Bi-monthly newletter of THE COMMUNICATOR Hellenic Orthodox Church Holy Trinity February 2013—March 2013 Volume 13 62 Lewis Street – Lowell, MA 01854 Co-editors: George and Susan Pergakis Church Office: 978-458-8092 Fax: 978-970-0935 HAA School: 978-453-5422 Emergency phone: 781-632-3844 website: email: [email protected] Rev. Father Nikolaos D. Pelekoudas Presbyter CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 8:00-1:00 Secretary: Geraldine Themelis SERVICES Orthros 9:00 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 am Children are dismissed for Sunday School following Holy Communion PARISH COUNCIL OFFICERS President George Christopulos Vice President Fotis Relias Secretary Nicholas Theokas Treasurer George Pergakis SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTOR Joan Metropolis PRESIDENT OF THE PHILOPTOCHOS Florence (Dolly) Michaelides CHOIR DIRECTOR Eileen Crowell A message from Rev. Father Nikolaos… It is only to the extent to which we bring ourselves as an offering (let it be earthen vessels open to receive things Holy) that we can receive these Holy things. Weekly we come to church In the prayer that precedes the consecration of the After a week which we spend in Holy Gifts the priest says: «Renew us who pray to the twilight of the world, where Thee, and make this bread the Body of Christ, and the powers of good and the this cup — the Blood of Christ». It is only to the expowers of evil are in contest, tent to which we give ourselves to God to be filled, to when we are called to be the the extent which we empty ourselves of all things light of the world, the salt that prevents its corrup- contrary to Him, in intention, at least in the struggle tion, a living message that God has come, that victo- which should be ours that we can receive the gift. ry over evil is won, and all hopes are possible, indeed But this gift is not given to us alone; it is not given to all things are in the power of the Lord Jesus Christ us that we should hug it, possess it, and delight in it: who is our strength — after a whole week in this twiit is given to us in the way in which a lamp is lit, in light we come to church, and it is a moment when which a fire is lighted, in which the truth is given. two things should happen. Thanks be to God — we are not a body of people, It is a moment when we re-dedicate ourselves to God, prisoners of our buildings and our small frail Chrisbecause we bring at the same time in the Holy Litur- tian society! We are indeed sent into the world to be gy two kinds of gifts. On the one hand, the offering of God's own witnesses, through Communion to the our souls and bodies, the gift of ourselves which Body and Blood of Christ to be His incarnate presshould be unreserved, which we give according to our ence. When we receive Communion we expect all strength, but a strength that should grow day after things from God, but He also expects all things from day by the exercise of loyalty and faithfulness to God. us. And we also bring to God a sacrifice, an offering so Let us ponder on this. Let us receive with an open holy and so perfect, the life and the death of the Lord heart and an open mind, with all our being, what God Jesus Christ, His Resurrection and His Ascension ingives us, not in order to possess it but in order to to Heaven, and the vision of what we are called to be give it, to give it as generously as God gives Himself: — all of us together with all things created. Because life and death, our joy and our sorrow, our brokenit is not only mankind whom God has assumed in heartedness and our hopes — all to be given in God's Christ through the Incarnation — it is all things visiName to anyone who needs it. Then we shall have ble and invisible; the invisible through His Divinity fulfilled the Apostle's call: «Carry one another's burin the human