Dear friends, EGAM is launching, along with numerous Greek civil society organizations and personalities, a European antiracist march, in Athens, on Saturday, December the 15th. Starting 3pm, we will silently and with dignity walk from one symbol of democracy to another, from the Parliament to the Acropolis. Today, our Call for protest "Together in Europe for democracy, against racism, antisemitism and neo-Nazism", signed by Nobel Prize Dario Fo, Nazi hunter Serge Klarsfeld, Philosopher Bernard-Herni Lévy and numerous leaders of the Greek and European civil society, has been published in the newspapers To Vima, To Pontiki, Kathimerini, as well as in news websites such as,,... The AFP has issued a press release about the call and the protest. Following this email, you will find the call for protest in English, French and Greek, as well as the list of the signatories. It will be published, by December 15th, in numerous European newspapers. A European movement of solidarity is now rising to defend democracy. The march will be a unique mobilization, with a beautiful European solidarity at its heart and with the important objective to show the whole society, especially Golden Dawn, that democrats are united all over the continent and determined to defend democracy. The whole Greek society will be represented then, which will contribute to make the mobilization original and unique. At the same time, we are continuing the institutional campaign that we have launched to have the neo-Nazi Eleni Zaroulia out of the Council of Europe. At the beginning of each year, the national delegations have to be presented again. Therefore, on January 21st, at the beginning of the first session of the year, Greece will have to present its delegation, and New Democracy will have to choose to include or not Golden Dawn, since Pasok, Democratic Left and Syriza have declared that they want the neo-Nazis out of the CoE. Nothing is mechanical, it is a matter of political choice. Your support to the fight for democracy in Europe is very important to all, especially to the ones fighting in Greece. Please feel free to spread the email, and to tell us if you want to support the campaign. Also, please subscribe and invite your contacts to subscribe to the "Facebook event" thanks to which you will be informed of the evolution of the mobilization, and where you will find posters, leaflets,... to use to show your support : Please feel free to come back to me at your best convenience for any question. Best, Benjamin Abtan President of the European Grassroots Antiracist Movement - EGAM @ : [email protected] Cell : +33 7 60 83 20 80 Skype : benjamin.abtan Together in Europe for democracy, against racism, antisemitism and neo-Nazism ! In Greece like elsewhere in Europe, racism, antisemitism and neo-Nazism are expanding, without any strong and determined mobilization from the democrats. Racist, antisemitic and denying holocaust speeches as well as the increasing number of violent behaviours in Greece jeopardize the fundamental values of democracy, in the very country where it was born. This must not be considered as a « natural » and negligible consequence of the economic and social crisis that cripples the country, not only because it is essential for a democratic society to respect Human Rights, but also because the crisis will not end tomorrow. Given today’s intolerable situation in Greece, we, leaders of the civil society, intellectuals, artists, citizens involved in the social and political life, say together and loud : “Enough !” Enough racist attacks ! Enough collusion between the police and Golden Dawn’s neo-Nazi thugs ! Enough racist, antisemitic and denying holocaust declarations ! Enough with the passivity of the legal system ! Enough permissiveness, protection and support given de facto to the gangsters of Golden Dawn ! They only thrive