Molba za izmjenom pravilnika o pravima liječnika iz trećih država u okviru Hrvatske liječničke komore i Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova Application for the Amendment of the Regulations Regarding Third National Doctors in Croatia within the Croatian Medical Chamber and Ministry of Interior 28. listopad 2013 | October 28, 2013 Autor | Author: Muhammad Zeitsev bin Azman, dr. med., dipl. biokem Trpimirova 27 10000 Zagreb TEL: +385 97 623 9367 EML: [email protected] BLOG: LINKEDIN: Primatelji | Recipients Prim. Hrvoje Minigo, dr. med. Lora Vidovid Hrvatska liječnička komora HR Ombudsman Ulica fra Grge Tuškana 37 Opatička 4 10000 Zagreb 10000 Zagreb TEL: +385 1 450 0830 TEL: +385 1 485 1855 EML: [email protected] EML: [email protected] WEB: WEB: dr. Ivica Babid Médiateur européen Hrvatski liječnički sindikat 1 avenue du Président Robert Schuman Šubideva 9 CS 30403 10000 Zagreb F-67001 Strasbourg Cedex TEL: +385 1 465 5610 France EML: [email protected] TEL: +33 3 8817 2313 WEB: WEB: g. Ranko Ostojid H.E. Dato Yean Yoke Heng Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova Embassy of Malaysia Ulica grada Vukovara 33 Slavujevac 4a 10000 Zagreb 10000 Zagreb TEL: +385 1 612 2111 TEL: +385 1 483 4347 EML: [email protected] EML: [email protected] WEB: WEB: prof. dr. sc. Rajko Ostojid, dr. med. Ministarstvo zdravlja Ksaver 200a 10000 Zagreb TEL: +385 1 460 7555 EML: [email protected] WEB: Muhammad Zeitsev bin Azman, MD BSc Trpimirova 27 10000 Zagreb Croatia TEL: +385 97 623 9367 EML: [email protected] BLOG: LINKEDIN: Muhammad Zeitsev bin Azman, MD BSc Trpimirova 27 10000 Zagreb Croatia TEL: +385 97 623 9367 EML: [email protected] BLOG: LINKEDIN: October 28, 2013 28. listopada, 2013 To: Dr. Hrvoje Minigo, Dr. Rajko Ostojid, Mr. Ranko Ostojid, H.E. Yean Yoke Heng, EU Ombudsman and Croatian Ombudsman, Dr. Hrvoje Minigo, Dr. Rajko Ostojid, Mr. Ranko Ostojid, H.E. Yean Yoke Heng, EU povjerenik i pučki pravobranitelj RH Poštovani, My name is Dr. Muhammad Zeitsev bin Azman and I would like to bring up to your attention the inability for me to pursue my career in medicine by being a thirdcountry national in Croatia. Currently I am unemployed and am having difficulty grasping the regulations and bureaucratic procedures needed to work as a Medical Doctor. There soon will be a few doctors, who are also third-country nationals, who will graduate from the University of Zagreb and be in the same position. Moje ime je Muhammad Zeitsev bin Azman i ovim putem bih Vam želio skrenuti pozornost na svoju nemogudnost da kao stranac ostvarim poslovnu karijeru u Republici Hrvatskoj u području medicine. Trenutno sam nezaposlen i imam teškoda u shvadanju pravilnika i birokratskih protokola potrebnih da bih mogao raditi kao doktor medicine. Uskoro de biti još nekoliko doktora koji su stranci a diplomirat de na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu te de se nadi u istoj situaciji. Since my father was stationed in Croatia, I decided to attend an ex-Harvard Medical International program at the University of Zagreb in 2003 and graduated the 6 year program in 2009. I then went back to Malaysia to start my internship. Obzirom da je moj otac bio na položaju u Hrvatskoj, odlučio sam pohađati bivši harvardski međunarodni doktorski studij na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu 2003. godine i 2009. godine, nakon šest godina studija sam diplomirao. Tada sam se vratio u Maleziju da bih započeo svoje stažiranje. However the degree was not recognized in Malaysia and after 4 months of fighting unemployment, I decided to come back to Croatia to finish my internship and to be licensed as a doctor, only to find that the Croatian law stated that I needed to be a citizen of Croatia to attend my internship, do the state licensing examination, obtain a license and to specialize. Dr. Jean Loup Gassend, from France, was also in the same situation. No, diploma mi nije priznata u Maleziji te sam, nakon četiri mjeseca borbe za pronalaskom posla, odlučio vratiti se u Hrvatsku da bih završio stažiranje i stekao zvanje doktora. Ovdje sam tada saznao da hrvatski zakoni navode da bih morao biti državljanin Hrvatske ako želim stažirati, položiti stručni ispit, stedi zvanje I specijalizirati. Dr. Jean Loup Gassend iz Francuske je također bio u istoj situaciji. After amending the regulations from the Ministry of Health, we started the one year internship, studied for the Croatian state licensing examination, passed in April and were only allowed a temporary license to practice. Since Dr. Gassend is an EU citizen, he has the right to a regular license, but moved to Switzerland to work when Croatia joined the EU in July 2013. Nakon izmjene pravilnika Ministarstva zdravlja, započeli smo jednogodišnje stažiranje, pripremali se za državni stručni ispit, položili ga u travnju i tada smo dobili samo privremenu licencu. Obzirom da je Dr. Jean Loup Gassend građanin EU, on ima redovnu dozvolu no odselio se u Švicarsku kada je Hrvatska ušla u EU u srpnju 2013. Croatia is currently lacking 4500 doctors, so I decided to stay and work despite the compensation compared to other EU countries. I found a job as a General Practitioner in Emergency Medicine in Zadar County and began work. In July, I moved to Primary Health Care for Rijeka because of the direction I wanted my career to move into. I could not extend my contract after the tourist season and am now looking for new employment as a General Practitioner in Croatia, or to specialize in Family Medicine or in Internal Medicine to advance my career as a Medical Doctor. Unlike most people, I do not mind working in rural areas and recently