Greek Orthodox Metropolitan Cathedral of Saint John the Theologian March 10th, 2014 Volume 15: No. 1 ΛΟΓΟ ΚΑΣΗΧΗΣΗΡΙΟ ΕΠΙ ΣΗ ΕΝΑΡΞΕΙ ΣΗ ΑΓΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΣΕΑΡΑΚΟΣΗ ΜΕΓΑΛΗ + Β ΑΡ Θ Ο ΛΟ Μ Α Ι Ο ΕΛΕΩ ΘΕΟΤ ΑΡΧΙΕΠΙΚΟΠΟ ΚΩΝΣΑΝΣΙΝΟΤΠΟΛΕΩ - ΝΕΑ ΡΩΜΗ ΚΑΙ ΟΙΚΟΤΜΕΝΙΚΟ ΠΑΣΡΙΑΡΧΗ ΠΑΝΣΙ ΣΩ ΠΛΗΡΩΜΑΣΙ ΣΗ ΕΚΚΛΗΙΑ, ΧΑΡΙ ΕΙΗ ΚΑΙ ΕΙΡΗΝΗ ΠΑΡΑ ΣΟΤ ΩΣΗΡΟ ΚΑΙ ΚΤΡΙΟΤ ΗΜΩΝ ΙΗΟΤ ΧΡΙΣΟΤ, ΠΑΡ᾿ HΜΩΝ ΔΕ ΕΤΧΗ, ΕΤΛΟΓΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΤΓΧΩΡΗΙ *** «Ἰδού νῦν καιρός εὐπρόσδεκτος, ἰδού νῦν ἡμέρα σωτηρίας»· (Β' Κορ. 6, 2-3) Ἀγαπητοί ἐν Χριστῷ ἀδελφοί καί τέκνα ἐν Κυρίῳ, Ἡ Ὀρθόδοξος Ἐκκλησία μας, μᾶς συνιστᾷ αὐτήν τήν περίοδον νά στρέψωμεν τό ἐνδιαφέρον μας πρός τήν ἀληθινήν μετάνοιαν, «τό χωνευτήριον τῆς ἁμαρτίας», κατά τόν Ἱερόν Χρυσόστομον. Ἡ μετάνοια εἶναι τό πρῶτον θέμα τοῦ κηρύγματος τοῦ Κυρίου ἡμῶν Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ καί ἡ πεμπτουσία τῆς χριστιανικῆς διδασκαλίας. Εἶναι τό καθημερινόν προσκλητήριον τῆς Ἐκκλησίας πρός ὅλους μας. Παρά ταῦτα, πολλοί τῶν χριστιανῶν δέν ἔχομεν βιώσει πραγματικῶς τήν μετάνοιαν. Ἐνίοτε δέ θεωροῦμεν αὐτήν ὡς μή ἀφ ορῶσαν εἰς ἕκαστον ἐξ ἡμῶν, διότι δέν ἐρχόμεθα εἰς ἑαυτούς, δέν συνερχόμεθα καί δέν συναισθανόμεθα ὅτι ἔχομεν ὑποπέσει εἰς ποιάν τινα ἁμαρτίαν. Ἀλλ᾿ ὡς διδάσκει ὁ ἔμπειρος τῆς πνευματικῆς ζωῆς Ἀββᾶς Ἰσαάκ ὁ ῦρος καί δογματίζουν ἐμπειρικῶς οἱ πλεῖστοι τῶν Πατέρων τῆς Ἐκκλησίας μας, «ἡ μετάνοια εἶναι ἀπαραίτητος καί εἰς τούς τελείους». Καί τοῦτο διότι μετάνοια δέν εἶναι μόνον ἡ μεταμέλεια διά τάς ἁμαρτίας μας καί ἡ συνακόλουθος ἀπόφασις νά μή ἐπαναλάβωμεν αὐτάς ἀλλά καί ἡ ἀλλαγή τῶν ἀντιλήψεών μας πρός τό ἀγαθώτερον, ὥστε νά ἐπέρχεται μία διαρκής βελτίωσις τῶν ἀντιλήψεών μας περί τοῦ Θεοῦ καί τοῦ κόσμου, αὔξησις τῆς ἀγάπης καί τῆς ταπεινώσεως, τῆς καθάρσεως καί τῆς εἰρήνης. Ὑπ᾿ αὐτήν τήν ἔννοιαν ἡ μετάνοια εἶναι πορεία ἀτελεύτητος πρός τήν τελειότητα τοῦ Θεοῦ, πρός τήν ὁποίαν ὀφείλομεν νά τείνωμεν καί νά κινούμεθα συνεχῶς. Ἐπειδή δέ ἡ τελειότης τοῦ Θεοῦ εἶναι ἄπειρος, ἡ πορεία μας πρός τό καθ᾿ ὁμοίωσιν αὐτῆς εἶναι ἐπίσης ἄπειρος καί ἀτελεύτητος. Πάντοτε ὑπάρχει ἐπίπεδον τελειότητος ἀνώτερον ἐκείνου εἰς τό ὁποῖον εὑρισκόμεθα ἑκάστοτε καί διά τοῦτο πάντοτε πρέπει νά ἐπιζητοῦμεν τήν πρόοδόν μας τήν πνευματικήν καί τήν μεταμόρφωσίν μας, ὡς προτρέπει καί ὁ μέχρι τρίτου οὐρανοῦ ἀναβάς καί θεασάμενος μυστήρια ἄρρητα Ἀπόστολος Παῦλος, γράφων: «Ἡμεῖς δέ πάντες ἀνακεκαλυμμένῳ προσώπῳ τήν δόξαν Κυρίου κατοπτριζόμενοι τήν αὐτήν εἰκόνα μεταμορφούμεθα ἀπό δόξης εἰς δόξαν, καθάπερ ἀπό Κυρίου Πνεύματος». (Β' Κορ. 3, 18). Ὅσον καθαίρεται ὁ ἐσωτερικός μας κόσμος, ὅσον περισσότερον καθαρίζεται ὁ πνευματικός ὀφθαλμός μας, τόσον καθαρώτερον βλέπομεν τόν ἑαυτόν μας καί τά πάντα καί αὐτή ἡ ἀλλαγή, αὐτή ἡ βελτίωσις τῆς θεάσεως τῶν πραγμάτων τοῦ κόσμου καί τῆς πνευματικῆς καταστάσεως τοῦ ἑαυτοῦ μας, συνιστᾷ μετάνοιαν, μίαν δηλονότι νεωτέραν καί βελτιωμένην κατάστασιν τοῦ πνεύματός μας, ἐκείνης εἰς τήν ὁποίαν εὑρισκόμεθα μέχρι τοῦδε. Ὑπ᾿ αὐτήν τήν ἔννοιαν, ἡ μετάνοια εἶναι ἡ βασική προϋπόθεσις τῆς πνευματικῆς προόδου καί τῆς ἐπιτεύξεως τοῦ καθ᾿ ὁμοίωσιν πρός τόν Θεόν τῆς ὑπάρξεώς μας. Ἡ μετάνοια, βεβαίως, διά νά εἶναι πραγματική, πρέπει νά συνοδεύεται καί ἀπό ἀναλόγους καρπούς, ἰδίᾳ δέ ἀπό τήν συγχώρησιν τῶν συνανθρώπων μας καί τήν πρός αὐτούς ἀγαθοεργίαν. Ἡ ἐξ ἀγάπης πρός τόν συνάνθρωπον κίνησις τῆς καρδίας μας πρός τήν ἀποδοχήν αὐτοῦ καί τήν κατά τό ἐφικτόν κάλυψιν τῶν ἀναγκῶν του, ἀποτελεῖ βασικόν στοιχεῖον τῆς εἰλικρινοῦς μετανοίας. Ἡ ὁδός, ἄλλωστε, τῆς μετανοίας εἶναι ἁμαρτημάτων κατάγνωσις καί ἐξομολόγησις αὐτῶν, τό μή μνησικακεῖν, εὐχή ζέουσα καί ἀκριβής, ἐλεημοσύνη, ταπείνωσις, ἀγάπη πρός πάντας, νίκη τοῦ καλοῦ ἐπί τοῦ κακοῦ, ἀποφυγή κενοδοξίας καί ματαίας ἐπάρσεως, μαραινομένης αὐστοστιγμεί. Σήν ἐντός τῆς ἀνθρωπίνης ψυχῆς πάλην τῆς μετανοίας ἀποκαλύπτει «τοῦ τελώνου καί τοῦ φαρισαίου τό διάφορον....» καί καλεῖ ἡμᾶς πάντας νά «μισήσωμεν τοῦ μέν τήν ὑπερήφανον φωνήν, τοῦ δέ νά ζηλώσωμεν τήν εὐκατάνυκτον εὐχήν», προσευχόμενοι ἐκτενῶς μετά δακρύων «ὁ Θεός ἱλάσθητι ἡμῖν τοῖς ἁμαρτωλοῖς καί ἐλέησον ἡμᾶς». Ἡ ἀρχομένη περίοδος τῆς Ἁγίας καί Μεγάλης Σεσσαρακοστῆς προσφέρεται, ἐν μέσῳ τῆς ἐκτεταμένης ἐπί παγκοσμίου ἐπιπέδου οἰκονομικῆς κρίσεως, διά τήν ἐκδήλωσιν τῆς ὑλικῆς καί πνευματικῆς βοηθείας μας πρός τόν συνάνθρωπον. Οὕτως ἐνεργοῦντες φιλανθρώπως καί ἐκδηλώνοντες ἐμπράκτως τήν μεταστροφήν μας, ἀπό τήν μέχρι τοῦδε ἀτομικιστικήν ἀντιμετώπισιν φαρισαϊκῶς τῆς ζωῆς πρός μίαν συλλογικήν καί ἀλτρουϊστικήν τελωνικήν ἀντιμετώπισιν αὐτῆς, θά ἔχωμεν πραγματοποιήσει μεγάλην καί ὠφελιμωτάτην μετάνοιαν καί ἀλλαγήν τοῦ τρόπου τῆς ἀτομοκεντρικῆς ἀντιλήψεως καί θά ἔχωμεν βιώσει τήν μετάνοιαν ὡς πρός μίαν κεφαλαιώδη καί ἐσφαλμένην στάσιν ζωῆς διά τῆς μεταβάσεως ἀπό τήν ἀμαρτίαν τοῦ ἐγωκεντρισμοῦ καί τῆς κενοδοξίας εἰς τήν ἀρετήν τῆς φιλαλληλίας, «ζηλοῦντες τοῦ τελώνου καλῶς τήν ἠλεημένην ταπείνωσιν καί γνώμην». Ἀπό τοῦ Πατριαρχικοῦ Θρόνου Ἰωάννου τοῦ Χρυσοστόμου, τοῦ κήρυκος καί ἐμπειρικοῦ διδασκάλου τῆς μετανοίας, εἰσερχόμενοι εἰς τήν σωτηριώδη ταύτην περίοδον τῆς καθάρσεως καρδίας καί πνεύματος, ἵνα ὑποδεχθῶμεν τό Πάθος, τόν ταυρόν, τήν Σαφήν καί τήν Ἀνάστασιν τοῦ Κυρίου ἡμῶν, οὐχί συμβόλοις καί λόγοις μόνον, ἀλλά ἐμπράκτως καί βιωματικῶς, μετ᾿ αὐτοῦ διαχρονικῶς προτρεπόμεθα καί παρακαλοῦμεν καί ἱκετεύομεν καί ἡμεῖς ὁ ἐν τοῖς διαδόχοις αὐτοῦ ἐλάχιστος: «τῆς μετανοίας ἐστί, τό καινούς γενομένους, εἶτα παλαιωθέντας ὑπό τῶν ἁμαρτημάτων, ἀπαλλάξαι τῆς παλαιότητος καί καινούς ἐργάσασθαι...ἐκεῖ γάρ τό ὅλον ἡ Χάρις ἦν». Ἰδού, λοιπόν, ἀδελφοί καί τέκνα, ἠνέωκται ἐνώπιον ἡμῶν καιρός εὐπρόσδεκτος «τοῦ λυπεῖσθαι» καί στάδιον ἀνανήψεως καί ἀσκήσεως ἵνα, «πρίν ἤ διαλυθῆναι τό θέατρον φροντίσωμεν τῆς ἡμῶν σωτηρίας», ἐν ἀληθεῖ καί βιωματικῇ καρδιακῇ μετανοίᾳ ἐφ᾿ οἷς «ἡμάρτομεν, ἠνομήσαμεν, ἠδικήσαμεν...