on the democrats’ indifference and weaknesses. Let us be clear : fighting racism, antisemitism and neo-Nazism in Greece does not mean fighting Greece, but fighting this ideology of hatred spreading across the whole continent. It means being part of the great European struggle for democracy. It means supporting all of these who, elsewhere in Europe, also take part in this struggle and who need the democrats to mobilize in Greece. It means offering everyone, and especially young people, both a hope and a future, better than the unreachable horizon of debt repayment. It means keeping the European dream alive, the dream of a truly democratic continent, cleared of racism and antisemitism. In this great and beautiful fight, Europe must commit itself, since the European policies imposed on Greece, particularly in terms of immigration and austerity, create the conditions for neo-Nazism to spread. Greek political leaders must also commit themselves : the malfunctioning of some state institutions, the indifference and the support brought de facto to Golden Dawn feed the permissiveness that make it possible for racist acts and speeches to multiply. The whole society must get involved. All individuals have the responsibility to say “Enough !”, to make neo-Nazis understand that democracy imposes boundaries and that the democrats are determined to have those boundaries respected. This is why we call on all the individuals fond of justice, freedom and equality to join us and to express their commitment to democracy and their reject of racism, antisemitism and neo-Nazism, by walking together and silently, on Saturday, December 15th, at 3pm, from the Parliament to the Acropolis. Benjamin Abtan, President of the European Grassroots Antiracist Movement – EGAM, Dario Fo, Literature Nobel Prize, Ahmed Moawia, President of the Greek Forum for Migrants, Bernard- Henri Lévy, Philosopher, Younous Muhammadi, President of the Greek Forum for Refugees, Serge Klarsfeld, President of the “Fils et Filles des déportes juifs de France”, Konstantinos Tsitselikis, Chairman of the Board of the Hellenic League for Human Rights, Franca Rame, Actress & author, Panagiotis Dimitras, Executive Director of the Greek Helsinki Committee, Dimitris Sotiropoulos, Professor at the Athens University, Angela Scalzo, Secretary General of SOS Razzismo (Italy), Cindy Léoni, President of SOS Racisme (France), Petros Constantinou, National coordinator of the Movement United Against Racism and Fascist Threat, Erika Muhi, Director of NEKI (Hungary), Javied Aslam, President of the Pakistani Community of Greece and Union of Immigrant Workers, Pakistani Community of Greece, Lina Venturas, Professor, University of Peloponnese, Irene Petropoulou, Adjunct Chairperson of the Lesbian and Gay Community of Greece (OLKE), Jovana Vukovic, Coordinator of the Regional Center for Minorities & Maja Micic, Executive Director of Youth Initiative for Human Rights (Serbia), Reza Gholami, President of the Association of United Afghan Political Refugees in Greece, Kostis Papaioannou, Former Chair of the National Commission for Human Rights, Tanzanian Community in Greece, Christina Koulouri, Chair of the History Education Committee of the Centre for Democracy and Reconciliation in Southeast Europe, Panteion University, Serdar Yazar, Spokesperson of the Turkish Union in Berlin-Bandenburg-TBB (Germany), Greek Center for Refugees, Froumentios Gadogo Kinya, President of ASANTE, Nassos Theodoridis, Director of Antigone, Marian Mandache, Executive Director of Romani Criss (Romania), Maria Moumoulidou, Professor at the Thrace University, i-Red, Kotsias Spryos, Former President of the Panhellenic Federation of Railways (POS), El Rapta - Egyptian Association in Greece, Makis Leontakianakos, Lawyer, Antidictatorship movement 1967-1974, Dioscuria – Hellenic Georgian Union, Cengiz Algan, Spokesperson