The Ascension Light “I am the light of the world” JANUARY - MARCH 2014 FATHER’S MESSAGE THE DAY OF JUDGMENT My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Once again we proceed toward the period of Holy and Great Lent. We begin our spiritual journey during the first four Sundays of Triodion, which are Sunday of Pharisee and Tax Collector Sunday of the Prodigal Son, Sunday of the Last Judgment and Cheese Fare Sunday. Our Mother Church with many years of experience, and wisdom, prepares all of us gradually in order to celebrate the great Feasts of our faith. The most important preparation to celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ is the spiritual one. We need the humility of the Tax Collector, and the fervent prayer. We need the r e pentance and the return of the Prodigal Son. We must remember every day the Day of Judgment because Christ will come again on the day of His Second coming. On Meat Fare Sunday, the Gospel of the Judgment is read in our church. The meaning and the message of the New Testament is that Christ will come again. Christ came the first time as a humble man, He was born obscured in a cave, He lived as a simple man, and was crucified and buried for our sake, but on the third day, He was resurrected as He was God and Man. When Christ will come for the second time, He will return with glory with all His angels, He will come as God and also as a just Judge to judge the living and the dead. This is the Gospel’s message of Sunday of Judgment. Nobody knows the exact day when Christ will come, not even the angels, and for this reason who ever predicts a certain day on which the second coming of Christ will happen is not truthful. The only sure thing is that on one unknown day, Christ will come. On that day, when Christ will return, all the bodies of the dead will be resurrected and will be reunited with their immortal souls. All who are still alive on that day, they also will participate in the resurrection of the bodies, and all will be in front of fearsome judgment – the seat of just judge. The judgment of each human being will be from his own conscience. If we rejected Christ in this life, if we did not accept Him as God and Savior, then on that day we will be unable to face Him and are not going to be with Him in His Kingdom. If in this life we did not believe that only Christ can forgive our sins and all our mistakes, if we don’t repent and ask for forgiveness, as the Prodigal Son, then on that day it will be too late for returning and asking for forgiveness. In Hades, there is no repentance. If man does not repent in this life, neither in the eternal life will he be able to repent. My beloved, our salvation is very simple and easy. It is offered to all of us by Christ, absolutely free. It is not acquired by payment, by works or by anything else other than, as the Apostle Paul teaches us, by offering grace. You are saved by grace. The grace and the mercy of Christ grants us salvation, and we must attract the grace and the mercy of Christ by our humility and sincere repentance. We must truly believe that Christ is our God, Redeemer and Savior. If we believe without compunction and doubt, then we will be able to live from this present life all the blessings and the Grace of God, which is offering through the Church by the Holy Sacraments. And we will be able to see the face of God, on the day of judgment and hear “ Come, O blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you, from the foundation of the world.” (Matthew 25: 34) Amen. GREEK ORTHODOX M ETROPOLIS OF NEW J ERSEY ASCENSION GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH F AIRVIEW, N EW J ERSEY Q UARTERLY COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER YEAR 2014, ISSUE 1 Inside this issue: FATHER’S MESSAGE 1, 3 CHURCH COMMITTEES 4 PJILOPTOCHOS 5 COMMUNITY WORKS 8 CATECHISM SCHOOL 6 JOY/HOPE NEWS 10 PTO/GREEK SCHOOL 11-15 ORATORICAL FESTIVAL 16 GOYA 17 INCLUSION SUNDAY 18 CALENDAR 19-21 REGISTRY 23-25 26-28 CAPITAL CAMPAIGN CHURCH ORGANIZATIONS ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE OF CONSTANTINOPLE GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OF AMERICA GREEK ORTHODOX METROPOLIS OF NEW JERSEY GREEK ORTHODOX M ETROPOLIS OF NEW JERSEY ASCENSION GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH ● FAIRVIEW, NEW JERSEY PRIEST Rev. Christos L. Pappas Home: 201-840-8582 PARISH COUNCIL President PHILOPTOCHOS SOCIETY President President Evelyn Tsugranis First and Second Vice-Presidents First and Second Vice-Presidents Pauline Tasigiannis Martha Liosatos Recording Secretary First and Second Vice-Presidents Demetra Delaportas Secretary Maria Bournias Assistant Secretary Corresponding Secretary Mary Romais Treasurer Members CHURCH SECRETARY Anastasia Perdikos CHURCH SEXTON Demetrios Balaskas Assistant Treasurer Sunshine Georgia Stamatis Members Bessie Anastassatos, Eugenia Callias, Athena Giannaros, Jenny Kalatzantonakis, Chrystalla Kanakis, Luela Lappas, Maria Mikelis, Margarita Pantelis G.O.Y.A. Principal – Marie Elena Sardis First and Second Vice-Presidents Teachers Nikki Antoniou, Demetra Baltzis, Eugenia Liapis, Stacy Pinou Melizanis, Presbytera Maria Pappas, Vasiliki Sekkas, Anastasia Partafyllas GREEK SCHOOL SCHOOL BOARD Members – Fr. Christos Pappas Stacy Melizanis, Sofia Petrakis, Michael Tsugranis, Tina Hernandez, Samantha Binikos, Aidelys Toumazou, Chrisoula Lakas Members Denise Arvanitakis, Eleni Georgiou, Maria Gialias, Chrisoula Lakkas, Linda Lazarou, Nitsa Lekas, Christina Theodorakos Teddy Roukas Assistant J.O.Y. / H.O.P.E Eleni Socratous CATECHISM SCHOOL SUNDAY SCHOOL CHANTORS Euthimios Chrysikos CHOIR DIRECTOR Dr. Constantinos Yiannoudes Erasmia Voukelatos Kiki Gargas President – Stelios Socratous Vice-President – Panayiotis Sardis Secretary – Claudia Dounis George Gabriel Corresponding Secretary Treasurer Theoni Argyris Gus Chafos Rosalea Drivas Chris Kanakis Leonidas Karkantzelis Dimitri M. Kontolios Stelios Kontolios George Motsios George Panaretos Costa Poulos George Poulos (Zafirakopoulos) Stelios Socratous Sofia Petrakis Demetra Avalos Treasurer Michael Siderias Recording Secretary Julie Melis Corresponding Meetings Secretary Assistant Treasurer Stacy Pinou Melizanis Samantha Binikos Assistant Treasurer Constantine Rakkou George Hristofidis P.T.O. Rosalea Drivas Agisilaos Triantafyllopoulos Panayiotis Sardis Themmy Kontolios ASCENSION GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH D. Triantafillou (Principal), A. Triantafyllopoulos, D. Kontolios, I. Georgiadis, P. Poulos Teachers – Principal D. Triantafillou, Presbytera Maria Pappas, Aspasia Melis, Theano Kallopoulos, Maria Filippidis, Mary Zaharopoulos, Demetra Baltzis, Maria Sardis, Helen Papapetrou, Sofia Kostaras, Vajia Tjionas President Michael D. Kontolios George Psaros Treasurer Stefanos Kolokithas Assistant Treasurer Jordan Nicholas Recording Secretary Cecilia Gaidatzis Corresponding Secretary Irene Kontogiannis Public Relations/Newsletter Elias Pappas Cecilia Gaidatzis Irene Kontogiannis Bulletin Mike Dontas Head Coach Vagele Sophias Advisors Georgia Dontas, Voula Gaitatzis Tina Nicholas, George Motsios FATHER’S MESSAGE Η ΗΜΕΡΑ ΤΗΣ ΚΡΙΣΕΩΣ Αγαπητοί εν Χριστώ αδελφοί και πάλι οδεύουμε γιά την Αγία και Μεγάλη Τεσσαρακοστή. Αρχίσαμε την προετοιμασία με την Κυριακή του Τελώνου και Φαρισσαίου,την Κυριακή του Ασώτου, Την Κυριακή της Κρίσεως και την Κυριακή της Τυρινής. Η Εκκλησία μας με την πολυετή πείρα, τη σοφία μας προετοιμάζει σταδιακά γιά να εορτάσουμε τις μεγάλες εορτές της πίστεώς μας. Η μεγαλύτερη προετοιμασία για να εορτάσουμε την Ανάσταση του Χριστού είναι η πνευματική. Χρειαζόμαστε την ταπείνωση του Τελώνου και την αληθινή προσευχή. Χρειαζόμαστε την μετάνοια και την επιστροφή του Άσωτου Υιού. Πρέπει να θυμόμαστε καθημερινά την ημέρα της κρίσεως ο Χριστός θα έλθει και πάλι την ημέρα της Δευτέρας του Παρουσίας. Την Κυριακή της Απόκρεω, η Κυριακή της Κρίσεως διαβάζεται το Ευαγγέλιο της Κρίσεως. Το νόημα και το μήνυμα της καινής Διαθήκης είναι ότι Χριστός θα ξαναέλθει. Ο Χριστός ήλθε την πρώτη φορά ταπεινά γεννήθηκε άσιμα σε μία φάτνη, έζησε σαν ένας απλός άνθρωπος και καταδέχθηκε να σταυρωθεί και να ταφεί για χάρη μας,αλλά την τρίτη μέρα αναστήθηκε σαν Θεάνθρωπος που ήταν. Τη δεύτερη φορά που θα έλθει ο Χριστός, θα έλθει εν δόξη με όλους τους αγγέλους, θα έλθει σαν Θεός και σαν ο Δίκαιος Κριτής που θα αποδώσει δικαιοσύνη. Αυτό μας κηρύττει το Ευαγγέλιο της Κρίσεως. Κανείς δεν γνωρίζει πότε ακριβώς θα έλθει ο Χριστός,ούτε ακόμα και οι άγγελοι,γι’ αυτό, όποιος ορίσει συγκεκριμένη ημέρα ότι θα γίνει η Δευτέρα Παρουσία θα είναι ψεύτης. Ένα είναι βέβαιο, ότι κάποια μέρα ο Χριστός θα ξαναέλθει. Την ημέρα που θα έλθει ο Χριστός, θα αναστηθούν όλα τα σώματα των νεκρών και θα ενωθούν με τις ψυχές που είναι αθάνατες. Όσοι θα είναι ζωντανοί και αυτοί θα συμμετέχουν στην ανάσταση των σωμάτων και όλοι θα βρεθούν μπροστά στον Δίκαιο Κριτή. Η κρίση του κάθε ανθρώπου θα γίνει από τη συνείδηση του ιδίου του ανθρώπου. Εάν απορρίψαμε σ’ αυτήν τη ζωή τον Χριστό, εάν δεν τον δεχθήκαμε σαν Θεό, σαν Λυτρωτή και Σωτήρα, την ημέρα εκείνη δεν θα μπορέσουμε να τον αντικρύσουμε και δεν θα μπορέσουμε να είμαστε μαζί του. Εάν σ’ αυτή την ζωή δεν πιστέψαμε ότι, μόνον ο Χριστός μπορεί να μας συγχωρήσει τις αμαρτίες και τα λάθη μας, εάν δεν μπορέσαμε να μετανοήσουμε και ζητήσουμε την συγχώρεση, σαν τον Άσωτο, εκείνη την ημέρα θα είναι αργά για επιστροφή και μετάνοια. Εν τω άδη ουκ έστι Μετάνοια. Αν ο άνθρωπος δεν μετανοήσει σ’ αυτή ζωή δεν πρόκειται να μετανοήσει στην άλλη ζωή. Αγαπητοί μου η Σωτηρία μας είναι πολύ απλή και εύκολη, προσφέρεται από τον Χριστό σε όλους τους ανθρώπους, προσφέρεται εντελώς δωρεάν, δεν εξαγοράζεται με χρήματα, με έργα ή με οτιδήποτε άλλο, προσφέρεται όπως μας λέει ο Απόστολος Παύλος, Χάριτι έσται σεσωσμένοι. Η Χάρις και το έλεος του Χριστού μας, μας χαρίζουν την Σωτηρία, εμείς θα πρέπει με την πίστη μας, την ζωή μας, την ταπείνωση και την μετάνοιά μας να ελκύσουμε την χάρη και το έλεος του Χριστού μας. Πρέπει να πιστέψουμε αληθινά ότι ο Χριστός είναι ο Θεός, ο Λυτρωτής και ο Σωτήρας μας, εάν το πιστέψουμε χωρίς ενδιασμούς και αμφιβολίες τότε θα μπορέσουμε να βιώσουμε και από αυτήν την ζωή τις ευλογίες και την χάρη του Θεού που προσφέρεται διά μέσου της Εκκλησίας και των Μυστηρίων. Αλλά και θα μπορέσουμε να δούμε πρόσωπο Θεού την ημέρα της κρίσεως και να ακούσουμε «δεύτε οι ευλογημένοι του πατρός μου κληρονομήσατε την ητοιμασμένην