THE HERALD ST. DEMETRIOS Greek Orthodox Metropolis of New Jersey GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 908-964-7957 UNION, NJ Summer 2013 My Beloved Spiritual Children, “Heavenly King, Comforter, the Spirit of truth, everywhere present and filling all things, Treasury of blessings and Giver of Life, come and dwell in us; cleanse us of every stain and save our souls, O gracious One.” TABLE OF CONTENTS The day of Pentecost, usually celebrated in the month of June, is Father’s Letter not merely a Church feastday like other ecclesiastical celebrations. It is President’s Letter the great day in which the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church was born and received her baptism! It is also the day in which the Church Stewards began Her wondrous mission! A new and dynamic period began with the Church and Her faithful Philoptochos members. Those among the first to be filled with the fruits of the Holy Spirit were the Apostles. Rich in grace, this heavenly gift was poured out upon the souls present on that first Greek School Pentecost when the Holy Spirit descended upon them as tongues of fire. It is possible for us to Sunday School experience this same outpouring of the Holy Spirit today, if we are spiritually ready to receive Joy/Hope this gift from our heavenly Father with an open heart and soul. The Holy Spirit comes and fills the souls and hearts of the Apostles: “And they were all GOYA filled with the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 2:4) The immediate results are miraculous and PTO unprecedented! The change in the disciples is radical. Who could have imagined such a change Father’s Letter (Gr) taking place? The timid became bold. The uneducated fishermen became wise preachers of God’s Word. Having hid themselves from others and silent about what they had been taught, they are Photos now excited to share the message of the Gospel everywhere! The disciples, who had scattered Ads and had forsaken the Lord at the time of His trial and Crucifixion, now lift high the banner of truth and “ a chosen vessel of His to bear His name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel.” (Acts 9:15) The Holy Spirit, however, did not come only for the day of Pentecost! It continues to govern the Church and guide the faithful. This is what strengthened the martyrs; this is the power that illumined the Holy Fathers of the Church; the teachers and evangelizers of His divine word. It is this same Holy Spirit that strengthens us as a Community and Family and which continues to guide our footsteps as we labor to grow our Parish, rejuvenate its ministries and renovate its facilities. We are emboldened even more so now to move forward with God’s grace and enlightenment as we seek to do His will and continuously upbuild His House, which shall remain a beacon of Orthodoxy and Hellenism for many generations to come. I thank all those who have toiled many long hours and have worked ever diligently to ensure our success as a vibrant and faithful Community. I thank all of you for your love and support for our holy Church. May the Holy Spirit illumine and sanctify all of you as we take a respite during these forthcoming summer months. May we come together once again and be rededicated to the work at hand as we approach September and the New Ecclesiastical Year! With Love in Christ, †Archimandrite George Nikas Proistamenos St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church Union, NJ Page 1 1 3 4 5 6 10 12 12 14 15 16 18 Upcoming Events Engagement Maria Palivou and Konstantinos Tsambounieris were engaged on May 23,2013 Baptisms St. Demetrios Parish Committees Parish Representatives - Nikos Zavolas, Luke Loukopoulos, Bob Zaphiros Herald Newsletter – Antonios Drivas (Chairman) Editor K. Drivas, S. Petses , I. Melachrinos June 8 Niko Drivas Memorials Archimandrite Alexander Kile June 9 Protopresvyter Prokopios Nikas June 9 Of Interest Greek School starts Septemebr 16th Sunday School starts September 22nd Office – D. Papadopoulos, M. Santos, N. Zavolas,B. Zaphiros Stewardship – Bobby Zaphiros (Chairman) L.Loukopoulos, M. Santos, B. Zois, Fotini Mazis Web Site – Luke Loukopoulos (Chairman) B. Zaphiros, Father George, Fotini Mazis Register now! What a great growing year of wonderful memories for our church! Thank you to all the departments for all your hard work! The Herald Luke Loukopoulos (Chairman) Facebook – Betty Spiropoulos (Chairlady) M. Drivas, N.Zavolas Rentals – J. Papadopoulos/Bob Zaphiros (Co-Chairmen) Fund Raising Events - Demetrios Papadopoulos (Chairman) M.Santos, B. Zaphiros,B. Spiropoulos, S. Petses Building Maintenance–Demetrios Papadopoulos (Chairman) Board of Trustees Pastor M. Kontos, M. Santos, B.Zaphiros, John Protopapas, T.Kastis V. Rev. George Nikas President: Nikos Zavolas Vice President: Ted Kastis Lucas Loucopoulos Secretary: Irene Melachrinos Assistant Secretary: Stephen Petses Treasurer: Bob Zaphiros