οὐδέ συνετηρήσαμεν, οὐδέ ἐποιήσαμεν, καθώς ἐνετείλατο» ἡμῖν ὁ Κύριος, ἵνα «φείσηται ἡμῶν ὁ πανταχοῦ παρών καί τά πάντα πληρῶν» Χριστός ὁ Θεός, κατά τό μέγα Αὐτοῦ καί ἀνεξιχνίαστον Ἔλεος, Οὗ ἡ σωτήριος Χάρις εἴη μετά πάντων. Ἁγία καί Μεγάλη Σεσσαρακοστή ,βιδ´ (2014) + Ὁ Κωνσταντινουπόλεως διάπυρος πρός Θεόν εὐχέτης πάντων ὑμῶν Patriarchal Catechetical Homily on the occasion of the beginning of Great Lent. +BARTH OLOMEW By God‟s Mercy Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rom e and Ecumenical Patriarch To the Plenitude of the Church: Grace and Peace from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ And Prayers, Blessings and Forgiveness from us “Behold, now is the favorable time, now is the time of salvation.” (2 Cor. 6.2) Beloved brothers and sisters in the Lord, Our Orthodox Church recommends that, during this period of Great Lent, we focus our attention toward sincere repentance, “the melting pot of sin,” according to St. John Chrysostom. Repentance is the first topic of our Lord Jesus Christ‟s preaching and the very essence of the Christian teaching. It is the Church‟s daily invitation to us all. Despite this, many of us have not truly experienced repentance. We sometimes feel that it does not concern us personally because we have not “come to ourselves” in order to com prehend and contemplate how we may have committed any sin. However, as we are taught by the wise teacher of the spiritual life, Abba Isaac the Syrian, and as most of the Church Fathers proclaim through experience, “repentance is necessary even for the perfect.” This is because repentance does not m erely signify remorse for our sins and the consequent decision no longer to repeat them , but it also implies a change of our attitudes toward what is better so that we acquire constant improvement before God and the world, as well as continuous increase in love and humility, purification and peace. In this sense, repentance is an unending journey toward divine perfection, to which we must at all times aim and move. Indeed, since God‟s perfection is boundless, our way toward its likeness must also be boundless and endless. There is always a level of perfection beyond what we have achieved, and so we must constantly seek spiritual progress and transform ation, as urged by St. Paul, who ascended to the third heaven and beheld the ineffable mysteries: even as we fervently pray with tears “that God may take pity on us sinners and have mercy on us.” “And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being changed into his likeness from one degree of glory to The period of Great Lent that is upon us is an opportunity, in the midst of a widespread and global financial crisis, to demonstrate another; for this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.” (2 Cor. 3.18) The more our internal world is cleansed, the our m aterial and spiritual assistance toward other people. When we act charitably and manifest our repentance in practice – more our spiritual eye is purified, the more clearly we see ourselves and everything around us. Moreover, this change – namely, moving from an individualistic and pharisaic way of life to a collective and altruistic way of life, like the publican – then we shall the improvement in our vision of the reality of this world and the spiritual condition of ourselves – is precisely what repentance is realize the great benefit of repentance and conversion, while also experiencing repentance as a vital transition from the sin all about. Repentance is a renewed and improved state of spirit, of the condition where we presently find ourselves. of self-centeredness and vainglory to the virtue of love, “aspiring to the humility and attitude of the publican, who deserved God‟s Accordingly, then, repentance is the fundamental presupposition of spiritual progress and of acquiring likeness toward mercy.” From the Patriarchal Throne of St. John Chrysostom, who both preached and God. In order, of course, for repentance to be genuine, it must also be accompanied by practiced such repentance, as we enter this salvific period of purification of heart and soul in order to welcome the Passion, the appropriate fruits, especially forgiveness of and charity toward others. The basic criterion of sincere repentance is that our Cross, Burial and Resurrection of our Lord, not just in rituals and words but also in practice and experience, we too as his heart is moved toward acceptance of our fellow human beings and response to their needs as much as we can. After all, the way unworthy successor urge, entreat and beseech you: “Acquire repentance by becom ing new people, by renouncing the of repentance is recognition and confession of our sins, no longer holding grudges against others, praying with warmth and old nature of sinfulness and acquiring newness of life . . . For that is where the fullness of divine grace lies.” integrity, as well as mercifulness, humility, love toward all people, victory of good over evil, avoiding vainglory and arrogance, Behold, then, beloved brothers and sisters, a favorable time “of mourning” opens up before us, an arena of vigilance and which immediately withers away everything. This struggle within our soul is revealed in “the difference between the publican and the discipline, so that “before the theater of this life passes, we may care for our salvation” with sincere and tangible repentance for all Pharisee . . .,” which is an invitation to “despise the proud voice of the latter, while envying the contrite prayer of the former,” “our sins, wrongdoings, and injustices . . . without adhering to or doing what we have been commanded” by the Lord, so that Christ our God, “who is present everywhere and fills all things, may care for us” in His great and inscrutable mercy. May His saving grace be with you all. Holy and Great + Bartholome w of Lent 2014 Constantinople Fervent supplicant for all before God GREEK ORTHODOX METROPOLIS OF NEW JERSEY ΙΕΡΑ ΜΗΣΡΟΠΟΛΙ ΝΕΑ ΙΕΡΕΗ Sunday of Orthodoxy 2014 The Very Reverend and Reverend Clergy Honorable Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, Esteemed Members of the Metropolitan Council, Esteemed Members of the Parish Councils, Philoptochos Societies, Faculty and Students of the Catechetical and Greek Afternoon Schools, Directors and Participants of all Youth Organizations, and all devout Orthodox Christians of the Greek Orthodox Communities of our Holy Metropolis of New Jersey My Beloved, This past Monday, March 3rd, we entered another Ecclesiastical period known to each of us and all within our Holy Orthodox Church as the Holy and Great Lent, a sacred period of preparation for our Lord’s Passion, Crucifixion upon the Cross, and His glorious Resurrection from death. Likewise, we embarked on a special spiritual journey which will be filled with contemplation and prayer and fasting which I pray will lead us to repentance and our reunification with Him. However, our noetic preparation to receive our crucified and resurrected Lord into our hearts and souls, into our very lives, must be accompanied by our physical actions and deeds In a few moments this opportunity will come before us as an offering tray will be passed in all Parishes of our Metropolis. Your contributions will benefit the philanthropic ministry of the Church through the Philoptochos of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of New Jersey. On this sacred day, the first Sunday of Great Lent, the Sunday of Orthodoxy, let us also proclaim our victory over self-centeredness, egocentricity, pride and greed. May we my beloved also restore our self image in the eyes of God Who came into the world to abolish all that is NOT