Greek Orthodox Metropolitan Cathedral of Saint John the Theologian Volume 15: No. 3 Father’s Message: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Luke 2:14 My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I can truly say with great Joy and Love that both Presbytera Alexa and I are extremely excited to spend our first Christmas here together with our new family at St. John the Theologian Cathedral. You have all been so kind and welcoming to us and we will never forget the way you have embraced us with such warm Christian love. We cannot even begin to imagine a better community for us to bring our first born child into this world. As Presbytera and I are decorating the house and shopping for gifts with our baby on the way this has added a different type of joy for us in our personal lives as we prepare for the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This is a very joyous time of the year for all because we are so filled with the love of the Holy Spirit knowing that our Savior who embodies true love without reservation or judgement will now be with us. Let us take the time to sit quietly and reflect on our own personal lives and make sure we are doing the best we possibly can to love and support those who need us. Let us make sure to stop for a moment and spend time or pick up the phone and talk to family and friends. Let us enjoy one another and give Glory to God and focus on the fact that our whole existence on this earth is a struggle and strive to achieve a better life and relationship with Christ. December 25th, 2014 I pray this Christmas season that God grants us all the knowledge of His truth, and that we all may have peace, love and understanding for each other. That we are all given the strength to forgive and be united as one, as God’s children. A little over two thousand years ago the angels sang this very hymn “Glory be to God in the highest and on earth peace and goodwill among men.” We must realize, however, that in today’s world, just as it was during the birth of Christ, there still is no peace. Today we still see persecution going on in the world, although now it si not coming from the Roman Empire. Humanity today still has not learned from the mistakes of the humanity of the past. The only major difference is that through technology we have actually perfected our weapons of mass killing. One of the major pains the world faces today is the cries for independence and self-determination to achieve freedom and peace. There is an emergence of a new face of terror that has one goal and that is spreading fear, death and destruction with the hopes of changing this world as we know it. This demon has a name and it is called ISIS. The church did respond to this demon with courage and with its single mission and that is the mission of peace. This demon has brought Gods alliances even closer together as a response to this threat on the Christian world. On Sunday December 1st, 2014 His All Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew met with Pope Francis for unity to demand an end to ISIS violence and terror. Christians in Iraq and Syria both expressed to the Patriarch and the Pope that they are threatened to either convert to Islam or be killed. The Patriarch and Pope responded by issuing a joint declaration asking for each and every one of us to remain in constant prayer for the Christians who are suffering in the Middle East. They are also urging world leaders to intensify assistance to the victims of the Islamic State group. The Patriarch and the Pope stated that “War is a sin against God” and that a united front must be created in order to stop the expelling of Christians on the very place Christianity began. As the two leaders of our “One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church” came together in the name of peace. We as God's children should follow this wonderful example of love and guidance in which our spiritual fathers have shown us. I pray that our Almighty God grant us peace in this world and in our personal lives and that He may grant our sick health and comfort and restoration in the hearts of the suffering. During this Christmas season let us try to help and comfort all those who are suffering from illness, or have experienced a death in the family, or may have a loved one suffering from an illness. Our Cathedral is also here to help those both spiritually and mentally as we are beginning a Bereavement group which will be headed by a trained licensed mental health counselor and myself. God Bless you all and I wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year. Father Panagiotis ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥΓΕΝΝΑ 2014 «Δόξα ἐν ὑψἰστοις Θεῶ καί ἐπί γὴς εἰρήνη ἐν ἀνθρώποις εὐδοκία» Ἀγαπητοί ἐν Χριστῶ ἀδελφοί καί ἀδελφές Ἡ Πρεσβυτἐρα καί ἐγώ μέ πολλή χαρά καί ἀγάπη εἴμαστε ἐξαιρετικά εὐτυχεἰς ἑορτἀζοντες μαζἰ σας τά φετεινά Χριστούγεννα,μέ τήν μεγάλη οἰκογένεια τοῦ Καθεδρικοῦ Ναοῦ Ἰωάννου τοῦ Θεολόγου. Ὅλοι ἐσεῖς μέ εὐγένεια μᾶς ὑποδεχθήκατε καί δἐν ξεχἀσωμε ποτέ πῶς μᾶς ἀγκαλιἀσατε μέ τόση ζεστή Χριστιανική ἀγάπη. Δέν μποροῦμε