Assistant Treasurer: Michael Santos Board Members John Agriantonis, Demetrios Papadopoulos, Tasia Lappas, Michael Drivas, Antonios Drivas, George Mastorou, Kostas Vasilopoulos, Betty Spiropoulos, Gary Niec, Barbara Zois, Kryriakos Galiatsatos Honorary Members Steve Zourzoukis, Vasilios Koukoutsis Church Secretary: Fanny Kontzialis Mazis Cantor: George Papasavvas Sexton: Petros Voci Kitchen - Ted Kastis (Chairman) B. Zaphiros,J. Protopapas, Leonidas Stathakopoulos, K. Galiatsatos, D.Stamatiadis Event Coordinating – Nikos Zavolas (Chairman) B. Spiropoulos, T. Lappas, D. Papadopoulos, M.Drivas, G.Nice, B. Zois, G.Scalla, M. Agriantonis, S. Malouhos, M. Sarris, S. Maladrenias, V.Georgiou, M.Pelardis, V.Zavolas Welcoming - Garry Niec (Chairman) T. Lappas, S. Zourzoukis, M. Drivas, B. Spiropoulos, B. Zois, D. Vassilopoulos, The Herald committee hopes you enjoy this edition of our newsletter. We wish you happy, safe, and blessed remainder of the summer. Next edition will take place in the Fall of 2013. Please contact us at TheHeraldNewsletter@gmail for any pictures, articles, comments or suggestions. St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church Union, NJ Page 2 President’s Letter Η πρώτη φάση του σχεδίου “ Πρόγραμμα Εκκλησιαστικής Ανακαίνισης” τέλειωσε. Δημιουργηθήκανε σύγχρονοι χώροι ( λουκουματζίδικο, νέο Ηλεκτρονικό Ηχοσύστημα, νέα Αποθήκη και 4 σύγχρονα νέα Αποχωρητήρια ). Η οργάνωση με ηλεκτρονική εγγραφή των μελών είναι γεγονός. Η Δέσμευση ή Οικονομική Διαχείριση αντί για συνδρομή, αρχίζει και αποδίδει ! Έχουν δοθεί κανόνες συνεργασίας και τηρούνται με τους οργανισμούς ( Σχολική Εφορία, ΠΤΟ, Goya, Joy & Hope ) δημιουργώντας μια άψογη συνεργασία. Το νέο πρόγραμμα για την νεολαία ( Καλαθόσφαιρα Νέων Άνω των 18) αποδίδει και φέρνει την νεολαία κοντά στη κοινότητα μας και αξιοποιείτε και το Γυμναστήριο προσφέροντας οικονομικό κέρδος στη κοινότητα. Η εφημερίδα μας The Herald έχει κερδίσει πολλά επαινετικά σχόλια, όχι μόνο για την εμφάνιση, αλλά και για την ποιότητα της. Θέλω να ευχαριστήσω τον Πατέρα Γεώργιο δια την σημαντική βοήθεια που μας προσφέρει σε όλα τα επίπεδα (συμπεριλαμβανόμενα Κατηχητικό Σχολείο, Καλή Παρέα κλπ ) και αρχίζει σιγά-σιγά να βάζει και τη δική του σφραγίδα. θέλω να ευχαριστήσω την Φιλόπτωχο για την βοήθεια που μας δίνει πάντα σε όλα τα επίπεδα ( συμπεριλαμβανόμενα Φεστιβάλ, μεγαλοβδόμαδα, κλπ ). Θέλω επίσης να ευχαριστήσω τα μέλη του συμβουλίου μου, τα μέλη της κοινότητας, τους φίλους, τις επιχειρήσεις και όλους αυτούς που μας δείχνουν εμπιστοσύνη και συμπαράσταση με την συμμετοχή τους. Είμαι πραγματικά υπερήφανος όχι μόνο σαν πρόεδρος, αλλά σαν απλό μέλος, διότι αισθάνομαι ότι βρίσκομαι σε μια ζεστή οικογένεια ! σας ευχαριστώ για την αγάπη σας και θέλω να γνωρίζετε ότι όλοι είμαστε υπεύθυνοι και για τις επιτυχίες μας. _________________________________________________________________________________ Phase One of the “Church Renovation Project” is complete. We have built modern Facilities (the “Sweet Shop”, new sound system, new storage room, and four new Modern Lavatories.) The new computerized member’s list is done. The Stewardship Program (which has replaced dues) is working better than we predicted. There is great collaboration amongst the various church organizations (Board of Education, PTO, GOYA, Joy and Hope, etc.) creating a smooth and efficient partnership. The new adult Basketball program (18 and older) has brought the youth back to our community and has utilized the Gym. It is also offering economic profit to the community. Our newsletter, The Herald, has gained a lot of appreciative comments, not only on the appearance, but also on the quality of content. I want to thank our Father George for all the important help that he offers to us in all the levels and organizations . His presence has made a great difference. I want to thank our Philoptohos for all the support that they constantly provide in all our missions. I want also to thank the members of my council, the members of the community, the friends, the enterprises and all those that show us confidence and support with their attendance. I am proud, not only as a President, but as a simple member, because I feel that our church community is one great, warm family! I thank you for your love and I want you to know that we are all responsible for our successes! Nikos Zavolas President of Parish Council of Saint Demetrios, Union NJ St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church Union, NJ Page 3 (As of 6/21/2003) Kontos, Christos & Toula Scala, Georgia Ms Kontos, Emmanouil & Christine Mr & Mrs Shannon, Stefanie & Ryan Kontos, Hristina Sideris, Hariklia Mrs Kontos, Manolis Sipsis, Spiros & Eleni Mr & Mrs Adrianopoulos, Adrian Ms Kontos, Menelaos & Tsambika Mr & Mrs Sofianakos, Kostas & Maria Mr & Mrs Agriantonis, Andrew & Mata Mr & Mrs Kontos, Nicholas Mr & Mrs Stavrakis, Thomas & Maria Mr & Mrs Angelis, Jenny Mrs Kostis, John & Mary Mr & Mrs Stergiou, Soultana