GOOD, injustice, prejudice, hatred, racism, physical and spiritual hunger and pain, etc. Please give from your heart, not only now but always, and be assured that your reward will be multiplied with His blessings and love in heaven above and as St. John Chrysostom reminds us, “God protects and loves the charitable and philanthropic person.” Furthermore, the Patron Saint of our Holy Metropolis also has this to say concerning our charitable acts, “Almsgiving above all else requires money, but even this shines with a brighter luster when the alms are given from our poverty. The widow who paid in the two mites was poorer than any human, but she outdid them all.” Thanking all of you for your most generous and caring gifts of love, and praying that your spiritual journey in celebration of His Resurrection will be blessed by our Father in Heaven, I remain, With Paternal Love and Blessings, †EVANGE LO S Metropolitan of New Jersey To be read from the pulpit on Sunday, March 9th, 2014 Checks should be made payable to the GOMNJ Philoptochos Society 2nd Sunday of Lent 2014 The Reverend Clergy and the Greek Orthodox Faithful of the Holy Metropolis of New Jersey My Beloved in the Lord, It is truly with increasing concern and sadness for the loss of lives and destruction of families that I communicate with you on this Second Sunday of Great and Holy Lent, which I hereby ask all Orthodox Faithful of our Holy Metropolis to pause as we bring awareness to Gun Violence Prevention, and thus stand in solidarity with other faith denominations in condemning gun violence in the United State and throughout the world. Indeed, all of us as Orthodox Christians share in the unspeakable pain and grief of the families who have lost loved ones, especially children, to the senseless death as a result of a shooting. We thus “weep with those who weep,” (Romans 12:15) and pray that our lawmakers will enact tougher laws that require more stringent background checks on would-be gun owners, ban high-capacity assault weapons, and pursue gun traffickers to the fullest extent of the law. Now more than ever is the time to promote peaceful solutions to quarrels amongst brothers, neighbors, groups, and nations as we recall our Lord’s words to Peter, “put your sword in its place, for all who take up the sword will perish by the sword.” (Matthew 26:52) It is even more painful to witness gun violence of children against children. Weeks do not go by until we are informed of yet another death due to gang violence, drug deals, psychopaths shooting in the local mall and domestic violence turned deadly because of the abundant availability of guns in the home. Let us make every collective effort to prevent gun violence at its earliest stage, by teaching our children, and for that matter our fellow adults, that instead of arming themselves with weapons of death and mass destruction, they should “take up the whole armor of God…gird their waist with truth…put on the breastplate of righteousness…shod their feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace…take the shield of faith…take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” (Ephesians 6:13-17) As your Metropolitan and spiritual leader, I exhort all of you to pray fervently for the repose of the many souls and for the health and well being of the survivors. May we also pray that those who would seek to take the life of another, especially through gun violence, be reminded that our Lord’s Commandment of “You shall not kill,” (Exodus 20:13) was indeed a directive, not a mere suggestion. Praying that our loving Lord will receive in the bosom of Abraham the countless victims of gun violence and will comfort their families with His abundant mercy and compassion, I remain With Paternal Love and Blessings, †EVANGE LO S Metropolitan of New Jersey Father Panagiotis Message: Dear Brothers and sisters: Great Lent, in our Orthodox Christian tradition, is often referred to as a spiritual journey. A movement from where we are to where we want to be. It is a time to descend from our mind - filled with worries and distractions to the stillness of our heart where we can more clearly hear God's voice and direction for our life. During this period we participate with God's grace in a more intentional way in order to be closer to His likeness. As we begin our Great Season of Lent, I invite you to follow the profound spiritual path for the elevation of the soul, purification of the mind and rejuvenation of the heart with the participation in the Lenten services, the increase of daily prayer, almsgiving and fast. We will achieve the spiritual elevation by controlling ourselves from the worldly desires and focusing on the Cross of our Lord, the symbol of God’s love, Christ’s sacrifice to deliver mankind from the sin of the world and the weapon that devil was defeated for ever. The Cross, teaching us about a loving Son of God – the Christ, who came to serve mankind and sow a new life for him and gave the opportunity whoever wants to follow Him “let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. (Matt.16:24) The way to Golgotha was a painful struggle for Him, but He did it for our salvation. Our Lenten path is not easy but in the end we will be able with God’s Grace to deliver ourselves from our vices and with a renewed inwardness will celebrate His Resurrection and our freedom from death. Let us continue our good fight with our Lenten journey and become the disciples of a God who conquered death for ever. THE TOP 10 LENTEN TIPS 1. Regardless of how you fast, fast every single day. This type of fasting helps wear down the passions and build spiritual endurance. 2. Know exactly what the fasting regulations are and try to approximate them as best you can. Each Lent, try to be more strict yet humble. 3. Particular concerns about fasting? Age, health issues, never fasted before, mixedmarriages? Speak with your priest. 4. Be sure to recite the Lenten prayer of Saint Ephraim. If you cannot make prostrations just make bows or cross yourself. 5. On weekends, we do not make prostrations and our fasting is slightly relaxed since Saturday and Sunday are holy days. 6. The Lenten services and tones are offered only during the week – strive to participate as much as possible in these services and the spirit of lent will rub off on you. 7. Sports and outdoor activities are not contrary to the Lenten spirit. 8. Strive to avoid going to movies, parties, and other entertainments. This we do so we can have more time to devote to spiritual things. 