soul, and the visible by His Incarnation, dens, and so you shall have fulfilled the law of by God taking flesh and becoming mysteriously and Christ». Amen. wonderfully akin to all that is material, visible, tangiAnthony Bloom (Metropolitan of Sourozh ble. All creation, not only saints and sinners, but all (1914- 2003)) things created can look at Christ's Body and rejoice because in Him they can see themselves in glory. When we come to God we expect a gift of grace, the power of life to be poured into us so that we should become truly new creatures; not only creatures of flesh and blood, not only created beings standing face to face with their Creator but also creatures, pervaded by the power and the presence, the true communion with God which is given to us in the Sacraments. Τὰ Ψυχοσάββατα Γιά τήν βαρυσήμαντη ἔννοια πού ἔχουν τά ψυχοσάββατα, θά ποῦμε ἐδῶ λίγα λόγια. Ἀπό τό πρῶτο συνθετικό τῆς λέξεως καταλαβαίνομε πώς οἱ μέρες αὐτές εἶναι ἀφιερωμένες στούς νεκρούς, στίς ψυχές, στόν κόσμο τῶν πνευμάτων. Ὁ ἄνθρωπος δέν εἶναι μόνο σῶμα πού βλέπομε νά ζεῖ, νά κινεῖται, νά ἐργάζεται, νά χαίρεται, νά ὑποφέρει, νά γηράσκει καί νά πεθαίνει. Εἶναι καί ἡ ψυχή ἡ ἀθάνατη, πού εὑρίσκεται ἑνωμένη μέ τό σῶμα, ὅσο ἐκεῖνο ζῆ. Ὅταν ὅμως πεθάνει τό σῶμα, ἡ ψυχή ζῆ, ὑπάρχει καί παραμένει ἀθάνατη. Εἶναι πνευματική ὑπόσταση, αἰώνια καί μεταφέρεται στόν ἀόρατο κόσμο τῶν πνευμάτων. αὐτές τίς ψυχές. Παράδοση Ἀποστολική, ἀρχαία, νά προσφέρονται δῶρα καί προσφορές, κερά, λιβάνια, κανδήλια, ὑπέρ τῶν νεκρῶν. «Δεκτά γάρ ταῦτα Θεῷ καί πολλήν φέροντα τήν ἀντίδοσιν», λέγει ὁ Μέγας Ἀθανάσιος, «Ἄς φροντίσομε γιά τήν ὠφέλεια τῶν νεκρῶν μας. Ἄς τούς δώσομε τήν πρέπουσα βοήθεια, ἐλεημοσύνες καί προσφορές, γιατί αὐτό τούς δίδει πολλή ἀνακούφιση καί κέρδος καί ὠφέλεια. Γιατί αὐτά δέν νομοθετήθηκαν στήν τύχη ἀλλά ἀπό τούς πανσόφους Μαθητές καί Ἀποστόλους τοῦ Κυρίου παρεδόθησαν στήν Ἐκκλησία, νά μνημονεύει ὁ ἱερέας πάνω στά ἄχραντα Μυστήρια τούς πιστούς πού ἐκοιμήθησαν», λέγει καί ὁ Ἅγιος Ἰωάννης ὁ Χρυσόστομος. Καί προσθέτει πώς «ὅσοι λησμονοῦν καί ἀποφεύγουν νά τελέσουν τά νενομισμένα στούς νεκρούς των θά ἔχουν εὐθύνη καί ἁμαρτία». Ἔτσι ἡ Ἐκκλησία, σάν φιλόστοργη μητέρα, δέν εἶναι μόνο γιά ὅσους ζοῦν στόν κόσμο τοῦτο, ἀλλά καί γιά Τά μνημόσυνα, λειτουργίες, ἐλεημοσύνες καί ὅσα τά παιδιά της πού πέθαναν καί ἡ ψυχή των ἄλλα γίνονται γιά τούς νεκρούς, ἔχουν μεγαλύτερη σημασία γιά κείνους πού πέθαναν σέ πολέμους, εὑρίσκεται στόν πνευματικό κόσμο. συμφορές καί καταστροφές, σέ ἐρημιές, σέ Ἡ διδασκαλία αὐτή εἶναι βασική ἀλήθεια τῆς θάλασσες, μέ θανάτους διαφόρους, καί μάλιστα ὀρθοδόξου πίστεώς μας. Σάν συνέχεια αὐτοῦ τοῦ ὅταν δέν εἶχαν κανένα δικό τους νά ἐνδιαφερθῆ γιά δόγματος εἶναι καί μία ἄλλη διδασκαλία στενά τήν ψυχή των. ἑνωμένη μέ τήν προηγούμενη. Εἶναι ἡ διδασκαλία περί τῆς ἀνταποδόσεως, τῆς κρίσεως. Ὁ Θεός θά Ἡ Εκκλησία μνημονεύει «τῶν ἀπό περάτων κεκοιμημένων πατέρων καί ἀδελφῶν», γιατί κρίνει τούς ἀνθρώπους σύμφωνα μέ τά ἔργα των. γνωρίζει τήν εὐσπλαχνία τοῦ Θεοῦ καί ὅτι «νικᾶ τό Ὁ ἄνθρωπος εἶναι ἁμαρτωλός καί ἔνοχος μπροστά φιλάνθρωπον». στήν θεία δικαιοσύνη, γιά μικρές ἤ μεγάλες ἁμαρτίες. Τό σοβαρότερο καθῆκον τοῦ ἀνθρώπου Ἡ στοργή αὐτή τῆς Ἐκκλησίας γιά τούς νεκρούς εἶναι εἶναι νά εὑρίσκεται πάντα ἕτοιμος γιά τήν ἄλλη ζωή. καί μέγα μάθημα γιά τούς ζῶντες, γιατί τούς καλεῖ σέ συναίσθηση τῆς ἁμαρτωλότητός των, στήν Ἡ Εκκλησία εὔχεται πάντοτε γιά τήν σωτηρία τῶν μετάνοια καί στήν σταθερή προετοιμασία γιά τήν παιδιῶν της. Ἀγωνίζεται νά καταρτίζει ἁγίους, γιά τή σωτηρία τῆς ψυχῆς των στήν αἰωνιότητα τοῦ Θεοῦ. βασιλεία τῶν οὐρανῶν. Πολλοί ὅμως ἄνθρωποι πεθαίνουν μέ ὁρισμένες ἀτέλειες καί ρύπους, ὄχι Τιμόθεος Παπουτσάκης (Ἀρχιεπίσκοπος Κρήτης (+)) γιατί ἦσαν ἄπιστοι καί ἀσεβεῖς, ἀλλά ἀπό ἀδυναμίες ἴσως νά ἦλθε καί ὁ θάνατος ξαφνικά καί ἔφυγαν ἀτελεῖς καί ἐλαττωματικοί στήν ἀρετή καί τήν ἁγιότητα. Ἡ Εκκλησία ἔρχεται