Ms Antipatis, Christos & Mina Mr & Mrs Kotsis, Konstantinos & Ioanna Mr & Mrs Strobolakos, Anthony & Gloria Barber, Nikitas & Maria Mr & Mrs Koufomihalis, Alex & Kalliope Taverniaris, Emmanuel & Irene Mr & Mrs Barnat, Peter & Alexandra Mr & Mrs Koukoutsis, Vasilios & Efrosini Mr & Mrs Theocharopoulos, George & Natalie Bougelekas, Evangelos & Athena Mr & Mrs Kouroupas, William Tsakiridis, Iordanis Boutsikaris, George & Chrystal Mr & Mrs Koutroumbis, Stamatis & Avgi Mr & Mrs Tsemberlis, Tom Boutsikaris, Harry & Kalliope Mr & Mrs Kyriakou, Jason & Zoe Mr & Mrs Valassis, Theodore & Penelope Mr & Mrs Bukuvalas, John & Lisa Mr & Mrs Lambrakopoulos, Kostas & Anna Mr & Mrs Vasiliadis, Michael & Maria Caplanis, John & Nancy Lappas, Kostas & Tasia Vasilopoulos, Konstantinos & Panorea Catacalos, Gregory Lignos, Antonia Mrs. Voci, Preng & Yianna Mr & Mrs Cocca, Michael & Theoniki Mr & Mrs Lima, Michael & Athena Mr & Mrs Volikas, Maria Mrs Demas, Anastasia Mrs Loucopoulos, Argyro Mrs Vouloumanos, Stella Mrs. Demetrakis, Emmanuel & Sebasti Mr & Mrs Loucopoulos, Lucas Mr & Mrs Wilcox, Irene Mrs Dimitrakakis, Ourania Lyristis, Panagiotis & Despina Mr & Mrs Williams, Peter H. Drivas, Antonios & Katerina Mr & Mrs Makras, Gregory Mr Zaphiros, Harry & Argyro Drivas, Mike & Christine Mr & Mrs Malandrenios, George and Sophia Mr & Mrs Zaphiros, Harry & Argyro Mr & Mrs Economidis, Minas & Yianna Mr & Mrs Mastorou, George Zavolas, Nikos & Angie Mr & Mrs Efstathiou, Bess Mrs Melachrinos, Dean Mr & Mrs Zois, Barbara Ms Ehrhardt, Thomas & Elizabeth Milonas, Asimina Zourzoukis, Steve & Paraskeui Mr & Mrs Emmanouilidis, Emanuel & Evdoxia Mr & Mrs Nicola, Angela Erotokritou, Stavros Mr & Mrs Niec, Gary Mr & Mrs Frangos, Stelios & Maria Mr & Mrs Pagratis, Ioannis & Nikoletta Mr & Mrs Galiatsatos, Kyriakos Mr Palivos, Maria Georgallis, George & Michelia Mr & Mrs Palivos, Tasos & Anna Mr & Mrs Georgas, Voula Ms Pallantios, Peter & Harriet Mr & Mrs Georgiou, Andreas and Sophia Mr & Mrs Papadopoulos, Demetrios Georgiou, George & Valasia Papadopoulos, Nikos & Irene Georgiou, Kyriakos & Anna Papasavvas, Christofi & Maria Givas, Zaferoula & Vasiliki Papatsambasis, Triantafylos & Argyro Mr & Mrs Greberis, Azouletta Papazoglou, Evangelos Mr Gyftopulos, John & Kalliopi Mr & Mrs Papazoglou, Nicole Ms. Hartford, Patrice Mrs Pazas, Panagiotis & Panagiota Mr & Mrs Lord as stewards of His creation and Hilas, George Mr Pelardis, Irene Ms members of His holy Body; inviting us Hrysoullakis, Eugenia Ms Pelardis, Stathis & Theodora Mr & Mrs Ioannidis, Socrates & Giselle Mr & Mrs Petropoulakos Wilcox, Irene Kalevas, Athanasia Plagianakos, Tina Ms Kamnistsis, Christopher Riginos, Stavrianthi Kantonidis, Nicholas Mr Rigos, Georgia Karaminas, Sophia Rigos, Irene Katsikis, Gus Santana, Douglas & Theano Mr & Mrs Kizoulis, Nicholas Mr & Mrs Savvis, Mike & Linda Mr & Mrs Konstas, Tasos & Maria Mr & Mrs Savvis, Peter & Despina Mr & Mrs Thank you for all your support! It is because of all of YOU that the doors to our beloved Church remain open! Above all, we thank Christ our God, who taught us sinners the way unto eternal life. He taught us what it means to live and work and serve the to become heirs to His eternal Kingdom. May our good and loving God bless all of you, our stewards, who glorify and worship and witness to His Holy St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church Name!!! A blessed summer to all!!! Union, NJ Page 4 Philoptochos Adelphotis “St Irene” of St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church Dear Members and Friends of St. Demetrios and Philoptochos, Another successful ecclesiastical year has come to an end. On behalf of the Philoptochos Board, I would like to extend to all of you, members and friends of Philoptochos, a heartfelt thank you and appreciation for all your help, support, and love to our events and activities. It is because of all of this that we can continue our sacred mission and duty. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! We hope and wish to see more of you in September. Please continue to support your Philoptochos and also become an active member. Your Philoptochos of St. Demetrios needs your participation. Have a safe, wonderful, happy, healthy, and blessed summer! God Bless you and your families. Respectfully, Maria Kostas, President [email protected] St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church Union, NJ Page 5 Greek School News A Our School Year s we approach the end of our school year we would like to reflect on some of our achievements: -Our school’s motto: We Speak Greek Here” was an inspiration to all our students to keep on speaking Greek in and out of the classroom. -Our brand new Pre-K class, where our youngest students first learn about the Greek language in a fun and playful way. Thank you to Mrs. Katerina Drivas for making our 1st ever Pre-K class such a success! -Our K students this year utilized both