νά φανταστοῦμε καλλίτερη Κοινότητα γιἀ μᾶς γιά νά ὑποδεχθοῦμε τόν Νεογέννητο Χριστό. Στολίζοντας τό σπίτι μας καί ἀγοράζοντες δῶρα ἡ Πρεσβυτέρα καί ἐγώ, μέ τήν ἀναμονή τοῦ ἐρχόμενου παιδιοῦ μας, προστέθηκε μιά διαφορετική νέα χαρά στή ζωή μας, ὅπως προετοιμαζόμαστε διά τήν Γέννησιν τοῦ Κυρίου καί Θεοῦ καί Σωτῆρος ἡμῶν Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ. Τώρα εὑρισκόμεθα σέ μία χαρούμενη ἐποχή τοῦ χρόνου καί ὅλοι μας αίσθανόμαστε τήν ἀγάπη τοῦ Ἁγίου Πνεύματος καί γνωρίζοντες ὅτι ὁ Σωτήρ ἡμῶν μᾶς ἔφερε τήν ἀληθινή χαρά καί μένει μαζί μας. Ἄς πάρωμε λίγο καιρό, ἄς καθίσωμε μέ ἡσυχία καί ἄς βεβαιωθοῦμε ὅτι κάνομε τό καλλίτερο δυνατόν γιά νά προσφέρωμε ἀγάπη καί βοήθεια σέ ὅσους τήν χρειάζονται. Ἄς σταματήσωμε γιά λίγο καί ἄς διαθέσωμε λίγο χρόνο μαζί μέ τά συγγενικά καί φιλικά μας πρόσωπα, ἤ ἀκόμη μέ ἕνα τηλεφώνημά μας. Ἄς χαροῦμε ὁ ἕνας τόν ἄλλο καί ἄς δοξάσωμε τό Ὄνομα τοῦ Θεοῦ καί ἀκόμη ἄς ἐννοήσωμε ὅτι ὅλη ἡ ζωή μας ἐδῶ στήν γῆ εἶναι ἕνας ἀγώνας διά νά ἐπιτύχωμε μιά καλλίτερη ζωή μέ τήν ἐπικοινωνία μας μέ τόν Θεόν. Εὔχομαι ἡ Χριστουγεννιάτικη αὐτή περίοδος νά φέρη εἰς ὅλους μας ὅλη τήν γνώση τῆς Ἀληθείας Του, διά νά ἔχωμε εἰρήνη, ἀγάπη καί ἀλληλοκατανόηση. Ἄς προσπαθήσωμε νά συγχωρήσωμε καἰ νά εἴμαστε ἑνωμένοι ὡς τέκνα Θεοῦ.Πρό δύο χιλιάδων ἐτῶν οἱ Ἄγγελοι ἔψαλλαν τόν Ὕμνο: «Δόξα ἐν Ὑψίστοις Θεῶ καί ἐπί γῆς εἰρήνη ἐν ἀνθρώποις εὐδοκία». Εἰς τόν σημερινόν κόσμο, ὅπως καί τότε δέν ὑπάρχει δυστυχῶς εἰρήνη. Στήν ἐποχή ἐκείνη ὑπῆρχαν οἱ διωγμοί ὑπό τῶν Ρωμαίων Αὐτοκρατόρων, ἀλλά καί σήμερα ὑπάρχουν οἱ διωγμοί. Δυστυχῶς ἡ ἀνθρωπότης δέν διδάχτηκε ἀπό τά σφάλματα τοῦ παρελθόντος, καί ἡ τεχνολογία ἔχει γίνει ὅπλο τοῦ θανάτου. Ὁ μεγάλος πόνος τοῦ κόσμου εἶναι ἡ ἀπόκτηση τῆς τῆς ἐλευθερίας καί τῆς εἰρήνης. Ὑπάρχει ἡ τρομοκρατία, ἡ ὁποία σκορπᾶ παντοῦ τόν φόβο, τόν θάνατο καί τήν καταστροφή, γιά δῆθεν ἕνα καλλίτερο κόσμο. Αὐτός ὁ δαίμων ἔχει τό ὄνομα ΙΣΙΣ, ἔναντι τοῦ ὁποίου ἡ Ἁγία μας Ἐκκλησία κηρύττει κουράγιο καί ἡ ἀποστολή της εἶναι ἡ εἰρήνη. Αὐτός ὁ δαίμων ἔφερε πιό κοντα ὅλους τούς ἀνθρώπους τοῦ Θεοῦ, ὡς ἀπάντηση στό φόβο πρός ὅλο τόν κόσμο. Τήν 1ην Δεκεμβρίου, 2014 ὁ Παναγιώτατος Οἰκουμενικός Πατριἀρχης Βαρθολομαῖος συναντήθηκε στό Φανάρι μέ τόν Πάπα Φραγκίσκο, μέ ἑνότητα καί προέτρεψαν νά σταματήση ἡ τρομακτική δρᾶσις τοῦ ΙΣΙΣ. Οἱ Χριστιανοί τοῦ Ἰράκ καί τῆς Συρίας ἐξέφρασαν στόν Πατριάρχη καί στόν Πάπα ὅτι βρίσκονται σέ κατάσταση φόβου καί πιέζονται νά ἀσπασθοῦν τό Ἰσλάμ ἤ νά θανατωθοῦν. Οἱ δύο θρησκευτκοί ἡγέτες ἀπήντησαν μέ κοινόν ἀνακοινωθέν παρακαλοῦντες ὅλους ἡμᾶς νά προσευχώμεθα διά τούς Χριστιανούς πού ὑποφέρουν στήν Μέση Ἀνατολή. Ἐπίσης παρακαλοῦν τούς ἡγέτες τῶν Χωρῶν νά βοηθήσουν τά θύματα τοῦ Ἰσλαμικοῦ Κράτους. Ὁ Πατριάρχης καί ὁ Πάπας ἐδήλωσαν ὅτι ὁ πόλεμος εἶναι ἁμαρτία ἔναντι τοῦ Θεοῦ καί πρέπει νά δημιουργηθῆ ἕνα ἑνωμένο μέτωπο, διά νά σταματήση ὁ διωγμός τῶν Χριστιανῶν ἐκεῖ πού ἄρχισε ὁ Χριστιανισμός. Ὅπως οἱ δύο θρησκευτικοί ἡγέτες συνῆλθον ἐν όνόματι τῆς εἰρήνης, ἔτσι καί ἡμεῖς ὡς τέκνα Θεοῦ πρέπει νά ἀκολουθήσωμε τό ὑπέροχο παράδειγμα τῆς ἀγάπης, τό ὁποῖον ἔδειξαν οἱ πνευματικοί μας πατέρες. Προσεύχομαι ὅπως ὁ Παντοδύναμος Θεός χαρἰση εἰρήνην στόν κόσμο καί στήν προσωπική ζωή τοῦ καθενός. Νά δωρήση ὑγείαν εἰς τούς πάσχοντας, κατά τήν Ἁγίαν Ἑορτήν τῶν Χριστουγέννων καί ἄς μᾶς ἀξιώση νά βοηθήσωμε καί νά ἀνακουφίσωμε ὅλους πού ὑποφέρουν ἀπό ἀσθένειες ἤ ἕνεκα θανάτου κάποιου δικοῦ τους ἀνθρώπου.Ὁ Καθεδρικός μας Ναός εἶναι ἐδῶ διά προσφέρη βοήθεια στούς συνανθρώπους μας πνευματικῶς ἤ συμβουλευτικῶς, ὅπως τώρα πού ἔχομε ἀρχίσει μέ μία ὁμάδα εἰδικῶς κατηρτισμένων ἀνθρώπων καί ἐμοῦ. Ὁ Θεός νά εὐλογῆ ὅλους καί σᾶς εὔχομαι Καλά Χριστούγεννα καί εὐλογημένον τό Νέον Ἔτος. Π. Παναγιώτης Ἱερατικός Προϊστάμενος Save the Dates: New Year’s Eve Party Wednesday December 31st Greek Independence Day Parade Sunday, March 29th 5th Avenue, NYC President’s Message: As the calendar year comes to a close, and we prepare to celebrate the anniversary of the arrival on this Earth of our Lord Jesus Christ, it is a good time for reflection. By all accounts, 2014 was a difficult year for our Cathedral. Our finances are not strong, and the community went through significant uncertainty with the departure of Father Lekkas. But as difficult as the past year was, we have much to be thankful for. Look around you. Father Zougras has hit the ground running and has reenergized our community with his love. It seems that every week we are getting new stewards as more and more people begin to recognize that St.John's is a special place for Orthodox families. So we have much hope for a bright future. This future will not come easy. It will require all of us to roll up our sleeves to work for the continued vitality of our Cathedral. An ambitious task to be certain, but one that will be accomplished when we all recognize the significance of our Cathedral to our daily lives. It is the home of our faith, our culture and our community and deserves our unfailing love and support. On a personal note, I will be finishing my term as President of the Parish Council in 2015. I want to thank the community for the privilege of serving as president. It