βοηθός καί παρήγορος καί γι’ WEEKDAY SERVICES FOR FEBRUARY 2013 & MARCH 2013 February 2, Saturday ~ Presentation of our Lord into the Temple SACRAMENTS BAPTISM February 6, Wednesday ~ St. Photios February 8, Friday ~ Prophet Zacharias March 9, Saturday ~ 1st Saturday of Souls March 16, Saturday ~ 2nd Saturday of Souls March 22, Friday (6 pm) ~ Salutations to the Theotokos March 23, Saturday ~ 3rd Saturday of Souls March 25, Monday ~ Annunciation of the Theotokos March 26, Tuesday ~ Synaxis in honor of Archangel Gabriel March 29, Friday (6 pm) ~ Salutations to the Theotokos ΕΒΔὉΜΑΔΙΑΙὉΝ ΕὉΡΤὉΛὉΓΙὉΝ ΦΕΒΡὉΥΑΡΙὉΥ-ΜΑΡΤΙὉΥ 2013. Adult Baptism November 24, 2012 Christina St. Arnaud Daughter of Paul and Estell (Plantanites) St. Arnaud Godparent—Athena Elene Panagiotakos Infant Baptism January 13, 2013 Mia Olivia Arseniou, Daughter of Kostandinos Arseniou-Laflamme and Jillian Mary Healy Godparent—George Arseniou ΦΕΒΡὉΥΑΡΙὉΣ. Σάββατο, 2 Φεβρουαρίου. Ἡ Υπαπαντή του Κυρίου. Τετάρτη, 6 Φεβρουαρίου. Του Αγίου Φωτίου. Παρασκευἠ, 8 Φεβρουαρίου. Ζαχαρίου του προφήτου. ΜΑΡΤΙὉΣ. Σάββατο, 9 Μαρτίου. Πρώτο Σάββατο των Ψυχών. Σάββατο, 16 Μαρτίου Δεύτερο Σάββατο των Ψυχών. Παρασκευή, 22 Μαρτίου. Ὁι Χαιρετισμοί της Θεοτόκου ( 6 00 μ.μ. ) Σάββατο, 23 Μαρτίου. Τρίτο Σάββατο των Ψυχών. Δευτέρα, 25 Μαρτίου. Ὁ Ευαγγελισμός της Υπεραγίας Θεοτόκου και η επέτειος της Εθνικής μας γιορτής. Τρίτη, 26 Μαρτίου. Σύναξις του Αρχαγγέλου Γαβριήλ. Παρασκευή, 29 Μαρτίου. Ὁι χαιρετισμοί της Θεοτόκου ( 6 00 μ.μ. ) With thanks to Niki Ladakos for her translation January 27, 2013 Alexis Yannakopoulos Daughter of Konstas and Lisa (Shang) Yannakopoulos Godparents—Nicole and Thomas DeMarie IN MEMORIAM November 16, 2012 ~ Demetrios Kalarites December 19, 2012 ~ Vaios Zarakotas January 1, 2013 ~ Marie Laganas January 9, 2013 ~ Mary C. Laganas Father Nikolaos and the Parish Council would like to see 2013 be a year in which we see a significant rise in our church membership. Ecclesiastically, we all maintain memHappy New Year .. !!! bership in good standing of Holy Trinity This past Sunday, Father Ni- church, and all are encouraged to partake in all the Sacraments of the church and pray kolaos cut the Vasilopita at the conclusion of the Sunday together each and every Sunday. Please encourage your family, friends, children and service and the Ladies Philoptochos hosted grand-children to attend church regularly the luncheon/coffee hour. Both were very and to join and maintain their membership. well attended and we are blessed that our community is thriving with activities for the Our church is sending the year 2013 dues nocoming year. tices out shortly. In addition to the 3 memOne of the largest social events this year will bership categories (Family obligation - $400, Individual obligation - $300, Full time Stube a Holy Trinity Church Picnic. Many parishioners have approached me to offer help dent obligation - $200), you will also notice in forming a committee to make this event a an additional Stewardship line that has been reality this year. I’m very happy to see people added for those Parishioners who would like engaging themselves in committees and work to, and are able to, make additional donations to support our church and its missions. I look to the church above their yearly financial dues support. forward to a successful picnic for 2013. This past Thursday evening during our most Please ensure you continue to be a financial recent Parish Council meeting, a motion was member in good standing by submitting your dues in a timely fashion. brought forth and approved by the Parish Council to contract with Paul Davies Archi- As we move into the colder months on the tectural firm. They will handle the architec- calendar where travel and walking can be diftural requirements for the Phase 2 restoraficult for some of our senior