a reading book and a workbook; tools which Mrs. Maria Dagiantis skillfully used to teach our young children to read and write, so that they can be well prepared for 1st grade. - In order to assess our students learning, we instituted a mid-year review and exam for classes 1st to 6th in addition to our final review and exam -From our wonderful Christmas Pageant to Greek Letters Day and Greek Independence Day, all our celebrations were successful and highlighted not only our students’ stage talents but also their Greek speaking ability. Bravo to all! -Our two cultural days –Clean Monday and Easter Traditions Day were well received and helped our youngsters learn about Greek customs and traditions in a fun, hands-on way. -The publication of “Greek School News,” our school’s newsletter, which kept everyone abreast of happenings in our school. -Our yearbook, a wonderful keepsake containing pictures of our school life and activities. We are very thankful to Mrs. Maria Frangos and Mrs. Eleni Demetriou, our yearbook committee, for their creativity and endless hard work! -A huge “Thank you” goes to all who contributed to make our 2012-2013 year a success: Our dedicated teachers, supporting parents, wonderful students, the PTO-our school’s right hand- our BOE, Fr. George, and our community president Mr. Nikos Zavolas. Our Second Grade W hen a student goes from 1st to 2nd grade, it is like taking a huge leap forward. Everything is suddenly more demanding; the reading, the vocabulary, the syntax, the grammar, the spelling. And yet, our second graders always do very well thanks to the strong foundation they receive in 1st grade. In addition to the rigorous reading and more challenging vocabulary, our 2nd graders learn how to write a short paragraph using correct grammar and syntax, learn the days of the week, the months, the seasons, the greetings, the articles, the weather, and so much more. Our second grade teacher, Mrs. Mata Agriantonis, believes that “Kids learn the best when they are actively engaged in a fun way” and that is why the last 15 minutes of each lesson are spent playing an educational game, such as “Vocabulary Bingo,” “Hot Potato,” “Manolis Says,” “Wheel of Fortune,” “Guess My Number,” etc. These games are designed to reinforce Greek language learning, especially new vocabulary. Our 2nd graders this year, in keeping with our school motto “We speak Greek Here,” did their best in speaking only Greek in class. They used a piggy bank in which they would put in a penny for every English word they would absentmindedly use. Even Kyria. Mata , had to feed the piggy if she was caught violating this rule! Happily, as of this writing, the piggy bank does not contain too many pennies! This year our second grade girls put our Greek school on the map in cyberspace by making a video called “Ta Xefteria,” which was first performed at our Letters Day celebration in February. We thank Mrs, Maria Dagiantis for taking the video and Mrs. Gina Plaitakis for putting it on youtube. Watch it on Upcoming Events & Reminders 6th Grade Graduation and annual PTO picnic Thursday, June 13, at 5:00 pm. Mon, Tues, Wed (6/17,6 18, 6/19) (4:30-6:30) Greek Summer Camp June 15-July 30 Registration for 2013-2014 school year St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church Union, NJ Page 6 Τα Νέα του Σχολείου μας Η Χρονιά που Πέρασε Η Δευτέρα Τάξη Τ εταξύ πρώτης και δευτέρας τάξης υπάρχει μεγάλη διαφορά στη ύλη. Ξαφνικά όλα γίνονται πιό απαιτητικά: ανάγνωση, γραμματική, συντακτικό, ορθογραφία, λεξιλόγιο. Παρ’ όλα αυτά όμως, τα παιδιά μας πάντα τα καταφέρνουν χάρις στις γερές βάσεις που παίρνουν στη πρώτη τάξη. Στη Δευτέρα τάξη τα παιδιά γράφουν προτάσεις χρησιμοποιώντας σωστό συντακτικό, κλίνουν ρήματα, μαθαίνουν τις ημέρες της εβδομάδας, τους μήνες, τις εποχές, τον καιρό, τα άρθρα και άλλα πολλά. Επιπροσθέτως, η δασκἀλα τους, η Κα Μάτα Αγριαντώνη, χρησιμοποιεί διάφορα εκπαιδευτικά παιχνίδια για να διδάξει τη καινούργια ύλη γιατί πιστεύει πως το παιδί μαθαίνει πολύ πιό εύκολα όταν απασχολείται με κάτι διασκεδαστικό και ευχάριστο. Γι’αυτό, τα τελευταία 15 λεπτά κάθε μαθήματος, τα παιδιά της δευτέρας παίζουν ένα παιχνίδι όπως, «Bingo με Λέξεις», «Ο Μανώλης Λέει» «Καυτή Μπάλα», «Ὁ Τροχός Της Τύχης» και διάφορα άλλα παιχνίδια. Φέτος, μια που το σύνθημα του σχολείου μας ήταν “Ἑδώ Μιλάμε Ελληνικά», τα παιδιά είχαν και έναν κουμπαρά στη τάξη για να ρίχνουν pennieς όταν κατά λάθος μιλούσαν στα Αγγλικά. Ακόμα και η Κυρία Μάτα έπρεπε νά ριξει λεφτά στον κουμπαρά όταν της ξέφευγε καμιά αγγλική λέξη. Ευτυxώς, μέχρι στιγμής, ο κουμπαράς δεν φαίνεται να έχει και πολλά pennies! Το σκετσάκι «Τα Ξεφτέρια»που παίχθηκε για πρώτη φορά στη γιορτή των Γραμμάτων από τα κορίτσια της δευτέρας, έχει γίνει πλέον γνωστό στον κόσμο του Διαδικτύου. Ευχαριστούμε την κυρία Μαρία Νταγιάντη που πήρε το video και την κυρία Gina Πλαϊτάκη που το έβαλε στο youtube. ώρα που τελειώνει η σχολική χρονιά, ας ρίξουμε μια ματιά