applied to positions in Slavonija, Međumurje and islands on the coast. However since I cannot currently hold any license, I have been rejected by almost every position. U Hrvatskoj trenutno nedostaje 4500 doktora pa sam odlučio ostati i raditi usprkos lošijoj naknadi uspoređujudi ju s EU državama. Zaposlio sam se kao doctor opde prakse u Hitnoj službi Zadarske županije i započeo raditi. U srpnju sam se prebacio na Dom zdravlja u Rijeci zbog želje da radim u tom području. Nisam mogao produljiti svoj ugovor nakon turističke sezone i sada tražim novi posao kao doktor opde prakse u Hrvatskoj ili kao specijalizant obiteljske ili interne medicine kako bih napredovao. Za razliku od vedine ljudi, ne smeta mi raditi u seoskim sredinama i nedavno sam se prijavio na mjesta u Slavoniji, Međimurju i priobalnim otocima. Međutim, zbog neposjedovanja bilo kakvog uvjerenja, odbijen sam na gotovo svakom natječaju. Since I also cannot specialize in Croatia due to the regulations set forth by the Croatian Medical Chamber, am a third national in the EU, hold a degree that is not recognized in my home country, cannot afford the high costs of the PLAB, PRES or USMLE; I feel that I have been misled by the promises made by the University of Zagreb, the Ministry of Health and the Croatian Chamber of Medicine that have made me lose tuition cost for 6 years studying at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Medicine, the high costs of living in Croatia and the loss of 10 years of valuable work experience. Obzirom da ne mogu specijalizirati u Hrvatskoj zbog regulative postavljenih od strane Hrvatske liječničke komore, jer sam stranac u EU, posjedujem diploma koju me ne priznaje moja domovina, ne mogu si priuštiti troškove polaganja PLAB, PRES ili USMLE ispita, osjedam da sam bio doveden u zabludu obedanjima datih od strane Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Ministarstva zdravlja i Hrvatske liječničke komore. Ta obedanja su rezultirala financijskim gubitkom, od školarine za šest godina studiranja na Sveučilištu, visokih troškova života u RH te gubitkom deset godina dragocjenog radnog iskustva. In the next few pages, I have noted the reasons why I should have the right to at least a regular license to practice. On my blog (, you can see different email responses from Medical Chambers and Councils from several European countries stating their regulations. Although I graduated from the University of Zagreb, did my medical internship in Zagreb and passed the Croatian Licensing Examination, I am only allowed a temporary license and am refused specialization only based on my nationality. U nekoliko stranica koje slijede, naveo sam razloge zašto bih trebao imati barem pravo na regularnu licencu. Na mojem blogu (, možete vidjeti različite odgovore od liječničkih komora do savjeta iz nekoliko europskih država koje navode svoje regulative. Iako sam diplomirao na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu, odstažirao u Zagrebu i položio državni ispit, dobio sam samo privremenu dozvolu i odbijena mi je specijalizacija temeljem svoje nacionalnosti. Thus, I implore you to make the necessary changes in the regulations set forth by the Croatian Chamber of Medicine to include third national doctors, so that when the opportunity arises to fulfill the deficit of doctors in Croatia, a Croatian-trained doctor can have the right to practice finally his oath. Stoga, molim Vas da uvedete neophodne promjene i u regulative postavljene od strane Hrvatske liječničke komore, uključite i doktore-strane državljane, pa kada se ukaže prilika za popunjavanjem manjka doktora u Hrvatskoj, da i doktor koji se školovao u RH ima pravo prakticirati zvoj poziv. Thank you for your patience and Sincerely, Hvala na pažnji, Dr. Azman S poštovanjem Dr. Azman Important Legislation Važne odredbe u zakonodavstvu From The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia: Iz Ustava Republike Hrvatske: Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms 1. Common Provisions Temeljne slobode i prava čovjeka i građanina Article 14 All persons in the Republic of Croatia shall enjoy rights and freedoms, regardless of race, colour, gender, language, religion, political or other conviction, national or social origin, property, birth, education, social status or other characteristics. All persons shall be equal before the law.1 Članak 14. Sve osobe u Republici Hrvatskoj imaju sva prava i slobode, neovisno o njihovoj rasi, boji kože, spolu, jeziku, vjeri, političkom ili drugom uvjerenju, nacionalnom ili socijalnom podrijetlu, imovini, rođenju, naobrazbi, društvenom položaju ili drugim osobinama. Svi su pred zakonom jednaki. Introduction UVOD Being a third national doctor in Croatia, an EU country, it is nearly impossible to be accepted for any position. Since Croatia’s accession in to the EU, there have been amendments to the ordinances governing third nationals in the country. I attended the full program at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Medicine, did the one year internship, the state licensing exam in Croatian, and am now having difficulty obtaining a permanent license, as I do not have the same rights as Croatian or EU nationals despite my commitment to Croatia. Gotovo je nemogude dobiti bilo kakav posao u Hrvatskojčlanici EU-a, ako ste liječnik i istodobno državljanin jedne od zemalja tredeg svijeta. Otkako je Hrvatska primljena u punopravno članstvo Europske Unije donesene su brojne izmjene i dopune u pravilnicima koji uređuju prava osoba iz zemalja nečlanica EU-a. Pohađao sam i završio cjelokupni studijski program na Medicinskom fakultetu sveučilišta u Zagrebu,odradio godinu dana stažiranja, položio državni stručni ispit na hrvatskom jeziku, ali usprkos tome ne mogu dobiti redovnu liječničku licencu zbog toga što nemam ista prava kao hrvatski državljani ili državljani zemalja EU-a iako osjedam vrlo veliku privrženost prema Hrvatskoj. Background POVIJEST In 2003, I moved to Croatia to attend the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Medicine. It was originally in English and a Harvard Medical International program that had the promise of being, “USMLE Included”. This is a very important fact that attracted a lot of students, because most medical graduates will have to spend around USD 10,000 to complete all three steps of the USMLE. Within the third year, the school dropped the program and adjusted to become compliant with the Bologna system. 