υμίν βασιλείαν από καταβολής κόσμου» Αμήν. HELP OUR CHURCH GO GREEN!! As postage expenses continue to increase and our country’s initiative to protect the environment gets ever-broadening popularity, you can help the Ascension go green!! We can email you the newsletter and other key church correspondence in pdf directly to your email account! Just contact the Church Office at 201-945-6448 or [email protected] and let us know! SOCIAL MEDIA UPDATE Check out our new and updated website at “Like” us on Facebook at 3 CHURCH COMMITTEES 2014 ΕΠΙΤΡΟΠΕΣ 4 PHILOPTOCHOS SOCIETY NEWS Dear all, During the summer months and through all of September and October, the Chairladies and Committee members who consisted of all of our Board members, as well as several other members worked very hard on our Fashion Show which was held on October 15th at The Venetian in Garfield, NJ. The event, which is our largest fundraiser of the year was a tremendous success, with 208 guests in attendance. Fashions and music were provided by Journey Productions. This year, a portion of the proceeds from our outside raffle was donated to Tomorrows Children’s Fund, a division of Hackensack University Hospital Medical Fund. We were honored to have a member of the Tomorrows Children’s Fund board present and to be able to present a check for $750 to this wonderful organization which provides aid to children with cancer, and various other types of support for their families. A big THANK YOU to everyone, including our Church organizations that supported this event. It is because of your love that we continue to be able to further our mission of philanthropy. To the wonderful ladies of the Ascension Philoptochos Society who work so very hard and exemplify “filanthropia,” EISASTE PANTOTE AXIES. Philoptochos Christmas Party – On December 13th the Philoptochos Society of the Ascension Greek Orthodox Church held their annual Christmas Party in our Church Hall. It was a very well attended event and was enjoyed by all. The proceeds from this event enabled our Chapter to make a donation to St. Michael’s Home for the Aged in Yonkers, New York as it was advertised that the proceeds from the door tickets would be contributed to this cause. With the funds collected at the door of $10.00 per person, plus additional funds donated from our Chapter we were able to make a gift of $1,000 to the Home. This is an annual donation that is given every February when some of the ladies go on a visitation to the Home with other Chapter’s in the Metropolis of New Jersey. We thank you for the support of our Chapter and for helping us further our philanthropic causes and obligations. successful event. We also extend a debt of gratitude to Mrs. Demetra Delaportas who Co-chaired and filled in for Mrs. Anastassatos on the eve of this event, as she could not be present. We also thank our donors who contributed to us. This year, we had a representative from St. Basil’s Academy, Mr. Evan Winton, who attended the event and to whom we presented a gift of $300.00 to assist the Academy with its needs. During the year, we use the funds collected from this event to provide further support to St. Basil’s. On February 23rd the children will be coming down on a visitation to our Church and will have lunch with our Goya. At that time, we will also present the 14 children with gifts that some of you so graciously provided by taking a name of a child and purchasing a gift for them. The ladies of our Philoptochos are very long time supporters of St. Basil’s Academy and have a wonderful spirit of “philanthropia” for the children and the academy. All of these things cannot be done without your help and on behalf of our Philoptochos Chapter we thank you for your generous support. Membership Dinner- On February 11, 2014, our Philoptochos held their annual Membership Dinner at Le Jardin in Edgewater, New Jersey. There were 88 people in attendance. We also had as guest speakers, Mrs. Eleni Constantindes, a 2nd Vice President on the Metropolis of New Jersey Board. Eleni is also the National Philoptochos Social Service representative. Also joining Eleni was Mrs. Paulette Geanacopoulos who is the Social Service Director at National Philoptochos. Both ladies shared very informative information about Social Services and also shared information on the types of social service cases Philoptochos supports on the Metropolis and National levels. They also spoke about how many chapters also provide assistance through our annual Social Service obligations which provides the funding to help people in need. Mrs. Aspasia Melis, former Metropolis of New Jersey Philoptochos President, was also on hand and she spoke about the importance of “membership” in Philoptochos. Our Chairladies of the evening were Mrs. Pauline Tassiyiannis and Mrs. Georgia Stamatis. These ladies did a wonderful job and we extend our deepest appreciation to them for a wonderful and successful event and for all their hard work. Annual Vasilopita Event – On January 12th the Philoptochos held its Annual Vasilopita Event in our Community Center. We extend our deepest thanks to our Chairlady, Yours truly, Bessie Anasstasatos and the other ladies on her Committee, as Lea Drivas well as all the ladies in our Chapter who helped to make this a Philoptochos Society President Philoptochos meaning… “Friend of the Poor” 5 BLOOD DRIVE Philoptochos will be holding an Annual Blood Drive for the Community once again this year. We are currently in contact with the Blood Drive representative for our area and as soon as a date is finalized we will let you all know. DONORS ARE NEEDED! YOUR DONATION OF BLOOD CAN SAVE A LIFE OR HELP SOMEONE IN NEED. BOOKSTORE We would like to keep the bookstore open on Sunday’s and are taking this opportunity to inquire what types of items you would like us to have available for you so that we can increase interest by our parishioners. The Church Bookstore is made available to our parishioners and guests so that we can fill your needs, without you having to go outside of the Parish. Currently, we have icons, Bibles, Children’s Bibles, books, incense and charcoal, komboskinia, as well as jewelry items. We can also place personal orders on your behalf for many other items and will make catalogs available to you. So come and visit the bookstore on Sundays. We will have a book in which you can tell us what items you would like for us to purchase to enhance the inventory while satisfying your religious needs. COMMUNITY WORKS CULTURAL AND COMMUNITY WORKS The Ascension Church Cultural Committee has been formed with just a few members. If you are interested in participating and help plan events, and sharing your ideas, we welcome those of you interested in joining this group, which currently consists of Lea Drivas, Maria Bournias and Pauline Tassiyannis. As we would like to hold a meeting next month, we urge any individuals who wish to become members to contact us so that we can invite you to participate. Please let us know of any ideas YOU have! If you are interested in volunteering to work with this team, please contact Lea Drivas either by phone or email. Her phone number is: 201-675-3969 or via e-mail which is [email protected]. ********* Ομάδα για διάφορα Έργα Κοινότητας Σχηματίστηκε η Πολιτιστική Επιτροπή της Θείας Αναλήψεως με τα ακόλουθα μέλη, Ροσαλία Δρίβας, Μαρία Μπουρνιά, Πολίν Τασιγιάννη. Είστε ευπρόσδεκτοι να συμμετάσχετε σ’ αυτή την επιτροπή οργανώνοντας διάφορες εκδηλώσεις για βοήθεια εκφράζοντας και τις δικές σας απόψεις. Προγραμματίζεται συνεδρίαση τον επόμενο μήνα, καλούμε όλα τα άτομα που ενδιαφέρονται να γίνουν μέλη αυτής της επιτροπής, να επικοινωνήσουν μαζί μας για να μπορέσουν να συμμετάσχουν στη συνεδρίαση. Αν ενδιαφέρεστε να συμμετάσχετε σ’αυτή την ομάδα, παρακαλώ επικοινωνήστε με την κ. Ροσαλία Δρίβας. ******** ΒΙΒΛΙΟΠΩΛΕΙΟ Επιθυμούμε να κρατήσουμε το βιβλιοπωλείο ανοιχτό τις Κυριακές, γι’ αυτό το λόγο θα θέλαμε να μας ενημερώσετε τι είδος αντικειμένων επιθυμείτε να υπάρχει διαθέσιμο, ούτως ώστε να υπάρξει αυξημένο ενδιαφέρον από τους ενορίτες μας. Το βιβλιοπωλείο θα μπορεί να καλύψει τις ανάγκες των ενοριτών και επισκεπτών χωρίς να χρειάζεται να ψάξουν από κάπου αλλού. Επί του παρόντος διαθέτουμε εικόνες, Βίβλους για παιδιά, βιβλία, θυμίαμα, κάρβουνο, κομποσχοίνια και κοσμήματα. Μπορείτε να δώσετε προσωπικές παραγγελίες για διάφορα αντικείμενα αφού θα διατίθενται και κατάλογοι. Ελάτε να επισκεφθείτε το βιβλιοπωλείο μας τις Κυριακές! Θα παραθέσουμε ένα βιβλίο, στο οποίο μπορείτε να μας γράψετε, τι επιθυμείτε να βρίσκετε όταν θέλετε να αγοράσετε κάτι που να ικανοποιεί τις θρησκευτικές σας ανάγκες. A WAY TO HELP OUR ASCENSION ___________________________________________ TD BANK AFFINITY PROGRAM TD Bank will make an annual contribution to the Ascension Greek Orthodox Church based on any activity you have with TD Bank, including checking, savings, money market, CD’s and retirement accounts TD Bank’s contribution DOES NOT come from any of your funds and your accounts are 100% confidential. Simply, tell your TD Bank representative that you would like your accounts associated with the Ascension Greek Orthodox Church OR open an account with TD Bank today!! Our church can fundraise $50 for every new checking account or $10 for every existing checking account. PLUS, at the end of the year we will receive 1/10 of 1% of all the average balances of all our registered participants. And REMEMBER, no funds are taken from your account! JOIN TODAY!! 