να δούμε τι καταφέραμε φέτος στο σχολείο μας. «Εδώ Μιλάμε Ελληνικά» ήταν το σύνθημα μας γιά να μη ξεχνάμε ότι στο σχολείο του Αγ. Δημητρίου η γλώσσα που κυριαρχεί είναι η Ελληνική! Για πρώτη φορά φέτος λειτούργησε καινούργια τάξη για τα προνήπια. Ευχαριστούμε τη δασκάλα μας την κυρία Κατερίνα Δρίβα που δίδαξε στα μικρά παιδιά μας την αλφάβητο και του ήχους των γραμμάτων καθώς και τις πρώτες Ελληνικές λεξούλες και φράσεις με ωραίο και ευχάριστο τρόπο χρησιμοποιώντας τραγουδάκια και παιχνίδια. Η εργασία στο νηπιαγωγείο μας γίνεται πλέον πιό εντατική γιατί από φέτος τα παιδιά χρησιμοποιούν αναγνωστικό και βιβλίο ασκήσεων. Ευχαριστούμε την δασκάλα μας, την κυρία Μαρία Νταγιάντη πού με μεγάλη επιτυχία διδάσκει στα παιδιά του νηπιαγωγείου μας να διαβάζουν και να γράφουν ώστε να είναι έτοιμα για την πρώτη τάξη. Από φέτος, για πρώτη φορά, οι μαθητές της 1ης -6ης τάξης εξετάζονται γραπτώς στα μέσα της χρονιάς, όπως και στο τέλος. Αυτό γίνεται για να εκτιμήσει το σχολείο μας όχι μόνο τι έχουν μάθει τα παιδιά μας αλλά και αν χρειάζεται να προσαρμόσουμε τη διδακτέα ύλη στις ανἀγκες των μαθητών μας. Οι γιορτές μας είχαν όλες μεγάλη επιτυχία και τα παιδιά μας εντυπωσίασαν τους πάντες όχι μόνο με το θεατρικό τους ταλέντο αλλά και με την ευχέρεια με την οποίαν χρησιμοποίησαν την Ελληνική γλώσσα στις απαγγελίες και τα τραγούδια τους. Τα παιδιά μας πήραν μιά ζωντανή εικόνα πάνω στα έθιμα της Καθαράς Δευτέρας και του Πάσχα λαμβάνοντας μέρος σε δύο ωραίες δραστηριότητες που κάναμε μαζί με τη βοήθεια του PTO. Κυκλοφόρησε η εφημεριδούλα μας, «Τα Νέα του Σχολείου μας»προς ενημέρωση όλων για όσα αφορούν το σχολείο μας Το αναμνηστικό σχολικό μας λεύκωμα που επιμελήθηκαν οι κυρίες Μαρία Φράνγκου και Ελένη Δημητρίου αποτελεί για όλους μας ένα ωραίο ενθύμιο της χαρούμενης χρονιάς που πέρασε. Τέλος, ευχαριστούμε όλους εσάς που συμβάλατε στην επιτυχία της φετεινής χρονιάς: τις δασκάλες μας τους γονείς και τα παιδιά μας, το Σύλλογο Γονέων που είναι πάντα στο πλευρό μας, τη Σχολική Επιτροπή, τον πρόεδρο της κοινότητάς μας, Κο Νίκο Ζαβόλα και τον ιερέα μας, πατέρα Γεώργιο, για την αγάπη τους προς το σχολείο μας και τη συνεργασία τους. Μ Μη Ξεχάσετε… Τελετή Αποφοίτων / PTO picnic Πέμπτη, 13 Ιουνίου, 5:00 μμ Ελληνική Κατασκήνωση Δευτέρα, Τρίτη, Τετάρτη (Ιουνίου 17, 18, 19) 4:30 - 6:30 μμ Εγγραφές: Σχολικό Έτος 2013-2014 15 Ιουνίου -30 Ioυλίου St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church Union, NJ Page 7 St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church Union, NJ Page 8 1st Annual! 2013 Greek School SUMMER CAMP Πόσο όμορφο, αλήθεια, είναι να βλέπεις παιδιά να δημιουργούν και να εξέχουν! Όσοι παρευρεθήκαμε στο τριήμερο δραστηριοτήτων του Ελληνικού μας Σχολείου, δεν μπορέσαμε παρά να θαυμάσουμε την αθρόα συμμετοχή όλων των παιδιών, καθώς και το ενδιαφέρον με το οποίο ασχολήθηκαν σε όλες τις δραστηριότητες. Συγκεκριμένα, από τις 17 έως και τις 19 Ιουνίου 2013, το Ελληνικό μας σχολείο διοργάνωσε, για πρώτη φορά, μια πολύ επιτυχημένη “κατασκήνωση δραστηριοτήτων”, όπου συμμετείχαν 52 παιδιά, και είχαν την ευκαιρία τις 2 πρώτες ημέρες, να δημιουργήσουν δαυλούς, να μάθουν ελληνικούς χορούς, να σχεδιάσουν ένα πάπλωμα με την ελληνική αλφάβητο, να ζωγραφίσουν γλάστρες και να φυτέψουν βότανα, να φτιάξουν κομπολόγια και βραχιόλια, να ζωγραφίσουν, να φτιάξουν t-shirts, και να δημιουργήσουν διακοσμητικά πιάτα με διάφορα σχέδια, ενώ την 3η ημέρα, μπόρεσαν να συμμετάσχουν σε πρωτότυπους Ολυμπιακούς αγώνες, όπου μπόρεσαν να διασκεδάσουν και να λάβουν πολλά μετάλλια. Συγχαρητήρια σε όλα τα παιδιά που συμμετείχαν, και σε όσους αφιέρωσαν το χρόνο τους για να διεξαχθεί επιτυχώς το όλο εγχείρημα! Ραντεβού του χρόνου!!! How beautiful is it, indeed, to see children create and excel in what they do! All of us who participated in the 3day Greek camp of our Greek School could not help but admire the great participation of all the children, as well as the interest with which they were involved in all of the activities. More specifically, from the 17th until the 19th of June 2013, our Greek School organized for the first time a very successful Greek camp, where 52 children participated and had the chance during the first 2 days to create torches, learn Greek dances, make a Greek alphabet quilt, design pots and plant herbs, make kombologia and bracelets, draw, make t-shirts and create decorative plates with various designs. On the 3rd day, they took part in original Olympic games, where they were able to have fun and win lots of medals. Congratulations to all the children who participated, and to all those who dedicated their time so as for the Greek camp to be successfully completed! See you again next year!!! St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church Union, NJ Page 9 SUNDAY SCHOOL To all Parishioners and Parents, As our ecclesiastical year comes to a close, we are proud of our children who participated and attended our Sunday school. We have over 55 students registered. Our