of Durde ! (Turkey), Stephanos Papageorgiou, Professor of Modern History, Panteion University, Pan-African Association of Greece, Papachrysanthou Ersi, President of the Committee against the Offices of Golden Dawn in Pagrati, Kenyan Community of Greece, Kari Helene Partapuoli, Director of the Norwegian Antiracist Center, Gazmend Kapllani, Author, Professor of History at the University of Athens, Cameroonian Association of Greece, Dimitri Vorris, Screenwriter, Katarachias Costas, Member of the Board of the Federation of Unions of Public health Hospital Doctors, Greek-Indian Cultural Society, Antonis Liakos, History Professor at the University of Athens, Kasia Kubin, Director of the Foundation Forum for Social Diversity & Paula Sawicka, President of the Open Republic Association (Poland), Despina Papadopoulou, History Professor at the Hellenic Open University, Nigerian Community in Greece, Fotelli Peace, Board Member of PSYPERT, Union of Public TV employees, Albanian Federation of Associations in Greece, Anne Nielsen, President of SOS mod racism (Denmark), Lena Divani, Writer, Associate Professor of Foreign Policy at the Law School of Athens, Union of Sierra Leone in Greece, Makis Kavouriaris, Professor, President of the Greek Students’ Association 1967-74, Association of the Moroccon Community in Greece, Aldo Merkoci, Director of Mjaft ! Movement (Albania), Tasos Karasavvoglou, Professor, TEI Kavala, Organization of United African Women, Bangladesh Community in Greece, Miroslav Broz, President of Konexe & Anna Sabatova, President of the Czech Helsinki Committee (Czech Republic), Bulgarian Cultural Center, Orpheus Hellenic Moldovan Association, Alma Masic, Director of Youth Initiative for Human Rights (Bosnia), Kyrkos Doxiadis, Professor of Social Theory at the University of Athens, Syrians Overseas Association of Greece, Afghan-Greek Community, Krassimir Kanev, President of the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee & Deyan Kolev, President of the Roma Center Amalipe for interethnic dialogue and tolerance (Bulgaria), Nikos Theotokas, Professor at the Panteion University, Rosofilon Trikala – Association of Russian-speaking in Greece, Vasilis Sylaidis, Member of the Athens Labor Center EKA, Land of the Stork – Ukrainian Community in Greece, Claudia Schäfer, COE of ZARA & Alexander Pollak, President of SOS Mitmensch (Austria), Hellenic Pakistani Association of Greece, Greek-Sudanese Friendship Association, Anhelita Kamenska, Director of the Latvian Center for Human Rights (Latvia), Fotini Assimakopoulou, History Professor at the University of Athens, Society of Arab Maghreb in Crete, Tziva Emy, Union of Bank Employees, Union of Palestinian Workers in Greece, Maria Velliou, Galerist, Congolese Community of Greece, Mario Mazic, Director of Youth Initiative for Human Rights (Croatia), Thalia Dragonas, Professor of Social Psychology at the University of Athens, Somali Community in Greece, Koukalani Vasilis, Director-Actor, Ethiopian Workers Union, Hristo Ivanovski, President of the Alliance for Human Rights in Macedonia, Maria Giannisopoulou, Social Anthropologist, University of Crete, Libyan Community in Greece, Dimitri Zotos, Lawyer, Madagascar Informal Group, Vanu Jereghi, Director of the Moldovan Institute for Human Rights (Moldova), Thanassis Kourkoulas, Sunday School, Georgios Stamelos, Professor at the University of Patras, Raba Gjoshi, Director of Youth Initiative for Human Rights – Kosovo, Evi Manopoulou, High School Modern Literature and Classics Teacher, Berezka Cultural Association, Theofilos Saltsides, Union of Employees of TAPA, Ministry of Culture, “Mother Teresa” – Association of Albanian migrants, Boris Raonic, President of Civic Alliance (Montenegro), Charalambos Kasimis, Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics & Rural Development, Agricultural University