos und Dodekanes, Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum (RAC) (in progress) VI Introductions 24. Framing the Aegean in G. Deligiannakis and Yannis Galanakis (eds.) The Aegean and its Cultures Proceedings of the first Oxford-‐Athens graduate student workshop organized by the Greek Society and the University of Oxford Taylor Institution, 22-‐23 April 2005 BAR S1975 2009, 1-‐4 VΙI Articles in Refereed Conference Proceedings 25. Η θρησκευτική θέαση της πλαστικής απεικόνισης των αρχαίων θεών στον κόσμο της ύστερης αρχαιότητας. Από τον Δίωνα Χρυσόστομο στον Δαμάσκιο [Religious viewing of mythological sculpture in late antiquity: from Dio Chrysostom to Damascius] in S. Efthymiadis & A.K. Petrides (eds.), Mythoplasies: Use and Reception of Greek Myths in ancient, Byzantine and modern Greek history, literature and art, European Cultural Centre of Delphi, 28-‐30 January 2010, Athens, Gutenberg (in press). 26. A. Petridis, G. Deligiannakis, S. Soubaltzi, M. Epiphaniou, “Η ‘υβριδική’ λεγόμενη ΟΣΣ στο Πρόγραμμα ‘Σπουδές στον Ελληνικό Πολιτισμό’ του Ανοικτού Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου” [The so-‐called hybrid OSS in the Program in Hellenic Culture, Open university of Cyprus], 6th International Conference on Open and Distance Learning, Loutraki 4-‐6 Nevember 2011, 197-‐204. 27. Reconsidering the epigraphic evidence from the province of Achaia and the province of the islands in late antiquity in the Proceedings of the XII International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, Barcelona, 3-‐8 September 2002, Barcelona, 2007, 353-‐6. 28. Η αρχαιολογία της ύστερης αρχαιότητας και οι νησιωτικές κοινότητες του ΝΑ Αιγαίου [Late antique archaeology and the island communities of SE Aegean], in the Proceedings of the 7th Pan-‐Hellenic Geography Conference, Mytilene 14-‐17 Oct. 2004, vol. II, 160-‐168. VIII Reviews 29. Η μνήμη, η ταυτότητα και το κλασικό παρελθόν της Ευρώπης: review of S. Price, P. Thonemann, The Birth of Classical Europe: A History from Troy to Augustine, The Penguin History of Europe 1, Penguin Books, London 2013, pp. 416, The Books’ Journal 34 (August 2013), 52-‐55. 30. Εν μέρει χριστιανός, εν μέρει ελληνίζων: review of A. Lazaridou (ed.), Transition to Christianity. Art of Late Antiquity, 3rd-‐7th Century AD, Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation (USA), New York 2011, pp. 192, The Books’ Journal 19 (May 2012), 68-‐74. IΧ Distant Learning Course Material 26. Ο αυτοκράτορας Κωνσταντίνος και η εξάπλωση του χριστιανισμού [The emperor Constantine and the spread of Christianity], Open University of Cyprus, Nicosia 2009 (pages 18, pls. 3) 5 27. Ο Θουκυδίδης και το δόγμα του αθηναϊκού ιμπεριαλισμού [Thucydides and the Athenian imperialism], Open University of Cyprus, Nicosia 2009 (pp. 22, pls. 2) 28. Ὠ ξεῖν', αγγέλλειν Λακεδαιμονίοις, Open University of Cyprus, Nicosia 2009 (pp. 25, pl. 2) 29. Η εικόνα του Μεγάλου Αλεξάνδρου στη σύγχρονη ιστοριογραφία [The image of Alexander the Great in modern historiography], Open University of Cyprus, Nicosia 2009 (pp. 11, pl. 1) Reader and reviewer 30. P. Sofoulis, Πρώιμο Βυζάντιο και «βαρβαρικά» φύλα, 300-‐600 μ.Χ. [Early Byzantium and the «barbarian» tribes, AD 300-‐700], Open University of Cyprus, Nicosia 2010 (pp. 147, pls. 10). 31. E. Fassa, Η θρησκεία στην ελληνορωμαϊκή οικουμένη. Όψεις της λατρείας των ανατολικών θεοτήτων: Μεγάλη Μητέρα, Σάραπις και Ίσιδα, Μίθρας [Religion in Greco-‐Roman oikoumene. Aspects of the cult of the Eastern gods, Magna Mater, Sarapis and Isis, Mithras], Open University of Cyprus, Nicosia 2012 (pp. 281, pls. 64). Χ Other Publications 31. Late Antique Epigraphy and Christianisation: Case-‐Studies from the Eastern Aegean, British Epigraphy Society Newsletter 17 (2007), 8-‐9. 