wonderful dedicated teachers enjoy teaching our church lessons and traditions to our children along with Father George’s spiritual support and lessons. We now have three classrooms for our children & rd th th students: Grades: Pre-K to 3 , 4 - 6 , and 7th-12th. During our Great Lent for Easter/ Pasha, we learned what lent means and the lessons that go with preparing for Easter. Our children who attend the Greek school also had the opportunity to learn our Greek heritage traditions of making koulourakia and the coloring of the red eggs. For Mothers’ Day, the children created a beautiful keepsake craft for their mothers. On June 9, 2013, we had our graduation and promotion for our th students. This year we had 4 students graduating the 12 grade. Our curriculum for every Sunday is: discussing the Sunday's lesson, learning about upcoming saint days, the meaning of the church holidays throughout the year, reading the Children's Bible Stories and Bible readings (for the older students). The younger children are continuing to practice to learn by heart the Lord's Prayer in both English and Greek. We appreciate your faithfulness in bringing your children every Sunday. There is a lesson to learn every Sunday. “Sunday School makes a difference”. Here are the flip flops the children bought and decorated to give to poor Orthodox children living in Haiti. Your Sunday school teachers are: Katerina Drivas, Julia Petses, Demetria Demoleas, Irene Melachrinos, Sammie Wolz, Maria Palivou, Katerina Moulinou, Stefano Petses, Antonios Drivas, Joanna Stravelakis and Nicholas Papadopoulos May God continue to bless our community and enlighten us in our efforts to guide our children on the right path. We hope you all have a nice and safe Summer/ Kalo Kalokairi and we will see you at the end of September. Sincerely, Nicholas Papadopoulos Sunday School Director [email protected] Our devoted teachers! St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church Union, NJ Page 10 Sunday School makes a difference! St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church Union, NJ Page 11 & The JOY/HOPE program occurs every third Friday of the month and activities are planned to bring the children together to have fun and build lasting friendships. In February, we celebrated “APOKRIES” together. The children dressed up in costumes and we made carnivale masks. For Easter, the children made their own Easter candle or “Lambatha”. Each child made a beautifully decorated candle to light at church during the “Anastasi”. We also held our 2nd annual fundraising event of selling Easter “Lambathes” that several of the moms decorated. This was a success and thank you to those that supported us and purchased the candles. For our last event of the season, we will be celebrating with a Zumba fitness party for all the boys and girls! We will then break for the summer and meet again in September. I encourage you to bring your children to participate in these fun activities. If you would like more information about the JOY/HOPE program or would like to be added to our distribution list please speak to Julia Petses or Maria Frangos, or send an email to [email protected] St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church Union, NJ Page 12 ΚΑΛΙ ΠΑΡΕΑ Η Καλή παρέα δεν είναι μόνο για όσους έχουν πάρει σύνταξη, αλλά είναι και για όλους που έχουν μερικές ώρες ελεύθερες και θέλουν να βρεθούν με άλλους Ελληνες για ένα μεζέ, ενα ποτηράκι κρασί και κουβεντούλα. Πάντα περνάμε καλά. Η επόμενη συνάντηση της Καλής Παρέας είναι στις 4 Ιουνίου στης κ. Παπατσαμπάσης το σπίτι όπου ο κ. Τριαντάφυλλος θα κάνει BBQ! Ευχόμαστε ένα καλό καλοκαίρι σε όλους, και καλό ταξίδι σε όσους θα φύγουν. Ελπίζουμε να σας δούμε όλους στο Festival μας, και στην επόμενη συνάντηση μας που θα γίνει τον Οκτώβρη. Καλό καλοκαίρι! Pictured above, the Kali Parea met at Mr & Mrs Papatsambasis’ beautiful back yard for an out of this world Greek BBQ!!! We want to thank: Mr & Mrs Papatsambasis for hosting the last meeting before the summer at their home, and cooking all the delicious food; Father for his enlightening conversations; the ladies for all the delicious desserts; Harry for helping out Mrs Papatsambasis with everything she needed; and everyone for their wonderful parea. Kalo kalokairi, see you in October! St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church Union, NJ Page 13 of St. Demetrios As the year comes to the end, the St. Demetrios Goya Advisors would like to congratulate our Goyans on a remarkable year. Starting with Sights and Sounds, our Goyans won third place in Greek Play. Congratulations to Asimakis Pagratis, he placed 3rd in the Greek Monologue, and received honorable mention in computer art, and Mihalia Sarris placed 3rd in flower making. I also would like to congratulate Spiros Lappas for placing 1st in hand molded ceramics and Irene Sarris, who place 3rd in Greek Monologue, 1st in original design on readymade