2003. godine doselio sam se u Hrvatsku da bih pohađao Medicinski fakultet sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Program je prvotno bio na engleskom jeziku kao dio Harvardskog međunarodnog liječničkog programa koji je trebao biti priznat i kao licenca za liječnika u SAD-u. To je vrlo važna činjenica koja je privukla mnoge student jer inače vedina diplomanata medicine mora platiti oko 10 000 američkih dolara da bi položili sva tri stupnja potrebna za dobivanje liječničke licence u SAD-u. Tijekom trede godine studija, fakultet je odustao od programa te uskladio studij sa Bolonjskim procesom. 1. Zajedničke odredbe: I graduated on time in 2009 and decided to go back home to Malaysia only to find that the degree is not recognized.2 After four months of being unemployed, I moved back to Croatia and applied for the internship, only to find out that I needed a Croatian Citizenship to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Attend the internship, Do the state licensing examination, To be regularly licensed, and To be able to specialize. Diplomirao sam u roku 2009. godine, te sam se odlučio vratiti kudi u Maleziju da bih tamo saznao da mi ne priznaju diplomu. Nakon što sam bio nezaposlen 4 mjeseca, odlučio sam se vratiti u Hrvatsku i prijaviti za stažiranje, no tada sam saznao da trebam hrvatsko državljanstvo da bih mogao: 1. Odraditi stažiranje 2. Položiti državni stručni ispit 3. Dobiti redovnu liječničku licencu 4. Dobiti priliku za specijalizaciju Dr. Jean Loup Gassend and I managed to amend the first in 2011 and the second in 2013, allowing the foreign graduates of the University of Zagreb to attend the internship and to do the state licensing examination. Dr. Gassend is a French national, which is a point that I will bring up later in this paper. Before Croatia joined the EU and all EU amendments to the laws took hold, I was allowed a license and easily obtained a job during the summer when doctors were lacking during peak tourist season.3 Dr. Jean Loup Gassend i ja smo uspjeli napraviti prve dvije od navedenih četiri stvari, te smo tako omogudili stranim diplomantima Sveučilišta u Zagrebu da stažiraju i polože državni stručni ispit. Dr. Gassend je francuski državljanin što je važna činjenica koju du kasnije obrazložiti. Prije hrvatskog pristupanja u EU i prije nego što su EU amandmani stupili na snagu, mogao sam dobiti liječničku licencu te sam vrlo lagano našao posao tijekom ljetne turističke sezone kada je postojao manjak liječnika. However after July 2013 when Croatia joined the EU, the laws changed and since I am a third national and would like to stay and work in a country missing 4500 doctors4 and Croatian doctors are leaving for better opportunities5,6 and the thing hindering me now are the new ordinances from the Ministry of Interior7, which states that I need to have an minimal one year employment contract and the Croatia! Most employers, even within the Ministry of Health, will not give a contract longer than 6 months unless you are in a specialization. According to the Croatian Chamber of Medicine (HLK), a person from a third nation has no right to specialize in Croatia8, thus limiting the possibilities of advancing my career. Međutim zakoni su se promijenili nakon što je Hrvatska ušla u EU te mi je kao državljaninu zemlje nečlanice EU-a koji bi želio raditi u zemlji u kojoj nedostaje 4500 liječnika i u kojoj hrvatski liječnici odlaze iz zemlje u potrazi za boljim prilikama, onemogudeno raditi zbog novih propisa MUP-a koji određuju da za dobivanje radne dozvole morate imati ugovor o radu u mnimalnom trajanju od godine dana. Međutim vedina poslodavaca, čak i unutar samog Ministarstva zdravstva, ne daju ugovore na duži rok od 6 mjeseci osim ako ne pohađate specijalizaciju. Hrvatska Liječnička Komora propisuje da državljanin zemlje izvan EU-a nema pravo obavljati specijalizaciju u Hrvatskoj te tako ograničavaju moj profesionalni napredak. In the newly published proclamation from the HLK, in the “Pravilnik o izdavanju, obnavljanju i oduzimanju odobrenja za samostalan rad (licence)” (članak 21-29)9, a person like me has no right to a full license due to my nationality despite: 1. Graduating from the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Medicine10, 2. Completing my internship at KBC “Sestre Milosrdnice”11 in Zagreb, and 3. Passing the Croatian State Licensing Examination in on April 25, 2013. U novom pravilniku HLK-e: “Pravilnik o izdavanju, obnavljanju i oduzimanju odobrenja za samostalan rad (licence) osoba poput mene nema pravo na trajnu liječničku licencu samo zbog mog stranog državljanstva lako sam: 1. Završio Medicinski fakultet u Zagrebu 2. Stažirao u KBC ”Sestre Milosrdnice” u Zagrebu 3. Položio državni stručni ispit na hrvatskom This would not be a problem, but the health institutions have not caught up to European Union