of Athens, Alien Migrant Association Karditsa, Network of Migrant Women of Nothern Greece, Irena Bihariova, President of Ludia Proti Rasizmu (Slovakia), Kostas Magos, Lecturer, University of Thessaly, Arberia – Association of Albanian Migrants Larissa Prefecture, Greek-American Democratic Union, Zola Kundur, President of Chiricli (Ukraine), Stavroula Lykogianni, Lecturer in National Technical University oh Athens (NTUA), The Council for Ethnic Minorities of Denmark, Katerina Trimi, Historian, Athens, René Danen, President of Nederland Bekent Kleur (Netherlands), Danielle Morichon, Professor & Translator, Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Immigrantenverbande in Deutschland (BAGIV) – (Germany), Sia Anagnostopoulou, Associate professor at the Panteion University in Athens, Merle Haruoja, Board Member of the Estonian Institute for Human Rights, Panagiotis Kanellopoulos, Associate Professor of Music Education, Department of Early Childhood Education, School of the Humanities, University of Thessaly, Minderhedenforum (Belgium), Loukia Mano – Christidi, Civil Servant, Anita Ramsak, Director of the Ekvilib Institute, Chari Alexaki, EFL + Drama and the Creative Arts in Education teacher, , Despina Karakatsani, Assistant Professor Department of Social and Educational Policy, University of Peloponnese, National Consultation on Minorities (Netherlands), Mariam Osman Sherifay, President of SOS Mot Rasism (Sweden), Evi Gheorvassaki, Chemist, Doctor in biology, secondary education teacher, Nikolas Tsaftaridis, Music Teacher, Department of Early Childhood Education, University of Athens, Grigoris Ananiadis, Associate Professor, Panteion University, Athens, Balias Efstathios, Associate professor at the University of Patras, Tasos Karasavvoglou, Professor at the TEI Kavala, Georgios Agelopoulos, Assistant Professor at the University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Maria Dermitzaki, artist, Vassilis Pesmazoglou, Assistant Professor at the University of Peloponnese, Anastasia Dimitriou, Teacher in a public elementary school of Athens, Athina Gotsi, Teacher preschool education at the Ministry of Education, Byron Kotzamanis, University of Thessaly Department. of Planning and Regional Development Laboratory of Demographic and Social Analyses (LDSA), Christina Agriantoni, Historian, University of Thessaly, Athena Athanasiou, Associate Professor, Panteion University, Tatiana Koutsougera, Physical Educator at the Ministry of Education, Elpida Rikou, Teaching Anthropology of Art in the Department of Theory and History of Art, Athens School of Fine Arts. Kallirroe Linardou, Lecturer in Byzantine Art, Department of Theory and History of Art, Athens School of Fine Arts, Anna Triandafyllidou, European University Institute, Florence, Italy & Senior Fellow, ELIAMEP, Athens, Antoniou Evangelia, Lecturer at the University of Athens, Yannis Papadopoulos, Adjunct Professor, Panteion University, Dimitris Parsanoglou, Sociologist, Centre for Gender Studies-Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Sfingos Dimitris, Musician, Michael Fefes, Lecturer, University of Peloponnese, Panos Hatziprokopiou, Research Fellow, ELIAMEP, Associate Professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Ikaros Mantouvalos, Lecturer of Modern Greek Social History, Democritus University of Thrace, Despina Andropoulou, Psychologist, Anastasia Georgiou, Research Associate of the Greek Forum of Migrants, Nikolaos Kourachanis, PhD Student, University of the Peloponnese, Gabriele Wendt, ex Assistant, European Community, Thanos Christidis, EU pensioneer, Elli Droulia, Library of the Hellenic Parliament, Nikos Tzanakis Papadakis, postgraduate Student at the Free University of Berlin, Saeed Paivandi, Professor of Sciences of Education, Université de Lorraine - Nancy 2, Anna Manoussopoulou, Official, European