9. Confession and Holy Communion are central to securing the benefits of Lent. Without fail, we should receive the Sacraments during the period of Great Lent. 10. Be mindful of what we look at and how much time we spend on TV and computer. Some give up TV for all of Lent. Others strictly limit their time and watch only educational and news programs. Surfing on the web? Hit the theological sites. THE LENTEN PRAYER OF SAINT EPHRAIM O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, faint-heartedness, lust of power and idle talk. (Prostration) But grant rather the spirit of chastity, humility, patience, and love to Thy servant. (Prostration) Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own transgressions, and not to judge my brother; for blessed art Thou unto the ages of ages. Amen. (Prostration) O God, cleanse me a sinner. (12x’s, with as many bows, and then again the whole prayer from the beginning to end, and after that one great prostration) Notes: 1) If one cannot make prostrations, then make bows, or the sign of the Cross. 2) This prayer is not done on Saturdays and Sundays. THE SACRAMENT OF CONFESSION Αγαπητοί αδελφοί: Η περίοδος του Σριωδίου έχει αρχίσει και η Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία μας διαμέσου της Μεγάλης Σεσσαρακοστής ανοίγει τον δρόμο προετοιμασίας για την εορτή του Πάσχα. Η εορτή του Πάσχα είναι η εορτή της Ανάστασης του Χριστού, που άλλαξε την υπόσταση του ανθρώπου στην ιστορία του κόσμου. Σο δώρο της αθανασίας, αιωνιότητας, νέας ζωής δια του Χριστού, είναι το δώρο που ο καθένας μας έλαβε. Είναι δώρο που αλλάζει ριζικά τη στάση μας απέναντι σε όλα τα στοιχεία αυτού του κόσμου, ακόμη και τον θάνατο. Μας δίνει την δυνατότητα να διαβεβαιώνουμε με χαρά, ό,τι ο θάνατος δεν υπάρχει πιά ! Όμως, ο θάνατος είναι ακόμα Is one of reconciliation with God, bringing about not only a clearing of the conscience through the remission of sins, but also a healing of the soul through our recommitment to Christ. This Sacrament should therefore be received by all Orthodox Christians during each of the fasting seasons, especially Great Lent. For those who wish to receive Holy Communion, the Sacrament of Confession is indispensable and absolutely necessary to maintaining our spiritual health and well being. Fr. Panagiotis is available to hear confessions following any service or at any other time by appointment. Have a blessed Lent εδώ αναμφίβολα, συνεχίζουμε να τον αντιμετωπίζουμε και κάποια μέρα θα έρθει και θα μας πάρει. Αλλά είναι ολόκληρη η πίστη μας ότι με τον θάνατό Σου ο Χριστός άλλαξε την ίδια τη φύση του θανάτου, την έκανε μια μετάβαση – ένα “πέρασμα”, ένα “Πάσχα”- πρός την βασιλεία του Θεού και μεταμόρφωσε τη μεγαλύτερη τραγωδία στον απόλυτο θρίαμβο. Η Μεγάλη Σεσσαρακοστή αποτελεί μια προετοιμασία για την Μεγάλη Εβδομάδα, διότι η Εκκλησία θα ανακαλέσει στη μνήμη μας τον πόνο, τη ταύρωση και τον Θάνατο του Ιησού Χριστού πάνω στον ταυρό. Η προβολή του ταυρού στη μέση της αρακοστής μας υπενθυμίζει το σκοπό της βαθύτερης και εντατικότερης εκκλησιαστικής ζωής αυτή την περίοδο. Έτσι αξίζει να σκεφτούμε το ρόλο του σταυρού αυτού του μεγαλυτέρου χριστιανικών συμβολών. όλων των Η πρώτη σημασία του ταυρού συνεπώς, είναι η κρίση του κακού η μάλλον της ψευδοκαλοσύνης αυτού του κόσμου, μέσα 10 ημαντικές υμβουλές για την Μεγάλη Σεσσαρακοστή. στον οποίο πανηγυρίζει αιωνία το κακό, και 1) Οποιαδήποτε νηστεία η οποία προωθεί τον τρομακτικό και να εξασκείς, συνέχισε μέχρι το τέλος. θρίαμβο του κακού πάνω στην γη. κοπός της νηστείας Η δεύτερη σημασία του σταυρού είναι ο είναι η καταπολέμησις συσχετισμός του δικού μας σταυρού με τον ταυρό του Χριστού για τον οποίο ο Κύριος των παθών, εγκράτεια και η πνευματική είπε, “ει τις θέλει οπίσω μου έρχεσθαι,...αράτω τον σταυρόν αυτού καθ' ημέραν και ακολουθείτω μοι”(Λουκ. 9, 23). Αυτό σημαίνει πως η επιλογή που είχε κάνει ο καθένας εκείνη τη νύχτα – ο Πιλάτος, οι στρατιώτες, οι αρχηγοί, το πλήθος κι ο καθένας μέσα στο πλήθος – είναι μια επιλογή που τίθεται συνεχώς και σε καθημερινή βάση μπροστά μας. Σο να σηκώσεις λοιπόν το σταυρό σου καθημερινά, δεν είναι απλώς το να αντέχεις ανύψωση. 2) Γνωρίζοντας τους κανόνες τις νηστείας προσπάθησε να τους εφαρμόσεις όσο καλύτερα μπορείς. Κάθε Μεγάλη Σεσσαρακοστή προσπάθησε να κάνεις ποιο αυστηρή νηστεία με ταπείνωση. 3) Εάν υπάρχουν συγκεκριμένες ερωτήσεις περί νηστείας όπως πχ. περί ηλικίας, αρρώστιας, πρώτη φορά, τότε μπορείτε να ρωτήσετε τον ιερέα σας (π. Παναγιώτη). τα φορτία και τις μέριμνες της ζωής, αλλά πάνω απ' όλα το να ζείς αρμονικά με τη 4) Η προσευχή του Αγίου Εφραίμ του ύρου είναι η κατάλληλη για την περίοδο αυτή. Η συνείδηση σου, το να ζείς μέσα στο φώς της προσευχή αυτή συνοδεύεται με μετάνοιες, η κρίσεως της συνειδήσεως. επίκλιση της κεφαλής, η δια του σημείου του Η σημασία και ο συμβολισμός του ταυρού ταυρού. είναι ίσως παραγκωνισμένη η ξεχασμένη 5) Σα άββατα και τις Κυριακές και μεγάλες στις μέρες μας, αλλά για εμάς τους Ορθοδόξους είναι το σύμβολο του θριάμβου εορτές η νηστεία είναι διαφορετική και δεν γίνονται μετάνοιες. κατά του κακού και του σκότους, ο δε δρόμος του ταυρού είναι επιλογή μας που 6) Προσπάθησε να συμμετέχεις σε όσες οδηγεί στον Αναστάντα Χριστό. Ο Κυρίος είπε, “εις κρίμα εγώ εις τον κόσμον τούτον περισσότερες ακολουθίες μπορείς κατά το ήλθον”(‘Ιωαν. 9,39). 7) Αθλητισμός, εκδρομές και παρόμοιες ' αυτή την κρίση, μπροστά στο δικαστήριο εκδηλώσεις δεν απαγορεύονται. της σταυρωμένης αγάπης, της αλήθειας και 8) Προσπάθησε να αποφεύγεις συμμετοχή της καλοσύνης δικάζεται ο καθένας μας. στον κινηματογράφο, πάρτυς, η κάθε είδους διασκέδαση που σε αποπροσανατολίζει από διάστημα της Μεγάλης Σεσσαρακοστής. την πνευματική πορεία της Μ. Σεσσαρακοστής. 9) Η Εξομολόγησης και η τακτική Θεία Κοινωνία είναι τα ποιο σημαντικά μυστήρια εις τα οποία κάθε Ορθόδοξος Χριστιανός θα πρέπει να συμμετέχει συστηματικά κατά το διάστημα της Μ. Σεσσαρακοστής. ανανεώνοντας την επικοινωνία μας με τον Χριστό. Είναι επομένως απαραίτητο ιδιαιτέρως κατά το διάστημα της Μ. Σεσσαρακοστής η συμμετοχή μας σε αυτό εφόσον επιθυμούμε να κοινωνήσουνε τακτικά. Είναι το ιατρείο της ψυχής και ο αναβαπτισμός του ανθρώπου για την συνέχιση της χριστιανικής ζωής. Ο π. 10) Ιδιαίτερη προσοχή στα θεάματα, συζητήσεις και την χρησιμοποίηση του Παναγιώτης είναι διαθέσιμος μετά από τις ακολουθίες η με ραντεβού που μπορεί να ιντερνέτ. Προσπάθησε όλες οι πράξεις σου γίνει διαμέσου του γραφείου της Εκκλησίας. να είναι πλαισιωμένες μέσα στο τόνο και (2015675072). χρώμα της Μ. Σεσσαρακοστής. ΚΑΛΗ ΑΡΑΚΟΣΗ ΠΡΟΕΤΦΗ ΣΟΤ ΑΓΙΟΤ ΕΥΡΑΙΜ τού ΤΡΟΤ Κύριε καὶ Δέσποτα τῆς ζωῆς μου, πνεῦμα ἀργίας, περιεργίας, φιλαρχίας, καὶ ἀργολογίας μή μοι δῷς. Πνεῦμα δὲ σωφροσύνης, ταπεινοφροσύνης, ὑπομονῆς, καὶ ἀγάπης χάρισαί μοι τῷ ῷ δούλῳ. Ναί, Κύριε Βασιλεῦ, δώρησαί μοι τοῦ ὁρᾶν τὰ ἐμὰ πταίσματα, καὶ μὴ κατακρίνειν τὸν ἀδελφόν μου· ῞Οτι εὐλογητὸς εἶ εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων. ᾿Αμήν. ΗΙΕΡΑ ΕΞΟΜΟΛΟΓΗΗ Σο