standards and still require many documents that a Croatian-graduated, third-national like me cannot obtain. The usual requirements to obtain a position: To mi predstavlja problem zato jer se hrvatske zdravstvene institucije još nisu uskladile sa EU standardima te traže mnoge dokumente koje strani državljanin poput mene ne može dobiti. Također tu je još I nemogudnost dobivanja specijalizacije za državljane” tredih zemalja” u Hrvatskoj. "In addition to a written request, submit: resume and a copy of: diplomas, license, identity cards, certificates of proficiency in a foreign language and an electronic record or certificate from the Croatian Pension Insurance Institute of proof of employment." - Zavod za hitnu medicine Grada Zagreba). “Uz pisanu zamolbupriložiti: životopis i presliku: diplome, licence, osobne iskaznice, potvrde o poznavanju stranogjezika i elektronsk izapi s ili potvrdu Hrvatskog zavoda za mirovinsko osiguranje o random stažu.” Another aspect to consider is the lack of the ability to specialize in Croatia for third nationals. According to the EU Directive 2013/25/EC12, the equivalent to a General Practitioner in the EU is to have a specialty in Obiteljska Medicina or Family Medicine. Since I cannot specialize in Croatia due to my nationality, my career is blocked only by administration. I understand the need of compliance of qualifications between nations and schools before a specialization is given. However, my qualifications and license were obtained in Croatia, and in most EU countries, there would be no hindrance in obtaining further training only based on nationality if this was the case. Prema direktivi EU-a liječnik specijaliziran za opdu medicinu u EU je jednak liječniku koji je specijalizirao obiteljsku medicinu u Hrvatskoj. S obzirom da zbog svog državljanstva ne mogu odraditi specijalizaciju u Hrvatskoj administracija direktno blokira moju karijeru. Shvadam potrebu da se uskladi stupanj obrazovanja među različitim nacijama i fakultetima prije davanja odobrenja za specijalizaciju. Međutim,ja sam svoje obrazovanje stekao u Hrvatskoj i u vedini drugih zemalja EU-a ne bi postojale zapreke za specijalizacijom utemeljene samo na mom stranom državljanstvu. Looking after my future third national colleagues graduating from the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Medicine, I am also worried that since Croatia is lowering the length of internship to five months13, this will not comply with the time of training needed for compliance with the EU Directive 2005/36/EC14. Therefore, for third nationals, they are not qualified to practice after attending and completing their medical education in Croatia. In comparison, EU citizens, like Dr. Gassend, have the right to a regular license once they finish their five month internship and will be compliant in the EU. S obzirom na to da je Hrvatska smanjila duljinu stažiranja na 5 mjeseci, zabrinut sam i za druge kolege državljane tredih zemalja koji zbog toga nede modi udovoljiti direktivi EU-a. Dakle državljani tredih zemalja nede modi stedi kvalifikacije za rad nakon završetka studija u Hrvatskoj. Za razliku od njih, državljani zemalja EU-a poput dr.Gassenda, imaju pravo na dobivanje redovito licence nakon završetka 5 mjeseci stažiranja, te de se modi zaposliti u cijeloj EU. Conclusion ZAKLJUČAK With the restrictions from the government and the global shortage of doctors, I cannot help but wonder why there are bureaucratic roadblocks in this profession. When I attended medical school, my thirst for knowledge and need to be a person who can eventually help society peaked. However after graduation, with the lack of guidance, I was lost as a medical doctor and have been fighting the system to let me work with patients. I have the motivation to extend my knowledge and train in Internal Medicine, allowing me to work with a wide range of patients, diseases and make my impact on society. S obzirom na ograničenja od strane vlasti te na opdi nedostatak liječnika u svijetu moram priznati da mi nije jasno zašto postoje tolike birokratske zapreke u ovoj profesiji. Pohađao sam studij medicine zbog želje za znanjem i volje da potaknem pozitivne promjene u društvu. Međutim nakon završetka studija trošim vrijeme na borbu sa administracijom da mi omogudi da radim kao liječnik sa pacijentima. Želim sticati nova znanja te se usavršiti u području interne medicine koja bi mi omogudila da radim sa različitim vrstama bolesti kod pacijenata, te da tako ostavim svoj pozitivan utjecaj na društvo. Simply because of my nationality, I and many others in my position cannot formally apply for any position or find our direction in medicine. From all the articles and regulations, the future of medical care in the EU can be easily fixed by alleviating the differentiation between nations and its borders. Međutim, ja i mnogi slični meni nismo u mogudnosti ostvariti nikakvu karijeru u medicine isključivo zato što smo strani državljani tredih zemalja. Usprkos postojanju brojnih pravila I propisa,bududnost medicinske skrbi u EU se može lako popraviti ublažavanjem razlike između različitih nacija i država. - Zavod za hitnu medicine Grada Zagreba). What Can Be Done? ŠTO SE MOŽE UČINITI? Add an exemption to the ordinance that states that a person who interns and passes the Croatian state licensing examination can be granted a regular full license to practice in Croatia. This is done in all other countries in the European Union and the ability to specialize is not dependent on nationality. Treba se samo dodati aneks u pravilnik koji bi propisivao da osoba koja je završila staž i položila državni stručni ispit u Hrvatskoj može dobiti