has been such a rewarding experience and has had such a positive impact upon my life. I would also like to thank Father Panagiotis, the entire parish council and the executive board who have worked tirelessly to support our beloved community. Finally, I would like to thank my family. Eva, Kira and Andoni- thank you for your love and support. I’m never quite worthy of it, but I couldn’t live without it. George Tsougarakis THE 2014 ELECTION RESULTS The following will serve on the Parish Council for a 3 year term from 2015-2017 GEORGE STAPHOS ELIZABETH GOLDMAN STAVROS KAMILARIS MARINOS LILIKAS JERRY MAKRIS GEORGE PAPAS PHILIP PHILLIOU GEORGE TSOUGARAKIS Philoptochos News: On behalf of my family and the St. Philothea Philoptochos Board we wish you all a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year. Let me take this opportunity to tell you what we have done over the past 2 months. Vasilopita Sale: We will be selling Vasilopitas on December 21st and December 28th. Orders will be taken on Sunday, Dec. 14th. Please use the form provided. For further information please contact Agatha Xenopoulos or Poly Derdemezis. The bread is coming from Agia Skepi/Holy Protection Monastery of the Theotokos in White Haven, Pa. Price is $15.00 each. Vasliopita Luncheon: The New Year will begin with our Annual Vasilopita Luncheon. It will be held on Sunday, January 11, 2015. All the proceeds from this affair go to St. Basil’s Academy. Co-chairs are Asapsia Melis and Barbara Kostakis. Please use the form provided to make reservations. Membership: January also begins our Membership Drive. I am proud to tell you that our membership has grown to 158 stewards for 2014. We have grown substantially; however, we still need to grow to include every woman over the age of 18. We all have a responsibility to extend our hearts and hands to those in need. Philoptochos Elections: This year, 2015, is a Philoptochos Election Year in May and it is important that everyone attends the General Meetings. To be elected to the Board, you must have attended at least 4 general meetings, be a Philoptochos steward and also a member in good standing with the Cathedral of St. John the Theologian. Membership flyers will be mailed out. St. Michael’s Home for the Elderly: St. Michael’s Home for the Elderly will move to a new location in Uniondale, NY. On November 20th, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese closed on the property. This new 11 acre location including the 90,000 sq. ft. Main building will lead to the creation of 26 one bedroom independent living apartments, at least 50 studios for independent or assisted living, and a dementia wing and a nursing home wing. This will allow a total of 150 residents. Presently, the current facility holds s about 60. On February 20, 2015 at Terrace on the Park, St. Michael’s Home will hold it’s 1st Annual Apokriatiko Glendi. Price is $100 per person. All proceeds will benefit the Home’s Expansion Fund. Please see the flyer, no invitations will be sent. St. Nicholas National Shrine Initiative: The Feast Day of Saint Nicholas and the Christmas season is a perfect opportunity to offer a 'gift' for the Saint Nicholas National Shrine at Ground Zero Philoptochos Initiative. The gift may be made in memory or in honor of your loved ones. All Philoptochos members across the nation are being asked to donate $100 each over a 2 year period of time. A restricted account has been established by our chapter for these donations. On a quarterly basis, all chapters including ours will send one check payable to their respective Metropolis Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society. The Metropolis designee will then forward a check to the National Philoptochos. We will send our first payment in January. This Initiative will end in 2016. Please make your checks payable to “St. Philothea Philoptochos” and earmark it St. Nicholas National Shrine at Ground Zero (SNNS @ Ground zero). It is my fervent wish that our chapter donate 100%. This will be a Greek Orthodox Church, functioning as any other church plus a National Shrine. For further information please read the St. Nicholas National Shrine Poster in the atrium hallway. Parish Community Christmas Card: The Christmas Cards should be arriving in your home shortly and I would like to thank the chairladies, Athena Apostle, Georgia Christofides, Joanne Kontos, Maria Meidanis and Vickie Azzata who worked endlessly in this endeavor. Christmas Party: The Annual Christmas party was held on December 4th at Seasons. Thanks go out to the chairladies, Maria Kamilaris and Sophia Kinnis. Also, thank you to all our donors, supporters, and to those who donated raffle baskets. It was a beautiful evening with fine food, music and dancing. The proceeds will go to our philanthropic missions. Christmas Bazaar & Pastry Sale: Our Christmas Bazaar was held on Sunday, Dec. 7th. Thank you to the chairladies – Harriet Nikolaidis, Katina Halkias, Georgia Christofides and Joanne Kontos. The spanakopitas and Greek Pastries are still on sale as long as our supply lasts. Food Drive Our chapter