32. Έγιναν Χριστιανοί οι Ολύμπιοι και ενθάδε κείνται ασφαλείς, Σύγχρονη Άποψη, January 2010. 33. Την Ελλαδα (δε) θέλομεν και ας τρώγωμεν πέτρες, Καθημερινή, 31 December 2008. 34. Άποψη: Λίγο(;) πριν τον εκσυγχρονισμό, Καθημερινή, 26 July 2008. 35. Η πόλη της Αθήνας στα χρόνια της απαγόρευσης (της αρχαίας θρησκείας), Πειραϊκό Ορόσημο. Τριμηνιαία έκδοση του «Συλλόγου Φίλων του Αρχαιολογικού Μουσείου Πειραιά» vol. 16 (2007), 10-‐12. 36. Che fece… il gran rifiuto (τι φέρνει η μεγάλη άρνηση), Φιλελεύθερος, 24 April 2004. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Conference/Seminar Papers 1. Ο εκχριστιανισμóς της νήσου Ικαρίας. Νέα δεδομένα. [The Christianisation of Ikaria. New evidence] 34th Symposium of Byzantine and Post-‐Byzantine Archaeology and Art, ΒChΜuseum, Athens, 9-‐11 May 2014. 2. Ο εκχριστιανισμός των νησιών του ανατολικού Αιγαίου (The Christianisation of the eastern Aegean islands), Byzantine Studies Symposium, University of Cyprus, 5 Φεβρουαρίου 2014. 3. From paganism to Christianity in late antique Greece: new approaches and new material, 46th Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, Byzantine Greece: microcosm of empire?, University of Birmingham, March 23-‐5, 2013. 4. The discovery of an important late antique costal settlement on the island of Saria (Dodecanese, Greece), Aarhus University, Denmark, 28 September 2012. 5. Late Antique Honourific Statuary from Athens, A.D. 300-‐600: A contribution to the topography and public culture of late antique Greece, Aarhus University, Denmark, 26 September 2012. 6. Pagans, Christians and Jews in the eastern Aegean Islands in late antiquity, Aarhus University, Denmark, 24 September 2012. 7. Pagans, Christians and Jews in the eastern Aegean Islands in late antiquity, II. Greek-‐Turkish Epigraphy Symposium, 23-‐25 May 2012, Antalya. 8. Sacred Topography and Christianisation in the Province of the Islands, Conference in Religious practices and Christianization of the Late Antique City, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 19-‐20 January 2012. 9. Spatial Juxtaposition and Competition of Christian and Pagan Cults as Can Be Observed in the 6 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Archaeological Record of the Aegean Islands, Conference in The Transformation of Antique Spaces in Late Antiquity, TOPOI Excellence Cluster, Berlin 10-‐11 November 2011. Processes of Christianization: Pagans, Christians and Jews in an Island Landscape, Princeton Univeristy, Program in Hellenic Studies, 18 November 2011. The discovery of an important late antique coastal settlement on the island of Saria (Dodecanese, Greece), 22nd International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Sofia 22-‐27 August 2011. Αδημοσίευτη χάλκινη κεφαλή αυτοκράτορα του Εθνικού Αρχαιολογικού Μουσείου και το τέλος της αρχαιότητας [An unpublished bronze head in the National Archaeological Museum and the End of Antiquity], 31th Symposium of Byzantine and Post-‐Byzantine Archaeology and Art, ΒChΜuseum, Athens, 13-‐15 May 2011. Επιγραφικές μαρτυρίες για την ύπαρξη ετερόδοξων χριστιανικών ομάδων στο ανατολικό Αιγαίο κατά τον πέμπτο και έκτο αιώνα μ.Χ.[Epigraphic testimonies of non-‐orthodox Christian communities in the eastern Aegean during the fifth and sixth centuries], 30th Symposium of Byzantine and Post-‐Byzantine Archaeology and Art, ΒChΜuseum, Athens, 14-‐16 May 2010. Μνημειακή τοπογραφία και τιμητικοί ανδριάντες στα πλαίσια της υστερορωμαϊκής πόλης (300-‐600 μ.