redovnu liječničku licencu za samostalan rad u Hrvatskoj. To su ved napravile sve druge zemlje članice EU-a, te se u njima mogudnost specijalizacije ne uvjetuje nečijim državljanstvom. Sources | Izvori 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Lista e-mailova List of Received Emails Denmark Dear Dr. Azman In order to work as a doctor in Denmark you must have an authorisation from the Danish Health and Medicines Authority. You will find useful information on their webpage: Best regards Susanne Holsaae Danish Medical Association International Team Department of Health Policy Kristianiagade 12 DK – 2100 Copenhagen Tel.: 35 44 85 00 Tel.: 35 44 82 23 (Direct) Telefax.: 35 44 8505 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Norway Dear Sir, with reference to your E-mail. To practise as a physician in Norway you will need to apply for a license (permanent or temporary). The application should be sent to: Norwegian Registration Authority for Health Personnel (SAK) P.O. Box 8053 Dep NO-0031 OSLO Norway Visiting address is Calmeyersgt. 1 Tel: +47 21 52 97 00 E-mail: [email protected] See for information about application etc. Medical practitioners who have received their education and training outside of Norway must satisfy a number of specific requirements before they can be officially authorized to practise in Norway. These requirements vary, for example according to the country in which the education and training took place. For specialist approval, please contact: The Norwegian Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet) P.O. Box 7000 St. Olavs plass NO-0130 OSLO Norway Visiting address is Universitetsgt. 2 Tel: +47 810 200 50 E-mail: [email protected] See for further information. Most vacancies are published in the Journal of The Norwegian Medical Association (Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening). The journal is published three times monthly and the printed edition is in Norwegian language only. A subscription to The Journal costs approximately NOK 2,500 a year. You will find more information on The vacancies are also available on You may also take direct contact with hospital departments to find out if they have short term vacancies. The Norwegian Medical Association cannot provide specific information regarding vacancies. Usually there are many applicants to each hospital job and it is impossible to obtain a job for a non-Norwegian speaking doctor. A fair command of the Norwegian language is necessary before you can be employed as a physician in Norway. The Norwegian Registration Authority for Health Personnel (mentioned above) will have information about language requirements. You might also visit the following web-sites to get further information about language courses: You may also find useful information at NOKUT, which recognizes foreign higher education qualifications in response to applications by individuals and provides information to holders of foreign qualifications about Norway’s various mechanisms for the recognition and authorization of foreign qualifications: NOKUT (Nasjonalt organ for kvalitet i utdanningen) P.O. Box 1708 Vika NO-0121 OSLO Norway Visiting address: Kronprinsens gate 9, 4th floor Tel: +47 21 02 18 00 See for more information. Yours sincerely The Norwegian Medical Association Brit Torill Gutbier Department of Professional Affairs Section of education Dear Brit Torill Gutbier, Thank you for your prompt reply. Therefore the only thing hindering an application to Norway is my command of the language. The question was based, because in Croatia, I am nearly fluent, but based on my nationality, I cannot specialize. Is this the same as in Norway? Thank you, Dr. Azman Dear Dr. Azman, Doctors within Norway, no matter what nationality they have, can become specialists. There is no restriction based on nationality. But, yes, of course language fluency is required. Since you come from outside the EU, you would need to apply work permits, residency permits and such. Please contact: Norwegian Directorate of Immigration P.O.Box 8108 Dep N-0032 Oslo NORWAY Tel: +47 23 35 15 00 Yours sincerely The Norwegian Medical Association Brit Torill Gutbier Department of Professional Affairs Section of education United Kingdom Dear Dr Azman Thank you for your email about obtaining registration with a licence to practise. As you are an International Medical Graduate (IMG) you will need to satisfy us that: your English language skills meet the requirements set out in our guidance you hold an acceptable primary medical qualification your fitness to practise is not impaired you have the necessary medical knowledge and skills. You would demonstrate your medical knowledge and skills in one of the following ways: a pass in the PLAB test sponsorship by a GMC approved sponsor possession of an acceptable postgraduate qualification eligibility for entry onto the Specialist or GP Registers. You can find more information about applying on our IMG web page. We strongly recommend you also read our guidance for doctors thinking about applying for registration. If your application is successful, you will be restricted to working in an approved practice setting (APS) until your first revalidation. Please see our APS web page for more information. If you would like to discuss this further, please reply to this email or call me. Yours sincerely Ian Quinn Contact Centre Adviser Registration and Revalidation Directorate Telephone: 0161 923 6602 (+44 161 923 6602 from outside the UK) Website: Dear Mr. Quinn, Thank you for your prompt reply. The question was based, because in Croatia, based on my NATIONALITY, I cannot specialize. Is