Μυστήριο της Ιεράς Εξομολογήσεως είναι αυτό το οποίο αποκαθιστά την κοινωνία μας με το Θεό καθαρίζει όλες τις Πατέρα, αμαρτίες που συσσωρεύονται στην ψυχή μας και επαναφέρει εις την χριστιανική μας πορεία Come march in or watch the Annual Greek Independence Day Parade on Sunday, March 30 th. Book your Bus reservation, $15 for adults, Children Free, by calling the Church office at 201-567-5072 or email [email protected] with the info of who and how many. President’s Message: A Thoughtful Gift From Beyond Our Cathedral, like many institutions and individuals, has struggled in these difficult economic times, largely due to a decrease in stewardship contributions. While we have managed to keep our financial affairs in order through the hard work of many volunteers, it has not been without some considerable difficulty. Against that backdrop, you can imagine our profound joy and gratitude when we received a generous bequest from the estate of Magdalene Stephenson. Ms. Stephenson, a former parishioner who was a relative of Father George Stephenson the first priest in the Paterson church (before it moved to Paramus) bequeathed 5% of her estate to the Cathedral. The generosity of this bequest was overshadowed only by its timing. As we proceed with our Lenten Journey we are called upon to intensify our Prayer, keep the Fast and increase our almsgiving in order to prepare for the Resurrection of our Lord. Ms. Stephenson‟s bequest provides an example of a simple way all of us can accomplish this. By simply designating a small percentage of her estate, she was able to help the Church she loved, and inspire all of us to consider doing the same thing. May God Bless the memory of Ms. Stephenson and keep her memory eternal. Philoptochos News: St. Philothea Chapter of the National Philoptochos Society would like to thank everyone for supporting all our projects and fundraising events. The Christmas Party which was held in December was a huge success due to the large turnout of people who came despite the cold and snow. We began the New Year with our Annual Vasilopita Luncheon in January. It was a success but attendance was not as high as last year. If you were unable to attend and would still like to make a donation, please make your check payable to St. Philothea Philoptochos and earmark it “Vasilopita luncheon”. I thank all who participated in the Christmas card sale. Our bake sale was another success; most of the pastries were sold before Christmas. Unfortunately we had to cancel our first General meeting for the year 2014 due to the weather. If you did not receive a ROBO call informing you of the cancelation, please notify me, Barbara Kostakis @ 201.569.2544. The keynote speaker will be rescheduled at later time. Please, if you have not been receiving emails from our chapter, please notify Maria Kamilaris or Sophia Kinnis. It is important that you include your email address and phone numbers on the membership card. January began our Membership Drive and I hope that we can increase our membership again this year. Please send in your completed form to the Cathedral‟s Office. I ask that you include your telephone numbers and email addresses. This will help us in keeping YOU informed. Membership is open to every woman over the age of 18 and I encourage you join our chapter. We are an army of 150 women but we still need new members. Our Chapter Stewardship is $30 minimum. Per Capita needs to be paid to National and NJ Metropolis, so we do not keep the entire amount in our treasury. Sunday, February 9th was GO RED SUNDAY. Join in the mission to increase awareness and help prevent heart disease in women today! The National Philoptochos Society promotes the American Heart Association‟s Go Red for Women campaign. We passed out Red carnations and asked that everyone wear something RED on that day. On February 18th Vesper services were held honoring our Patron Saint, St. Philothea and on February 19 th we celebrated our Patron Saint with a Divine Liturgy. I thank the co-chairs of this event; Maria Meidanis and Theodora Manolis for all their help and beautiful receptions This is a very important year for the NJ Metropolis and the NJ Metropolis Philoptochos Society. Our Metropolis along with Greek Archdiocese of America and the National Philoptochos Board is hosting the Biennial Clergy/Laity Conference and the Philoptochos Convention in Philadelphia, July 6-10th. This is the time when nearly 500 chapters throughout the nation convene and deliberate on issues that will make a difference in the lives of many. The theme of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America 42nd Biennial Clergy/Laity congress will be The Orthodox Christian Family: A dwelling of Christ and a Witness of His Gospel. We are going to honor the men and women who served or serve in the Armed forces. The Brave Ones, Past and Present. A tribute to Those Who Safeguard Our Freedom. Please read the attached letter from the 2014 National Philoptochos Biennial Convention Co-chairs. Please notify me if you are sending in any photos. The Main fundraising Event for our Chapter is the Fashion Show. It is on May 8th at Seasons. Please plan to attend. Dates to Remember: -Saturday, March 1 – Official Opening and Ribbon Cutting of the Philoptochos Center of Philanthropy as the home for all Chapters and members nationwide. The new address is 126 East 37th Street, New York, New York 10016. -Monday, March 3rd – Compline Service – we are hosting the Lenten dinner -March 27th – (Thursday) General Meeting 7:30 pm -Sunday, March 30th – Greek parade; Philoptochos will be on the float We look forward to a very busy year and seeing new faces. Barbara Kostakis, President THE FINANCES OF THE CATHEDRAL IN 2014 AND YOUR COMMITMENT Dear Fellow Stewards: The Cathedral of St. John the Theologian is a community of over 700 Orthodox families. The annual operating costs of the Cathedral are approximately $1,000,000. The simple math is expenses divided by number of Stewards; in other words, the fair share of each Steward towards the operating cost of the Cathedral is approximatel $1,400 per Steward. We must all recognize, however, that some of our Stewards are unemployed, suffering from illness or simply do not have the ability to contribute $1,400 in 2014. As such, it is incumbent on those who can give more, to give more. Please do the right thing and contribute your fair share. This is important. Please take a few minutes to review your Stewardship Commitment. If you have not already done so please provide your Stewardship Pledge for 2014. If you can, please increase your 2014 commitment. Your pledge and commitment ensures the success of the programs undertaken for the spiritual needs of