6 2014 ANNUAL CAR RAFFLE 7 2014 61ST ANNUAL GREEK FESTIVAL 61ST ANNUAL THURS, JUNE 5 - SUN, JUNE 8 2014 DRAWING: SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 2014 ● 8PM 8 SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS CALENDAR March 2014 3/23 3/30 Catechism School No Catechism School (Greek Independence Day Parade) 4/5 Easter Retreat (Flyer to be sent home as date draws near) Catechism School Catechism School (Palm Sunday, Easter Craft) No Catechism School (Easter Egg Hunt) (Flyer to be sent home as date draws near) April 2014 4/6 4/13 4/27 Sunday School is a wonderful way to begin to expose our children to the Greek Orthodox Doctrine. The teachers actively engage the students with creative lessons and plan fun activities to foster a growing love of our religion. Each grade level focuses on different concepts of our faith enabling the children to gain a deeper understanding. Children also have the opportunity to participate in retreats and to perform in programs. This year we were able to reinstate a weekly catechism meeting for Grades 9 – 12. Mr. Mike Siderias has been guiding our youth during this very exciting and stressful stage in their lives. This is the most important time for our children to stay connected with their faith. It is their faith that will give them the strength and courage to face the tough challenges that lay ahead both academically and personally. We strongly encourage weekly attendance of Sunday School as learning occurs best when it is a consistent part of their lives. The following is a list of Catechism teachers and grade levels at Ascension Greek Orthodox Church: Pre – K, Kindergarten: Grades 1 - 2: Grades 3 - 4: Grades 5 – 6: Grades 7 – 8: Grades 9 -12: Mrs. E. Liapis Ms. V. Sekkas Presbytera Maria Pappas Ms. A. Partafyllas Mrs. A. Toumazou Mrs. P. Raftopoulos Mrs. N. Antoniou Mrs. S. Binikos Mrs. S. Pinou Mrs. D. Arvanitakis Mr. M. Siderias May 2014 5/4 5/11 5/18 Catechism School Mother’s Day Program (Flyer to be sent home as date draws near) Catechism School Graduation I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the parent volunteers that help every Sunday and all the people who helped and contributed to the Godparents Sunday fundraiser. Please know that your contribution never goes unnoticed and I am eternally grateful for your service to our children and our mission. God Bless You! There is still time to join us. Applications are in the church office and I am also available if you need assistance. Feel free to contact me at [email protected] if you have any questions. Sincerely, Marie Elena Sardis Catechism School Director 9 J.O.Y. AND H.O.P.E. NEWS by Stacy Pinou Both HOPE and JOY programs are having a wonderful season. HOPE always includes a small craft and a short Catechism lesson. Our young members enjoy each others company through song and fellowship. In the JOY program we have continued to include some Gym time where our members can play basketball. At one meeting we played some old fashion board games, including Scrabble and UNO. Before Christmas, we had our annual Ginger bread building activity. This year we made trains, rather than houses. All participants had a blast. Joy and Hope programs meet once a month after Greek school. Every session includes a pizza dinner and an activity. We still have a few more sessions. Please join us if you have not already. JOY: Boys and Girls in 3rd thru 6th Grade HOPE: Boys and Girls that are in Pre K thru 2nd Grade MEETINGS: Held once a month immediately after Greek School. REGISTRATION: Fee is $25 per child. This fee goes towards craft materials and a pizza dinner at each meeting. CONTACT FOR MORE DETAILS: Stacy Pinou-Melizanis (201-699-7885) The JOY and HOPE programs wish everyone a Kali Anastasi! 10 GREEK SCHOOL BOARD UPDATE 11 GREEK SCHOOL NEWS Το Ελληνικό Σχολείο της Αναλήψεως: Διδάσκει την Ελληνική γλώσσα και τον Πολιτισμό μας! Δημοσθένης Τριανταφύλλου, Διευθυντής **************************** Το Ελληνικό Απογευματινό Σχολείο της Κοινότητας μας, με το πλούσιο εκπαιδευτικό του πρόγραμμα, έχει γίνει ο μαγνήτης που προσελκύει ελληνόπουλα απ’ όλες τις γειτονικές πόλεις. Εφέτος γράφτηκαν στο σχολείο μας 22 περισσότερα παιδιά και ο συνολικός αριθμός των μαθητών ανέβηκε σε 122. Σκοπός της Kοινότητας είναι όπως το σχολείο να είναι πάντοτε μεταξύ των πρώτων. Το σχολείο αρχίζει με Προνήπιο και τελειώνει στην Ενάτη τάξη. Είναι το μόνο σχολείο που έχει πλήρες Δημοτικό και πλήρες Ελληνικό Γυμνάσιο με τάξεις 7η, 8η & 9η. Το παιδί τελειώνει την 9η τάξη με μια πιο ολοκληρωμένη ελληνορθόδοξη ταυτότητα, πιο γνήσια ελληνική συνείδηση και με καλύτερη επάρκεια της ελληνικής γλώσσας. Είναι η καλύτερη επένδυση που κάνουν οι γονείς για τη μόρφωση των παιδιών τους, αφού η γνώση των Ελληνικών τα βοηθά και στην καλύτερη κατανόηση των Αγγλικών και καλύτερη διάπλαση του χαρακτήρα και σκέψης τους. Γιατί οι μαθητές του σχολείου μας μιλάνε καλύτερα Ελληνικά; Οι δασκάλες χρησιμοποιούν περισσότερους διαλόγους και συζήτηση στις τάξεις για να μπορούν τα παιδιά να μιλούν και να καταλαβαίνουν την ελληνική γλώσσα καλύτερα. Χρησιμοποίηση σύγχρονων οπτικοακουστικών μέσων και τεχνολογίας στην τάξη, αλλά και στο σπίτι με τις εργασίες τους. Διδασκαλία της ελληνικής λογοτεχνίας και της ελληνοαμερικάνικης ιστορίας στις μεγαλύτερες τάξεις. Σχολικές εκδρομές στο Ελληνικό Θέατρο στην Αστόρια, Μουσεία και άλλα Ελληνικά Ιδρύματα. Μαθήματα για τις εξετάσεις της Ελληνόμαθειας τον Μάϊο. Μαθήματα για τις εξετάσεις των Ελληνικών Greek Regents. Εμπλουτισμός του σχολικού προγράμματος με μαθήματα μουσικής και περισσότερες εορταστικές εκδηλώσεις. Επισκέψεις διακεκριμένων ελλήνων στις τάξεις. Χρησιμοποίηση της σχολικής μας δανειστικής βιβλιοθήκης. Δραστήριο Σύλλογο Γονέων και Δασκάλων. Υπεύθυνη Διεύθυνση και αφοσιωμένο και ευσυνείδητο διδακτικό προσωπικό. UPCOMING GREEK SCHOOL EVENTS Sunday, March 2 Our Greek School choir has been invited to sing in the Hellenic Cultural Center of the Archdiocese in Astoria for a special program dedicated to the great writer and philosopher: Nikos Kazantzakis. What a great honor for our school choir! Sunday, March 23 The school program for Greek Independence Day after the Divine Liturgy! May 2, 3 and 4 The 9th Grade Graduation 3-day overnight trip to the famous resort Woodloch Pines Resort in Pennsylvania. May TBD Grades 6 , 7 and 8 are visiting the Metropolitan Museum in Manhattan with Mrs. Melis. SUPPORT YOUR GREEK SCHOOL AND THE PTO! Students in Grades 8-9 performing in the program of the Three Hierarchs and Greek Letters on February 9. M. Karaiakofoglou, T. Kolovos, C. Poulos, D. Poulos and G. Vardakis 12 GREEK SCHOOL PHOTOS OF OUR YOUTH The Greek School Choir performing during the Greek Letters Day program on February 9 Our Principal, the teachers and PTO President Mrs. Evelyn Tsugranis and Sophia Petrakis One of our Greek School Dancing groups performing Greek dances Students from Grade 7 performing the dramatization of the poem << Xanthoula>> (written by Dionysios Solomos) 13 PTO TAVERNA NIGHT 14 PTO PARENT TEACHER ORGANIZATION In October, the PTO of the Ascension Greek School announced our new fundraiser. The PTO sponsored a raffle to an all inclusive Walt Disney World Vacation for four persons 5 days/4 nights. Congratulations to the Petrou Family for purchasing the winning raffle sold by the Antoniou family. The drawing took place on December 20, 2013, right after the children's Greek School Christmas Program where Santa Claus was there for the festivities. Also, Congratulations and thank you to the Avalos family for winning the iPod touch for being the top seller of the raffle. We would like to thank everyone for their support to helping make this fundraiser a success. On February 1st, we had our 10th annual Taverna Night in the community hall. The Entertainment was outstanding by Yianni Papastefanou and his orchestra and our Greek School and Goya Dancers. Our sincere thanks to everyone who helped with the preparations, set-up, clean-up, kitchen crew, and all the sponsors and donors. A special thank you to our spiritual leader, Father Christos for his constant support and guidance. I would also like to the thank our dedicated Principal Mr. Demosthenes Triantafillou and the dedicated teachers of our Greek School who educate and nurture our children in a loving and warm environment. Kali Sarakosti to everyone, Evelyn Tsugranis President of the PTO 15 ST. JOHN CHYRSOSTOM ORATORICAL FESTIVAL MARCH 21, 2014 2014 ORATORICAL FESTIVAL We are embarking on our 2014 St. John Chyrsostom Oratorical Festival! Read some of our youth’s presentations from the 2013 festival! by John Melizanis Considering the Lord’s words to his disciples, “If anyone desires to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all” (Mark 9:35), discuss the relationship between service and leadership. Jesus accepted the daunting responsibility that was given to Him, and came down to earth to save mankind by teaching others and spreading the word of God. We see Him achieving this by preaching various parables all the time. One of the greatest parables is found in Mark 9:35 when he said to his disciples “If anyone desires to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all.” American entrepreneur and motivational speaker, Jim Rohn once said: “A good objective of leadership is to help those who are doing poorly to do well and to help those who are doing well to do even better.” This quote shows that leadership goes hand in hand with Servanthood and that a good leader is someone who cares more for the welfare of others than his self-interests. We gladly look to them for direction and guidance in times of indecision, turmoil and trouble. A great leader has many important qualities: A great leader is someone with courage to fulfill his vision, is someone with strong character, is someone with the charisma to put others before themselves, they have the passion to achieve great things and the commitment to do what they believe in, no matter the cost; they have a positive attitude and are able to communicate their message in a simple way. Above all a true leader serves the best interest of people around them, even at the cost of not always being popular. This parable is so fitting in teaching us humility, because true leaders are motivated by genuine concern for others rather than a desire for personal glory; ultimately great leaders are willing to pay the price. Who do we consider to be good leaders? George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatmas Ghandi, Bill Gates, the Saints of our Church? Everyone would answer this question differently. As an Orthodox Christian the best example of a great leader should be Christ. He is the Light and the Way. He suffered and even was persecuted, but He never gave up on His goal to save His beloved people. I consider myself a good leader. I am team captain of both, the soccer and basketball teams. The team members look up to me and listen to my advice, basically I enjoy having control. As I talk to you today about what Jesus said to us, it makes me wonder if I am really a good leader. If we consider Jesus words to his disciples, we understand better that to be first, one must be willing to be last and servant of all. I am a great soccer player and a good scorer. I love playing offense but sometimes the coach plays me on defense instead. Sometimes he even pulls me out of the game