this the same as in the UK? Do I have rights for a full license or just temporary (only valid during employment periods). Thank you, Dr. Azman Dear Dr Azman Thank you for your email regarding our rules on joining the specialist register. There are no restrictions on nationality for joining the specialist register, subject to fulfilling the adequate criteria to apply. You would also have to hold full registration in order to be granted specialist registration. egister.asp If you would like to discuss this further, please reply to my email or call me on the number below. Yours sincerely Duncan Duncan Schofield Contact Centre Adviser Registration and Revalidation Directorate Telephone: 0161 923 6602 (+44 161 923 6602 from outside the UK) Website: Germany Dear Dr bin Azman, Thank you for your email. The German Medical Association (Bundesärztekammer) is the federation of the 17 state chambers of physicians in Germany. As the central organisation in the system of medical self-governance, it represents the professional interests of the 459, 021 physicians of Germany (data 31/12/2012). In order to practise medicine in Germany, you will need to obtain a licence to practise medicine (Approbation = full licence, Berufserlaubnis = temporary licence). Since the act on improving the appraisal and recognition of professional qualifications gained abroad (Gesetz zur Verbesserung der Feststellung und Anerkennung im Ausland erworbener Berufsqualifikationen – “Anerkennungsgesetz”) came into force on 1 April 2012, it has been possible for all applicants to apply for a full licence to practise medicine regardless of their nationality. The competent authorities responsible for issuing the licence to practice medicine are the state health authorities of the individual federal states (Oberste Landesgesundheitsbehörden). You can find a list of addresses of the state health authorities on our website: The relevant legal documents relating to admission to the medical profession may be found under the following link (Licensing Regulations for Physicians – Approbationsordnung, Federal Medical Regulation – Bundesärzteordnung): The state health authorities compare basic medical qualifications and medical licences gained abroad with the provisions contained within the Licensing Regulations for Physicians in order to assess their equivalency. If foreign qualifications are not deemed to be equivalent then it is decided whether disparities in medical training can be compensated for by relevant professional experience. If this is not the case then applicants must carry out a proficiency test (those with medical qualifications from outside the EU) or an aptitude test (those with medical qualifications from an EU Member State). Proof of sufficient German language skills to at least level B2 (intermediate) of the common European framework of reference is generally required. Please contact the relevant state health authority for further information on the specific details of equivalency assessment, the documents required to make an application, proficiency and aptitude tests, and the changes to the legal situation as a result of the Anerkennungsgesetz. All physicians are mandatory members of the state chambers of physicians (Landesärztekammer) of the federal state where they work. As corporations under public law, the state chambers of physicians are in charge of the administration of all matters related to specialty training in Germany. The content and periods of specialty training for each field are set out in the specialty training regulations of the state chambers of physicians. You may find the addresses of hospitals and physicians entitled to conduct speciality medical training under the heading “Weiterbildung” on the websites of the state chambers of physicians. For a list of websites and contact details see: You may also find useful information on specialty training on our website (in German): As the bodies responsible for specialty training, the state chambers of physicians are also responsible for the recognition of periods of specialty training carried out abroad, as well as specialty medical qualifications from abroad. Membership of a state chamber of physicians is a prerequisite for the assessment and possible recognition of specialty training qualifications gained abroad. Detailed information regarding visa regulations may be found on the website of the Federal Foreign Office: We hope this information has been useful to you. Best regards, Rosie Ellis Sachbearbeiterin / Programme Assistant Dear Ms. Rosie Ellis, Thank you for your prompt reply. The question was based, because in Croatia, based on my NATIONALITY, I cannot specialize. Is this the same as in Germany? Do I have rights for a full license or just temporary (only valid during employment periods). Thank you, Dr. Azman Dear Dr Azman, Thank you for your email. As mentioned in my previous email, since the act on improving the appraisal and recognition of professional qualifications gained abroad (Gesetz zur Verbesserung der Feststellung und Anerkennung im Ausland erworbener Berufsqualifikationen – “Anerkennungsgesetz”) came into force in Germany on 1 April 2012, it has been possible for all applicants to apply for a full licence to practise medicine regardless of their nationality. A license to practise is a prerequisite for becoming a member of a state chamber of physicians and carrying out specialty training (all physicians are mandatory members of the state chambers of physicians (Landesärztekammer) of the federal state where they work). These are the bodies responsible for all matters pertaining to specialisation. For a