parishioners, tion of the interior of our church. We will please make every effort to ask if some need soon schedule a walkthrough with the archi- rides to or from church or functions. tects to draft a list of items that the parish As we toast in the New Year, let’s make sure would like to see restored as well as damwe re-fill our glasses full of love for our aged areas repaired in the church interior. church, families, friends, children and those Once we prioritize these items, the architects less fortunate than us. The biggest joy of bewill go about their work in preparing the ing an Orthodox Christian is showing the necessary drawings and documents needed world you’re an Orthodox Christian with and put the work out to bid to General Contractors who would be interested in bidding your acts, words and deeds. Enjoy a Blessed New Year on this work. In anticipation of this walkthrough, I would like to encourage all parishioners to contact any member of the Parish Council to ensure all areas, that they see, needing repair and restoration get covered during the walk-through and listing of the areas needing work. From our Parish Council President, George Christopulos Happy 2013 from the Sunday school! It’s January and I find that Sunday school attendance starts to slow down after Christmas. Please try to bring your children to Sunday school, we truly love to see them and miss them when they are not here. Pancake Breakfast 2012 The pancake breakfast was awesome, and well attended by not just only the children but our parishioners, what a wonderful way to celebrate the holidays. A big thank you to Mark, Evie, and George Ivos for your expertise in pancake making. The pancakes were delicious, and we all had a great time. Thank you, to the Papanotis family, and Margaret Petropoulakis, for their generous donation of the pancake supplies, in memory of Kiki Papanotis, and Peter Petropoulakis. We really appreciate it. The children were stuffed with pancakes and made a couple of Christmas crafts. Thanks to all who helped serve and cleanup? Next pancake breakfast is on Saturday of Lazarus! Christmas Pageant 2012 The Christmas Pageant was beautiful (See pictures). Every year the children do such a great job. I am so proud of them all. The boys really loved the stick on mustaches and goatees, they were so cute. Thanks to all of you, who helped to keep things running smoothly. The teachers, the parents, and those of you who sang with the choir, I can always count on all of you. Thank you to Marian Themeles for her beautiful performance of Mary did you know, it gave me goose bumps. I wish all of you a Happy Healthy Blessed New Year!! Joan Metropolis Our next Sunday school fun day - Saturday February 2, 2013 Educational Bingo held in the church hall THE SUNDAY SCHOOL CHRISTMAS TREE RAFFLE HELD ON DECEMBER 22, 2012 WAS WON BY THE GENDRON FAMILY. THE RAFFLE FUNDS RAISED ENABLED OUR SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILDREN TO MAKE DONATIONS TO SAINT BASILS ACADEMY AND THE PHILOXENIA HOUSE. Father Nikolaos speaks to the HAA Students about the meaning of Christmas. CHRISTMAS PAGEANT PHOTOS 2012 by Louanne Theokas CHRISTMAS PAGEANT PHOTOS 2012 by Louanne Theokas MEMBERSHIP AND DUES STATUS – 2010, 2011, 2012 (AS OF 1/2/2013) YEAR # MEMBERS TOTAL OBLIGATION AMOUNT NOT PAID # MEMBERS DELINQUENT 2010 653 $204,615 $25,310 (12.4%) 83 2011 604 $192,165 $22,910 (11.9%) 72 2012 646 $204,765 $38,725 (18.9%) 125 THE MAJOR INCOME SOURCE FOR OUR CHURCH IS FROM MEMBERSHIP DUES. THIS INCOME PAYS OUR CHURCH SALARIES, UTILITIES AND OTHER OBLIGATIONS AND EXPENSES. AS WE BEGIN TO COLLECT 2013 DUES, THERE ARE STILL SIGNIFICANT OUTSTANDING DUES FROM PRIOR YEARS. PLEASE MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO STAY CURRENT WITH YOUR DUES TO ENSURE OUR CHURCH IS FINANCIALLY SOUND THIS YEAR AND