so that others can have a chance to play and score. Honestly, this angers me, yet it is a humbling experience. It teaches me that just because I am the team captain, it is not all about me but instead, I need to put the team first. An attribute of a good leader is some who is by no means selfserving. A good leader cares more about the benefit of his peers rather than himself. In today’s world, many people who assume leadership roles become very successful. They don’t let things get in their way in order to achieve their vision. They like to tell others what to do but have a hard time taking orders from someone else. These people are self-serving and only want to get their “agenda” done and are not flexible. Many times they are not nice to those who work with them, treating them as second class citizens. This is not my idea of a good leader. In the Bible we find Jesus preaching. We should read about his life and learn from it. In Luke 9: 46- 48 we read about an argument among the disciples as to which one of them was the greatest. To help answer this question Jesus takes a child and brings him by his side and says , "whoever welcomes this child in my name , welcomes me , also welcomes the one who sent me. For he who is least among you all is the greatest." Jesus is telling us that we must accept him as our leader. He was a simple man. People followed him because of his character, his acceptance of everyone, and his ability to communicate his vision. To be good leaders we must look to him as the perfect model. To be the greatest means that we are able to be innocent and obedient. We must serve without trying to be recognized. We do it because it is our responsibility. Our main goal is to serve him. Someone in service does things and does not expect anything back in return as evidenced through a great leader. They do it because they are willing to serve, not just because it is their duty, but because of their love. If one humbles himself and is willing to be a servant to others, he will be considered great in the Kingdom of God, and will receive the greatest reward: a place in Heaven. It is very fitting today that I finish with a quote from John Maxwell who is an inspirational speaker and author. “If you can become the leader you ought to be on the “inside”, you will be able to become the person you want on the “outside”. People will want to follow you. And when that happens, you’ll be able to tackle anything in this world.” by Smaroula Tsougranis Constantine the Great was an important Saint in the Greek Orthodox religion that worked very hard in his life, and accomplished many things. His mother, Αγιά Ελενί, was Christian, and a very important influence in his life as he helped other Christians. He worked hard to stop the persecution of Christians, he built more Christian churches, and he was determined to make people understand that Sunday was the day of rest to take off from work and close stores so that people could go to church and strengthen their faith. Saint Constantine built New Rome, later named Constantinoupoli in his honor. He hoped for the city to reach high prosperity. Constantine the Great tried to expand Christianity throughout Constantinoupoli because there was a small number of Christians. Constantine also built a great church, the Αγία Σοφία. The Αγία Σοφία was a church that took a lot of work to build. This would later be known as one of the greatest monuments ever to be built. People from around the world still go there today to see the Αγία Σοφία. It was later knocked down in a war during Ιουστιανος reign as emperor. He admired Constantine's work so much and thought it was a shame the church was ruined, so he rebuilt the Aγία Σοφία. Saint Constantine the great was a very caring man. He cared for his family greatly and treated all Christians as family. By the time he died, Constantinoupoli was one of the strongest empires in the world. Saint Constantine is one of my favorite saints. He is also a very important historical religious leader and truly deserves the title of Constantine the Great, and that is why I chose him to be my topic for this ear's oratorical festival. 16 G.O.Y.A. CORNER 1ST PLACE SIGHTS & SOUNDS—GREEK DANCE!!! 1ST PLACE GREEK MONOLOGUE Constantinos Baltzis Mr. & Miss GOYA 17 INCLUSION AWARENESS SUNDAY by Maria Bournias For the fourth year, our church celebrated its annual Inclusion Awareness Sunday. On this day, we especially welcomed those with disabilities into our parish and sought to enable their full participation in the life of our church. By observing Inclusion Awareness Sunday, our mission was to further educate parishioners to the needs of persons and children with disabilities in our midst, as well as to recognize the tremendous value they add to our community. I am very proud of our church for partaking in this beautiful ministry. I am even more proud of all our parishioners who embraced the message and purpose wholeheartedly. The church was enveloped in a sea of white ribbons as parishioners entering the church were pinned with these symbols of unification of our community supporting the holiness and virtues of persons with disabilities. Welcome pamphlets were passed out explaining the meaning behind the day, as well as prayer cards with a special inclusion awareness prayer. We also provided copies of Father Chryssavgis’s booklet, “Body of Christ,” which spreads the message of inclusion and acceptance. Parishioner after parishioner, I heard beautiful words of appreciation and humbleness. Many were touched that our parish was extending such a gesture. Many felt inspired that our church just felt especially beautiful on this day, proud that we were doing God’s work. As part of service, artoklasia was dedicated in reverence to persons and children with disabilities. After which, Father Christos gave a beautiful sermon as to how our community as a whole has to revisit how they view and welcome persons and children with special needs. His message was deeply moving as he related how often times the Greek community has not been tolerable and accepting of those with special needs. At the end of service, as a token of our appreciation for their participation in the life of our community, we passed out icons of the Panagia and small bibles donated by the American Bible Society to our special guests with disabilities. The significance of Father’s words resonated with me in both sadness and joy. As an adult born with a disability called spina bifida, I was blessed to also say a few words and as I stood there and told my story, I realized that perhaps what I was seeking was my own personal desire for inclusion in the parish I have grown up in my whole life. I was sad that it took me 34 years to find the courage to accept that it is ok to admit that I am not perfect, but that I still have gifts I can offer to my parish and to those I meet. I was quickly rewarded with joy when I saw many nodding their heads, many in tears and many expressing their congratulations and appreciation at the end of service. That was the feeling of inclusion I waited many years to experience. And that is the very feeling of inclusion that every individual and child with any disability should feel every single day of their life, and most especially every single time they are within the house of God. Everyone whose path you cross in life has a gift–a gift that God bestows on every person to enhance the lives of others. The key, however, is the ability to see that gift. Sometimes, if all we see is someone’s disability or limitations, we lose sight of the value that person really has. This is honestly the ultimate missed opportunity of enrichment. However, the skills needed to find these gifts in others is simple—open your heart, open your mind and open your door. The reality is that we all have challenges and we all have abilities. Even if right now your limitations are none, one day somehow, you or a loved one may experience one of life’s hurdles. And if that time comes, the message should be clear. God will love you still. Your church community will support you unrelentingly. We should all find comfort knowing that all challenges are best fought unified. Several years before my mother passed away, she became uncomfortable coming to church because she couldn’t wear “good” shoes as it became difficult to walk. Similarly, my grandfather was often anxious about attending church, embarrassed if he couldn’t stand throughout the whole service. This is the exact opposite of how they should feel. Rather than hesitating about what others may think or say, they should have found solace that church was a place of refuge where they felt acceptance and inclusion by both the church under God and our community while in God’s house. If there is any greater message to spread to any of our loved ones who experience the same anxiety, it is to encourage them to come to church! Remind them that both our parish and our community welcomes them, especially when they seek the help and love of God most. When we are welcoming to all of God’s children, we are in effect doing the ultimate deed of God’s wishes. We are spreading the love that God wishes for all his children. Perhaps, there is no more true act of kindness than the act of inclusion. When we accept each other for who we are without prejudices or without stereotypes, we open our hearts to others and fill it to the brim with God’s admiration of us. I challenge everyone to not let the inspiration of Inclusion Awareness Sunday end with that day. I encourage everyone to live the message everyday. You will see, it is hardly just about enriching the lives of persons and children with disabilities. Rather, it is about enriching your very own life. I offer a genuine bout of gratitude to Father Christos for his earnest support and continual encouragement in bringing this day to fruition. I also offer my sincere appreciation to all of the Parish Council for embracing this event with open arms from the very first day it was introduced. Many thanks to the Ladies of Philoptochos, GOYA and the Sunday School for their enthusiastic participation! Finally, I am deeply indebted to the Pathways Foundation ( who created this ministry which we were all blessed to have experienced. I earnestly look forward to our next year’s celebration! Let the good feelings of acceptance and love continue to carry you! 18 PASCHA SERVICES ΣΑΒΒΑΤΟ του Ακαθίστου - 6 ΑΠΡΙΛΙΟΥ 2014 9πμ-11πμ: Όρθρος Θ. Λειτουργία (Θ. Κοινωνία) ΠΑΡΑΣΚΕΥΗ 11 ΑΠΡΙΛΙΟΥ 2014 2014 ΠΑΣΧΑ SATURDAY OF AKATHISTOS – APRIL 6, 2014 9am-11am: Orthros Divine Liturgy (Holy Communion) 5μμ: Θ. Προηγιασμένων Δώρων γιά το Ελληνικό Σχολείο (Θ. Κοινωνία) FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 2014 5pm: Presanctified Divine Liturgy for Greek School ΣΑΒΒΑΤΟ του Λαζάρου - 12 ΑΠΡΙΛΙΟΥ 2014 9πμ-11πμ: Όρθρος Θ. Λειτουργία (Θ.