clothing, and 1st in jewelry making. Our Goyans attended the bowling tournament, on March 3rd in Farview where Voula Zaphiros won Silver in senior team, MaryEllen Santana won Gold in senior individual, Nicole Stavrakis won gold and Flora Micheludis won Bronze in the Junior team. Mihalia Sarris won Gold in Junior for highest average. The Goyans also attended the soccer tournament on April 13th. Thanks to the boys team for representing our church. The girls team won 1st place in the soccer tournament. Congratulations, we are proud of you! The year ended by our Goyans participating in the Olympics which took place at Monmouth University. Our Goyans competed in relays, shot put, softball throw, volleyball and marathon. We all so proud of them. We would like to congratulate our seniors Voula Zaphiros, MaryEllen Santana, Spiros Lappas, Andrea Fanos, for their support throughout the years. (MaryEllen will attend Penn State majoring in Finance, Voula will attend Montclair majoring in Finance, Andrea will attend FDU in Madison, major undecided and Spiro will attend UCC, major undecided. Best of luck with everything you do!) We look forward to a new an excited new season in September and would like to welcome and congratulate the following 2013-2014 Goya board members: 2013 Goya Board Members President: Vice President: Secretary: Asst. Secretary: Irene Sarris Constantine Zavolas Georgia Stavrakis Stephanos Lappas We always welcome new members to our Goya family! Please feel free to email [email protected] for more information about events and membership St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church Union, NJ Page 14 St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church Union, NJ Page 15 Greek School P.T.O. The PTO would like to thank everyone that supported and helped out this year. We want to congratulate the graduating class and wish them the best for their future. We also want to wish the new PTO Board success for the upcoming 2013-2014 school year. Thank you, St. Demetrios PTO Board 2012-2013 For more info, email: PTO BOARD President: Stella Malouhos Vice President: Voula Kartsonas Treasurer: Maria Pelardis Secretary: Fotini Mazis [email protected] St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church Union, NJ Page 16 MARK YOUR CALENDERS!!! SEPTEMBER: Greek Festival - Thursday September 5th to Sunday September 8th. Please sign up to volunteer to make the festival a successful event! Greek School - every Monday and Wednesday starting September 16th 4:45- 6:30 pm. Ages 4 to 12. Pre-school to 6th Grade Εδώ μιλάμε Ελληνικά! Sunday School - every Sunday starting September 22 following the Divine Liturgy around 11:15 Ages 4 to 18. Preschool to 12th Grade Sunday School makes a difference! OCTOBER: Joy Hope - is the 3rd Friday of each month starting September 20th 5:30-7 pm ages 4 to 12 years of age For fun and for building lasting friendships! Kali Parea - starting again in October 2013 The First Greek Book Festival of New Jersey Saturday, October 5TH 12:00pm to 6:00pm St. Demetrios Feast & 85TH Anniversary Celebration – Sunday, Oct. 20th 5:00- 10 pm NOVEMBER: Craft Help Project #3 - to help the Orthodox children in Haiti in November by our devoted teachers in Sunday School with all the classes from preschool to 12th grade. (Operation Christmas Project) St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church Union, NJ Page 17 Christ Is Risen! “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Greek School of St. Demetrios of Union, NJ & The Greek Institute of Arts presents Saturday, October 5th Noon until 6 pm At St. Demetrios of Union with books donated by Greek writers from around the world! All proceeds benefit the Greek School program St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church Union, NJ Page 18 th 85 Anniversary St. Demetrios Feast October 20th Galloping Hill Banquet with entertainment by DJ Tommy and the Terpsichoreans Dance group Order your tickets today!! "ATTENTION!!! THE CHOIR NEEDS YOU!!!" Don't let the flame go out as it did 6 years ago! The future existence of seeing and hearing our choir chant and participate during church services is entirely up to you. Please consider this a very serious matter: if we want to have a choir at St. Demetrios, then we need the voices and participation of at least 15 choir members (men and women). Anyone interested in joining the choir should email([email protected]) or call (732-232-1036) Father George no later than August 1, 2013, and leave your name and telephone number. Don't let the choir be a thing of the past! We look forward to seeing and hearing from you as soon as possible. Our first short rehearsal will be Sunday, August 18, 2013, and continue for the following Sundays after church services through Sunday, September 15, 2013. At that time, additional rehearsals and information concerning the choir and it's participation during the new Ecclesiastical Year of 2013-2014 will be discussed. Please help keep this important organization alive and growing for years to come! Η χορωδία μας χρειάζετε τη φωνή σας! Το θέμα είναι πολύ απλό: Για να έχουμε επιτυχημένη η χορωδία στον Αγιο Δημήτριο χρειαζόμαστε τουλάχιστον 15 ανδρικές και γυναικίες φωνές, αλλιώς δεν προβλέπουμε να συνεχιστεί η χορωδία μας. Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι παρακαλούνται να καλέσουν τον πατέρα Γεώργιο στο (732-232-1036) ή να στείλουν μήνυμα στη διέυθυνση [email protected] με το όνομά τους και το τηλέφωνό τους, μέχρι τη 1η Αυγούστου. Η πρώτη πρόβα της χορωδίας μας θα λάβει μέρος τη Κυριακή, 18 Αυγούστου και θα συνεχιστεί για κάθε Κυριακή μετά τη Θεία Λειτουργία, μέχρι και τη Κυριακή 15 Σεπτεμβρίου, όπου και θα συζητηθούν τα επόμενα βήματα για την χορωδία μας. Παρακαλούμε ΟΛΟΥΣ EMΑΣ να κάνουμε ό,τι μπορούμε για να ακούμε την ωραία χορωδία μας κάθε Κυριακή στον Αγιο Δημήτριο. St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church Union, NJ Page 19 FATHER OF THE YEAR. With poem by Nikos Zavolas He has the strength of a mountain, the majesty of a tree, The warmth of a summer sun. the calm of a quiet sea. The generous soul of nature, the wisdom of the ages (and he still young). The power of the eagle's flight, The joy of a morning spring, The depth of a family need. The magic smile, He always smiles, no matter what he is doing. Whether he is winning a championship game as a coach with Goya, When he is always asking: ‘How can I help?’ Or whether he faces uphill battles in his life. Έχει τη δύναμη του βουνού, την μεγαλειότητα του δέντρου, την ζεστασιά του θερινού ήλιου, την ηρεμία της θάλασσας, την γενναιόδωρη ψυχή της φύσης, την εμπειρία των χρόνων, κι ας είναι πολύ νέος. Το δυνατό ξεπέταγμα του Αετού, τη χαρά του ανοιξιάτικου πρωινού, και την βαθιά βοήθεια για την οικογένεια. Πάντα χαμογελάει, ότι κι αν κάνει. MOTHER OF THE YEAR. Mr. Douglas Alves Santana A Mother’s love is something that no one can explain, It is made of deep devotion and of sacrifice and pain, It is endless and unselfish and enduring come what may, For nothing can destroy it or take that love away . . . It is patient and forgiving when all others are forsaking, And it never fails or falters even though the heart is breaking . . . It believes beyond believing when the world around condemns, And it glows with all the beauty of the rarest, brightest gems . . . It is far beyond defining, it defies all explanation, And it still remains a secret like the mysteries of creation . . . A many splendored miracle man cannot understand . . . Argyro Papatsambasi & Maria Tsekeridis And another wondrous evidence of God’s tender guiding hand. St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church Union, NJ Page 20 Honorees of the 2013 Clergy-Laity Meeting (held at the Venetian on May 13th, 2013) GOYA: Parish Council: Community: Sunday School: Philoptochos: Andrea Fanos Congratulations! Nikos Zavolas Antonios Drivas Nicholas Papadopoulos Voula Georgas To our Greek School and Sunday School Graduates: God has truly blessed you with unique talents and abilities and you have used His gifts extremely well. Your positive attitude, your willingness to try new things, your dedication and your caring ways – All this shows how much you have done with His gifts. As we celebrate your accomplishments, remember that you are an important part of God’s wonderful plan. St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church Union, NJ Page 21 The Greek Independence Parade St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church Union, NJ Page 22 A Glimpse of Our Beloved Community St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church Union, NJ Page 23 Galloping Hill Caterers Your Host: George Thomas 325 Chestnut Street, Five Points, Union, NJ 07083 Tel: (908) 686-2683 • Fax: (908) 688-2376 Website: Email: [email protected] Tom Stavrakis President 67 Newark Way Tel: 973.763.4036 Maplewood, NJ 07040 Fax: 973.763.6128 [email protected] 1.800.622.MENU 908-647-2193 973-763-4036 BMW of Morristown Angelo Filippatos GRILL New Vehicle Client Advisor 111 Ridgedale Ave Morristown, NJ 07960-4267 Phone 973-796-3053 Fax 973-352-6663 [email protected] 973-796-3053 St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church 201-401-5559 Union, NJ Page 24 908-233-0052 917- 833-9120 908-233-0052 908-688-8060 917- 833-9120 Please support our sponsors who have graciously donated to make The Herald possible. For anyone interested in becoming a sponsor, please email us at: [email protected] Future sponsorships will allow us to expand and improve upon this publication. Again, Thank You! 908-665-0211 YOUR AD HERE! Thank you for supporting The Herald and the St. Demetrios community! St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church Union, NJ Page 25 St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church Union, NJ Page 26
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