BEYOND………….. FROM YOUR PARISH COUNCIL AUDITORS AND MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE. DONATION TO HOLY TRINITY ST. NICHOLAS CHURCH—STATEN ISLAND, NY At the December 2012 meeting of The Philoptochos society, in addition to meeting our National, Diocese and local obligations, our members voted to donate $5000.00 to Rev. Nicholas Petropoulakos’ Holy Trinity-St. Nicholas Church on Staten Island. The intent of the donation was to help those parishioners in his community adversely affected by Hurricane Sandy. Father Nick was born and raised here in Lowell at the Holy Trinity Church. His mother Margaret is an active member of the Philoptochos and our Holy Trinity Church. In a letter received on December 20, 2012, Rev. Petropoulakos acknowledged “ Your generous gift to those who suffered so greatly here on Staten Island is a true example of the Parable of the Good Samaritan. You truly recognized that our residents are your ‘neighbors’ and you ‘bounded up our wounds and took care of us’. In closing, Rev. Petropoulakos closed by saying “I pray that God will bless all of you with health, happiness and peace. Thanks in the Lord”. From the desk of the Philoptochos President… Florence (Dolly) Michaelides Dear Parishioners, Once again you have shown your generosity and compassion for our Greater Lowell Community. Your donations of hats, mittens, and gloves to “The Wish Project” was overwhelming! Thank you so much! In addition to our visit to the Philoxenia House, local nursing homes and shut-ins, Philoptochos extended its helping hand beyond the local area - even beyond our state - to the victims of Hurricane Sandy in New York with a donation of $5,000 to Holy Trinity – St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church on Staten Island. The contribution was warmly received! It was wonderful to see so many of you at the Vasilopita Celebration – a special way for our community to come together! (By the way … a coin was found in the Vasilopita slice that Father Nick cut for Philoptochos! Good luck to us all)!!! Sunday, February 10th Wear Red for Heart Annual Spaghetti Dinner Meatfare Sunday, March 10th following the Divine Liturgy in the Cultural Center (More information to follow) To benefit the Holy Trinity Restoration Fund Foxwoods Casino Trip Possible Dates – Tuesday, April 16th Wednesday, April 17th (More information to follow) Meetings - 2013 Monday, March 4th Monday, April 1st THE PHILOPTOCHOS BROUGHT SANTA TO THE HAA WITH A GIFT FOR EACH STUDENT Fayla (Photine) Blanchette; a 1st grade HAA Student donates her savings to the poor For the Parish Council COFFEE HOUR VASILOPITA SPONSORED BY THE PHILOPTOCHOS Celebrating Magdaline’s Birthday! Philoptochos finds good luck coin! HELLENIC AMERICAN ACADEMY Zach Stevens Philoxenia House Students in the fifth, seventh and eighth grades at the Hellenic American Academy visited the Philoxenia House on Monday, December 17th. The Orthodox household, located in the Jamaica Plain section of Boston, offers housing and hospitality to individuals who come from Greece and all over the world to Boston for medical treatment. HAA students brought gifts for all of the children and residents of the house, and performed various Greek Christmas carols. His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios was present, along with the Rev. Nikolaos Pelekoudas of the Holy Trinity Hellenic Orthodox Church in Lowell. Principal Vina Troianello, fifth-grade teacher Melissa Mavrofrides, Greek teacher Maria Booras and members of the Holy Trinity Philoptochos Society. Hellenic American Academy Christmas Program It was a memorable night at the Hellenic American Academy for its annual Christmas Program. On Tuesday, December 11th Pre -K through grade 8 dazzled parents, grandparents and the community with Christmas Carols in both Greek and