Κοινωνία) SATURDAY OF LAZARUS – APRIL 12, 2014 9am-11am: Orthros Divine Liturgy ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗ ΤΩΝ ΒΑΙΩΝ - 13 ΑΠΡΙΛΙΟΥ 2014 PALM SUNDAY – APRIL 13, 2014 9am-12 Noon: Orthros Divine Liturgy (Holy Communion) 12:30pm: Bakaliaros Luncheon 7:30pm-9pm: Service of Bridegroom 9πμ-12μμ: Όρθρος Θ. Λειτουργία (Θ.Κοινωνία) 12:30μμ: Γεύμα με τον Βακαλάο 7:30μμ-9μμ: Ακολουθία του Νυμφίου ΜΕΓΑΛΗ ΔΕΥΤΕΡΑ - 14 ΑΠΡΙΛΙΟΥ 2014 9πμ – 10:30πμ: Προηγιασμένη Θ. Λειτουργία (Θ.Κοινωνία) 7:30μμ-9μμ: Ακολουθία του Νυμφίου ΜΕΓΑΛΗ ΤΡΙΤΗ - 15 ΑΠΡΙΛΙΟΥ 2014 9πμ-10:30πμ: Προηγιασμένη Θ. Λειτουργία (Θ.Κοινωνία) 7:30μμ-9μμ: Ακολουθία του Νυμφίου ΜΕΓΑΛΗ ΤΕΤΑΡΤΗ - 16 ΑΠΡΙΛΙΟΥ 2014 9πμ-10:30πμ: Προηγιασμένη Θ. Λειτουργία (Θ.Κοινωνία) 4μμ-5:30μμ: Ιερόν Ευχέλαιον 7μμ-8:30μμ: Ιερόν Ευχέλαιον ΜΕΓΑΛΗ ΠΕΜΠΤΗ - 17 ΑΠΡΙΛΙΟΥ 2014 7πμ-9πμ: Θεία Κοινωνία 9πμ-11πμ: Εσπερινός Θ. Λειτουργία (Θ.Κοινωνία) 7μμ-10:30μμ: Ακολουθία των Παθών ΜΕΓΑΛΗ ΠΑΡΑΣΚΕΥΉ - 18 ΑΠΡΙΛΙΟΥ 2014 12μμ-3:30μμ: Μεγάλαι ΄Ωραι, Εσπερινός Αποκαθήλωση 7:30μμ-10:30μμ: Επιτάφιος Θρήνος 9:30μμ: Έξοδος Επιταφίου ΜΕΓΑ ΣΑΒΒΑΤΟ - 19 ΑΠΡΙΛΙΟΥ 2014 7πμ-9πμ: Θεία Κοινωνία 9πμ-11πμ: Εσπερινός Θ. Λειτουργία (Θ. Κοινωνία) 11:15μμ: Έναρξη Ακολουθίας 12πμ: Χριστός Ανέστη 12:30πμ-2πμ: Όρθρος Θ. Λειτουργία (Θ.Κοινωνία) ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗ ΤΟΥ ΠΑΣΧΑ - 20 ΑΠΡΙΛΙΟΥ 2014 12μμ–1μμ: Εσπερινός της Αγάπης ΔΕΥΤΈΡΑ ΤΟΥ ΠΑΣΧΑ - 21 ΑΠΡΙΛΙΟΥ 2014 9πμ–11:30πμ: Όρθρος Θ. Λειτουργία (Θ.Κοινωνία) ΤΡΙΤΗ ΤΟΥ ΠΑΣΧΑ - 22 ΑΠΡΙΛΙΟΥ 2014 9πμ-11πμ: Όρθρος Θ. Λειτουργία (Θ.Κοινωνία) ΖΩΟΔΟΧΟΥ ΠΗΓΗΣ-ΠΑΡΑΣΚΕΥΗ 25 ΑΠΡΙΛΙΟΥ 2014 9πμ-11:30πμ: Όρθρος ,Θ.Λειτουργία, Αγιασμός ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗ ΤΟΥ ΘΩΜΑ - 27 ΑΠΡΙΛΙΟΥ 2014 9πμ-12μμ: Όρθρος Θ. Λειτουργία (Θ.Κοινωνία) Η ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΗ Ι ΚΑΛ ΚΑΛΟ ΠΑΣΧΑ ΚΑ HOLY MONDAY – APRIL 14, 2014 9am-10:30am: Divine Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts (Holy Communion) 7:30pm-9pm: Service of Bridegroom HOLY TUESDAY – APRIL 15, 2014 9am-10:30am: Divine Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts (Holy Communion) 7:30pm-9pm: Service of Bridegroom HOLY WEDNESDAY – APRIL 16, 2014 9am-10:30am: Divine Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts (Holy Communion) 4pm-5:30pm: Holy Unction 7pm-8:30pm: Holy Unction HOLY THURSDAY – APRIL 17, 2014 7am-9am: Holy Communion 9am-11am: Divine Liturgy (Holy Communion) 7pm-10:30pm: Service of the Holy Passion GOOD FRIDAY – APRIL 18, 2014 12pm-3:30pm: Royal Hours, Vespers 7:30pm-10:30pm: Lamentation 9:30pm: The Procession of the Epitafios HOLY SATURDAY – APRIL 19, 2014 7am-9am: Holy Communion 9am-11am: Vespers and Divine Liturgy (Holy Communion) 11:15pm: Service of Resurrection 12am: XRISTOS ANESTI 12:30am-2am: Orthros, Divine Liturgy (Holy Communion) PASCHA SUNDAY – APRIL 20, 2014 12 Noon-1pm: Vespers of Love 2nd DAY OF PASCHA MONDAY – APRIL 21, 2014 9am-11:30am: Orthros, Divine Liturgy (Holy Communion) 3rd DAY OF PASCHA TUESDAY – APRIL 22, 2014 9am-11am: Orthros, Divine Liturgy (Holy Communion) THEOTOKOS OF THE LIFEGIVNG FONT–FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 2014 9am-11:30am: Orthros, Divine Liturgy (Holy Communion) SUNDAY OF SAINT THOMAS – APRIL 27, 2014 9am-12 Noon: Orthros, Divine Liturgy (Holy Communion) 19 Sun Κυριακή APRIL 2014 Wed Thu Πέμπτη Fri Παρασκευή Sat Σάββατο 2 3 4 5 9-10:30am Presanctified D. Liturgy Προηγιασμένη 9-10:30am Presanctified D. L. Προηγιασμένη Θ.Λ. 9-10:30am Presanctified D. L. Προηγιασμένη Θ.Λ. 7:30-10pm Philoptochos Meeting Συνεδρίαση Φιλοπτώχου 6pm Great Canon - Μέγας Μέγας Κανών 7:30pm School Board Meeting 5pm Greek School Salutations Χαιρετισμοί για Ελληνικό Σχολείο 7:00pm Ακάθιστος 9:00—11:00 π.μ. Σάββατο του Ακαθίστου 9:00—11:00 a.m. Saturday of Akathistos 8 9 10 Mon Δευτέρα Tue Τρίτη 1 6pm Apodipnon - Μέγα Απόδειπνο 6 7 6pm Apodipnon - Μέγα Απόδειπνο 5th Sunday of Lent Κυριακή Ε΄των Νηστειών St. Mary of Egypt / Μαρία η Αιγυπτία 7:30-10pm Philoptochos Meeting Συνεδρίαση Φιλοπτώχου 13 14 Palm Sunday Κυριακή των Βαϊωv Bakaliaros Lunch by Board Holy Monday Μεγάλη Δευτέρα Beginning of GOYA Tsourekia Sale 7:30pm Service 20 Great & Holy Pascha ΑΓΙΑ & ΜΕΓΑΛΗ ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗ ΤΟΥ ΠΑΣΧΑ 9-10:30am Presanctified D. LiturgyΠροηγιασμένη 7:30pm ServiceΝυμφίος 21 Holy Tuesday Μεγάλη Τρίτη 9-10:30am Presanctified D. Liturgy Προηγιασμένη 7:30pm Service Νυμφίος 22 7:30pm Board Meeting - Holy Wednesday Μεγάλη Τετάρτη 9-10:30am Presanctified D.L.– Προηγιασμένη 4pm & 7pm Holy Unction - Ιερόν Ευχέλαιον 23 Δευτέρα της Διακαινησίμου Τρίτη της Διακαινησίμου Fast Free Fast Free Νικολάου,Ραφαήλ και Ειρήνης 12pm Vespers of Love - Εσπερινός της Αγάπης 6-7:30pm Presanctified D. Liturgy Προηγιασμένη Θ.Λ. 16 15 Τετάρτη της Διακαινησίμου Fast Free Γεωργίου Μεγαλομάρτυρο ς 17 Holy Thursday Μεγάλη Πέμπτη 7-9am Holy Communion - Θεία Κοινωνία9am D. Liturgy - Θεία Λειτουργία 7pm Holy Passion Ακολουθία Παθών 24 Πέμπτη της Διακαινησίμου Fast Free 12 Lazarus Saturday Ανάσταση Λαζάρου 5pm Greek School Presanctified D. Liturgy Προηγιασμένη για Ελληνικό Σχολείο Palm Crosses 18 19 Holy FridayΜεγάλη Παρασκευή12pm R. Hours, Vesper - M. Ωρες, Αποκαθήλωση7:3 0pm Lamentation Service Επιτάφιος Θρήνος Holy Saturday Μεγάλο Σάββατο 25 26 Theotokos of the Life GivingΠαρασκευή της ΔιακαινησίμουΖω0 δόχου ΠηγήςΜάρκου ΑποστόλουΚατάλυσ η εις πάντα 7-9am Holy Communion - Θεία Κοινωνία9am D. Liturgy - Θεία Λειτουργία11:15p m Service Resurrection 12am Xριστός Σάββατο της Διακαινησἰμου Fast Free Egg Hunting 27 11 Sunday School Retreat 9am-2pm 28 29 30 Sunday of Thomas Κυριακή του Θωμά 20 MAY 2014 Sun Κυριακή Mon Δευτέρα Tue Τρίτη Wed Τετάρτη Thu Πέμπτη Fri Παρασκευή Sat Σάββατο 1 2 3 9 10 Ιερεμίου του Προφήτου 4 5 Sunday of the Myrrhbearers 6 Ειρήνης Μεγαλομάρτυρος Sunday of the Paralytic Clergy laity Assembly of Metropolis/ Επιφανίου Κληρικολαϊκή ΚύπρουEpifanios of Μητροπόλεως 18 13 6:00 μ.μ. Sunday of the Blind Man Κυριακή του Τυφλού Εύρεσις Κεφαλής Προδρόμου Third Finding of the Head of 14 Κληρικολαϊκή Μητροπόλεως 7:30pm Philoptochos Meeting 19 20 15 Μεσοπεντηκοστής Mid Pentecost Αγίου Ισιδώρου του εν Χίω Clergy laity Assem- Παράκλησις bly of Metropolis 6:00 p.m. Paraclesis 21 8πμ-10πμ ,8am-10am -Memorial Day 27 Αγ.Ιωάννου του Ρώσου St. John the Russian 28 Απόδοσις του Πάσχα Apodosis of Pascha 7:30 p.m. Vespers of Holy 6:00 μ.μ. Παράκλησις 6:00 p.m. Paraclesis Ascension - Εσπερινός 16 17 23 24 Achilios of Larisa 22 Last Day of Greek School Classes 7:30-11pm Board Meeting - Συνεδρίαση Συμβουλίου 26 Χριστοφόρου Μάρτυρος- Αχίλλιος Λαρίσης St. Constantine & Helen Αγ. Κωνσταντίνου & Ελένης Sunday of the Samaritan Woman/ Κυριακή της Σαμαρείτιδος Sunday School Graduation 25 Ιωάννου Θεολόγου 6:00 p.m. Paraclesis 7:30pm School Board 7:30pm Philoptochos Meeting Meeting 12 Cyprus 8 Σεραφείμ του οσίου 11 Κυριακή του Παραλύτου 7 29 30 Olympics 31 Gr. School & PTO Holy Ascension picnic in the Park Της Αναλήψεως 21 PRAYER DURING LENT Have no anxiety about anything, PRAYER OF ST. EPHRAIM THE SYRIAN but in every thing by prayer and To be read each week-day during Great Lent supplication with thanksgiving let O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the your requests be made known to spirit of sloth, despair, lust of power, and idle talk. God. And the peace of God, which But give rather the spirit of chastity, passes all understanding, will humility, patience, and love to Thy servant. keep your hearts and your minds Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own transgresin Jesus Christ. sions, and not to judge my brother, or blessed art Thou, unto ages of ages. Amen. -St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians One key to a more fulfilling life is prayer. For Orthodox Christians, the aim of prayer is to enter into conversation with God. Prayer is sometimes referred to as dialogue with God. Often it is a waiting on God in silence. In the church it is defined as the lifting of the mind and heart to God, and also as walking in the presence of God. We turn our mind and thoughts toward Him. We mentally gaze at Him and speak with Him in reverence, fear, and hope. At times we speak to Him with words and at other times we stand in reverent silence, saying nothing, but being aware of His presence. In this dialogue with God we praise Him and thank Him. We ask Him for what we need. Our mind and our heart are opened to Him. Prayer is not only repeating words, it is trust in God that he hears and directs us in His Way involving spiritual growth and development. VOLUNTEER Please never underestimate the impact you can make within our parish! We are ALWAYS looking for volunteers for any of church ministries or functions/ events. It does not matter how little time you can offer, we definitely need you and whatever you are able to give to our church. The church belongs to all of you, please be an active participant. Our parish, as well as all Greek Orthodox churches in the United States, is built and maintained by its people. We need to leave them intact for our children and grandchildren. Please do not hesitate to contribute! We are always appreciative of your time! CHURCH BOOKSTORE AND GIFT SHOP COME AND VISIT US ON YOUR WAY TO COFFEE HOUR EVERY SUNDAY AFTER LITURGY! Feel free to browse our extensive collection and ask if there is something you are looking for! Looking for a christening, birthday, holiday, wedding or sympathy gift? Stop by and visit our bookstore and gift shop where you will find these perfect items for your home and loved ones: Icons Bibles Children’s Bibles in Greek and English Devotional Items Komboskinia Greek Orthodox Books Aromatic Incense in several different varieties Charcoal in various sizes Vigil Lamps CD’s Jewelry Stefanothikes And much more… 22 REGISTRY ΒΑΠΤΙΣΕΙΣ 27 Ιανουαρίου, 2013: Σοφία Ζωή Δρόσος, του Χρήστου & της Μαίρης Ανάδοχοι: Κυριακή Παπαμανώλη & Παναγιώτης Δρόσος 6 Οκτωβρίου, 2013: Αλέξα Κωνσταντίνα Δημητρακόπουλου, του Κώστα & της Αϊλήν. Ανάδοχος: Αλέκος Πατέντας. 