Χ.). Η περίπτωση της ρωμαϊκής επαρχίας της Αχαΐας [Monumental topography and honorary portraits in the late antique city, AD 300-‐600. The case of the Roman province of Achaia], Archaeological Research Unity, University of Cyprus, 1 March 2010. Αρχαίοι μύθοι και δημόσιος χώρος στην υστερορωμαϊκή πόλη [Ancient myths and public space in the late Roman city], Conference in The reception of ancient Greek myth in classical and postclassical Antiquity, Byzantium and the modern world, European Cultural Centre, Delphi 28-‐30 January 2010. Νέα στοιχεία για την Οικονομία του Νοτιοανατολικού Αιγαίου κατά την Ύστερη Αρχαιότητα [New evidence for the economy of SE Aegean in late antiquity], Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών Τμήματος Ιστορίας και Αρχαιολογίας, Πανεπιστημίου Κρήτης: Αρχαίος Μεσογειακός Κόσμος: Ιστορία και Αρχαιολογία, 28 Ιουνίου 2008. Αγάλματα σε δημόσιους χώρους κατά την υστερορωμαϊκή περίοδο: συμβολή στη μνημειακή τοπογραφία της ρωμαϊκής επαρχίας της Αχαΐας [Sculpture in public space in the Late Roman period: Contribution to the monumental topography of the Roman province of Achaia], 29ο Symposium of Byzantine and Post-‐Byzantine Archaeology and Art, ΒChΜuseum, Athens,, 15-‐17 Μαϊου 2009. Ο Ιουστινιανός και η Eπαρχία των Νήσων. Μια ξεχασμένη «βυζαντινή» επιγραφή από τη Ρόδο [Justinian and the Province of the Islands. A forgotten inscription from Rhodes], 28th Symposium of Byzantine and Post-‐Byzantine Archaeology and Art, ΒChΜuseum, Athens, 16-‐18 May 2008. Ο ρόλος των μικρασιατικών ακτών Καρίας και Λυκίας στις ναυτικές επιχειρήσεις μεταξύ Βυζαντινών, Περσών και Αράβων κατά τον έβδομο αιώνα [The role of the Asia Minor coasts of Caria and Lycia during the naval operations of Persians, Arabs and Byzantines in the seventh century], 15th Dodecanesian Cultural Symposium, 2-‐5 July 2007, Kastelorizo. Χριστιανική μνημειακή αρχιτεκτονική: Ιδεολογία, οικονομία και δημογραφία. Ερμηνεύοντας τα αρχαιολογικά δεδομένα της υστερορωμαϊκής υπαίθρου [Christian monumental architecture: ideology, economy and demography. Interpreting the archaeological data of late antique countryside], City and Countryside in the Mediterranean: The First Scientific Conference of the journal Diachronia, 29-‐31 May 2007, Athens. Η οικονομία των νησιών του νοτιοανατολικού Αιγαίου κατά την ύστερη αρχαιότητα [The economy of the SE Aegean islands in late antiquity] 27th Symposium of Byzantine and Post-‐Byzantine Archaeology and Art, ΒChΜuseum, Athens 11-‐13 May 2007. Settlement and Economy in the SE Aegean in Late Antiquity, Byzantine Studies Seminar, Oxford, 17 Ιανουαρίου 2007. Late Antique Epigraphy and Christianisation: Case Studies from the E. Aegean, The British Epigraphy Society Autumn Colloquium 2006: An Introduction to late Antique and Byzantine Epigraphy, 11 November 2006, Classics Centre, Oxford. Ο σταυρός ευλογίας από το Μεσαναγρό: συμβολή στη μελέτη της λατρείας της Θεοτόκου στη Ρόδο κατά τους παλαιοχριστιανικούς και μεσοβυζαντινούς χρόνους[The reliquary-‐cross from Mesanagros: A contribution to the cult of Theotokos at Rhodes during the Early and Middle Byzantine period], 14th Dodecanesian Cultural Symposium, Chalki 6-‐8 July 2005. Late paganism on the Aegean Islands and Christianisation και Christian attitudes towards pagan 7 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. statuary: the case of Anastasios from the city of Rhodes, The Archaeology of Late Antique Paganism: Late Antique Archaeology 2005, Meeting 2, 25th-‐26th November 2005, KULeuven Belgium. Η αρχαιολογία της ύστερης αρχαιότητας και οι νησιωτικές κοινότητες