Commission, Koralia Agapitou, Teacher, preschool education at the Ministry of education, Michele De Trucco, Editor and video artist, Alice Sotgia, Post doc (Sapienza Università di Roma), Ifigeneia Kokkali, PhD at University Paris-Est & Institut d'Etudes Démographiques de l'Université Bordeaux IV, Anthi Karra, translator at the Council of the EU, Eleni Varikas, Professeure Émérite au Centre de Recherche Sociologiques et Politiques de Paris, Baltsavia Ismini, Student, Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki, Bouras Dimitrios, Welder – Private sector, Michael Löwy, Emerited research director in social sciences, CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research), Ismini Paraskevopoulou, Civil engineer, Maria Pallas, Teacher, Experimental High School of Saloniki, Dora Tsirepa, Full time housewife, Boura Evangelia, Student in the Master French-Hellenic Podepro, Bordeaux University, Rempis Nikolaos, Student (Master 2), Univ. Bordeaux University, Paschalidis Adamantios, Freelancer, Stavros Moutsios, Associate Professor, Aarhus University, Marcella Milana, Ph.D., Associate professor, Department of Education, Aarhus University,… Ensemble en Europe pour la démocratie, contre le racisme, l’antisémitisme et le néo-Nazisme! Le racisme, l’antisémitisme et le néo-Nazisme se développent, en Grèce comme ailleurs en Europe, sans que les démocrates ne se mobilisent avec force et détermination. Les discours racistes, antisémites et négationnistes et les passages à l’acte violents qui se multiplient en Grèce menacent les valeurs fondamentales de la démocratie, dans le pays même où elle est née. Cela ne doit pas être considéré comme une conséquence « naturelle » et négligeable de la crise économique et sociale qui frappe le pays de plein fouet, non seulement parce que le respect des Droits de l’Homme est fondamental pour une société démocratique, mais aussi parce que la crise ne va pas s’arrêter demain. Face à la situation intolérable que connaît la Grèce aujourd’hui, nous, dirigeants de la société civile, intellectuels, artistes, citoyens engagés dans la vie sociale et politique, disons ensemble et avec force : « Assez ! ». Assez d’agressions racistes ! Assez de collusion entre la police et les nervis néo-Nazis d’Aube Dorée ! Assez de déclarations racistes, antisémites et négationnistes ! Assez de la passivité de la Justice ! Assez de la permissivité, de la protection et du soutien de fait apportés aux gangsters d’Aube Dorée ! Ils ne se nourrissent que de l’indifférence et des faiblesses des démocrates. Soyons clairs : combattre le racisme, l’antisémitisme et le néo-Nazisme en Grèce, ce n’est pas combattre la Grèce, c’est combattre cette idéologie de la haine qui se déploie sur tout le continent. C’est faire partie du grand combat européen pour la démocratie. C’est apporter un soutien à tous ceux qui, ailleurs en Europe, partagent ce combat et qui ont besoin que les démocrates se mobilisent en Grèce. C’est offrir à tous, et en particulier aux plus jeunes, un espoir et une perspective d’avenir autre que l’horizon indépassable du remboursement de la dette. C’est faire vivre le rêve européen, celui d’un continent véritablement démocratique car débarrassé du racisme et de l’antisémitisme. Dans ce grand et beau combat, l’Europe doit s’engager, car les politiques européennes imposées à la Grèce, notamment en matière d’immigration et d’austérité, créent les conditions de déploiement du néo-Nazisme. Les dirigeants politiques grecs doivent s’engager, car le dysfonctionnement de certaines institutions étatiques comme l’indifférence voire le soutien de fait apportés à Aube Dorée contribuent à la permissivité avec laquelle les actes et discours racistes se multiplient. Toute la société doit s’engager. Tous les individus ont la responsabilité de dire « Assez ! », de faire comprendre aux néo-Nazis qu’il y a des limites