the over 700 Orthodox families in our community. Remember that your Stewardship provides the foundation for our Parish Ministries and our efforts in meeting the challenge of spreading Christ‟s Word and our Orthodox Faith. A final word about the timing of your Stewardship contribution. Many of our Stewards pay their Stewardship at the end of the year, but the Cathedral must pay its creditors as the bills come due, which can cause a cash flow problem. Therefore, if you are able to do so, please consider paying your entire Stewardship pledge by Easter. If this is not possible, then consider a more regular schedule of payments. Stewardship can now be paid using a credit cardthat the church office can set it up so that your credit card is automatically charged every month. For example, if you pledged $2,400 for the year, your credit card would automatically be charged $200/month. In this way, the Cathedral will have a more consistent cash flow and you earn points on your credit card while fulfilling your pledge. If you have any questions about Stewardship, please call the church office, Fr. Panagiotis or any Parish Council member. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Phil J. Philliou, Stewardship Chairman VOLUNTEERISM: Giving of your time from the heart is one of the most fulfilling and rewarding efforts a Christian can do. The energy expended is mighty, and the reward might be only a simple thank you, but the way you feel inside afterwards is the true reward. What can you do to get involved and become a Volunteer? First, put away the excuse, “I am too busy”. There is always time to help in some way, and the rewards will more than make up for the time spent. At the Cathedral, The Philoptochos, PTO/Mother‟s Club, Kali Parea or AHEPA will provide many opportunities for stewards to help in small or larger ways. All of these groups help the Church, the children or do outside philanthropy. Helping as a parent or friend directly with the GOYA, JOY, HOPE, Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts or Girl Scouts is always needed. Your skills or energy can be channeled into assisting these groups to have successful programs. The quality of these programs is as good as the leaders and volunteers who run them. The more help the better. Events held always need help. The Festival is one big opportunity, Even before the actual Festival, many days and nights are spent preparing foods and cutting souvlaki meat. Our different luncheons and dinners are always in need of extra kitchen and setup help. Sometimes you have to be patient as a Volunteer. It may take time to find the right fit for you as to wear your services might work the best. So, don‟t despair if your first try doesn‟t work out. Draw your energy from above and go at it again. KALI PAREA: Here we are, a New Year and like, many of us, it is time to reflect on the happenings of the past season and the anticipation of what we hopefully can see happening the balance of the year. We have experienced: Informationational lectures by an audiologist and a home anti-clutter expert who offered the group insight to the potential problems a senior will encounter at one time or another. We all agreed that the info was on point. A bus tour to the NY State Finger Lakes in the fall was highlighted by great weather, eclectic scenery, good food, interesting wine tasting and Kali Parea. Our annual Christmas Lunch at Madelaines‟ Petit Paris was attended by over a hundred guests. The menu satisfied the most critical attendee. Music and dancing followed. In between snow storms, a group traveled by bus to Newark‟s famous Basilica to attend a program of Christmas music and carols. The day was followed by dinner at a local Portuguese restaurant. The program capped a memorable season. Looking ahead we anticipate a full schedule of activities: Movie afternoon in February Bingo at a general meeting Ten Tenors at West Point theater South Pacific Presentation at Westchester (lunch & theater) Lecturer to be announced But, the organization is not only fun and games. We are involved in community service. On a purely voluntary basis a number of members are involved in the mechanical process of doing the mass mailings. Others dedicate themselves in cleaning and organizing the stockrooms so that the community effectively knows what is where and how much is available. Some, who are handy, do small minor repairs in the church and fellowship facilities. Possibly most importantly the members actively participate in the annual Community Festival, the community‟s major fund raising project. We invite all to come and join Kali Parea. You will make lasting friendships while effectively adding to the knowledge that you are not alone. Scholarships Available: All for High School Seniors going to a college: Call the church office for further information. 1) St. Johns’ Scholarships: August 15 Deadline, Academics/Need 2)Petikas Scholarship The Capt. Constantine & Mrs. Mary Petikas Scholarship Awards will be announced this year on May 18th, 2014 in Church. A total of 6 recipients will be selected with the award being $2,000 to each. Applicants need to apply through the Church Office for details. 3)GOYA: April 25th Deadline, for GOYA Members, based on GOYA and Parish Participation, Academics and School and Community involvement. 4)Eastern Orthodox Committee Scouting: (both have same requirements) 5)Tony Triant Memorial Scholarship April 30th Deadline: Eagle or Gold Award Boy or Girl Scouts having earned the Alpha Omega. Available on Website or from Peter Hilaris. 6) AHEPA: April 30th deadline. Open to Children of Members active for 3 years in the Bergen Knights AHEPA chapter. HOPE: The St. John's HOPE members loved welcoming in the New Year! The New Jersey Children's Museum was the location of our January 17, 2014 meeting. The children loved the interactive, handson exhibits, including a real fire truck, a real helicopter, cool fossil/dinosaur cave, play ballet studio, and the kids' medieval castle. What a joy it was to see their smiling faces! At our annual Valentine's Day Celebration. On February 7th the Children discussed "The Parable of the Good Samaritan". Our lessons' objectives focused on "lines lifted" from the parable, “„Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind"; and, „Love your neighbor as yourself." The children made chocolate lollipops and sugar free candy. The meeting ended by making Valentine's Day cards for the residents of St. Michael's in Yonkers, New York. Upcoming E vents March 8 - Van Saun Park Zoo March 21 - Making Koliva March 24 - Host Lenten Lecture Series March 30 - Greek Independence Day Parade April 6 - Spring Plant Sale April 18- Participate in Good