English, poems and a short play. Under the direction of Greek Teacher Maria Booras and the musical accompaniment of Business Development Manager Zachary Stevens on piano and Music Teacher Travis McGuire on guitar, the program was a joyous experience for all that attended. Polar Express The Polar Express came through the Hellenic American Academy on Friday, December 7th. The students dressed in their pajamas, drank hot chocolate and listened to the timeless Christmas tale The Polar Express. After the book concluded, Santa Claus made a surprise appearance for all of the children. They each got a chance to tell Santa what they wanted for Christmas. Cross Country Members of the Hellenic Cross Country Team received medals during Morning Prayer on Wednesday, December 5th. This marked the first year the Hellenic Cross Country Team was a part of the Ecumenical Council. C P R The Caring Well Institute presented CPR training for the sixth, seventh and eighth graders on January 10th. Students learned CPR through watching an instructional video and practiced with adult and infant figures. This ensured high quality techniques allowing the students to perform CPR effectively. MUSIC PROGRAM The UMass Lowell all male A Capella group "Hawkapella" raised close to $200 dollars for the Hellenic American Academy music program. The group and its fans were happy to contribute towards a better music education for the students at the Hellenic. The money was used to buy recorders for the third and fourth grade classes. WITH THANKS CHRISTMAS OFFERING DONORS Mary Miserlis Apostolos Psarris Harriet Anagnostopoulos Charles and Efthemia Nikitopoulos Nicholas Kefaleas William and Julie Theokas George Theokas George Tsapatsaris Chris and Penny Vurgaropoulos Nick and Gladys Economou Helen Koumpouras Nicholas and Virginia Karas Mary Zoghopoulos Effie Contos Bessie Bolianites Amalia Stys Persephoni Garas Stella Maniatakos Georgia Koumantzelis Penelope Nicholas (in memoy or Antonios and Joanna Savaris) George Eliopoulos X. D. Michaels Stan and Laura Pargas Steven and Helen Koules Mr. and Mrs. Christos Koumantzelis Helen Palavras Timothy and Bella Boutoures Robert and Bibi Di Serio George and Theda Triantafel Vasilios Spanos Fotene Vlahakis Stella Theokas Lambros Arseniou Stavroula Gavriel Mr. and Mrs. Chris Dabekis Theofista and Alexander Pergakis Donna Zouzas Mary Valcanas Betty Blazonis Alexander’s Pharmacy Mrs. Socrates Antonopoulos Maureen Villaras Christos and Christine Goulas John and Catherine Salis Catherine Natsios Leonidas Samaras, Jr. Xanthippe Samaras Gail Tsaffaras Christop and Nancy Papachristos Hermine Limberopoulos Joan Saxones Gormley William Poulios Lewis and Niki Demetroulakos Mr. and Mrs. Vasilios Vergados Peter Liakos Arthur Contos Geraldine Themelis Lillian Pelekasis Joan Michaels Jennie Brunelas Patricia Karohl Paul and Helen Diamantopoulos Apollo and Bessie Cricones John and Maria Gakis Olga Liakos Lawrence and Lynda Rocha Dr. George Gianis Thia Ploubides Timothy Hall Susan & George Pergakis Effie Nikolopoulos Efstathios and Theodora Stathopoulos Vassilios Giavis Pauline and James Miamis Chris Yianopoulos George and Jennie Panagopoulos John Kontos Dr. and Mrs. Michael Anthanasoulas George and Elaine Patsourakos John Lelos Mary Corbin George and Donna Christopulos Ourania Zografos Mary Laganas Olga Laganas Toula Laganas “Our Parish Remembers and offers prayers” ALEXANDER’S PHARMACY 505 Nashua road Dracut ma 01826 978-957-0330 Εύχομαι σε όλους σας καλή υγεία. Great health to all who read this George Kontos - B.S., R. Ph. M.R. LAURIN & SON FUNERAL HOME 295 Pawtucket Street Lowell, Massachusetts 01854 Tel: (978) 452-0121 Fax: (978) 458-6460 Serving the Community Since 1930 Funeral Directors Louis M. Fazio, III M. Richard Laurin – Scott Laurin
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