list of websites and contact details see: As the German Medical Association is not the competent authority for granting the license to practice, we cannot assess individual cases. Please contact the relevant state health authority for further information on the specific details of changes to the legal situation as a result of the Anerkennungsgesetz. You can find a list of addresses of the state health authorities on our website: I hope this answers your question. Kind regards, Rosie Ellis Austria Dear Mr Muhammad Zeitsev bin Azman, MD BSc, I regret to inform you that one of the prerequisites to engage in a medical activity for training purposes in Austria is either EEA citizenship, or a specific valid residence permit or residence title in Austria according to the Austrian settlement residence act (NAG) or recognized right of asylum or subsidiary protection status. EEA and non – EEA Member Country nationals being granted equal treatment having graduated from a Medical University outside of the EEA have to have their medical degree recognised as equivalent with Austrian standards by an Austrian University. Nostrification means the recognition of a third-country medical degree in Austria and it usually means that further exams have to be passed at university in Austria in order to obtain the recognition. However, this process of nostrification is purely within the competence of Austrian medical universities (Vienna, Graz or Innsbruck). Further information regarding medical activity in Austria can be found in our information leaflet for EEA-citizens and non – EEA Member Country nationals being granted equal treatment. Foreign medical doctors who do not fulfill the above mentioned prerequisites only have the possibility to apply for an authorization according to § 8 par 5 or §35 of the Austria Medical Act (see attached leaflets). § 8 par. 5 medical act – Postgraduate training undergone by foreign doctors without EU-nationality If you apply for an authorization according to § 8,5 postgraduate training may be undergone in any specialty (that means 4 years of the main course of specialization) or in any subspecialty (if applicant has a qualification of a specialist doctor). An authorization according to § 8, 5 can only be granted if the costs are born by the home country or a supranational organization. Any funding by private persons or institutes is impossible. The certificate the medical doctor will obtain upon completion of training however does not constitute a basis for claiming the right to medical practice in Austria. § 35 medical act – Medical activites for educational purposes, undertaken by foreign doctors An authorization according to § 35 is for educational purposes only and may only be extended for a period of up to one year, respectively until the completion of a scientific paper. The maximum extension of this period is three years. A new authorisation may be granted not earlier than five years after the date of expiration of the prior authorisation. Kind regards, Irene Podest Mag. Irene Podest Österreichische Ärztekammer Internationales A-1010 Wien, Weihburggasse 10-12 Tel: +43 1 51406 – 3932 (fax – 63932) Odgovor iz Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova Reply From the Ministry of Interior Peticija Petition Recipient: Dr. Hrvoje Minigo, Dr. Rajko Ostojić, Mr. Ranko Ostojić, and dr. Ivica Babić Letter: Greetings, Please allow third national doctors, who passed the CROATIAN state licensing examination, to obtain a full license and right to specialize. Signatures Name Location Date Muhammad Azman Zagreb, Croatia 2013-10-23 Yeop Azman Zagreb, , Croatia 2013-10-23 Tomi Kovac Montreal, Canada 2013-10-23 Tatiana Azman Batang Kali, Malaysia 2013-10-23 Robert Fussi Zagreb, Cit, Croatia 2013-10-23 Vinko Triplat Zagreb, Cit, Croatia 2013-10-23 Hrvoje Butina Zagreb, Croatia 2013-10-23 Branimir Lasničko Zagreb, 2013-10-23 Jean-Loup Gassend Lausanne, 2013-10-23 Franko Haller Samobor, Croatia 2013-10-23 Marina Kos Zagreb, , Croatia 2013-10-23 Lidija Bokan Zagreb, Cit, Croatia 2013-10-23 Suncana Alvarado Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-10-23 lana kos Zagreb, Croatia 2013-10-23 Ena Meniga Zagreb, Croatia 2013-10-23 Luka Djulabić Zagreb, Gra, Croatia 2013-10-23 Tomislav Bogdanic Zagreb, Croatia 2013-10-23 Stefan Smogavc Zagreb, AL, Croatia 2013-10-23 Divo Ljubicic 10000, , Croatia 2013-10-23 Marina Sopta Zagreb, Cit, Croatia 2013-10-23 Diana Donigi Australia 2013-10-23 Barbara Kolbah Rijeka, 2013-10-23 Barbara Vanić Slavonski Brod, Bro, Croatia 2013-10-23 Mario Zrilic Zadar, 2013-10-23 Smita Thoduka Zagreb, Croatia 2013-10-23 Marija Kusulja Zagreb, 2013-10-23 Stjepan Glibo Zagreb, 2013-10-23 Jeremy Yung Hong Kong, 2013-10-23 irena sokolovic Zagreb, , Croatia 2013-10-23 Tamara Janjić Zagreb, Cit, Croatia 2013-10-23 Name Location Date Lora Rajić Zagreb, Cit, Croatia 2013-10-23 Marina Capak Zagreb, Cit, Croatia 2013-10-23 Mercedes Firenza Zagreb, Gra, Croatia 2013-10-23 nasser chothia zagreb, 2013-10-23 Giulian Hamitaj Zagreb, , Croatia 2013-10-23 Senka Šprem Zagreb, Gra, Croatia 2013-10-23 Matija Cvitković Karlovac, Kar, Croatia 2013-10-23 jasna kolbah Zagreb, Cit, Croatia 2013-10-23 Hrvoje Simic Rijeka, 2013-10-23 Nenad Neskovic Osijek, Osi, Croatia 2013-10-23 Ana Sobota Zagreb, , Croatia 2013-10-23 Ivan Beluškov Sesvete, Cit, Croatia 2013-10-23 Rafael Astudillo Stockholm, 2013-10-23 Vedrana Gašpić Zidar Zagreb, Cit, Croatia 2013-10-23 Matija Raos Zagreb, , Croatia 2013-10-23 Mia Stanisic Zagreb, Croatia 2013-10-23 Romana Prskalo Zagreb, Croatia 2013-10-23 Nikola Blajic Köln, NRW, Germany 2013-10-23 Daniella Sankovic Zagreb, Cit, Croatia 