Friday Service as Angels surrounding Epitapheo April 20 - Attend Agapi Service with our Families May 3 - Family Picnic at Alpine Boat Basin May 16- Last Meeting - Making thank you cards for Father Panagiotis Anna Makrinos-Callahan CHOIR: Greetings! St.John‟s Choir Under the leadership of our Choir Director, George Manos, is preparing for the Lenten season. During Lent we sing on the first and fifth Fridays for the Heretismi services and will have our second concert before the start of Holy week. Last year we sang the Holy Tuesday hymns, and our Psalti, Costa, sang beautiful Byzantine hymns with Father Panayiotis. During Holy Week we sing on Holy Tuesday, Good Friday and the Anastasi services every year. Being in the choir is a very rewarding way to give back to our Church. Music is a delight to most people, but when singing hymns to our Lord, there are times we are all amazed at the sounds that we produce together. It is truly uplifting and we are so privileged to share this love with all our fellow parishioners. Our choir was formed at the time our Church was built over 40 years ago by a core of ladies with musical talent – soprano Yvonne Dallas, altos Heide Kazanas and Stacy Papas, and tenor, Pota Zourdos. These individuals gave and are still giving so much of themselves to the choir over all the years since then. Ours is a four-part harmony choir. Today we have approximately 15 sopranos, 6 altos, 3 tenors and 2 basses. The music that we sing is in the Western style but with Byzantine tones. We have different versions of the major hymns of our liturgy which gives us all variety, and we have a complete set of special hymns for various holidays during the year. The arrangements are by many talented hymnographers, including our own Director who is also a Psalti. The choir has sung on other occasions besides Sunday liturgies. We have participated in each of the Christmas Concerts since the Cultural Committee started organizing them. We have performed Greek songs in special performances. We have sung at St. Michael‟s Home for the Aged. We have been fortunate to have members of St. Anthony‟s Orthodox Church in Bergenfield join us for some of these performances. We learned a completely new set of liturgical music a few years ago and love to sing that music on certain Sundays. Whenever our Church has asked us to do anything special, we have had special rehearsals to prepare and have tried our best to accomplish those goals. We are truly a family within the Church. As committed as we are, we find ourselves at a crossroads and really need new people to join our ranks. Many of us are much older now, and medical issues and life-changing events have made it difficult for some of us to continue with the same ability or availability as before. Some of us cannot sing every week due to work or other personal schedule conflicts. Younger members are in college and will hopefully return, but until then are sorely missed. If you have any musical talent at all, or can just carry a tune, we welcome you to join our choir. Sunday School students are particularly welcome, as they can sing with us until after communion when they go to Sunday School. Hopefully they will continue to sing as adults in whatever parish they belong to. We also would especially like to welcome male members, to enrich our tenor and bass sections. St. John‟s would not be the same without its choir, and we want to preserve this musical tradition for the generations to come. Please feel free to speak to any of our members for any questions you may have or for further information. Eva Millas Russo ss Metropolis of New Jersey The Metropolitan Greek Orthodox Cathedral of Saint John the Theologian Reverend Father Panagiotis Lekkas St. John the Theologian th Annual GOLF CLASSIC MAY 5, 2014 KNICKERBOCKER COUNTRY CLUB TENAFLY, NJ We invite you and/or your company to become a sponsor at our 8th Annual Golf Classic, 11:00 a.m. Shotgun Start Tee off. Registration will begin at 9:00 am followed by breakfast. Dinner and open bar after golf round. In appreciation for your sponsorship, you and/or your company will be featured in promotional brochures, including invitations, news releases of the event and correspondence to registered golf participants. All contributors will be listed in the event program and Sponsorship board. Our brochure featuring all sponsors of the event has a printing deadline of April 30th, 2014. Please respond promptly to ensure your name is placed on the brochure and invitations. Proceeds to benefit the Metropolitan Greek Orthodox Cathedral of St. John the Theologian SPONSORSHIP CATEGORIES A. Individual Golfer (Non-Sponsor Player)………..$250.00 Includes: Green Fees, Golf Cart, Breakfast, Dinner with Open Bar, entry in the “hole-in-one” contest (Hole #18, Par 3, 165 yds.) for 2012 Luxury vehicle, player giveaway package. Each foursome will be assigned a caddy B. Hole Sponsorship………………………………………. $350.00 Your name and/or company name is displayed on a flag designating you as the sponsor of that hole. There is a limit of 18 holes. Please respond promptly for availability. C. Signage Sponsorship…………………………………..$175.00 each or 2 signs for $325.00 Your name and/or company name is displayed on a sign at the tee box. D. Platinum Sponsor………………………………….…….$900.00 Entitles you to a round of golf (Package A), a hole sponsorship (Package B) and two tee box signs sponsorship (Package C) E. Gold Sponsor……………………………………………..$400.00 Entitles you to a round of golf (Package A), and one signage sponsorship (Package C) F. Driving Range Sponsorship.………………………… …$600.00 Have your name and/or company name displayed on a banner sign at the driving range. G. Beverage Cart Sponsor………………………………….$300.00 Have your name and/or company name displayed on the refreshments cart. H. Breakfast Sponsor…………………………………………$1,250.00 Have your name displayed as a prominent sponsor of the Hot Breakfast reception. I. Dinner Sponsor…………………………………………….