que la démocratie impose et que les démocrates sont déterminés à les faire respecter. C’est pourquoi nous appelons tous ceux qui sont épris de justice, de liberté et d’égalité à nous rejoindre et à exprimer leur attachement à la démocratie et leur rejet du racisme, de l’antisémitisme et du néo-Nazisme en marchant ensemble et silencieusement, le samedi 15 décembre, à partir de 15h, du Parlement à l’Acropole. Μαζί στην Ευρώπη για την δηµοκρατία Ενάντια στoν ρατσισµό, τον αντισηµιτισµό και τον νεοναζισµό! Ο ρατσισµός, ο αντισηµιτισµός και ο νεοναζισµός αναπτύσσονται, στην Ελλάδα αλλά και αλλού στην Ευρώπη, χωρίς ωστόσο οι δηµοκρατικές δυνάµεις να κινητοποιούνται δυναµικά και αποφασιστικά Η ρατσιστική, αντισηµιτική και νεοναζιστική ρητορική καθώς και οι πράξεις βίας που πολλαπλασιάζονται στην Ελλάδα απειλούν τις θεµελιώδεις αξίες της δηµοκρατίας στην ίδια τη χώρα όπου αυτή γεννήθηκε. Αυτή η εξέλιξη δεν µπορεί να αντιµετωπίζεται ως µια «φυσική» και ασήµαντη συνέπεια της οικονοµικής και κοινωνικής κρίσης που µαστίζει τη χώρα, όχι µόνο επειδή τα Ανθρώπινα ∆ικαιώµατα αποτελούν θεµέλιο για κάθε δηµοκρατική κοινωνία αλλά και επειδή η κρίση δεν είναι κάτι που θα ξεπεραστεί σύντοµα. Ενώπιον της απαράδεκτης κατάστασης που βιώνει σήµερα η Ελλάδα, εµείς, ακτιβιστές της κοινωνίας πολιτών, διανοούµενοι, καλλιτέχνες, ενεργοί πολίτες στην κοινωνική και πολιτική ζωή, λέµε όλοι µαζί µε µια φωνή «Φτάνει πια!» Φτάνει µε τις ρατσιστικές επιθέσεις! Φτάνει µε τη συνέργια µεταξύ αστυνοµικών και νεοναζί µπράβων της Χρυσής Αυγής! Φτάνει µε τις ρατσιστικές και αντισηµιτικές δηλώσεις! Φτάνει µε την παθητικότητα των εισαγγελικών και δικαστικών αρχών! Φτάνει µε την ανοχή, την προστασία και την υποστήριξη που απολαµβάνουν οι γάνγκστερ της Χρυσής Αυγής! Oλα αυτά τροφοδοτούνται από την αδιαφορία και τις αδυναµίες των δηµοκρατικών δυνάµεων. Ας είµαστε σαφείς : Όταν πολεµάει κανείς τον ρατσισµό, τον αντισηµιτισµό και τον νεοναζισµό στην Ελλάδα, δεν σηµαίνει ότι πολεµάει την Ελλάδα. Σηµαίνει ότι πολεµάει την ιδεολογία του µίσους που εξαπλώνεται από άκρη σε άκρη της Ευρώπης. Σηµαίνει ότι συµµετέχει στην µεγάλη ευρωπαϊκή µάχη για την δηµοκρατία. Σηµαίνει ότι στηρίζει αυτούς που, παντού στην Ευρώπη, συµµερίζονται αυτή τη µάχη και έχουν ανάγκη την κινητοποίηση των δηµοκρατικών δυνάµεων στην Ελλάδα. Σηµαίνει ότι δίνει σε όλους, και κυρίως στους νεότερους, µια ελπίδα και µια προοπτική για το µέλλον διαφορετική από αυτήν του αδιαπέραστου ορίζοντα της αποπληρωµής του χρέους. Σηµαίνει ότι παλεύει για το ευρωπαϊκό όνειρο, αυτό µιας ηπείρου πραγµατικά δηµοκρατικής, απαλλαγµένης από τον ρατσισµό και τον αντισηµιτισµό. Σε αυτή την µεγάλη µάχη, η Ευρώπη πρέπει να αναλάβει τις ευθύνες της, γιατί οι ευρωπαϊκές πολιτικές που επιβάλλονται στην Ελλάδα, κυρίως σε ό,τι αφορά στην λιτότητα και στη µετανάστευση, δηµιουργούν τις συνθήκες για την εξάπλωση του νεοναζισµού. Οι Έλληνες πολιτικοί πρέπει να αναλάβουν τις ευθύνες τους, γιατί η δυσλειτουργία ορισµένων κρατικών θεσµών αλλά και η αδιαφορία µέχρι και η υποστήριξη που απολαµβάνει η Χρυσή Αυγή αποτελούν τη βάση για την ανεκτικότητα µε την οποία αντιµετωπίζονται η ρητορική και οι πράξεις µίσους. Ολόκληρη η κοινωνία πρέπει να αναλάβει τις ευθύνες της. Όλοι οι πολίτες έχουν προσωπικό καθήκον να πουν «Φτάνει πια!», να δώσουν στους νεοναζί να καταλάβουν ότι υπάρχουν όρια τα οποία θέτει η δηµοκρατία και τα οποία οι πολίτες είναι αποφασισµένοι να προασπιστούν. Γι’ αυτό απευθυνόµαστε σε όλους εκείνους που εµπνέονται από τις αρχές της δικαιοσύνης, της ελευθερίας και της ισότητας, καλώντας τους να ενωθούν µαζί µας, για να εκφράσουν την πίστη τους στη δηµοκρατία και την απόρριψη του ρατσισµού, του αντισηµιτισµού και του νεοναζισµού και να συµµετάσχουν σε σιωπηλή πορεία διαµαρτυρίας από τη Βουλή των Ελλήνων προς την Ακρόπολη, το Σάββατο 15 ∆εκεµβρίου, στις 3 το µεσηµέρι.
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