worked with the children of our Sunday school in the distribution of the food for the Food Drive. Thanks to Aphrodite Microutsicos and Paulette Geanacopoulos who made arrangements for the Center for Food Action to pick up the food. Honoring the Veterans On November 9th honored the Cathedral’s the chapter Veterans in appreciation of their Service to our country. Present were 12 Veterans who were given a light lunch. The short video “The Brave Ones” was shown to all in attendance. This video is a tribute to veterans created from personal archives of Philoptochos stewards and was first presented at the July National Philoptochos Convention. I thank GOYA for selling souvlakia that afternoon, it put a certain touch to the day; and to Maria Meidanis who baked platters of individual pites for the veterans. I also would like to thank Christ Economos for letting us hang his American Flag. It made our Fellowship Hall look very patriotic. Report on the Breast Cancer Drive: Due to the hard work of the committee which was co-chaired by Paulette Geanacopoulos, Aphrodite Microutsicos, and Anna Makrinos-Callahan, we were able to distribute $2550 to Breast Cancer related institutions. Thanks to all that contributed. Dates to Remember: General Meeting – January 27th @7:30 pm GO RED SUNDAY – February 8th Vespers for St. Philothea – February 18th Name Day St. Philothea – February 19th General Meeting February 19th @ 7:30 pm 1st Compline Dinner hosted by Philoptochos – February 23rd. As you can see we are an army of 158 busy women that offers and fulfills a multitude of philanthropic missions that make a difference in the lives of people in the United States and throughout the world. His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America called Philoptochos, “an army of nobility and the jewel of our Church. Philoptochos must continue to do what God does by loving people.” May His Peace and Love be yours during this Christmas Season and for the New Year. In Christ, Barbara Kostakis, President THE FINANCES OF THE CATHEDRAL IN 2015 AND YOUR COMMITMENT Dear Fellow Stewards: The Cathedral of St. John the Theologian is a large and dynamic community of Orthodox families. Our Cathedral serves the needs of all types of people and groups, from the very young to the elderly. Our Cathedral is absolutely magnificent, inspiring faith, encouraging prayer and drawing attention to God. Our Cathedral is a testament to the hard work and commitment of those who had the foresight in 1967 to establish St. John’s and those Stewards who perpetuate it today. The annual operating costs of the Cathedral are approximately $1,000,000. In addition to $1,000,000 in operating costs, we have a 47 year old facility that is in need of repair and investment. Kitchen equipment, the roof, the parking lot, lighting, heating, plumbing and electrical are all in need of updating. The math is simple. Divide the expenses by number of Stewards; in other words, the fair share of each Steward towards the operating costs of the Cathedral is at least $1,600 per Steward. We all must recognize, however, that some of our Stewards simply do not have the ability to contribute $1,600 in 2015 and therefore we need to give more. This is important. Please take a few minutes to review your Stewardship Commitment. If you have not already done so please fulfill your prior pledges and make your Stewardship Pledge for 2015. If you can, please increase your 2015 commitment. Your pledge and commitment ensures the success of the programs undertaken for the spiritual needs of the over 700 Orthodox families in our community. Remember that your Stewardship provides the foundation for our Cathedral Ministries and our efforts in meeting the challenge of spreading Christ’s Word and our Orthodox Faith. A final word about the timing of your Stewardship payments. Stewardship can now be paid using a credit card, so the church office can set it up so that your credit card is automatically charged every month for Stewardship. For example, if you pledged $2,400 for the year, your credit card would automatically be charged $200/month. In this way, the Cathedral will have a more consistent cash flow and you earn points on your credit card while fulfilling your pledge. If you have any questions about Stewardship, please call the church office, Fr. Peter any Parish Council member. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Philip J. Philliou, Stewardship Chairman attendees to move around easier and see the gifts on display. Some highlights include: - The PTO/MC will keep $20,000 to support the Greek School and Sunday School programs and the remaining proceeds will be given to the church to help pay for the church hall roof repairs. Thank you to EVERYONE in our community who donated money, items, and personal time to support the Tricky Tray. We would like to extend a special thank you to the Parish Council, Kali Parea, Hope & Joy for working closely with the PTO/MC on many of the initiatives contributing to the Tricky Tray’s success. December is a very busy month for the PTO/MC and we are involved in the following upcoming events: - PTO/Mothers’Club: Dear Cathedral Community, We want to thank everyone for their efforts in making this year’s Tricky Tray event a success. It was held at the Kaplen JCC on the Palisades (next to the Cathedral) for the second year in a row. This year we used the two full sized gymnasiums for the event, one for seating and the other for the gift baskets. This new space worked so much better for our event – allowing the Over 500 people were in attendance The 50/50 raffle pot was over $9,000 We had 296 prizes with combined value of over $50,000 The night concluded at 11:10pm (early in comparison to past years!!!) Netted over $35,000 - - Sunday, December 14 Communion Breakfast Thursday, December 18 Greek School Christmas Show (and pizza dinner for the children) Friday, December 19 Christmas with the Karountzoses (movie night) Sunday, December 21 Sunday School Christmas Pageant We want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year! Sincerely, The PTO/Mothers’ Club of the Greek Orthodox Metropolitan Cathedral of St. John the Theologian Anna Stella Angeliki Callahan Kyprianou Papas Vas Cialdella Vicky Lambrinides Athena Perides Vicky Kranidiotis Helena Martakis Vickie Rokkos Patricia Galiotos Yelena Migardos Ceres Ruzich Stephanie Karlis Rodi Mouzakis Denise Socrates Eleni Kolefas Claudia Nicholson Rania Stratis Ioanna Kotsogiannis Tania Nikas Allison Voxakis Sincerely, Ceres Ruzich & Eleni Kolefas Co-Presidents of the PTO/Mothers’ Club Kali Parea News With the start of the Ecclesiastical Year, we welcomed our new Proistamenos Father Panagiotis Zougras. Father Panagioti met with the Kali Parea Steering Committee in September and we pledged to work together for the benefit of our parish and the Kali Parea membership in particular. Father Zougras was introduced and warmly welcomed by the entire membership on September 23rd at our first meeting of the season. We began our new year with three successful outings. On October 17th twenty-one of us car pooled to The Westchester Dinner Theatre for lunch and a very entertaining production of “South Pacific”. Many thanks to Peter Baganakis for making all the arrangements for this enjoyable trip. That outing was followed on October 23rd by a bus excursion to The Grounds for Sculpture, a 42 acre park and museum in Hamilton, New Jersey. The day trip, expertly arranged by Vangie George, included a tour of the New Jersey State House and a delightful lunch at Rats Restaurant. The participants had a wonderful day despite the damp weather. Finally, on Saturday October 25th a full bus of 55 people, plus several cars, visited our beloved Father Panagioti Lekkas at his new parish in Upper Darby, PA for the Vespers of St. Demetrios, the Church’s Patron Saint. We were warmly welcomed at the reception following services and were heartened to see Father Panagioti has been received with open arms. We presented Father with a framed picture of Kali Parea and an offering to St. Demetrios in his honor, he seemed very pleased. We wished Father Panagioti and his family the very best. The Kali Parea Christmas Luncheon is planned for Tuesday December 9th at Madeleine’s Petit Paris. We look forward to this annual event as it is always fun-filled and well attended. The Kali Parea Executive and Steering Committees wish you and your families a blessed Christmas and a joyous New Year filled with health and happiness. Helen Cocotos, Secretary AHEPA: The American Hellenic Educational and Progressive Association is working hard to maintain it’s standard of giving and philanthropy in the Greek and NonGreek Community. We feel this form of Outreach to the community is important to further our Christian roots. So, to this goal, the AHEPA held its 2nd Annual Car & Motorcycle Show in September on a beautiful Saturday, using the Church parking lot to house 47 Classic Cars and Motorcycles. There were four categories, based on the years of the vehicles, to win trophies, plus an overall winner and people’s choice award. We did our best to draw in a crowd of both parishioners and non-parishioners to view the show, for free. The funds were raised from sponsors, the entry fees of the cars, viewers buying food, drink and contributing to the Lemonade stand. The Charities that benefited were the Alex’s Lemonade Stand for Pediatric Cancer, The 5th Distric AHEPA Cancer Fund, Habitat for Humanity and our own Cathedral. The next event we are holding is the Super Bowl Party on Sunday February 1st. We have Large screens set up to watch the game, food to enjoy and fellowship to watch the game with. The proceeds go towards our educational scholarships and certain charities. We have our meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of each month and would feel proud to have any new member, who is interested in helping others and spreading Hellenism, come and join us for an initial meeting. Scouts Come join our Cub, Girl or Boy Scouts. They run K-12 for girls and 1-12 for boys. Learn skills and do activities that you wouldn’t be able to do anywhere else, along with your fellow Greek Scouts. Put your young