17 Φεβρουαρίου, 2013: Γεώργιος Νικόλαος Διακομιχάλη, του Νικολάου & της Νικόλ Ανάδοχοι: Ιωάννης & Χριστίνα Γκατζώνη 6 Οκτωβρίου, 2013: Λίλη Ελένη Δημητρακόπουλου, του Κώστα & της Αϊλήν. Ανάδοχος: Αγγελική Φλάκ. 23 Φεβρουαρίου, 2013: Νικόλαος Μποκάϊ, του Μιχαήλ & της Πατρίσιας Ανάδοχος: Τέρυ Μποκάϊ 7 Απριλίου, 2013: Ηλιάνα Μπάσεκ, του Ντάνιελ & της Σαμάνθας Ανάδοχοι: Κάρεν Γιάνναρος & Δημήτριος Γιάνναρος. 12 Οκτωβρίου, 2013: Νικόλαος Άντρεϊτ, του Ρούτη & της Σόνιας. Ανάδοχος: Ευαγγελία Περγαμίνου. 20 Οκτωβρίου, 2013: Θωμάς Γλαβάς, του Σάββα & της Ελέϊν. Ανάδοχοι: Χρήστος & Θεοφανία Ιγνατίου. 20 Απριλίου, 2013: Χαράλαμπος Μπίκεν, του Ντόνι Έρλ & της Ποσούλας Ανάδοχοι: Χριστόφορος & Μαίρη Ζαμφότη 26 Οκτωβρίου, 2013: Δάφνη Ζαχαριά, του Κωνσταντίνου & της Λιουτμίλα. Ανάδοχοι: Αλέξανδρος Μαρούλης & Ελένη Ζαχαριά. 30 Ιουνίου, 2013: Ολίβια Μελίνα Κουτσογιάννη, του Λάμπρου & της Λίνας Ανάδοχος: Γεώργιος Φίλιππος Λάϊτερ. 27 Οκτωβρίου, 2013: Εμμανουήλ Γιάννη Λιγνού, του Γιάννη & της Σοφίας. Ανάδοχοι: Ιωάννης και Μαρία Λιγνού. 30 Ιουνίου, 2013: Μιχαήλ Άρθουρ Αβάλος, του Χοσέ & της Δήμητρας Ανάδοχος: Σταύρος Δημητρίου 30 Ιουνίου, 2013: Μέλανη Σοφία Αβάλος, του Χοσέ & της Δήμητρας Ανάδοχοι: Αλίκη Σωκράτους & Χρυστάλλα Σωκράτους 10 Νοεμβρίου, 2013: Ιωάννης Ραφαήλ Αμαράντο, του Άντριου & της Δέσποινας. Ανάδοχος: Χρήστος Κυριάκου. 16 Νοεμβρίου, 2013: Έλενα Σοφία Φωτιάδη, του Νικολάου & της Μαργαρίτας Ανάδοχος: Μιχαήλ Κούρτης. 6 Ιουλίου, 2013: Αλέξα Γιούλη, του Σπύρου & της Αλίσας Ανάδοχος: Αγγελική Γιούλη 30 Νοεμβρίου, 2013: Αικατερίνη Δημητρίου, του Νικολάου & της Ροχάνι Ανάδοχος: Σπυριδούλα Δημητρίου 7 Ιουλίου, 2013: Χριστόφορος Χιούνεκε, του Ρουσέϊλ & της Ελένης. Ανάδοχος: Αριστείδης Καραγιάννης 1η Δεκεμβρίου, 2013: Στυλιανός Μιχαήλ Τσουκαλάς, του Νικολάου & της Μαρίας Ανάδοχος: Παντελής Θεοδοσίου 13 Ιουλίου, 2013: Ανίκητος Αιμίλιος Γιαννούδης, του Κωνσταντίνου & της Καθλίν Ανάδοχοι: Μιχάλης Πελεκάνος & Μαρία Μπότσιου 13 Ιουλίου, 2013: Μάρα Αντιγόνη Γιαννούδη, του Κωνσταντίνου & της Καθλίν Ανάδοχοι: Ελισάβετ και Γεώργιος Κασσίνη 22 Δεκεμβρίου, 2013: Μαρία Ευαγγελία Λιγνού, του Ιωάννη & της Μαρίας Ανάδοχος: Ιωάννης Παγιαζίτης 12 Ιανουαρίου, 2014: Στέλλα Σοφία Μπράντ, του Χριστόφορου & της Σταματίας Ανάδοχος: Θεόδωρος Μωυσάκης 17 Αυγούστου, 2013: Νικόλαος Θωμάς Μακροάρτυ, του Θωμά & της Γεωργίας Ανάδοχος: Ζακελήν Κρίστη 9 Φεβρουαρίου, 2014: Θεοδώρα Μαρία Περίδη, του Θεόδωρου & της Δήμητρας Ανάδοχοι: Κέννεθ & Μαρία Γόρθ 8 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2013: Θεόφιλος Ραπτόπουλος, του Περικλή Αλέξανδρου & της Φράνσις Ανάδοχος: Ευριδίκη Πίγγου. 23 Φεβρουαρίου, 2014: Ζωή Ελένη Ζαμφότη, του Χριστόφορου & της Μαρίας Ανάδοχοι: Ποσούλα Πίκενς & Σταύρος Ζαμφότης 29 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2013: Ιορδάνα Μότσιου, του Γεώργιου & της Όλγας Ανάδοχος: Καλίστη Μαρί Μπουρινάρη 2 Μαρτίου. 2014: Παντελή Σ. Καλογερά, του Στυλιανού & της Ευδοκίας Ανάδοχος: Μαρία Ζαλοκόστα Ευχόμεθα στα νεογέννητα να είναι ευλογημένα. ΝΑ ΖΗΣΟΥΝ, να τα χαίρονται οι γονείς τους και στους αναδόχους πάντα ΑΞΙΟΙ! 23 REGISTRY BAPTISMS January 27, 2013: Sophia Zoe Drosos, daughter of Chris & Mary Godparents: Cindy Papamanolis & Peter Drosos October 6, 2013: Alexa Konstantina Demetrakopoulos, daughter of Kosta & Eileen Godfather: Alekos Patentas February 17, 2013: Georgios Nikolaos Diakomihalis, son of Nicholas & Nicole Godparents: John & Christina Gatzonis October 6, 2013: Lillian Eleni Demetrakopoulos, daughter of Kosta & Eileen Godmother: Jessie (Angeliki) Pflug February 23, 2013: Nicholas Bocai, son of Mike & Patricia Godfather: Terry Bocai October 12, 2013: Nicholas Andrade, son of Ruddys & Sonia Godmother: Evangeline Pergaminos April 7, 2013: Jillian Marie Basek, daughter of Daniel & Samantha Godparents: Karen Giannaros & James Giannaros October 20, 2013: Thomas Glavas, son of Savas & Elaine Godparents: Chris & Theofania Ignatiou April 20, 2013: Haralambos Pickens, son of Tony Earl Pickens Jr.& Posoula Godparents: Christopher & Mary Zamfotis October 26, 2013: Daphne Zacharias, daughter of Konstandinos & Liudmila Godparents: Alexander Maroulis & Eleni Zacharias June 30, 2013: Olivia Melina Koutsogiannis, daughter of Lambros & Lina Godfather: George Philip Leiter October 27, 2013: Emanuel Yianni Lignos, son of John & Sofia Godparents: Ioannis & Maria Lignos June 30, 2013: Michael Arthur Avalos, son of Jose & Demetra Godfather: Stavros Demetrios November 10, 2013: John Rafael Amaranto, son of Andrew & Despina Godfather: Christos Kyriacou June 30, 2013: Melania Sofia Avalos, daughter of Jose & Demetra Godparents: Aliki Socratous & Chrystalla Socratous. November 16, 2013: Elena Sofia Photiadis, daughter of Nicholas & Margarita Godfather: Michael Kourtis July 6, 2013: Alexa Yulis, daughter of Spiro & Alyssa Godmother: Angeline Yulis November 30, 2013: Katerina Dimitriou, daughter of Nicholas & Rohanie Godmother: Spiridoula Dimitriou July 7, 2013: Christopher Daniel Huneke, son of Russeil & Helen Godfather: Aristidis Karagiannis December 1, 2013: Stylianos Michael Tsoukalas, son of Nicholas & Maria Godfather: Pandelis Theodosiou July 13, 2013: Anikitos Emilios Yiannoudes, son of Constantinos & Kathleen Godparents: Michalis Pelekanos & Maria Botsios December 22, 2013: Maria Evangelia Lignos, daughter of Ioannis & Maria Godfather: John Pagiazitis July 13, 2013: Mara Antigone Yiannoudes, daughter of Constantinos & Kathleen Godparents: Elizabeth & George Kassinis January 12, 2014: Stella Sofia Brandt, daughter of Christopher & Stamatia Godfather: Theodoros Moisakis August 17, 2013: Niko Thomas Mcgroarty, son of Thomas & Georgine Godmother: Jaclyn Christie February 9, 2014: Theodora Maria Perides, daughter of Theodoros & Demetra. Godparents: Kenneth & Maria Worth September 8, 2013: Teofilos Raptopulos, son of Periklis Alexandros & Frances Claire Godmother: Evridiki Pingo February 23, 2014: Zoe Eleni Zamfotis, daughter of Christopher & Maria Godparents: Posoula Pickens & Steve Zamfotis September 29, 2013: Jordana George Motsios, daughter of George & Olga Godmother: Calista Marie Bourinaris March 2, 2014: Pantelis S. Kalogeras, son of Stylianos & Evdokia Godmother: Maria Zalokostas We congratulate all the parents and wish health to their blessed children. NA SAS ZISOUN! To the Godparents, PANTA AXIOI! 24 REGISTRY ΧΡΗΣΜΑΤΑ 10 Μαρτίου, 2013: Στέφανος Παύλος Γόλτμαν, του Άρθουρ Ρίτσαρτ & της Μάριον Ανάδοχος: Δημήτριος Περίδης 11 Οκτωβρίου, 2013: Στέφανη Όστ, του Τσιάρλς & της Ροζάνας Ανάδοχος: Σοφία Ζαμπά. CHRISMATIONS March 10, 2013: Stephen Paul Wohltman, son of Arthur Richard & Marion Godfather: Dimitrios Perides October 11, 2013: Stephanie Ost, daughter of Charles & Rosanne Godmother: Sophia Zambas ΓΑΜΟΙ 10 Φεβρουαρίου, 2013: Πέτρος Νικόλαος Σταματεράκης & Ελένη Κατερίνα Χρηστάκη Κουμπάρα παραστάθηκε η Αναστασία Πριστούρη 17 Μαρτίου, 2013: Στέφεν Πώλ Γόλτμαν & Χριστίνα Ευαγγελία Σταύρου Κουμπάρος παραστάθηκε ο Θεόδωρος Περίδης. 29 Ιουνίου, 2013: Νικόλαος Κωνσταντίνος Σιδεριάς & Ελένη Ηλία Λιακάρη Κουμπάρος παραστάθηκε ο Κωνσταντίνος Υψηλάντης 15 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2013: Δημήτριος Τζέϊμς Γκρόσος & Γεκατερίνα Κέρνεβιτς Κουμπάρος παραστάθηκε ο Νικόλαος Γκρόσος 3 Νοεμβρίου, 2013: Δημήτριος Αθανασόπουλος & Στέφανη Νικόλ Όστ Κουμπάροι παραστάθηκαν η Μαρία Παρδάλη & Χαράλαμπος Γκελεστάθης 9 Νοεμβρίου, 2013: Θωμάς Καλλόπουλος & Ντανιέλ Ρόμπιν Χόλζλεϊν Κουμπάρος παραστάθηκε ο Σάββας Σταύρου 9 Νοεμβρίου, 2013: Ροτζέλιο Ρ. Μπαλλεστέρος & Βασιλική Μπινίκου Κουμπάρα παραστάθηκε η Αθηνά Φασόλα 17 Νοεμβρίου, 2013: Ραφαήλ Μαρσιάνο & Αναστασία Σέκκα Κουμπάροι παραστάθηκαν η Βασιλική O. Σέκκα & Θεοφάνης Παππάς 30 Νοεμβρίου, 2013: Ιωάννης Α. Κουκουλάς & Ζουλέμα Α. Κάρπο Κουμπάρος παραστάθηκε ο Ηρακλής Ν. Ραμούντος 18 Ιανουαρίου, 2014: Νικόλαος Καλλίας & Καρολίνα Μζίκ Κουμπάρος παραστάθηκε ο Εμμανουήλ Καλλίας WEDDINGS February 10, 2013: Petros Nick Stamaterakis & Elaina Katerina Christakis Anastasia Pristouris exchanged the crowns. March 17, 2013: Stephen Paul Wohltman & Christina Evangelia Stavrou Theodoros Perides exchanged the crowns. June 29, 2013: Nicholas Konstantine Siderias & Eleni Elias Liakaris Kostantinos Ipsilantis exchanged the crowns. September 15, 2013: Demetrios James Grossos & Yekaterina Gurnevich Nicholas Grossos exchanged the crowns. November 3, 2013: Demetrios Athanasopoulos & Stephanie Nicole Ost Maria Pardalis & Haralambos Gelestathis exchanged the crowns. November 9, 2013: Thomas Kallopoulos & Danielle Robyn Holzlein Savvas Stavrou exchanged the crowns. November 9, 2013: Rogelio R. Ballesteros & Bessy V. Binikos Athena Fasolas exchanged the crowns. November 17, 2013: Raffaele Marciano & Anastasia Sekkas Vicky O. Sekkas & Theofanis Pappas exchanged the crowns. November 30, 2013: John A. Koukoulas & Zulema A. Carbo Hercules N. Ramoundos exchanged the crowns. January 18, 2014: Nick Callias & Karolina Mzyk Emmanuel Callias exchanged the crowns. ΚΗΔΕΙΕΣ 8 Μαρτίου, 2013: Νικόλαος Μαυρόστομος, απεβίωσε στις 6 Μαρτίου, 82 χρ. 9 Μαρτίου, 2013: Γαρύφαλλος Γαλάνης, απεβίωσε στις 6 Μαρτίου, 75 χρ. 21 Μαρτίου, 2013: Πάρι Θέρστον, απεβίωσε στις 19 Μαρτίου, 91 χρ. 27 Μαρτίου, 2013: Παναγιώτης Γουδέλης, απεβίωσε στις 23 Μαρτίου, 77 χρ. 11 Απριλίου, 2013: Αρτέμιος Χατζηθωμάς, απεβίωσε στις 8 Απριλίου, 83 χρ. 17 Μαϊου, 2013: Παντελής Γεώργαλος, απεβίωσε στις 13 Μαϊου, 83 χρ. 6 Ιουνίου, 2013: Ιωάννης Κανάνης, απεβίωσε στις 3 Ιουνίου, 64 χρ. 11 Ιουνίου, 2013: Απόστολος Δημητρίου, απεβίωσε στις 7 Ιουνίου, 88 χρ. 6 Ιουλίου, 2013: Σταυρούλα Κόσσιβα, απεβίωσε την 1η Ιουλίου, 87 χρ. 1η Αυγούστου, 2013: Μαρία K. Πάξου, απεβίωσε στις 29 Ιουλίου, 86 χρ. 30 Αυγούστου, 2013: Ελένη Γιακαλή, απεβίωσε στις 24 Αυγούστου, 67 χρ. 30 Αυγούστου, 2013: Παρασκευή Σιδεριά, απεβίωσε στις 27 Αυγούστου, 84 χρ. 23 Σεπτ., 2013: Απόστολος Γεωργίου, απεβίωσε στις 20 Σεπτεμβρίου, 72 χρ. 9 Οκτωβρίου, 2013: Σπύρος Βρατσάνος, απεβίωσε στις 6 Οκτωβρίου, 93 χρ. 18 Δεκεμβρίου, 2013:Λάμπρος Σ. Τόλος, απεβίωσε στις 15 Δεκεμβρίου, 70 χρ. 4 Ιαν., 2014: Χρυσάνθη Τρίττα, απεβίωσε στις 30 Δεκεμβρίου, 2013, 89 χρ. 8 Ιανουαρίου, 2014: Ολυμπία Κρίστο, απεβίωσε στις 3 Ιανουαρίου, 88 χρ. 8 Ιανουαρίου, 2014: Ελένη Στυλιανού, απεβίωσε στις 4 Ιανουαρίου, 82 χρ. 19 Φεβ., 2014:Αλεξάνδρα Βλαβιανού, απεβίωσε στις 15 Φεβρουαρίου, 86 χρ. 26 Φεβ., 2014: Κατερίνα Γουρζή, απεβίωσε στις 22 Φεβρουαρίου, 39 χρ. FUNERALS March 8, 2013: Nicholas Mavrostomos, died March 