Bulletin Nr.2 31. MEĐUNARODNA VESLAČKA REGATA 31st INTERNATIONAL ROWING REGATTA INVITATION/RASPIS Croatia Open 12. - 13. 04. 2014. Organizator / Organizer Veslački savez Zagreba / Zagreb Rowing Federatio & Veslački klub Croatia – Zagreb / RC Croatia – Zagreb Hrvatski veslački savez / Croatian Rowing Federation Veslački savez Zagreba Croatia open www.vsz.hr Veslački klub Croatia CROATIA OPEN 2014 PROGRAM PROGRAMME SUBOTA SATURDAY 12/04/2014 Eliminations 8:00 Finals 14:00 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. K JB JA SB SA Stud. NEDJELJA SUNDAY 13/04/2014 Eliminations 8:00 Finals 14:00 2 X KW*** 1 X KM*** 2-JMB 1X JWA 2-SMB 1XSMB 2XJMB 1 X SWA 2 - JMA 1XJMA 8+JMB 1xSWL 2-SMA 1XSMA 1XSML 2XJWB 2xJMA 1xSWB 8+M(stud.) rođeni 2000. i mlađi rođeni 1999. i 1998. rođeni 1997. i 1996. rođeni 1992. - 1995. rođeni 1991. i stariji Students-university crew 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. born 2000 born 1999 born 1997 born 1992 born 1991 and younger and 1998 and 1996 - 1995 and older 2XKM*** 1XKW*** 2XSMA 2-JMA 4-JMB 4XJMB 2XJMA 1XJMB 2-SMA 2XSWA 1XJWB 4XSMA 4-JMA 2XJWA 1XSMA 2XSML 4-SMA 4XJMA 8+W(stud.) 1000m 2000m 2000m 2000m 2000m ***In case of many entries and time limit in schedule, the races for this category will be without eliminations – medals (1 place) in each battery ***U slučaju velikog broja prijava u ovoj kategoriji i ograničenog vremena satnice – utrke će se održati bez eliminacija, po grupama – pobjednik u svakoj grupi dobiva zlatnu medalju ……………………………………………………………… 2 Veslački savez Zagreba Croatia open www.vsz.hr Veslački klub Croatia INVITATION Croatia Open 2014 1. Zagreb Rowing Federation, Croatian Rowing Federation and RC Croatia are organising international regatta Croatia Open 2014. 2. Regatta will be held on the 12th and 13th of April 2014, at Regatta Course of lake Jarun. 3. On the regatta FISA Rules of racing are being implemented. 4. Entries (discipline, category, crew) should be sent not later than Wednesday, APRIL 2nd, 2014 to the Organisers address: Veslački Savez Zagreba, Aleja Matije Ljubeka bb, RŠC Jarun, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska fax: + 385 1 3831 585 e-mail: [email protected] If the clubs are registering more teams for one discipline, please register them according to their previous results (or faster crew CRO1, slower CRO2 and so on...). We are also requesting the clubs to mark the LGW crews and age (date and year of birth) of each competitor. Please send your entries in due time. 5. There is no registration fee. 6. You can get number for your boats for 50 kuna (10€) down payment. ( deposit) 7. All senior rowers along with «A» and «B» juniors are competing on 2000m long rowing course, cadets are competing on 1000m at the same course. 8. All rowers have to be identified by passport, identity card, or rowing licence. 9. Rowers have to be dressed equal in their rowing club colours and sports-wear. 10. All cadet rowers must use Macon blades. 11. In case that less than three crews are registered for one discipline this race will not be held. In case of more than seven crews are registered for one race, elimination race will be held on the same day starting at 8:00. For winning first three places in A finals a gold, silver and bronze medal will be given. B finals in which more than 9 crews are registered will be held before all A finals. 12. Organiser reserves the right to change time schedule. 13. Umpiring is provided by Croatian Rowing Umpires Association, all other umpires are welcome. 14. The organiser will provide lifeguards and medical service. 15. Team Managers meeting will be held at Friday, 11 th of April 2014 at 5:00 P.M. in Conference hall above rowing hangars. 16. Starting list will be handed to the clubs representatives one hour after the conclusion of Team managers meeting. Please give all changes (etc.) on time. 17. All those taking part in the event do so at their own risk. The organising authority, its associates and appointees accept no responsibility for any loss, damage, injury or inconvenience incurred, howsoever caused. Every participant is personally responsible for his health and has to ensure that he is up to the physical demands of a rowing race. 18. Invitation, list of entries, starting lists, results and all other information will be available as soon as possible on Zagreb Rowing Federation web pages at www.vsz.hr . For all other information, please do not hesitate to contact us at: Veslački savez Zagreba, Aleja M. Ljubeka bb, Dom športaša, RŠC Jarun, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia tel. / fax. + 385 1 3831 585 e-mail: [email protected] www.vsz.hr Contact person: Srećko Šuk GSM: + 385 98 302 173 Looking forward to see You in Zagreb ! SEE IMPOTRANT REMARK ON NEXT PAGE !!! ……………………………………………………………… 3 Veslački savez Zagreba Croatia open www.vsz.hr Veslački klub Croatia ACCOMMODATION AND FOOD INFORMATION: Broj osoba za smještaj i prehranu javiti do 15.03.2014. Reservation ( Nr. of persons, rooms booking...food) please until March 15, 2014 PLEASE NOTE: LUNCH AT THE COURSE OR IN THE HOTEL !!! • • TRANSPORT – airport transfer included - Clubs / teams are responsible for their own transport, other needs please to contact OC. No boats to hire !!! ……………………………………………………………… 4 Veslački savez Zagreba Croatia open www.vsz.hr Veslački klub Croatia RASPIS Croatia Open 2014 1. Veslački savez Zagreba, Hrvatski veslački savez i VK Croatia organiziraju međunarodnu veslačku regatu Croatia open 2014. 