$2,500.00 Have your name and/or company name displayed at every table as the prominent sponsor of the Dinner Reception. For more information please contact one of the following: Charles Pialtos Michael Galianos Andreas Zigouras Andrew Papataros Chris Koliopoulos Phil Philliou George Petikas Matt Nicholas (914) 469-4862 (201) 218-2585 (201) 819-7011 (917) 685-9950 (201) 315-0633 (201) 921-9535 (917) 679-0113 (631) 813-9098 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Full payment must be received by April 22, 2014. LIMITED TO 30 FOURSOMES Please make checks payable to: St. John the Theologian. Send Payments To: St. John the Theologian c/o GOLF OUTING 353 East Clinton Ave. Tenafly, NJ 07670 EVENT REGISTRATION FORM --------------------------------- NAME______________________________________COMPANY__________________________________________ ADDRESS__________________________________CITY________________________ST_____ZIP____________ TELEPHONE ( ) ______________________________ ) ________________________________ MOBILE ( EMAIL________________________________________________________________________ I would also like to be a sponsor for ______________________________Amount$__________________ CAPTAIN: 1. PLAYER’S INFORMATION Name ___________________________________________ Address____________________________City_______________St____Zip_______ Phone( 2. Name ___________________________________________ Address____________________________City_______________St____Zip_______ )_____________________Cell ( )____________________ Email ___________________________________ Name ___________________________________________ Address____________________________City_______________St____Zip_______ Phone( 4. )____________________ Email ___________________________________ Phone( 3. )_____________________Cell ( )_____________________Cell ( )____________________ Email ___________________________________ Name ___________________________________________ Address____________________________City_______________St____Zip_______ Phone( )_____________________Cell ( )____________________ Email ___________________________________ GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE AMERICA OF GREEK ORTHODOX LADIES PHILOPTOCHOS SOCIETY, Inc. February 18, 2014 Dear Metropolis Presidents, Chapter Presidents and Convention Delegates: From God every family in heaven and on earth is named. (Ephesians 3:15) Delegates of the Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society, from our Parishes throughout America, will joyously convene in Philadelphia this coming July to participate in the 2014 National Philoptochos Biennial Convention. The theme of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America 42nd Biennial Clergy/Laity Congress will be The Orthodox Christian Family: A Dwelling of Christ and a Witness of His Gospel. This significant theme will be woven into the 2014 National Philoptochos Biennial Convention Program through our expression of love for the family unit, love of our Faith, love for one another, love for our country, as well as the love we have for the men and women who serve in the Military in order to allow us to love freely each aspect of our lives. As we offer a tribute to ‘The Brave Ones, Past and Present, A Tribute to Those Who Safeguard Our Freedom’ we ask you, Philoptochos leaders throughout the country, to participate in a simple way to help us give thanks to those family members who have served as Veterans, as well as those who currently serve in the Armed Forces. Please work with your Chapter members, of all generations, to gather photos of family members who are or were a part of America’s Armed Forces. As part of the Philoptochos Program, and throughout the convention, it is our plan to show a ‘pictorial history’ that will tell the story of their bravery, as we honor their sacrifice. PHOTOGRAPH SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Send photos of family members who served (Veterans) or are serving (men and women) in the United States Armed Forces. Photos sent through email are preferred, although ‘good quality’ hard copy photos can be mailed and will be accepted, but these WILL NOT be returned. Close up ‘face’ photos are preferred but others can be used as long as the person is identifiable. Appropriate Sizes: 8 x 10, 5 x 7, 4 x 6 Please identify the year and location the photo was taken and the name of the person/people in the photo. We must have your photos by May 1, 2014. All photos should be emailed to [email protected] . Alternatively, mail to Martha Stefanidakis at 7619 Wycomb Lane, Houston, Texas, 77070. Please help us pay tribute to ‘The Brave Ones’ by including their photo in this wonderful display that will express our love for them and honor their sacrifice. See you in Philadelphia in July! With love in Christ, Anne Michals Martha Stefanidakis Evellyn Tsiadis 2014 National Philoptochos Biennial Convention Co-Chairs th 126 EAST 37 STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10016 • TEL: (212) 977-7770 • FAX: (212) 977-7784 Web: • E-mail: [email protected] 2014 National Philoptochos Biennial Convention Philadelphia, PA – July 6-9, 2014 SPONSORSHIP CONTRIBUTIONS Grand Benefactor ($10,000 and up) Benefactor ($5,000 to $9,999) Patron ($1,000 to $4,999) Sponsor ($500 to $999) Donor ($300 to $499) Friend ($1 to $299) Please type or print: Name___________________________________________________________________ Church__________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address__________________________________________________________ Phone: Home____________________________ Work____________________________ Email address____________________________________________________________ Amount of Sponsorship____________________________________________________ Make checks payable to “National Philoptochos” and mail to: National Philoptochos Office – National Convention 126 East 37th Street, New York, NY 10016 To submit your sponsorship contribution online, please click here. Thank you for your support and commitment! FOR INCLUSION IN THE SPONSORSHIP BROCHURE, PLEASE SUBMIT BY: May 15, 2014 March 6, 2014 Dear Philoptochos Stewards and Friends, The National Philoptochos Society is looking forward to the 2014 Biennial Convention which will be held on July 6-‐9, 2014 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The conference will include prominent speakers, educational workshops and opportunities for the delegates to exchange ideas. Please be aware that the cost of offering this wonderful program is not covered solely by the registration fees. Your support will help defray the significant cost of the programs and will allow the Philoptochos to provide many special and exciting events. We invite you to become a sponsor of the Convention. We appeal to your generosity so that National Philoptochos provides this opportunity to its members without being a financial burden on the organization. Please join your fellow sisters in making this a truly successful and noteworthy event. Please return the completed sponsorship form and your donation by May 15, 2014 to National Philoptochos Society, Attn: Convention Sponsorship Committee, 126 East 37th St., New York, NY 10016. With Sisterly Love in Christ, Anne Michals Martha Stefanidakis Evellyn Tsiadis 2014 National Philoptochos Biennial Convention Co-‐Chairs Sponsorship Co-‐Chairs Stella Pantelides Kassandra Romas Ourania Soumas
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