6, at 82 years old March 9, 2013: Garyfallos (Gary) Galanis, died on March 6, at 75 years old March 21, 2013: Pari Thurston, died March 19, at 91 years old March 27, 2013: Panagiotis Goudelis, died on March 23, at 77 years old April 11, 2013: Artemios Chatzithomas, died on April 8, at 83 years old May 17, 2013: Pantelis Georgalos, died on May 13, at 83 years old June 6, 2013: John Kananis, died on June 3, at 64 years old June 11, 2013: Apostolos Dimitriou, died on June 7, at 88 years old July 6, 2013: Stavroula Kossivas, died on July 1, at 87 years old August 1, 2013: Maria C. Paxos, died on July 29, at 86 years old August 30, 2013: Helen Yakalis, died on August 24, at 67 years old August 30, 2013: Paraskevi Siderias, died on August 27, at 84 years old Sept. 23, 2013: Apostolos H. Georgiou, died on September 20, at 72 years old October 9, 2013: Spyros Vratsanos, died on October 6, at 93 years old Dec. 18, 2013: Lambros S. Tolos, died on December 15, at 70 years old Jan. 4, 2014: Chryssanthie Trittas, died on December 30, 2013, at 89 years old January 8, 2014: Olymbia Kristo, died on January 3, at 88 years old January 8, 2014: Helen Stylianou, died on January 4, at 82 years old February 19, 2014: Alexandra Vlavianos, died on February 15, at 86 years old February 26, 2014: Katheryn A. Gourzis, died on February 22, at 39 years old 25 CAPITAL CAMPAIGN FUND A BOLD STEP TO ASCEND HIGHER PAST PRESENT FUTURE COMMUNITY CENTER IMPROVED FACILITIES PARKING EXPANSION As we look into the future, we do so with great hope and enthusiasm for our parish. With God’s blessing, a brighter future awaits our community. Ascension Church’s purchase of the three buildings on Henry Street was completed on March 25, 2011 at a cost of over $1,330,000. This property will not only satisfy our parking needs, but it will also allow us to expand our Greek School, community hall and gym facilities. With the immense and commendable generosity of our parishioners and supporters, we have already raised almost $950,000 towards our goal—a major accomplishment!! We urge all our parishioners and supporters to join us in building a legacy for the future that will benefit all of us together with our youth, and one day, their families. We invite you to join us in making our parish’s dream a reality! Please support this worthy project by helping our capital campaign and assisting in the payoff of our mortgage so that we can move onto the next phase of our parish’s expansion. Everyone’s dedication to the liturgical, educational and social growth of our parish is crucial to our future. In this spirit, we must all come together as one to support our parish’s expansion. You can make a difference! Join us in taking A BOLD STEP TO ASCEND HIGHER! $1,330,000 $1,250,000 $1,000,000 $700,000 $500,000 $250,000 $100,000 In order to meet our goal, it takes at least $3,000 per family of our parish to make this dream a reality. With your support, we can do it! Make your pledge commitment today! We NEED your help! 26 CAPITAL CAMPAIGN FUND Capital Campaign Fund Committee needs your help!! Want to be part of our future? Please join a team of hard-working talented parishioners devoted making our parish’s growth a reality. We are looking for talented individuals with ideas and knowhow in the areas of donor prospect identification, leading special fund raising events for businesses and high end donors, helping with organizing our database of leads, prospects and donors to join the Capital Campaign Committee. Please join our team taking a Bold Step to Ascend Higher! If interested to join please contact Peter Sardis at [email protected]. Campaign Stakeholder Fr. Christos Goal: State vision, provide guidance to the committee, give direction and engage in constant communication with prospective donors. Steering Committee Chair P. Sardis Goal: Define campaign strategy, organize campaign sub-committees, lead monthly meetings, manage conflict and assure clear communication to and from subcommittees. Architecture Master Plan Leader – D. Kontolios, Fr. Christos, P. Sardis, S. Socratous Goal: Identify and select an architect and to oversee the Master Plan Design and development phase to assure that master plan proposal meets community needs. The team will also have the responsibility to present the proposal to the board of directors and executive board for approval. Honorary Campaign Chairs Leader – G. Hristofidis, Fr. Christos Goal: Engage all past presidents and board members to actively participate in the campaign. Campaign Finance Committee Leader - M. Siderias, Backup G. Hristofidis Goal: Manage all finances and prepare financial statements as needed. Campaign Data and Prospect ID Leader – C. Kanakis, I. Georgiadis, P. Sardis Goal: Organize donor data base, segment data and identify prospects. Campaign Communication and Marketing Leader – Maria Bournias, P. Sardis Goal: Assure message consistency in all presentations and print communication and develop marketing campaign material as needed. Campaign Special Events Leader –Akis Triantafyllopoulos, S. Socratous, L. Velis Goal: To organize fundraising special events in coordination with all sub-committees. Leadership, Major Gifts Leader – C. Rakkou, M. Antoniou, S. Socratous, P. Sardis, Fr. Christos Goal: To spearhead initiatives and actions that will turn high end prospects to donors. Business, Community Campaign Leader – C. Rakkou, S. Socratous, P. Sardis, Fr. Christos, M. Antoniou Goal: To spearhead initiatives and actions that will turn business owners and community members into prospective donors. 27 Capital Campaign AB OLD STEP TO ASCENDFund HIGHER WALL OF DONORS GRAND BENEFACTORS (50,000+) ************** MILANOS JEAN MILANOS NINA LAPPAS ALEXANDRA STEPHENSON MAGDALEN GREAT BENEFACTORS (25,000+) ************** ANONYMOUS DRS. KALLIS JOHN & PATRICIA PHILOPTOCHOS OF THE ASCENSION GREAT SPONSORS (10,000-25,000) ************** BOURAS FOUNDATION GOURMOS CHRISTOS & OLGA KAOUSIAS NIKI & MARIA KOURGELIS JAMES & CARYL P.T.O. OF THE ASCENSION BENEFACTORS (5,000-10,000) ************** ANONYMOUS T. P. CYPRIOTS OF NEW JERSEY FOLLIS LUTHER JAHARIS STEVEN & ELAINE KALOGERAS NIKOLAOS & KYRIAKI KANAKIS CHRIS & CHRYSTALA KOURGELIS GEORGE KOURGELIS MICHAEL & KIKI TOLOS GEORGE & PATROULA PAXOS JOHN, C. SIDERIAS MICHAEL & DESPINA SPONSORS (2,500-5,000) ************** ANASTASSATOS BESSIE ASSOCIATION OF KAMBIA ATHANAS LUKAS & MARIA BALTZIS VASILIOS & DEMETRA BOURNIAS MARIA CHAFOS KOSTAS & KIKI CONSTANTINOU LAMBROS & REBECCA CRITIDIS BARRY & CONCHITA CRITIDIS SOPHIA FASOLAS PARASHOS & STAMATIA FASOLAS STELIOS & ANGELA GABRIEL GEORGE & XANTHIPI HAJIYEROU GEORGIOS & MARIA HAIDINIS KONSTANTINOS HAGISTAMOULOS NIKOS & ANGELA KAROUNOS GEORGE& ELENI KOUFAKIS SOPHIA KOURGELIS THOMAS LOGOTHETIS JOHN & JOANNE MIHALOS MICHAEL RICCIARDELLI LOUIS NOTIAS PHYLLIS PERIDES THEODOROS & DEMETRIOS ANONYMOUS P. M. PETRIDES CHRISTOS & YIOTA TRIANTAFYLLOPOULOS AGISILAOS & DIMITRA VARDAKIS CHRISTOS & KIKI VLAVIANOS GEORGE & ALEXANDRA DONORS (1,000-2,500) ************** ANGELIS GEORGE & VASO ARGIRIS ELIAS & THEONI ATHANASENAS GEORGE BABALIS KOSTAS & GEORGIA NEC CORP BG FURS LLC CHAMBARRY ANDREW & MARINA CHRISTODOULOU STELLA CONDOS GEORGE CONDAKES LEO & EVE CHARITABLE FOUNDATION CALLAS WILIAM & LISA( COFFEE ASSOSIATES) DIAMANTOPOULOS NIKOS & VIKI DIAMANTOPOULOS THEODOROS & MARIA DONTAS GEORGE & GEORGIA DOUNIS DEMETRIOS & NIKI DOUNIS PETER & CLAUD IA DOUROS PETER & AGATHA GALLIOS KOSTAS & EVANG. STATE STREET GRILL GALLIOS DIMITRIOS & ALEKSANDRA GIANNAROS DIMITRIOS & ATHENA FAMILY CARE-CHAFOS JOHN FULGA BUCUR & MICHAELA HANSEN ALBERT KALATZANTONAKIS JOHN & JENNY KARAGIANNIS KOSTAS & KALIROI KARKANTZELIS LEO & MARGARITA KARSOS NICK & SOPHIA KATERIS EFTHYMIOS & KALLIOPE KOBYLINSKI HELEN & DIMITRIS KOLOKITHAS SOTIRIS & ARETI KONTOLIOS YIANNIS, STELIOS & DIMITRIOS KOUTROS DESPINA LIOULIAKIS GEORGE & AKRIVI MARAKAS ATHENA MOREY ERIC & CHRISTINE MUZURIS ESTHER PAXOS MARIA, C. REV. PAPPAS CHRISTOS PRESB. MARIA PAPPAS BESSIE PSILIDIS ANTHONY & YIOTA REGAN BASIL SARDIS PANAGIOTIS & MARIE ELENA SKYRIOTIS MICHAEL & SOFIA THRRY IREN TOUMAZOU FLOURENTZOS & AIDELYS TRIANTIS ATHANASIOS TSAMUTALIS MARIA & VASILIA ZAMFOTIS PANAGIOTIS ZIOTAS TERRY & KONSTANTINA SUPPORTERS (500-1,000) ************** A.H.E.P.A OF FAIRVIEW ANONYMOUS T. S. ANONYMUS B.K. AVALOS JOSE & DEMETRA BALASKAS DEMETRIOS DEMETRIADES DINO & DESPINA DESPOTAKIS GEORGE & OURANIA DONTAS DIMITRIOS FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK OF NY GABRIEL JOHN & CAROLINA GELESTATHIS JOHN & ANNA GEORGIOU ATHANASIOS & BESSIE CHATZITHOMAS MIKE & NOTA HERCULES WELDING & BOILER WORKS KALAPODAKIS CHRYSOULA KOSTAKOPOULOS PANAGIOTIS LAMBROS TOM & BARBARA ANONYMOUS S. K. MELIS JAMES DR. & CHRYSANTHI MAVROSTOMOS NIKOS & IRENE PADIN JOSEPH & LOLA PETRIDIS GEORGE SEKKAS ELEFTHERIOS & STAVROULA SIDERIAS STELIOS & STEFANY TSIVIKOS SAVVAS TSOMOS BILL & BEULAH XANTHOS ALEXANDER & ANASTASIA 28 2013 PARISH OBLIGATIONS ADAMOPOULOS EFSTATHIOS & ANDROMAHI CHAMBARRY, ANDREW GALANIS GEORGE & CARRIE AGELIS GEORGE & VASO CHATZITHOMA, NOTA GARGAS KIKI AMARANTO ANDREW & DESPINA CHRISTODOULOU, STELLA GARGAS KONSTANTINOS ANAGNOSTOU ANGELOS & MELINA CHRISTOU ANGELA GEORGALOS PARASKEVI ANASTASSATOS, VASILIOS & MICHELLE CHRISTOU EMILIOS & ATHINA GEORGATOS JOHN & BESSIE ANASTASSATOS,BESSIE CHRYSIKOS EFTHIMIOS GEORGE MICHAEL & ANTONIA ANDRIOPOULOS,ANASTASIOS & SYLVIA CONDOS ANTHONY GEORGIADES GEORGE & IOANNA ANTONIOU, ANTONIOS & LOUKIA CONDOS GEORGE GEORGIOU DEMETRIOS ANTONIOU MINAS & NIKKI DELAPORTAS PETER & DEMETRA GEORGIOU ELEFTHERIOS & MARIA APERGIS, GEORGE & ANNA DEMETRAKOPOULOS KOSTA GEORGIOU FRAGISKOS & ELENI APOSTOLOU SERAFIM & DINA DEMETRIOS STEVEN GEORGHIOU HRISTOS & ANNA ARAPIDIS IOANIS & CHRISTINA DESPOTAKIS GEORGE & OURANIA GEORGIOU JOANNE ARGIRIS ELIAS & THEONI DIAKOMIHALIS NICK & NICOLE GEORGIOU PANAYIOTA ATHANASENAS LOUKAS & MARIA YOUR MEMBERSHIP TO OUR COMMUNITY IS MORE MEANINGFUL DIAMANTOPOULOS ALEXANDROS & BETTY MARIA WHENGEROLIMATOS IT IS ACCOMPANIED BY— ATHANASIOU VASILIKI DIAMANTOPOULOS JOHN &YHELEN GIALIAS MARIA OUR PRESENCE, Y OUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE, YOUR PRAYERS AND YOURKAREN COMMITMENT DIAMANTOPOULOS THEODORE & MARY GIANNAROS ATHANASOPOULOS DEMETRIOS & STEPHANIE DIAMANTOPOULOS, NICK & VICKY GIANNAROS, JAMES & ATHENA AVALOS JOSE & DEMETRA DIMATOS, DIONISIOS & KATERINA GLAVAS SAVAS & ELAINE AVLONITIS ALEXANDER & LUCINDA DIMITRIADES LELA GROSSOS