children in the position to become the best citizens and leaders that they can be. In October, our scouts joined other Orthodox scouts from the Metropolitan area and beyond (we had one group come from Nova Scotia, Canada) for the 54th Annual EOCS Scout Religious Retreat at Saint Basil’s. Despite the wet weather we enjoyed the day and overnight with fellow scouts, seminarians and adult volunteers. In November the Boy Scouts spent an overnight in Tents at Camp Alpine, NJ. It was a bit on the chilly side, but we didn’t hear one complaint from our prepared scouts. This is the type of activities that you get a chance to do while bonding with your young children! Call the church office for information. Cart From The Heart My name is Erini Papas, and I am one of the current Ambassador Girl Scouts working on her Gold Award Project. I am a senior at Park Ridge High School, and am currently asking for donations for pediatric cancer patients at The Joseph M. Sanzari Children’s Hospital at Hackensack University Medical Center. My project is to collect new toys and monetary donations in order to purchase Kindles for the children. With a cousin battling cancer, as well as an interest in the medical field, my interest in my Girl Scout Gold Project is two-fold. Being able to help distract the patients and their families from their illness is a way to alleviate some of the stress and pain of the situation, especially after understanding what my cousin is going through. Finally, with an interest in the medical field, I am beginning to see the value of understanding not only the medicine and practical side, but sympathizing with the patient and their experiences as well. Cancer patients, especially children, at hospitals often cannot re-use the games or toys donated, because of the risk of spreading infectious disease. Furthermore often these patients and their families cannot afford to spend lavishly on presents for Christmas and birthdays. Consequently, Cart From the Heart, will be collecting donations in order to replenish the existing cart of games, and supply a new cart of activities and books, as well as supplying the items on a wish list for a family who could not afford to give their children what they desired. These carts and activities are for the patient’s enjoyment and distraction from their illness. In addition, monetary contributions will go toward purchasing new Kindles, which are easy to disinfect and reuse. Please look for donation boxes to be placed around the church to collect the toys. If you would like to contribute a monetary donation, feel free to contact me at [email protected]. I can also be found in the Sunday School Pre-K3 classroom, working as an assistant teacher. Thank you for your support! With respect and gratitude, Erini Papas Community Christmas Party This year, the gifts collected by our Parishioners as they visit Santa will go towards Erini Papas’ Gold Award Project, for the children in the Pediatric Cancer unit at Hackensack University Medical Center. GOYA: For the month of November GOYA has been very active. The members have been more involved than ever. GOYA has been participating in fun activities such as wreath making, GOYA dances, and competing in sports games against other churches. Wreath making was a huge success and all the GOYAns who participated had an amazing time. Altogether GOYA made 60 wreaths which were sold in the fair after Church on December 7th. Recently, GOYAns have attended the Bowling Tournament and Dance with all GOYAs in our Metropolis. It was very exciting and enjoyable for all GOYAns who attended. We even had some winners! Also, after church on many Sundays are sports games in which both the girls and the boys of GOYA compete. The girls play volleyball and practice every Wednesday night and the boys play basketball and practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Both teams compete against other GOYAs in our Metropolis. Some upcoming, exciting events are a retreat, a Christmas party, and another dance. We will be going to a Religious Retreat on December 12th at St. Andrew’s in Randolph and there, we will donate health kits for the IOCC which our GOYA made. On December 13th, our Goya will enjoy a Christmas party luncheon and meet with Father Peter and Dino to discuss the meaning of Christmas. Afterwards, our Goya will go caroling in Tenafly to spread Christmas cheer to a nursing home! Lastly, at the end of December, there will be a Christmas Dance at St. George in Piscataway, another fun activity for our Goya to participate in before the 2014 year ends! There is a lot to look forward to for the end of the year for all the GOYAns. Cassandra Chicles, GOYA Corresponding Secretary JOY & HOPE: Attention Parishioners! It's never to late to join us and our youth ministries. Come by the church office and register. Calendar of Events 2014 Dec 13 - Trip to St. Basil’s Academy Dec 19 - Making Ornaments for Cathedral's Christmas tree. Anna Makrinos-Callahan, Allison Voxakis & Andrea Makkas LITTLE ANGELS: A playgroup for toddlers for ages 2-4, has been formed to promote new friendships within our community by providing a fun environment where children can play, explore, and interact with other Orthodox children. Activities including games, crafts, songs and snacks as well as other various age appropriate outings will be organized. This is a great way to introduce our youngest members to the Church community and our Faith. This group also offers a wonderful opportunity for the younger parents to become acquainted with each other. We invite parents and caregivers to join us once a month from November to May. Andrea Makkas, Baptisms: 1/25/14 Mr/Mrs Peter Sambalis for Kayla Marie with Anastasia Keriazes as Koumbara. 