16 January 2015 Dear Parents, Welcome back to all

16 January 2015
Dear Parents,
Welcome back to all our Grade 00 and Grade 0 children and parents. We hope that you had
a wonderful holiday and are ready for a fun filled and busy year ahead.
To our new little Grade 000 pupils who have joined us from the Playschool we welcome you
and hope that the years ahead of you at our Preschool are happy and productive ones.
The code to enter our school remains 2014#. As soon as all our new children are at school
we will change the code but will let you know via our newsletter as soon as we do.
We are thrilled to welcome Tina Stamatiades from our Playschool to our Pre-Primary staff.
Tina is an energetic and vibrant teacher and we look forward to her creative spirit and
enthusiasm this year.
Welcome back to Megan Padowitz who will be an assistant educarer in Dee’s class.
We also welcome Landiswa Khumalo onto our permanent staff as an assistant educarer to
Congratulations to Dora Evangelidou who has been promoted to Greek Subject
Co-ordinator for the Pre-Primary School. We look forward to the implementation of some of
Dora’s innovative ideas.
We wish all these ladies happiness and success in their new positions.
All children require a school hat which they need to have at school every day for outside
play. Children may not play outside without one. If you have a green SAHETI hat from last
year please send it to school tomorrow. If you need to buy a new hat, we are now wearing
the little blue SAHETI hat which can be purchased at our school uniform supplier “Esquires”.
Please make sure that hats are marked clearly with your child’s name.
Our Grade 0 children need to wear a SAHETI sports t-shirt for the days that they go to the
Primary School for sports. They may also wear the old SAHETI t-shirt. Sports starts on
Monday 19 Jan.
Androulla’s group
Illana’s group
Anastasia’s group
Stacey’s group
Georgia’s group
SAHETI HATS, T-SHIRTS AND Library bags can all be bought at Esquires. Gina will no longer
keep stock of any of these items.
Esquires Sports Outfitters
Phone no: 011 453 9008
Physical address:
46 Eighth Ave
Orders can also be place online at www.esquires.co.za
The Orientation Evening for the Pre-Primary School will take place in the Bylos Music Centre
at 18h30 on Wednesday 26 January.
All parents are required to attend this evening. After a short address in the Music Centre
parents will have the opportunity of meeting the teachers in their classrooms.
As very young children, we as adults now, could always rely on good wholesome meals, and
no matter how much we nagged, our moms were firm about what went into our bodies.
The world has changed and most parents are now expected to be good at parenting as well
as successful in the working world. Our children are now exposed to a range of
preservatives, colourants and flavourants, which have a bad impact on our children’s health.
For this reason we have decided not to carry on with Baker’s Day at school from this year. In
this way we hope to help parents take control over their children’s health and well being.
Από το Ελληνικό τμήμα
Με την έναρξη της νέας σχολικής χρονιάς, οι εκπαιδευτικοί του Νηπιαγωγείου Σαχέτι,
καλωσορίζοντας τους παλιούς και νέους μικρούς μαθητές, ευχόμαστε σε όλους σας
ΚΑΛΗ ΧΡΟΝΙΑ με υγεία.
Θέλουμε να διαβεβαιώσουμε, εσάς τους γονείς, ότι θα είμαστε πάντα κοντά στα παιδιά σας
και θα κάνουμε το καλύτερο ώστε να έρχονται πάντα στο σχολείο με χαρά και ενθουσιασμό,
στοιχεία απαραίτητα για την εκλπλήρωση των εκπαιδευτικών μας στόχων.
Παραμένοντας πάντα στη διάθεση σας ευχόμαστε το 2015 να είναι δημιουργικό με χαρα και
Οι εκπαιδευτικοί του Ελληνικού Τμήματος
Themes for the week ending 9 January 2015
The theme for the Grade 0s is ‘Orientation into Grade 0’
The theme for the Grade 00s is ‘Holidays’
The theme for the Grade 000’s is ‘Orientation into Gr 000’
 Box of tissues for each term.
 Please be punctual in the morning. Doors will close promptly at 08h00.
 When you bring your child to school in the morning please do not linger in the classroom.
The sooner you say goodbye, the quicker your child will settle and enjoy his/her day.
 Your child will require a library bag for library ring.
 Your child will require a t-shirt and a SAHETI hat.
 Recipe books are available at the Pre-Primary for R120.
Terri Ohannessian
SAHETI Pre-Primary/Playschool