2. Regata će se održati 12. i 13. travnja 2014. godine na veslačkoj stazi jezera Jarun. 3. Na regati se primjenjuju FISA Rules of racing i pravila važećeg Pravilnika o veslačkim natjecanjima Hrvatskog veslačkog saveza. 4. Prijave (disciplina, kategorija i sastave posade) trebaju se dostaviti najkasnije do srijede 02. travnja 2014. na adresu organizatora: Veslački savez Zagreba, Aleja Matije Ljubeka, Dom sportaša bb, ŠRC Jarun, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska e-mail: [email protected] fax: + 385 1 3831 585 Molimo klubove da u prijavi navedu godinu rođenja veslača i navedu posade lakih veslača. Ako klubovi prijavljuju više posada u jednoj disciplini, molimo klubove da prijavljuju redoslijedom po jačini. Molimo klubove da poštuju rok prijava. 5. Prijavnine za regatu se ne plaćaju. 6. Brojevi na čamcu mogu se iznajmiti uz kauciju od 50 kn po broju. 7. Veslači i veslačice seniori, juniori “A”, juniori “B” natječu se na stazi dužine 2000 metara, veslači i veslačice kadeti natječu se na stazi dužine 1000 metara. 8. Nastup veslača i veslačica bit će dozvoljen samo uz predočenje natjecateljske iskaznice ili putovnice. 9. Svi natjecatelji moraju nastupiti u svojim klupskim dresovima, jednoobrazno obučeni. 10. Veslači i veslačice kadeti su dužni nastupati sa veslima tipa Macon. 11. U slučaju da se u pojedinoj disciplini prijavi manje od tri posade, ta se utrka neće održati, a cijeli se program pomiče unaprijed. Ukoliko se za pojedinu utrku prijavi više od sedam posada, održat će se prednatjecanja istoga dana sa početkom u 8 sati. Za prva tri osvojena mjesta u A finalu bit će podijeljena zlatna, srebrna i brončana medalja. B finala za discipline u kojima je prijavljeno više od devet posada bit će održana prije A finala. 12. Organizator pridržava pravo prilagođavanja satnice prema broju prijavljenih posada. 13. Sudačku službu organizira Zbor veslačkih sudaca Hrvatske, uz suce goste iz inozemstva. 14. Za vrijeme natjecanja organizirana je služba spašavanja i zdravstvena služba. 15. Sastanak predstavnika klubova održat će se u petak, 11. travnja 2013. u 17 sati u prostorijama Doma športaša (iznad veslačkih hangara). 16. Startne liste uručit će se predstavnicima klubova jedan sat nakon završetka sastanka predstavnika klubova. Molimo Vas da zbog bolje operativnosti sve promjene u prijavama i sl. predate Regatnom odboru na vrijeme. 17. Svi sudionici u natjecanju sudjeluju o vlastitu riziku. Organizator, njegovi suradnici i opunomoćenici ne prihvaćaju nikakvu odgovornost za bilo kakav gubitak, štetu, povredu ili nezgodu nastalu iz bilo kojeg razloga. Svaki sudionik je osobno odgovoran za svoje zdravlje i mora biti fizički spreman za napore veslačke utrke. 18. Raspis, stanje prijava, startne liste, rezultati i ostale potrebne informacije bit će objavljene na web stranicama Veslačkog saveza Zagreba na adresi www.vsz.hr . Za sve ostale informacije možete se obratiti tajništvu Veslačkog saveza Zagreba: Veslački savez Zagreba Aleja Matije Ljubeka bb, Dom športaša, RŠC Jarun 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska tel. / fax. + 385 1 3831 585 e-mail:[email protected] www.vsz.hr ……………………………………………………………… 5 Veslački savez Zagreba Croatia open www.vsz.hr Veslački klub Croatia REGATTA COURSE – ŠRC JARUN Jarun is the only course for rowing in Croatia which has FISA A category, it is completely ready for this event and it offers ideal conditions for competing and participating. Many big competitions were held at Jarun Regatta course in past few years, such as World Championships for students, World Junior and non-olympic Senior Championship, European Universities Rowing Championship and many more. You may know that Jarun Regatta course was built in 1987 for the University games and since then it is still wonderful rowing course. Every year you can see new improvements that are put in tehnology, equipment and many other things to ensure high quality of competition. For all other information, please do not hesitate to contact us at: Veslački savez Zagreba, Aleja M. Ljubeka, Dom športaša, RŠC Jarun 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia tel. / fax. + 385 1 3831 585 e-mail: [email protected] www.vsz.hr Contact person: Srećko Šuk GSM: + 385 98 302 173 ……………………………………………………………… 6
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