1/26/14 Mr/Mrs Elliot Kathreptis for John Alexander with Anthony Kathreptis as Koumbaro. 2/9/14 Mr/Mrs Achilleas Tzoulafis for Efrossini with Evangelos Tzoulafis and Maria Gorman as Koumbaroi. 3/8/14 Mr/Mrs Christos Chrisolouris for Maria Anna with Katherine Bacolas as Koumbara. 3/15/14 Mr/Mrs Jason Lambrinides for Alexander Eleftherios with Konstantina Fareti as Koumbara. 4/6/14 Mr/Mrs Fredderick Nelson Kramer for Sonja Sophia with Vasiliki Cialdella as Koumbara. 4/27/14 Dr/Mrs Emmanuel Martakis for Luke Kyprianos with Demetra Desses and Andreas Xenophontos as Koumbaroi. 4/27/14 Mr/Mrs John Antonakakis for Sofia with George Lapiotos and Evagelia Lapiotos as Koumbaroi. 5/24/14 Mr/Mrs Daniel Morato for Eleni Mari with Nicholas Andreatos, Eleni Andreatos and Angeliki Haritos as Koumbaroi. 5/25/14 Mr/Mrs Nikos Lykokas for Leonidas Ioannis with Alexander Papagiannis and Chrisoula Papagiannis as Koumbaroi. 6/22/14 Mr/Mrs Zannis Fikaris for Maria Zoe with Anna Maria Callahan and Sean Callahan as Koumbaroi. 6/28/14 Mr/Mrs Christopher G. Zahariades for Alexia Maria with Alexander Nicholas as Koumbaro. 7/19/14 Mr/Mrs Martin Langan for Thalia with Melissa Zachariades and Nicholas Vizoukis as Koumbaroi. 7/20/14 Mr/Mrs Javier Reyna for Christina with George Golemis as Koumbaro. 8/31/14 Mr/Mrs Christopher Stewart for Anastasia (Charlotte) with Thomas Christ Nicholas as Koumbaro. 9/6/14 Mr/Mrs Duyet Van Le for Panagiotis with William Scoullos and Karen Scoullos as Koumbaroi. 5/4/14 Mr/Mrs William Chang for Joyce with Eleni Prepis as Koumbara. 9/28/14 Mr/Mrs Mark Taylor Stegall for Alexis with Evangelia Tsocanos as Koumbara. 5/10/14 Mr/Mrs Antonis Antoniou for Kelsey Sofia with Erini Papas as Koumbara. 10/5/14 Mr/Mrs Thomas Biniaros for Nicholas Thomas with Vasilios Biniaros as Koumbaro. 5/10/14 Mr/Mrs Sam Matthews for Phoebe Christina with Andrew Papataros, Lauren Papataros and Nicoletta Papataros as Koumbaroi. 12/7/14 Mr/Mrs John Gonnella for Petros with Jarrod Holmberg and Carol Holmberg as Koumbaroi. Chrismation: 9/9/14 Ioannis (Jonathan) Anichino with Litsa Mavrikis as Koumbara. Weddings: 2/1/14 Emanuel Boussios & Magdalini Kourounis with Kosmas Anastasiadis & Zografia Anastasiadis as Paranymphoi. 2/22/14 Daniel Mendoza & Ninamarie Bojekian with Michael Bojekian & Christina Kucukyan as Paranymphoi. 3/1/14 Andrew Ojamaa & Constantina Charalambopoulos with John Charalambopoulos & Katerina Sutton as Paranymphoi. 4/25/14 Vincent Bufis & Michele Lavitola with Nicole Delores Corey & Thomas Bufis as Paranymphoi. 5/18/14 Basilios Haidinis & Eleni M. Kafatsidis with Emmanuel Kalogromas & Irene Banogiannis as Paranymphoi. 6/15/14 Bobby E. Meidanis & Stamatia Tsismenakis with Paul T. Skiadas as Paranymphos. 6/21/14 Steven G. Standler & Joanna D. Amoratis with Pandora Amoratis & Robyn Standler as Paranymphoi. 6/29/14 Elias Karlis & Sonja-Sofia J. Kramer with Gabriel Karlis & Pamela Karlis as Paranymphoi. 7/13/14 William N. Papain & Vasiliki Papanikolaw with Thomas T. Papain & Chrysanthi Rosato as Paranymphoi. 7/26/14 Scott T. Dunnder & Krina Kanellopoulos with Maria Georma Sakkos & Dan Lemond as Paranymphoi. 7/26/14 Dimitrios G. Golemis & Christina Jesus Reyna with Vrasidas Golemis & John Golemis as Paranymphoi. 8/16/14 Dean Evan Theodorou & Zigia Santos Rodrigues with Kyriacos Tsahalis & Sara Mezadri as Paranymphoi. 8/31/14 Christos Kyriacou & Lindsay Briglio with Spiro Xenophontos & Caitlin Briglio as Paranymphoi. 10/5/14 Jonathan P. Anichino & Adrienne Parikos with Kay (Kyriaki) Bruno as Paranymphos. 10/12/14 John S. Szot & Christina A. Panaretos with Ioanna Galanis & Zisis Galanis as Paranymphoi. 10/19/14 Matthew A. Prepis & Joyce Chang with George Prepis as Paranymphos. 