2013-10-23 Tobias Stridbeck Zagreb, Croatia 2013-10-23 Lenart Zore Ljubljana, Slovenia 2013-10-23 Tonje Nordstrand Zagreb, Cit, Croatia 2013-10-23 Christopher Lambers Zagreb, Croatia 2013-10-23 raissa khirddine Zagreb, Cit, Croatia 2013-10-23 Latica Friedrich Zagreb, Gra, Croatia 2013-10-23 Berenice BRUC Zagreb, Cit, Croatia 2013-10-23 Volpé Thomas Zagreb, 2013-10-23 Ivor Forsek Zagreb, 2013-10-23 Tomislav Perko Zagreb, 2013-10-23 MAJA MUSIĆ VARAŽDIN, , Croatia 2013-10-23 Goran Kokorus Zagreb, 2013-10-23 Monika Viskovic Split, Spl, Croatia 2013-10-23 Name Location Date Ružica Nogolica Zadar, 2013-10-23 Tea Salai Beli Manastir, Osj, Croatia 2013-10-23 Bernardina Ćerlek Metković, Dub, Croatia 2013-10-23 Jurica Belle Dugo Selo, Zag, Croatia 2013-10-23 tihomir Lacko Zagreb, Cit, Croatia 2013-10-23 Gordana Hajduk Varaždin, Var, Croatia 2013-10-23 Ivan Kusić Rijeka, Pri, Croatia 2013-10-23 Robert Petković Belišće, Osj, Croatia 2013-10-23 irena adžić Požega, Pož, Croatia 2013-10-23 Ana Istvanovic Zagreb, , Croatia 2013-10-23 Antun Han Đakovo, Osi, Croatia 2013-10-23 yasmine atoui Zagreb, Cit, Croatia 2013-10-23 Martina Goricki Virje, , Croatia 2013-10-23 Maja Devčić Rijeka, , Croatia 2013-10-23 Branimir Klobucar Zagreb, Cit, Croatia 2013-10-23 Ivan Šoštarić Sisak, Sis, Croatia 2013-10-23 vlatka vuksic zagreb, , Croatia 2013-10-23 Andrej Papesa Murter, Šib, Croatia 2013-10-23 valentina ivancevic Zagreb, 2013-10-23 Samra Begovic Zagreb, Cit, Croatia 2013-10-23 Elvis Horozovic Umag, Ist, Croatia 2013-10-23 Ivan Zvonimir Matić Zagreb, Cit, Croatia 2013-10-23 Sara Mileta Zagreb, , Croatia 2013-10-23 Franjo Đolo Mostar, Fed, Bosnia and Herzegovina 2013-10-23 Lidija Miljas Cavtat, 2013-10-23 Barbara Benčić Zagreb, Gra, Croatia 2013-10-23 Martina Tanšek Kraljevac, Croatia 2013-10-23 Katarina Batista Slavonski Brod, , Croatia 2013-10-23 Monika Praljak Zagreb, Cit, Croatia 2013-10-23 Biserka Knezic Zagreb, Cit, Croatia 2013-10-23 Rasa Vizek Zagreb, 2013-10-23 Višnjica Movrić Novska, Croatia 2013-10-23 Name Location Date Filip Kopanica Krk, Pri, Croatia 2013-10-23 Marin Zovko Zagreb, Gra, Croatia 2013-10-23 Mirjana Komljenović ZAGREB, 2013-10-23 Marijana Mustra Zagreb, Cit, Croatia 2013-10-23 Zoran Marković Zagreb, Croatia 2013-10-23 Jesmin J London, , United Kingdom 2013-10-23 jurka jeran Ljubljana, Lju, Slovenia 2013-10-23 Ivana Podrug Solin, Spl, Croatia 2013-10-23 Marko Štrlek Umag, 2013-10-23 visnja kljajic Zagreb, , Croatia 2013-10-23 Jasna Boršić Jasna Boršić Zagreb, Cit, Croatia 2013-10-23 John Lodder Zagreb Croatia, 2013-10-23 Dominik Praljak Stavanger, Rog, Norway 2013-10-23 Veronika Lukić Koprivnica, Kop, Croatia 2013-10-23 Nina Barbić Zagreb, Gra, Croatia 2013-10-23 Maja Kokić Marjančaci, Osj, Croatia 2013-10-23 Marta Maljković Zagreb, , Croatia 2013-10-23 Marko Mravunac Jastrebarsko, Zag, Croatia 2013-10-23 Katerina Bakran Poreč, Ist, Croatia 2013-10-23 Lucija Beljan Zagreb, Croatia 2013-10-23 Martina Čapek Daruvar, 2013-10-23 Manuela Kaniški Varaždin, Var, Croatia 2013-10-23 Antonija Dzijan Beč, Beč, Austria 2013-10-23 Petra Novak Varaždin, Var, Croatia 2013-10-23 Ivana Ratković Nova Kapela, Bro, Croatia 2013-10-23 Sanela Besic Chicago, IL, United States 2013-10-23 mario muftić Zagreb, Cit, Croatia 2013-10-23 Tanja Čujić Zagreb, City of Zagreb, Croatia, 2013-10-23 Dina Koštan Croatia 2013-10-23 Marina Vosika Zagreb, 2013-10-23 vesna stefanovic Makarska, Spl, Croatia 2013-10-23 Max GASSEND France 2013-10-23 Name Location Date Sylvain Perret Lyon, RA, France 2013-10-23 Damir Katusic osijek, 2013-10-23 Asmir Junuzovic Zagreb, , Croatia 2013-10-23 Goran Krnjak Črečan, Croatia 2013-10-23 ratko grgicevic Zagreb, Cit, Croatia 2013-10-23 Mario Brljak Zagreb, Cit, Croatia 2013-10-23 Oxana Semenova Jastrebarsko, Zag, Croatia 2013-10-23 ivan LIVIĆ Zagreb, City of Zagreb, Croatia, 2013-10-23 Luka Flegar Germany 2013-10-23 Irena Rešković Slavonski Brod, Bro, Croatia 2013-10-23 Rana Tahir Rasool Zagreb, Cit, Croatia 2013-10-23 Monika Franjić Požega, Pož, Croatia 2013-10-23 Juraj Gjergja Zagreb, 2013-10-24 Martina Pelaic Zagreb, , Croatia 2013-10-24 Renea Vlatković Ploče, Dub, Croatia 2013-10-24 Andrea Lovrisa Zagreb, 2013-10-24 Martina Paleka Croatia 2013-10-24 Aiffel Azman Kuala Lumpur, Fed, Malaysia 2013-10-24 Marija Tresioglavic Zadar, 2013-10-24 Wouter Groen Groningen, 2013-10-24 Iva Lipović Rijeka, Pri, Croatia 2013-10-24 Zvonimir Novak Zagreb, 2013-10-24 Elizabeta Vučičević Županja, Vuk, Croatia 2013-10-24 Nives Gotovac Zagreb, , Croatia 2013-10-24 Nedjeljka Salopek Zagreb, Cit, Croatia 2013-10-24 Pål Ramberg Oslo, Norway, 2013-10-24 Larisa Mekis Parenzo, Reg, Croatia 2013-10-24 Darija Velan Zagreb, , Croatia 2013-10-24 Mesud Peco Sisak, Croatia 2013-10-24 jasmina nikić zagreb, 2013-10-24 Tomislav Hajduk Zagreb, Croatia 2013-10-24 Matija Pavlović Zabok, Kra, Croatia 2013-10-24 Name Location Date Andrea Špoljarec Zagreb, Cit, Croatia 2013-10-24 Morana Vouk Zagreb, , Croatia 2013-10-24 Snjezana Crnogorac Zagreb, , Croatia 2013-10-24 Neven Barsic Zagreb, Croatia 2013-10-24 Filip Hofer Zagreb, Cit, Croatia 2013-10-24 IVAN FRANKOVIĆ Zagreb, Cit, Croatia 2013-10-25 Nikolina Ćerlek Zagreb, Gra, Croatia 2013-10-25 Ljiljana Hlupic Zagreb, Gra, Croatia 2013-10-25 Nena Sudar Zagreb, 2013-10-25 Alan House Cary, NC, United States 2013-10-25 Ana Gavranic Rijeka, Croatia 2013-10-25 Tutu Dutta Zagreb, Cit, Croatia 2013-10-25 Lizawati Abdul Aziz Bintulu, Sar, Malaysia 2013-10-25 ana viskovic Croatia 2013-10-25 Amanda Lam Vancouver, BC, Canada 2013-10-26 Juan Miguel Vilhar Zadar, Zad, Croatia 2013-10-27 Miran Miljak Split, 2013-10-27
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