του ΝΑ Αιγαίου, [Late antique archaeology and the island communities of the SE Aegean] 7th Pan-‐Hellenic Geography Conference, 14-‐ 17 October 2004, Mytilene. Grey zones of late antiquity: the Aegean Islands, After Rome Seminar, Trinity College, Oxford, 3 June 2004. Christian monumental architecture and the Countryside Oxford-‐Princeton graduate workshop on Culture and Religions of the Eastern Mediterranean, Princeton, 9 January 2004. The idea of impurity amongst Christians and Pagans in Late Antiquity, Oxford-‐Princeton graduate workshop on Culture and Religions of the Eastern Mediterranean, Oxford, 8 January 2003. Αspects of Christianisation in Greece and the Aegean, Christianisation and Culture from Constantine to Iconoclasm, 7 December 2002, Keble College, Oxford. Presentations at the Ancient History Work-‐In-‐Progress Graduate Seminars, Oxford in 2001, 2002, 2005. Τα Διονυσιακά του Νόννου του Πανοπολίτη και οι κλασικές σπουδές στην ύστερη αρχαιότητα [Nonnus of Panopolis’ Dionysiaca and classical studies in late antiquity], Greece in Europe and the modern world Colloquium at the Athens University History Museum 30 June 1999, Athens. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Conference & Seminar Organization 2013-‐2014 2012-‐2013 2008-‐2011 2009: 2005: The Classical Seminar, Program in Hellenic Studies, Open University of Cyprus The Byzantine Seminar, Program in Hellenic Studies, Open University of Cyprus TELEGONEIA: annual series of academic public lectures (member of the Organizing Committee) Program in Hellenic Studies, Open University of Cyprus The reception of ancient Greek myth in classical and postclassical Antiquity, Byzantium and the modern world (member of the Organizing Committee) Program in Hellenic Studies, Open University of Cyprus European Cultural Centre, Delphi, 28-‐30 January 2010. Aegean Koine. The first Oxford-‐Athens graduate student workshop (President of the Organizing Committee) The Oxford University Greek Society Taylor Institution, University of Oxford, 22-‐23 April 2005. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Administrative duties 2013-‐2014: 2011-‐2013: 2009-‐11: 2009-‐11: Member of the Finance and Personnel & Building and Safety Committee Open University of Cyprus. Member of the OUC Library, Teaching material and IT Services Committee Open University of Cyprus. President of the OUC Library Committee Open University of Cyprus. Member of the Research Committee 8 2003-‐05: Open University of Cyprus. Secretary of the Oxford University Greek Society. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Membership of Academic & Professional Organizations Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies Oxford Byzantine Society Oxford-‐Princeton Partnership Oxford University Greek Society Oxford Greek Alumni Society Christian Archaeological Society ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Scholarships & Grants 2012 Jun-Feb: Visiting Fellow, Center for Epigraphical and Paleographical Studies, Ohio State University. 2011 Sept.-Dec: Visiting fellow, Seeger Center For Hellenic Studies, Princeton University. 2009 Jul-Sept: Visiting Fellow, Center for Epigraphical and Paleographical Studies, Ohio State University. 2000-2004: Scholarship by the Saripoleion Foundation for graduate studies abroad. 2003-‐2006, 2001: Travel grants from Craven Committee (Oxford) and Lady Margaret Hall for the needs of my doctoral research project. 2000: Socrates/Erasmus exchange student at the Department of Classical Archaeology, University of Würzburg, Germany. 9
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