11/9/14 Vickie Batsedis & Marc Ragosta with Evangelia Maxwell as Paranymphoi Funerals: 6/26/14 Fifi Karras 12/27/13 Anastasia Vowteras 7/22/14 Irene Kosartes 1/11/14 Niki Mavradas 7/24/14 Anna Kaparos 1/23/14 Alexander Fessas 7/31/14 Betty Karavites 1/28/14 Athena M. Chagaris 8/1/14 Pantelis Sarailian 1/30/14 John M. Tsimis 9/8/14 Christine K. Triant 2/14/14 Christos Pyrros 9/27/14 Mary Pappas 3/8/14 Michael Christofides 10/2/14 John Nanos 3/17/14 Olga Mavrozisis 10/15/14 Vasili Soitu 4/12/14 Michael Savva 11/15/14 Leo Liaskos 5/9/14 Andy Kontos 12/8/14 Johanna Michelis 5/19/14 Eleftheris Serbos 6/17/14 Constantine Pappachristou ST. PHILOTHEA PHILOPTOCHOS ANNUAL VASILOPITA SALE To purchase a Vasilopita, please bring or mail-in the form below, or come to the Philoptochos table during coffee hour immediately following the Divine Liturgy. PRE-PAY / PLACE YOUR ORDER SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2014 •••• PICK UP YOUR ORDER / PURCHASE A VASILOPITA SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2014 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2014 $15.00 EACH ST. PHILOTHEA PHILOPTOCHOS PURCHASES A LIMITED NUMBER OF VASILOPITES FROM AGIA SKEPI / HOLY PROTECTION MONASTERY OF THE THEOTOKOS IN WHITE HAVEN, PA. For information, please contact: AGATHA XENOPOULOS: 201.585.8813 POLY DERDEMEZIS: 201.944.8450 CATHEDRAL OFFICE: 201.567.5072 A beautiful and inspirational tradition of the Greek Orthodox Church is the annual family celebration of the Vasilopita. The word, Vasilopita, is directly translated as “Sweet Bread of Basil”. When the Vasilopita is prepared, a coin is baked into the ingredients, a tradition that began in the fourth century, when Saint Basil the Great, who was a Bishop, wanted to distribute money to the poor people in his Diocese. Because he wanted to preserve their dignity rather than give as charity, he commissioned women to bake sweetened bread, in which he placed gold coins. When the families cut the bread to nourish themselves, they were pleasantly surprised to find the coins. Today, the Vasilopita observance begins on New Year’s Day – the Feast Day of St. Basil the Great. The bread is traditionally cut by the senior member of the family, and the individual who receives the portion which contains the coin is considered Blessed for the New Year. Please return to: ST. PHILOTHEA PHILOPTOCHOS CATHEDRAL OF ST. JOHN THE THEOLOGIAN 353 EAST CLINTON AVENUE, TENAFLY, NJ NAME _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ________________________________________________________ CITY / STATE / ZIP ____________________________ TELEPHONE _____________________________________________ EMAIL _____________________________________________ I WISH TO PURCHASE ____________ VASILOPITES @ $15.00 AMOUNT ENCLOSED ___________________________ CHECK # _______________ CASH______________________ AN INVITATION TO THE ST. PHILOTHEA PHILOPTOCHOS ANNUAL VASILOPITA LUNCHEON PROCEEDS TO BENEFIT THE SAINT BASIL ACADEMY Fr. Constantine Sitaras, SBA Executive Director with resident child SUNDAY, JANUARY 11, 2015 IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING DIVINE LITURGY GREEK ORTHODOX METROPOLITAN CATHEDRAL OF ST. JOHN THE THEOLOGIAN 353 East Clinton Avenue Tenafly, N.J. 07670 ADULTS: $25.00 • CHILDREN (under 12): $10.00 ST. BASIL’S ACADEMY “We Teach, We heal, We Bring the Light of Christ to Young Lives” The Academy of St. Basil provides a safe haven and home for Orthodox children, offering a nurturing environment while attending to each child’s developmental, educational, spiritual and material needs. Orthodox children in-need include youth, troubled youth, or orphans from families suffering financial hardship, a crisis, are dysfunctional, or a single parent household having difficulty. Licensed by the NYS Office of Children and Family Services and located in Garrison, NY on 252 acres overlooking the Hudson River, the Academy is a temporary residence for some children, or they can stay throughout their education – through college, graduate school and career placement as needed. St. Basil’s accepts children from throughout the United States of America. All Orthodox are welcome. To refer a child, please contact the Academy at 845.424.3500. For more information, please visit FOR INFORMATION OR TO MAKE A RESERVATION, PLEASE CALL: BARBARA KOSTAKIS ……. 201.248.7466 ……. [email protected] ASPASIA MELIS ……. 201.941.3301 ……. [email protected] CATHEDRAL OFFICE …….201.567.5072 BY JANUARY 4TH, PLEASE RETURN TO: PLEASE PRINT: ST. PHILOTHEA PHILOPTOCHOS CATHEDRAL OF ST. JOHN THE THEOLOGIAN 353 EAST CLINTON AVENUE, TENAFLY, NJ 07670 NAME ________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ______________________________________________ City/State /Zip _______________________ TELEPHONE ___________________________________ EMAIL______________________________________ NUMBER OF ADULTS: _______________ (@ $25.00) AMOUNT ENCLOSED: ____________________ NUMBER OF CHILDREN: ________________ (@ $10.00) Check # ____________ Cash ___________ Please make checks payable to St. Philothea Philoptochos I cannot attend, but please accept my tax deductible donation of $ _______________ Please Save the Date for the 1st Annual St. Michael’s Home Please Save the Date for The 1st Annual St. Michael’s Home Venue : Terrace on the Park Date : Friday, February 20th, 2015 Venue on the Park Time: 7:30 pm: Terrace till late Date : Friday, February 20th, 2015 Price: $100.00 per person Time: 7:30 pm till late including dinner, open bar, Price:buffet $100.00 per person including full buffet dinner, open bar, music and dancing. music and dancing. For tickets or more information please call 914-476-3374 or visit our website All proceeds will benefit the Home’s Expansion Fund. All proceeds will benefit the Home’s Expansion Fund.
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