DEMETRIOS & YEKATERINA BACKOS SPIROS DIMITRIOU NICHOLAS GROSSOS NIKOLAOS BALLESTEROS ROGELIO & BESSY DIMITRIOU SPIRIDOULA HAGISTAMOULOS, NICK & ANGELA BALTZIS BASIL & DEMETRA DONAS ANGELA HAINES JAMES & VASILIKI BARDATSOS PANAGIOTIS & ELIZABETH DOUNIS PETER & CLAUDIA HAIDINIS, KONSTANTINOS BASEK DANIEL & SAMANTHA DRIMONES GEORGE & PATRICIA HAJIYEROU GEORGE & MARIA BINIKOS DESPINA DRIVAS ROSALEA HARILAOU JIMMY & CINDY BINIKOS LOUIE & STAMATIKI DROSOS CHRIS & MARY HERNANDEZ KONSTANTINA & DANIEL BOCAI MIKE & PATRICIA DROSOS PETER HRISTOFIDIS, GEORGE & TRIANTAFYLLIA BOGOS CHRISTOS & TRIANTAFYLLIA DROSSOS SOTIRIOS & IOANNA HRONOPOULOS, NICHOLAS & IRENE BONITSIS THEOLOGOS & MARIA ELEFTERIOU LEFTERI & KRISTEN HUNEKE RUSSELL & HELEN BOURINARIS IRAKLIS & DARLEEN ELEFTHERIOU, EVANGELIA IGNATIOU CHRISTOS & THEOFANIA BOURNIAS HARALAMBOS ELENIS LOUIS & VICTORIA IPSILANTIS KONSTANTINOS BOURNIAS MARIA C. FASOLAS ATHENA KALAMAKIS, IOANNIS BOURNIAS PANTELIS FASOLAS DIMITRIOS & LULIETA KALAPODAKIS CHRYSOULA BOURNIAS ZOE IRENE FASOLAS PERRY & STAMATIA KALATZANTONAKIS, THEODORE & TZENI CALLAS WILLIAM & LISA FASOLAS STEVE & ANGELA KALATZIS THOMAS & SOPHIA CALLIAS EMMANUEL & JESSICA FERDERIGOS, NICK & VASO KALAVROUZIOTIS KASSIANI CALLIAS GEORGE & VOULA FERDERIGOS, PETER KALDIS, NICK & ANASTASIA CALLIAS NICK & KAROLINA FIAKOS, VASSOS & EKATERINI KALIMTZIS CHRISTOS & ANASTASIA CALLIAS, PANTELIS & EUGENIA KALLIS MARY CALLIMANIS, MABEL FINDANIS ANASTASIA & DIMITRI FR. CHRISTOS PAPPAS & PRESBYTERA MARIA CHAFOS, GUS & KATIE FRANGISKOU, PETER & AGNE KALLOPOULOS THOMAS & DANIELLE CHANDRAS IOANNIS & CHRISTINA FULGA BUCUR & ELENA KALOGIROS, DIMITRIOS & EKATERINI ATHANAS SAM KALLOPOULOS ANASTASIOS & THEANO KANAKIS CHRIS & CHRYSTALLA 29 2013 PARISH OBLIGATIONS KANTARTZIS, BILL MAKRIS, DESPINA POULOS, CATINA KAOUSIAS, MARIA MANALIS GEORGE & IRENE PSARIANOS STEVE & IRENE KAOUSIAS, NIKI MANGANIOTIS, EVA PSILLIDES ANTHONY & PANAGIOTA KARADONTES PETER MARAKAS, ATHENA PYRAMIDES ELENI KARAGIANIS KOSTAS & KALIROE MARCIANO RAFFAELE & ANASTASIA RAFTOPOULOS STEVE & PERA(PETROULA) KARAGIANIS ARISTIDES MARKOPOULOS HRYSANTHI RAIKOS ALEXANDROS KARKANTZELIS LEO & MARGARITA MAVROSTOMOS IRENE RAKKOU CONSTANTINE & XENIA KARPOUSIS MARY MCGROARTY THOMAS & GEORGINE RAPTOPOULOS ALEXIS & FRANCIS KATERIS, EFTHIMIOS & MARY MELLIS NIKOLAOS & JULIE REGAN BASIL P. KATSABAS, ASSIMINA MELIZANIS MARKOS & ANASTASIA ROMAIS, MARY KATSANTONIS, PETER MERGUS MICHAEL & HELLAS ROMANIDES NICK KEANE ELEFTHERIA MIAOULIS, CLARA ROUKAS GEORGIOS & MELITSA KOBYLINSKI DEMETRIOS & HELEN MICHAEL ANDREAS & DESPINA KOLOKITHAS SERAFIM & ELENI MIHALATOS DIONISIOS & EUGENIA KOLOKITHAS SOTIRIOS & ARETI MIHALOS, MICHAEL KOLOVOS THEODOROS & KRISTINA MIKELIS GREGORIS KONSTANTOPOULOS ELIAS & ILIANA MIKELIS MARIA SEKKAS ELEFTHERIOS & STAVROULA KONTOLIOS DIMITRI & EFFIE MIRONIS PETROS SENGOS DINA KONTOLIOS STELIOS & THEMMY MOREY CHRISTINE & ERIC SIDERIAS, MICHAEL & DEBBIE KONTOLIOS, KALLIOPI MOUTAFIS JOHN SIDERIAS NICK & ELENI KOSSIVAS JOHN MUZURIS, ESTHER SIDERIAS, VIVIAN KOUFAKIS, SOPHIE NICHOLAS DIMITRIOS & FOTINI SKLIFAS ATHANASIOS KOUKOULAS IOANNIS & ZULEMA NICOLAS EVDOKIA SKLIFAS, KOSMAS & CARMEN KOUTAKOS PETER & CHRYSANTHI PANARETOS GEORGE & MARIA SKYRIOTIS SOFIA KOUTROS DESPINA PANTELIS, VASILIS & MARGARITA SOCRATOUS STELIOS & HELEN KOUTROUBAS NICHOLAS PAPAMANOLIS CINDY SOPHIAS, JOHN & KATERINA KOUTSOGIANIS LAMBROS & LINA PAPAS THEODOROS & ANGELA SOPHIAS KOSTAS KOUTSOGIANNIS JOHN & ELENI PAPATHANASIS KONSTANTINOS & DESPINA STAMATERAKIS PETROS & ELAINA KRITOULIS MARINOS & AGGELIKI PAPAVASILIOU JAMES STAMATIS CHRISTOS & GEORGIA LAKARDIS, KALLIOPE PAPPAS BESSIE STATHIS PANAGIOTIS & JOANNE LAKKAS SPEROS & CHRISOULA PAXOS JOHN, C. STATHIS PETROS & IRENE LAPPAS EDNA L. PAXOS MARIA, I STAVROU SAVVAS & CATHY LEIBOW, PAUL & MARIETTA PERGAMINOS ANDRIADE STAVROU, GEORGE & ELENI LEITER ROBERT BRIAN & MARIA PERGAMINOS EVANGELIA STEFANAKIS, STEFANOS & CHRYSTALLA LEKAS STELIOS & NITSA PERIDES THEODOROS & DEMETRA STITHOS VASILIOS & BORIANA LEKKAS EKATERINI PERIDES DIMITRIOS & DOROTHY TASIGIANIS, GEORGE & ELENI LIAPIS BILL & EUGENIA PETRAKIS GIORGIO & SOPHIA TASIGIANNIS PETE & POLYXENI LIGNOS JOHN & MARIA PETRAKOS SOCRATES, G. & JENNIFER TASIOPOULOS, GEORGE & TINA LIOSATOS JERRY & MARTHA PETRIGLIANO ANN TATTA DAVID & OLGA LIOULIAKIS AKRIVI PICKENS TONY & POSOULA (HARILAOU) TENEDIOS CHRIS & GRAMATIKI LOGOTHETIS, HELEN PIRSOS, EVELYN THEODORAKOS BILLY & CHRISTINA LOGOTHETIS, JOHN F. & JOANNE POTHOS LAKI & KONSTANTINA TOUMAZOU FLOURENTZOS & AIDELYS LONDONO DIMITRI POULOS CONSTANTINOS J. & PAULINE TRIANTAFYLLOPOULOS AKIS & DIMITRA CHRIS YOUR MEMBERSHIPSANTORINIOS, TO OUR COMMUNITY IS MORE MEANINGFUL WHEN IT IS ACCOMPANIED — SARDIS PANAGIOTIS &BY MARIE-ELENA RICHARD & ELENA YOUR PRESENCESCANLON , YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE, YOUR PRAYERS AND Y OUR COMMITMENT SCIGLITANO FILORETO & KATERINA 30 2013 PARISH OBLIGATIONS TSAMUTALIS MARIA VERGIRIS PARASKEVAS & EVANGELIA YULIS SPIRO & ALYSSA TSAMUTALIS, VASILIA VITSENTZATOS JERRY & ANGELIKI ZACHARIAS KONSTANDINOS & LIUDMILA TSIVICOS SAVAS & MARIA VITSENTZATOS, PETER & KATINA ZAFIRAKOPOULOS GEORGE & STELLA TSOMOS GEORGE & MARY JANE VLAVIANOS GEORGE ZAMFOTIS CHRISTOPHER & MARIA TSOMOS, BILL & VOULA VOLLAS DIONISIOS & AKRIVI ZAMFOTIS KOSTANTINOS & LIOUDMILA TSUGRANIS MICHAEL & EVELYN XANTHOS, ANASTASIA & ALEXANDER ZAMFOTIS PETER & ZAFIRA TUTULIS MARY YIANNOUDES CONSTANTINOS & KATHLEEN VARDAKIS CHRISTOS & KIKI YULIS ANGELINE S. 2014 PARISH OBLIGATIONS ANASTASSATOS, VASILIOS & MICHELLE KARABATSOS VASILI D. STRATIGIS DEMOS & MARIA ANASTASSATOS,BESSIE KATSANTONIS, PETER TASIGIANNIS PETE & POLYXENI ANTONIOU, ANTONIOS & LOUKIA KOBYLINSKI DEMETRIOS & HELEN TENEDIOS CHRIS & GRAMATIKI APERGIS, GEORGE & ANNA KOLOKITHAS SERAFIM & ELENI TRIANTAFYLLOPOULOS AKIS & DIMITRA ATHANASENAS LOUKAS & MARIA KOSSIVAS GEORGE TRIANTAFYLLOPOULOS GEORGE & STEFANIE BALTZIS BASIL & DEMETRA KOUFAKIS, SOPHIE TSIKNIS ANTHONY & EVANGELIA BONITSIS THEOLOGOS & MARIA KOULETAS PAUL & ATHENA TSIVICOS SAVAS & MARIA BRAND CHRISTOPHER & STAMATIA KOUTAKOS PETER & CHRYSANTHI TSOMOS, BILL & VOULA CALLIAS EMMANUEL & JESSICA KOUTSOURIS DIMITRIOS & ARESTE VENETIS ATHANASIOS & SHALENE CALLIAS NICK & KAROLINA LEIBOW, PAUL & MARIETTA XANTHOS, ANASTASIA & ALEXANDER CALLIAS, PANTELIS & EUGENIA NICOLAS EVDOKIA YULIS ANGELINE S. CALLIMANIS, MABEL MAVROSTOMOS IRENE ZAMFOTIS CHRISTOPHER & MARIA CHAFOS, GUS & KATIE MIHALOS, MICHAEL ZAMFOTIS STAVROS CHRISTODOULOU, STELLA MIKELIS GREGORIS ZIZIKAS HARALAMBOS & ANNA DR. CHRISTOLIAS CONSTANTINE & ANDROULA MIKELIS MARIA DIAMANTOPOULOS THEODORE & MARY PANARETOS GEORGE & MARIA DONAS ANGELA PERIDES THEODOROS & DEMETRA FASOLAS STEVE & ANGELA PICKENS TONY & POSOULA (HARILAOU) FERDERIGOS, NICK & VASO PIRSOS, EVELYN FERDERIGOS, PETER PROTOPAPAS NICK FORDE, IRENE P. RAIKOS SPYROS FULGA BUCUR & ELENA ROMAIS, MARY GARGAS KIKI SANTORINIOS, CHRIS GEORGIOU PANAYIOTA SENGOS DINA GIANNAROS, JAMES & ATHENA SIDERIAS, MICHAEL & DEBBIE HAINES JAMES & VASILIKI SIDERIAS NICK & ELENI HAJIYEROU GEORGE & MARIA SITARAS ANTONIOS KALATZANTONAKIS, THEODORE & TZENI SKLIFAS ATHANASIOS KALAVROUZIOTIS KASSIANI SKLIFAS, KOSMAS & CARMEN KALIMTZIS CHRISTOS & ANASTASIA STATHIS PANAGIOTIS & JOANNE KALOGERAS STYLIANOS & EVDOKIA STAVROU, GEORGE & ELENI KANAKIS CHRIS & CHRYSTALLA STEFANAKIS, STEFANOS & CHRYSTALLA DID YOU KNOW? Did you know that it takes $1,4777* per household to merely meet the yearly operational expenses of the Ascension Church? This doesn’t include our future plans for growth or the development of new ministries. We need the dedication of every Orthodox Christian to further our religion and our culture! ...this includes our young adults and our families (new and old)! Please take an important step and become a member! *Our annual budget is $480,000 with an average of 325 parish families. 31 2014 PARISH MEMBERSHIP FORM 32 SPONSORS SPONSORS We would like to extend our most sincerest and warmest wishes to our family and friends at the Ascension Greek Orthodox Church and to all who over the years have worked tirelessly and selflessly to make the Ascension a proud and successful community! SPONSORS PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS! Their ads make our newsletter possible! THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS The Ascension Light THANKS YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY! SPONSORS HELP SUPPORT OUR NEWSLETTER! Place an ad in The Ascension Light Call Chrystalla Kanakis or Church Office at 201-945-6448 for details! SPONSORS HELP SUPPORT OUR NEWSLETTER! Place an ad in The Ascension Light Call Chrystalla Kanakis or Church Office HELP SUPPORT OUR NEWSLETTER! Place an ad in The Ascension Light Call Chrystalla Kanakis or Church Office at 201-945-6448 for details! SPONSORS We wish to thank everyone for allowing us to serve for the past 25 years. We wish all a happy and healthy 2014! SPONSORS FROM: GREEK ORTHODOX M ETROPOLIS OF NEW JERSEY ASCENSION GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 101 ANDERSON AVENUE FAIRVIEW, NJ 07022 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID So. Hackensack, N.J. PERMIT No. 3097 T O: ASCENSION GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH ASCENSION GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 1 0 1 A N D E R S O N A V E N U E , F A I RV I E W , N E W J E R S E Y 0 7 0 2 2 OFFICE PHONE OFFICE FAX 201-945-6448 OFFICE HOURS Tuesday & Thurs- Fri: 9:30am - 3pm Monday & Wednesday: 9:30am - 5pm WEBSITE 201-945-6463 CHURCH EMAIL [email protected] NEWSLETTER [email protected] PRIEST’S EMAIL [email protected] The Ascension Light YEAR 2014, ISSUE 1 A publication of the Ascension Greek Orthodox Church ● Fairview, New Jersey EDITORIAL BOARD CONTENT EDITORS Father Christos, Anastasia Perdikos and Maria Bournias ([email protected]) CONTRIBUTION EDITORS Father Christos, Anastasia Perdikos, Maria Bournias, Chris Kanakis, Lea Drivas, Marie Elena Sardis, Pauline Poulos, Stacy Pinou and Demosthenes Triantafillou ADVERTISING Chrystalla Kanakis, Church Office at 201-945-6448 MAILING GROUP C. Kanakis, A. Xanthos, M. Karpousis, T. Kalatzantonakis, T. Argyris, M . Romais, M. Rambias, B. Anastassatos, S. Koufakis, E. Callias, D. Koutros, E. Muzuris, K. Kalavrouziotis, Martha Liosatos and Kosta Gargas (Printing) NEXT DEADLINE For the April - June 2014 issue, submissions due April 30, 2014!
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